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we hello oh gosh I've had so many problems trying to get online to see you today it seems to be never-ending technical issues I think what I need is a technical person who can help to set me up each time today I had problems with the camera and then I have problems getting going and then I have problems with the network ah but I'm here now please let me know that you can see me and that you can hear me is this streaming in 480p do we think is this okay for you guys is the quality all right is everything good yes I know it's very stressful trying to set this stuff up you know very stressful indeed but it's alright we're going to keep calm and carry on keep calm and carry on great okay so hello you're saying the quality of the video is great we can see you wonderful good hello everyone it's lovely to see you for those of you who don't know me my name is Anna this is English like a native and I am here today to help you to learn some new vocabulary perhaps maybe we'll learn stuff together that we didn't already know and also I'm here to help you with your pronunciation although this is an interesting topic because there's lots of words but I am not familiar with because of course today we are talking about religion okay so before we start a few ground rules firstly and be aware that we have a number of moderators in the room and any unpleasant comments will not only be removed but you will be blocked from the entire channel which you know if you're a hitter learn English and you enjoy what I do then you don't want that so no inappropriate comments also we are here to learn English this is not a lesson about which religion is the true religion which religion is better than the other this is not about preaching it's not about converting it's not about teaching specific religions it's about the language so it's about learning which words are associated with language how to pronounce those words in English just in case you need them for an occasion when the topic of religion comes up and as there are many people around the world and on a daily basis in the news the topic of religion comes up with many people and within the news then I think it's important for you to know the things that we're going to discuss I'm also going to talk a little bit about religion in the UK and and we're also going to cover some God based idioms and phrases that we use here in the UK so so bear that in mind is an English language lesson so anyone who is here you must be respectful and open-minded so no preaching no talking about which religion is best or anything like that in the comments because we don't want to upset offend or try to manipulate anyone in any way all friendly open-minded and accepting here as I know most of us will be okay so if you're not already a subscriber then please do press the big red subscribe button and if you if you enjoy learning image from me then please do give this video a thumbs up every little social interaction like that comments thumbs ups and subscribes do really help me to grow this class it helps too for YouTube to know to promote this video to tell other people about about this class so um so if you don't mind doing that that would be really helpful all right so let's get going all right so um for a start off we should cover the different religions the main religions or the biggest religions that I'm aware of around the world okay let me get my notes together so how is everyone oh hello and Argentina hi Eric how are you nice for you to join me hello you yeah hi lots lots of regulars in here it's nice to see you all I'm very well thank you I was a little bit stressed because of the technical glitch at the beginning it's always stressful to get off to a bumpy start but I'm calming down I'll have a sip of tea lovely lots of regulars nice to see you all okey-dokey so hello and hello and chat and the Czech Republic hello in Germany Salaam hello in India hello in Brazil lots of you lots of you lovely people come to join me hola in Spain great yes tea does solve everything hello in Italy ciao hello introduce iya hello in Panama hello in Kazakhstan Romania Venezuela oh thank you you like my cup thank you very much I like my cup - hello in Jordan hi okay so religions around the world and how we pronounce these religions in English so first off let's talk about a theism atheism the religion is basically the religion of non-believers people who don't believe in God follow a theism if you follow a fee ISM th-their if you follow a theism then you are and a fee is an atheist so if you follow a theism then you are an atheist okay so an atheist is someone who does not believe in God who believes that God does not exist so atheism alright so you may hear people talking about atheism or if you are someone do they have a faith are they religious they may say I am an atheist I'm an atheist and therefore you know that they do not believe that God exists and the pronunciation of that is a diphthong a fee ism atheism and a theist atheist atheism atheist okay by the way just so you know I'm not an expert on religion and some of these I don't know very much about at all so if I say something that isn't quite right or I miss something important out then please do let me know remember we're here as a community to learn together so I'm not an expert on religion so if I get something wrong please tell me okay I'm happy for you to correct me so hopefully I've done enough research to not be wrong but we'll see okay so an atheist we then have this one's a mouthful agnosticism agnosticism agnosticism I must admit I have never heard this particular word said in in England I've never heard anyone say agnosticism agnosticism but someone who follows agnosticism is and I have heard this word an agnostic someone who follows agnosticism is an agnostic agnostic see us what's the matter I'm not responding to you you said atheism is not a religion what would you call it then what would you call a theism if you wouldn't call it a religion when I was researching religions atheism did come up quite a lot so I was under the assumption that atheism is a religion a a belief group okay so correct me if I'm wrong but what would you call it if if you would not call it a religion maybe if we check atheism on the in the dictionary see what that says and so an agnostic is similar to atheism but also very different so the biggest difference between and so the biggest difference is that an agnostic doesn't doesn't say that God doesn't exist so they don't believe that God does not exist an agnostic believes that it's impossible to know so they think I can't have an opinion because I don't know it's impossible to know if God exists because there's no proof as far as an agnostic is concerned so they just kind of they put their hands up and go I'm not getting involved I don't know so an atheist is like nope no God an agnostic is well I don't know I don't know and the pronunciation