MOVING HOUSE: British Traditions, Vocabulary, and Phrases with ANNA ENGLISH: LIVE

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hello everyone and welcome to another English lesson here with me an English on the channel English like a native today's English lesson is all about the subject of moving house which is very apt because I have just moved house now you might recognize where I am you'll recognize the twinkly lights perhaps if you've seen any of my other live English lessons just so that you know I have moved house but in my new flat it it's brand new so there's no internet signal there at all at the moment because it's a new build and also I have no phone signal so I have no contact with the outside world in my new house yet so in a couple of weeks hopefully next week fingers crossed I will have Internet in my new flat and then I can get back to normal by sending you lessons on a regular basis and doing live lessons most days of the week but at the moment is very difficult so I've had to come back to my old flat so you'll recognize where I am and back in my old flat just that I could come live and speak to you guys and help you with your English today and thank you so much Ella already has dropped a super chat Thank You Ella you said it's so lovely to see you today big love big love to you Ella I hope you're well I hope that you're happy and having a wonderful week and I hope that everyone who is here is well and I've missed you all very very much I'll also say a quick hello to my patrons who have I got ciao and Elkin Denis hi guys I hope that you are all well don't forget patrons you can message me here in the Skype room if you're a patron it's better to talk to me in Skype than on the YouTube chat room because obviously in the YouTube chat room it's very busy and I might miss your messages so let's get started I have of course made notes so let's talk about moving house lots of vocabulary and traditions and things that go along with moving house so let's talk about them in the UK when you are thinking about moving house you would first spend some time looking at what is on the market on the market now on the market means available at the moment so I I said a few weeks ago and I was looking for somewhere to live I said to one of my friends and I've been looking for a few weeks but there's not much on the market at the moment there's not much on the market at the moment and that just means there's not much available or I might say that everything on the market is really expensive so everything that is available is really expensive at the moment so that phrase on the market we always use when we're talking about the housing market so we're talking about houses whether we're talking about rental or buying we'll say on the market what's on the market I don't know what's on the market at the moment okay so to be available what's available so what my patrons saying here and then you sing so well thank you very much how did your mood go well to be honest it was quite stressful I didn't have anybody to help me so I just did it all myself because hiring a company to help you can be very expensive so I did it all myself I was very strong but it also meant that I became very tired it took me four days four days to move everything in my little car and to carry it all myself I've got lots of cuts and bruises but I've survived and in and I love my new my new place so it is stressful but I'm sure I'm going to be very happy and once I have internet it will be wonderful it's just very difficult without internet Qian Mac says I hate moving house I hate it too it's not fun but it's always exciting when you start in your new home once you're there so let's carry on so to find a property so you're looking for property to find a property you would search for a property online now normally most people use online resources for searching you have all the estate agents the estate agents are companies that are dedicated to rehoming selling and selling and doing rentals in property all the state agents have their own websites where you can look for property that they are offering there's also internet websites called like renter spare-room calm or Zoopla is another one so there's lots of websites that are dedicated to rehoming people or to helping you sell your home or to rent out your home and so most people will look online or you can go via estate agents estate agents in the UK we have on the high street you'll have many estate agents they'll have a shop front so they'll have a shop and in the window they'll have all the properties all the pictures of their properties with the description below and the price of the property whether it's rental or for sale and so you can literally just walk down the high street and look in the windows and have a look to see what's on the market and that's what I did a lot in the last few weeks Elkins says a clean I'm not sure if I'm saying that right up you are you live in London so are you living that has to be ing continuous are you living in Londyn yes I am I mean I'm still in Surbiton the same town that I was in before but I have just moved to the other side of town okay so why did you move house because I I was here I rented a room in this house this wasn't my house I rented a room so I was in a very small room I was very lucky that my landlord said I could use the kitchen to do my work but otherwise I was in a very small room now I've rented a flat so I have a flat so I have my own kitchen I have my own bedroom I have my own bathroom I have my own study so I don't have to share my kitchen or share my bathroom I have my own space and I can have all my things all my things were in storage and now I've taken them out of storage and I can unpack properly so I have a bit more space okay so you look online or you look in the estate agents windows or you go in and speak to an estate agent and the estate agent might give you a brochure a brochure is like a booklet with all the houses they have to offer in the booklet but that's becoming very old-fashioned now or you could even look in the newspaper we tend to have ads at the back of a newspaper adverts and people can advertise their flats in the newspaper or you might do it via word-of-mouth word-of-mouth that's a phrase we use a lot word-of-mouth means your friends tell you so I might say to my friends I'm looking to move house I want to rent a flat if you hear of anything then please let me know and your friend might say oh my other friend is moving out and she wants to rent her flat maybe you could introduce you when you could discuss it so word of mouth then once you've seen some places that you like if you've seen some places in the estate agent window or you've seen something online that you like then you have some viewings or you do some viewings you can use either with these verbs so you have some viewings or you do some viewings so I did probably six viewings I did six viewings I had six viewings so I saw six different properties from all the properties I saw online I wanted to go and physically see go into the houses of six different properties six different properties and yes so to view to view the property is to go there and see it in person rather than just see pictures of it so you do a viewings of viewings when you go to the property that you liked that you liked the look of or you liked the sound of these are phrases we use as well you like the look of that I like the look of that I think our book of viewing so you phoned the estate agency hello I really liked number one Saxton Road could I book a view even please I'd like to view it oh I really like the sound of that flat you told me about could I book a viewing please okay so what are you guys saying what do you like in your new flat what do I like in my new flat I like that it's quiet so I can do broadcasts without too much noise it's very light there's lots of windows and so there's lots of natural light comes in and I love that it's also a brand new building so everything is brand new all the walls are very clean the whole flat is very clean