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hello from London how are you my name is Anna English that's right English is my middle name I am live here now coming to you from London which is where I live and today we're doing an English lesson to learn all about the verbs make and do when do we use the verb make and when do we use the verb do sometimes it can be very confusing and many of my students make regular mistakes when it comes to these tricky little verbs so today we're going to explore all about these verbs how are when we use them so I'm very happy to welcome you all back again if you are seeing me for the very first time then welcome I'm very pleased that you found this channel this is a mixture of live lessons and pre-recorded lessons and we cover many different topics and pronunciation and lots of different things to help you with your English so if you are serious about learning English then make sure you've pressed the subscribe button if you're returning to me having seen me before welcome back and very glad just glad to see you again and also a big hello to my patrons hi patrons how are you to remit this a little bit smaller or bigger rather so that people can see the writing here on the wall hello Olga hello Jason I've got gal in andreas Camille Letty hello lovely and it's better Jason to chat to me here so that I can definitely see your comment so the patreon comment Skype group is for patrons only patrons are people who are able to support this channel in a financial way so that I can come to you more often with live lessons create more content for you and to help me cover the costs of creating all this content and so in return they get a little bit of extra love and attention from me as well as lots of other Awards as well so if you'd like to become a patron then the link is in the description of this video and we more than welcome you one of two of you have already asked me about super chat so as you know I always make notes for these lessons and today is no different so I've made a whole bunch of notes today about make and do and if you would like to get your hands on these notes then I'm giving these away as a thank you to anyone who drops a super chat a soup chat is just a way of tipping the child again all tips go into helping this channel to grow and you can do the super chat by hitting the dollar sign next to the emoji sign in the comments box below and then once you've done that just drop me an email to say that you drop me a super chat and I will send you over the notes alright so let's get started shall we so let's jump straight into it we have make vs. do two verbs regularly confused by students so what is the difference and when should we used these verbs so here we go the verb do is what we're looking at first of all do I've written this sentence you are obliged to do general work and training now you might be confused by this this is my way of trying to help you remember when we use do alright so it's just a silly sentence but hopefully this sentence will help you to remember maybe not everybody has different methods of learning so this is just one way that could help hi Ivan I'm glad you're here so you are obliged to do general work and trading and this is because the word do is used with things that activities that we are obliged to do it's used when we're talking about things in general it's used when we're talking about work and it's used when we're talking about training all right so if if you're very beginner level if you'll begin a level with your English your very early on in your English learning then just so you know the verb do basically means perform it means an action to do an action and we use it we use it when we're talking about things were obliged to do when we're talking about things generally and not specifically we use it when we're talking about work and when we're talking about training so let's go into this in more depth so let's talk about in general if we're talking about something in general and we're not being specific for example if we use the word something okay then we would use the verb do now I haven't put it in this opening sentence how could I put it into this opening sentence I could change it to the past form of the verb and say did you say something and make it a question did you say something so there's the verb do obviously in the past did did you say something if I want to use it just in its normal form I could say do you want to say something do you want to say something do you want to say something so this is just being it's being very general isn't it it's not very specific so we use do and sorry that's not a very good example again either actually we do like this do you want to do something that's better there we go that works do you want to do something so I'm not being specific at all I'm being very general do you want to do something do you want to do something I could just say should we do something should we do something should we do something this evening okay so I'm not being specific also we could use it with anything I can't do anything about it so if the father comes home and the children arts the children are crying the babies are crying because they're not feeling very well and the father says to the mother mother can you keep those children quiet the mother said I can't do anything about it I can't do anything about it all right and it's also used with the word nothing he had nothing to do with it you could also say I do nothing what do you do I do nothing I will I suggest you do nothing if the if you see two men having a fight it would be suggested that you do nothing apart from perhaps phone the police but do nothing do not get involved do nothing and if you do nothing then you can say I had nothing to do with it that fight outside the pub last night I had nothing to do with it and finally if we use the word everything you always do everything it's true of this YouTube channel people say to me who does your artwork who does the thumbnails I do who filmed your videos when you do pre-recorded videos I do who does the editing I do who does the sound I do who does all the performing on the camera I do who does all the social media I do so you mean you do everything yes that's right so I do everything so there we go we use do any time we're using words like something anything nothing or everything okay that's the general part we also use do when we talk about work when we talk about work so when I want what I mean when I say work I mean when you're talking about your job when you're talking about housework or chores when we're talking about any kind of obligations or when we're talking about like life admin things that you don't want to do but you have to do have you heard the phrase life admin before anyone I think some of my gold members and my patrons may have heard of life admin can anyone tell me what life admin means be interesting to know how many people actually know what life admin means um anyone anyone talking to me I think there's a slight delay so when I ask a question I don't get an answer straightaway and for those of you asking the time here in the UK at the moment is nearly twenty past four okay okay some of you making some guesses life admin is refers to the things that you have to do like paperwork like emails and letters and stuff that you have to do for life like your banking like sorting out your gas bill like replying to the taxman if the taxman I sent you a letter like sorting out your pension or your will and so anything that requires administration emails phone calls just any kind administration around your life not your job something you have to do then that's called life admin it's probably a slang phrase I would imagine but most people most natives use it on a regular basis I can't I can't come out this evening I've got lots of life admin to deal with okay so life admin great some of you hearing that for the very first some of you on skype refers to one's personal day-to-day chores that on our of an administrative nature good good very nice it's a really good explanation fabulous okay yep lots of you are right with that one so let's carry on so business if we're using the word business we'd say it was a pleasure doing business with you so if you've just met a client or someone has bought something from you or you are in a partnership with with someone