I'm not going to worry about this word because we don't use this word very often but this pronunciation is a mmm gnostic agnostic agnostic agnostic agnostic okay so let's have a quick look at what you guys are saying and by the way I know there's gonna be a lot of comments today so if I miss your comments please forgive me it's nothing personal I'm not ignoring you it's simply that I don't see it because they go off so quickly because so many of you comment and that I can't possibly keep up with all of them so please forgive me if I do miss your comment and if you're really keen for your comment to be seen then I have enabled super chat and super chat is a function where you can donate a little towards the channel sponsor the video and in return your comment gets pinned to the top for a certain amount of time and I definitely see it because it is highlighted on my screen okay so let's have a quick look at what I've missed okay so the arse is saying you can be an agnostic atheist can you because I would say an agnostic is someone who doesn't know that an atheist is someone who believes that they do know that God doesn't exist so can you be an agnostic atheist I don't know I don't know I would call atheism and an absence of religion yeah I guess you could put it that way mm-hmm oh gosh so many comments quickly coming through oh dear yes now saying um my voice is making you sleepy just like ASMR mmm lot of people have been mentioning ASMR to me recently and I wonder if that is something that many of you would like me to do I know that's off-topic but I could potentially do some ASMR videos if people are interested anyway let's carry on you've never reacted to me and I'm a patron Oh sweetheart I'm so sorry is literally that I just don't see your comments and let me just give a big shout out to my patrons my patrons are awesome okay I absolutely love my patrons and I do as much as I can to help my patrons answer their questions I'm just removing someone here from this room and yes I love my patrons thank you so much you do mean a lot live all your support and your patriotism really does make a world of difference to me so thank you and I'm sorry if I didn't see your comment okay so let's carry on and someone's asking what does ASMR mean it's it's a form of video which concentrates on sound to relax you so people today speak very quietly and it's something that you should watch to relax what so you're taking on board the information while relaxing it's becoming quite popular you should um google it or look it up on YouTube there's some interesting videos and pre please notice the wink I've noticed okay enough of the comments for the minute I'm going to carry on so we've had atheism and agnostic or atheist and agnostic he is an atheist she's an agnostic bear in mind the article and because the word begins with a vowel sound and atheist and agnostic I know some of you will know that and be like ah this is really basic English but many of my students even the advanced students still make that mistake so just keep that in mind okay okay so um next we have a very big religion in the world and one that is growing very fast is the religion of Islam is LARM so it's nice open vowel sound Islam Islam and if you are a follower of Islam then you are a Muslim I'm sure many of you know someone who is a Muslim and so I'm sure you don't have too much problem with that pronunciation so but just knowing that that s is a Zed Muzz Muzz voiced s Muslim and the L lots of people struggle with this dark L sound Muslim will make sure you get the tongue up onto the roof of the mouth mus Muslim Muslim Muslim okay so there you go Islam Muslim and they believe in the One God and Allah yes okay so let's move on to the next religion which is I am going to come I can talk about these religions in a little bit more detail one at a time I'm just doing the main names and people who follow those religions okay and don't forget my warning if you are in any way unpleasant in the comments you will be removed and blocked from the channel so so be very careful be very careful if you want to stay here and be good okay so we have Jew day Judaism Judaism Jah this is a sound that a lot of people struggle with it's like Adi duck Duck Duck but a little bit more of the tongue is making contact with the roof of the mouth yo yo yo and Jude a Jew like a little W Judaism Zed sound Judaism Judaism Judaism okay cool and if you follow Judaism then you are said to be Jewish you also to be Jewish or a Jew oh dear my pen is running out in fact I was named after a young Jewish girl so something about me you might not be interested but I'm going to tell you anyway when I when my mom was a little girl she had a best friend who was Jewish and she was called Anna and my mum loved her so much that she decided to name her first child me Anna so my name comes from my mum's Jewish friend okay so um some of you are asking me about my religion I'll tell you about my religious journey at the end of the video if you're interested but I won't bore you now so Jude Judaism and Jewish nice gentle sound at the end there Jewish Jewish and a Jew Jew okay and Anna is not a common name in Britain and I know quite a few Anna's actually and some people are called Anne has quite a few hands and there's also quite a few Hanna's with an H shanna hi NIC NIC millions here oh that's wonderful if any of you guys are interested in being youtubers and learning how to move forward in YouTube and grow your YouTube channel then NIC is the man he is awesome oh I'm all flustered now you're here okay so um Judaism so the next religion we have to talk about is quite a big religion in the UK is Christianity Christianity and if you follow Christianity although there are lots of denominations of this you are said to be a Christian the Christian and very simple pronunciation I'm sure most of you know how to pronounce this but we have a sound moving into an R now I do say that most of the time we don't pronounce our R's in English if they appear in the middle or at the ends of the words but where the R follows a CH we generally do pronounce it CRO CRO so we have Christian one thing to note is that this sound at the end is not Christian it's Christian it's a schwa sound a schwa is a very weak oh-ah and that is basically goes for any weak vowel so if a vowel thoughts on a weak syllable this is all very technical and boring just know at the end that's an Christian Christian ok you know how I feel about rules rules are so boring we have Christianity if you follow Christianity you are technically a Christian ok let's move on what are we saying Anna why the pronunciation of s in Islam is said if Salaam Islam its pronunciation rules in the UK are not worth learning it's best just to learn individually how each word is pronounced because and those of you who know me quite well you've watched a lot of my videos will know how I feel about grammar rules pronunciation rules and I'm just going to move this