Spore Pacifist Run | Rise of the Ghandicus ☮

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I was invested the entire time, truly felt devastated at the end.

👍︎︎ 28 👤︎︎ u/Praise_da_lawd 📅︎︎ Nov 28 2018 🗫︎ replies

I will never be the same after watching this.

👍︎︎ 16 👤︎︎ u/shrimpyeti 📅︎︎ Nov 28 2018 🗫︎ replies

Best video I've seen in a very long time

👍︎︎ 12 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Nov 29 2018 🗫︎ replies

Me: Wow this looks boring


👍︎︎ 14 👤︎︎ u/Ewempo 📅︎︎ Nov 29 2018 🗫︎ replies

fuckin lol

👍︎︎ 9 👤︎︎ u/superbaal 📅︎︎ Nov 29 2018 🗫︎ replies

i was not expecting that rollercoaster.

👍︎︎ 5 👤︎︎ u/Icyrow 📅︎︎ Nov 29 2018 🗫︎ replies

The song title "Hurt" should be retired, like Michael Jordan's jersey number.

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/MrDowntempo 📅︎︎ Nov 28 2018 🗫︎ replies
Howdy-ho brutes and heathens of the world! It's your man, Mr. Family friendly comin' at you with another crispy gaming video! Since I've recently been remonetized, I decided that in the spirit of being appropriate for all ages, I will revisit one of my favorite games The species simulator game:Spore now what's so advertiser friendly about this game you ask? Well, today we're gonna distance ourselves from the mortal transgressions of violence. And evolve a kind of a species that focus not on conquest but on kindness, self reflection and morality complete the entirety of the game without ever harming a single other creature neither physically nor emotionally a journey to show you that any conflict can be overcome with love and that life is both beautiful and valuable if you aren't already in a tranquil state of bliss then this journey should guide you to serenity we start life on planet ahimsa which means compassion and not to injure it refers to a key virtue in Indian religions ahimsa is one of the cardinal virtues inspired by the premise that all living beings have the spark of the divine spiritual energy therefore to hurt another being is to hurt oneself I have a dream that one day... meet the Gandhicus the most composed tranquil creature in existence now just a tiny multicellular organism but one day we will evolve to spread peace upon the whole galaxy our peaceful crusade of tranquility starts by naturally not eating any other organisms no instead will be consuming this delicious and nutritious kale I know it takes a lot longer but patience is one of our greatest virtues here we see a Ghandicus in its natural environment surrounded by grave danger and troubling confrontations yet in the midst of anger and chaos the Gandhi coos remains in harmony it remains consumed with a humble existence comprised only of eating kale and reproducing a hundred million years after the first Gandhi coos the species has evolved in relation to its surroundings our consumption has made our farms reflect our minds we now have multiple flag ellis and can consume kale at 180 degree angle 100 million years of vegan dieting and meditation has also allowed the Gandhi coos to open its third eye to a higher state of consciousness having access to the astral plane is like spiritual steroids we can expect to see substantial spiritual gains over a short period of time for example here we see a Gandhi cos being chased down by the cellular embodiment of death and evil in trying to make its escape it gets bitten and electrocuted knowing better than to retaliate with transgressions of violence the Gandhi cos continues down its own path of self-discovery unbeknownst to the assailants violence has karmic consequences 300 million years after the first gun dicus here we see the final cellular stage of the Gandhi coos many scholars have debated why these creatures temporarily evolves to become yellow and have a prolapsed anus but we have yet to find a definitive answer it's one of those things that boil down to the fact that evolution works in mysterious ways two billion years of equilibria passes by and as the tides of time wash over the little guy something rather curious happens he is transformed into accordions moderate in excitable social creature with legs for the first time the Gandhi cos treads on planet ahimsa ready to face the trials and tribulations of the unknown our species starts life on Planet items along with highbrow civilized activities you know mingling with other creatures singing watching eggs hatch and fertilizing nature because we are civilized and not wild animals that would resort to bloodshed it is not that we are afraid of conflict it is that we are better than that we judge others based on their soul and merits not their looks that's why we're more than willing to ally with a literal penis and whatever the fuck that thing is because we're on the path of the righteous we have access to siren song our singing is so harmonious that it instantly infatuate seni species with us making peaceful progress and much more fruitful endeavor the Gandhi cos have evolved to be androgynous both biologically and sexually they possess both multiple male and female reproductive organs they also possess multiple male and female personalities as the entire species is rampantly schizophrenic this was an unfortunate side effect of not eating meat as that meant they had to do whatever they could to survive which meant eating infected tree bark psilocybin mushrooms and drinking seawater something that would historically be referred to by future civilizations as the incident one of the benefits of rampant mental illness in multiple sex organs is that reproduction happens incredibly frequently here we see a popular form of sex known as the Klinge minge it sexually excites the Gandhi cos to such a degree that an egg is produced almost immediately after 200 million years after the Gandhi cos first walked on planet ahimsa our species has reached an even more majestic