Crazy Auto-Stabilizing Helicarrier, Runner, and MORE! [BEST CREATIONS] - Trailmakers Gameplay

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welcome ladies and gentlemen back to trail makers and today we're going back into the workshop to check out some awesome cool and crazy creations that people have been creating and we're starting off with this guy right here so this is buster of course but uh buster's in a canoe now this is by pbs nambiar so we're stranded out at sea here so let's see if we can uh go ahead and get ourselves oh boy this is perhaps not the fastest canoe i hear thro it looks like the thrusters are actually pointing up so it must be counteracting something but it does it is going forward we're making some progress here i'm curious i want to see what happens if the thrusters are turned off for whatever reason oh oh actually i'm going faster now i feel like all right so now what if i disable the seat control oh boy it does not like being respawned back in all right so now forward there we go i don't think you need the thrusters i think this works perfectly fine he's going to disable the seat controls and it looks like it looks like the oars are barely barely touching the surface of the water so we go six five to six kilometers an hour six kilometers an hour when we actually hit the water so let's see what happens now what if we change the down stroke to be like 45 degrees instead and let's just put it at 45 directly all right here we go so here's 45 degrees that's still about the same oh seven we reached seven oh we're going we're picking up speed now we're at a grueling pace we'll be uh we'll be home in no time all right so that's buster in a canoe i thought it was interesting creation and i was wondering if it worked through the actual rowing or if the thrusters were doing it but now i realize that the thrusters were actually just giving some up force to counteract the seat um which we didn't need to have the seat doing that in the first place so now we have a completely animatronic uh buster growing a canoe most exciting thing ever from trail makers all right but while we're in the ocean i have another ocean based creation that i'm really looking forward to looking at we've got the largest thing in the ocean largest living thing in the ocean the blue whale by stoneage the description window is broken so sorry well if i can see that if you're typing this in the description window is it really broken all right so no description so that means that we're just gonna have to push buttons and see what happens oh this is a fabulous looking blue whale very blue this whale is okay so we got some buttons here all right so we can move our body up and down that's pretty cool and then left and right is interesting shift okay shift just go forward control is to go back what is g what g o g is automatic g activates this motion now i'm not pressing anything anymore it's just doing that automatically all right that's interesting all right number one oh that is a big mouth oh hey there we are right in the mouth there there's a cannon i just noticed the cannon the cannon for the blowhole alright what about up and down oh up and down we go up and down in the water okay that's cool that's the buoyancy control and then space i'm assuming must be the cannon there we go all right well let's go here let's actually turn g on so we start doing our body convulsion thing oh boy so i'm just holding shift right now i'm not doing anything else i'm just holding shift it's doing the rest all right it seems to go down more than it goes up when it is doing the automatic animatronics all right so here we go now i'm an automatic or now i'm in manual control i turned off the g button alright so it looks like we have roll and pitch for our controls which is pretty cool let's see how far we can get out of the water [Music] i don't know i just felt it was necessary to expel the cannon as we got out of the water i really like when uh vehicles quote unquote make you feel like you're an actual the actual thing that it's representing like it just feels accurate you know [Music] hey that felt pretty that's all actually like that looks pretty realistic the way that it went up and then back down like that all right what happens if we um nose dive directly into the ground with our mouth a game here we go okay it's a blue whales are pretty resilient so you can take you can take a lot of damage all right let's uh let's beat ourselves over here there we go now we've got a beach blue whale hey look at that now it looks like a statue like a blue whale statue in a museum or something so up next we have oh i should probably should have stayed in the water right guys it says aqua mechamander runner by that dom guy apparently this is a piece of captured alien tech scurrying along the ocean floor i guess this is an underwater walker i wonder if it works on land too we're gonna walk into the water to see if it is um amphibious all right here we go oh looks like it's got some auto balancing and holy cow it does run and i guess it is not i guess it's not meant for land after all all right here we go whoa whoa wait wait wait is this supposed to run on the water because that's kind of what it's doing hold on let me look at what's going on here um no i don't see anything that indicates it's supposed to like go on the water wow this is cool well it definitely does feel more effective in the water that looks imagine seeing this thing scurrying across the bottom of the ground that