Breaking Factorio With 500 Players - Factorio Is A Perfectly Balanced Game With No Exploits

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Are you ever going to try this again? It could be like the minecraft weekends.

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/thedisneylook 📅︎︎ May 25 2021 🗫︎ replies

This sucks I want to play but I can't cuz I'm at work

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/undeadpirate19 📅︎︎ May 25 2021 🗫︎ replies
hello there ladies and gentlemen okay this should be live okay is this is this actually live i do believe it is i'm going to need to um see the probably the word t in chat you can say t then that naturally means you can hear me but hello there ladies and gentlemen i'm the spiffing brit and welcome to a brand new stream that's right we're actually streaming for once oh my goodness welcome my friends i know hello hello hello um today uh we have a very unique game ahead of us perfect stuff oh it does see that you doesn't you can't hear me okay the thing is i kid you not 75 of the times that i've streamed because of the way streamlabs is set up i always have my microphone muted when i go live it is the most frustrating thing ever because it means whenever there's a live stream bam it starts and instantly i go oh dear god this this is this is not why can no one hear me why is everyone just spamming tea and hello and it's like oh oh god yes it's because i've muted my mic again but hello there ladies and gentlemen i hope you're having a lovely time this evening today we're doing something absolutely stupid we're playing factorio with instead of you know the average four to five friends that you might normally play factorial with instead we are playing factoria with you know an incredible quantity of uh 500 people because why not why not play factorial with 500 people i think that's the uh the best idea that we can possibly have so yes welcome welcome my friends um i will say that oh my goodness jesus christ thank you very much one caller guy for a lovely donation of 1 133 australian doularoos thank you very much oh yes just another normal day in australia i see um you think we can stop and get some iced coffee no we're not stopping to get iced coffee my friend we're here to make tea okay we're here to make tea it's gonna be lovely um am i legitimately muted oh my god now i can't tell i can't even tell with my own live chat not talking seriously chat i swear to god if you're if you're literally trolling me chat i'm going to murder you am i conor even my own moderators were trolling me oh my god i hate you motz i legitimately right that's it we're swapping out the entire mod team over the course of this stream oh my god okay look you don't know the struggles of being being a tea drinking streamer okay when you're surrounded by coffee drinkers who just want to see you destroyed and then your own moderating team are trying to troll you and say oh yes actually i'm afraid so we can't hear you oh dear oh dear oh dear well hello ladies and gentlemen allow me to move over to the actual live game feed for you here we go bam live stream say hello to this this is the interior view of today's video game welcome to the lovely world of factorio factorio is a very unique game okay normally in a world of factories you get dropped onto a lovely planet okay and you have to build up a nice production facility to eventually research and then build a rocket to take off from the planet it really is as simple as that thank you dennis for that that donation i will trust you okay i will trust you i'll trust that the microphone is not muted um so the aim is quite simple take off from a take off from a planet that you've crashed landed on normally if you do play this multiplayer you're playing about four people because you know that makes sense four friends that's generally like the average amount of people that you play with okay we're doing things a little bit different for a start with we're going to be trying to build a rocket with 500 people with minimal automation most things are going to be done by hand because you know it worked for our ancestors it'll work for today next up we're not doing not on just any particular world we're doing this on a deaf world ladies and gentlemen we've been planning this for the last few days and then i noticed my lovely youtuber friend ambiguous amphibian uploads a video today where he's played with three of his friends he didn't even invite me on a deaf world okay where they tried to beat a deaf world well i say screw you with your free people on a deaf world today okay bam 500 people on a deaf world that's the way that it should be that's the way the game was intended to be made okay yes it's perfect oh dear oh dear well if you said they're wondering how to join there's a explanation in the description which would lead you to the discord general rule of thumb we're loading the patrons vips channel members that lot in first then we'll load everyone else in whilst we do have like i don't know 1 000 channel members or something like that um don't worry not all of them joined so literally anyone can make it into the game just in r thank you very much for ten dollars hello there spiff um here is some money i have available since the ghost stood me up on a date oh oh just in our i'm sorry to hear that my friend but thank you very much for the donation i'll put it to good use i'll buy cups of tea with it that's where pretty much all of the donation money goes not so classy thank you for ten fights i don't know five canadian doula ruse oh dear i know why that's your favorite day friend anyway welcome so today we're taking 500 willing volunteers okay willing quote-unquote interns um unpaid voluntary interns that's how we describe them from the community dropping them onto this world of literal death and then we're going to be seeing if they can build a rocket now there is an actual speed run okay to be had ladies and gentlemen there is a speed run that people have done for multiplayer and also forum and also for single player is there a chance that we're going to beat those speed runs no um probably not those speed runs are like two hours long or like one hour and 50. so whilst we have 500 players chances are we might struggle equally this isn't a regular world of factorio this is a deaf world of factorial what does that mean well it means that the natives of this planet also known as the bugs um will start getting slightly angry when we naturally start drilling up most of the entire world that they live on and converting it into pollutants they're not going to exactly be happy when their homes are effectively burnt down and turned into rocket fuel so naturally they might start fighting back and on a deaf world they don't just bite back a little bit they're going to chomp your entire arm off naturally we're in a bit of a fortunate situation because i have 500 people to surround me defend me and die for me we'll be sending all of you off to go and try and defeat as many of the hives as possible of course the more actual nests we break of the enemy the more powerful they become which is even more terrifying oh dear oh dear we're going to need a lot of guns but of course they're not the deaf world we're going to be the deaf to the world that's that's how this is going to work uh the world's best speedrun is one hour and 28 minutes yeah we're definitely gonna beat that one ladies and gentlemen no problem no problem walk in the park walk in the park um hi karine thank you very much for five canadian dollars thank you very much hey spiff uh what do you add to your tea or do you just drink it straight normally i had milk and one sugar fits in the morning i really do enjoy it but seriously thank you very much for all of the donations that's very generous and also all of the channel memberships equally that's one of the lovely ways you can support these streams on my channel the other way is literally just by being active and liking a stream it genuinely is a huge benefit especially when we're doing a especially when we're doing what is basically a starship trooper's live reenactment in factorio um yeah it should be quite silly anyway conor if we we're good are we good to start are we good to start there we go i'm pretty sure we are everything should be absolutely majestically ready for this thank you jeff peterson you donate to say your name is jeff i mean i kind of knew that already but thank you very much [Laughter] although i suppose a large amount of today's donations actually go to bailing me out after the goddamn crypto video jesus christ oh my god that video um the follow-up is coming soon it'll be out on i think the 8th is when we're aiming to get it out on um the consequences of the crypto video were quite incredible very very incredible ladies and gentlemen sprague thank you very much for the donation yes this is live and angry monkey thank you very much right ladies and gentlemen i think we're ready to begin yep all good announcement ready when you up okay fantastic well i'm pause the game in we are welcome ladies and gentlemen to our lovely crash-landed spaceship um this is our fantastic deaf world ladies and gentlemen it's a glorious beautiful okay it's not glorious and it's not beautiful it's mostly barren i don't think there are any trees actually no i found at least one tree okay he's not looking too good his name is gary but okay now the players are joining here they come ladies and gentlemen here they come our first willing volunteers uh arriving into this glorious landscape as they download the map and get ready for what is going to be a very unique game of factorio already someone has broken down the spaceship and taken the additional bullets that hid inside oh dear oh dear now i'm not going to i'm not going to be helping them so to speak i'll mostly be directing them i'm going to be aiming for more of a managerial position here ladies and gentlemen they can do all of the other work now immediately with the um with the quantity of people we have in here they're going to need to start getting to work by mining all of this lovely coal um one cooler guy i just noticed you've done you've actually joined the server here which means i can finally get revenge on you for all of your coffee promotion donations okay like you won't you don't necessarily need to get to live today and now immediately can i hear shooting i felt like i could hear shooting going on there um i was a bit concerned that um already people had run off and tried to start fighting the bugs which is good we don't want to do that just yet we will need to jump on top of them but we're going to need about like 50 people involved and also we need to get an actual base production set up and running we're a bit fortunate um because already the about 40 players we have here are now just mining coal by hand um i don't even think they have any tools no no there isn't there aren't even any tools they're just doing it with their bare fists well you know you keep punching that coal yeah you go punch that cold perfect this is how this how the game was meant to be played look i i see a lot of use using the s word in chat this isn't the s word this is unpaid internships okay they're just willingly willing volunteers who have come all the way to this lovely planet to be marooned uh and they're going to naturally serve me forever um oh my oh my actually i think we've cleared up this first nest here yep it looks like we actually cleared out one entire nest immediately which is a good start ladies and gentlemen that's quite a good start already it's looking like a production line is happening look at this look at this ah perfect absolutely perfect look at all of these prisoners with jobs it's practically australia it's beautiful now how are we looking at in terms of the world map world map is looking good already we've migrated from the spawn area that was here and we've started moving south and uh this is mostly the patreons getting themselves set up which is a good good start good sign they're doing quite good um oh dear oh dear my moderator well actually my adwords just got disconnected for being afk i love it now um already the start is going quite well there's a lot of rocks that need to be destroyed but resources in this starting area are relatively plentiful i'd say coal is of course very very important we need it for everything we do actually have you know industrial miners here that are digging it up automatically but that doesn't stop willing volunteers wanting to do it all by hand because you know they just love it you know i'm gonna actually help them i'm going to put down one single drill and i'm going to even plop in my coal there we go look at how look how nice i am oh yes i'm helping the mine coal oh i'm such a great guy dear oh dear and the best thing is these guys are patreons okay so technically technically they're paying to do this okay so this isn't unpaid labor this is actually paid labor but not they're getting paid i'm getting paid for their labor you know so paid labor okay also we're in space so the geneva convention doesn't matter here you can't catch me in space okay already i'm noticing that the australian of the group one caller guy has just legged it down to a forest oh we found trees oh my goodness there's also a large amount of spooky bugs here but the fact that we've located trees is a fantastic sign oh dear and vivi was killed by he decided to run at the the biters okay well he's dead he's not getting his gun back any time soon rest in peace uh some players have scouted out to the north there's basically nothing up there we're actually pretty good in terms of resources everything we need because we've got stone here we've got iron here we've got coal here and copper here this is a fantastic starting location we will of course eventually need trees but for the time being it's not that bad we do still have some trees ladies and gentlemen some trees can be located i know it's a fantastic sign the mandatory volunteers are doing good i'm noticing jim jace here has tried to fight the biters and things are now going wrong things are now going terribly wrong as i do believe oh deez he's probably going to go down just kidding he's trying to protect him but oh dear he's running back to the factory he's led them back to the factory