Cringe-Worthy Doctor Visits (2 Hours Reddit Compilation)

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doctors over at it what's the biggest case of faking it you've ever seen taking trauma called during surgery residency had a prisoner come in after a fight and claimed he couldn't move or feel his legs all the ct scans and mris were normal but we would shield his legs so he couldn't see them and poke them with needles and other sharp objects with enough force to cause pain he never flinched or moved his legs at all he was diagnosed with sewora spinal cord injury without radiographic abnormality he stayed in the hospital for a week no improvement always had one guard with him one night they were down in the lobby watching some television but the guard needed to use the restroom the patient said where could i possibly go i'm paralyzed guard left him alone for two minutes patient last seen sprinting down the road naked butt cheeks flapping in the breeze made it to a city four hours away by car before he was caught again i have never seen anyone fake it so well truly playing the long con he should have waited until he was released for not being a public threat dermatologist here patient was convinced she had a melanoma and needed a bioz and would need to be on workers comp i told her it looked like ink from a marker she demanded a bassy i wiped the area off with an alcohol swab and showed her the incan that there was no spot on her skin anymore she stormed out threatening to sue i'm just glad i cured her melanoma i'm just glad i cured her melanoma but but she didn't want to be cured you charlatan had a patient come and for a fall who now couldn't move their legs at all did a bunch of tests didn't find anything the patient was not at all phased by suddenly being paralyzed which was the first red flag didn't really believe anything was wrong but the patient was still not moving their legs my options are to admit for a huge workup or get them to walk so i update them saying everything is fine tests are negative you can go home patient gets up gets dressed and walks out without a word not a doctor but worked in healthcare for nearly 20 years while taking a break from the iq due to it being emotionally draining i worked in home health for a bit i had a patient who clearly had munchausen syndrome on a daily basis she would call her insurance to see what things would be covered if she was diagnosed with this or that she called her doctor's office an average of five ex during my shift with her she would report all kinds of non-real symptoms she pestered the doctors into do exploitive laparoscopic surgery of course nothing was found one day i walked in and she was rubbing her incisions with rotten cabbage trying to get it infected she wasn't seeking pain meds except to sell really she was just as happy with antibiotics or stool softeners anything as long as they wrote her a prescription and she got to go to the pharmacy where she did a whole song and dance for them too claiming allergies and reactions she always increased the exaggeration of her story too one time she fluttered her eyes after making sure i was looking and said she lost consciousness in that half a second she called the doctor and claimed she lost consciousness for five minutes she called the insurance and claimed it was 10 minutes she called the pharmacy and claimed it was 30 minutes then she called 9-1-1 and told them she woke up on the floor after losing consciousness for four hours the worst thing about her was she was a mom her son was 28 at the time and by all the stories of his childhood illnesses and all her saying how he is severely disabled i knew she basically fricked up his childhood with munchausen by proxy she portrayed him as being severely disabled and that's why he would never find a wife i met him he was healthy and of average intelligence he wasn't looking for a wife he was gay but she refused to accept that working with her was so miserable that i took a couple years off from any and all healthcare after that we had a patient faking a seizure so my supervisor told one of us to get the brain needle the patient made a miraculous and swift recovery without intervention that's the best part about most of these stories when they make up some form of fake machine so that the patient stops faking cracks me up every time young 1820 woman went running into small rural hospital pretending to have abdominal pain police officer had tagged her going 40 plus km over the limit which was stunt driving as per the new law in ontario impound and license suspension automatic cop followed her into her and apparently said he'd be waiting for her when she left locum staff such as myself were housed at a small bee and be about 15 minutes away and the year had pre-printed order sets to be done before we arrived when i arrived she flat out admitted that she just came in because she freaked out and didn't stop i told her we'd give her 45 minutes to call her parents family before i booted her except bhcg came back positive and subsequent ultrasound came back showing extremely early ectopic officer figures out something is up when he hears their ambulance call carmen over radio she was completely asymptomatic and just worked out that she dodged both charges and a life-threatening issue by accident it was definitely a wtf moment a little more info small rural hospitals in northern ontario often service areas from more than an hour's drive away and still only have a catchment area of two zero zero zero three zero zero zero people when on call it was just that we would do our days in the community clinic then maybe hospital rounds then go home and be on call we wouldn't be at the hospital there wasn't an on-call room where you would stay for example there were lots of times that you'd go a full night without being woken up or maybe just a call from the acute care impatient wing locals were short-term contracts for places that didn't have full-time medical staff for whatever reason it's hard to attract clinicians if you don't even have broadband internet in the community they generally pay very well pediatric neuropsychologist got a referral for more or less consolidation care patient was 13 wheelchair bound required therapeutic oxygen seizures arthritis musculoskeletal problems suspected autism completely non-verbal severe behavior challenges the list goes on he was being followed by at least eight different specialties clearly none of whom were communicating with each other and med list was 18 prescriptions long including some incredibly heavy duty stuff opioids antipsychotics and epileptics that sort of stuff got kicked to me after his umpteenth trip because the adock felt something was off and he needed someone to look at the whole picture factitious disorder by caregiver or munchausen by proxy all of the original symptoms were parent reported going back to about a year old it had possibly started with a febrile seizure fever-induced seizure in infancy but this was never witnessed by anyone but mom she it's unclear she had been telling docs different things she was convinced her son had all these disorders told him he was going to die any day he got a make-a-wish trip donations etc he was removed from her custody and taken off most of his meds within a few weeks he was out of the wheelchair playing basketball no oxygen super talkative and friendly no behavior problems he did have a pretty significant intellectual disability but there's no way to say if that was organic or the result of the prescription cocktail he had been fed all his life hopefully with some good therapy and a stable home he can continue to make progress physical therapist here working mom comes into the clinic with her infant in a stroller she's limping like she's got a nail in her foot wincing in pain and tears in her eyes she's crying during her visit with the pt none of us think she's faking it she limped out of the clinic i glanced out of the window and saw this woman bounding down the sidewalk hips swaying full stride going places we were all fools whenever we had kids usually teenagers playing up their symptoms to extend their hospital stay we would order them into a healthy lifestyle lights out at nine no screen time for two hours before bedtime healthy diet chock full of fruits and vegetables screen time limits minimum number of laps around the unit per day to get in their exercise they got better so much faster with our healthy lifestyle tips my brother was an emt for two years and he told me this people will try to use the ambulance as a means for transportation from fulton to oswego because the hospital is in oswego by faking seizures sometimes when the head empty guy was feeling fun and knew that the person was faking he'd say something like man it's weird that he's having seizures but not peeing himself apparently the person would kind of snap out of it for a second weigh up the repercussions then either pee themselves or stop faking i thought that was hilarious sorta along the same idea working at a pharmacy we saw a guy come in to try and get a refill on some pain meds that had no refill after pleading that his ear really hurt we told him again we couldn't refill it one of the other employees saw his step into a side hallway and take a pencil and jam it forcefully into his ear repeatedly drawing blood he calmly left and went to the air he came back a few hours later with a prescription for pain meds it amazes me that people will risk permanent deafness for a fix yes i get it i've never been addicted to drugs stop bringing it up you're like unbroken record this patient comes in for back pain with weakness of the legs gets a full workup with mri standard blood work and then some immunological things to look for stuff like my asthenia gravis no neurological or immunological explanation for the weakness patient is seen by physical therapy and they are of the opinion that the patient is holding back intentionally go to see the patient at the end of the day and prep them for discharge patient is infuriated that they're being discharged yelling and screaming about how they aren't better how they're disappointed in the institution blah blah blah they said one particular thing that still clearly stands out three four years later i can't believe you're sending me home already i haven't even told my family i'm here and now you're going to send me home before they even have the chance to see me my attending and i leave the room to arrange things with the nurses we go back in and the patient is out of bed and standing up in the middle of the room miraculously the patient is able to walk with zero assistance when they had so much difficulty with any assistance over the previous two days at that point they were enraged was in rage we went into the room without knocking they were discharged home after a conversation regarding abuse of medical services had a patient when i was an intern feigning blindness she would constantly be playing on her smartphone only furiously trying to hide it when someone from the care team came into her room the best was when my attending one day strolled pst her room and threw his hand up in a highly exaggerated hello wave she started to throw her arm up to about caught herself halfway through then threw her hand back into her lap and pretended to be staring off into nothing i would never have expected pretending to be blind to be such a commonly fake tissue but reading this thread has changed my mind on that nurse for an ophthalmologist here had a 21 year old new patient claiming to be completely blind from a sudden and severe glaucoma diagnosis from a previous unknown doctor would feel around while walking tried to keep eyes rolled back into his head the whole nine yards he said he is a famous youtube rapper that is now unable to make videos or earn a living i exclaimed to have heard of him before and very excitedly asked him to search and show me his youtube channel on my phone so that i could subscribe he took my phone out of my hand and effortlessly found the youtube app and typed away in the search bar oh and of course his eyes were back to normal and focused i am amazed he didn't ask for a discount or to have a free checkup for some exposure one time my roommate who is an iq nurse came to see one of my indoor soccer games during the game a player on the other team went down hurt and starting screaming in pain and swearing and rolling around while holding his ankle before he was eventually helped off the field he then limped over to where the fans sat and watched the rest of the game brooding in silence before he left early after the game my roommate told me he was going to go over and see if there was anything he could do to help until he saw that the guy was limping on the wrong leg i miss the days of my childhood watching my dad play indoor soccer it's so fast paced and really fun when it's local rec leagues tangentially related he had to stop playing because he legitimately injured his knee big time was told this one by a fellow nurse i used to work with when we had a psych floor it's not unusual for psych patients to stash things in various orifices this one woman was convinced she was impregnated by a ghost-like figure but no one would believe her so one day she started complaining of massive pelvic and uterine pain she called them contractions so the doctor goes to do an exam the doctor feels something larger in there so they prep a table to get the object out which was quite large so the wonderful third year helping with the procedure starts hearing this woman complain of contractions and yelling things like should i push i'm gonna start pushing doctor trying to work forceps around this woman's parts as to not hurt her finally goes got and as he starts saying it he pulls out a baby doll head only the poor med student did the wobble went all flush had problems keeping balance and about took a dive i was told he didn't live at down the whole rotation i know that isn't right but it's the funniest thing i've ever read i'm crying laughing i once saw a patient who had been faking paralysis of the legs for years used a wheelchair never walked etc old records showed extensive imaging neurology consults and other tests that prove the patient had full function of all extremities family friends were just going along with it not sure if it was really conversion disorder or if the patient had some secondary gain issue that's so baffling i'm a part-time wheelchair user and i don't know why anyone would choose to make the world more inaccessible to themselves not a doctor but i'm a uk-based midwife had a patient who had been in and out of hospital throughout her pregnancy with episodes of heavy bleeding this was her sixth baby so she was a fairly well-known patient in our unit the issue was no one had ever seen her actively bleeding she'd call saying that she had bled down the toilet but flushed it and all the examinations we did came back completely normal with mostly no evidence of any bleed whatsoever on occasions during speculum examinations we'd see the smallest amount of blood i was caring for her during a shift where she yet again called to say she was bleeding walked into her room and found her jabbing around her tee with a sharp object to make herself bleed she had been doing it the entire pregnancy the reason she gave because she had five noisy children at home needed some rest and knew we wouldn't admit her to hospital if it wasn't for a good reason she would do it any time her being discharged home was mentioned we ended up having to complete a perinatal mental health referral and consult with the safeguarding midwives as she was putting herself and baby at risk of serious harm there's a lot of questions regarding birth control and questioning her parenting so thought it best to add this patient was not by any means a benefits seeker they were a hard-working and loving family that had full-time jobs she had been booked in to have her tubes tied but found out a week before the procedure that she was pregnant with this baby if she just couldn't cope during the pregnancy and became very mentally unwell she did not realize the implications or understand the face that she was causing massive harm to herself and her baby she was referred to our perinatal mental health team and treated for psychosis they also had a lot of input after she had her baby she ended up having a c-section and was sterilized at the same time at her request by all accounts she is doing very well now also thank you very much for the slivers imagine being so exhausted with your family that you feel the need to stab yourself in the tea yikes i hope that woman found the help she needed ophthalmology technician people pretend to be blind all the time go to check their eye pressure with the tonic a device you poke them directly into the eye with and they go what the frick is that thing obligatory not a doctor i'm a nurse we had a guy who had to come in every three months to get a medical certificate to say he couldn't work out his retail job due to severe disabling back pain he was receiving large amounts of insurance money for this condition after the doctor had done