would be terrifying wow that's crazy that it seems oops now we broke ourselves we were into a wall though but that's crazy the difference it makes in the water oh okay we can also run straight up like this too but as i was saying it is kind of crazy how much uh more sturdy it is underwater i mean it makes sense because obviously there's not as much weight in the water but i'm actually having trouble walking on the ground in the water there we go down towards the grounds all right and now we walk yeah yeah cuz on land we're just destroying our legs but here you can see that our legs actually can take it under water if you want to intimidate your enemies this is definitely a way to do it all right let's run out of the water and see what kind of effect that has on us as we make that transition from sea to land all right here it goes it was going to break instantly wow you see look at that it's just we're like done as soon as we get out of the water well it is an aqua mech all right the creations aren't gonna be getting any less strange from here on out uh we got the ikea car of horror apparently by i am he says it's a low quality flat pack car made from recycled face masks powered by the fear of infection at any moment this is not for me though so just in case you were wondering this is not for scrap man well that's not going to stop me from looking at it all right so here we have an actually amazing looking ikea box so if you ever order a car from ikea i guess this is probably 100 accurate on what you can expect uh let's press space oh my goodness oh [Music] we have a car so the car assembles itself oh no okay we flipped over now oh and we're back all right now not only do ikea cars assemble themselves but apparently they also are able to write themselves which i guess makes a lot of sense so if i press space again does it disassemble itself oh wow it does so here now we can actually see how this car has assembled so it looks like it's just a flat like it flattens out a bit we got each side of the roof the hood and the hatchback so press space again [Music] there we go that's pretty cool a self-assembling ikea car oh and look at that we can actually ride on two wheels there we go come on keep it up keep it up this actually isn't that bad whoa [Music] oh i forgot when i repair it repairs it in its original state including the box [Music] oh no [Music] well unfortunately ikea car uh we might have to take it in for a return which ikea's return policy like can you return three quarters of a car all right well you know what i have something if we really want to get rid of ikea car over here i think i have something that will allow us to get rid of ikea car so i have the anti-everything by sprh he's the description is just it can kill everything i guess so we're gonna see if anti-everything is also anti-ikea car so it looks like it's just um very very many small cannons which is actually new to me because i've built walls of cannons but i use the large cannons that are very very explosive this seems like it could be very very a very different experience because it's the small cannons that do not explode they actually do individualized damage to the parts that they hit so let's uh let's aim in this direction first we have like full control here and then we just press space okay oh this is that noise i can't tell if it's satisfying or annoying it's a little bit of bold isn't it here can we hit that over there probably come on come on there we go and i don't know if that one is too far oh look at the you can see the lights of the bullets just like they're just doing a weird teleportation thing in front of us what they like there's like a moment where they freeze frame in front of the cannons and then they actually like travel smoothly that's weird i never noticed that before all right well let's uh let's see how ikea box and ikea car handle this this is really satisfying this is awesome i think this is even better than the large cannons this is more satisfying than large cannons because you actually get to see it fall apart piece by piece here i want to spawn in some more ikea cars and you know just for fun i'm also going to spawn in uh blue whale blue whales may not have any natural predators but um they haven't encountered the anti everything yet as far as i'm aware blue whale falls under the umbrella of everything all right here we go well um if it's anti-everything is it also anti-itself the answer that question is yes all right up next we have a bold claim here apparently this is the fastest thing ever this is by nikitama nikitama they say it's an improved version of a creation by claudia that was called superfast so apparently uh one level above super fast is the fastest thing ever so let's see if this thing is in fact the fastest thing ever i'm gonna be looking at the speedometer and we're gonna see what kind of speeds we reach here we only have one control which is space so it looks like this is just full of dynamite wow it is really full of dynamite like everywhere this is gonna be fascinating all right here we go uh headphone users warning right now i don't know what this is gonna sound like three two one blast off we just hit the sky box i saw it break ten thousand twelve thousand maybe even thirteen i have never reached the skybox so fast i saw like almost twenty thousand what did it reach twenty thousand hold on i don't think i don't think it reached twenty thousand i think it may have reached 19 000 at one point that could have been