because nobody has lived in it before so everything works and everything's beautiful so do you use fair room website I did you have your spare room yes I didn't this time I went through the estate agents this what else are we saying if you're new here some of you are saying this is your first less than hello welcome I'm glad you found me if you are new here then if you're interested in learning English then I offer lots of lessons and there are lots of lessons I've done previously but if you're new then make sure you press a subscribe button and that Bell notification button and that will tell you every time I come live or every time I release a new video so that you don't miss out in future all right let's carry on so you do some viewings you might also register with an estate agent register with an estate agent to register with an estate agent is just to tell an estate agent exactly what you're looking for you'll give him your details your name your phone number your email address your current address you'll tell them what kind of property you want and what area you're looking in and then they will send you lots of emails with potential properties they think you might be interested in interested in they'll also phone you and say hey I've just had this amazing property come on the market would you like to view it and I say yes please and so you register your interest with an estate agent and they look after you and try to help you to find the right property okay oh my goodness hello so Allah has sent another super chat thank you so much as has our us era thank you for your 2-pound super chat guys it really means the absolute world to me when you guys drop me super chats for those of you who don't know super chats are like tips their contributions cash contributions to the channel now all the super chats that I get during these lessons go into one pot and they are saved up and go towards helping the progression of this channel so at the moment I'm saving up to buy a microphone for these lessons so that I'm not using my headphone microphone but instead I've got a proto microphone for better quality sound I've also just recently used some of the money from the patrons who also contribute on a regular basis to install my new fiber-optic Wi-Fi so that I get much higher quality and much more stable live-streaming so that your lessons aren't interrupted and they're not poor quality so those of you who contribute it means so much and I think everyone in the community is very thankful so thank you of course you will get the notes to this lesson if you want them just drop me an email my email is in the description box below so if you sent a super chat you are entitled to the notes so please let me know that you want them alright let's carry on so I like the look of that or I like the sound of that is what we were talking about before you register with some estate agents now let's talk about the people so if you're renting to rent is to just pay for the time that you're staying you don't own it you pay to stay you don't pay to have so you're if you're renting which I rent a lot of people rent in the UK if you're renting then you if you are renting then you are the tenant tenant tenant if you own the property and you are renting to a tenant then you are the landlord landlord now a landlord can be a man or a woman the landlord normally though if it is a lady then you would call them the landlady the landlady or the landlord would be a man but landlord has also been used for men and women too but landlady's only for ladies I have a landlord and landlady they jointly owned the property and so they jointly make decisions on the property so our landlord and a landlady and I am the tenant I live there I am the tenant okay what are you guys saying in my patron Skype room yes that's right are you living in London yes that's written correctly well done will you do a tour of your new flats I would love to see you do an apartment tour where you show us around and maybe combine that with a furniture and around the house lesson what a good idea I will when I have internet in the house then I will do that for you of course I don't mind sharing of course I don't mind showing you around my house you are my family you know my family my friends you are welcome so I will do that for you once I'm all set up okay so let's carry on so the landlord owns the property the tenant pays to stay you might also have a property manager property manager and this would be someone who looks after the property and liaises liaises with the tenant liaises funny word I actually wasn't sure how to spell it to myself but we say it liaises and notice it's spelt with two eyes liaises liaises to Li A's is to communicate with someone to liaise with them so if your landlord doesn't want to deal with the tenants they want to just have you know do their job not worry about tenants then they will employ a property manager and say look like a middleman I will pay you to look after my property I will pay you to look after my tenants perhaps if a landlord has a lot of properties if a landlord has a lot of properties it's called a portfolio he has a portfolio of properties maybe he has 10 properties in his portfolio so if a landlord has 10 properties in his property portfolio it's a lot to deal with and if the landlord has a full-time job you might not want to deal with lots of tenants phoning saying my oil is broken or I I want to put up blinds in the bathroom can I do that he'll just say let the property manager deal with it and he'll pay them a commission so a property manager like a middleman what's the difference between to let and let buy so in the UK when a property is available a property is on the market then there will be a sign put up outside the property and the sign will either say to let and this means it's available for rent so to let is available to rent if the sign says to buy or sorry for sale obviously then you can buy it it's for sale if it says let buy and then it'll have the name of an estate agents that means it's already had an agreed tenancy set up so someone has already decided they want to live in it it was on the market it was available but now it has been left by Saxon King or whatever the estate agents called so it's just an advert to say this estate agent has filled this property so it looks good for the estate agent it's no good for people like me and you because we're looking for somewhere to live and that one isn't available anymore but it tells us that that estate agent exists and that estate agent is good at putting people in properties so to let available let buy not available okay all right let's carry on so Oh bless I've just had another super chat come through from a strong wit thank you so much you guys are so cool thank you I love how supportive you are of this community so you have a property manager now if you're buying a property if you want to own a property we'll talk about the current owner the current owner so if you own a property you are the owner you're the owner you own it I am the owner I am the property owner I am the current I own it right now I'm the current owner but I want to sell and I will sell to a buyer so a buyer will buy the property from the current owner the buyer will buy the property from the current owner ok is everyone ok so far is anything confused you or do you want to ask any questions about what I've already covered so just let me know I'll spend a few moments answering questions and then I will carry on with the notes hopefully I'm not speaking too fast I know that some of you like me speaking fast I know that some of you think I speak too fast so hopefully I've hit a happy medium are you asking me do I speak Spanish si um go - ik ok no questions coming through them while you're moving to your new apartment I was watching all your live streams they're fabulous keep doing that you'll gain hundreds hundred subscribers hundred thousand subscribers and in no time not in some time in no time thank you very much and la you are so kind nice you've dropped me three super chaps you