else with your business then you when you finish your deal or you finish your meeting and everything is wrapped up then you say good it was a pleasure doing business with you or you may ask the question are you work for this company what does your business do I don't understand what does your business do I'd like to know more about your business what does your business do you wouldn't say what does your business make okay unless you're out talking about money and that's a different that's something we're going to talk about a little later on so it's a pleasure doing business with you what does your business do if we're talking about homework quite a lot of you here are students obviously you are here with me learning now but if you are given homework you would you use the word do did you do your homework so your parents or your teacher may say to you now did you do your homework what would your answer be what would you say no I didn't do my homework or would you say yes of course I did my homework I always do my homework thank you very much oh okay lots of you asking me am I on Twitter yes I am on Twitter all the links for my social media should be in the description box below this video sois beck did you do your homework so I've exercise no I didn't I didn't have time so no I didn't that's the full stop I didn't have time so you have to put it in there twice okay fabulous I didn't do my Spanish homework yet says armoury Oh Amory you need to get done you need to get it done okay let's carry on so we could also say they will do a project this week so we're not just using these words like homework and business we could also use any words around work so at school you might be given a project to do at work you might be given a project to do so you'd say I need to do my project well they will do a project did you do your project this week okay and then we can use do when we're talking about a work or a job in general you do a job we have a job to do we have a job to do so if you and I are going if we work as gardeners and we've turned up at a new clients garden at their property and you are too busy talking to the nice man on the street you're having a conversation about I don't know football or motorcars or something and I say to you excuse me stop talking we have a job to do okay I wouldn't say we have a job to make I'd say we have a job to do let's go Flavio says I think your classes are exhilarating thank you very much that's very kind of you thank you very much and gal has asked um admin is so we'd say admin is short for administration I understand what you mean but the correct term is short for admin is short for administration question mark yes it is admin is short for administration okay what's the difference between work and job hmm that's a really good question well um let's have a look that's happened look at the actual so a job is the specific position so my job is I am a teacher the work I do is I teach I teach that's my work that's what I do so work is more about the doing and the job is more about the position does that make sense so I would say now I am working I am at work I wouldn't say I'm at my job which I hear a lot of students say you wouldn't say I'm at my job you have a job you have a paid position in a company you have a job but you then work that job so every day you go to work at work you work you work hard at your job you work hard at work it's quite confusing I can understand that but generally we wouldn't use the word job other than saying I have a job or I don't have a job I need a job then everything else we generally use the word work I'm going to work I need to be at work are you working at the moment I'm at work and leaving work so use work more often than job all right I hope that's helped I know it can be very very confusing even I find it confusing and I'm a native and if you are here and I have all I have a hundred and ninety one of you here hello that's lovely if you are here and it's the very first time you're here please press subscribe and do I even dare look at how many thumbs we've got no I won't i won't i'll leave it for a little while maybe if i leave it for a little while i'll being pleasantly surprised later because you all know i love a thumb so if you are having fun here then please or not fun but if you find this useful then please press the thumb button okay so we have a job to do or I might say do you do what do do you do that did you do I can't even read my own writing did you do that work I asked you to do did you do that work I asked you to do so I asked you to do work I'm asking you now did you do what I asked you to do lots of do's doo doo doo doo although if you say doo doo I think that's a very babyish term for poo so doo doo don't put that together okay let's carry on so we can also use it when we're talking about housework so any kind of household chores she did all the housework yes that's like me the domestic goddess we say about people who do lots of housework make beautiful food always look after their family you would call them a domestic this is for women only by the way a domestic goddess a domestic goddess if it is the man and you say a domestic God but more often than not we say a domestic goddess so I am a domestic goddess and I did all the housework I did so that's the past I did all the housework okay so homework and housework are the same question mark says Thomas and no homework and housework are very different housework includes ironing and hoovering or vacuum cleaning cleaning the carpets washing up cleaning the kitchen cleaning the bedroom doing the laundry anything any work you do on the house and it's normally to do with cleaning yeah cleaning and maintaining the house is housework homework is specifically related to training studying and any any tasks usually administrative like writing or researching so the tasks set by your teachers normally or if you're in a job in your own your work you might be set some work to do a home so I've got some homework to do but normally we use homework as a student so your teacher will set homework very different to house work if you say I've got housework to do I imagine you wearing big rubber gloves and washing the dishes and doing the laundry if you say I've got homework to do I imagine you on the computer or writing an essay all right very different so so here you can also use it we're not just using it with the word housework she refuses to do the housework you can also use it with any of the housework type tasks so I need to do the ironing I need to do the ironing you wouldn't make the ironing you do the ironing and do the washing up I might tell you go and I order you to do the washing up do the cleaning yes so housework alright so there we go do we're using with any kind of work and do we're using when we're being very general and not specific about selection but then also we use it when we're talking about training training so if we're doing a course I did a course at university I did a course so that's the past I did a course or if it's if it's presently happening you could say I'm doing a course if if you're doing it right now you might say I'm doing a course at university I might say to you what are you doing I'm doing a course at University I could also say do you want to do the economics course do you want to do the economics course love to do the economics course just jumping back one of you has asked me how do you pronounce ironing ironing it's a silent are I it's almost got a Y sound with the middle iron I am ironing okay hope that helped you'd also use it so talk about training so we could use it when we're talking about training our bodies so we talk about exercise I did in the past I did 20 sit-ups or if it's a regular thing then you could say I do 20 sit-ups every day I do 20 sit-ups every day do 20 sit-ups every day or you might say I don't do exercise who here does exercise and what type of exercise do you do I'm interested to know do you do exercise and I might say to you I advise you to do pull-ups every day I advise you to do pull-ups every day every single day okay I did some exercise today I went jogging cistern good so you did it this morning so it's the past I did some exercise good do why do you have to use s in economics I don't know why but you always do when we're talking about the subject economics yeah and we're talking about the