25 Phrasal Verbs You NEED TO KNOW | Most Common Phrasal Verbs | LIVE English Lesson

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good morning everyone welcome to this live lesson here from London with me and English on English like a native today we are looking at 25 of the most commonly used phrasal verbs I know we are in the middle of a series looking at the complete list of phrasal verbs but today I thought I'd do something a little different and make sure that we know the most commonly used ones so if you are learning English which I'm sure most of you are if you're watching this then these are phrasal verbs that you should be using all the time in your daily conversations so they are really important to know we have 25 of them so I'm going to go through them quite quickly but I still want you to practice putting them into sentences so when you see the phrasal verb that I'm covering please write a sentence using that phrasal verb and I will try my best to correct your sentences as we move through the lesson if you're not watching this live and still write your sentences in the comment section and if I get chance then I will correct you also if you're very advanced in English and you see other people's sentences then if you think you can help them to give them a little tips and hints then feel free to correct each other we're all here to learn together so let's have a look at that very first phrasal verb commonly used phrase a verb and it is the phrasal verb - let me just get it up on the screen for you come in come in to come in it's normally an offer I'm offering you - or ordering you even to come into a place to enter a place for example if I'm standing in my house you have come to my front door I might say to you come in it's freezing outside come in and get warm come in and get warm or in a different way then we could say are you coming in or are you heading straight off perhaps you've popped around and I want to know if you're going to come in for a cup of tea or maybe you're just dropping off a letter and you're going to go to work now so I'd say to you are you coming in or are you heading straight off that means are you going straight away are you leaving straight away or going in past tense I might say he came in around 10:00 p.m. which was earlier than I had expected as he was out celebrating with the boys in this scenario I'm imagining my husband has been out on a celebration with his male friends and I think he will be out till the early hours of the morning and I don't expect him before midnight but he came in around 10:00 p.m. which was earlier than I had expected as he was out celebrating with the boys so there we go that's a very easy one to come in so please now take this chance to write a sentence using come in very easy hello Vivian hello Julia and hello Peter those of you who have joined me in the Skype patron Skype room hello to you do feel free to write your messages in the Skype room and I will be sure to correct them for you right so let me just have a quick look at what you guys are saying over here hello Francesca Francesca says hi Anna please come in and have a piece of cake that I baked for you excellent lovely I would love to come in and have a piece of cake thank you very much um Imran says I came in library around 1:00 p.m. so if you're in the library already you can say I came in at 1:00 p.m. but if you're going to say the place you'd say I came in to the library at 1:00 p.m. I came into the library at 1:00 p.m. so just add to otherwise you could just say to your friends oh I came in at 1:00 p.m. okay I'm getting a yellow banner above my livestream which suggests perhaps that the stream is not performing very well I hope that you can all hear me and see me with no problems I can't see any issues but oh well I'll carry on regardless so Oh bless Julie has just dropped a super chat Thank You Julia of course you know all super chats are rewarded with a copy of these notes so just remind me and I'll send them over to you Enzo says came in and play for tonight mmm there's not enough information there I don't I can't correct that because it doesn't make complete sense a stunning lad ray hello says come on over to my place oh yes we're having a party okay Mohammed says I came in yesterday while they were sleeping good then we've got a great loads of people saying they can hear and see me fine alright so coming it's quite easy to use so let's move on patrons I will correct your sentences fully once we've moved on to the next one all right so drop in is the next one drop in is similar to come in but the difference is that it's more unplanned or unexpected so the example sentences I've given are you can't just drop in whenever you like you must warn me in future you can't just drop in whenever you like you must warn me in future so imagine you're in your home and you're having a lazy day you don't have to go to work today so you decide to wear your pajamas most of the morning perhaps you don't wear any pajamas shock horror and you're walking around in a dressing-gown and you're just enjoying the house to yourself and then suddenly there's a knock on the door who's that I'm not expecting any visitors this morning I'm not dressed I haven't done my hair I look at that I'm naked and so you open the door say hello and it's your friend or your family member and they're like hi I just thought I'd come and say hello I thought I'd drop in and say hello and you said I'm sorry you can't just drop in you need to warn me in future so it's to visit someone unexpectedly it's not always negative I've given a negative scenario in some cases it can be very positive if you drop in on your mum and she wasn't expecting it it might be a nice surprise here's another example Daniel dropped in yesterday for a cup of tea it was lovely to see him there we go that one's positive Daniel dropped in yesterday for a cup of tea it was lovely to see him and then I think I've got one more here yes I have I was thinking of dropping in at the office on my way to the airport I need to pick up a few bits I was thinking of dropping in at the office on my way to the airport I need to pick up a few bits okay so drop in obviously a little bit different to come in because it's unexpected whereas coming is more of an instruction or an invite so while you guys are writing your sentences let's have a look what my patrons are saying hello patrons hello good morning or good afternoon and Julia don't be shy please come in let's have a cup of coffee together lovely Julia please come in and have a cup of tea so we can have a lovely conversation at winter this last bit I would just question you'd say if it's during the winter time and you'd say in winter rather than at winter or during the winter but it's an odd thing to put on the end of this particular sentence because both of you would know the season so it's just a strange thing to say come in and have a cup of tea so that we can have a lovely conversation about winter perhaps you want to talk about the winter that would make more sense great thank you Peter okay so let's see if we have any example sentences in the YouTube chat room to scroll to the bottom here Oh Constantine thank you so much that's another super chance come through today very generous from you guys this morning constantine my email address is at the bottom of the description so those of you who have dropped a super chat please email me for a copy of the notes at the end of the session so francesca says some weeks ago i dropped in my