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good morning and welcome to another British English live lesson my name is Anna Anna English to be exact my middle name is English and I am in fact English I'm broadcasting to you live here from London right now so if you are here in the room with me if you are watching this then please show me your love and attention by giving me a thumb give me a little hello and tell me where in the world you're watching from now the reason you are here hopefully is because you want to improve your English and today we're doing some more pronunciation practice in fact we're going to cover one of the biggest mistakes that I hear from students on a regular basis when it comes to pronunciation we're looking at the difference between a diphthong and a long vowel these particular sounds are always mixed up when I speak to my students so we're going to clear that up right now but before we do get started I want to say a quick hello to everyone who's here thank you for being so patient and waiting for me to come online hello to my patrons I've got you here as well so patrons if you have any questions or comments then please feel free to place them here in the patrons only message box and I will respond as always I have set up some notes for today these are the sounds we're going to be looking at and anyone who is kind enough to sponsor this video with a super chat will of course be receiving these notes as a little thank-you from me and the rest of the community so before we get started I'm just going to ask you all now if you don't mind helping me out by clicking that share button and sharing this lesson with your friends and your fellow countrymen that would mean the world to me and already well-armed 3 figures so we have 102 people watching welcome hi if you are here and you're not already a subscriber then please do press the big red subscribe button and the Bell notification button but without further ado let's get going so these two troublesome sounds really troublesome sounds we have this diphthong we covered this last week and this is the Oh Oh diphthong and then the long vowel oo oo now this difference between these two sounds is troublesome not only for non-native speakers but also for many native speakers as well so if you can nail this sound to nail it means to get it right if you can nail these sounds without any problems then you are going to be miles ahead of other English learners because your pronunciation will be so much better so let's have a look at these sounds individually just to remind ourselves how these sounds are created so we have the diphthong sound let's have a look again that phonetic spelling there so that's the phonetics 400 let's have a look how its created oh oh I always imagined that this sound is coming from the back of the mouth is coming up and over wiping the roof of your mouth and finishing rounded vibrating the lips oh oh oh notice this movement if you have a mirror nearby then do practice this with a mirror to see that you're getting the same shapes with your mouth oh oh bit too small let's have a look at the other sound the other sound is the long vowel or or now this is a long and steady vowel it does not move okay so this is rounded inside the lips are rounded before we even start or or you'll notice there no movement there's no movement in the sound and therefore there is no movement in my mouth or I also imagine that this starts further back the vibration is further back so with the oh we're imagining it coming forward to rest on the lips oh but with all I want you to think about it sinking into the mouth it's it's heavy on the tongue or or o or o or have you got that difference what do you think patrons is that difficult are you finding it I can't say clothes I saw your lesson but it's still weird oh so this is the O sound as well in this word hello the clothes but you have lots of other troublesome sounds within that word Kamil you've got the th and you've got a Zed at the end for the S so you've got clothes clothes okay so let me just highlight those differences once again with the diphthong o we start open the sound moves forward and over oh if you have a mirror take a look oh the long vowel or think about it vibrating at the back a big space inside the mouth like you have a marble in your mouth a marble is a hard glass ball the children play with but to imagine have a big marble in your mouth oh-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh I remember no movement on or okay wonderful so let's try and put this now into practice hopefully you've got those differences down so let's now try and compare them in words so we have the word know which is the diphthong verse is nor no nor let's have a look at that no no no nor how's that one for you no and nor no and nor some of you complaining about the connection it looks absolutely fine from my end looks nice and strong here and maybe try and refresh your browser perhaps or look at your connection it might be on your end but if anyone else is having problems do let me know ok so the next words that we have are go diphthong go oh and gore gore go gore if you don't know gore is the description of things that like if I'm watching a film and someone has been has been in an operation and they're all cut open and all their insides are showing and all there's lots of blood and guts then that's gory so gore so here we have go and gore go and gore just make sure you're repeating these after me so that you can get these pronunciations spot-on and yes President Gore Vice President Gore says Jana that's a good example good so then we have the word show diphthong show and Shaw show and sure let's have a look at