DESTROYING THE WORLD BECAUSE I AM A GOD (with Nukes) Live! - World Box Is A Perfectly Balanced Game

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oh here we go ladies and gentlemen and i do believe we're live there we go hello hello hello and welcome my lovely majestic friends if all of you are here i hope you're having a wonderful day today welcome it is a glorious friday the 14th of uh the the next year of the apocalypse yay it just keeps going there's no breaks today baby whoo yeah somebody chat saying are you my dad you never know i mean there's i don't think i'm your dad i'm terribly sorry i mean oh maybe i'm not sorry maybe it's a good figure i'm not your dad um each to their own hey bro game but dude hope you're having a lovely day you uh you want me to nuke norway that's um sounds very swedish of you if i do say so myself but then again you never know welcome to the world ladies and gentlemen this is a lovely game called world box today we're going to be playing it um we're going to be basically adding some humans to this world having them build up some little empires have them do some fun things and then what we're going to do is we're going to um basically have them fight each other to the death which is of course what they're going to be doing anyway uh we're going to be naming pretty much every single gremlin um that we have on this map after things um like for example the lovely person who donated to say bingo's question mark well that can be our first ever chicken is this chicken of bingus um and we're always gonna remember bingos in germany he's a very special boy and there we go this is bingus now welcome chat welcome this is of course a map you might recognize it uh yes that's right this is the map from game of thrones uh wait no sorry i mean this is the modern world map of europe vaguely i mean there's no sea land so it's not entirely accurate but you know they did they did a good try um i've also added a few fun things uh into the map including this volcano in the top left of the map that spews a spurs lava this is a volcano that is very important because if we encounter you know certain people who like to drink coffee because everyone has their favorite food that they love to eat like this dude likes sweet berries good for him berries are fine some humans for some reason like to have um coffee i know and for those people we have this um this volcano has been has been built for those particular peoples i know now in order to perfectly start off the game and represent how lovely it is i've added in iceland because it wasn't on the map and i filled iceland with around about 200 humans um and they're just gonna be sat here um i don't really think they can do anything other than drown um so yeah we can just let them let them go around they're having a grand old time in there having a lovely old time um i don't really think many of them are happy but that's okay they all just want to eat berries because this guy likes beer and you know i can respect that and this dude likes fish good for them wow they really like fish and berries in this place and bread does one of them like tea gouseppi the chosen one well said be my brother you you like tea oh sepi oh my goodness okay you're going to be our first hero today you're no longer usi my friend you are you are keanu reeves okay austin rhodes we'll take that as a name thank you very much for your donation this is keanu reeves he's here baby and oh my goodness we're gonna go save him um which means we need to use a various power uh magnet we're gonna take him and we're gonna take him and land him in england there we go we've done it keanu reeves has landed we're also going to bless this being just bless that boy make him powerful oh god he's amazing and also make him strong because he is a strong boy he's the greatest boy oh yes oh yes yes yes right perfect we also want to probably add in some more humans for rihanna to work with and create a human civilization and then we probably gonna want some people over here um to also make another civilization in germany as you know that's probably where the next human civilization started you know first it was england in the united kingdom and then the germans came and just did it more efficiently than we did which is fine i'm not salty about it um then i guess we can drop down some spanish there we go and some frenchies lovely and of course uh we won't be able to identify them as french unless we add in a couple frogs there we go lovely it's fantastic and some sheep in wales lovely perfect necro felix says can you name someone after my son draven of course i can i just placed a sheep on top of someone i'm terribly sorry um well the person i placed a sheep on top of were bam it's now your son his name is draven just like most children he likes bread i hope he doesn't have a gluten intolerance but um there he is we're bam anyway we have this box full of people um some of them are starting to escape i've noticed and so oh my god some kingdoms have been founded already lovely that's great this is fantastic i hope you lead this kingdom you best be the leader of this kingdom i reckon you're probably not even the lead would you best be i hope it okay i believe in you ryan keith's anyway uh we need to kind of tidy up the pit of people that i you know uh placed here so we're gonna drop a um a small bomb on top of them just a small one i think is fine anyway that's dealt with most of those people oh god oh geez oh god okay um if these guys survive honestly hats off to them i'm gonna i'm gonna name them and we'll see if they do survive this this dude's gonna be wet lemons because he likes he likes berries and that's pretty much it um we're gonna want to track where these people go this can be patrick davies um i wish you luck um and oh wet lemons jesus you gave like thirty dollars okay great uh you're responsible for converting you from coffee to tea oh my goodness also you should certainly name a german hands for me how do you want better i'll name our name with german settlement hands wa-bam village list you are no longer actually one settlement list don't we uh yeah what do we got shibura and that's a terrible name oh it's the cultures list right nope kingdoms list there we go you're no longer the uber your hands there we go we're bam we've done it the hands land they just love hands um and hopefully you guys survive no promises though no promises i think it's entirely possible you might not also why on earth is africa on fire um this is not a good sign not a good sign at all um some random dude has just formed a kingdom in scotland and i think it's only logical that i name him conor brown after my glorious internal mod connor you go you go live in the north by yourself in scotland no promises that you even survive this because um you know we're gonna call this intern land because this is where all the interns go to die love is duty no um duty is duty now get back to work you lazy bastard we have like four skyrim oh i can't even fit in like it's an entire rent get back to work connor okay get back to work anyway intern land is ready i think we need to logically name this kingdom as well this can't be depash kingdom this has to be come on this has to be britain oh the empire just the empire who doesn't love a good bit of empire in this it's got one settlement no no no no no you're not a boner you are slaugh oh yes it's great so um we've got the empire we've got slow everything's going great pro gamer says i would like to represent the people of the coffee coffee kingdom well i think they have to be banished to a place where i don't have to put up with them so i'm going to put them in um i suppose the land which is on fire down here makes sense i mean it would logically make sense for me to dump you in ethiopia where you know i'm pretty sure coffee originally comes from but instead you're getting placed here um so this area this little village i know you're no longer cave oh so you are the coffee kingdom uh truth and pride no lies and evil there we go we're bam that's coffee get wrecked tavis flock would like to be placed in hungary my friend you could be placed at hungary i don't even know if you can escape hungary but i wish you luck now this is where i get my map knowledge tested but this right here is hungry and you know what i'm just gonna place you by yourself just a single dude i wish you luck um if i remember correctly i have turned off old age right in the world laws yes old age is off so it is theoretically possible to just quite simply never die okay you can just quite simply live forever and if this man in hungary can live forever it's gonna be incredible we are life in hell you know what that's that's hungry for you that's uh no true words have ever been spoken my goodness okay um i guess we've got france and as much as i'd love to call these people the cheese eating surrender monkeys we are to call them uh we're going to call it cheese land of course we have to it's it's food is good yep food is good those are words to live by food is great i love a good bit of food oh dear right now i do want to give my lovely my lovely british boys a nice little helping hand so i'm going to give them some chickens early on is there a great nutritious source of food icloud give them some fruit bushes i'll give the single lone hungarian a fruit bush as well um and no i'm not giving it to the coffee kingdom the interns can have a single source of food why is the intern built a house when there's only one intern are you expecting there's two interns another person has joined intern land connor who else who else have you managed to sucker into your kingdom you cheeky cheeky bugger where is this other intern there's just connor and oh my goodness there's free sorry what these appear to be children connor do you just procreate out of thin air oh my god max have you donated jesus christ okay uh maxim was donated 566.69 rubles um to say please don't crash the game for those who don't know maxim here um he made this game and there's there's secrets in this game he doesn't want you to know about like for example if you go into the game setting menu and hit change settings and then just bam this burger a couple of times uh you get this lovely menu here where you can do some fun stuff some pretty fun crazy stuff including something that i would like to do which is to highlight the leader and kings that's going to be great we're going to basically make sure we always know where they are it's going to be great at the same time you can mess with the sheep on this and uh sheep are lovely who doesn't love a good cheap and we're going to hide that menu it's like it was never even there we're bam next up maxim we're going to do this for you we're going to make a kingdom just for you in russia okay but we need to make this carefully because we're going to put you down here maxim okay the air has formed okay this is going to be um it's going to be where the game's made ladies and gentlemen um pride is good game is good and it's also available on ios and android i'm pretty sure i mostly play games on pc whatever floats your boat this is going to be maxim's republic or just maxim maxim's