subject economics is always with an S gal what is Homewood Homewood means you're heading in the direction of home it means you're you're going home is or is in the direction of home hope that helps Rubin yesterday I did so it's in the past good 30 burpees and almost died I'm not surprised I hate doing burpees they're horrible so I'm not surprised is that you almost died well done 30 years impressive all right I knew this question would come up so just so you know a sit-up is when you are lay down on your back and you bring yourself up into a sitting position so it uses your abdominal muscles that's a sit-up yeah so you've literally sit-up a pull up is where you something is above your head a bar and you pull your whole body up you pull your body up so that's a pull up a press up is where you are lay face down on the floor and you press the floor away from you so you lift your body with your hands away from the floor that's a press up okay I hope that helps do you want to take up the economics course interesting Morgan I'm going to come to that in a moment I try to do yoga every day good and yoga's very good for you stretching and strength all in one I'd like to do more yoga I also did 40 sit-ups in the park but now I'm drinking whiskey well it sounds like you earned it I do 60 push-ups every day hams and has that hasn't has an excellent that's quite impressive I can barely do ten push-ups what is obligation obligation is like your duty what you are obliged to do a mother and a father are obligated to look after their children and if you sign up as a teacher I am obligated to educate you if you sign up for my course I have an obligation I have a duty to look after your education okay let's carry on and different swing press up and push up has no difference it's the same so other examples of when we use do we also use it for things that we repeat a lot so things you do a lot then we use do do your nails so this is for everyone and guess everyone has to cut their nails and maintain their nails you don't have really long nails so ladies obviously will paint their nails and some men paint their nails and but everyone has to maintain their nails by cutting their nails so they do their nails I need to do my nails you do your hair so if I need to make my hair look nice because I'm going out for the evening then I'm doing my hair and putting my hair up I'm just doing my hair darling I might say come on we need to go out I guess I'm just I'm just doing my hair ok so you do your hair you might be making your hair look nice but you are doing your hair ok probably made my hair a mess now a gal says can I say I do mountain biking yes you can say that so what else can we use do with you can say and you can do a thing you can do a thing or do your thing so this this is an expression that we that we use a lot at the moment in the UK and I might say to you if was a good example of this if you are very good at talking to strangers if you are very charming and funny and you have your own way of doing it you have your own way of speaking to people it's quite different and and you say to me Anna I'm going to go and speak to those people over there do you mind then I'd say no go and do your thing go and do your thing and then if someone comes over to me says Anna what what they doing over there it's a oh he he's he or she he's just doing his thing she's just doing her own thing like don't worry they're fine so to do your thing to do your thing let's have a look what are you patrons saying here have you ever done so this would be had because I if you have style you you have style you don't do style you have style okay so you would say have you ever had a curly hair style but actually the proper question the better question would be have you ever had curly hair okay and you use head because we're talking about the noun hair do you have hair do you have curly hair have you ever had curly hair alright hope that helps and ladies would also well I say ladies ladies or men and would also do their makeup to do your makeup so I I make my face look nice by doing my makeup um I think I've done my head makeup a little bit heavy today sometimes I put my makeup on them in the dark and then I look at myself on the screen and it's all like wow goodness scary scary makeup and I have you heard the expression I've heard an expression and I don't really understand its meaning what does to commute mean to commute means to travel to and from work so I commute to work it just means to travel to and it it means any form of transport so it can be driving taking the train taking the bus is the commute the commute is the journey to and from alright okay let's carry on shall we how are y'all feeling we've got over 200 people here hello everyone lovely to have you here it makes me very happy it makes me very happy that I'm reaching so many people and if you are here new here please press subscribe and shall we just take a moment to look at how many thumbs we've got Oh will it make me happy Oh a hundred and thirty two thumbs Wow thank you guys awesome let's carry on so I'm talking here about exceptions so some of the exceptions are you take a shower you take a shower obviously a shower is a regular thing it's something that's I would you could say it's almost it's almost a chore something you you have to do it on a regular basis so you would think that we would say do a shower but you don't do a shower you take a shower or you have a shower take a shower or have a shower you might also where you might not have a shower you might and it over in London you're lucky if you have a bath because most places here are so small that we can't fit a bath in the bathroom which is funny we still call it a bathroom but there's no bath in there so you would take a bath or you'd have a bath the other exception I did say that you use do with any kind of housework your housework is the cleaning the house but you don't say do the bed you say make the bed that's the only real exception for housework you make the bed all right did you make the bed this morning do you make the bed every day I try to I feel better for some reason I feel better when I wake up I make the bed so that every time I walk into the bedroom the bed is made and I feel more relaxed about everything when I have a nice made bed it is beneficial to take a shower you're absolutely right okay let's Gary on and also we have you can take a course and you can do a course so and we previously said you do a course what course are you doing but you can also say take a course I'm taking a course in economics I'm going to take a course this summer exactly the same is do you can use it as and when you wish wish to you'd also want to do you a favor do me a favor could you do it could you do me a favor could you do my mum a favor I did a favor for my friend today so that means to help somebody without reward sometimes and you do a crossword a crossword is a puzzle with words as a game you do a crossword you don't make a crossword if you make a crossword then you're the one who's actually creating the crossword for other people to do but most people don't create crosswords they do a crossword you can also use do good do good and this is it just means to do well really so I could say and did you did you did you do good today in your exam you say um yeah I think I did good I think I did a good job okay and the last one I've got here is to do damage so if you crash your car and you come into the house and say oh I've just crashed my car it's awful and I'd say how much damage did you do did you do any damage did you do any damage to the other person's car so you don't make a damage you do damage alright okey dokey what are you guys saying and which version is more useful in the UK have a shower or take a shower they're both the same they're just both the same you say I'm going to go and have a shower I'm gonna go and take a shower no one would think any different of you whichever one you used it doesn't matter okay oh and Maurice has made a really good point and I'm going to write it here on these notes we um we take I say this all the time we take a photo we take a photograph we don't do a photo or make a photo we take a photo we take it it's like we steal it we steal we steal moment this is beautiful and we steal it and keep it forever we don't create it ourselves I mean we we do but we it's an