that shall we show Oh show and sure sure think about it being back sure sho sure sho sure good let's have a look at the next one so the next one is prone prone and prawn we often you'll often hear the phrase to be accident prone it means that you're someone who tends to have lots of accidents to be accident-prone I am accident-prone which means I fall over a lot I hit my head I stub my toe I cut myself when I'm cooking I'm accident-prone I tend to have lots of accidents so that's the diphthong Oh Krone prone accident-prone and then the little fishy because it crustacean is a shellfish the shellfish porn porn porn long vowel or so prone prawn porn when I was growing up prawn cocktail flavored crisps were my favorite type of crisp my favorite flavor what was your favorite flavor of crisp did you enjoy or do you enjoy poor cocktail crisps hmm so prone and prawn okay so the next words are bone bone and born bone hopefully you won't break your bones and born like a baby is born bone born bone on have a look at that bone Oh bone on bone-like the bones in your body born to come into the world bone and born bone and born okay what is next we have chose chose and that's a Z sound chose I chose you I chose today I chose the time chose and chores chores are tasks that you have to do like cleaning laundry I'm going to work it's a chore so you chose to do your chores chose chores chose chores let's have a look at that we have chose chose and chores chores Jana we say her house chores house chores rather than home chores or just chores I've got lots of chores to do today at home okay we never say full Pro neither one of you said fall prone is accident-prone just accident-prone Rafael my classes begin at different times every day if you're wondering how you can make sure you join the live classes in future then do follow me on Facebook and Instagram where I tend to always put an announcement out about live lessons and the times to expect them they're different every day because my schedule changes on a weekly basis so if you join me on Facebook and Instagram then you have more chance of knowing when to catch me live but also if you press the subscription button and then the bail notification button that bail notification button should tell you every time I go live so you don't miss any future sessions so you could try that okay so we have pros also a pose and cause pose-to-pose is to like to pose for a picture is to be still and hold a position so that so that you look good for a picture team ever that's to pose and that's the Oh diphthong pose you might call someone a poser if someone in general just kind of holds themself in a way that they're trying to look good to that everybody else you know people who sit there eating dinner like hmm sorry what and they're just holding themselves in a way to try and make themselves look better all the time they don't relax they are a poser a poser someone who poses a lot so pose versus pause to freeze something so if I pause the video I stopped the video momentarily to pause pose pause pose pause notice how those essays are sounded like Zed's pose pause stop it pose pause and what am i a today happy birthday to you happy birthday to you happy birthday dear gown happy birthday to you congratulations on your birthday it's some lovely for you to join me on your special day hopefully everyone else in the room will also wish you a happy birthday and some of you saying that I'm very quiet I don't know why nothing has changed has anyone else got problems with the sound do let me know alright so where were we we were on Pose and pause what else do we have that we can work on oh this one I get problems with all the time from my students low to be low down so not high low versus law law lo law the law the official rules that you have to abide by lo law lo law get low don't break the law lo Oh movement law no movement lo law all right how is that for you how'd you find that um okay Mustafa you're right so and saw that's a good example of these two words as well in fact I'm going to add those in so or even but like this if you're a farmer you sow your seeds or if you make clothes or you stitch things you sew them many people mispronounce this word and so su but it's so so so so all the same so so so so so the sees so your clothes do some sewing versus saw I saw you or my leg is sore these are the same sososo saw saw really good example thanks for bringing that up so yeah so let's just have a look at those so so and saw saw so saw Jana said but in sewage it's sooo not so this is English you know how crazy English is there's no rhyme or reason as to why we pronounce things or certain ways and then the sound or the meaning completely changes in other examples don't worry about it sewage so they're just completely different okay as you know there are lots and lots of comments coming through so if I don't answer you it's nothing personal it's just that I haven't seen your message the best you can do is to try and repost the question and I might see it if you are desperate to get your message seen then you can donate to the channel send a super chat which highlights the message on my screen so that I can see it and it stays highlighted for a long time at the top of the chat room so I definitely see it so you're free to drop a sick cat and of course there's always an option of becoming a patron so that your messages are never missed because you go into the skype group and all messages from patrons are responded to so just bear with me and there are things you can do to get your messages up and out and shouting at me so that I can see them but otherwise you just have to be patient hopefully I will see a message okay all right let's