land there we go we're bam who even is their designated leader who is this leader i don't even think they have a lead they do not even have a king that's fine for some reason another russian dude has just run up here set up his own kingdom and has immediately set themselves on fire and that's a kingdom destroyed oh my goodness right but of course the uh the interns in maxim land have to deal with something and that is of course what all russians have to fear that is the endless swarm of bears there is no way to deal with the endless tide of bears they are endless and they are loving and they are very angry oh there's a king in the cheese land who is the king of the cheese land have a new king this dude um who is going to be the king of the cheese land i'm going to give it to frosty king frosty king congratulations you're king of the cheeseland now i wish you luck mr king cheese well you even have a little robe on that's very cool wow where's the mods nation the mods you're in the intern land where else do you think the mods are at okay chat mods you get you stay in the intern land speaking of which we need to build a wall um i actually also i'm going to dump some gold in cornwall and some stone in wales because that's i think where stone's from or deposit right there we're bam if only i could build like a thick line cutting off the interns um that would be very useful oh jordy holland jordan holland would like a religious group named after him very well let me see what the closest i have to a religious group is it would probably be some kind of culture list correct so um we're going to name the tuaba puffer culture instead the jordans actually yes jordan jordanism it's here we're bam what are they researching nobody knows but they can spread their culture fast and they're probably the culture that has been taken up by the empire they're very powerful can i be king of the italians no one can be king of the italians italians bow to no man except the crabs they're so cute look at them they're great it's so great the only other greatest creature where is he he's so good where is my boy where is my special boy doo he's around here somewhere where is the rat king the king of all good creatures i literally can't there he is it's rat king it's the boy he's the rat king there could only ever be one oh dear we love him it's the right king you are wolfish bear congratulations you are the um you're the king of the italians in the greatest way possible and sadly our favorite bingus our first ever character has been murdered by a german a singular german man has killed bingo so this is going to be um sun finger slayer the murder of all all great things in life oh my goodness i can't believe they killed bingus he was so good he was he didn't deserve to die he was amazing wow we even have a king of hungary now look at that it's it's it's time to flock the dude got his own kingdom amazing the world is uh is quickly becoming populated it's glorious praise the sun we're not praising the sun we hate the sun we hate it we hate it with our passions anyway i'm going to add some more people to the glorious english kingdom um gustavo mello congratulations this person is slow fantastic chris k you're in you're a peon of the british empire just like you wished for that's what everyone dreams of why is intern land grown so quickly why do we need so many interns what are they providing with society what are they doing what are they even working on they just eat bread and they're lucky that we even serve them bread these dudes eat berries just berries and bread is that all they desire just more this person favorite food tea it doesn't even show that they like tea i bet they're even lying how dare they lie um i'll buy your attention spiff represent japan with a samurai there's a samurai here sorry have i been playing this game and not even noticed the existence of a samurai is that genuinely an option i mean i know about crab god but um oh wait hang a second the empire's declared war on intern land yes yes yes empire expands into the land of the interns glorious kiara reeves with his golden tooth and his wooden stick and his beloved belovedness of tea lord of slaugh is going to lead his nation yes good oh we're ready for war we've got our sticks do the interns have sticks i don't think they do no this is just a fat dude he doesn't have a stick well bam gazette dragon you're in you're not a drag well you're not a pirate because we haven't discovered boats yet uh one day we'll discover boats but not today congratulations you're getting annexed oh no connor the king the king of the interns uh you're dead you were murdered by by this single banner boy okay i guess this couldn't become coda brow too because that's what that is what happens when you kill an intern you just absorb their soul um and just become the next one so congratulations conor brown slayer actually no we'll just put conor brown ii there we go colin brown ii you're immune and you're a king slayer you're perfect praise bingus we shall create the church of our savior the god is the great bingos fingers be with you in chat fine with renaming one of the cultures khaki ab you're being renamed to bingus the beloved bingos bingus our lord bingus uh founded in i think german land they all follow the binguicism um actually no they don't who enough is following the bingocism the french are of course the french are following bingus spanish doing great as well anyway inter land has been destroyed and annexed um with a screaming noise something has fallen from the sky it's not another bear is it i swear to god if it's another bear anyway the um uh the developers have left russia and are making swift progress towards hungary and in fact hungary has also annexed what appear to be bulgaria and romania which is remarkably fast i've got to be honest this is very very impressive and you know what in order to help out the brits i'm gonna just um i'm gonna build a land bridge to ireland so that you know we can get to work doing what we roots do best that is of course annoying the irish we're very good at that tech games text as he reps the coffee people okay fine well bam you're in you're in well bam robert thompson says uh hello from scotland love your content congratulations you can now be the king of scotland um it really is as easy as that that's all you need to do bam you're in why does the culture of england have no name it's are they tr is the game trying to say british people have no culture how dare they this is going to be tea drinking um the best culture because it's discovering how to make weapons and that is very important actually it appears the culture is split in two some people believe in jordanism coffee kingdom has declared war on the empire what how you don't even have boats how do you know about each other's existence how could you even go say hi to each other oh this is madness this is absolute madness anyway we need to rename spain um pewdiepie doesn't read my chat messages should i be a member here instead of course i also will read marginally more of your chat messages it does help that there's less chat messages and i also stopped to drink tea on occasion where's the american representative okay sure let me um let me get them um there we go as an american that looks like an american to me oh wait it's got to be next to his friend it's the president of america ladies and gentlemen um yep this is him average average joe that's a standard american name there you go and he's dead the average joe has just been killed by the president of america who could have foreseen such a thing who could have who could have guessed what's the hound saying why is the german why have the germans gone down into italy they've just bypassed the french and have gone to italy and the russians are invading hungary oh no i think i know how this one goes oh no connor brown the second was slain by chris k what the heck oh no the madness of existing in a box descended the citizens of slough into badness no slough has gone mad and connor brow has gone mad and the interns are back no not the interns how could they oh no the interns too they're back they're worse than ever they've seceded from the empire oh dear oh dear oh dear a bloody mess um oh dear i guess we can also add in some portuguese people because we need someone for spain to beat up really so um this can just be portugal or future spain there you go that's um and then this can just be of course uh we could call it spain or we could call it the kingdom of corgi yes yes an entire kingdom devoted to worshiping doggos so we shall fill it with doggos it's perfect what could possibly go wrong all hail the new king of the interns well i guess we need to make a new connor brow oh my god this is going to be conor brown the third i think if you could like just you know not keep dying then i wouldn't have to keep hiring new new interns it'd be a lot easier what the hell have the russians done why is why is hungary on fire why are they in ukraine again oh god oh god oh no oh dear oh dear well it's fine the hungarians are doing good um everything's going okay conor brown the second of the interns was slain um and a new intern new king of the interns has been slain and they've just made a new king and i imagine they're also going to be slain rather quickly too um that would be my guess oh cheese land in the kingdom of corgi have made peace lovely the french are no longer attacking the um the the spanish and the germans have also stopped attacking the french um it would appear this is largely due to the fact that the american president um has landed in switzerland and is currently setting fire to the french countryside and peasants um this is not a good sign and i think there's only one thing we can really do and that is to pick up the president and to um where can we take the president of america we can take him to coffee kingdom because this kind of feels vaguely like where he would be and uh this will teach the coffee kingdom for trying to do anything looking to represent canada using the bill that displays the queen herself oh wow okay okay for 20 canadian oh my god there's an earthquake happening um yeah we can put the canadiens in uh they need to go where only the canadians would feel comfortable and that would of course be right here in finland so this is canada probably um [Music] it's cold that's all i know about canada it's really cold ah and the president has killed the kingdom or the king of the coffee kingdom oh my god the president geez you've murdered so many people you've killed 143 things i think that's that's enough from you okay i'm sorry you've got to go we can't have you you're gone right we had to kill the president of america i'm sorry he was just quite simply murdering too many people oh and a new kingdom has been founded well i mean it's it's not norway but it's a single dude settling a new area that feels pretty viking-y for me so this is going to be norway uh and we're going to naturally name it one it's single founder single founder is going to be named kenneth can if torches oh my god my dude you've been incredibly generous and donated like 500 knock and you also have the mightiest