I Destroyed The Solar System With the BIGGEST EVER TEAPOT! Universe Sandbox 2 IS BROKEN!

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this is science ladies and gentlemen right goodbye son okay and now it's just tea pot perfect hello there ladies and gentlemen I am the spiffing britain today we're playing the universe sandbox - that's right we find ourselves on earth were actually on earth outside of Earth but we're able to observe the single greatest nation of all time is it not majestic it's fantastic isn't it I'm of course talking about supreme 100% fully conquered british empire version free trust me it's going to be available it'll come out when star citizen comes out which is you know we don't ask questions about star citizen anymore they've taken the money we don't need to worry about what they do with the money just let them be oh gosh but yes the universe sandbox is a fantastic game which allows you to do absolutely anything and everything to just about anything in the universe as you can see we can scroll right the way out and we've the Sun his Jupiter his Saturn scroll out even more and you've got Uranus my oh my Uranus is rather large indeed and of course you've got things like the Sun I mean just look at it it's a powerful meaty ball of fire and death it's exceedingly powerful and of course we don't want to touch it have my favourite body in space is of course earth itself it's majestic it's fantastic why is it so important well it's wet tears from and today ladies and gentlemen I just remembered something actually sorry before we dive into the video I've got something that I very much need to attend to for those of you who don't know the Boston Harbor was one of the first ever recorded war crimes against the British it is when a bunch of Americans decided they'd like to sink a load of tea into the harbor and you know for many years and generations that tea has been at the bottom of a harbor doing absolutely nothing but thanks to a brand new custom supreme mega laser we're going to be heating up the Boston Harbor and boiling the tea once and for all so that the crabs can enjoy it ah yes perfect nice and heated oh dear it would appear we've also accidentally set fire to Boston but you know that's perfectly fine you know the earth is a majestic thing indeed but sadly we've accidentally set fire to America oh dear oh dear no can we just keep like heating up America what happens actually happens if we just heat up the oceans apparently my laser is naturally that powerful when it comes to melting the ocean I thought it'd be really powerful so instead let's go for the Galactic Empire super laser because that thing sounds pretty fun let's shoot that okay oh okay oh and the earth is gone it's as easy as that ladies just like that the entirety of humanity has been defeated oh dear oh dear oh dear that's not good really we're gonna need to add something in Earth's place something nice and habitable because I mean humans need to live somewhere and at the moment there's no human so we've got to recreate them a bit luckily I have a handy little guide here to see where roughly habitable things are and you know a smart scientist man would say hey we could just make Mars kind of like actually habitable for human beings I say no instead of going to be adding a much more habitable object I am of course talking about the teapot so yes let us quickly try and apply a teapot to the rough orbit which earth was on perfect we have our teapot in it's only 500 grams and technically it's at minus 270 degrees C but it will one day be habitable for Humanity which gotta zoom a really long way in and perfect its the supreme space teapot and now one issue is it's not exactly very habitable as it's only 500 grams so immediately we're gonna make it slightly bigger so we've now made a pretty big teapot indeed fantastic so this teapot is now a teapot which is theoretically free times the size of the moon itself how can we demonstrate that well we can put a moon orbiting around our teapot like so perfect we've created literally art so now we have a orbiting moon and a massive teapot you know it's better than one moon a bunch of meteorites as well that's right we're making friends for our fantastic floating earth you've got to have the people being entertained by you something in life and it has to be a massive floating teapot I mean technically speaking we can also like just lob a basketball up into space there we go a floating Tesla why not no one's done that before the entire Great Pyramids of Giza sure lob them into space actually how big is the Great Pyramids of Giza in terms of space size oh my god it's tiny it's absolutely tiny what if I created it oh god it's art yeah everything I touch turns to art perfect I'm noticing a couple of them ah just slamming into each other but you know we should probably add you know just a size comparison so that we can see we should probably actually add an F it now the issue is the earth isn't exactly going to orbit around the teapot because at the moment they are roughly the same size but it would be useful to have a earth on like a size comparison chart with our massive teapot now I'm just saying York City if you ever want to do a sponsored video this is exactly what I'm going to be creating for you we're gonna get a massive teapot floated up into space and then we'll just set it next to the earth and maybe we can brand the teapot we can like put images on it it's gonna be great well as you might be guessing as soon as I unpause this simulation