FAMILY: Great British Traditions, Vocabulary, and Idioms with ANNA ENGLISH: LIVE

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hello everyone and welcome to another English lesson here with me Anna English on English like a native today's English lesson is all about family so I'm going to be covering the traditional English British English family I'm going to talk about some of the things that we do here in the UK regarding family and we are going to be looking at vocabulary pronunciation and then we'll end with a handful of idioms that you may use when talking about family just to let you know I'm broadcasting live right now from London at it and it's boiling hot so if I seem to lose concentrated it's because I'm very very very hot we don't have air conditioning here in the UK so when it's hot we just have to deal with it so hello everyone thank you for joining me if you are here and you are interested in learning English and you haven't yet pressed that subscribe button then you're in the right place I'm going to help you but hit the subscribe button and the Bell notification button so you don't miss any future lessons and I'm going to just say a very quick hello to my patrons who are here in the special patron only Skype room hello Hajer hello from Brasilia on my TV fantastic and I'll watch you but I can't stay here I don't have my laptop okay thanks for dropping in though okay so as always I've made some notes and I've made about four pages worth of notes today and anyone who wants to donate towards the growth of this channel with a super chat your comment will stand out you will get a response and as a thank you you will receive the notes that I've made today so let's get started family the word family technically means the descendants of a common ancestor so if I have lots of children and my children have children and those children have children then they are technically my family because they are my descendants hello you yar hi nice of you to do so that's technically what a family is now when we talk about our family we're normally talking about the people closest to us within our blood connection group and so we're talking about mom dad and maybe our children but in lots of ways we talk about family as being a group of people that we care about as well so for example I have a whatsapp group and my whatsapp group is on this small very small amount of people there and because we talk to each other every day with this little close-knit group a close-knit group then we consider ourselves to be a little family of sorts so a family can also be used to store refer to a group of people who kind of look out for each other care for each other and stick together like a family is supposed to do there are other ways to talk about family we could talk about our relatives our relatives and relatives are people connected by blood or marriage people connected by blood or marriage in the same way that you can say relations my relations so you can say my relatives all my relations both of them mean exactly the same things people connected by blood or marriage so I have a family I have relations and I have relatives which word would you feel more comfortable using I tend to talk about my family and I sometimes say my rent my relatives but I rarely say relations my relations are coming to stay I'm going to see my relations I wouldn't say that it doesn't feel natural for me I would tend to say family and relatives which word do you feel most comfortable with all right so when talking about a family sometimes people put together what's called a family tree a family tree a family tree is kind of like a map it's a map of your families a map of the heritage of your relatives and how they are connected and if you haven't heard of a family tree before I thought I'd give you an example here so this is a family tree of Sir Edward Elgar these are the people that were looking at this William is the person sorry no here William William Edward Elgar and he's directly connected to his parents here William Elgar and Anne greening so this family tree you got at the higher up it goes the older it is so these are Edward's parents these are Edward's mother's family her parents sorry her siblings and her parents and these are Edward's father's relations his siblings and his parents so these are Edward's grandparents up here and Edward is one of many children 1 2 3 and oh sorry that's his wife is that his wife there hmm is that his wife that's confusing yes that must be his wife so Edgar is one of Edward is one of 1 2 3 oh oh this is a confusing family tree family trees are confusing I haven't made one myself but you can see what a family tree is a family tree is a map a way of writing down exactly who's connected and how you're related to each other I mean I would hate to do my own family tree because my family is so complicated I think my family tree would just baffle anybody looking at it just like that one's just baffled me so now you know what a family tree is let's move on so when people talk about family in general they would normally be referring to your immediate family your immediate family are the people closest to you and your family usually the people who live with you all right and so the family members within your immediate family would be your parents so your parents refer to your mother and your father your mother is your parent your father is your parent and collectively they are your parents there are a number of words for mother obviously mother is your female parent and so you can call your mother mother it's very um very formal it's the technical word mother we tend to say mum more often in the UK and notice that we spell it differently to Americans Americans spell it mom and that's the American English version is mom but we say mum mum were the you and young children or some older people do call their mother mummy but this tends to be what young people do so little toddlers four or five years old will be mummy mummy so mummy is really for