level we now have arms and a beak don't question it this is how evolution works ok since the Gandhi cruise hasn't been hunting in all this time it's developed actually useful skills that brutes couldn't possibly comprehend such as dancing posing and charming we continue to befriend everyone in our path not all welcomed it yet we remain vigilant and unafraid of rejection and failure time and time again we are ridiculed and told that we aren't cool enough to hang but trial and error eventually leads us to creatures that are soaked detestable and wretched that they have no choice but to be our friends with a genetic disposition like that you take what you can get all is going smoothly when suddenly a meteor storm strikes our planet the timing couldn't be worse as our protagonist is smack in the middle of a psychotic episode this bewildered Ghandi cos stumbles into a spiced geyser and has launched a solid 30 feet in the air due to the unfortunate law of gravity both legs are broken upon landing the spine is fractured and a lung is punctured our little fellow is now close to starving to death mortally injured and in a pure state of panic that is when our pack is attacked by an indigenous group of vicious savages we naturally flee like cowards because a real hero doesn't fight for his life or save his friends no known he runs away to bide his time and gather his strength and right as you think the worst is over you find out that that was only the calm before the storm we encounter a hyper aggressive species that are no shit named the shark asaurus with us backed into a corner were forced to use our ace in the hole our top shelf certified super move the siren song narrowly escaping the grips of death we finished the pilgrimage to the new nest where our peaceful endeavors would go on to prosper for another hundred million years here we see a young Gannicus entering the world with nutrient dense lemongrass and plenty of land on which to procreate evolution has led to these creatures grow any bigger stronger and smarter they've also developed a massive feet and a ponytail once again don't question it this is how evolution works but it ain't all sunshine and rainbows life and nature ain't easy for a pacifist it requires fortitude and perseverance you may be ready to give your life for the cause but are you willing to stand back and do nothing as your friends are brutally murdered do you have what it takes to keep dancing when you can literally hear the torturous screams of your compadres in the background even then will you do no harm these are the types of sacrifices that have to be made to overcome social barriers and further diplomacy I mean think about it is pretty fucking metal that they initiated me into their gang based on what I did to my friends I want see what these guys supposed to look like whoever made them clearly took inspiration from a Diggity Dog the board game see they got the same pattern as the logo we're gonna have to add one of those to our pack just because of their singing and fuck you know it was much too violent to exist in our pure new world order anyways perhaps that was for the best now here we see an ultra powerful rogue creature and right as we've gotten his unwavering trust fuck an alien invasion every goddamn time these are just a few examples of the harsh struggles that Gandhi has faced in their evolutionary path to civilization fast forward two hundred million years and we see the final physical evolution of our species the Gandhi coos erectus it's beautiful throughout 2.5 billion years of evolution it's retained both its third and fourth eye for direct access to the astral plane you can tell that we come in peace from our hands that are permanently in an unimposing tortillas position signaling that we do not desire conflict we got two big front seats for effective carrot consumption and a fin that came about as a result of spending excessive periods in toxic swamp lanes eating algae being such a fucking unit means that almost no other creatures can resist our charisma like a prehistorical Jesus we go from nest to nest spreading the good word of peace and kindness there are those that do not adhere to our sacred wings those that still follow the dark paths of aggression and destruction one can only watch family and friends be eaten alive by a giant unstoppable fuck man so many times and still look the other way you see even if you turn your back you can still hear the gut-wrenching screams of Jared having his ribcage crushed in the back life is psychological torture and the Gandhi coos truly is too pure for this world here we see him signaling the monster to put down his friend after which the fuck man actually does it just to finish the job by crushing Jarrod with his foot it was at this point that our main protagonist had had enough this violence and bloodshed has gone on long enough you'll see the light once you hear my siren song look at you like many before him that Gandhi cos didn't make it but the species as a whole did you see excessive meditation and self-reflection lets an awakening of the real potential of the mammal psychological prowess as these generations of dandy goose erectus breed the species exponentially leap further up the food chain due to their growing intelligence until eventually they develop advanced language discover fire and kickstart the Neolithic Revolution thus begins the era of tribalism the Gandhi cos erectus have successfully won the evolutionary race and is the first sentient species and ahimsa to develop higher intelligence we are the peace tribe instead of hunting and waging war we make peace treaties and smoke Chama lucha on the peace-pipe we may have our food supplies raided by wild animals but we understand that everybody eats and sometimes we need to go hungry as the chieftain of the village I