really deserve as much support as any how possible it is fired me to see you living your dreams and passions thank you for everything and a blessing you are so sweet thank you thank you so much and I need to I need to highlight you and your amazing singing on my other channel so those of you who don't know I have a singing channel and we also try to motivate them inspire people to sing and Ella is a wonderful singer and we're going to be putting Ella on that channel as a highlighted act and we're also going to be giving you some feedback very soon as soon as I'm on the Internet Ella and that feedback for you okay thank you you're such a sweetheart alright let's carry on oh good question just came through what is a guarantor a guarantor let me put this on the notes because that's a great question and something I hadn't mentioned a guarantor will be for renting and a guarantor is basically a person who and can ensure the rent is paid so if I so I am self-employed I don't have a job this is my job so I don't have a job this is my job and I can't guarantee how much money I'm going to make each month and so in fact I am cohabiting and so I'm living with somebody else I could not have moved house on my own and this is why someone asked me why have I moved house I've moved house because I need space but I've also moved house because here I rented a room which was a lot cheaper than the flat that I'm now renting because I can't guarantee my income so an estate agent won't allow me to rent somewhere more expensive because I can't guarantee my income so I'm a risk because I moved in with someone else who does have a job than it's fine but if I wasn't moving in with someone who had a job if I was just on my own and I went to the estate agent said look I want to have my own flat please can I rent a flat and they looked at my income and said you don't earn enough money or you can't guarantee that you're going to be able to pay the rent then I'll say but I have a guarantor my father promises that if I don't pay the rent he will pay the rent so you will always get the money I guarantee you will always get the money because I have a guarantor my father does that make sense I hope so guarantor is quite important in fact though in the UK now guarantors are not always accepted anymore they used to be used to be fine as long as you have a guarantor you were fine now it's not as popular but yes guarantor is is a really interesting one so thank you for bringing that up okay so let's carry on so we have guarantor and then types of properties the next thing we're going to talk about so if we're talking about a flat you might hear the phrase a self-contained flat a self-contained flat basically is a flat within a building so it's not just a building on its own it's a flat within a building it might even be on the same floor as a number of other flats but to be self-contained means that everything you need is in that flat you have a kitchen you have a bathroom in this flat it's self-contained normally if it's self-contained it means it's very small so a self-contained flat is normally very small but you don't have to share a bathroom a toilet or kitchen with anybody you have all your own space okay so self-contained flat you would also potentially especially in London here studio flat a studio flat now a studio flat is always tiny a studio flat basically is everything in one room you sleep in the same room where your kitchen is and there might be a separate little room where the toilet is but it's everything in one space one room so it's normally very small and in London we have so many studio flats because there are so many people and property is very expensive here so they make lots of studio flat so people people can afford to live in London okay so a studio flat and then you might talk about wanting a one bed flat where the bedroom is separate from the rest of the flat or a to bed flat so rather than saying bedroom we shortened it to bed always to say one bed to bed you might even just say you might even just say this so I might say to you is it to bed I'm looking to rent of to bed flat I'm looking to rent a three bed I I'm happy to look at two beds but I really want a three bed okay so I think potentially my stream has gone a little bit low quality but and to stick with me I'm sure it will come back so that's been talking about flats if we're talking about a house a house a house is all the flaws belong to you so a flat would just be on one floor there be no stairs normally in a flats but a house is the whole building is you the whole building is yours if it's a house now a house can still be all on one floor if it's a bungalow so a bungalow is a house without stairs it's quite confusing a house without stairs is a bungalow usually old people live in a bungalow because they can't go up and down stairs so it's better for them and in the same as with a flat in a house you have a one bed house you might have a two-bed house now you might hear this phrase a terrace house is a terrace a terrace house is when the house is in a row on the street and there's lots of houses and they're all joined together so there's no gap between the houses the houses the bricks are together and so if you're in the middle you're in a terrace if you've got a house on this side and a house on this side and there's no gap between the buildings you're in a terrace house a terrace house if your house is on the end of a row and you only have one house on one side but the other side is the end of the street then you're in an end of Terrace house and end of terrace house or you could call it a semi-detached house a semi-detached so semi-detached means that it's attached on one side but it's not attached on the other its semi-detached a semi-detached house so tell me do you live in a flat would you live in a bungalow do you live in a studio flat on one bed flat you live in a terrace house a semi-detached house or do you live in a detached house now a detached house I'm sure you've worked it out by now is a house that's completely detached there are no other houses joined to it so normally you need a lot of money to pay for a detached house or you need to live somewhere where property is not too expensive I have at one point when I was younger lived in a detached house but I haven't lived in a detached house in my adult life because it is very expensive to do so okay so tell me what kind of house you live in I'd love to know so my house is my house is a flat it's a three bed flat they're all very a three bed sounds exotic but they're all very small bedrooms so that you can fit a bed in it and nothing else so one room has got wardrobes in one room has a bed in and one room is my work room because obviously you know I work from home so one room is my workspace so it's a three bed flat so my patrons what are you guys saying have you ever been in Berlin - Berlin have you ever been to Berlin no I haven't and do you like using air B&B air B&B is wonderful I actually have used many times and I've actually got a link to it in my description of the video for you guys to get 35 pounds or $35 of credit for Airbnb I think it's fantastic so yes I do recommend it I live in a lovely flat fabulous okay so what do you what about you guys here over on the YouTube chat room I'm living in a flat with my husband fabulous I hope you get him to do his fair share of housework I live in a bathroom really you live in a bathroom okay I live in a flat we're on the seventh floor in Malaga in Spain is that quite hot or do you have air conditioning how much did you pay for a deposit a lot of money an awful lot of money it was quite upsetting how much money I had to pay for a deposit it was just short of five thousand pounds they asked for a lot of money over here in advance and then you have to pay your rent as well this it's not cheap it really is not cheap hello mum hello mum I'm not your mum okay so I live in a bungalow but I'm not old I all people live in bungalows because it's easy but then other people live in bungalows too I've also lived in a bungalow once and I'm not