School Stories You Can Relate To (1 Hour Reddit Compilation)

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our teachers all read it what's the most disturbing artwork a student has ever submitted tell the kids to draw something that makes them happy one kid scribbled black all over the page and said nothing makes him happy edgy my little brother got in trouble for drawing a picture of a polar bear eating a seal lots of red crayon was used he was like nine I didn't get why it was a big deal it's not like you doesn't happen when I was a little kid I drew a dinosaur eating another one with open ribcage and everything my teacher wanted to send me to a therapist I just wanted to draw realistic looking scenes in high school we had a kid who's art portfolio was displayed at the school's Art Show numerous drawings sketches paintings etc of tadpoles from a single one to dozens to hundreds a full two years of art class is dedicated to tadpoles until he informed everyone he was drawing sperm tragic story mate my literary arts teacher told us a story about the only kid to ever be kicked out of the program he only wrote stories about women being killed by snakes no matter what the writing prompt was he turned it into snacky murders he then read them aloud to the class proudly he didn't last too long that's him imagination I wanna hear how he turned some of those prompts into snake death High School 1977 while everyone else is drawing Pink Floyd rainbows and peace signs all over everything the biggest burnout in the class makes a wide metal bracelet with intricate triangular designs cut out of it he turns it in and get a great grade for the first project he ever bothered finishing and some well-deserved praise for his effort teacher hands our work back and first thing he does is grab a pair of pliers and bends all the triangles outward making a thick metal spike bracelet I found that devilishly disturbingly clever he was ready for the eighties and the punk scene that came with it back in the 90s I volunteered at an art studio that provided free classes fill low-income inner-city at-risk youth wonderful nonprofit run by a couple of cool old hippy ladies who did an amazing job helping the kids feel free to express themselves artistically no matter what they wanted to create but for example one teenage smartest made an elaborate paper mash of Bob Marley smoking a huge joint and they hung it proudly in a place of honor no judgement or preachy nurse at that art class so one year they decided to have the younger kids do a Day of the Dead themed picture with a short paragraph to commemorate a loved one the teachers were expecting pictures of grandmas or maybe pets and there were some others there were also several scenes of murder including childishly drawn guns knives and oh so much red followed by short descriptions like my brother got shot he dead now it was loud and scary I miss him these were like seven nine year olds those pictures were displayed just as proudly as the grandma pics what a wonderful program when I was a camp counselor I let one of my campers draw while he was waiting for his parents to pick him up he left it behind and my supervisor picked it up went over to me and was like wTF is this he drew a bunch of dead bodies at the bottom of a staircase covered in blood and body parts left behind on the stairs lots of red crayon was used I didn't find out till later that one of his favorite things to do on the computer is place stair fall with his older brother you know the flash game where you throw stick figures down the set of stairs to see how badly you can hurt them when I was in kindergarten I drew a male ghost going to the bathroom I had elder brothers so it was very detailed and I even put a waterline on the testicles because that is where I thought urine was stored the teachers and principal called in my parents for a serious conference and asked my dad what he was going to do about the picture after my dad finished laughing he told them that he was going to make copies and send them to all of his friends and relatives for Halloween and he did that was 40 years ago and I still have a few extra copies if any of you need them and I found out that bulls do not in facts stole urine not me that I played a huge part brothers up class in like second grade was doing those full-body tracings on big sheets of butcher paper they were supposed to trace each other and then draw themselves my brother evidently refused to draw a face for himself would not budge on that drew everything else but no face wouldn't say why and because he was super shy and quiet clammed up more when the teacher started grilling him about it part teacher calls principal because this is concerning principal calls school counselor a counselor meets with my brother who still won't talk about why he won't draw his face asking him questions like do you not like yourself do you feel bad about yourself etc at this point he is really clammed up and is now refusing to talk because he's really shy to begin with and all his questioning is happening school calls my parents they have a beating about the fact that they think my brother is depressed or has some kind of mental issue parents freak of course and brother still won't talk parents and counselors start asking if he feels neglected or unloved or some crap mom's crying dad is frustrated and brother thinks he's in trouble for something and I guess in an effort to stop them all acting crazy he says he dosent draw his face because he hates someone in the family queue full family counseling for like a month mom is a wreck and thinks my brother feels like they neglect him and don't love him so she's just constantly like you know I love you very much right counselling isn't going well because brother is just quiet and confused me two years older than him is just mad we have to be at this office all the time finally during one session brother finally cracks doctor asks who is the person in your family you said you hated brother says hospice our cat she bites me it makes me really uncomfortable when teachers push children who are shy like that I remember seeing stuff like that in class where students didn't want to talk and teachers would make a huge deal about it making the situation even worse for the kid there's a way of bringing them out but making a huge scene in front of the class is the worst thing you could do in second grade I was infatuated with the battleship Bismarck I also loved the flag on it with the red background and white circle with that cool box thingy we had to build a design to look like a quilt using construction paper I didn't mind using the Nazi flag it looked 100% like it might teach at it and say a word but when I showed it to my parents they burned it it took me until five years to figure out why they did that my bill did something similar when he was in kindergarten he drew a swastika on his notebook because all he knew it from was the bad guy symbol from Indiana Jones in my AP art class in twelfth grade a fellow student in class decided to make an art portfolio with the human fetus as its theme one piece in particular was a hyper-realistic ink drawing of a tossed salad with little fetuses in lieu of shrimp yep that's actually pretty awesome juxtaposition I had a second-grader kid draw a picture of me and him together and my hand was behind him he wrote Coach Cuthbert likes to touch me I don't believe I had ever touched him not really that type of person however it was pretty embarrassing he remembered the super bad movie scene with the dongs my friend did that about 15 years before the movie and someone turned it into the teacher he got suspended for a few days and his parents had to come in and review the notebook with the principal I mean it was filled front-to-back with dongs who's been drawing dongs I had this kid doll called Joe he had special needs but loved movies he hated everyone but me I was his first male teacher ever he would often draw me pictures of Godzilla and King Kong it was awesome when he went to the next grade he drew a picture of his new teacher being eaten by sharks she freaked called a whole bunch of meetings went nuts she was saying that she was scared that he wants her dead and that she feared for her life I was asked to have a talk with the kid I asked him what the picture was and he said it was the lady from jaws IV being eating by jaws we then proceeded to talk about how jaws 1 & 2 are awesome man some teachers are straight-up paranoid a friend of mine had to have a meeting with his parents and teachers about his drawings in primary school they were completely harmless drawings off zoos houses trees et Cie but when viewed upside down they showed disturbing images obviously he had no idea what they were going on about and said it wasn't intentional he's now working a good job and completely normal when I next see him I'll take some pictures of his drawings and show you guys he drew a giant turd on the chalkboard there was pieces of corn in it he said he didn't like Chipotle any more there was a kid in my art class who would always draw super dark things not so much scary but more depressing I figured he might have a crappy home life and I noticed he didn't really have friends so I thought I could talk to him and just be friendly he seemed really nice just a little weird flash forward about three months and wow am I glad I was nice to that guy he got called down to the principal's office during class but no one knew why we finally found out he had written a hit list and had been suspended for a month seems a little lacks but whatever he comes back to class and no one wants to go near him at the end of class however he comes right up to me and says don't worry you weren't on the list if I had a male