his usual examination and questions and signed it off the guy asks the doctor to check his shoulder which doctors and asks how he injured it guy says playing rugby for a competitive team really says doc how long have you been playing for them guy who's been playing and training the whole time doc puts this info on insurance form doc loses his crap in staff room laughing next week the patient loses his crap and reception because his insurance has been cancelled haha i used to know a guy who badly injured his back at work and got lifetime compensation it really freed up a lot of time for him to train for cross-country ski races guy came to her i was a nurse at the time for stomach ache when asking him about history he randomly mentions a fight with his girlfriend where she left in a tizzy and he fell asleep on the couch 20 minutes later when we see the ct he has a satellite cable remote wrapped in a condom lodge in his rectum i suppose he intended to frame her didn't get to hear the conversation he had with the doctor i was curious how he was going to explain why she was nice enough to wrap it in the condom i am a nurse but not a doctor i had a patient who worked in a hospital janitor so he knew enough to fake a bit he was seeking pain meds complaining of chest pain wanting morphine he was worked up for everything cardiac and was fine then he tried to claim gi discomfort when he was being discharged cleared again for everything faked chest pain again cleared again now he's my patient i'm a new face he's telling me he's having abdominal pain i call the doctor knowing this guy's history he says he'll be up to see him soon this patient wants a ginger ale some stomach ache i decide to go to lunch my co-worker comes into the lunchroom disgusted this guy had taken a dump in a basin and then dumped the ginger ale over it and tried to tell her he'd had feckle vomiting he obviously needed dilaudid right now for the pain i walked into his room and sure enough a pile of crap in a puddle of ginger ale i told him i'd have to take away his food and drinks and we'd have to put an ng down suddenly he changed his tune he admitted to faking it why do these people do what they do in the story opioids till about feckle vomiting a nurse bringing a patient back to a room who said he had kidney stones i had him stop at the bathroom and get a urine sample dude comes out with with the specimen cup that literally has a piece of concrete in it looked him in the eye expecting some sort of joke he was serious i threw it away and walked his dumbbells back to the waiting room to contemplate his stupidity when i was a medical student i worked in the pediatric side of the emergency room and we would give popsicles to all the kids one afternoon an eight-year-old came in with his father and i asked what was wrong the kid couldn't remember what he complained about to his dad and the dad couldn't remember why he brought his kid in the kid's mom was a nurse she was working at another hospital at the time and she was the one that would keep track of these things anyway after a few minutes trying to figure out what was going on the kid asked so can i have my popsicle now the kid was 100 healthy unfortunately we reinforced bad behavior and both the kid and the dad subsequently left with popsicles my cousin got glasses her seven-year-old little sister also wanted glasses because she thought it was so cool to wear them so she started telling her teachers she couldn't read what was on the chalkboard and she'd squint at home and go incredibly close to the tv to watch things because she said she couldn't see things clearly her parents got worried and took her to the doctor she read everything wrong on the vision test everyone seemed convinced that she needed glasses but the doctor was a little concerned because the tests indicated she needed really thick glasses and usually that wasn't the case unless there was a family history of vision issues her parents both had 20 stroke 20 vision and her sister only had astigmatism they all realized she was faking it so the doctor told her parents in front of her that she'd need some pretty intense eye surgery so she'd be able to see without glasses they even wheeled in a machine to make it convincing to say they could do the surgery right then and there she freaked out confessed to faking it all and started to cry she got grounded for a while years ago i had a patient who had been rear-ended in an auto accident a few weeks before i saw her she had a history of lupus she was decked out in the usual and crippled paraphernalia crutches neck brace elbow braces wrist braces knee braces and could barely walk i saw her a couple of times and she showed no improvement one saturday i was on call but had to take her back streets route to the hospital because of an event taking place on the main thoroughfare i apparently drove through her neighborhood because one does behold there she was wearing old lady spandex power walking down the sidewalk holding weights in both hands i did not call out to her next week she was back in clinic with her i'm crippled get up on again hum a few weeks later i got the subpoena for the deposition and it all became clear i'm a surgery resident when i was on my trauma rotation we had a patient comment after an mvc with question that maybe the patient had seized and that had caused the accident so he's in the trauma bay and starts shaking the trauma nurse goes oh this isn't a real seizure and the patient stops shaking sits up turns to the nurse and yells you don't know a freaking thing about me same thing happened to me when i visited a jail patient was in seizure i looked and said she is probably faking she promptly stops seizing looks at me and says i'm not faking and continues to seizure not a doctor but i was in the air one night and there was a seeking drug addict who literally only acted in pain when there was staff around you ever see those videos where the little kid is fine and then they spot a parent and then bull then immediately stop and be fine when the parent is out of view exactly like that sat fine no movements or wincing or noises then wailing when a nurse was in the same vicinity then back to find when they left a few weeks ago i had a vulva bar see i was petrified of this procedure and i didn't know how to ask the doctor if i'll be given pain meds because of people like this there is no way to even frame the question without sounding like a drug seeker i ended up not needing anything at all but still figure it's a legit question but you can't ask it not a doctor but nurse i once read a specialist consultation report and at the end of the report the actual diagnosis given was fictitious ailment i had a patient when i worked in aiku that was sedated in an event a family member showed up out of nowhere and was staying day and night i got pretty suspicious of them because they were clearly lying about knowing this person just talk to the fake family member about how it must have been sad since they just celebrated their birthday a week or so before getting ill this person said it was a wonderful party and such to which i replied their birthday hadn't occurred yet and won't for months turned out when security came it was a homeless person who snuck in and found a room with a sedated patient and decided to make it a place to stay needless to say security to enter the aiku was absolute crap it's pretty smart though doctors and nurses offered it what was the creepiest last words you heard from a patient right before they died working in the aiku and the elderly guy came in with sepsis as we were working on him he looks up and says yeah that's it and promptly codes we did not get him back old people dying seem to take a table flip and fricking approach to death kinda respect it in a way not afraid of death not happy about it either just too dang old to give a dang it was years ago i was a junior resident i didn't know the patient all that well but got called up to get her paperwork ready for discharge she was an otherwise healthy 96 or so had a palliative colon resection for cancer something something i went to her room to do a last wound check and dc a jp drain and she kept talking about how she was going home to bill her son pointed out that she's usually mentally very sharp but bill was her husband who had died years ago he reassured her no mom dad is gone we're just going back to the house she insisted no i'm going to him he came to see me this morning and said he's taking me home whatever i guess sun said she was otherwise at baseline it was the first and only weird thing she said vitals and labs looked good so we progressed along the dc pathway not even a few minutes later the code blue got called to her room she was don't code so we didn't do anything but it was like wtaf i guess bill really was coming for her her son was surprisingly okay with how this played out this one chilled me for a while names changed to protect the innocent and let's face it it was like 10 years ago and i don't remember anyway surgeon here not sure if this is creepy but a man on his deathbed kept repeating the body is in the woods next to the oak tree over and over until he passed the police were notified and they did search some woods behind the man's house but never found anything my grandfather had always known when he was going to die he always said that he was dying on the 26th of may at 12 in the afternoon towards the end he kept telling us that his time was coming that he was nearing the end of his life the morning of the 26th of may he calls my dad at about 8am they have about an hour long conversation no one knows details my dad doesn't want to tell what they talked about my dad says at 9 00 a.m my grandfather said this i'm not feeling all that great i'm going to go get a snack and take a nap so i'll see you on the other side an hour later we get a call from my grandfather's girlfriend he died at 10 o'clock in his sleep after eating half a can of pringles about five years later my dad starts saying the same kind of stuff he'd had really bad problems during this time so he's not in the best health he's always going on about how he know he's dying on the 10th of october he goes on and on about it that morning the 10th of october he says that he doesn't feel that good and that he doesn't want to do anything not typical for my dad well he goes on through the day anyway later that day he has to go to a dinner party for work him and my mom are leaving and he says to me well i'll see you in the other side i love you that night him and my mom get back and he goes straight to bed doesn't say anything to me or anyone the rest is what my mom said happened that night he was sitting in the edge of the bed in his pajamas mumbling to himself i asked him what was wrong and all i can understand is that he has to use a bathroom he got up walked to the toilet sat down and fell over dead all i saw was blood everywhere and the only thing i could think was to call thomas my brother a couple of minutes later my brother shows up and drags my dad through the house and out to the truck there's blood everywhere and my dad was dead my brother drives home to the nearest hospital and is slapping my dad back to life throughout the 15-minute drive my dad dies three more times and my brother slaps him awake again he was in aiku for two weeks when he was healthy enough to be transferred he was moved to a bigger hospital where they put a stint in his liver that saved his life he's completely fine now but if we had waited for an ambulance or if my brother hadn't been there my dad would have died that night just like he said he would have tl dr my dad and grandfather were psychics not a medical professional but my dad was dying at home and had been pretty out of it for a few days the few times he was conscious he would talk about all the people in his room and that they were climbing the walls staring at him from under the bed generally crazy crap the last thing he said before the end was to my sister are you going to bury me today totally fricked all of us up he died the next day i used to shadow a pt and often we would have to go to haiku for some patients there was a male patient who was there pretty frequently last words that i heard were hey angel while he was looking in the general direction of the female pt but not directly at her never once heard him call her angel before he ended up coding later that night not final words but action i was a first-year med student at the time and as part of our clinical rotations they farmed us out to learn how to do history physicals on whomever would agree to give up an hour of time to chat with somebody who clearly didn't know their ass from their elbow and wouldn't be able to help them with anything so largely it was the chronics awaiting placement who agreed i was interviewing an octogenarian status post dynamic hip screw who was awaiting transfer to rehab we were plodding through the checklist that comprised my review of systems at the time when he stopped mid-sentence and looked over my shoulder towards the door as though somebody had entered the room i cast a quick glance to see who it was but there was nobody there i looked back and his gaze was fixed and his mouth was quivering slightly and then he died boom one second talking and the next dead massive pay saddle i don't think i've ever seen somebody die so suddenly since and i reflect on that look the specter of death had been right there hovering over my left shoulder i still think about the look in his eyes he saw it and he knew as a compensation the last words my great-grandmother said to me were don't let the house go to crap that's not creepy but it is vaguely funny and i feel like it would lighten the mood because frick i'm fricked after reading all of this death is scary folks i had this patient who had a stroke after that he recovered fine but did get pneumonia like four weeks into his recovery the last words he said to me was at like four in the morning you took his girl and you will burn in heck for it i actually took a girlfriend from a friend of mine somehow he knew didn't you read the rules of the bro code not a doctor or a nurse but when i visit a friend at a hospital once this 70 year old guy asked an attending nurse if she'd ride his popsicle one last time in case he doesn't make it pretty sure he was there for a broken leg oh god can't you see them leave me alone get them out of my room they're coming for me dear god why aren't you doing anything help me oh god etc etc my great-grandmother's final words on her deathbed just moments before she passed i wasn't there but i could hear her in the background as i was on the phone with my grandma who was with her nobody was in the room except for my grandma we still don't know what she was talking about i'm not a nurse or doctor but this thread reminded me of what happened with my grandparents while my grandpa was visiting my grandma in the hospital after she suffered a stroke he himself had a massive heart attack he miraculously survived and they put both of them in a shared hospital room my grandpa was very weak and eventually passed away minutes before his death however my grandma proclaimed i'm dying as if she could feel him slipping away she lived another month before joining him i'm not a nurse doctor but this threat reminded me of when my great-grandmother died a few years ago we got the new she was unresponsive and put into hospice we drove 12 hours to see her as we're walking in they stop us and tell us she just passed within the last few minutes so my parents and brother and aunt were gathering themselves but i just rushed in because somehow i knew she wasn't gone i sat down beside her and took her hand she took two long breaths and she was still she seemed to have waited for me to come in still not the creepiest part though after they had moved her into the goodbye room and we said our goodbyes we all moved to the den where there was a piano and radio we were all talking and not even five minutes standing around the radio comes on and plays an older song my aunt said she loved the guy was gobbling down his breakfast and was refusing to have his blood glucose checked and we knew that he would need insulin because of his history i expressed my concern and he told me i have faced death many times before he's nearly blind missing a few digits you get the picture i came back 30 minutes later to check on him he was unconscious and turning nearly blue we coded him and recovered him to the aiku basically brain dead they pulled the plug on him a week later turned out he had choked on a piece of egg from the breakfast he was eating maybe not a real creepy story fourth year md student here haven't heard too many creepy things a lot of the patients that are close to the end aren't in great talking shape not all of them but most from my experience creepiest thing though we had a guy in his early 70s who was just a train wreck of health problems normally occam's razor brings cause of death down to one worsening cause this guy had metastatic melanoma really bad multiple myeloma lung cancer that had metastasized three different cancers at the same time he