something terrible is going to happen you see we have all of these lovely little meteorites flying around but as they're so tiny they're not exactly affecting gravity in any major way placing an earth next to a massive giant teapot it's got the mass of 3.7 moons which is comparable to the mass of just one earth as a result if I unpause something is likely to happen so let's see what would happen if I put my massive teapot next to okay right immediately the earth is actually freezing over I do believe or is it just pulling itself apart I'm not sure oh here we go they're pulling each other together oh dear oh dear and there we go so Africa is gone as the teapot starts merging in the equator is ripping itself apart the teapot is coming up there and the teapot has swallowed the earth what I'm quite confused here the teapot should not actually be able to do that can I slam down another earth right earth number two do something good yes you're slowly getting drawn towards the lovely teapot it's beautiful I know all of my meteorites have just slammed themselves into the moon all right come on earth yes you can't resist it the refreshing taste of York's tea oh you've attracted the teapot here comes the teapot all the water's melts immediately and then the teapot absorbs it actually that makes sense the teapots floating around there and it's just drawn to any object with water which you can then immediately boil and turn into that through it the refreshing taste of Yorkshire tea gold the greatest tea in the entire universe that's right we're plugging it we're plug plug plug plug plug bar plug it's great you might be sat there thinking spiff look come on why do you keep pushing yorkshire tea I mean ladies and gentlemen it is the single latest beverage ever created it's so majestic I mean look at all of our earths they're just permanently attracted towards our glories majestic teapot actually no they're just shredding each other to pieces oh god I've accidentally destroyed the earth have a knife it's not looking too habitable at the moment if I'm honest Europe in the UK is just kind of become a great big ball of flaming gas at 7,000 degrees oh dear but hey least my teapot is doing all good you know theoretically we can actually add in a entire galaxy next to our teapot we'd have to get very close so let's zoom right the way into our solar system and let's try and place down a galaxy next to the teapot okay now immediately I do believe this has caused a couple of issues including I've lost the solar system it's the solar system is God it's God sorry ladies Jared oh dear oh dear oh dear well this is a shame I've created a couple of galaxies though and they're all really close to each other which is pretty cool however it would appear that um I've created a bit of a mess so I'm gonna just place down a black hole and hopefully my black hole here is going to just simply absorb everything so let me just increase the size of the black hole there we go make it slightly low and it's taken everything fantastic great now I have a nice clean workspace now earth is a very impressive cup of tea isn't it I mean it's got humans it's got people and they went and they made some fantastic stuff I mean look at everything we've created over the course of our lifetime we've created tea we've created biscuits to go into tea it's fantastic and one thing we could also have created technically down the line is what about a laser of some kind now I mean there are various different lasers which we can mess about with in this game as interstellar propulsion lasers which are pretty fun it don't particular state massive floating earth but I'm pretty sure if we were to add say a floating object into space we could give it a bit of a push so I'm gonna drop down the Great Pyramids of Giza orbiting Earth and let's see if we can heat this off into space using a laser trust me the science perfectly checks out okay note the Great Pyramids of Giza are not interested in flying off into space I guess I'm just gonna have to increase the power of BAM it's now 10 gigawatts nope interstellar propulsion laser we're just gonna make it have a wider surface target how's that come on this has got the radius of several light-years if I hit the earth it turns into a great big ball of fire and yet if I hit the pyramids of giza it does nothing these pyramids well the earth is a it's turned into a bit of a crispy sausage at the moment though this is genuinely what happens when you put a pizza in the oven and you leave it for one minute unaccompanied it just immediately turns into this and have I created the Sun no I've created a great big ball of flaming fire at 10,000 degrees C and now it has just poured itself apart and has just become gas and there we go the F is gone and the period is free to continue its new journey what a nerve where is the pyramid going the pyramid has an orbit now fantastic ok the pyramid has replaced earth in terms of its importance now this F here is relatively normally Scott you know 13 degrees C but you know what would be better than just one earth it would be of Earth with a bunch of disks flying around it now these disks are literally comprised of asteroids which wave 500 grams so literally it's just the earth surrounded by a bunch of floating teapots speaking of which I think all we have to protect the earth somehow oh yeah look at all those teapots circling around having a lovely time protecting the earth from any asteroids which may or may not come of its direction so we've added one set of rings let's add a