Breaking School Rules (2 Hours Reddit Compilation)

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art teachers over at it what's you draw anything you want story not my story but seems to fit here when i was in school to certify to become a teacher we had a former principal as a professor for one of our courses who was trying to illustrate how difficult it can be to manage parent complaints and how to approach those situations with administration his example was how he had been called into a conference once with an angry mom and the elementary school art teacher the mom was furious because the teacher had asked the children to close their eyes and draw whatever came into their imagination his assumption was that a student had drawn something inappropriate nope the mom was mad because summoning an image in one's mind was witchcraft summoners images i've had some really funny ones but this one is not and reminds me whenever i think of it to consider kids circumstances i worked in a low-income high immigrant population school this girl was amazing outspoken kind great grasp of english she drew a picture of her brother and her i asked her who else was in the picture since there appeared to be part of a third person she calmly replied that's my brother's head he was killed in our village right before we went to the refugee camp i looked her up and down and say something sympathetic masking my horror yeah they came into my village grabbed all the boys and were going to take them away my brother and his friend tried to run so they cut off his head i was standing right there would you like me to draw you a picture i said no thank you i asked where her little brother also in art class was when this happened oh we dressed him up like a girl he makes a cute girl i should mention before the above exchange we were talking about one direction or something totally banal i was a k-12 esl teacher and worked in schools with high refugee populations it was heartbreaking to hear some of the stories of the traumas they experienced and like yours it would come out at the most innocuous times usually through drawing or writing it's not drawing but i gave my high school kids a poetry assignment they could write about anything that was school appropriate and have one curse word that wasn't a slur of the f-bomb it had to include so much figurative language act girl turns in me's my name is a bee a poem about how she's tired of writing poems and that she's annoyed with me for assigning so many includes all requirements i have her a 96 a few errors and the next poem she writes is mis my name is a cool bee about how she was sorry she was mean solid response sometimes the only way kids feel comfortable airing their grievances is through their creativity i just remembered a poor little guy who drew a self-portrait he drew with meticulous detail and when it came down to drawing his pants he drew the zipper so carefully but it looked like a penis i was flummoxed about how to tell him that people might see something there that he didn't intend i got in trouble once for drawing a pooping butt little did my teacher know but the drawing was actually a poorly drawn butterfly that ended up looking like a hairy pooping butt and when asked why i put the details i did like the legs and antenna and probability are coming off the segmented body i said i dunno don't they all look like that i saw one a recess and thought it was pretty and wanted to draw it thinking of the butterfly of course a nope i ended up having to see the school counselor never assume what kids are trying to draw always ask high school 1977 not a teacher while everyone else was drawing pink floyd rainbows and peace signs all over everything the biggest burnout in the class made a wide metal bracelet with intricate triangular designs cut out of it he turned it in and got a great grade for the first project he ever bothered finishing and some well deserved praise for his effort teacher handed our work back and first thing he did was grab a pair of pliers and bent all the triangles outward making it a thick metal spiked bracelet i found that devilishly disturbingly clever a lone punk rocker in a sea of hippies i have a design your own monster halloween lesson most kids draw cute ghosts or cool vampires one seventh grader drew a sad clown hanging by a belt from a ceiling fan he had issues student here my art teacher was somewhat crazy she let us draw anything we wanted to get 100 all you had to do was tell her it had a deep connection to the earth or some other nonsense i drew a jellyfish and told her it represented wisdom because it was immortal i like to imagine one day she will just see a documentary on jellyfish and learn that they can't really learn or have wisdom and just have this epiphany the kid was just making crap up one kid had to have a meeting with the principal her parents and the art teacher because the art teacher decided that because this second grade girl only drew people without hands the little girl felt powerless all these adults question this child about the meaning of her drawings she tells them hands are too hard to draw i wanna see this artich's psychotherapy degree parent here not an art teacher in kindergarten my son came home with a packet of finished assignments he got back from the teacher one was a paper having them draw a body part with the prompt here are my example given was feet what did my kid draw butt cheeks drawing of the back of a person with two giant well drawn i might add cheeks my husband and i laughed our own box cheeks off when we saw it we kept the paper for posteriority i laughed at the posteriority joke clever when i was in second grade our teacher told us to doodle on the back of a quiz if we finished early i decided to draw a house high in the sky with a long staircase leading to it to emphasize its height i drew clouds but it needed more i decided to add in an airplane later my teacher called me to her desk and i got in trouble because the plane looked like it was heading towards the house and this was right after 9 11 happened still have no idea what i was thinking i ran arts and craft classes at a youth group for disadvantaged kids decided one day to give them total freedom i just put out all the supplies we had and let them go crazy kids made some really cool works of art all very colorful and creative i was talking to one kid when another asked me to help him spell things for his artwork i go over to his table with him and he's been making a card for a boy in his class at school he tells me his friend's mum had just died from cancer and he wanted to make a card for him to cheer him up but he couldn't spell anything he wanted to write he was 13 years old and i had to help him spell out something like dear i am so sorry about your mum but i will always be your friend and here for you live i had to help him spell his own name he made the card totally unprompted i feel for the guy he was totally sweet and caring for his friend and really smart he'd just not got the help he needed went home after and had a little sob thanks for being a light in this world i'm a teacher but i don't teach art i was teaching a class of seven-year-olds who are usually a blessing but there's just one kid who has some real problems he can't speak english at all even after me spending a year trying to teach him and all his classmates progressing well he just refuses to engage with any teacher and is extremely disruptive often crying and screaming i think he has special needs but that's not handled well in china anyway after battling and battling with him to no avail assigning him class police roles everything i just gave up this one day and gave him some paper to draw on whilst the rest of the kids learned without him distracting them he drew a picture of me with a large pp and lots of knives in me with blood and wrote my name in perfect english it was eerie but i just felt sad and concerned what had happened to this boy the school gave him no support and i only saw him for about an hour a week i left the school shortly after unrelated and wonder how he is now wonder how he is now probably in prison that's where and supported special needs children usually end up throughout the world it shouldn't be that way but it is unless he got the help he needed then he's probably doing just fine former student here we were supposed to do a bit of abstract artwork for a course assignment my work was a framed square cut out from an old t-shirt i had previously used to help ray stain an old table not only did i get an a on the assignment but i entered it into a silent auction later that semester and someone bought it also former student 10th grade art teacher told us to draw the city 50 years from now i drew flying buildings and she threw it back at me because flying buildings are impossible when i was around eight or nine i got into drawing cars and simultaneously into drawing tribal decorations probably not pc but you know the type a lot of people get as a tattoo so i drew a car with tribal decal and because of the hook like shapes in the tribal decal i in appropriately named the car the h when she was done laughing my mom took the time to explain the world's oldest profession reminds me of that time i got suspended in kindergarten for drawing a crappy stick figure gun i tried to save myself that day by saying it was a water gun since it was so crappy you couldn't tell the difference but they weren't having it and littleplather27 went home that day that's a strange thing to get detention for not that i particularly approve that way of raising boys but when i was a kid lots of boys would play with toy guns action men figures and stuff in them drawing guns and scenes with fights was like a normal occurrence we had three lessons for it i spent two and a half messing around in the last half copying an existing bauhaus painting in chalk that was the only good grade i got in art class not a teacher but in middle school we got an assignment in art class to draw a still life of fruit i thought the idea was totally boring and decided to put a creative spin on it i drew a bunch of different fruits all sitting in the seats of a colosseum watching an apple kill an orange in the center ring i failed the assignment and my teacher even pulled me out into the hallway to tell me directly that she didn't like me or the work that i produced i didn't let that crush my dream though and i kept making my assignments weirder and weirder to pee her off as someone who wished to do art art therapy with kids i would have given you an 100 any subject can be boring for some as long as you followed the guidelines and put the effort in then it should have been a pass the whole point of art is pretty much creativity and weirdness not an art teacher however i used to grade the weekly sketchbooks for my art class as a senior one week my teacher gave the prompt something with wings so i'm grading all these sketchbooks that are 80 stick figures from kids that just took out to get an easy fine art credit lots of planes and birds a few angels then i get to this one sketchbook that i know dang well belongs to a dude that's just coasting for the easy credit i open it up expecting another stick bird and instead i'm surprised with this crude but identifiable bucket of kfc wings i lost my crap and cackled as i gave him a 100 knowing my cranky butt teacher would have instantly failed him if she'd seen it in ninth grade as an end of the year project we could basically draw whatever we wanted and we had a week to do it me being the little car nerd i am drew the entire drivetrain and suspension of a chevy k5 blazer in junior high my art teacher pulled me aside to tell me that she was really impressed because i could draw better than her after that she pretty much let me have free reign as long as what i was drawing work towards the lesson goal such as shading perspective etc for the end of year project i did a robert h very tech fighter and stipple drawn only using dots the next year when i would have had her again for art she paid out of pocket for me to take an art course at the community college across the street she was an absolutely amazing teacher why yes sss robotics i'm a art teacher but this story is about my substitute teacher i asked my students what they had been drawing when i was gone the class was absolutely silent apart from some boys that were giggling they were 13 years old i asked what what was so funny and they said the substitute was great at the same time the girls seemed as they wanted to disappear from the classroom so i asked why the teacher was great and the boys just exploded he told us to draw flying dongs well i don't have to say more than that substitute teacher never come to our school again poor daryl tried to leave his poultry farming life behind when he became a teacher but as they say you can take the farmer out of the farm but you can't take out his dong when i was in the seventh grade our art teacher had us do whatever we wanted to be entered in the school art fair i was really lazy and decided to just use every color of pastel that was available to draw a rainbow of sorts on a piece of construction paper then i tore it all into pieces and glued them all together again randomly i called the piece life and argued that it was supposed to represent the chaos and uncertainty that is life it ended up winning first place in my grades part of the art fair and i ended up getting a cool art set but really it was just me being lazy and feeding some bulls about a deeper meaning that's pretty ironic for all the people that spend countless hours planning their project and then poured their hearts and souls into it their parents told them it was the best art project they had ever seen and then life serves up as it always does and the person who didn't care and was lazy about it wins nice fresh out of college i got a job working with first and second graders at an after school program my kids had journals that they wrote and drew in every day once i had my first graders draw a picture of what they'd like to eat and write a sentence to go along with it i was walking around the tables to check their work as they were finishing up and saw that one little boy drew a big brown phallic object with the word dong written across the front underneath in proud bold letters he had written i like dong i pulled him aside and asked him to tell me about