college drawing my student who liked to draw pictures of beautiful women screaming I can see how this could easily be goth pretty camp or trying too hard to be edgy it wasn't any of those things he just really liked pictures of women in distress and seemed obsessed by the idea of it I jokingly told him to use his powers for good and not for evil and that it's better to get your emotions out in drawing than in the real world they're just so pure in moments of desperation that's what the white room is for I'm a volunteer at a center that does art therapy one of the happiest littlest client we have handed me a drawing of their deceased mother with her face twisted into a horrified scream eyes blackened and brown gloop was pouring from the mouth and eyes sometimes I stare up at night thinking about it that sounds like the pre credit sequence of a J horror movie with the mother coming to pick up their darling little child right before a cuts to black I was the kid little background grew up in a small beach town and was somewhat known for my artwork and being a pretty good artist for a little kid eighth grade we had to design a deck of playing cards I was 13 and going through a really hard time and made this series of super dark cards like the Fallen king and the dead Joker queen of human hearts hanged King etc I really enjoyed working on them and loved how they turned out very dark but also colorful like dolly meet Tim Burton anyway I went to a small private school and our cards were going to be on display for this Art Show mine weren't allowed in the show and weren't allowed to be displayed for being too dark and my teachers said I need to therapy which surprise I was already in and was told to express my negative feelings through my art to which I did and then got in trouble for it and denied a place in an art show still have the cards still think they are dope still bitter about not being in the art show I worked at an elementary after-school program when I was 17 instead of coloring in the picture the kid took a black crayon and was just scribbling over the page singing to the tune of Barney I hate you you hate me always under me come on I hate you you hate me we're a dysfunctional family middle school teachers what is the crankies thing you've seen a student do director of technology here I don't really have much to do with the kids at the school I work at but I definitely have a cringy moment called down to the middle school from my office to debug a problem for a teacher the classrooms in this building all have two doors one door opens into the building hallways the other opens to the outside my office is across a field from the middle school so I decide to just cut across the field and enter the side door to the classroom instead of going all the way around the field and entering the classroom from the hallway bear in mind that these outside doors are almost never used by anyone except for an occasional fire drill I opened the door and step in to see a room full of students facing away from me and towards their teacher the student closest to me scrambles to click X on her browser but not before I see full-on hardcore yayoi gente did I mention I work at a Christian private school she turns bright red and with visibly trembling hands she closes her laptop late I burst out laughing which interrupted the class the teacher looks to me in questioning confusion and the students stare in silence I casually walked over to her and said loudly enough for the classroom to hear let's not look at memes and Facebook jokes at school guys her flush red face contorted with fear suddenly relaxed her trembling hand stilled I laughed again and went and debunked the wireless access point issue I was cooled down for no point getting her expelled over hormonal changes in curiousity dude you saved that poor girl's existence if people she knew found out about that and she got punished her for it she would have wanted to die Valentine's Day and a boy brings a girl a dozen roses they were both in my homeroom so I watched this all go down right in front of me I had literally never seen these two have a conversation before either girl didn't know what to do with roses at 7:00 a.m. so she threw the roses in the trashcan literally 20 seconds after it happened and went on her merry way the boy never found out we had this one kid in our eighth grade class stick his entire hand in a cake that was being passed around for a party grab a chunk and started eating it like a Neanderthal it was chocolate and his face was covered when he finished his chunk of cake with everyone looking in disgust II then proceeded to lick every finger it was torture watching he also ended up being the kid not threatened to blow up the school at the end of the year I had a kid carve his own name in his desk but he couldn't figure out how we caught him so what you're saying is that I should carve other kids names into the desks around the eighth-grade dance season they call it prom there is a whole lot of kraang genus roaming the halls one popular tactic among the boys was explained to me we asked the girl to prom and then we run away so she can't say number taps temple I caught the student on Google search attempting to look me up he spelled my name wrong and my name is very common so I wasn't worried I sent him home since it was an after-school homework Club and then went through the rest of the history which included boobs naked women Megan Fox nudes and Megan Fox panties one of the other students in the class kind of picked up on what was happening and mentioned that he has also been kicked out of the public library for similar reasons once a friend of mine described his quest as a kid breaking into puberty trying to figure out B he described how he would Google boobs and variable equivalents and not getting much it was honestly the most relatable and funny story ever he was telling it in spiritual life class there was always this kid that would go up to guys shake their hands and deeply sniffing X one day a teacher asked why he did this to guys and all he said was if I did it to girls it would be weird to be fair the kid had a point I once offered a boy of my little pony color by number sheet ran out of Super Mario the boys response mister I'm not gay I'm a lesbian I like girls well duh Sall a student right boy puss of the whiteboard thinking nobody was looking he's had enough for Chan for now I think I was demonstrating convection which included burning some newspaper one kid piped up with hum that smells like incest he meant in sense they were too young to get it but I nearly died trying not to laugh maybe that kids siblings burn newspaper while they smash my husband teaches English at a middle school he brought some creative writing assignments home to grade and since I'm an assistant teacher for much younger humans kindergarten he drafted me into helping him sort through the mess and grade them we've made good progress through the stack when I pick up a paper that had a kiss mark near the name in lipstick okay that sword bill I'm used to working with kids who are only just figuring out bathroom habits a little lipstick on a report is hardly weird in my book plus middle school then I see the name hon who is our husband without missing a beat our is this goth kid who looks like a rainbow threw up on him after having marathon sex with a unicorn I look back at the kiss mark get a lipstick nice shade choice if the kid is going for goth pale I read his creative writing assignment I get up halfway through to go pour myself more wine it's extremely well-written gay pee featuring my husband and another teacher at the school the kid is going places I don't know what those places are but he's going places I had a student who would constantly butt into people's conversations and when they asked him to mind his own business he'd stand up and proclaim nobody likes me everyone thinks I'm so annoying Havering he laughs while everyone awkwardly stared at him another kid literally told me one time that he would just act annoying so that he could impress a certain group of boys so they were not impressed well at least he is honest with himself I had a sixth grader liquor book he definitely tried to keep it on the DL so he looked around made sure no one was looking in his direction and then licked the book it was a tongue poke then a full-out lick up the spine of the book I had a classmate who had to give a presentation using PowerPoint so there is a computer hooked up to a projector that is pointed at a screen that fills the wall this guy sticks his USB with his presentation and the computer and it automatically loads the images he had on it in a gallery he had a full folder of pictures of girls from his class he had downloaded from Facebook that was kind of awkward my mom is a middle school English teacher once a student snuck a bar of soap into her class ate it and proceeded to run out of the classroom and start vomiting apparently he did it to impress his friends one of the kids responded to questions like Pikachu shame that a good kid is going to look back on those days with absolute horror joke's on you she never let anyone stop her from reaching her dreams and now she is a Rachel not a student in particular but a whole bunch of them I was a substitute teacher for a few years on my university breaks but last January was the worst middle school day I've ever had eighth grade science class I asked the kids to open their textbooks and work on the assignment a girl shyly raises her hand and says miss there's something inappropriate in my book of course some kid drew a dong I calmly tell her to erase it and move on three more kids say the same thing I say if you have something inappropriate in your book please just erase it every kid