image that we didn't create it was already there we just stole that moment so we take it you take a photo so just think about it I take a photo so think about that finger on the on the or what's the word on the button that why is the word for that on the button the button for on the camera there is a word and they can't think of it off the top of my head if anyone can tell me I'm more than happy for you to help me so you press the button and when you press the button you steal that photo so you take the photo okay Oh Victor you can't pay attention because you're at work never mind never mind okay so here we go let's carry on shall we hello if you just joined him for the first time it's lovely to see you here we are talking about the difference between make and do we've just covered do and now we're going to talk about make I find it very hard to come up with a sentence for this one but helpful sentence might be speaking of intangible food creates money so this is a sentence I've put together to try and help you remember some of the different the different ways we use make we use make when we're talking about speaking we use make with intangible things we use make with food please make one we're talking about creating something we use make when we're talking about money so let's start with speaking so we make a speech the best man made a speech the best man made a speech now do you know what I'm talking about when I say the best man I don't mean the man is the best the best of all men he is the best of all men the best man is a the best man is the best friend or the person chosen by the groom the man who is getting married chooses a best man so the groom the man who's getting married chooses a best man you'll either be his brother or his best friend or yeah his brother is best friend okay so the best man must do a speech at the weddings the best man speech is a very very famous here in the UK when people get married here in the UK the best man does a speech and it's supposed to be funny and it's supposed to embarrass the groom a little bit so to do a speech to do a speech okay so the best man made a speech so we'd say made a speech he did a speech but normally say make a speech okay you would make a comment so I could say did you make a comment question you normally see the Pam paparazzi the press who outside maybe a police station or caught a court building maybe there's a case going on or they're outside someone's house maybe there's a scandal and you'll see them when the person they're waiting for comes out of the building you'll see them going hey Duke can you make any comments on this would you like to make a comment and they're shoving the microphone in the person's mouth have you got any comments to make and they'll always make use the word make rather than do okay and you make a joke she's always making jokes so we never do jokes we make jokes so we make speeches we make comments we make jokes we make a call so I'm so sorry I can't carry on I have to make a call or I have to make a phone call sorry you can also use the word call not to mean a phone call but to me in the decision it was a that was a hard call to make in this case call means decision that was a hard decision to make that was a hard decision to make I need you to make the call it's a hard call to make but I need you to make that call okay and one of you said what about the bride's best man speech the bride doesn't have a best man the bride has a achieve bridesmaid cheddar chief bridesmaid and the chief bridesmaid doesn't make a speech okay well I mean not in a traditional wedding anyway so we also use make when we're talking about noise she's making ah oh I made a type of that oh no she's making strange noises because we're talking about noises not a noise she's making strange noises so imagine an old lady has collapsed on the street and we're going is she all right I don't know is she okay I don't know she's making strange noises ha ha she's making very strange noises I'm very concerned about her okay or you might say to the children can you stop making such a racket racket means loud noise can you stop making such a racket the children are making so much noise is keeping me awake so to make noise okay I hope that helps [Music] let's carry yeah so um we also after speaking we said the word intangible we used to make when we're talking about intangible things things you cannot touch and feel and see and hear so the things that come out of our heads well in tangible intangible just means something you can't touch okay but in this case a suggestion is what we're talking about so may I make a suggestion try to remember this phrase we use this phrase a lot so perhaps for example my youtube channel obviously I'm learning and every day I'm trying to make my content more accessible and to make the content better for you and useful for you because this channel is all about you and so sometimes my students say to me um hi Anna may I make a suggestion I think it would be really good if you tried this or I don't think this works very well but it's just my suggestion I hope you don't mind me making a suggestion so my students regularly make suggestions to me on how they think I can improve what I offer to you and so beyond suggestion we can also make a choice you need to make a choice so once you've made that choice it's almost the same as decision really once you've made that choice then the choice has been made and everyone is happy finally the choice has been made you can also make a mistake now I hear a lot of students saying oh why I do a mistake I did a mistake you don't do mistakes you make mistakes okay so you make mistakes and Jana has said does tangible mean something you can touch if intangible is something you can't touch yes yes that's right tangible things you can see in touch so this is tangible I am tangible this puh is tangible tangible puh the love heart eyes are tangible okay so these are tangible things intangible are my thoughts the air my courage you know anything that you cannot see experience feel in fact I think air is probably a tangible thing the difference between tangible and intangible is it can be quite confusing but just think of the basics can you touch it can you see it can you feel it if so is tangible okay so what am i doing I'm going back to my notes here we go so we've got to make a mistake so you make a mistake you make an effort I are I often ask my students and to make an effort if they really want to improve they have to make an effort I make an effort to provide you with English lessons I want you to make an effort to use them I was discussing with one of my students this morning about how to learn well and how to help yourself to improve fast and one of the things you can do is to repeat lessons that have been given to you so for example I did a lesson on the difference between AA and an when you should use app I'm going to use an I did a lesson on how to pronounce EE D endings and many of you will watch those lessons once but if you want to remember those lessons long term you have to make an effort to go back and watch those lessons again later down the line so that you can remember those lessons thoroughly so I make an effort you make an effort we should all make an effort okay make an effort um Skyy you said put more effort on it you put more effort into it if you're going to use that one into it Chao has said how to send a super chat and for those of you who want to send a super chat and you want to receive the notes then your donations are more than welcome all you have to do is click the dollar sign which is next to the emoji sign you and follow them through put how much you want to donate and then you put in your details and then you write the comment that you want to make you press send and then it will flash up so that I can see it so that everyone can see that comment alright and then later I'll send you the notes okay let's keep going so we have and to make an effort you make a promise has anybody here made a promise recently um I will make your promise I promise that as long as you keep attending my lessons and as long as is the conditional as long as you continue to support what I'm giving you and as long as you're enjoying what I'm doing for you I promise I make you the promise that I will always provide content I will always put you first that is the promise