Engineering a CATAPULT that breaks the sound barrier...

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hello fellow engineers and welcome back to trail makers now last time we created a sonic boom without even moving very very impressive in my own opinion so this is what our creation looks like and basically it's a platform on the floor and then some arms that have low drag with loads of engines on the end and essentially if you jump in and turn the rockets on this just spins and it gets faster and faster and look we've got a sonic boom it's going very fast but there was a sonic boom there because bomb left we're just shy of 1 000 miles an hour now without spinning everyone out i will i will actually hold the right click so we don't get mental can you see we've got some movement so i tried to build a big platform on the ground hoping to like stabilize this and then you guys in the comments you just came along like matt why don't you just anchorage the floor apparently you can anchor stuff to the floor what so back in the build menu i wanna i really wanna test this out first so down in gadgets over at the end we have an anchor pin creates an unbreakable connection between vehicle and whatever it touches okay so if i were to for example delete all that delete all that and basically just end up with this and wang an anchor underneath i mean just one anchor is that fine do i not need four oh wow it's literally okay i could have done it that way i could have done it oh oh i went so fast i like imploded somehow what well anyway that's all irrelevant because today i wanted to try and use this new anchor technique to try and make a catapult and not just annual catapult i want to try and make a supersonic catapult i want to fling something at the speed of sound now i had this idea before but i sort of knew that it wouldn't work but essentially i sort of just want to take everything i have and like rotate it that way and then i'm going to move everything up so it's no longer in the ground so then we have a very tall thing and what i'm sort of thinking hopefully i can just like sort of make a windmill so if we delete that anchor pin then build the world's sketchiest bit of scaffolding and hopefully i can just shove an anchor pin under that and then we're done maybe sort of yep there it is um annoyingly the cockpit end is the other end so i'm probably just going to have to float up thankfully i do have this weird jetpack thing so i can get to the top all right and then we'll just oh my goodness it's wobbly it's wobbly oh dear oh it's come off it's come off okay well that was pretty successful i mean at least we know it works on its side and we sort of know the anchor pins work as well so i'll tell you what let's start fresh because i got some i got some things i need to figure out like if this is going to be a catapult i need to i need to work out how to fling things and i have a feeling that might include this area logic blocks because potentially we could we could use a speed sensor and then when that hits a certain speed it would let go of stuff because in mechanical there is this a detachable block but again i'm probably getting ahead of myself so i think to start off i am literally just gonna build like a very very small ish catapult so let's grab a block like that that seems good blur it down quite a bit and we'll shove two anchors underneath it maybe four one in each corner i think that makes sense so that should be relatively good at staying where it is then i'm just gonna build an arm up a little bit and then we'll grab the spinning survey from last time and shove that on its side so we'll just give that a cheeky rotate and wang it there now someone also said in the comments if i grab this and i go into configure i can make the speed zero oh no yeah zero and apparently if the speed is zero it will spin like freely so if we then grab some blocks and just shove these all about the place so i've done five down and i'll do five up as well so that is perfectly symmetrical then we just need a cockpit and some engines so for the cockpit we'll grab the aerodynamic one which weighs 25 kilograms and we'll shove that underneath this so this looks like a really dodgy ride and then to keep it balanced i am i am gonna i am gonna counterweight it the same on the other end so we literally got one on the top as well so that is perfectly balanced as spiff would say perfectly balanced ladies and gentlemen anyway then we'll add the dragon jets i'm gonna add one there and one up the top so then we got that so hopefully if we get in this and then we just press play we should start spinning nice 127 mile an hour if i let go oh my goodness oh my eyes my eyes so right next up i want to try the detachy thing so in the mechanic tab we have detachable block so that looks like that so i assume we've gotta we gotta grab that and shove it somewhere if i turn on aerodynamics it has an aerodynamic effect not ideal but okay whatever so let's replace that block with this right so on the top we have that we have our engine poking out the side basically because i wanted this engine to be stuck to the bottom and not the top so all that's holding our cockpit on is this detachable block which i can configure to be any button i want it's not going to be spaced because that's what i used to go forwards we're going to change that to p why not then we can see the detachable block weighs 1.6 kilos so if i want to keep this balance i want to swap that block out wang this engine at this end to the same place as the one above and since 1.6 is really random weight i am literally just going to shove another detachable block in and then just turn it off so it will clear the button input so that one should just stay attached so we need to make sure we jump in at the top cockpit so let's hover up and then hopefully we're in the right one is that house up there yeah that's us up i feel like grew in like a horrible roller coaster ride and so if we just give it a bit of momentum i don't want to go too fast but then at the right time huh yes we flung ourselves okay so that's good and i think that's gonna be the sort of basis of our thing now i just