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"You don't need to automize with this many people"

👍︎︎ 98 👤︎︎ u/red_fluff_dragon 📅︎︎ Jan 10 2020 🗫︎ replies

This was the lesson learned in the early phases of the Clusterio event last year as well: if you drop 100 players into a default new Factorio game then within 30 minutes they just completely dominate the place with no real need for normal Factorio gameplay. The simple fact that each dead player respawns with 10 new magazines is alone enough to completely devastate the biter population.

(Clusterio gradually dialled up the difficulty on their scenarios until, eventually, the biters dominated through their UPS spikes alone. :p)

👍︎︎ 47 👤︎︎ u/Lurker-in-Chief 📅︎︎ Jan 10 2020 🗫︎ replies

He makes a lot of claims about being the first and largest to do such a thing but didn't arumba do the same thing around 1.12?

👍︎︎ 21 👤︎︎ u/matjojo1000 📅︎︎ Jan 10 2020 🗫︎ replies

As much as it looked like utter chaos, it did look pretty fun. I'd have probably joined in if I knew this was happening

👍︎︎ 21 👤︎︎ u/Angrybeaver42 📅︎︎ Jan 10 2020 🗫︎ replies

I'm still waiting for LetsGameItOut to cover factorio. I think it would be a pretty short video. That or it would be a 24hour bug hunting session, end when he finds a misaligned Sprite or something.

👍︎︎ 36 👤︎︎ u/boelter_m 📅︎︎ Jan 10 2020 🗫︎ replies

i think the 8 person record is safe.

👍︎︎ 22 👤︎︎ u/intoned 📅︎︎ Jan 10 2020 🗫︎ replies

Ah yes the brit

👍︎︎ 8 👤︎︎ u/Liobuster 📅︎︎ Jan 10 2020 🗫︎ replies

I love that it was /u/klonan who dropped the command that finally killed the server.

👍︎︎ 9 👤︎︎ u/renegade_9 📅︎︎ Jan 10 2020 🗫︎ replies

Watched it live, it was wonderful!