saw young Baba dule nicotine a wild animal raiding the last of our supplies Baba dual neck was given enough food to last him three days and immediately exiled to live amongst the Dharana qyx he's doing pretty well so far but that Drona keurig looks mighty hungry and aggressive by the way that's our only surviving friend from the creature stage we keep him as a pet now the early Gandhi Q's erectus tribesman has a nose ring that goes through his teeth to show that we're not afraid of pain a mask that blocks his to functionalize because we know that to truly see you use your mind and not your vision at tactical loincloth is also implemented to cover up the seven sexual organs we got two massive shin guards to protect from wild animals raiding our food and a hat to show that we are cultured and sophisticated now there are multiple tribes developing different cultures and ideas that's exactly the problem you see we have a very global istic approach to pacifism and kindness where others take up arms and plunder those they consider to be heathens we civilized folk let our people starve so we can give peace offerings in form of fruit even though we're conveniently close to the sea we naturally don't hunt for fish as that would harm the fish as a result of millions of years of schizophrenic and dragoness inbreeding our shaman is able to perform a rain dance that's so powerful it summons a storm that causes fruit to be replenished and fall from the trees we unfortunately don't have any dance to protect us from other tribes here we see the peace tribe being burnt down in a pagan raid our only line of defense is letting our tribesmen be slaughtered and releasing fireworks to try and distract the pagans such as life in the peace try be raided have your home burnt down they eat your food kill your dad and fuck your wife and if you survive what do you do to retaliate gather even more food to give as gifts to the pagans you naturally pick up an instrument and play your heart out in the hopes of the pagans pay to you enough to raid someone else for a while gather supplies rebuild give most of your supplies away to maintain peace get burned down rain dens repeat it really is a tedious process yet little by little we improve relations with surrounding tribes as we have no need for warriors instead everyone is trained from an early age in the ways of the wooden horn maracas and the didgeridoo the wild animals may steal our food the pagans may fuck our pads and kill our wives and we might have our village burnt down time and time again but eventually we managed to unite all the tribes because we converted all five opposing tribes to our belief system we get the tribal socialite achievement in a peaceful time where unique ideas can prosper and technology is thriving we kickstart the Industrial Revolution our people have formed a high society and are the most cultured and refined people in existence as can be seen by our top hat classy hair mustache and general excellence in our clothing style we carry ourselves with grace and dignity all citizens of Peaceville wear a mandatory gold necklace that symbolizes how much better we are compared to other nations in a peaceful world species that survived by preying on others didn't have the finesse for agriculture which meant that the GaN dicus erectus was the only species with higher intelligence to make it this far in evolution now we face an even greater sociological threat since we went from being a few thousandth of several hundred thousand on the planet there are countries that have turned their backs on the holy ways of peace it's our holy mission to make sure that our tranquil ways are preserved during this next crucial step in evolution in the Civilization stage we turn to the economy and religion we hug up as many spice geysers as we can set up trade routes and attempt to unite our people and create a utopia without harming any living being our only way to engage in diplomacy is to complement other nations give the money and use a brainwashing tool which improves relations a tool that has by many been called a disgrace and complete violation of our rights although that's only because they don't know what's best for them other nations have their citizens performing useless tasks than their freetime like push-ups our philosophical debate whereas our advanced economical religious nation have our citizens spending any free time they have paying homage to a higher power and praising the government our vehicles aren't blend and unexcited to show that they truly serve no purpose other than maintaining spice production and transporting ambassadors of peace our cities are designed with playful architecture and in many happy colors to boost the mood of our hard-working people I'll admit that playing the Civilization stage like this is an extremely slow and his process it literally boils down to waiting ungodly amounts of time to then give the spore bucks that your citizens work themselves to the bone forks who other nations just to ever-so-slightly make them like us more when the going gets rough we replace entertainment buildings with factories and increase the taxes about an hour into this morally questionable endeavor we encounter a massive problem a giant creature attacks our nation we don't have any defensive turrets and were ideologically opposition to harming the creature now all we can do is pray and watch the creature break building after building murdering innocent civilians by the thousands and sacrifice almost every spice collecting vehicle in our arsenal to lure the creature away from the city god I fucking love having to deal with EA game mechanics by the way our nation survived by the skin of its teeth but this incident completely devastated our economy and our spice production now barely covers our expenses this is where