surname i've ever encountered kenneth torcherson and we should probably do what anyone would logically do to a viking and that is to make him superpowered oh they're good look at that he just looks so viking-esque oh wow uh kingdom of germany has made peace with the empire lovely lovely i realized we can do something interesting um to basically make our characters immortal because the issue is they won't die of old age um they will however still be killed in combat i mean take a look at keanu reeves he has 340 health but logically if someone were to hit him for enough damage he will still die he is very powerful but he is still just mortal and so now is when we're going to bring in a little no a lesser-known cheeky exploit in this game um it's quite useful it is really quite useful so what we're gonna do is we've blessed him so that he is blessed okay this is very important then we're gonna put him in a shield um so he's nice and shielded then what we're going to do is strike them with lightning i know it's a little bit crazy but it's necessary so we just hit him with a singular bolt of lightning we're bam and now when we click on them they're completely fine but now we need to basically put the bubble onto them again oh my god they're just running around with a bubble it's okay don't worry look i need you to take the damage in the bubble i need to make you an immortal okay oh my god you're just okay fine you can just live in the bubble you can be a bubble boy oh my god i set the kingdom on fire oh god what have i done um i'm sorry i'm sorry england have have more people there we go that that'll solve it don't let the interns expand okay oh god okay well basically there's an interesting um lesser known exploit in this game whereby if you want to make a character and a mortal you can it takes a fair bit of work but basically you need to um put a bubble on them then strike away of lightning and then repeat because it's a little bit crazy uh you want to then repeatedly heal them over and over again um and of course the spanish were invading portugal it was always gonna happen uh and eventually you'll turn them into an immortal and oh my goodness the interns have just they've just been annexed by the kingdom of england lovely this is fantastic it's being a witch how's the uh research going along they're discovering boats oh my goodness and once the british discover boats that's when colonization will begin and oh my god there's a tornado over here so um we're just gonna hit that with some lightning and it causes the tornado to split into being a baby tornado it's very cute it's very very cute we love baby tornadoes norway is continuing to grow somehow very impressive hello evil bunny bunny bunny howdy howdy conor brown sorry i think um there is actually a rabbit here very well we shall create um an evil bunny thank you very much for your fifty dollars my friend evil bunny is here what can we do to make it powerful we can give it this thing just to make it huge um then i suppose we can also bless it then i guess we can probably also make it mad so that is just it wants to kill everything and you know what i think that should be enough i think that evil bunny is gonna go and do some great things yes he only has 22 health but he is evil he is very evil and that's what i'm looking for sans the skeleton maybe spiff will represent japan oh no the bunny has just been murdered fine you can you can live where the tiny rabbit was i don't really have a representation for japan but i think the elves are the closest thing we have to weeps so um they can just go there um with bow and spear we live praise praise weebus the uh it's the counter of bingus it's weebus oh god these these empires are getting quite big now um i'm amazed future spain just hasn't been defeated yet by the uh the kingdom of the corgi but it will happen it will oh my goodness and here come the brits there we go they've got a boat that is a boat that is a boat we can they can put passengers on the boat and then go and settle elsewhere yes this is it ladies and gentlemen technology progress improvement all of this and more they look like they could probably use more gold and stone to be fair but um ah they'll be fine uh can you make me a necromancer double koi fine fine we can have a single necromancer god where can i put him where he's not going to immediately cause chaos i guess on the tiny island of crete is perfect um double core you're in hopefully you don't go and murder everyone so i'm just going to keep you here wait oh there's a bone dude oh he made a bone dude already hopefully that goes fine also thank you very much to all the new channel members it's lovely to have you here um i'm gonna just dump a whole bunch of you in well bam you're in there's been an oh my goodness they've got a king in norway now we've got some canadian space as well well bam ah anyway hello chad how are you doing this evening i hope you're all having a lovely day um oh my goodness the brits have landed in france what are we doing here british people there's a king slayer who likes tea and he's strong uh favorite oh my glorious king slayer oh who is getting this lovely boy oh this is of course going to um this is going to oh wow who can this go to the man who shouted for scotland it is going through is going to converse i oh i cannot even like that name is going to be a nightmare it's going to darry and bentley darren bentley you're in bam i want you to murder more people please darren you goddamn king t-slain kingslayer oh my god it's perfect it is the best anyway the brits currently a war darren bentley has just died to luru who was a french man who appears to have just been exploded dary bentley sometimes that's just how life goes thanks for your ten dollars oh god uh i guess we can have this lucky wise pacifist um oh jd cheering bam you also wanted um the queen of corky land june uh to be named juniper after your corgi puppy i think i can do that let me find your king it's juniper king of the corgis good luck juniper please do not die oh dear maxim's land is declared we're on norway of course it has cheeseland has made peace with hungary hungary has declared war maxim's land it's just all kicking off and the japanese they're discovering how to make houses this is progress should this is progress um head pikachu says i should be working now you really should but um instead you're gonna be made japanese congratulations sorry you've got pikachu in your name i'm making presumptions i know but it's uh it's probably where you'd want to be in this world this world of hell uh the empire's made peace with the cheese land oh my goodness the cheese land has split into two oh no it hasn't the brits have taken the french part and just left the italian section what the heck this seems very powerful okay brits i like this and we've got a bigger boat look at this big boat oh my god it's huge oh my good lord um this is going to be m island oh my goodness hms m island my friend you're in you're a huge boat good lord um someone else wants to be a necromancer okay i'll make you a necromancer but i'm putting all the necromancers deliberately on islands where they can't mess about with the world too much and the world has to come to them uh thank you very much for incredible genera for your incredibly generous donation my friend cyanide def zero zero okay right well bam more necromancers they're just gonna kill all the wildlife aren't they oh god why is the cheeseland declared war on the developers what are the french doing why also the french annex this bit of germany down here um this is getting really quite messy kingdom of corgis declared war on the brits no corgis no you were the chosen ones oh dear oh dear oh dear oh grazette dragon you did want to be named after a pirate so i guess the closest thing i've got in this game it would be a um a boat you're in as a boat even alexander would like to be a boat i've just named all two of the boats in existence because only the british people have made boats no one else has made a boat yet they're just they're not using boats which is fine each of their own but come on boats are amazing oh anyway how are we doing chat someone in someone in chat would like to be called a gravy boat i'm not making a boat and calling a gravy boat i'm sorry i know it's a good joke dear lord the germans are attacking wow you are a paranoid wise man with a doomed legendary weapon oh wow this is very majestic some random dude can be a german um michael martin you're in i completely spelt your name wrong well bam lead you are currently leading their armies you will probably die randomly that is how it works um lord spiff i've seen the error of my ways asking to be in the coffee kingdom uh may you be a servant of the tea empire but one that does not die that quickly are screaming oh my god something has fallen from the sky uh what about instead geoffrey allen you enter as a demon that is just summoned either with a flame sword of terror um i mean that seems like the only way to repent for your your hubris of desiring to be in the coffee kingdom oh my god yeah that seems that seems powerful oh dear god oh dear god we need a swedish kingdom to counter the norwegians no no no no i've been over to sweden i've seen how much tea you drink you're not getting a kingdom no no no no you're simply getting colonized by the british yes yes yes yes someone would like to be in poland i will give you poland it is going to be voice the bear which is my personal favorite bear from history and i know i didn't spell his name correctly but he's lovely and he's great he was the bear who carried um ammunition in world war ii such as such a lovely bear oh my goodness the boat is going on an adventure where is this boat going it's got 37 dudes in it where on earth is it landing kingdom of empires declared war on cheese land okay is it landing in italy where is the boat going where is the boat going who is even on the boat why is it just going around in circles and norway is getting colonized by the brits oh dear hand meat would like something evil and overpowered named after them um god i only know one supremely evil creature as the bloody penguins you looked at them they're up to no good i swear have you ever been to a zoo and looked at a penguin they're all evil so it's just eaten by a wolf which i guess makes the wolf even more evil because it will have absorbed the evilness of the penguin that's how it works oh dear i would know i'm an expert on just about everything um oh my goodness what is this person doing up here why is there just a random one-eyed dude up here on the volcano you know what i don't know what you're doing here i don't need to know what you're doing here but i believe in you chat we're gonna name name someone in chat actually no chat i just want a good name give me a good name best be a joke name a lovely pun name like um like uh this chicken here named margaret hatcher oh dear then what do we do what do we do with margaret hatcher well she goes into the fiery pits of hell from where she belongs goodbye margaret hatcher phil mccracken i do like i do like phil mccracken it's a good name you're in phil and we're cracking