starts whining about how there's dongs in their books since they won't shut up about it I take the offending books and replace them with different books from the back of the room every single book had a huge dong drawn in it all 90-something of them crudely drawn dongs artistic dongs Squidward freaking Sponge Bob you name it it was there the kids rioted I almost quit I taught fourth grade last year and I had a student who was 12 years old middle school age held back a few years which he always did very odd things to try to impress her classmates that they were relatively tame until there was a line in the bathroom and she took her pants off squatted over the trashcan and peed four or five girls came running out of the bathroom and told on her I once confiscated what I first thought was a note being passed in class it turned out to be a gay fanfic one of my students wrote pairing two of her classmates had an eighth grade girl pretend to pass out because she was upset she got written up for screaming that another girl was a frickin B in the middle of a science lesson then got upset when that other girl didn't also get in trouble for looking at her wrong in the dean's office she was so upset that she pretended to faint complete with back of the palm to the phorid and dramatic exhale and then laid on the floor until we were forced to call an violence before the ambulance came mom walked in she worked right across the street and said dammit Jennifer were not doing this again so evidently this was a regular happening around their house at this point the girl squinted her eyes open but refused to actually get up when the squad got there they checked her vitals and basically knew she was fine they had to take her because we can't take chances with his stuff in schools we all just kind of looked at each other and shrugged so yeah that was cringy we get drug seekers who fake seizures a lot this medic once told me about Anna doc you called him over to the doorway after bringing one in and says watch this before saying loud enough for the patient who was faking a seizure right then I'm not sure if it's a real seizure because she didn't pee her pants right on cue she pisses herself I will relay a short story that my 7th grade bi and teacher told us in that class we dissected a cow eyeball the year before us a student pocketed the lens of the eye looks like a yellowish hard thing about the size of a peanut M&M in his next class he stood up and swallowed it in front of everyone another teacher told me about a student he had who would come to school in different costumes ninja soldier et Cie and stay in character the whole day I do not remember the details but there was an incident in which he threw throwing stars during a talent show in 6th grade science class our teacher asked if anyone knew what the arms of an octopus were called and this kid immediately raised his hand and blurted out testicles everyone was laughing including the teacher who also snorted his face was so red kid wore clothes to school with the price tags sticking out when asked why I was informed that this was to let everyone know he was wearing new clothes you should tell them that it doesn't really count unless you staple the sales slip to the front of your shirt a girl got herself off in class using the edge of the seat not discreet either as many of her peers had a WTF look on their faces this girl was sweating hard seriously most uncomfortable office meeting and parent conference I work for a private school this middle schooler recently started dating another one the girl decided to come to school in a black leather miniskirt and black leather tank top combo at recess which I watched because it's a small school she was dancing all around in front of her boyfriend and hanging of the fence ale a stripper it was hilarious and so cringy I had a student from a conservative Muslim family wear white see-through sweet pants with a visible black thong on underneath she brought the clothes to school and changed in the bathroom before class started not me thank God but my stepmom caught a kid jacking off during class I'm having a flashback to the time I was in middle school and we were watching a movie in science and it's completely dark in the room I decide to scan the room to see who's actually paying attention barely anyone only to see the weird kid with his hand in his pants staring as the science teacher one students wanted to ask me if I had a doppelganger what he actually said was do you have a dingleberry I also had a girl ask me what food stamps were which isn't surprising because the district is very affluent I explained but she still seemed confused so she asked what it means to blow a trucker for food stamps evidently she was reading a book meant for a more mature audience and her worldly knowledge hadn't caught up to her reading level yet we had a student who started going to each class he passed leaning in the door and yelling mom's sphaghetti and moving on bet that's made everyone a bit nervous they were talking about dank memes which were about banned class bTW I was told mrs. confuzzled f don't look up dank memes ok I told them that I had been on the internet since before they were born I was born into the dankness I was molded by it you merely adopted the dankness by the time you found me I was already a man there was the student who had his hands in his pants moving his hand up and down almost to a rhythm that was cringy I just stared at him in the eye till he noticed that I knew and then he stopped I had one of those he wasn't allowed to wear pants or shorts with elastic waistbands after a while I organized an activity that was sort of like never have I ever but positive and meant to build empathy basically a student would say you're in my Botev and whatever they say that is the same as you you have to stand up and find another chair great activity one of the girls who I often found puzzling because she just did and said things that were nonsensical started her period and got blood all over multiple chairs some kids start looking at the seats and have no idea what's going on the girls and the class figure it out but don't say anything they just avoid said tainted chairs the boys however are as dumb as a box of rocks and are touching it and sitting in the seats I'm sitting there horrified since one that's disgusting - I didn't initially know who was pulling a carry on three how the heck do I nonchalantly stop the activity to get this biohazard cleaned up and no one really notices after a short observation of the students I noticed that the one girl was the unfortunate cause of all this I told her that she was to do a favor for me and I stepped outside I asked her if she knew that she started her period and she said yes I sent her to the office and then went back in the room for damage control I honestly don't know how I concocted a magical excuse but I told all the kids that we were invited to go to the library for silent reading time but had to go now because all the good squishy seats would be taken if they didn't hustle they believed me and I sent them down there a few girls stayed behind that figured out what happened and I told them I knew and sent them as well I finally get on the phone and informed the unfortunate janitor about the blood baths in my room when I had my period at school I was constantly paranoid about standing up and they're being blood all over my chair it happening while playing some kind of weird musical chairs is like some horrific nightmare not sure if this counts had a student projectile vomit in the middle of class this is in middle school poor girl sat in the middle of the room vomit managed to get into the seats next to in front of and behind her own somehow so much barf and so much shame in that little girl but then she didn't want to go to the office she just wiped off her mouth and wanted to stay this student spent an entire semester speaking in a Russian accent foreign experiment no one questioned him first day back from winter break he is back to talking normal we were all incredibly confused and his parents ended up going to the superintendent about our school allowing bullying a Korean guy at my high school randomly started talking in a British accent around junior year and kept it up until graduation sometimes he would talk in his normal voice I teach history and let my students do a PowerPoint presentation on the history on anything some kid did the history of furries he came to class wearing his fur suit I teach high school now fie teach eighth grade this student had talked to me previously in private about how the girl he liked was in my class the same period he was he said that they had almost dated when they were both at their previous school before transferring to the one where I teach on top of that all the other students were aware that he had a major crush on this girl so one day he finished his class walk early and apparently he just couldn't take the hormones raging inside of him anymore he blurts out loud enough for everyone in class to hear look girl's name are you gonna date me or what I pretend to work through this while cringing so hard on the inside I see every other student in the room work through this from shock to laughter to pure amazement and curiosity as to both why he will choose this moment and what on earth her response would be on the girl very politely said I'm just not looking for a relationship right now thanks for asking though former middle school teacher here during state testing I had a student who wet his pants they didn't say anything so he sat in a puddle of his own pee for several hours had a kid who legitimately believed he was a Sith like from Star Wars his helicopter mom would come flying down to the school crying