a 20 i don't know it's too fast for me to see if i slow down the footage maybe i can find like a freeze frame of the highest speed but at least for me this is definitely the fastest thing i've experienced here i want to point it at like the ground what happens what happens if i go like in this direction over here ready i just ricocheted instantly i didn't even get to see myself interact with the ground at all all right what about right here going into this ramp do you think this ramp is gonna stop me let's find out i don't know i don't know if the ramp i think it did look at that the ramp was directly below us hold on i want to see that again all right i'm just gonna look straight down actually i don't think the rant i don't know i don't know for ricocheting off the ramp or if just the explosions are putting us up into the air anyway i don't know if it's launching or straight or not it's too fast to really register but i i can confirm that that name it lives up to its name for me at least i haven't gone that fast in this game before i'm pretty sure all right up next we're looking at a really good looking f1 car this is the mercedes mercedes amg f1 w11 eq performance by scuba high quality high detail realistic w11 f1 car i don't know what a w11 means i'm not i'm not very well versed on f1 car culture or lingo but car looks pretty cool to me so let's give it a try and see how it handles oh there's some interesting wait what where's that oh okay the steering looks so interesting oh and this is big wheels too it's kind of deceptive how big this is this is actually a pretty big creation all right well oh no this thing is not made for dirt that's for sure it's an f1 car of course all right let's go over here where there's a little bit more uh pavement all right it's an awesome looking car all right oh does that this has actual double wishbone suspension in the back i don't think i've actually seen people use steering hinges for suspension like that yet i know it's probably a thing that a lot of people are doing that's actually really really nice and in the front too yeah look at that you can see like a slight flex very very slight flex that is really well done wow i'm impressed all right let's go ahead and it's just wasd there's no like booster or anything i guess if he's going for realism i don't think f1 cars have rocket boosters typically as little as i do know about f1 i'm pretty sure that's a fact that i do know and we go about 250 around if i'm just going straight and this is probably not good for f1 cars nope that is definitely not good for f1 cars oh look at that as a flat bottom isn't it we're like we're falling like a feather it feels like cool oh wait what hap where are where did we go we are not where we just fell i am not even i'm not even on the map i've disappeared i've disappeared off the map okay all right let's go over to the helicarrier um let's drive this thing around on the helicarrier let's see how it's turning actually is on flat ground here all right that's actually pretty good that is actually pretty good all things considered yeah this is a really nice f1 car the spoiler looks great everything looks great and i'm really impressed the suspension system that they have is new to me i haven't seen that in trail makers i never really considered using steering hinges as kind of like a flex point intentionally you know usually the steering flex is always unintentional and there goes the edge of the aircraft carrier all right but there's a reason i'm over at the aircraft carrier at this point and that is because i want to spawn in another aircraft carrier so we'll be looking at the shield helicarrier by water nugget and this one has absolutely no description at all so this is 697 blocks uh so i don't know why but he has three more blocks of spare he didn't even fill it in so it's like is this really even that big of a build to be honest oh no you can see like areas of it not really connected very well i guess all right so check this out this is actually really really stable i'm pretty sure yeah you can see the hover pad is definitely using a hover pad glitch but it also uses thrusters to go into turn um oh look at that so it's got some offensive capabilities all right we got a bunch of other controls here so control i can go down with control that turns off some hover pads that lets me descend yeah that's interesting i have tilt controls but then it automatically oh no oh oh oh oh oh oh this is bad nope nope we're good we're fine everything's fine now we're recovered all right what does em do oh okay so there's a magnet on the actual runway which can i get it to stop spinning because i actually kind of want to try to land something on here but i need this thing to stop spinning all right there we go but it's still like moving a lot here what if we do number five what does number five do oh whoa i'm not doing any of i just pressed number five and now that's what it's doing number six i think this this thing just reached a maximum stability mode like we are not moving at all anymore it's using all of that automatic thruster triggering and hover pad triggering i think to keep us in an extremely stable state which is kind of awesome all right so let's see let's go back here i have a uh an aircraft that i want to try to land on this thing i wanna try to land on the magnet all right so let's do let's go up a little bit and then we'll do uh five and six all right there we go oh no that's an issue when i get out of the seat it destroys