young people although like I said some older people do refer to their mom as mummy tell me in your language do you have different words different names for mother like we have the formal mother we have the common mum and then we have the very young mummy do you have the same sort of thing in your language ah bless you strong weight has just sent over a five euro donation thank you so much that's very very kind of you and of course please just drop me a message to remind me to send you the notes or you can choose the notes from any previous lesson if you would like those instead and I'll send those to you as a thank you thank you very much so do let me know do you have different words to describe your mum or to call your mum in your language I'd love to know let's have a look at how we talk about father so father again is the technical formal way of talking about your male parent now notice in both mother and father we have a th in the middle that means for British mother father father and American I just have to check and American pronunciation you should put your tongue between your teeth like that mother far the mother father and it's a schwa at the end which means we just do a rather than a it's a non rhetoric are we don't sound the are at the end at all so it's mother father mother and father okay so we have father how else can we call the male parent commonly we say dad dad my mum and dad that's what I say that's what most people say my dad or as before with Mummy young people might say daddy daddy so there we go the parents now you might hear the word siblings siblings so siblings refer to a brother or and sister so I might say to you do you have any siblings that's just one way of saying do you have any brothers or sisters or do you have both and you could say yes I have one sibling yes I have two siblings or whatever the amount is and then you would go on to say I have one sister one brother or no I well I only have one brother so I have one sibling one brother so tell me in the comments how many how many siblings do you have tell me how many siblings do you have and then I want you to also tell me how many brothers the sisters that includes so technically I have ten siblings I had to think about that I have 10 siblings which includes one two three sisters and seven brothers there you go so you tell me about your set up your family set up so just in case you are confused a brother is the male a male child born to your parents and notice again as a th so we have a brother brother like mother and father but then for the female child also born to your parents we say sister sister so moving on looking back we have grandparents grandparents now notice I don't really pronounce the D grandparents you can if you want to be very precise grandparents but most people to say grandparents grandparents is easier to say grandparents I'm visiting my grandparents your grandparents are your parents parents so the older people within the family so grandparents so the female grandparent would be referred to as your grandmother most commonly we say grandma and again we don't really pronounce the D grandma grandma is what you'll hear grandma is a little bit too precise so to say grandma grandma or some people shorten it to gran some people say Nana some people say none so again like with mother and father do you have in your language do you have different ways of saying grandmother and and what do you call yours I call mine Rama grandma hi grandma and normally with our grandparents you might add a name on to it because obviously you have the grandparents from your father's side and you have the grandparents from your mother's side so I might call so for example my grandma on my mom's side it's called Gillian so I called her grandma Jill this is her first name and so I call her grandma Jill however on my father's side my my father's mother is called Irene but she doesn't like to be called that so I called her by her surname so I call her grandma and I'm not gonna do the full name because I don't want to give you a full name just in case she might not like to have her name said on the Internet but I call her grandma and which is her surname or the initial tercer name and she prefers that so most grandparents will have a preference as to what they want to be called so let's look at the male grandparent m/l grandparent is the grandfather again be mindful of that th-the grandfather most people will call him granddad granddad again being careful not to overly pronounce that D in the middle just grin that is fine granddad granddad some people call him Gramps Gramps so that's our grandparents unfortunately I lost one of my grandparents a few years ago and just before Christmas which was very sad but you know these things happen and he did have a wonderful impact on my life but every Christmas it's quite sad to go and see grandma and not to see granddad just an empty chair okay so some of you here saying you're here for the first time if you are if the first time welcome I hope you find this helpful and let's have a quick look at what my patrons are saying hello Anna and I have one sibling my brother Raphael fabulous perfectly written well done good okay so going back to the notes let's now talk about if you are a parent and you have children so if you are a parent and you have children you may call them aka this means also known as we covered this in the text language lesson last week aka so children can also be called kids or offspring although offspring is quite uncommon we don't use it very often so I wouldn't really use that but just know what it's for well here you go bless you thank you the--a go thank you for your super chat that message is support the teacher thank you so much if you don't know super chat donations all go into one big pot and once I reach a certain milestone with those donations I put it towards buying something for the channel so also chats go towards the benefit of everybody so for example at the moment I'm saving up all the super