POLITICS & BREXIT: British English Lesson LIVE - Vocabulary & Pronunciation.

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hello good evening hello from London how are you my name is Anna this is English like a native and today we are talking all about politics in the UK and Briggs it might be an interesting lesson so we're just going to spend a few minutes saying hello getting everybody in so if you're here give me a shout out say hello tell me where in the world you are watching from and I will try and shout you out right here right now so I have Steve hi Steve I have Erik good evening Erik on my lovely patrons I have Miriam hi MATV lovely to see you once again hello Kenneth from China what time is it in China by the way I have umbria in Pakistan hello I have Marcelo in Brazil hola I have Jana hello again you're always here and Marie in Germany hi Emery I have a mean hello I have Valda Valda Lee in Brazil Eva in Spain Euler commas - I have an oh gosh so many people talking Salva in Madrid hello I have Abraham I have Joey in Japan I have Diana in Brazil Yuri in Russia and Nevena in Leicester oh you're here in the UK lovely I have a gal or is it Gayle was it gal in Israel I have DG DG in Algeria and I have Massimo I have a Elan Elan in Israel so many of you here already we have 87 people watching goodness you must have been waiting for me so if you are here and you're a subscriber fabulous welcome back please make sure you've pressed that thumb button you all know how much I enjoy a thumb and if you think this might be interesting to any of your friends then please do press the share button and share this on social media let's get more people in because I don't think we talked enough on among ourselves about politics I think we hear a lot of politics on the news but particularly here in the UK were scared to talk in a social environment about politics because it can be such an explosive topic people get very passionate about it and I know that I am no expert in politics and I know that when I'm listening to the news or when I listen to other people talking about politics sometimes I get confused with the meanings of words and so what I've done today is put together a special worksheet I'll show you now so I put together this sheet that we're going to go through with some of the terms and some of the meanings that might confuse you and we're also going to talk about brogues it okay so I'm going to go through this with you I've put this together for you and for those of you who decide that you would love to sponsor this video if you'd like to sponsor this video with a super chat then I'll be sending this particular write-up over to you as soon as the video ends so if you would like these notes sent to you at the end of this video then feel free to send a super chat any amount it doesn't matter everything is is a help and support to the channel so send your super chat with your email address and I will email you over the notes as soon as this broadcast finishes all right if you are here and you're not a subscriber then please do press that big red subscribe button and the bail notification button so that you don't miss any future lessons I do tend to go live at least five times a week at the moment as well as putting up pre-recorded videos there are over a hundred English lessons already on this channel and I believe in learning English in a native way in a fun and interesting way and so do feel free after this lesson to go back and have a look at some of the other lessons that I've put up for you who else do we have my hammer here is here thank you so here you're one of my moderators thanks for joining I'm glad you're here hopefully you'll keep everyone under control so just a word of warning if anyone does feel that they want to put any negative or impolite comments up then you will be removed so if you do want to benefit from is free English lessons don't write anything bad because you'll be kicked out by Zaheer ok so have people in from Mexico and Emin hello is asking how my ankle is my ankle is much improved thank you for asking alrighty well we have 135 people watching hello everyone shall we get started so the first thing I wanted to talk about was political systems so the different types of systems that you might hear about there are many political systems but the ones we're more likely to hear about I've listed here so we have anarchy anarchy let's just do that pronunciation and key anarchy anarchy anarchy you'll hear about anarchy is when there is no rule no one is in charge no one is ruling we also have aristocracy aristocracy that pronunciation aristocracy aristocracy and this is rule it means rule by the best but it actually in effect means they're ruled by the upper classes now I don't know of any aristocracy I don't know any countries that are ruled by aristocracy but you will hear aristocracy often in literature in films people in the upper classes are sometimes referred to as the aristocracy whether they're in charge of a country or not they will be called the aristocracy so they're just the upper classes and a term that you will hear regularly is democracy democracy listen to that pronunciation democracy democracy and a democracy is rule by the people so all the people in that area or in that country make the decisions so it's decided by the rule of the people and other term you'll hear particularly within the UK you may hear monarchy monarchy and this is an area or country ruled by royalty by a king or queen of course we do have a monarchy here in the UK which is why we hear the word often we have a queen Queen Elizabeth and she is our monarch she is the monarch so our monarch is the head of the monarchy but we as a country are not a we're not ruled necessarily not technically by the monarchy we'll come back to that another term you may hear talked about in the news perhaps is a dictatorship a dictatorship a dictatorship or a dictator a dictatorship is when one person rules and usually it's by force usually by military force that they rule a country or an area and finally the term I thought was most common as a political system is a republic a republic and this is Latin for rule by the people but used to denote a government without a monarch and some form of democracy so it's a form of democracy without a monic okay so in the UK we are a democracy the UK is ruled by democracy but we do also have a monarch that's interesting isn't it what political system does your country employ what kind of political system do you live within in your country Oh Nirvana nirvana thank you very much you've just sent over a super chat thank you so much you are a big supporter of English like a native and that's greatly received and navona you didn't put your your address your email address on there if you do want a copy of these notes noventa then please just pop me an email and I will send them over to you all right my email can be found on the about page or it's English like a native at gmail.com okay thank you so much all right so what political system do you live within guys are you living in a democracy do you live within a republic do you live within a monarchy or dictatorship or something that I haven't mentioned these are the terms that I hear often which is why I chose these particular ones so soon Shang says a democracy I'm from Korea lovely and Brazil is a federal republic interesting Nicola is in a Democratic Republic here in Italy thanks miss absolutely useful lesson you're welcome thank you oh I can't pronounce this one mu hindi the finding is the kingdom of Monaco so you have royalty so that means that you live within a monarchy is that right stevebecks within a democracy love English learning it with them is it Lea lela lela lela and girls I can't pronounce your names that's terrible isn't it I'm Dyslexic you see so when I see names written down I'm just like hmm some sub rasa bra well thank you girls you've been lovely and you are also a fabulous English Channel so guys if you haven't yet checked out the channel love English learn English with oh I can't believe our comprehension names girls I'm so sorry it's so embarrassing but if you haven't checked out their Channel go and check it out those guys are wonderful and thank you for joining in ah you got my name right great okay I'm blushing now blushing with embarrassment okay so I'm Jordan is a kingdom and yes Monaco is a monarchy great Pakistan is a democratic country so Pakistan isn't a democracy cool okay well let's care on so I just wanted to talk about the word politics actually so the word politics means any activities associated with the governance with looking after with governing with ruling a country or an area so