well bam phil good luck on the volcano island we need a tiny island for australia yeah sure this is australia just this is it i don't know how else to represent australia but this is australia what the hell is this the welsh have created themselves it even sounds welsh but it's in the intern land so you are in turn uprising number three this is what happens when all you guys keep frequenting the um keep frequenting the no work subreddit okay we end up in this situation where you create a kingdom where the motto is nature or sadness instead of siding with the glorious empire that only wants to work you to your death okay you had one job it was bow oh my god rihanna kevs has been killed by this random dude called ooby get into the volcano okay in the volcano you they're dead they're dead goddamn intern uprising i'm sorry intern uprising you forced my hand you forced my hand you thought you could live in scotland peacefully and just get away with killing the king of the empire riyadh keeves himself i think not that is what you get for your hubris we shall forever forever change the landscape of scotland with a big old f to remember rihanna keith's oh my goodness who is the new king of the brits all hail king phil mccracken of intern free fill mccracken switch sides what the hell is this law you were meant to be part of the empire what the hell what what is this plot twist what is this plot twist jesus christ film a crack at you with the chosen one the chosen one you you were meant to look after the volcano where we put the coffee drinkers in right phil i know oh my god oh god all right you know what we're moving we're moving the interns i'm gonna make a small area for the interns it's gonna be a hellscape but the interns can just live over here on a horrible little island where they're just not continuously ruining things okay i'm gonna grab up a few of them because i imagine the rest are going to get murdered here by the mighty british empire and cheeseland was destroyed cheeseland has been annexed by the empire my goodness the empire does have a new king though we have a new king gustavo mello no no no no no no but yes uh as tasia says if you strike if you lightning strike someone they can get immortality which is why you generally want to repeatedly lightning strike someone in a bubble that way there's a chance they'll get immortality so taizea thank you very much for that we shall make you the new king and we shall take you where are you oh there you are lovely we're going to take you away on a little adventure my lovely king and dump you here and then what i'm going to do is give you a shield so that you're less likely to die then i'm going to give you a power-up so you're a little bit stronger and i'm also gonna bless you so that you have a better chance of positive things coming your way now i'm just gonna repeatedly strike you with lightning now have you gained immortality yes you have wa-bam oh yes well we've got a new king now and they're gonna be good where are we dropping them we're gonna we're gonna drop him to fight the devil why not um jeffrey allen who is also immortal oh wait you are so gonna die from this yeah immortal does not mean immune to damage uh yeah get back here um it's oh god yeah jeffrey allen is just gonna run around the landscape and murder people and that's fine oh my god no jeffrey allen was slain by oops ass what and he's just running around with this flame sword of terror what the hell sorry you just killed a flaming immortal demon lord using your bare bloody hands um it's uh well following a lovely donation from greer but this has got to be the legend of seymour clavage oh my good lord um he's goddamn great and logically we need to we need to power him up we need to bless him and we also need to heal him uh because he is there we go now max health okay my boy you've got a job we're taking you on an adventure you are going onto this tiny island and you're gonna beat the hell out of phil mccracken good lord okay wow seymour clavas you just walked up and one hit that dude okay it does help that you do have a flame sword of terror that just one hits everything oh you're now a king slayer as well oh my goodness you have become a god well um [Music] that's gonna serve you right for standing up in turns oh yes a tornado has appeared as well oh dear well it's ravaging the coffee kingdom so that serves them right um no the tuba oh my goodness thank you noah the trooper that is incredibly generous of you i shall give you a dukedom in in italy yes here you are you're angry and you like burgers oh you're probably american it's the only way i could tell well bam well the interns keep coming up with new kings so i guess this new king is um conor brown the fourth warbam he's in we'll um see how long he lasts oh dear um hang on a second the king of canada has been murdered by a norwegian viking what okay this is getting this is getting spicy wait is that a bow killed by a viking with a bow oh my goodness this is getting very spicy oh it's meant to be 1v oh my god i just put free ones yeah this is the new naming system chat um fine this is gonna be youtube chat we're gonna follow the life of youtube chat and see how he does um to give him a little bit of a better chance we're gonna bless him because youtube chat you know you are you're a little bit blessed um oh my goodness dear lord oh wow another another canadian king has just been murdered those poor canadians i love this volcano that's going on in sweden that's uh that's lovely uh can we get an evil wizard named hot towered of course we can uh wa-bam this actually i think an evil wizard is might be a little bit extreme probably going to go for said a cold one because it's scary me okay so this is going to be todd howard um he's here and then he's going to be accompanied by his um by his brother of course hold towered oh my god someone um with the most swedish name in the universe with a swedish flag has donated a thousand sec to um make swedish noises that was um that was swedish all right i have like sure we can add in the first swedish man ah this is going to be the first swedish man in existence bjorn he's in um i don't know what he's gonna do the answer is he's just gonna be murdered he's been murdered oh my goodness and they also killed conor brown conor brown was slain by usi and did do the interns have a new king i don't think the interns have a new king they do have a new king okay it's conor brother iv conor brown v he's wise he likes fish yep that sounds just like the guy i know how are the brits doing actually in terms of culture um because hopefully they're going to be in the lead they are doing pretty good level 19 culture let's see how that kind of compares with other cultures oh my goodness level 20 culture for this one what is the uttawad culture oh no found it in notre wat who is actually following this culture i suppose there is a culture mode oh i think it's the one under the tea drinking empire yeah it is yeah all right so let's view the kingdom out mode this is like the town's map mode so we can see all of the towns but then if we switch to the kingdom map mode we can actually see who those villages and such actually what a new kingdom has has happened the french have rebelled and that doesn't say great ollie to me that says great oil and i think for the first time ever the the americans have arrived um which means we now need to designate the king of the americans he's even got a bloody eagle in his banner oh my god it's bo jaiden mojiden he's here and someone would like to join the intern uprising fine i see you i see you scottish people trying to join the intern uprising you're in oh dear oh dear oh wait who am i naming oh it's greek it's greek you're in greek congratulations oh my god conor brown the fifth has been slain he's dead of course he has time for terrible terry to make an appearance it's lord to some folk um terrible terry is actually coming back in a future video um oh my god another return was slayed by sibo clavash yes look at him this dude he's so good i love him i love seymour he's just he's just the best let's just heal that boy make him strong make him even stronger and the kingdom of intern one of the third intern uprising has been destroyed there we go serves them right and the empire is now attacking the germans lovely lovely stuff perfect how the frost giants doing um also can you remake the american president ray and vice president woof um well we can't really have rey but we can have oh my goodness get out has ended carl hoof no karl hoof no and the kingdom of corgi is still not annexed portugal this is the most historically inaccurate thing i've seen and why are the brits still the only ones with boats actually wait hungry has one there go there's a boat 108 passengers as well good lord oh my good lord okay um they appear to be very angry actually uh that wasn't hungry that was actually um the russians landing an army down there four good lord skyfall roaring thunder here comes jormsgoon rising up from the sea out tearing all asunders jungkook and the sweets are going bad the swedes are going bad in chat guys i'm sorry okay fine we'll add in the swedes these are going to be the swedish peoples we go we've made all four swedish people that have ever existed there have never been more or less swedish people oh my god well the swede is dead that's once we'd gone well um we'll see how they do the other swede appears to have walked into oh my goodness they're walking into the water and killing themselves yep he just the other swede just drowned himself okay fine oh god how the japanese do they're doing great look at them they're just they've just made their own stuff down here let's give them something let's give them a cat they'll probably like that they'll love a cat how the necromancer's doing they're doing great they're just getting a whole bunch of bony boys it could probably do with some things to actually make more skeletons out of so give them a couple humans to murder um well maxim's land has made peace with hungry hungary is doing great like good lord that's just going fantastic plutonian we bring denmark to its knees well i'm afraid there's only one last swede swede free has fallen uh all hope lies on swede four um some would say the mightiest of the swedes and like all swedes they probably drink coffee so um that's what we've given them and um turns out it was enough to kill a single american they've done it okay the developers have declared war on norway and oh no something has fallen from the sky what was that what has fallen from the sky something has landed here it okay it was nothing okay it's fine quebec has ended youtube chat i'm sorry youtube chat you'd be murdered by what this where is the dude i guess quebec was also murdered because yep okay youtube chat was murdered by a dude who was then subsequently murdered actually youtube chat was murdered by an army from the actual the the developers i'm sorry chat you're dead i think that ends the stream of course it doesn't i'm only joking i'm only joking it's fine don't worry but you have all died um which means logically you are now technically all undead so we're just gonna add