religious discrimination if you told him otherwise he would relax his throat and talk in a deep voice and say it was his real voice but he disguised his voice to not scare his human brethren on free dressed days he'd wear an all denim outfit with high waters and denim vest over a denim shirt I had him for science so he'd blurt out things about alchemy from an anime he was into whenever we were working with a periodic table he also had a girlfriend who lived in Mexico who was also his cousin humankind cannot gain anything without first giving something in return to obtain something of equal value must be lost that is Alchemy's first law of equivalent exchange in those days we really believed that to be the world's one and only truth a bunch of kids bought collared shirts so they could pop in like Nick Crumpton after ten years of middle school I sure had a novels worth however so many years of middle school decimates your brain and as someone else said middle schoolers are generally cranky most of the time the kid who wrote mrs. sharp Annette loves cockys on the board when he sincerely meant to write cookies definitely ranks high up there though we all cringed that day I agree with the desensitization that comes with being a middle school teacher I've taught eighth grade for ten years I really don't have one cringe moment that really stands out they just become part of normal life in an eighth grade classroom sigh what's the most humiliating reason you've ever heard for a teenager to be expelled from school for my friend was suspended because he was being pantsed continuously one day after the fourth or fifth time everyone realized he was just pulling his own shorts down quickly in Hall between classes friend of mine was nearly expelled for actually being passed some kid kept doing it to her and they tried to expel her for public indecency her parents brought a lawyer in on the school immediately backed far as I know the other kid never got in trouble he got suspended for a week because he made a poll of the worst person ever existed you could answer a Dolph Hilter Osama bin Laden or the principal couple got caught having sex in the stairwell on the stairs in front of the camera one of the only cameras in school that actually worked I don't know how it worked at your school but there was a designated stairwell for this at mine there was little foot traffic no cameras and plenty of used condoms it was a gross stairwell we had two kids a few years ago who we're caught having sex on school grounds nothing really that abnormal except that they did it on the school oval in the early hours of the morning and where supposedly caught by the school priest the priest in question lives on the school grounds and likes to go on walks in the early morning can you imagine the conversation that ensued when I was in junior high we had a large hurricane hurricane Gloria which hit our town and due to electricity being out trees on the roads flooding et Cie we were off of school for two weeks my vacation was two weeks plus a day since I was sent home not expelled for wearing a homemade shirt that said I was blown by Gloria on my first day back your fricking champ a kid in my school got suspended for not only masturbating in the hot geometry teachers class but not stopping when she caught him in fifth grade there was the classmate of mine and she was not somebody who bowed to peer pressure she started intentionally wearing obvious mismatched socks as a sign of her individuality she was very quiet and did not have many friends our teacher noticed the mismatched socks and after a week told the girl to wear matching socks keep in mind I am 61 years old and this was a very rural public school back in the day well the next week the girl again was wearing mismatched socks and the teacher sent her to the principal's office the principal told the girl to write 500 times I will not wear mismatched socks and sent a note home to the parents the next day the girl gained wore mismatched socks and the pages she was told to write said I will wear mismatched socks the principal was not muezzin suspended her for a week now I did not know the girl very well but I sure liked her spirit I organized the protests of the students to support her the next morning there were 92 of us standing in the schoolyard and despite all threats we refused to enter the school until the independent girl was allowed in and able to wear mismatched socks parents of students were called to come to the school and pick us up because we were all suspended as well when parents found out what all the ruckus was about they were very angry with the teacher and the principal our school did not even have a dress code at the end of the day the principal caved and gave in to our demands by junior high school her family moved and I lost track of her but that day we stood up for her changed her and she became more outgoing and made new friends it would be wonderful to find out what happened to her two guys in my school got expelled for stealing a rice krispies treat from the cafeteria this may me chuckle but I remember how strict my school was on stealing from the cafeteria supposedly if you were to have stolen this rice krispies there you would not only be expelled but criminally charged this kid in eighth grade I was a freshman in high school but we all knew him from middle school was on one of those free webcam sites chatting with girls and was fapping in class the teacher was newish probably her second year and she was probably 25 years old and when she sought his computer screen she apparently broke down in tears the kid got expelled quick she apparently broke down in tears I know it's an uncomfortable situation but that is a huge overreaction a girl that was in ninth when I was in grade 10 was expelled for giving head to three guys at the same time in a dark auditorium during first block and on more than one occasion in eighth grade an older cousin taught me how to play craps like an idiot I started running a casino like thing at lunch anyways I got caught with a massive bag of money and was suspended my school had a policy that if you were suspended and got in trouble again you would be expelled about a month later I jumped in and puddle and was sent to the principal they wanted to expel me but my parents argued it would ruin my future as I had a perfect academic record ended up narrowly escaping expulsion for jumping in a puddle my brother's friend prank called their teacher while my bro was at his house the kid ended up getting found out my brother went in and told them he was there they would never have known either without him admitting it as a reward for his honesty he was suspended for six days and had to clean the school when I was in high school I think my sophomore year there was a senior who was expelled and not allowed to attend graduation because of a tiny pocket knife keychain in his car it was one of those little freebie ones at the time I believe they came with a particular multipack of film about an inch and a half long with the key ring and containing only a single blade in a nail file I think it was barely usable as a letter opener the guy had won its Ren connected to a bunch of other random keychains in a pile on the dashboard of his car the Dean happened to be walking through the parking lot and saw it figured out whose car it was and he was expelled for having a knife at school same year earlier on someone was expelled for a short piece of scrap copper pipe found in his locker a leftover from some clutch repair he'd done to his car it was considered to be drug paraphernalia zero-tolerance is horribly stupid I didn't get expelled but I did have some very embarrassing accusations thrown at me by a teacher which got me in a lot of trouble at home in school one day I came home from school eighth grade I think and my bedroom had been turned inside-out and all of my video games had been open up with the discs all over my desk I asked my mum what the heck happened and she started yelling at me about how games like Grand Theft Auto were messing me up I did not own a copy of GTA I mostly play JRPGs at the time apparently one of my teachers had called up and said I was drawing pictures of people being raped during class where this came from I have no idea I even showed my parents in the teacher all of my notebooks to prove that I had done no such thing yes I doodled a lot in class but nothing that could be interpreted in a sexual in any way I think I went back through my notes and discovered I was drawing frogs from Chrono Trigger the day this accusation was made the teacher implied that videogames were turning me into a rapist hence the thorough search of my bedroom by my parents I guess I am just really bad at drawing in elementary school I got a referral for drawing a ba-bong from Mario Kart cuz apparently I was drawing it to threaten other students I was eight I got suspended for three days for this when I was 14 or 15 we had an art project where we had to pick basically any recognizable person celebrity sports player etc to paint in a certain style one of my good friends decided to pick Eminem so when we were in the computer room that lunchtime he was Google Image searching for a good pic he stumbled across a picture of two people doing a doggy style except Eminem's face had been photoshopped onto the guy's body and Britney Spears onto the females this was hilarious to us teenage boys so as a joke my friend press ctrl + P pretending he was going to print it and change the copies to 500 I leaned over and press enter.we scarpered out of there when we realized there had started printing and we couldn't stop it at the end of lunch a teacher wrote my name from the other end of the corridor and I obviously immediately knew why I