so you can't see my iron the problem with learning rules for English language is that they are not consistent and there are far too many exceptions to those rules so it's just a minefield of contradictions and confusion so I suggest that you learn English like a native hence the name English like a native they don't worry themselves with rule okay so if you learn if you're learning rules you're learning a whole bunch of other stuff which you don't need most natives don't know the rules so don't worry yourself with wires just know that that's the case so Islam Islam it's a voiced s don't worry about why okay and I will come back and talk about each religion a little bit more in detail in a moment okay so the next one I'm going to talk about is this one and Buddhism Buddhism Buddhism but ISM Buddhism and yes NIC is saying that he can confirm when I just said he doesn't know most of the rules of English either so there you go and native will generally tell you that they don't know the rules yeah I don't know half the rules and you asked me questions about grammar and I have to go oh let me look that up I'm not sure but we know when something's right or wrong because we've taken it in subconsciously which is the best way to learn because it'll stay with you longer and it'll be more fluent and more like native okay so Buddhism I'm a vice multi-run I don't think I spot it wrong I think this is correct be you double D is M correct me if I'm wrong and Buddhism is a Zed sound Buddhism Buddhism and if you follow Buddhism you are a Buddhist you are a Buddhist apologies for my writing guys I don't write very quickly but you are a Buddhist okay someone else is spelt Buddhism with an H have I spelt it wrong let me have a quick look away of Oh Mike I have spotted wrong my apologies guys I was just testing I was testing to see if you were paying attention and so it's yeah sorry apologies like this Buddhism okay and pronunciation Buddhism and Buddhist Buddhist okay so the next one on my list nick says I've spot it wrong my entire life until I moved to Asia I you lived in Asia interesting I spent a little time in Asia I did a grand Asia voyage when I worked on the cruise ships some of you may or may not know my time as an actress and a singer performer I worked for two years on a piano ship and traveled around the world I was very lucky I did three months of an Asia voyage so getting to see lots of places that I'd never dreamed off before and wonderful but I still didn't know how to call Buddhism never mind okay so the next one we're getting there guys we're getting there and then we'll move on is Hinduism hopefully I've spelt this one right Hinduism Hinduism Hinduism again another xej sound most the time when you have is M at the end it's going to be sounded as a Zed zum-zum Hinduism and oh gosh I'm now worried about spelling yes I spot it right and so if you follow Hinduism you are a Hindu imagine it like a double O at the end for your pronunciation Hindu Hindu Hindu okay so if I've mentioned your religion so far if you are religious and I've mentioned your religion or if you are an atheist or agnostic then please press the thumb button let's see how many of you we've covered so far I've only got a few more to go so I'm guessing I've covered most of you but if you have been mentioned if your religion or your non religion has been mentioned then give this video a thumbs up right ready for the next one we have hopefully spelled correctly Sikhism Sikhism and if you follow Sikhism you are a Sikh you are a Sikh Sikh long e sound Sikh okay yeah I've got atheists in here I've got Catholics in here Muslims in here six ah I toss they have spelt this wrong as well I have as well this wrong spelling is not my strong point guys just so you know that I think you probably worked that out I am dyslexic not that that's a good excuse well the internet spelling it like i spelt it yes it's fine it's fine carry on keep calm and carry on that's what I'm saying okay so if I haven't mentioned you yet then you're one of the well I've heard of these next two how do these next two religions so let's just do these ones quickly we've got paganism paganism if you follow paganism then you are a pagan pagan like that or than a thing with an a Pei Pei can pagan yes billion okie-dokie paganism if you follow paganism then you are a pagan and pagans believe in nature and gods in different parts of nature still even many gods and a nature and earth and and then you have you can see this spiritualism spiritualism you can tell how often I spell these words out and if you follow spiritualism then you are a spiritualist a spiritualist if you follow spiritualism you are a spiritualist paganism you're a pagan now let me very quickly write all of these next ones these next ones I haven't heard of at all so I'm just going to brush over them very quickly and if I haven't mentioned your religion at all then forgive me because there are just so many around the world it's hard to know so there's this one user pen that works there's this one which is very unusual then I had to look up the pronunciation of it I've never heard of this but apparently it's big in Brazil so if you're here from Brazil then maybe you know what I'm talking about and can a little accent now so that's canden bleah condom bleah canden bleah so this is um it's got African from African based on African beliefs and now is quite big in Brazil apparently can anyone confirm that not one I've heard of okay and so I'll move on no one's saying anything about that one and then we've got I have heard of this actually but not I didn't realise as a religion or maybe I'm getting confused Rastafari Rastafari and and then we have let me know if you've heard of any of these guys or if this is your religion and be interesting to to know if I'm covering you we have Taoism Taoism ah yes remember this one cinto sinto and we also have oh this one's a peculiar one as in I had to really think hard about how to pronounce it and I'm still not sure I can so if I'm pronouncing this incorrectly and this is your religion do tell me so I would say zero zero three ins ism Zoroastrian Seon it's a very long name and no one knows okay cool carry on can I fit more on this board yes I can so I also have this one sin cent area Santeria Santeria interesting right I didn't know about half of these and we have bhai bhai that's a little accent that bhai and then we have Jainism which apparently is very big in India so if you're here and you follow Jainism then say hey so if I have called out your religion you know what to do give this video a thumbs up and let's tell everyone about it because these things aren't really talked about I think I think in general particularly in the UK maybe it's different in your country but we are a little bit nervous about talking publicly about religion it's a sensitive subject and I understand why because everyone has very strong beliefs people who have faith in a religion they are