Skyrim But I use Modern Guns To Break The Game And Kill NPCS - Can You beat skyrim with no NPCS

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and it's not a small child goat you can go but if I turn to you Skyrim oh my what's going on ladies and gentlemen a rumbling oh no bethesda game studios where are we it's presenting something its Skyrim that's right ladies and gentlemen we're back we're back in the fantastic world of Skyrim it's majestic it's beautiful but most importantly everyone has to die I know we're playing Skyrim over twist today ladies and gentlemen I'm going to be using guns that's right guns and only guns to defeat absolutely every living creature in Skyrim nothing is going to survive absolutely nothing all MPC's must die and at the end of it I have no idea if the games even going to function now I mean I'm all about challenge runs for Skyrim but naturally I like to do a challenge which is much more British and by that I mean ridiculously overpowered I mean if anything we're doing Colonials simulator 2019 because we're effectively attacking the native population of Skyrim who mostly only have swords and bows and we're going to be using assault rifles that's right ladies and gentlemen hello there folks don't like my good friend you are very intimidating in spooky I must say basically I'm going to be stripping away the game's abilities to protect NPCs by marking them as important so we're going to make all MPC's non-essential meaning all can be killed by just a strong gust of wind or a accidental skeleton invasion fantastic we've finally made our way here we get to create our fantastic custom character and become the hero of Skyrim well actually not the hero goodness look at how big and chunky Ulfric is he's like a giraffe human oh no loki is not gonna run away loki no lochia the archers oh no he can't hear he's got airports in locate no Loki oh that's why you never wear your fantastic Gucci airports to the execution never good idea who are you right Who am I good question we need to become effectively the destroyer of worlds and consequently we're going to need one very intimidating lovely gremlin to be Oh of course it all makes sense now we can be a lizard a lizard just trying to be a human you know oh I love the fantastic lovely lizard people they're great but of course all is a person isn't actually a lizard person or at least for the outside world he's not you see our lizard person is simply going to just be a regular human being that's right ladies and gentlemen you see a lizard person he wants to run to become the first democratically elected leader of Skyrim now of course no one's going to let a lizard person actually become their leader so that's why you need to make sure to wear a human skin over your lizard person and then you can be elected you see that's how democracy just works ladies and gentlemen you stand no chance of winning unless you're 100% just a lizard person pretending to be a human being it works every time and trust me I would know so what should we name our fantastic lizard person in disguise well of course his name has to be mr. steve human for he is 100% as human so yes we have become a fantastic lizard person oh dear general Tullius f/w having a bit of an issue with the hide boundaries right it looks like it's our time to die excluding the fact that actually we're going to be saved in the most deus ex machina way possible oh yes thank you for saving me dragon lovely stuff I am alive I have survived and it's time to get out of here look at these silly elves they're using fire magic to take down a dragon please come on everyone knows that's just not going to work that's like dropping matchsticks into a volcano and hoping that it's gonna freeze silly foul more now naturally you're going to be wandering to outside of the rebellion or do i side with the empire now those of you who know me should probably know which one our vote so what do you think spiff will do today vote a for Evelyn or B for the glorious Empire we'll have to find out later now whilst I have temporarily decided to join had vowed on't worry my decision on whether to join the Empire rebellion has not yet been decided anyway ladies and gentlemen time to pop on some clothes and you'll be noticing a very unique item inside of my inventory it's the m4 assault rifle it's a very handy little weapon which is perfect for your adventuring around Skyrim it fully automatic and dishes out a plentiful amount of damage against people who are literally wearing leather armor so yes it's time for mr. Steve human lizard to go on an adventure and see just how much of the electorate population of Skyrim is willing to vote for him ah yes Stormcloaks hello there Stormcloaks well and oh yes mr. Steve human fantastic first two shots now remember every single named character of Skyrim must be killed including hat var I'm sorry but