oh no just kidding was trying to save you oh dear i did well let me go see if i can help out oh dear well um they all died but the bugs should just leave of their own return of their own uh volition oh dear okay they're coming towards us right kill them all ladies and gentlemen kill them perfect stuff look at that very good very good military presence there how much is it to actually make ammunition okay it's just four iron plates that's not too bad i'll make i'll make myself some more bullets and i think generally speaking it's better to deal with it's better to deal with the biters early on before they get time to evolve because if we're not careful they'll they'll allow they'll involve us i'm noticing there's some crude oil down here which is good we'll be needing that later more iron down here perfect but yeah overall decent start position really nice looking start position lots of players just running out to try and scat the map they're of course going to get absolutely murdered and lose all of their gear but you know it's okay it's okay that's just part of the that's part of the factorial experience okay the trees are gone by the way well yes all of the trees in the starting area lasted about five seconds i mean that's just when you're playing with my audience the trees don't last okay they love deforestation [Laughter] ah yes now i do know we will run into an issue because um effectively when players die you start with a gun but on your second spawning you won't be getting a gun which is going to make it um which is going to make it an issue i think for some people i don't think they they get a respawn with a gun correct me in chat if i if i am of course incorrect but yes oh ultimately the uh the like starting set up here it's going quite well you know there's coal there's i imagine this is going to be an iron ore refinery uh with a continuous stream of coal which is always good and of course copper which is just needed for stuff it's just needed but deforestation is off to a fantastic start um oh dear oh dear how's it going how i mean miss wolfie over here is trying to steal all of the remaining trees on the map i i mean i appreciate that grind i i stand for it i think that's a smart thing to do you know you've got to get your trees uh oh my goodness they've immediately got power set up ladies and gentlemen look at the speed on these guys oh i'm actually really pleasantly impressed by that the fact that we've got electricity up and running almost immediately is great that's a really good sign of course you know there's a whole bunch of trees down here there we go the trees have now been marked this man is just manually mining iron by himself he's going to die the issue is the players who kind of like run around on the outside of the map here's what's going to happen to them they're going to get picked out by a biter and then they're going to be dead instantly but the biggest issue however is um the fact that when they when they kind of run over there um the further and further out they go the harsher and harsher these bites are going to get it's going to be going to be pretty intense gonna be quite intense indeed why is no one using blueprints we disabled blueprints no blueprints here everything will be done by hand okay you know what world this is this is spiff's glorious deaf world slash fund land and internship and political work location okay no blueprints no automation do it by hand yes see these you see these little steam pumps here these steam engines these cogs you think this is done by steam no there's a small child in there cranking a handle okay he's doing his best it's all hand cranked okay and these these little offshore pumps there's actually a there's actually a small boy in there with a great big straw okay and he's sucking he's doing his best oh dear dear firstborn gets gun second second spawn gets bullets when the gun goes down you will uh you have to pick it up from the from the dead body in front of you oh dear how do you join uh there's an explanation in the description ladies and gentlemen so far it is just patreons and vips and then we shall open it up to members of the public shortly ah yes oh yes junior intern in the steam engines yes these are all the um the uh established premier interns experienced managerial interns uh the the you know the the new ones that like people have just come in for their first day they get put into the steam engine also jesus christ please don't quote me on the on the little boy sucking up water salt water for straw that's the thing this will probably be salt water right what like he'll be dead within about five gulps the little saltwater boy has died oh dear dear what's the goal to escape this death world well rather have me escape this death board i don't really care about the other employees we have here um you know they're just temporary oh it's now becoming nighttime that's lovely people are making the excursion down towards the trees because trees are very important so we need to um we need to grab them as you know there's a very limited supply and also once this supply of trees goes the next nearest supply of trees is just sat in the middle of like a whole bunch of nests that's going to be that's going to be a nightmare uh will it be on announcements yes the uh the ipa i would imagine will be an announcement that's usually where we plot these things but hey thank you very much for watching as well ladies and gentlemen in the live stream if you enjoy what you're seeing feel free to give this livestream a like it does massively help and oh my goodness would you look at this we're actually researching things four research labs ladies and gentlemen i mean you know we're not we're not actually crafting research packs at the moment it's all being done by hand okay people are running around and just going into their inventory and clicking a red research and that they're just making it themselves that's beautiful that's honestly very very adorable sound out factory says we need to prioritize things okay i'll tell you what to prioritize prioritize the production of red science packs and then we'll need to start prioritizing the production of guns this will be very important very very important we will need a plentiful quantity of guns i mean actually not if we keep the if we keep the patrons doing this kind of work the successful actual factory operation and coal mining which is so far going really quite nicely at the moment we can then get some of the um we get some of the public members and instead we can take them and bring them on a um a downwards offensive to clear out some of these hives i think if we went for if we went for this hive here and this hive here we have access to these trees yeah i think that's generally what we're aiming for okay so when when we get the puppies in we'll uh take them on a loving work outing um many of them won't survive but of course that's a sacrifice i'm more than willing to take ladies and gentlemen oh yes oh yes oh yes so his friendly fire off how else am i meant to punish my workforce um honestly though i have no idea i mean i there's i suppose i can test um hobo you look like you're actually doing your job but can i shoot you no i don't think i can shoot him yep i think friendly fire is off stephen says i think there needs to be more pollution um stephen stephen look we've been here for five seconds and this is the pollution jesus christ that's bad oh my god that is so bad that is actually horrific oh my god i think so we're literally about two minutes away from this base activating and then just the pollution feeding it oh my god it's expanding so quickly um um stephen steve oh dear god stephen well thanks for the warning um as you can see the biggest issue with our current production setup is we're using burner mining drills that produce gigantic quantities of pollution as well as um oh no stone furnitures don't produce pollution but yeah electric mining drills 10 m of pollution burner mining drills 12. we've got a lot of burner mining twirls which we are probably never going to swap out with electricity oh dear guys i think we should switch to solar um it's too late for solar welcome to the end game now workers oh dirty well we're going to need that pollution map mode up because i need to keep an eye on when this oh dear it happened it moved over there's one tree here which i think is stopping the pollution from going too extreme because trees i think trees suck up pollution right they like slow it a bit maybe i don't know something like that but the pollution is starting to spread um oh dear oh dear oh dear swift stream is about nestle oh did you kind of yes hello rt welcome uh if you want to join this hell escape of a factorial world you're more than you're more than welcome to um we thought 500 players would be okay and then they started polluting the world and i put it on a death world and now trotsky's about to be murdered oh dear papa trotsky oh dear oh dear oh dear well trotsky didn't make it such a shame he died in a tragic accident oh dear [Laughter] oh god what a beautiful housescape i've created this is truly majestic i mean it's it's a nightmare world but it's also beautiful anyway i think um i think it's probably time that we need to start going on the offensive because otherwise yeah it looks like these players are going on the offensive right we're going to we're going to join the uh these players on their offensive let's go clear out this hive if you're standing around the main base and you haven't got any resources on you uh run straight over to um run straight over and let's clear up this base someone says is this how elon musk is going to colonize mars uh honestly probably i would imagine i could see this happening now the issue is there's a base to the south which we're going to aggro but you know we can we can work our way through it watch out for that spitter ladies and gentlemen that's that's going to be the big boy that nasty spitty boy i don't think we've lost anyone yet okay look we'll fight them on the beaches ladies and gentlemen ah run run run run good job workers good job come on you've taken out one base okay i'm expecting better from you i'm expecting better when you run out of ammunition punch it with your pickaxe okay bullets on everything there is other ways of shooting well of doing damage okay i'll kill the spitter okay you need to die you also need to die okay go punch punch the little spitter thing come on do it good one caller guy the australian technique he's punching it look at this australian go perfect absolutely amazing he did it someone's saying what button shoot i love my workforce they're perfect these are the soldiers we have on the front line men who don't know how to shoot gun they did it though you know we cleared out two bases that's actually really good right then pull back we've done a great job we're going to um we're going to probably have to oh dear oh dear is that swarm heading for us no i don't think so i don't think so we've cleaned out most of the trees in this area which is a good sign and i think that area is okay oh god they're heading further south guys you can't take this one out you can't look at how many small worms there are here look at how many how are there this many small worms already there's only meant to be like one or two in the early bases oh my god pistols aren't going to work i don't think the pistols are going to work i mean we they they can give it a crack okay don't mind like they can really give it a go but pistols are really bad at small worms uh yeah we've lost two of our two of our glorious fighters on the front line already let's see if we can help out we just want to we just want to take out at least one of these small worms this one's already wounded okay now we pull back a grenade would be a solid idea welcome to deaf world deaf world you know what it's it's pretty rough rebel sympathizer thank you very much for keeping track of the player deficit by the way 10 player deaths so far honestly better than expected um it's looking like you know with a bit of a with a bit of an interesting papa trotsky running in there to bait the spit and then running out you know he died a valiant death okay um it's it's not the worst okay they're down to just one house one spitter spawner and as soon as that gets defeated you know we're in we're in for we're in for success um but we need to keep on top of it very quickly because the pollution is really starting to spread well spread now someone in chat saying deaf world more like glasgow i think you mean swindon good sir this is this is very accurate swindon simulator as everyone knows oh goodness play total player deaths is now up to 15. it's uh increased by 50 since the last time we checked on them oh dear oh dear oh dear um well you know that's one base cleanup that's very good i think the next base that's going to cause issues is probably this one here or this one here but for the time being we're going to probably need every player to go back because i'm going to guess that they have pretty much no ammunition so um we need to very quickly return and start researching how to get bullets real quick and i'm pretty sure in order to get you know improved weapons in military too yeah we need green science packs so we're researching green science packs at the moment and then we'll get on top of the bullets although i'm noticing where are the research labs ladies and gentlemen get them down okay we need research labs oh dear dear oh get more workers don't worry workers are going to be summoned in we're bringing in more and more workers oh goodness all right sorry rt was just inviting me to play dread hunger this weekend which i've agreed to it's a good fun game dude to do canada best soldiers okay um you know what norwegian besso now everyone is claiming to be the best soldier i mean i'll tell you who the best soldiers are certainly whoever works for me oh my god look at the trees oh my god look at all of the dead trees this is actually this is a massacre one million trees used to live here now it's a ghost town ladies and gentlemen trees no more e e for the trees ladies and gentlemen press e for tree do they respawn no no these trees are never going to respawn is this why the pollution is getting so out of hand i mean i know we're using