very passionate about what they believe in and so it tends to lead to conflict or arguments which in England or in the UK we don't like conflict we don't like to have public arguments I mean obviously some individuals do but in general we like to just keep everything polite and easy so most people will not discuss topics that are inflammatory that could start an argument I was nervous about doing this video I must admit actually and so I wasn't just stressed about the technical side of this live broadcast being all up in the air I was stressed also because this is something in Britain that I would not normally talk about everyone just has their own private beliefs they don't tend to talk about it in groups they will talk about it one-to-one but not in a group because they get nervous that they might cause an argument or have a disagreement with someone okay that's how I got what you guys are saying oh great I've got my um got my moderators in now working hard thank you very much I really do appreciate your help with these live broadcasts so just be careful people what you are writing if you don't want to get banned then be very careful okay oh yes there are some religions that are being mentioned that I haven't spoken about because I think I see they are denominated Annamma nations of some of the big religions I've already spoken about so when we go into the more in depth part of this then we'll probably cover them okay okay so how are we all doing we're good I'm good I probably could do with another cup of tea but I'll just make do with my cold peppermint tea now and so just to lighten the mood a little bit let's use talked about a few phrases that we use here in the UK one thing actually worldwide worldwide I've heard this phrase said by so many people who speak English wherever they're from the phrase oh my god oh my god or shortened to oMG which some people now do say it used to be just written oMG to mean oh my god but now people even say oMG now this some people find this offensive which for most of us here in England's in Britain we think it's it's silly to be offended by it because the meaning in the UK particularly I can't talk for every country but the meaning in the UK is nothing to do with God when you say oh my god you're most people who would be offended would say you're taking the Lord's name in vain this is a phrase you might hear quite often you're taking don't take the Lord's name in vain I mean you shouldn't ever say Christ or Jesus or God or any name like that out of context of religion you shouldn't say it in anger but for us for us when we say oh my god it's just a it's just a phrase it's just a saying to Express surprise or to express excitement or to express shock it's it's for us it's completely harmless so I said oh my god before in live broadcasts I think on Facebook and some of my students in me like angry face you've just took the Lord's name in vain angry face and it surprised me that they reacted that way because here in England in the UK we say that all the time oMG oh my god and it means nothing derogatory to God it means nothing to do with religion it just means I'm shocked or I'm excited or I'm super happy or I'm I'm angry it could mean all sorts of high emotional feelings just high feelings of emotion yeah so if you are in a situation where you're talking to people from England and they say oh my god don't be offended by it they're they're not actually talking about the man upstairs there is a / lighter version which we would say to children we'd say to children even though oh my god is not a curse word I think because of tradition we say to children if they say oh my god we like don't say that we encourage children to say oh my gosh G oh Sh oh my gosh it's slightly it's slightly safer because you're not going to offend anyone by saying oh my gosh so that's an option for you oh my gosh oh oh my god oh my gosh oh my god oh my gosh my writing is terrible I see myself on the screen and say uh I need to have nicer writing okay so these are just phrases throwaway phrases that you should not be offended by okay so oh my gosh oh my god um if someone says in a similar sort of circumstance so high-stakes emotionally they might say simply my god so for example if if my boyfriend or my husband was getting ready for a night out I'm all dressed up I'm ready I'm waiting I've been waiting for ten minutes why isn't he ready I shout up the stairs darling are you ready yet he finally comes downstairs and he's wearing a frilly - - he comes downstairs and he's wearing a tutu like what dancers wear one of these kind of outfits so my husband has come downstairs wearing a frilly tutu like a dancer like a ballerina I'd like him and go oh I wouldn't say oh I gave my god what are you wearing so you can just say my god or you can say good good good god what on earth have you got on could God so it's a phrase that we use mostly when we're shocked or surprised all right so let's have you must be drunk yes he probably was drunk that's not true story by the way but I don't have a husband but um and yes I'm sure I wouldn't have a husband who had went to dues [Music] so what are you guys saying so it's used as an expression for surprise yes that's right you've got it absolutely to a tee don't deter so instead of saying my god you can also say my goodness my goodness oh my goodness again just as an expression Julia it's spelt G oh Sh just make sure you've got that right spelling gosh is a completely different word gosh oh gosh okay it's going to remove some of these comments here right so let's go back into our actual religions that we were talking about let's talk about some of the words associated with Christianity I'm going to talk about Christianity first obviously that's the topic I know more about because I live in the UK and Christianity is when I was growing up particularly is a big religion in the UK so I know more about it but here are some words that you might come across if you are talking about Christianity or talking to a Christian we might talk about their holy book their holy book is the Bible the buy diphthong by all dark L by Bowl and that L again like I said before is the tip of the tongue on the roof of the mouth by all Bible Bible and Aggie can you say do you believe in gosh no gosh gosh does not mean God it's completely different so you'd only say do you believe in God if do believe in gosh you'd confuse everybody they wouldn't know what you're talking about okay so we have Bible and the place of worship so where is a church some of my students pronounce a CH as an Sh so some of you pronounce sure as Shh and that should never be the case it should always be applo civ was a mix between a plosive and a fricative that means there's a bit of movement and friction and it's also exploding so not Shh so we have Church so we have two of them Church church and in British English which is different to American English we do not pronounce these middle arse so in this case