Cyberpunk 2077 IS A PERFECTLY BALANCED GAME WITH NO EXPLOITS - How to Break Cyberpunk 2077 Live

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oh come on are we there yep it looks like we're there good stuff right time to press go live oh come on ladies and gentlemen i think this is it yes i do believe this is it ladies and gentlemen hello there my friends how are you doing today welcome to a brand new very special live stream those lovely developers over at cd projekt red have seen fit to give me early access to their video game so that i can be one of the first people to play test it and absolutely break it um because as you know i love breaking video games i had a fun sit down and a chat with a few uh qa people at cd projekt red and um it turns out that this game like most big aaa games at release will have a ton of exploits and what i'm going to be doing today live is simply sitting down and going through my process of finding exploits in video games it's going to be quite simple because at the end of the day they say this is a massive aaa game which hasn't well technically been released it hasn't got a day one patch although usually most exploits don't get fixed in a day one patch usually exploits are aimed for the second patch day one patches mostly for things like fps fixes game crashes all that fun stuff i think in terms of game crashes this game's not too bad but in terms of npcs breaking dialogue breaking ui breaking it's got it all and so all we need to do is simply find little loopholes in this game's code and we're banned ladies and gentlemen we have ourselves a perfectly balanced game so what on earth are we playing today well i haven't even said its name yet ladies and gentlemen we are of course playing the brand new latest release it's seizure punk 2077 latest uh okay we're not playing seizure punk 2077. uh we're actually playing cyberpunk 2077 but it is of course important that i do mention that this game is going to have a very very intense flashing lights and um potentially if you are photo sensitive don't watch this stream uh it could it could kill you um [Laughter] oh god right time for me to actually get my gate my game set up there we go so i need to cross to this i've realized i didn't even actually create a game capture source chat i'm so sorry as you can tell it's it's been a busy morning okay it's been a very busy morning um lots of game testing had to be done this morning i had to get this bad boy downloaded which meant a whole bunch of being on call with uh the lovely cd projekt red community team i mean they're lovely people it's just you know they're very busy they haven't got time for for a cheeky sausage like me to be exploiting their day um now i have done a few things like sense of the nudity in this game because i don't want to get my stream banned off of youtube because someone decided they want to put a massive sausage in it um of course the widely requested exploit that i've been receiving which hasn't been uh infinite money it has in fact been how to make it so that the uh the penance slider just simply has no limit and i'm afraid i i haven't been able to find the unlimited penance slider but i'm sure i'm sure it's somewhere right my goodness let's go play this game um so we've got a whole bunch of difficulty settings uh easy normal hard very hard uh to make my life easier i'll play on normal normally when i'm actually testing games for exploits i play on easy just so that the game doesn't get my way but i mean this game already has aim assist on the default normal settings so i'm pretty sure normal should be easy enough but don't quote me on that because i just could die immediately now what you do in this game is you play a character called v v is the character you can do whatever you like to be you can make them a a dude a girl a neither and you can basically create and customize this character to be whatever you like and they just slot into the story that's great that's what you want you want that in your rpg game certainly an rpg game like this you want to be able to create a character and play it naturally we're going to be creating a character and playing it but when it comes to creating a character you have to pick your your faction starting background kind of um because this is this is your life path you could start as a street kid you could start as a nomad or you can do what i'm going to be doing and start in the corporate world yes that's right you grind your way up a massive corporate ladder with hopefully a whole bunch of money and stuff and that's what i like i love a good bit of exploiting the corporate world so um i think it's the best idea what body type we're going for we're gonna go for for the dude um i don't particularly i don't think there's any gameplay difference it's not like some fps games where infamously if you play a female character you have a smaller hitbox i pray to god this game isn't like that uh well i suppose the multiplayer might be you never know now they have got some presets um oh my god is this randomizer oh my god we've got some funky monstrosities in here look at these disgusting babies oh my god you are just absolutely horrible my goodness wow that's that's not comfortable not comfortable in the slightest chat i'm not making nomad we're not going nomad we're going for the legendary legendary business corporation i love culpo we're not going to backstab the corporate we're going to become the capitalism that's what it's all about minty you want more slow mode on the stream minty you can have more slow mode on the stream i'm sorry i wasn't expecting 8 700 people to be here live and have 1 000 likes on the stream so thank you very much all of you in chat uh but i'm afraid you've now just been hit by a smooth 40 second slow vote now when it comes to our lovely character we're actually going to be making someone very special we're going to be creating um we're going to be creating vr vyanuki uh vyanukivs that's right the cyberpunk uh twin cousin to keanu reeves who you might know is also actually in this video game um all i need to do is find his right skin tone um i don't really know what i can't really tell a difference between any of these skin tones i've got to be honest they all kind of look just yellow and oh wait no that's skin type i'm a potato i'm an absolute potato right we get we need the whiter shade white is shade there we go that's riannu then skin type he can be a bit bit yellow that's okay uh hair color well hair type now this is going to be a big one rihanna who does have a keanu does have a very distinct hair type now considering they did manage to make keanu reeves already in this video game it's natural that they're just going to have his his options in there already i mean just look at this sweet boy that's some great hair oh my goodness oh my god this is just some straight up anime stuff that's just anime right there that is just anime wow oh my goodness look at these monstrosities of hairstyles i mean some of them are some of them if you saw in on the street today um you'd be okay with most of these just simply terrify me my goodness now i'm pretty sure the closest we've got to uh rihanna or keanu reeves in the actual world is this hairstyle here because he does have those long flowing logs we do need to make it basically pitch black however um like so yeah straight up pitch black lovely uh then we need to do his eyes he has lovely eyes he doesn't have weird spacey x's oh wait these are the eye shapes ah right um well he does have what kind of eyes does he have why are his eyes going off to the side this just feels like the worst slider to try and control you know that that's pretty much close enough eye color he's just gonna have regular human eyes he has he has lovely sweet regular brown eyes look at that he's a human he hasn't got really strange love heart eyes or the scottish flag as eyes no he's got human eyes my goodness why does everyone in the future need to have really weird eyes it's not necessary chat oh my goodness by the way how are you all doing today are you excited for the release of cyberpunk it's releasing at um and i'm pretty sure midnight tonight or 11 p.m uk time which is terrifyingly late um and naturally uh i am just going to be enjoying playing early ahead of all of you and hopefully we'll be able to find an absolutely incredible exploit which you can use to destroy slash imbalance your first ever game of it now of course we need the biggest eyebrows possible not that eyebrow color i'm pretty sure i'm disappointed by the lack of giant bushy eyebrows the closest we've got to giant pushy eyebrows is this then we need to get his nose well his nose is just simply the biggest nose that they have uh which i would happen to say is got to be nose 21 that looks abs what an absolute scorcher of her nose there that looks beautiful mouth the biggest kissy mouth i can find because there's one thing i know about rihanna keith slash keanu reeves that man loves to give kisses with his lovely wholesome face oh what a man what a man my goodness what a character creator i must say how are you doing though chat have you got a nice warm cup of tea in front of you play the [ __ ] game i can't play the game i've got to create a character if i'm playing the game i need to actually play someone who isn't just default steve okay all right oh now that is a good jawline for my rihanna oh that is a very good jawline need the most distinct jawline not something flubby oh that is looking pretty good is i can't even see his ears but i'm just gonna assume that they're perfect oh yes oh that bit is perfect oh that is just fantastic oh look at it oh it is just absolutely amazing cyberware we don't want any cyberware get rid of that cyberware turn it off with perfect facial scars of course he needs facial scars dude's been in so many john wick films facial tattoos oh my no none of those piercings don't need any of those apparently we have a hidden piercing somewhere piercing color don't need that teeth we don't need teeth oh my goodness we can change the teeth of course we're going for the terrifying oh oh no it's human teeth oh that is so uncomfortable oh i don't like it oh god i don't like that oh my god that's in my nightmares oh boy that makes me feel so uncomfortable i'm actually crying my god oh i'm getting that off my screen actually i can't get god oh damn no eye makeup necessary lip makeup of course we need lip makeup oh look at these actually we can have it off i suppose he does look more normal with it off but i do love the bright pink lip makeup oh wow look at that that's just like a landing strip of this is where you kiss here this is where you this is where you feed rihanna keeps your little sausage because he just loves he loves breakfast okay he's a man of he loves german sausage okay it's as simple as that don't say accurate british teeth okay chad that's very rude i i'll have you like lovely teeth nails sorry i have never seen a video game where you customize the length of your nails [Music] okay that's a video game oh oh we can spray paint our nails oh that's actually really fun oh that's really cool i like that i've actually this is one feature that i wish more video games could would do because that's quite fun nipples on or off nipples in half mode nipples in onward daytime nighttime daytime nighttime oh my god i think we have to play with nipples on um body tattoos keanu wouldn't have body tattoos he would have a body scar though or are we just making him a default vanilla boy yeah i think we are right next there we go okay now this is where the actual exploiting comes into play because we need to be creating our character now when it comes to combat in this game i've got no bloody idea what's going to be overpowered now what did interest me was the fact that this game has a cool setting which increases the amount of critical damage by a percentage level now if there's one thing i know about um video games is that when you increase anything in a video game by a percentage you end up with eventually some kind of magical exploit especially when people start hitting a hundred percent now this is quite interesting because uh if we have ways to increase the chance of actually landing a critical hit which basically all games have in the form of special weapons and so on then this is going to be it is this game is this going to be spoiler free yes basically as much as i can keep it um i don't particularly intend to spoil the story i'm just here to exploit the game and there we have it here it is our lovely other exploit increased critical chance and call to increase critical damage now this is basically all you need to um generally break every single game so what we're going to do and this also increases our passive evasion nice increased damage from mantaj from mantis blades by two okay so we take more damage this is actually really interesting you spoke your character into something but you also make them weaker okay i like that game that's plus one plus one yorkshire tea bag out of ten okay that's good i like that now um tech will be linked to crafting i don't want to use crafting that's so who wants to do crafting also when was the schlong star slider i didn't see a schlong slider at all is that something we can edit in game is it possible to get a schlong extender right so anyway we're going to be increasing our um wait does this just increase it by passive one percent for each one each level will increase crit chance by one percent so you cap that up to six and now we've got a plus six percent chance to crit and we we put this up to six as well and now we have a a plus 12 yeah plus 12 percent quick damage which of course we're going to be increasing by the addition of modif by more modifications okay i like that um then what else are we gonna do we're not gonna go for a melee build i like melee builds but not today okay we'll just whack that point into tech job done that's fantastic um next is this where we get the schlong slider biometer panel no unless unless that's the tip the slider is gone because you play without nudity no no my own actions have come back to haunt me i'm sorry i can't have my channel banned off of youtube okay it's not worth it you can have as much nudity as you like on twitch but not on youtube this purely this is a pp free zone hashtag ppfreezone in chat so that youtube knows that this is a family-friendly cyberpunk game where there's it's kid-friendly okay this is gonna be kid-friendly we're gonna be decapitating people dismembering corpses um physically ripping the skull off of people's heads it's a pp free zone pp free zone chat and let's continue oh god oh oh my goodness we look beautiful oh oh oh no i'm not too well apparently i've just vomited up bran flakes or something oh there we go it's our friend it's our friends i love how we have like the latest crypto stocks in the bottom right of the screen isn't that fantastic i what is up with the what is wrong with the game what is wrong with the game camera is my streamlabs balking is the mirror completely breaking the streamlabs oh my god it is actually that is insane look at that that i've never seen that in a video game before okay so this is what i'm seeing chat um so i'll have to switch to display capture because evidently evidently game capture doesn't work oh my god uh it's okay early access game these things happen um right uh i would say everyone's a critic or not dead yet there we go there we go wow what a what an incredible incredible game is that a glitch yep that's glitch number one chat glitch number one it's okay graphical glitches like this um are pretty common oh my goodness there's a weird man here god i don't like my voice actually i don't like my voice so there you go basically if you're doing um if you're doing a window capture using obs uh you'll need to use display capture instead because mirrors um mirrors are borked anyway we're going to say i've got to go there we go i've got time to listen to the tutorial i'm not going to be doing any of the tutorial or story um i'm just here to run around and break the game first time in night city pay close attention to the tutorials nope don't need any of that don't move me around i'm not ready to move around okay i can do that to zoom in nice i can open the door uh are you all right why are you just why are you just what are you smoking what are you even smoking there is nothing in where is the smoke coming from god future technology is incredible isn't it isn't it amazing you can just smoke through your hands that's science what incredible science sound is very loud oh sound is very low yeah i turn i turn down the sound i'll increase the game volume right there you go chat let me increase that game volume for you i'm never normally a big fan of actually playing games with sound i normally actually play games with basically no sound when i test them there we go that's that's better that'll be better right active job active job objectives marked on the hood there we go head to jenkins's office okay okay let's go the game feels a smidge grainy and i just can't put my finger on it feels feels weird i don't know how to describe it oh jenkins is calling me i will answer is cool supposed to be here an hour ago okay so evidently uh my boss is upset that i'm not very good at my job we're getting literally 2 fps what is wrong with this i'll be in my office oh my god i am what's going on here 25 fps is what i'm getting the japanese oh my god that is actually devastatingly