second set of rings these are some pretty wacky rings it's a securing the Springs okay Uranus has some pretty weak rings if I'm honest these aren't actually very exciting spiral flats is a good fun right let's add a bunch of these okay my games starting to chunk a bit but you know it's looking good a lot more rings a lot more teapots it's had some Saturn rings okay oh yeah now this is looking like a good scientifically working earth let's add a moon sphere okay no the moon sphere just immediately exploded and it's flinging rocks into earth it's at a moon swarm maybe a couple more moon swarms not shorter moon's form is a cube 3d passing is one of the Rings just escaping where are you going come back you have the job over here oh great that's just floating off into the universe I've accidentally made one of the pieces of asteroid about five times the size of the earth and I'm not too sure what's happening but it's accidentally causing a massive ball of fire to emerge on one side of the earth don't worry guys luckily it's not the side with the UK on it would just appear that China has accidentally exploded into fire and Australia is gone as well as that country which everyone misses off the maps rest in peace Australia I'm not too sure scientifically how this is happening but honestly it's fine it works perfectly average surface temperature 352 degrees oh dear the waters melting Oh doh this channel is melted actually they have a land border with frauds okay quick get get some water back on the planet freeze it just freeze it down a bit okay maybe that wasn't quite the effect that I was looking for okay let's get some temperature back here okay temperature is just not particularly worked okay I'm going to need to use the defrosting laser the most powerful continuous laser let me heat up the alphabet just a smidge okay average surface temperature 159 melt you ice come on yes yes we're defrosting the earth okay we've defrosted it we've defrosted it a smidge too much it's a smidge too much right can we chill the earth what is a pretty passive oh I mean this game was actually created by scientists if you can believe it ladies and gentleman actual genuine scientists sat down in a lab and created this game was this massive asteroid doing go away massive asteroid right BAM gonna use the Galactic Empire super laser die die die die die die die die die die how does it not killed you come what this is a galactic super laser it is a one hit to anything and this bloody rock is able to dodge it right look I'll ping the earth oh he's gone look at that immediately it's just I don't know what it's doing it shriveled up and exploded okay and now all the teapots are escaping we can hit that earth over there BAM well I mean I'm not actually eating out get close but not quite we can hit the Sun down a bit what she does happen if we hit the Sun hello there son Bam Bam Bam Bam okay now am I not actually able to heat the Sun up any more than the Sun already is come on son you're a great big ball of fire where can I hit you with more fire laser does nothing maybe I need more power no this is still not actually destroying the Sun wow this is wild okay nope the Sun is is just permanently fine that's actually terrifying how can we destroy the Sun is there a way to destroy the Sun and save humanity and come on let's say the Sun was it was too big it was too powerful it's got to go match again maybe we can solve global warming once and for all to solve global warming just make it cold make it super cold that's exactly what we're gonna do let's get close to the Sun okay and we're gonna want to put down a teapot now immediately said teapot is not in the best place because it is very close to the Sun but I'm gonna I'm gonna have to guess and say we can destroy the Sun by using this teapot by just rapidly increasing its size to the point where it now absorbs the Sun this is this is science ladies and gentlemen right goodbye son okay and now it's just tea pot perfect immediately everyone's doing great I don't know why mercury hasn't immediately frozen have we got a single earth floating off here I've got an F over here this earth over here it's fine you know it's actually not completely frozen over it's perfect temperature I've created the perfect ecosystem ladies and gentlemen the mega teapot is all you need I don't know where the light in the universe is coming from but somewhere around here yeah that's fine we don't need the Sun it's not worth it I speed up time we can see what happens in a universe without any Sun as you can see the various earths are currently escaping the universe along with a very large collection of teapots oh my god they've really gone quite far yep so this is taking several years now ladies and gentlemen we're now in the year 2000 899 and everything appears to be running away from the galaxy the mega teapot appears to also be running away itself and I'm not actually sure where it's going it's just going straight down from the looks of things you know some might say life on Earth at the moment is pretty hard considering they have an average surface temperature of minus 273 you know everyone has a hard life yeah my ring was pretty hard as well you know my dad was deep into the British criminal underworld but at first I didn't think he would steal Road signals but then when I got home one day all the signs were there this is a pretty fun simulation we have a size comparison for everything in our solar system right on one end here with Mercury and all the way out here with Neptune oh and of