got taken to the waiting room by the Headmaster's office and my friend who had been using that computer was already sitting there went into the Headmaster's office and we were both trying to stifle glasses we saw the huge pile of paper on his desk my friend explained fully why he was looking for pictures and that he had genuinely stumbled upon it by accident the headmaster wouldn't believe him as my friend have used someone else's account to use the Internet due to his not working IT continually doing nothing to fix it and someone figuring out it with some people's usernames you could put the password as password and it would still let you in this meant our headmaster thought he had done it deliberately and was trying to get the other kid in trouble the best part was a lavash English headmaster saying who is m and M and I leaned forward and pointed to the guy ploughing Britnie from behind and said he is my friend burst out laughing and we were both given three day suspensions my parents weren't impressed but it was worth it I've tried searching for this pick since but have never had any luck if any of you can help a brother out I'll love you forever a guy at my school got expelled and arrested for photocopying dollar bills onto regular paper and trying to use them in the cafeteria if they also found a garbage bag full of them in a dumpster by his house last year there was a whole operation dedicated to stealing money from the cafeteria they would print fake tenzin by a $1 dollar item with the fake receiving nine dollars real dollars back of course they varied the bills they used but eventually got caught they made something like nine hundred dollars in a week not expelled but suspended stupid boy mucking around in art class teacher has had enough of it and sends him to sit in the art cabinet on his own for ten minutes in most Australian schools the art cabinet is a small walk-in cupboard with a sliding door after two minutes for teacher feels mean for sending him in there and goes in to check on him he's got his pants down around his ankle and is having a wank continues to do it as the teacher is screaming and the whole class can see him through the now open sliding door he is now well known around the area is the Phantom puller this boy is not metally handicapped in any way just a full-on idiot his dad has been friends with my dad for a long time and naturally he is one of those boys who has developed a longtime crush on me we are now 22 and he still manages to find me whenever I return to my hometown with his be taking friends egging him on this bloke sounds like an Aussie Kevin a student at our local middle school age 13 got expelled for selling a Leslie to another 13 year old classmate during a passing period when I was 17 I had to write a paper about what I would do if it was my last 24 hours on earth being a Jackals I out things like blow stuff up and rob liquor stores well my teacher thought I was serious and turned the paper in to the principal who turned it in to the police I got charged with a felony for threats of terrorism and expelled for six months not really embarrassing I guess but funny nevertheless not expelled but suspended for two weeks person was accused of bringing fireworks and bangers into school it was party poppers for celebrating their friend's birthday two eighth graders from some school in a pretty upper-class area were caught flicking in the elevator on camera in the elevator at school okay then well I guess the purpose of elevators is for people to get down quick I went to a Protestant school in Australia my very good friend had just died from bone cancer my girlfriend was comforting me and hugging me as I was crying my eyes out a teacher came past and told her to move away as there was a no touching rule my girlfriend nicely and calmly explained the situation to the teacher who responded by explaining that she was not concerned by this by subsequently told her to get freaked I was marched up to the principal's office in front of all my mates a crying blithering mess where I was told I would be taking a week off school due to suspension my buddy duct-tape a kid to a desk at his old private school was quickly asked to leave this one guide took a wire to a socket and short circuit in it the entire building lost power I almost got suspended for using Brokeback Mountain in a list of love stories in middle school the teacher called my parents and asked if they were letting me be exposed to that sort of stuff my parents just laughed this kid was suspended at my school for throwing biscuits at the Goths it was funny because he thought he was being cool by teasing them but the Goths were catching and eating the biscuits hilarious a guy in my class got expelled because a branch fell out of a tree in front of his feet and they thought he broke it I don't see why this would be an expulsion even if he did break it in cooking class a girl was flipping a knife around for God knows why and lost her grip ended stabbing herself smack dab in the nether regions she had suspended for violation of some safety rule or something but dang it must have sucked best TL DR ever what screams I peaked in high school getting the score of the football game you won against the school's rival tattooed on your shoulder when I was in high school this guy a year before me had a fearsome reputation at house parties people would fear him just by name alone he would show up to parties with his cronies and start fights he came from a decent-enough family everybody wanted to be on his good side anyway he graduates high school and most of us was still in 12th grade I remember he used to come around long time to smoke with the people out front shoot the breeze and talk about how much fun it is to just sleep in and do nothing and have all this freedom a couple of months of a Coon's of why are you still here as we all Quigley shuffled back to class some of the popular girls from high school still get together very frequently and you see updates of it on Facebook I also keep in touch with some friends from high school and I think that that's nice however one of those friends of mine once ran into them during one of their get-together he said hi and happened to be sitting not too far from them at the bar he said that all they did for the whole night was talk about high school they looked up old classmates on Facebook laughed at them called them names looked at their spouses and call them names too they still thought themselves the popular kids as if they still had some sort of influence on all these people everyone has moved on done interesting things in their life except for them they're just rehashing old drama and old rumors one of those girls had a small bit of success as a photographer in high school she won a couple contests that were aimed at teenagers and her photos aren't bad her parents turned this into a very big deal her friends all wanted to be in her photos and she was dead set on going to art school and getting the recognition she deserved I don't know if she never made it into art school or if she dropped out but she definitely did not become a photographer instead you see her launching some new startup business selling asinine live laugh love crap about once a year I dated a guy with his high school mascot tattooed on his arm it was such a turn-off the fight in swastikas wasn't actually a thing but you still have every reason to be turned off a guy who graduated from my high school back in 2003 was arrested a few years ago for his second DUI he was wearing his letterman jacket in his mugshot partying with high schoolers when you're thirty frick I can't imagine this I'm 32 and high schoolers seemed ridiculously young to me after about 23 at my 10-year reunion the prom queen came wearing a tiara with a custom queen o3 sash over her shoulder I had to go outside I was laughing so hard but I'll be damned if she didn't rock that outfit the world time so respect still sad oh we used to play indoor floor hockey in a loft room in the big gym of my middle school one game I scored three goals one of them being a bank shot off the wall the next year I wrote about the game for an assignment in English class and the teacher read it to the class the next day I'm not sure which one was my peak Oh bless your heart Billy Joel feels compelled to write a ballad about how you and your ex were the king and the queen of the prom how the two of you married right after high school and how it all went to heck from there a bonus points if your names happen to be Brenda and Eddie still bullying the Nerds of your 10-year reunion or worse in real life I briefly worked with a guy I went to high school with and like 90% of our not work-related conversations were him reminiscing about how much he bullied me in high school and acting like it was all a big joke sharing every memory from Facebook talking about the good old days and wish we could go back when it's only been a few years since graduation I did the opposite I delete half the memories dropping out of college to promote your pyramid scheme as someone who recently graduated the students who returned to the school every time they came home from school just so people would pay attention to them also not sure how to explain it but the people who now posts blank screams and just text on their snapchat stories that just say things like always crazy to see who you can really trust Wednesdays happens or surprising to see who really cares about you when you need friends the most like I said I don't know how to explain it but there's definitely a correlation filming yourself running drills in throwing footballs off camera in front of your van mobile home me in a horrid realization in the back of my 92 Camaro while I sing that knee I blew out at the