👍︎︎ 7 👤︎︎ u/LightAndMagic 📅︎︎ Jan 10 2020 🗫︎ replies
optimization there's not gonna be any optimization you don't need to autumn eyes anything in this game you can just do it perfectly fine with 500 people punching the ground with their bare hands so basically we we try to attempt this on Friday we got very close we managed to get 600 people joining the server at one point which is a record for factorio this is factorial like no ever effect or experience which no one can really offer you / should offer you now what are we doing today the server and our intention is to basically speed run factorial with roughly 500 players the aim is to just means the entire speed run process by just having more and more people one slight downside of having this many people is there's a bit of an incoherent mess when it comes to actually any progression you know what I think we're actually ready for this I think we might be ready to unpause the game this is going to be a very unique situation oh yes oh it's a fresh new world of fresh new experience oh my goodness look at the people joining it now oh now this is what I call a server oh this is very nice very very nice let the flood begin oh look at how perfectly uniformed out there Oh actually they're now starting to overlap okay people are now overlapping on top of each other in a slightly disgusting fashion but you know what it's good it works it's this is the forces of people who were going to speedrun this game so yeah the aim is pretty simple run our way down this tech tree to rocketry and then we're not quite rocketry run the way down the tech tree - as soon as we can actually launch rockets from the rocket silo and then job done we've won the game that's all we have to do there's a lot of people in this game already a huge amount of people my goodness this is actually looking pretty glorious indeed perfect right how we're gonna do it is I'm gonna set an arrow for the red boys awake as it Redcoat meet-up spot there we go we're gonna meet all the redcoats up in here and then even though we're gonna have starter pistols we're gonna rush this base over here just with the immense horde of people at the start of the game and that should be enough to defeat them hopefully my goodness this is going to take a lot for the game to process because they're currently about several hundred players leveled on top of each other all at the same time I have no idea if this is going to function please oh my good please all right she went those frozen okay now it's back now it's back oh we got movement oh and it's alive this is perfect now to go to the Redcoat meeting point which is just the big red big red square on the map good stuff okay there's one of a person here with a gun and that's it so myself and Victor if have a gun no one else seems to have fun it's which I'd love to Zerg rush them we've melee okay fine maybe we Zerg rush them fine I'm gonna need more people here though wow you really can actually melee them that looks pretty impressive right this is looking good time to advance there's only like a handful of guns here but it's fine it's just the Soviet military when one gun Falls you pick another up killing this big spacer thing though is gonna be important maybe go kill that and then that one needs to die and you need to die and you oh my god I'm almost dead oh look at them go though they are just hitting them oh my God look at the melee potential look at the DPS on this this is amazing okay there we go one base dead well done everyone we've we've done a good job we've killed our first couple of alien bases alright military go back we've got to start expanding the bases getting more production up and running we need more iron we need more coal need more copper admittedly we could rush all of the bases now was they haven't evolved but actually there's a base to the north okay let's go north come on red boys Teddy did you just run off with my teddy you're running off with my iron teddy oh my god I'm totally I'm literally going to murder you I don't even got the wooden crates necessary to trap you in you need to cut down more trees - no wait passing there these old trees oh my god where all the trees gone I just fought these were like land mines or something but no this is just trees which people have murdered oh my lord this is horrible and yet also pretty cool at the same time good job everyone well so we've murdered all of the trees here they're all gone are there any other trees only really really far south that's great and we have electricity hooked up already fantastic I'm going to do my part by a hand mining stone to get some furnaces down I'm doing my part ladies and gentlemen by joining the ridiculous cacophony of people mining stone oh my goodness look at this we don't need drills you don't need drills drills create pollution you know what doesn't bear hands just scoop the rocks up with your bare hands and cram them into a furnace somehow it's perfect right there we go a bunch of furnaces let's get these down oh this is looking great are we really helping here I call the names it's so horrible to look at factorio was not made for this but it's good it's good what is this exploit just pure numbers just add more people until you complete the game autumn ization there's not gonna be any optimization you don't need to autumn eyes anything in this game you can just do it perfectly fine with 500 people punching the ground with their bare hands much more efficient than like high-level Technology mining drills okay so much better so there's there's an argument to be made for running out and attacking all of the bugs before they level up so what happens is eventually the aliens evolve and they go from being small biters which we can punch to death ridiculously easily to becoming large biters or medium biters now medium biters are very tricky to deal with they're very aggressive really quite powerful and they just shrug off even pistol damage so there's something we do have to contend with but for the moment we're okay there is actually maybe an argument to be had for trying to deal with this error over here maybe right redcoat assembly point this is fine I've got ten ten bits of ammunition oh my god someone's putting a gun down on the floor someone grab it grab the gun if you don't have a gun as gun right there trust me you'll need it now nine clips of ammunition I think I'm ready to do an attack right if all the other redcoats are ready then I do believe we can probably take out those bases again well there's a tiny hive over there called attack then we'll move up to destroy the enemy then clear the hive destroy the base attack this base and then we can deal with this stuff over here good stuff this looks great right red coats and let's go my men valiant warriors oh wait there's an attack coming brace yourselves my man good yep this is fantastic Oh yep just run and shoot your way through them as we go oh there's a there