keeping control of an area that all the activities involved in that can be put under the word politics politics is all the activities associated with the governance of a country or area we also will hear the word politics talked about on a very small scale you might talk about office politics office politics I hear this term a lot oh I don't get involved in office politics you might hear people say the technical and definition of office politics is actions and behaviors involving competition for status or power in the workplace so when people are behaving in a certain way to improve their position at work perhaps or when people are getting upset with how things are being run at work with how they are being governed at work then this is called office politics like Sheila at work should not be allowed to eat five Hobnobs Hobnobs are biscuits very nice biscuits but I could get upset because I buy the biscuits for everybody in the office but Sheila always eats five biscuits when everybody else is on one biscuit today so why should we all pay a little bit for Sheila to have more biscuits than everybody else that could be deemed as office politics um yes I generally don't get involved with office politics I mean I I work on my own so if I did get involved with office politics I would be upset with myself okay so a Murray says what's the difference between policy politics and policy so politics describes the activities and like I said the activities involved in ruling so that general politics and a policy is like a rule or a belief so it might be my policy to always respond to every comment it is my policy this is my rule that I set for myself it's my policy but my politics is everything everything I do to look after my business or everything I do to look after the people that I work with but my policy is my rule what I believe what I'm trying to achieve okay so if I'm ruling a country I might have a pro immigration policy I might be very Pro immigration meaning I'm happy for other people to come into this country freely without needing visas or anything they can come freely into this country and help to to do work here and to get educated here so my policy I believe my policy is pro immigration I will put things in place to say it's okay to come to this country so that's my policy does I hope that answers your question all right let's carry on so office politics a phrase you might hear often you might also hear the phrase PC or politically oh no I've done that wrong it should be politically correct political correctness or generally PC so I am polite I am being politically correct is it politically correct is what I'm saying politically correct we must all abide to political correctness or just short we can use PC we're just doing a short version and political correctness in words used to describe some political correctness is used to describe some language policies or measures that are intended to avoid offense or disadvantage to members of particular groups in society basically without baffling you and to be politically correct is just to say the right things so if I am if I am and if I'm a purple cat I am and being silly but go with me if I am a purple cat and people and if I'm a public at maybe the blue dogs don't like me because I'm a purple cat and we haven't we haven't been friend for a long time so maybe the blue dogs will call me purple they will just refer to me as purple but maybe I don't like that because that makes me feel discriminated against because only the blue dogs called me purple and the correct term for me is purple cat so it's only political politically correct to call me purple cat it's not PC to call me purple because I find that offensive so don't call me perps don't call me per cat don't call me purple call me purple cat I am politically political a political correctness would say I am purple cat but if you're going to be offensive you call me purple whether you mean to be or not so there are plenty of there are plenty of examples within society where you might accidentally offend someone whether you're referring to their race to their gender whether you're referring to their educational background they're where they are originated from their sexuality and all sorts of all sorts of all sorts of situations where I personally have thought what is the correct term I hope I'm being PC Jana has just pointed out that I said purple cat which is the same PC as PC - correct that was completely by accident or was it okay so I hope that kind of demonstrates the meaning of politically correct and you'll hear people all the start all the time saying that's not PC you shouldn't say that that's not PC that's not very PC of you okay so if someone says that then you might have said something wrong so be careful okay so enough about purple cats so silly um you might also hear people talking about the political landscape and the political landscape refers to the current state of things so what is currently going on in politics today or in the near future we would be talking about the political landscape all right so any questions so far oh we have a hundred and seventy nine people here hello and SARS ah he's saying what does brexit mean I'm coming to that that's going to be after we've talked about politics I will do a little bit about brexit so do stay tuned for that I'm going to try and keep this to an hour I have promised you I'm going to try and keep it short so do stay tuned yardie says I don't like politics I have to admit that the word politics when sly says it to me I go boring but in the last few years actually particularly since brexit happened last year and there's been like a political awakening here in the UK more people have become interested in politics and it's exciting because although politics can be baffling and because it's baffling I think baffling means confusing because it's baffling I think we find it boring but actually politics is in everybody's interest it affects every single one of us how we live how we how we work how we interact with our community how the unity grows how we survive how we trade how much everything costs our economy our education our healthcare everything is decided via politics and so politics is something we should all be interested in we just have to find a way to access it because like I said at the beginning there are so many things I didn't know before I prepared for this lesson I kind of had an understanding but I wasn't clear until I did the research for this lesson so we we need more fun people to make politics more interesting for us I think all right so let us let us celebrate ously there's only does only British say bloody things and the word bloody is a mostly is a curse word it's a swear word it's a light swear word and I I don't know if you say bloody in America I don't know if we have any Americans in but do tell us if you use that word in America I know we do use it in here in England a lot but it is a swear word so be careful when you are using it it just kind of emphasizes something what does the word bluffing baffling baffling is be a bluffing is something different if I Bluff you I trick you to be baffled baffled is to be confused baffled okay hello Mack from the other side how are you guys if you are here and I don't know if you're if you're breathing and you're here and click the like button show me a thumb let's have all thumbs together I got 200 thumbs in the last live lesson or last week's live lesson the last lesson last week let's try to get this one to 300 let's see if we got 300 thumbs because I love a thumb okay Ali says yeah we need funny people with funny names like Donald Trump if you don't know what the word Trump means in English in British English then you need to go watch the bodily functions video that I did because Trump is a very funny word to us Bruce so when we heard that Donald Trump was going to be the president of America for us it was quite amusing so do go and check out the bodily functions video if you haven't already right enough about Trump let's move on what is the government Oh so the government are the people that we have elected to run the country so to be elected is to be chosen by a vote if I elect you I choose you you have been elected I choose you you've been elected so they are elected via a general election so we have a general election usually every five years and we choose the people who are going to be the government but sometimes if there are problems or for whatever reason sometimes that five years isn't the term and the Prime Minister decides we have a general election sooner and we are about to have a sudden general election it was called only about a month ago our prime minister decided