Becoming A God In SPORE - Spore Was A mistake and only we can save it

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oh hello there ladies and gentlemen I am the smithing Britain today you join me in the lovely game of Spore oh but yes of course before I play I need to what's this setup Annie air capture let's just log into my existing account there we go that should hopefully all login and I will finally be able to gain access to spores online content there's I mean come on it's 2019 guys spores online content it's gonna be phenomenal oh wait hang on a second what there was an error connecting to the spore servers your computer might be off light or your internet connection might be having problems that must be the issue yes I'm sure that it's an issue on my ends and I don't have an internet connection rather than the fact that the spore services it out oh yes here we go we'll just make a brand new EA account let's go guys email address well I don't really want to actually have to use this account so let's go for the standard Bob at sometimes I feel sorry for the person who controls Bob at but hey it's not my fault password of course we're going for just eat and spawn screen name will go for spiff date of birth first of January 2008 yeah that seems fine with me language oh well of course we'll go for check that seems fine and country ah yes oh ha we could get spice you this Zambia there we go contact me about EAS products and news oh yes Bob at would love to be contacted about ears latest spore related products and of course I agree to your terms of service there we go add some meat there we go submit some submit come on spore so what you're not submitting to me Oh password must be at least 5 characters okay that's fine Yeats will have yeet women s how's that come on the email address and password don't match anything in our systems please contact customer support what do you mean this is creating account the account is about to be do system that is because I come from Zambia that's what's happening here right that's fine we'll just have to bypass pours online content I know we're gonna miss out on the many features of spore but we're gonna have to quit the registration process right so ladies and gentlemen hello I am of course the spiffing Brit and today I'm going to be playing spore and show it's absolutely wacky game which was released in 2008 I'm sure many of you have probably played it in fact if you have give me a shout because it's unique to say the least like you can spin the galaxy round here and they just start showing you a ton of happy smiling faces of the Kate developers sure thanks will right there was a so nice of you to put that in there well right Oh God now spore was in some people's opinions ahead of its time for its incredible galactic scale and your ability to customize and create an entire species of whatever you can imagine in most cases you imagine very poorly now the aim of the game was to basically reach the center of the galaxy and have an absolutely fun and jazzy time in there and I've got to be honest even though I have played this game before I've never actually finished a game I've got to be honest I don't think many people ever finished a game of spore but just in case make sure to record your entire gameplay process and send it to me at the PO Box shown on screen now yo just send it to the yogscast they can deal with it and if you do actually manage to 3019 make it to the central galaxy I sent you a single teabag well done for you but make sure of course you need to send it via the Game Capture settings the movie size can only be 160 by 120 ok and picture size are whack that too large there you go now to many of you you might be sat there thinking well Smith you seem to be a little bit negative about this game this game is amazing twelve you spore fanboys out there I say no spore on PC terrible a horrendous game with so many issues true connoisseurs of gaming play small creatures on the Nintendo DS Lite now this is a game wah there is just perfect it released on the same day of spore and is just vastly superior now prior to the release of small creatures the fourth of September had always been overshadowed by the third of September being due to the fact that that was the day Germany chose to invade Poland however once 2008 brought around and we hit the 4th of September BAM will write drops the catastrophic ly wonderful game spore creatures and the world is stunned anyway as much as I would love to go on about spore creatures for the rest of time it's probably time we settle down and actually play some normal spore now previously on spore we did set up absolutely wonderful planet which was controlled by the Brits the plans was of course the tea rights a claimed territory or [ __ ] for short during this wonderful time we managed to take over an entire planet by just selling them spice however today as much as I'd love to continue playing with them there is some better things we can do because let's be honest the Galactic stage of this game which comes after the civilization stage it's about as fun as no man's sky five honest and I've got to say no man's sky oh god that's right Sam hey that game so instead yes we'll just be playing a lovely brand-new game of Spore as a brand new species you know what this planets over here it looks perfect for us and I'm not going to use cheats this time so we are going to have to actually start at the cell stage Oh God everyone hates the cell stage I know all of you said oh the cell stage is wonderful but now the cell stage is actually terrible so we need to choose our species dial it and of course we're gonna go for carnivore when it comes to difficulty level Oh guys corn with pro-gamers we're gonna be playing on hard and we get to name the planets okay right I've decided to name the planet will rights mistake because let's be fundamentally honest allowing me to have access to the game probably was a bit of a mistake oh and