this is an earth which phonetically is this a church Church so in American English service at church church they'd roll into the our sound we say Church American English is Church church not the time T is teaching American English here but it's good to know the differences so that you can decide which version you prefer to do okay so we have a Bible they read the Bible they read the teachings of the Bible and they go to church and in the church they will usually be met by the priest and the priest priest can also be referred to as and I'm not sure if there's a big technical difference but I've heard a priest being referred to as father hello father thank you Father I've heard priests be referred to as a vicar IV for those of you who have trouble with this particular sound every V is bottom lip against the top teeth fricative long and vibrating hmm vicar vicar yes this is a man of religion a man who has dedicated himself to teaching the Bible and he works in a church normally so we have a priest a vicar father or obviously the the high the high priest the main man of the religion is the Pope just be careful not to pronounce this as pop or poppy it's PO almost as if there's a little W there imagine a little W Pope Pope Pope Pope now there are plenty of other words and lots of you are throwing words at me there are so many words I'm just covering the basics and because we've got a lot of religions to go through so Bible Church priest Pope and of course Vicar there's a nice strong V okay some of you have already said to me but I am Catholic you didn't mention Catholic that's because I think all of these that I'm going to mention now are denominations of their derivatives of Christianity so we have obviously Catholicism so if you follow Christianity you may all my pens don't like being this way up this way you could be a Roman Catholic or just a Catholic in the UK we have a lot of Catholic schools well not Lots but I certainly knew of Catholic schools when I was at school we had Catholic schools nearby my mum went to a Catholic school I think and we have so apparently the main and denominations of Christianity are I haven't heard of all of these but apparently this is so we have Church of the East yeah Church of the East it's so hard to write like this Church of the East and we have obviously we have the Church of England over here in the UK we call it C of E and that's of England Cu the Church of England and we have the Oriental or no or re n Oh Anna writing is despicable let me do it honest or re and tell oriental orthodoxy there's a mouthful for you orthodoxy oriental orthodoxy that could be a great tongue twister ordinarily part of the oriental orthodoxy I can make some good tongue twisters with this one so we have the oriental orthodoxy and we also have one I have heard of and Protestants Protestant Protestant we also then have Mormons Mormons and born-again Christians born-again Christians oh I can't write that way Christy and there we go oh my arms are hurting there okay so sorry about the writing hope you can read this okay I'm sure there are other dominant denominations as well but these are the main ones that I've either heard of or that I found out through research I don't know about all the differences but just for pronunciation we have Roman Catholic Catholic make sure that tongue is out Roman Catholic we have church of the east Church of the east and off just so you know when off appears in a sentence it's usually because it's the weak syllable becomes of Church of Church of so many of you asked me about connected speech and this is one trick that you can employ straight away always say of in a sentence as a church of a piece of a cup of a cup of tea a piece of cake the Church of England the Church of the East all right and the of course becomes thee because the following word begins with a vowel sound Church of the east now we have Church of England not Church of the England we have Church of the east we have Church of England Nova there is the oriental orthodoxy or the doxy orthodoxy and we have Protestant Protestant Protestant we have Mormons Mormons and we have born-again Christians born-again Christians okay so let's get rid of that and just a few more words that you may need when talking about some form of Christianity is baptism obviously baptism we can use you might hear the phrase a baptism of fire a baptism of fire so baptism most Christians will be baptized with a Z baptized we have the word martyr and we have the word st. of course these don't belong to this religion they're just words that come up regularly if you're talking about religion so it's a few words to be aware of the pronunciation of baptism isn't again said like I said all is MSR Zed's we have spelt very peculiar but this is martyr MA Okin vowel no our sound ma Turk SWA martyr martyr okay oh and finally I missed it st. ain't so you have the diphthong a which is the moving vowel and you have the N front of the tongue up st. st. st. just want to give another shout out and a big thumbs up too Mihal my moderator you're doing a great job and there's lots of comments here that you're having to read through so thank you very much you are awesome awesome awesome now if pronunciation of English in a British English way is important to you or in general you just want to improve your pronunciation then do you know that on Instagram I am doing a daily pronunciation video especially for you these videos are like 50 seconds thirty seconds long I say just a couple of words to help you with the pronunciation of those words and you get that for free every day so if you haven't already found me on Instagram then come and join me besides me there are also other fantastic English teachers teaching on Instagram and providing lots of wonderful free resources for you so if if learning English is important to you then you should be making it part of your daily life in order to progress fast and become fluent and I think Instagram is a really great way to do that so download Instagram if you haven't already and come and find some of the fantastic English resources and you can find me via the links in this description for this video it's British English Pro like professional British English pro Oh No some of you have to go alright well if you have to go and uh I'll catch up with you next time and don't forget this lessons going to stay on here for a while well probably forever and ever and ever so you can always catch up later okay let's carry on so that was Christianity let's talk about some of the words involved with Judaism in Judaism we have oh thank you very much some of you putting some very polite comments that you're enjoying it and you think I'm lovely that's very very polite others are asking about Twitter and all my social media links guys are in the description for this video as well as some goodies some freebies for you which I'll talk about at the end so do make sure you've checked out the description of this video