weighed maybe 80 pounds here a code blew over the pa system and the whole team shows up chest compressions epinephrine we get a pulse back after three minutes or so guys chest was destroyed by compressions there was trouble getting a good line into the vein so i think they drilled into his shin catastrophically painful if you're awake dude opens his eyes and looks around a bit looks scared as heck can't speak or really moved but looked terrified his nurse standing in the corner for the whole time pipes up not sarcastically he told me he was dnr the family put the legal stuff in a folder on the chair but we pushed morphine and covered him up readied his gown i held his hand until the resident declared him first death i ever saw dead people are cold just really really cold no one had ever told me that something somewhere went wrong and his computer file hadn't been updated only that nurse knew because he and the family had told her i cannot to this day think or understand why she didn't scream at anybody showing up in the room not to touch him or at least look for the folder with his living will in it she and whoever doctor nurse secretary whoever that screwed up that charting mistake should be raked over the coals but the family seemed pretty understanding of the mistake but if they wanted a lawsuit it would have been a deserved slam dunk never gonna forget the way he looked around though i hope he was disoriented that would be a horrible reality to have on your mind as you move on on a lighter note bumped into a kid from high school at the gas station years ago we chatted for a couple minutes and as he headed out his last words to me were we're going to the titty bar died as the unrestrained passenger in a car crash that night he and his buddies were trying to catch air in a car by going over some hump in the road crashed into a retaining wall he was a nice dude not a doctor but the last thing my grandma said to my sister before she died was check under the floorboards but we searched her whole house and found nothing you know there is money in the banana stand i'm a cna but this isn't about a patient my fiance's grandfather passed away back in january when my fiance and i got together i became responsible for helping his pop get to the doctor he went into the hospital for various reasons and we were told he was in congestive heart failure and that this was the end the hospital is an hour away from where we live and we both were working full-time so we were traveling back and forth we slept in the truck in the parking lot one night so we were the first ones to see him that morning he was an ikea so only two at a time could be in his room he was still sleeping when we got in his room so i pulled up a chair and laid my head down by his leg and went back to sleep my fiance went for coffee and when he got back him and his pop started talking pop was in and out of it at this point mostly singing old hymns and pleading for god to take him home one of the last things i heard him say was you've got a good one here don't let her go he was rubbing the top of my head as he said it i didn't grow up with grandparents and he was the closest thing to her grandfather i had the very last thing i heard him say was i love you too we made sure to tell him we loved him before leaving the room for anything and he replied every time until he finally fell into a deep sleep and never woke again god knows i miss that man working as a secretary in aiku nearly 20 years ago there was a mid-30s patient who was full-blown aids and was an iq as a dnr sort of contradictory but there you go anyway i can't remember if it was pneumonia or something else that landed him in aiku but i do remember when things started falling apart instead of coding him the nurses were coming in with drugs to relax him and make him comfortable out of nowhere he changed his mind about the dnr and started screaming i don't want to die yet please do something so they called the code but in the end he didn't make it you can still be in the iq as a dnr iednr intubation okay or dnrdni press is okay dnr equals comfort care but if it's at the point where the patient's actively dying hopefully someone had a conversation with him regarding treatment options colon i'm no doctor or nurse but when i am about to die i am fully committed to the idea of looking up at whoever is in the room at the time and saying that shirt is terrible one of us will have to go and i'm dead just like oscar wilde either this wallpaper goes or i do not creepy but most of these aren't anyway my uncle was a sailor loved the sea he wasn't going to get better so he asked to be taken off life support and be brought to hospice the next day at hospice he asked to go outside to look at the water it was a nice sunny day with a breeze he looked out to the water and took his last breath it was like he'd planned it it was a good death the devil has been in my room all night but don't worry god is with you this man had like the worst death ever too he had a horrendous seizure and died with his eyes wide open and had a horrible grimace on his face he had also been yelling all night about the devil and saying over and over get out of here this building's gonna blow my grandfather was fading fast but he smiled at me and said da da i can't hang around your grandma needs me to paint the house he died a few minutes later my grandma had been dead a few years oncology nurse here this will probably get buried however i know myself and my colleagues have had multiple patients tell us i'm going to die today sure enough most of them that say that actually end up passing coding that day it freaks me out when patients say that they just know something isn't right not a doctor or nurse my grandmother was in hospice care for brain cancer she had been there for five days and unresponsive for three my aunts uncles father and i stayed in her hospice room for these five days drinking beer and chatting my aunt stayed with her at night and rarely left her side one morning her husband came to get her so she could have a break and get some coffee before my aunt left she kissed my grandmother on the cheek as we all did when we left and said love you mom i'll see you soon my grandmother squeezed her hand and said goodbye graham passed away within minutes of them leaving my best friend's four-year-old daughter's last words were mummy as my friend held her closely in her arms not creepy but sad ah and my heart hurts i worked in a secured alzheimer's unit and one of my 99 year old residents rolled up to me in her wheelchair and said can i use your phone honey i want to call my son before i die today i said no granny what everyone called her you aren't going to die today i let her use my phone anyways after dinner one of the cnas asked if i had seen her so they could put her in bed i said no and help them look for her turns out she just laid down in an unoccupied room and died that evening i was never more happy that i had let a resident use my phone to call a family member my grandpa passed a week ago after being in hospice for a few days he was already unconscious by the time i got there but doctors and nurses told me he could still hear everything so i at least got to say what i needed to him my grandpa was to put it mildly not that religious but some members of my family are so a priest came up to hospice to meet and confer with us after discussing plans for his service the priest took my grandma's hands bowed his hands and said let us pray as soon as he said that my grandpa started yelling and moaning and thrashing around in his bed he was freaking pee off it was such a dark sad time and he still managed to make it hilarious i miss him my neighbor and long time friend developed a lung issue that was doing well enough to be taken off her breathing machine she was on the mend when things went south she waited for her family to gather to say goodbye when that was done she looked at her daughter and said grad school then passed her last thought was for her girl's future her daughter is graduating soon with that degree and i really miss that fun crazy woman my grandmother had a massive stroke and was completely unconscious in dnr for a week she didn't respond to this at all except when we would ask her if she saw grandpa every time we asked that she would kick her leg i believe wholehearted that our previously deceased relatives are there when we die paramedic had a guy in my ambulance go into v fib a lethal rhythm i saw it happen on the heart monitor and so did he and before he lost consciousness he looked at me and said but i can't see the light i worked him shocked him transported him to the ed but he died without regaining consciousness a physician here had heard many last words from patients but the creepiest one has to be of a man who was on his last breaths as he succumbed to renal failure he said i see a bright light horses no eyes number number anywhere was he allowed to yell at this point he was crashing when he suddenly woke up looked up and with his last breath he said i understand and he died we know in the medical field that these situations are provoked by a cascade of neurotransmitters in disarray due to tissue and organ failure but i sometimes have my doubts and perhaps we are seeing more than we are led to believe my grandpa died from diabetes complications at home after having a leg taken however my uncle his youngest was working in another country we told him okay papa you have to wait for bruce to get here he asked how long we said about 17 hours the last words i heard him say were 17 hours huh that's a long time but okay he went unresponsive after that and he died literally 20 minutes after my uncle got there and got to have some time to say goodbye he waited and he's a badass for that i'm not a doc or nurse but i lost my mom a few months ago from complications from copd and heart failure her carbon dioxide levels were rising and she was on comfort measures with morphine she had been unresponsive for a bit and my aunt and i were standing one on each side of her hospital bed one of the last things she ever asked was why is everyone here what's going on while looking into her sister's eyes my aunt was a trooper though and explained how we were trying to make her comfortable because her lungs weren't working anymore she said oh okay like that was the most sensible thing in the world the only other thing she said after that was a little while later she said he's waiting for me we'd like to think it was maybe her dad or my aunt's husband who had died the year prior who knows she was gone by 10 am the next morning just whatever you do let your loved ones know you care my mom had had reoccurring pneumonia and we have been planning to get her into rehabilitation that week and she was gone only 54 years old so make sure to share the love medical professionals have read it what was a time where a patient ignored you and almost died because of it me didn't almost die but i was very very sick i went for a mini vacation in baton indonesia where our villa had a private pool throughout our 48-hour stay i spend more time in the water than out to the time i wasn't in the water i was in our air-conditioned villa room with just a t-shirt now damp over my swimsuit in the day was blazing hot and at night it was super windy because it was near the sea i am also asthmatic while it's mostly under control i usually get a tight chest feeling when i am ill and haven't had a full attack in years i fell sick after the trip high fever runny nose cough i am also a healthcare professional i studied life sciences and dionatic testing i am hardly bothered and can take care of myself when i get sick eventually the fever went away and i was left with a cough the week after the vacation i was still having a cough and we went to play paintball completely over exerted myself running ducking crawling what have you after the game we went to a friend's place to have lunch and chill i fell asleep but woke up coughing with the feeling of something being stuck in my respiratory tract i thought it was phlegm went to the bathroom to cough it out but nothing was happening i lost track of time and apparently i was in the bathroom coughing away for about 30 minutes friends asked if i was alright and i just kept saying yeah it's just a cough i think there's some phlegm stuck and i'm trying to get it out it finally went to see that the doctor my regular gp the next day turns out i was having a very serious asthma attack i just couldn't recognize it because i haven't had one in many years worst thing is this was the same doctor who told me to always carry my inhaler around just in case but i just wasn't diligent about it until now my friends would yell it's just a cough i'm fine whenever i make even the smallest cough or sneeze now that i think about it i actually could have died asthma is the freaking worst always have to carry around that weirdly shaped inhaler that never fits comfortably in your pocket because god forbid i walk up some stairs or laugh and suddenly i'm on the verge of suffocation thanks body not 100 what you're asking for but like 80 percent are like 50 anyway when i worked in an assisted living facility one of our residents little old people kind not step kind came to the nurse's station and said you might want to check on jane jane's sitting in an armchair totally silent staring ahead left pupil blown can't speak 9-1-1 cva turned out to be a shire yay procedure mandates we call family anytime a resident is sent out cheap but daughter cd answered the phone sm is me severely moderate sm mom i need to inform you we've had to send your mother to the emergency room a cat what why sm well we have to wait for the doctors at the hospital to diagnose her but she appeared to be having a stroke cad does she have to go to the emergency room for that can she not just go to emergent care sm seeing as how a stroke is literally the death of brain tissue and she is acutely at risk for another stroke at any second which could easily kill her no mom she cannot go to an urgent care clinic for this cad huffy sai she is just plowing through the money dad left sm she'll be at madhu hospital on hipaa avenue if you'd like to meet the ambulance there my grandfather sebastian lost his vaginity at a brothel on hipaa avenue most discreet w in the business he said work as a medic on an ambulance got called for a female shorter breath she was in her 50s or 60s we get there and it's obvious she is having a real hard time breathing her oxygen saturation is 60 percent normal is 95 or higher we gave her oxygen get ready to get her loaded up she doesn't want to go we do everything we can to try and get her to go absolutely will not we explain she will die if she doesn't go nope not going take our oxygen off and leave two hours later another crew is sent back fire someone not breathing never got a pulse back so nothing almost died she did die not a medical professional but my dad had a really serious cough that i told him he had to get checked out he ignored me for weeks and coughed and coughed eventually he coughed up blood and i essentially forced him to go to the doctor he was diagnosed with tb i am vaccinated luckily and if he had left it any longer he would have died this happened a little while ago now but for most of the duration of his coffee was overseas he works for trinity and gets paid to work in places like india china korea etc and we facetime call regularly so luckily i wasn't around him very much for most of the duration of his cough or presumably when he first caught it and it was maybe a day after he came home after being abroad that he coughed up blood i did get tested at the hospital and no i don't have tb but i didn't know the vaccine was so ineffective and i guess i'm really lucky i wasn't around him a lot go and get yourself checked bcg vaccine does not prevent tuberculosis in adults it prevents serious forms of it and complications in kids but it does not protect you for 100 against tb in case you are infected but the disease is not yet progressing they can put you on a prophylactic regimen with just one drug as opposed to a mix of several drugs you don't want eb believe me this doesn't exactly fit the prompt but i was advising a patient to go to there because his blood potassium levels wear off which can cause a lot of problems he argued and argued with me about it but in my position you can't force anyone to do anything long story short he didn't go to the air he dead now fits nicely here i think i've seen a lot of heart failure patients as a student these people have problems with swelling and are often told to follow low sodium low fluid diets and need to be taking diuretics people often call them water pills there's always a handful that never follow these instructions and don't take their medications and they need to be admitted every few weeks months they have liters yes multiple liters of fluid diuresed peeing out out of them this one super obese woman bmi 50 had like 40 liters taken off of her in a couple weeks i don't know how she could breathe imagine having so much fluid stuck in your legs you could probably fill up a kiddie pool as