chats to go towards a new microphone so that you can have better sound quality on my pre-recorded videos and hopefully on these videos as well there are lots of milestones in place I'm just ordering super Wi-Fi super internet I'm getting fiber-optic broadband fitted and the super chaps that people have previously donated have paid for the technicians to come and fit that into my new property and so in a few weeks time all of you will benefit from much better uninterrupted streams and more uploads of videos because I'll be able to upload them faster so thank you guys for your support so let's get back to our children so we can't call them kids or children kids the kid is actually technically what you call a young goat a kid but here in the UK this has become very common just a very common term to refer to your children my kids my kid they are the humans that you give birth to obviously the male child is called your son son and the pronunciation that is similar to the Sun in the sky son son not son we don't want a song we have son my son was born under the Sun exactly the same pronunciation then if you have a female child this would be your daughter your daughter and slightly odd spelling but the pronunciation is like the door that we open and close or we knock at the door no knock daughter it's as simple as that daughter daughter so tell me are you a parent if you are a parent then tell me how many kids you have or the children you have do you have sons or do you have daughters I unfortunately am NOT a parent I would like to be but I'm not hopefully one day I'll keep my fingers crossed I would love to have one son and one daughter that would be a blessing okay so oh one of you questioning grand the spelling of granddad always do question me guys and if you're not sure and you think I've made a mistake don't feel free to question me because I am dyslexic and sometimes I make mistakes as most natives do and that's absolutely fine so if you're not sure then do question and I will always double check to make sure I haven't made a mistake okay so this is something that regularly search British English spelling is how I've spelt it with one D grand and then ding at the end grandeur it's more popular than double D which is the American English spelling okay so there we go there are two versions of this word so that's why it's confusing double D apparently is American spelling and single D is a British spelling okay all right thank you for bringing that up it's always good to learn new things so if you have had your children and your children have children you then become a grandparent and you have grandchildren you can also as before use the word kids instead of children to say I have grandkids so you say oh I'm getting a visit from the grandkids today I mean most grandparents these days actually aren't very old so that was a very bad impression that I just did of an older grandparent so obviously if your grandchildren are boys and then they will be grandsons you'll have a grandson and if your grandchildren are girls then you have granddaughters let me just write that you're your child's your child's yep your child's son or your child's daughter oh it's hot here in the UK what is the weather like where you are because we have just got blinding scorching hot sunshine today I haven't even sat outside it's so so warm and yes very difficult to concentrate so we're moving on now to extended family or other family members now if people talk about your extended family they're talking about your family outside of your immediate family your immediate family your mum your dad maybe your husband your wife your children people who are immediately probably living in your house of course it's different in every culture in the UK mostly in one household you'll have a small family which will include a husband and wife and a couple of children that's the average although things are changing drastically at the moment across the UK but normally a typical British English family would be mother father and the children maybe if they have an elderly parents maybe a grandparent would live then with them so you might have mother and father a grandparent and the children but more often a grant the older generations the grandparents are put into specialist old people's homes where they can be have proper care and be looked after I know in different cultures it's different so tell me who in your who lives with you who lives in your household what makes up your immediate family tell me I'm being nosy okay so when we're talking about anyone outside of that but they're still related to you we're talking about your extended family but extended also means people who are not blood-related to you so people who have come into the family so they weren't part of your family via blood but they married in to your family okay so we've got we can talk about an auntie which is also sometimes referred to as an aunt aunty aren't and this is the sea sister of your parent so your mom or your dad if your mom or your dad has a sister they are your auntie or aunt now look at the pronunciation wide open vowel Artie T auntie and like with Grandma and granddad we tend to put a name afterwards because you might have a number of auntie's so you I for example I am an auntie I obviously have many brothers and sisters and they have also in turn had many children so I am auntie Anna auntie Anna and my my brother and sisters children call me auntie auntie Anna's here so I'm auntie Anna and then if you are if your parents have a brother if one of your parents has a brother then this would be your uncle and again you would probably put a name after it so that you can you can decipher which uncle you are referring to so I have an uncle Nigel and I have an uncle Andrew and that's it I just have two uncles and I have no aunties that's sad isn't it I have no auntie's I just have two uncles well never mind so then we might also talk about our nephews and our niece and nephew this pH is an F sound nephew nephew nephew