parents place in italy and made an unexpected surprise to them what you'd say is some weeks ago I dropped in to my parents place or I dropped in on my parents in Italy and made an unexpected and surprised them you don't need to say made unexpected just say I dropped in on my parents in Italy and surprised them and that would work let's have a look for another one mum drops in when children are fighting yes you mum might drop in into the room to stop the children from fighting yes that's good Sandra bless you thank you good morning Sandra thank you for your super chat that's very very sweet of you any more any more here at last Monday it was my birthday and I had to work curiously enough all my friends dropped in with a great deal of presents well happy birthday for last Monday and I'm glad that you were spoiled rotten that's fantastic right let's move on to the next phrasal verb okay oh I'll just quickly do Julia's correction here and then I'll move on so Julia's just said oh gosh I wasn't expecting you I'm so glad to see you thanks for dropping in very good well done that's lovely Thank You Julia and good morning Alexander right so we've got drop-in now we're going on to drop off now drop off has two possible uses to drop off can mean very similar to nod off it can mean to fall asleep hopefully none of you are dropping off right now I don't want to put you to sleep not this early in the day or it could mean to deliver an item or a person to its destination okay so in the first instance to fall asleep here's my example sentence I sat down for a few minutes and instantly dropped off I sat down for a few minutes and instantly dropped off we've all had it haven't we we're we're so tired we just sit down for a moment it was think I'll just rest my eyes for two seconds I'm not sleeping just resting my eyes and then you drop off and your head literally drops and I think that's why we use the phrasal verb drop off okay or we use it and very commonly we use it to mean to deliver something or to deliver a person for example yesterday it was raining and my partner said please will you drop me off at the train station will you deliver me to my destination to the train station and so I did I dropped him off at the train station okay so let's have a look at the written examples so you can see it written down my father is dropping me off at the airport this afternoon or can you drop this off at the post office on your lunch break let's make this more clear can you drop this letter or parcel let's do a parcel can you drop this parcel off at the post office on your lunch break so I think that's pretty straightforward to fall asleep or to take something to its destination so so far we've had come in drop in hi surprise and now we've got drop-off or deliver drop-off so please give it a go and see what you can come up with Wow goodness me Peter thank you so much so many of you dropping super chats this morning that is very very generous Peter thank you in case you don't know super chats obviously are a way to donate towards the channel any donations do go towards helping me to continue to provide more and more and better lessons for you as well as helping me to cover things like internet and to buy new equipment when I need it so thank you so much you don't just help me you help everybody okay so I'm looking for some examples of the phrasal verb drop off and I've got ROG here says I used to drop off during my geography class yes we all have been there when you're in a class sometimes you like the class but you're just tired but most of the time it's because it's a boring class it makes you drop off make sure you have a little snooze Rohit says I would have dropped off if if won't have been watching your live lesson okay let's just correct this it should be I would have dropped off I would have dropped off if it wasn't Thor I would have dropped off if it wasn't for your live lesson that's a complicated sentence I would have dropped off if it wasn't for your live lesson oh okay that's a tough one and Peter says Peter dropped in and gave the channel and Easter soup chat thank you oh yes and happy Easter to any of those of you who celebrate the Easter holiday we've had the Easter weekend coming up in the UK we have four days off we have a four-day weekend we finished tomorrow everyone finishes work tomorrow has Friday off Saturday Sunday and Monday so it's a nice long extended weekend break for us and I do have a very very special treat for you guys on Easter Sunday a very special video coming just before midday so around 11:45 there's an extremely exciting announcement something that's going to make a big difference to this channel but it's a secret until Sunday okay so look out for that one my brother often drops off while driving I hope not oh gosh he needs to drink some coffee or something because that's very dangerous meet the taxi driver says Enzo drop me off here perfect yes you might say to a taxi driver just drop me off here I'm happy to get out here okay so let's have a quick look at my patrons and then we'll move on to the next phrasal verb you guys are doing really great well done so what we got vivianne I love I love it when my friends or family drop in at my house because I would never expect any people who might drop in and I love the element of surprise and spontaneous spontaneity spontaneous and spontaneity I guess I love the element of spontaneity oh that's a tough one I love it my friends our family dropping at my house because I would never expect any people who might drop in and I love the element of surprise and spontaneity yeah I think that's how you would correct that just changed that word I I would never dropped off during Ana's live English lesson and while watching your videos I would never drop off during Ana's live lesson and as iving lesson or so that needs to change - or or while watching your videos and this needs to change to drop off not dropped off and just make sure you put the R in there okay I would never drop off good I always drop off when I start to study says Jade oh well done make sure we have a full stop at the end of this sentence Jade would you mind dropping me off at the restaurant that is about 50 miles from my house so that I can grab a bite goodness that's the long way to ask for a drop off but good well done written in seven sentences written well Anna please could you help me with an English word imagine a snake oil salesman wants to sell some junk to me something I need okay I'll come back to this at the end of the lesson so I'm gonna stick to phrasal verbs now Alexandre but you know I'll always come back and help you at the end okay all right let's move straight on to the next phrasal verb so we have cut off now to cut off can be used in a number of ways we can use it to mean to remove a part using a sharp instrument like scissors so you cut something off with a knife or you cut something off with scissors for example if you're cooking you might cut off the fat if you have a broken nail that's still attached you might need to cut it off what else ok so another example is to be cut off is just to be stopping or interrupting the supply of something for example if you don't pay your electric bill the electric company might cut you off which means they will stop your supply of electricity so they will cut you off or it might be to just simply separate or end a connection so if you're on the phone and someone just puts down the other end someone hangs up unexpectedly they they've just cut you off you can