need to try and get this to do things on its own automatically and i'm wondering if i can use some logic to help me with that so something that we could use is the angle sensor as well as the altitude sensor i mean and even the speed sensor really the question is how the hell do you actually use these like i assume i can use it to trigger something like that right right so first off let's just work out how tall this thing is so one had four blocks and another four blocks so 17 plus two so 19 21 so that is 25 so if we can configure that altitude to 25 then that will give an output so i probably want to shove that like down the bottom so there and then do i just need like a chain of these that will pass the command not sure but if we flip this round we know once the bottom of it gets to the top wait what's that number 106. is this test center not at sea level okay that's telling us the altitude at that point okay now annoyingly it didn't look like it was passing any signal through so what if we rotate it to do that and then change the altitude to 106. so now it's 102 you can see the arrow is not turned on if we just very gently turn it around when it gets to 106 which is now a green light has come on but it hasn't gone through the other bits okay so it's triggering a one output so what do these have output if all input is not zero actually i may have worked out i may have worked out let's just let's delete all of these i think this might be wireless logic technology which essentially means if i click on this altitude sensor i go to configure can you see there's like there's little things i think that's what it triggers so if i come to the top and i trigger the detachable block perhaps when that gives a signal that detachable block will go if so i'm technically a genius so when this flips around is it gonna let go yes it did okay okay okay so if i now if i add a different block so i think i want is there an and one because i think to link these they don't have to be touching now so i can literally say yeah that's an and logic gate if we have that one there we also want a speed sensor i guess we could set that up to like i don't know 50 kilometers an hour wait 50 kilometers now i thought i was in imperial dunno but anyway we can see once this hits 50 you can trigger that and then this one as well once you hit your altitude of not 105 i probably want 106. so that triggers that so i think if both of those hit then we should get a signal so let's see what happens right so if you look at the altitude sensor when that hits 106 that gives a signal to the other one but there's no signal coming out the end because it also requires a speed so if we go fast and it's so fast i can't see hang on hang on let's turn the speed down to five kilometers an hour and it looks like there's like a speed bar on it but that's not actually filling up i wonder if orientation matters so if i do it like that way will that make a difference yes yes right so if you watch this slowly you can see we're going over five kilometers so the one on the cockpit is always green at the moment and then the altitude one when it gets to 105 that goes green okay so now if we head back into the logic thing if we say this one here the one that turns completely green if both two things are met we can configure that and we can tell that to trigger the the detachy thing and then the speed sensor if we wang that up to why is it in kilometers an hour do i actually have to do the maths or is that just a typo i don't know let's wing it on 100. jump in the top and then i think if we just wang it we should go flying oh we did but we weren't flying to the floor now this is where i think we need the anger on as well because the trouble with the speed one like we want to let go about there 45 degrees so we go flying upwards at 45 degrees however if it happens there it will just fling us into the ground oh and actually i've just realized i've set this up the wrong way round i'm i'm detaching the wrong one so because my altitude meter is on this end i want to be i want to be launching this one not that one i mean i guess the simple thing to do is just move the altitude sensor up to there right so now let's see if we have a bit more luck oh that was good oh look how far we went that's actually pretty decent i'm well impressed with that all right let's go again and see if it was just a fluke no it does fling us oh this is actually really good okay so we've got everything set up we've just got to get the speed now now we know there's a couple of things we can do i should probably replace all these horrible blocks with their aerodynamics with the the blocks that don't have any aerodynamics so basically we want these flat connectors one by fours as we found out last time right so let's just try this one out i basically just replaced a few blocks with those so yep all spins fine although slight concern when i respawn why why did it start spinning what the heck why no oh it's because we're missing a cockpit on the top where did that cockpit go oh no game is not liking this now why aren't you liking this suddenly no gameplay gone wrong something's gone very wrong thankfully in this game you can reload to a previous save so let's go back to when it did work which i imagine is that one right nice okay so we're we're stable i've set my my disc connector up to 500 kilometers an hour which i i'm gonna guess is just miles per hour so let's try and get this thing faster so first things to do is i think some aerodynamics in terms of getting some of these wedge blocks in so if we go for a four by four wedge let's just rotate it so it looks a bit better so we've got that which should sort of slice through the air like an axe i'm going to move this speed measure to behind it probably there i'm gonna move the engine to the back of it all right then i'm gonna hide this and piece where am i gonna hide this actually maybe just around the back there i mean actually i could delete that block and use the and piece in there yeah okay that looks good okay next up i'm gonna just do that to there so now we've got a bit of a blade i'm gonna copy all of these onto the other side and try and