Engineering the PERFECT SHIP in Trailmakers High Seas!

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hello fellow engineers and welcome back to trail makers so this game has just got an update if we head into single player look this is new the high seas and the devs very kindly gifted me this dlc i thought i might find it interesting and i think i'll probably gonna agree yes thank you devs for the key for the dlc very very kind of you know i've seen a few screenshots of this unfortunately as they gave me the key was just as i buggered off for my christmas vacation so i've been i've been assessing the other side of the country playing super auto pets pretty much daily i was sort of willing to get back and play this so this is a whole new island it looks like oh look waves yeah so i saw a screenshot of like a massive wave and like a boat flying on it oh sunset but yes i don't know if this is like a new sort of campaign sort of thing the cutscene i just had said we gotta we gotta take some stuff over those blue things but first a huge thanks to the guys over at keeps for sponsoring today's video now listen stats don't lie and they say two out of three guys will experience some form of male pattern baldness by the time they're 35 and whilst hard hats are a good way to hide it they're not suitable for all occasions and you may get even more funny looks than you would have otherwise had so if you still have hair and you're worried about losing it prevention is key keeps offers a clinically proven full treatment to prevent hair loss so when you remove your hard hat in areas where it's safe to do so you could look like this rather than like this with keeps you get quality expert care without ever visiting a doctor's office or pharmacy and all treatment plans are docked recommended and delivered straight to your door at about half the cost of a traditional pharmacy if you subscribe to keeps and get refill reminders you'll never run out either hair loss stops with keeps to get 50 off your first order go to forward slash real civil engineer or click the link in my description that's k-e-e-p-s dot com forward slash real civil engineer thanks once again to the guys that keeps for sponsoring today's video and keeping my head less shiny than my hard hat but let's get back to the video oh look i've gone in here anyway out of there right so we've got a we've got a build as you know in this game is this what we're trying to take so we got these totems here it's a mystic blue statue that floats on the water as you can see by the arrow we've got to get it over there now it's quite light i can sort of move it about pretty easily but let's let's build something to help us so press b we're in the build mode oh and they finally added mirror mode so now we can like build two things at once if we want to mirror them that's very very useful cool all right so looks like we have we got loads of stuff here i feel like this is like the campaign but everything's unlocked interesting okay so if we we just have a little explore and see what there is oh yeah look we've got sails because i think there's wind now oh there's now sloping cheap i feel like they might be new logic i feel like they're the things that are too clever for me just a mere civil engineer oh good the concrete wall dispenser is back what's this dynamite and anchors are they is this all new i swear like i feel like this is all new oh here we go and loads loads of whole pieces so to start then i probably want something floaty so if we do a few of you we can do those on the side oh man there's so many blocks look how many options we got now a couple of those one over this side i think we'll put these ones in the corners there you can see they've got like a rounded corner so that's pretty good copy a few more of these i think i want that one over here right so nearly there i've noticed this down here the tractor beam so if we have one of them that will spawn a tractor which will plow the land plant load of crops and we can sell the crops of the villages and do all the stuff no not really it's like it's like a proper tractor beam like space style if i shove that on the corner that should attract it to me do i need wheels to get into the sea probably right so let's try this then how do i turn the track to beam on space there you go we've got it oh what is this uh we we've we've grounded out right plan two we roll this into the seat because it floats and then we repair our vehicle and then we realize we've only got wheels so we're just floating away oh why am i so bad at this boats man right but we can get rid of the wheels now we don't need wheels where we're going can probably get rid of that as well i sort of want a crow's nest so can we put that on some sort of a pole here we go now we're cooking on gas we'll shove that up there then we need some sort of steering mechanism i'd love to do a sailboat but i feel like that's probably a bit beyond me at the moment aha but we can use this an outboard boat engine does this steer we're going to configure we've got forward and backwards and that's it okay so we're gonna have to put that on some sort of steering thing so how do we make a steering thing let's head into mechanic and then i guess you just want like a large hinge or a steering hinge yeah let's do a large hinge like there and shove that there ideally in the middle of the boat would be useful mats now that we've got a and d yep and the outboard motor we got w and s okay cool let's head back to our look how tall we are oh nice and we're actually steering although i've just remembered we don't have a tractor beam oops let's head to the back of the boat what i was actually thinking i could do like one engine there one over there and in the middle do our tractor beam all right these actually want to go the other way around the left is d and right is a that makes a lot more sense all right and then track to beam on oh there's still one on the side oh just get rid of that one on the side disannoy me right and we are away we're in our first ever boat it's a very strong looking boat oh i went the wrong way we've gone way past it we're drifting this actually steers all right you know right one artefact in the bank baby okay let's open the map is it gonna tell us oh wow oh god it's like wind and everything oh yeah there's loads of wind it looks like there's like some sort of tornado-y thing going on in the middle hey look it's nemo i found nemo come back let's go find some more blobs there's gonna be one in this cave surely if i know anything about game design is that they hide things in caves