what he wrote coke is my favorite drink he told me i had to explain to him that it's very important to spell it coke not dong tldr boy says he likes to eat dong i was an art teacher for four years and have so many stories so many stories one that comes to mind is a drawing this strange little child who was oddly obsessed with me made me as a gift now for context my personal aesthetic is what my friends affectionately call adult tomboy goth which is to say i wear all black somewhat androgynous clothing and have a pawn shot for the dark and absurd of course in work environments i dress more professionally but my kids all knew i was a dark humored little oddball and they loved me for it so this girl is doing free draw and every time i walk over she covers up the paper with her arm and hisses at me like a cat as she was wound to do after about an hour she scurries over to me with this huge grin on her face and announces baba yagatram baba yagatron i made you a thicke ing and my lord oh boy was it the best gift i have ever received from a child the drawing was of a skeleton beckoning a crying girl with no eyes into a pre-dug grave the grave site was elaborately mapped out with a whole underground portion where the coffin would be a tombstone and little flowers around the tombstone i laminated it and to this day it is still on my bedroom door even after three moves around the country i freaking miss teaching not a teacher but when i was in seventh grade i drew a picture in my art class sketchbook of barney and elmo smoking pot and drinking booze drawn with colored pencils and all i showed it to my friends and they thought it was the funniest thing they'd ever seen the art teacher however was not pleased and sent me to the principal's office the principal then looked through my sketchbook and ripped out all the drawings she deemed as inappropriate it shattered my soul that day and i cried for some time afterwards in fact i think that's what ended my dream of becoming an artist frick you mrs bano and mrs mckeon for robbing me of a better future you can still be an artist now the internet would love your particular brand of social commentary my art teacher's story about me is that i spent an entire school year drawing and painting planes must have been strange as an art teacher and former goth teen nothing my kids have drawn has really shocked me i've had to make kids change things that are inappropriate one time a high school girl drew a hand giving the middle finger and chalk when we were drawing outside so we changed it to a peace sign i did have to call home for two first graders who were drawing pooping butts while i was giving instructions their moms and i laughed through the entire phone call i rarely let them draw whatever because they inevitably would raw predictable cliches eighth grade boys would draw knives with blood dripping or an eye and girls a unicorn but trying to get them to draw from life was tough obligatory not an art teacher but i got a call about something like this from my kid's art teacher she was 13 and in eighth grade art where she was told to do a pencil sketch of whatever she could think of we had just moved so the class had been working on this for a week and she had about a day the teacher made sure the kid knew she would be getting an a just for turning something in but because it was a new school they were not yet aware that my kid has a morbid sense of humor and a fair amount of artistic talent that she built over the years two days later the art teacher calls me to make sure that everything is okay with kid because her sketch was of a live hamster in an electric coffee pot it's one of my favorite pieces of her work i had a fifth grade student who was very shy hesitant to start her work the project was on identity and kids were supposed to draw things about themselves inside a silhouette of their heads that we had traced she was almost in tears because she was very insecure and couldn't think of what to draw i was trying to help her out by asking easy questions like what's your favorite animal what's your favorite tv show to watch on netflix finally at what's your favorite food she perked up left my desk and got to work a few minutes later she proudly brings her drawing to me i did it i did it i drew a taco and i also made it pink because pink is my favorite color i know tacos aren't pink but in art things can be any color right do you like my pink takomies pier took everything in me to stifle my giggles and i reassured her her taco was beautiful and that yes it could be any color she wanted she then proudly showed everyone in the room her pink taco thank god she was not a 7th or 8th grader it went over all of their sweet innocent heads and they all praised and encouraged her great day student here pulled up pictures of severe frostbite to draw on a piece of paper in sixth grade i wasn't allowed to do that what in the frick made you do that in the first place when i was a sophomore in high school my art final was a paint anything you want assignment so me being the creative mind that i am i painted a fatalistic octopus that may have resembled my art teacher teaching an art class underwater scene super duper trippy probably my best single piece of artwork i've made up to that point well long story short my teacher didn't like the route i went and gave me a c on my final when my art class found out about this it was almost an absolute riot because they thought i turned in one of the best finals of the year fast forward to the art show on the final day of school and my octopus was awarded a best-in-class robin an amazing take that moment for me against that teacher also taught me a valuable lesson that everyone judges out differently and i just need to keep doing my own thing not an art teacher but my daughter in first grade was given an assignment to write a story in draw she wrote and drew a story about frisky the rhino please tell me that saved somewhere in the second grade my sister wrote a story about a possum that dated grandma and her grandson it ended with the boy said to his grandma let's bounce this possum and they did she's 31 now and we still crack up about it not an art teacher but when i was in late elementary early junior high my art teacher at the time gave us free reign i had just learned what fairies and pokemovs jojinkus i think were at the time my art teacher thankfully just thought i couldn't draw werewolves for crap my brother and his friend were five and attended an art class club they got to draw anything they wanted our dog had just died so my brother drew the dog with angel wings a pretty good one for a five-year-old the friend who was a wild kid the kind that always got detention later in his school years drew a large wave and people escaping it he explained that it was the tsunami of 2004 which had just happened the moms of the boys and the teacher were swallowing tears when they saw the drawings i don't see any issue with an angel dog seems like a pretty nice memorial for a well-loved papa but i can see why that tsunami got them worrying this was when i was at a last summer it was for youth art classes at a very nice art museum and i was helping out with the group of five eight-year-olds there was this one six-year-old student who would act up a lot during class always talk over the teacher but then produce really beautiful and detailed drawings the only issue was that they were always monsters from the godzilla movies no matter what the students were assigned to do he managed to make these monsters the main image this would be fine if i were the teacher my main goal was for the kids to finish the day wanting to keep making art but the actual teachers i worked with were a lot more rigid the student gained a bit of a reputation for being difficult to work with and not respecting the teachers i was essentially tasked with handling this student and making sure he stays on task what i soon realized was this kid was insanely talented he had an advanced grasp on animal anatomy visual storytelling and composition after working with him for a month it became clear that he only acted up when the art being taught was something he was already skilled at which was most of time since it was a beginner's class he would quickly finish the assignments and get bored then add godzilla to them whenever he was learning a new technique or using new materials he wouldn't do this he was also very book smart and very nice once he saw i wouldn't get mad at him for his art i ended up talking to his mom after class one day and explained why he would often get in trouble i then told her that the class was honestly too entry-level for him and that she should see about him getting private lessons she was extremely happy to hear this and was thrilled that her son actually liked me he had a rough time with school teachers too the summer program ended soon after and i haven't seen him since i'll bet he never forgot you oh i'm not a teacher but every year in my art class our teacher would give the assignment to draw santa claus in an unexpected place on year my classmate drew a very realistic and very detailed picture of santa claus in the strip club throwing cookies to the strippers smoking a blunt it was good like really really good but he was still suspended i will ho ho ho this hoe reposting myself a girl nine years was doodling and looking at the drawing afterwards i could immediately see her process one she drew a little dancing dude arms and legs apart two she drew hill a little weiner three she freaked out upon seeing the wiener her first idea to fix it add more wieners four she must have really freaked once she saw the penis utter frankenstein she had created so she switched to a marker and drew a skirt over the wiener added a girly hairdo to the head and added some eyelashes people who have snapped on a bully at school what's your story i was seven and i was a nice kid with average grades and this one bully that was taller than me he used to be any typical bully like trip you on your lunch and push your head for no apparent reason i was getting annoyed that i felt the red heat go all over my body i looked at him and told him to stop i looked at him he pushes me to the ground i stopped and kicked his tables and punched his nose with all my force his nose started to bleed and i was sent to the office my mom had this thing where if they started it then she'll pretend that she's mad at me at school and come home saying congrats nah that's one of the few nice things my father ever did if a bully pushed far enough that i had to defend myself he showed up angry as heck that teachers ever let it get to the point that i had to defend myself one of his rules for fighting in school is that i should never initiate a fight but i should defend myself when it came to it a group of boys thought it was hilarious to keep our football and stop us from getting it back after it rolled towards them on the school field they kept passing it between themselves and picking it up and trying to keep it away from us after trying for about a minute to get the ball from them by running after it one of them picked the ball up and kept moving it away trying to keep it out of my reach i took a few steps back no longer interested in trying to not hurt them and did a goal kick on the ball i kicked his hand in the process and the ball smacked him in the face and gave him a bloody nose he didn't even try to react he just turned and walked away with his tail between his legs best mental image ever the bully would always grab my butt or slap my neck say rude things about my nationality and insult me i often told him to stop that but he never did for a year and a half once in a lecture he came to my desk and grabbed my butt i had a really bad day that day too the moment he grabbed my butt i saw red i was mad i stood up and looked him in the eye i took his head and smashed it against the wall with all i had nothing serious happened to him except for the teacher being mad at him for bothering me i was a quiet and good-hearted kid and the teacher knew that i'm a guy and that butthole wasn't even gay or maybe he was but never admitted it not at school but i was 12 and a kid on my block constantly challenged me to fight him because he knew i didn't want to so it was a great way for this chubby incompetent brat to show off one day outside the convenience store to his surprise i accepted he came towards me and i basically just lifted up my leg and kicked him in the stomach honestly he just bounced off my foot in shock he came at me again this repeated about three times as the expression of disbelief on his face became more pathetically pronounced he finally gave up and ran home past my house telling my mother who happened to be outside that i beat him up but she already knew about his behavior towards me so as soon as i explained what happened it was all good he wasn't actually hurt physically just emotionally we both learned a good lesson that day and he actually grew up to be a decent guy from what i could tell this repeated about three times as the expression of disbelief on his face became more pathetically pronounced freaking hilarious in middle school we were hanging around before classes started and this guy who used to be my friend came up behind me and put a condom in my mouth i turned around pushed him up against the wall and punched him in the face the whole school heard about it and they were all backing me up for the rest of the day i didn't even get in trouble he was super embarrassed and tried to negotiate with me saying you have to let me punch you back to make up for it or save his honor or some crap people would not stop teasing him about it i think that when the teachers heard about it they thought it was funny and i had a good rep with them so they let it slide i had been bullied all year long by this guy and it was the last week of eighth or ninth grade comes up to me and says something about my clothes or something and i just saw red i turned around and hit him with a palm strike to the face the bottom of my hand connected right under his nose he doubled over and i bolted i heard later his slip got stuck in his braces and he had to go to the doctor to fix it i got a stern talking to about not hitting people although my teachers were aware of the verbal bullying that's the worst problem is people in authority knowing about it and ignoring it fifth grade can't