a nation of weak-willed cowards would simply build a small army take over a city and get things going but we don't adhere to the wings of the devil now instead we demolish entertainment buildings set up factories and increase the taxes this caused our citizens to go on a strike we swiftly resolve the conflict by using the government controlled media to blame the pink nation for why our people suffer in poverty in a way our mission to harm absolutely no one is actively making hundreds of thousands of people suffer greatly some would argue that pacifism is not an ideology that works on a large scale those are unfaithful heathens and they're the problem with our world you see this was a monumental point in history where the nation of peace showed their grit and endurance we manipulated global media and inflated the spice market bought up spice at a ridiculously low price after which we held on to it unweighted as the war waging nations kept bombing each other there came a time where they could no longer sustain their own economies in a scheme with blue nation we started selling spice at an outrageous price it was the greatest pump and dump scheme ever executed overnight we became the richest most influential nation on the planet by the time all the other nations realized what we had done it was already too late their spice was worthless and their national reserves were empty we started small buying cities and pieces of land until eventually every nation had to throw the towel in the ring and adhere to our sacred ways we can see the writing on the wall I think it's time to fight no more forever these were the words we had waited for global domination was ours and we have United our planet until utopia every step of the way there was ungodly suffering but we never directly harmed anyone with our species having eliminated famine and suffering technology and science could prosper and soon after we had our eyes on the starry sky we had achieved our goals on this planet now it was time to bring our peaceful crusade to the galaxy thus we've reached the final frontier of mortal existence our humble Empire begins with merely a single spaceship departing from a single planet we are but a drop of water in the ocean of existence this transcendent point in our journey reminds me of a famous quote by a wise man named Christopher whist affirmed he said when in doubt whip it out and those are words and always live by three billion years of meditation veganism and rampant inbreeding of the mentally ill has given us powerful peaceful abilities in the space stage we have gracious greeting which boosts our initial relationship with alien races pleasing performance makes all of our colonies happy and reduces the likelihood of revolt greenkeeper decreases the rate of Biodesign in all our colonies and finally social swamp gives us a 20% discount on all social tools or as many have called them a complete violation of our rights please help us yeah they don't know what's best for them though our strategy remains unchanged build a strong economic religious Empire ally with anyone we come into contact with if any of them try to start warrants with us we cock out and pay them to leave us alone to start we'll need to set up spice colonies and for that we'll need money unfortunately we now have to complete missions for other alien races but we can only complete the missions that don't have us harming any life-forms every time we enter mission and it happens to be something we can't morally go through with we worsen our relationship with that Empire this leaves us stuck in a Ponzi scheme always giving the money we worked so hard for a way just to remain at constant peace of course this leaves us with the choice to take the galactic adventure missions that can be completed in accordance with our beliefs the compromise is that we now have to play EA's dreadful galactic adventures expansion with their patents at EA gruesome game mechanics eventually we managed to build a sustainable economy we have a small spice colony some minor trade routes and a few alliances now we optimize we use the power of google.com to discover the most optimal layout architecture of our colonies we invest all our riches into increasing production with terraform planets and fill out their ecosystems to be perfectly suited for we unlock the spice storage after setting up five trade routes and we allied with empires that will pay top dollar for purple and pink spice our spaceship has a tool we call the super happy ray it coincidentally incorporates technology that is quite controversial as many have called it exactly the same thing they used on their own people it's a complete violation of our rights please help us although after a quick beaming with the happy ray the ones who said that changed their stance on the matter we continue to expand our holy Empire we upgrade every part of our spaceship our space fleet grows meaninglessly as we now have five spaceships that we won't use to attack anyone after forming twenty alliances we get access to the embassy we also acquire technologies that'll let us travel through wormholes our spice colonies are thriving and are surrounded by allies with our Empire prospering both financially and politically it gives way for us to explore the galaxy wherever we go with your conflicting statements about the center of the galaxy supposedly the very secrets existence lies there naturally we'd better investigate we stock up on energy and repair packs and head towards the last undiscovered frontier of our world as we edge closer to the center we get acquainted with the gruesome species that rule these parts and evil extremely violent aggressive species known as the Crocs they have an interesting -70 relationship affinity simply for distrusting strangers and they're no doubt the most