copious quantities of really badly like optimized polluting uh mining drills but is it because we have no trees taking the pollution out of the skies is this what's happening oh dear dear deforestation at its finest oh goodness well um this is uh this is going quite unique i mean they're they're starting to head down south and actually deal with you know this one here can i um can i place down a little marker for them i can't remember how to play star marker it's not t um oh well i've absolutely no idea oh add tag okay or yeah add tag um let's go for a um red signal um kill this nest okay i'm gonna be turning this into an rts game okay i will be the armchair general okay so this is the spawn area we know where the spawn is good so we're not going to build up on this area otherwise you know chaos will happen um we're already getting our first few turrets down which is necessary because you know there's a nest over here that's going to start activating but okay valiant soldiers are following the orders speeder here just using his bare hands and oh my goodness look at these mango they have no health and they managed it oh and they're continuing not one step back not one step back prime ruler and speed spiffer to look at them go a pickaxe is all they needed guns were unnecessary oh and hawaii wong was taking the hits for them the valiant soldier one cool guy is taking all of the fire oh my goodness this is amazing oh it's glorious they did it they did it for spifftopia in this glorious death world oh my goodness is this the famous back seating just letting everyone else do work for you no this is delegation i'm in a managerial position okay ladies and gentlemen you wouldn't understand this is this is a managerial position okay well that was fantastic we killed that nest that one went really well i guess the um i guess this one gets deleted now and uh we add a ping for um i mean we could this nest is is too far away from pollution we need to go for um this one let me pick an icon better uh we just got like a nuclear bomb sure yeah an atomic bomb that'll work um kill this bam there we go they get it they get it i don't even ping it now they can now they know where else to go lovely stuff let's go let's go in there and actually take a look at what they're looking at ah we don't need guns where we're going yeah pickaxes work 22 people have dead have died apparently uh do players respawn or is this permadeath uh players do respawn you'll notice the valiant australian here one caller guy he's probably on his seventh life at this point um go away little cheeky bitey boys he's doing a very valid job of just running around what other people can kill them for him and yep it seems that we have now made the ip public and new waves of glorious fighters are loading in lovely this man has a shotgun oh my goodness look at this high level technology from google mod oh well that was that was very good guys who managed to defeat that base well with that with that actually achieved i guess the only thing that we need to do next is um we need to take control of this tree area here because trees you know we need them consequently we need to kill uh this base so add a tag um for atomic bomb kill uh shaping number 64. and there we go so we're going to kill this base here lovely and uh as soon as we kill this base we'll then be able to take control of the trees 428 in the queue nice that's what i like that's what i'd like to see right oh dear oh dear miss wolfie fighting them in a forest forest not the best easy location to fight in um because the biters will always par find better than a blind player um no but this has gone quite well i mean it's not terrible making your way down making our way down to the base oh dear okay there's a whole bunch chasing me i'll just lead them on to the interns you know the interns can soak up the damage you know i'm not here i'm a lover not a fighter a tea drinker not a not a punch man um and yeah they're gonna do a good job here honestly i'm very proud although i'm noticing more players than i'm spawning in so yes the center of the factory is getting nice and busy here very nice and busy very good stuff this is lovely very lovely stuff look at this okay it's automation is now getting quite good we're starting to really get the uh the steel plates up and running at a decent rate as well um and also research is happening and as we can see the assembling machines are now occurring very good stuff and is this base dead almost almost ruinix coming in with the pickaxe play you know the way true warriors fight and perfect now the trees can be killed see this marker that was for the trees okay uh well what's for the base now it is for the trees okay we need the trees gone the trees must die i don't know what this is what is this this best not be a base i don't think that's a base it doesn't look like a base um some people want this base killed oh you guys you guys got that sorted we don't need that there's just uranium up there okay no one needs that perfect stuff and researching is complete steel processing is occurring lovely stuff the server is full the server is oh yes i know where this is full it's because we slowly increase it so we probably went up to about i don't know 150 and i will go for 200. ah that's how we like it that's how we like it slowly filtering people in at a steady rate is the way to do it if you let everyone in and one go by the way your server crashes that's how this works um if you were unaware ah i suppose there is uranium up there you're right oh my goodness how this much pollution is just such a small area there's like five mines here and it has just caused so much pollution already that just is there's two mines here and it's just caused this much pollution it's crazy absolutely crazy oh dear what is fork fork doing fog fog setting up some electricity down here i'm imagining for this iron mine uranium for nuclear bomb we will probably need one eventually but for the time being all of the nearby bases are sorted so at this point it's just a case of harvesting resources so we're going to need a whole bunch of uh mines on this coal here uh we're also going to need mines on this coal here but more importantly um what nearby resources have we got 4.9 million copper yeah okay i want i want this turned into a factory okay add tag icon um have i got a mining icon here maybe it's in production yeah of course it's in production burner mining drill mine this there we go okay we have 380k coal at spawn okay we don't need this so mind this i want i want a whole bunch of miners set up on the uh copper deposit here get up and running fish is there fish in this game is that genuinely fish in this game i was unaware that fish existed how do fish please teach me how to fish i i desire knowledge of fishing oh it sounds fantastic okay looks like another wave of yep another wave of players just loaded in lovely stuff fish fish yes look at them go oh that's beautiful i mean they're untouched by the pollution which is wonderful i don't think they'll be they'll be in life very long but oh you can fish them five raw fish i did it ladies and gentlemen oh my goodness now this this is how to play factorio oh yes 20 raw fish oh this is fantastic it heals you oh yes well i finally found what i'm gonna be feeding the entire workforce then ladies and gentlemen lovely stuff ken's saying i need ammo there is no ammunition don't need ammunition where we're going it's perfect it's flawless oh one second ladies and gentlemen i'll be back in a moment uh and i'm back ladies and gentlemen sorry ah spit fish go yes well i mean i'm not a big fan of fish i've got to be honest ladies and gentlemen i also don't know why i have 20 automated science packs in the laboratory where the heck did i get this um i got no idea thief someone just put is put thief lovely no more amulet sport of course there's gonna be no more ammunition well it's it's when has there ever been ammunition in this game like you know you you're dealing with like you're dealing with with my audience okay you know ammunition is is not something that is going to become readily available anyway bam i'll drop in some science packs for that look at that i'm helping look at this look at this i didn't think that i'd have to actually work total deaths 29 thanks rebel sympathizer there's the update ladies and gentlemen 29 deaths oh and it's not up to 30. good stuff rest in peace bjork porkin oh look people are dropping fish at my feet how do we how do we deal with fish and by deal with fish i mean cook fish let me just pick up all of the fish there we go fish fish fish um who needs munitions when we have fists and pickaxes i thought he said fish and pickaxes and i was like yes just slap the biters with fish that will solve all of our problems uh apparently okay is this this police become from ah that's fine we don't need that when we've got this area i'm noticing that instead of actually building walls we've just built wooden chests terry olson my wife and i love your content thank you all for the great videos well thank you for all the great videos thank you very much terry olsen a donation of ten dollars is huge thank you very much i know press after auto pick up items i don't i don't like doing that though i like manually working you think i'd i've created this setup because i like automated things usa's biggest desire ladies and gentlemen we found the oil deposit yes good good good good oh wow this is quite a big base but look at them they're actually doing a decent job they're doing a fantastic job clearing out this map it's beautiful truly beautiful all right now i just need to find myself um a spare furnace oh here we go this furnace is free right fish go in raw fish cannot be smelted what the heck you're telling me i can't smell fish what the heck's the point of fish then i don't want to eat sushi who wants to just eat sushi all day okay well fine fine okay oh my goodness who knows what's going on here oh he's putting his name oh it's his name now i understand it why is there this thing giving me stone i've just been sent stone break um i guess i'm gonna start building some wolves then i can just do this manually okay well manual walls it is i've managed to make six wolves perfect i mean that's gonna really defend the base guys uh let me defend the things most valuable to me um just gotta find the thing that matters most to me oh wait it's myself well that was easy there we go oh wait i'm gonna need more than this i can tell you one thing that isn't important to me and that's the workforce the workforce is never is never important ruler of the pyro thank you very much for five dollars total player def's 36 good lord this is getting quite quick this is getting very very quick indeed the pollution is um becoming a problem it really is quite a large problem indeed um oh dear anti-government camp there is no government there is just spiff and he oh my god look how big the bases are getting this is insane spider nest how did someone get all the way over here for a star server rated what are these bases like what do these bases look like okay we've got um small biters small biters aren't too bad medium worms okay we're getting some medium worms now these are quite terrifying uh because they do 57 damage a second with their acid attack and it has 48 damage base um this is actually huge uh that's basically a two shot i think for most of these most of the workers um but these bases are actually ridiculous in terms of size i thought we had more time i honestly did think we had more time than this but we need to jump on top of these bases um right men uh will the the factory is doing great okay the people maintaining the factory keep doing the factory uh i will create assembly point uh point a and we shall we shall meet at assembly point a um and that is where i shall gather all of the armed forces and we're going to see if we can clear out one or two of these camps because they need to be dealt with they are becoming a little bit of a predicament um where did i even put down that market i put the market down there didn't i okay right back okay back here to do okay good good good we've got some we've got some forces coming our way lovely stuff perfect as soon as we get about i think 20 or 30 people together i think that's um when we can start heading heading left we'll take out this base first and then i think we want to swing down south and take out these two bases here because they're so close to each other they're going to start getting pulled in by this is this a new base spawning in oh god can they expand oh no they can expand can't they oh god right have we got looks like we've got some men good right everyone head left everyone over to the left let us go oh actually looks like someone's left someone's left a gun for me oh great i could do with ammunition um ammunition perfect uh and in return i can give fish 12 fish there we go good payment right away we go ladies and gentlemen after the first base captain what's the current evolution percentage um i i don't know uh pollution wait no it's not in pollution is it um pollution is is quite high oh dear dude i just walked into the base i walked into the base help help man man man i'm wearing really fancy clothing but it's not enough to necessarily save me right i'm out thank you one caller guy you saved my life oh right it's slash evolution evolution uh 0.0984 time 10 pollution 21 spawner kills 70 okay so it's because we've killed so many spawners that's why it's happening um all right good stuff well we cleared out that base men swing south let's go shadow night thank you very much for your donation what if you took coffee and tea and put them together no that's that's illegal we don't do that right down south we go ladies and gentlemen uh we're aiming for this point here there we go pinged it's lovely all right looks like we're going to start researching uh military 2 is probably a good idea actually i suppose optics would allow us to get you know solar panels but at this point it's too late swordfish thank you very much for your donation of five five pounds that's very generous uh all right in we go the uh evolution rate is quite concerning um it is very entertaining watching the entire military forces of the spifco empire just run their way across the map here they come ladies