I Built A Small Starter House in Enshrouded, Here's How to Build it

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hey guys welcome back to another video today we are in an shrouded a survival building crafting and action RPG game set within a sprawling voxel based continent some of you were looking out for me to drop a tutorial so here it is a cozy little startup house that you can stay in for a while until you build your dream home so let's Jump Right In the build blocks and pieces needed to complete the Bill are Flintstone rough Stone block rough wood block shroud wood block tar shingle roof and stone shingle roof so I recommend you get 1 th000 each of these pieces so that you don't run out while building all right so the first thing we're going to do just going to grab our build hammer and open up our build menu by pressing tab once you have that done you just hold that on ALT key it will give you all the categories that you can select and Corr um Corr on the 2 m section there and just release all key and it drops down and I'm using the first option here so I have this little chunky block to do the foundation and what we going to do is that you kind going to look at the ground where the ground level is so it's kindur of floating at the I bring it down one more I'm just using the mouse just looking up and down kind of thing here at the right position so you're just going to bring it right to the ground level uh you're going to bring it down one more so see right in just a bit like that so we're going to use that height you're going to place that block and then you should be able to use it to snap the other pieces in once you have the uh when you press X and use the snapping point that is on the bottom right of your screen so once that in place you're going to place 1 2 3 4 and 5 then for the sides here you're going to go this say one two three and four repat the same thing over here and basically fill this out next we're going to Mark out where we're going to put our our columns so for the corners there are four corners so you're going to first open up your Bild menu PR on all key you're going to go to the 1 M section there and once you have that selected you can this now you will have options here you go into number four it says 2x two wall blocks so that's what we're going to use and you're going to use your right mouse key and take that out going all the way down the ground like that you're going to do the same thing here you may have to get on top just to make sure that you this now remember that you have a the good thing is that you have a undo button so you can press y to if you make a mistake digging out the ground there and you didn't that press Y and this is really super handy State this out and we're just going to do this last one here now once you have those in place so you're going to switch on so first ALT key and then you're going to go to the 4 M 4M section relase ALT key and then you have a selection there so you're going to go down to number six and you're going to switch your material so over to the right you hold on on control mouse wheel go down to Flint stone have that selected and now you're going to position this in here now once once you have the snapping enabled you're going to have difficulty trying to get this right here so turn that off make it a lot easier for you and you see how it slides down like that now you're just going to basically use your position your character and also use your mouse to get this in so as you can see it needs to go down a little bit more to the ground there just going to make sure that uh that happens see if we can get that right in here it's a bit finicky so it's going to take a bit of practice so once you in just look at the left or right it looks like it's it's all good and then it's perfectly in now we can do the other side here just make sure that you're at the right level it looks like the same height place that in okay made a mistake there do undo like that and try to reposition it properly there we have it so we can just do the same thing for the other two so now that you have your columns in now the next thing we're going to do is work out on the front here so go back into your build menu and you're going to go back to 2m section and you're going to turn on the snapping point this will help you to be precise and to get the right position where I'm placing mines now so because we have already placed some little blocks here so we can use that as a guide uh to find the right snapping Point here so we're going to place this in the center so you can see it's right there let's place right there like that going to hold down an all key switch on back over to the 1 M section and you're going to go to the two by two wall blocks going to place one right here and another there then all this side here and a here so that's is how the front should look all right so the next thing that you're going to do you're going to go back into your build menu and you go to the 1 M section if you're still there it's fine and the first one number one which is a single wall block going to use that to take uh away this section here just the front part here you're going to take out the top and the bottom so this pretty much removing this row here all this and just remember that you if you made a mistake you can press y to undo and to check if you have the correct measurements you're going to have the 1 meter block if you're still on it and you can it should be able to come from this from this spot here one 2 3 if it is any if it's more or less then you may have to get that to the right right amount there and the F the front here the wi of it should be like counted one two three four five 6 7 and eight all right so if everything is all good then we can proceed further by taking out this corner here and the other side like this you're going to switch back to well you're going to switch on over to the 2m section so hold on alt scroll wheel and you're going to go to number five which has the column here size and you're going to make sure that you are on the Flintstone block switch that turn off snapping point so that you're able to position this in correctly there down a bit here Mouse down and get that in so you should have like one extra right here and just going to do the same thing let's move character forward get that in there and you should be good so this should be at the same height as these columns that we have placed here so we're just going to try to put this in let's move our character just a bit place this other one right here well undo and as you can see all the columns are at the same height the next thing you're going to do hold on all key make sure go to the 2m section and you're going to go to