we would have a general election now instead of years from now which was when was supposed to happen so we are about to have a general election in June so I think June the 8th I think where we will decide who will be our new government so elect is to choose elect is to vote and choose to run the country to run something means to rule it to look after it to manage it you run a country you run a company you might run a class I am running a class here with you now I am managing leading a class so to run a country is to lead all manage country okay let me just see what you guys are saying okay let's carry on then lovely so we have let me just get these notes up the political party that wins the most seats at a general election takes charge of the government for five years until the next general election so what happens is to make it to make it to break it down is every live part start again the country is broken down into little areas and every little area will vote for their local person their local governor so someone will represent each party in that local area and will vote for who we want to run our area whoever wins that area takes a seat in government so if you win lots of areas you win lots of seats and the person with the most areas wins the government of the entire country okay all right so this is government it says the leader of the winning party is appointed as Prime Minister if you are appointed as something then you are made so if you are appointed the headmaster of your school you are made the headmaster you become the headmaster you are given that permit the Pat that position so to be appointed as something is to be made something so the winner of that party whoever wins the government becomes the Prime Minister Prime Minister is male or female Prime Minister it doesn't change on gender and and the Prime Minister then chooses the other party members to work in the government with them as cabinet ministers and junior ministers so the leader of the party that wins the government will then decide who their team is they all choose their cabinet ministers and their junior ministers to work with them to govern the country so basically you're deciding the one person you believe has your best interests at heart who will look after you and what you believe in and then they when they win choose their team that they are going to work with to make wonderful things happen hopefully okay how old you have to be to be eligible to vote in the UK ah that's a good question 18 I think if anyone here is from the UK and knows the answer to that question I think it's 18 yes I'm sure it's 18 okay um Monique says you're so sweet thank you very much I'll go with that thank you so we had so this is government and our current Prime Minister like I said is Theresa May please note that Teresa is spelt th but we don't pronounce it th you'll know if you watch my daily pronunciation live classes that th is pronounced with the tongue between the teeth whenever we see whenever we see th teeth with this that the tongue comes out but on a few occasions usually with names the th becomes a t like the River Thames for example or the name Thomas or Theresa so I'm here I hear a lot of students say Theresa but it's not Theresa it's Theresa Theresa so Theresa May is our prime minister and she lives she resides is another word you could use she lives at number 10 Downing Street which is the famous house that every Prime Minister lives in so when she steps down from being Prime Minister she'll have to move house so she lives in or resides at number 10 Downing Street so that's a government a government is an elected group of people who are to rule the country on behalf of the people okay so what is a parliament then this is something I didn't know because I thought government and Parliament were the same thing but apparently not so a parliament Parliament is there to represent our interests to make sure that they are taken into account by the government now our interest means um our well-being what is best for us it doesn't mean our interest is in if we like to go to play tennis or if we're interested in I don't know Beyonce or hip-hop or interest like that when we're talking about our interests in this context we're talking about our well-being what is good for us for our living situation for our economy for our education what is good for us our interests so Parliament represents our interests they look after us and what's good for us and make sure that they are considered so to take something into account is to think about it to consider it to take and they are taken into account by the government so we choose the government the government for five years then makes decisions for everybody the Parliament make sure that they are always considering the people that they don't get carried away with making crazy policies or things that might be detrimental to us the people so it's like um it's just like a monitor really someone who's just watching don't think the people will like that I don't think that's good to keep them in check is to check up on glad I'm glad you do I was quite nervous about doing this video actually if I'm honest because it's quite a scary subject okay so let's carry on so and we have the parliament sorry the government cannot make new laws or raise new taxes without Parliament's agreement so that's good the government can't just do whatever they want the Parliament has to agree with it then we have Parliament is made up of people we have elected and people who have been appointed they sit in two separate houses so Parliament isn't just people that we've chosen but they are also people who have been put there and they sit in two separate houses we have the House of Commons where all people we have elected at the general election work as MPs for the next five years and we have the House of Lords whose members are mostly appointed from life for life rather than elected they've been chosen because of their achievements and experiences many do not belong to a political party so they're not bias is what it's saying they're not not leaning towards one particular party policy and they are strictly there to look after the interests of the people okay so that's interesting isn't it so the parliaments are the monitors the government are the rulers the chosen rulers cool so that's the difference between Parliament and government something I've learnt today something hopefully some of you have learnt today maybe you already knew and but if you didn't then cool we've all learnt something new mmm so where do these guys work well they work in a beautiful building called Westminster Westminster also is the name of the area so Westminster Westminster and it's all title for the actual building is the Palace of Westminster I don't hear that actually said very often I just hear Westminster in Westminster they met at Westminster and if you are ever in London guys then you have to go and have a look at Westminster the Palace of Westminster it's beautiful it's a lovely building but it would be a lovely place to go and work on a daily basis I think a lovely lovely building started reading some of your comments I'll come back to your comments in a minute so the Palace of Westminster this is where politicians meet to make laws and run the country this is where the House of Lords and the House of Commons are located fabulous all right let's have a look a quick break from that I just read some of your comments here and I've got to have a nice cup of tea Anna thank you very much I'm drinking peppermint tea today I had quite a lot of coffee this morning so I was feeling the need to simmer down and relax because I was feeling like I said a little bit stressed about this particular lesson jan is asking about shadow government I have heard about Shadow Cabinet something rather but I to be honest I can't tell you I can't tell you what it is so I've heard of Shalott Shadow Cabinet minister but I don't know who that is or what they do so if anyone else knows then please feel free to put it in the comments below I'm not precious this is all about learning together and that's the beauty of learning is that all of us are always learning so I'm not embarrassed to say that I don't know what shadow cabinets do hi Anna your accent is so graceful even compared to normal Brits did you take lessons to practice yes so my accent naturally was a northern English accent and I worked very hard to change the way I spoke and because of that I know that anyone can change that accents that anyone can sound just like me if they want to anyone can sound however they wants to sound you just have to work hard and I did actually make a course I hadn't I never usually talk