I am making so can you make me a promise that you will always turn up to class can you make the promise that you will always show me a thumb okay obviously these are promises that you don't have to make I'm just using it as an example so I will make you a promise if someone broke their promise you could say I don't understand but he made a promise he made a promise not to cheat on me he made a promise to always be loyal she she made the promise to look after my cat and then she didn't so you make a promise you can also make a decision you might hear this we will let you know when we have made a decision so if you're if you've gone for a job interview for example and you might say to them at the end how long until I find out the result of this interview and they would say oh well we'll let you know when we've made a decision yeah and one of you is just asking me now how how do you pronounce distinguished distinguished and what does it mean to distinguish is to it's to identify if you know what that word means so if I can distinguish the difference between two people it means I can see the difference between two people there's those other meanings as well you could say someone is distinguished it means that they are it's very hard to it's very hard to help you with this one distinguish let me see I can get a good definition up for you if someone is distinguished then it says here that are very successful authoritative and they're come they command great respect and they could have a anguished appearance so they look successful and respectable so that to be distinguished but to distinguish the difference is to be able to see to know it okay good okay let's carry on so lots of you lots of you are sending comments if I don't ask your comment I'm not ignoring your promise there's just so many here to answer okay I'm going to carry on so you to make decision you might say let's make a plan so making a plan is the same as similar to making a decision so you say let's make a plan you don't do a plan you make a plan so you make a plan and and you might say can you make up your mind did you make up your mind to make up your mind is to make a decision so I might say to you I can't make up my mind what to cover in Friday's lesson I'm so torn between doing future tenses or doing joined-up connected speech what should I do I can't make up my mind obviously I have to make up my mind at some point yes let's carry on I'm really confused about this because different teachers have different versions here in my country someone would say making revision while someone would say doing revision I'm not sure which I will tell you absolutely without doubt you do revision you don't make revision revision is work revision is homework you do revision okay you might make a revision plan because you make a plan but you do revision alright and there is no doubt about that so I hope that helps your confusion you do revision I might say did you do your revision you need to do a revision if you're going to pass your test let's make a revision plan okay trust me I'm a native my middle name is English I am and English okay I might not know all the grammar rules but I know what's right and what's wrong because it's my native language you're very welcome okay let's carry on with this exciting lesson if you're enjoying this guy's then please do press the thumb button and let me know that you're enjoying it and where are we up to decision expectation oh sorry exception exception so you might hear to make an exception so you've turned up to my you've turned up to my party my club I have a club it's official have this big Club where everyone comes and has a great time and only only 25 years old and over are allowed into my club so if you're under 25 years old you can't come in and you have to work you have to wear purple feathers in your hair so you have to be wearing purple feathers and the over 25 if you want to enter my club which is great fun and you turn up and you have blue feathers not purple feathers and you're 24 and I say oh you're too young to come in and you're not wearing the right color feather so you can't really come in and you say to me but please I've heard that your club is so much fun I'll say well it is good fun it's amazing fun you say please please please let me in let me in I will I will dance all night I will tell everyone about your club I'll tell everyone to come here if you let me in just this one time and next time I promise I'll wait till I'm 25 and I'll wear purple feathers and I'll say okay just this once I will make an exception just for you because I like you I will make an exception so this one time I'll ignore the rules I'll make an exception have you ever had to make an exception for someone have you ever made an exception for someone and suave Oh what guy he wrote Oh Ruben do you use English do you use in English an expression like make or do faces I mean like doing or making faces you make a funny face generally so you make faces you might say mom mom because what do you want mom my brothers making faces at me because your brother's going mmm or doing them I don't know list the new faces and she's up Oh David stop making faces at your sister okay so make face make face so quickly back to this or sorry swab it you had something to say an exception makes a rule is an exception to the rule is what we normally say an exception to the rule this was an exception to the rules normally the rule stands but you are an exception to the rule yeah okay let's jump back over here so we have make sure you'll hear a lot I will make sure it happens to make sure is to to be certain to ensure something so we always say make sure you're home on time to say the same be certain that you are home on time don't be late make sure you're home on time make sure you put petrol in the car before you return it to the car higher place make sure you plan your lessons before you teach make sure you're on time for your class I need to make sure I have everything packed before I go on holiday all right what are we saying over here in the patreon Skype group and make is used in some expressions with the meaning of to be rich or to earn money to make a fortune make money make profit oh you're way ahead of me there so bear with me I'll get we're nearly getting over to that point but you're absolutely right so make sure good in fact I'm just going to have a quick look at the comments here so some of you chatting away over here and I'm just going to make sure make sure I haven't missed anyone who's absolutely desperate to get my attention hmm oh wow so many messages here oh goodness I'm not gonna be able to answer even half of these I've got to make a decision to watch your singing lesson videos after this yes sky-blue do make that decision to go watch my singing lessons and if you don't know guys I do have a singing tunnel so if enjoy singing go and have a sing song and the link to that channel I think is in the description box but it's called bur bur vocal if you're interested to make up a story is correct yes that's right to make up a story to make up your mind make up my mind equals confused no to make up your mind equals make a decision to decide to decide I'm so happy to participate in your life lesson you're very welcome I'm glad you're here da da da da da sky says I've got a revision no he said I I've got to revise I've got to revise it now say um I'm gonna I'm gonna revision you'd say I'm gonna go and revise but you wouldn't say I'm gonna revision that doesn't work I'm going to revise you could say so making so make is doing by planning and doing is the action that I'm I'm sorry I don't understand that question while I'm sorry [Music] so cristobal says do you did you do a lesson about serial vocabulary and the new serie serial people is interesting on a new of course sorry if you did it again I'm not quite understanding this these comments sorry alright I'm going to carry on let's carry on so we also said that rather just intangible and speaking we also use make when we're talking about food now you might make a meal for example so I'm going to make her breakfast in bed breakfast in bed is a phrase that we use often it means to have your breakfast in your bed so you haven't got up yet you're in your bed under your covers and you're eating your breakfast so breakfast in bed if we're treating somebody that we care