Can you create a sonic boom WITHOUT moving??

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hello fellow engineers and welcome back to trio makers it's been a while since we played this and my little dude down here i feel like he's had it easy for too long despite his feet still being ingrained into the concrete he literally can't move unless they are just the world's smallest feet size zero but today we're going to be trying to create a sonic boom a little bit differently we're going to try and build like our own centrifuge type thing you know like the g-force arm that we put astronauts in to test them oh yeah this bloke is going to end up in one very very soon so first off i'm guessing we should build some sort of cockpit i mean the space cockpit sort of makes sense for this i think just to start with i'm not entirely sure how speed is measured in this game i have a feeling it's probably going to be from the cockpit so if we make this spin about a middle point then hopefully we can create that sonic boom but there's only one way to find out so first off let's grab let's just keep things basic we'll just use two by two blocks so we sort of got this on an arm now i think in the middle we need some sort of mechanical thing possibly a trailer hinge that's a ball joint so imagine that will sort of spin in different directions so we'll wang that in the middle there yep that's better and i'm sort of thinking if i just grab a load of these can i just copy them down make a platform nice all right so we have a sort of platform i don't know if that's gonna be big enough might have to be bigger but for our propulsion we just need some rockets and i'm guessing a dragon engine is probably the best so wang one there and i guess we'll probably just shove one on the other side just to try and even it up a bit so something like that maybe let's let's press b and oh oh dear yeah the ball joint is it's not working great is it maybe once we get moving it might be okay so let's jump in the vehicle and then let's fire up the rockets we give it a bit of a bit of a wibble no i think i think what's happened is we're sort of we're stuck on the front i'll tell you what then to start should i make this a bit smaller how about that because that shouldn't get caught underneath so let's have a look at this we're sort of flat i'm firing the rockets and it's not moving why is it not moving oh is it like is it a fake ball joint i think it's like not actually a ball i think it might be locked oh well that's annoying right hang on a second so let's delete this ball joint and i guess we'll try a spinning servo hopefully i can like turn it off so in these so in these configurous settings i can just get rid of those i guess and then yes look it's flat so if we turn the rockets on will that actually make us rotate yes oh god oh god oh god that's not ideal so what i'm wondering i just i just want to know because like the laws of physics tell me if i make these arms longer presumably will travel faster i don't know actually it depends how this game works okay so there's there's definitely a limit to this the part limit at the top we can only go to 700 pieces but i'm sort of wondering maybe it's stability i need to worry about not the actual weight all right so basically i've got this it's very very lightweight of course but it does save so many pieces so if we turn on the rockets does this stay down it sort of does we're on 97 miles an hour i feel like that's a good enough test to then lengthen and shorten the arms and see how that affects the speed so let's just select this and we'll move it that way quite a bit and then we'll make the arm longer i mean i could make the other one longer as well but that's just wasting time we only care about this one because that's where the speed is measured so granted this will probably make it more unstable so let's press plate and see what the speed does oh yeah easily easily faster 120 130 miles an hour i mean to be honest if i leave it running goes up to like 138 pretty much so now let's see what effect it has moving this arm to make it longer as well now the fourth moment is the rotational force which is caused by putting a force at the end of like an arm if you think about levers the the further away your force is the more the more movement it will produce so let's see whether that movement equates to speed so exactly the same rockets but we've got more moment on the other one i know you can see much slower now there's a few reasons for that i'm going to guess if we toggle in advance the aerodynamics it's because of this so in the game aerodynamics is a big thing oh and i'm quite intrigued how this works actually because aerodynamics so all down one side we're only worried about the aerodynamics above the the joint we don't care about the base because the base ain't going anywhere you can see a lot of this arm is red aerodynamics which is bad now we've got some green ones which means they don't slow down the vehicle as much but over this side the arrows they're still on this side i thought they would be on that side but i guess it's showing aerodynamics in terms of we're going to be moving now i want to test how aerodynamics work in this game because i know usually aerodynamics actual aerodynamics don't care at all it's just what part you use to make the arrow different color so my question is we got to about 110 miles an hour then if we go into the aerodynamics tab down here if we place some extremely aerodynamic blocks like that you can clearly see the the red arrows they're now very very green and the game sort of calculates aerodynamics in terms of good or bad like this so if i copy this down common sense will tell you that's worse than it was before like common sense would be rotate it like that that's much more efficient but in the game that doesn't actually matter as long as these arrows are green the aerodynamics are better now obviously this end of the centrifuge is going to be spinning that direction which