When SQUARES are better than TRIANGLES in Poly Bridge 3!

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hello fellow engineers and welcome back to Polly bridge to wait no it's probably Bridge three there's a three that's not a two I'm so used to see Polly bridge too gotta get used to this anyway last time we started The Rustic Barons which is a bunch of levels that has some pre-built stuff in it so let's head to level four rerouting wow I just said that American lee I meant to say rerouting because I'm British what's happening to me what's happening to me anyway now I've got over this crisis we are back in the level uh and you'll notice we've already got road if we press play Road does just fall as does police go now but you'll notice this we we cannot delete these game says no look they are locked and that's the feature of all the levels in this world and it actually brings like a really different way to play poly Bridge quite enjoying it not gonna lie uh for this one what are we gonna do we've got anchor points underneath now we could use those to sort of build up like that support our Bridge from underneath a little bit and to be honest Bridge ends up looking like that so that's pretty oh no that's not a good that's wait what hang on I've just realized this police car is going go through that star and if we press play even though my bridge works first time uh we we completely missed the start and hence police car just drives into the abyss uh so yeah we need to we need to allow a police car to go up there now thankfully we do have road because otherwise this would be almost impossible but I'm guessing we need to put some sort of ramp in now the thing is how how actual tool is the police got probably like that so that's 1.06 meters the question is if I were to do like a ramp like that where does 1.06 get us 1.05 oh that is actually touching the star okay that might actually work um so for now let's just build the world's worst rep oh I tell you what I actually feel like under here might be a trap so I might delete that and then build my trust Lake on top so yeah if we go for something like that you can see we've got the under supports then we got truss on top that should be pretty strong it's just whether our ramp yeah it works it works oh it doesn't quite work now if we watch this in slow motion with the stress on you can see obviously in the air there's no weight on the bridge so it's all green but it oh lands like that now we've got two options I think and the simplest one would probably be just to do that like make a little a little Landing ramp so oh man maybe that I mean alternatively perhaps we could do like a little tabletop because that should like soak up some of the speed yeah no all right so down here break let's just replace it with steel for now and then see if this works oh my goodness okay we finally made a cross that is a lot of money though 13 800 out of our 20 grand budget I don't even want to know where we are yeah we're at 1900 top 23 that is absolutely terrible so we go back into here now what what I'm thinking because obviously building a bridge and then a ramp is it's gonna be quite expensive because we're building two things what's if your ramp became your Bridge so if we were to delete like that stuff rather than building our truss over the top we're gonna build like a road truss over the top so if we do something like that then not only is the road smoother but then we're not building on top of each other I mean look at the price we've already saved a few grand and uh we asked what actually happened there was that just too much yeah I think what we need to do we just need to make this really really smooth so if we go for that instead yeah it works sort of it's a one use bridge but it should mean we can start actually narrowing this down because we've got most of our strength up the top so I've got rid of the steel and that works fine now I'm sort of wondering can I make these under supports a lot smaller I mean ideally I'd just do like my own wall brace I don't need you little anchor down there now chances of this working probably slim to none because we've made hinges there so yes it's gonna do that but if I add another support like under there on both sides of course then there's a bit of rigidity but yeah it's not strong if I just bring this wall brace down a bit and I've added a few more parts just to strengthen it up oh that was working so because that piece broke I'm sort of thinking try and make it a bit smaller try and like angle this up a bit better so now what does that do oh that was looking good that was actually looking good I'll tell you what I might turn the stress on if we just watch this in slow motion you can see it's like flashing I think that's where it's going over the bumps so what I want to try and do is make this a little bit smoother if I can although coming down means we may not touch the start yeah right so this piece here keeps breaking as you can see so I think we only do I need to bring this right over so it's sort of the force is like coming down it rather than trying to like snap it into so I reckon that probably yeah there you go that is strong enough so 10 700 we saved a few grand there oh yeah we're in the top five percent we are in the top five percent let's have a little look at Tyler's oh he's just got under 10 grand cheeky okay now the best way of saving money at this point