here we go we gets our load into the game on so this is how our species starts of course it all starts with a lovely meteor and so the meteor comes on down and it just eats itself into a planet and that is well that's her nuclear bomb ladies and gentlemen and so a part of the meteor it turns out and had a little bit of tea smothered on it and the tea goes into the water of this world and of course emerging from that tea leaf we get our first little tea parasite if you notice small beginnings for the tea parasite but they're going to grow into being big and powerful so welcome to the tide pool ladies and gentlemen France for the choices you make impact your future well right come on you make it sound like it's it's a chooser an adventure game well we know it's not come on come on we'll really we know this game has about as much choice as North Koreans when it comes to elections at the moment all we want to do is grow our species and the best way we can do that to to the fellow we're a carnival it's just eat food now go I finally grew in size a bit oh no that's a big angry boy oh god oh god my my little guys getting eaten don't kill my little T boy stay away from him he's a friendly little guy Oh God now very similar to real life you increase your power levels by eating things I know if we all worked on wheelwrights logic morbidly obese people would be the strongest humans alive anyway something we've managed to do is grow ourselves to the second size and so what we want to do is summon a mate so that we can you know adapt our species over the future alright and now we need to find our mate oh god no get stabbed oh god we are in a quite er oh and we're dead well that's er that's foreign hard difficulty ladies and gentlemen don't worry we're back right let's try and adapt our species abyss there we go we found to make lovely so we can convince them to create a brand new species with us and now we get to go into will rights patented creature designer I know it's wonderful now in this stage there's not particularly much we can do but we can add in various parts to allow us to eat food at the moment we're just a carnivore so we can only eat meat and we're also kind of slow but the more of these tendrils we add on the faster we can move I have a were limited by the amount of DNA we can have at the start nonetheless we've increased our speed so we can now move a to now let's get back out into the world and get some more food also we need a name for our species at the moment our species isn't the best due to the fact that we are just a tadpole so I need to come up with a name that kind of fully represents the kind of we'd Li small nature of this creature so for that reason I'll go for the legendary name of Cooper's right now we have our lovely species here who is of course called Cuthbert now some of you can do in this game is you can increase the size of your animal so or whatever this is and make them larger so now we have big chunky curved birds but let's be honest this is will right spore being big and chunky actually isn't a good idea because it means other species can hit your hitbox better so what's the solution you shrink every down we want him to be a little noodly boy oh my god resum as a few graphical glitches in this game allow me to demonstrate I would like to select a new color let's say I'm the color green okay what about the color red okay that seems fine could we do the color pink too well right what's happening here and of course let's go for tiger stripes hmm yep this is working fine thanks will right god this game is perfect and you another with bright pink let's fry ourselves into the game Oh God okay bright effects graphics okay so we're now in the game is a little stripy boy and we're now faster than ever so we're gonna run around and try and secure ourselves some food oh yes face this herbivores your weak powers will not be able to survive against the mighty power of El spiff oh god we're getting chased by some angry guys oh no they have speed boosts that's that's not fair speed boosts is imbalanced oh god we did coal will right this games be on for nine years how is it so imbalanced oh this is a herbivore that's easy food for us come on there we go easy food oh and then we've encountered this speedy boost guy come on I want him dead he's too fast what so I'm pretty sure if I eat am i gain his powers because that's how this game works yes I've gained his powers by eating him so we can now attach jumpjets to ourselves if we want to you know move even faster oh my god right let's let's do a bit of mating there we go managing to a bit of mating so now we get to create a brand new subset of the cuthbert dynasty and we now have the jump jet which we can strap to ourselves this gives us even more speed so you know we'll get rid of this and we'll strap on to jump jets to the side there we go yeah that seems fine and release ourselves into the world oh god the graphics what are my eyes yeah sorry if you have epilepsy so now we can have increased speed I guess oh god well we really can move quite fast and now we just want to find a kind of carnivore who we can eat no he ate us instead what about this person okay no we're just having a bit of a fight oh there we go we managed to kill them and in return we got some lid flippers that's nice let's just keep eating all these herbivores because they're free food and also they can't outrun mix I've got these completely hell and speed boost strapped to the side of me oh and my size has just increased oh god I need to get out of here oh god there's some angry speedy people around here good lord as one of our own species here sadly we can't eat them well that would be kind of fun oh wait Hasson what's that something over here it's a new part it's like a knowable hoard grab it we gained a spike this increases our attack damage yes more DPS ladies and gentlemen in addition to that we're gonna add in some flippers for increased speed and tight turning and