and make use of those links there right so let's carry on Judaism their book is the Torah the holy book is the Torah Torah Torah forgive me if I do anything if I say anything wrong or pronounce something incorrectly and this is your religion please tell me please don't let me continue doing it incur actually I'm happy to be corrected this is not a subject that I am particularly strong on the place of worship is a right this the nice way so it's easy for me sinner God let me make sure I spell this properly synagogue I love this word synagogue some words just fit nicely in the mouth synagogue synagogue sin sin sin God good synagogue I love it so the Torah is the book like the Bible for the Christians the Torah is the book for the for anyone who is Jewish okay and they sometimes apparently in America a synagogue is referred to also as a temple so it might be a Jewish temple it may be referred to as the man or woman depending on which denomination we're talking about who leads the services is probably going to be a rabbi a rabbi or apparently I think they also call them a priest so a rabbi or a priest but this is usually used I think for the leader in Judaism a rabbi and some other words so we've got Torah synagogue rabbi some other words that you may come across when talking about Judaism is that you might talk about Orthodox Orthodox so some some people who first follow the Jewish faith are Orthodox Jews or this is this is a vowel sound that many of my students have trouble with it's a long vowel it's a big space in the mouth and it's far back like in the word door or floor or the law like mother-in-law don't break the law on the floor through the door Orthodox big space in the mouth no movement not all which lots of people do all Orthodox dole Lowell law door Orthodox alright so prints are cons as we have a completely different pronunciation of the book the torah to what you pronounce what's your pronunciation tell me and where are you remind me I did look up the pronunciation but I may be wrong that's how I've always heard it as well oh yes so some some words that you might hear are other words are Yiddish my ink needs to come down my pen Yiddish Hebrew and Bar Mitzvah um it's over so we have Yiddish yep like you're going to say yes Yiddish Yiddish Hebrew Hebrew be careful with the H that you don't constrict it we don't say Hebrew Hebrew in many languages the H is constricted huh in the UK in English it's not Hebrew Hebrew and and Bar Mitzvah Bar Mitzvah Bar Mitzvah interestingly we suddenly make this silent not silent but soft bar mitts bar mitts rather than bar mitts Bar Mitzvah bar mitts first that becomes an F as well Bar Mitzvah Bar Mitzvah I may be wrong I may be wrong but that's how I've heard it so hopefully hopefully that's all right so we've got Orthodox Yiddish Hebrew and Bar Mitzvah so that's as far as I'm going to that there's a big Jewish community in North London or Murray's quite rightly pointed out that for a girl the Bar Mitzvah celebration for a girl is Bat Mitzvah Bar Mitzvah slightly different different spelling different pronunciation okay let's have a look at the next religion and we've got Sikhism now these are religions that I know very little about so bear with me Sikhism so their holy book like the Bible like the Torah we have their holy book is and I did have to look this up because I didn't know their holy book is hopefully mrs. right Guru Granth Sahib Guru Granth Sahib do I have any people who follow Sikhism here hmm anyone can tell me if I'm right or wrong with that now Sikhism was founded it's founded by one important person in Sikhism is Guru Nanak Guru Nanak Oh Sikhism is the ninth largest religion in the world thank you thank you for telling us that information Krishna you're from a country of Sikhs but you're not a Sikh fair enough and so here the place where Sikhs worship so like Christians would be in a church Jewish members would be in a synagogue Sikhs go to a good doir a dual good soiree good soiree good what no good whare Gurdwara good good Rara it's difficult for me to pronounce Oh some of you have to go I'm sorry for joining me if you've only come for a little while then thank you for being here I hope that it was helpful in some way and Gurudwara Gurudwara okay okay the yes do my research I definitely learned a thing or two so let's have a quick talk about Buddhism and in Buddhism we have Buddha of course which everyone follows Buddha and it's pronounced b-double Oh kind of sound Bou Buddha rather than Buddha although some people do pronounce in Buddha in the UK apparently correct pronunciation is Buddha we used to have little Buddhas in our garden stone Buddhas and my mum always used to say you have to rub their tummies for good luck and some of you finding the writing too small let me help you get a bit closer oh no the ink is running out Buddha and Buddha is this person see did siddhartha sit up guitar guitar ma Siddhartha Gautama Siddhartha Gotama so Buddha is according to my research Siddhartha a Gotama binary thank you for dropping in and let me know that you're going by more than three million people currently practice Buddhism thank you Karen you're being very helpful okay thank you for all your comments guys really appreciate it and so they worship in a temple in a Buddhist temple and apparently their holy book this pen is dreadful the holy book is called a trip Trippi taka Tripitaka trippy cha-cha Tripitaka Tripitaka and and words that you will hear around Buddhism are the name the dalai lama of course i'm sure everyone's heard of the dalai lama and you might hear the word enlightenment enlightenment so we have the dalai lama and enlightenment enlightenment oh dear have I missed out an H have I missed out an H from Buddha I have I have forgive me my dreadful spelling hahaha would ha good ha we can laugh at my awful mistakes now I guess this is a good point right so natives I'm a native I was born in the UK I've spoken English written English read is English listen to English all my life all my life I'm fluent in English and yet I still make mistakes it's common with natives to make mistakes and why is that important it's important because we're not afraid to make mistakes and so neither should you be and you the only way you learn is to make mistakes and for people to correct you all right so making mistakes is not a bad thing native to do it all the time believe me I'm sure you can all right so um let's move on to Islam move on to Islam so um the God that is celebrated in Islam followed in Islam is Allah their holy book is the Quran I've seen different spellings of this I definitely have done my research on this one but this is how it seems to be mostly spelt but I've seen it spot with a K as well don't know why it seems to be two denominations two denominations of this we have a Sunni Sunni and sheer Sunni and Shia can you see that all right Sonny and Cher so um Farah saying we pronounce the H in Allah Allah Allah like that can