about if it's their birthday or it's Mother's Day or Father's Day you might make that person breakfast in bed you don't do that but that person breakfast in bed you make them breakfast in bed so you make that person breakfast in bed and then you might say let's make lunch together basically guys one way to think of this is really easy to do is to do something repetitive work chores you do it exercise to do the action there's something repetitive to make is to create so when you make something you have something to show for it at the end look I made I made this meal I made this it didn't exist before now I've created it you make it okay it didn't exist before you made it yeah when you do the ironing there is nothing at the end of it the shirt was there before you ironed it in the shirt is still there you didn't make anything different you just did the ironing okay I don't know if that helped but that helps me to remember and make my dinner please I might say to you we can also use make when we talk about drink not just food it's your turn to make a cup of tea please it's your turn to make a cup of tea obviously we love tea here and we'll always will always say who's making the tea would you like to make a cup of tea I'd love you to make me a cup of tea and we will seize it with the word food she never likes the food I make she never likes the food I make or when we're talking about specific food like my mom made cookies today I'm going to make a cake today I'm going to make a lasagna I'm going to make a pizza okay ah okay so I just started to checking the comments seeing I wasn't missing anything so to create to create in general so to make something completely new that's not food you might say look I made a sculpture I made a sculpture so a piece of art that not something on canvas but something that you would see like in a square in a town or something you put on the mantelpiece a sculpture made it out of clay perhaps what they made was a work of art what they made was a work of art maybe they made up a dance routine so here's one you make up a dance routine you you make up you make a dance routine you make it you create it you put together the moves until you have a complete dance routine but then when you're when you're completing the dance routine over and over again you're doing a dance routine so I make it I create the dance routine and make a dance routine and then I do the dance routine a dance teacher might make a dance routine for the students to do that might be quite helpful sentence the dance teacher makes a dance routine for the students to do the students do the dance routine the teacher makes the dance routine I made this lesson you do the lesson okay and I don't know if any of this helps you guys I hope it does and did you make that dress you say no I didn't make it I just bought it oh okay I made a list I made a list of all my fabulous patrons and what are they saying over here I changed my mind and made a new decision perfect Slovak if you make money you don't need our money is a noncountable is that right so we don't use app but money plural basically so if you make money then you are a a so you need one here because your app maker you are a money maker yeah so just move that out from there over to here and that's perfect we also say I am always making a mess when I'm having a filming day when I'm doing a big filming day I always make a mess in the kitchen I don't do a mess I make a mess the mess didn't it didn't exist before and now it exists it's a mess so I made a mess so those of you who have children you know your children are experts they are experts they're like professional mess makers they can make a mess very quickly and very easily you do knitting you do knitting so arena has said do you do knitting or make knitting you do knitting because that's the action it's very repetitive takes a long time it can be some people find it a chore something quite relaxing but it's an exercise you do it over and over again and then the end the product is what you made I made a scarf I I did I did my knitting every day for three months and eventually I've made a scarf okay and isn't it to take an English lesson yes you can take it you can take a class or do a class I think we covered that earlier and we talked about courses so look back here exceptions Oh [Music] no I have right there okay I'll put that in so you can you do a course but you can take a course I'm sure I'd written this someone take a course or take a class but otherwise you can oh I have written it's written there silly I knew I'd done it so yes it's written there you take a course or do a course one of the other the both the same as the same with class as well okay oh well that's fine back where we were so we were create we can also talk about make when we're talking about creating something with a person so you make friends so lots of people lots of you lovely students are regularly trying to make friends with me and that's fine I mean I don't I don't have enough energy in my in my fingers to type and make a make friends with how many people do we have here 33,000 people and I have I think 40,000 people on my Facebook page I can't make friends with everybody but I'm happy to be your friend in general to be your teacher to help you and the lost lots of people make friends every day so to make friends sometimes if you have fallen out with your friend if you've had an argument and you feel like you're no longer friends then you might be told that you must make friends with each other so it means to reunite so it's not just to make friends the first time it's anytime you reunite after a fall out so you've made up you say we made up we made friends we made friends again and you can also make love I'm sure you've heard this expression especially if you watched my video about Annie to make to make fun of someone why is my stream offline no did I just lose you for a second oh I'm back I don't know why my stream went offline then hopefully you didn't miss anything so we're talking about making love and now we're talking about and making fun are you all back with me is everything okay everything okay yes good okay hopefully you're with me yeah yeah good okay so and we make fun to make fun of someone is to tease them to make fun of someone is to tease them early has said make babies yes so making love you might also make babies if you create a life something that didn't exist before you make babies okay and but you can also make fun of someone which is to tease someone so if if I oh I don't know someone might not like my accent they might say oh you have a British accent ah and so they might they if they're not British perhaps there and I know American and they they don't like my British accent then they might be like oh hello my name is Anna and I'm British and so they're making fun of me and making fun of me and I would say don't make fun of me please it hurts my feelings Vanda Lee you you must be late to the lesson we make a bed not do the bed we make the bed okay one of my students saying my patrons saying here I make breakfast for my wife not to my wife I make breakfast for my wife in the morning I make her dinner in the evening I make her a cake in the afternoon make sure pot in the afternoon and then if I'm lucky we may make love a very nice girl good you are a good husband a very good husband let's carry on here and so we have you should make up like I said earlier to make friends if you've fallen out with your friend then you would make up okay to reconcile your differences so that brings us on to money money this has been mentioned before and mentioned again and so I like what are you talking about make instead of made where give me the sentence which or trying to correct for me hahahaha make a living you're absolutely right mmm so let's talk about money shall we so um make money make money we don't do money we make money so I might say how much money do you make so how much money do you make and I might say well yesterday I made 100 pounds or last month I made 100 pounds if you ask me how much money do I make I would say not enough if I asked how much money does how much money does oh I don't know someone famous someone rich how much money does Richard Branson make say he makes a lot of money and we also use it with word profit it's hard to make a profit these days it's hard to make profit these