look there it is if i can reverse my testicles up there oh no my stick no oh gosh oh what's going on oh wow that was unexpected i did not think i would be spawning at the bottom of the ocean right turn that on we can't get too close it seems yeah we can't quite get it damn it come on yes we got it i think we got it i think we got it yes we've got it the mystic blue statue okay so now we just gotta head back from where we came from which is easier said than done considering this is the most efficient shaped boat possible i thought it would handle a little bit better it's all right in the open seas trying to navigate caves a bit tricky all right that's another artifact in the bank where do we head now oh look we've got some waves coming oh ready you ready get some air oh god oh my can you imagine being the captain up the top look at him oh no no no no no no no he's not at the top anymore he's at the bottom why did you support me like that game oh dear oh oh what's happened here we're trapped oh and i can't build because i'm airborne buying flat ground to build um i'm trying no seat available okay we've broken the game already mate what's that all about what what's that behind him what is that okay i might have to build a plane and go see what that is um but yeah we're broken can we oh look there's another statue over there on the island can we fast travel anywhere there we go oh poo i've like stopped in time just before i hit the ground there's nowhere else we can travel to okay we're gonna have to restart yay we're back in the water all right in build mode i have just noticed in blueprints it's got all my other things so look snake dog is back and sub dog is back and i've built some weird ass vehicles dancing on ironic ice the paparoo the roberts the helly dog on the broom on the submar speed all right i'll tell you what let's go with the trusty sub dog or snake dog i'm gonna go snake dog i think oh yes yes that's that's what i wanted cheers game right so okay so we're gonna go find the one that was on oh careful careful matt careful okay roll over that's it that's it screwy road oh oh that's flattened it with sub dog snake oh there's loads of them there are loads of them oh look they're meeting they're in a mating ritual they're distracted come on matt you can get them screw you oh run over three chickens it's a challenge all right so the one on the island is over there oh god we are we are flying over the waves ready job we landed on the island and now we track to that in and then we're taking it back to the blue thing oh this is just like the campaign i haven't even completed the campaign yet there's still videos going up of like my streams where i was playing that in fact i may have just spoiled them by showing you some vehicles from it but for now snake dog has delivered once again nice and did i see on the map it's sort of yeah look there's one there altitude minus six meters so if we go leftish we might have to change the sub dog to drop underwater is that it down there all right tell you what let's go to build and we'll put sub dog in all right so now we're in sub dog it's like the same vehicle with the super efficient steering but we can now sink if i can remember what button it was oh here we go here we go all right so there's the priceless ming vars oh we've just knocked it off all right we've nearly got it right we got it we got it right so now we can inflate then yes look you might think we're upside down but no we're we're going the right direction sort of corkscrewing doing it in style there you go artifact collected it's like i know what i'm doing i'm steering properly this is how all submarines did right so it looks like up there there's another one so we want to go rightish not there okay so right ish so moving this direction hold it a treasure chest checking this treasure in it shall we go down and have a look whoa can i collect treasure oh yes look what was that did i get that i may have got something yep i think i got it right anyway distracted let's go get this second artifact from under the water so we're very close now you can see on the map it's just to our right can't really see where it is so let's just drop so we'll deflate our pontoons down we go oh nice a shipwreck oh no we've we flipped over is that it there that blue blob oh no apparently not okay let's inflate again right we should be right on it does that mean it's like under the ship i just killed myself oh no we're rolling down oh no sub dogs floating to the surface and we're just trapped in this ball it's like one of those jurassic park gyro ball things all right deflate right okay now we're driving on the bottom this is what we wanted just gotta find out where it is is it under there it might be under there that's gonna be a hell of a squeeze all right we're under oh man how tight do you want this place to be which architect designed this i can see the vars though can you see the vars up there all right if we maybe if we like bloat a bit yeah we might rotate there we go we're through we're sort of through right we're in where can you imagine like if you're like trapped in this shipwreck and then this was your like survival team like i'm saved and then you see this like i'm i'm not quite saved am i right float again matt that's it that's it all right we're gonna repair here oh bollocks what the hell was that sonic boom i think we just sonic boom there i can hear like the sonic boom sounds all right here we go here we go we're back see i should have scrapped it from this end much easier although we don't have an even amount of pontoons so we are a little bit wonky but it's all good it's all good this is the the falling leaf tactic that we've used previous to get to the surface and then we just head over to the blue thing i really got to aim to not die here all right perfect perfect cheese it we're actually doing all right you know it looks like i don't know what i'm doing but it's just it's just super efficient engineering if you don't need to steer you don't need to steer all right so that was that was fun and all we got five artifacts i do want to have a go at building something new as good as the sub dog is i was quite enjoying having a go with the old like new pieces like the crow's nest so i'm sort of thinking why don't we make a massive sailboat now i have no idea how sailboats work but to start i think we'll go with a load of these so that's bang in the middle nice right so we want to get hydrodynamic here so we're going to come into the aerodynamic blocks we're going to go to the yeah here we go all right now you might think looking at