part of the creation here this should fix everything i just get in that seat all the same controllers should apply come on stabilize stabilize stabilize yes all right now i can get out what how come when i get out it loses everything that's weird when i'm in the seat it stabilizes but when i get oops that was the wrong seat what seems to happen is when i am in the seats and i press the stabilization buttons it stabilizes perfectly but then as soon as i get out of the seat it loses something yeah see when i get back in the seat everything stabilizes perfectly again so there's something about me being in the seat that triggers its stability all right well that's unfortunate because i was really really hoping to land something on it but well actually here we can do this then we can have it be on the ground let's just pretend that this is an aircraft we actually can float in the water here we go can you float in the water oh it actually floats in the water this is this is amazing and it turns so well in the water wait it oh i didn't even notice it's this is meant for the water too this has propellers this is cool all right well we're back on with the plan m for magnet there we go all right we okay we still have that issue all right i think we're finally ready no wait no stop stop what okay there's another issue that i've just found when i get out of the seat it floats and then flips why why don't you stay in the water i didn't want to have to resort to this but uh i think then i have to delete the hover pads out of here all right there we go magnet on get out of the seat there we go finally just floating in the water without hovering that was an ordeal all right so now the only aircraft the only aircraft i have here is uh the milano 2.0 best airplane ever guardians of the galaxy i guess this is something from guardians of the galaxy by fire this this this name right here all right so i'm going to attempt to fly this thing around and then land on that magnet and then oh wow whoa whoa well there's a lot of interesting stuff happening with this all right so now this is this is probably actually going to be kind of hard all right and then shift i can use some upwards so it's like a vtol as well it looks like all right this is this might be harder than i thought it was going to be but at least this creation doesn't fall out of the sky when i stop applying the gas oh boy this is actually this is bigger than i thought all right come on onto the aircraft carrier okay no no no oh oh oh oh all right you know what i think i'm gonna have to use this like a normal plane no gimbal thrusters this thing actually flies fine without the gimbal thrusters look at this yeah this is fine okay here we go okay we're fine everything's still fine this is still fine all right here we go there we go coming in for the landing this runway is so small compared to this okay we missed oh see look at that perfect you just hop out and then you climb up onto the aircraft carrier that's how it works right all right so you know what i actually um i typed in tiny under the category of airplane in the workshop so that we could actually maybe have something capable of landing on this aircraft carrier so this is tiny flyer by eat boy it's the epic small plane let's see if this thing is capable oh my goodness oh no oh my goodness this thing is ridiculous i can't believe this actually works this is gonna be really difficult guys like this thing this thing is not easy to control oh okay well it doesn't help if we start off like that does it this is there's no way that this is gonna work there's no way i have so little control over this all right here we go going in for the landing we hit the aircraft carrier that actually did a lot of damage i'm surprised at how much damage that did i want to try one more time though okay this is the one this is the one right here this is the one this is the one all right it might not be possible but it doesn't mean i can't enjoy trying does that magnet not work is that magnet appears to not be working i'm going to say we successfully landed on the aircraft i mean we have an aircraft entirely on an aircraft carrier so i'm going to say that that is a 100 success right here no issues whatsoever all right let me know down in the comments below what was your favorite creation in this week's uh trail makers best builds and let me know what kind of creations you enjoy the most in this series and uh maybe i can focus more on those in future episodes if you want to see more awesome stuff on the trail makers workshop then definitely go ahead and check out this playlist on the end screen right here don't forget to check out the merch shop if you want to support the channel hope this video has earned your subscription anyway this has been scrap man and i'll see you next time bye you
Channel: ScrapMan
Views: 656,789
Rating: 4.9006758 out of 5
Keywords: scrapman, trail makers, trailmakers workshop, trailmakers, hydrofoil, trailmakers game, trailmakers sandbox, trailmakers danger zone, trailmakers funny, trailmakers fails, trailmakers gameplay, trailmakers best builds, trailmakers funny moments, trailmakers best creations, trailmakers update, trailmakers destruction, trailmakers animatronic, trailmakers helicarrier, trailmakers walker, trailmakers runner, trailmakers ikea
Id: CPdJRUffro8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 17sec (1517 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 28 2020
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