number two now you're going to make sure that you have the Shroud wood block selected so hold on on control and use the mouse wheel and scroll up to select that now once you have that collected going to position this make sure that the snapping is off for this you're just going to use your character and your Mo your mouse to position this properly so you may have to push your character back or forward whichever then you're going to make sure that the the wall is at the same height so you want to place this first one here make sure that it's uh more in and not out so you have a little bit of dep here to the side just going to do this all around the here so it's going to snap this in like that so for this section here if you're inside the build because the walls here you're un able to kind of go all the way out so that you can position this wall in at the same height as the column not to worry you can just uh go back a bit here pull down on your Q button and use your mouse wheel use scroll it forward and it should go down like that then you're able to position it properly at the same height as the column if in the case that you you know that the wood is pretty much above the height of the column you can chisel It Off by using the the one Cube it's fine just can rotate that piece back a bit your mouse up and down try to get the right level there and place it in like that then the same thing here on the other side let's rotate this back back a bit get that lined up then dat it pressing R position it properly should be at the right height there if not we can off all right that is fine so this is what you should have so far so the next thing you're going to do is that you're going to go to the 4M section and once you have that selected go to number eight for the steers now you're going to position this now you may have to use uh you can use your Q or yeah use your q and mouse wheel to either push it forward or back uh we used it earlier so you may have to reposition it so that you can maybe see the piece cuz if you have it all the way forward and you're looking down on the ground it's going to show it pretty much like it's all the way down in the ground so you just pull it backward and it should be should be able to see the piece now once you have it in view you're going to slide it to the front of our foundation there it should have about three steps like that and once you have this in now we going to switch on over to our 1 m 1 M section and number two is our selection there we're going to use the tar shingle roof over to the right you have that and what you're going to do is that you're going to hold down on control select that and then you're going to place a block right here and another right here you're going to get this nice little arch for your little the way here and it's going to do the same thing on the other side side so we're going to work on our doorway here and what you're going to do is that hold on ALT key and make sure that you're in the 1 M section and you're going to select on number two you're already on it that is fine and what you're going to do is that you're going to skip right here and then just go back a bit and you're going to use you can use either the stone shingle roof or the tar shingle roof either one of them is fine and you're going to place a block one block right here 2 3 4 5 and right at five now this kind of be kind of tricky but to make sure it's at the same level right here both here is fine this should be right up at the top there let me just do that just make sure they see clear so where the box is positioned at where it seems that there's a gap there but there isn't there's a roof piece there you're going to snap it right there and you're going to get a piece looking like this so you're going to pretty much carry this solo area to this side here so right at the top not this part right at the top where it looks like it's there's a missing Gap right here let just bring this all the way over like that you should have something like that then you're going to place these here going all the way up to meet that it should have your doorway shape this now you're going to put uh one more row up top here but you're going to need a put down a scaffolding it make it easier for you so just going to place one right here switch back to your Hammer press Tab and then you can place these in just like that that so the next thing we're going to do just going make a little bit of adjustment here so what you're going to do is that you're going to take out this this row blocks right here just take that out [Music] here do that so you should have a higher doorway looking like this now what you're going to make sure to do is to use a door just to check it if is right size so it should look like this once you place the door in good size there all right so the next thing that we're going to work on is the roof for the front here so I want you to just make sure that the positioning is correctly as I have it just to make sure that you have the same ease of placing this piece so I H down on Q and have the piece use the mouse wheel and shift it backwards so all the way back so this is all the way forward this is all the way back so that you can get a closer view of how to place this thing so you see we have a position right there and it seems that it has like a 1 M overhang uh right there the the roof to the left and for the front it's like a little a little hangover there for the front so the next position is position would be like this and this would be the next thing you have to make sure that you have this exact uh look then you can place that in press R to rotate the piece and just going to try to do the same thing just move your character around so it's at the right position for the right side hangover and then we going to move character forward just to get it positioned just like that then you can snap that in there we have it for the front and we just need to work on this little area here so just a correction here and I just want to you bear in mind of this so whenever you're using the stone shingle roof for the top here when you're placing these pieces in you have to use the tar shingle roof uh there's a reason because because there's a cleaner when when these pieces meet there is a clean line uh to it so it's a lot cleaner if it is the same piece another thing that you should note is that if you start this with tar shingle roof you keep it at tar shinger roof if you mix it with stone you're going to have a little bit of problem getting in some gaps here and uh that's what I've I've experienced so just want to let you guys know of that if you have difficulties getting this area this part done and once you have this in place what you're