destructive heinous race we've ever come across however we only know one way of life and that is to meet hatred and violence with love and compassion we undertake our hardest task yet to ally with the Crocs it should be noted that during the entire process of a lying with the Crocs no matter how much they like you they will still set their five-star Empire ships that's had you relentlessly we use the super-happy ring but on the Crocs it's merely a mild mood booster we set up an embassy which also made them a bit happier because now they had a pathetic building to laugh at we give them literally millions of Spore bucks plus 10 points we've done everything currently in our power and that makes us barely neutral which in turn allows us to undertake missions for the Crocs mind you even as there missions to complete for them that are actively trying to kill us they want us to bring them a specimen of a plant that doesn't seem too bad we can get that done no problem now they want us to retrieve artifacts holy shit maybe they're not so evil after all they seem alright they're not asking us to kill or anything we complete mission after mission for the Grox and soon enough realized that these missions won't be enough to get to the blue smiley that would allow a trade route to truly make these four vile abominations like us we need to break the Galactic code there's only three ways of doing that a planet buster that immediately destroys an entire planet not happening at gravitation weight that destroys all buildings on the planet killing millions absolutely not which leaves us with the final option fanatical frenzy if we become a zealot we can take all inhabitants on a planet and convert them to the one true way you know we technically wouldn't be harming them it's best to think like us anyways so we Trevor's back to our original colonies one of our allies is a four-star Zilla Empire which lets us undertake the holy teachings to become one of them we pay a small fee of five million Spore bucks to achieve the highest form of religious zealot Ori now they want us to colonize 15 more systems after swiftly powering through EA's patented gruesome game mechanics we now go back near the grog systems convert these innocent heathens to the one true wing feelings of self-hatred guilt and disgust are present in our minds luckily we have the super happy ray we beam ourselves a bit with that bad boy and keep going finally the Crocs have the blue smiling we set up a trade round which many of our people deemed an optimal seeing as it consisted of trading our money and goods for the very oxygen we breathe the terms were quite mandatory though eventually this questionable trade route made us able to request an alliance to prove our allegiance and loyalty to the Crocs they had one final mission in store for us one last task that would make us allies grant us access to the middle of the galaxy and truly create lasting peace something that would transform this world and so utopia joy and happiness I felt a chill run down my spine as I read the mission briefing a doctor citizen of the Mohandas Gandhi cos Empire they say they need to study it surely they're honest right surely they have a moral procedure to their science four billion years of great pain and suffering we're so close you know what sometimes you have to do what's best for the world get that happy beam and get the fucking job done without asking any questions we painstakingly deliver one of our own innocent citizens to the Gronk's finally the green smiling we've earned the trust of these abominations all we have to do now is request an alliance and all will be good in the world we accept your alliance provided that you continue to accept our orders that's not an alliance what are all these transmissions come wait no every alliance we've built in her billion-year interstellar crusade of friendship and truce is broken every single Empire that we had dedicated our entire existence to befriending just declared war on us along with every other Empire in existence warrant the Grox I'm not quite sure where it happened but somewhere along the journey my ambitions overtook my morals the road to hell is paved with good intentions mine blinded me and led me astray I've grown an insurmountable tolerance to the happy ray once it wears off I'm not quite sure what I'll do no this can't be I still have time Shirley what's in the middle of the galaxy will justify what we've done I didn't turn on the ways of my people to create more suffering or so I thought what I met in the middle was Steve who gave me the staff of life 42 times I can automatically terraform a planet that's it the ability to improve 42 planets in exchange for making war with almost every star system in the conceivable universe with the exception of the ones whose cruel orders I have to follow in my quest to harm no one and create lasting peace I have made war with over half the universe I've become what I sought out to destroy before I end my own existence there's one last thing I have to do I'll return to the mecha where it all began Planet items uh it really is beautiful Alexa play hurt hurt by thousands Foot Krutch from Spotify break and and can't break your fire when it can't see it's a little bit like burnt wood
Channel: UberDanger
Views: 5,200,667
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: UberDanger, Spore, UberDanger Spore, Spore gameplay, Let's play, commentary, DOMINATING THE PLANET, CONQUERING THE GALAXY, Spore Review, Cell stage, creature stage, tribal stage, civilization stage, space stage, creature, Spore pacifist run, space, galactic adventures, EA bad company
Id: C4Aw_OQkhzI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 10sec (1930 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 11 2018
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