How To Sound Like A Native English Speaker: Connected Speech

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do you feel confident understanding written English but struggle to understand spoken English are you able to speak English confidently but lack that natural flow when a native speaks English they will make adjustments to the words in order to help the language to flow and have rhythm these adjustments are features of connected speech and what you master them you be well Norway too sounding like a native like me [Music] now I asked my patrons which video they would like to see next and aspects of connected speech is what they chose they've been making some great suggestions which I will be adding soon so stay subscribed to see the coming videos now if you would like to have a say on what content I create then consider backing this channel on patreon for as little as one dollar a month and lots of rewards available now the first feature of connected speech is intrusion oh I'm sorry I didn't mean to intrude when a word ends with a vowel sound and the following word starts with a vowel sound we often have an intruder we will insert an extra sound usually a yeo-hwa or ruff sound to help the flow from one word to another for example the intruding are repeat these phrases after me the media are waiting outside did you hear they are the media are waiting outside the media are waiting outside is so hard to do it slowly the media are waiting outside try this one we saw an hour on YouTube we saw an hour on YouTube now the the intrusive hours come between saw and Anna and between Anna and on don't be confused though the word saw ends with the w this is a consonant but the word saw ends in a vowel sound the long or vowel and therefore you have or going into a of Anna so we need intrusive are sore Anna saw Anna so R Anna we saw Anna and then you have an intrusive R between Anna and on and they're on a neuron a neuron and are on YouTube we saw a random on YouTube you try it okay let's move on so the neck one is the intrusive yeah sound let's try this sentence I've got my eye on you I've got my eye on you so the interested yeah he's coming between I and on I Yan I on I've got my eye on you try this one it's just me and you it's just me and you it's just me and you really we would often drop the D in and as well so naturally it would sound like it's just me and you it's just me and you try that excellent next sentence is lay out your books nicely lay out to your books nicely lay out your books nicely fantastic we might also have an intrusive W where we have an O sound so for example do you want to ask a question do you want to ask a question to ask to ask to ask do you want to ask a question you release it try this one I can do it after my lunch break I can do whit after my lunch break that's it I can do it after my lunch break try this last one do up your laces and go outside you have to there do up do what do what do what do what do i do up your laces and go outside fantastic so that's what we call intrusion the next feature is linking when we have a consonant word ending followed by a vowel beginning or vice-versa we see linking these guys just love to get together the speaker will stick them together making themselves like one word for example and repeat after me not on not on it's not on today not at all not at all not at all walk around walk around walk around it's no joke it's no joke fantastic the next feature is illusion which basically just means deletion to delete to omit to miss something out now when a word or group of words form a very complex sequence of consonants then one or more of the sounds may be elided deleted basically let's have a look at some examples if a syllable is unstressed and contains the schwa sound then it's often lost deleted gotten rid of thrown away for example in the word interest we'd hear interest interest try it in the word similar similar we'd have similar similar fantastic we also have the word library library which becomes library library or the word different different becomes different different try for me let's go to a different library let's go to a different library fantastic ok so moving on and I want you to take this with a pinch of salt that means don't take it too seriously the T and the D sound particularly when they are in the middle or at the end of a word are most commonly elided deleted gotten rid of I don't you to take this who seriously though because if you start missing out all T's and D sounds then that's a completely different accent altogether so not all the time just some of the time mostly when the T or the D appears within a lot of consonants what's known as a consonant cluster for example in the word Christmas Christmas notice how I don't pronounce the T at all Christmas or the word sandwich I don't pronounce that D try this sentence for me next Monday must be your birthday next Monday must be your birthday did you notice I missed out two T's there next I missed out that one Oh hope I didn't pop the mic then must be your birthday so I missed out both of those final T's next Monday must be your birthday try this one it was our first time last week it was our first time last week I'm missing out the T in it first and last goodness it was our first time last week now I'd say this sounds more natural when you are speaking a little faster and like I said when there's lots of consonants surrounding those T's then it's okay to drop them off but if the words stand alone and perhaps it ends the sentence if you're speaking a lot slower being emphatic don't miss them off it was my last chance it was my last chance and you took it from me so there'll be very emphatic I'm keeping those T's nice and strong okay those try another sentence I mentioned earlier the and we sometimes miss the D off and here's an example you and me kept going you and me kept going yeah you and me kept going I've missed out the D in and and the T and kept you and me kept going all this sentence we stopped working hours ago notice how really relaxed on the IDI ending we stopped working hours ago we stopped working hours ago I don't know I'm leaning back but never mind now the H sound this is a sound that's also often deleted but I implore you not to go too far with this I'm often helping students who have omitted all their ages and this is a feature of regional accents not standard English however in standard English we do sometimes do it when we're speaking in fluid sentences for example you shouldn't have left you shouldn't have left you shouldn't have you shouldn't have left or can you time to come back can you tell him to come back please he's always polite please or how is he how is he notice I put the initial H on that's important it's a stressed syllable how how is he how is he he's alright thank you okay so do be aware of that but also be careful with omitting those T's B's and H's okay and we'd have a listen to these sentences can you hear the features of connected speech that's how it go the Nile is the longest river in the world the Nile is the longest river in the world can you hear those features we have the linking Nile is Nile is then we have the deleted T in longest river longest river followed by an intrusive are in River in River in so repeat after me the Nile is longest river in the world excellent how about this sentence david has got two portions but the others have got three david has got two portions but the others have got three did you spot them I think there's five features in that sentence David has got two portions but the others have got three so we have the omitted H in has David as David as got is missing the T David has got two portions David has got two portions then we have the missing T on but but the others have misses the H off but the others have got also misses off the tee and three David has got two portions but the others have got three and when you put it all together it helps the flow david has got two portions but the others have got three you try fantastic mastering the features of connected speech is going to help you to sound more natural just like a native speaker but it's vital that you don't speak too fast and I'm going to tell you why in the next lesson so make sure you stay subscribed and that you've turned on your notifications so you don't miss out on any future uploads okay until next time give this lesson than a thumb up and I'll see you in class [Music] you
Channel: English Like A Native
Views: 113,855
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to sound like a native english speaker, sound like a native english speaker, speak like a native english speaker, how to speak english like a native speaker, speak like a native, english, english pronunciation, aspects of connected speech in english, connected speech british english, connected speech in english, improve your english, learn english online, speak english fluently, angielski, anglais, connected speech, lessons, pronunciation, speaking, speak english, learn english
Id: SgNrKGl9rE8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 39sec (819 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 20 2019
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