mentioned a lot in this thread a lot of this is facilitated by their own lifestyle and non-compliance it's incredibly frustrating this is my mom to the tea just diagnosed she giggles and says she's being naughty when she doesn't follow orders so hard to watch because i know it's going to kill her i'm sure this person didn't almost die but i was once in a consult where the outcome was this patient complained that stomach hurts when he drinks too much beer recommendation drink less beer any guesses about exactly what that guy did not do patient doctor my hand really hurts when i place my arm above my head and wave it around like this doctor then don't stick your arm over your head and wave it around like this pt just signed out ama from my aiku a few months ago he had just gotten extubated had been on crrt for about a week was generally non-compliant obese copd dm type 2 etc he was very belligerent to staff and his family made it to the lobby before he coded we got him back and brought him right back to the unit family made him comfort measures and withdrew care because it was obviously not what he wanted he was 42. that's heartbreaking for the family mostly but also to think how young the guy was and just absolutely did not have to die but was too stubborn and ridiculous to accept aid had a guy come in the edie with an allergic reaction to peanuts i tell him hey no more peanuts because each allergic reaction gets worse and worse i send him home with a prescription for an ep pen in case he is accidentally exposed to peanuts and tell him to follow up with an allergist the next day he is back barely breathing and vital signs in the dumpster wife is with him and tells me he filled the script for the epi pen gave himself a shot ahead of time and then ate a peanut butter and jelly sandwich because that would be okay despite my strict instructions to stay away from peanuts and his wife yelling at him not to do it as he was spreading the peanut butter on the bread guy ended up intubated tube down the throat for breathing and chest tubes on both sides because his allergic reaction was so far along he was in the iq for two weeks because they couldn't bean him from the vent last i heard he had permanent lung damage and is on a bunch of meds just to get through the day all for a pb j i don't fully blame this guy because addiction is complicated head and neck cancer requiring a total laryngectomy voice box gone and now his trickier windpipe connected to the lungs his suit should end onto his neck meaning he can only breathe through this hole and now his mouth only leads to his esophagus swallowing tube guy kept smoking through his mouth knowing it wouldn't even reach his lungs for the full nicotine benefit and developed a second cancer in his mouth that required surgery my grandmother fell and broke her hip she had it repaired and was in a skilled nursing facility during her recovery now she also had emphysema accordingly she roomed with another older woman with emphysema and as i understand it she was told repeatedly about how there was one place that she could smoke outside and she absolutely could not smoke anywhere else yes she had emphysema and flatly refused to quit smoking even as it progressed she got up and went into the bathroom in her room in the middle of the night lit up a smoke while on oxygen which she wasn't accustomed to and quite literally blew up the room she had third degree burns over about 25 of her body received a bunch of grafts and was in the burn unit of the iq for a while until her heart gave out the day after she got upgraded for my coup visiting her in the hospital was the most traumatic thing i've ever seen it's been about 15 years now i miss her all the time young 20 something severe alcoholic cirrhosis esophageal varices came in with massive g bleed hypertension hgb 3.9 was doing massive transfusion protocol found the guy shakely ambulating to the in-room toilet with molina draining down his leg if he pulled his line it would have been over couldn't believe that guy never met more hardcore young alcoholics than immigrant field workers i work in pathology and i notice all the frequent flyers who end up in the hospital every few weeks with various functions declining each time what's worse is finally seeing them come through my shifts with the medical examiners after the family wants an autopsy obligatory i'm not a doctor disclaimer friends extended family member simply over-regulated his diabetes the miracle of insulin was just so great that he ate whatever he wanted and took insulin whenever his blood sugar got too high his body lost all means of blood sugar regulation he let a manageable case of diabetes degrade into a constant seesaw of eating too much sugar taking insulin to stay alive and eating more sugar when he took too much insulin sometimes he would literally ask someone to go to the store for a gatorade or a candy bar because he couldn't get off the couch though this was after he was diagnosed terminal due to other complications he passed a few weeks ago called the ambulance from his car after taking a solo trip to a fried chicken joint he was gone about 10 minutes before anyone arrived generous guy just couldn't take care of himself i am a medical professional but this is about me not a patient i got into a car accident and was put on an nsa id a muscle relaxer and hydra all uncoated meds each one of them said take with food but i had to take the muscle relaxer four times a day and taking them with food wasn't always an option i ended up giving myself gastritis now i can't take any meds that are uncoated i lost 30 pounds and i'm still having digestion issues i didn't almost die from this my cousin had cystic fibrosis she always wanted to feel normal and live like her friends did she would regularly not listen to her doctors about medication or fight new procedures because of having to have an extended hospital stay she was such a smart girl but she died in her sleep at 22 when she could have had at least another decade seeing some of the improvements and innovations and treatments for cf in the years since give me hope for the kids growing up with it now please listen to your doctor days or weeks of inconvenience is far better than decades lost down the line i miss her every single day not almost died but did die we had an older patient late 60s if i remember correctly who fell and hit their head they were on antiplatelet medications for an irregular heart rate atrial fibrillation they were stable when we were called for the fall but told them because they struck their head and were on that medication the risk of internal bleeding was very high and they should go to the hospital and get a ct scan they refused and signed off against our medical advice fast forward several hours and we're called back by family patient is unresponsive and presenting with the cerebral postering we were certain they had a massive intracranial bleeding died that night could have been avoided not a doctor or anything but my grandfather ignored chest pressure for three months and only went to the hospital because he couldn't move the pain was so bad he had a heart attack don't ignore chest pains patients very often ignore medical advice leave against medical advice and are often seen within a few days or months for the same issue they were having only exaggerated like if i could tell you how many times i've had someone in respiratory acidosis and how many times i've explained to them the risks of not wearing the devices or why they should stop using x drug only to see them back in full blown acute respiratory distress syndrome odds being intubated or tracked and eventually surviving and repeating the dang thing again or just dying finally is pretty high i mean sometimes people from the outside looking and think we are cold and caring individuals who show little emotions or sadness when we lose a patient or are laughing and talking calmly to each other when performing post-mortem care or when we straight up tell a patient that if they do not stop doing whatever they are doing they will die because of it it's because we have seen so much of it and it's just become a part of our everyday life you might be really surprised to find out stuff about some nurses if you ask them what they did before becoming a nurse just on my floor we have five nurses and two techs who were either airborne perasku combat control who saw lots of loss before even becoming nurses we cut open a guy's stomach one night to remove the bag of sea he swallowed he signed himself out of the hospital in the morning despite us telling him that his stomach would explode the next day he showed up at his old room and demanded we take care of him again obligatory not a professional i had an elderly neighbor he had the lower apartment i had the upper in a duplex he was on oxygen continuously due to extreme copd had pretty severe dementia and complained about everything continuously and the icing on the cake is that his girlfriend smoked like a chimney i put girlfriend in quotes because i'm fairly certain that she was a predator after him for his money i was working in the garden one afternoon and he comes flying into the garage pox's car and stumbles toward the door he made it about four steps and throws me his apartment keys shouting at me to run inside and grab a new tank of oxygen he went out to test drive a new car for his and ran out of air he was in the apartment for about another six weeks and social services moved him into a home i hope they took his driver's license away too i never saw him again work in pharmacy had a patient that refused to be compliant with his iv medications and had an extremely bad bacterial infection told me his body would figure it out and he wasn't paying any more money for us to just keep him ill next thing i knew i get a call from asking about his medical records and why we weren't applying his antibiotics this jerk tried to pawn it off on us that he was refusing therapy ended up septic and lost a limb to infection so i had a patient who was headed down to have an egd and naturally we tell them npo after midnight this woman was a hard intubation due to surviving a house fire scalding damage to her anatomy and after she was in paku she had to be intubated and eventually switched rooms off my floor med circ to the aiku i went in her room to pack her belongings to be sent up to haiku after she arrived and guess what i find in her bedside table two half drank bottles of juice and a bottle of prescription low razer pam she was sneaking fluids and home meds and instead of being in the hospital for just a couple hours post-op she gets to spend the next who knows how long in the aiku with aspiration blood pressure in the 200s tachycardia and an inability to catch her breath when we say npo we mean npfino had a patient who was on 15l of oxygen tell me that he couldn't breath with his mask on and taking the mask off helped him catch his breath after multiple failed attempts at explaining to him that the oxygen mask would help him breath and not hurt him his oxygen saturation dropped to around 50 percent very low and his rest rate was like 40 a minute very high eventually we got his mask on and he ended up being okay he had a really distorted view of medicine and would regularly try to explain medical things to me that made no sense was interesting to say the least i was barely what i'd consider a professional when i was an emtb but i've got a good one we were dispatched to a private residence by hospital which is out of the ordinary the patient had missed appointments in the family wouldn't put him on the phone patient was in his 60s frail and made his own medical decisions so something wasn't right we showed up and after some convincing they let us in we found our patient lying on the couch covered in filth the man was paralyzed from the waist down and had classic stroke-like symptoms he was alert enough to legally refuse care which he did but after i explained he was literally dying he consented the family disagreed but it's not their call i explained either he gets treatment or i'll get pd out here although while his abusive family was still eating dinner and drinking beers what the heck his vitals were terrible so we made a command decision to load and go and not wait for more resources the family wanted to come within the ambulance but i refused i made a full report at the hospital the hospital referred the case to police and social workers he had been lying on the couch for days and his family talked him out of going to the hospital if i had it my way his wife and the other four adults living in that house would go to prison hopefully they did not a medical professional but a close buddy of mine was very afraid of his parents when we were teens early twenties and every time he was hungover his mom would take him to the doctor thinking he was sick and put him on antibiotics and he would go along with it and now his immune system is a mess any doctor that is prescribing antibiotics on a whim like that ain't a good one obligatory not a doctor but i had a bite but i didn't see what bit me thought it was a hornet sting but it kept spreading and it itched and hurt and was really hot to the touch i was in collagen on my mom's insurance and i called her to say i thought i needed to go to a doctor she told me suck it up it's a bee sting i finally went anywhere and it was infected it was spreading to my lymphatic system and it was almost certainly a black widow i had an accident when i was around 12. tldr fell from a fair height into water onto my back and got trapped this is when i started to get strange horrendous leg pain it would creep through my legs burning tingling and like pins and needles and intense pain last four hours or sometimes a whole day then just slowly disappear my mum took me to the hospital once because it happened while i was at school and they freaked out at how much pain i was in a doctor's told me to gtfo because it was leg cramps and my mum told me it was because i crossed my legs too much seven years later i meet someone and they push me to go see a doctor gp sends me four ct scans finds nothing they refer me to a neurologist they instantly send me for a mri instantly finds out i tore my spinal cord in the original accident and the intense nerve pain is from a build up on fluid in the gap in the cord it's uncommon but not rare but watching doctors google your condition in front of you with a wtf expression on their faces is kinda entertaining serious what is the most unprofessional thing a medical professional has ever said to you when i was pregnant the phlebotomist at the doctor's office told me to stop wearing my seatbelt because my brother didn't wear his and he got into a wreck and he would have died if he had worn a belt well my aunt didn't wear her seatbelt and got into a car wreck and died because of it my cousin who wore hers only got a few bruises i guess the phlebotomist's brother and my aunt cancel each other out 12 years old at summer camp had a high fever nausea and sharp abdominal pain on lower right other kids told me my skin and lips were really discolored went to the nurse she does the hand on for it tells me to lie down in the back of the infirmary then tells the counselor that i'm faking it and i'll be back out when i'm bored assistant nurse takes my temperature 103 and starts having an argument with head nurse i wake up in recovery at a hospital a day or two later my appendix was gangrenous and had burst a bit i worked at the same camp a few summers later and got into a conversation with the same head nurse and she said that my acting almost cost her job i just took off my shirt and pointed at the eight-inch scar wonder how many other kids she's almost killed it's not like appendicitis along with other stuff you get a camp-like lyme disease dry drowning allergic reactions and concussions is shockingly rare in kids i broke my femur when i was a kid and when i arrived in hospital the doctor exclaimed that it was impossible that it was broken as it was such a tough bone and swore it was only bruised sprained he then lifted my leg only to have it fold mid fire around his hand i was rushed off pretty quickly all bone can be broken is like the first thing you have to know as in a dock i was a newly minted emt intermediate the level between emt and paramedic and as such had just received permission from the states to interpret people my partner and i get sent to a cardiac arrest along with another ambulance the supervisor a fire engine and two cops pretty standard in my region we were second on scene behind the fire engine and my partner looked at me as we walked in and just said you've got the airway all right game one i followed my training to the freaking letter sized the tube check the cuff visualize the vocal cords and the tube passing through condensation in the tube check the number at the teeth capnography secured the tube the whole shebang one of the firefighters checked epigastric sounds negative left lung sounds positive and right lung sounds positive it was a textbook intubation and since it was my first in the field i let out a celebratory yes accompanied