about this but I do have a pronunciation course if you are interested to sound more British English like I sound then I have a course very reasonably priced on British English procom the links for that will be in the description of this video hello and so here is going to work those are here is at work and is going to be home in five minutes excellent and the us call it part the US core Parliament Congress yes I think they do the US Congress good narbon strong work strong which even in our country is the opposite the Parliament cannot do anything just the government can do everything interesting in fact the interesting thing is in our country to make rules to make laws it has to be agree well there's three there's three parts that have to all agree you've got the House of Lords the government and the no the House of Lords Parliament House of Commons and the monarch so the monarchy the monarchy is involved in the government and they technically although I think this is very technically complicated I think because our monarch is our sovereign she could come in and change things but I think also the government have sovereignty so I think it's kind of joint so I don't know and I have heard that there is some some rule where the Queen can come in and say no this is not happening but I think it's a very very very complicated thing to actually going to which is why I don't really know mmm Pedro you're asking for the difference in pronunciation between coffe and coffee is just the e on the end coughs coffee coffee coffee but this isn't a pronunciation lesson for general pronunciation but join me tomorrow for tomorrow's pronunciation class and I can help you to all sorts of things like that shall we carry on yes all right and if you are here and you haven't subscribed and you haven't pressed a big thumb then show us a thumb and press subscribe that's all I ask ok and do you do your students call you Anna or just teacher or something like that call me Anna many teachers in the UK you would refer to them as Miss but or sir if it's a Miss or sir but you can call me Anna I'm happy with that ok Queen signs the bills approved by Parliament Jana thank you okay so the Queen apparently signs things off and can you speak with the northern accent to demonstrate I will at the end remind me at the end I will all right so let's carry on let's talk about the political parties in the UK so we have three main parties that you'll hear spoken about although some of the smaller parties have been coming up a lot more and they've been growing in popularity but over the years from being a child the three main parties that I heard about always were Labour one of them labor and labor as a party mainly stand for socialism they believed in the people they want to raise taxes and use the money to make society more fair by giving more welfare which is um help and benefit to the pool so welfare and benefits is help basically aid welfare and benefits this is an interesting word isn't it raise does anybody here know the difference between the word rise and raise rise and raise well rise is to to elevate to come up unassisted so I rise now if I stand up now I rise raise is to come up a so for example if a ship sinks the Titanic the Titanic sinks if we want the Titanic to come back up again we would have to help it we would have to assist it in rising up therefore the Titanic is raised we raise the Titanic so we assist it in coming up if someone was to help me if I cut if I've hurt my legs and I can't stand and someone has to help me up because I'm an old lady help me up if someone is helping me up and they raise me up because they're assisting me to get up so that is the difference rise on your own raise is to be assisted up okay that's scary young so what was I saying so labor basically want to raise taxes and use that money to make society more fair they want to distribute wealth they want to help those people who are too poor to have the basic standard of living so for example someone who is disabled or people who have just in a low-income family they make sure they have good education and health care for everybody so they raise taxes they take from those who are richer and they give to the poor like Robin Hood if you like although Robin Hood is a thief technically so maybe that's a bad example daang is now singing you raise me up yes yes yes good song and to raise a child to raise a child is you help them to grow up so that makes sense right you raise the child you don't rise the child the child doesn't grow on its own you help it you raise the child okay so one of you saying labour wants to eliminate sorry Jana is saying raisin wants late labor calm labour want to eliminate trip tuition fees yes so labor doesn't want people to have to pay for education because some people can't afford it all right so then we also have the Conservatives the Conservatives also known as the Tories so you may hear people talk it's all the same and it actually goes back and that was my you did I write it down no I didn't write did I write it down let me have a look on my nose it was a gesture back to the 1600s back to the 1600s in the 1600s there was a there was an argument within the Conservative Party and the party kind of split and so half of them were known as the as the Tories I think half of them were known as the Whigs or something anyway the name stuck and to this day we all sometimes refer to the Conservatives as the Tories so Teresa may our leading party leader our Prime Minister is a Tory we have we are governed by a Conservative government they won the majority and are you trying to speak slow is this how you usually speak to native speakers I am speaking a little bit slow because I'm getting flustered and then tripping on my words so therefore I'm slowing down but I normally do speak at this pace I'm not slowing down particularly for you guys okay yes so here is making a very good statement to everyone in the live room right now don't make inappropriate comments don't be disrespectful and don't be rude because if you do you will be kicked out by the moderator and that will potentially me you won't be able to watch any more of my videos so be very careful okay let's carry on so what do the Conservatives stand for this is the government we have right now they are a pro cap they are Pro capitalism Pro capitalism this means that they well let's look at what means it means that they think that if somebody works hard and becomes rich that is deserved and hence it is wrong to tax and heavily and give their money away to the poor who have every opportunity to do well if they want to they send for privatisation rather than national which results in lower taxes so technically they basically believe that if you get rich you should stay rich and you shouldn't have to pay more and you shouldn't have to look after the poor because the poor have every opportunity to get rich to if they wanted to or if they could find the opportunity to so labor believe that we should tax heavily the rich people and share it out so it's fair for everybody so the rich should pay for the poor and that we should all kind of be equal and Tories believe that you should allow the rich to get rich and not punish them for being rich and that the poor have also every opportunity to do what they want to do but that they shouldn't pay for them they believe in helping businesses as well to grow so not taxing businesses too heavily because they want to encourage businesses to grow they want to encourage more money and that's why they talk about privatization so encouraging a competitive market so competition within business and they don't believe in high taxes they believe in low taxes so that's the conservatives for you Oh dong says which party do you did you normally vote for Anna so this brings me around to something that's very important in the UK it's there's a couple of things that you should never talk about in kind of polite company or that you should be very careful when when when broaching your subjects you should never talk about sex yeah I have nothing more to say about you should never talk about sex not in not in a kind of formal or polite conversation even socially be very careful talking about sex you shouldn't talk about religion it can it can cause it can cause a fence it can cause conflict and talking about religion can make people uncomfortable and unless of course you're in a church or in a mosque or somewhere with someone who's obviously the same religion as you and then talking about religion is not going to be a problem but if you're just generally at the pub or at a restaurant or in college or just in the park and you're just chatting asking someone about religion