championship game senior year reading through the divorce papers there's still time to open a gym you'll have to sleep there for a while on account of the divorce become the overweight bald owner who still benches a disturbing amount of weight when he's not injured yelling encouragement at your regular lifters as a partial substitute for having friends and a family selling pot to teenagers and then trying to get them to stay and smoked with you still bragging about high school basketball games from 10 years ago want to learn money from home and set your own hours the class that graduated before me had their 10-year reunion last year and apparently a big fight broke out over something that happened when they were all still in high school I guess that is one way to tell if someone peeps in high school pretty embarrassing always showing up to the football field wearing your letterman jacket yes after you barely past summer school in order to graduate at dawn after closing down the local bar staring bleary-eyed into the empty field mourning the passage of time selling your pyramid scheme essential oils on Facebook my cousin uses her daughter's birthday party to sell my grandma and aunt scrappy purses when I was in high school the cool kids partied hard they'd get blackout drunk and used whatever illegal substances they can get I was looking through the profiles of some of those classmates and a few of them are still doing the same crap talking gangster crap despite growing up in a middle-class suburb talking about how they miss their kids who are in a CPS custody because they went to jail for using going on rants about narcs etc they're about 27 or 28 what made you cool in high school makes you a loser as a grown-ass adults especially when you're a parent teachers who suck up to the athletes and other popular kids and ignore the less popular kids my freshman year an ish teacher was like that at my high school a coach was worshipped by the girls basketball team my first year of college it came out he had been grooming the girls since middle school 2012 suddenly a lot of petty fights between the girls made so much sense I went to school with a girl whose parents graduated from our high school 20 years prior all four members of their family got the school's logo tattooed her boyfriend still goes to the football games and reposts his game highlights on Instagram we're all 21-22 I'm from New Mexico and live in the largest city in the state we've never had a good HS football team and the BF usually goes to pick up underage girls and brags to everyone about how he was the star football player if someone from another team makes a really good play he'll make some kind of remark about how he could have done it better or he'll go into a detail about his JV football experience I'll take big hikes for $200 Alex making any mention of sat or a CT scores bonus points for that IQ test you took when you were a kid online one summer I was doing an internship and introduced myself to a fellow intern he told me his name and SAS school then asked me what my score would be he seemed shocked when I said I couldn't remember any more I like dude we're in grad school I was in the NHS so I know a little bit about leadership in a time after high school one still wearing your letterman jacket and class ring in your 30s too talking about high school sports games from a different decade as if they meant something three still living in your hometown and looking forward to that night at the bar just before Thanksgiving when everyone who left comes home so you can talk about high school stuff to people who have grown up and have real lives now that last one is oddly specific I have a good one for this my cousin once dragged me out to a local bar that I don't particularly care for due to its reputation but I was going through a separation and figured I could use a night out a guy comes up to me clearly already drunk and belligerent Lee declares I've never seen you in here before I replied that's because I've never been in here before him well I'm just saying I've never seen you here before me okay him I'm John I used to play football at the school up the road you know the school just up the road up on the hill me yes I know the school I went to the same school him yeah I played football there me good for you him I don't remember you from school me I don't imagine you do him well I'm just saying I played football there and I don't remember you me okay finally he walked away more like stumbled away this was back in around 2013 I graduated in oh 4 he was one or two years ahead of me so it had been over a decade since he graduated and he was using his high school football to hit on chicks at the bar he moved on to hit on my cousin so I pretended to be her lesbian lover to chase him off law she thanked me for it guy is a total tool and always was my friends used to get together to play Halo the old four-person split-screen multiplayer and they'd destroy me every time now we've all moved away and we play shooters together online occasionally I win almost every time now that they can't see my screen those suckers screen peaks in high school anyone that still wears their Letterman's jacket after high school that jacket was expensive and also super warm and comfortable kind of a shame it's in the back of a closet now dying before graduation dark constantly sharing stuff about how great they were at high school football working a scoops ahoy you leave Robin alone talking about high school football drama when at an interview and asked what your biggest achievement wasn't responding with well when I was high school hanging out with kids in high school after high school we had a guy we nicknamed Pete Oh Dave was like 20 and still freaking around with freshmen and sophomore girls a man that guy was a skeezy freak a guy gradually two years before me in 2006 he got a job as a school not my senior year basically a job that is somewhere below security and barely a step above student we had our 10 year reunion last year in the school gymnasium and there he was with his sunglasses on at 8 p.m. sporting a sweet flavor savor and die keys shorts with his black socks pulled up to his knees as was the fashion for all the bras at my high school when we attended he was making his rounds trying to enforce every single rule that was imposed on students I mean while we are all 27-29 years old and nobody is taking his crap eventually someone told him you were a freakin tool in high school and nothing has changed get lost knuck he then started listing every girl he boned in high school it was hard watching that guy spiral so hard while everyone was laughing at him that's so sad people who say high school is the best time of your life yeah but one of the cool things about high school is that you get to see most if not all of your friends every day I can't say the same about adulthood one strap everybody knows who's strap is the thing now heck I'd know strap it if I could not letting go of old memories where you work you be on the football team doing senior pranks crapping on the freshmen on and on and on and just never shutting up about it my friend once considered joining a new band I had a look at the ad and if specified all members are expected to act like honor roll students he was in his 30s the band did not find members high school I peaked in elementary school and it was downhill from there there I was on stage in front of the whole elementary school and I just won the Spelling Bee I felt like it was the start of something great narrator it wasn't wearing your high school ring after graduation Lal I didn't even bother to pay for one I did however wear my dad's old one for laws and completely convinced this girl I was 66 because of the graduating date I'm almost 30 but I lack a team told her I had a metabolism defect I have a friend we all call him Dave that isn't his name because his family is Iranian but we'll call him Dave I also went to school with another person who I'll call declared because he's a declared he refused to be cooled by his actual name anyway and insisted on being cooled by his nickname which for the purposes of this tale we shall call massive w dave applied for a job and got it it was a pretty serious gig a finance job that paid extremely well he got it and arrived for his first day the guy who hired him showed him around the building then showed him to his desk and introduced him to his immediate manager it was declared this was literally about 15 years after we left school and everyone who wasn't a fellow declared thought dickhead was far in the past nope Dave said Ojai declared dickhead replied up it's actually massive w if you don't mind Dave said what still he then went down to the lobby and paced around for 10 minutes and then just walked out nobody wants dickhead to be their boss Dave now works elsewhere and seems happy dickhead however no idea don't care why because he is a proper freaking declared one of the few good things maybe the only good thing about the UK's usually freaks education system is that hardly anyone except those who have had an expensive private education gives a freak about their old school no loyalty to the old school sports loyalty when at school was practically non-existent no one apart from those on the teams usually gave a crap about how the sports teams did no Yi books no jackets no prompts at least when I went to school that aberration seems to be creeping in now no one gives a Frick school reunions are rare if a thing at all here I still know and see a few of my classmates or ones who were at school when I was there but only because they still live locally and it's not that bigger place the others I have no idea where they are how they are even if they're still alive and