by a fist pump we were completely surrounded by family members i would feel much better if an emt were to celebrate the little things than if they were just to continue with what they were doing i think you're hypochondriac while pregnant i couldn't stop throwing up my gp told me i was a hypochondriac and i was making myself throw up i lost 40 pounds during my pregnancy and was finally hospitalized for hyperemesis gravidarum when i was eight months pregnant because i was almost catastrophically dehydrated apparently that was just this guy's thing he also told a friend of mine that she was a hypochondriac too turns out she has lupus two hips and two knees later she's doing quite well he can no longer practice medicine because he was caught sleeping with one of his patients that he had been prescribing antipsychotics for a bichirophalmologist's assistant kept yelling at me to relax like that's gonna help because my eye pressure kept reading high turns out i had high pressure there is no way to relax when you're staring at a machine that blows in your eye well this one might be somewhat comical in a distorted my god that was disastrous sort of way honestly i'm a little surprised it didn't show up on this thread already maybe it just hasn't been upvoted yet disclaimer i am the medical professional here and i understand the severity of this slip up and that it may be less amusing to some but do try to understand that those of us in medicine who encounter health tragedy fairly regularly must cope with humor at times it's meant in a purely benign way this is such a case it was my first clinical rotation in medical school objen i was on an outpatient week seeing women who came in for their regular pregnancy checkups and the like i had my doppler with me that little microphone like thing that we used to hear the fetal heart rate and the uterus well my doppler battery was low and i knew that i enter the patient room pleasant and professional the pregnancy is going swimmingly and there's nothing but sunshine i apply the gel to her belly and turn on the doppler the fetal heart rate is a beautiful 150 beats per minute right where it should be then the doppler runs out of battery and what protel do you say when something runs out of battery in a fantastic lesson in the importance of thinking before you speak i reflexively blurted out oh it died the high pitched what that came out of this poor woman could have shattered glass for miles in a panic i explained that i was referring to the doppler and ran to get a second one hearing the heart again she was reassured that her baby was totally fine afterward the woman took it surprisingly well and ended up laughing with me about it lesson learned my god even the most well intentioned in bedside manner can slip up i am a huge proponent of humanism in medicine because the doctor patient interaction has dramatic effects on physiology and healing let alone the impact it can make on the human experience and illness plus well it's nice to be nice serendipitously i was later on my outpatient pediatrics rotation and that very woman came to my clinic with her beautiful healthy baby girl so the story ends well just keep in mind we are humans too and can unwittingly be less than graceful enjoy the material larry david now this is a funny well-intentioned silly misunderstanding that was quickly and easily corrected no worries i had an appointment to set up a birth control pill prescription because my periods were complete heck and needed beaten into submission the nurse who did my medical history got to the appointment reason and started tskiing and told me you shouldn't be here you don't need this come back when you're having physical relationships the freak that's horrible advice but the worst part was this was coming from a nurse at a clinic attached to a college so you'd think that attitude wouldn't have lasted long the actual doctor was awesome but that nurse was an obnoxious ignorant [ __ ] and i hate to think how many other patients she treated like that that's also not considering that many people want to start birth control before being active in private life to limit pregnancy risks even if you should still use a condom before you get tested for me it wasn't so much what a doctor said as what they didn't say about six months ago i went into my general practitioner for a yearly checkup i'd been having some weird vision problems but other than that i felt perfectly fine blood work came back a few days later and i was told to come in and discuss okay little worried now come in talk to my doc and he's got a big smile on his face he hands me my blood work results almost every line item says it's either way above a way below safe levels and tells me to frame it because it's the single worst blood test result he's ever seen and it's obviously a lab era because if your blood was really this bad you'd basically be on your death bed and you obviously look and feel fine few new blood work is drawn i'm told to wait a few days and they'd let me know once the lab ran the tests correctly but not to worry since slab errors like this happen all the time a few days later i get a call from a nurse i'd never spoken to you need to call this number right away she says offering no further details and make an appointment with dr xxxxx i was so taken aback that i didn't ask any follow-up questions i just hung up and called the number voice on the other end picked up cancer specialists of my state how may i help you uh and that's how i learned i had cancer when i was 15 i spent a few weeks in a psych ward for children it pretty much sucked we had no therapy and i saw a doctor exactly twice my second chat with a psychiatrist he asked me how's it going i'm not a one to lie to doctors so i told him pretty much everything how i'm feeling worse than i did before getting admitted that other patients have been aggressive and i'm anxious around them and that i am considering committing suicide after i leave the nice doctor said it was very good i was feeling that way because the hospital is supposed to make us feel awful so we see how good we have it at home i was discharged three days later what makes me angry is that half the patients were from abusive households in children's homes go ahead tell them how much better they have it at home butthole oh my heart that's terrible sometimes i feel like there's no group more universally readily dismissed than children and we're all children once i hope you're doing well my wife and i had a miscarriage and it required her to have the fetus removed via a dnc well they used a vacuum type thing to remove everything but didn't come close to getting it all out it caused my wife to get an infection and she got really sick she got brought back to the hospital to have a second dnc performed at the doctor said usually i just stick the vacuum up there and keep sucking until no more of your baby comes out but it looks like we must have left some parts up in there that doctor has zero bedside manners when i was 18 i had a miscarriage the nurse said should have used a rubber i did thanks hey if you're bored later you should take some of those pills and see the new star wars my malefactional surgeon after getting my wisdom teeth removes sounds like a good way to take your mind off any discomfort though xd here's how to shoot rubber bands like a professional followed by many minutes of lessons when he was already over an hour behind schedule a nurse told my wife when she was pregnant that although it's against policy she would recommend not vaccinating our child when it was born made me freaking furious and of course we have had all the vaccinations done week out it's terrifying how many of those people work in the medical field ugh when i was about 12 i had to go to the doctor for a cough i had to take my shirt off so that he could listen to my lungs or something and when he was done he just casually said to my mom a bit of a late bloomer how referring to the fact that i didn't exactly fill out my training bra and had some leftover baby fat thanks doc i wanted you to get rid of my cough not my self-esteem a dare all isn't for people without adhd it's for college students who need to study after i told him i took a derral i just what college student is an interesting diagnosis not sure how my insurance company would react to that i went to the emergency room one night because a friend kicked my finger by accident and i definitely heard a snap it was super swollen and really painful because it was just a finger i obviously had to wait for hours not much of an emergency at one point i asked a nurse for some ice to help alleviate some pain she rolled her eyes at me and said i don't even know why you're here your finger is probably fine she made me feel like i was wasting everyone's time but i refused to leave got an x-ray done doctor said i was fine gave me a splint sent me home a week later things still didn't feel right so i went back fractured in three places required emergency surgery twice and a year and a half later i have no movement in my finger whatsoever i've been to three surgeons and no one can help me it also really affected me mentally now whenever i want to go to the doctors i always have this nagging voice in my mind like but is it important enough are you wasting someone's time even though obviously i wasn't that night my finger is hella freaked up went in for my first pap when i was about 16 this doc was the same one that my mom and my sister used and i was freaking out a bit after my sister told me horror stories to get me all worked up anyway there i am leg in the stirrups staring at the ceiling and trying my best to focus on the questions she's asking and not what was about to happen she sticks her finger into my nethers pulls them out and goes mmm juicy now she didn't say it in a creepy seductive way but moreover like mm strawberries i died a little that day when my son was born we had a resident physician who'd assist the attending she is a one-woman show not a single thing that came out of her mouth was professional kind compassionate or even remotely helpful during labor she would routinely tell us the wrong information tell us my wife was more less dilated than she really was the nurse or attending would rectify this and would constantly warn us that my wife was getting too sick to deliver and was getting into a dangerous zone with her health the hospital we were at is a level i trauma center known for having a world-leading l d department eventually my wife had a c-section and this resident would amp her up listing off the possible complications including death brain death paralysis blindness etc it must have been a hundred life ending altering complications my wife is in tears when the anesthesiologist comes in my wife's blood pressure is through the roof and the doctor asks what's wrong through her tears she tells him he loses his crap he mutters mother sucker then gives us a realistic picture of complications off we go zero complications and a healthy baby next day resident comes in almost at a full run billy ribbons panting off the chart panting emergency so she looks around for the baby the baby is in with the pediatrician who happens to be the hospital's chief of pediatrics she's running down the hall trying to find the doctor baby i'm going into a full panic attack we had been having latching problems and the pediatrician was brought in for a routine checkup i'm chasing her she finds the pediatrician this guy is in a golf shirt slacks and is holding my son with a senior nurse neither of the two senior staff look the least bit worried but i can't tell what's going on she screams billy robbins and he says shut up turns out his billy rubin was in the normal range she had read the wrong file it was for a little girl who was already undergoing light therapy and was due to be discharged the nurse who is jamaican grabs me and tells me to relax she forces me into a chair hands me some water and is patting my back the chief of pediatrics lights up this resident he goes off telling her she's traumatizing patients and her behavior is unacceptable and that he's speaking with the resident director so the baby isn't going blind i just sat there shocked horrified and shaking as i write this my son is tearing his toys to bits and randomly farting then laughing the best resident was this young guy who said i'm young i'm inexperienced so if i'm managing your care you should know that you aren't in any sort of trouble the nurses and i report to your doctor and everything will be okay i had my doctor at the time chew me out because i was leaving my newborn son with his dad while i went to a different state due to work for a few months i just remember her raising her voice a bit and asking me who was going to watch the child while i was gone i gave her a confused look and just pointed to my son's dad who was sitting right next to me she looked shocked and almost repulsed still pisses me off to this day and she was also acting really confused why i was the one that wanted to work and not the dad to those asking the doctor was an old woman who seemed very old-fashioned i was gone for three months but made enough money to where me no the dad had to work for a while after that i think being able to afford a roof over our heads is better than breastfeeding and not having rent money you would think a female doctor would understand the concept of a woman with a career when a panel of air force base mental health counsellors told me my then husband was only abusing me because i don't support him enough and if i would commit more to cooking cleaning and freaking him he would be able to relax and stop abusing me had a small but annoying cyst removed afterwards the doctor asked me if i have accepted jesus christ as my savior i got a perturbed look and said of course just to defuse him he also tried to hand me some pamphlets churchy cartoon christian soldier looking things so i did not think he might be reacting to some deadly horror coming out of my back along with the sebaceous cyst had a huge swollen gland under my arm looked as big as an egg my family doctor's eyes got just as big when he saw it sent me to a specialist the specialist said you either have lymphoma or an infection then he walks out of the room without another word leaving his assistants to tell me to come back if the giant swollen gland under my arm doesn't shrink but he was just so matter of fact with no bedside manner luckily it wasn't lymphoma you're too young to have endometriosis no i'm 31 of course i'm not too young for this that doesn't even make sense idiot was aware i'd already had surgery for it too then he went on to suggest that i was selling my painkillers when i laughed that off he said maybe my boyfriend stole them from me i stopped laughing and just was like are you freaking serious go frick yourself i wasn't there for pain meds btw i had an eye infection he just wanted to lecture me he can go frick himself i had a hole in my ear and that healed why don't you give it some time if you get hearing aids you will just be reliant on them i've had a hole in my ear and been hard off hearing for the last 25 years same practice different doctor well are you sure it isn't aids that would affect your immune system since she found out i was b everything was aids with her sore throat aids ear infection aids arthritis aids she was very polite about it she was just absolutely convinced i must have aids because my medical history included freaking with men at the time of several of these i had recent hiv tests on my chart because i have a chronic illness shockingly an immune condition you know one that might affect my immune system so when they run off with tubes of my blood i get all the bonus tests done because you might as well i had a doctor's where i had herpes because i was vomiting and experiencing extreme stomach pain she reported it to the health department and everything had to have emergency gallbladder surgery a week later and my herpes was magically cured the health department sent me stern letters for years demanding i report my physical partners i hit my head and was bleeding when i went to the hospital the doctor was really nice until he found out i was on workers compensation after that he was pretty cold to me he didn't even check me for a concussion he just cleaned the wound stitched me up and sent me away i hit my head while at work so my company's insurance was to take care of it for some reason that made the doctor completely uninterested in helping me when i say he didn't check me for a concussion i'm not talking about an mri or anything really technical one of my co-workers checked if my eyes were dilated and i was coherent right after the incident so i wasn't too worried but that's basic first aid stuff and he's not a professional i figured a doctor would check do the flashlight in the eye thing ask if i was woozy check my pulse something the doctor literally just cleaned the wound gave me stitches and sent me away i was lucky i didn't have a concussion because if i did the doctor probably wouldn't have noticed i could have passed out the minute he walked away i've had head