also use to cut off in a very personal sense so if we are friends and we always talk on the phone and we always text each other and then suddenly we have an argument and I am not happy with you anymore you could say that anna has cut me off because I might stop answering your calls I might stop responding to your messages if I do that if I cut all contact so there's no connection between us at all I have cut you off ok sometimes we say it if your parents stopped giving you money so if your parents look after you and pay for everything but then you fall out with them or they just decide they're no longer going to pay for you you have to get a job and pay for yourself then you could say my parents have financially cut me off they've stopped the supply let's have a look at some written examples to make these clear so for others there's another one oh yes here so to interrupt someone when they're talking or to end a call unexpectedly so I've already talked about that one but to interrupt someone if we're in a conversation and you don't allow me to finish what I'm saying you you talk over me and stop me from saying my my sentence then you you cut me off so in terms of using scissors or a knife to remove something that the example is the hairdresser cut all of all my hair off the hairdresser cut all my hair off in terms of what was be to stop or interrupt the supply of something I've put imagine we're in a hospital the blood supply to the arm was cut off for a few minutes during the operation and see to separate or end a connection I've used a phone a phone company as you haven't paid your telephone bill we will be cutting you off at the end of the month and finally when I said about interrupting someone talking I don't like talking to Gerard he literally cuts me off every time I try to make a point okay so there's a lot to remember there a lot to remember just go back to those points for you okay so I'd like at least one example sentence from you using one of those you don't have to do all of them but using one of those okay so let me just see how you guys are going on I phoned up the Samaritans and they cut me off I'm obviously the sentence is perfect but I hope that's not true the Samaritans for those who don't know is a charity so if you phone up the Samaritans it's because you need help you need advice and I hope they would never cut anybody off unless you're being a nuisance of course and you're not actually phoning for help you're just trying to waste their time I cut off my child with neighbors I would say in that scenario this is um bars and bar an I cut my child off from the neighbors probably is how I'd write that it it'd be better to cut off your piece of bread with poor people it'll be better so here piece you've used the wrong version of the word piece you've used piece like war and peace and peace in this sense a piece of bread should be spelt with an i' okay so you just need the different spelling and I put it would be better to give the poor people a piece of bread or a piece of your bread and one more from here and I will then move on to my patrons my wife always cuts off Internet when she when Cu my wife always cuts off the internet so use that my wife always cuts off the internet when she sees you okay so there's two little Corrections okay let's move to my patrons and then we'll move on to the next phrasal verb because we have lots to do Julia can you please stop cutting me off while I'm talking I'm trying to explain what matters to you good well done Vivian if you fail to pay your your catered meals you would be cutted off from the ability to access breakfast lunch and dinner that are served at the cafeteria if you pay if you fail to pay for your meals I wouldn't put Kate it I just put your meals if you failed and you don't need past-tense either just fail if you fail to pay for your meals you will be cut off you will be cut off and will not be able to access lunch breakfast lunch or dinner okay whenever I got into an argument with a person on the phone I would whenever I got into an argument put because you're using past tense here I got into you need to use past tense here as well whenever I got into an argument with a person on the phone I would always cut the person off you don't need on the phone because we already know you're on the phone so I would cut the person off to show my point and how angry am i would always cut the person off to show how angry I am okay so a few adjustments there right let's have a look at the next one oh wow goodness me lots of super chats coming through this morning you guys are terribly generous and I do appreciate it I'm not sure how to say your name you'll have to tell me how to pronounce your name it looks very unusual to me I'm not used to I think is it polish I think so if you give me a hint on how to say it that will be helped but helpful but thank you so much for your super chat that's very kind okay let's move on so I think the next phrasal verb is to come across to come across you come across something you either discover it so you might say oh I came across this today so I discovered this today I found this by chance it's not something you're looking for specifically you just find it or to come across could mean how you appear to other people or what impression you make on other people so I could say to you guys how do you come across at work how'd you come across to your colleagues are you quite smart are you kind are you patient how do you come across do you know how you come across I would hope that I come across as as patient and helpful and happy smiley it may not be how I am in real life it generally is sometimes I'm not smiley but I I think I am I come across in the same way that I am in real life but to come across is just how you impress upon people what do people think of you let's have a look at the example sentences that will help in this in this scenario so first of all to discover something while I was moving the boxes from the Attic and the Attic is the room in the room so any space you have in the roof of a house it's called the attic Oh what am i doing while I was moving all the boxes from the Attic I came across these old photos it's wonderful isn't it when you find old photographs when you come across old photos it's like wow I forgot I'd even taken these photos or how do people see you how do you appear to other people you came across as a cold ruthless woman but now that I have spent some time with you I know that is not true you came across as the cold ruthless woman but now that I've spent some time with you I know that is not true you're a nice person really you just come across in a bad way hmm okay so I'll let you guys have a go at using this phrasal verb but um I'm gonna move straight on to the next one and the next one is an easy one it's to fill up I'm sure you know this one it's to make something full so to put things inside something until it is full here's an example we always talk about filling up the car so if you whether you have diesel or petrol whatever you put into your car will generally say I need to fill up I need to fill up what do you need petrol money for I filled the car up a few days ago what do you need petrol money for I filled the car up a few days ago we can also use full up to describe ourselves our stomachs so I might say I can't eat another mouthful I am completely full up okay or you could say can you please fill up the empty boxes before putting them in storage can you please fill up the empty boxes before putting them in