and gentlemen here they come all right led by of course our legendary australian okay right i'll pull back and he can deal with the rest of that oh my god these medium worms are huge oh dear god oh dear dear dear right okay in go the men good luck good luck oh a rock to hide behind um well we don't want any men hiding behind this bad boy no cover necessary in you go friends in you go lovely stuff watch out for the um the splatters of goop on the floor they'll really damage you well you know we're losing quite a few men quite a few men indeed oh my god we've lost a lot of men oh dear oh dear um oh every time someone dies you see a ping on the map that's where there's so many pings oh my god oh come on keep fighting the men you're doing a great job you're doing a fantastic job in you go yes yes thank you very much for nine dollars you combine coffee and tea and then you died from being terrible thank you very much yes yes all right okay murder this murder this guy murder him murder him punch them if necessary you're doing a splendid job work a splendid job there are quite a few corpses but corpses are necessary for progress oh this might have bullets on his body perfect don't mind if i do a yoink ah now i have the ammunition lovely um i'll just leave those bodies behind um person keeping track of all of the deaths how is it going um oh god thank you scc for the uh five euro donation uh for the empire indeed yes ladies and gentlemen this one is um blood for the blood god uh tea for the tea fro and i'm afraid and i'm in need of a large quantity of blood these guys have 400 health each of these medium biters is like four times the health is these regular little chumps i know they have 250 okay they have 250 health that's not as bad as it could have been okay it's it's it could have been a lot worse um well total player death 67 so we lost about 20 to 30 people on that one raid okay um men gather up grab all of the equipment off of the corpses that is necessary we'll wait we'll wait for the reinforcements to arrive and then we're going to head then we'll head for this one okay so just gather up and get all of the necessary sport uh resources um oh my goodness the copper setup is it's starting to look quite good cmx stand is on top of it he's doing a great job welcome to the cmx dan yee mining co ah dear dear um uh we've got the iron mine company over here and then just a whole bunch of more iron down here this is going great lovely stuff um the uranium i don't feel so good location and observatory is still managing to run between all of these bases he's on a glorious scouting duty right um men i think you know i think we've got enough of us here um let's go i think we're ready for this i think we're more than ready for this we've unlocked grenades now which is lovely but they do take a copious amount of coal men some of you may die but that is a sacrifice i am willing to take good luck my brothers charge go go my brothers go one caller guy is doing the natural australian technique of leading all of the evil biters away good stuff he's doing a splendid job look at that lined them up perfectly for us and now the um now the great charge comes in um now the issue is the medium worms are an absolute nightmare to try and kill just just look at them so much health so much health and just they can do so much damage to us it is unfair right i'm starting to shoot down this um this medium worm this medium one has two kills already honestly i think they kill more of us than we kill of them um in fact i'm pretty sure that's a guaranteed okay good stuff man i'm out of ammunition of course i am i just charge in and punch it yes honestly punching does more damage i'm gonna need a i'm gonna need another kill count recap in a moment dear god um this puts the emu wars to shame i mean we've spent more ammunition than they spent on the emu wars that's for sure i don't think we can do this i think we could actually almost completely have ammunition uh men retreat uh this is a formal retreat um pull back uh we're gonna need we're gonna need um we can need more guns okay actually i think we need we need grenades grenades would really solve that where's our nearest coal mine um where is the nearest mine of coal here okay um this is a fantastic idea men we're gonna run up to here to the coal mine is this the closest one yeah it is it is okay we're gonna run up to this coal mine we're gonna mine a whole bunch of coal uh just past the maginot line of course um and then we're gonna turn it into grenades okay that's what we're gonna do so run up here mind it with your bare hands uh this lovely person down here spieter um needs to get to work just turning making as much iron plate well as many iron plates as possible so actually half of the men stay here get making iron plates uh as much as possible and then the other half we need to get coal okay this is very important very very important oh dear um because honestly gr guns don't work grenades do work total play deaths 95. rebel sympathizers are coming in with a critical update ladies and gentlemen 95 total player dates oh dear oh dear oh dear dear um mikey j uh junior is saying i've seen this before um yes we did a 500 player factorio game uh before i think it was actually it only managed to get to about 400 in it and the issue with it was quite simple basically um the server wasn't stable enough so we've made our own server now ladies and gentlemen and our own server is nice and stable what on earth is this horrific nightmare of coal mining it's beautiful ladies and gentlemen absolutely beautiful 93 player deaths 1.6k enemy deaths okay so far the kd ratio is quite good honestly ah deal girl thank you very much um for 20 pounds throw knitted tea cozies at them i don't think knitted tea cozies actually do that much damage in the grand scheme of things ladies and gentlemen just mine at this lovely coal lovely lovely coal lovely stuff beautiful tasty coal honestly things are going quite good quite quite good i'd say not terribly in fact how much coal do i have i have 50 56 coal okay now i just need to get some iron plates and that's like i think 10 grenades maybe 10 grenades stronger explosions what do stronger explosions do effects grenade damage plus 25 yes yes we will become the grenadiers yes that is it nope we need um grenades research grenades we will become the british grenadiers yes there we go uh one cooler guy says sadly this australian has to get ready for work but have fun destroying the aussie outback thank you very much one caller guy very lovely sausage thanks your donations and good job killing those biters you did a splendid splendid splendid job very impressed ah perfect stuff okay look i know i spoke grenadiers wrong okay it's like it is what it is how do i drop i honestly have no idea it's probably in the in the in the setting somewhere we have grenades by the way we're going to need a lot of grenades ladies and gentlemen a lot of grenades um all right i've got i've got quite a lot let me go um and go find myself some iron plates because i'm going to need them in order to make myself some grenades yes lovely stuff to do iron plates doo doo doo doo doo i inflates doo doo doo doo slowing down the production line but it was necessary to make some grenades there we go oh my goodness this doesn't make many grenades at all i've only got like three free grenades four okay i'm gonna have about seven grenades this best do quite well jesus christ dr simon clark with a 500 pound donation smith is a belarusian belly sorius cowell cosplay when um soon soon tm simon soon jesus christ 500 pounds if you don't know who dr simon clark is he's big smart boy big internet smart boy does science smart brain things um with his big super mega mind brain um so thank you very much for the 50 000 pennies right there very very generous of you thank you very much you kind kind sausage oh yes you very generous generous person ah lovely lovely stuff indeed can i make more grenades i don't have enough iron plates still oh dear oh dear oh dear god the sheer quantity of of iron necessary is this where guns are okay we have guns of course we everyone spawns in with a gun if anything we have an unlimited supply of them but i think um i think should be quite good at now if i head down here to the iron mine yep we should have plates down there which will be perfect for grenades lovely stuff and i've still got a decent amount of coal ah simon clark invented the fax machine yes he did he did he genuinely did ladies and gentlemen i know um it's not actually 30 cut to youtube i don't think um i think it's actually less than that now uh which is quite nice um which is very good yeah the cut that we the cut that you get from super chat in comparison to twitch bits is insane twitch bits is like a sixty percent markup um so sixty percent of the donation goes to twitch uh much much much different here in the lovely world of youtube steel iron plate steel iron plate you need something to run there you go take some wood and maybe like a couple bits of coal there we go perfect oh lovely now i will manually make grenade good like caveman valid i have no idea what you're doing but uh my big brain monkey likes it there you go thank you very much um if you if your big brain monkey likes it so much feel free to um feel free to like the stream if bigberry monkeys is a please is appeased by what they it is seeing but yes i know twitch takes a huge amount from its uh its streamers that's why if you're ever wanting to give money to a streamer give it to them by their paypal for goodness sake never give it to them via their um via twitch bits um they also take about 50 of subs but i mean that's kind of to be expected and um actually if you want to if you want to give money to a streamer um give uh you can pay for like a ad-free viewing chip of twitch it's like twitch stars or something like that i can't remember um and you don't get ads when watching streamers it's like seven pounds a month so it's cheaper than subscribing to two channels it's like youtube premium it's quite good the streamer gets money youtube premium also by the way really good total player devs 99 ladies and gentlemen there we go there we go um alan kruger says i wish i could play uh play along but emperor expects me to work for some uh employer expects you to work for some reason well i'm your employer here okay oh oh we've got so many iron plates in here oh that's amazing right i'll make myself a another grenade and then drop the remainder of the iron plates into here okay nine grenades in my pocket relatively quite good i'm relatively happy with all of that oh one moment sorry i've got a corgi in my office now oh that was my fiance and my corgi bar chicken say hello they were it was they've been very cute they told me that you know i was being very very adorable my doggo came in she was cooper um it looks like there's a fight happening between what we want to research oh my god right right okay okay ladies and gentlemen you're fighting over what we're researching spiff is spiff decides and spiff wants explosions we will have explosions we will have okay you know instead instead okay right i'll give you a 30 second window if you change the research from explosions one i will get you permabanned from the server okay you have 30 seconds stop yours stop your cheesiness and then keep it on stronger explosives what the heck is this keep it on stronger explosives it was going so fast someone changed the research from stronger explosives one to stronger explosives one that's that's how bad it was that's how bad that was how fast moving the research was going we were researching so quickly we've researched the same thing multiple times right now everyone is scared good good right men are you ready do we all have grenades um do we have grenades are we ready this is looking quite good we've got a good set of men here spit five turrets we don't need turrets where we're going uh someone was killed by a big worm oh my god they've got big worms oh my god okay right men we'll find them on the beaches we'll fight them on the australia men charge do this do this for me for the lovely spiff co company uh you will may or may not get paid off when you die i took insurance out on all of you it's good life insurance your families won't get any of it but i will become a millionaire okay eat those grenades eat yeat eat there we go oh yes it's working it's working ladies and gentlemen oh it's so much more powerful than actually using guns oh it's so much stronger we did it men we did it's retreat oh what a glorious success oh that was fantastic we wiped out that entire base in no time lovely okay where's the next biggest problem why are they setting up an iron mine here this this is going to die oh did they set up a coal mine here and then the coal mine was lost to the biters i believe that is exactly what has happened um i suppose this base actually is going to become a problem because we've got an iron mine set up here haven't we yes uh well it seems that we have an ammo factory here so we should probably defend that so men we're next gonna be heading over to this kill question mark over here so uh charge over to the right away we go away we go ah simon has earned yourself good good good good total deaths 105. you see on the last time we assaulted that base we lost like 30 people but now we only lost like two or three that was good okay the glorious leader is pleased ah the supreme glorious spiff leader you've made him happy very happy oh let me grab a nice sip of sip of water that i have here conor brown is cheating yep conor brown is the admin [Laughter] oh it's cute it's cute when they believe that oh dear dear um right away we go he has a gaming chair don't worry yeah that's that's if you ever want to know how to get yourself a mod status on any any discord or community get yourself a high-level gaming chat you want to know how to get hacks in cs go gaming headset gaming rug it's the gaming rug oh my god oh oh my god there's some beastie boys okay let me just lead them to darf donut here good luck duff donut good luck oh my god he managed it he managed it with grenades he did it daft donut took the hit oh lovely right men there is there's some medium worms here and some small worms as well as this nightmarish blueprint that someone just