bad i'm getting 60 fps in game evidently it's just not happy being picked up so um i'm actually going to have to drop my graphics uh to uh to medium oh medium graphics oh it's gonna have to happen does the game need to restart to go to medium if it doesn't that's actually really impressive most games require a flat restart there we go are we feeling better game are you feeling better are you feeling fps fps game give me fps what is wrong with you i don't want to play the game on low don't make me do it i literally have a i have a 20 i have a 2080 ti in this pc and an overclocked i9 you shouldn't be able to run okay join us after the break to hear what please please gabe please please oh my god what interesting job what an interesting job we have oh it's franco our old acquaintance i'm just going to ignore him and just go straight to the meeting all right let's go to jenkins's office my goodness literally please enter the ante chamber all right let's enter the ante chamber god what a weird world this is oh my god the fps is actually terrible it is literally a slideshow all right can i can i play it with game capture instead because game capture usually has more fps right there we go game capture are you feeling better oh my god what is the game character is causing some nutty stuttering to handle this voting issue before we lose our bases okay so we're gonna have to use game capture which means if we want fps we need game capture but if we use game capture mirrors don't function it's the stream of compromises ladies and gentlemen oh my god right it's fine this is fine let me just sit down on my chair there we go i'll just sit down with you oh that's a nice smooth 60 fps i think oh oh my god there's a whole bunch of dead people on screen that i don't understand oh there's a nice nice world up there what's him up what's he director abernathy i watched the vote what the hell was that is it still like oh my god after the [ __ ] frankfurt menu is smooth but the game is not i don't even get it because the game is actually playing it like the game is playing a fine fps internally i don't understand how one of the display capture can be booked this badly like okay right what is what is wrong with my display capture i'm using game capture and bloody display capture which i've never had issues with um let's go for let's just mess around with a couple of settings let me turn on fastest hook rate all right okay how's this this might be able to be no it's like it's like jiggling like i'm moving my mouse smoothly left to right what the hell is this i've never had this in another video game that is some of the strangest things i've ever seen is it ray tracing i've i haven't even oh you know what let me turn on v-sync let me try v-sync maybe just streaming 720p it's got nothing to do with streaming i can stream in 4k like most games i can do witcher 3 4k million fps oh my goodness right let's graphics is it in-game oh video maybe video do you want me to go in in full screen full screen can sometimes fix this this weird stuff hdr mode let's put vsync on at 50 and 59 because that matches my monitor okay apply right now we're going to end the week that's right now let's see if this works fine no nuance has you written all over it all right let's see if this works oh my jesus christ how can you still not be fixed oh my i hate [Music] [Applause] if what if i go windowed if i just go full windowed we're just playing this game fully windowed right come on come on you were working fine for a second but why are you just what is causing it to jiggle why i just want to find exploits in you i just want to find exploits in you oh my god oh my god i'm just okay i'm gonna try to turn it off and on again chat we're gonna try and turn it off and on again i can't save right now fine okay i'm just gonna have to skip through this story and then we're just gonna skip through this entire story so i can save the game and then i'm going to be able to hopefully now she's holding a gun i'm gonna hopefully be able to then uh restart the game hopefully all the settings will come into effect and everything will be fine oh my god yeah now if i see anyone in check because i already saw someone say this game wasn't meant to be recorded if you are defending this game because it's not meant to be recorded with someone with a 2080 teen with a 2080 ti and an i9 something is wrong something is very wrong oh my god right i'll take the data shard i'm pretty sure this has got our friend johnny silverhand on netflix drama team card names oh my god all right just skip all of that skip skip skip no story needed no story needed oh take money i love money money only find the right people for the job oh yeah money and money money well we've just got like 160 000 i love money right can i save now yes bam new save there we go right time to time to quickly restart the game okay look it's it's just uh it's just it's it's early access okay game comes out tomorrow is this a ram thing i have 16 gigabytes of like ddr4 ram it is also don't complain why i'm using the jingle jam holding screen okay look now i'm not saying that this game is bad we haven't played the game yet also you shouldn't listen to me as to whether i say this game is bad or not you should give it a go yourself um oh my god the thing is the game's not running badly like on my pc it's running like fine 60 fps but game capture doesn't like game capture doesn't do this normally i've i've played early access games before i've played early access aaa games before like assassin's creed valhalla we didn't even have these recording issues anyway right we'll just skip through the menu um and we're back in the game i'll just change back to game screen there we go back in the game we are don't you dare call it no man's sky v2 okay this game it doesn't take much to beat no man's sky on release this game has already beaten no man's sky on release by the fact that it has launched okay oh my god i swear if this game is a 3090 ti launch requirement to actually stream it then this game won't function download of course that's what i've been missing i should have downloaded more ram right okay we're in the game let us see if it works right i'm moving my my camera around naturally and it should it should be working video game come on video game by the way if you're sat in chat wondering if you should buy the game or not you should never buy a game of release don't buy a game at release don't pre-order games buy games a week after release or a month after release games should get patched the reviews of this game have already said that the game is buggy and if you're a massive fan of the cyberpunk game you should wait until the patches have been put in so that your immersion isn't broken while it's playing it's just simple logic simple logic okay all right have those reports you guys give some reports um hi carter send them to me i'm busy there we go right we're off we're off hey okay i'm talking to jackie little jumps we're still getting little jumps it's some of you are saying smooth smooth as [ __ ] there we go it's fine it's move oh [ __ ] it's so not spooked it's really not smooth um it's working it's better okay right right that's fine oh right jack got some biz oh my god oh my god you're in some trouble not yet this is fine right now i just need a soul i can trust oh we can press c to crouch how do i go third person is it even possible i love to go third person in these video games right so i meant to go this way this is my office nope this is some random guy it's possible one of our assets was exposed hi harry um i don't have time for this harry so handle it later goodbye harry i'm just a dick to all of my my fellow colleagues not to move it's stupid what more do you want cyberpunk what more do you want like just what oh you can change the game difficulty in the middle of the game that's fun um i just why enough would you have 14 v sync that wouldn't work at all right well it's not a v-sync issue because it's fine on my end if i put maximum fps on maybe if i turn maximum fps and i just lock it at 30 because maybe it's going up and down in fps it's causing an issue maybe the thing is that my pc is too powerful maybe that's what's causing it to break right logically try another streaming software yes don't mind me i will just change from the streaming software used by most twitch streamers slash youtubers for recording everything oh god no no right let's open the drawer hopefully i have a gun in there or something oh use cognitive booster uh seizure warning maybe i don't know yep kind of a small one there pick up card let's grab that nice trauma team cool i've got an insurance card there we go and um let's let's use my goodness there we go it's smooth now it's fixed okay you want to know how to fix it cap your fps at 60. why is that a fix why is that a fix for this i'm sorry your pc is recording this game with too many fps consequently we will stutter the [ __ ] out of it oh my god that is incredible i've never seen a game do that i've never seen the game become graphically worse because it's running too well oh my god oh [ __ ] me that oh that is just that's too good cd projekt red you've beaten all my expectations on this right i'm not going to read any of that law dump we don't need it um all right let's go to the av garage i'd love to drive a car um so my god we're not in this game to actually play we're in this game to exploit it now um oh jumping jumping's fun i like games that jump and crouch jumping you can crouch jump i mean you look derpy as heck but it's fun i like that oh oh we're being scanned yes i am i don't like that massive distortion of my screen because that's gonna murder the bitrate of every video oh my goodness all right let's get in a vehicle just getting a vehicle job done get in okay right now i thought that was actually going to give me a fun map but no it's just giving me a law dump don't want a law dub i just want to play the game it's i love law but i prefer to read it on on a fandom article please please please please expected parameters please is it laggy again oh my god i've actually also got like this weird audio static thing where like the game is it's like clipping the audio is clipping in my ear oh my god it's not fixed you tricked me for like one moment i think you have it game i think that you've we've worked out our differences but no what's this requires an nvidia rtx graphics card okay dynamic fidelity maybe i'll just i'll just go back up to full screen full screen with the fps cap let's turn on vsync as well why not look we're just gonna have to go through all of the various all of the various different settings until it works oh my goodness all right oh i can take a drink from the minibar wait so i can switch on news or i can just take a drink and i have to take a drink to progress the game okay well this game's encouraging alcoholism i'm just saying oh my goodness and now i know i can drink it yes yes drink it mmm yes lovely lovely beverage cap the fps the fps is capped it i'm a fixed fps and i think it is actually now running fine i think it is what is the game can i get there faster please where is the skip function you've given me a skip function in every other setting okay do i have to listen to the a breaking news apparently i do i'm going to listen to the news that's great chuck can you hear the like really crippling um noise of like the popping yes i didn't even know it's that cool i didn't press t don't give me calls when i'm busy oh my goodness oh my goodness this better not be a six hour prologue right everything's dandy in my life there we go turn on dlss turn off v6 chat you're giving me like a million a million things going on here okay all right i've just set it to auto and it might do something or it might break everything chat okay it might sure okay see you later right oh oh now the vehicle is getting a bit i don't know about you guys but the vehicle when i'm drunk the dimensions of the objects around me don't particularly change this extremely maybe this is like future alcohol which is insane seriously you guys don't have the audio popping it is honestly making it quite insufferable because it's kind of like having a constant crispy crackle in the back of your head has been detected at the destination oh my goodness just land find a spot close to the bar as close as you can [ __ ] procedures initiating landing sequence based on new parameters pretty sure the v-sync was the thing that finally fixed it well i don't understand why v-sync would fix it because vsync is tied to my monitor of all things but oh well oh well anyway it's fine it's fine oh wait nope nope sorry we just got the fix from the developers of cd projekt red i'm just receiving a call now chad i'm just receiving a call hello there spiff this is um this is steve at cd projekt red it turns out all you need to do to fix the fps problem of your recording is press the alt and function 4 key at the same time and that should fix it yes that should indeed fix everything well thank you steve cd projekt red that's perfect oh cool we're getting attacked cool yes we get to fight we get to fight people oh my god okay i thought i would get to kill people you have the audio popping too chat yeah what's up with it feels funky i'm sure it's probably just a um maybe headphones not plugged in if my headphones weren't plugged in correctly you wouldn't be hearing it oh hello um bouncer keep an eye on the av there we go i don't get paid to do that i wasn't asking i'm not a scratch on it when i get back okay well there we go she's gonna look after my av vehicle i get to go into lizzie's um cool in here i go i guess what is this place oh god it's oh it's a it's a proper club oh i see this is technically a strip club but because i turned off uh because i turned off nudity it is actually a really wholesome place i think this looks pretty wholesome maybe oh hello there how do i sit down let me sit down and tell me what to get your shorts now you get to sit down oh i like that i like that dynamic smooth transition of camera never mind aim fixed so you're telling me the stutter exists if i'm walking through the terrain of the map game let me hear about this problem of yours oh my god oh my god right i have the date shot once you have the data shot let me try and fix this okay if i turn off v-sync but i have everything else on go data showing oh my god right hopefully this is fine what life path did i choose i chose corpo i chose corporal path because that is where the money is at won't come cheap oh my god to be done on the sly no trail hard eddies only got the money it's still bouncing disable the buffering in the capture card on streaming software a runner with a gold-plated brain uh i've got any buffering enabled on my capture card no buffering is enabled on my capture card now what you need from me my trigger finger to zero this length i just don't understand this i'll keep the fps tab open chat so i can see what what the fps is pulling on my um recording stuff so i could always count on you jeff all right let me go well you know me i'm not all sunshine and rainbows but this job ain't my style actually i didn't think it was yours either you know how our sock operates okay we're getting a lovely lore expedition i'm just going to skip all this because i need to check the fps thing what do you say we lick her up that's it skip skip um i'm not gonna drink i'm not drinking you know i don't drink wait you know i don't drink i literally just drank in the bloody vehicle on the way here [Laughter] oh my god i can't believe i'm such a dick to my friends and colleagues skip skip skip skip skip uh think i have a choice there we go skip skip skip skip skip skip skip skip skip skip skip skip skip no story for anyone play the game yourself if you want story oh hello there these people appear to be interested in me marasaka hq is there a problem will you hear about frankfurt oh my we're here for you oh he said that without even moving his lips what an incredible man um i said that's not your concern i don't believe i will that's between me and jenkins oh no [ __ ] oh no how are you feeling pretty sharp dive huh your access to company networks is here oh no i've just been kicked off the company network no oh no you received from jenkins this will conclude termination procedures oh no all right i'm surrendering the shard information smart choice oh no oh no looks like we're getting a fun little fight opening sequence which i'm going to skip all the way through nope we don't get the fight all right i feel like [ __ ] apparently there we go skip skip skip skip skip skip give skip skip skip skip skip skip skip skip skip give me my fps game give me my fps also i don't like the skip animation it's very very aggressive skip skip skip skip oh no and i'm dead right well that's the end of cyberpunk 2077 it starts now because i just lost my job and as everyone knows when you lose your job in a dystopian future hell escape that's pretty much game over for you right come on give me give me free control give me free control okay right okay we're getting a montage we're getting a montage oh i look beautiful i look absolutely beautiful oh no i'm into stealing things oh no i'm into crime oh no i'm a bad person i'm not very good at all i thought i was an upstanding role model a member of society but no it turns out i'm evil oh goodness all right escape oh that best be a level up bar on the top right more level up means more exploits because as fun as having my fps