storage okay so that's a nice easy one isn't it alright let's have a look at what you guys are saying your examples dead today okay when I come across your channel my life changed so because you're saying changed that's in the past tense we're talking in the past because you discovered my channel before so you'd say when I came across your channel so you use it in the past tense and that would be perfect when I came across your channel my life changed says oma if that's true wonderful thank you so much [Music] whenever I go on holidays you don't need to use s-say whenever I go on holiday okay whenever I go on holiday I come across my friend John what it gets what it gets on my nerves because he ends cutting me off so you say whenever I go on holiday I come across my friend John but it gets on my nerves because he he ends up cutting me off he ends up cutting me off see just missing a little word there okay let's have a look for phillup examples can you please fill up this form now technically you can say fill up this form I have seen examples of that but it feels very weird to a native for you to say fill up a form it's we always use the phrase of a fill out when we're talking about paperwork fill out this form just for fill in so we have fill out or fill in for the paperwork fill out this form fill in this form but we I have never heard I have seen it written in some examples on dictionaries and things but I've never heard anyone say fill up a form okay so just bear that one in mind so stunning lad has said I came across someone yesterday so I discovered someone yesterday who came across who gave the impression as being very nice but she had a violent temper really nice so stunning lad has used both versions of come across they're really nice great okay I'm gonna jump to my patrons and then we'll move on so what if we got here hmm I'm so glad that I have come across to Ana's YouTube channel because it helps me tremendously on my journey of learning English now this sentence works what you've done here is you've used a slightly different version of come across because you've said come across too it means kind of to physically move from one place to another I've come across to this place from another place so it still works because it's like you've moved from one channel to another but what you mean is since you've discovered my channel so let's lose too and that would change the meaning I'm so glad that I have come across Ana's I'm so glad that I came across Anna's YouTube channel because it happened in the past you discovered in the past because it helps me tremendously on my journey of learning English and then that works I tend to be positive and optimistic that's how I come across to others opinion Julia lose this you just say that's how I that's how I come across to others and then full stop we don't need opinion it doesn't work I came across all Vivienne if you put space whenever you have any punctuation like this a number and a dart or a number in a closed bracket put a space before you start some writing I came across all of the photos that I have taken with people that I value the most and my diary that records my childhood my diary that recorded my childhood very nice I always come across as a person who would do anything no matter what in order to achieve my goals good full stop during an interview I hope the interviewer would come across me as a kind during an interview I hope that the ins so you want to come across the interviewer so again this doesn't quite make sense I hope that I would come across to the interviewer I hope that I would come across to the interviewer as a kind intelligent and valuable student that they would like to have in their university and Julia I'm filled up with everything I've just eaten we'd say full up I'm full up I'm full up or I filled up on cakes or I filled up on breakfast but you'd say I'm full up with everything I've just eaten I think okay let's move on so the next phrasal verb and we're going to get to a point where I haven't written the example sentences because I didn't finish the notes this morning I thought I'd do it live with you so get up to get up you should know this one it's simply to rise up from a seated or lying position we often use this when talking about getting out of bed in the morning are you good at getting up I am I'm actually good at getting up in the morning but here I've written I couldn't get the kids up on time this morning I couldn't get the kids up on time this morning they were lazy and staying in bed or she said she felt dizzy when she got up from her chair and then she fainted so this one is so easy it's so easy I'm going to move on now the next one I all I haven't given examples here so this is where I need to start writing so to give up to give up is to stop trying to achieve something if you stop trying to achieve something then you have given up so I might say something like English is so hard to learn but I am never going to give one let me put in capitals to give up English is so hard to learn but I am never going to give up okay I think that one is relatively easy have you ever given something up maybe it's something that you advise something that you shouldn't have been doing have you given up smoking have you given up drinking have you given up dating people that aren't right for you have you given up chocolate have any of you been doing Lent if you've been doing Lent then you would have given something up for Lent and Easter will be the celebration of the end of that period I think I don't have any vices really I eat too much chocolate probably but not that much so I can't really say I've given anything up I've given up working every single day of the week that's something I gave up this year because last year I was working seven days a week and it was making me very tired so I've given up doing that so that's probably a bad habit okay what if we've got anastasiya said I overslept and I got up two hours after I had planned good that works I am not give up my cricket match says Bharat you would say I'm not giving up I'm not giving up on my cricket match I'm not giving up on my cricket match I should give up the negative thinking says Adnan yes definitely give up negative thinking of us definitely something people should do everyone should do that I won't give up reading perfect I gave up smoking 20 years ago says IVA perfect never give up says something lad never give up good right let's have a quick look at patrons and then we'll move on dad dad dad by the way if you guys are finding this helpful please do help me out by giving me a thumb all of your thumbs help to let YouTube know that this video is useful and then YouTube show it a little bit more to more people that are searching for English lessons so you can really help me by giving me a thumb up okay so oh no I've jumped back to the notes let me get on the patrons for you I would always tried to get up early in the morning I would always try this should be in the infinitive I would always try to get up early in the morning in order to have a productive morning instead of sleeping in on my bed good whenever you come across a Avvo situation remember - Oh a tough tough no H for that one tough whenever you come across a tough situation remember to never give up and never give in perfect to give in is another phrasal verb which means to surrender to surrender so don't surrender don't give up don't stop trying and don't surrender remember Vivian put a space here for me I would never give up give up