hopefully after this we can whack in a few more jets for even more speed but I do believe this is the next perfect evolution of the cook Bert let's find something to stab like you oh god they just sucked me Jesus Christ their sake greed Oh what goes how do I counter the suck I all got sucked to death [Music] what I abandoned the suck I did realize the suck was Opie Jesus Christ will write please nerf suck broken I've got us one less straw boys might kill the straw boy Oh God that that looks angry as well let's get out the way there I go I've increased in size a little bit that is an improvement ah now this is something I should be able to kill quite happily there we go when I've unlocked an electronic zap efig which gives us the ability to electrocute that does seem quite useful oh god a big angry boys coming Jesus get out of the way big angry boy right our size has increased even more but some of the angry electric II guys who appear to be quite aggressive and able to kill us but everything in this level just seems so angry I will say one thing though I've kind of found a bit of an expert if you try and attack some of the Spears and then just wiggle aggressively your space always seem to be able to break their Spears Jesus Christ go away angry person oh god I just got electrocuted to death that's some pretty lethal force you've got on that taser my friend let's try and upgrade our species just a bit we now need to kind of move into the next form of the coop but hopefully something which is a bit faster and has a bit more DPS so we'll get rid of these annoying little Winky things and instead I'd in even more boost e-jets there we go we now have even more speed look at that we're gonna be able to move it a speed of four now those are some proofs for stats oh my god it's happening we're developing a brain oh that's the first time this has ever happened for me [Music] there we go our creature of cook butters finally started the path toward sentience I mean it's gonna take a long time so they'll go you mansion finally you finish this cell stage and we can technically advanced an ad next to our creature whenever we like alternatively we can't just stay in this little stage for a bit longer and try and break the game in a somewhat strange way one utility later right after extensive work this is the brand new coof Birds he can move faster than anything else and he also has ridiculously powerful taser abilities so all of these little guys attacking us just kind of get electrocuted to death immediately having the ability to one hit everything before it can even touch you is it tad broken but you know it's just a work in progress for good old will rotor you know after spending so much time down here on the sea maybe it's probably time we move on to the next stage of this game say yes let's evolve some legs and go to land ladies and gentlemen and so thanks to Will Wright we now need to evolve some legs so that we can move faster now all of these little jumpy Jets we've got on the back there's sadly no longer beneficial to us mostly due to the fact that they only help us move in the sea so instead we're going to need legs and lots of them so let's add in a few legs here and have them adjusted back like so so they get out of the way of anything we might need them to do Oh God oh well you shouldn't have given me this watch ah well no no no no you shouldn't have given me this way options right that's fine we're gonna have some power pose legs going and have our air to simulate on the front oh just a single leg oh no no no actually I'm liking the look at this oh yes what a recline position to be in Oh lovely this is um this is incredible we'll thank you for having this in the game I'm interested to see how this is going to move but for the time being this is the brand new generation of cook bird so it's time we move it into the real world and actually no you know it's no longer gonna be the cookbook we need to change this because we've now got a long leg boy right I've added in some extra legs to our previous cook boat design and now I do believe it should go by the name of daddy grand Lim as fun as daddy longlegs would have been something tells me it's gonna be copyrighted by someone in the next few days whereas daddy Grand Lim I did a quick check and nobody owns the trade rights to this name so I present to the world the first evolution of Jesus Christ the screen is breaking well right you know you just didn't design this game to be run on graphics cards in 2019 now I'm gonna say that's a fundamental oversight on your end Lord what are you doing so here he comes oh it's the daddy grand Lim come on daddy grand Lim go out onto the land oh yes here they come oh my god what is up with their legs and their movement I love it so there we go we finally left the cell stage the fundamentally worst stage in the game and we're now in oh the brand new creature stage which is widely regarded as the single greatest stage in the game as it's also the only stage in the game that actually saw any development time now immediately of course the daddy grand loom is a carnival so we need to find a lovely new friend to eat so I'm over here we have the Alpha hive hat although you wouldn't be able to see it because Will Wright is too busy destroying the graphics of my game hang on a second spin for me my pretty spin daddy Grand Lake spin that's fine anyway daddy Grand limbs are going to need to go on the offensive and start attacking some of these people because we need more food and the more food we have the smarter we are this person over here what are they who's this you've met a new species care to make them friend or we can set our stance and sing to them yes we will will sing to them set starts the hostile consequent super-fancy oh yeah guys remember those consequences at this game let's do raging roar I don't know what that's particularly done oh yeah let's turn it into the DPS game alright let's make sure to use our attacks come