is genuinely a lot wow that's a huge quantity it seems a bit too many for this game but you know that's fine and they've got a second wave of mediately coming which we can see on the radar that's fine we just gotta brace ourselves for even more lovely stuff this is very generous of them something is happening over there all of the aliens are just running away to the self and you know what that's okay we're gonna run past the aliens which are running away to the south and we'll use this as an opportune moment to to attack and I'm gonna try and take out one of these spitters and the other one there we go now it's based attacking time or perfect stuff oh no we're getting attacked from the rear at the same time but it's okay right now I'm going to out of ammunition so it's punching time right and north okay let's advance north oh my goodness someone fell what do they have on their body they had ammunition thank you for the ammunition all of the resources thank you rest in peace my brother he died but his resources will not be forgotten oh my goodness that's another base defeated good stuff well done my glorious redcoats and Norv we go just keep punching the bugs I actually do we going off oh no it's East no West we need to go go West West my men yes there's a lot of biters but it's all fine that's good and Boop and Boop oh my god there's a lot of fighters there okay we need to work on this halt okay that's a lot of dead bodies now that's good okay and time to help everyone out on the frontlines yep all you got to do stand on the frontlines and wail away oh yes this is now actual warfare this is how war is conducted it's just weak it's done with swarms of human beings with pickaxes all right there we go that's all of the kind of bases dealt with which I think we should have should do so I'm is okay there's one last one straight West so we'll run to the one straight West and then we'll return to base oh my goodness this is actually working I think we have almost 450 people in let's defeat all of these spitters the small worms oh this is good there we go they're all dealt with and now oh I'm going to eat eat some fish there we go fish was the answer oh yes Oh perfect that's an entire base destroyed they are sending in reinforcements from the north but that's fine right time to return to base and get some actual weapons because the bikes is going to evolve soon and it better to be ahead of the biters now even if we don't break the record for the fastest factorio speedrun multiplayer we are at least what we already have broken the record for the most continuous factorial players on one server so hats off to everyone well done oh we've almost automated iron good job people well done everyone well done the glorious people automating iron and those trying to set up coal routes as well well done a very important jobs very much necessary for our peoples good stuff oh my God look at this look at the automated iron setup this is awesome oh let's get more of these iron mines built but we need we need I need 23 iron sheets and then I can get one built perfect right I'll just nab them and we can get more iron plates oh my god this is great this is looking absolutely amazing we've got power or we've got electricity for days oh so much electricity oh my God look at this alright so how this is going to work is basically iron ore goes down here gets pushed down this long conveyor this conveyor feeds it all the way down through here and then it's going to get pushed through here and this is the ridiculously large smelting line so happens here is this is smelted and then pushed on other huge conveyors which will then get put on to this long central bus transport belt and the central bus I'm gonna has the gas is then go and start getting fed off to produce things like science packs what is this done it I'm guessing this is the assembly system for science packs nice good so what is the plan here steel copper brick and then raw materials for crafting over here this needs to die this apparently also needs to die the unknown area brackets Denmark apparently over here look doodled oil over here this oil is claimed by Norway Inc and muck doodles oil tycoon nice this is Norway Inc HQ okay and then if I remember correctly this is the Norwegian guys as well yeah these are the Norwegian boys I've no idea what they're doing over here but ever pretty interesting setup I'll give them that only iron although that's the only thing they have access to what are the alarms where is gang attacked oh okay ah this coal place to the north is getting attacked they are trying to build a coal mine next to a base of course it's going to happen I will watch the Norwegians fight for their own land go Norwegians go right what are we gonna do I guess with my military we can go help them take out this base because we do need it gone before it starts spewing out medium biters instead of just regular little ones soap men meet at the Red Army camp and we shall advance okay this looks like a decent group of people in order to attack the poor Norwegians are retreating they've lost evidently rest in peace Norwegians and their any dead dead Norwegian bodies we can steal from others worn hair or look at out those ammunition on that one right red coats to show up those Norwegians we shall defeat the biters we shall do so valiantly and we shall also steal the corpses of the men that they left behind and by doing so we will be cooler and more impressive so my men charged north ways let us go we're going to show up those Norwegians we're going to show just how awesome and great we are in comparison to the weak Norwegians who can't even fight off a few lousy insects I know by the way when I said a few lousy insects I wasn't referring to the Norwegians or maybe I was oh yes the Norwegian faction has absolutely they've got on this look at this line look at this line of players so ready so awesome so majestic yeah you you leave Norway look at them look at them try look em try and do things yeah you can't you know you can't we're gonna take your dead bodies we're gonna take your superior weaponry no we're gonna do with them better things we're gonna save the world with them right open fire my man if you see a bug kill it remember as we got here and suddenly the tides of war have changed it consequently means we were the determining factor in this victory so as a result the victory is ours and not the Norwegians oh I'm dead well that is a bit of an issue redcoats keep attacking though keep up the offensive it's redcoats if you retreat it's an embarrassment for the British people's to keep going if one person dies pit oh my God look all the red corpses go by redcoats go well we're actually researching things like the steel axe this is great technology is happening oh here we go the fight against the Norwegians slash well it's against the aliens but you know the Norwegians are there all I need is a body with a gun on it so what