whenever I failed or encountered obstacles in my life and also after full starts please put spaces as well I came across as a person who viewed failure and obstacles as an opportunity to succeed very good the only thing I think I will give up is the negative thoughts such as I will never be as good as my friends that are haunting me good good and good thinking there as well right let's get back to those notes let's not give up grow up nice and easy to grow up is to to age or to get bigger and normally people say what do you want to be when you grow up we have this question a lot especially when we're little what do you want to be when you grow up so when I was little I used to say when I grew up I want to be a doctor because I really wanted to be a doctor I wanted to be a paramedic so I wanted to work in an ambulance and go and help people when they'd had you know an accident or when they were very very sick at home I wanted to help people but being a doctor requires an awful lot of study and and I wasn't able to I wasn't able to cut it unfortunately okay sounds easy to go out to go out is to leave a building or to leave a place that you're currently in so I might say to my mom is is dad it's dad going out tonight is dad going out tonight mom or I might say I really want to go out I really want to go out later but it's raining it's what we normally say here in England or if we're talking in the past go turns to went you should might say we all went out at the weekend and had so much fun okay so just remember go going went or sorry you could also yeah okay so I might be confusing you here we could say gone I might say is somebody in and you might say I'm sorry she has gone out I'm sorry she's gone out okay right so go out I think we should try putting that one into practice because there's obviously a few different versions that we could use what would we have here Peter we're going out for drinks after work do you want to come lovely yes well done and yes I'd love to come for drinks thank you very much my parents constantly asked me what is my plan when I grew up and my parents constantly asked me what was in the past tense what was my plan and when I grew up what will you do when you grow up I will when I grow up I want to be an astronaut okay Vivian I would love to go out with my friends to a pub please put spaces after the punctuation mark unfortunately I couldn't go out with my friends because my exam is just around the corner good good that works well just make sure you're putting the spaces around the punctuation in the right way all right let's have a quick look let me show you my face again hello guys hi lots of you are sticking with me this morning that's fantastic and Chris this is a live lesson in case you're confused we are live okay great so stunning Ladd is also an English teacher and if you have any burning questions and I'm sure he'll be happy to help he really does know the ins and outs of grammar much more than I do so so while we've got him here maybe he can help you if you have a burning question sorry I hope I've not put you on the spot there stunning lads and but it is always really helpful to have and other English teachers in the session with me Daniel says hi teacher hi this is Daniel from Mozambique hi when I grow up I want to be an English teacher fantastic really nice sentence make sure you use capital letters after you've used a full-stop the next sentence starts with a capital letter okay stunning loud wished he was Peter Pan so it could be a boy forever and fly oh yes that would have been amazing okay good let's move on I don't want to keep you all morning should we've all got lots to be getting on with so after go out we've got go ahead and to go ahead just means to continue to continue so I might say it's like giving permission sometimes for example I might say I am too busy to join you right now but please go ahead without me so imagine that you've invited me to come on a shopping trip with you and I might say I'm too busy to join you right now but please go ahead without me let me just capitalize these for you so they stand out please go ahead without me yeah that's pretty much it it's just it just means continue carry on carry on without me nice and easy you go ahead okay so oh go ahead could also mean to go in front as well let's put this in to go in front that one's an a so I might say I I might say your dad I'm always talking about mom and dad at the moment your dad is taking his your dad is taking his time so you go or your dad your dad doesn't your dad or your dad can't walk very fast your dad can't walk very fast so you go ahead it just means you go in front okay so next we have hang on hang on now hang on we use this all the time to mean wait so I might just say to you hey hang on wait there just one moment or I could use it on the phone you might ask me a question I might say Oh hang on I'll find out for you and then I'll go and find out come back to you say sorry to keep you waiting so hang on just means wait and we use it all the time it feels more polite than saying wait if I just say ah wait that's more it seems more demanding somehow so if I say hang on it just is like a little polite way to say please wait okay so nice and easy hang on but it could also mean to continue hanging for a moment now I add that I added this on as an afterthought imagine your imagine you're climbing with ropes and you are having trouble you're halfway up the wall and so you're hanging you're holding on you're hanging on the wall and if I say to you hang on as in I mean don't let go I should write that really shouldn't I mmm no it's fine I'm sure you'll understand so a wait a moment I will find out for you please hang on you do that in capitals please hang on or to continue hanging I might say don't let go hang on and I will come to your rescue there we go nice and easy right I'm gonna carry on I'm not going to hang on I'm going to carry on and the next one is to hold on very similar to hang on what's happening here very similar to hang on it can mean wait so I could just say to you hey hold on hold on a minute or I might say on the phone please could you hold on for just one moment while I find out so we use it in exactly the same way but we could also say hold on to something like I might say hold on to the banister while you walk down the stairs it's very still and I don't want you to fall so let's putting some examples don't capitalize there we go please see how I put a space here after the full stop you must put a space please hold on for a moment and I will let your student now I will let your teacher know that you have arrived I've done it again I always forget to capitalize I only capitalize to show you where the phrasal verb is you would never normally capitalize like this by the way just in case you're getting confused be - hold on for some full security I might say hold on to my hand as we cross the road please hold on to my hand as we cross the road please you would definitely say that to a child if you don't if you don't trust them to walk by your side while crossing a road right it's time to give you my face once again hello hi did you miss me okay so let's have a look lots of questions and examples coming through here I have to tell you something very important and then someone might answer okay go ahead very good EPOC oh good example go ahead about five minutes and there you'll find it yeah that works I understand that that works do you like using phrasal verbs often says Thomas it's not about