you read worship ancestors they go and danilot says can you explain why the British use bloody for every expression it's it's a curse word obviously but it's a word that helps to give emphasis gives emphasis to what you're saying anyway let's carry ons we have Sunni and sheer and apparently the religious leader like like a priest for other religions would be and in them but I couldn't find the correct pronunciation of that and am I saying that right mm mm mm and they worship in a mosque they worship in a mosque mosque and and words that you might need when talking about Islam you might talk about fasting British English is are far fasting fasting American English on I'm sorry yes American image or northern British English would be fast fasting or fasting but standard British English fast fasting fasting and they do that during Ramadan Ramadan during Ramadan okay um happy Allah Quran Sunni shear imam mosque fasting ramadan oh okay Ali and he's saying it's a shake not mm okay interesting interesting all right how long have you been broadcasting an hour and 14 minutes these lessons go so quick no say time flies when you're having fun have you heard that phrase we use that a lot time flies when you're having fun that means time goes quickly when you're having a nice time time flies when you're having fun can you can you put what yes Muslims from what I read have to pray five times a day some interesting observation okay cool let's do the last major one I can't do everyone everyone that we mentioned beginning so we'll be here for hours but we have Hinduism so there's not words so the Hindus apparently believe in lots of different deities or they're open to follow whichever deities a deity deity is another word for god deity deity it's like God and they apparently have there's three main ones but lots of lots of gods and the three main ones I didn't have chance to look up these pronunciations but I'm guessing that's Brahma and Vishnu oh is it Vishnu Vishnu and Shiva Shiva so these are the three deities three main deities three main deities okay Christians from a Hindu background oh great so you can make sure I'm doing the right thing here it's so interesting so many so many things that we don't know around the world people who I know so much you grow up with this culture with these religions and in other parts of the world we know nothing of it so it's a few other words with Hinduism they worship in a shrine or a temple a shrine or a temple and their time of worship is a pooja pooja that's probably pronounced completely incorrect Oh q those of you are leaving now because it's getting late for you thank you for joining me cool okay and the book that they use the book that they use is called a varus V and then guessing the word is read us but like I say not not much of an expert when it comes to religion right so let's now finish off with talking about religion in the UK and some other very common idioms and phrases that you'll hear around God so and so we have so in the UK apparently now when we grew up in the UK so around 20 years ago now I'm older than that and for a long time in the UK Christianity was the biggest religion in the UK and the majority of people were Christian or more Protestants more Protestants and so they followed C of E Church of England and you'll still find now that a lot of the schools in the UK particularly like primary schools are C of E schools they don't strictly follow religion they don't like brainwash the children if the children aren't from that religion they don't give them lots of religious education as it were they just do little things I was talking to one of my students about this recently he's not a Christian and his child they live in the UK and his child potentially will go to a C of E school but he's like I don't want my child to go to a CLE school because I don't want I don't my child to be brainwashed I don't want my child to be forced to follow a religion that we don't follow but in the UK so many schools are Searby schools that the level of religion that's taught at those schools is very low it's very low it's almost non-existent I went to see these schools now you're going to say what religion are you so I am I would say either an atheist or an agnostic I I grew up following going to like TV school I went to brownies which is kind of a group where young people come together like Scouts they come together and they learn skills and that was held in a church hall and we'd sing religious songs and things like that and I grew up knowing the Lord's Prayer and saying the Lord's Prayer and I pray at night before I went to sleep and I did believe I was I would say a Christian growing up but I think as I've gotten older I've just I've become more inclined to be unsure I yeah I'm not I wouldn't say I was religious I certainly don't practice any faith so some people are a religion some people are Muslim or Jewish or Christian but if they are religious and don't necessarily follow all the rules maybe they're not actively behaving in the way that they are told they should if they follow that religion then they're their non-practicing they are considered non-practicing so I don't practice a religion and I have a lot of doubt I'm a doubter so I guess I you could call me an agnostic you call me an agnostic and so in the UK nowadays despite growing up in a very kind of Christian society nowadays apparently there are more people in the UK who are non-believers there's more people in the UK who are non-believers than who follow a religion so things are changing very quickly here in the UK I guess that's why people don't talk about religion very often here we keep it to ourselves a hike fan fan is saying so are you a skeptic you could call me a skeptic a skeptic is another word for someone who doesn't who wasn't sure who doubts they're a skeptic yes all right so um words and phrases the word religious sometimes you'll hear it being used to describe someone and what they do so you might say Ana Ana does it religiously Ana Ana drives no thinking of a good example Ana makes her tea religiously so if you say Ana always has a cup of tea in her hand when she teaches she does it religiously it just means that I do it in a disciplined way and it's it's always there it's a standard thing I always do it she does it religiously so I take care over it it's there every time Ana has tea in her videos religiously so you can use it in that way it has nothing to do in that respect with a religion it's something that you do with discipline regularly she does it or he does it religiously and you might hear someone saying oh look at that attractive person they are God's gift they are God's gift if a person is very attractive you might think that they are a gift from God you don't actually believe that they're a gift from God but it's a phrase that we use and that's what it means that they are so beautiful they are a gift from from the heavens he is God's gift she is God's gift also you