days you make a profit and profit is whatever is left from your money once you've paid your expenses so for example any money that I earn my expenses my outgoings would be my electric my house bills my travel maybe my internet anything that you have to buy for your job they are your expenses and then anything left over that you can just spend on whatever you like that is your profit so how much profit did you make how much profit did you make one of you asking about my Manchester accent how did I lose my Manchester accent how did I gain a received pronunciation what I speak is not really RP is quite soft standard British English accent and I did it with a lot of hard work and if you want to do it too then I'll talk to you about a course that I have at the end of the lesson okay but let's carry on talk about making money one of you mentioned making a living and you're absolutely right a we'd say we'd say make a living rather than do a living so here living so I might say to you I have to go to work I have to make a living and this is just to make enough money to survive to make enough money to survive so people ask me regularly ana how do you make a living and I would say it's very difficult at the moment I do a lot of different things to try and make a living you can also say if someone makes a lot of money they make a fortune so I might say that Virgin Airlines in their first few years made a fortune or someone right now makes a fortune someone who is very rich they make a fortune okay let's look at exceptions so you don't where you can make a joke but you can also say to crack a joke or to tell a joke so all these different options to crack a joke to tell a joke to make a joke you can also pass comment it's very very similar to make a comment to pass comments one to always remember and this is a big one we don't make a question we don't do a question we ask a question so always use a script question did you ask question and I just want to ask a question could I ask you a question yeah okay and then oh I've made a little note here isn't it make do so here's a little phrase that we use a lot to make do and this means to manage with what you have for example I I um I have to stay at your house I have to day at your house for whatever reason I have to stay at your house I have to sleep overnight at your house and you don't have a spare room so I have to sleep in the front room downstairs and you only have one little blanket that's not very thick it's quite cold and the blanket is very thin and you don't have a pillow so you give me something to like some clothes to wrap up and put under my head and you say Anna I'm so sorry I don't have anything else to give you will that be okay you're going to be okay will you be warm enough when you be comfortable and I'll say oh it's okay I'll make do I will make do that means I will manage with what I've got I'll make do don't worry I'll make do I'll make do with what I've got so I will manage I will be okay with what I've got okay and yeah sure says and can I say have a question you can say I have a question you say I have a question that I want to ask I have a question excuse me I have a question okay please ask your question what what is it you want to ask me well I want to ask you yeah but we just never say we never say 'make and we never say do with the word question all right and David has a question here Anna people make or do sex love or whatever they make love they have sex they make love they have sex okay [Music] so I have many questions I want to ask you the first guy I every everyone always has lots of questions I try and answer as many as I can so let's see what else I've got here so here's just a quick list of what you would generally say what you generally see with the word do you do a course do a crossword do a dance do a drawing do a favor do a job do a painting do a project do a service do an assignment do anything do badly do business do chores do damage do everything do exercises do good do harm do nothing do research do right or do the right thing do something do the dishes do the gardening do the housework do the ironing do the laundry do the rest do the shopping and that is as in what's left so I might say to you if you can clean if you can clean the dishes that are on the side I'll do the rest later on so you just clean the plates and then I'll do the rest of the washing up later I'll do the rest do the rest do the shopping do the washing do well do work do wrong or do the wrong thing do your best do your hair do your homework do your job do your nails do your work make a bet make a cake mmm make a call make a change make a choice make a comment make a complaint make a confession ah make a connection make a cup of coffee make a cup of tea make a date make a decision make a demand make a difference make a discovery make a face make a fool of yourself if you make a fool of yourself it means you make yourself look foolish you make yourself look silly so I might say I made a fool of myself last night when I am had too much alcohol and started dancing like a crazy person so I made a fool of I made a fool of myself make a fortune make a friend make a fuss to make a fuss means to to be dramatic about something to make something bigger than it is so I'm suddenly a fly fly buzzes in my face and I'm like oh oh it's a fly in my face I don't like the flies and maybe I start crying or like as a fly gone has it gone as a flag on it I hate flies I'm making a fuss and that can be in a good way or a bad way and if you make a fuss over your child it's like oh come here I love you child well let's clean your hair child let's give your kisses I love my child you're making a fuss of your child to make a fuss to make it a big deal when it isn't a big deal make a joke make a line that's kind of like jokes I'm going to take that one out make a list make a living so remember we said that's to make enough money to live on make a loss opposite to make a profit make a mess make a mistake make a noise make a pass at someone to make a pass at someone is to try to woo them so if you fancy someone if you really like them you find them attractive in a sexual way then you might make a pass at them and that's like going over to them and being like hey can I have your number then that's to make a pass at someone to try to chat someone up to make a phone call make a plan make a point make prediction make profit make a promise make a reservation make a sandwich make a scene make a sound make a speech make a statement make a suggestion make advances that means to progress or to try to move things forward make alterations to change something make an appointment make an announcement make an attempt so try make an effort to try again make an error so to make a mistake make an escape make an exception make an excuse make an impression make an observation make an offer make amends so to fix something make arrangements make breakfast make certain make clear make dinner make faces make famous make fun of someone make love make lunch make inquiries make peace make possible make progress make money make make room so if you make room in your wardrobe for some new clothes you clear space make sales make sense so do you understand does that make sense is that clear make someone rich something I hope I do for all of you make someone smile make sure make trouble make war make your bed and finally make up your mind oh that was a long ol list so I hope you found that helpful guys that is the end oh my goodness I didn't see I've just had a I've had a super chat come through so thank you very much hipolito for making a donation towards the growth of this channel and myself and I'm sure everybody bought watching thank you very much and for that donation all you have to do is drop me an email the email is in the description of this video drop me an email and let me know that it was you who sent in a super chat hipĆ³lito and I send you the notes so thank you very much and just a quick note about that to everyone I do get a lot of emails a lot of emails every day from people just saying hi I like your lessons or hi I want to learn English or hi how I learn English and um it really slows down my work because I have to go through all of those emails and as much as I appreciate you saying thank you and appreciate the love and support you give me and I would prefer that you do