basically just mirror that but with my other pieces all right so the only sort of downside is we do have a gap there with red so it might be worth moving this point down and then left because then it's not connected if it's there you can see they're connected at those two things so if i do that and then move that forward once no actually that doesn't that doesn't cover it up does it not unless i move all of these forward okay that could work i think that's actually fine i'll do the same down the bottom actually just to get rid of that gap all right so let's see have we made that any quicker with aerodynamics yes it weighs a lot more now but we'll have to see if it is actually better i was gonna say 127 to beats it looks like we're still going 127. okay what if we also try adding aerodynamics to the back okay so what about that that's like it's like a proper blade and let's give this a spin can we beat one two seven no it's like we're capped perhaps we need more power and also one other thing i do actually want to try before i get too far someone said if i stack these spinning servos that does actually increase your speed as well because basically they're capped at a certain limit let's see if i were to move that back twice and just add another one there will that make us go faster i'm not convinced it does look quite cool though so let's give it a bash was the commenter telling the truth no one two seven okay so just to reduce the number of parts and things i am gonna move everything back and then i'm gonna add another couple of engines so let's bung one there and another one there sorted so i've doubled the power so now when we go how fast are we going oh one two seven again okay then well let's increase our moment by making everything a little bit taller move this down one two three four one two three four and we can make the arm bigger so it allows a taller thing and then basically i'm just gonna move all of that down by one two three four one two three four and then copy those blocks down twice nice so that's longer we'll do the same on the top and then that should be all symmetrical that should be ready to go so we'll turn these on and the speed oh look it's going up 215 not bad i do really want to try and get those those flat connectors to work i wonder if it's because i need like two arms to make it more stable what if we do like that all right so how is this going to work i've got i've got the flat connectors in let's let's see what happens i guess oh it's stable it is stable that is that's a good sign is it faster that is the question it is way slower 204 miles an hour it might have been because there was some extra red aerodynamics down this end like if you look on the back of this we've got straight edges there so let's just grab those so that's a lot more green in the aerodynamics department 204 no i can't believe that i can't believe that anyway back to this design i'm gonna i'm gonna make it spawn in the ground i think yeah i'm gonna try adding a few more engines because we've literally got some space back here so third engine on top third engine on the bottom let's go one more time oh what the hell 215 are we at a limit here surely not i tell you what let's let's quit this because like all my last saves they're all sort of like scattered about everywhere so let's just quit the game let's reload on a fresh map lovely right so i've gone back to this thing which um yeah that blossom survey isn't having the best of times this is probably gonna end in tears but let's get inside yeah this is back to what we remember fast speed so that's 500 miles an hour so i just made the arms a little bit longer let's see can we get back up to where we were before right almost a sonic boom but then it started hitting the ground i think that should actually be fine although what the hell is going on in the middle those physics look a little bit wonky to me game and one thing i did want to try actually is the wonkiness because of how i've attached the middle can you see i've done like diagonal i think last video i actually did these opposite each other so if i grab all of that and move it right like that does that work better or is it the same problem it appears it's pretty much the same it technically was worse okay right so first things first i i literally just want to take this and bring it on its side like we did at the start i i probably want to build something a bit more structurally sound than i did previously so i'm going to use these four by eight blocks i think then with a big sort of lump on the bottom hopefully i can just add some anchors so one in each corner and here we go okay we'll jump in here and then we'll give this a spin oh and it sort of went fine and then it went very not fine that got to nearly 700 miles an hour i'm wondering if i move this pillar back a bit i feel like things got a bit bendy for a second so if we just rotate these servos is there any better oh that doesn't look better that does not look better at all oh they're all going mental that could be the problem then actually perhaps it's worth doing one on like the other side so if we get this going is it going to go mental or celia yeah so i'm thinking we grab all of this we copy it to this side and like maybe we just want to do this sort of thing and i might actually delete some of these servos from this side as well i think just one is probably best right so let's see how this holds up hopefully it's a bit more stable looking good so far i'm a bit worried we don't have enough headroom though let's get in and give it a spin that's looking fairly good actually actually really good really really good oh 730 miles an hour so i'll make this a little bit bigger make these arms a little bit longer and then let's see it doesn't even fit on screen anymore let's see can we get the sonic boom on this if so we should be ready to convert it into a catapult yes okay we got 900 miles an hour that is good that camera view is not good though all right let it slow down i can't rebuild it thinks we're in the air there we go right we're good so this should be a simple case of just logicking this up so we want the and logic gate so that