going to do is that you're going to go right up to the top here and let me let's get the roof pleas there make sure it's the star shingle roof we're going to place one right in that area there uh let me undo let's make sure that it's in the right position so right up there and let me pull this back right right there and then one one over to the left top and the other they should should have this shape in the middle and you can put a window right here just to finish that off so I just wanted to point that out also I do apologize for the the choppy audio I'll try to next time or next video to improve on that cuz there's this is a different computer so the settings are a little bit off so while I was working on this there was this interesting uh trick I did and it was really cool and I thought that this was going to be like a a sweet addition to this house so if in the case that these uh roof piece they have placed in are the tar shinger roof preferably I know there's a little bit of extra work by taking it out and put it back in trust me it's worth it it's going to be worth it when you see this so what you're going to do is that once you it is the tire shingle roof you use right here yes then you have the stone roof you can just take this out what happened it creates this and it's because because the roof is not close enough for it to just show the wood and not the roof beams and what you're going to do you're going to reposition this roof here now you're going to slide it uh slide it upwards more so before this was where it was at now ship it up this and you going to snap that in oh correction let me switch on over to the stone Stringer room let me just reposition that yeah snap that in so it should be a little bit higher then you're going to remove this one here rotate it try to position it bring it forward a bit and tap that in and it creates this cool little design here I was not expecting at all uh that's uh that's really neat and what you can do is that you can just grab your door also and you're going to set the door back a bit cuz we want to give it some de not in line right but back a bit like that the next thing we're going to do we're going to focus on the the base here all around the structure B more front here so you're going to grab your we're going to hold on alt switch to 1 M section select number one make sure that the Flintstone is selected you're going to place one 2 3 1 2 3 so pretty much this should be the same height it should stop at this the height uh as the same as this then for the front here just going two like that do the same thing over here I did it already I'm just going [Music] to and for this side here you're pretty much doing it for all for all the columns so you're just going to go one two 3 one three one two two they should have it this so you can go ahead and other The Columns and we move on so once you've added the the details here to the columns you're going to switch on to using the hold on and control and switch over to the rough stone blocks and you're just going to place a one two should be at the same height as this this one here it's going to pretty much bring this across like that to do the same thing here on this side there you have it now we going to open up uh Mark our window so we're just going to it should be you should have a space of 1 2 3 4 when you use 1 M Cube you're going to go right here take out this block take out this block one so pretty much you're taking out six six of these blocks here so you can get a a nice window looking like that over to the other side one 2 3 5 six for the other side you're going to do is that you're going to count from one two you break this block 1 2 3 4 and going to do the other side here 1 2 1 4 we go around the back here you're just going to check from this side here one two two space and then break these two blocks let's go up one pretty much six just like the front here do the same thing over here skip two blocks one two then break these two right here let's go all way up there should have it looking like this so you do the same thing here on this side for one two one two it's going all the way up that one one okay so next we're going to install our windows so this is pretty pretty easy just build the regular windows and just rotate it and snap this in now I also use the windows to add a little bit of detail to the front so you're going to rotate the piece here and you're just going to aim here to the side you're going to get a snapping Point yes so going in to the wall like this you're going to snap that piece in and then you should be able to snap another top like this I've done this already on the other side so you should have it for these side so this and the other side here you're going to place the window one right here and you're going to place another top I'll make sure that they're in line with take this up just make sure that it's pretty in line let's do the other side right here here here the next thing what we're going to do is that that we're going to add our roof for the the big structure here of the bill and you're going to make sure that you have the stone shingle roof selected and you're going to position this make sure that it's set the same height as the front here so basically the edge of the roof should be meeting the edge of column right here as you can see just like that so make sure it's a 1 M overhang there's 1 M overhang to the front like this and the side is all right so you can just snap that in like that as you can see it's at the same height there let's do the same thing on the other side rotate the piece position it get it close in over okay so we have that 1 M rang for the front and the side snap that in you look at that it's uh the same there you can just do this now to make it easy to snap the the root piece here just press X to turn on the snapping point and we're going to try to aim right up there sometimes it's can be a problem it's because this window is right here so you may have to just take out this top window here so that that doesn't get in the wave uh for you turn the snapping points on we have to get to to a higher height so we're just going to grab our scuffle and help us help us out here all right now let's go back to the Hammer stab rotate we have the snapping Point still enabl and able to get it in like that or if you're having difficulty maybe you can turn it off and just try to position it uh like like that you can just do the same thing for the other side pretty much easy and then you can just fill the middle okay so the next thing we're going to do so right here we're going to focus on the this area here and you're going to select on number three if you're still at the 2 m roof uh option and you're going to