nephew so your nephew is the male child of your sibling so if your brother has a boy has a son that son is your nephew if your sister has a son that son is your nephew if your if your brother has a daughter then that daughter is your niece okay so the nephew is the boy and the niece is the girl so nice be careful of that pronunciation as well neat like nice but when E instead nice I need a nice okay it's very nice so I have many nephews and I have many nieces do you have any nephews or nieces Emin I'm watching you from two accounts to hit the like twice I'll bless you ever so sweet Oh guys I really do appreciate the amazing amount of support oh wow I miss a super chap that came through from Ella thank you so much you guys are so amazing I really can't I can't express how grateful I am that you're helping me to build this community thank you so much of course as always please just give me a nudge if you want the notes I'm happy to send them to you and yes thank you for all your support let's see how many thumbs we do have at this point how much are we enjoying this family lesson 83 thumbs okay so if you are here and you are finding this helpful then please just hit that thumb button just the once it will help this community to grow and that's all you have to do alrighty let's get back to the lesson so umm nieces and nephews we also have cousins cousins and another word cousin refers to male and female so you can just use cousin whether it's male or female a strange spelling again but we just say cup cousin cousin cousin I have a cousin cousin okay so it's very short vowel sound cut cousin cousin and it's a schwa Robin cousin like it's spelt we say schwa Oh cousin cousin cousin I I don't often say if I meet with my family I would say hello auntie hello uncle Nigel hello grandma Jill hello granddad Neil hi mom hi dad but I wouldn't say hello cousin I wouldn't greet my cousin with the name cousin the title cousin that seems odd I would just greet them with their name I say hi Brian how are you okay so with cousins we tend not to greet them call them cousin um I did another super chat guys you guys are too good to me Thank You Eureka Lily bless you and I love that little hamster or guinea pig picture that you've got thank you so much for your support okay so tell me tell me do you have any nieces or nephews and do you have any cousins and when was the last time you saw your cousin I have a cousin who lives in Canada so I haven't seen my cousin for a very long time but we're friends on Facebook okay so moving down now when we move past the conventional family you know your blood relations we have the additional the additional family members who are not blood related okay and there are different ways to talk about these now firstly we have a half-brother or a half-sister now a half-brother or a half-sister is a sibling born to only one of your parents so for example if my mum and dad have me I am born and then my mum and dad separate this is my mum and dad I'm not going to say which ones which because one is a poo and one is love so my mum and dad separate they fall out and one gets married to somebody else and has another baby that baby will be related to me because it has the same parents but it doesn't have both of my parents so it has one half of my genes so that that child that sister or brother is my half-sister I'm a half-brother because it's related by one parent okay is that clear I think that's clear and so there's a half-brother or a half-sister it's different to a step brother or a step sister or a stepmother or a stepfather now the word step before these relations mean that it's a marriage connection so I'm I'm the daughter of poo you are the daughter of love and are these two parents come together and get married we are not blood-related but because our parents are married we are now part of the same family and that means that I am your stepsister and you are my step sister or brother and this other person this this person that married my father is my stepmother and this is your stepfather okay does that make sense so step before a family member means it's a connection that's created through marriage through love half is when it's a brother or sister that has the same parent relation but only one of the parents okay if you have any questions guys I am gonna do questions at the end I just want to get as much content out now so it does not waste anybody's time and then anybody who needs to go can go but anyone who's got time to stay and has questions then please do hold them to the end and just I just saw one question which is from Eureka Lily just so you know you can be notified about live lessons if you hit the notification bell so if you missed the fact that I was live you need to hit that notification Bell okay the other thing you can do is make sure you follow me on Facebook and Instagram on Facebook and Instagram I tend to put out some form of notification to let you know that I'm going live I don't know if I had time to get under scram today I can't remember but I've always do on Facebook always so join me on Facebook and Instagram and you probably will be more likely to catch these live lessons let's carry on so sometimes we have more complicated family members so we might have a situation where you you have a foster parent a foster parent is a caregiver who cares for a child that is no longer cared for by its biological parents this is a short-term care placement the child is referred to as the foster child so let's let's say that my parents are let's say unfortunately my parents both died and I am left alone and I'm only 12 years old I then need to be cared for by somebody and in some cases I can't be looked after by anybody in my family so I will then go into foster care so foster care is short term care somebody will look after me on a short-term basis until more until a better long-term situation can be sorted out okay so foster care foster parents and foster kids are all part of a short-term care arrangement okay then