means these aerodynamics should have pretty much no effect they should be on this side the triangles but because those arrows are green i want to know if that's actually made a difference i might sort of copy a load of these along so we've got that let's just see does that make a difference i mean common sense says no but computer game development possibly says yes so let's spin this and let's keep an eye on the speed is it going to go above oh it has gone up 117 interesting now you can see that spinning the wrong way for those triangles to do anything i don't know if i were to put them on the other side is that going to help so this is now the common sense way around so if we play them that way that should be way better right oh yes it is it is 150 160 miles an hour okay so that's good that means we can apply some common sense to this so we've got them on the front and the back then when we rotate what speed do we go to this time 170 oh yes 180 oh nice nearly 190 miles an hour you gotta feel sorry for our bloke in here he's literally this is what he's experiencing it's very fast but the thing with aerodynamics is any aerodynamics are worse than no aerodynamics and obviously this arm doesn't need to be two bars thick it could just be one bar thick so for my next trick we will be deleting this arm and we will be replacing it with literally just aerodynamic wedges because i think this will be the most sensible way to attach an arm and what i'm even gonna do i think i'm gonna get rid of this completely because can you see the aerodynamic lines on the front of this spaceship cockpit they're like a darker color than the ones on there so if i were to replace that with an aerodynamic flight seat this has way way better aerodynamics now which basically means in the game it will go faster but before the four points on the front they also need to be amended i mean what i could do if i was being really clever is just do that so that's aerodynamically sound we then just need to sort out this rocket engine and i think now we're located there we can just put these like next to it you can see this has some aerodynamic effect there if we move it right to the front that gets rid of that completely so i think that side is done we'll just pretty much just copy this so it's identical on the other side now in order to attach this rocket we we do need parts on the edge you can't connect at the front so what i'm gonna have to do is just copy one of those underneath there and then i can just use a very cool part which is this a flat connector you can literally bung these on the side and they have no aerodynamic impact so that is connected is fully hidden so let's see how this new improved design gets on it's lighter and it should be fully aerodynamic i'm hoping for big things so we're oh we've cracked 200 oh my goodness 255 miles an hour oh i feel like this might actually be possible uh because it's important to note we literally we only have two engines now one thing i did want to try first if i were to move this thrust this way which likely does involve copying another one of these triangles under there to hide the engine completely but i've attached it like that so it's completely hidden i'm actually i'm going to do the same on this side as well right so basically for this i've just moved the engines to the center to see what sort of impact that has so ready let's power them up i think they're going to take longer to speed up but perhaps it'll go faster no 190 okay that does make sense because the old moment stuff you want your force on the end so it's got more leverage but question if we were to copy these so we've now got a mixture of the two designs so basically we've got rockets on the end and in the middle does this make the overall thing faster so 250 we were aiming for roughly oh is that similar i think that's very simple was it 250 was it 260 okay then well let's delete those and let's move all the thrusters to the end but we'll try we'll try three on either side so here we go three on either side is that gonna crack 250 miles an hour oh 260-ish okay i'm getting a little bit worried that that might be the limit of this design completely let's go back to the build i'm just worried how these arrows affect things if we were to put these on the back like common sense says this shouldn't affect anything but it does make the game show green rather than red so it might do 262 it i think that's that's actually faster isn't it interesting right well anyway let's try making this arm a lot longer so we've just got one long arm one short arm let's see how this changes things oh it's definitely made the base unstable but look at the speed three four hundred miles now nearly oh dear sorry dude oh dear oh dear oh dear are you okay in there mate is he actually i don't think i can see him has he turned to jelly you may have turned to jelly oh no there he is you can see his eye and his eyebrow he's fine he's fine right so the good news is that was way faster but the bad news is we were very very uneven so if i were to do the same on this side so basically move all these over to that extend these arms in this direction so we basically got the same thing but we've got we got symmetrical arms they're a lot longer let's see how this goes we're definitely a lot more stable and oh look we're up to 390 400 okay so even arms is the key to being stable and potentially we just have to make the arms longer it is sort of bugging me though i know when we did the actual speed test like the land one in order to get the vehicle faster we just made them longer so i want to know if i were to just do that so now we've essentially got six engines rather than three how is this gonna do all 430 it went straight away up to it and that was the limit so 433 let's just double check if we go back to three engines on either side okay so doubling the energy only adds on an extra like two miles an hour basically that was unexpected let's just see i wonder if i were to make all of this