is to lose some parts like these these are quite complicated wait what is that I've still got that up there that's what I measured the police car okay so that's 190 quid that I saved boosh delete that yeah ideally I need to do I need do I need a muscle on that side if I could get that to work oh look that's exactly the same price as Tyler's one but it doesn't work now I can sort of see a place I could I could potentially lose a part so that isn't really doing anything because if you look at like these parts they're they form like parts of triangles so they're going to be rigid so if I delete that I haven't really changed anything because this point can't really move it can yeah sort of slide up and down which may stretch those but uh oh yeah I think that's what's happening it's being stretched now not ideal but like if I did that on both sides would be cheap enough to what I may want to do is try and just bring this down just try and like get the force into the wall a bit more and I mean that bit works the rest of the bridge not so much okay well I've gone back to putting these back in so I don't think that was the way to do it another thing I could potentially save like could we get away with like a drop at the end save on the road I get rid of one piece of road is that wise no it isn't because it's part of my bridge but I could I could replace it with wood because wood costs 180 a meter whereas road is 300 a meter so maybe oh almost I mean it definitely failed but it was better but yeah I'm just thinking like maybe I could like actually could I replace both of those and the trouble we've got is yeah it's a down ramp what if I make a jump in my bridge I mean he gets a cross but everything dies I mean that that works we've got a little jump in there top four percent now we've still gotta save over 400 quid to beat Tyler but with 344 and other places I could save then because we got this double Road thing going on I'm just wondering if I were to replace all this so that's 10 400. so delete all of that replace with two bits of road that is a lot cheaper obviously I probably have to change the shape yeah so if we do that instead just so the forces they flow better into the wall okay he could be on something I'm also thinking as well what if I could be risky but what if I tried deleting that and just put my ramp there yes we had issues at the start but now we've got road underneath perhaps we can make this work okay I think we're getting there I've replaced the bottom bit of road down there with steel the road just kept getting destroyed I have managed to move the ramp back out to put a bit of a truss underneath to make it stronger but look it works but the bridge collapse at the and now that's because of you I can't see if I if I just delete all of this if we keep the the sort of drop down we know that a ramp makes it better but what if we what if we actually use this node down here because we know the force is mainly coming down so if we bring this down and actually use the anchor I can't see that working that's no no chance no chance although what if we swap that with road we have potential here oh man bring that down a little bit there's definitely potential the car nearly survives yeah maybe we just need to do what we had on that side we just have the road braces underneath yeah so another one up to there how's that looking oh still fails I mean potentially I could bring this down the trouble is the sooner we like drop off the ramp the the more chance we are we're like putting our weight on here whereas we sort of want to jump onto this park this is where we've got our strength you know probably could move these all to the right so I can move that closer and down oh oh okay that worked and that's ten thousand seventy seven right now we watch this in slow motion and see where can we save money on this Landing that goes very red oh it all goes red I was thinking maybe I could swap that back to Wood but um yeah no that's not happening um we can probably bring this this side up a little bit meaty I'm just thinking do I do I need that shape so I know if I bring it this way we're gonna save a lot of money there you go I've caught him by a quid does that oh that does work okay can we go for further with that oh yeah look at that look at that okay so this is where we can save most of our money I assume if I bring this up oh yeah that is saving some money that is saving some money okay so that's my final solution 9847 there seems to be rude is like one of the better materials in this game actually no longer muscles it's all about roads yeah we're only in the top three percent 191st so there must be like a way better way of doing this that everyone's done let's have a look in the gallery okay so the cheapest salute oh what okay so I feel like I was actually onto that solution at the start making it the road above the bridge the structural support for some reason I just started doubting myself but yeah look this guy they did the jump at the end as well but they had steel underneath but even that was like a grand cheaper than mine there you go this one pretty similar to mine still a grand cheaper they did two wall braces one for like the first section of Road that's sort of not connected to the rest of the bridge and then this like Mega muscle underneath I do wonder if they were to replace that muscle with road that would be way cheaper although yeah you need