injuries before and have taken first aid classes and this doctor just seemed so unprofessional about treating me i'm not asking for special treatment or first class bedside service here just do it by the book ugh a dentist i went in for a cleaning and had another appointment to take care of a wisdom tooth your fat you know that your teeth wouldn't be so bad if you weren't so fat god you native americans are also fat let's discuss what's worse her visibly uncomfortable dental technicians who are all natives the fact the clinic was exclusively for my tribe the way of color remarks she made later about tribal members being poor and how she was better than this or perhaps the fact she just insulted the medical director's grandson it's really sad because they had trouble finding a dentist because we are a disgusting people i guess but she magically found a job in florida the second time i was there she wouldn't shut up about how she was leaving for this great job in florida she bragged so much it seemed almost unbelievable almost like it was a total lie and the xenophobic bee was losing her job i should have called her out but i'm sure her techs already knew if you have to brag about moving to florida your life is pure crap i was probably 16 or 17 and went to my first ob gin the doctor's small talk was oh i see you don't have a fur coat because i was clean shaven never had a male or began after that i went in after getting bit by a stupid cocker spaniel because the handed bit was inflamed and it looked infected to me the doctor after looking at my hand just casually goes oh by the way your haircut makes you look like a dude if you didn't have breasts i'd have asked you if the info you gave us was correct i'd shaved my head a couple weeks before as a show of solidarity with my cousin who had cancer i was too shocked to say anything and he just left the room butthole i asked a nurse midwife for information about getting my tubes tied her response was verbatim are you sure don't you want to have just one baby just to see what it's like as if there's a 90-day return policy hahaha when medical professions stick their own opinions into stuff like this i love to mess with them i'd honestly have said that back to their face especially older generations it seems have a hard time accepting alternatives to the norm this past week i took my two daughters 15 and 17 to johns hopkins pediatrica with extreme pain they both have been diagnosed with a form of dysautonomia called pots they each have a cardiologist and a neurologist at hopkins and i communicated with these docs and went to the ear at their suggestion the resident told my 15 year old to suck it up and deal with the pain my daughter started to cry and the doc just stared at her the attending questioned the meds that the neurologist prescribed for my 17 year old and told her they wouldn't work on her kind of pain and felt the need to contact the neurologist to personally speak with him before she would consider preparing the iv when my daughter explained the level of pain she was experiencing the doc told her that they don't have pain meds other than advil and tylenol when she came back in an hour and grudgingly said she would give her the iv my daughter was so frustrated that she said she'd rather just go home she's terrified of needles and once she had an hour to think about the doctor's comments that it wouldn't work she wasn't willing to do it their specialists were furious when they heard how they were treated in the air we think that because i came in with both of my daughters looking for pain relief that i was after drugs for myself unfortunately i cannot control if my children's flare-ups coincide the cardiologist has since offered to give me a letter to carry for each of the girls to certify and explain their medical issues just to clarify i love hopkins and their pedzer we have been extremely satisfied with the level of care my girls have received in the past doctors of reddit what is your most oh my god what is that moment while treating a patient well i'm not a doctor yet but here is a story from one of my professors this was in rural alabama this middle-aged married couple had presented to there after they had been drinking for almost the entirety of the evening and got into a heated argument things got heated and the woman eventually fell off the porch of their trailer into the shrubs a few feet below the husband in his drunken state suddenly dropped the argument and came to his wife said she didn't suffer anything too too serious just a couple of scratches here and there except for what the man said looked like a piece of glass or pipe or something that became lodged in the woman's arm when she hit the ground he decided to not come to the hospital because he could remove this object himself he got his largest pair of pliers and gripped onto this glass pipe looking thing lodged in his helpless wife's arm he clamped down and pulled and puddled cranked and cranked trying to remove this object and he wouldn't budge after his masculinity defeated and the alcohol wearing off on both of them they decided it's sensible to finally come to the air upon arriving to the other doctor immediately realized this poor woman had a compound fracture of her humerus and this pipe or piece of glass thing was a bone sticking through her skin that her husband was trying to pry out with a pair of pliers true story this is the story that made me audibly gasp and cover my mouth and i have read most of them obgyn rotations i was delivering my first baby it was an older lady from the rural side of town when i asked her to push as the baby had fully crowned a wad of worms exited her anus i'm talking at least 60 live worms i gagged so hard but managed to keep a straight face throughout and deliver the baby i realized then and there that obgyn was not for me i am a surgery resident i once helped to operate on a man whose face was chewed off by a bear i had to find little scraps of skin at the edges off the hole in the middle of his face and try to decide where they went to try and make the damage smaller i also saw a patient come to the emergency department with a barbie in their rectum he apparently puts the arms up and legs down like a diving position rubber bands the arms together then places it in his rectum for a time but when he wants it out he takes laxatives only this time it got stuck the kicker when we removed it he asked for it back one maggots on a gangrenous foot both times i almost lost my lunch the worst part was that the second time i knew exactly what that the faint crunching meant but i still had to remove the sock shoes too telling a highly addicted pt that i wouldn't be giving him the narcotic rx he wanted after he had run out of his prescribed meds early because he took two minutes this was actually the only time i have ever said frick to her patient me i'm not giving you an rx i also spoke with your pain management doctor and he does not want me to fill anything for you since you made the choice to take too many of your medicines your patient starts flapping arms and legs in bed me what are you doing patient i'm having a seizure me that's not a seizure that's a tantrum patient gets completely still looks me straight in the eye and shoots his pants me actually shocked what the frick did you do that for patient because you're not giving me the medicine i need now you have to tell the nurse to come clean me up me yeah nope i will have the nurse bring you a clean gown and a towel bathroom's right next door good for you some people act like if they act like two-year-olds they will get whatever they want this was in med school dermatology rotation i got to see my own patient so i asked what the problem was he told me he thought his genital warts were back i asked why he didn't say a word but turned around dropped his pants spread his butt's cheeks and showed me a cluster of genital warts around his anus at least 10 centimeters in diameter even when he stood up straight it was just sticking out of his buttocks i put up my most professional voice to say hmmhmm yes i think you're right the man thought this was hilarious i'm not sure if i've not seen more surprising things after this or have just gotten used to them if you're still in dermatology i'd imagine you'll get to see all kinds of amazingly horrible things skin has so many ways to go wrong a nurse here we brought a code trauma off the helicopter a lady who was passenger in a really bad wreck her husband was driving and was dead at the scene once we got her stable the or staff came to take her to surgery i gathered up the clothes we had cut off of her and grabbed her purse that emt's had removed from the car there was a lot of blood on it so i thought i should just grab her wallet instead i reached in and grabbed what i thought was her wallet pulled it out it had hair it was a chunk of her husband's scalp at least you found it and not her row i interned in a city that gets very cold in the winter homeless people who were having a tough time surviving outdoors would come to the ed to get admitted even if just overnight they'd get a warm bed a few hot meals and a cleanup this one fella was in really rough shape couldn't walk the poor nurses did most of the cleanup delousing sponge bath dressing the open sores my job was to do the physical exam including the mandatory reckful literally had to lift that scrawny flap of a butt cheek and pick the encrusted dirt fess's matted hair away from the rectum to expose the anus thankfully i only had to turn 180 degrees to reach the sink that i dry heaved into but before this fellow can be discharged he needs a podiatry consult his black gnarled feet have thick yellow big toenails that have grown in a circle and are now piercing the bottom of the toe the reason he can't walk podiatrist intent comes in starts a foot soak and precedes to tackle those nails with something that can only be described as modified tin snips now you know how some people have that habit of opening their mouth when concentrating really hard yup he clipped that nasty nail and it flipped right into his mouth we shared the sink nailed it story from one of my friends who worked as a paramedic in hamburg for some time mind you this is disgusting they were called to an unconscious person drug addict who was slumped down on a park bench close to the train station were back in the days the most drug addicts would hang around they approached the guy and tried to wake him up checked his vital signs etc then put him on the ground he had no shoes on but only wrapped up his legs in plastic bags if you ever been around hardcore drug addicts you know most of them don't smell too good after a while they just give up on personal hygiene which incidental is actually more dangerous than the drug itself since they tend to not treat their scabs etc this guy wreaked a high heaven and once they proceeded to check his plastic bag shoes they saw why his legs up to his knees were completely black and full of maggots he had an infection in both legs due to shooting up h and never treated them very much like the picture of the homeless guy which is circulating the net not going to post that here my friend said that once they lifted the plastic bags up a little which were melted into his decaying flesh little mountains of maggots would fill around his feet hands down one of the most disgusting things he has seen i feel like i need a hug after reading this holy mother of frick doctor here when i was working in the one evening i had my worst experience so far i was called to her one of the examination rooms that are designated for infectious patients this is already a bad sign as it usually involves some sort of abscess that needs to be drained however this time it was far worse i was told by the nurse that it involved a man who had bilateral venous ulcers on his legs and that they were now infected i looked through his journal and saw that he last saw a doctor about 10 months earlier and no note of any checkups after not by a nurse or a gp therefore i asked my nurse when someone last took a look at his legs not since his last journal entry then i asked when was the last time he changed his dressings on the legs he hasn't some background info on the patient old man who lived by himself in his trailer that was parked in the middle of the forest he had no running water he was a bit of a drinker in the general i don't give a freak mentality awesome suited up and went into the room the room smelled like an odd combination of stale beer mold and disease certain infections smell different and this one was very pugent almost sulfuric i introduced myself to the patient who didn't understand what the frick he was doing there all he wanted was some antibiotics for a flu and then he was sent here why the frick do you want to look at my legs for they were already taken care of last year um great so we started unfolding the dressing they were crusty and crackled as we unwrapped the first leg as we got deeper a change color to some sickly yellow and the stench became worse and worse one of my nurses left the room to throw up then i saw it very small but inside a fold there was a little maggot who squirmed frick when we finally got to the wound we saw all the little maggots feasting on this man there must have been 50 of them the stent was absurd i was focusing a lot to breathe through my mouth but then it felt like i could taste which made it even worse my nurse came back and promptly went out again i unwrapped his other leg and same story there but the infection was much deeper and i could see a few tendons on the base of the ulcer absolutely delicious we had to clean off the maggots and place them in a bowl but they were squirming and went on the floor and crawled all over the place i had to watch my feet so i didn't step on them after that we took the patient to hose him down to at least try to get rid of some of the smell then book to the offer debridement and a fresh vacuum dressing discharged a few days later with strict instructions and booked him into return for ray dressings and checkups then we never heard from him again tl dr maggots lots of maggots there used to be a well-known patient that would present to the emergency department with frequent urinary tract infections now urinary tract infections are much less common in men than in women and don't occur sporadically that often this gentleman was a male stripper and his part trick would be what he called a ruby shower in essence he would empty his bladder and replace its contents via a catheter with red wine he would then empty his bladder during his performances unfortunately fate caught up with him one infection became too severe and he did not survive this is the second post mentioning the ruby shower i had no idea this existed paramedic here while working in the one night we had a guy come in complaining of groin pain so we bring him back and it turns out he has a master lock the kind with the spinning dial that you used to secure your locker at school locked around his pens essentially blood could flow in but could not flow back out so this thing was hugely swollen he had panicked after he realized he could not remember the code dealing with a real genius here and he took a screwdriver to the dial and snapped it off so we consulted with urology and the urologist wanted to take him to surgery cut his wing lengthwise slide the top out then the bottom and then suture it back needless to say the patient wasn't thrilled with option a so option b was for this big but nurse we'll call him tom to go in with bolt cutters and cut it off option b selected curtin closes tom gives a one two three a loud scream at three hip-hop noise tom exits with a broken lock and the man was sent to the floor to recover that's just one of so so many but i always tell that one saw smelled what turned out to be an infected bartholin's gland gland which secretes and lubricates the fanny i've witnessed child births trauma surgery and worked as a nurse's aide for years before medical school and this was the only time i've almost puked in a patient's room the smell was the most terrible thing i will probably ever be exposed to i actually felt incredibly bad for this woman as well as any of women recounting their tales here human suffering is human suffering regardless of how gross it is may all your vaginas be blessed with a balanced ph and free-flowing bartholins glands the poor patient if i came to the doctor with something and they vomited i'd be so humiliated both my parents are doctors nothing seems to have really shocked them except for patients brought into the who were in motorcycle accidents but they wouldn't go into detail but briefly said that if you're not wearing protective clothing and you get dragged across the road it can do horrific things to your skin and more specifically it can do absolutely horrific things to men's nether regions as in what is that what goes where what did that used to be and what's even worse than your dong intestines being ripped in half or ripped off is that they use water effectively metal scours on the wounds to get the gravel out i'm not even a boy and that