have the inner roof corner be selected now this is you have to make sure that this is snapped in exactly how I'm doing it or it's going to be a little bit off uh so you're going to move your mes over so it can go in over pretty much overlapping the roof we already placed there like about 1 M which is perfect and you're just going to place that in and just to make sure that it is uh all good you just going to switch back to number one take that piece there and lined up properly that everything looks like flush look at it from the outside it looks good and you can pretty much do the other side here back to the corner corner make sure that it's overlapping the piece here if you put it to the edge it's going to be off overlapping it as you can see it's slightly go into the other roof here place that in should be good and you can just use the roof side and just fill out everything from the from this section here and back section next thing we're going to do so if you're in the two me two 2m roof section so make sure that you're on the first one number one here and you're just going to position it you're going to place it on top of this roof piece here it's pretty much uh going to be in line right here but you're going to slide this down a little about right here so the uh highlighted piece here should be the edge of it should be in line with what I've built down here as you can see there's a little um missed the blue glow of the original piece of this piece here and this should be just a little bit and is it should have it looking like this the other piece right here it's pretty easy to snap this one in just press X to enable this Auto snap uh snapping Point here just get that piece in like that now you would do the same thing here on the other side just like what I have here and once you have that done you can switch to number six which is the straight rooftop what you're going to do is that you're going to position this make sure to disable the snapping because that's going to be so make sure that uh you have uh you can use Q to help to bring it backward uh just try to find the right position for Q right now going to push down or back this and just get it to overlap both sides so that it comes up like that so you're pretty much doing the same thing over here switch back to the number one this down make sure the front is in line line and then slide this character a bit that that's about right there so it should it a bit and side here press X so that it snaps in there easy for you then switch to number six straight rooftop disable X for the snapping so you can get that in like that then you're able and then that's how your roof is going to look so now that we are finished with the front here so we're going to focus on the side the sides and the back so for the side here we're going to and you're going to do the same thing for the other side here we're going to pull this out so bring out our Hammer we're just going to go to the 2m section there and go to number four door frame which is the name of it and you're going to to make sure that you have straw wood selected and you're just going to place you're kind of pretty much going to fill this uh area here out make sure that the you since snapping point is disabled so that you don't have any problems trying to get this piece in here so you're just going to fill this out just go across like this all the way up pretty much that's that that's it and for the window the windows you're going to just open this up one two so it should should oh yeah can put the windows back in especially for this side just get that in let me pick that up and position it properly there we go back to the hammer and just going to open this up okay we're good so once this is pretty much done you're going to switch your the material to the Flint Stone and we're still using the 1 M Block Cube and just from the top here going to put two so one over here one right pretty much it should be centered so see the peak there of the roof this is Center to it and it's going to bring this line bring it down you can see that is how it should look so you carrying this all the way down here once you're here you can take this out right here place this in take that out put this in and basically you're going to place a extend it out like this just make sure that the piece underneath here fild out can be finicky when you're trying to get part so you may have to top here just to get that in properly there we go then we're going to put one more here one more right here now for the top here so right in front of it the the very top flame Stone you're going to place one here there one right there and you're just going to bring it down do one two three this is uh that's the last and just leave it leave it right there next thing you're going to do is that you're going to switch to go to number two use your mouse wheel still one M number two there are NE single roof blocks then you're going to switch on over to the tar single roof to hold it on the control and use the mouse wheel now the reason why I want to use that because you're using Stone roof and I want it to not attach give like a anim rendering that it's attached to the wood here but uh it shows that it's separate so you're going to place uh you're going to place fill this area here Place one right there right actually so right here take this one out you're actually going to use go back to the 1 m 1 M Block going to fold that fold that take this one off so it should be like this so we can do over here and just put a extra here and then I can switch back to the single roof block and then I can carry this all the way up just basically uh like a you know Eve eve of roof and go all the way up like that you should be good that as you can see you notice where it is it's smooth here it's not joining close to the joining the other roof let me show you how it would look if it was the same roof piece I was using you would get this uh look right here so it it has to be two different type of roof so one stone roof and the other the tar shinger roof so make note of that but that's a nice way to add a nice little clean look there next thing next detail you're going to add to the the the side here you're going to place a splin stone Flintstone right one right here so it's not here to the edge and one right there you're also going to place a f Stones here here right here and over here so this is the overall look you should have the next thing you're going to do you're going to grab your windows and just rotate it stick this in the column and place snap this one on top of it like that and do the same thing here going to repeat the same thing on the other side see i' pretty much added those and uh this that's pretty much it