on mash that warnky come on I'm gonna out DPS you oh no this is looking pretty close yes we kill a first person well done I'm so proud of you daddy grand limbs right so let's eat their body so yes we'll right had a incredible view of the world and that is the if you're a herbivore you need to make friends of everyone to become the smartest creature alive but if you're a carnival you need to genocide the entire planet by eating all of a species to increase your intelligence I know where Wright has decided to give me the test drive feature in the creature crater allow me to test drive this lovely thing so yes now we get to properly develop our creature we could add things like the ability to jump and dance and run a bit faster alternatively we could add this thing here to give us the ability to charge I'll also add in a clippety to increase our level of charge very nice and now we need for our aggressive attack fight we're going to want to add in the Hockett launcher this is going to increase our spit attack up to level 2 so we need to attach oh god I accidentally removed some feet that's fine we're just not gonna have feet on this bit that's okay don't need to worry about that ok I need to add in our spitting part so I'm going to add it to this little bit here you know what I've decided to also expand the Daddy Grand limb so that we can add in more Grand limbs there we go we've added our little spit device down here at the bottom notice it looks more like a spit nozzle but that'll be fine and also we can now have hands which are going to allow us to grab hold of things so let's add in a few hands and we're going to want to be welcoming people with open arms so of course we want big hands that reach up into this world and you know we added in more arms we might as well add in a few more legs so go we'll slap this bad boy in extend it out to the front and out to the side and there we go daddy grand Lim has had more grand limbs well right did you have a thing that maybe there was a actual amount of limbs which was too many limbs I think this might be it this does look somewhere around that level anyway let's destroy the screen by painting this right and here we come it's the new generation of the Daddy grand Lim it's even better than the last one it's got arms this time it's got eyes and it's course got a whole ton of legs and we get to learn to spit okay spit now we learn to strike there we go that's one of our attacks remember this is a melee DPS game of course now this game was rated E for Everyone despite the fact that it featured not only genocide but also the ability to spit and attack people anyway there we go we've evolved and as you can see our creature is now able to walk and roam the countryside it's tag them strike them split them and bite them oh look at this incredible DPS oh they have no way of stopping us BAM that's enough one of their species down I think we might have killed all the high fence honestly there's nothing else on their nest whereabouts are they there's some ones down here right there we go right charge them right there go I killed all of the hive hats so they have now been genocided out of this world and no longer exist horn there's a slightly aggressive species over here you know we might as well attack them yes charge you know what this is going great we just run around the countryside find random species and they're all way too weak for us and of course naturally we just charge them we give them a little strike give them a little spit from the spit nozzle I guess give them another one and buy them a few times then lo and behold BAM pretty easy victory for us and soon our brain is going to expand oh god the textures what on earth is this over here well right what are these what is I mean you can't seek to the graphics but what is this will right okay do you want to do all this tell me about okay that's fine I won't question them oh we found yet another peaceful friendly herb of all species right here have a peaceful friendly herbivores don't just get enough distance so I can do charge attack on you right and go oh my god we've done it we've killed so many different species I think our brains expanding oh my goodness yes the daddy Grande Lakes has a now still quite tiny brain but you know it's adorable well done daddy Grand Lakes right apparently our species is migrating towards a new nest which is going to be I imagine slightly better and nicer to live in that's where we're headed and when we get over there you know what I like the daddy Grambling but I've got to be honest I think we can make it even better I feel inches ladle all right welcome back ladies and gents when I decided to have a few more cups of tea and then I created this no longer are we the daddy grande Lim we are now the phallic Asst the phallic ruse is a fantastic creature with the ability to aggressively spit at a damage of free they also have a surprise mouth which can bite for five damage which is absolutely fantastic it's just hidden now as you can see this creature is a rover unique to say the least and it now behaves in a unique fashion as well so our further ado let's further Falik us into the world and see if we could put ourselves to good use and you know just defeats my eyes oh god the graphics Oh gets me every time so gone is the daddy groaned limbs now it's all about the phallic Asst are we learning to do the charm right let us charm these are technically eyeballs if you can believe it because that's where the eyes are positioned right so of them this is how our creature moves is this so yeah we just kind of vibrate in this direction and this is how we move right okay the focus is the Falla kiss is now going to go on an adventure and hopefully we can say hi to something new and exciting and potentially even eat it out be good yes we've discovered some alpha Devils these guys seem quite friendly and cute so we're going to attack them so spit yes the spitting worked now we bite yes DPS them