is it's a delicate it's a delicate way to go with the conversation so be careful and the final one is politics be very careful when talking to anyone about politics or asking who they vote for even with my closest friends I would rarely ask who they voted for because if they voted for someone different to me that instantly means we have a conflict of opinion and these days especially everyone is so so passionate about politics so passionate about what they believe is right and wrong and who they believe is a crook and who they believe is a hero and how they think the country should move forward so I think asking someone what who they vote for or who they are following is very dangerous and so I'm not going to answer you and in fact when it comes to the next general election I am completely I'd have no idea I will definitely vote I think it's important to vote but I have no idea who to vote for because I'm not yet fully familiar with what everyone is what the policies are so I need to look into it before I make a decision it's important to make an informed decision I think but it's very hard very hard politics is a mess right now ok so remember those rules try not to talk about sex religion or politics if you can help it but let's carry on talking about politics right now shall we all right so with those are the conservatives the conservatives who believe in getting rich and encouraging rich people and companies to get richer by keeping taxes lower then we have the Liberal Democrats they are quite central economically centralist they sit in the middle between the two they favor high taxes like labor but would spend more of the money on the NHS education and less on benefits to labor so okay so this is saying that labor wouldn't spend much money on the NHS education hmm okay however unlike the other two parties their main emphasis is more on the social aspect and then economic so they basically kind of sit in the middle and someone said that once I think the Liberal Democrats on the last general election said that they were a heart so they have the heart of the people that conservative need conservative need more heart because they're all about logic and money thinking about economics and money so because the Liberal Democrats are like the heart for the Conservatives and the brain for labor because Labor's all heart kleiber's all about the people and loving the people and helping everybody but they're not always thinking about the economy in the right way and being very general I'm I'm sorry for my funding anyone it's just it's just what I heard so they said they with a heart for the Conservatives and the brain for the full labor so they kind of sit in the middle and then we have a couple of other parties that I said have been in the forefront of the media recently so we have you may have heard of you Kip you Kip stands for the United Kingdom Independence Party you Kip and they are Euroskeptics so they don't believe in being a part of Europe they believe that Britain and sorry that the United Kingdom is great on its own and then it should stay that way and it favors tough immigration policies so it doesn't like to let people into the country easily and then we have the BNP the British National Party the British National Party I didn't do very much research into them but what I kept seeing when I was researching them is that they just have a very rate just reputation and they are sorry there should be overt overtly overtly fascist overtly fascist so um yeah I can tell you I definitely would never vote for the BNP never anyway carrying on and the Green Party the Green Party you might hear the phrase and would you vote green have you thought about voting green sometimes we just refer to them as green the Green Party are all about the environment they want to tackle environmental issues they think that they are the most important which they probably have a very good point because without the world what are we going to do and we do have a lot of very pressing issues when it comes to our environment that seem to be vastly overlooked by many governments okay so those are the main parties oh I'm sorry I missed one I missed one in yours missing one we also have the SNP the SNP so it's right in here SNP and the SNP is the Scottish National Party and they are advocates of an independent Scotland to be an advocate of something it means it's what you believe in it's what you're backing up it's what you put your campaign for you're an advocate you believe in this you're backing it and so they believe in an independent Scotland because obviously Scotland is part of the United Kingdom and they are to a certain extent governed by Westminster governed by the Parliament the government of the United Kingdom that's government that's based in England and they believed they were better governed by their own government in Scotland and I I don't want Scotland to leave England I think it's nice to be together but who knows what will happen now who knows okay what time is it there Ana right now it is nearly half-past seven in the evening all right so let's carry on when nearly coming on to the brexit I know some of you are here because you want to know about brug zips and we're nearly there so another thing something that's confused me for many many years is when someone says are you left-wing or are you right-wing we're a left-wing party there are right-wing party they are far left they are far-right like what does this mean if you are right wing or a right wing party or you have right wing beliefs then you value tradition and they are about equity survival of the fittest and they believe in economic freedom so it's about as about money it's about getting rich having the freedom to succeed they typically believe that businesses shouldn't be regulated and that we should all look after ourselves right wing people tend to believe that they shouldn't have to pay for someone else's education or health service they believe in freedom to succeed over equality and an example of a right wing party would be the Tories the Conservatives or you Kipp There is obviously a scale and you Kipp are more they are more right-wing the Tories the Tories are not far right-wing they are moderately white right-wing and but you keep are quite far you are progressive in nature they look to the future they aim to support those who cannot support themselves they are idealists and they believe in equality that everybody is equal people who are left-wing believe in taxation to redistribute opportunity and wealth so they believe that the rich should pay to the poor things like a National Health Service and job seekers allowance this is a benefit that poor people get when they don't have a job they get benefit from the government they are fundamentally left-wing ideas they believe in equality over the freedom this just means is leaving those views extreme okay and I do notice that my my M signal is kind of dropping in and out here guys so if this is an if this video is going a little bit dodgy do forgive me hopefully it'll kick back in but otherwise I stay with me stay with me goes okay so any questions on what we've just said any questions on what we've just said and just so you know I've seen so copy of a talk about religion I did do a class all about religion and a couple of weeks ago so please do feel free to go back and have a look at that lesson where we covered as many religions as I could get round to and yeah it was an interesting lesson actually I learned quite a lot so if you want to talk about religion then you can head over there and have a look at that one hopefully you'll find that interesting um okay let's carry on shall we so where are we up to breaks it breaks it so I'm sure everybody here has heard the term brexit until well until yesterday I had real trouble every time I came to say the word Bragg's it and that's because I was trying to pronounce it wrong so you have to think about egg this is how I got around it if you think about egg good egg and then you think Greg brags it brexit I think I was going for a K sound I was going brexit brexit like eggs mmm I don't know what I was doing but I was pronouncing it wrong but the actual pronunciation is bread brexit brexit and brexit stands for the British exit from the European Union the British exit from the European Union and just to remind you if you weren't here at the beginning these notes that I keep referring to the notes that I've put together for you are available to anyone who is interested in supporting the growth of this channel so if you are interested in sending us super chats over then that will help this channel to grow obviously everything I do here is for free but if you want