youtube chat in here and um we're gonna add another necromancer it's youtube chat reborn they're back baby uh from this point on you now legally have to like the stream chat because i brought you back this takes a lot okay i don't like to cheat def but for you guys i'll bring you back i'll make you big i was gonna bless you but i realized that that has no effect you're evil okay you're back you're evil now give me your likes because i'm evil too oh my god are you fighting the other oh my god youtube chat don't die again don't die again you're literally god there we go that's more like it yep you killed those killed those king those kingdoms yep you're bringing the undead back lovely lovely stuff um well i think norway is not doing so great equally i think the empire is having some problems what with you know the americans why do the americans have scotland what is wrong with the interns why do they just keep uprising and why have they built a oh my goodness ah no fascia the king of the the queen of the empire has been murdered by bolt of lightning and norway's been destroyed beans oh well we've got a new king um chat we need a new king of the empire you're king ah dear give me the greatest name the interns of unionized i can't believe the interns have united they've sided with the americans oh my god the americans lost france that's insane the corgis are expanding they really are okay we got a new name it's giga chad gingka chad you're in my boy you like jam do you like jam okay you need to save the game okay right look you're lagging behind i don't care that you've got trading boats and that you can make weapons good you need to murder you need to murder good okay murder good no you're being murdered oh my who's attacking you oh no not the realm of cd what the hell is the realm of cd no the interns have prison again this was no hugo is good what in turn uprising i think this is four now um this is the fourth intern uprising they don't even have a king yet not even being led by conor brown uh well they've they've elected bumo okay oh you're being changed to conor brown gonna bro the uh sixth oh god i think i can i can do v1 i can do v15 we'll stretch that um and then we're gonna need a new king of england um well the empire uh sadly gigachad lasted about like four seconds um so instead we're just gonna have steve steve please steve um i wish him luck i really hope he does well oh my goodness we are managing to like shoot some boats though with bows and arrows which is nice um and some of our boats are being shot as well the lovely hms m island here is doing good work actually but we need more boats and more power and also the interns have taken the rest of italy oh my god internal uprising no the empire is weakened the empire has weakened no conor brown was slain though yes yes yes yes and seymour clavage was here of course he was of course seymour clavage was here yes take that you into an uprising how were you fair when the mighty seymour clavage is here right uh i think we are now on connor brown the well we were about to be on conor brothers seventh but eupemi just got murdered um so i think that means we now have a new one who is hiding here who is an ambitious honest greedy wise individual yep that's connor brown carla brown the seventh lovely you're in oh god um you should spike coffee drinkers coffee with mushroom to teach them a lesson sure i will place down a mushroom i'm not even sure what happens here mush must grow spread spores on units um [Music] that doesn't sound the best that sounds quite evil um could give him just some regular mushroom seeds just to do some mushroomy stuff oh my goodness oh my god what the hell has happened here well king of great oil has made peace with the empire the german kings keep dying do we still have a corner brow the corner brow was just laid by seymour clavage jesus christ this man this man is insane he is wearing so much armor he's slain so many kings give this man a heal we'd need to buff this boy buff this boy make him big and strong he's just he's just so good there is just no stopping this man try and kill this man they are actually trying to kill this man please don't please don't actually kill this man oh my god i can't even see him no my god he's almost dead he's one-eyed seymour okay for your good i have to save you okay we i can put you on this island where you're safe at least i think you are we can't have you die and apparently the next king was also asleep by sea with the house jesus christ seymour is just on a one-man mission to murder every single king of the interns he's so good you just can't you just can't stop him really anyway there's a new king of the interns um this one will probably get murdered as well uh this is god actually i think by this point truly conor brown is dead so we have to pick another intern we're going to go for autumn sicarius good luck good luck in uh autumn i wish you luck geez the intern uprisings they just they just always go crazy right what if what if okay we added just a little just a little biomass oh my god okay the ground is shaking there's an earthquake i'm going to add a little evil biomass just to just as the coffee drinkers land it feels like the correct thing to do because this feels like exactly oh my god the coffee drinks are just coming to murder i guess i can just put a bear in as well to really get them going but nope the coffee drinkers just came to murder it i guess we can add a tumor as well that also feels like something that the coffee drinkers would enjoy no they can just murder it wow okay i guess we actually know we should have the tentacles near the japanese that's exactly what they'd love okay cool we'll do that we'll give the tentacles to the japanese um oh my god the kingdom of corgi declared war in future spain great again um the germans are once again being beaten up uh a tornado is coming through here and appears to be murdering the interns yep it has mass oh my god it is evaporating the interns dear lord oh my goodness the interns jeez okay this is fine wow okay no it's not fine there's a lot of dead interns today that's okay that's good that's what we like to see steve is doing great steve is one of the longest living english kings we've had in a while and quite frankly we could have all done with that um how is the biomass doing the biomass is doing good looking nice and creepy nice and creepy and weird um what does a zombie do here just gets mass murdered just gets killed lovely demons from another realm have invaded this world okay right well we've got a whole bunch of demons to check out now i guess uh they look a bit sizzly um got green joker he's here oh my god we're gonna have twitch dmca um just because it's currently the hottest thing i know oh god these are estonian demons so i'll also call on karen after the spiciest demon of all an angry woman who didn't get the correct starbucks order um oh my goodness maxum land is huge wow they've just annexed all of canada and norway that's glorious oh well what is all of this the americans they look like they're trying to attack somewhere maybe the empire also the empire please you need to attack somewhere let me give you people let me give you people empire okay i need more productivity from you i need more armies okay and i need success and progress yes oh my goodness okay oh is there another british army over here what is the british army doing over here why is it hit why is it just chilling there's just a single dude over here someone has ended twitch dmca ladies and gentlemen we've saved it twitch has been saved we've done it yes you can now once again live stream entire films and get banned so that you can have a free holiday and a wonderful return stream where you get way more money than you should have done we've saved it we've saved the world oh my goodness oh dear i see a fun name in chat worried potato we're gonna have worried potato also i've seen another one which is huge anus so um hugh janus you're in thank you for that phil island with snakes island isn't filled with snakes it's filled with filled with happy lovely tasty beer instead we can fill this area with snakes because it's full of demons and the demons will just eat the snakes lovely and eugene this has been slayed oh no oh no wow the goo is it's been spreading but it's actually it's not that intimidating i've got to be honest like this seems fine it seems perfectly fine um we oh my god what the hell was that something else has fallen from the sky just an angry old explosion in the middle of france well that's like 50 percent of france gone and the interns have made peace with hungary lovely um hungary has a new king they got and todd howard just died i saw um that is the end of todd howard the ground is shaking dear god the world is coming to an end germany is on fire um everything has gone wrong right here in germany really really badly really really badly for germany oh dear lord oh well it's good for the brits because they've invaded poland sorry i mean uh annexed it um colonized it who knows oh god the soviet uprising will happen i mean i think it will there is a lot of russian men i mean if we take a look at the kingdom viewer right they have 285 soldiers if we take a look at all the other kingdoms yeah that's a lot more that's a whole bunch more and i reckon that culture is probably pretty good too yeah 24 culture that's um that's really powerful so the fact that they just loaded up like 200 dudes onto this boat that's not a nice sign you don't want to know where these boats are going it's you don't want to find out where are they going what boat line they stopping off at because wherever they stop people are gonna die that's all i know oh god who are they at war with anyway kingdom is at war with hungary okay so they're probably doing the immense tactical maneuver of instead marching troops across the border sailing them right the way around europe and dumping them right here is going to be my guess tactical tactical genius maneuver right there could you name two guys in japan kiryu and majima um i can i can rename the japanese hometown as i think that's a good idea i'll rename the town to kamarocho there we go ba-bam it's now a place oh and a little village has been founded oh new village a new village lovely oh my goodness the game is chugging now the game is chugging what is happening frames frames one like equals one frame oh god okay it's fine it's fine don't worry wow hungary is um hungary is not having a good day actually uh it would appear russia has annexed pretty much ninety percent of the population of hungary um uh this is not good this is really not good the developer has certainly overtaken everyone in this game i thought the bears would slow them down but no the bears just made them more powerful oh dear what is the corgi kingdom doing here as well oh it feels this map is a it's a nightmare mess it's a beautiful nightmare mess but it is a nightmare mess oh no oh no oh there's been a revolt in hungary against maxim's land okay that's something that is something the russians are overdue for a disaster well okay chad what are we thinking for the russian disaster are we thinking a grey goo a nice