DPS them for doing it oh my god we've actually managed it the phallic Asst is incredible it's so powerful it really is also the phallic us can technically fly it's a little known fact about the phallic us but yes they could technically fly quite happily oh my god what is that in the distance it's a bloody daddy longlegs why it's too dangerous for the phallic us to deal with for the moment for now the final kiss must attack some of the baby weaker creatures there we go we've managed to exterminate another race of creatures I'm terribly sorry but I needed your brains to increase my brainpower so there we go now we just need to find the next group of happy friendly clappy people and harvest them for brain power and kind of like how when we move the balls jiggle in fact everything jiggles excluding the head the head stays perfectly balanced except when we do corners then it kind of just Wiggles around a bit of what is this over here alpha prone autumn attack of six oh they seem actually quite aggressive attack from a range let's go yes we can out DPS them from range oh god they attack for a lot they attack for a lot save our friends oh my god he killed our friends Oh will we manage it good lord he's given us an increased spit attack this one spit for okay we're gonna have to change the Fallas round a bit anyway let's run back to our own base and grab a friend to join us on our adventures so yes we're now going to make two phallic assists together I think this is a process the young people called docking but yep they're too phallic asses what what happens um they kind of will the balls of it and that's okay fingers produced oh god I hope this is advertiser friendly for YouTube yes we need to change the spray bouquet around and instead replace it with the good old-fashioned cigarette oh my goodness I think we found just the tip honestly let's increase the size of this bad boy oh yes well not too sure what I've done here exactly but uh apparently apparently this is fired okay there we go this looks like the kind of tip that I want lovely stuff there we go we've created just the tip of the phallic asst so we now have our brand-new phallic Asst it's superior to the previous ones no we could probably also do the charge attack so I think I'm just going to kind of like conceal and little spiky boy inside the tip of the fella cos it go kind of we've just added little pointy aggressive tips there we go and new phallic us is born into this world and with it it's even stronger than the last ones oh my god what is over there an epic epic mr. Lee's okay kind of want to go say hi to that that looks pretty fun what I wonder what his attack stuff is like he does seem rather powerful oh and he's interested in us right we're out of here now come on fella cos you were designed to our hotel father cos Ron Ron fellas he's interested in our phallic oh he's just stepped and one hit the alpha Lukas oh alright well my fella kiss is out of here run fella kiss Ron we weren't designed to fight massive epic creatures we've stumbled across a nice new friendly tribe the ponpon tribe ah look at them yeah I don't think they've ever seen a phallic ass for we're about to introduce them to the phyla coos and they're very happy ways enjoy this yes now we must consume their bodies for food the phallic is hungry wait I think how does the phallic receipt okay that's perfectly fine and upon killing the baby ponpon yep that's another species exterminated and the phallic Isis braid is expanding come on phallic as' yes once your brains expanded I'm afraid we're going to need a new species of creatures as far as the phallic is's our adventure in Spore is not yet concluded also fellas can you tone down the ball joking please oh god there's the epic creature oh no no no no come on I'm kind of friendly leave me alone all right okay it's time for the phallus to change I be Rebecca ladies and gentlemen I've created the next species for us to enjoy hello it also introduced one of my favorite species the banana man absolutely phenomenal little character even wears a little Spartan hair but I love him nonetheless no we're not going to be playing as a banana man today we're going to be going back and visiting our lovely nation of the Brutes to demonstrate the absolutely terrible thing that is the space game so let us jump into the game as the Brits and explore the galaxy Oh couple of graphics behave so here we are back when we finished our last game and of course yes the Brits have done it we've managed to completely and utterly take the entire world we control all of the spice in the world and we're generating a ridiculous quantity of money but of course what's left to do well it's to move on to the next stage so we're going to take a look into the history of our lovely Empire and basically the history is we just made an ridiculous amount of money and then we're going to leave the planet and move on to space ah there go the first Brits our first ones to go all the way to space come on away you go guys I went we need to design of spaceship first don't we all right and here is the ship that I've managed to locate it is quite possibly the worst looking design I've ever seen it's called the watermelon rocket and it is going to be the exact disgusting thing that we want to throw into space now what can you do in the space stage of this game well realistically Will Wright sat down and decided in the Space Age of this game please ignore the destroying graphics of the mode oh my good god ah there we go there goes our watermelon rocket into space lovely stuff we can technically use this guide to inter space colonization which would be wonderful there we go we've welcome to space and we can now go around the planet to communicate with other species that we locate over the way we go bam in a way we are in the universe now anyways so ladies and gentlemen now we've actually made it to the Space Age where can we go well you see Will Wright sat down decided to come up