to support it and you want to leave a little tip then you can send a super chat which is the little dollar sign next to the emoji sign down in the comments and in return as a way of saying thank you obviously send your email address along with it and I will then email you these notes so you have a little a little something to take away from this lesson to remind yourself of what we covered all right cool so breaks it breaks it the British exit from the European Union what is the European Union the European Union also known as aka aka the EU is a group of 28 countries tied together in an economic and political alliance so just a note about pronunciation I hear it all the time an incorrect pronunciation of Europe yeah like you can say yes yes middle of the tongue is high European Union European Union or v EU EU so it's a group of 28 countries that all work together economically and politically as an alliance and we have been part of that for a long time but now because we voted for brexit it means we are leaving this bloc of countries and you'll hear it being referred to as a bloc the EU bloc why why did Briggs it happen well as far as I know and forgive me if I'm wrong I have done my research but if I have made a mistake I apologize but as far as I can discern will we have brakes it happened because the former prime minister former means the previous the last the former Prime Minister David Cameron decided to hold a referendum a referendum a referenda is a public vote so we vote for the government the government then make decisions on our behalf sometimes they're not sure about something sometimes they think should we ask what the people think about this particular thing it doesn't happen very often but sometimes I think is important to consult the public and they ask us individually what do you think we should do it is not legally binding a referendum is just an opinion poll really it's just getting your opinion but it is very important because if you vote if you have a referendum and everyone votes and then you go against it as a government you could lose the you can lose popularity so David Cameron decided to hold the referendum why because he wanted to win a clear majority he wanted to have most of the public on his side to back him up to remain in the EU so he wanted them he wanted to wanted to prove that most of the people in Britain want to stay in the EU in order to settle a division within his party over the EU so if you're finding this baffling forgive me if you're finding this easy-peasy but for those of you who are still unsure David Cameron basically had a few people in his party saying we shouldn't be an EU I think it's a bad thing and some people say we should be in the EU and they were fighting about who should be if we should be in the EU they're all fighting amongst themselves and he said you know what I'm going to ask the people I'm going to prove to you that the British public want to stay in the EU and then you'll stop fighting and you'll all support me and we can carry on and go forward so he decided to hold a referendum so that he could be stronger within his party so he could shut up the people who were arguing against him in his own party and it all went wrong it all backfired because the British public didn't vote the way he expected them to oops Daisy I shouldn't laugh about it it's actually very serious so what happened well more than seventeen point four million Britons Brits voted to leave another another word for this or phrase for this would be sever ties with so these Britain's these Brits decided voted to sever ties with the EU they voted to sever ties they voted to leave the EU the saddening thing is the very sad thing is the majority and majority of people didn't vote at all Oh Mars invade it's saying why is there no subtitles there's no subtitles because this is live I am talking to you right now right a second from London and there's no subtitles right now because I don't know what's coming out of my mouth so you'll have to wait if you view this in a couple of hours then there will be subtitles underneath but right now we're alive oh yeah okay so a majority of people didn't actually end up voting which is very sad because they could have made a huge difference but more than seventeen point four million Brits voted to sever ties with the EU so the nation was shocked or we could say stunned or you could say was in disbelief so we couldn't believe it we're in disbelief we were shocked we were stunned and the nation was plunged it plunged the financial market into turmoil plunged means to put in we normally use the word plunge with water so you plunge something into water or if the toilet is blocked it happens to everyone then you use a tool called a plunger to unblock it sometimes use a plunger on the sink - a plunger to plunge is that motion so it's suddenly pushed down plunged the financial market into term oil turmoil means chaos trouble unexpected unexpected trouble in turmoil okay the pound plummeted so our currency suddenly dropped in value it plummeted this means to go down very quickly plummeted to its lowest level since 1985 which was great for people who were buying things outside of the country so if you're American your dollar suddenly became much more valuable and then I put and the Prime Minister decided to resign you could also say step down you could also say quit so the Prime Minister this is all unexpected he didn't mean for this to happen it was a shock he hadn't expected it so he was like oh well this isn't very good I I better pack my bags I better call the taxi something in the UK that we say often when when things have gone badly or someone's embarrassed they might say taxi that means I need to go talk soup I'm calling a taxi I'm going to leave okay what's going on in the chat room guys please pronounce my name Johnny R janilla I mean I don't from pronouncing that right mmm I like listening to you thank you very much I'm glad you do Anna is the best teacher I've ever met here Thank You Vera that's very kind a plunger yes you spell that right Oh bless you oh I just received another super chat thank you so much and you're one of my patrons as well aren't you you're so supportive thank you so much if you would like the notes sent over to you then drop me a message to remind me you can maybe drop me a message on patreon or drop me an email with your email address and I'll send those notes to you as soon as we finish but thank you very much your super chat is much appreciated very kind I saw Cameron's daughter crying the day they left Downing Street yes it must have been a real shock for them because when the Prime Minister obviously resigned it was unexpected and then suddenly they had to move house they had to move out of 10 Downing Street to let the new Prime Minister move in so it must be very stressful okay Anna could you tell if could you tell if a brexit is more harder to get a visa for EU to the UK and Julia the grammar that sentences are quite right but what you're asking is because of brexit will it now be harder for someone in EU to come to UK is that what you mean I imagine so it will change a lot of things it will mean it's harder there'll be no more free travel between our countries between Europe and in England Britain and yeah you'll have to apply for visas I think same for us we won't be able to go to like France or Spain or Germany very easily we'll have to do visas and things and it will take longer in the airport there is an election on the 8th of June yes which could it could potentially if we voted for the right party it could turn brigs it around potentially I don't think it's going to happen but it could happen I like supporting what you do this is a wonderful project thank you very kind I do appreciate all the support I get from patrons from people who send me super chats this is my full-time job and it doesn't make much money but it's not about the money it's about helping you guys to learn English and so anyone who is willing to help me to help you that's very welcome so thank you so much you're helping everyone all right so where were we we're in where it's her moil we were in shock we were in horror we were in disbelief the Prime Minister has resigned as stepped down he now needs a successor a successor is the person who follows so David Cameron's successor here we are successor was Teresa main so Teresa may took over she was his successor the person who followed him into that role the successor and sadly we will be the first country to leave the EU block remember earlier I talked about the EU block the block is the group of countries that make up the EU the European Union we will be the first country to leave that block