remember what specifically caused me to snap but after spending the last five years being continually harassed bullied and assaulted by a specific boy i'd had enough i calmly walked to the mounted pencil sharpener at the back of the class and sharpened my pencil to a very fine tip then i walked behind said bully and in a downward motion slashed him across the entirety of his back in one fluid motion obviously i got a truckload of crap for what i did principal insinuated to my mother that the parents of the other boy may want to press charges for my harming of their pride and joy my mother bless her heart retorted back if that's the case perhaps i should press charges considering how often my son has been coming home with cuts bruises and welts administered at their boy's hands without repercussions from your staff the principal moon walked out of that conversation so freaking fast i still was read the riot act at home though got drilled into me that what i did was use a weapon to harm someone and that it would never be tolerated at any level grounded for a very very long time bully gave me space for a while anyway went back to his usual torment after a couple weeks minus any physical contact i'm imagining the principle hearing your mom say that and then him he heeing his way out of the room this happened in eighth grade i was bullied from the beginning of seventh grade and one day i decided to report him i got bullied for reporting the bully i got so mad that one day after church i beat him up in the parking lot i made sure i didn't beat him up enough to have to call an ambulance but enough to hurt he didn't mess with me from then onwards i find it ironic you beat him up after attending church lol i was severely bullied from my earliest memory all the way through high school the times i remember snapping were these third grade we were putting the chairs upside down onto the desks at the end of the day and this kid kept pushing my chair and pushing me i turned around and shoved him as hard as i could with both hands and he fell onto the desk behind him the chair fell off he fell off onto the chair and i got in trouble fourth grade had some boy scout thing and there were sodas i got one out of the cooler and a kid who bullied me a lot grabbed it out of my hand and walked away i grabbed another one and threw it at the back of his head got in trouble of course seventh or eighth grade after being bullied incessantly i lost it and was crying and screaming and punching the lockers and got in trouble for denting a couple of them 9th or 10th grade while on the bus one of the bullies grabbed my comb out of my back pocket he'd messed with me a lot rather than punching for some reason i used my open hand to slap him really hard on top of his head he was seated and i was standing in the aisle he complained of his neck hurting from it and i got in trouble between each of these instances i'd put up with constant bullying every day and do nothing and no teachers gave a crap bullies got away with bullying all the time but even if i simply said leave me alone with a loud voice i was in trouble it never made sense to me to clarify i'm not the attention seeking intentional victim type while i still have a ton of self-doubt i'm doing pretty decently now took a friction of time and effort though lol zero tolerance yeah zero tolerance for people defending themselves against constant bullying beat mine with a hockey stick one day after school we were playing road hockey he lived down the street he just kept going and to be honest i saw red i just remember my dad pulling me off while i was slamming my wooden goalie stick into his side while he tried to cover his bleeding face his parents never perused anything my parents took me to counseling he ended up nearly killing his best friend in a drinking and driving accident friend was never the same permanently injured bully killed himself a few years later after he didn't make a junior hockey team i still feel bad i have never have been in any violent interaction before or since now as an adult and an educator i know he was likely really hurting i am sorry justin the only way we improve as a greater community is to role model how to be human and that includes mistakes regrets and sorrow as much as it includes success celebrations and happiness keep sharing it all we all learn from our shared stories to those who sent me direct messages about their struggles i promise you i will respond to every one of them by tomorrow to anyone else reading this i always respond to personal messages so feel free if you want someone to chat with if you're struggling with any thoughts of serious self-harm please call your local suicide helpline i've used them before it does help even if it's just a little keep taking care of each other everyone it takes little effort to be kind this was in seventh grade i think i threw a shoe at him in a changed room he was just picking on some random kid and i just had enough of his crap and i completely missed him and hit the guy that he was picking on right in the face everyone froze for a second and then burst out into laughter and the guy who was being picked on started crying and i felt really bad because i meant to hit the bully shoes are hard to throw accurately okay i tried to tell him that it was for the bully and i guess i calmed him down a little bit also by apologizing profusely after the incident the mood in the change room was lightened and everyone started being more chill with each other so i guess it was a success lol a small price to pay for salvation this wasn't me but a quiet kid at school one of the bullies was picking on the quiet kid never reacted even when the bully punched him this went on for months and the bully was always trying to get this guy to fight him but the kid always said i don't want to fight you then one day the bully broke this guy's art project on purpose he was about to hand in to be marked and the kid snapped he belted the absolute crap out of this bully we actually had to jump in and break it up because he was going to kill the guy and didn't look like stopping i will never forget the bully turning up to school a few days later and his face was so swollen and one eye was completely closed and black and blue from all the punches he took to the face i learned two things that day bullies are cowards and always be wary of the quiet ones there are three things all wise men fear the sea and storm a night with no moon and the anger of a gentle man patrick rothfuss this happened six years ago when i was in fifth grade and the bully was in sixth grade i'd gotten to school a bit early and was just chilling on my phone when the bully came up and started ranting about how i couldn't be on my phone me school hasn't even started yet besides it's not your business bully i'll go tell a teacher and they'll take your phone away childish i know me they won't care school hasn't started yet just go away he then reached for my phone he literally tried to take it of course i didn't let him i was getting really frustrated and told him again to go away he didn't he decided to was a good idea to freaking punch me in the face i wasn't ready at all so i didn't even have time to put my arms up or anything just a first straight to the face now i was a pretty small girl back then and the bully was a year older and apparently played a lot of sports and stuff and on top of that he was standing up and i was sitting down i just snapped without even thinking i just punched back as hard as i could he just kinda stared at me before running off i could literally head him crying he shouted at me that he'd tell a teacher but no one mentioned it to me ever again and i never got in trouble the bully didn't bother me even once after that you have to be the biggest pee in the world to be a guy who punches a girl in the face while she's sitting down it wasn't me that a kid i knew in middle school would constantly get picked on by two other kids who would act like jerks badger him push him around well one day they were messing with him pushing him around and calling him names and he looks at one of the kids and calmly says if you push me one more time i'm going to punch you in the face the bully decided to push him again and the kid turned and punched him square in the nose the bully immediately started crying when he realized his nose was bleeding he ran off with his friend to tell on the kid even though they were bullying him in the first place everyone around him including me was cheering him on as he had stuck up for himself was bullied in maybe second grade he kept pushing me and messing with me so i just swung at him when i was sick of his crap i sat his butt down and he's left me alone since i think we became friends later i don't remember i wore glasses so was bullied by every single bully in the school unfortunately for everyone who tried they didn't realize me wearing glasses didn't also make me not be over six foot in grade school so i got bullied a single time by every bully and then never again is it possible to learn this power in fifth grade i saw the girl who bullied me getting picked on her mom died due to health complications and someone was saying she died because she was too fat even though she picked on me every day i still stuck up for her she didn't thank me or anything but i think after i did that she was a little nicer to me good on you for being the bigger person and helping someone in need even though they were crappy to you hopefully she remembers this and has stopped her crap since year 7 so i was 12 part of the bullying included this other girl being a dong about getting into our lockers she had the one next to me and they were both on the ground so we'd have to put our bags on the floor when we wanted to get into them if she got there first then i had to wait for her to finish before i could get to mine but if i was there first then she'd shove my bag out of the way and wouldn't be patient at all it sounds unimportant now but this wasn't the only thing that was going on one day she grabbed my bag and shoved it out of the way like normal and i snapped i yelled at her explaining exactly how she had been being unfair and that she needed to make a freaking decision on which way it was gonna work and then stick to it she and her friend literally had their mouths hanging open in shock which is a side i'll never forget and the lock has stopped being an issue after that she decided on patience rather than shoving bags out of the way i just wish i'd lost my crap at the bullies more often maybe the rest of it would have stopped sooner my twin sister makes fun of me and doesn't stop one time i had enough of her bullying and i told her if she didn't leave me alone i would strangle her she still wouldn't leave me alone so i attempted to pretend strangle her i just grabbed her neck for a few seconds it was enough to scare her and she ran away crying we were about nine or ten i was the quiet kid at school bully had been especially annoying to me that day and lunch yelled something to me i walked up to him and slapped him across his face his face instantly became red and he jumped at me and tackled me to the ground i shook him off then shoved him into the wall after that he didn't mess with me so i grew up moving around a lot with mom and dad unfortunately that meant being the new kid quite a bit i was a pretty awkward kid but i generally managed to make friends except one particular school i was there for three years which is the longest run at one elementary school i ever had anyways the popular girls would bully me constantly i was about 50 pounds soaking wet when i was younger and was on average skinnier than most they would call me anorexic and ask why my parents starved me etc they didn't my parents were and still are amazing but one day the popular girl asked me to give her a push on the gliders you'd hang onto a t-bar and push off from one but platform to the next well i pushed her really hard and she fell off and broke her arm i transferred schools the next week i moved a lot i had nine schools before college not fun new boys tend to attract bullies and i was small for my age good times i was about eight at the time a group of boys at school gathered around me formed a circle and started pushing me around i was a reserved and shy kid and this was surprisingly the tipping point for me i started yelling at each of them and asked them if bullying a defenseless girl made them feel cool they backed off i saw one of the boys alone in one of the washrooms common sink area and for the first time he said hi and walked off i'll never forget this day in fourth grade ronnie and freddie kept ridiculing me making remarks teasing me at recess i was raised to be peaceful and accommodating i tried to ignore them but it got under my skin i decided to stay near the teacher at recess they left me alone then but i couldn't stay near the teacher all the time they accused me of being titcher's pet that bugged me even more this went on for weeks when recess was over we lined up on the sidewalk to go back indoors one day ronnie was right behind me he started teasing me i lost it i took him down when they pulled me off him i was pounding his head against the pavement ronnie stopped teasing me noting the improvement i challenged freddie to a fight after school a crowd gathered it took only a few seconds for me to pin freddie to the ground and force him to surrender that ended the teasing from freddie a day or two later my mother and i were called to the principal's office my father was overseas in combat ronnie and his mother were there i never knew where ronnie's father was as soon as the meeting started ronnie's mother launched into an indictment of me before she was finished the principal cut her short now let's hear the other side she said i stated my case the principal heard me out then said gentlemen don't fight it's against the rules to fight on the school ground i want you two to shake hands and apologize i did as told ronnie had to be prompted to apologize but that's not the end of it years later in my early twenties i had a job at a research institute at university the institute director's beautiful young wife said to me a young man called ronald j was just hired he says he beat you up in grade school that's not exactly how i remember it i replied i'm not surprised she said a week later there was a party at the