there can be no survivors oh dear look at these stone cloaks doing some things sorry Stormcloaks ah yes Laura Santee Stormcloak shootings Oh No the Stormcloaks are attacking the torturers oh dear the torturer just died in a tragic freak accident oh dear all of them are yes no survivors ladies and gentlemen's none whatsoever there's something very strange about watching a lizard just jump his way across the landscape with one hand on an m4 assault rifle but you know what this is Skyrim let's defeat these archers that's one down okay full auto time there we go Skyrim has been saved fantastic more and more of these puny Stormcloaks are getting defeated that'll teach you for trying to rebel against a glorious Empire just because they wanted to do a bit of Imperial taxation that's hardly reason to rebell oh yes spider killing time perfect this is exactly what guns were designed for Oh perfect a clean sweep five bullets five dead spiders ladies and gentlemen were finally out and free in the world of Skyrim now our lovely friend hadvar has actually run off in time before we could decide how to actually deal with him I've also just now said it said that all NPC's in scarm are 100% killable that's right ladies and gentlemen there is absolutely nothing saving them from me what if is this who you a hunter oh I see you're shooting of folks over there let me help you yes I appreciate your bow and arrow but it's just I mean one of them probably here anyway a hunter that technically counts as an NPC excuse me hunter hello would you vote for me would you like to vote for me hunter so you're poaching you're a criminal well there's enough for all of us if you're greedy but hang on a second don't you know have a politician there's not enough Freddy whatever than me well there we go politics at its finest that's one NPC down several thousand more to go fantastic ladies and gentlemen we've made our way down to the first body of people Riverwood now this is where we're actually going to be choosing a couple of options you see ladies and gentlemen there are many ways we can dispatch the very generously sized population of Skyrim you see we could use our m4 carbine alternatively ladies and gentlemen we can also use an ar-15 an ak-47 a coach hand shotgun a rocket launcher or TNT so do you think I'm going to use a the ar-15 be the ak-47 see the shotgun T the rocket launcher or a the TNT hopped down into the comment section and vote as to what you think spiffs going to use that's right start your voting process now for your vote really matters now ladies and gentlemen if you successfully voted for the chicken launcher congratulations you've won and knew exactly what spiff was going to be using we're going to be using the camicazi chicken launcher to destroy the people of Riverwood who knows how all of this is going to work oh my goodness it works exactly as I hoped it would it just shoots chickens sorry friend al oh my goodness it works perfectly this is flawless sorry head well oh and elbow and hard goodbye hard and it's not a small child goat you can go to Skyrim I'm sorry doggy oh my god chicken warfare it's fantastic isn't it go chicken go I love you scary Oh Todd Howard what a masterpiece of a game you created there's an actual chicken there as well which I'm afraid has just been defeated but yes we need to actually polish up the population of Riverwood we've got to finish a couple of people off hello redwood trader BAM BAM goodbye everyone there we go that's the river wood traders dealt with I'm not too sure how we're actually meant to progress the storyline at this point anyway let's go into Alvin Sigrid's house I mean now that al4 is dead secret alive Oh yep along with their daughter goodbye and there's your daughter goodbye daughter okay there we go Oh last witness Bounty removed yay there goes our bounty of 1000 that's a good start ladies and gentlemen a very healthy bounty to have Wow it's actually only the tavern left otherwise we've killed everyone in Riverwood this is a fantastic start tourists hello sleeping giant in I've got a surprise for some of your patrons Oh God I haven't actually killed anyone yet why you are oh so upset and angry Delphine now you see Delphine is actually critical NPC because she's actually necessary for progressing along with the main storyline later on sadly however she's not going to make it later on into the storyline and just like that the people of River wood are no more peaceful tranquility has been brought to skyrim as humanity is being purged from it anyway onwards ladies and gentlemen we've got white friend to go visit a white run has even more people to have defeated by the fantastic camicazi chicken launcher now the thing is you might be thinking what can you use a chicken for genuinely you can use a chicken for anything hunting attacking your enemies you see that hair over there chicken ten out of ten