carry on so we have doe versus door now a doe is a female deer like like Bambi is a deer but it's a female version a female deer is a doe just like in the song doe a deer a female deer which is from the sound of music and then we have the word door obviously which we say quite a lot so we have doe diphthong door which you walk through doe door doe door open the door let's have a look at the next one and then we're going to move on to some sentences we have the word know and if you mo you normally mow the lawn so to mow is to cut the grass if you cut the grass in your garden you mow the lawn mow mow the lawn so you have mow a verse is the word more I want some more Moe versus more no more no more no more hmm okay let's have a look at that once close-up moe moe and more still more MORE doh also can be spelt like this to mean the material that a baker worked with to make bread like this dough they're exactly the same dough dough or the expression that you hear from Homer Simpson which is don't go so we have dough dough and dope versus door door okay all right so now I'm going to move on to the sentences where I have placed a number of these words within the sentence to see how you go when we're speaking normally if you have any questions let's have a quick look at those now so do throw some questions and now if you're not already subscribed then please do subscribe and press that Bell notification button and if you are here and you're finding this helpful then please help me out by giving this video a thumb and clicking the share button and sharing this with some of your friends so let's have a look how many how many likes do we have so far do I dare guess I think it's going to be around 70 oh I was close we have 66 thumbs 66 thumbs up three thumbs down what's that about guys come on 72 thumbs up thank you very much can we get that up to a hundred can we is it possible is it going to happen 75 slowly slowly if you haven't clicked the thumb then click the thumb if you have clicked the thumb already don't click it again you only click it once if you click it twice it um clicks and while I'm just waiting for those thumbs to go up to 100 or 84 then I'm going to some of your questions clothes and claws that's a good good example of two more two more comparisons of these sounds clothes and claws I'm going to add those to the list clothes and claws close the door and add a clause to the contract clothes and claws and we're on 94 94 thumbs up Oh nearly nearly there off top off-topic question do you often use do MS in the meaning of delay onset of muscle soreness like after the gym and could you give an example and I guess people who work in a fitness industry physiotherapist for example may use do MS I have never heard it I've heard of delayed onset muscle soreness I've heard of that but I haven't heard the abbreviation DRS so without knowing the technical language of physiotherapists I don't know the answers that question general natives don't use it just the average person on the street they don't use that I hope that answers your question and I can you pronounce the word choir to sing in a group is to sing in a choir choir choir choir and let's have a look 99 thumbs up are nearly there let's hit hundred and then I'll move on let's hit a hundred some more thumbs down what's wrong with you guys today we've got four grumpy people for grandpa people who are not happy I'm sorry um would it be correct to say I'm really stiff I was a gymnast morning and I'm not used to it yes that's absolutely fine to say that boom a hundred and two thumbs up you guys are awesome I love you guys an awful lot um let's go and hit those sentences shall we so we've got first sentence is no one knows nor would they care No so you got there oh here no one knows you've got another one here nor long vowel nor would they care so I'm looking at no nose then nor oh oh oh or no one knows nor would they care no one knows nor would they care no one knows nor would they care you try that for me no one knows nor would they care no one knows nor would they care how's that for you easy hello in Italy thank you for joining how are you um nose and nose Mustafa are exactly the same pronunciation so the nose on my face and she knows a lot of knowledge are the same nose nose nose nose who knows what my nose can smell flowers silly okay so the next sentence if everyone is happy with that is I'm sure the show we're going to is full of gore I'm sure the show we're going to is full of gore so here I'm looking at Shore it's the long vowel sure we're looking at the diphthong in show show going another diphthong show going is full of gore oh okay to sneeze no I'm not going to news is good I saved it it's fine I'm sure the show we're going to is full of gore that's very odd I've never sneezed on stage before or during a live broadcast before but just then because we were talking about noses I just had this uncontrollable urge to sneeze but it's gone now it's alright don't panic tissues tissues that they're ready but it's alright I'm sure the show we're going to is full of gore I'm sure the show we're going to is full of gore I'm just going to pull up an actual dictionary definition of gore so that you have a clear definition but as I said earlier it's like when you see blood and guts so gore let me give it to you here in the text gore is blood that has been shed especially as a result of violence so something's gory it means there's going to be lots of blood and it's going to be disgusting it's gory gory okay gore gore okay let's carry on so we're minutes gone where my notes gone there they are um sorry let me get this down here we go so she was since he was born since he was born his bones have