when we're talking more long-term for someone who doesn't have parents that come up and look after them they go into an adoptive situation so they have adoptive parents although sometimes you might hear the word adopted parents but technically we should be using adoptive parents so an adoptive parent is a person who adopts a child you adopt a child and bring it up as your own so someone who adopts a child and brings it up as their own this child is referred to as an adopted child so are you an adopted child have have you been adopted I know a couple of people who've been adopted an adoption is actually a wonderful thing I would adopt potentially in the future if my circumstances allow giving a child a home where it doesn't have one I think is a wonderful thing so do you adopt are you adopted if you want to share we'd love to know so foster parents short term solution adoptive parents long-term solution once you've been adopted you stay in that relationship with that family long-term now in a lot of cases in the UK when a child is adopted those parents like to try and integrate them into a very normal family situation as soon as possible and so they won't refer to their child as their adoptive child they will just say this is my child I am its mother and they will try and make it all very normal so in a lot of cases in the UK you might not realize that a family is not a blood-related family that they're actually an adopted family situation so that's how we do it here in the UK we tend to just keep it to ourselves keep it private because there's no real reason for people to know people don't need to know if you're adopted or not so we tend to keep that to ourselves and if you think that someone's adopted um it depends how well you know them I wouldn't ask them I think it's something they should just surrender but they should just surrender that information voluntarily they should follow us here that information to you you shouldn't ever really and ask them because some people might not want everyone to know okay let's get back to these notes so another type of parent you might have is a Godfather or a godmother and this is a person who is present who presents a child at a baptism and promises to take responsibility for their education their religious education so this is a religious thing as far as I know it's to do with Catholics Christians and who are children who are baptized in a church they will have to have a godparent a godmother a godfather or two godmothers perhaps and someone who is supposed to take care of their religious education let me know if this is a similar sort of thing in other religions I'm not an expert on religion I think in the UK typically godmothers and Godfather's are just really a ceremonial title I don't think there are many people in the UK who take who take on the role and then make sure that they are the educators of that child's religious upbringing I know a lot of people who are got parents who aren't very religious and so they don't get involved in that respect they just they go and visit the children often and they make sure they're a part of child-life and that's pretty much it okay so let's have a look at what else we've got on these notes I think now we're moving down to idioms yay idioms okay so we've probably got about another five minutes on this lesson guys and then I'll open up to your comments and questions okay so five more minutes and then what will be there so um like mother like daughter is the first idiom like mother like daughter you'll hear it a lot and this is when a child is very similar to her mother it might be similar behavior similar traits similar and appearance maybe they look the same you go like mother like daughter you you guys are so similar like mother like daughter in exactly the same way we would say like father like son like father like son if the male child is very similar to his father so like father like son when they act or when they look the same as one another huh like father like son now this is a fun one a face that only a mother could love we use this phrase to describe an unattractive face loved only by the mother who has unconditional love so it's not very pleasant but if someone is very unattractive in the face someone has an unattractive face like someone has a face like that and you'll say oh that's a face that only a mother could love that means only a mother only your mom would love your face because it's so unattractive so a face that only a mother could love I thought that one was a bit fun it is a bit mean but it's a bit funny okay so a phrase used often with needy parents parents who are overprotective of their children we would say you need to cut the apron strings you need to cut the apron strings and this cutting the apron strings is the act of a parent allowing their children to be independent now I'm sure you all know those overprotective parents those parents who even when their child is 36 years old they're still cooking their meals phoning them to make sure they got home okay they are being a parent all the time they can't let go but at some point a parent has to allow their child to be independent to move out to do things by themselves and to solve their own problems and doing that is called cutting the apron strings you need to cut the apron strings okay I'm sure I will probably be an overprotective mother if I ever have children Anna looks like a member Anna isn't a member of my family but she looks like my mom when she was younger and is also called Anna oh wow that's really cool okay all right let's have a look at some other idioms we've got the children will fly the nest or the children will fly the coop I most often hear nest but I do sometimes hear coop and this just means when the children do become independent and they leave home so if I'm a mother and I have two children at the age of 15 and 17 I might say to you well soon my children will be flying the nest and so I have to think about me and what I'm going to do once they're gone