she's very sad hello Debian thank you for joining us it's very kind of you to be here alright we are going on to now why what were the arguments to leave the EU at yes we the EU and what were the arguments to remain so the arguments to leave the push to leave the EU was advocated some advocated means supported was and supported mostly supported mostly by the UK Independence Party you Kip when we looked at that before oh no wrong button so we have you Kip so the push for leaving the EU was mostly supported by you kit they argued that Britain's participation in the EU was limiting the country so they thought it was bad for us it was holding us back that we couldn't be a great country while we were attached to the EU the party's main arguments centered around so basically this means was about the arguments were about regaining border control so this is talking about immigration so they wanted control over the borders to stop migrants or immigrants and I think it was mainly to do with the refugee crisis that was happening at the time I think that caused a lot of concern for people over here and so that was a major push so regaining border control and reclaiming business rights in addition supporters of brexit cited said cited the high EU membership fees as a negative aspect of being in the EU so we have to pay a lot of money into into the EU to be a member and they said that if we were separate from the EU these fees could be used to benefit the UK now one of the biggest problems one of the biggest scandals of the leave campaign was a picture that they put on a bus and this one all over the UK and it talked about the fact that we spend what was it it said that we spend three three hundred and fifty million pounds a week three hundred fifty million pounds a week goes to the EU that could that could be and would be spent on the NHS the NHS is our National Health Service it's a free service everyone pays into it through taxes and then no one has to pay for anything when they need medical assistance you can go to the doctor you can have operations there's all sorts of help and it's an incredible service because it means anyone can get help if they need it doesn't matter if they're rich or poor so the NHS is a wonderful thing and a lot of people in Britain are very passionate about the NHS so the leaf campaign argued that if we leave the EU that would mean three hundred and fifty million pounds a week could now be spent on the NHS but what happened was we leave the EU and now that they were like oh no that's not true we can't spend three hundred and fifty million pounds a week now on the NHS so that was one of the scandals that was one of the scandals of the the campaign to leave okay so let's have a look at arguments for so arguments to remain the biggest supporters of the remain campaign were the Conservative Party in the prime minister they were strongly in favor of they believed in they were voting for they were in favor of remaining with the EU their argument was that the UK receives business benefits so we have lower lower trade taxes or lower fees on imports and exports so it was better for businesses it was cheaper for businesses for being able to participate participate means to take part in the single market system established by the EU they believe that the influx the influx means flow in and inward flow so the influx of Ermac immigrants helps develop an eager workforce workforces is just your employees and eager employees and if you don't know eager means to be keen to be to want to do it I'm eager I want to do it and it fuels public service projects so basically the Conservatives believed that immigration is good for the country lots of immigrants coming into the country helps to help the workforce helps to get a keen workforce people who want to work and it helps public service projects leaders in favor of staying also worried about the political backlash this is basically means the consequences what will the other countries say what will they do what what will be the backlash what will happen what are the consequences so they were worried about the backlash the political backlash that could possibly result from other countries who favored staying in the EU I think what that means is they were worried about if we leave the EU will other countries leave the EU will that mean the whole alliance will break apart if we leave the EU will Scotland who mostly voted to remain will they want to break apart from England will Northern Ireland want to break apart from us it could have this huge unknown consequence and in fact we still don't know what the consequences are the thing is brexit is not a quick thing it's happened it's done it's going to take two years so the article 50 article 50 was something that had to be triggered so it had to be triggered by the Prime Minister she had to trigger article 50 in order to actually officially start the process of leaving the EU so it wasn't official when the referendum happened it was official and the Prime Minister triggered article 50 once she triggered that which she did earlier this year then everything starts and so we are in process now but it's going to take two years so we're not going to see instant changes we have seen the value of the pound go down and so we've seen a change in the stock market and people are getting nervous it makes the markets nervous um but we don't know what's going to happen I know a lot of people have actually left the country so I don't know it's a worrying time there are lots I could have written what potentially the consequences were going to be but we don't know we don't know what the consequences will be you have to kind of see that through but it is worrying and I will tell you that I did not vote for Briggs it I didn't think it was a good idea but in truth I didn't I didn't know I don't know what will happen I think it's scarier to go into the unknown than to stay how we were so anyway let's have a look at some of your comments if you have any questions I will try my best to answer them let's keep it topical if you have fun it's helpful please do remember to give me a thumb you know how much I like those thumbs it would be luck can anyone see how many fun I've got actually it'd be nice to hit 300 thumbs women 300 thumbs on a Monday evening would be good good going let's see let's see if I can see how many thumbs we have 200 we have 204 204 thumbs 209 thumbs can we get it up can we get that up any foot 211 thumbs it's going up as I speak 16 or maybe we won't break 300 during this lesson but if you are here give me a farm give me a thumb and guys if you have found this helpful then please do and press the share button also share this with anyone who you think may be confused about the political vocabulary or the political situation here in the UK and yes they're still going up 222 to 24 I wonder if we can get it to 300 I think it's too far off to be honest but we'll see what are you guys saying if you're not yet a subscriber then please do subscribe as all I ask of anyone it's please if you're here and you're making use of these lessons I will keep going but I need your help I need your support and what you can do to help me is to press the subscribe button and here every day live so I'm here again tomorrow and I put a schedule of my all my live lessons this week on my Facebook page and on my Instagram page you'll find the links to those pages down in the description of this video so go and join me there and then you'll be able to you'll be able to find out exactly when I'm going live and hopefully join me again for my pronunciation classes and on Wednesday I'm doing a class all about cooking vocabulary and things that we say and so one of you asked me cut member who was if I would do a northern accent for you so right so this is me northern accent this is our sound when I'm doing proper Lancashire unlikely sure because I were born in a place called Southport and I was brought up in Manchester you might have heard of Manchester Manchester is where a van called Oasis comes from and it's where a place it's where Coronation Street is filmed Coronation Street is a soap opera like EastEnders but it's based in Manchester hopefully hopefully you're enjoying this so that's my northern accent for you thanks very much okay that's enough of that Anna I've just come back did you talk about the advantage did you talk about what the advantages would be for the UK if they left the EU and why do they want to leave I did Annamarie so you'll have to scroll back and have a look at that and hello if you're just joining me hi and Anna would you be able to tell me the difference between referendum and I don't know what I don't know what that