being exploited by a aaa game i'd actually like to uh do some do some other exploits you know or somewhere in this building all right cool fps are you back i mean this looks good this looks smooth this is solid 60 fps i'm getting all right come on the deck training shard come on come on guess let me quickly tap on now as well down for some target practice and vr right um do i want to do a tutorial no skip tutorial no time maybe no tutorial sure sure there we go oh my goodness this this is the game chat game of the year right time to get to work fps testing mode let's go baby let's see how smooth this is oh and the game's crashed oh my god oh that was hilarious it was just so well timed it was so well timed it was just as soon as i stepped out the car moved one step i just got a ding and then it's gone oh my god what hardware is the brick running i'm running a 2080 ti and an overclocked i9 cpu uh running at five gigahertz i'm able to run every single game currently on the market ultra setting 60fps and 4k this um has oh my god that was just incredible oh god oh that was that was too funny that was too funny i reckon there's just a developer somewhere just who has access to my game and is just able to press like the [ __ ] with streamer button oh god oh that is incredible that is actually insane oh my god by the way this game was 59 gigabytes to download just so you know um quite big quite a big game oh jesus christ what a game is this like uh an mmo where apparently the end game's better because um i'm hoping that the end game doesn't crash like that but technically that's our first game break that was the first time the game has properly crashed um you're right chad there's no stuttering when the game crashes you're right here we go right we get to do that we get to do the cut seat again there we go it's fine now we get to do the scene where i'm sat in the car again 11 out of 10 11 out of 10. chad don't you call it cyberbug 2077. that's rude you'll upset the people who have invested five thousand pounds into this game right there we go let's get let's go i am very excited to play this game i know there is a good game in here that is definitely worth the fact that i got this game for free um and i'm sure this game will probably be worth 30 pounds or 40 pounds at least i mean the graphics alone are quite nice it's just um it might not be everyone's cup of tea no time all right let me grab this sure sure a gig for every dollar for the game you're right oh right let's go let's go uh and follow jackie again oh no crash no crash ladies and gentlemen the game is working the game is working but yes you are right chad this game is technically one-fifth of the size of call of duty modern warfare which makes this game absolutely insane considering call of duty modern warfare is hot garbage uh sorry i mean a very enjoyable game for people um somewhere just not me and now hopefully the fps is working fine um did you get the day one patch the day one patch isn't released yet because this isn't day one this is minus one day oh um and to teaburg who the heck's tebow targets okay all right t-bug is our friend apparently target could have possibly flatlined already there we go time bug we sure you're on phones but that won't make you anymore no crash honestly this is ign game of the year i mean you have to remember that skyrim at launch which is one of my favorite games uh crashed a ton and still does um fallout 4 crashes a ton i still love it spore don't even get started on sport launch um minecraft actually minecraft's always been kind of okay uh but there we go we're smooth now let's move looking for 1237. there we go should i drop down a save file just in case fingers crossed it's not too late all right let's go let me hack this door there we go okay the whole tab to hack we're in watch dogs baby let's go let's this uses two ram if only what if only this game could use two ram right um i guess i tag it and then i press f to execute and now the doors open cool right press alt to draw weapon there we go i have a gun uh let us keep a low profile by crouching oh i pressed oh i pressed c whilst crouching and so i'd skip the skip the cutscene okay c is the crouch button but so is control don't use c don't use c don't press c you'll skip the game all right let's skip this skip all of this skip skip skip next room open up oh oh this is the thing we've i think i've seen this from the tutorial or the gameplay demo right let us crouch and i could do a takedown or i could just shoot him in the back of the head for 154 damage that's good fun oh he's got a gun oh wait no that's my friend okay that man is dead as well oh he's got a gun as well i like that what do we got here we've got a cyber effect silverware thing what's this oh and a loot box oh there's a whole bunch of goodies around i like that in my video games i like goodies oh and i'm gaining experience in handguns good scalpel right let me go into my inventory already and see if i have a better pistol so right here we go here we go this is the good stuff so every gun has stats and they also have bonuses so this pistol does a 1.2 headshot damage multiplier this is what you want you don't want a plus 10 damage for a headshot you want to multiply because multipliers can be broken much stronger than anything else was there a t-pose did i miss a t-pose in this game all right let's kill this person [Music] headshot headshot headshot headshot give me headshot give me a headshot i feel like i should stop aiming for the headshot the headshot is not the way to go i can press x what does that do oh it heals me okay all right oh i found the healy thing well um is this fallout 2077 it's not fallout 2077 it best not be i would be immensely sad or a grenade oh yeah oh and there's another grenade and another one nice oh my god so i did like an emp grenade on him so he stopped he stopped functioning nice okay that's another garbage pistol i can take also this game is way too loud for me like this is functionally a bit too much for my ears okay so this does more dps it has a two headshot damage multiplier so this just does more damage for a headshot so it's objectively better in my opinion it's just objectively better i'm also turning down the game sounds because that is way too loud for me it's just it's just murdering my ears with noise i don't want music in every combat all right there we go there we go music is gone oh now i feel like i'm i'm missing every shot oh he's shooting through the wall oh i like that that's a bit of battlefield leave illusion there and headshot and headshot and headshot nice 411 damage there looks like you got him oh i just got edited pistol level up which meant that i um oh look at this bad boy look at this bad boy oh this looks fun and it shoots but i am way too small to hold this i am going so slow look at me crawl oh a jacket nice um yeah i remember this from the opening thing yeah i'm pretty sure we open up that door and then i think i'm storming out um oh my goodness a straw hat it's a straw hat ladies and gentlemen oh yeah sorry level requirement two you are level capping a straw woven trilby hat ah game you can't you can't do that you can't do that game it's it's not okay like i can understand it from a balancing perspective but it's a straw hat like if it's such an upsetting balancing perspective make a level one straw hat a straw hat shouldn't be a high level item when i think straw hat i think anyone can pick it up and wear it it's a hat maybe if it's like a high-tech military helmet that would require training or experience but it's a straw hat okay right that's also how do i drop the gun in my hand there we go just mouse wheeling it's gone thank god i'll grab bounce back apparently i need to fix the fps again so nothing's been fixed let's go for ultra performance rather than quality we're going for ultra performance dlss setting this is it cyberpunk this is my many efforts to make it so that i can actually stream you i like how i need the right to wear a goddamn straw hat oh i get to check the body oh my goodness a whole bunch of bodies i got a stomach of steel but no no well we got some dead bodies here chet i think i got her got our target yeah you literally need to be level two to tip a fedora hat to find out okay is this person alive or dead you know what we're dealing with well she looks alive because her eyes are twitching right let's uh let's check in oh my goodness cyberstraw 2077 that's it baby that's it sandra dorsey gotta get level two hipster status to wear straw hats it's yeah and you get armor on a straw hat four armor on a straw hat i wonder how that compares to high-tech military straw hats with like a deployable shield i want a level 420 straw hat which is able to just bounce grenades off of my mega brain all right let's go i will say i this game this does look pretty much on par with the demo that they had um i think because this isn't entirely a demo sequence which they had right let's pull the show up let's go oh my god we're just pulling something from her brain okay that's mean that's pretty mean yeah we're jacking in and out of people um everyone in this game is jacking apparently why is she jiggling i think it's to do with the shock of being in the water um it's going to be my guess um all right let's pick her up oh no she's flatlining do i save her life nope i'm just gonna i'm just gonna let her die no apparently i don't have a choice the game's gonna force me to save her i didn't press the f key i think i i killed her i tried to murder her now the game's just gone no we want to save her okay right let me just walk on out there we go i'm sorry this isn't an anime anime game the jiggle physics is not that strong in real life game come on right here we come hello there [Music] hello medical person oh my goodness okay back to the doorway i go before i get murdered wait for the trauma team look at this lovely trauma team god i love how the trauma team are literally straight up ready to murder people right place the patient on the ground f to set the woman down there we go steps back now oh there you go i got punched that tells you that the the uh the medical people are evil in this game very evil we've saved a live chat not that i wanted to right away we go job done job done jackie come on let's go i don't want to spoil the story to other people i'm sorry what the [ __ ] was that jackie what is have you got phase shifting abilities this this man is incredible i can't do that how do i do that jackie how can i phase shift through physical matter what is this man he's a beautiful boy oh my goodness what an incredible incredible man oh my goodness i will say i'm enjoying this game i'm very much enjoying this this is my kind of game i can get behind i almost forgot now before we get into the elevator i'm going to be taking a look at my character stats because um i've noticed that yes here we go so with my reflexes i can increase my handgun stat so um handguns are at level two and here we go this is it we've got a skill tree ladies and gentlemen after a successful headshot with a pistol or revolver crit chance increases by 25 percent nice so that's okay this is how we do it we can get to a plus 100 critical hit chance if you can basically stack modifiers up to 75 so if you can get up to 75 then all you need is this to then guarantee 100 we're already at 12 so we're actually quite far there um increase the headshot damage multiplied by pistols and revolvers by 10 okay that also seems quite stupid decreased reload time doesn't make a difference to damage increased crit chance of pistols and revolver by four percent bam instantly that is another plus 12 percent so we're already up to plus 24 plus 25 that means we're up to 50 well 49 critical chance and i haven't even leveled up my reflexes that anymore rate of fire enables you to shoot with pistols and revolvers while dodging okay last random pistol revolver clip deals double damage no no hang on a second no okay i'm telling you there's a way to get 100 critical damage and then at the same time if we can find a pistol with basically the shortest clip in the world then we could get a critical hit 100 of the time and then double the critical hit and equally at the same time you can increase the damage a critical hit does so at the moment we're currently doing about 75 damage with a headshot but if we critical it we can get more damage of a headshot we could so already our revolver does a hundred percent extra damage because it's a headshot it does double damage so instead of doing 75 it does 140 if it was to do a critical hit it would double again plus a bit extra so we'd be doing like 300 and then if it's the final bullet it doubles again i don't think anyone balanced this game i genuinely don't think anyone balanced this game because the issue is they've included flat times twos in the form of this this is just a flat whatever number you're at we times it by two and then they've also included modifiers if you mix a percentage with a straight up doubling then that that doubling doesn't end it just gets worse and worse and worse like literally this means the most overpowered weapon in the game is a goddamn flintlock pistol from the pirate era you just pull that bad boy out bam one hit headshot 100 critical hit chance triple damage not even triple damage quadruple damage probably not even that at the end of the day all right reduces recoil that's meaningless removes the damage penalty from pistols and revolvers when shooting from a distance so that means you can use it as a sniper you whack a scope on it your pistol is more powerful than sniper rifle after a successful critical hit with a pistol or revolver damage and an armor increase by 30 percent plus one percent per perk level and this has no limit and there's a way to get plus one hundred percent no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no you can't do that you actually oh my god okay so we already got reduced the aim downsides time of the pistol upgrade then we can get reduce the recoil reduce the spread plus one perk increase crit chance by five percent this is just by using pistols and shooting people plus one point plus one per point increase crit damage by 15 plus one perc reduce recoil reduce recoil so we can get recoil down to zero reduce spread reduce recoil and then unlock the last perk in the skill tree which is this like do you do even why i mean i haven't even gone for all of these and i'm just firing a consecutive shot with a pistol or revolver at the same time increases damage by 10 percent that's actually see that that's not much that's pretty balanced okay i mean it's it's good if you're fighting a boss but it's only plus 10 i mean this is literally plus 10 and this is double damage do you want plus 10 damage with the next shot or oh no it's firing consecutive shots so it's every shot after increases damage by 10 so if you had a rapid fire pistol you could the final shot would do 200 damage right that's fine i'm just going to play the game and of course um is there a dual wielding ability there has to be a dual weirding ability increase crit chance by another 10 percent i'm done like i've just got to play the game don't i there's just i'm playing the game i'm broken already i haven't even played the game chat and i i've already just gone okay this is how to completely break it we're not even we're like we're very we're hardly into the game and already it's in the bag also i'm sorry for not seeing the donation early but thank you very much for the 50 and also thank you very much to the 6400 people who've liked the stream already we are just 500 people away from achieving 6969 likes on this stream all right let's call this person oh my goodness oh i love this i love this how did it go all right let's go also the lag is fixed i'm pretty sure yeah i'm pretty sure the leg's fixed right she's alive she's alive and well that's what we agree that's a lot of damage how am i playing i got early access um because i'm a content creator a few of us did but i am losing it because this game is completely completely over like just i don't understand why pistol is the most overpowered thing i mean this is literally just me guessing what an exploit is fast i just went into this game and and thought okay there's probably an exploit to do critical damage there's probably a way to get infinite money as well watson on lockdown but i just sleep in my own bed tonight i just don't right i'm just gonna sit in the passenger seat here we go oh my god oh we bypassed 69 000 likes i see sorry not six nine thousand like six nine six thousand nine hundred likes okay i guess we're in for 69 000 likes then so if you as many like even though cyberpunk is many exploits youtube live streaming has exploits because on twitch there's nothing you can do to make sure that that stream gets shown to more people on youtube if you like a live stream it sits at the top of the search results for whatever for just for forever and there's no way to stop it oh my god city like any other all right just big let's uh let's throw ourselves there not just any other city this is gonna be fun i mean this i love the world design they've got going on here this is graphically in an artistic style very nice if we can like go up and stand there and see all of this and murder civilians then i'm very excited but also it's ai driving time and ai driving time appears to be going fine um he's doing a little bit better than that time when he phase shift inside of the cabinet so uh things