director's house ronnie and i were there ronnie was slender maybe five feet nine inches i was six feet four inches about 195 pounds ran six miles per day the director's wife maneuvered ronnie over to the group where i was and said ronald let's hear how you beat up polanski in grade school ronnie mumbled something about a mistaken impression and left shortly afterward he was careful to avoid me from the non sometime during the next year or so i laughed and mentioned it to my mother she said the principal had said to her i wish i had been there to see it when polanski pounded ronnie's head on the sidewalk this is so satisfying to read this girl had had an issue with me for a month or so she was pretty beefy but was all talk and no bite one day we were queueing for lunch and she's stood behind me whispering in my ear that i'm a waste of space etc the normal stuff then she started taking the p out of my family she said that my brother is just a baby fg he's 10 years old and i have pictures all over my social media of him wearing dresses since he enjoys dressing up she said that my sister is a freak and my dad is fat then she said that my mum should have had life support turned off while she was in hospital she had recently spent a month in hospital with sepsis i can only assume she had done some serious digging around on facebook or something but for emmy as much as my family gets on my nerves and angers me i can't stand people using them as some sort of leverage but anyways next thing i know the cutlery i'm holding is being dragged down her face and she has her hands around my neck i t all kind of happened very fast but also in slow motion i punched her boob she need my stomach eventually two teachers drag us apart and i obviously look in the wrong for striking first but she also has blood running down her face from a couple of deepish scratches she got suspended for three days and i got suspended for a week i was pretty lucky tbh we never had a run in a game but she also transferred to a different school the next term so everything just moved on i do wish i hadn't snapped bc not only did i disappoint a lot of people i also most likely scarred that girl's face for life which i feel super crappy about idk she deserved it when she told you your mother should have died in the hospital when i was in the seventh grade i got a two-day suspension for fighting we were playing kickball and this one kid alexis was being a real dong with everyone he was always in butthole to everyone but he was being extra mean today purposely trying to be nemer's pitcher and running into them trying to knock them over when he was taking a base i'm playing second base at one point and he runs into me like that knocks me back he was pretty fast so it was a hard hit and i just lost it and got up and started throwing punches the gym teacher came and broke us up right away and dragged us to the principal's office the only thing he said to me was man you hit hard and then he laughed i'm lucky that it wasn't now because i would have probably gotten expelled but i got off with just two days of suspension i explained to my parents why i was fighting and they understood i was just standing up to and butthole i real danger now is parents pressing assault charges it's happened to a couple students of mine and that is some serious trouble when i was in high school we just called fights a three-day vacation what is the dumbest thing you got punished for in school flip the monitor screen upside down control and alt and arrow key got banned from using any school computer for the rest of the year i did this by mistake once and told my friend about it after i left he decided to flip the screen and leave it that way i got in trouble for leaving the computer in an inoperable state they had to re-image the whole thing sixth grade a classmate got to school without her backpack and i was the only one to notice school started she was looking for her bag and i told her i saw her arrive without it after which she started yelling at me for no reason telling everyone that i had hid her bag i exploded with laughter because it was funny that she was blaming me teachers came and sent me to the principal's office nobody believed me i guess giggling didn't help i was in detention until this kid's mom called the school to let her stupid daughter know that she forgot her backpack i'm 33 now and not so long ago i saw this girl again i went to say hello and to reminder her of that day which to me it's still funny she didn't react at all to that yeah you are still unbutthole susan freaking susan in middle school one of my friends brought hello kitty band-aids to school and our entire friend group decided to wear them as an accessory hands arms because they were cute our english teacher wrote us up and demanded that we don't wear bandages for the rest of the year because he saw them as gang symbolism a hello kitty band-aid gang i still don't understand his thought process walks into a small store or write you cute little kitties give us all of the money or we will hug you holding my pencil the wrong way teachers hated it they tried those little rubber things and nothing worked i liked my way i have nice handwriting by the way well this really irked my fifth grade math teacher so she started to dock five points on every test or quiz i held my pencil wrong when my father asked what it was about and i told him he laughed and said keep going [Music] fourth grade this crazy girl who was always talking to herself told me about her elaborate plan to kill the teacher i told the teacher and got in trouble for gossiping talking during lunch the policy was a silent lunch also with silent class hours meaning the children weren't allowed to talk which essentially gave everyone a half hour of recess to get out all of that built up energy understandably my five-year-old self was not down with that we were in the process of being dismissed anyway it technically counted as recess time i have a somewhat common sounding name however i've only ever really encountered two people with my name one of them was in middle school he was black i'm white one time i got called to the principal's office for something that happened on the bus on the way to school i wasn't a bus rider all the other students involved were black one looked at me and the principal knew it wasn't me so i was dismissed the next year i decided to cut class with a couple of friends we just took off running across the field behind the cafeteria at the end of lunch as we ran one of the administrators saw us and another friend of ours was close by pretty sure he got grilled and ratted us out my two other friends got suspended and i never heard a peep i suspect the opposite happened the black kid with my name got called in and they obviously knew he wasn't involved tl dr me and a black kid with the same name got each other out of trouble by being different races this could be a sitcom you guys could live together and get in wacky antics and social misunderstandings being left-handed on the first day of first grade the teacher took away my pencil and made me use my right hand when my mother picked me up i told her what happened she talked to the principal who apologized then called in the teacher to make her apologize the rest of the school year was very tense another event occurred to me i got a day of internal suspension in high school for having an overdue library book i had returned it in time but the librarian put it on the wrong cot and it was shelved without being scanned back in i know this because a few days after i returned the book i saw it on the shelf i still had to pay the overdue book fine i wasn't permitted to graduate college until i returned or paid for a book i had only had for 24 h and late fees because the library lost it i very much feel your pain refusing to dance in kindergarten we were doing some activity that involved dancing i didn't want to and i convinced a friend to join me and protest so they sent me to the principal's office and called my mom dang the man starting a huge conga line my senior year one morning i went to my locker and was taking to my friends we decided to start to conquer for some stupid reason i was in the front so i led us down the hallway i started to point at people and tell them to join the party i told them to invite anybody that they knew i led us through the cafeteria through the gym and when i decided to walk to the principal's office a teacher stopped us and said that the conga line was a fire hazard since it had gotten so long i told him that was dumb if there was a fire we'd conquer right out of the school they gave me a good taking to for being a smart butt also i was going to get paddled by the principal for fighting he told me he liked me so he was only going to give me one paddling i said if he really liked me he would give me two i was suspended hugging a friend of mine school had a no pda rule and they cracked down on it i had just seen my friend for the first time after winter break i gave her a hug for like a second i am also female teacher saw it and threw a fit and i would up talking to the principal good thing the principal was a smart lady she let me and my friend off with a warning i never hugged anyone in school after that what the frick kind of rule is that in fifth grade we were starting an assignment and the tay was going around passing out the papers we needed i was going through my pencil case mumbling kind of a supply checklist to myself pencil sharpener eraser she hands me the sheet and i say paper she looks at me all weird and walks away don't know what that was about but i start working about a minute later the teacher walks up to me and says i have to stay in for detention at recess uh what reason the t thought i said payback apparently as in there'll be payback for giving me this paper i guess it was completely [ __ ] i explained myself but they just weren't having it we argued until lunch and i was getting increasingly p off to the point where i was on the verge of tears eventually everyone left and the teacher said okay i believe you i don't think you'd be this upset if you weren't telling the truth just apologize and you can go out with the rest of the class that pee me off even more i asked what i was supposed to apologize for just say you're sorry we misunderstood you then you can go play i took the detention cracking my back the teacher wrote me up for doing gymnastics in class and sent me to the principal he laughed and asked if i did a barrel roll i had to have it signed by my parents as well who laughed too it was funny for everybody but at the end of the day i was still stuck on a saturday morning doing stupid work still bitter reading during class this was computer class they were teaching us how to open a word document the detention was lunch detention they assumed that me a lonely little sixth grader would be in agony by not eating in the lunch room but instead a quiet room i just happily ate my lunch and read my book more my senior year of high school power went out and neither my mom's nor my alarm went off this was 30 years ago no cell phone alarms neither one of us woke up in time to get me to school on time she brought me in late with a note saying it wasn't my fault that i was late they gave me a detention for an unexcused tardy i go off that it wasn't unexcused that i had the note that said i wasn't the cause of me being late the office person said that that note wasn't a valid excuse i say something along the lines of so you're telling me that if i would have lied and said that i had a doctor's appointment i would be fine she says yes i tell her that's bulls and all they are doing is telling people to lie instead of telling the truth she says something along the lines of someday i'll learn that telling the truth is its own reward and that lying has its own consequences i said but those consequences aren't a detention i was furious i went to the phones at school pay phones and called my mom at work told her the story and an hour later i got called back down to the office apparently my mom had written the wrong thing on the note i was at a doctor's appointment that morning so i didn't have to serve a detention moral of the story lying gets you places in life in fourth grade i drew a picture of link from zelda and included a crappy portrayal of the master sword went to principal's office and had my parents called i must have been in first or second grade i was sitting with a kid on the bus to school that i got along with we weren't great friends but we'd talk on the way to school i have no clue what started this convo but he starts asking me if i thought a grenade could blow up the bus well i guess what about an rpg i guess a tank could definitely do it that wasn't verbatim but you get the gist it was some kid just tightly daydreaming probably about call of duty or something i do remember that this day i'd been reading when he started this convo i replied with nothing other than yay makes sense or i guess we both were suspended from riding the bus for a week english class in 10th grade we had a test on a book we were supposed to be reading the entire test was short answer and i had literally not read a single word of the book meaning it would be next to impossible for me to guess any of the correct answers when the teacher was passing out the exams i politely said to her i'm sorry but i didn't read at all so you can just keep my paper she told me that she was very disappointed and asked me to at least write my name on the test so that she knew i was present that day i wrote my name at the top in pen according to the syllabus in that class using a pen on any of the assignments results in minus two points on the grade i received a minus two on a test for that i would have performed better by staying home that day got yelled at in sixth grade i was bussed to a bad neighborhood by the guard watching us on the playground for being on the sidewalk not the black top i said okay sorry and did a little wave she detained me and drilled me what gang sign did you throw up at me i was this little 10 year old white mormon girl and didn't even know what a gang sign was because a girl slapped me as a joke i got lunch detention but i just skipped it because i thought the zero tolerance policy was bulls my name is spelled with a rage in the middle which is unusual for sid name to be spelled for the female variant