for the sides then for the the back here there's nothing much to do here and I think I want to just leave it plain as is because it's a back so not much go going on so the next thing we going to focus on is adding or chimney now for the chimney so you going to have go to the one of the uh 1 M section select the first block number one I've already taken out two right here so you're just going to take out two more here from the top so one on this side and one on that side here so you pretty much have room to place a a 2 x two wall block here so this piece I'm on number four and you're going to switch through the rough Stone block and you're going to place that right in here just like well make sure that it's centered so let me go right up the top here and get this Center let lower it down just a bit just like that then we can raise this up about uh let's give it about um say this height think this is a good and then we going to switch back to our number one one M Block here and we're just going to do the sides here going around it like so cuz it's a tiny house we're going to give it a tiny chimney not too big and that is pretty much it so the next thing we're going to look at so we're currently inside here and if you've noticed that i' I've dug out the the foundation of placed here to do the structure here so to give you an idea as to how far down I've dug this area out uh out to uh so using the cube going in 1 M and the 2x two Cube here from this point here and then in the the 2m uh section there is this this size there so it's about uh yeah so this and the the 2x two Cube okay so next we're going to do what I want you to do is just to make sure that you have uh just place this down here maybe it is in the corner or if you have it light me which is fine so that you can maybe if you want to Center the doorway that you're going to place right here so if this is down in the corner so you're going to place one of these uh 2x two wall blocks this is in the 1 M section one right here just kind of get the so that you can be accurate and plac in this doorway I'm just go put uh it's going to be somewhere right here is where I'm going to put the the uh right here is where I'm going to put the doorway so I'm going to take this out so just remember it's about this chunky one here that's coming out like this I think this two of these makes one of these um the width of it so if you put two of these that's fine and then right here would be the opening that you're going to use and you basically can use this uh the 2x2 block and just kind of dig out this area here let go all the way back just take out take out the top here just going to push this back a bit so just to give you an idea how far I've dug this back uh it's basically about two of these 2x two wall wall blocks here you can see from the the foundation here so that will give you a clear idea how far I brought this back and then now what we're going to do is go to the 2m section and go to number eight for the steers and we're just going to slide this and try to center it and bring it down just a bit going into the ground like that should be able to go down smooth like this may have to think that's is that is it yes nice and clean so we can what you can do is just do the sides here so you can switch to number seven and try to position this uh down so you may have to go down here and try to place it at an angle so we're just going to shift my character just a little bit here lower it down I think that is good and we're just going to place that in like that then we can do the other side see nice and clean so we able to pass through and uh get out so we maybe we can we also need to need to clean this up a bit let me push this a bit further this way so just have to bear in mind of the position in there here you just have to check see if it's all good it's all good right here so I'm able to I can work with this and then uh what I'll do is that I'll switch back to number one I'm still in the 2m section here and feels like I need to put like a one of these let me go for a smaller one let's go to the 1 M and try to put a block right beside it just to clean this up bit maybe go let it stop right there yeah just's put this down undo it so I'm trying I'm aiming at the side here so I can get that in you may have to you may have to dig the area you maybe can use this same block and dig the air and then you can place it in if you're having difficulty like what I'm having currently let me move this cooking station is it creating a little problem I can just dig it out and then I can just place it in the ground like that once you're comfortable with your the size of your Root Cellar whichever size you choose just put your flooring in it's going to take some time it's can be a little bit finicky here but just remember remember to shift your character around and just get the positioning right and you should be good from there I'm just going to go ahead and decorate this off screen and then show you what I have okay so here's the final preview of the bill and this is what I was able to do it's pretty minimum as to what you would uh access right off the bat now these carpets you won't access them unless you get the hunter which is further down but yeah it's not so hard to find the hunter the only the only NPC I found a little bit of difficulty getting is the carpenter so he's a bit of a challenge where you're going but this is how it's set up here got some nice Chandlers and this is from the carpenter too so he has some cool stuff I can say and there's a lot lot more out there to unlock so while I was even doing this whole build I was exploring and got those stuff here and set up a nice little fireplace here making the place cozy and then we're going to head around the back here where I toss all the crafting stuff here the two killings outside and down here I place the forge just temporarily because I'm going to give each of these NPCs their own house so choose to set up some little chests here and just place a couple of the racks it's this is a decent amount of space for just for early for the early game so yeah I hope this was pretty uh much of a help to you guys understand all this system and learned a few tricks that is it hope you had fun building this and don't forget to always aspire to inspire peace
Channel: Versaugh
Views: 44,871
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: versaugh, versaugh enshrouded, versaugh starter house, enshrouded starter house, enshrouded building, building guide, enshrouded, enshrouded gameplay
Id: _XJh43rSuNU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 15sec (2415 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 29 2024
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