could say they are a godsend they are a godsend Miguel says Ana teaches English religiously thank you and so if someone is wonderful someone is a real help to you maybe someone has come in and helped you with a problem maybe someone has always been there for you maybe they're just doing the washing-up and you can say oh you are God's gift thank you you are God's gift again you don't have to be religious to use this phrase everyone uses it they are God's gift they are Heaven Sent is another one heaven sent she is heaven sent he is heaven sent filling that basically means I hope so so if I if we're going on a picnic and we need good weather I might say it's going to it's going to be sunshine and there's going to be sunshine it's going to be a nice day it's going to be a nice day God willing God willing we'll get there on time God willing we'll have a nice time God willing he will arrive in good time God willing I hope so if God wills it I hope so alright dad and so God's gift the road he talked about my god good God God willing religiously if somebody is very religious and they are actively religious they they are practicing christean a practicing Muslim a practicing Jew then you would potentially call them a god-fearing man he's a god-fearing man she's a god-fearing woman they are god-fearing so they follow it religiously they are god-fearing okay yes let's let's um be very careful on the comments guys because I will start blocking people if I keep seeing inappropriate or disrespectful comments I don't want to kick anyone out so be nice sometimes if I'm telling you something and you don't quite believe me I might say it's the God's honest truth it's the God's honest truth I promise I didn't I didn't mean to upset you is the God's honest truth I I didn't I didn't eat that chocolate cake it's the God's honest truth I didn't eat that chocolate cake God's honest truth so it just means honestly believe me okay can anyone else think of any other idioms before I wrap up and say goodbye [Applause] so so one of you is asking me what is the difference between faith and belief I think a faith faith is more about trust for me they're very interchangeable let's have a look see if I can give you a clearer explanation let's look at Cambridge yeah so faith faith means great trust or confidence in something or a faith is a particular religion so I might say rather than saying are you religious I might say and do you are you what faith do you follow what faith do you follow that means what religion do you follow or if I use the word belief I'd say what do you believe in do you believe in a religion do you believe in God how about what it says for belief so to believe something is to to know to be certain that something is true and faith is to have trust in something so you see they're very very similar as far as I use it as far as most natives use it's completely interchangeable to have faith and to be faithful is to be trustworthy and to have belief to know something is true in your heart you know something is true all right wrap up wrap up before I wrap up a few of you have asked me about this where am i typing here I wrap up so to wrap up means to finish to end to wrap up like you would wrap up a present you wrap up okay thank you everyone who has joined me today most of you there's been a couple of people that were kicked out for being unpleasant but most of you have been absolutely wonderful of course as you it wasn't the subject that I felt particularly comfortable with because like I said in England we're shy about talking about religion and also it's not something I'm overly confident with because I don't know that much about other religions but hopefully I haven't offended anyone and I hope that most of you found some some helpful element to this session it's always lovely to see you and to be with you in these classes what day we all Friday next Monday in the UK is a bank holiday so either I'm going to do a live broadcast sometime over the weekend or the next session will be Wednesday in order to get a clearer idea of when I'm going live first of all you need to subscribe so press that subscribe button now if you haven't if you're new here press subscribe click on the Bell notification button next to the subscribe button so that you are told when I'm live so that you know and you won't miss anything and what you then can also do is come and join me on Instagram and Facebook or one or the other or both I'll always try and put an announcement out at least a few hours in advance if not a day before to tell you when I'm doing the next lesson so all those links to my social media are in the description of this video if you did enjoy this you found this helpful feel free to share it with your friends and do give it a thumbs up because that's a real help to me now and there are plenty of other resources that I offer I do Skype calls and I do I have a whatsapp group these are services that I offer and you can find out about those by going to British English procom so if you want more from me you want a closer connection where I can help you on a more one-to-one Bay then they there are options so go and check out what we have on offer a huge thank you to my moderators and a huge thank you to my patrons you guys are absolutely awesome thank you for everyone who joined me and don't forget there are over a hundred video lessons on this channel not all of them are live lessons most of them are pre-recorded nice and nice and tight nice and short two lessons so that you can get lots out of them so do go and check them out I do them for you and I hope that they are helpful to you covering all sorts of different topics and I'll be releasing new videos very very often so every other day if not every day as often as I can I'm trying my best okay guys thank you very much and one of you keeps asking me to say your name but I don't know how to Joe haina how Joe haina diao haina all right guys I don't know I don't know how to pronounce that I'm sorry and great cool thank you for joining me you've been awesome Thank You Carlos for the two thumbs up take care have a pleasant weekend and I will see you hopefully very very soon have an awesome weekend
Channel: English Like A Native
Views: 55,332
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Learn english, vocabulary, english, esl, Religion, english lesson, english lesson religion, learn english religion, learn english grammar, learn english vocabulary, learn religion, to learn english, learn english speaking, speaking english, english accent, british accent, learn british english, british pronunciation, british english pronunciation, english pronunciation, british english, Religion in Britain, Religion in UK, England religion, christian, muslim, islam, Jewish, sikh
Id: o6adTdi5hK0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 92min 8sec (5528 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 28 2017
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