the you need the mega muscle like that to like support itself if it was just rude underneath it would just flap out well then you essentially end up with my design where it's a lot more expensive and I'm looking at some of these I'm wondering how are they cheaper than mine they've got steel they've got loads of road I don't feel like I did very well on this look at this one it's got a jump at the end yeah then we start getting to the more expensive ones that have truss and road going on and then the people like me that were distracted by the anchors underneath oh look this person did a jump like my first few designs nice ah and then we've got some RCA propaganda love to see it oh wow what is going on what is going on in the middle there they had a that's a little jump in there by the way what does that say toast is sweet by toaster 1.1 okay it all makes sense now but I prefer this kind of propaganda sub to RC oh yeah anyway on to the next level 40 Foundation okay so what have we got here we have a golf buggy and a fire truck I think they go at different times so so the buggy goes first there's the foundation why is why is it faulty is it because it's high up but looking at this I reckon the line tool from there to there and then we do a bit of a curve like that I guess wait or do I just go straight I think we just go straight why wouldn't go straight and then fire truck I guess whether we go straight or not depends on the clearance there yeah I don't think that golf cart is going to fit under there so this one has to be a curve not that highly so I guess something like that for now and then if I copy this road to the other side then we've just got to bridge this up now I think the the cheapest way of doing this rather than doing like a bridge over the top and then a bridge for the bottom one we just do like a mega Bridge so essentially we combine them together until we get to a point where if we bring the road up a little bit that we're just making a truss between them like that yeah that's good that's pretty good although it looks like it's gonna be pretty pricey so there's half the bridge for fourteen thousand 800 or copy that to the other side we probably need a truss in the middle so that's 30 grand I guess to start off let's see does this golf buggy fit under there oh it does easily does easily okay so that's that sorted fire truck goes now now this probably weighs a lot more our stress when you went up to like 70 something so we can save a lot of cash on this one where are we for the initial leaderboard top 28 2200th in the world so where do we get saving I feel like I wanna I wanna try and know how steep this this golf buggy can get up oh okay that's that's good to know so if we keep going up like that and you get up that hill yes okay it can get up there that is good because essentially if I bring these closer together we're going to use less material and like this end now I can probably get away with almost I can almost trust up to there that would be perfect yeah we can sort of compare now the left side which costs 13 Grand 600 so my original side which is like 14 so if we just copy that the bottom Bridge looks messy but as long as you can get up you can it should be pretty good I'm a bit worried about going downhill no it's fine that's fine question is can we support the truck or we can easily this bridge is strong okay so next up I'm thinking do I need these middle supports because if I delete that I don't really think they're doing anything yes this middle section can move now but in terms of strength I think we're actually yeah we're good we are good okay that's that's another positive like if we look at this we've got so much Headroom and that's just like extra material we're using so I can definitely bring either the bottom Bridge up or the top Bridge down I think I just need to turn the stress on then when the fire truck goes work out whether this Arch is actually helping us in terms of strength like the arch of the top Road I'm not sure it is so what I might do bring down these rows Foods so we get to a point oh that was actually really really tight it's gonna stay until we get to a point where the golf buggies nearly touch yeah I think that's as low as I want to go actually so essentially we just bring all of these down right and then we delete that side copy this side over connect the Middle Road and you can see it's a lot closer to the roof the whole time so when this guy goes or stressed out to 92 but it was still good but there's still a lot more cash we could be saving so I'm thinking do I need all of these I feel like I can definitely get rid of those two let's press play and make sure golf buggy was fine okay that's fine as well that's good we're on 23 421 and we go cheaper now I feel like if I get rid of that this is just gonna be a wobbly mess or is it no I think we're good but what actually happens when you go across okay no that's good so we can probably do the same to that side can we do the same to these middle ones this doesn't look right in my professional engineering opinion the more I think about it the more it should work it just seems dodgy like we'll send you across oh it's working fine it is absolutely fine 22 Grand then we can make some final tweaks just by making these rules like even closer together so that you can see there's there's gaps all the way across so if we just go along and do like that watch it