been prone to breaking and less he's prongs a very silly sentence of course since he was born measure or since he was that's a shock there since he was born his bones diphthong his bones have been prone diphthong to breaking unless he eats prawns unless he eats prawns okay so since he was born his bones were prone to breaking unless he eats prawns okay let's have a look at that since he was born his bones have been prone to breaking unless he eats pawns good okay how are we all getting on I'm finding this easy if so let's move on to the next one we've got we Cho these chores because we can't mow anymore we chose these chores because we can't mow anymore we're looking at this.oh chose these chores because we can't know any more so you have the sounds there we've been working on chose chores mo-more chose chores mows more we chose these chores because we can't mow anymore we chose these chores because we can't mow anymore how's that for you alright my patrons okay how're my patrons doing over there you're very quiet today um good okay all fabulous got some polyglots in who speak lots of different languages wonderful well I'm very privileged to have you here thank you for joining us and let's do the next sentence we're nearly there guys and then I'll be saying goodbye for the day is this the last one it is so here's the last sentence it slow to break the law by shooting a doe on your doorstep again this is another silly sentence don't worry too much about the meaning just think about the pronunciation it's low that means it's not very nice it's it's low moral judgment it's low if somebody if you do something like if you cause trouble or reveal a secret in order to create and de-stress or to create a problem then someone might say to you that was low that was very low that wasn't very nice that's low okay so here I've used low in this context it's low to break the law by shooting a doe on your door step it's low to break the law by shooting a doe on your doorstep so those the four words we're looking at below law doe door it's low to break the law by shooting a doe on your doorstep it's low to break the law by shooting a doe on your doorstep okay alright so there we go that is all the pronunciation practice that I had lined up for you today I hope you find it have found it helpful if you have any questions now is the time to ask I'll stay on for another few moments and then once I once we've had five minutes then I have to go because I have a Skype call with a patron actually so some of my patron some of you are asking how to become a patron of what is a patron and you can become a patron simply by clicking on the link in the description box below it says how can you contribute so contributions you can contribute by becoming a member of the patreon team the team is a group of dedicated viewers who really support everything we're doing here on this channel this channel it's all about helping everybody to become better in their English in their pronunciation in their general fluency obviously that I'm doing this as a full-time venture but because I don't get paid and my patrons help me by contributing financially some of them contribute just a dollar a month and some of them contribute more and there are different rewards for the different levels of contribution because of course my patrons really help me to help you and without them I couldn't do these lessons and I couldn't make these videos so as a big thank you to my patrons I give them different things some of them get Skype calls and everybody gets added to this patreon only Skype box where they can talk to me freely throughout live lessons and they will always be answered patrons can also send me messages on the patreon page and they'll always be answered some of them get credited some of them get shout out some of them I'll follow on social media but all of them do help me make decisions all of them have more access to me and more of them get all of them get access to videos in in advance so anything I upload they will see straight away before everybody else so there's lots of benefits for helping this channel to grow if you want to join you can join like I said for as little as $1 a month it will help this channel hugely and all you have to do is click that link in the description box below but of course I know that not everyone can and that's absolutely fine I don't expect anyone to support anything that I do but if you do want to support and you can't afford to be a patron then you could potentially contribute your language skills so I'm looking to translate all of my videos into your language whether your language is Thai Russian French German Dutch and Canadian to Canada have their own language besides French well whatever your language is however wonderful unusual and yes whatever your language is I would love to have it on my channel and I'd love your fellow countrymen to benefit from your language so if you can spare a few moments or a little longer I need hundreds of videos translating some I even I even have correct the auto subtitles and so if review English subtitles if you feel confident too then that would be wonderful as well so that's everything I need to say about contributions now there is a fantastic free audio book which is great for English pronunciation down in the description box below you'll see a link to it if you are already an audible member or a Kindle unlimited member then you get this book for free it teaches you BBC English if you're not an audible member the great news is you can sign up for an audible trial for 30 days for free and then if you if you get to 30 days then you can just cancel it so go and check those out as a free book and free audible trial