old yet I'm gonna flat with my bro and my dad great what floor is your flat mine's a ground floor so I live on the bottom floor the ground floor I think in America they call the ground floor the first floor and then the next floor up would be the second floor but in Britain in England we say ground floor is on the ground first floor second floor etc okay let's carry on so we have Sophie features of a house so you might you might see the phrase shared access they might say shared access to the to the property shared access means you share a front door so it might be that you go through the same front door as the people living downstairs or upstairs and then once you're through the front door there are other doors for your own place but you might have to share the front door which means they could access your mail perhaps not that it's usually a problem but it's just something to be aware of if it's shared access it means you share the front door okay so other features you might see it said said on a advert for a flat it might say it's a house share or a flat share a house share or a flat share a house share is a flat share and a house share basically sharing with other people so I might like here when I would lived here this was a house share I rented one room in this house and I shared with my landlord my landlord owned the house but I rented one room and that room was mine and I could put anything I wanted in my room because I rented that room okay so a house share a flat share of sharing with other people you might have your own flat but there might be a shared bathroom or toilet so that's something to be aware of there may be four flats in a property and maybe there's only one bathroom or toilet for everyone to share but then you have your own living room your own kitchen and your own bedroom perhaps often they might talk about communal areas especially if you're looking to share a flat or a house a communal area is an area for everybody of commune all people communal area so everyone who lives in that property can access the communal areas normally it's things like the living room the kitchen the dining room perhaps if there is one the bathroom but communal areas okay then obviously they will mention whether or not a property has a garden and they'll mention whether it's a private garden so nobody else can access it or whether it's a communal garden a lot of flats in London have a communal garden I have a communal garden although it's not really a garden it's just a piece of grass that literally anybody can walk on it's just outside the back of my house so anyone from the street can walk up a walk around my house and it's a piece of grass so you can't really call it a garden because it's not fenced off there's no border but it's quite private so I don't think anyone from the public will just walk around so it feels like a private garden but it's shared okay so other things they might talk about an attic room an attic room is a room built into the Attic if you don't know the Attic is the very top space of the house basically the roof space the loft space so they could say a loft room actually or a converted loft converted loft and it's just this the roof space has been made into a room and normally the put a window in the roof so there's light in the room so a loft space or an attic room and we put that in loft loft conversion the loft conversion or attic room some properties not many these days but some properties have a basement it'll oh I'll see you later it's low is going off to work it's low is one of my gold members and thank you for joining me is low I hope that you have a lovely day at work okay so back to basement a basement is a room in the bottom of the house so you're on ground level most houses are on ground level and then some have rooms below ground so if you go below ground level into another room it's it's the basement okay so the basement you usually a basement is featured in horror movies it's always scary things happening in the basement someone lurking in the basement or monsters not really of course but in horror films basements are always pretty scary places so some properties have all suites have an ensuite so an ensuite is a bathroom in a bedroom so normally a hotel room would have an ensuite and ensuite so it's not a shared bathroom with anybody else in the house it's your own little bathroom in your bedroom obviously for when you're in need of a bathroom late at night or while you're sleeping and you don't have to go very far you have an ensuite so your own little private bathroom something I haven't put on actually I'll put it down here where is it parking okay we'll come back to that so an ensuite they may also talk about a view if a property is very expensive it's normally because of the location so it might have it might be in a prime location a prime location means a really great location maybe it's really handy so if you had a property on the south bank in London or maybe by Waterloo station then you're in a prime location or if you have a property in the West End or in Broadway in America or I don't know somewhere in the center of New York maybe by Central Park then you have a prime location it's a place where lots of people want to be prime location or perhaps your property just has an amazing view maybe from one of the windows you can see the River Thames maybe from when the windows you can see the ocean maybe you see the mountains so if you have a view then your property is going to suddenly be much more expensive much more valuable okay so so we have a view or prime location let me just lower case sometimes I'll talk about having high ceilings in a property it's it's very popular people like I like to have high ceilings so you have high ceilings it's just when the ceiling is very high and it means the room feels nice and big so they tend to talk about that they'll also talk about whether the space is large and they use this word a lot arrey arrey if something is area just means it's quite big and well lit there's lots of light so it feels airy it feels open so large Airy space okay instead of basement may we say cellar yes you can say cellar but the cellar is normally associated with it being raw brick on that rubric exposed brick so you can see all the brickwork and it's cold it tends to be damp a cellar is where you would keep the wine if you are a wine producer you keep it in a wine cellar so a cellar is not a place where you would inhabit you wouldn't sleep in a cellar you wouldn't have a room in the cellar or work in the cellar a cellar is just a damp place for storage or for putting old machinery or something a basement a basement I associate more with being a room so it's a room you could use you could actually have a flat a basement flat yeah but a cellar is is a slightly different more of a storage space than anything else why don't you have air conditioning there Susannah in the UK we don't have weather we don't have warm weather often enough to - what's the word to justify to justify having air conditioning air conditioning costs a lot of money to install and to upkeep and because we don't have hot weather most of the time then we just don't have air conditioning that's why what is cinder cinder is something to do with fire there is a piece of burning the pieces of burners other cinders the piece that pieces that burners cinders ok let's have a look at some more features so they will tell you whether the part whether the property has a shower a shower room perhaps a bath or a shower over the bath tell me does your property have a bath or a shower or both my property has a bath with a shower over the top which most properties do it saves space so a shower over the bath and there is also a separate little shower in another room as an ensuite actually to one of the other bedrooms so shower or bath tell me and which do you prefer I love I love a bath and love a bubble bath some places especially more modern places have underfloor heating underfloor heating is more common these days in new bills and in fact my property has underfloor heating