word is Krishna I'm sorry I've never seen it before maybe look on Google and do not worry about brexit you can't control it what will be will be hope for the best hope for the best not hope for the better hope for the best yes I will and as ta go pointed out keep calm and carry on strong wit has been blocked oh dear what's happened there then I'll have a look into that for you strong wit I've got a couple of moderators here maybe they took something that you said the wrong way I'll have a look for you it's 222 a.m. in India gosh the you are up very late I hope I'm not keeping you awake your your lectures are very interesting thank you and thank you very much I'm glad you're enjoying it any more questions here guys staying away till 2:00 a.m. for this lesson was worth it thank you Tristan I'm glad you found it helpful I vote for you Anna is the only one I trust to teach me she's got a very high policy in YouTube I'll bless you thank you very much do you think the refugee issue in Europe might have influenced brexit yes I do I mean I'm not an expert at these things but I do think it had a big influence on on the on the brexit decision and how is the British economy going after that after brexit the British economy has struggled it has dropped and I think the full effect of brexit will not be seen fully for a few years yet but it doesn't it doesn't look good I don't know some people say is good some people say isn't good I don't know I don't feel very optimistic about the economy have I been there have I been where I sorry I missed your initial comment you're asking me have I been there but I'm not sure what you're talking about hello if you're just joining me if you're just joining me you've missed the entire lesson you need to go back and watch again from the beginning you are a singer yes I am I am singer what did you know that well we have 230 likes now 1770 thumbs off 300 never mind I'm sure we'll get to 300 by the end of the evening okay let me close that down Anna do you think you'll be able to make a video about meditation sure I mean I've not thought about covering that topic is it is meditation the full topic that I can cover you want me to talk about it or do you want me to lead a meditation is that what you're talking about I have done an ASMR video which is a relaxing listening video where I whisper a story to you and I'm about to release another ASMR video hopefully by the end of the week maybe the following week but there's lots more ASMR to come for you what do you think about Muslims and racism well I think racism is a terrible thing and I think the only way for the world to move forward is that we are all inclusive and accepting and respectful of everyone else's beliefs and what do I think of Muslims I have no qualms with anyone who has any belief in any religion I think as long as whatever you're doing is peaceful and respectful of everyone else then we can all live Polly in harmony sure yeah I don't think badly of anybody unless they're bad people who are doing bad things to other people but I don't think that has anything to do with someone's religious beliefs I did talk about religion a bit more in another video so if you want to learn more about different religions and go and check that video out - Preston hello I'm Alec and our students tough on about Paulo talk sorry Annamarie and our students talked about politics and political parties in British schools not enough I think there is a problem with a disengagement of youth in UK they are disengaged with politics I don't think it's um I don't think it's communicated to young people in the right way I think because they can't vote until they're 18 I think a lot of political parties don't bother to educate the younger ones because they're not going to vote they will have an effect on their party so there's not really too much emphasis on educating youth about politics um which is a shame and I think that needs to change why don't you wear a saree um I don't have a saree hi from Liverpool hi Matty how are you what do you think of CCTV I I think CCTV is a good thing if it catches people or all stops people from doing things they shouldn't be doing sometimes I don't like CCTV like if I make a mistake when I'm driving and then I get a fine because I made a mistake that was a genuine mistake and then I hate CCTV um big appreciation and love from Northampton thank you a FRA thank you very much um and would you do a video explaining the different uses of makeup and the specific vocabulary sure why not let me put that in my notes I can do a video on makeup oh my pen is run dry oh no use my other pen and then these live sessions are nothing short of wonderful thank you Bianca you're very kind and glad that you appreciate it I was really nervous today about doing this lesson but I think it's been helpful it certainly helped me to understand more about politics what do you think of the Russian president oh I don't know him personally um I I don't think it's very fair for for you to ask me very specific political questions like that because it would be it's very difficult for me to comment on things I don't know enough about for a start and also like I said earlier it's not very polite to ask questions about political views I am a very easygoing person and I believe in live and let live and that everyone should live in harmony and be happy I don't have any strong and I don't have any strong beliefs other than living in harmony and everyone being kind to each other if somebody is not kind to somebody else then I don't I don't think kindly of them but in all truth I don't know enough about the Russian President to make any comment about the Russian president I couldn't tell you anything about him so but be very careful I don't want I don't want to be don't be asteroids of political questions because you could get me into trouble and it could be awkward for me and brexit means the decline of the UK question mark who knows who knows it might ignite fiery discussion yes you're right and do you think Scouse is a bad no not at all and I'm technically well technically I was born in Southport so technically I'm from Merseyside and my granddad's a scouser I love scousers why would I think they were bad Anna have you been to Raziel or do you desire to visit it I have a Brazil yet but I do desire to visit visit it soon and I want to visit every country in the world I've visited a lot of countries but I haven't visited Brazil yet but I hopefully will one day and just a few more comments and I'm going to wrap up wrap up means close finish off Anna good words Thank You mihail and I'm grateful for your lesson today I thank you very much you're welcome Dave thank you for your vote of appreciation all right guys well I think that's a good place to leave it it's just got eight o'clock I have to go and train for my gymnastics competition yes I do gymnastics and I'm entering a very special competition in a few months and I've had a very bad ankle since I injured it a few weeks ago and today is my first day to go back and get back to training so keep your fingers crossed that I don't hurt myself anymore make sure you've given me a thumb you all know I like a thumb make sure you're subscribed and do check out the links in the description box to this video and particularly come and join me on instagram and on facebook where you'll see the schedule for this week's and live lessons so tomorrow's live lesson when am I going live tomorrow anyone got the schedule tomorrow I'll be live in the morning at 10:30 send all along to wait you've got the 10-minute pronunciation class at 10:30 tomorrow morning yes otherwise darlings have a fantastic evening sleep well if you're about to go to bed have a nice afternoon or have a good day depending on where you are in the world and hopefully I will see you at 10:30 tomorrow morning and and yes thank you for joining me take care lots of love from London good bye everyone bye
Channel: English Like A Native
Views: 59,507
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Learn English, English lesson, English like a native, Grammar, vocabulary, esl, english, English speaking, speak english, pronunciation, british accent, british pronunciation, british english pronunciation, accent, Sound english, Politics, British politics, brexit, what is brexit, european union, ukip, parliament, labour, learn english politics, eu referendum, theresa may, the tories, conservative, conservatives, tory, election, westminster, government, general election 2017, house of commons
Id: khy8N-t8vew
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 91min 21sec (5481 seconds)
Published: Mon May 15 2017
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