so flying the nest is when the children are going to leave home and become independent in the UK it used to be that children once they were between 16 and 18 would move out of their parents homes but these days in the UK is so expensive to live on your own it's so expensive to buy a house that many people live with their parents into their 20s and 30s and actually recently a lot of adults who have moved out of their parents house spent a few years living on their own are now moving back to their parents house because they can't afford to live by themselves and I'm sure if I lived anywhere near my I'm sure I'd be living with my mom now too but my mum lives in Wales it's a long way away so to fly the nest then you hear the phrase the apple doesn't fall far from the tree you might remember this from my fruit based idioms a video which was quite a long time ago now but this means that a child is very similar to their parent or parents so for example if you met me for the first time and you know my mother very well and you think my mother is beautiful and you meet me for the first time you say you think I'm beautiful you say Wow the apple doesn't fall very far from the tree does it but you can also mean it in a negative way if if a person is very unpleasant a very unpleasant person and then you meet their child and their child is also very unpleasant you might go huh well the apple doesn't fall very far from the tree does it okay so it can be a pleasant or an unpleasant thing it depends on how you mean it okay okay just be careful in the comments box if any of you are being unpleasant then your comments will be removed and if you're being very unpleasant then you will be blocked completely from this channel so if you do appreciate these lessons then I would not start insulting people in the comments box or being rude to anyone okay let's all be nice because what else is there to do so keep it in the family keep it in the family this is a phrase we use a lot we've got to keep it in the family and this is to restrict something to one's fat to one family so usually I would say if my mum tells me something about herself maybe something's happened and it's shocking or she tells me something about her past she might say to me Anna can we just keep this in the family that means she doesn't want anybody else to know that only the people in the immediate family will know about it this can also be used sometimes if if I'm dating a man and we fall out and I dump him and then I start dating his brother then other people might comment say oh she's keeping it in the family meaning I'm staying within one family I'm dating all the people in one family okay so to keep it in the family oh we got a question here from a patron chatroom and do you use the word siblings regularly ah I do hear it a lot actually I personally talked about brothers or sisters but I do hear siblings quite a lot - yes so you might talk about or hear about the black sheep of the family he's a black sheep he's the black sheep of the family the black sheep of the family is normally an odd person who doesn't really fit in a disrepute a disreputable member of the family normally is someone the family are a little bit embarrassed about maybe they maybe they've gone off the rails maybe maybe they're they just don't fit in with the group and there may be quite anti-social and so when there's big family events maybe they stick out and they stand out like a sore thumb is what we say they stand out like a sore thumb and so they are the black sheep of the family it's not it's not always a nice way to describe somebody because it means they don't fit in okay so then you have someone might be described with a family man he's a family man we don't really have this saying for we don't really have a saying for a woman just a moment it's a man who's dedicated to his wife and children it's gonna be removing these bad comments sorry if you're seeing like comments in the comments box I'm trying to keep on top of it okay so yes a domestic man a man who loves his family and devotes his his time and effort to his family he is a family man you might also hear the phrase blood is thicker than water blood is thicker than water and this is a phrase to mean that family is more important than anybody else so if if I have to make a choice between letting down my mum or letting down my friend and I don't want to do if I do this then it helps my mum but my friend will be let down if I do this and it helps my friend but my mum will be let down what do I do and someone would give me the quotes blood is thicker than water always prioritize your family over other people okay so blood is thicker than water that's what that one means all right then we have mums the word is the last one mums the word and this is usually a request or a warning to keep something a secret so if I tell you something and I don't anybody else to know I'll usually end it with mums the word which means don't tell anybody mum's the word okay so there we have it that's today's lesson on family so now is your chance to get your questions answered so do you have any questions about anything that we've talked about or do you have any other questions or comments that you would like to add feel free to put it in the comments box and now and I spend a few minutes doing that before I go into the comments I would just ask one more time that if you have found this helpful then please do hit that subscribe button and the bail notification button and also if you can give this video a thumb up then it really helps me to grow this channel that would be great okay so what are you guys saying dah dah dah you're the best and I thank you very much those idioms have their equivalents in all European languages I'm sure they do I'm notes to lesson but I'm still happy good and pledging here some of you just getting in now don't forget you can scroll back and watch the beginning all the content is at the beginning of this video so you can go back and start afresh and what does