are good is this open world it is open world yeah oh we're getting murdered chat hold alt to draw weapon holster weapon and return to seat is double tap alt okay all right let's right oh my god it is oh my god it's hard to shoot whilst moving um there we go there's 130 headshot damage it's very nice they're just not shooting back at me why aren't they shooting back they're just like awkwardly staring at me with guns oh i've got a reload actually oh there's someone oh bye-bye bye-bye it's incredible look at him fly oh my god i love it i actually love it that is incredible that is beautiful that's right kind of game oh what's this this looks like a roadblock up ahead yeah this looks like a roadblock oh look at that that looks fun i reckon we're going to be able to one day hack that bad boy well these the police damn these police look pretty pretty cool necessary security measure officer ma'am damn are we ever lucky we ran into you oh no system malfunction oh no i'm dying oh my god 10 out of 10 gameplay look i know some people don't like ragdoll physics in game and for you simply just wait for the game to be patched but for me and i'm pretty sure like 50 of youtube i love i absolutely love it when ragdolls just break yeah i love that intense action gameplay where the people who are meant to be fighting us just simply aren't even fighting us but he's a good kid oh that was great that was amazing what bullets did i use on them i used my phase shift reality bullets um okay on your way oh my god good evening game of the year it's game of the year ladies and gentlemen we have discovered cyberpunk 2077 game of the year i have no idea what just happened at that checkpoint there we go she took a liking to you there we go there we go what a game honestly still looks good yeah it still looks good look at this like this actually looks like a really nice little world i i'd like to walk around here and just see what the world's like oh what a glorious glorious place this is wow oh a bit of a gang war [Music] or is this the police oh here comes the police oh yeah something tells me those bullets are oh my god yeah that's just gonna be what we're liking about as soon as i get the exploits rolling that's just gonna be us right there goddamn iron man drop down from the giant tactical ship oh my goodness those people are dead they're very dead oh my goodness poor guys poor guys right if you're riding as a passenger you can skip rides with f nice i mean as much i love the world i do want to just kind of dive into the game and exploit it so i will skip the ride with f but i like that as a function a lot of games don't have that as a function and of course we get a loading screen once we do it but that has to happen back to hayward now don't let me through sure about that all right yeah i'll play nice jackie again oh there we go look at this we're in a lovely little area now this is nice we've got some interesting beach art work going on there right sweet dreams i'm out tell misty i said hi goodbye man jackie seems like a fun little companion okay of all the video game companions that i've seen he seems quite fun let's go up oh perk points time i just saw i got a perk point one attribute point available one perk point ah you're telling me i can increase reflexes don't mind if i do increase my reflexes even more increase stealth damage by 10 for each level so we're already at plus 60 stealth damage why is plus 200 self-damage seen as fine no like why can't why why not plus 100 stealth damage plus 200 no right we're going um we're going to acquire another reflex point and then in the perk section of handguns of course just look how garbage pistols are like look at that after defeating an enemy gun sway is nullified and the weapon spread does not increase for 10 seconds that's its ultimate perk weapon spread does not increase for 10 seconds handguns have all of these that reduce the recoil and spread of pistols handguns by the end already have no spread or recoil and the final perk is plus 30 damage and then another plus one with each perk level oh yeah level two straw hat time chat let's go straw hat time it's time well bam oh yes look at that beauty what an absolute scorcher and i could even change to a a funky jacket um yeah beautiful absolutely beautiful oh wow we've got any other guns not really no that's okay that's perfect right i need to actually level up my character though i want to point into handguns reduce reload time no increase headshot damage multiplier increase damage with pistols and revolvers to enemy plus five meters away by 15 percent nice increased damage by five percent increase crit chance by four percent i reckon we've got to go for crit chance although i do want i i really just want to head to this one here so i've got to be level 12 before i can actually pick that one up okay that's fine so we'll go for um we'll go for quick chance quick answer is hold to acquire bam m'lady tips my cyberpunk head all right let's go let's go where am i am i meant to go into the lift yep i am marta take me up take me up apartments oh no my first guest tonight earlier can you go for a no pants build i don't think you can i don't think you can control your trousers in this game um you can control what's in your trousers how big is my character's dong it's so big the biggest biggest of schlongs oh my goodness oh we can just talk to these random people hello why why oh okay right well we can't really oh my goodness but this guy actually has a cigarette unlike the people in the starting area this man is smoking a cigarette rather than just smoking his bare fingers so they were meant to have cigarettes oh it's it's burrito big i lost five bucks on that a burrito xxl applies the nourishment status which increases max health by five percent i'll take that bad boy what about you you're all about drinks oh i'll spend ten dollars on a drink applies the hydration status there you go chat stay hydrated and then i'm guessing you're the same and what are you is this a gadget game give me a five dollar gadget game nourishment mint pie okay gives the nourishment status oh yeah third time oh no all right let's go so this is our apartment um looks quite nice we can open up this oh this is my john wick cupboard very nice this is my stash my stash where i keep my stuff i've got a i've got a katana chat i've got a katana what's this setup 2080ti look at that i've got a witch's wolf school t-shirt yeah oh yeah and i can change my trousers and i can change my shoes oh these look great these actually look really fun oh yeah i'm going to wear myself some sweet sweet because the world in 2017 to 70 could you still use a monster oh that's cute that's very cute i will be taking that and i will also be taking this giant katana because it seems great fun i love the look of the giant katana right and now my mission go to bed i like that right can i change my jacket yes i can bam mods oh it's got a mod reduced damage from negative status effects by 5 cool interesting let us sleep it's weep time let's rest do you also rest by just putting your hands over your eyes and then just that's it you're gone wow i i'm noticing that i didn't actually lie in the bed normally my like only my head was on the bed that's not how humans sleep on a bed you don't sleep with your legs sticking out the side of the bed why oh yeah and also zero dps katana yeah look it's okay it's just my it's just my zero dps guitar chat can i can i select my zero dps i can no it's now 136 dps it's changed it's changed chat okay oh my god you get any sleep can i pull out a gun i can't no time i wonder if there is actually a completely broken melee thing as well let's let me go to um character um so does my character look absolutely my character looks like a pimp i look like you have a walking pimp cane there that's pretty pretty entertaining um let's go for character which one's melee this one's melee street brawler isn't it yep or is this punching reduce melee weapons increase crit damage by 60 for 10 seconds after entering combat [Music] i mean that's quite good but that's only for 10 seconds and that's also a blunt weapon you have to be using blunt weapons for this there's not many i don't see many like bladed weapons oh well looks like blood weapons pretty broken sorry what are these creepy hands hello can i tickle your shoulders if you're looking for work can i tickle your shoulders how'd you even know my name oh let me stroke your face let me stroke your face let me stroke your face you want to see you want to see me unschlieffe unchief oh wait no that's my pistol [Music] uh let's read that message it's a mission message whatever that means i don't know what it means let's back on out let's meet with jackie oh my god i'm literally holding it like a weeb we're here oh you like my nails chad that's good i hope you like my nails they're pretty cool wait you mean i don't think that that's very hygienic to just be naked whilst cooking oh wow what a what a world it's a gun shop how about a round or two what do you think oh this guy wants to do boxing no i don't want to do boxing okay i'm also not going in there i want to go to the gun shop hello here we go wilson show me your guns let's see blades are under reflex of course they are of course there that's fine chat we can find them okay so you're garbage pistols garbage pistols is this a crossbow no it's a light machine gun that's a knife not as cool as my blade whilst you were was you were being cool in high school i was studying the blade i've got my fedora i've got my blade oh my my man is literally the cringiest dude in the universe oh a pacifier mod to increase crit damage by 8 so that means there's going to be a modifier that increases crit chance increased damage to limbs by 5 allows you to craft a grenade nice hitting a target reduces damage received from them by 10 that's quite nice i like that as a feature and then just a scope okay cool cool okay this is interesting two times damage when attacking from stealth no you're not allowed this in video games game this is actually exceedingly dumb you already have a plus two hundred percent you already have a two times modifier for stealth damage okay you can't add another one that's plus 400 stealth damage did was no one talking to each other when they made these items oh no i'm sorry i'm sorry two times wasn't enough 2.5 times is in fact what we need so that's 450 stealth damage and you could use that with a pistol which is already going to be getting plus like the pistol is going to be getting how much it's going to be getting like um plus 100 or something percent it the pistol be getting plus 300 damage because of all the crit chances like this game is going to just become skyrim where everyone's doing stealth archery oh my goodness we're 30 likes away from 10 000 likes as well chad thank you very much you generous people i just i just don't get it i know skyrim has 12 times stealth damage but this game might actually have more like these are uncommon items at the start of the game right i've bought it now can i sell my garbage pistols yes i can random lexington gun you can go have i got any other garbage i could sell a bio has a grenade that seems fun a cola blue cola i did get that for 10 yep that makes sense there's my straw hat yeah this game is paid to win by the way because if you pre-ordered it you get 10 extra bucks you can sell that junk there we go and yeah this seems fine all right let me whack this onto my pistol let me whack this on oh goodness all right so um attachments muzzle bam now this does lower the crit chance by five percent but considering we're getting considering that might reduce us to only a 95 crit chance i'm pretty sure that's fine um i'll collect your gun from wilson apparently i also have a mission let's have a look what what gun am i meant to be picking up this one is this it i mean it's got a little exclamation mark next to it so i imagine it is what's this increase headshot damage by 50 and significantly reduce reload time but it's already got a plus it's already got a plus 1.8 headshot damage multiplier it's i why you can't have that in a game you can't have plus 1.8 and then add another plus 50. you can't keep adding multipliers you stop adding multipliers to the pistols they don't need this many multipliers i understand it's an rpg i understand that but you don't need multipliers for everything oh my goodness upgrading iconic items okay apparently it's an iconic item that i can upgrade i just pacifica the district why i just you see normally in games silencers increase the crit chance but they decrease the damage this game silence has increased the stealth damage but because there's already so much stuff that increases the stealth damage it doesn't end participation all right let's go from all of us let's go meet jackie what's this here it's like an amazon parcel dump yep cool oh i can sell stuff here oh it's like a selling dump i can sell this iconic weapon for um 25 bucks oh look at this right that's a oh hello that man was a bit weird took you long enough my god this actually looks good god this looks actually lovely oh that is hmm no there's so much to see here that's nice that is nice let's sit down there's just something about a surprise yesterday remember silence increases crit chance it doesn't increase crit chance it doesn't there's no way it can't oh no increases crit chance by 5 reduces base damage by 25 percent but plus 2.5 stealth so here's what you do you just take it off in combat if you're in a stealth section you put it on when you're out of the stealth section you take it off there is literally no downside to this there is no downside because i just let me put that on as well on my jacket probably both because you usually forget [ __ ] how am i streaming this without a dmca takedown i got early access to the game i've got early access oh my god just that he's fronted by a little known someone oh my god you know what let me do a quick check let me do the second most watched cyberpunk stream where the second most watched cyberpunk stream that is hilarious i can't believe that all right let's do this job by the way i'm not playing the game on the highest quality settings chat just so you know i'm playing on like a mix between low and medium because uh whilst the game does run at 60 fps on high it for some reason crunches my capture settings uh and i can't have you guys watch this at 10 p 10 fps whilst i'm playing at 60. right let's go all right let's see what old decks has to say and yeah this is the thing we don't actually know if the multipliers add on to each other perfectly because if the multipliers add on perfectly and it goes okay you've got 25 um plus damage from say a scope and 25 from the gun so we add them together and that's plus 50 because if it doesn't do that then what you might end up with is a base damage of 10 and then you get a plus 200 damage to it so it does 200 but then there's also another there's also another modifier which is like plus 10 and if that plus 10 increases the new damage of 20 or just adds to the other percentages that's what you need to know because if it increases the new damage then there is no end to the amount of damage you can do oh really all right no let's go it's always the same story this is just on fresh turf i just fixed your waves he's smiling my game it's it's broken it is big propaganda i do like this new deleting sequence but i'm going to skip it i will also skip the next new leading sequence let's take these keys um let's go much appreciated to do you can call your active vehicle to your current location with v that's nice so the vehicle is now the uh the factory the uh there we go the horse from witcher hopefully it breaks like the horse oh my goodness all right let's stand up let's go feel this fact now all all i need to do in order to win this game is just simply to find an endlessly spawning loop of enemies and that way i'm going to be able to uh level up my pistol permanently oh here we go it's driving time driving time driving time look at me i'm driving a car oh it's a it's a little bit wiggly okay look first time driver okay really gets me you know oh i can switch camera oh yeah third person cam and turn and park and we just auto exit that's interesting let's meet with the ripper dog for your eyes do not belong to you gary the prophet ladies and gentlemen only to you gary gary this is a gun gary this is a gun oh my god i can't actually kill gary you can't kill gary dude dude's immortal dr vector will see you now oh my goodness is super chat disabled superchat's not disabled um it's fine don't say crash you're going to cause the game to crash don't say it it's evil you can't say you can't say crash speaking of which i want to actually save the game because my last manual save is right back at the start of the game when it was glitching out all right let me go meet with ripperdoc oh he's all the way down here nice wait was that what was that i saw something pet pet cat you got a big that cat or this okay this cat thank god i thought he was just a pet child called cat button which would have been a little bit odd um all right let's open this up all right let's get a new neuro mod i think apparently i've been spiking migraines nausea oh hyper sensitivity to bright lights yep everyone's got hyper sensitivity to bright lights after this game victor that's a bit war breaking to say um you're experiencing hyper sensitivity to bright lights oh goodness what's that on the floor that's oh it's not