put in front of my eyes this is disgustingly terrible oh horrific look at how horrible this looks there we go um however it's okay it's okay we have the men here they're slowly arriving one by one um this is the this is the armed forces as you can see marching their way across the map with their grenades uh running past the amazing steam power plant but yes all of these bases need to be killed we need to get this one then we also need to go down south and grab this one and then we'll also need to probably go even further south and kill this one here um and then once we've dealt with it you know we can then then slap down some blueprints and get to work right and yeet and yeet and yeet who would win one rapidly evolving nightmarish hostscape species of monsters or one yeti boy and his 50 or so friends okay go men look at them go look at them hold the grenades in it's beautiful absolutely beautiful oh my goodness truly majestic so beautiful indeed oh right further south then again ladies and gentlemen we've got this one here oh my goodness oh beautiful stuff beautiful stuff till to play that's 109 good that's not that bad honestly could have been a lot worse someone's put down a gun turret now that's that's intelligent that's a high iq thing but we don't need gun turrets we have worm actually we have anti-worm killing device known as grenade uh what are these bases looking like now still just medium worms which is good we don't have to particularly worry about medium worms um what's this kind of setup here looking like still medium worms good good that one's not bad at all over here is this also all medium worms good that's looking just like medium worms and still small biters fantastic i suppose um what's that come on to check the evolution again uh there we go slash evolution evolution is now at 0.18 so it's doubled since the last time we checked pollution is now up to 26 it was originally oh my god they're charging this place men man are you sure you know what you're doing this base is huge oh my god this base is gigantic um good luck man it's kind of split the attention we've got about 30 or 40 players over here fighting this base and then slightly fewer numbers down here this is insane this base is absolutely gigantic it does actually these bases consume pollution oh i see oh so if we kill them they um they evolve more which is going to become a problem dear oh dear oh dear oh dear this is gonna get slightly insane the men are charging though they're doing it ladies and gentlemen they're doing and they're running in this is beautiful do people not have any tanks who needs tanks when you have grenades okay look at that man fork pork he's dead okay and he died with eight grenades on his body and the soul rifle right i'm running down i'm running down i'm stealing stealing go go go go there's a man with a nice set of grenades on his body and i want them run run run run run run run run run run run run run run run run run ultimately you know this is actually some decent progress here um where are the bodies here's one body this man just had an assault rifle well i can steal that um this man also just an assault rifle and some light armor uh this man had grenades 30 grenades he did it okay right we've done it eat go pick up the grenades from your fallen comrades and kill them do it man do it yes perfection perfection oh we'll do it yes oh my goodness majestic stuff indeed truly wonderful throw the grenade in just run around run and throw oh my goodness we did it just one last one last medium worm oh fantastic men whoa round of applause for the men there ladies and gentlemen oh never have i seen such glorious valiant men action man on worm action there man on gigantic tentacle monster oh truly beautiful truly truly beautiful oh my goodness um how's the main base looking main base is just solid red with pollution okay it's just endless pollution and there's no way of stopping it um i'm interested by what these red bits are okay these are just marked for destruction okay not for deconstruction that's fine people want um these bases cleared up next and i mean yes okay we said we'd get a copper mine down so that means we do have to probably clear what the heck is going on here the p beans mining co evidently um i think we're gonna have to run run right and clear out this place next which is actually just north of us okay yeah sure let's go let's just add a ping bam we're gonna go north to this place away we go uh mark andre kuron you need to do more murder more more more more don't worry murder will be coming my friend did i just did we witness a grenade drive by you did you witness the most beautiful grenade drive by in the universe ah wait hang a second i can do this slash ban auto car 66 bam there we go oh wait i put slash banana that's um that's not the same that's not the same it's just slash band there we go there we go done oh easy peasy 11 squeezy easy peasy just like 11. i can't believe someone will try and ddos a server using [ __ ] using blueprints in factorio 11 out of 10. wait there's a hive here since when there's another wait was this the one i marked i mocked this one okay it just seems that there's a bajillion a bajillion hives popping up everywhere anyway ah there we go right run run around running circles good stuff running circles lovely stuff lovely stuff just i'll keep kiting them the men can keep fighting the hang of things that a medium biter medium biters oh dear oh dear um medium biters minor problem they have increased physical resistances and do increased physical damage uh like 50 it's like doubling uh doubling the damages at that point which is insane oh dear dear um right grenade and grenade and run run grenade good there we go we've dealt with them okay further north to this base here i think is next and then we'll probably have to retreat in order to actually get um or to actually get more resources jason harkin says i'm now invested in this stream because i was just going to watch for a couple of minutes i've been here for 20 now welcome my friend jason it is an absolute pleasure to have you here streams are a very unique form of content but um i love doing them because it's the only way to get this glorious live chat experience actually not bam let's do this let's do this bam ladies and gentlemen spam the word t okay just as simple as that t t e a just put it exactly once and that is as simple as that this is the live chat experience okay it's beautiful it's glorious oh no i didn't mean in game i i did oh god they're doing it in game i kind of meant in the live stream chat but you know oh god it's going off in both of them now oh god uh okay well beautiful right man continue on right woods let's kill this um let's kill this other hive and then we'll return um i think fabricator x is somehow managing to set up a base out here and disgusting hellscape nightmare land oh wait they want this base clear to the north of us actually okay we'll deal with this one and then we'll head up north um this one still hasn't fully evolved yet it's mostly just medium worms but you know this is a good fight they're doing good they're doing good um sorry hg i'm sorry about the spam it seems all 8 000 people watching decided to say the word t for no apparent reason god who could have seen that one coming um how do i change weapons i can't remember it's like let me just get rid of the pistol actually i just i don't need it there we go bam just a machine gun for me that's all i want well we cleared out that base time to head up north to this one i do believe yep this one needs to go right men northwoods ah lovely stuff lovely stuff indeed oh no oh no dolphinaido dofinado is being chased let us save dolphinado oh yes perfect i think i killed multiple biters there i'm a hero dolphinator owes me their life perfect dolphinado i've saved your life please i saved your life please respond how do i shoot now you press you press space to shoot okay this is the issue five like playing with 500 workers for a lot of the workers you know this is their um this is an internship okay they're they're um they're trainees they've it kind of shows by the amount of times they die but you know they're trainees okay they're getting better they're learning eventually they'll be strong soldiers one day one day a very long way off though oh this man died with coal and a pistol lovely i just love how fast everyone is at harvesting the resources off of the dead body we now have stronger explosions lovely perfect stuff um it's actually going quite good i'm pleasantly surprised the person who was running all the way out here is now dead uh rest in peace someone ran oh my god oh we can't clear any of that that is too much by luigi says kill this person has cried for help and the response from loggie was no i don't think they survived oh dear kill the biter nest east of the ammo outpost where's the ammo outpost oh we've got the ammo outpost itch point charlie here is that it because we've got the iron forward side the iron mine company the usa biggest desire location um the wiz me forest for the anti-pollution measures the wise me forest soldiers if you're standing around we have our next target burn the trees [Music] burn the trees men i want you to go north there is a forest that needs to be murdered men go oh my goodness a lot of people have died as well um men up north there are some trees that are alive that need to not be alive they are too happy they must be murdered ah god i love the fact that there's a ping every time someone dies oh they won't kind of set the research i can set the research i can set the research to um i think we want fast inserters honestly uh i imagine that's going to be the most important thing for us to actually research so bam you get it there you go i know speedrunning strats ruined right up we come up we come ladies and gentlemen away we go to the north to where the trees are the wise me anti-pollution forest hashtag team no trees that's right mr beast you thought you could save the world with hashtag team trees you were wrong welcome to hashtag team no trees valid with a two pound donation say milk is underrated thank you for your your very unique opinion i've never heard someone someone speak so speak so strongly about milk oh my god um the trees the trees absorb a very significant amount of pollution you're shooting yourself in the foot well dj ferial you've never seen this kind of community play um whilst trees might absorb pollution i think honestly it could potentially be a bit too late for that it's it's probably a bit too late besides we have the maginot line the maginot line where's the imaginary line gone i was going to say the imaginary line would never fall and it's it's kind of already full fallen before it's even been tested my goodness well it would seem kirkland over here is doing a great job when it comes to iron production they've always got some copper plates going now this isn't too bad there's a coal mine over here although i imagine it's kind of cut off from the biters here so maybe we'll maybe we'll come over here after this run on over drop out this base here's um the wise me the person who set up the uh the person who set up the lovely forest how's the forest doing forest is doing good all of these trees are marked for deconstruction ladies and gentlemen they're going booty bandit apparently fell asleep watching someone's speeder on mobile games and woke up to this stream what's going on we're playing factorio a game that is usually played with just about um usually about four or five people within said 500 people who are running around trying to um to get me to the moon ladies and gentlemen that's the ultimate aim is to get me to the moon can we research the engine actually what about let's go for lab speed research improvement and oh wait energy distribution will be important i'll just put that there whilst i'm thinking steel furnace is needed circuit network is not needed uh military science pack will eventually be necessary tool belt boring i think engine maybe yeah let's go for engine um resume bam engine let's go the train the trains but if you want trains i'm guessing we need engines for trains yeah engine and then automobilism uh oh wait no engine and then railway that's how we do it okay we're gonna get the trains ladies and gentlemen don't worry we'll get the trains in we cut down the trees for a reason and that reason was trained coal is the future there are people out there saying we need trees we need renewable energy but coal is the future ladies and gentlemen we have when you think about how long humanity has had access to coal it's practically a future technology we've been around for thousands of years and yet we've only been using coal for a few hundred that makes coal a future technology okay yes this is it this is necessary this is very important very good oh god what's the play account at i think we're at about 300 or so at the moment they're doing a great job of just running around clearing all the bases this is fantastic right okay we're gonna head south now and run all the way over to this area where it says kill this um so down we go there we go oh burning trees was the first fuel exactly we've started with original science which is burning down trees and now we've moved to advanced science which is um now we've moved to advanced science which is uh just you know mining coal what 42 says everyone please take someone some time and think about how well lol look at look at this idiot work subconsciously with this argument yes thank you very much for your donation ten dollars um rebel sympathizer thank you for recording that there have now been 223 deaths this is a good sign this is a very good sign here's the wise me the person who set up the beautiful forest um i am sorry about the trees oh dear he loved those trees he cared for those trees oh tea lovely right well away we go uh we need to deal with um we need to deal with this base over here uh that needs to get off oh hello there gambling 24 7. this person donates to me pretty much every single week on a stream that i do the yolks cast is there every goddamn week he never stops oh my goodness all right well over we come uh where is this base ah here it is okay it's not that bad what are we looking at small worms small worms a medium biters so medium biters uh they