it's quite good for keeping the property nice and warm in the cold weather but most properties have gas central heating so most properties will say gas central heating so you know it's going to be a nice warm flat that you'll have proper heating some properties don't have gas central heating they still have storage heaters so special heaters are just on the wall that you turn on individually I think they're a bit of a fire hazard they and they're quite expensive to run so you're looking for gas central heating or underfloor heating in new builds they will also tell you whether or not you get white goods in your new property white goods white goods refers to fridge washing machine potentially a dishwasher but always a fridge in a washing machine white goods so even if a property whether you're buying or renting even if they say it's unfurnished there's no furniture comes with this property you have to put your own furniture in normally they come with white goods normally they'll have a fridge freezer and a washing which but always ask if you're moving in the UK always say is that are the white goods in included or not when I have to buy a washing machine or bring my own fridge freezer but normally that's not the case hello can I learn English teacher or not can you help me because I'm a beginner yes if you are new here I know I've said this once before but if you're new do press the subscribe button and the Bell notification button and there are lots of lessons coming your way so do press subscribe I know from my analytics that about 60% of you watching aren't subscribers so it would be lovely to get that number brought down I'd like to have at least 80% of people who watch here be subscribers and if you are here and you're finding this helpful then please do show your appreciation by giving me a thumb and by doing that it helps to boost my videos up so that more people can find them so help me to help more people by getting involved leaving a comment and giving it a thumb all right let's carry on so white goods we know what they are double glazing double glazing refers to the windows double glazing is when the window frames are plastic and though and the glass in the window there's two sets of glass so you've got double glazed it's double glazing and double glazing means the property will be warmer so you want double glazing especially in new bills you want double glazing plastic window frames double double sets of glass okay so double glazing some places will have a fireplace it's always nice some places offer a garage notice the pronunciation of this American say garage British say garage you can choose which one you want to say we say garage Americans garage garage okay and this is a place where you put your car you put your car in the garage and if you do have a Garrity your car insurance will be cheaper because your car will be safer overnight also if there is or isn't a garage they'll tell you whether there is parking available there might be a driveway there might be a private driveway where you can put your car in front of the house and you know drive right up to your house and then it's on this little private piece of land a driveway or there might be on street parking I'm going to write this down for you so that also we have off-road parking that's a that's a driveway a driveway and you also have offer parking and we have on-road parking I don't know I'm cuffed by capitalizing it on on-road parking which just means you park on the streets but it's free so they'll say free on-road parking or you've got offered parking oh how exciting in London it's very important if you drive in London then you will always have a problem with parking so when you're viewing property you need to know whether there is parking available with the property in some cases and not in most cases in London its permit parking which means you have to go to the council and pay for a parking ticket to go into your car each year and it's not like a hundred pounds or a couple of hundred pounds per year to park your car permit parking so where I live there is one parking space there's one off-road parking space in a little private car park and there's also permit parking so I could pay if I wanted a second car or if I wanted to have visitors come and see me and they were driving I would have to pay the gardener council for a permit to put in the car okay so finally you will find out whether or not your property that you're looking at is furnished that means it comes with furniture it's unfurnished that means it comes without furniture or in some cases it might be part furnished in which case you will have to find out exactly what furniture is involved so part furnish means some furniture like it might be that they give you a bed and a sofa but nothing else like maybe you need a bookcase and television stuff like that so furnished unfurnished part finished okay some of you are asking me some questions here I've got a question how can we send you money to help you oh okay so if you want to drop a super chat then you can via the little super chat button which is a little dollar button next to the emoji button in some countries it's not available so I'm not sure if it will be available for you just give it a try you press that so you put in your comment and then decide how much you want to donate towards the channel but thank you that's very kind of you to ask all help is gladly received what else oh so Sean Nick you're in France that's but I should work for you okay yes stunning that one makes a good point the things I've mentioned like gas central heating and double glazing in property adverts are normally abbreviated to G ch4 gas central heating and dg4 double glazing so be aware of those abbreviations where is boudoir anna the boudoir is a French word meaning bedroom the boudoir is the bedroom so there you go okay so let's carry on where how far we've got one two three pages left three pages left I'm gonna rattle through this I don't want to keep you for too long how long have been on nearly an hour also okay so you find so you find a place that you like you find a place that you like and then when you decide you like it enough you put in an offer or you make an offer you put in an offer or you make an offer la you've just dropped another super chat so you said it makes me so happy to drop super chance Thank You le you really don't need to send so much but thank you so much it all goes into the pot so you know I'm sure the community is very very happy bless you you are far too kind so put in or make an offer so I put in an offer it just means I go hi I want to offer this much for this house so maybe the house is on the market for two hundred thousand pounds in London it would be a tiny house for two hundred thousand miles in London you're looking at maybe spending more like seven hundred and fifty thousand pounds for a house these days it's very expensive but maybe I only have six hundred and fifty thousand dollars pounds and so I might say I like this house but I'm not willing to pay seven hundred fifty thousand pounds I'm going to make an offer of six hundred and fifty thousand and see if the landlord if the owner will accept it or I'm going to put in an offer of seven hundred thousand pounds because it's got dumped in the property and it needs a damp course which means it will cost me money so I'll put in a lower offer and see if they accept so the offer goes in you put in your offer or you make your offer and the offer is then being considered so the owner is considering the offer or you would say if an offer is under consideration an offer is under consideration yes sky is saying in the chat room Ella is so kind yes Ella is so kind every single video you are here supporting you're always dropping soup you are like you're like the kindest person the most generous person I think in this community thank you so much so where was I or as I up to the move oh sorry then the then the offer is either accepted or rejected the offer is either accepted yay they agreed or is rejected boo cry and then you might make