clipping for the terrain i thought it was that's fine i'm looking for an upgrade but tools not toys fake time i bumped up my sights and got a grip oh that's mine steely steely steely steely steely stuff got a job any other stuff to steal give me all the stuff to steal a grenade thank you that is something all right let's sit down and get ourselves um snpg yet that's it oh um have i got the money i haven't got the money quit crying vic i'll bring you the eddies later with interest oh no i haven't got the money hmm last time i haven't got the money can i switch to third person i don't think there is third person chat if there's a third person you best tell me because i love third person am i using roanoke keeps yes i am i'm using vyanukivs uh he's beautiful he does look a bit like a hipster pimp at the moment what is the chances that percentage bugging is so stack is broken so you can give get 10 times for no reason very likely actually especially with a game like this because there's so many different developers okay um brace yourselves because there might be an epilepsy warning coming up i have no idea now jack yeah because we're about to get jacked in so uh might be worth closing your eyes oh all right let's go oh okay that's not too bad let's go see what's going on inside my head with the neuromod oh it's us i can upgrade my hands and my arms and my nervous system my circular tree system my frontal cortex defeating an enemy instantly recovers one ram increases cyber decrement recovery rate okay oculus system enhances your vision and that's it circulatory system i'm guessing this is health yep instantly when you have drops to 15 releases an electroshock that deals damage to equal to 20 percent nice increases health by 3 after you discharge a fully charged weapon um increases time of breach to know what that means stamina nervous system allows you to aim and shoot while dodging slows time by 15 for 1.5 seconds when blocking aiming or attacking oh so this this costs five grand and you can just you can just immediately slow time every time you go down the sides that's nice this just increases armor or immunity to shock skeleton increasing carrying capacity good hands uh that seems to basically nothing increases chance of ricky saying shots with power weapons okay that's arms are oh my god you can get punching arms look at that that looks pretty cool mantis blades oh now this is actually these look pretty fun i like that but this looks much cooler because it turns your entire bloody arm into a rocket launcher and legs power jump or double jump hold charge to the power of jump and then release i imagine double jump would be more and more useful anyway um i suppose we can change our operating system okay that's pretty cool that's just all for the hacking stuff right let's uh whack on some new arms and then back on out and then work on some new eyes and back on out there we go job done mark one like i said decent enough scan displays data on your corner i mean that's actually pretty fun i i love the amount of customization this has this is good layman's term all right skipping skip skip skip skip skip skip skip skip skip skip skip skip excellent skip lay that major league arm of yours right here oh no my arm's about to go oh goodbye um thanks oh i don't think i'm going to like this i don't like anesthetics feel anything let me pray oh oh that's not too bad uh nothing same as always don't feel a thing you ask me that every time i like the sound of rocket punches if things are going to be any different today that's not too bad actually graphically that's okay stroke or paralysis but what do i know skip that's right skip like oh no no no no definitely skip that bit i don't like things going their eyes see the magic in action oh no making you win i'm look i'm skipping so that you guys can enjoy the lauren story on your own i'm not here to show you the lauren story low contrast the touches i mean the developers literally explicitly asked us to try and spoil as little as possible all right there we go i have brand new eyes um right better than ever this is fantastic oh look at this crispy clear vision now wouldn't it be funny if the game actually was just running in like low quality mode and until you got your eyes enhanced that was how you actually increased the quality now that would be a great way right okay apparently i can now scan people um hold tab to use scanner civilian with a 60 resistance to fire oh yeah i wonder if you could modify your schlong to shoot a laser instead bro did i just weigh sixty dollars for nothing no my friend i'm pretty sure there's still a fun game here but if you're really hooked on having a perfectly balanced game leave it about a month wait for patches to come through and then give it a go because um currently we've had set sequences where the enemies simply won't shoot back we've had characters glitching through terrain and we have perfectly balanced weapon damage modifiers although i personally love it when guns do stupid amounts of damage right there we go thanks vic [ __ ] victor not bad i don't know what to say say you'll take this and remember the dosage two whiffs now yeah i don't recommend pre-ordering if you have pre-ordered don't worry it's okay don't worry like at the end of the day it's it's money that you already spent so you might as well just enjoy it as much as you can oh that's going through my coat that's fine that's pretty standard for video games all right let's go what's that spunky monkey okay is that the uh schlong cyber mod the spunky monkey uh can i scan this child there we go piotr stevie where's the cat sorry where's oh here's the cat the cat has moved the cat does not exist biologically speaking oh criminal record does not exist or you don't have permission to view it hello there spare change why is your mouth not moving could you say spare change maybe it's a neuromod what have you got uh johanna neves okay oh look at this this is great you look fun you look insane though absolutely insane let's go back and talk to jackie your heart chakra looks a little out of whack babe i can release it for you oh i love you love this power couple dynamics whoever this is is this game good or was it overhyped um i mean every game that has been in development for this long will be overhyped no matter what everyone will project what they want onto this game and i think that as always hype will ruin experiences for you the best way to enjoy a game is to just not hype it up for yourself and then just enjoy it i've got a mission here i apparently regina's talking to me but i believe even an unproven therapy is still there regina go away i want to get my mission from this man i want to get a mission from this lovely crazy man oh my goodness you look funny try to incapacitate the attacker and i'll send someone to pick them up right okay i don't need to know how to incapacitate um uh let's go for you suggest i gouge out my implants so what there we go should i just gouge out my optics oh let's go is this stutter back oh for goodness sake you are beyond salvation but not the children of the future life untainted by surgery of the sacrilege game you are crushing me you are crushing me let me skip this profit man have you got anything else to say you ask why the titans of entertainment in alpha centauri gary was that literally all you literally got nothing for me okay he had nothing for me i thought gary was gonna be a side mission but no gary does not have a side mission let's go over here meet with dex oh oh shootie shoots i like this can i join in oh a bit late i suppose i can because apparently they don't lose health when they explode right critical headshot that was 162 damage good this is also apparently going to give me street cred there go you're dead you are also dead headshot headshot good stuff and one last person shoot you shoot and you're dead good stuff and i've leveled up my handguns again which means i can open my perks and you know what time it is it's time to increase handgun uh critical chance by another eight percent because someone thought that would be a good idea [Music] oh you don't look too good let me just um take that from you take that from you ricochet weapons yep that's cool what's that is that a shotgun i'll take that i'll take your tactical boots have you got any other goodies wait was that just a person sat here on a chair yep they were oh my goodness now is this what they were fighting over maybe this looks like a no it looked like a chest it was not a chest they were in fact fighting over literally nothing except maybe this shot well machine gun right away we go fps on my end is fine i'm getting a solid 60. um it's just it doesn't for some reason capture well at all oh wait i'm back i'm back i'm back i'm back oh goodness those people appear to not like me um yep i need to get inside of this vehicle hello dex oh my goodness mr v a pleasure dexter deshawn in the flesh ample indeed oh hello dexter to sean now mr dex looks pretty snazzy look at this man look at this man why am i running a potato quality um i'm like the game runs fine on my end but it's just for some reason it doesn't capture well at all like every other game does but this does not capture well um all right uh let's go for this some sort of test there we go just a pet topic of mine you mean riddles is this pc of course it's pc all right listen close scanning a serious job now skip skip i can't escape let me hear it i can't skip the job nobody can skip prototype my goodness is this out for everybody or did i get an early copy just look in the description of course i got an early copy of course let me take a look at my um streamlabs oh my god yeah streamlabs is literally getting a solid 57fps only let me try um settings video windowed borderless okay and if i just if i just get rid of all of that switch to display get rid of all of this stuff and switch to display capture get rid of game capture and then go for that i'm hoping that this is now this is fine this should be fine now give me stable fps game good nope back down to 57 59 would just have to do 46 again what is the game not at all no problems don't deserve special treatment sure i just why is it look at this why is there a lag what's moving my camera in the recording software like it's fine it is completely fine in the game oh my god i thought we had this fixed i really thought we had this fixed back to full screen apply let's put v-sync back on and now do you want to function first with the maelstrom boys no oh my god game i will murder you i will straight up murder you like this is a 2080 ti why is this like this doesn't make sense oh my god it doesn't even make sense welcome to um oh my god right we're switching back to game capture oh my god let me take a look if i can edit anything on my obs settings to make this more functional i cannot change settings whilst i'm live of course i can't of course i can't oh my good lord let's go for a normal hook rate let's go back to cyberpunk i just really don't get it game i really don't you should be 100 fine and yet you are just literally dying oh my goodness all right back in we go back in we go second to rendezvous simple job's anxious she wants to parlay with one of the teams all right let us continue it seems fine okay yeah this seems fine now good what's the issue with maelstrom gotta be everything's fine we're back we're back okay i've got a shard i feel like slotting in random shards is not good i feel like that's that's the way of getting effectively got away with the viruses corp don't even we are back now this is good solid 60 fps now good convoy was carrying the flat head a little combat bot a prototype minimize anything in the background i shouldn't have to minimize anything in the background it doesn't make sense why i'd have to we don't get no soccer chip and we sure as hell don't get no happily ever after but don't get excited i mean just to be safe i'll turn off the live and keanu reeves there we go i can't raise the bit rate actually that is one thing that i can't do but there we go we are back and everything is now fine in the game oh thank god i can actually go into my inventory store whilst in this now there was something which i did want to look at which is um the blade skill because you did mention it and it is in reflexes of course it is so blades increase damage with blades by one percent for every one percent of health the enemy is missing uh that's not very good um increase crit damage by 25 percent that's also not the best blades have a 15 chance to apply bleeding that could be good defensive attacks with blades deal 200 percent more damage and that's level one so you could get that twice so that's plus 400 more damage with a defensive attack dodging increases damage by 25 that's not that much um when while wielding blades defeating an enemy restores 20 health now that does seem quite powerful and your increased bleeding duration by three percent bleeding applies applied with blades can stack three times increase crit chance by 25 by 20 um it's okay blades seem good like the most overpowered broken thing in it is the offensive defense so if you're basically being attacked you can somehow you can somehow basically oh here we go woman's a corporate agent there we go what you playing at now you see i got that option because i had the corporate origin story after the convoy the one lead she's got zip tied in her trunk sounds like she was waiting on the transport got stood up monochrome we are able to skip entire story segments but apparently this one we can't but it's okay because we do get to see futures space bent leads which look pretty fun old people walking slowly um and i mean you don't get to see this in the real world anymore because uh you can't actually you can't actually leave your house at the moment so oh those are lovely trees actually that is lovely and considering i'm basically playing on potato graphics that is a lovely tree i mean that's just a lovely skyline that's a beautiful skyline that's nice graffiti some brothers from pacific is insane that someone has effectively sat down and basically shot graffiti on all of these walls because they look nice they look very nice would i consider this more buggy than skyrim i would sadly probably consider this more buggy than skyrim so far um i mean i don't fully know but um i mean skyrim was quite buggy at launch this is also um a little bit buggy but it's it's a giant aaa game in terms of development time and team size this game has probably had a lot more than skyrim which means it's much more bloated and it's much more likely to have bugs the longer games in development it's just going to be adding more bugs to itself really but yeah this this does look nice it's my kind of my kind of game my kind of world building really like a good rpg i'm sure it's not everyone's cup of tea anyway right let's hop out adventure time is it jingling again it's goddamn jingling right i leveled up though so i can do a perk upgrade bam character this means we can increase reflexes again to increase crate chance so we might as well uh f oh wait can i just i've got to hold to purchase here's an idea if i go into the game settings now this is this is an exploit that is quite common in games but um if you go into games and you can turn off the uh the interface settings of having to hold stuff down where is it is it in controls now that's controlled vibration no it looks like there aren't any settings for it but um sometimes in games if you can turn off the kind of like having to hold down to level up it is possible to basically spam the button um which is enough to uh kind of like break the game and add a whole bunch more um skill points oh should i just lower the fps i don't want to play it twin i don't play at 30 fps i don't want to have to play at 30 fps i don't want to you can't make me oh goodness right um so sadly we can't exploit it that way we actually have to hold it down so uh hold it down wait have i yeah i have already leveled it up cool um one more perk point to spend of course on handguns which means we're going to do increase damage by five percent away or just increase damage by three percent i mean i guess i'm just going to go for this passive one here because i might need it to actually gain access to this because sometimes games want you to have like a nice little line even though we have to be level 12 with handguns for it i think it's worth it to do let me get my pistol up claim to want to check our pro cred but to me it feels more like he tangled us up with maelstrom and military is this combat bot military prototype maelstrom collected ah no 30 fps right that's fine is vsync on vsync is on maybe vsync needs to be off right heard about that i can't fully tell takeover oh my goodness that sums it up am i doing something illegal okay i would be killed how much help she stands to be where is jackie and how do i talk to her and there's the other oh no i'm talking to jackie jackie's so oh my god yeah that is some insane stutter i'm going to turn off the sync you think sorry you're off my friend what does that star mean oh confirmation required bam apply all right i kind of just want to murder these people so this would be almost a one-hit headshot this would be almost a one-hair headshot so this i probably shouldn't though just realize i wasn't on full health now i am i let us go meet with jackie i'm gonna have to call my car which is 30 meters away oh here it is hello car let's see if there's an update apparently try