have an issue because they have like a 10 physical resistance and they move at 51 kilometers now which is um slightly faster than small space uh small biters plus they do way more damage and they have like uh oh instead of 15 health they have 75 health so triple the health twice the damage that's a problem well um the men are almost here we're just gonna have to wait for them oh dear gambling 24 7. i agree with them well you know that's his consequence in life uh he has to live with his consequences and you know we came in and we saved him from them ah this is good it's a good sign fun fact nuclear power is just steam power extra steps and when you think about it steam power is just tea production with extra steps all right let's murder our way through this oh actually dick got these bites of things of a nightmare look how much health they've got grenades are literally the only way literally we can only kill them with grenades otherwise it's just impossible absolutely impossible total player deaths 233 these okay it seems that we've activated the nest and now they're spawning in medium biters uh and they're a problem they're a big problem do we not have grenades or anything men charge in there with your grenades come on do your do your jobs your job is to grenade them a field of destruction saying 500 spider trons when that would be a terrible idea that would be an absolute nightmare that would go terribly terribly terribly wrong really really wrong you don't want 500 spider spider trons you want 100 artillery cars okay that's what you want maybe research bullet upgrades bullets aren't as strong as grenades who needs bullets bullets are for turrets bullets are for automation we only need you know oh dear amount of ammunition right well it's okay they punched they punched the remainder okay uh we're off to next um we want this place defeated and then this place defeated so they can actually start using the coal mine here because currently the biters are kind of just wandering over and occasionally fighting the coal line so away we go men down south interstellar ape donates to say caution men at work very or very attractive men at work that's what's happening here also ladies and gentlemen if you're watching this stream feel free to like the stream it increases it increases our maximum potential of viewership that's right every time you like the stream a billion viewers are summoned out of thin air for no apparent reason that's just how it works trees goodbye trees terrible terrible trees good they're gone now they are completely nuttly gone we did it we did it ladies and gentlemen also we're only a few hundred lights away from uh well a few thousand likes away from six six thousand nine hundred and well sixty nine sixty nine likes which is everyone's goal oh dear server server police no server please server please server please please server oh it worked okay it was just research it was just research okay well immediately next thing that needs to be researched is trades but trains needs logistics too so we'll hit resume and logistics too and then after that will that will allow us to research trains yes yes says for ten dollars says eat my foot thank you very much yes yes um that's very generous of you you like the stream chat a tree will be cut down in this factorial game that's how it works you know we've cut down 6 000 trees at this point oh dear communication with the server has failed rest in peace ladies and gentlemen let us see what the problem is uh do to do do do do well when this happens um all we have to do is take down the server change the password on over restart it up get the patrons in and then get everyone else in again easy peasy lemon squeezy should take us about two minutes which is actually just enough time to go go get yourself a nice warm cup of tea and that is all you need to do a nice warm cup of tea to save you from salvation and chaos that's all you need it's all anyone ever needed oh nice warm beverage in front of me the last tree hosted the server oh no it makes perfect sense i knew it was i mean look at this background image right here that was all of the trees being burnt down that was a live footage of the game live footage of the game i knew it was a mistake for putting all of the surfers in a tree house oh i knew it wouldn't have gone well oh well the more you the more you know the more you know oh dear god all we have to do is wait a few more moments ladies and gentlemen so okay we just have to restart our glory server but you know what whilst i've got you here i might as well update you with some stuff that's actually oh god to ivano apparently it's got coffee oh i can't believe you do that friend and donate to even tell me that you've got coffee i might as well give you an update as to some stuff that's been happening with the channel um so i suppose important things uh i've been kind of on a short break which is why we're doing a stream because my editor sadly had to go away because he had a very unexpected loss of a family member which basically meant that i mean uh i i wasn't just gonna force him to continue working we can't really do that that's that's wrong um so i finished up the editing of a video that's gonna be coming out soon um it had a really entertaining glitch and impact brand deal in it and then the people over against impact were like you do know you can't make all of these these jokes right um and i was like what do you mean i can't joke about it being anime breath of the wild and they're like no you can't please stop it um so that that that is in a video coming up um in the meantime uh that it needs to get worked on that'll probably be the next video in the meantime i've got a if you can believe i've got a happy wheels video coming soon because i um i thought happy wheels would be a smart idea for a game because you know i enjoy happy wheels um i thought happy wheels would be a good idea oh hang on a second hang on a second did we lose everything we lost everything didn't we where is the save connor where is the save give me the save file uh well the server's back oh dear but yeah we've got a happy wheels video coming soon um someone shooting me oh my goodness i can't believe that someone would actually shoot me jeez imagine that imagine trying to shoot spiff wow wow especially imagine trying to shoot spiff now now that he has his incredible power armor and can now no longer be murdered that's right i can move at lightning speed now yes oh dear territory what happened what happened to the save question mark i mean worst case scenario even if the server didn't save it multiple players saved the game so they can just send in the save file it's easy easy peasy lemon squeezy in the meantime i'll get a base up and running ah but yeah we've got a we've got a happy wheels video in the works we also have a unique video okay now you gotta you gotta promise me everyone you're not gonna tell anyone about this about this video um concept because it's it's quite it's quite unique but um jamlor uh 2061 if you've got the save dmconner and maybe send it to him he probably has it but if he doesn't already then do it um there's a very unique um oh there we go yep serve a quick game perfect um there's a very unique exploit that we recently discovered ladies and gentlemen um now the thing is a lot of people occasionally send in real life infinite money exploits um and they are exactly as they understand what they are exactly as you imagine them to be they are exploits where um whereby either starting with no money or an exceedingly small amount of money usually about 50 pounds uh or less you're able to create infinite quantities of wealth over a very short period of time now there's now the issue is 99 of infinite money exploits are either completely illegal and effectively committing fraud like for example there was one recently whereby effectively anyone using a vpn could register for uh covert aid in the state of new york that's fraud and yeah illegal however we then the other like fifty percent are basically infinite money exploits but would require so much work that they're completely and utterly useless and redundant so you would never do them because of the amount of effort you put in there's basically no reward and then every once in a while we get sent an exploit which is so genuinely broken and weird that it feels like effectively doing something completely naturally illegal um and so we're trying to we're trying to make it into a video but it's a very difficult thing to turn into a video because um if we explain it like if we explain it too well everyone's going to try and attempt it and people are going to probably lose money because they'll be stupid um and if we explain it too poorly no one will understand what's going on and we need to try and strike a ground where the only people will actually be able to replicate it and the people are actually you know competent enough to actually do it which is difficult at the same time it's a bit of a nightmare scenario because basically we found a way to turn like nothing into like three quarters of a million in a few weeks which is stupid really stupid uh we haven't done that by the way just so you know we haven't done that some other people have done that and it was amazing we will see about doing it on a smaller scale but it is very dumb very stupid and yeah very silly um anyway service backup new password as well so i will hop on in to do ah dear dear dear so yeah um it's not illegal but it does feel illegal because it's effectively printing money from thin air anyway service backup and it's oh it's a glorious save file now we've just got to wait for everyone to load in um so yeah that's that's the really dumb unique exploit that we have in the background that we're trying to work on um it's kind of like a get rich quick thing but at the same time not it's it's not it's not like a shitty cryptocurrency no like that's that's a scam okay look if anyone is telling you that there's a way to make infinite money don't listen to them because like it is a 99.9999999 percent chance that it is a scam you're going to lose money so don't do it but the issue is this is such an interesting thing that i want to show it off but i don't want people doing it because either people are going to accuse me of a scamming people or b um they'll attempt it and they'll [ __ ] it up and they'll somehow lose money i don't know how but people will find a way and i don't want to get that on my hands but i still want to turn it into a video because i really [ __ ] it's such a [ __ ] dumb way of making money it's so unique and interesting um so yeah i think potentially we just do it and practically show not how to i don't know we'll find a way we'll find a way it's going to go for a lot of editing and um surprisingly it's not actually a ponzi scheme though it is um it's effect if i had to describe it it's like buying an apple from a market and then going around the corner and selling it at a different market for a higher price instantaneously now this is a thing that we do in video games all the time like in skyrim well not going but in fable you could buy a whole bunch of apples from a market vendor and then sell it at a different market vendor when the supplier had like re had fixed itself at a higher price and turn a profit effectively is that um but in the real world it's unique and really stupid um let's see we'll see we'll see my turn it into a video might take months to eventually turn it not into a video who knows who knows um it's really dumb really really dumb it's not it's not commerce it's not um it's also not actually selling a product i don't really yeah it's arbitrage there we go yeah alan's got it correct it is arbitrage that's how it works um anyway back into the actual factorio um spiff what's your net worth uh there's websites that say i have a net worth of anywhere between ten thousand and like three million and um it's it's somewhere in that ballpark of between ten thousand and three million after the dogecoin vide uh video my net worth has gone down i can tell you that much sorry not the dogecoin video the crypto video uh i'm not i'm not an insanely rich person um because i like to live a pretty relaxed lifestyle because i've i haven't grown up with immense quantities of wealth so i don't i struggle with large quantities of money i'd say i don't like having lots of money i like living a relaxed life with a skoda and um you know just tea my food and a house i'm very lucky to have a house i will say that um house prices in the uk are insane and the fact that i'm fortunate fortunate enough to have one thanks to youtube is huge and yes there's a new password yep so there's a new password so we'll get the vips in first again um and then we'll get everyone else in so yeah there's um yeah i'd say i'm fine you don't ever need to you don't ever need to give me money okay just give me money if you feel like um if you if you want to and you feel that you actually get rewarded for your donation that's how it should be if you're giving a stream or a donation there should be a direct like reward for what you're doing like you should feel that the cost benefit analysis of that trade like the happiness you receive um outweighs the negatives oh my god conor can you move really fast again that was terrifying you're like the usain bolt of mega speed move dance monkey dance for me you don't like my sky i love my skoda fabia hg okay all the other all the other youtubers in the uk drive like tesla model model freeze and i drive a skoda fabia okay i love skoda fabia there's nothing wrong with my skoda fabia okay it's got a good fuel economy guys it's a good fuel economy it's not a lamborghini but it's got a great fuel economy oh god spiff we need logistics too yes you're right sorry i forget um railways logistics 2 bam resume away we go logistics 2 is starting to get researched the keys link donates 10 pounds my gift uh to myself for finishing a year of my oh you course is indulging in much in his much bit of content and drinking many glorious teas well done oh open university course well done on finishing european university course it is i'm sure it's a very tricky time to go through um university but hey you have the advantage of the open university of being like hey i was doing virtual well i was doing