course pollute oh that thing which is actually no longer a planet rest in peace pollute oh you have about as much relevancy is Skegness I'm sorry Pluto and I've also not sorry Skegness so I'm very much not sorry for Skegness ouch intricity what happens if we just don't pause this oh cool it's gonna be fine nice so immediately I'm thinking what happens if I just shoot a laser straight for everything here because wouldn't I just be fun right you're all lined up in a perfect way so let me just splurge my way through mercury a bit oh my god you can really turn Jupiter into a bit of a light bulb if you hit it oh yeah I've just made a Christmas tree effectively this is great now this is actually a rather funny simulation this is kind of a simulation of what happens if earth is tightly locked due to the fact that it doesn't have the moon floating about and of course we can immediately save this earth by just adding in a couple of moons of our own so yes let me add in a moon how far away is the moon a like ten thousand kilometres in a bit short twenty thousand kilometres that'll do nicely just to be on the safe side I'll add one at thirty thousand as well and forty thousand perfect now get untidily locked oh dear oh dear they are spinning around very quickly right there we go moons so the moons are doing their job kind of we're down a moon and one of them has immediately become a bit larger but in terms of tightly locking we are toasting parts of the planet by just having one of the moons peel away and lob asteroids into the earth but where are they going to land well that's the real question of course they're all going to land on the equator rest in peace makes occur by friend oh yeah they really are just literally eating only America that's not very nice I mean I see how it is I'm not afraid to launch stuff at our planet right them random asteroid go go how many random asteroids can the earth take take a bunch oh yeah there we go look we're just defrosting America with asteroids it works scientifically proven for glorious success oh yeah we've saved the planet look we've defrosted everything fantastic absolutely fantastic humanity should be smiling and be cheering on the legendary spiff savior of the earth all it took was about a hundred asteroids pelted into america I'm not sorry America I'm really not this'll teach you right for believing freedom can win freedom never wins now what about a nice large moon that's a little bit of a bigger explosion if I'm honest yeah turns out the earth is not happy with a big move what about IO which is plunk IO in there okay yep okay oh it's not looking so hot right now as you know it is looking so hot it is looking exceedingly hot just how hot 4,000 degrees hot and yet the earth still technically lives on it's not exactly habitable considering effectively all surface water should have evaporated by now but it's there no it's there why am i interested in just trying to defeat the Sun in a way which doesn't involve massive teapots so what about just flinging planets into it okay well flinging a couple of moons into it doesn't actually seem to do much are we no hitting it with a laser does effectively nothing I'm going to turn down this luminosity because it's a bit bright for me you know sure it is for you guys at home as well there has also technically shrunk it sighs okay right let's just increase its luminosity a bit oh dear okay it's gone now can I can I hit undo the sun's gone oh dear we'll be right back course we try and restore the Sun a few moments later now this right here ladies and gentlemen is the Milky Way galaxy we are currently running a simulation at about 27,000 years per second and as you can see the Milky Way it changes a lot it's an absolutely huge thing if you can even measure such a size that's its mass it is absolutely ridiculous it's got several hundred billion stars inside of it which is a ridiculous number however ladies and gentlemen what if I was just to place down a bit of a teapot that's right I'm going to slap bang down a teapot just over here now this isn't just going to be any teapot this is going to be the 100 stairs now that we've got our teapot down we need to kind of give it a bit of a presence in our universe and we come on you don't want to be out shadowed by a galaxy so of course we're going to increase its size now said teapot is the size of 139 milky ways oh dear oh dear oh dear what have I done okay so milky way's big 100 set teapot what are you doing 100 set teapot are you too big for this universe Raven is the universe what have you done with it oh I see you're just absorbing the entire Milky Way at the moment so the moment we've now created a teapot which is just absorbing the entirety of the Milky Way and that's the Milky Way gone ladies and gentlemen absorbed into just one very large teapot of 100 stat teapots it can grow to any size and it can absorb any object it's absolutely powerful and if you want the 100 sad teapot to visit you and hey why not give this video a like ah the first 4,000 people to do so will be visited by the hundreds at teapot and it won't absorb their soul everyone after that turned well it's too bad but I hope you enjoyed living now the hundreds at teapot is actually basically just a completely ludicrous sized object because nothing that we can even throw at it had she makes any sense weapons if we just like launches Sun at it no okay it's now gone pitch-black right well that's fine just lob a couple of Suns is it you can actually kind of see them move in they've got like little