in year seven a teacher went off on me when i was writing on the front of a book saying that wasn't my name and i'd spelled it wrong on purpose [ __ ] you a very long argument i lost which resulted in me having to write lines of the spelling without the h in my lunch break while the teacher berated me for lying about something i wasn't actually lying about reminds me of a sub we had that wouldn't believe that my classmate's name was gideon like that's an older name sure but it's perfectly normal and biblical even the sub flipped the frick out thought everyone was messing with her that that was his name and he got sent down to the principal burping no crap fourth year of school in pe playing with the big parachute i burped excused myself and was told to remove myself from the lesson my friend got detention in second grade for burping for not doing anything we had recess and the janitor came to me and said yeah you have detention i said why he said you know why i still don't get it there was a kid in my class with obvious behavioral problems but the school didn't do jack crap to help him one day at recess some other kids were playing keep away with his hat he has a total meltdown and just starts attacking one of the kids throwing punches kicking screaming trying to defuse the situation i walk up behind him and bear hug him so he stops punching this kid in the face and just keep saying calm down at that moment i hear a teacher screaming my name i turn and see her watching from a window a minute later she comes running outside yelling at me and drags me to the principal's office my parents are called and i have to have a conference with the teacher principal my mom the other kid his parents nothing i say matters because this teacher saw me beating this kid up from her window i ended up with detention had to apologize to this kid and his parents and was suspended from the basketball team it's especially sad because you did exactly what you're supposed to do when someone's having a meltdown like that to help them chill out i was in the fourth grade prior to being dropped off at school by my dad i had discovered an old-school lego spear you know the little brown ones and a rubber band i had likewise discovered that if you stretch the rubber band around the length of the spear and then pull slightly on it you can make a square shape with the spear propping up two of the corners this is amazing i thought to myself i conveniently forgot that if you pull on the sides of the rubber band too much that the spear goes flying so i brought my new square making toy in to show all of my friends and they were about as impressed as you all are reading this we're waiting in line to go to one of our classes and i'm showing a friend and lo and behold the spear flies out of the rubber band and hits our teacher in the glasses she just stares at me i stare at her and she says go to the principal's office i find out that she claimed that i was attempting to kill her the principal just laughed while all three of us were in her office and she told me that she had to call my dad and he had to come in the principal relayed the story and now my dad's laughing too tl dr my teacher thought i was attempting to kill her with a lego spear walking home instead of riding the school bus i lived only a mile from the school and decided i was going to start exercising by walking home every day they allowed this but i had to have a note written by my mom saying i could and i didn't know that when they tried to punish me for it my mom basically told the principal to frick off punishing you was stupid as you were obviously a child who didn't know any better but the policy is important the school needs to be able to account for each child when they leave campus in case something happens math class eighth grade i couldn't figure out how to do a problem the thatcher got frustrated and told me to ask to read the book i said your teacher teach me got detention hey i don't show up where you work and tell you how to suck dongs kid yelling no loudly fourth or fifth grade the teacher asked us if we wanted to play a game no one liked everyone was like new and i guess i yelled i didn't even realize i was louder than the other kids and i was very confused that i got in trouble i was sent to sit in a little cubicle near another classroom the teacher forgot me and they all went to lunch and some other teacher found me there crying alone in the dark and then in high school the teacher said no talking in the kid next to me asked me a question and before i could even tell him to shut up i got detention he didn't though i had to copy an essay about how i would bring my letter grade up by paying attention in class i had straight a's another time in maybe seventh grade my friend kept throwing my hobbit book across the lunchroom and then when i went to get it she would bump me off the end of the bench onto the floor when i tried to sit back down so she goes to throw it again and i grabbed her wrist to stop her and she started crying and we both got attention which i thought was really unfair considering she was bullying me and he had literally knocked me to the ground in high school i was sent to the principals for wearing a short-sleeved loose-fitting dress that went down to my knees they claimed it was too provocative um what i was furious i got yelled for consulting an encyclopedia no formal punishment the teacher just knew she was wrong and i was about to look up the correct answer kissing my girlfriend someone in a house across the street saw called the school and i was suspended for a few days sounds like the guy who called was jelly stepping on a rugged middle school it was in the middle of the rotunda and no one was allowed to step on it i did and i got in school suspension why the frick would you even have a rug if nobody can step on it that's like having a clock that doesn't work it's useless i turned around in algebra to look at the clock the teacher thought i was talking to the person behind me and i wasn't allowed back into class for the day does high school count if yes then pimping out my friends after a night out partying two of my friends lost their virginity in what i understood was a pretty awesome threesome day after this happened i got called into school and threatened with expulsion being expelled apparently their parents came into school and complained about their daughters having lost their virginity in such a way not exactly sure how they found out i can only assume one of them told and phone calls ensued the conclusion was that the two girls would have never done this on their own so they must have had a pimp who dragged them into this and later benefited from the encounter that would be me the guy involved in the threesome didn't even buy me a thank you drink ended up getting a one-week suspension the principal knew the story was bull but he didn't want to bother fighting the crazy parents butthole of a kid thought it would be funny to attack me out of the blue i ended up with a sprained wrist and some broken ribs and he was totally fine i got a weak and school suspension and he got away scot-free i got in trouble once back in junior high for some kid deciding to fight me and i didn't fight back but zero tolerance and all he tried it again about a month later thinking he was hot crap and i beat the crap out of the kid getting in trouble the second time was totally worth it i had some kids prepared to hit me in the face with a football i decided to grab his arm and take the football out of his hand another kid then took the ball and threw it at him he went off and cried saying i hit him and then threw a football at him everyone else in the classroom took the stance of no snitching and i got suspended because no one would verify my side of the story so much for defending myself it was the 1960s i was a straight a student when asked my opinion about a book the class was reading i admitted that i thought it was boring i got 10 lashes with a leather strap on each hand and a month of after-school detention sixth grade i got into an argument with a kid who bullied me a lot so i told him at least my parents like each other his parents are divorced don't move i know but this kid is a huge butthole anyway he gets pee and leaves i think finally he leaves me alone nope he returns with a big rock and bashes me in the head with it i'm knocked out and have to get carried back to the nurse's office by another kid leaving a blood trail all the way i required a few stitches so i get suspended for three days and one day of in school suspension for bullying the other kid went home for half a day i have had a few situations in my public school life that just made me lose complete faith in our administration that is beyond ridiculous it always makes me even more sad and angry when i see more cases out there it's almost comforting to think oh hey it must only be x school that's so bad but nope i was in art class and my friend was walking in the hall and waved at me through the door i waved back right as the teacher looked at me and she took me in the hall and griped both me and my friend for it not me but my friend got sent down to the principal's office three times in one class period for telling a girl that she has nice hair uh running down the corridor backwards giving my terrible guidance teacher the finger and calling her a ginger goblin sea kind of acceptable reason to be punished now i think of it called a guy a name after he made fun of my last name he walked up and decked me smacked my head on the desk and tore my lip open guess who's the one that got detention you zero tolerance for the win my friend wanted a packet of ketchup we aren't allowed to have more than one packet he took an extra one and was suspended my high school's tech department decided that making the admin login credentials have the username admin and the password be the abbreviation of the school hs once i realized that i decided that needed to grant myself all admin privileges i eventually got caught because kids in the library behind me starting trying to look over my shoulder to watch march madness since it was blocked for everyone else tech department accused me of hacking into their network and disagreed with my assessment that it was social engineering at best in the end i lost computer privileges for two weeks and wasn't allowed back in the library if they were competent and investigated it at all they would have found out i kept crediting my student lunch account and basically never actually paid for food the entire year it was dumb in mind that i got in trouble for the harmless aspect of it all when they really had no idea what i had actually done going to the washroom grade seven during french class i had to go to the washroom since i just had a math test and was unable to go then i asked my teacher and he said no even though he wasn't teaching and we were supposed to just read a passage i told him it was an emergency and he still said no so i walked out and he started yelling after me when i came back from the washroom he gave me detention so i left to the office to talk to the principal about this and told her i am not gonna stay after school for this the principal ended up having a talk with my teacher and my detention suddenly turned into a warning it is actually illegal to deny children the bathroom on most states you are allowed penalize them or even make them wait for a person to come back but an outright now is illegal in most states there's a few to pick from one in fifth grade my midwestern art teacher told us to wash our paint brushes i asked her how to spell that she sent me to the office too in seventh grade i copied and pasted my friend's paper 400 times when he was gone and he started to print it about 40 pages in the teacher noticed god sent to the office three in seventh grade i let people tie me to a fence got a week in detention four in second or third grade my friend and i traded food at the time we had a strict no talking or sharing food rule during lunch got sent to the office what did your school waste money on that nobody liked they made a huge screen with four huge plasma screens and put it in a very random place in a very random building hall no signal no signal no signal no signal no signal school spendings in a nutshell one pay high price and shiny technology two abundantly congratulate yourself about being a modern and advanced school three don't use it because complicated and staff is not trained four nothing changes teachers still use old or own equipment five repeat the next year name tags shortly after columbine and all those other shootings peaked in frequency it was supposed to keep outsiders from getting in the school unnoticed and shooting everyone but at the time people doing the shootings were always students so we joked they were bulletproof some of my classmates won a bunch of money for our school our school was one of the lowest funded schools in the district the district took the money and spent it on another school hair reminds me when i was a sophomore my school was next in line to get renovations and upgrades only half classes even had air conditioning instead the district built a new school that took half of my graduating class they also took teachers so my classes were still overcrowded new tvs in the cafeteria that just show the morning announcements they just need to send out announcements in an email the large schoolyard at my school had a set of planters in the center they were basically four triangles made of brick that pointed in at each other and created an x-shaped walkways between the outside sides had a bench each attached people would sit and chat to each other on the benches teachers and students alike there was very little litter or vandalism the plants were kinda pretty in suffer as any secondary schooler would care to notice one year a duck made her nest in one of the planters and apart from a few o'hare duck nest comments it was left alone then for some reason the school decided to rip the planters out took them two-thirds of the school year to do it and blocked off the ex walkways so everyone had to crush by on the outside lanes between classes everyone was super curious as to what the planters would be replaced by turns out nothing they simply bricked over the holes left by the planters and left it as a huge empty space we didn't even get new benches so no one had