another offer now in my case when I was going for my flat the flat that I'm in now was too expensive it was too expensive it was way beyond my budget I could not afford it but I really liked it and I knew I would be happy so I put in a very low offer i undercut the offer by about 600 pounds per month I went for the real offer and I knew the landlord would probably reject it and he did and so I went and again with another offer a little bit higher than my first offer but he rejected it so I went in again with another offer a little bit higher and he rejected it and then finally I was like okay here is my final offer this is as much as I can afford this is not the top of my budget I didn't really want to spend this much but I can do this amount will the landlord accept it and finally they said yes so they accepted my offer and I was super happy so it can be quite stressful when you're waiting as to hear whether your offer has been accepted or rejected okay so once you've had your offer accepted or rejected it's then time to move house to move house so we use the verb to move to move I am I'm going to move she he moves we are moving continuous we are moving I am moving he is moving they are moving and past tense moved have you moved we have moved we moved house last weekend so here in in is the verb to move I move house tomorrow she is moving today he moves next week we moved house last weekend now notice how sometimes we say move house and we use the word house and sometimes we just say move if you know that they're talking in context about property about moving and living situation then you don't need to use house he moves next week so if I say to you hey how's your brother found a new house yet we already know we're talking about property has your brother found a new house yet and you could say yes he moves next week so you wouldn't need to say he moves house next week you can but you don't need to because I already know you know I know we're talking about a house so he moves we know that we're talking about he's changing house he's moving house okay so two phrases that you should be aware of you move out of you move out of a house or out of a place or out of a city or a country and you move into your new place you move into into so I moved out of this house I moved out of this house last week I move into my new flat last week and I want to move out of this house I want to move into my new house next week David will move out of his bungalow he will move into his new apartment okay so move out off move into out of into so just try to remember those [Music] so okay so now I'm just going to go through a little bit of vocabulary that's to do with the actual move so I might tell you that you need to pack up I need to pack up the house you need to pack up your house before you move pack up phrasal verb it just basically is just packing to putting all your stuff into storage so that you can move it to the new place so pack up you can just also say to pack I need to pack I need to pack and you pack in a box or plural is boxes so you might need many boxes when you're packing you will also pack into bags so you use bags for packing for your clothes you might use suitcases suitcases and other potential things that you might pack into although these are less common you might pack into a crate a trunk a chest or a carton these are all types of firm boxes so a crate and a trunk and a chest like big boxes that have handles normally you put a lot of things inside but they're not made out of cardboard then on the made out of wood or plastic or MDF so crate trunk chests and a carton is a kind of it's like it's like cardboard and it's usually made for a certain item carton I never really have packed into a carton but mostly we just say boxes bags and suitcases okay those of you Oh bless em Eureka Eureka Lily has just dropped a super chat thank you so much you've said welcome back and I'm happy to see you again I'm glad to see you guys too I have missed you all very very much and so I'm glad to be back although it will still be another few weeks before I'm as regular as I used to be but thank you very much for your support to this channel it's very much appreciated and [Music] okay let's to see what you guys are saying here my patrons how do you pronounce memoir memoir and end suing tragedies and suing tragedies I hope that helped you will hit 50,000 subscribers soon I know it's very exciting thank you so much for noticing andreas hello Anna finally I'm using my PC meaning I've got YouTube and Skype at the same time woohoo and can I say can I also say to move flat do you know what actually we don't say move flat very often even if we're moving flat we still say house I know that's strange but I moved from a house into a flat but I still said I'm moving house and moving house yeah it's weird but we just the the effort of moving the process of moving we just call it moving house no matter what kind of property you're moving into okay any questions guys try and keep them for the end and I'll do I'll do most the questions at the end now so let's just get through the rest of these notes and then I'll stay for a few questions before closing down so you'll also a very likely use bubble wrap bubble wrap our bubble wrap is like plastic with little air bubbles in the plastic and you wrap it round things that are fragile or vulnerable to breakage like glasses or cups or plates pictures anything that could break you would wrap in bubble wrap and bubble wrap is great fun for popping so if you if you put if you press it or stand on it it goes pop pop pop pop pop so bubble wrap do you have bubble wrap in your house right now I obviously have lots of bubble wrap and it's very tempting to just go into the cupboard get some bubble wrap and pop the bubbles alright other things you might need when you're packing is packing tape we also sometimes call it gaffer tape and this is just thick strong like sellotape but specially for packing boxes so that the boxes don't come apart and it keeps them closed you might also need ping paper and we're not talking about like wrapping paper like for presents but you know just like brown paper thick paper that you normally wrap around plates or around pictures again to protect them while they're being moved okay when you leave a place or go into a new place you might need to do a deep clean or you might need to get a professional clean done a deep clean or a professional clean this just means a good clean so not just wipe the sides sweep the floor but a proper clean the walls dust all the corners like real clean major clean so you do a deep clean or professional clean then you might hire a removal company to help you move everything from one place to another a removal company they cost a lot of money so this time I did not use a removal company and within the removal company you will have removal men so singular is removal man plural maneuver room removal men there are also removal women but in general we just talked about removal men so you might need to you might need to hire a removal man to help you in some cases and I've done this many times you can just hire a van you can pack it yourself drive it yourself unpack it and then take it back to the removal company the hire company so you can hire a removal company you can hire a removal man or you could just hire a van and then you'll transport all of your furniture and all of your belongings to your new place you transport it for your new place you will need to sign a contract if you're renting is known as a tenancy agreement a tenancy agreement and it's the agreement between you and the landlord the contract to say what you are allowed to do what he is allowed to do and how it works how much you're going to pay how long you'll stay there etc etc if you're buying a place and you will need to take out a mortgage you'll need to take them out out a mortgage and to take out a mortgage mortgage is to borrow money to pay for the property you borrow money from the bank and that loan is called a mortgage it's a big loan some mortgage you only take