little bit of grey goo in the top right oh my god todd howard has been killed well that's in the skyrim guys i mean oh wow that that just straight up destroys the world yeah we gotta we can't have that that's just that's just way too fast dear lord that just straight up kills like a little edge of the world has just fallen off dear lord wow i guess we could have a corrupted brain up here or two we could have a couple of these there we go it'll just make them nice and angry they'll just start fighting each other there we go they've started going mad and that's good for them a little bit of madness just to really spice up russia's day oh my god uh the interns have declared war on the germans why have the interns growing so powerful and uh screaming meteorite fell from the sky and has destroyed the uh yapo imperium okay that's gone dear lord this is uh this is genuinely terrifying this is absolutely terrifying at any moment a meteor could fall from the sky and just wipe out your kingdom you never know who's going to be next so if any chance you do more lore videos on stellaris um probably not due to the fact that there's not really a market for them and there's also not really a market for any videos of stellaris on youtube it's just not a very popular game because it's not a very enjoyable game to watch it's a very fun game to play but the issue is it's hard to be invested in a world where it's like the um the yobgob imperium fights the flobgorb empire and you just don't really have any stake whereas with this you know you can see these borders and you can recognize them you know that this is this is spain and this is portugal and this is england and this is scotland it's fun oh juniper is no more juniper the dog no oh oh well who knows what happened could be could probably meet you right and why is the coffee kingdom annexed them oh no they're expanding oh god oh god is it really just going to become the empire maxim's land and the coffee kingdom fighting just around the sides of the intern uprising oh dear lord this is gonna get very messy very very quickly i'm gonna give some more humans a chance though oh no they just founded a new kingdom of cack those interns jeez you have one job and that is to not not have another kingdom chat well it got to be the welsh it's the welsh or yeah we will have the welsh why not why not how are the necromancers doing they don't appear to actually be resurrecting any more dead like if i give them penguins can they raise the penguins from the dead the answer is no they can't if i were to give them a singular elf can they kill that elf and then raise it from the dead no they can't oh my goodness there's been another revolt no the brits good lord you had one job why is everyone rebelling from the brits this is just it's like it's like australia all over again guided by up dog but what is up dog hey vsauce michael time to find out and we're just going to keep spawning in snakes um to represent the snaky nature of the australian peoples who have created this there you go you get you get attacked by snakes and what about big snake it's just a crocodile it's just a big old big old snake that makes sense and a worm oh my god okay this worm is big actually that's fine we'll just let him live who knows what he'll do let's cut that on australians every time needs more spiders don't think there are spiders i mean the closest thing we've got is crabzilla which um i don't think counts as a spider it's just a gigantic crab oh no the king of future spain has been murdered by the gigantic coffee kingdom good lord oh wow there's a fight happening here oh my god i asked any sporting spoiling crabzilla um right crabzilla we've gotta go off into the ocean because you blow up into a nuclear blast what are these things here mushrooms oh my goodness tiny mushrooms for monsters oh my god that would explain why the coffee kingdom is having problems in spain that would explain it spiff house seymour doing um great question uh we gotta we got our favorites um good old autumn sicarius here he has he's over here he has killed zero people he's the wise king of the interns um then we have joe uh bojidan who's killed one person uh seymour clavage has killed 22 people dude's level four he's insane this man is a god some would say i would say god i would definitely say god um he's terrifying a lot of our a lot of our favorites have sadly been murdered but hey this youtube chat is still alive today wait where is youtube youtube chat's over here right did someone just someone settled here the lee moon what the i have no idea what the hell this is what is this chat what is this what it is split off from maxim's land i don't even know what this is it needs a name it's we're not calling it bosnia oh dear oh that's that this is this is uh twitch plays is it no new hungry yugoslavia what if it is what if it's youtube itself and youtube itself is fighting against youtube chat reborn yes yes it all makes sense now it all makes sense now we've got to have good youtubers here in the fight as well then we also need the the dislike button it's back but only if it can live whatever youtube classics are there uh guess we've also got everyone's favorite everyone's favorite representation of youtube it's serbia serbian youtubers i don't i don't know any serbian youtubers i'm sure they're out there but today we're representing them where no one else would and they're on fire oh dear god oh it's fine it's okay and you know what we'll even give them some land so that they can cross over the first youtube crossover ever it's rewind it's rewind time oh my goodness that's right youtube rewind when it was good when it was goo back when the youtube rewind was mostly goo didn't that happen once didn't they just throw like slime on serbian youtubers have died no not the serbian youtubers oh no our youtube chat reborn is on fire no youtube chat no it's dead fine f in the chat for youtube chat reborn oh god you died a second time which means you all owe me a second like on the live stream i'm sorry that is just how it works oh god but now we have you the audience has spawned in it's here you the audience has arrived hopefully you should do great oh there's a cyber core that seems like something that would annoy the russians yeah let's just do that fun little cyber call yeah who knows if it will even live but it looks pretty cool um anyway hopefully youtube chat is gonna do great actually you know what seeing as you guys are all spamming it it also makes sense that we just have a gigantic f there we go bam and um hopefully they're gonna go do some great things and by that i mean murder youtube itself just to you know get a little bit of revenge going oh there's a dragon wow a dragon would kind of be fun yeah let's add one in why not he looks fun damn he's got fire blood he's strong-minded he's immortal yeah he needs a name jerry the big red dragon oh he's gonna be great let him go oh we love you jerry oh yeah oh well he just set fire okay the dude just said fires everywhere whoa oh trogdor the burninator you're right chad you're right you're so right it's trogdor trogdor he's troll door he used to be an adventurer like you until he took a narrow to the knee sadly um but trogdor the burnt nature has arrived so i've realized something we can do to mess up australia um we make it so the trees now live uh the trees are alive this is to represent the fact that in australia the nature is alive and it wants to kill you uh meanwhile trogdor is having a grand old time walking around setting things on fire the necromancers they uh they need a little hand let me put one down here here we go oh this is um susan ceo actually wait no it doesn't make sense for that this makes sense for this this can be um this can be animators animators on youtube they don't exist anymore but um they once did and they're here to fight youtube itself which is of course led by the one the only susan ceo of youtube she likes drinking cider and dear god she's got a the sword of justice this is what they use to decide whether your channel gets banned the susan and her sword of justice she just knocks on your door and if you say oh god it's susan and a sword of justice then she kills you um which is you know it's it's just how it is deroot sandstorm oh my god darude sandstorm you're right i'm sorry you're no longer animated on youtube you're the root sandstorm oh yes i love love a good bit of deroute sandstorm right youtube itself is currently fighting the interns that's good of course we here at spiffco aren't the only ones to beat up our interns youtube loves to do it too i love it oh wow trogdor he's still going dude is still going dude it's berninating everywhere he has healed actually and he is now a veteran this is quite impressive very very impressive um the coffee kingdom has lost these people here so i imagine these are probably going to be um these are going to be bistro coffee hipsters because they're the only faction that would logically separate from the kingdom of coffee um the people who believe in bistro coffee it just it's all the same a taste of bitterness and horribleness okay there's just no there's no difference in coffee i'm sorry it's all a lie wait since when did the empire lose everything to america what is bo dryden doing over there bojidan could you stop stealing land what is this guy doing geez oh my goodness i suppose we could probably also put down a super fun super duper fun nightmarish cyber core over here there we go that'll do great no no no no no no no no no no a giant mushroom boys killed seymour clavage what what what what what what a giant mushroom boy no how could you you killed seymour that's whoa oh no this is devastating chat i can't believe it i can't he was the hero we deserved um seymour he saved us oh my god he's back he's back as a mushroom he's he's fighting um seymour please don't die please don't die seymour um i will do whatever is necessary to save you i will make you big i will even give you some heels there we go seymour you lived you lived my boy you live as a bathroom so that you may fight as a man yes yes this makes perfect sense it's it's a complicated arc but he's here oh my goodness there's been an uprising another uprising oh well some people have uprising from the interns why would you uprise from being an intern okay it's fine we don't need to understand their reasoning seymour is he's marching this boy is marching how's he doing what's his health i need to know if he's okay his health is fine this boy he's still got his flame sword of terror which allows him to just one hit most buildings our bistro coffee hipsters will have no idea what's hit him wow yep those mushroom spores really are something they really are ah david sowa says can't wait to watch the rerun love your videos binged all of them this month uh well you totally should have been studying for an exam well i'm you know i'm glad you didn't actually i'm not you you gotta study okay it's good to study yes do it sometimes otherwise my videos are also great also i think it's just logically time that we um we drop a nuclear bomb and you know what i think we should have a vote we should so have a vote to see