makes me wince and what's even worse than your dong intestines being ripped in half or ripped off is that they use water effectively metal scours on the wounds to get the gravel out la la la la not listening imaging tech here so i basically look at black and white images of people's images once i had a guy and it looked like his abdomen was filled with fluid but it looked very odd then i realized the fluid was moving the guy had the biggest aortic aneurysm i've ever seen so big i couldn't measure it on my machine he got sent off to the hospital i was in outpatient services that day and i don't know what happened to him i also had a woman with so many holes in her heart in the muscle between the heart chambers that it was like swiss cheese another time i was in a prison scanning a con he'd been shot and all of his abdominal muscles were removed he wore a velcro girdle to keep his stomach in place i put my scanner down on his abdomen and i had to figure out what organs he was missing because he had some removed from after being shot but he had no clue i think he was missing a kidney the gallbladder part of the liver and like half of his pancreas till on wikipedia that a gallbladder doesn't make bile it just stores it and removing it usually doesn't do any harm token not a doctor but i am a nurse and i have a story i was working in the emergency department one afternoon and we had an elderly lady just calling out help me help me repeatedly all afternoon she was born by her nursing home for agitation which is normally code for they can't handle them anymore so the pt was placed with a carer assistance to try and calm her down and make sure she didn't wander around the ward the carer was helping to feed the pt and i walked past when suddenly the lady just breathed her liquid died in and collapsed backwards i of course instantly pushed the med emergency button and everyone comes running from all over we assess her airway and it's deemed clear but not self-supporting no food in there which was strange she wasn't breathing and no heartbeat was present so one of the male nurses starts compressing on her chest while another nurse tries to insert an airway as he compressed on her chest a little fountain of murky green goo spurted from her mouth all over the walls ceiling medical staff literally everywhere and of course we are all like what the heck is this crap and the poor male nurse had to keep compressing the chest while the other nurse kept trying to suction the patient's airway to clear it enough to insert an airway after five or six minutes the nurse finally gets the airway in after suctioning over 6l of this goo and after some death if the doctor declared the patient dead the bay and the surroundings say five or six meters was just drenched in this slimy murky brown green mess it was absolutely breathtakingly disgusting eventually we found out the poor old lady had a massive bowel obstruction had a cardiac arrest while eating in the goo was days and days of liquid fecal matter safe to say i scrubbed myself raw in the shower that night on my first weeks in trauma fourth year of med school we had an 11 year old girl come in who was literally dumped out of a car in front of a hospital with one side of her body completely mutilated what remained her of limbs just hanging like huge chunks of meat and the rest of her body was burned all over and there was so much blood maybe it's because i panicked a little but i don't think i've ever seen so much blood in my life we later found out someone in her family father or cousin not sure was a known criminal who had just got out of jail time for blowing up atms with homemade explosives they claimed she found a stash they had hidden but we really believe she was helping them pack it either way it was the ugliest saddest thing i've ever seen as an imaging tech we once had a patient who was close to 400 pounds who was fairly well bed bound to assist with hygiene the patient had a rectal tube that drained their faces away but this had fallen out probably saturday earlier as a result there was a pool of horrible substances trapped beneath her brewing this was discovered when we rolled her to position her first rays the smell cleared the room and lingered there for hours while people went and showered and changed their clothes from the pervasive creeping miasma that was thr worst thing i have ever smelt in 15 years working in hospitals my mum is a nurse and has seen some pretty messed up things the one story that sticks in my mind involved an elderly man who came into the hospital three times a week to have a growth on his face washed and redressed the growth had slowly taken over the left-hand side of his face so much so that his left eye his only working eye had closed over he was effectively blind this meant that his wife whom he had been looking after for years due to her frailty was now tasked with looking after him instead furthermore this bloke was old enough that the hospital didn't want to operate on him so the hospital visits stopped he could no longer get there so instead a nurse would visit him three times a week now this growth was unsightly wept constantly and smelled bad really bad the whole house stank of it the nurses said it smelled like death and thought he was going to die any day during one of these visits by my mum she was cleaning his face over the sink and noticed a flap of loose skin she went to clean it with the sponge and scorch the growth fell off into the sink and it was crawling with maggots the sink was now filled with dead flesh and maggots and the smell oh goodness the smell turns out a fly had laid some eggs on it at some point and they'd hatched and started eating all the dead flesh and the growth until it fell off and the man he was fine there was new pink skin where the growth had been and he could see a gain out of his left eye gave him a new lease on life heartwarming story yes most disgusting my mum has ever told me heck yes makes me wonder why nobody suggested admitting him for a couple days to debride with sanitary maggots it is a very well known and common technique with many medical benefits coming directly from the pain killing and growth promoting qualities of maggot saliva i was working as a scribe when we went to see an eight-year-old girl that had a fever nothing too remarkable until we started the physical exam we examined her head normal we examined her upper extremities normal then we pulled up the blanket to examine the lower extremities her feet were the size of an infant you should have seen the look on the doctor's face as he was trying to figure out how the girl's feet got so small the mother looked up at the doctor saw the look of confusion on his face and said those on her feet she pulled up the blankets a little further revealing a pair of perfectly healthy feet nestled next to the feet of the doll that she put under the blanket we saw the doll's feet and thought they were the girls for those wondering she had the flu she turned out fine surgical registrar here i was working in a smallish hospital in a rural town in australia we were asked by the medical team to see a patient that had been admitted under their care by the emergency department overnight happens quite often in that hospital with a ct demonstrating a very distended bladder they apparently had trouble with a catheter so they called me to have a look with much hesitation i went up to see her on the ward so i managed to put the catheter in with a lot of trouble this lady was frequently incontinent a little bit of urine drains out and i just keep thinking something's not right i go back and look at the ct scan in the idc placed in the emergency department looks like it's appropriately positioned subsequently pulled out behind it was one big sucker of a uterus absolutely full of what appeared to be a fluid density the report read along these lines i crap you not as follows conclusion there is a very distended bladder the catheter balloon is situated in the prostatic urethra moderate to severe hydronephrosis is noted long story short i speak to the consultant we get her to theater with great difficulty we managed to dissect our way around this huge uterus and we call the omg guys to come and help get it out unfortunately during this process the uterus bursts and there is a boatload of pus that just streams out it smells so goddamn horrible there are people gagging around us at this yellow green sulfuric smelling goo the scrub nurse can no longer take it and vomits in her mask the consultant is looking at me like frick you for bringing this to theater we finish this case and i am so glad i get home and i keep thinking i can still smell this awful thing i have another hour-long shower all night i can still smell this thing morning comes i can't have breakfast cause i can still smell it i get to the hospital and everyone is wearing masks apparently the smell was so horrible and the extraction in our theater so outdated that it had somehow pumped the smell into the vents around the hospital all night small amounts were leaking out into the atmosphere causing this horrendous smell silver lining lady lived for another three years tldr i operated on a lady with a huge uterus full of pus consultant hated me for the rest of the year to all the people pointing out that women don't have prostatic urethras i'm well aware that was the whole point the radiologist was very embarrassed and apologetic when i called him to amend the report this is almost like the swamps of dagobah story obligatory not a doctor i'm an rn when i was in nursing school i was very excited to receive my first patient assignment a 90 year old woman admitted from a nursing home with pneumonia a part of my responsibility was to give the patient a bed bath everything was fine until i began to do para care and discovered that her fanny was full of maggots it was more sad than anything else and i actually have some worse stories but this one stuck with me since she was my very first patient obese woman came in with her hubby and a foul stench turned out a yeast infection had spread under every fat roll it got up to her neck coma came in with her hubby that is one lucky fella doctors of reddit what is your most surprising i can't believe i need to have this conversation with an adult story while on dermatological rotation a middle eastern patient saw me with what she described as some funny itching growth in her butt crack some quick investigation revealed it to be a severe case of genital warts i explained the diagnosis and that it was an std until she shockingly assured that she was still a virgin now virginity is a big issue for young muslim women or perhaps their families even more but apparently that doesn't cover riding back doors and therefore no birth control in the form of say condoms was needed i thought i share another story but this time with a colleague being the one acting stupidly this was when i finally made it to neuroradiology and in comes this mother who's maybe three four months old son we would scan today because he had epileptic seizures after his birth apparently the pediatricians didn't tell her about the fits nor the severe neurological birth defects they knew about for weeks so i had to explain her that her child had mental disabilities that was probably the first time i flipped out on a colleague i didn't even know over the telephone and in the heat of the moment wanted to find this idiot and spits in his face he was totally oblivious of how he freaked up saying there was a language barrier while this hospital employs a whole department of translators just for such cases emt here i had a grown adult try to explain to emmy that someone else crap his pants it got toned out for finger paint at a homeless shelter at zero two zero zero we get there and the guy jumps in the truck with very mild swelling to the tip of his right index finger here's how the conversation went me so what happened patient i smoked some m and then i fell asleep in my bunk and i woke up next to my bunk and my finger hurt and there was poop me there was poop did you fall in poop patient no no like in my pants me so you pooped your pants patient no it wasn't me me so let me get this straight you smoked him took a nap rolled out of bed in your sleep hurt your finger and someone else came along and crap in your pants before you woke up patient yeah it wasn't me oh my god somebody put crap in my pants my brother is a general practitioner in rural tennessee enough said right he says most of his patient visits go about like this md well person you're pre-diabetic have high blood pressure and are complaining about joint pain have you been exercising and cutting out sugar and cubs personally i have doc but it doesn't seem to help do you have any better meds you could prescribe md well let's talk about your diet how much water do you drink a day person i don't like water so i get extra ice in my sweet tea every day to make sure i get enough water md explains how that's not enough water by a long shot how much sweet tea are you drinking every day those can have a lot of sugar in them person while i get a large one from hardee's mcdonald's wherever on my way to work with my breakfast and another one on my way home for dinner then i have a glass or two when i get home md well that's a lot of sugar and a lot of fast food if you are eating it twice a day what do you eat at home person i don't like to cook so i usually don't eat anything but little debbie snack cakes at home md those have a lot of sugar too person i thought that all i had to do was cut out mountain dew now you're saying i can't eat my food or my snacks what are you suggesting i do eat salads for every meal why can't you just up my meds i'm not a doctor but my mom doesn't have a good grasp on the reproductive system so i had to be the one to explain that one getting my tubes removed did not remove my ability to get a period two that we women have a urethra a glory hole and in crapshoot babies do not come from the urethra this one was strange because she had me and my sister so three that when you neuter a dog you just remove the balls not the red rocket too china taiwan's physical head was severely lacking so my mom until she was in her 20s believed that if you sat on a seat still warm on the bus that a guy sat in before you you can get pregnant if you kissed a guy you could get pregnant i'm still finding out years later misconceptions that my poor mother has about reproduction and explaining things to her had to explain to an adult you have to brush all the sides of the teeth like no just the side that shows when you smile is not enough and yes flossing is not just a thing for rich people had a patient in our high priority area for dka sugar was in the 800s stomach pain nausea vomiting and the such pulled burger king and gummy worms out of his backpack and proceeded to eat them like bro do you even know what diabetes is non-compliance and lack of medical knowledge is a big thing in detroit patient comes in at 2am for insomnia clearly tweaking her brains out heart rate 200 can't sit still bouncing off the walls i suggest maybe easing up on the sea but doctor i love ck i imagine her pulling out a crap load of sea at the spot and just ramming it to her nose i was working in gp and had a patient scheduled for an appointment looked through his notes to gain an idea of why he may be seeing me and saw he'd been seen a few times with knee pain's shoulder pains and the like the guy is in his 70s so probably just arthritis i'm thinking i'll do an examination of his sore joints and ask a few questions prescribe some painkillers and it'll be a quick one call him in and he walks and sits down and is cheery as anything what seems to be the problem then sir i notice you've had some issues recently with sore joints i ask he then proceeds to tell me about this sore knee so i check his knee and take a history and it all seems fine ask anything else and he's like oh actually my neck is sore too so i check his neck and nothing untoward to be found there either at this point he's like okay well thanks doc i'll be off then i say to him oh good glad we could help and you have no other pains at all before you go he then sits back down and tells me he's been having central crushing chest pain radiating down his left arm and into his jaw since last night and has been feeling breathless and when it happened he had an impending sense of doom i know a lot of you won't be doctors here but i'm sure you all recognize signs of an am i there he had all the classic textbooks symptoms called an ambulance and he was rushed to hospital for pci percutaneous coronary intervention thread a catheter up the arteries into the coronary artery to find and then treat the blockage sorry for the medical acronym tl dr man came in complaining of arthritis and when he was about to leave decided to tell me he'd had a heart attack the night before and thought nothing of it my dad told me about an extremely religious male patient who was concerned about his nocturnal emissions he saw it as a offense to god and wanted to know what he could do to stop it my dad's response well it's gotta go somewhere