liking it's it's we we use it it's the function we use phrasal verbs all the time without even realizing it which is why it's important for you guys to know them okay let me skip down a little bit hang on a minute I'm getting my purse the drawing-room then we can go to the market very good very good not many people have a drawing room these days a drawing room is related to very stately homes posh homes or palaces not many people have a big enough house to have a drawing room these days but good sentence then let me look for some example sentences okay hang on the hold on I think are the same meaning yes like I said they can both mean weight but they also can have different meanings as well depending on the situation just so you know if I haven't answered your question I'm not ignoring you let's just you can see there's lots of comments coming through okay what's the difference between hyung aren't hang on and hold on hopefully that's been explained with the second use of both of those two hold on is to just steady yourself but to hang how to hang on is to literally be hanging so you might be holding on to something with your arms only that is to hang you hang on but both of them can mean to wait I hope that's clear okay I'm gonna move on because we've already been here for nearly an hour and I really don't mean to take up too much of your time all right so login and logout I'm sure you're all familiar with these particular phrasal verbs you login you enter an online area so you log into your email as you log into your personal account you log into your bank account you might say I can't log in log into my emails and I don't know why it's very frustrating isn't it I might put I might log into I can't look into my emails and I don't know why or you might put please oh it's gone bold please remember to log out at the end of class please remember to log out at the end of class and let's make that not bold but it's Halleck lovely okay really really easy I'm gonna jump over to the patrons now hi patrons okay I'm gonna do some of these last ones here because we are running quite slow on time please hang on for a second before we get serious in our relationship we need to talk good very nice whenever I encounter difficulty in my life I would always hang on and have the faith that my family would assist me very good please hold on for a second while I inform mr. Chung of your arrival so that the conference can begin perfect very good all right let's continue so the next one is lookout if I'm saying to you lookout that I might be suggesting that you need to be careful now this could be something that you say very quickly when danger is imminent so for example if I'm playing squash sometimes I'm not watching the ball very well and or someone might be coming to hit me by accident and someone else sees it happening they might go look out so they're saying be aware danger danger so look out kameen be careful be aware I could also use lookout to mean be observant watch for something so I might say I've lost one of my earrings could you look out for it so I've lost an earring could you be aware and keep your eyes open and if you see it then you'll know it's mine so be more observant okay let's do some example sentences here with that so like I said I might say the the oven is about to explode like my oven did not so long ago you might have seen the pictures on Instagram look out the oven is about to explode look out or I need to put the letters in don't I be my papa ba ba ba my little brother is arriving today could you look out for him arriving and give me a shout when he does there we go and what didn't I do I didn't do capital letters for you I'm still here and then we can move on to the next one which is very easy pay for pay for so to pay for something is to give money in return for goods or services so I might say please let me pay for and I'd need to put in capitals pay for dinner I could say he he treated me and didn't let me pay for anything he treated me and didn't let me pay for anything lucky lucky lady okay so we've had pay for and we've had look out nice and easy I believe let's have a look how you guys are getting on with that look out there are dangerous mushrooms good is look out the same as be wary yes yes it's like be aware be wary he shouted to me to look out because of the dog good adnan don't use don't use abuse words you pay for this don't use abusive words you'll pay for it so you can use and you can use you can say you'll pay for that as a kind of warning to mean that someone will have to pay the consequences and that's I think that's the way you're trying to use it isn't it say if you do something bad you'll pay for it not necessarily in cash you might pay for it by getting into trouble or or by having to do something else sign in and sign up what is the difference that's a good question 301 English if you sign up for something it means you register so you only sign up once you sign up at the beginning and then you sign in to register your presence to access your account so for example I might sign up for a gmail account so I give my details I create my email account and then when I want to access my emails every day I sign in to my account so I sign up at the beginning and then I sign in every day does that make sense ok so yes there's a very big difference between sign up and sign in okay so I'm gonna move on and then I'll come back to my patrons in a little while okay so pay for we've done put down very easy to put down is to play something that you're holding down so if you have something in your hands and you don't want to hold it anymore you put it down now I'm going to add another one here actually I'm going to add unfortunately if an animal is unwell then you put it down if it's very unwell and you can't make it better it means to I don't know how to spell this and to write this to put an animal to death to put an animal to death due to illness normally not always sometimes it's because they are dangerous I'd put usually usually due to illness so you put an animal down so a you might have your hands full I might say this is a very heavy could I put it down for a moment or if we're talking about putting an animal to death I could say I'm afraid your dog is too sick to operate on so we must put put him down oh it's very sad it's very very sad I just put this in capitals for you so put down nice and easy oh I've just remembered another alternative to offer that actually it's more slangy but sometimes if people say if people say something rude to you that make that belittled you that makes you seem that makes you seem silly or stupid then that's called a put-down they are putting you down so if I say if I say to you my students or say I'm teaching one of you independently and you say how am i doing teacher what do you think and I say you're rubbish you're never going to improve I am putting down I'm saying bad things that are detrimental to you they're not going to help you they make you feel bad they make you look bad to other people it's not nice it's a put-down so put-downs using it like a noun a put-down is a slang term I believe but if I'm putting you down we do use that a lot to put someone down I should add that to the list really yes I put down is not nice that's right so I put down in that respect it's not nice I will add that to the list later on but let's let's move forward so then we have let me see how many more we've got not many more not many more one two three four five six seven got seven more so hopefully