do we got here oh cool we got a gun and we've got some fish and some heavy armor that's you know that's good so we got some heavy armor I haven't got any bullets but we have got oh my god now just eat the fish eat the fish eat the fish and punch millions right where's some ammo need some ammo wait I've got all my god I've come with an idea oh my god a great idea I can just steal items from the Norwegians from their inventory Thank You Norwegian man for giving me your entire inventory there were its taxation I promise i 100% did just steal all of that okay this is fire oh look there's no agent man with a gun he probably has ammunition come back come back let me steal your very yes okay 26 bullets there we go he was literally shooting his gun as I stole the ammunition from this is fine there we go I have a gun now so I can help there we go I will now fight with the glorious British people's against the aliens oh no they've got medium biters oh no they spawning from here okay redcoats retreat retreat trust me full retreat we're out of here everyone everyone pull back I led the Norwegians die but this is no longer winnable because the bugs have just evolved to the second phase let me quickly cover our defensive path or the redcoats get past them I'm just gonna build a nice little wall here I dunno there we go build a nice little wall good stuff right Redcoats pass your way through right and now we never go north again just leave that behind us that's fine let it be f is going on down here no progress is be made other than bloody the uber gang so some person who exists his own only existence is to create art down here this is his one job just to create glorious bits of art red red boys meet over at the red assembly plant so make sure to set your color to red and then meet up over there because I have a plan this is of course if you're not doing actual valuable things to society like progressing science so what we're gonna do okay this is important you've got to listen to this what we're gonna do is over here where it says yell the Norwegians want us to help instead what we're gonna do we're gonna run over here and we're not going to fight the insects we're going to absorb the insects and they're going to follow us so you've run in you aggro them and then you're gonna run in this direction here okay you're gonna run just simply up the coast with a big line of insects following you and you're just going to deposit them roughly right here in the center of the Norwegian Factory okay that sounds good right let's go my men let's start a growing some aliens now we're going to see a lot of panicky Norwegians because there's a very large amount of red boys coming their direction my goodness I just hear an incessant also quantitive beeping you have no idea what it means but it's probably something bad okay here we go right don't fight them simply run on over and just get some aggro get some sweet sweet egg rope here we go let's run close these bad boys there we go and that's what I call aggro and now we've run we run and we run first okay now we're actually just killing them okay screw it let's kill this base let's do it let's actually help Norway let's help Norway let's be the better person because we are the better person we're better than Norway I know how to be said let's build a quick defensive wolf a nice basic one oh my god the ground is so acidic ok don't stand on the green splotches on the ground as he died instantly my men okay go march in if you don't have ammo you know what to do you just stand assist anyone who is close to death good stuff very good sir oh yes we're doing some good stuff here give us the DPS machine oh no we're getting attacked ok we're getting a tech and we're outfit outfit we're out we're out we're out run run run run run run run run ok I can stay and fight but I need to eat some fish to eat that fish get that health back oh my god we've got wolves we've got wolves now this is crazy this is ludicrous technology Oh we've defeated the base only one worm roofing remains wormy things have so much health look at it 400 good job my red boys red coats you did it oh my good lord we defended this glorious copper mine let us advance north ways there's another alien biter camp we're going to just defeat them we're gonna help we are actually helping Norway now I know the tables have turned and we're becoming the better person oh yes good job red boys red boys so good so powerful okay there's the biggest base on the map over to our right I think we might as well give it a try right and fight fight fight fight fight fight eat the fish it's just shoot and then Ram a fish down your mouth oh my God look at the waves oh I've got no ammunition left after this it's time to melee I realized May laying the big boys a good idea okay men we're gonna run and collect tax from the Norwegians and by that I mean we're just gonna go in and try and get some ammunition off of them Norway we've defeated didn't like local alien insurgents so offer up some ammunition please question mark I mean we're helping you know doo-doo-doo-doo look they've got iron ore and that's what we need for ammo that's all we need yeah okay red red man just mine up all of the iron leave no iron for the Norwegians I want this entire fing strip mined for no particular reason what are we gonna do with all of the iron ore I have my inventory absolutely nothing's we have no way of doing any actuate we can just make furnaces right red boys get smelting the iron okay let's just put a bunch of iron in here oh yeah this is gonna go great you can basically burn anything so put in wood putting coal let's just get these fires cooking get some iron all going oh yeah this is efficient this is fine you don't need automation in factorio you just need this just whatever this is what we need is grenades we can now make them they cost iron plates and cold so basically we just need to start mass producing cold has emitted regions down here are the Norwegians harvesting cold down here oh my god they are look at them it's stealing our cold they've really just got all the coal haven't they oh wait they just lost all of their coal in a freak coal-based accident fantastic surf ok we're it time to make a bunch of grenades and we can start getting the Redcoat Grenadier army formed so what the Redcoat Grenadier army is basically it's a group of untrained soldiers who are solely their one existence is to hold one grenade and run at the enemy and fro said grenade and with enough grenades getting thrown we should be able to take out almost every enemy now how it works is every person gets one grenade maybe two - we can give them two permits go north meet at the Redcoat meeting point and what I'll do is I will hand out grenades to people's so that we can you know get about this the most efficient way who's gonna be bestowed with the first legendary Pony we're gonna give it to a JJ Caleb over here BAM so he gets grenade