anywhere to sit during break people started to miss the plant since the lack of color left the whole area kinda bland and we also kept to the old x walkways and stepping over the former planters felt weird ipads for the kindergarten they were intended to have educational apps on them that kids could play on at indoor recess believe it or not most kindergartners would rather play on the swings or play with dolls and learn to write their name on an app no one used them no one liked them and they all broke within two months hrmm my indoor recess at that age was the whole group using these big puzzle piece foam blocks to build castles and then crawl all over them we would not have cared about the ipad either was on boys varsity soccer team in high school new head coach wanted to emphasize more analytical approach and as such had booster club by a 10 000 goal post camera none of the team liked the idea anyway especially since the girls soccer team used their money for new jerseys and nicer balls and they still made it farther in their playoffs than we did almost every year as it turns out the coach couldn't figure out how to put the camera together and we never used it biggest waste of ten thousand dollars i've ever seen when 65 inches tvs were like 4k dollars a pop they set about eight of them around campus that just displayed the time but four thousand dollars clocks not to mention whatever they used as a video source to send to the display my son's current school sent out an email to parents announcing that they'd like to add voice projection to every class he's in first grade and there are 20 kids in his class totally unnecessary they had a demo session and it sounded horrible when i was still a student my school spent almost 200k to paint the roads outside our school you read that right almost two hundred thousand dollars of our precious tuition dollars to paint the roads outside blue and yellow but to pour salt on this painful wound the paint job didn't even make it through winter so just to reiterate two hundred thousand dollars for three months of painted road i think i'm still angry about it that's gotta be the dumbest one i've read in here a lot of them are dumb in that money was spent on technology or other things that wouldn't be used but those at least keep some value after being bought this is just throwing money away my high school wasted a ton of money buying two golf carts their reasoning was it allowed staff to get to any dangerous scenes faster except we never had any accidents and they were mostly used for joy rides by the hall monitors this seems like a crappy idea regardless driving golf carts indoors in a school sounds dangerous our new slick willy superintendent insisted on buying an educational product for consisted of software that nobody wanted or could use it was from his girlfriend slick willy went to jail one of the schools in our district paid an astronomical fee to an artist to create an artwork for the whole of the school paid for the dude's room and board for like a year and he produced a large polished piece of wood no literally that's it it was supposed to be shaped like a heart but it looks more like a button is now known as the bart we had a thing we called the butt boob it's some kind of modern art apparently my school just spent tens of millions of dollars on a remodel that includes a new commons and front office area which were not needed but no new classrooms which were desperately needed the old commons was warm inviting bright and beautiful it wasn't old the new commons is dark cold sterile and uninviting the exterior was changed too the entire front of the school used to be attractive now it looks like a prison i think maybe the architect presented the design as a joke but our principal liked it so the architect just rolled with it our mascot was a rocket and a certain percentage of school construction money had to be spent on art they spent 90 k commissioning a giant rocket sculpture for the mainfield entrance when it was unveiled the artist had made one tiny change to the design instead of a pointy rocket tip he'd gone with a rounded um mushroom tip i mean we thought it was hilarious especially when they cut off the tip as their solution to the problem but nobody liked it i'm a teacher my first year the school leader bought a ping pong table for the lounge in an attempt to make school more fun and relaxing it simply became a surface to put copies on it sounds like they had good intent it just didn't work out and at least those tables aren't too expensive so it wasn't a crazy amount suns elementary school pto had an excess of funds they decided to spend it on a buddy bench a buddy bench is a bench that you can sit on if you want buddy i theory it sounds like a decent idea except that it was placed in the hallway near the office and none of the kids wanted to be identified as someone who didn't have a friend nobody ever sits on it this isn't common knowledge so i was really the only one incessant by it but i worked for cisco foods as a baker at university and the upper echelons of the administration had hired their own personal pastry chef to make these extravagant desserts for their meetings the pastry chef was legit she made absolutely amazing desserts of a wide variety every day loaded them onto a cart and with her baker's outfit and hat tom would wheel it up to their daily administration meetings her salary was paid for by the students of the school so that the administrators could dine on first-class pastries and desserts made from scratch each day she was really good at her job and actually helped me improve in the bakery but i was so mad her job even existed simply to provide pastries to people who just sat around and decided how the school's money was spent i obviously didn't make a stink about it to anyone because she was my friend and i wouldn't ever dream of putting her employment at risk but i couldn't help feeling like her entire career was to make fat cats fatter and it just boiled my blood i'm also going to assume from my time in corporate events planning that most of the pastries went to waste since even the fattest cat can't eat more than a couple of croissan's and most people won't even touch them tvs like just random tvs in the hallway that showed slide shows and crap tens of thousands of dollars when we could have just put up bulletin boards my school has loads of tvs that i don't recall ever see turned on cameras installed in nearly every inch of the school not for student safety but because the school board didn't trust the kids my school was miles behind other high schools old textbooks and sometimes not enough textbooks computers were junk no in-school programs they spent every ounce of money on cameras and putting the rest in the school board's pockets honestly i feel you with the camera stuff mine had cameras pointed into the girls and boys locker rooms and at one point in my sophomore year tried putting one inside of the locker rooms long story short one person covered the whole thing in duct tape and one senior took the whole thing out of the ceiling and put it in the dumpster my high school spent a bunch of money on this system to play popular songs for the last minute of passing time between classes so we'd hear popular music and as a convenient way to know to get to your next class then they started playing friday by rebecca black every friday once then it was the only song on fridays then it was the only song every day five times a day thank god that was my senior year no idea if they still do it chaotic evil oh yes i'm prepared for this answer my school's mascot was a knight and it was rumored that the school had the choice of installing a pool at the high school or to commission a large think like 25 feet long metal sculpture of a night on a horse and to hang it from the ceiling in the back hallway they opted for the horse i was waiting for ken hour to pop up on here seeing that stupid pile of scrap shoved into the rafters like an afterthought is something i won't miss that place was fricked and i'm just happy i never have to go back especially if smith is still the vp frick that guy they bought flags of all the states and put them around this cage an area full of gravel they caged in the gravel to stop students from walking across the gravel they also bow flags in the school colors to line the fence around campus only thing is we were in an area which can get very windy with zero windshields so those flags took a beating by mid-year they were an ugly ugly frayed mess honorable mention was the bridge they built across the courtyard we weren't allowed to walk across that they eventually paved over shout out to the flag polar kid did four eagle scouts that was taken down that same year by admin and big shout out to the admin during my little sister's years there where they sealed off all the inner hallway doors and added extra doors outside to stop students from traveling between classes indoors don't know what that sold except adding extra minutes onto your travel time between class thirty thousand dollars from two years of fundraising on an led billboard about ten feet off of a major road it was so bright that it caused several accidents at night and had to be shut down about eight months later because it was deemed a safety hazard i hung out with several guys on the programming team and they figured out how to upload memes onto it they couldn't figure out who did it so no one got in trouble slamming memes onto a huge billboard sounds like the dream the school had a dual raffle in which they had a raffle in which the person would win a bunch of money via gift cards and to enter they had to give up their vape pens it worked as well as you'd expected to in 2011 my college spent 32 000 to have snooki come in as an inspirational speaker in some misguided attempt to connect with freshmen around the same time there was a growing student-led movement to make the school more affordable the student board revolted people confronted her during her speech it was a glorious mess i went to a catholic school high school very few of the students were actually catholic and went there because the local public school district was terrible we won some contests or grunt and the school said they would allow the students to pick what the money was spent on the options were new flooring for the gym renovate the courtyard next to the chapel into a prayer garden or renovating the courtyard next to the cafeteria into an outdoor eating space most people voted for new gym floors and some people voted for the outdoor eating space i do not know of anyone who voted for the prayer garden guess what one the prayer garden people even teachers were furious as the voting was clearly rigged to give us the appearance of a choice if they really wanted a prayer garden they should have just done the work without putting it to a vote the funny thing about the prayer garden is that they actually made it nice and put in benches and plants and whatnot but it was always locked and never used administration would often say during tours i'll look at our lovely prayer garden for students they voted for it number no we didn't i love democracy murals in the bathrooms that replace the mirrors i7 workstation laptops with quadro gpus easily 2 500 plus each for an elementary k6 school those machines were designed for cad work and media production but were instead solely used for web browsing and microsoft word i don't have any idea why they bought them likely bought with grant money that had to be 100 spent i knew a guy who hopped between schools getting them all kind of out of the woodwork grants he will buy tons of tech and hire us to install it there are some small schools that are loaded with nice tech it was really cool emo laminated cards that everyone had to wear around their necks on some dorky butt lanyard no one freaking did it so they made it punishable by detention after that half the students still didn't do it and the detention hall became so overwhelmed that they began to make backlogs after a few weeks not wearing a lanyard gave you a detention two months from then eventually the tension became so backlogged that students started doing more severe transgressions because they would have graduated before they could actually be forced to go to detention after about a month no one had to wear their red cards at all anymore they said it was for security purposes so no one could sneak into the school the thing is you could put literally anything in the lanyard and no one would check if it was your actual studented card i had a blank index card in mine and no one ever said anything to me if someone actually wanted to sneak into the school all they would need is a lanyard and no one would ever check if it's actually authentic or not why oh my school did that too and if you didn't have your card you would have to wait to get lunch until the very end when there was almost no food left it was the worst our school paid to cover a huge lot with cement just to have a ceremony on it announcing a new building then they tore it up two months later to start construction my school's fees went towards having nice cement for press pictures what a joke my school wasted too much money on plastic id cards that you were supposed to scan into every room to assure you were there and the ids were also keys to get into the buildings if you didn't have your card you didn't get an and also get in school suspension it wasn't a bad system bc you could easily take a photo of your id to scan into rooms but you'd have to bum a buddy to get into a building but once there were internet problems the whole system would shut down and living in a rural wee town you could expect wind and rain and tornadoes and all that fun junk when i went to college the local nfl team paid for the school to go from a grass field to artificial turf the school never said it was only half paid for by the team my siblings had a whole year without paper printers no raises for staff cutting school programs and they slashed the art budget the football team still got new uniforms that year though my town got a brand new middle school and somehow they spent 40k on a gained metal palm tree that they called the learning tree one of the chair people essentially commissioned it from a relative so many of us were super p it didn't even have lights and there was no way to clean it so it just sat there