always works it's fantastic almost all of life's problems can just be solved by one very simple chicken and now look with a friend for life hello Harry say hello to the lovely ladies and gentlemen of home do little dance for them my name is Harry and I like spiff you should like the video that will make Harry happy it will also stop Speer from putting chickens into Harry's corpse Oh Harry what a great idea yes only you can save him his suffering is on your hands ladies and gentlemen anyway Whiterun awaits as we have many new adventures to start oh hello there wolves were meant to ambush me while I shall ambush you with chickens oh my what's this an Imperial escort to get a prisoner ok right well I'm sorry Imperial we're still yet to find a counter to chicken oh and hello there Imperial archon allows the Stormcloak sorry stone took prisoner yes it would appear the Imperials absolutely hate me now next up ladies and gentlemen we have a fight of a giant over here now where once again going to be using hopefully a different weapon for this attack on Whiterun so vote once more as Biff will not be using the chicken launcher for this fight will it be using the ak-47 perhaps the ar-15 who knows let's find out now oh no I've committed crimes against Kyra and her people what shall I say I'd rather die than go to prison sorry friend I've a chicken gun rest of bees Swiper guard rest in peace now ladies and gentlemen how am I going to take white run and deal with all of the NPC's well there are a couple of ways we could have done it and of course ladies and gentlemen you will eventually made your own predictions you might have said of course we're gonna use the ak-47 however it's actually those elite few of you who knew correctly that spiff would not be using a gun and would instead be using a portable catapult yes let us drop that from our inventory and use the portable catapult but it's not just any portable catapult it's a portable cow catapult all right move right trust me the cow catapult works perfectly it's a very balanced piece of weaponry I do believe my accuracy is almost perfect when it comes to hitting those people over there who just slayed a giant we're certainly facing the correct direction now it just depends if we overshoot the cow but you know what we may fire when ready launch the cow okay yeah I think that cows a little bit too far out at the moment all right some of the cow back now in order to get the cow accurate I am instead just launching it straight into the ground hopefully and I'm believing that yes this is most definitely shrinking the distance it's going so this is a great start right let us fire our cow now and fire oh my go okay that actually worked perfectly my goodness ladies and gentlemen fire again cattle go oh yes fire Oh cow perfectly every single time let us kill these NPCs anyway right and that's the companions dealt with thanks to one giant cow catapult I'm certainly not the easiest to aim but you know once you get it set up it really does just work right into white Rodrigo oh wait am I getting shot up by what is that a skyrim guard oh it's a white run guard all right I will be using the legendary ak-47 right right yes jewel wield those ak-47s oh yes the epic fight music's started oh that works perfectly he'll you there's a nip in the air you're right there is a nip in the air but you know that nip is it's the power of this m4 carbine serve you sorry sir be oh right and there we go horse man's dead oh there horse owner and spare horsey and you fantastic white run will be ours oh hello there keshite traders now of course naturally I'm afraid the Khajiit we can't let these guys live either because they're all named NPCs so I'm goodbye and they would go the caseta down by bikers ute now one fun thing which I always love to do in this game was to actually duplicate items now there are of course many ways to duplicate items by exiting and entering into different incident zones one of my more favorite ways however is the classic just grab your steel armor hold it up into the sky and then just spam the Kwik Save button and eat at the same time and by doing that you're able to kind of like black out the game and it causes your steel armor to basically duplicate so you saw how we had one steel armor before and now we have two it really is as easy as that ladies and gentlemen there we go we drop our wand steel armor we drop our second steel armor grab our steel armor from the ground here now it's not a perfect science but it is a pretty damn entertaining one and now as you can see we have free steel armors all of which sell for 275 so basically we've turned a profit now this process can be repeated unlimited amount of times and is best done with a weapon like Dragons Bane which is a unique item very good for killing dragons oh hello Alfred battleborn oh oh yes I forget I'm not wearing any clothes right