back at fast speed and then oh did you see we got stuck under that so yeah I'm just going to tweak this until we get it working which means you guys can probably enjoy a montage [Music] [Music] all right so this is my final bridge design at 21 985 let's see where we are on the leaderboards now oh 38th not bad at all that is the top one percent did we beat aliens Rock oh yeah we smashed him we smashed him by a grand let's go see the cheapest way of doing oh my God what is that okay so I think because the golf cart is like the least the least heavy vehicle on this you can sort of watch the bottom oh you can make it drop off as well so two ways to save money and then as long as your bridge is strong enough on top then uh yeah that's what you need to do oh that's quite interesting that so many like horrible looking trusses that apparently work they're all very different as well I honestly thought they'd all look like my one but uh yeah they really really don't hey that's much failed I remember you from poly Bridge Too next even this one isn't really similar to mine so we've got vertical supports underneath well hang on hang on what's going on with this one what is going on with this what Okay so we've got a gap for the golf buggy to get through how does oh no way it's got catchers though wager or Wagga probably wager that's incredible I love that all right so this guy's gone to town with the muscles and the mega muscles nice yeah this one you can see they did small Bridge underneath big bridge on top which sort of makes logical sense but uh it's always best to combine your Bridges rather than building two oh this one we have a cable stayed Bridge so the top is all cable stayed completely supported by the ropes and it just balances on either side as the weights on this side it pulls the cables to the right nice like that one silent we got this one who merged the bridges together but they used steel now you can see it's uh so much more expensive than using wood even though it's like the cheapest way of doing it by making just one structure it is pricey and steel you've then got toast must feed feed I'm so confused a bit of RC propaganda and whatever that's doing in the middle now this one by Mr Potato where oh the the poor golf buggy is getting peppered and I don't know why there's just an elephant swinging under there bit strange okay so this one we've had to censor it all out as well as the name because the name is a pun that I'm not gonna say out loud essentially they've just done a biology lesson through the form of bridges anyway with that decent top one percent we'll go on to the next level which is called under tension so on this one the parts we have pre-built for us oh we have we just have some tension so if we press play you can see there's a cable holding a bit of Steel in place and then cars just leaping to their Doom we must save them so my first thoughts are to literally go to that Middle Point curve down or just go straight I think curved down otherwise we're gonna have a cadunk in the middle so we just go to fill that in then we copy it to the other side and then we have our road next up we actually need to build a bridge out of this because if we just press play The Raid will flop now you can see our budget is 24 Grand so we've got 17 grand to play with technically but we're going to be doing this cheap as always oh we've only got wood that changes my plan I was going to do some tension with the Rope but uh it doesn't look like that's gonna be possible okay so what I'm thinking probably want to use this sort of as the name could point so if we just truss over the top I mean we could perhaps get away with that so we've just got Trust on either side going to the middle oh no no that's not good that's not good okay so what we might want to do is do the old wall brace technique so if we shove a wall brace there that just makes the makes the span shorter which essentially means we're building smaller Bridges so I guess we'll try that for now I'm not confident this car at the back is heavy oh we're good stress about to 98 but we somehow made it and what we're the top four percent we're 150th on our first attempt what how did aliens Rock do I 17th in the world 14 000 okay well now we have a Target at least how do I save that much money off this actually I wanna I wanna check something so if I were to do your one meter road that costs 600 Quid if I were to do the same on this side right out of two pieces okay it's still 600 Quid so it doesn't matter how many parts I use it's all about the length that's what she said in which case might be worth trying to do a straight line instead although I could curve and unlock the tangents but essentially I think I just want to go like straight down and then curve only at the bottom so because that's using a lot less Road I think so if we now do similar to that grid off why is a grid on so truss over the top and wall Breeze down there okay that saved a lot of money I don't know if it will work I think my trust is a bit weak yeah oh and it was actually that bit of a broke interesting because what I was thinking of doing is removing that and doing like a double wool brace underneath or like that could be stronger let's turn the stress on for this all right what is going on it thank you for watching this in slow motion look at that car by the way it's got the flames and the horns but yeah always bouncing it is