that well they've released an update to fix the okay is drm still on drm is not on because i'm playing an early review copy which means i have like a bit of a snooping software which is in my pc and that is stopping me um uh from basically tampering with the game or giving it to other people so when the game's released it's fully drm free um but at the moment not so much oh cool check out his awesome motorbike yeah this looks smooth as heck now that's good that's good that's much nicer it's a strange game sometimes it works sometimes it doesn't work all right talk to jackie jackie hi dex already paid the mail streamers for the corporal bot thing is right so apparently um this is this is also something which we were shown in kind of like the tutorial segment of the game at like i think it was gamescom which is um entirely uh which is kind of like a game which is all about well it's all about trying to get a robot off of these agents now um i do like that there are basically options to buy buy your way through the quest with like 10 000 credits but sadly we haven't found the infinite money exploit yet soon soon we will get it we will get a future we'll get a infinite money exploit very soon i know it is in here somewhere actually wait there's probably a way to see is it in cool because i'm going to guess cool blooded uh no this is like a special mode stealth oh is there also ways to increase more stealth damage increase damaged off by silenced weapons while sneaking by another 25 nice nice crouch attacks from stealth with melee weapons deal 100 more damage and guarantee a critical hit this just is deals 15 more damage to humans um you cannot be detected underwater so what you just fall into the water and you go invisible oh my goodness enemies with less than 15 health are defeated instantly when attacked with a knife cool upon entering combat chance increased by 25 percent okay so there we have it that's 100 critical chance increased damage from headshots fired from outside combat by 30 immunity to poison okay this is all some pretty fun stuff intelligence though have we got any fun money stuff upgrades data mine demon increases the amount of euro dollars acquired from access points by 50 percent this looks like our infinite money this looks like the infinite money right there right onwards we go let's go see these bastards all right let's knock on their door oh yeah i'm pretty pretty excited to fill out this tech tree well not tech tree sorry does my car not exist to you jackie it is exceedingly rude to phase shift through someone's car hey hey i'm parked here i'm parked here oh it's ricocheting it's ricochet i wondered why the bullet was going on the floor oh goodness i thought they was just completely borked right um so this is a tutorial segment i've seen it before let's just open up this door let them know we're here hey yo i'm here hello oh use the intercom i feel like this is if you're not used to video games a lot of people aren't actually going to be able to spot that not every like some people i mean it's nice that we have it on the side of the screen but want to talk to royce that's the kind of thing that people who aren't used to video games aren't going to spot hello dark in chat it's your first time catching a stream welcome to your first live stream of me oh look at all these angry people oh old cans and what's this uncommon components nice whatever that is that's pretty cool oh yeah oh my god look at these guns so if you're really strong you can just rip off the minigun from factory i'll take that the jack combo must have been all over it like maggots you hear about their boss royce grabbing all of the junk a stapler there we go old can got anything in here just an audio log thing great and another healy kit okay awesome how do i get up there probably this way oh nice some trousers but of course level four to put on trousers especially slim fit trousers you have to be level four bad feeling creeping up my spine jack oh there's a mine so uh we can anti-personnel mine directional shrapnel okay so we can see the my favorite subtle oh my goodness so yeah this game um has infinite critical damage um and one hit pistols oh why did i just get teleported there oh we just got heated through right let us oh keep it calm i didn't even get spotted oh my goodness he got spotted he got spotted i that wasn't even me that wasn't even me right headshot there we go headshot damage just get their headshot damage in headshot my god this is just uh what a head what a hell of a shot to try and land this one oh my god he's on fire i swear i'm hitting you there that guy's just shooting through the object there okay there we go 120 critical there we go andy's dead there's just a random head over there nope that hit the wall of course it did that did nine damage okay pistols need to be closer until i get the upgrade you're dead that's a grenade how did that hit me i'm behind a wall oh my god my aiming is potato aim today potato let me just spam click spam clicky oh my goodness okay pistol not performing how well i'd like it to admittedly it does need headshots but still i was i was wishing for something better i mean this rifle does even less damage so i don't even know why i'd want to use it i suppose i am using the um i know why it's because i'm using my garbage i'm using my i've got the modifier on it i need to take that off let's unequip the nuzzle and let us also probably switch around to a superior pistol like say this one here this one looks quite fun does chemical damage but it doesn't have the headshot multiplier which actually makes it worse i'll be taking those what's gonna blow why are you talking about stuff blowing right god that man just threw grenada himself good stuff i'm not shooting the floor in front of me game i'm not shooting the floor oh my goodness apparently i'm on fire headshot oh there's a quick melee attack okay quick melee attack is not good quick melee attack is not up to snuff in this combat situation all right right how about the katana the katana is up to snuff okay i take that back katana definitely good um for the moment until i can upgrade my pistol properly now i did notice i did pick up something interesting there which is in my inventory and i want it uh how do i get to it backpack here we go to do it was in consumables let's just use this you can't do that right now i can't eat stuff in combat why can't i why can't i eat stuff in combat right let's just um let's just run through here grab a ballistics vest what a cool little assault rifle don't mind me uh enemy ai i'm just walking around finding all the goodies you've stashed away up here like this that's a goodie um you guys can just be fighting down there have a grenade there you go poison damage that's nice to see i like how you just naruto run with this bad boy what's going on here what is that um oh there's the enemy oh thank god oh [ __ ] come on come on slashy time slashy time slashy time good stuff okay blade weapons pretty darn good but i can't pick up that item because it's glitched into the floor i want to steal all the goodies where's this last enemy where are you come on what the heck was that why the heck did i just teleport okay he's over there there we go that's more like it now i have my wall hacks okay and strong attack oh now that was a nice decapitation that was a very nice decapitation oh and i got a much better revolver now oh i got a much much better revolver oh that is a stupidly better revolver goodbye garbage revolver hello new revolver where are you where are you i just saw you are you on the floor there you are bam you're mine you are mine oh you lovely sausage okay once again two times headshot damage multiplier but you do more damage by default um is there anything i can do to make you even better i can give you a scope that increases your range and i can give you a silencer but that will actually just make you worse right oh lovely stuff lovely stuff look at that beauty what's that broken eye implant okay we'll take that i'll just pick up all the junk actually we shouldn't this is an exploit gun not a junk pickup run okay that scope not the best headshot nice headshot good and dead i would like if my companion could actually do damage that would be nice if he could big [ __ ] mistake you made fred grenade grenade shotgun ammo a tattoo needle what's up here can i actually climb up here yes i can is there anything up here nope that's the most useless ladder in the game oh right bounce back good find anything nothing yet i will need this oh i want both of these don't i i don't want the comfy slim fix though what the heck is this a weird drink cool and can i just walk straight through find the case containing the flat head okay right so it is probably around here somewhere game game come on you're here are you here no game here this glowing thing nope where is the case i feel like i'm blind i'm blind aren't i chad i am i'm so blind here no no stop making me look like a pepegura gabe stop it you're embarrassing me in front of my friends my gamer friends oh no where is it where is it oh god this is actually embarrassing it can't be through here because there's no way to get through oh my god i am so bad at video games oh my god paper in chat for pagas [Music] oh my god yeah chad you said up the ladder good try chat good try good try all right let's open this bad boy oh look at that that looks nice here's my scanner oh the scanner might have worked because there we go we can see that that's an industrial shutter and we see also that that's an industrial shutter can i modify them no i can't alright there we go let's just pick this up it's mine oh we leveled up cool we've got two attribute points okay that is much better than before because that means i can increase my um is it an intelligence where they have yes data mining because i like the sound of data mining data mining sounds like a way to get infinite money quick hacking doesn't sound like it but data mining sounds pretty damn pretty darn uh exploity oh grants a 25 20 chance to craft an item for free oh now this this now this right here this was one of the most common exploits of um i can't remember what rpg it was i think it was one of the wasteland games okay because often guns will have really cheap crafting components right that makes sense it makes complete sense for guns to have cheap crafting components i mean this literally also has a minus 15 or minus 30 cost if you upgrade it to reduce the cost of crafting items and then if you can grant a 20 chance to craft the item for free then you have a 20 chance to just simply get a free item to sell which is infinite money um or allows you to craft epic items epic gamer items although i'm just going to focus on my pistol adventure so i need to acquire this i know i've got increased quick charge and let's also increase crit damage by two percent [Music] sure yeah we probably should and then uh another poke point for pistols let us go for um increased crit chance there we go bam we have a plus i don't know 40 chance of crit out of the way out of the way no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no reverse reverse let me out let me out get out out of the way right grenade go go got would the grenade not move you get oh my god it's 2020 like not even a halo game released in 2015 had this this is literally lydia from skyrim can i like call my car i can't call my car can i can i can i get out of the shutters can i can i kill him can i pass through oh my god i'm just gonna have to save the game and load it and hope that in this loaded version he's moved because otherwise we have to oh wait oh oh thank god we found a secret area he might follow us this way okay here's a sniper rifle which is a smart weapon okay so the bullets just guide themselves nice and some euro dollars good and some stuff and some ammo and some more stuff and a bounce back and some alcohol good oh my god right now we drop down the save okay and let's load we did get an auto save so there is something there is an auto save oh god all right we're loading we're loading there is no i in team oh yes he's moved you big fat potato i was earlier i was saying what a great companion you are for a video game and that you're actually not bad at all i partially take that back oh look now the lad actually has a purpose let me just take all of this garbage climb climb climb that's nice with the parkour did you do heels good let's oh what's this turn on oh nice grenade and down we go oh that's a bit of an old ladder that's fine what's through here super hidden stuff a bottle of disinfectant and a resist oh goodness all right i'll be back in a moment chad i'm going to quickly nip to the loo i'll be back in five seconds until then you can take a look at all of this this cyberpunk logo isn't it great oh and i'm back my goodness i literally i just what a game what an incredible game this is i hm game of the year yes secret goody that's mine oh what an interesting way to just do that right we're in a hostile area careful what do we got here devastating berserk when berserk is active crit chance by increased crit chance by 15 oh i like that i like that a lot oh my goodness how let me install the cyberware give no compatible mods where do i install it let me install it on something because that is insane that's a plus 12 crit chance and damage modifier i mean i'm pretty sure that probably escort my brain or something like that but let me just take a look at it just in the uh where is it it's in here it is when berserk is active increased crit chance by 15 percent so all you need to do is find a way of activating berserk one incredible thing or truly incredible thing anyway this i also forgot to say that this revolver has a plus 12 crit chance on its own so we have to add that to our existing plus 30 crit chance well when i forgot i can also do stealth damage increase so let me quickly whack on my my my little mod my muzzle mod there we go so now we do an extra 2.5 times damage um if i get a little bit closer like to the back of this person's head oh my goodness i hate the thing behind them i'm a potato potato right combat started so time to get rid of the uh silencer now i beaned up that silence combat and equip you are gone let us let us fight oh my what sorry did i just i didn't move there you can't just move me round cover when i don't want to be put round cover headshot headshot headshot there we go bam why am i getting an attention overheat oh double barrel shotgun you look fun why am i overheating what is overheating stop sizzling me let me open this up oh hello you're dead nice i just gotta get all the pistol kills possible what is this pistol uh that's useless you're also useless now that is something there's also something i'll take that as well just make my way through here oh my goodness head shots are the way to go they are definitely the way to go oh hello and headshot oh my stop giving me overheat what is overheat ow now i'm sizzling what a fun mechanic what a fun little mechanic shoot oh my goodness come on don't stop stop overheating can you cease like what is causing i haven't had a prompt to say doing why will cause you to overheat is there just someone with a gun whose magical ability is to cause you to just overheat if so great weapon glad it could be added that's a pistol that seems good i suppose i could just do this to mark all the targets through the walls as well oh my goodness we get slow mode when we're in this i suppose i can do uh execute a breach protocol the code matrix code matrix oh no exit i don't know what the code matrix does but evidently we can hack people's mods which is a really fun mechanic i'm sure if you like playing the game the slow and boring way alas i do not dead person grenades grenades for everyone enjoy the grenades headshots for all grenades for all that's what we're all about it's bibco shots for everyone and then when you can't do headshots pistol whips pistol whips are also good bam handgun level up again reduce recoil of pistols by 10 now there we go that's what i'm calling goods oh go away and is that no plus two street cred okay whatever the heck street cred means now what is this okay that is a vending machine what can i do here okay you can do bridge protocol and distract enemies i can just break a chain okay so you could literally just hack your entire way through this game i understand some people like that not really my cup of tea around here we go what have you got explosives analyst i'll take that and then hello chad how are you doing how are you doing and open why are you crouching here he's got such a weird companion ai right we haven't done the boss fight yet so um that means we're not finished oh hello look at this man he's just sat waiting here i think this is a perfect time to um try out our silencer and just see how much damage it can do so um let's crouch down aim for the head and skaboosh 199 damage and he fell to his death now that is some good stuff that is a lot of good damage you can't just start shooting we were stealthing we were stealthing i'll take that okay stealth is not going so well um sorry did he just say careful they can spot you you are the one who is currently shooting at them they're going to hazard a guess that someone's attacking them sometime sooner or later okay go take a nade [Music] there you go critical headshot headshot headshot stop giving me overheat crouch cease i'm empty need to reload there you go and you are dead bye headshot i like the headshot mechanic