kill where you get grenade oh no that's just grenade on the ground that's fine grenades for everyone and so what if you have a grenade what this means is congratulations it is your duty to run at the alien base I'll give you the shout as to when you need to but effectively you just have to run in and I'm gonna put the marker down as to where you have to hit yes there's a lot of alien bugs there and they will try and kill you but it's okay so where you're going to have to try and land your grenade is this spot right here okay so this is the target basically we take out the enemy's artillery position so what you do is you run in you drop your grenade and hopefully you'll do a small piece of damage to the enemy and there we go okay right this seems good men charge if you don't have a weapon it's okay because we have enough grenades anything's possible this is a unique time do not waste your grenades on the insects running at you trust in your fellow men to use their guns or pickaxes to defeat the actual like ground forces solely these grenades are for the actual buildings and the artillery of the insects if insects start running towards us men without grenades peel off and try and deal with them those weave grenades just run go it's fine it's fine don't worry the men behind you have your backs don't waste your grenade there we go we've got it we've got it okay it's over to our left it's over to our left go go go charge my man Go Go my grenade boys okay and fro and fro and fro oh I'm dead instantly okay my my body is on the floor and it has ten grenades on it as well as 300 cold look at it it's worked it's worked the artillery is almost down oh my god that's almost completely done what a good strategy just hit them come on oh my god valiant yard Oh Jafar he's done it he's in that he's got no health but he's just punching them to death oh my god I'm so proud so proud of my men we did the impossible look at the research research is actually gonna start getting underway this is fantastic news okay this bit over here we actually do need to deal with because we have biters over here at in our energy supply over here cause the place oh man if you are still alive from the attack on the north or you also yet it worked good job good job everyone we now have the coalfields so everyone come back and what we'll do is we'll invade the emergency a sub base over here because it's you know important right I just need to get some resources for myself and get off the horrible treadmill which they put on the spawn place thank you I think I'm roughly prepared enough to throw myself into the frontlines and let's go to my men if the Redcoats are ready come with me we're gonna go tacking up a base of bugs good stuff so there's kind of like a nice little base set up over here and from the aliens and it should be a good time to just use up some good resources some ammunition kill some aliens this one's not really too much of a challenge there's only a couple of artillery pieces this time so although they are you know a bit of a fret not too bad really there we go there we go oh we've done it there we go that's one basic almost instantaneously destroyed hats off everyone it's so good Oh what's this island don't forget about this base feel like we can forget about it though this place over here looks like they could do with some help if I'm honest except we don't really have a way of getting over there because there's no way do we have land is that does anyone know how to make land fill wait we make land fill with stone okay where's the nearest own mine okay men we have an important task you need to make landfill in order to build a bridge from Island all the way over to wherever this region is it hasn't got a name okay so run back to the base where's the stone mine here's the stone mine find the stone mined in the base harvest it and make landfill we're going to pave the map in okay right let's go let's go mind some find some stone look at this this is efficiency I'm gonna have the guess and say we have enough landfill to fill in that sea so uh men if you're ready go back to Ireland and we're gonna just cover that entire ocean in right okay if you have landfill all you've got to do is just fill up a couple of tiles of the water that's all you've got to do you've got a four by four square to work with just fill it in a bit get us a bit closer towards the land right go my men go and one person runs out of landfill build more okay I've run out of landfill keep going my man go go charge we need more keep keep paving it down go north keep going this is for hurt this is perfectly fine for words been more landfill is necessary look we're almost there we are almost there look at we have is the server debt some people are gonna get dropped some people are gonna remain this is just how the world works you know oh no but as more people get dropped I need to I need to skim their inventories of resources there we go this person headstone this person that stone take the stone from the bodies because I need it to make landfill there you go can make three more landfill but still not quite the coast loan is just their coastline is Northwest we've almost made it my man go I'm going to need some redcoats to go back to the Stone mines because we need more yeah we got to go get more stone we didn't get enough stone last time so go get some more this is all necessary I actually thought it would be possible to mine up a bunch of stone to fill in all of the water but apparently not no that's just that's just not allowed well : just dropped a massive command on a local error and consequently server is dead thank you : and you know what ladies and gentlemen I'm gonna call it there for the evening we had an absolutely fantastic go of it we did fantastic stuff in factorial we will probably come back and try this again maybe not maybe we'll have to see I really did enjoy it so quite possibly thanks as always to my majestic patrons who make these glorious live streams possible as well as videos because you know this is gonna get edited up into a video probably thanks for watching thanks for liking and I see each and every one of you in the next one good bye over now
Channel: The Spiffing Brit
Views: 1,445,253
Rating: 4.9121065 out of 5
Keywords: The, Spiffing, Brit, factorio, Factorio is a perfectly balanced game, factorio speedrun, factorio live, 500 player multiplayer, 500 player, perfectly balanced, spiffing brit, spiffing brit live, perfectly balanced game with no exploits, world record, video game, perfectly balanced game, funny moments, rt game, how to, spiffing brit skyrim, spiffing brit oblivion, spiffing brit civ 6, factorio gameplay, tutorial, factorio lets play, funny, montage, video game exploit, funny clips
Id: 2hgvIhMkgKU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 18sec (1398 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 09 2020
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