arm like engine would that work i think i need to do a fair test first let's find out the downside of this is we've now got a lot of red arrows on this side which shouldn't matter because the rotation but as we proved earlier it does matter a little bit so here we go what speed we're going to get to 303 oh no 433 again so extra power literally did nothing interesting well if we literally go back to one engine at the end i want to see what speed that gets us if three was actually doing anything so here we go just one engine at the end is it going to get to 433 as well no so we do need more engines but only up to a specific point two engines get us to four to three-ish as do three and four engines okay so i feel like three engines somehow is the sweet spot and i guess that perfectly right first time not a clue how yeah but let's let's just keep moving it i guess right now this is way wider let's see how this does that's quite a long arm actually have i done this symmetrically i feel like one arms longer than the other still speed 380 that's not faster at all that's way slower right here's the symmetrical version where i actually learned to build properly oh i'm right we're up to 500 miles an hour that is good we are very close to a sonic boom i don't even know how a sonic boom will work on this does it just do it about the cockpit i don't know so question at this stage will extra power help because the arms are longer now they might need more power or is three engines still the sweet spot i've doubled it to six it gets up to speed a lot quicker 540 nearly i think that definitely helped so the longer the arm gets the more power we're gonna need the question is is it better off doing the power like that to save on the aerodynamics of the thing oh man oh man look how much faster that is 680 690 so that's the same but making the ends way more aerodynamic we've definitely hit 700. so basically at the ends i just stacked the engines like that now i'm sort of wondering are we at the length where more engines could help it is we got sonic boom it's the world's fastest sonic boom did you see it i feel like that was obscured by the by the smoke so next time we do it i'm gonna turn off the engines just so we can see it who'da thought that this would create a sonic boom oh man that is really cool right here we go then up to 750 all right let's go there's the sonic boom it's oh it's so fast it does actually disappear when you drop below i mean not too surprising this goes up to 830 miles an hour now i want to know can i just keep adding engines so we've got 12 engines now how is this going to go sonic boob it's so fast oh 930 940 we can easily crack a thousand miles an hour without moving technically right so i've got 18 on that side 18 on this side oh okay we've we've maxed out i think we've capped out so what we need to do we need to make the arms a little bit longer again oh no it looks really slow it's really slow 550 oh interesting does that mean we need more engines because there's more there's more drag because generally when you get like to really high speeds you really need a lot more energy because there's just so much there's so much force in front of you all right here we go then oh i think it's it's at the size where the game doesn't like it the kraken is trying to attack me let's make it a little bit shorter and let's go again come on speed it's not looking good actually it's not looking good oh what the hell what the hell something broke we broke in a big way i think we might have too many engines they might be too heavy let's delete like a few of them we are nowhere near the sound barrier anymore so i've just gone back to the design that did work i'm gonna make it slightly longer let's see is that enough to allow us to crack a thousand miles an hour come on what the hell not at all what the frick i only made it four squares longer so if i if i reduce by two nine thirty how random that just two little blocks can make that much difference okay one other thing i just sort of thought of i could potentially get rid of all the aerodynamics in this if i were to delete these i'm not i've never tried this before so we got flat connector there if i copy it this way then give it a rotate about that axis and then just move it oh man that might work yeah so i'm literally i'm literally just cheesing my way to no aerodynamics i think this is gonna work yep completely rigid okay let's play this and see how that goes obviously it's uneven so it's gonna be a little bit dodgy we got sonic boom though and then it disintegrated okay i think this is this is a winning formula and then that is connected to okay so we've pretty much gone from quite a bit of aerodynamic resistance to absolutely none so can we beat a thousand miles per hour hundred six seven eight nine oh look how close it is oh come on gabe how close can he get or if i did just add three more engines i only need such a small amount of extra speed all right please please yes no oh it's so close i've made these engines a lot thinner but longer so hopefully the power sort of balances out or maybe it will just do that and fly off and and die anyway we got as close as we could i think we're going to call it a day guys peace love and centrifuge buff flowers are more than our things i can't even talk words bite
Channel: Real Civil Engineer
Views: 728,404
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: trailmakers, trail makers, real civil engineer, rce, speed record trailmakers, real engineer trailmakers, engineering trailmakers, slowest plane in the world, trailmakers slow, trailmakers slowest plane, trailmakers slowest airplane, trailmakers challenges, what is the slowest plane in the world, trail makers slowest flight, slowest takeoff ever, slowest takeoff speed, trailmakers hydrofoil
Id: gu8QrxBCRdQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 15sec (1095 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 14 2022
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