oh good bye she's gone oh and that was a sneak attack of course which probably wear some clothes yes dressed like a common peasant person that way no one will suspect us watch the way we've got some fine cloves here this is perfect oh yes look at these beautiful fine clothes were not wearing we are majestic oh and there's a white ring guard who is a medium don't start killing us but don't worry that's a good kill that's one white one guard down just about five more to go I'm afraid I'm going to try and sneak my way inside of white there we go there's the guards right fire sorry guards but you're too dangerous to be kept left alive it stopped me from murdering all the named NPCs all right what do you want to do naturally grab that white run gate key so you can actually get let into the city and we'll BAM we're in Whiterun lovely surf Ella Whiterun guards ah there we go right those are the guards dead oh you guys are screaming for help but you're not actually helping at all that Whiterun guard needs to die you to battle bones and so but actually all the people who Whiterun need to kind of die through you you're a very long way away I don't even think I can accurately hit that let's of course head inside the war maiden shop where you're willing to actually sell me things despite the fact that I just killed your wife and producer all now of course we're going to be selling our items because of course we have all this steel armor which we're never going to actually use so let's sell that steel armor and fantastic the trade has been done oh and sorry goodbye I can't let people live you know what it's like right Oh more guards have spawned they must go down immediately and into the Guard barracks we go hello there wire guard oh and you to Whiterun guard lovely stuff right well that's the Guard barracks don't weave and there's that dude who just chops wood all day a book he's gone and there's the old lady by old lady oh and of course all the merchants it's Nazim goodbye Nazim I like how the NPCs literally just do nothing right and goodbye last merchants sorry merchants last witness killed 4000 bounty removed oh goodness oh there immediately an extra thousand bounties added right let's kill the general goods store owner hello there general goods store owner bye bye now we're going to go into the lovely herbalist shop goodbye oh and a guard I thought I heard a sword and chief from behind me right into the Banat man okay now immediately of God the unbroken is going to try and fight us not sure why what did I do to wrong you okay well you need to die immediately sorry off guard I mean you guys all saw she did attack me first what happened well I mean I pulled a gun on her anyway um you also need to die holder sorry help someone's being attacked I wonder who why had none of you guys actually fighting back someone do something you have a massive ax on your back it's the curative program it's terrible you're right I'm allowed to just walk in here with a gun I'd the Bison me and goodbye YouTube Sid may he was the only one who actually knew what was happening he could have been my political right-hand man had I just not questa doubt to actually murder everyone oh hello commander well that's the commander of the white working guard defeated and successfully that means everyone in the lower district of Whiterun should now be dead Oh excluding you you're now dead right now it's go kill all of the people in the slightly higher level colluding the children I'm sorry even the young blinks have to go Bam and the fam I let you just walk around and people go someone has to do something yet no one is doing anything you have to go and preach you boy has to go and other man has to go fantastic stuff right let's go over up to the Companions house I do believe this is the Companions oh well all these people are fighting right let's see if I can help out Oh yep I can indeed help out you just say guess that he deserved it good god that's pretty morbid wow you are really quite a strange lady are you completely fine with the fact that just killed all of your friends I'm just rotten okay so you why is my bullet there fantastic all right there we go all of the companions have now been defeated and it's onwards back out into Whiterun I didn't even go to the pub over there to clear it out at least I do actually have a few more places to venture oh there's a child brave come back here you do there boy sorry boy the friend was much faster where she ran off to being told that they're outside the walls right that's not exactly very helpful Oh considering I forgot to visit the pub I'll go do that now right drunken Huntsman surely you have friends in here who don't just want to immediately murder me okay with a bar owner does you're staying out of this that's a very good choice janessa how would you like to join me oh I'm short on coin okay right that's fine let me