online education first so hats off to you well done um i hope you learnt much knowledge and feel like a very expanded mind teslas have good fuel economy too i'm sure they do but they also cost like 50 grand a skoda fabia does not cost 50 grand they're like i don't know like 5 or 6k they're not that bad they're quite good oh my god right let's look at the pollution um jesus christ oh my god that's bad what's the pollution statistics like um like if we look at the of the one hour mark uh with pollution one hour with pollution this is where we kind of started with the pollution um started about here when we had some burner mining drills now pollution is up to it's up to a lot it's it's almost at 4k well yeah we're going to be pulling up to 4k consumption of pollution tiles mostly biter spawners pollution absorbed by damaging trees that's good and trees themselves are absorbing pollution i mean trees aren't able to absorb too much because we are murdering them this was when we murdered the trees they all died tony thank you very much is clippers tea acceptable of course whatever um whatever cup of tea floats for you i mean i have my favorites but whatever works for you as well um oh there's a kill count here okay on average we've lost 3.6 workers a minute that's amazing that's a that's brilliant imagine if you were losing 3.6 of your workforce every minute just to invading nightmare monsters oh wow i love that and kills we've killed 49 dead trees and apparently four living trees i'm pretty sure we've killed more than four trees i know we've killed more than four trees yeah so yes yes well items wise we've done a lot of coal a lot of iron plates a lot of um just logistic science packs that's going well it's going quite well indeed pollution i just noticed got even worse um well how's it going over here basically we need to wait for a nice armed force of quantity of dudes to um to run on over here and then make their way over to here ah it's gonna be good please don't research logistics too we need logistics too okay mining trees is not counted in the kill statistics oh it's someone throwing a grenade at a tree i guess yeah that's what it'll be it'll be someone throwing a grenade at a tree um royal dutch shell okay so there's another oil company sprung up norway has been spotted and founded over here on this island lovely and the friendly iron mining corporation has based itself up here something tells me the friendly iron mining corporation is going to be unfriendly murdered oh dear oh dear charlie smith gives uh two pounds to say congratulations on the paradox award win thank you very much i think it's arriving at my house tomorrow as well or something like that uh dpd man is delivering my award for being the community comedian that's right paradox forte was funny so they gave me an award um yeah look at that pollution state the pollution states beautiful okay marsgamer is having a problem here um a big of a bit of a problem indeed oh dear oh dear oh dear well um it'll be fine we just need the nuclear bomb a great victory was apparently marked here the puddle of dreams is down here the prince edward island okay um oh dear dear what a hell escape what a nightmarish hellscape ah yeah you know it's an awesome award when dvd delivery exactly it's great it's fantastic i'm excited for it um this will not end well what do you mean this one edward we've got you know humble quantities of pollution is this blockbusters oh we've got blockbusters blockbusters is never going to fail there's one thing i know about blockbusters it's a future-proofed business model um i'm going to try and actually do a run past uh i realize there's hardly any coal okay so i'm gonna have to do a run past here and make sure that the coal miners are still going because we really need that coal coming in oh dear dear the bugs are on me um this is a problem here's the problem where's the cold where's the cold there's the coal where's the coal did i grab some i grabbed 19 coal i can make one grenade um man we need the coal line up and running again if we're gonna make grenades good luck i'm just punching them because i'm out of ammunition just manually punching with my fisty fists oh look this person has put a chest down with grenades 25 grenades perfect oh that's fantastic okay we can probably kill that base then ah has says 50 miss uh the days when your discord was all casual and wild west like the 12k sub days i kind of do at the same time i'm very grateful of the size of the community i have and i i wouldn't exactly change it because um you know the only thing that i'm sad about is the fact that i don't have the ability to you know meet and personally play games with every single one of my my like discord members which is something that i used to be able to do i used to be able to just like say hey does anyone want to play eu4 and then like 50 of the discord would show up to play eu4 um now i now i say it and sure yeah like i get 30 or so people instantly turning up play e4 and it's really good fun uh and then we have like 40 people watching us which is good you know it's nice to be playing it on the discord and having fun it's good link for the server uh all on the discord my friend all on the discord let it let me murder this uh big angry bitey boy big angry spitty boy okay i'm just gonna have to punch him oh dear dude run run run run run run run run run did they oh they killed all of the coal mine wine wine wine wine wine cold there we go i can make one more grenade lovely and actually i can make some bullets well let's pull this bullets lovely oh dear dear oh dear all right here we go here we go this is going well it's going fantastically well right run run shoot jonathan mitchell says good content but please promote more types of tea such as yoba maoti i mean honestly like i do have plans for promoting um more types of tea i have plans to do a entire tea based review where i review every single tea on the market which i think will just be a nightmarishly fantastically wonderful thing to do i can't even damage this thing it does no damage my guns don't work they're so resistant literally grenades are the only thing that works this is wild um are you gonna play open ttd mp oh my god imagine a 256 player open ttd server oh my god that would be amazing i mean the biggest issue is the fact that there's only um you can only have um you can only have uh 10 companies in open ttd or like 16 or 12 i can't remember it's like a small number like that so we need to split people up into actual like um companies beforehand which might prove to be a bit a bit tricky where is all the coal gone the coal is still not coming okay i'll just nap some coal from from here steely steely steely steel oh and now suddenly diamond plates of course as well bam steal those there we go perfect oh dear oh dear well um this nightmarish hellscape is um it's proving to be a unique and fun challenge i'll give it that i think maybe if i just run around the uh we just run around the the base okay oh did we kill them we killed them perfect now the coal mining can commence lovely oh lovely stuff and don't worry connors connor's working on it oh you you have an idea for it spiff oh you're already working on open ttd oh perfect i didn't realize we could do that imagine 255 players playing open ttd that would be beautiful spiff your smg sucks because you didn't didn't go for bullet damage tech uh no no we want logistics i want trains before i want bullets come on never never i'm here for the good old-fashioned grenades this is how it works grenades work better than bullets bullets can miss grenades can also miss but when they miss they miss with style glorious beautiful style i'll let some coal go by because we'll need it for the actual furnaces what is ttd it's transport tycoon deluxe it's a free-to-play uh game from like the 90s which had a like modern release and it is really really fun it's all about trains and i like trains trains are fun the good time you get to drive a train and make some planes and make lots of money as well as also blow up other people's bus lines burst lines that's how you do it oh dear i did could we have steel axes 500 people mining by hand after all honestly steel axes wouldn't be a bad idea but then again sealaxes wouldn't cause as much pollution as just really really poor quality mining drills and i like really poor quality mining drills oh my god look at this factory they've got set up oh my god this is insane oh wow this is beautiful look at the belts look at the belts look at all these belts ladies and gentlemen um oh yerba mate is it is uh not t it's a drink oh okay i think i've heard of it then i don't know if i've tried it probably not but i have heard of it um hexacube asks for assistance like where where is this person i've absolutely no idea um like a second luigi says commitments genocide peach says murder them all where luigi says kill wario says don't kill it's always a unique universe where wario is the voice of reason in the mario canonical universe oh look it's brazil ladies and gentlemen look at all of this lush rainforest that will be burnt down massive tree alert must kill we'll take a raiding party up north when we have flame froze because then we can burn for them easily then we don't even need to really do it by hand with grenades you can just do it good old-fashioned manual way that's the way i like it oh dear we need more power electricity is becoming a problem uh tony donates to say what's the perfect breakfast in my opinion a bacon hash browns a nice fried egg um yep that's that's my kind of perfect breakfast i like a good bit of hash brown i'm pretty sure a video of spiffing for exploiting open ttd's multiplayer exists um it's me exploiting the charity event that the yogscast did yes which which was good fun very very entertaining 11 out of 10. oh dear dude what's happened with the power what's happened with our poor poor electricity oh dear okay the bugs activated they're activating so quickly this is insane okay right let me just loop them around get them swarmed up and eat there we go good throw perfect stuff we've got to make every grenade count because resources are expensive okay what's the player limit for this server there's 400 people in the queue uh player limit is going to be set at 500 but it continuously increases we have to kind of like drop you in one at a time else you know um it crashes because you're all queueing at the same moment right new technology necessary i think we will go for trains trains everyone wants a train people wanted weapon damage who wants to do 10 extra damage when instead you can just have a train trains oh i love trains i like trains that's a song isn't it that's a that's a call back to the olden times what is up with the power why are we not getting power up here i need electricity in my life give me electricity oh my god i just realized i missed 69 69 likes oh wait no i haven't we're almost there oh my god we're like 100 like shy of 69.69 ladies and gentlemen this is the moment you've been waiting for this is it ladies and gentlemen if you haven't liked the stream yet now is your opportunity ladies and gentlemen oh my goodness 69 69 likes we're just around the corner from this precipice of the ultimate show of the evening ladies and gentlemen here it comes and we've overshot it jesus christ guys you had one job it was so close and then you overshot it by like 500. jesus christ that's more than five those 600 out of nowhere guys please please slow down now the next the next landmark is like sixty nine thousand and sixty nine we can't do that that's like 48 hours streaming oh my god it's almost eight thousand jesus christ guys you have one job oh i'm proud of you though thank you very much that's very very generous very very generous oh dear dude we need to fix this power situation this is um a real predicament so the power plant i think is over here yeah down south here something is not connected up which is causing an issue oh dear oh dear well nonetheless thank you for 80 000 likes where is the power plant is it just all hooked up via the main power line uh here okay oh it hasn't got any fuel okay right well i can run itself and fix it i've got 49 coal on me i can kick the power plant back into life right so i need one like 25 in here oh my god it goes through coal so quickly and some in here i need more coal i desperately need more coal oh my god we just don't have the electricity there is just no electricity burns through so much coal let's say if we have power do we down here we don't have power there's no there's not enough power down here then again it's not winding anything because you know the entire belt's full because there's no coal here oh dear oh dear well on the good news we're about to research railways so um that's progress we're about to get our trains ladies and gentlemen my trains very excited very very excited oh right now i'd say overall the actual power plant is a hundred times bigger and functioning fine spiff oh i see so the issue is the power supply over here is it is connected with the main power plant it is oh my god the main power plant why is the water gone green wasn't the water blue is what's water meant to look like it's made to look like this so it's blue and this is kind of green as well this is also cut what does water look like is this what this is what clean water looks like okay it's not even clean does anyone know what clean what this is the cleanest water we have oh look how bright and blue it is that's lovely and blue so beautiful and clear and then you get over to um you get over to this water where it's kind of going green you've got fish in there and then you get to this oh my god it's disgusting disgustingly beautiful i love it ah the fish pond how's the fish pond doing are there fish still alive the fish are still alive i'm amazed that's perfect i don't know for how much longer mind you but they're alive that's for sure oh apparently there's a evil base over here um which they're trying to kill little they're trying to use guns oh you silly sausages you don't use guns you use grenades everyone knows that poor poor little sausages oh my god i can't believe the fact that there's 8 000 likes on this stream and there's seven thousand people watching this is just this just classic classic just um iconic