it is fun um and you're dead critical headshot 140 damage go away it's cameras cease it's so intrusive god the fact that my ai companion just keeps saying quick hide was he is literally walking into rooms and killing everyone look at him go he's just ready to run off and murder humans right let's mark that person like all these other things all right we've got a door there let's mark that person through the walls we've got stuff over there yeah i think there we go 138 critical headshot and 52 critical body shots and 51 critical body shot oh my goodness this is good stuff 102 headshot oh god damn pistols be good so few shots and yet so much damage i mean of course the damage over range drop off is insane but considering there's a mod to just simply remove it there is simply no downside to using the pistol normally you want to use rifles because they're great at range but no just simply whack a scope onto this bad boy and you have yourself a custom sniper rifle um all right so i think we meant to go there for the escape route but it looks like there's something over here and it would make sense otherwise why would you have door locked okay nope nothing that way then unless you i know have the ep door undoor locker 5000 oh and it's boss fight time all right boss boss right time right so um are they just gonna are they just gonna do anything or are they just gonna sit there do i need to sneak past royce optional you're telling me i can sneak past this where's my companion sneaky sneak time you're telling me i could just skip the first boss fight in the game oh this is good this is good don't mind me don't mind me i'm just just vibing just walking around don't you dare give the game away don't mind me just stealing all your pop-tarts just gonna walk around here look how long it takes him to spot me like that is i'm not wrong and saying like that is quite a long time for a game and this is this is the default difficulty by the way this is normal um just take all of that and why is the exit in the middle of the room surely the exit would be over here where there's the exit sign i know let me hide here oh every hostile hostile area apparently yes i know that what is this the defender light machine gun that seems fun i'll just nab your special weapon can i just grab all of your garbage and then leave yeah yeah it looks like i probably can i can just i mean this is the exit here right honestly how tough to say like city project red for including the ability to just walk past the first boss in the game that is that is literally skyrim levels of sneak this this game is skyrim 2. it's skyrim punk 2077. oh my god that is incredible i got a whole bunch of jazzy weapons as well like let's let's take a look at these weird weird boys i got automatically highlights enemies okay allows you to see the price precise explosion of radius of grenades that's not too fun but this this is worth some money that we can sell this is great and also we can disassemble items so um if what happens if i disassemble hold zed uh looted common and uncommon components okay i see so it's kind of like you you loot items basically and you get stuff from it this sniper rifle here though plus two percent crit chance burn chance headshot damage multiplier is free it does a whole bunch of thermal damage but it only has 29 bullets so i don't know why i know if anyone would want to use a sniper in this game that's the way to do busby all right there we go they have to argue yeah because i'm right always right let's go let's go jackie let's go where's my car oh you know if i summon my car is jackie just going to walk through it have to confirm come here oh my car's moved up jackie watch out for the truck watch out for the truck jackie jackie look out for the truck jackie does not care for truck truck move for jackie jackie will not move for truck stray or not even then oh my i can't wait for the montage of just jackie phase shifting for objects in this case oh great now i go back find misty i mean something to make me i'm surprised jackie's just so hot for combat and then he has the ability to also just phase matter through him like bullets can't go through him he's literally god risks come with the job jack oh my god ducked in time to avoid death's sweeping sight again only right to celebrate even though we get to do that lots don't forget to let dex know we got his toy for him all right there we go let's just skip that don't need that there we go we did the job let's go call dex although i think he's probably gonna be cool what's this got the bot and how to go running um i just had to turn off v-sync go full screen choose the graphics options mess about with streamlabs and all that just to run the game at 60fps to stream to content i mean the in-game is fine i'm getting like it feels like i'm getting about 70 or 80 fps in the game and when i was on high graphics i was also getting 60 fps so 2080 ti runs the game all right there we go we leveled up perfect let's go to uh perks upgrade reflexes again yeah we just we just kind of have to it's just by far the best thing in the universe deal 50 more damage with pistols and revolvers to enemies whose health is below 25 that seems great evasion increases by 25 for six seconds after performing a dodge with a pistol or revolver equipped increase the headshot multiplied by 10 um that's just long distance kills i kind of want oh all right i'm gonna say i want to go for okay corral is probably the best one here yeah let's go for that bam although increasing headshot damage by another 30 would be fun right go to lizzie's bar between 6 a.m and 6 p.m right let's get in and go to lizzy's bar i can probably drive my own way there it's time for another spiff driving segment so you know it's going to be garbage come on spiff i know how to drive zoom zoom zoom actually i haven't even seen the world map yet oh um i got some bad news for those of you trying to play on low graphics the world map is physically impossible oh no that is horrible oh that is not a good world map for low graphics okay just just don't play on low graphic oh sorry sorry took my eyes off the road there and the physics stopped working famously if you take your eyes off the physics engine the physics engine ceases anyway these guys look like they i could kill them so um i'm just gonna do that cause it'll level up my pistol stats right and let's go for that headshot on you 736. [Laughter] oh my god oh that's spicy and we've also got the police on us now 279 243 239 oh my god what the heck is the police of this guy okay we're dead but i'm sorry but our base our base headshot attack damage is 736. that wasn't even a critical hit that was 736 headshot damage i don't know what modifiers are even causing that to quote so if you land that as a critical hit you could do another 300 times 300 percent i'm guessing oh my god still on the to-do list what the heck is this i mean the police are crazy as well in this game the police literally just phase shifted into combat oh something's going on here this looks fun let's go join this i leveled up again sorry let me choose my points one second combat i've just got to choose my perk points give me a moment reflex let's acquire acquire reflex again was i reflex 9 did dying give me another point no it couldn't have it didn't it didn't but chat please double check chat you actually have to double check because i can't remember if i was on eight or nine before that because if i was on eight then that's there's an infinite level up let's um unchief the pistol who am i meant to help here in this situation probably the police i guess right 289 headshot 170 headshot i mean actually i meant to kill all of these guys i guess there we go um headshot headshot oh it's an anime lady and you're dead oh wait you're not you're still alive and you're dead 409. i know that was a 548 i think oh that was good so um turns out pistols pretty darn good pretty darn good let me just take all of your stuff take all of your stuff i am here to steal your stuff it's mr steely i don't even know what all of this garbage is oh you know i should probably hold down and use it see what it is it's the net cool don't need any of that is there literally anything here other than just to pad my stats by killing people yep it's just a step pad okay that's fine i'll take the pistols because i can sell them and actually can i drive this vehicle because i kind of want to drive the weird vehicle instead so what's happened to my mission why is my mission not happening where's my mission journal please main jobs there we go go to lizzie's bar track it perfect this doesn't seem fair with the pistols um yeah okay right i was eight before the level up thank you thank you chad very good thank you come on squeeze past wait is there fire coming out of this vehicle there's fire coming out of this vehicle what an interesting vehicular design there's fire coming out of the front of it as well is this vehicle safe to drive i feel that this vehicle might not be safe to drive just a small inkling also why are we driving on the right hand side of the road with everyone knows you should be driving on the left-hand side come on we're not barbarians all right vaguely parked it correctly [Music] not my first time oh my goodness let's get in that didn't get in through the front huh get a load of this one all right spiff when you die it will load the latest save auto save you hadn't spent the point valid point yep but you never know because sometimes games desync the uh auto save and the actual stage feels when the guards ain't looking come on let's go let's go come on into the bar we go welcome to lizzy something tells me this is actually the sexy land i didn't want to visit the sexy land but apparently i have to i guess oh wait no i have been in here before yes all right let me sit at the bar chat i disabled nudity there shall be no no bad things oh my god i love my options looking for evelyn what can i get here or i just better get going i'm looking for everlasting parker oh my goodness who's asking this is what an incredible story this is so far name's v she and i have a date oh wait i also have some some crisps i have some crisps some lovely salt and vinegar crisps hmm don't know if you're this person evelyn parker oh it's evelyn parker there we go don't get angry that i've turned off sexy stuff ah right um why not say hello sooner i wanted to get a good look at you first hmm i can spend nine whatever this is why we meeting here any particular reason actually it doesn't seem much like yours actually i wonder if it's a um i wonder if it's a uh staff thing i'll take that as a compliment cause it's probably a start thing no place we can talk where ears won't prick up to listen don't call them chips chat come on they're crisps crisps crisps of course salt and vinegar because they're the best ones what the heck is this this doesn't feel safe it does not feel safe no this workplace is not safe ah this place is not safe chat avert your eyes about your gaze a virtual gaze virtual gaze why am i looking at that i don't want to look at her go give me the story to say about it escape and try escape i hope you will skip oh i have a choice if i'm the best or i don't care what dex thinks i'll go for i don't care what dexter is rap stick what dex thinks we both know that you have trouble accepting no just okay skip skip you writing dick let's talk business there we go brother good stuff low dumps [Music] all right i'm familiar with the franchise skip skip skip skip skip skip skip skip skip skip give me give skip i just want to level up and play the game i am not interested in accidentally spoiling the story to people look now this [ __ ] i must say the facial expressions are quite good chad don't say not say for what crisps crisps are safe for work if you say not safer work crisps youtube might ban crisps and then my entire career is over you'll see food because crisps are tasty okay let's get what's next now comes the best part okay apparently now comes the best part got something for you should help you plan brain dance from competition skip how's the brain down skip i think cds are only good for fondling virtual tips oh no she said a naughty word she said she said the naughty words you'll need to locate the relic yourself oh my goodness it's the average red it's the average reddit user ladies and gentlemen i'm sorry i i also use reddit i'm sorry slow-hanging fruit chat it's low-hanging fruit no i could just let me just all right straight on we go come on let's just ignore all the weird stuff oh my goodness onwards we go mean to say you recorded this bdrac implants all right straight down you object what what's hard to say no not at all let's see this brain dance all right it was fine it was just it was two mountains of jelly bouncing against the face of a redditor that's all it is don't worry judy's always been there for me all right straight always helped out i trust her coach but she's a mother skip skip so skip skip skip skip can i stand up i can't stand up there we go i can stand up right here is judy hey there you are this is v he's here for that bd roll and v this is judy best brain dance nice steal stuff already apparently i have the smart sniper which sacrifices damage for homing bullets hoping bullets are useful but i just can't really see how it would counter just us actually aiming pistols i mean we could find a smart pistol that just aims for heads and then that's guaranteed kill right so we're doing the brain dance which i'm 90 certain might cause epilepsy inserting people so um welcome to uh seizure punk 2077 again chat uh brace yourselves skip skip skip skip uh right let's go let's go let's go skip skip skip and sit down there we go ah look i have to skip this because i wasn't allowed to spoil the story for you guys skip skip skip skip skip skip escape and skip okay and skip and skip and skip and skip all right look at judy okay i'm looking at judy okay now let's set the optics no and i can skip again oh i see look at that they've got um they've got flashing lights every time oh that is not good how bad is it how bad is the seizure stuff because i haven't seen the seizure stuff i've just heard it written down so i'm chat close your eyes but i'm gonna take a look and see how bad it is um keep your eyes closed all set actually i think we've done it that's your profile first yeah i think we're fine i think we're fine how did you just get out of that chair that was a very strange way to get out of this chair this is my recording why are we wasting time so we don't risk our necks besides won't take a second how do you sit okay you sit normally in the chair but how do you stand up okay right epilepsy warning chat this might be it i might have no way of stopping this i'm sorry there is actually no way of stopping this and we'll jump into editing mode okay that's uh that's not the best not the best could have been a bit less harsh and you would have had the same effect don't get creative you go in snatch the cash get out and we sell the pd to those psycho freaks from the studio got it got it and remember everything on full blast okay so apparently i'm just reliving someone's memories i guess their visual link okay nice okay all right and away we go apparently i've got a gun everybody all right what i see you kissing the flooring money now or i will [ __ ] drop your strength oh we're robbing somewhere well not now now before i blow your [ __ ] head off why is there money why is there physical money in the year 2077 surely everything would be crypto oh andy's dead slow deep breath apparently my guide doesn't like adrenaline spiked but the soft activated your hormone blockers nothing happened you're alive and well and skip hours and skip you'll be fine and skip and come on no stories there is no way you can look away from it it's just glued to your face i'll separate the link to the bd roller's sensory array oh my god that is actually pretty bad full cam control and analysis mode so move around zoom in and out whatever else you come up with okay i don't get your own little sandbox so analysis mode you control playback and even pause when you feel the need okay so i guess i now have to try and work out who murdered this man with a sniper a revolutionary game mechanic that's simple do nothing odd don't agree to do you go in the shot comes from like up there and we have to go up there and try and see who shot him speed things up or rewind whatever you like oh give it a try rewind roll it to oh i don't want to rewind it oh i have to rewind it otherwise you'll be upset oh yeah you get to fast forward hold on there we go there we go fast forward fast right and why do we want to restart the brain dance this here's why you came in the first place i don't want to in analysis why do i want to analysis mode great focus on the heat the gun this gets from his buddy at the beginning now scan it i mean okay all right let's just play it do nothing don't get creative get out and we sell the bt to those psycho drinks from the studio let's play spot the gun we found the gun what an incredible game okay excellent wow it's a gun in analysis mode wow this is literally killing the fps of the game this is literally killing the fps of the game also why am i still in the tutorial i am three hours in the game switch to the audio layer in the editor go ahead and try that now switch the audio level why is this so needlessly complicated this isn't fun i don't want to play csi like it's an it's an rpg game this should be optional