just take some coin here oh battleborn goodbye battleborn hello there janessa I now have enough money please join me fantastic my janessa I have some fantastic things to give you two weapons in fact the ak-47 left and the ak-47 right I'd like you to use them both and to make sure of that I'm going to be taking away your other weapons why have you just pulled out a bow jeunesse I've literally given you a gun you don't need a bow janessa oh hello there or career cool I've been given something a letter from brave great what does the letter from brave say mr. Steve human I know you killed him don't worry I won't tell anyone in fact I wanted him to die Wow brave that's really dark oh there's brave getaway come on you told me you enjoyed the person that I murdered we're naturally going into the house of Clan battleborn as hopefully is there anyone here genuinely no one here from battleborn we already killed them all oh no Jeunesse is doing it she's got to aks out fantastic janessa are we really are preparing you for combat I do need to remember that even if a single bullet of mine would hit janessa she will instantly die on the sports open you need to make sure not to accidentally do that let's enter the temple there's always people in here yep here we go wounded soldiers goodbye healers yep sorry healers don't just say I feel better already come on there's a bullet in you I'll thank you janessa for not actually even helping right it's time we go up to the Great Hall of Whiterun and go say hi to the yar and by that I mean completely remove them from existence oh my god janessa I saw the car toothpick and then just the sound of a mini gutted load on to him rest in peace Guardi boy oh my goodness right dragons reach discovered let's say hi janessa you know what to do I might not even have to actually do anything janessa open fire yes janessa right I'll deal with the staff and the civilians immediately all of those people over there are trying to attack us oh it's Faragher he's attacking as well why are you talking you're dead prevent us you're dead why are you talking hello preventers are you okay are you okay my friend you served the yacht the yawl is dead I'm afraid oh well goodbye prevent us well there we go dragons reaches ours now that actually wasn't too tricky at all oh hello there white ring guard let me push you guys away whilst janessa deals review well done janessa oh my goodness there's another one good job janessa oh hello who all of you prefer not supposed to be here okay sorry tiny child ah there we go Chuck janessa you can die too the guards who could be really careful oh my goodness even more guards are coming thank you janessa for backing me up honestly this is actually gone really well for both of us I think we've done a fantastic amount of damage and stolen a ridiculous amount of things high-five janessa high-five indeed I mean technically we have committed war crimes which will go down in history of scarring forever but you know it's the friends you make along the way which count I hope there's a couple of goats right janessa you know what to do janessa Thank You janessa flawless as always oh wait there's a guy over here who's this who wanna are you the quarry you got something for me you've got enough sorry then yes that's right as all NPCs are killable so is the dude who delivers lettuce for you ah perfect and just like that white run has been conquered and consequently most of scarm is actually getting ready for an invasion thanks to the legendary mr. Steve human of course if you have enjoyed up to this wacky part of the video make sure to consider giving the video a like why should you do such a thing well it makes my day and also thanks to the crazy system of youtube would currently have and also gives this video the chance to be shown a very good video game like fortnight so do your part we can defeat fortnight together I know it's fantastic of course if you want to help mr. Steve human out in the future why not join his cause that's right ladies and gentlemen by simply hitting the subscribe button you can help one lovely lizard on his fantastic adventure to try and become president of the entire known universe what is he going to do when he's president absolutely nothing but it's gonna be great in the journeys going to be exciting that's exactly why you should vote for mr. Steve human in your upcoming election is it the election of Bolivia then of course Steve humans gonna be running there the election of the next dictatorial governor of Mars well of course Steve is also a candidate he's a candidate everywhere I mean just look inside of his mouth that shows some of the greatest candidacy ever mmm-hmm now goodness it is terrifying CS vote fro friend Steve human today remember a vote for Steve is a vote for a human of 100% human candidate doing human things for human people warning Steve is 100% not a lizard