there's loads of other free books you can get as well so the links for those are in the description box below and now I'm going to answer some questions and then I'm going to say goodbye I'm having some problems with streaming here okay can you please pronounce these words unlikely shortage and impossible photography photography useful dislike sleepy unusual cheerful and kindness kindness and I've been learning a lot from you thank you very much you're welcome thank you for your comment and how did you learn all of these what do you mean I might I'm English for those of you who don't know I am English this is my native language and how do you pronounce clothes Hana clothes hanger clothes hanger it is terrible hot weather stay in the UK yes it is it's very very hot hot and sticky and Canadians speak English and French only thank you Sebastian thank you that's why I love about this community we all learn together and Skye I'll translate to Chinese and Malay thank you very much that's wonderful thank you and thank to everyone who already contributed subtitles and translations I really appreciate it how to pronounce clothes again anymore how do you pronounce parameters parameters and a variety the variety and how to pronounce sheet like a sheet of paper and obviously there's the naughty word which I'm not going to pronounce but this the second part of it is it it sheet and it okay it's a difference in vowel sound and how do you pronounce uncomfortable uncomfortable uncomfortable try to say Chinese Chinese how to pronounce occurs occurs occurs okay would you like to learn Portuguese I'd like to learn every language in the world but unfortunately my brain won't hold all of them I do love languages but I think it's better if a language is going to be useful to you at the present time so I will learn a language if I'm going to visit the country because then it's there's a need for me to learn it and it helps to inspire me and motivate me to keep learning and be disciplined is it correct to say when I was riding a bike my chain came off and I nearly fell over yes that is correct how to pronounce croissant croissant or a nice cross all tasty because it's a French word we say with a French accent quatl how to pronounce perfume I'm wearing perfume perfume would you please clearly and would you please clarify the structure I'm going to be and so if you have a look at the tenses videos that is covered in there okay and this is a pronunciation class okay so is it is Zed sound at the end of pronunciation of occurs yes it is occurs occurs it's a voiced so I said alrighty so if you didn't catch what I said earlier about the free audiobook which is down in the description box below and because the signal was playing up there is a free audiobook there's a wonderful lady who's been working for about 20 years teaching BBC English and she's offering her book for free if you are an audible member or if you have a Kindle unlimited membership now the beauty is that even if you're not a member of one of these programs you can sign up for a 30-day free trial I use these two I have use these trials on now fully fledged member I think audiobooks are fantastic for learning because if you choose the right books you can be listening to English on a regular basis listen to some fantastic speakers people like Stephen Fry for example you can listen to some amazing books some classical literature some great new writing as well and there's lots of freebies on audible once you remember but you can sign up for 30 days you can have for free so I thoroughly recommend it and the links for those are down below if nothing else I suggest you go and listen to that and pronunciation book I've had a listen to it I think it's really great content so pronunciation book for free with the trial down below go check that out if you're not subscriber I'll say for the last time please do subscribe and click that Bell notification button and if you did find this helpful in any way then please click the thumb we have 123 thumbs now which I'm thoroughly appreciative of and thank you guys for joining me I'm going to do a few more questions and then I'm going to shoot and do my lesson which starts in one minute so quickly accustomed we pronounce accustomed furniture furniture and ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba okay I'm gonna have to go guys because my student is waiting my patron is patiently waiting so I'm going to go and see her now just a quick message to my patrons before I leave I will be doing a prize draw this week for your Skype call giveaway so patrons are entered automatically into a Skype call giveaway every month and one of you by the end of this week will be chosen to have a 15 minute Skype call with me so I will announce that on the patreon page at the end of the week all right okay I'm going to go do my call I will speak to you guys very soon take care have a lovely day and my love from London
Channel: English Like A Native
Views: 95,290
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Learn English, English lesson, English like a native, vocabulary, esl, english, English speaking, speak english, pronunciation, british accent, british pronunciation, learn english speaking, anna tyrie, Grammar, british, anna english, esl crime, english listening practice, english lesson, english vocabulary, intermediate, learning english, biggest mistake, biggest english mistake, english accent, english pronunciation, /əʊ/ vs /ɔ:/, Sound english, posh, Anna English, long vowel
Id: 8VHHuX24wAA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 50sec (2510 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 20 2017
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