out a mortgage for buying a house you can't take out a mortgage for buying a car or anything else that's a loan for a house alone is called a mortgage if you have enough money and you don't need to get a loan to pay for the house you are buying the house outright buying it outright I don't know if that's one word actually that one word yes so you buy it outright that means you put all the money down you don't need a loan you buy it outright of course you'll get your new keys and you'll hand in your old keys you'll hand in your old keys let me put that down that phrasal verb hand in so you hand in your old keys and you receive your new keys and then once you've moved people we'll talk about how is your new place or there might say your new pad or your new home so I could say I've moved into my new place and loved it I feel like home there it's my new pad so you can use any of those words new place new pad new home you will need to redirect your mail so normally there is a system where you can go to the post office and pay for them to send any mail to your name at your old address to send it to your new address so they redirect the mail so you get your mail redirected and redirected to your new address Leandro Hollander thank you so much for your super chat was very very sweet of you you haven't left a message but I really appreciate your support so thank you I hope you're having a good day ah my notes where are they here we go so you have an you redirect your mail and so that you have time then to change your address with everything and then you'll need to register all the utilities utilities now utilities means the gas and the electric supply the water supply and the council tax so you have to pay your council tax and the council tax covers your bin collection all the stuff that's is to do with your local area you pay council tax for so these are called utilities so you have to contact and sort out your utility so you have to say hello I'm living here now send the bills to me and then you take over the bills to the water for gas the electric and the council tax which I haven't done yet I need to do that and that's one thing that needs to be done as soon as possible you might also decide to take out house insurance normally for a mortgage I think is I think it's necessary to have house insurance okay so House Assurance just basically ensures the house in case there's any problems like fire or Assam breaks in or anything like that any kind of damage that's done and you'll need to register for things so like you register with the council so the word register might come up yeah and then you'll unpack yeh see you unpack I'm still not completely unpacked I have a number of boxes that I still need to unpack but they're just sat around the house now with big bits of furniture you might need to dismantle them to take them apart for example I have a huge wardrobe there's a huge wardrobe in my house and it was too big to get through the door in one piece so we had to dismantle it move it into the room that we're going to have and then reassemble so we put it back together so we dismantled reassembled and you normally have to do this with a lot of furniture most furniture comes in bits and then you put it together in the room that you want it in it's also quite common to have a flat-pack furniture normally if you've heard of IKEA the shop IKEA sells flat pack furniture so it comes to you flat and you build it up so flat pack furniture and then here are just a few phrases that I've added at the end the phrase to make a house a home make a house a home it basically just means that you make a house is a building a home is a place where you feel comfortable and that you love and that you just feel cozy so a house a building can be quite cold and empty but a home is warm and lovely so you can make a house a home you can make any house a home if you put nice things in it and put your pictures on the wall and put nice fairy lights up you can make a house a home so to make a house a home you'll hear the phrase settle in I need to settle in I still haven't completely settled in to settle in is to take time to become comfortable in a new place so settle in and so people might say once you've settled in we'll come round and visit you that's what they normally say when you move into a new place or you've moved house we'll come and visit you but only once you've settled in so we'll give you time to feel comfortable and get organized and then the final phrase that you might hear is meet the neighbors or have you met the neighbors yet what are your neighbors like you must meet your neighbors your neighbors are the people who live in the houses next door or maybe across the road you'd refer to them as your neighbors people who live around you your neighbors okay so that brings us to the end of our lesson I can't believe how generous you guys have been it's it's insane thank you so much this all means that the growth of this channel is going to be a lot easier so the more Super chats that come through the quicker those donations build up and the quicker I can get hold of better equipment better internet all that kind of stuff to make this a much better channel and helpful for everybody those of you who have sent me super chaps then please do let me know if you want the notes or you have to do is send me an email my email address is at the bottom of the description to this video so please those of you who have sent super chats if you want the notes do send me an email and I'll get them to you as soon as I can if you haven't dropped a super check though please don't email me you won't believe how many emails I get every day and it makes it very hard to work as much as I love your kind messages I'd rather they stay in a public forum so put your messages on Facebook message on on the YouTube videos where I can read them in good time but when you send emails it's very hard for me then to find for business emails and it's very hard for me to function so please refrain from sending emails unless you've sent a stupid chat okay I'd like to say a huge thank you to my patrons I am gonna say and do some questions for you who are desperate to ask questions so do stay with me for a few moments but thank you patrons let me see if there's anything I've missed here and I saw a removal woman on insta on Instagram not in Instagram on Instagram excellent I know a few removal women myself very strong could you do a lesson where you explain all the tenses and other grammar topics too that would be really helpful I actually have already done the tenses you'll notice in about three or four maybe five or six lessons even in previous lessons I covered the tenses as you know grammar is not my favorite subject but I did do the tenses for you so do look back at the previous lessons for those Andrea says unfortunately my neighbors are quite distant as in they live a long way away or they're just not very friendly which do you mean okay let's see how many thumbs up we've got let's see who's enjoyed this how many people have enjoyed this let's have a look I'm reckon I reckon we'll have over 100 thumbs I've seen I'm right 105 thumbs excellent yeah thank you guys that's really great and if you're not already a subscriber then like I said before please do subscribe so you don't miss out on any lessons and so you don't forget but this page is here and I do try and put lessons up on a regular basis so do visit back the next time you are on YouTube if you are feeling generous but you can't afford to donate then you could potentially give your time to giving translations to the channel so we want all these videos to be available in every language including your language so if you have the time to translate even if it's just a title and a description or you can translate some of my shorter lessons or you can even check some of my English subtitles or subtitles in your language on any of my videos then that would be super helpful okay so yes there is a link in the description for adding translations or you can go to the video that you want to translate click