you guys will stick with me a little longer I'll go through as quickly as I can okay so the next one I have is put on to put something on is to wear it so I might say to you let's do a put your coat on it's freezing it's freezing outside put your coat on it's freezing outside or put down sorry put on can also mean to pretend so I might say to you stop putting here we go CAPITAL LETTERS ana stop putting on that silly voice speak normally so when you're putting something on you're doing something that's not true it's not natural a child might come in and go oh I hurt my hand I need some medicine and you're like you're not really crying you're putting it on stop putting it on okay so that's quite easy there pretending stop putting it on stop pretending but like in the example I said stop putting on that voice so imagine I'm talking like hello everybody I'm putting on a silly voice and you could say that voice isn't Anna's voice that's put on she's put that voice on it's not not really hers it's like I'm wearing it pretending okay so all right let's move on I'm just reading some of your comments there but I'll move on and then we'll come back to the comments in bulk at the end the next one is to turn on now turn on can mean to give power so you could simply say I've done it again turn on the lights and computer please or you could say turn on to means stimulate so ordinarily this is used in a sexual way but it could be used in another way as well it doesn't always have to be sexual it could just mean that something stimulates you I would be careful using it but you could say ah it really turns me on it really stimulates me it gets me going but ordinarily I would just use it when we're discussing things of a sexual nature so you could say his accent really turned on so it really stimulated her okay and then in the exact opposite we have turn off so at the end of the day when you're leaving the building you'd say remember to turn off the lights and you could say in terms of stimulation his his laugh really turns me off so imagining that there's a chap who is you really really fancy stimulates you and his accent is beautiful and he makes you think oh I really fancy him it turns me on when he talks but then when he laughs he laughs like donkey maybe he laughs like that I don't know and you don't like it you could say Oh his laugh really turns me off or you could say it's such a turn-off when he laughs okay all right um we're getting close okay four more before the end let me tell a quick look at your comments now I come first to my patrons my lovely patrons what's going on over here gosh okay lots I probably won't read all of these alive now double-check them afterwards hi I if you forget if you forget your password while logging in logging in to your account you can choose the sentence forgot your password next to the rest of your password okay I'll come back to that later we have a little move through I try to put my smart phone down good a try fought and fought smart phone down whenever I am having a conversation with people good and that's a really good habit to get into Peter also put down in a negative way yeah that's what we covered thank you you were ahead of me there you should never use harsh spell with an H at the end harsh words to put someone down good Vivian I yes you corrected it there well done yes good I would like to put on good the dress that I bought from Korea from my for my upcoming prom good full stop at the end I do not appreciate people who put on different attitudes when they meet people good a good book really turns me on excellent see if there Peter was used in a non-sexual way he's just said a good book is stimulating excellent thank you Peter please turn off your computer before going to bed excellent well done alrighty gosh lots of you are very active today this is excellent I thought this morning it would be quite quiet but it seems that lots of you are joining in which is fantastic she Hebb says please could you turn off the radio before you leave good turn up the telly please says Daniel good and telly is short for television so turn it up turn up the volume we haven't done that one yet we're coming onto that one now you've already skipped ahead but these are easy I imagine for most of you please let me know if any of these are new for you actually I do hope that I'm not just covering stuff you already know I wouldn't want to be boring you to tears put on that bunny onesie it really turns me on says ROG good you've used both versions of Y you've used put on and you've used turn me on so you've used 2 phrasal verbs in one sentence excellent ok let's go on to the the last four phrasal verbs and just fully do I'd say if you aren't already subscribed my subscriber count' has improved but still around 70% of you are not subscribed you watch but you don't subscribe and it really hurts my channel so please if you do watch regularly click subscribe and help me out and also click the bell notification button so you don't miss out on future lessons so the next one we have really easy is turn-up so increase the volume or sometimes you turn up the brightness I'm gonna put this in brackets because actually there's other things you could turn up so it just means to increase brightness etc and so I might say please turn capital letters honor the turn up the I'm gonna use your example Daniel turn up the telly I can't hear it and then we have turnaround which is to change direction you might remember the song turn around every now and then do you know that one total eclipse of the heart it is and they repeat the phrasal verb turn around quite a lot so I might say to you I need to put on my new jeans could you please turn around so that I can have a moment of privacy so I need to get changed there's nowhere to change privately I don't want you to see me taking off my trousers so I say I need to put on there's a phrasal verb my new jeans could you please turn around so that I can have a moment of privacy thank you then we have warm up now warm up has two options warm up generally means to get warm usually we use it after you being cold so I'd say to you come in warm up it's freezing outside I think that was the very first example that we had turn up the heating I need to warm up because I'm cold or I could say or I could say we need to warm up the house turn up the heating we need to warm up the house because we have guests and we don't want our guests to be cold or warm up is the phrase that we use when we're talking about preparing for exercise or for performance so if I'm about to do a singing performance if I'm going to do a gig or a concert I need to warm up my voice I need to do a vocal warmup or if I'm an athlete and I'm about to run in a competition then I'll need to warm up my body or if I'm just going to go to the gym to do some exercise then I should always start with a warm-up it is very important important to warm up properly before before exercising X sizing there we go okay and then the very last phrasal verb and just before I come on to this last one cuz I know a lot of you will then ditch me and leave me before I've completed the lesson please do make sure you press that thumb button that will really help lots of likes give YouTube all the right signals the last one is work outs now workout can mean to figure something out or begin to understand it I worked it out or it can mean an exercise session so you go to the gym for a workout so let's go through this one we have to figure something out I need to work