any insinuation that Steve humanism is it will result in you and your family members being sent into the political realignment clinics remember vote Steve now logically a great way to convince people to actually vote for you is to simply show them something fun cool and flashy which they can really get behind like showing just how powerful you are and so I think logically the best way to do that is not to just shoot moose from a distance it might instead be a fantastic oh my goodness I was restrain in the bump but now instead we're going to be shown what happens when Steve human and his fantastic m4 fully assault rifle faces off against a dragon so spawned one ancient dragon for Steve to fight off against go Steve go just one of these bullets needs to land oh my goodness I mean we killed the dragon it was a pistol so take it out along the way there this is the issue Steve is 100% Maori on Oh Kives what's really keeps physically couldn't die because he had so many fortify health items Steve here is a flimsy potato being wearing no Armour and just lightly padded clothing so whilst he does have a one-hit weapon he himself is just one hittable by just a strong gust of wind let's try this again kill the elder dragon great it's dead you did it Steve you did it you killed a great big bad gremlin monster fing Steve you're very powerful aren't you right I had a hundred golden it very nice goodbye ancient elder dragon now how would Steve do against the ebony warrior now we did discover Rhian O'Keefe's could basically solo nineteen evany warriors and not die I honestly think Steve might struggle with one now two sniper giant come on giant there we go that's a perfect shot oh and the dragon is done for right one more mammoth splendid the giant camp has been defeated right now to see how we do against the ebony warrior let's do this ladies and gentlemen he's here he's angry thank you janessa for shooting him janessa he needs more janessa you can defeat the ebony warrior I don't even need to fight him that's fantastic why this dude drops a lot of stuff have any sort of the vampire evany shield a bunch of actual armor which would protect us okay what if I see if the legendary chicken launcher is actually gonna be able to stop the ebony warrior let's do this I don't want free ebony warriors go oh my goodness he just straight-up stabbed me and he's dead instantly janessa I don't know what you can do here oh my god Steve here when you are such a twig a pathetic human shell twig but a lovable one at that nonetheless ladies and gentlemen if you want to see more Adventures of Steve human on his fantastic campaign to kill all of the NPCs of Skyrim then feel free to give me a shout and tell me what you'd like to see Steve human do next and hey if you have any recommendations of weapons you'd like to see inside of Skyrim and you want to see Steve human use it doesn't just have to be guns then make sure to give us a shout in the comment section all mod recommendations will be approved and accepted once again if you've enjoyed this video feel free to give to like and why not consider subscribing or hissing a bell button so that Steve can continuously pound you at free to tell you about his fantastic updates on his campaign trail and just how many we farm boys he's murdered remember a vote for Steve is a vote for the future of humanity anywhere as always I've been the spin from Brit laddies and gentlemen I hope you have indeed enjoyed watching today's video it's been an absolute blast recording as always a massive thank you to each and every one of my majestic patrons you make these fantastic videos or the more possible they're absolutely wonderful and each of them deserve a massive pat on the back and now if you're wondering what video you could like to watch next then look no further than this one on screen now it's been hand chosen by myself to be absolutely perfect for you if you've enjoyed our mad rampages round Skyrim you're probably going to like this too anyway ladies and gentlemen I've been the smithing Brit nice each and every one of you in the next one goodbye for now and have an absolutely lovely day
Channel: The Spiffing Brit
Views: 2,316,294
Rating: 4.8865328 out of 5
Keywords: The, Spiffing, Brit, funny, montage, skyrim, break the game, can you beat, can you beat skyrim, everything is broken, fallout 4, funny moments, game exploit, game funny, game glitches, perfectly balanced game with no exploits, rt game, skyrim challenge, skyrim funny, skyrim funny moments, skyrim gun, skyrim minigun, skyrim mod, skyrim modern weapons, spiffing, spiffing brit, the spiffing brit, skyrim with guns, skyrim but I use guns, Can You beat skyrim with no NPCS
Id: 9odtVgwkxNg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 59sec (1619 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 19 2019
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