on the little more button the more option and then add translations that way okay so now it's time for you to have your questions answers so talk to me what do you want to know how can I help you why is our comment not popping up on the wall so when I showed these comments these are for patrons only so these are patrons only patrons patrons are supporters of the community they give a donation on a monthly basis and in return they get rewarded so if you'd like to become a patron I'd love to have you join the team my patrons are very valuable they offer a lot of feedback and we discuss things and obviously they offer financial support to the channel as well so if you want to become a patron you want to join the chat room you want early access to videos some people even get the notes to all my lessons and Skype calls and access to the whatsapp group then have a look at the patreon page which is linked in the description box below we'd love you to join the team you deserve a thousand million thumbs Thank You Muhammad that's very plain can you explain again what is a mortgage a mortgage is a loan it's when you can't if I need to buy a house that's a hundred thousand pounds and I only have seventy thousand pounds I still need thirty thousand pounds to buy the house so I go to the bank and I say hello Bank I need three thousand pounds to buy this house so they say okay you need money to buy a house here is a mortgage for thirty thousand pounds you can pay us back in little installments over ten twenty years but when you pay us back you'll need to pay us back thirty five thousand pounds or forty thousand pounds so that we make some money from the loan so a mortgage is a loan to buy a house okay is is insane the same as crazy bananas nuts yes you can use all of those to mean insane I I'm doing I it when you've got suggestions for lessons is better to comment on another video with your suggestion rather than live videos so that I can make a note of lesson suggestions so those of you who want specific lessons if you make a comment on a video that's not live then I will be able to go through those comments at a later date and make notes of them I don't have my notes and stuff with me now because I'm not at home but yes suggestions keep them coming I'm always open to suggestions this channel is for you so anything that helps you and willing to do is your accent RP it's a very very RP if I spoke in RP it's very very clipped and very posh and not many people speak in RP anymore of course the royal family speak with an RP accent and it's just not what the general public speak however there is a softer version of RP which is what I speak so a soft RP I call it a standard English accent is quite neutral so what I speak is a like a standard RP as a soft RP I hope that helps a lesson about music would be great ok I can do a less about music which district of London do you live in I'm actually down in the South West I'm kind of close to Kingston close to Kingston upon Thames mm thumbs for you here's solo salut from Brazil hello hola is it online Brazil I am following you and your classes of course a new way to learn English I am from Brazil fabulous well thank you so much for joining me I'm glad that your follow me I don't like my neighbors upstairs are they noisy is that why you don't like them talking with plums in the mouth what what what yes we often say that the English people sound like they have a plum in their mouth what or what but they have big space mouths oh so it's sound plumbing to sound very English plum okay will you move tomorrow Anna I actually moved last weekend so I'm already in my new flat it's just I have no internet there so now I'm here in my old flat so I can broadcast to you guys any more questions guys before I say goodbye what do you call a celebration party for your new friends when they've just moved at if you move into a house a new house you have a housewarming party I'm going to put that on the notes actually a housewarming party is a party to celebrate moving into the new house and writing that on the notes house warming party a housewarming party we won't have a housewarming party I don't think because we have cream carpets and I'm paranoid that someone will drink spilled drinks on the carpet like red wine or something and I'll be like oh you've stained the new carpets okay how to translate your lessons into Spanish if you go on to any of my videos and then underneath it has words like share let me see I can't I can't see any let me just have a look for you you tuned yes you go into a video let's choose a video so let's have a look at what video w recently and how to pronounce jewelry oh no it's not working no it's not working why is that not working okay the L oh okay I can't make it work for some reason I can't get YouTube to work but basically underneath any video if you just hit the more button the more button it will open up some more options and then you'll say translate or try clicking on the link in the description of this video it might show you some if it says there are no videos that need translating then that's not true there are nearly 200 videos here and they all need translating so just choose a video you like and that you'd like to translate that would be wonderful just don't have red wine in your housewarming party I know but even beer stains and it smells bad when it's on the carpet cream carpets Wow I know I don't know why I don't know why a landlord have green carpets it's just crazy it's crazy they're going to get dirty greetings Anna I have CAE on in in September not on September in September and I would like to have a class related to idioms or set phrases okay I do cover idioms in a lot of lessons I just don't do one all about idioms but I mean I can I just think it would be would it not would it be interesting to have a class just about idioms tell me of course I'm happy to help hello for Liverpool hi what is the weather like in London um cloudy look a bit cloudy but warm of course I'm wearing a dress all right guys I'm gonna love you and leave you I'm going to love you and leave you there's a phrase for you I'm going to love you and leave you thank you so much for joining me you guys have been amazing I'm now going to pack up my computer and go back to my house and unpack my computer at the home I hope you have an amazing weekend and please be patient with me I will be back hopefully doing a live lesson at some point next week obviously not many lessons because I don't have internet yet but as soon as my internet is up and running I will be back with you Monday to Friday everyday doing live lessons alright so thank you again for joining me please do feel free to share these videos and spread the word and try to help this channel to grow if you're not subscribed then please subscribe give it a thumb up and remember there are nearly 200 lessons in my video backlog some alive some are pre-recorded so do have a look back there if you're missing me and you're wanting to practice your English go and have a look at some of the other lessons I'm sure you'll find something valuable back there so take care have an amazing weekend and I will see you very very soon fingers crossed ciao and Aviano claw Oh wha ah wiedersehen I don't know how to say goodbye in every language but goodbye everyone and lots of love bye bye [Music]
Channel: English Like A Native
Views: 62,774
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Learn English, English lesson, English like a native, vocabulary, esl, english, English speaking, speak english, british accent, british pronunciation, learn english speaking, anna tyrie, Grammar, british, anna english, esl crime, english listening practice, english lesson, english vocabulary, intermediate, learning english, moving house, house, moving, moving vocabulary, english moving vocabulary, how to move house in england, move to england
Id: N_v1bgbxzx0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 83min 26sec (5006 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 14 2017
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