bouncing okay so we may want to try and smooth this out a little bit so if that's smoother there should be or less bounce the suspension is so springy I think as we did in an earlier level we bring this to the right just to try and get this angle a bit straighter all right but then we have a bridge oh that nearly works that side didn't work okay we just make that bigger for now but yeah we've definitely oh did you just crash into the moped man oh yeah we've saved a lot of money we're up to 86 already I need to watch second yeah this guy's just like crashed into a bush oh moped man yeah watching with the stress on where can we save money okay so this can be massively reduced I think yeah that's good I think even that one can as well I think we'll just have to watch this in slow motion see how red everything goes but essentially we're just gonna be tweaking these by bringing them down a bit well after more tweaking and I like to admit I've got here I'm still like 300 quid above aliens Rock so I'm thinking is is it worth trying to lose some pieces potentially I could do that but I think if I were to do that I'd probably have to dangle the road down a bit more so something like that basically so this bit of rude is acting in a bit of tension then if I just build my trusses over that and then just go back to the single wall brace re-watch that oh yeah there is there is definitely potential okay let's just Swap this side to the same I don't actually know if it's going to be cheaper thinking about it oh it's way cheaper 13 Grand oh all right we need to watch that at normal speed so much happened there so the bridge is strong enough but there's a bit of a jump on that side which is not good so do I just unsymmetrical this yeah if I bring this right side up because this thing is just gonna pivot so if I can get it to lean left or maybe I actually just trust this entire side like over to that and that's dangling oh that must be how you do oh that was so close I'm pretty sure that's how you do this though okay so we'll put the other the double wall brace back in oh so close oh no why did everything break probably turn the stress on as well so yeah these need to be bigger and stronger I mean actually this one maybe this one could just be a straight bridge if I literally just do that now it's putting too much it's being stretched too much I think so we go back to the dangle maybe we don't make it dangle as much though okay so how's that how oh yes okay so we've made it we've made it I think we know that this wasn't very stressed so we can make this a lot smaller and we should be under the 14 300. yeah see what we can make this way smaller well tell you what there you go then I think just by removing the one piece that's sort of all we changed but we are oh look we're 11th oh wait I'm not even in the Unbreaking let's get in the Unbreaking one oh I'm still 11. how much do I need to say oh to get in the top 10 I gotta save 16 quid no 26 Quid how can I save 26 quid let's bring these down a very small amount then we're in the top ten love to see it okay let's have a look in The Gallery at the cheapest Solutions oh my good look how rickety that thing is how does that not wait it does does that it does break why does it show me broken Solutions I don't want to see these that's disgusting right anyway this one oh look how rickety these are wait what the hell how does that work can you see there's a triangle there like of wood but it's not actually connected to anything oh is that like a new technique I haven't seen before either way yeah all these Solutions it's getting the dangle on allowing movement in your Bridge oh this one's actually very similar to mine sort of trusses that are allowed to move a little bit because road is very strong in this game anyway the more funky Solutions look at that a cable stayed upside down pyramid triangle thing what the toast helps I love that poly Bridge Too was like sponsored by Nifty but polybridge 3 is all about the toast now you got some RC propaganda and look over there that is a dynamic water counter aids with Point c as well as the fluid Dynamic thermal but property no I'm talking rubbish it's a knob this one again using the same sort of property as before well I got a stock promoting these and then we've got high RC hi Amy how are you you see everyone's taking the Water Dynamics very seriously down there yeah we're now halfway through the rustic Barons we've done them all for under budget and I'm breaking and I'm not gonna lie enjoying these pre-build ones they're very very different way of playing poly bridge but for now I'll say peace love and rerouting Yeehaw bye guys
Channel: Real Civil Engineer
Views: 581,840
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: poly bridge 3, pb3, new poly bridge, bridge building game, rce, real civil engineer, real civil engineer poly bridge 3, professional plays poly bridge 3, engineer poly bridge 3, polybridge3, pro engineer plays poly bridge, real engineer plays, real engineer poly bridge 3, poly bridge 3 number 1, poly bridge 3 #1, poly bridge walkthrough, poly bridge guide, poly bridge 3 guide, poly bridge 3 walkthrough, bridge, poly bridge, pb3 foundation, new material, pb3 new material
Id: Coj5ezyhQDk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 23sec (1523 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 09 2023
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