this is all right there's a sound here i can scan it little [ __ ] go restock i'll take the register how about you suck a bag of dicks hey i can do skinny unbelievable seriously like what's happening right next to me yeah all right how beauty recording implants work oh my god playing a video editing simulator this is like my job this is literally my job i get to experience video editing via the medium of triple a game all right scan this as well look this is literally the worst tutorial because sometimes they're giving me controls to do and then at the same time they're just ripping the controls away so you can't actually practice with anything and it's just a giant expedition punches out the gonk done the counter like being told you have to switch between audio mode and non-audio mode it's it's just scanning all right there we go we can scan a person also this is just crippling the bit rate in fps of this stream like it is like this game enjoyable but um but you will here it comes my favorite part of the game it's enjoyable but uh not the surveillance camera this is quite sad cam feeds to the screen behind the clerk oh my goodness well back to where the screens in the kids field of vision then scan it okay so what roll back to the go back to this okay go back okay i've got to go play back to here then i've got to watch this and then i have to download the footage and watch him as he gets shot his own probably planned two all along must have got a nice slice of crap on the black market i'm playing csi bd freaks are ready to be i enjoy 90 of the mechanics of this game but this just isn't my kind of this isn't my cup of tea i'm sure it is for some people but that wasn't an enjoyable segment of the game um graphically gameplay-wise that literally gave me nothing right literally nothing right skip that let's get that skip skip skip skip skip skip um i mean if it's a feature that we have to do all the time that's going to be annoying every once in a while no trust her all right straight on straight on straight on cool t-bug whatever t-bug is hey v what's happening listen i got some useful footage from kenpaki plaza it's a brain dance come on right skip skip skip skip skip skip skip i'm not playing the game i am not playing the game oh another one don't make if there's a third one after this oh my god who the hell is that evelyn gee i felt a fear what the hell is that monstrosity oh my god i'll have my head for this then you shall perish for a good cause what the heck was that guy that guy's cool i want to work out i want to follow that guy's story i want to see what he is i want to learn his life i don't want to do brain dance i don't want to play stuttery brain dance i will shall see you soon enough all right let me press to go into editing mode and right let's scan this maybe go to video ventilation and cooling and then scan the phone scan the phone scan the phone scan the god damn phone i need a minute to finish the program is still in the trial phase okay we can hear it please speak with your father he's taken a particular interest what incredible what an incredible story is this game a fail no this game is not a fail this game is graphically beautiful it has a fun core gameplay lube it just has this one feature which i personally think shouldn't be in the game because it's not very fun because it causes the game to stutter it cripples the bitrate and i'm just being given a massive expedition though i am quite sure now i don't know why video editing yeah the game doesn't stutter like this this is simply the game not not being built correctly for recording software the game is just not designed for recording software and so it is basically not having a good day sorry to make you wait business can't be stupid sexy demands sexy demands oh i can scan this stuff automated turret pause latest scanner model system is all connected to the screen this is great can you shut them off externally gotta get in check out how they look into mucho more than enough but yes it's a good game chat i wouldn't be sad i wouldn't be sad it's just a great big expedition dump that's not very fun and you can't graphically enjoy this it's really pixely it's i just it's just not a fun mechanic it doesn't feel engaging it feels nauseating on my eyes like it's not it's what makes it upsetting is that it could have been good right but ah yeah not the best and yes i do have to skip most of the story because the devs asked me to they don't want people getting spoiled oh a gun cool i can i spot gun loaded safety's on good to know that don't forget about that i think here's a thing let me scan of course i have to go out and in again to scan manual detail is a special tip control container great needs to be kept real cool so just gotta stay in there hold e to fast forward yeah i can fast forward the footage but that does nothing basically it should be easier because you can fast forward to the point of where stuff happens but even after you've done that you still have to listen to the two-minute explanation of you have discovered a security camera yes it is the latest model from from bethesda from bethesda game studios and it is incredible you can now move the camera again and play the game oh wait you've just discovered the todd howard motion detection system number 74 please listen to the expedition dump and then you can play the game oh my goodness do end of recording right there we go um let's quickly back up all right can i can i finish [Music] oh little sweet cheeks rewind let me get a little bit back yes i know oh yes look at those eyebrows such a sexy man how do i exit how do i exit left shift the thermal layer is now unlocked go back and do it all again and now with the thermal layer it takes so long to rewind all right shift thermal layer is this it is this it now these are lights sit here it's here air conditioning standard model for hotels of this caliber temp matches that stipulated in the docks but no way the chip's hiding there too risky fluctuations risk of damage right i reckon the chip is inside the tv this whole time i'm calling it now rewind rewind rewind rewind rewind rewind and here it is it's inside the champagne thing oh donaghy's oh no it's just an ice bucket to celebrate it's just a champagne bucket no way tim's too low could fluctuate nice try though probably on his desk maybe then oh to reset spiff well yeah but i might miss it i have to go through the entire thing else i might miss it there we go see now we've discovered it freezer box it's the fridge just a fancy ass fridge just a fancy ass fridge right look i i can understand the whole the temperature is right the temperature's not right but we've done it a lot now we've done a lot of the temperatures not perfect okay right here we go the hidden safe in the floor i wonder if it's in the hidden floor safe matches the spec in the docks your nobody's got the case here guaranteed right chat you're asking me to update my nvidia drivers i think i should probably also do the same i should probably also do the same all right close right i will drop down a save i'll update my nvidia drivers and i will update the game if there's an update and uh then hopefully the game will run better and i can actually have the graphic quality what's up with the jiggle physics again oh well keep it i'll put it on ev's tab portable device for handling bds all ready good all right relax cool i got it awesome great great great great skip skip skip skip skip skip no story sorry chuck you're not a loud story all right okay and save save game new save and right i just need to make sure that i'm not accidentally streaming my um my desktop no i'm not right switching to the holding page and time for me to update all of my nvidia drivers oh right shouldn't take too long chat but um what are our thoughts and feelings of the game so far because honestly uh driving feels a bit clunky but is is fine um uh in terms of other stuff oh there i think there is a no there's not an update no no update um driving feels the smidge clunky but that's okay driving is normally a bit clunky uh i would say story i have no idea because i'm not really allowed to do it i will say that your friend jackie is pretty darn good for a companion because ninety percent of the time in video games companions real bad um do do do hey by the way i do always have an affiliate link if you want to get the game if you want to buy the game because you've enjoyed my my game play of it so far what graphics card do i have i have a 2080 ti i actually have a referral link where you can buy the game and i get it i get money for it if so if you've enjoyed what you've seen you can get it right we've just got to download the drivers uh 625 megabytes of drivers there we go chat and then we will have the perfect cyberpunk rtx 3070 recommended drivers there we go it's gonna be beautiful if we're just gonna up those jiggle physics everything's gonna be flying someone in chat saying they prefer minecraft look you can prefer minecraft but minecraft and cyberpunk aren't really aiming to be the same game there's not many games which are similar to cyberpunk um i mean in terms of a gameplay perspective this game is very unique it's got new features i mean it's hacking is reminiscent of watch dogs so that's been done before it's gun plays reminiscent of basically for rpg so that's been done before but the world building is definitely something that hasn't been done before and so that's quite interesting and that's probably the most exciting part of this game um is that over no it's not i'm simply patching the game so that hopefully i can get it to run at an even more stable smooth crispy 7000 fps it's going to be good it'll be fine chad stop saying rtx is right minecraft is rtx ray tracing okay that's great for minecraft we're not minecraft we're playing an rpg game oh my goodness do i prefer assassin's creed assassin's creed once again it's not really in the same ballpark like assassin's creed valhalla pretty fun assassin's creed game odyssey i'd say was more fun i'd say odyssey was like the assassin's creed knock-off of which are free and this feels like the this just doesn't feel like an any other game i've played does it feel like gta not really um i would i wouldn't say it does feels a bit different gta feels quite um gta felt way more gta felt very railroaded for like the entire game even though it was open world it didn't feel it didn't feel open world it felt like everything was just tacked onto the open world like sure you can go cycling but that literally meant nothing it didn't change anything whereas i'm hoping that due to the way that you level stuff up in this game the fact that you kill more people so you get better at handguns so that your ability to use a handgun gets better in a true rpg fashion works and is enjoyable and so it feels more like a lived-in world than um than cyberpunk sorry than gta because that was the issue with gta you were basically leveling up stats for nothing minecraft is an rpg too minecraft is not an rpg game it's a sandbox survival game okay you can say that minecraft is a better game than 2077 because i i do believe there are many people who when someone says cyberpunk is game of the year they're not saying cyberpunk is game of the year for you they're saying that to them cyberpunk is game of the year for me cyberpunk is not game of the year and it can never be game of the year because i preferred hades much more and hades is my cup of tea cyberpunk is a very fun game is it worth the 40 pounds it depends on the person if you're someone who who has a spare 200 pounds for christmas i'd say and you have a pc that can run it this is probably a fun experience for you right sorry i've just got to install this stuff this might break the stream just a little bit i think this is a fun game if you've got the money to splash on it this is definitely the fun game um seizure punk 2077 buy it in uh buy it on gog um and i i think it's it's worth it but of course if you haven't got much money because now is a very difficult financial time just wait till wait for a sale because i mean i did the same with the witcher 3 i didn't buy the witcher 3 release i waited for two years after launch to buy the witcher 3 and the wichita free is one of my most favorite story experiences in video games it's not my favorite game of all time but it's my favorite narrative story i really enjoyed it you get sucked right into the world building lovely experience and i played it two years after launch with absolutely no bugs it was really fun i didn't break my immersion i felt great so i'm just thinking that that might be the might be what some people need from this game um yeah it's uh it's a fun game it does have xp bars this game yes fallout 2077 it's not fallout 2077 thank god right i've almost installed the graphics drivers and then we'll be able to load up this game again and uh then then we will hopefully be able to play this game at 700 000 fps on ultra and um yeah yeah oh yeah you can play this game on stadium [Music] oh oh no the live stream might be booked chat if you're here i can't tell i cannot tell everything has died on my pc no i'm still live i'm still alive okay okay right am i am i actually still alive i can't tell i have no way of knowing i've got an advert for my own live stream brilliant no no no no we're back we're back we're back good right restart later cool i think that has mostly installed the stuff right we can restart the game now oh we're back we're back and the game's loading up good stuff good stuff chap all is good all is fine in the world panic over oh my goodness i think the game's loading in 4k the game's loading in 4k why is it loading in 4k i was running at 1080p before oh it's it's doing weird stuff it's doing weird stuff all right there we go come on load through the game there we go game is up it is not playing in the right resolution it's trying to run in 4k for some reason so um it's not going to display correctly give it a moment and then we're going to have to redo all of the graphical settings i think yeah video 4k no thank you 1080p my friend ah there we go look at that and hopefully this should be oh we're apparently going to play on high to be on the safe side we're going to play a medium just in case the game kicks up a fuss again and we're back we are back in the game oh my goodness i'm sorry about all of that chat um it it can be a while sometimes when when it comes to playing video games video games like to break and there's not really much you can do when video games break it's just nice to be back in the game and know that hopefully it is working although i have noticed that i no longer have access to my live stream studio which means i can no longer turn off the stream how do i how do i get back i need to get back i cannot get back to the live screen i can't take me back to the studio all right manage there we go manage this stream good right i'm finally back oh my goodness all it took was a whole bit of complicated a whole bit of complicated video game stuff and no sound i actually can't hear sound either there is no sound i am i'm not i'm not giving this game sound we're just not having sound [ __ ] it you've taken too much for me game oh we are still getting the stuttering you cannot be serious cyberpunk you cannot be serious right we are literally setting everything to low we're turning on vsync and i don't even get it i don't even get how the stuttering can get worse this i just hopefully that's fixed it hopefully the v-sync has fixed it oh my god i shouldn't have restarted i should have just powered through why did i why did i go for the drivers i think yes that looks okay that looks okay on stream i don't know where that came from no it's still stuttering i just how's anyone meant to record this game how is anyone meant to record this game if this is what it does let's try windowed borderless mode windowed borderless mode might fix it let's just leave judy's workshop and enjoy the game with no sound oh god oh god it is fixed is it good oh they've changed this round oh yeah this is um i'm going to actually have to restart my pc and if i restart my pc this live stream ends so chad do you want me to restart my pc and try and properly install the drivers um because that's going to end this live stream completely and we're going to have to come back because i'm going to have to restart this yeah yeah we're gonna need to restart right we'll be back in a um [Music] do you even want me to stream if i come back do you still want me to try and exploit this oh my god right i'll be back in um [Music] i'll be back in five minutes right we restarted pc we're restarting pc i will see all of you um in about five to ten minutes see you in a while oh my god
Channel: The Spiffing Brit
Views: 1,208,053
Rating: 4.8876095 out of 5
Keywords: The, Spiffing, Brit, cyberpunk 2077 gameplay, cd projekt red, cyberpunk 2077, video game exploit, video game, cyberpunk, cyberpunk live, cyberpunk exploit, funny, spiffing brit, rpg exploit, rpg, cp, cp77, funny moments, Cyberpunk 2077 IS A PERFECTLY BALANCED GAME, how to, how to break cyberpunk, break cyberpunk, gameplay, exploit, glitch, bug, perfectly balanced, perfectly balanced game, game, game exploit, money exploit, cdpr, 2077, live, early access, How to Break Cyberpunk 2077
Id: mJrbyv_X3Pk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 209min 50sec (12590 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 09 2020
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