Archbishop mean an archbishop is a very high member in the clergy a high member in the church I'm not a huge on religion and the hierarchy of the church but it's a member of the church a high up member of the church do do we call cousins but do we use cut the word cousin for boys and girls yes we do so my female cousin my male cousin it's all just cousin let me just close this door in case you can hear coughing come on don't worry I'm back ok so and a first cousin a second cousin and a third cousin so this is where families become very very complicated and I don't think many natives even really understand it but it's when you go further out in the family tree so like if your cousins have children I think those children become your second cousins and if they have children I think they're your third cousins so it becomes very very confusing but we don't talk about that very often please could you provide us a name of a novel well if you look back on my video archive of which there's nearly 200 videos here nearly if you look back in my video archive about four weeks ago I did a video on my top 10 recommendations for films and novels so go and check that out because you'll also find there the links to everything that I mentioned and then a little description of everything that I go through as well you're the perfect teacher thank you very much it's very kind I'm very hot and bothered what's the plural of cousin cousins cousins I have five cousins okay bah-bah-bah I would like to know about the brother-in-law sister-in-law so if your brother gets married the woman he marries becomes your sister-in-law so you have your brother and your brother gets married she is your sister-in-law if your sister gets married the man - your brother-in-law okay why is he always coughing because he's not very well bless him that's why he's poorly someone yes I I'm sorry about the coughing can't be helped why do you say mums the word could you explain it more you just say mom's away when you're saying keep it a secret so I'm gonna say I ate all the biscuits mum's the word that means I've just told you something and I don't want you to tell anybody else okay Shh something sense it's it's not I don't know what the origin is but we don't need to worry about why just about what it is what is it brother-in-law we've covered that what's the difference between uncle cousins and aren't you need to scroll back and have a look an uncle is male and aren't as female and cousins are the children of your oh hang on what other part the cousins kick if you go back and look at the notes that we've gone through then it'll make it it'll all make sense otherwise I'm going to get confused if I try to explain it all okay Morten please be careful with your comments or you're going to get blocked you can't be insulting people in this chat room okay okay so guys um I'm before I wrap up so I'm gonna wrap up so I've got things to get on with it's evening I'm to let you know tomorrow I move so for the next week perhaps you might not see very much from me I'm gonna try my best I might even come live tomorrow it already depends but as I'm moving house things will be a little bit disrupted but come the end of July then everything will be resumed as normal you'll be getting live lessons every day Monday through to Friday as well as pre-recorded lessons please do take the time to look back through my old videos I'm always being asked questions on things that I've already covered in previous lessons so take some time to look at the stuff that's already out there and and do be patient I will be back with you as soon as I've moved house okay if you are able to help this channel then I would love for your help all I'm asking for is for you to share this video with as many people as you can people who know who are learning English and you know would benefit that would be really great and also if you're able to give me your language I'm looking for people to do translations for me if you've already done translations thank you so much and if you haven't done any translations and you think you could offer a translation into your language of any of my video titles descriptions or even subtitles even if you think you're very good at English and you could provide English subtitles because at the moment is just automatic subtitles on most of them then so many more people in the wider community so that would be fantastic all the links for contributions are in the description box below and if you're interested in becoming a patron and supporting us in a bigger way then you will also be rewarded so if you're interested in rewards like joining the Skype room getting access to early videos having your messages always responded to joining the whatsapp group all sorts of rewards having all the notes meant check out the reward levels on the patreon page link is in the description box below alright so thank you very much guys and I really appreciate being with here with me I need to have a cold shower because I'm absolutely nothing I hope you found it helpful and do make sure you subscribe to giving it a thumb up take care if I don't see you tomorrow have an amazing weekend lots of love from London no go and say I love you to your family take care goodbye
Channel: English Like A Native
Views: 61,170
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Learn English, English lesson, English like a native, vocabulary, esl, english, English speaking, speak english, british accent, british pronunciation, learn english speaking, anna tyrie, Grammar, british, anna english, esl crime, english listening practice, english lesson, english vocabulary, learning english, Family, english family, family vocabulary, family vocabulary english, family esl, family members, my family vocabulary, family vocabulary for kids, family idioms
Id: a8cxJKuT_M4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 53min 6sec (3186 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 06 2017
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