youtube at its finest what are we up to here still small biters okay and a dead body of a gun okay this seems bad honestly not too bad that's fine this is just an evil base of madness um this base here small spitters medium biters it's okay you know it's not terrible have they increased in health anymore no they're fine okay so if i do a slash evolution all right notes uh slash uh let me just go up a bunch there we go slash evolution 0.3985 how does evolution work let me quickly open up a new tab uh factorio evolution i know it goes up and up is bad one is the maximum evolution ah i see i see um this is a minor potential issue because we're up to big spitters already right and i'm pretty sure what comes and we're up to medium spitters are we up to big spitters please open up to big spitters no medium worms okay medium worms that's fine uh medium worms isn't too bad okay that's that's fine that requires um let me take a look no that's that's fine um nests okay they're fine oh god okay spawn chances by evolution factor um right okay so because we're at 0.3 we're gonna start getting uh small spitters medium uh we'll also be getting oh we'll also yeah we're also getting a chance of medium biters i think yeah medium biters big biters we're about um we're about 20 of the way there until we get there and then it's pretty much just onto behemoth biters after that and then we're basically screwed i've got to be honest guys this is the apocalypse okay i see the research i see their lack of research okay that's fine bam um what do we need stronger explosions too this gives us access to landmines honestly probably we need um we need lab research speed it's probably more important because we're going to be needing to research very quickly here i'm conscious of the issues oh my god this is um this is going to be people need to get to work very quickly we need um we need more research and faster i i i cannot lie there is a problem with the lack of speed we're researching because we need uh we need spiff not speed we need power okay well yeah i know we need i need i know we need power and we'll get power soon just let me let me work my way through the tech tree list okay so if we were to get ourselves flammables which would give us access to more aggressive consumables like say rocket fuel we would need fluid handling and then we would need oil processing and that i'm pretty sure would give us access to things like flamethrowers which we'll probably need clement robinson thank you very much for 10 pounds can't stay long but have a good day thank you very much friend um what about explosives dynamite could oh we've been dropped from the game that's fine dynamite dangerous uh developing dangerously controlled explosives i think this could actually be really important in our step up from where we're currently at to the future end game because there's another explosive type down here right so if we could just if instead of shooting the enemy we just kind of hurl explosives at them that would probably be very good let me just drop down my save i will join back into the server when it comes back oh dear idea we're very close to i think achieving critical just got to get the available back up ladies and gentlemen well apparently we're close to 69 dislikes just five okay well five people feel free to achieve 69 dislikes for me that would be very nice but you have to maintain it which literally means um if it achieves over 69 take a like off if you've already done one i want it to be exact exactly 69 dislikes if anyone else over the course of the stream dislikes you've got to got to deal with it well done you did i'm so proud well done i'm proud of you chat your father might not be proud of you but i'm proud of you okay that's how this works steady don't overshoot don't overshoot it you did it well done all right let me try and reconnect with the old password oh wait so it's already up and running okay it was down for a moment i thought we'd be up with a different password but no it's up straight away we i think i get bypassed through because i'm an admin it just takes me a moment um oh anything for you i know you're so kind you're so kind with chat you're just you'll do anything you'll be very nice and perfectly balanced whatever i need whatever i need perfectly balancing you're very good at that okay lovely so um you're right we probably don't need lab research speed but we're gonna pick it up anyway military science pack will allow us to get military-free landmines flamethrower energy shield equipment a defender drone rockets rockets are probably going to be needed portable fusion reactor energy weapons and energy and laser shooting speed so that would we could get laser turrets that could be very useful actually will only requires electricity and honestly that's going to be easier for us because we've we have electricity we don't have um the opposite of electricity resources i know perfect it's gonna be glorious absolutely glorious all right here we go here we go ladies and gentlemen we're going to achieve as soon as this achieves a 100 um we will attach laser tarts and with laser turrets we will have safety safety in this glorious empire there we go bam straight away military science pack bam with good progress as well someone has surrounded me with drink tea lovely um i'm hearing um okay there's an alert up here to kill bases to protect power we might need that might probably also want some defenses up here probably some defenses over here the pollution is actually incredible absolutely wild london 2 has been created and it is glorious absolutely beautiful lovely stuff oh my goodness okay military science pack that happened almost instantly with military science pack i guess we can then immediately start moving over to laser turret laser turret needs uh fluid handling so we'll start research on fluid handling that's gonna let us get oil production up and running as well soon okay well we'll need we'll need oil processing for that and oil processing gives us flammables okay this is all making sense we're making progress chad are you seriously singing rick astley never going to give you up oh i'm so proud of you i'm so proud of you chap i'm very this is is this this is how it feels to be a loving and proud father oh dear private beacon recruiters hard is someone someone rick rolling um oh my god rest in peace the friendly iron mining corps uh they did not last very long at all the trees are stealing our oil oh my god you're right these trees are positioned right over this lovely oil deposit oh my goodness that needs to be dealt with very quickly i love how because the pollution is so intense these um these little nests are actually sucking up the pollution and they're doing it at such a good rate but of course we're polluting it right back up immediately um which is good very good right fluid handling is about to be finished but how's the pollution map mode looking uh it's looking good we've actually we peaked at 5k pollution nice right fluid processing go start research um then we could do a circuit network but that seems too complicated and no one's going to use it especially programmable speakers people are just going to play music on them i could get a car a car would work but honestly why why have a car when it said we could have improved energy distribution so i think we'll go for this and then advanced material processing for a steel furnace um and then does that get us to electric furnace right yeah electric furnace which will be fantastic i think we just switched to full electric just we go wild and go for the full electric setup as soon as possible oh dear would be dropped from the game bean spins beans what up bush server what is up with the server i can't believe it i suppose i might have been dropped because i was afk wasn't i i was standing still did i stand still for too long oh dude i probably stood still for too long didn't i yeah 500 pounds what the [ __ ] yeah that was that was donated by dr simon clark um little secret ladies and gentlemen uh i kind of knew he was gonna do that because i took part in one of his videos a while back and it was a sponsored video and so he wanted to give me a portion of the sponsored uh video itself which was very kind of very nice so yes um hence 500 pounds suddenly appearing out of nowhere i thought it'd be a nice way to promote dr simon clark as well as myself oh and we're straight back in okay so yeah that was just me getting kicked i think oh no everyone else did also get kicked uh dude let's get out of the drink tea sign oh dear dear where is kuma bro kumar bro come here come hither serve a slave oh did you do it you did 69 dislikes chat i'm proud of you i'm proud of you um what happening oh dear right there over 800 q later oh my god this couple 800 people jesus christ jesus maybe we need to take a look at doing the back and seeing if we can take it from 500 to 1000 right because i mean this game has good the server is a bad boy oh oh is it gonna be fixed or get worse question mark hmm oh my god 420 in the q g as well okay i'm impressed that's a perfect number it's 500 of the max players technically we could go anywhere with this game like it's just the number that you set it at so like there's a buy to set right here get away we're being attacked oh my god there's a bite there's actual bite is attacking the base as bite is attacking the base i'm stuck on this fluid pipe bring them back here bring it back here okay bring back okay good good good good good take them away take away from the machinery so we can hold grenades at them good stuff perfect we dealt with that flawlessly um oh dear yeah theoretically if we were able to get a proper like set up on it maybe um maybe a oh dear we are getting attacked oh dear where are we getting attacked at oh my god they are actually attacking us uh we don't have enough people to defend on at the moment because they're joining into the game um man as soon as you join into the game you get to work defending okay i've just i've got to use my bare hands because i'm out of bullets but you know do what you can and stop the biters oh my god it's all it's all gone it's all god the fall of new london 2 no no new london you're going to be the you're going to be the chosen one you london be careful when throwing the grenades by the way because you kind of do blow up the the production belts no the production boats oh my god rest in peace production belts oh dear god is that the seven dead again oh no my servant no no server no we know what this means i think we have to do this again i think we have to do this again in the future but um i think we have a stronger server and we go even further i i genuinely think we can push this further yeah you know what that's what we're gonna do that is what we're gonna do i think with a stronger server okay and probably a smaller map but even more biters we could probably i believe 1000 is possible i don't see why 1 000 players wouldn't be theoretically achievable okay oh god um wolf knew thank you very much for your donation of five dollars uh newish working through your back backlog about games uh that you have no interest in but your videos are damn entertaining thank you thank you so much movement that really means a lot seriously thank you i'm glad that i'm glad that you enjoy games even well i'm glad that you enjoy the videos of games even that you hate thank you so much um i think we do this with a thousand players on the deaf world and we see what happens um yes this is incredible this is absolutely incredible um anyway i'm gonna head off now ladies and gentlemen i'm gonna call in for this stream we did a fantastic job it was beautiful it was chaos it was majestic and you know whilst i'm here awesome here save game bam um i'll just take a look at the map let's just let's just load the game take a look at the map in single player see what see what beautiful things were built brazil of course the massive tree alert the great lakes the friendly iron mining corp i think we'll we'll get the server back up and running we'll leave it running tonight for the patreons and i'll drop by and i'll join them um whilst i'm because i'll be around for a while i think um yeah i've got yeah i'm not up to too much tonight so yeah i will i'll stop by and i'll enjoy some factorio i think with the vips because it's been a while since i played with them i've been on holiday for ages but yeah we've created um raven's pollution solutions in this glory steam engine farm the power plant here um the fish pond which i mean i wouldn't drink from it's starting to really go green like it's a sign for fish here but i don't think the fish here any i don't think the fish are here anymore um the boston tea party apparently occurred over here just south of norway then of course the the nightmarish uh nintendo land down there honestly the amount of pollution was incredible i'm very impressed absolutely impressed anyway i'm gonna head off for the night let's get this server down and keep it up running again later on but yes thank you very much for watching ladies and gentlemen if you enjoyed today's stream we'll be back with more um and we'll give it a go uh with even more um preferably can you at least get to flamethrow we'll get we'll get flame for us next time flame frozen necessary everyone needs flamethrowers to be honest 500 players seems to be more of a handicap than a help would even be and it's very necessary very important very important very necessary and we will see all of you in the future have a lovely evening ladies and gentlemen and goodbye for now
Channel: The Spiffing Brit
Views: 701,428
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Spiffing, Brit, factorio, live, 500 player, factorio funny, factorio live, factorio multiplayer, perfectly balanced game, factorio is a perfectly balanced game with no exploits, live stream, the spiffing brit, factory, factorio speedrun, factorio multiplayer speedrun, youtube livestream, funny, exploit, perfectly balanced, funny moments, video game exploit, video game, the spiffing brit live, game exploit, montage, factorio gameplay, funny challenge, 500 player multiplayer
Id: prDXM2B4vHI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 130min 24sec (7824 seconds)
Published: Tue May 25 2021
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