it on on the put on the videos on the public forums so it doesn't it doesn't clog up my business email box because sometimes it gets too full it really slows down and it takes me so much time and that's less time I can dedicate to making videos for you so please only send me an email if it's a genuine business inquiry or if you've sent a super chat and you'd like the notes for this lesson I'd really appreciate your help on that thank you guys I hope you understand I'm sure you do patrons what are you saying here long story short we must do the doings and make the makings you're always so funny Eric yes yes you're right we do the doings make the makings already so what are you guys saying here and then can you explain to me more about makeup so me and you have had an argument because you didn't subscribe to my channel so we've had a fall out I'm angry with you and then we're going you're going to come and talk to me and say oh don't be angry with me and I'll say ok I won't be angry with you shall we be friends again ok we'll be friends and that act of making friends again is making up so when you've fallen out with someone and you get back together you resolve the argument you've made up we tend to use the phrase kiss and make up to kiss and make up so if two children are fighting or adults two outs of how to say look guys please come on kiss and make up you don't really expect I'd have a kiss but we say kiss and make up so forget forget the bad stuff let's just all be friends kiss and make up hope that helps you okay so lots of you now asking for my email guys please don't send me emails please don't honestly it really just slows down my working pace I think this slows down my inbox and I only expect an email from people who sent me a super chat or if you are a English provider of some sort and you have a proposition you want to collaborate or something like that okay please understand that is really important and I hope you have made it up with your wife after your quarrel yesterday who had a quarrel with a wife yesterday I'm missing something there's some gossip going on in the chat room here okay Ann Marie is it I have a question or I have got a question people say either I have a question perfectly ranked and I've got a I have got a question also right okay so they're both interchangeable they're both fine and okay so those of you who okay so those of you haven't been here for long you're new here I'm just going to explain a few things so this here is the patron Skype group and they get special access and I always answer all of their messages and that's because their patrons patrons are people who support the channel so that people who are able to give financial support even if it's just a dollar a month financial support to help me to help everybody else and what I do here is provide free education to anybody who needs it and obviously it's hard for me to do that because I still need to pay my bills and so my patrons help me to help you so in return my patrons get rewarded and they get access to the skype group so they always get extra attention during my live lessons they get other things like access to all my videos early and they get a bit of an insight I tend to ask their opinions on things and so they help me to mole the future content of this channel some of them depending how much they offer some of them get private Skype calls with me there's also a prize draw every month for a private Skype call so you if you're a patron you're going to that prize draw they get the notes for my lessons depending on their level some of them get all the notes some of them get some of the notes so that's the patrons if you want to be a patron if you're able to support this channel then you can look up the patreon campaign page which is in the description of this box of this video in the description box of this video and yes that's all but if you can't if you can't contribute as a patron that's absolutely fine because there are still things that you can do one of the things that would really help this channel besides subscribing pressing the like button and watching the content one of the things you can do is translate my videos any of them or all of them the descriptions the titles the subtitles you can translate them into your language so if you are advanced in your English and you feel confident in translating and you'd like to help this channel to grow you'd like to help people in your country to access my lessons and understand my lessons more maybe their level isn't so good then you can translate these videos for me and that could be your gift to the channel to help your countrymen to understand these lessons and you can do that in the description of this video I've put a little section that says contribute and you can see the link translate my videos and you go there click that link and you'll see which videos are need translating into your language so if you'd like to contribute then that would be absolutely amazing I'm sure everybody here would appreciate that but of course you don't have to do anything you could just sit and watch I really don't mind but any any support to help me to help everybody is is much appreciated ok I'm going to wrap up now and before I go what are you saying on here Eric and now what about speak my language on Instagram yes so today is the end of May obviously it's the 31st of May which means I'm closing the competition to find some to find 5 people 5 viewers who are going to contribute to a video with me so start in a video with me teaching me their language it's going to be a really fun video I'm going to be learning lots of languages 5 different languages maybe Arabic Spanish Chinese Thai who knows but lots of people have entered that competition already and in the next few days I will gather all of those people together put them in a box not the real people just the names and then I'll choose 5 people who are going to be the winners of that competition so I'll make the announcement next week as to who has won that competition if you do still want to enter then you have still got a little bit of time to you just have to head over to the Instagram page and Instagram all free everything here is free on the Instagram page you'll see me wearing a red coat saying speak my language and in the description of that post you'll see all the details of how to enter that competition so if you like star in a video with me teaching me your language you have very little time go and enter very quickly alright my darlings thank you so much thank you to my patrons Thank You hipolito once again for your very generous super chat please feel free to drop me an email Capilouto and I'll send you the notes for today and thank you everyone for joining me it's been an absolute pleasure I hope you found it helpful let's see if we have 230 thumbs you guys Rock you guys are so cool thank you very much if you haven't already seen the release of the the Manchester video today and you are interested in the Manchester accent with the beautiful Cora then please go and have a look at the video that I released earlier today and feel free to leave me a comment there and do give it a thumbs up and share it with your friends let's show lots of love for Manchester Manchester is my hometown obviously they've had a bad time recently but we love Manchester so let's let's spread the love in and show Manchester that we love them okay and so the next lesson is tomorrow what time is in the morning I think at a 11 o'clock in the morning is going to be a pronunciation lesson so I will see you tomorrow at 11:00 you've been awesome London loves you thank you very much for joining nah take care
Channel: English Like A Native
Views: 53,727
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Learn English, English lesson, English like a native, vocabulary, esl, english, English speaking, speak english, pronunciation, british accent, british pronunciation, british english pronunciation, accent, Conversation, Conversation in english, conversation questions, conversation english speaking, learn english speaking, easy english, everyday english, spoken english, anna tyrie, Make and Do, Verb make, Verb Do, How to use make and do
Id: F1IJOLx1w1k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 90min 59sec (5459 seconds)
Published: Wed May 31 2017
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