where the bomb gets dropped um we're going to vote i know we can have a vote we're going to say where do we nuke and we have a few options we have youtube we have japan we also can add in coffee um then we can add in interns and wa-bam these are your options chat uh you have the poll um it is now in your your court the ball is at your court to decide who i'm dropping a new clip off onto oh god um oh no it would appear autumn the leader of the interns is about to be murdered if he's not careful i thought he's just standing around okay he's fine australia has made peace with the empire good finally oh my goodness wow the mushrooms are doing great they're really doing great wow who knew an immortal army of mushroom warriors would work so well this dude is um quite frankly amazing like uh seymour clavage you are a god you are a true god um right i think that's enough let's go see let's go see how the pole did um 28 percent of people want to nuke youtube 36 one japan 19 one coffee and 70 won the interns can't believe you guys love the intern so much wow right well i understand the historical accuracy we have to end the poll and i'm sorry japanese peoples wow um some of them survived you know what hats off to them that's impressive that's very impressive look someone puts in chat this is the only way we can get anime oh no and chaos has gone into the citizens of these of this nation and they've gone bad lovely um and the mushrooms are attacking again oh god the mushrooms oh my god the mushrooms oh god well the japanese are now marching out and they appear to be attacked by the weird tumor monsters i don't really know what's happening here but it should be okay it should all be okay they've become one with the tentacle itself this village was murdered by um all of the good things of youtube and you know what we're actually gonna pick up all of our necromancer friends here let's just pick them all up and we're just gonna dump them all straight onto youtube itself just you know spice it up a bit get a fun little bit of conflict going because they've been they've been enjoying things a little bit too easily lately so we're just going to get a nice big old blob of dudes blobber skelly dudes and just dump them right here into bulgaria and then they come and straight away we're gonna see some good stuff oh my goodness um japanese are still going somehow it's very impressive i don't quite know how dislike button has ended susan ceo oh my god is this foreshadowing it's foreshadowing but in turn owner over here has ended all good youtubers all good youtubers have been ended but it it's happened it's accurate that it was the dislike button was it took her down in the end sadly we lost good youtubers that's okay it's okay it's a sacrifice i'm willing to take to get the dislike button back oh dear there's they've elected a new ceo what would the new ceo of youtube be i mean it would probably be jeff bezos let's be real it would probably be jeff bezos um it's just got to be the next most evil dude that's just how these corporations work oh dear lord all right well they're raising the undead oh no tarot sandstorm was being attacked and pushed into a corner but it's okay look what you've done chat now japan will dominate by enslaving the world of hentai i mean you you did this to yourselves and the intern uprising is doing really powerful again god damn it and why why is america doing so well i don't like it when america does well you know what we're gonna just make a few of the american zombies and that's okay basically they're gonna start feeling a little bit weird and when they die if they bite someone or kill someone they will also become a zombie it just it seems like the best way to do this yes oh no the dislike button has been murdered by someone at youtube that is a shame a tornado has also appeared and the uh audience has been murdered once more and with that youtube itself has survived but it has done so at the cost of many things we hold dear to ourselves chat um but that's okay that's okay what are these weird flesh monsters that the japanese have created youtube itself is declared war on the interns again of course they have how are our mushroom people doing they're doing great they do appear to be mostly on fire youtube rewind has also been killed oh my god you have murdered so many people here what are you you're like the intern destroyer you've murdered like so many majors wow i feel like i need to save these mushrooms though so i'll just hit him with a little bit of a little bit of rain there we go that'll that'll make everything better no more fire when there's a little bit of rain swinging which why even is there rain like well why is there even fire rather and where is seymour clavage where's my boy there we go he's alive he's killed 128 people god where are you oh you're over here i think your people need you seymour you need to be up on the front lines you know and actually you know i think the time of england has come to an end i think it is time for seymour clavage and a band of mushroom men to convert the people of the empire into also being mushroom men so that is what we shall do seymour it's time for the empire to be done the age of the mushroom is upon us it is time see more do what you do best mushroom innate people even is the king it's abamy i mean that's not even a king that's not even a kingly name we shall go for we shall call him nova ezreal after a lovely chat mod oh my goodness um i'm sorry england but you just you haven't been doing good lately it's just not been going well like i mean what have you even researched you've got the way of life defense strategies but i mean like you just haven't got any land there's just no land here if one settlement it you just need to become the mushrooms i'm sorry it's easy this way oh my goodness there we go and nova was just laying by seymour clavage but it's good news nova you you've come back as a mushroom monster which is the way you probably didn't want it to go but that's okay anyway what's going on here oh there's another army ah maxim's land is in youtube itself lovely maxim's land is of course mostly on fire how did the zombie apocalypse go in in america actually went quite well um except the lightning bolt just landed and it caused a mushroom boy to spawn oh wow okay and then another lightning strike happened and so we get more mushrooms and bojide is drowning the immortal energized joe biden oh he's been turned into a zombie wait can he even die because he is immortal oh my goodness joe biden joe i mean bojidan bojo nacho but a completely different dude oh my goodness he's here what if i drop a grenade on him he's dead but he's back now as a zombie it's unbeaten undead bojiden he's he's if anything could could be faster we don't know oh my god uh the empire is falling um but this is good it needed to be this way i'm terribly sorry but it just had to the empire had to come to an end it had lasted too long they've elected a new king of the americas bojiden is apparently not suitable undead beaujoid and in fact i thought he was suitable he is great he got great ideas like just eat more brains and the mushroom people have almost decimated the internal land oh my god the mushroom people they're just incredible love the mushroom people how the japanese doing you know they're actually rebuilding they're rebuilt they are continuing to thrive and survive that's good for them i wonder if we can summon in a ufo i don't really know what this is going to do but i imagine it's going to be pretty cool i can actually be killed and in fact it is actually getting killed by bows and arrows oh it's getting lovely and exciting in the chat uh oh no bo dryden is dead well undead bojadin rest in peace are they gonna kill this giant flying alien spaceship of death or yeah there we go it's going it's getting murdered now there we go this should be the end of it it might take out an entire army in the process but i think when this bad boy drops yep they drop aliens that have alien blasters and these alien blasters are rather useful yes so whoever murders them gets to have lovely alien blasters and in fact i think one of them some dudes just picked one up there we go this dude has an alien blaster now right we're going to give him to someone um this is going to someone in chat he's going to grow in chat great oracle bam you're in you have an alien blaster pistol good luck trying not to change the course of history oh wow the mushrooms of bows as well oh no oh jeff bezos has been murdered by mushroom monsters perfect perfect good yes and autumn's curse of the intern uprising has been murdered by the mushroom monsters as well yeah these mushrooms are um they're powerful we're actually going to build a land bridge between italy and northern africa it makes sense we have to spread the mushroom love oh wow oh this village of slough has been destroyed i'd argue that happened a long time ago oh god slough's been dead for a long while whoa jeez pro gamer dude asks how's coffee kingdom doing these guys have done okay um their culture is it's acceptable it's level 28 so it's not the highest but equal it's definitely not the lowest um it's it's okay they haven't really got many rare technologies beyond ancestors knowledge is useful and so is armour smith but mostly they appear to be expanding towards the borders of um oh my goodness of the japanese which could lead to some positive or negative things and namely they need to be able to survive to fend off this giant mushroom plague invasion which is literally just on their borders and could strike at any moment meanwhile youtube itself is about to be devoured by the mushrooms america is following suit very quickly and maxim's island is well maxim's land is actually still doing great oh i'd argue everything's gone relatively well relatively well no protect japanese hashtag tea we we can't protect the japanese okay there's only so much we can do i mean you already made me drop a nuclear bomb on them guys so like what else you know nice to see that the worm is still knocking about yeah you'll occasionally just see the worm wiggle across the map anyway the mushrooms have crossed north into scotland this is where the first intern uprising happened around about 20 minutes ago jesus christ maybe about an hour and 20 minutes ago really wow wow wow well the hms m island is still kicking about we can solve that by dropping a bomb on it the last vestige of the british empire it sadly had to go i will say dropping bombs is just very satisfying like just look at this it's just oh what a lovely noise and then we've got a heat ray look at that heat here you just burn things boat burn giant statue burnt actually well no it just made it warmer um that did not burn it who is this person here oh it's intern destroyer the intern destroyer has been infected by mushroom spores oh dear oh that is a problem well maxim's land has declared war in australia which isn't working because australia appears to be fighting back and intern destroyer has been made the king of youtube itself lovely oh no wow this is um it's the end the coffee kingdom is now collapsing to the mushroom spores um it really is going to be the