guy better out than i always say nurse here retired after 27 years on the job the number of american 20-somethings that don't know if they're circumcised or not is surprisingly high when one with urinary tract infection symptoms needs to give a specimen for testing i ask are you circumcised if not i have to tell them to pull back the foreskin before peeing in the cup the number of guys who have asked what's that is way too many for the record i can count the number who were uncircumcised on two hands i knew a guy who i'm 99 sure was circumcised who thought that he was not because circumcision is when you cut off the head of the dawn yeah no i don't know how much of this is true it was my cousin who is a doctor who told me he was in his first year in a clinic and people went there to have an appointment because he was good-looking elder ladies loved him particularly but this is totally unrelated and the worst case was when this elder lady goes in with her granddaughter around 8uo she had a severely infected wound in her head upon close inspection he saw the wound crawling with small maggots and the smell was terrible he was pee of course and asked why didn't she wash the wound and brought her earlier she said she thought it would heal with time and was afraid to wash it lest water enters her brain and kills her there was also this woman that took her six-year-old daughter there to check why she still didn't have pubies my mom lost her crap when she found out my grandma didn't change her needle between blood sugar tests my mom lectured her i lectured her and she still won't change it it's like two years old grandma's gonna die of an infection one day but that's her problem also she had a friend who didn't know how to use the needle right so instead of poking herself with it she'd scratch her skin till she bled i cringed when i heard that when i first got diagnosed they sent me home with lancets and test strips but no lancet gun i seriously thought i had to manually stab myself with the lancet went out two days later and bought a lancet gun i changed lancets for every single test most diabetics apparently think this is hilarious i'm not a doctor but i suppose this is related my mother before she had kids grew up not even knowing that you could breast feed a baby she was never told anything about what breasts were for freaking and even about orientations her parents never talked about any topic that was considered taboo my mother learnt about that once she had her first baby subsequently at 16. that is so sad lady had a broken jaw she comes in after two weeks with an open mandible fracture referred her to the hospital for immediate surgery she never went bc it doesn't bother her and she'll see if it gets better i once had to explain to a friend of mine that freaking doesn't give women curves referring to breasts but and the curve of their sides he literally thought that was the only way this was after he called this little ten-year-old girl a s because she was already starting to develop so not a doctor but i work at a hospital we had someone come into amd because they needed their nails redoing they genuinely thought it was a good idea to go to accident and emergency to have their fake nails taken off and redone because they had gotten too long and become uncomfortable talk about being high maintenance not a doctor but i have two of these stories first i had to explain to my 70 year old grandmother that women's bella buttons have nothing to do with conception she thought if you didn't have a better button you couldn't have a baby second when i was in my twenties a co-worker about the same age came into the office looking distraught i asked if she was okay she told me that she thought she might need to see a doctor after a few more questions she tells me that she and her boyfriend were messing around he was fingering her when suddenly she couldn't breathe lost control over her muscles her heart was pounding so fast etc and when it was over she was kind of weak and flushed she thought it might have been a seizure i got to inform her that she had an orgasm not a doctor but when i was in afghanistan a local man came up to us on patrol with his hand wrapped in a sheet he was in visible pain and was asking for a doctor so we got the medic to go see him and i helped unwrap his hand and it was just freaking huge he'd cut his hand very badly and for whatever reason kept it submerged in diesel for three days before seeking help his hand appeared to have soaked up a crapload of diesel or it was just infected to frick but it resembled a water balloon and lightly touching it caused it to be liquid it was nasty there was a nursing student i had once who laughed loudly and exclaimed how can you possibly get an std in your mouth are the innocence of youth wait till she has a patient who has an std in their stoma i'm a paramedic i delivered a baby in the back of the ambulance and placed it on the mother's chest i asked her what its name was can't remember if there was a boy or girl and she looked at me and said i thought you named it i really should have ran with it but i was too surprised that she actually thought that i saw a patient for a follow-up after three visits and as many days for asthma he was from another country so this was the first time i ever met him his lungs sound absolutely terrible but he swears he is taking the inhaler every 2-4 hours with no relief this raises suspicion to me as the same meds are working in the air i ask him to show me how he is using it he holds it about a foot away from his mouth and does two puffs like binica and swallows i felt really bad he had never received any education about his illness or medications my great-grandmother used to do this she was stubborn and wouldn't take any advice so instead my family asked me to use mine when i was with her so she could see the proper way i don't remember if she ever caught on working in a rural ob gyn clinic i told a pt to try vitamin b6 to help with her nausea and morning sickness she called back a few weeks later and told me that walmart did not have vitamin b6 so she bought b12 and has just been cutting them in half well i could maybe understand thinking the number is a dosage if you're unfamiliar at least she can do basic arithmetic based on the other stories in this thread that's a solid milestone that coming to the year for a pregnancy test is a very very expensive way to do it apparently she didn't know you could buy one of the right a down the block seriously don't come to the ear for a pregnancy test cause the test results won't be the only surprise you'll be getting also if you have diabetes that you need to take your medication no getting fatter isn't the worst that can happen the worst that can happen is that you'll die that's why you're in the air with diabetic ketoacidosis and suffering organ damage it's why you're gonna lose your toes take your goddamn meds that taking that weird plant they bought from a pharmacy online isn't 14.324 times better than chemo and doesn't only attack cancer cells because it likes the acid environment in it i was living in china and taught english on the side to a student whose mother was a physician this was in 2012 just prior to the london olympics the mother wanted to send her daughter to london with a school group to watch the olympics but has reservations about it i asked why she said she was worried that her daughter would catch aids from using the public toilets yes a doctor hiv education and awareness in china is severely lacking even for educated doctors source was chinese chinese as in nationality not ethnicity i was that patient once in my late twenties i was fortunate enough to have never had a boil nor did i know anyone who had ever had one so when i got one under my arm i just assumed it was some sort of sore that would go away when it grew to the size of a weeping golf ball and became super painful i figured out it was a boil and knew that you fix boils by lancing them tried to stab it with my rusty pen knife but chickened out and went to the doctor instead i took my soggy tissue away from the mess in my armpit and the doctor literally jumped back in horror i now know that boyles do not fix themselves and should be immediately treated with antibiotics i married a pharmacy assistant just to be on the safe side i'm gp in small town british medical center older lady came into one of the day clinics with a large shopping bag emitting a foul smell so much so we gave her the special treat reserved for smelly patience of waiting in the doctor's corridor instead of the waiting room having received complaints from other patients said older lady comes into my office for her appointment and sits down asks me how big the largest poo i've ever seen as a doctor was i demur and explain i don't actually see as much poo as one might imagine and she proceeds to tell me an epic tale for the week before her appointment she'd had the worst case of constipation she'd ever had she tried and tried but could not go to the toilet no matter how much olive oil or licorice she consumed then the day before the clinic she felt the urge and found herself doing the longest poo i've ever seen it just kept coming and coming and coming so fascinated was she by her enormous poo that she couldn't bring herself to flush it but picked it out of the toilet put it in a waterproof shopping bag and showed her friends who she says told her she must show it to a medical professional because we'd just be fascinated to see such a large unusual stool and then she opened the bag and showed me her poo which filled it it filled the entire bag tl dr full grown adult woman brought in a big bag of her poo because she thought i'd find it interesting well i guess she was right omfg finally something i can comment on well here in mexico we have something called social service our college education is free in some institutions so we have to pay for it with one year of free work in a rural area so the first month a woman in her 30s came to consult because she was feeling weird in the mornings since forever i asked what her symptoms were and she told me that every day she wakes up feeling her mouth dry and that feeling disappears in about one or two hours well lady how many water do you drink um one or maybe two glasses one at breakfast and one middle day do you know what this is yeah when you drink water so you can pee so i had a conversation that took one hour long about what first is and how it feels also i had to told her that she needed to drink more water i don't know what blows my mind more the idea that someone can't determine that they're thirsty or that someone can make it through a day on only two glasses of water my sister who is a new redditor and hope sees this is a doctor and 25 years ago when she had her very very first patient out of residency and this patient refused to allow her to see her breasts which was sore and needed a mammogram to check out a lump so sister asks why in this girl who is about 30 and single said matarov fact leo that's lesbian we can't do that it's against the lord's wishes she loves telling this story at the dinner table on family gatherings especially to our religious side i'm a paramedic and recently transported an idiot who self-presented to the local hospital who found he was having a heart attack steamy and needed him sent to a bigger hospital for treatment during my assessment i asked him how long he'd been having chest pain on and off for 12 months he tells me any family history one of the biggest indicators oh yes dad died of a heart attack brother died of a heart attack both of them first presentation stone dead on the spot no freaking about so you have a 12 month history of intermittent chest pain and a family history of your closest male relatives spontaneously chucking heart isn't dying and you've never got it investigated furthermore the only reason you came to the hospital tonight is because your family badgered you into it i told him he needed a solid kick in the ass to his credit he agreed loads of people are like this though as they tell themselves it's nothing and get on with their lives in the hope it goes away instead of hypochondria you get hypochondriacs who despite evidence to the contrary think they're healthy not a doctor but i agreed to pick up my good friend's wife from her pregnancy sonogram driving home the wife tells me she's surprised it's a girl because the last kid was a girl and it's supposed to go boy girl boy girl right statistically that is more likely than many other patterns such as say boy girl squid rock as a paramedic had a patient barricade his elderly mother and grandmother in the house threatening to kill himself and them eventually he let them out but still threatened to kill himself we're all waiting outside we actually have to park the ambulance a few blocks away until police declare the scene safe pd calls us on the radio and tells us that they have the patient and we need to take him to the hospital we drive up and hip out and here's this 40 year old man in a bathrobe with what looks like a paper cut one the inside of one forearm while calling the hospital to tell them we're on our way i say patient has a very superficial cut on his left forearm the patient hears me and goes what do you mean superficial so i explained that it was a very shallow cut on his arm and that he'll be just fine he says i'll be just fine i tried to kill myself i cast my arm and then stopped when it started hurting that's how i figured i did some damage i was honestly dumbfounded so i'm only an emt but i want to weigh in here to this conversation i had to tell a patient with severe pneumonia and the patient's family that you don't get sick that is catch a cold by leaving your skin exposed the family was vehemently debating me on the fact claiming that i had no idea what i was talking about because i'm not a doctor attempting to explain to them the necessity for a foreign body to enter your system was the most preposterous thing to them i just want to say to everyone who flooded my inbox with wonderful sentiments regarding the work of emts and paramedics that appreciation makes dealing with the seemingly inexorable chorus of professionals telling us me otherwise much easier my parents always told me that the reason i got sick was because i wore t-shirts to bed yes mother i got the flu because i exposed my forearms and hands as i slept not because half the kids at my school were probably off dying from it i'm a dental hygienist and once was telling a patient after a cleaning that she had gingivitis she replies with i must have caught her from my boyfriend had to explain to her that it's because she doesn't brush floss enough she was 36. i had a patient drive himself to the neurology clinic who ended up being completely deaf cortically blind in half his visual field and demented to the point where he didn't know what decade it was that's honestly impressive from when i was a resident working in the living hack that is the gin er at a major florida hospital woman comes in complaining of missed periods hasn't had one in two months me do you think there is any chance you may be pregnant patient no that's impossible me are you active in your physical relationships patient yes of course me do you use protection patient number me do you think you might be pregnant repeat for 15 minutes i swear we could have reduced the number of visits to that or by stapling a bag of pregnancy tests to the door with a sign saying think you're pregnant take one attacking a t ultrasound probe to the door with a sign saying want a picture of the baby we use this to take the ultrasound i think you're forgetting how ignorant the patients that you just described are if you stapled a bag of pregnancy tests to the door your patients would take the tests but inevitably try to use them by spitting into the tests or shoving the tests into the rectum patient made an appointment and brought in his crap in a box he was concerned about the size of his turd and if it's normal all he got from the visit was normal turd yes it's pretty wide turd box was set out with biohazard waste waste guy thought it was a misplaced package and put it on the front desk secretary got quite the surprise that day if you are new to the channel you can subscribe i publish new videos every day until then check another video [Music] bye for now
Channel: Updoot Studios
Views: 310,747
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Keywords: doctors, doctor stories, medical, medical stories, nurses, hospital, emergency, ambulance, doctor visit, doctors orders, #updootst, updoot, updoot reddit, updoot everything, reddit on tap, toadfilms, pewdiepie, reddit, askreddit, funny reddit, reddit stories, top posts, reddit top posts, reddit cringe, comedy, reddit compilation, /r, r/, r/askreddit, top posts of r/, askreddit reading, best reddit posts, top posts of all time, people of reddit, askreddit question, ask reddit, subreddit, sub
Id: oMlHU20F3-4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 142min 32sec (8552 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 02 2020
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