trails they create a nice little peppering effect when they land and the lights come back lovely okay okay suddens they don't do much of the confuse the game oh is that a fun strobe effect oh dear make sure to look away if you suffer from potentially epilepsy although honestly it's probably too late at this point I just don't understand why the tea pot is the most powerful item in this entire game why game why I mean I know why it's because it's majestic but still why oh and now this is going to be very nice to watch the earth colliding with the earth oh it's just so satisfying oh it is very satisfied to just throw things together glorious we've made art ladies and gentlemen glorious perfect art what a game this is what absolutely fantastic gave the six true sandbox genuinely he can't really get more Sandboxie than this I mean come on no other game is going to let you real time simulate second for second the moon colliding with the earth and not just anywhere on the earth Americas region that's right it's great of course it would happen there Hollywood wouldn't have any other way oh yes perfect now the moon is increasing in temperature quite quickly how's the earth doing if is also currently rocking around about 200 degrees centigrade meaning the ice caps of probably melting and as we can see yet the Indus channel has just evaporated for fun I mean this is actually basically the real-time experience of what would be happening most it doesn't look like it's actually going that far having to take into account that it would genuinely take only about ten seconds for the entirety of Florida to be absorbed into a great big ball of fire and let's speed it up a bit to about 30 seconds reach real time second and the moon is then immediately absorbed and a massive shockwave is sent right the way across the planet we are now 10 minutes in and this is probably a roundabout the points where yep Europe is going to start feeling some pretty meaty effects what effects that weren't just the surface temperature reaching 400 degrees and all of the water evaporating America is then likely to be of course shattered by ridiculous quantities of meteorites which have the ability to just destroy entire states in one go meanwhile everything's doing great in Europe you know things are things are looking good we're having a cheese-making competition or something like that yet things are doing great and that's it the earth now begins its fantastic evaporation and cooling process you know I think we can call this down a bit we can help out with a magic cold laser let's hit them with a magic cold laser there we go freeze up the okay and the Earth's of stress gone okay right let me be known that I personally fought that hitting the earth with a magically cooling laser with a minus 200 terawatt power whatever it is would be fine but now apparently science says no this one is rather exciting this one's just called earth exploding in real time so I'm quite interested by this so yes the earth does just explode lovely okay so we're now 11 seconds into the earth exploding and already it's kind of splitting into fragments real time wise the UK has just been absorbed but it's okay France is coming next so that's the good consolation prize which most of the British were looking for ah lovely glorious explosions anyway you know what I do believe that's been enough of exploding the earth in very strange ways if you have anything that you'd like to see shown off in the universal simulator - and by all means give me a shout and I'll make sure to do it but otherwise I've just had fun messing about and breaking the laws of physics turns out you don't need many exploits to destroy physics you just need to shoot the F of a cold laser or just lob and a couple of moons or a teapot at it anyway ladies and gentlemen I've been the spiffing Britain if you indeed have enjoyed watching today's video and by all means do give it a like as it does at the end of the deck massively improve this videos chances of being praised by our YouTube overlords and hey if you're new here why not consider subscribing and joining our very strange community it's basically a group of people who just sit and absorb tea in the same way that you would absorb the sunlight yes we do get for a lot of it and we'd absolutely love to have you with us as always a massive thank you to each and every one of my fantastic patrons who have managed to bankroll this fantastic video where we have just been exploding up it's thank you very much even lovely people and how if you're sat there and you quite enjoyed watching me then you might want to watch me again in this video right here hand chosen by myself to be absolutely perfect for you that's right anyway I've been the sniffing Britt I hope you've had an absolutely lovely time watching and I'll see each and every one of you in the next one bye for now have a fantastic day
Channel: The Spiffing Brit
Views: 542,653
Rating: 4.9300232 out of 5
Keywords: The, Spiffing, Brit, universe sandbox, universe sandbox 2, I destroyed the solar system, biggest ever teapot, I Destroyed The Solar System With the BIGGEST EVER TEAPOT, Universe Sandbox 2 IS BROKEN!, is broken, space sandbox, game, video game, biggest ever, biggest laser, universe sandbox 2 laser, spiffing brit, game break, rtgame, graystillplays, funny, simulation, montage
Id: dm0cOkRGZ2o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 21sec (1461 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 13 2019
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