with maybe two or three exceptions I have no great wish to find out a football coach should my high school held a record as a linebacker for when he was in high school in the 80s one kid a few years ago on the first string varsity team came 30 yards away from breaking that record and the coach promptly took him out of the game and kept him out for the rest of the season only one game left at that point so no one could break his record from 30 years ago read it what's your high school's tragedy NSW three girls in my high school accidentally drove their pickup off a cliff into the river one survived it took two weeks to find one of the bodies because the surviving girl managed to pull her from the truck in an attempt to save her but let go when she couldn't hold her breath any longer and the body was swept downriver when I was in grade 10 a very popular phys ed French teacher had a massive heart attack during an after-school program and died on the spot a girl in my grade was diagnosed with an inoperable brain tumor and junior year always a very sweet girl by senior year she physically couldn't move or talk anymore a month later she passed away at our graduation they had her family come up and gave them her diploma murder there were a couple of members of staff that were married the wife was seeing someone else I can't remember if they were getting divorced or not but the husband killed the wife and dumped the body on school property to be later found by one of the teachers we had this one teacher she was the quest teacher it was a health class basically she talked about sex ed stuff and the dangers of smoking that sort of thing we got to sit on couches in a big circle rather than desks in rows she had breast cancer and it was pretty bad she was bald from the chemo and had a port installed on her chest so they could just inject into that since they had already destroyed all the veins on her arms or whatnot despite all this hardship she was one of the warmest sweetest most cheerful most loving people I have ever met I'll always remember one particular thing that she said she talked about going to a friend's funeral recently the friend had died an agonizing and slow death from cancer might teach a war a brightly colored floral patterned dress while everyone else was wearing black she did this because she was not mourning she was celebrating the end of her friends suffering she had accepted death and made peace with it and knew that it was just the natural course of life she died a year later and the whole school was devastated I made sure to wear bright colors within three years my high school lost eight students seven were due to drinking and driving but the eighth was taped and burned alive in his trunk a science teacher that everyone loved got exposed as being in a relationship with a 15 year old and committed suicide a twelve-year-old girl was shot in the face by her brother who was cleaning his shotgun the school administration had a tree planted in her memory it's still her almost twenty years later the Romeo and Juliet couple she killed herself then a few weeks later he killed himself because he couldn't stand to be without her two girls one who had attended my primary school drowned on a school trip and the teacher who was injured trying to save them was blamed for it by the press and went into depression for years he was back teaching by the time I went up to secondary school and it broke my heart to see the things they said about him and how badly had messed him up at the time because he's the loveliest kindest old man I've ever had the pleasure of knowing during a cross-country competition at my old high school one girls was chased around the school and up head multiple times in multiple bathrooms by a group of boys the doors to the school remained unlocked for some reason though there were no staff actually in the building her parents tried suing for it but the school brushes it under the rug to my knowledge nothing ever became of the situation even though there was camera footage of them chasing her and following her into bathrooms and such there was a huge race bass fight that had been going on on the scene i boys rounded up a Chinese boy and beat him till he died beforehand there were a lot of fights leading up to that so I don't really think it matters who did what just a lot of anger and hate fueling something that shouldn't have come in between all of us it was scary they issued a warning saying if they see any Chinese around after school they were gut them I remember waiting in class until I was sure my mom came and got me a girl named joy was insanely happy and nice and popular had an aneurysm and died she was uncharacteristically mean that day and told everyone she had a headache it happened in the hallway and she just kinda slumped against the lockers we found her when classes let out one kid said Joy's here in the hall a huge jock dude picked her up and took her to the nurse and someone called 9-1-1 she had been dead for some time by then saddest thing I ever saw she was the sweetest person ate lunch with the special kids a few times a month she was a sophomore and insanely popular she was really tiny and one time at a dance a weird rap mosh pit formed joy got to crowd-surf she really resembled a tiny fairy like girl our whole school mourned her for months a good friend of Mines elder sister killed herself I went to high school on a college campus and she had just graduated high school but was continuing there for college in our second semester she intentionally overdosed on pills and no one really knows why most of the school was devastated she was attractive popular intelligent and friends with just about everyone the school was only about 250 people she always seemed so cheerful I still wonder to this day what went wrong a couple summers back two dudes I went to high school with and one of their friends were driving home at 4:00 p.m. from their internship they were driving down the highway doing everything right suddenly a truck from the other Lane went across the median and hits them head-on at 70 miles per hour but they died instantly the girl in the back was knocked unconscious but she lived the driver of the truck that hits them lived two he was 19 and was drunk driving it sucks when the good guys die in the scumbags live I still occasionally check their social media profiles always so surreal to see that they were commenting and interacting one day and the accounts went cold the next super sad stuff a girl got hit by a school bus full of students right in front of the school she was crushed and died instantly her best friend was on the bus that hit her it was so terribly tragic and traumatic for absolutely everyone involved a friend of mine was getting off a bus in front of her twin brother she remarked to me that she just wanted to help people in the future as a job a nurse or a doctor or something then a car swerved to avoid a fender bender mounted the curb struck her and she died on scene I was her locker partner I had to give everything to her parents and brother a kid in year 7 11 years old killed himself after being bullied a few of my friends in a sixth form got on the same bus as him and were trying to help they used to see him run home after he got off as he was so scared poor kid a kid left a party pretty drunk and drove home he made it there but he was locked out of his house so instead of waking his parents up and getting in trouble for being drunk and drunk driving he decided to go back to the party he went off the road and into a river and diver during my junior year a senior got beat to death at a party a senior was crushed by a tractor on his family farm and an alumni fell asleep at the wheel and crashed into a tree at 2:00 a.m. when I was a freshman there was a weather-related car accident that killed four seniors from the year before I got there there were memorials at school and constant reminders about driving appropriately for conditions it was a big deal my freshman and sophomore year but by junior year was fading and my senior year was mostly forgotten and a thing of the past Catholic high school two of our favorite teachers who had actually made their classes engaging and opened up their classrooms to anybody needing a hand in school and in life both divorced before they had started teaching there they decided to move in together after dating for two years and were planning on getting married the next year but they kept it all acquired out of pure professionalism administration found out somehow and Fog both of them I believe for breaking the school's code of conduct for teaches by cohabitating before marriage we lost two of the best teachers in our school that helped out and inspired their students in every way they could try to having virtual paper for paper towels in the bathroom thanks for the break from student deaths a few teens in my high school died in a car accident due to drinking and driving the worst part was their car was displayed on the high school lawn for months as a reminder of what could happen if you drink and drive theirs was a sophomore I think named Jonathan who went swimming clothed which eventually weighed him down and he was stuck underwater for too long and drowned emergency came and got him out but he stayed in a coma until he eventually passed away months later never knew him only saw him passing by in the hallway but it was very surreal having that happen in my school a teaching assistants turned out to be an XP star and ran away when everyone found out not a tragedy but you guys were making me depressed three freshman basketball players missed the bus to their game and decided to drive to it the driver skidded on ice at a stop sign and slid into oncoming traffic and a garbage truck ran