with some brilliant ideas for this game he decided that by the time you hit the space age you actually don't want to have fun anymore and as a result you can't really do anything except fly around in a spaceship and terrorize the locals which is exactly what I want to do now one thing that I did discover is next to our home planet is this planet here which is a unclaimed cube world now this is one of the best nations in the game for some reason now it turns out cube worlds are also devastatingly dangerous when my ship is almost dead as you know it's probably easy that I kill the ship then get a new one right kill the ship ladies and gents are the watermelon rocket is dead well it had a good lifespan of about 10 seconds okay they give us a new one for free anyway yes neither were in our solar system need to find a brand new planet which will hopefully have intelligent life on it and then of course we'll just attack the intelligent life for fun basically but luckily we've been given a brand new interstellar drive meaning we can travel to different solar systems god it's just like no man's sky on a parent we're about to get attacked by some AI so uh let's say hello to them using our brand-new missiles Oh God they've even quite mean to us but don't worry we've got superior missile defenses I must say this game had some unique mechanics and general it could have used a lot of work well I can see where it was fun for its time what we discovered here let's give him a quick scan it appears to be a native species yes it's the Tim FLE now they're technically quite friendly one thing we can do is equip our lasers and just eradicate this entire species I'm sorry you tiny people weren't designed for death by space laser wow space laser is super effective there's something oddly British about killing all of the natives to a planet that you've only just discovered and all our various adventures through space we've managed to discover a lovely planet which we can colonize now this planet is technically already occupied by some natives we can say hello to them and give them a scan what have we got here they are the Zandu and currently on a planet which is of tier two quality which means I want to colonize it but apparently the star system already has a sentient species so we're not allowed to colonize it - there's a solution to that we just get rid of the sentient species that exists on this planet and suddenly it's no longer an issue say yes we're just going to go from one tribe to the next getting rid of their main hut and consequently we're destroying an entire species of people but hey we can't move here if they're living here so our we've got to get rid of them or not so one thing we can do we picked up a ton of those species on their planet and we can't actually sell them to anyone so what we just can do is jettison the cargo into space so that's one of the remaining survivors of that planet that we just tried to occupy yeah we've just released them into the outer world but we're not done yet ladies and gentlemen there's a few more campsites that we need to burn down all right there is one last species remaining it's this lovely single tribe over here these the last people occupying the planet so we should be able to get rid of them have a BAM suddenly there's no natives to this planet so we could trip down our colonization beacon yes I I don't remember there being any natives here ladies and gentlement done about you but uh I think they all disappeared in a tragic freak accident that of course naturally we've had to miss so good slap the colony down right there and because we've actually arrived on a planet which is relatively friendly we can actually start progressing our colonies by building lovely houses so now that we've colonized this planet we can increase its population and also slap down a few entertainment buildings so we're going to build of course a few factories to increase our spice and for the time being they're producing eighteen spice per hour which is not bad at all now at this point in Spore the only thing you can really do is hop around from system to system and steal everything you can locate in the system oh you know what honestly I think I've played enough of Spore I like this game but it has a few fundamental issues mostly the fact that the funnest part of this game is actually just creating your creature anything beyond that is actually incredibly tedious and boring so you go ladies and gentlemen I hope you've enjoyed of relook into Spore and honestly I'd say maybe give it a try picking up again but I really struggle with this game it's fun but just I think I've lost my knack for spore it's not for me No - on the other hand now that's an incredible game I know it ladies and gents one I hope you've enjoyed this video and I hope it's made you laugh at least and if you really didn't drove it you saw it today then hey feel free to give the video a like it really does help me out and do consider subscribing to join are absolutely wonderful community as always a massive thank you to all of my majestic patrons you make all of these absolutely wacky and silly video as possible and I'll see all of you in the next one have an absolutely lovely day farewell ladies and gentlemen
Channel: The Spiffing Brit
Views: 3,360,233
Rating: 4.7813864 out of 5
Keywords: Becoming A God In SPORE - Spore Was A mistake and only we can save it, the, spiffing, brit, spore, spore funny, spore funny moments, funny clips, funny montage, rt game, spore game, spore challenge, grand strategy, lets play, battle royale, funny, comedy video, indie game, management game, escape mode challenge, world conquest, spore creature, spiffing brit, funny moments, spore gameplay, the spiffing brit, spore funny creatures, spore funny creations
Id: lzfnzhZ9dDw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 41sec (2021 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 17 2019
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