can go there we want the speed logic gate that can go in there then for the speed we want this to be i'm not sure why it's kilometers still i'm gonna put it as 800 and then we'll see if that works and we want that to go to the and thing so that's that sorted next up we want the altitude sensor i probably want that on the other one i think that's the one i'm going to fling so we'll bung that then we've got a we've got to measure how tall that is actually if we head up to the top i think it was 140 it was on my screen for like a second so ideally i want it at 45 degrees so altitude 135 meters and then we want that to ping the the and logic gate so yes we'll tick that and then up the top here we've just got to add in our disconnector block so detachable block it only connects at the start and end i don't really know how i'm going to connect this at all if i'm honest i might have to move an engine out the way all right so that's everything connected so basically on this block everything to the right so that is connected down to there everything to the left so this is connected to the top now the downside is if i turn on aerodynamics now you can see not ideal we've got some yellow and dark green aerodynamics in there i think i can use some aerodynamic wedges to get in that that's fixed that i think if i do a four by one block and put that in there but not that direction cause can you see i've i've linked either side of this detachable block so that's got to be rotated like upwards that'll be fine all right so now we've got that in i think that's pretty much everything done and there's been no detriment to the aerodynamics so let's have a bash at this and see how it gets on so the aim is not that to happen all right why the hell did that include wait where's the end of it where's the end of it i've lost the end all right that looks a lot more stable not is there an earthquake or something i'm not sure what's going on anyway we're in oh it just implodes it implodes like anything what is it what the what just happened all right i think it's because it's not symmetrical so what we're gonna have to do we're gonna have to grab this top bit because we added all of that stuff we're gonna have to copy that down right so that's copied down here we've just got to replace some of these with the other things so that's the altitude sensor we don't need that on the bottom we do want the and logic gateway and then i think i can just replace that block there with the speed sensor so perhaps now this will work oh it's actually it's not moving everywhere i think that's because it's symmetrical um that didn't that didn't quite go to plan as soon as i pressed the rockets it it exploded oh i know why the detachable block is still set to space oh i'm an idiot i bet that's all that's gone wrong the entire time so detachable block we gotta set that to not be space same with the one up here no don't be space all right now are we gonna have some more luck please oh yes yes 700 800 we got a sonic boom but it didn't let go let's just double check everything so that's the outfield sensor 135 that goes to the and logic gate okay that's right speed sensor 800 that goes to the and logic gate okay that's right and logic gate that goes to the detachable block that wasn't turned on okay so this could actually be the first ever supersonic catapult are you guys ready bio ready 800 what happened i think it may have been going too fast to detach or it could be that the detaching is just a bit too complex like it's sort of insi it's a bit of a mess isn't it really okay let's make it simple let's make it simple let's just get rid of that block and let's just do that it's not great but it provides a much cleaner breakaway so i guess i guess we'll go for that so i'm gonna literally copy all of that down here as well because we want this to be as symmetrical as possible right so let's try this now come on game we're gonna be a lot slower is the only thing because we got a lot more aerodynamics did that work or did that just break i'm not sure if that worked right that was aerodynamically hideous so what if we try if i move that back like that i should be able to stagger some super aerodynamic wedges so one wedge there i'm gonna do one next to it and then we're gonna step back and connect down that's just so the top and the bottom isn't connected but it is all aerodynamically sound now i'm actually going to copy this over that way as well so front and back very aerodynamic nice let's go down and do the same down the bottom all right so now let's try this i'm i'm not convinced we're going to get there anymore if i'm honest i was very confident the start although 500 600 miles an hour 750 we got the sonic boom if we can get to 800 or let go come on yes oh so it's sort of let go i just don't know where the piece ended up i can only imagine it went absolutely flying all right so 800 oh it did go flying look at it in the distance so you can see one end is gone and i think what's happening is i'm getting in the wrong end so let's just re-refresh that jump out i've got to get in the top end because that's the one that goes flying out i hit my head so now i'm in the right end hopefully we'll get to 800 miles an hour and then we'll go flying so there's the sonic boom we're still picking up speed there we go yes yes it worked yes a super sonic catapult right i'm calling that a win guys let me know what you think in the comments for now i'll say peace love and super sonic catapults yes bye guys
Channel: Real Civil Engineer
Views: 704,121
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: trailmakers, trail makers, real civil engineer, rce, speed record trailmakers, real engineer trailmakers, engineering trailmakers, slowest plane in the world, trailmakers slow, trailmakers slowest plane, trailmakers slowest airplane, trailmakers challenges, what is the slowest plane in the world, trail makers slowest flight, slowest takeoff ever, slowest takeoff speed, trailmakers hydrofoil
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 54sec (1434 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 29 2022
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