the front of this boat i have no idea what i'm doing i've never seen a boat before that is not going to be hydro or aerodynamic however look yes the game doesn't care about things like that it just cares about is there a strong slope so front that boat fantastic next we need propulsion so let's head into lift and drag and let's see what these sails look like that's a big pointy one that's a big square one okay looks like we've got all sorts of shapes do they turn well they might turn so if we put a load of these down all right there we go all the sails next we just need the old crow's nest so i'm gonna delete a sail or two from the middle i'm gonna put that up there maybe not too high maybe not too high matt let's be sensible about this and crow's nest up there right now we got some issues we got some things that aren't connected why are you guys not connected okay very randomly some of these are unconnected probably have to do a bit more research to see how these work we'll just delete the ones with exclamation marks all right and then we're good oh i see my that wasn't connected no no no where's my ship going my ship's buggering off no oh don't say all that work is gone all right okay we're back we're back so it's appears my my mast wasn't connected yeah look it was too high he's gotta go down to there no they still don't work interesting okay oh oh dear oh dear uh that didn't work too well let's repair what is going on what have i created right we're up we're up right we're not up right okay i'll tell you what i think i need to add some weight to the bottom so back to the builder what i'm thinking is we build underneath a bit because i did see some weights about where were they here we are in balance so if we add some weight blocks we basically want like a ridge down the middle if we go on to the super aerodynamic blocks i think we want one of those underneath yeah so a line of two i like that okay all right let me just fill the rest in with normal blocks all right so now we got that now i think our weight can sort of go in the middle so if we rotate that bonker under there we'll do just a few like in the very middle of the ship you don't want to rock forwards or backwards maybe like five maybe another one six right that sort of looks good and then if we want to try and get some steering it looks like the sails don't move so we're gonna need our own sort of steering thing out the back here we go a large paddle if we rotate that to be that orientation move it down to the bottom you probably want a steering hinge yeah if we do a large hinge we can get two side by side connect that copy another one so in order for our boat to go left yeah so i think we need to swap those around so that needs to be d and that needs to be eight same with the top one dna oh no you were that's better that's way better oh man i think we need to build that weight thing oh god yeah this this doesn't seem to be working as i thought it would i think we need to build our weights like way deeper so let's delete those and then literally let's just go like straight down like i've seen this before on ships they always have this bit underneath don't they i feel like i'm going to get slaughtered in the comments what i've done so far i am legit trying i swear alright so with that down there now if we put some weights on the bottom so these are the heavyweight block they're double the size 50 kilograms compared to the normal weight block well if you round not quite double 30 and 50. but you know what i mean right um still pretty sideways i feel like we might just need more more weight who didn't realize how buoyant we are all right there you go that's that's a lot of weight now they're 50 kilograms each that's a bit better we're nearly a ship actually have we done it yes look it's working it's working we've got waves coming broadside we're gonna turn i'm trying to turn but it's not turning ooh actually lit oh that's what left and right does can you see that sails going in and out i see said the blind man okay i understand now all right let's go back to build then so basically i don't want i don't want these ones i think all the other ones don't do anything if we go on to that yeah they're not set to anything so the sails won't move so if we grab one of these i'm sort of thinking if we rotate it we have a mix of different orientations all right a load of sales right and we're back we're back oh look we're actually moving i've done it i've already gone and dot it and i can steer a bit oh god there's some big waves over there oh god oh no oh no this thing really wants to lean over i think it's because the wind's coming from that direction if i go right so the wind's behind me and this is really cool game like fair play oh look under there big old wheels look at this though it's a beaut oh god oh god shallow rocks shallow rocks turn turn right we just about avoided them i think yeah looks like we're fine and why is the sea so sloppy what the is down there oh god is this like a giant whirlpool ah guys oh no our rod is gonna hit that it's not let's not run it you know what i mean i think we're sucked into the world oh my god it's got teeth it's got teeth why in that rock oh no we are going down oh dear oh dear my first ever sail oh crap we are proper going down mind your head mate i just knocked it no no right repair repair be repaired no we didn't repair repair oh no we're in the teeth right we're back we're back in the safety of our boat it's definitely safe and we died oh man right well this this game was a lot of fun i'm i'm gonna enjoy playing this i think if you want to see more of me trying to conquer the seas in uh well what the hell would you call it is this a sailboat i've just i've just gone a bit mental haven't i but yeah if you have enjoyed guys boost your like button and we'll get straight back to it but yeah anyway guys peace love and over engineered sailboats catch you guys next time bye [Music]
Channel: Real Civil Engineer
Views: 240,142
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: trailmakers, trail makers, real civil engineer, rce, speed record trailmakers, real engineer trailmakers, engineering trailmakers, slowest plane in the world, trailmakers slow, trailmakers slowest plane, trailmakers slowest airplane, trailmakers challenges, what is the slowest plane in the world, trail makers slowest flight, slowest takeoff ever, slowest takeoff speed
Id: aijD2hK3GFY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 29sec (1109 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 13 2022
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