like the gained waste of money it is just collecting dust a graveyard instead of spending money on the students of the school they decided that a graveyard would make them more money whenever i was in high school my senior year they decided to make technology improvements so they swapped a lot of old textbooks for ipads they placed unnecessary tvs in the hallways waste of money i don't understand the whole tv fixation thing my science classroom in high school had a massive flat screen television which we rarely used for anything halfway through the year they took it out and put in an even bigger flat screen television that we never used for anything bailing out the son of the principal from jail with the grant money from the eu provided to renew the computer facility i trust that principal had an embezzlement suit on her hands our high school was way too into our football team one year they decided to replace our grass football field with a turf one idky but even the football players would tell me we had the best grass field in the area i don't know why they replaced it you know when high school football players say the school is spending too much money on them something is wrong turf is an upfront cost but it's a lot cheaper to maintain over the long term my country is still a developing country so many new technologies are not implemented and properly operated two years ago my high school installed an ad and a fingerprint scanner at the school main entrance gate so they can track whether the student came to school or not every student had to pay like five ten dollars to get a personality card and get their fingerprint in the system the principal was very serious with this the first week then couple of weeks later students started forgetting their red card some of them purposely annoyed the teachers as if they don't know how to use the machine or even put their fingers in the scanner then the machine started malfunctioning and eventually just stopped working one day and stood at the entrance gate all dusty a year later they did this again and stopped in a month i don't know what's happening now i remember it happened in alan tx they got a bond issue to build a 50 million dollar stadium once it was done they had their final inspection and saw a big crack in the foundation so basically the football team couldn't use it for the season due to the school district making the company repair it out their own pocket it went back and forth and finally the company who did had to bite the bullet and do the repair when i started secondary school we had a canteen with proper home style food being served cooked fresh real meat and vegetables good portion sizes all the students loved it and it was well used school decided to replace this with a fast food style set up with processed burgers and fries to try and appeal to the kids and up the prices too within a month nobody visited the canteen anymore practically every kid in the school started bringing food from home it took three months till they changed everything back again massive expense for absolutely no reason they bought a bunch of laptops for a magnet program they were the worst laptops my friend also didn't help by adjusting the battery settings to read critical at 98 and shut down epic instead of spending it on students the butthole old people in my town decided to spend 400 k on a sign for the front of the high school out of spite there had already been a sign my school buys so much useless things or at least when i went to they dump all their money on the football team obviously the football team doesn't really care but other people did one thing that everyone has a common hatred for that the school bought even the football team is the inflatable the school got from what i heard it costed about 4k it's this big but inflatable that people could walk through the inflatable has the school's mascot on it and it's just plain weird there were so many ways the school could have spent that money on but the choose to spend it on stupid inflatable that is only used like three times a year guess inflation screwed over their finances 3d printer sounds great and i guess it's pretty cool but no one uses it except for the engineering class sometimes because you have to pay to use it and it's just a generally inconvenient process and yet they still try to advertise it to this literally every day like what do you want from me i don't need a tiny plastic bench for 25 dollars the university spent forty mythic million dollars on a new building and it's not even a top-notch school or anything they basically paid for a bunch of nonsense and computerized classes that no teacher used my university did the same thing for my final year whole new campus i don't even remember how much they spent much smaller than the old one major network issues like six sexual assaults and three stabbings in the first few months because there were no lights and they built it right next to one of the shittiest areas in town i could go on but i won't teachers have read it how easy it to tell if a student has a crush on another and what is the funniest saddest moment between the two you can share high school teacher depending on the kids personalities they either get louder or quieter when their crush is a present the loud ones are freaking annoying the quiet ones are the ones i would purposefully sit next to their crushes oh god i just realized that my 66 year old gov teacher totally knows teenagers are not subtle by nature but they are amazingly oblivious when it comes to matters of their heart they are really perceptive with other things though the boys almost never recognize if a girl likes them and the girls never realize a guy is showing interest it's funny to watch it happen it's so blatantly obvious as an outsider but i remember being just as oblivious as a student it's called crushing self-doubt i had a girl literally ask me out and i slept on it and convinced myself she was just freaking with me in an attempt to embarrass me awkward story my students are all between eight and ten and a few have noticeably hit the point where they are obviously starting to notice the opposite gender i have two students that i'll give fake names a boy james and a girl lucy in my class they are always together recess lunch time free choice the two are always working together they are both very shy and giggly and it seemed a mutual crush was there noted by me and their math teacher as well one day i hear james getting teased by some other kids for his crush on lucy his math teacher and i pull him aside and have a talk with him we tell him that we'll be talking with the class as a whole about crushes and teasing he's not the only one his math teacher also tells him that if he does have a crush on lucy it's nothing to be embarrassed about because she's a nice sweet girl james just looks awkward and asks to go so we let him a few days later i'm walking my kids out to the parent pickup and i see lucy's dad is here to pick her up james waves to both of them as they leave and i ask if he's been over to lucy's house to play and if he knows her dad yay miss that's my uncle oh crap i have encouraged cousin insist i awkwardly gather my nerves and start to say ah you remember that talk we had about lucy and liking her oh well i didn't realize she was your cousin so i thought you didn't that was weird miss then he just laughed and said he liked a different girl anyway from his older sister's class tl dr 10 year old is into cougars not cousins gotta love that tl dr anyways i love the surprise ending xd one of my students father told me his son liked a girl in his kinder class he said she's pretty dad she looks like a dragon the dad laughed and said we're gonna have to work on your compliment son oh man the longing stares across the room the almost creepy wistful what ifs you can just see in their eyes when i was in middle school that was me i'm a bartender and this sounds like every guy in the bar after 1 30 a.m i'm a substitute teacher and my favorite student with a blatant crush experience was with a second grade class i picked the kids up from the yard after recess and a boy came to me very upset because one of the girls had been chasing him the entire recess once we got back to class i talked with the girl asking for her side of the story conversation went something like this me jose was pretty upset about something that happened this recess do you want to tell me what happened girl we were playing me he said you were chasing him is that true girl slight blush yeah me do you think he wanted you to be chasing him girl number me if you knew he didn't want to be chased why were you chasing him girl huge blush guilty smile and hunched shoulders he makes me laugh that's adorable i am teaching seventh grade right now it's crazy easy to tell it makes me wonder if i was that obvious when i was their age or worse if there were girls that were that obvious towards me and i didn't notice it's like they don't even hide it one of my boys carries a girl's books every day it is clear to me that he has a crush on her i learned recently that she has a different one of these guys to carry her books between every class i mean that's just manipulative she's got to know right right i have this one teacher that will totally just say anything that's on her mind one she just flat out said do you guys like each other or what to these two kids in my class within three days they were dating and still are that could have easily resulted in them being super embarrassed and avoiding each other forever band in high school is a funny place since kids are around each other a lot more of the time than the average student they tend to get banned goggles it's pretty obvious to see relationships blossoming more often than not it is a good thing but every now and then you get the older upperclassmen boys going after naive freshman girls and boy oh boy does it turn ugly quick the drama can be outrageous funniest most shocking moment a girl who is an awesome student has been dating a true player on and off for the last year she went so far to tell me that she got back together with him after he cheated on her so literally last friday i'm sitting in the band hall watching kids practice this sweet girl comes in the hall and is walking with a sense of purpose as she passes me she says something under her breath that i didn't quite get the first time confused by what she said i watch her walk up to said guy she grabs him by the shoulders and spins him around she says something to which he responds with a short answer but had that look on his face that he got caught doing something he wasn't supposed to be doing she then balls up her fist and socks the guy four five times and storms off at that point i realized what she said sk vanguard you are going to have to write me an office referral best referral ever it former and current promiscuous band nodes which i hope are not my students banned drama can get pretty crazy at times it's pretty fun to watch mainly because i'm a youth and drama tends to avoid us also obligatory vanguard i teach english i remember a star football player senior coming into the room to rap with me for a bit before third period started every friday in my third period a female student junior of mine who was extremely intelligent and very pretty yet somewhat shy being an ap student and all was sitting in the front row and always stared at him when he came in he would talk about football and stuff with me and every so often i'd look back at her still staring right at him and smiling the entire time she would not turn that smile off no matter who was looking or what anyone said it was actually one of the cutest saddest things i ever saw seeing as how the guy never even turned around to notice her if he did who knows maybe they would have hit it off maybe they did after they weren't my students former sixth grade teacher here i was there to witness one of my kids take his first big leap at lunch he asked the girl he had a crush on will you go on a date with me she smiled and said yes immediately the boy on the other side of her said don't go out with the sucker go out with me she smiled and said okay middle school is tough man poor dong he must have been devastated i wasn't a teacher i was a teaching helper i mean it was only sixth grade but it was extremely easy looking at everyone facing you you start to realize what people are focusing on i know when kids are texting because they look straight at me and every two minutes look down for two seconds and have their hands under the table for a crush it is the long stairs at the back of their crush's head whilst fiddling with an object like a pencil or their hair give a quick look away when the crush looks at them it's easy sorry for question mark at first in german and didn't know how to teaching helper correctly to say it if anyone knows please comment or message me i always got caught staring i would try and pretend to be looking up and over their heads but i'm sure it was pretty obvious it is painfully obvious most of the time here are some of the things i saw continuous glances at the same person body language that positions the person closer to the other person interjecting into a conversation that the person was not engaged in to begin with being helpful more so for a person than for anyone else in class flirting obviously boastful storytelling a lot of times it is outlandish and very obviously untrue hanging around the other person uninvited and checking out the other person while oblivious to their surroundings what is funny is that most people think they are being sneaky or inconspicuous from my vintage point in the front of the classroom these things seemed so obvious as to be genuinely painful to observe it was especially painful when the feelings were intentionally unreciprocated i taught college for a bit i'm not a teacher but in sixth grade 2002 a girl in my class history with mrs thompson sat in the next row over from me every day i was crushing on another girl and ignorant to the fact that she liked me midwinter missus thompson is handing back papers and stops between the two of us while glancing back and forth between the two of us and says something along the lines of i don't know who to give this paper back to her first name or mr my last name mrs thompson hands the paper back to her she had been practicing writing her name with my last