over the car the boy in back was pushed to the other side of the car no seatbelt the driver was put into a coma for several months and the passenger was killed a kid that had a crappy home life used to get picked on every day at school he finally made one true friend when he got to high school things really started looking up for him when they went on their first double date during what might have been the first truly happy night of his life the driver lost control of the car and this kid wasn't wearing a seat belt he got a bunch of write-ups misremembering him as a popular athlete in my final year of high school there was a crap storm regarding personal information that was accessed by half the grade using a teacher's login details we had the password for years and used it to check marks and rank soft schoolwork and all was good in the final weeks of HS some idiot decides to change his english mark moving himself from 33rd to 3rd the school obviously finds out and everyone who was involved gets in trouble the kid that changed his marks obviously got expelled while the other half of the grade all got punished by not being permitted to attend the school formal and graduation next thing I know everyone's starting a huge protest and some CEO or some crap gets involved in revoke the punishments because parents were threatening to get lawyers or something considering the teacher gave out the password willingly to another student and the school refused to admit the teacher's mistake aggressively trying to blame the students for hacking one that simply wasn't the case it's pretty stupid if you ask me a kid in the care of 2010 was driving drunk and was thrown from his vehicle after swerving on a dirt road he ended up passing away at the scene he was well known and his girlfriend still isn't the same person five years later the entire school districts funding has been gutted and it can barely function my high school didn't have any sort of tragedies but my brother's did a friend of his was one of two who killed two Pete's a delivery men and what the media called the Pete's our thrill killings he and his friends were questioned by the police and the DA and his school was surrounded by media and police for weeks after it it was in NJ in the late 90s for those who want to use the Google's one kid who was about 16 still his mom's car as Nitin took three friends out for a ride it was raining and he lost control all four died when I was a Juniper I was dating a beautiful blonde and smart girl a great under myself her name was Shannon we had recently broke up due to her having confided her affections with someone else high school relationships can be gruesome and fleeting but I was relatively calm about all of this and still try to remain friends with her we talked for a few months here and there but I refused to reinitiate another relationship with her also note that I was living on my own with my older brother at a time so people regularly came to my place late door would use my apartment as a hangout as it was extremely close to the school one night she came by my place around 11:00 p.m. she did not look upset or sad that I can remember but she was carrying a loaded point three eight her mother was a police officer so it didn't surprise me and she was known to have a fascination with weapons she asked to stay at my place and I told her that she was not welcome at the time I knew she had fits off suicidal tendencies in the past but being the young idiot I was I paid no attention to this obvious cry for help she left after I asked her to leave in the very next day she was found dead in her car off a side road a few miles away she had shot herself in the head I was the last person to see her it tore me up for a long time and occasionally when I really think about it it bothers me even more as I've matured I could have done something but chose not to my high school just started freshman year at college had a football player lose a leg after a game last year he was a pretty big guy and had health problems but after getting hit a certain way the blood circulation got cut off from his leg and it needed to be amputated he was on track to get a scholarship for football and be very successful we had a teacher that for some reason everyone took a dislike to he wasn't that bad or strict but for some reason everyone hated him I was in class once and we locked him in his equipment cupboard stuff like that regularly happened to him he never really used to say oh nothing just kind of got on with it anyway he spilt form his wife and lost his DL for drink-driving he ended up having to get the bus in the morning with everyone traveling to school as always everyone was really cruel to him halfway through year nine he committed suicide the worst thing about was that everyone found it really funny at Dalton II is feeling very ashamed of teenage me right now senior year a pregnant girl gave birth in early spring and murdered her baby by abandoning it in a dumpster near the school to freeze to death junior year a kid was PMSing and fell face-first off a ramp onto concrete from several feet in the air his forehead made contact first and he died off massive blunt-force trauma to his brain at sophomore year one of the most popular kids in school killed himself with a shotgun blast to the head the day before the first day of school started freshman year in the winter a kid got drunk and fell off a train bridge onto the frozen river below he froze to death and wasn't found for a couple of days there were more than this but these are the most memorable my high school averaged about one to two tragedies a year so a bunch of posts of dead students I could contribute to that but I'm going to choose the path of two male teachers who systemically preyed upon and sexually abused boys in our boarding school over a period of decades the school and church covered it up the years when it finally came to light in public forum one teacher shot himself the other two finally denied everything until his death sometime later still by the church who paid out a few million and hush money no wrongdoing was ever admitted Felicia Garcia jumped in front of a train three years ago she was in tenth grade with me and sat next to me in English she slept with a football Clare and he showed people the video eventually people started spreading rumors and harassing her the school refused to take any disciplinary action so she jumped in front of the train home from school in front of a bunch of students and teachers I wasn't terribly close with her and I wasn't at the Train but it was still absolutely horrifying to hear about she was a really nice girl and I hope anyone involved in the spreading of that video rots in heck forever a student atheletes dropped dead of a heart attack during rugby warmup turns out he had a heart condition and his parents let him play anyway against doctor's orders everybody ignored that anyway and just praised the family for being brave and what a tragedy it was even though doctors had been telling them this is exactly what would happen freaking morons we had a little girl in the sixth grade whose heart gave out in the bathroom I was in eighth grade in gym class what kind of peed me off was that I was in gym and our gym teacher was the guy who had to respond to code blues I always thought the guy was kind of and but but anyway he just seemed careless when they called for him I remember he was like all man walks out slowly and whistling and then a minute later he comes back and says forgot my keys and then walks off a game twirling the keys still whistling and not really rushing I'm not sure if he went any faster that it would have even made a difference because the girls are just gave out but he could have at least put more effort into it there was a 12 year old kid with ADHD he was on the same bus as me very cheerful kid always had a smile on his face his parents are divorced and one weekend he was with his father they were trying out a sports car with his father's friend who works at a car shop and took two other women with them the boy was sitting of the back between the women with no belt and they crashed against a tree everyone died on spot they found the boy's body about 40 meters or so away from the car if I remember right there was also a girl with a heart condition who had to be operated and didn't make a freaking cat was given an ad card and it made national news it was a couple years after high school but I went to the same school as the Boston bombers the fallout from that was interesting youngja thermal girl was killed on the way home from a dance with her two friends and one of the friend's dad's was driving they were hit by a drunk driver she was the only one who didn't make it you have been visited by the fashioned o comments your m/v strengthens me so you always look beautiful if you are new to the channel you can subscribe I publish new videos every day until then check another video or 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Channel: Updoot
Views: 129,647
Rating: 4.8352833 out of 5
Keywords: reddit 1 hour, 1 hour, compilation, school, school stories, high school, teachers, teacher, students, college, crazy school, #updootst, updoot, updoot reddit, updoot everything, reddit on tap, toadfilms, pewdiepie, reddit, askreddit, funny reddit, reddit stories, top posts, reddit top posts, reddit cringe, comedy, reddit compilation, r/, r/askreddit, top posts of r/, askreddit reading, best reddit posts, top posts of all time, people of reddit, askreddit question, ask reddit, subreddit, sub
Id: qkIk2awYizA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 79min 12sec (4752 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 27 2020
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