out how to get my wardrobe to my new flat so maybe I don't have a van and I don't have anyone who can help me so I need to figure out I need to begin to understand how I'm going to solve this problem I need to work it out or I could say oh what's this see I don't need to see what are you there for I might say I had a great workout this morning at the gym now I feel muscular and wonderful fabulous so let's just recap those 25 phrase the verbs workout warmup turn around turn up turn off turn on put on put down and I need to add to that don't I pay for lookout login and log out hold on hang on go ahead go out grow up give up which I hope we never do get up fill up come across cut off drop off drop in come in so there we go so guys if any of those phrasal verbs are new please do write them in the comments so that I can see which ones were a surprise to you it's really good to know these things are helpful I'll spend a few minutes doing some more corrections and then I will end the session patrons if there are any that I've missed on yours please do just highlight them let me know and I'll make sure I stay with you for a little longer as well if you would like to become a patron and be featured in the Skype chat room where you get lots of extra attention patrons are also able to privately message me and they get access to a number of Dropbox files where they get access to lesson notes to audio files to all my ebooks some patrons even get Skype calls each month it depends on their level of donation but if you are interested in being involved on a more regular basis with this channel then do consider becoming a patron I have about 40 active patrons at the moment so every patron helps even if it's a small donation it really does help but the link is in the description box below I would also say if you're really keen to improve your listening skills to increase your English vocabulary then my hot tip for today is audiobooks I've mentioned it before but not for a while audiobooks are really helpful you stick your earphones in and you can listen to audio books while you're exercising while you're commuting while you're doing your mundane chores like cleaning and it's just a really great way to start really taking on a language now there is a 30-day free trial with Amazon you sign up you download some audiobooks try and get ones read by Stephen Fry he's fantastic very beautiful accent rich vocabulary listen to him and then at the end of the 30 days if you don't want to continue the trial you don't want to pay for it that's absolutely fine you cancel the subscription so that you don't pay a penny I always think making the most of these trials is really really helpful I use audible I'm a subscriber I love using it and I think it's great for any language learners as well so that's my top tip for the day otherwise make sure you're following me on Instagram I've been showing you the link all the way through on Instagram I'm doing regular pronunciation practice to help you with your speaking okay cool so I'm going to do a quick couple of Corrections and then I will let you get on with your day because it's nearly lunchtime here so do I'm scrolling back see if I can find some warm up is must before exercising so you say Walmart is a must it's a must we always add an app to it to make it a real now and it's a must it's a must do warm warm ups and I would say you know that warm-up is a must or warm ups with an S plural e warm ups are a must before exercising that's what I would write warmup very important to all these people who are going to the gym change it to warming up is very important warming up is very important luke says give up guys Chinese is the future I mean sure sure but I'm I'm saying don't give up don't give up I don't speak Chinese I say a few words in Chinese but don't leave me I would be lonely without you warm up the room before starting to warm up for singing yeah you could say warm up the room before starting your singing warm up so I look some more what's the difference between warm up and limber up limber up is definitely more about physically warming up your body so I wouldn't say limber up when I'm talking about my voice I wouldn't limber up my voice and I wouldn't say limber up the room in terms of heat I would only say let's limber up in terms of my body so you can use it in the same way when talking about getting warm for exercise but that's the only time okay so it's just more specific to one thing Anna turn up can also be as drop in or come across I mean appear without being expected yes if you turn up at someone's house it's like it can be like dropping in but it doesn't necessarily denote that it's unexpected because you could turn up when you are supposed to turn up you are expected if I say she turned up unexpectedly then that's like dropping in dropping in is very much more an unplanned thing and to come across is about like moving location if you're going to do it in that way it's about moving location she came across the street to my house okay all right guys um thank you very much all of you are being very very sweet um okay Sarah has said pull strings what does this mean do you use it yes I used it yesterday to pull strings is to use the people that you know or you know mostly it's the connections that you have to your advantage so I was having a conversation with someone yesterday who needed to get a visa for going on holiday but they would miss the deadline and it means that their holiday might have to be cancelled because they didn't have their visa in time but they know someone who works in the office that provides visas so they pulled a few strings they used the connections to their advantage okay okay all right guys I don't want to drag to a really long Q&A session because it's not fun for people who are watching when it's pre-recorded thank you to everyone who provided the super chats you guys were super generous this morning and it's a lovely surprise thank you like I said if you have given a super chat please send me an email and I will give you a copy of the notes patrons a copy of these notes will go into the patron drop box as always it'll be a few minutes before I get it prepared properly and then it'll be in your folder for you to enjoy I hope everyone has an amazing Easter don't forget I've got that huge announcement coming on Sunday you really don't want to miss out on this one it's a big announcement and it's gonna make a huge difference to all of us so please look out for that the video will be released around 11:45 on Sunday and so keep keep waiting for that one to come through and I hope you have a fabulous time thank you so much and whatever time of day it is with you have a lovely morning have a lovely afternoon a lovely evening take care lots of love [Music] you
Channel: English Like A Native
Views: 186,547
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Learn English, English lesson, English like a native, Anna English, british english, english lesson, Live english lesson, vocabulary lesson, english vocabulary, english vocabulary lesson, phrasal verbs, phrasal verbs common, common phrasal verbs in english, common phrasal verbs in spoken english, 25 most common phrasal verbs, learn english, learn phrasal verbs, common english phrases, english words you need to know, Most Common Phrasal Verbs
Id: 453F0WnzL_M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 83min 35sec (5015 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 29 2018
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