name so much in her notebook apparently like many teenage girls do that she had accidentally written it on homework she handed in six years later at my high school graduation a half dozen of my former teachers including mrs thompson were sitting around talking with my friends and me and brought up that paper where a girl had written my last name on her paper they found it cute and endearing and told other various stories of middle school love a year and a half ago i married that girl tl dr my wife is omniscient don't tell her i said that she already knows college perspective i can usually tell which of my students have hooked up i can almost always tell when girls are crushing on guys in my classes it's usually painfully obvious especially from the perspective of the front of the room i can also tell that you're texting no matter how much you work to camouflage it sometimes when i assign group work of any kind i like to intentionally split up or subvert the secret love badge just to see how they react i'm a bit of a sadist like that oh freshmen all pheromones alcohol performance over confidence and a complete lack of experience with the real world such fun just found this guy you collect a math chef below comma i can definitely tell and i always sit the awkward shy ones with their crushes some would call me a guardian angel it's like i'm his evil doppelganger or something i work in a college and teach early morning classes to 17 24 year olds mostly it is painfully obvious who just did a walk of shame to class and occasionally who is freaking someone else in the room the most awkward thing that ever happened was some guy who came into the class and interrupted a lecture to hit on a girl in the front row he wasn't even a student just some sucker who walked by our open campus and recognized the girl through the window as the girl who he saw at jack in the box a week earlier for more details on the second story he comes in and just starts talking to her i am in such shock that this guy just randomly walked in i was speechless and just stood there watching it after about a minute i came to my senses and realized the situation here is this 40 plus year old dude tatted up with his pants hanging from his butt reacting of booze and cigarettes at 9am hitting on a very uncomfortable looking tiny blonde 18 year old i tell him that this is my classroom and that i wouldn't have him interrupting he would have to go he didn't put up a fight just asked when class was over so he could come back to mack him some i told him we were out at noon we were really done by 10 and that was the last day of class the day of the final a week later in a different room i kept my eyes open but he never showed i asked the student but she only knew him from a single instance of standing in line in front of him a jack in the box he doesn't even go here i teach 16 year olds when a girl likes a guy she'll draw hearts on his notes when a guy likes a girl he'll draw dongs on her notes a couple met in my hs chemistry classroom this was three years ago he was a junior in hs she was a sophomore they told me last fall that when the date is set i'll be invited to the wedding best example of chemistry ever you could say i was the one teaching chemistry but actually it was them who taught me it this actually happened in my acting class just today our teacher said he had an exercise to show us how much subtext there is under the surface of our actions i pick a person in here who you have something you desperately want to say something to and never could think about it really hard and don't make eye contact with them or they'll know everyone in the class knows each other very well there is a lot of dirt to stir up the silence was deep and uncomfortable now go ahead and say it you could hear the buttholes parker people look numb with fear and hesitation the teacher having proved his point about rich subtext opened his mouth to end the exercise before anyone could actually speak now just then a kid jumped up from his chair arduously and let loose with sadie you're hot as heck and i want to freak your brains out the room exploded the end of the story the result was pandemonium one kid was laughing so hard he nearly tipped his desk right over onto the floor the teacher was in shock the kid was red in the face and laughing uneasily the amazing thing was the girl she didn't smile didn't acknowledge it nothing she sat there stuck still like marie antoinette at the guillotine totally above the situation i think she must have been mortified and didn't know what to do the teacher's response i have been doing that exercise for decades and no one has ever actually said anything the next day i crap you not read it saw this kid and sadie walk in today a little apart both grinning he was listening to a song on her ipad they both fell asleep in class great success teacher of high school freshman here it's very easy sadist story two houses both are like sorry it was a couple years ago girl was quiet charming and very bright boy was disruptive but the good kind of disruptive the pleasure to have in class disruptive very funny it became very clear to me that she was crushing on him something fierce i for what it was worth blessed this potential union this went on for several months then one day she storms into my room in a huff declaring her anger at him as i'm going around the room later that day i catch him writing a lengthy letter to her at a glance it explained how he thought she was a really nice girl and all but it would be perhaps best if they remained only friends i assume she had made a move it didn't pay off over the next few days i saw more mournful and longing looks than i ever wanted each one broke my heart by the end of the year they had patched it up yet i still caught the occasional twinge of sadness in her eye she may still hope to this day and i i still hope too i think i just read a premise to an animated film i teach kindergarten yes they get crushes too they're completely incapable of hiding them because they haven't yet learned shame i had a class with six girls and only one boy one of the girls always played with the boy their moms are good friends so they also do many things together outside of school at lunch the girl would talk about how many times she had kissed a boy at soccer practice and how they were going to get married it was absolutely adorable then one day i got a new student another boy i can't even tell you how excited my first little guy was to finally have another boy to play with he expected the new boy would feel the same way and immediately want to be his best friend unfortunately for him the new boy wanted to be friends with everyone including the girls not only did my original boy have to share his new friend but his little girlfriend started flirting hardcore with the new boy and forgot about him almost completely he started getting madder and madder i had to work very hard during playtime to make sure he didn't feel left out it was a very hard time for him luckily the new boy was only around for a short time everything went back to normal when he left next time on friends this is one of my most treasured memories as a teacher i was a student teacher so i was not prepared for this i asked my students to write and share their own poetry we focused on sensory imagery and i had the presentation staged at the local university for a bit more gravitas some were funny some were surprisingly beautiful but most were banal and the exercise was mostly boring this one girl got up in front of the class visibly shaking she was near tears for her entire poem i wanted to help her but i had no idea what to do so i just watched like everyone else as she poured her heart out to a boy in the class who did not reciprocate when she finished there was a silence in the room and after a few seconds which seemed to stretch out forever one of her friends stood up and ushered her out of class as the tears began to flow nobody made fun of her but the boy also didn't show that he felt the same it was just out there with no commentary it is to this day one of the bravest acts i have ever witnessed i wonder what that boy was thinking frick everybody is going to think in the douche daycareteacher2kid611 here it is probably one of the easiest things to pick up on they try to play with the other but they don't openly admit to it they spend a lot of time near the other without ever actually talking to them they sit at the same table but try to talk to different friends basically they spend as much time with the other as possible without actually becoming friends if anything about crushes is mentioned they immediately try to direct the conversation so people talk about them and their crush and the second the two are mentioned together the crusher blushes not to brag but i have this 10 year old that has a pretty obvious crush on me i mean i'm a teenage male who spends 20 hours a week with her so it is entirely understandable i should mention that i don't encourage it or anything i treat her like all the others granted she is one of the oldest so she does have more responsibility and she is able to have deeper conversations but she tries to make my life easy she will help clean cook and take care of the younger kids she does it to impress me and i sincerely appreciate it i will say again that it is completely normal i had crushes on babysitters so do we all i feel kind of bad for her now because she puts a lot into it but i know she'll smile looking back on it as an adult there is another kid who is six maybe seven now who has a crush on one of the nine-year-olds i mean they are not entirely on the same level mentally first grade and third grade are about as far apart as third grade and ninth grade night and day so it is kind of sad because he is chasing after her she knows i think about the crush and it makes her a little uncomfortable but she is sweet about it in my high school there was the rumor that the teachers would talk in their break room and try to pair people up in their classes for prom they didn't do jack for me so frick them in class on sunday a five-year-old boy said to a girl kyla your eyes match the flower in your hair one of the cutest things i've ever heard she smiled and blushed and the guy next to me looked at me and said the kid has got moves roses were in her hair she is satan i teach 10th graders when i was student teaching at age 21 i was really well liked and the students told me a lot of personal stuff probably because my age made me more approachable to 15 stroke 16 year olds one girl c would spend her study hall in my classroom during my planning period along with about five other students who just wanted to get out of study hall she told me that she liked a boy s who also hung out in my classroom at that time from then on i used to group them together in class on purpose to get her to talk to him and give them an opportunity to spend some time together i would always encourage her to ask him to hang out or tell her about things he was interested in so she could start conversations with him about it she loved him i think he saw her as a friend but was generally clueless about her feelings the saddest moment between the two of them was during my planning period their study hall some of the other kids that hung out in my room during that time were off running errands for me so it was just c s and i in the classroom c was a pretty overweight girl and she was sitting on the desk part of those dumb classroom desks and the desk completely gave out breaking and sending her falling to the ground i immediately shooed us out of the room sending him to get the maintenance guy to get the desk out when s was gone c started balling and was absolutely mortified i knew she would be which is why i sent s away quickly i talked her through her embarrassment and by the time s got back c was cool as a freaking cucumber and totally brushed it off we went back to normal conversation and i'm sure s forgot about it within minutes my student teaching ended about a month later so i'm not sure if anything became of cns but i definitely still think about them sometimes i'd like to think i was just doing what any teacher would do in that situation but i know that there is an unfortunate number of teachers who wouldn't have responded the same way i did i just remember what it was like to be 15 years old and i've had a few teachers who treated me as kindly as i treated c so i'm just paying it forward and doing my job c s and i looks like that combination of letters rings a bell it's incredibly easy for me to tell and after i know i make it a point to sit the kids next to each other if i think they'll make a cute couple produce adorable offspring in the future the world needs more cute couples kids you're welcome i've taught many different age levels and their crushes are all pretty obvious my favorites kindergarten boy throwing himself on floor with glee i don't know what's going on with these girls but i love it fifth grader matter of factly saying listen i have a crush on connor so if you could move my desk by his i would appreciate that and one of my students using lunch on a field trip to ask a girl on a pizza date she accepted and he wore extra nice clothes they sat at their own table making conversation in their own world all of the adult women chaperones were very impressed my god all those times when the teachers arbitrarily rearranged the desks now i wonder if there was something going on that i was unaware of if you are new to the channel you can subscribe i publish new videos every day until then check another video [Music] bye for now
Channel: Updoot Studios
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Keywords: school, school stories, school rules, high school, teachers, students, parents, college, teachers vs students, in school, #updootst, updoot, updoot reddit, updoot everything, reddit on tap, toadfilms, pewdiepie, reddit, askreddit, funny reddit, reddit stories, top posts, reddit top posts, reddit cringe, comedy, reddit compilation, /r, r/askreddit, top posts of r/, askreddit reading, best reddit posts, top posts of all time, people of reddit, askreddit question, ask reddit, subreddit, sub
Id: w3Aap6eD7oo
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Length: 118min 49sec (7129 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 03 2020
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