end it's quite possible that the japanese might be the last people to live which it could happen the mushroom spores are now entering into the northern empire is this what is remains of the germans i think it is what is this from with pride and hell jesus i mean they don't have a name anymore but it's the color of the german so i imagine it's probably their culture um no it's jordanism okay it's actually the british culture so this is a remnant of the british empire i mean after all the australians are also a remnant of the british empire this is the one culture that actually did great they're up to level 32. i think that puts them in the lead i actually know the uh youtubers managed it ever so slightly wow well australia not gonna be long before the mushrooms come along you will protect the japanese hashtag pair of money um i mean i can give you something to vaguely slow down the mushroom monsters um i can give you uh a white mage who i think is a good boy and um that's all you're getting just a singular nice white mage oh my goodness australia's annexed um parts of northern ukraine maxim's land is actually losing land for the first time in a very long while youtube itself is about to be destroyed um as a new king of australia uh he needs to be renamed to steve uh steve irwin he's here he's got a bow he's a pyromaniac he just wants to see the world but that's the exact opposite of steve owens but there's a crocodile oh no the crocodile's murdering him why can't the crocodile be friendly just gotta be a friendly crocodile is that too much to ask for anyway um this is the end of the americans as well the great oil land is being consumed oh my goodness everything is coming to an end under the mushrooms it really is me um let me actually speed up the game oh we're on five time speed oh the coffee kingdom was split there's now the holy to shoe jeez okay this is this is a nightmare they don't even follow the same culture wait none of them follow the same culture what happened to um what happened to everyone's favorite culture of bingus where is bingas at our time of deed only 24 people follow the bingus culture how how has that happened bingus was once a mighty culture oh well i suppose i can i can always place down a great big volcano slap bang here just in the middle of everything why not it's lovely it's a cute little volcano who doesn't love one everyone loves a volcano also pretty sure our favorite dudes are still milling about on this island where on earth is my boy uh my favorite boy what when did he die when did seymour clavage die what seymour clavage is dead chat chat when did this happen i need someone to go back and clip it this is a critical information absolutely critical information he died a long time ago died before england fell well no i mean mushroom version of seymour clavage because he was he was put into england wait why is that just a singular dude still alive here what are you what i what are you what are you i can't even select this singular dude that's fine i i won't ask questions anyway the coffee kingdom is about to be defeated um this is the end of it rest in peace see more oh my and i think the end of the holy teshu as well as the mushroom men slowly encroach closer and closer towards the japanese who i do believe might be the final final vestiges of survivors youtube itself is technically still alive but um i don't think it counts they have 10 people have a single square yeah that doesn't look like surviving to me meanwhile the mushroom men are advancing slowly into sweden and then also finland oh god it has gone well the worm is over here wiggling about look at him go what a nice worm he really spiced up the game a bit and i'm gonna go grab some mushroom people from uh from england because they can't go anywhere i'm just gonna dump them somewhere actually i can i can dump them all in one place and then we can work out where we want the mushroom people to go chat i'm gonna start another poll where would we like the mushroom people to be placed the choice is yours we're gonna put them all in here temporarily and doo doo doo doo doo uh doo doo doo doo we have rush uh wait where to mush russia japan and guess the only other valid option at this point would be australia there we go the volcano works too i could have done the volcano oh no well rest in peace this kingdom down here to the bottom left i guess we can give them one saving grace and that is to drop a nuclear bomb on their head just before they die there we go they were they were dead um right you guys want it on russia very well i shall scoop up the mush mush much much much much mush coming up my lovely mushroom friends yes lovely mushroom friends going on a mushroom quest with my mushroom friends right mushroom friends we're gonna place you slap bang right in the middle of russia oh my god you just picked up a random demon as well what's what okay well this actually might solve the mushroom problem if there's a flame demon setting fire to them steve irwin of australia has been slain by the russians oh no that means fierce retribution to anyone who slays steve irwin and you know what that means it's plague of crocodiles plague of crocodiles only logical follow-up oh my favorite it's no more as well oh beans well the mushrooms are slowly making their way over to their first few elves actually uh this is an elf that was turned into a weird monster tumor thing um and then there's another one here and the mushrooms are starting to spread they are it is slowly happening but it is happening and the mushrooms oh my goodness they've really landed here geez okay okay wow it's going great i don't know about you but i think overall it's time for a crab you see we've had such a fantastic time here today i think it only makes logical sense that we continue by burning what remains of australia as a gigantic crab of death oh yes oh yes look at oh well it just feels great to be a christmas crab it really does god all hail christmas crab all hail crab crabulon oh yes you burn everything krabilon you march straight into that little little pocket they have in the top right you sit there as all crabs should and you explode into a nuclear bomb we've done it chat i think only the japanese will survive that is largely because number one they live behind a mountain in the bottom right hand corner of the map and um number two they're not currently being devoured by mushroom people but number three i lied and we're going to nuke them i'm sorry and actually we're gonna do it again and then just to be safe we're gonna crash a few meteorites in there yeah i think we should be good australia is gone crab rave oh god well it had to happen it did have to happen you get a meteorite too and you and you just all of you we've done it i don't care that there's a single how is our single dude living out over here who is this a single single man it could be our only one human left on the map but i think it is our only human left on the map oh my god it literally is how did you live how are you alive what did you do and why is there a mushroom with a flaming sword of power oh my god chat he's got the mushroom too and i think the village um oh my god any favorites alive yeah one intern destroyer is alive walking around a bulgaria this dude what a guy what a guy he made it he lived a noble valiant life i know oh wow the intern now has the flame sword nice as long as he doesn't die all is good oh my goodness well i mean there is a chance he will repopulate the world as a single dude it's an unlikely chance but we do have a way to find out is he taking damage no i think he's good okay he's just got to go kill that other mushroom up there there you go you build your house right if i go into settings smash the burger a bunch get the menu open um there is a way to turn on super speed where is my super speed okay we have greg as well uh there we go sonic speed lovely so now the game will go at incredible speed ah sadly the one remaining human is dead and i did also spawn greg in this world but i don't think that has actually done anything is he like a tiny thing that moves under the ground and sets fire to things what is greg oh my goodness you say send in the human's fine we'll i'll give you one last wave of immense okay i'm getting a phone call oh no longer getting a phone call oh dear oh dear now they all become radioactive crabs i see that makes perfect sense trap well let's just dump in a good old bit of grey goop tidy this world right on up there we go there we go lovely stuff lovely chubbly oh it's like we were never even here ah well what an experience we've had today chat the age of men is over the age of mushroom men has just begun and it is a glorious glorious world the worm is still on the map but he could still raise land oh my goodness well ladies and gentlemen if you've enjoyed today's stream give it a like why not hop down into the comment section or whatever i don't even know if there is a comment section but the worm lives and that's a representation of us all uh i actually have a video on this game coming out i think on monday or tuesday whenever it's ready i don't know we'll see it is very very funny i strongly recommend watching it um if you enjoyed this stream you're gonna love that it's very good i do intend to do more streams i would be interested in hearing what you guys would like to see stream next because we basically have a few options um we could do maybe another planetside 2 where we get all of you to play there is a mountain blade bannerlord mod which has just added a clan system and it's also an mmo so each and every one of you could be a clan member which i think would be rather entertaining and be wildly crazy um because we could probably overpower a larger well we could overpower a clan that is more experienced and has better gear by just sheer force of peasant numbers i think would be very entertaining um then of course there's also room world um which is 100 on the way i have a very interesting idea i was going to plan and do it for christmas but then i took a bunch of time off for christmas instead um but yes the aim is to do a few more few more fun things where we invade a free to play game with all of you guys and just unleash the audience to do chaos and my bidding should be good fun anyway i'll see each and every one of you in the next one have an absolutely lovely day my friends um goodbye for now you fantastic sausages bye bye
Channel: The Spiffing Brit
Views: 1,130,020
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: The, Spiffing, Brit, world box, worldbox, game, god simulator, god game, destroying the world, nuke, live, god, world box game, gameplay, livestream, funny, the spiffing brit, the spiffing brit live, super worldbox, worldbox game, worldbox god simulator, worldbox gameplay, worldbox update, worldbox pc, spiffing brit, world box gameplay, life simulator game, simulator games, superworld box, god tycoon, video game exploit, worldbox new game, perfectly balanced game
Id: 7m0vL9Lq2yw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 122min 13sec (7333 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 14 2022
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