ENGLISH Phrasal Verbs In Use: The Complete List - #11 | LIVE English Lesson

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oh there's a noise is she here yes she is hello everyone and in English here English like a native and we are about to do 10 more phrasal verbs I think that you can hear me all right because I was just checking the sound so hopefully you can hear me and see me remember I'm getting used to this new broadcasting software so if anything seems a little unusual then please let me know and I'll do my very best to sort it out so I apologize for being 10 minutes late today I haven't been very well for a while um and the other thing I need to let you know is I'm actually waiting for an important call from my doctor they promised to call this afternoon and they haven't called yet typical so you can guarantee that they'll probably call during this session so if they do I must take the call but I will stay on and you can eavesdrop eavesdropping is when you listen in and see if you can understand my conversation but yes if I do take that call like I said I won't break the broadcast anyway as always on a Monday at 4 o'clock we are learning 10 new phrasal verbs we've already covered 100 common English phrasal verbs and I hope that you remember at least some of them but we've got 10 more today quite interesting ones very often used phrasal verbs as well now before we do get started I do have to say a huge thank you to today's sponsor they are sponsors that you are probably familiar with and they are itoki now if you are learning the language and you find that it's useful to work with native speakers as I'm sure many of you will you're looking for a native teacher then you don't need to look any further than I Toki I Toki has teachers all over the world who are ready and willing to help you now it's convenient because you can use any device to connect with a native teacher and what I love about I talk you specifically is that they're very affordable and if you sign up for your very first lesson with them then you will get a bonus $10 in credit so it's basically like buying one lesson and getting one free so if you're interested the link for this particular promotion is down in the description box below so just click on that link purchase your first lesson and those ten dollars in credit will appear okie dokie fantastic so today's lesson we're looking at phrasal verbs and as always I've got my notes ready for you and I'm just going to put these up on the screen here so one hundred and one blank out now this is pretty straightforward most of the most of the phrase of us were doing today are quite easy to understand I think so we should be able to remember most of these so we've got blank out this gonna have two meanings it can either mean to censor text so that words cannot be read so sometimes they're blurred out or they're completely blocked out or they might have been removed altogether so you blank out the words or you can mentally blank something out was when you deliberately try to forget something or try not to think about a memory or a feeling usually if something's upsetting we don't want to think about it or remember it okay so the examples for each of those so two cents a text the example sentence is the text had been checked and all offensive words were blanked out the text had been checked and all offensive words were blanked out oh I've got a new desk and it makes lots of funny noises when I when I scrape things on it but it's a nice it's an actual desk before I was working on a very little table and for about a year and a half I was struggling on my tiny little table and now I've got a proper work desk I'm so excited I'm so easily pleased so yes Kweli alright so then the example sentence for deliberately trying to forget or not think about a memory or feeling is I found the experience so harrowing that I simply blanked it out i blanked it out okay so what I'd like you to do is to use the phrase of a blank out and write a sentence now if you are one of my patrons then I've got you right here so just write it in here for me and/or Julia what you're saying hi Anna feel free to take the call whenever they phone you thank you Julia that's very kind yes it's definitely a call I will need to take so you will have to excuse me if that call comes through and if you are with me simply on YouTube and you're not a patron and that's okay too I will be doing some some Corrections with you guys and I've got your wall here so I can see what you guys are saying Erin hey do you starting now that Center should be are you starting now yes we're in it we've started already and Tomic has come straight in with an example here I had blanked out the some of my salary on the contract before I handed it to the City Council excellent perfect capital letter at the beginning full stop at the end good use of the phrasal verb all in good tense good very good and good advice as well you should definitely blank out your salary on official documents if they don't need to know that kind of information okay what else have we got i blanked i blank out memories about university i blank out memories about university yeah that works and sad face i assume that you had bad times at university i'm sorry about that gustavo says what are you drinking this is apple and pear tea apple and pear I do like my herbal teas and this is a Twinings special oh this is an interesting one my face was okay full of the spelling my face was blanked out in the picture good just make sure you put a full-stop at the end it was it was a really traumatic experience so I eventually blanked it out of my memory you don't need to put memories just singular memory in total I blanked out of my memory good and what time is it over there right now it's 17 minutes past 4:00 and the Sun is streaming through but you wouldn't believe it earlier today we've had snow it's been very cold not typical for this time of year really all right what are we saying here I like your earrings thank you or I mean that's very kind I wish I could blank out some bad feelings from my memory and good sense it's Julia well done okay I think we've got the hang of this one so I'm going to move on to the next phrasal verb so the next one number 102 is Blaire out - Blaire out now if you blare out it we're basically talking about sound so it's to sound something loudly typically we're talking about something that comes through speakers or some sort of broadcasting software I just put it up here for you so you can see it so we've got Blaire out to sound loudly typically through a broadcasting system all right and the example sentence I've given here oh don't I want to show you the next one I've given it away already we've got the music was blaring out and could be oh I made a typo could be heard at the end of the street the music was blaring out and could be heard at the end of the street so blaring and blaring out is commonly used okay now some of you are asking how do I join the skype group chat well the Skype group chat is specifically for patron so that I don't miss my dear patrons messages because my patrons make a regular contribution to the growth of this community to help me keep doing what I'm doing so that you guys all benefit and in return for that they receive lots of rewards and one of them is to be on the skype group so they always have access to me and they always have an answer to their messages as well as being part of the special Dropbox folders depending on their level of contribution they get access to lots of files all the notes from previous lessons if there are $3 patreon or up ebooks audio files lots of different things and there's always more and more rewards that I'm adding to the patreon reward list because without them I couldn't do what I'm doing if you're interested in becoming a patron then I'm sure the link is in the description box below hopefully ok so let me I want to see you guys using Blaire out so try to put into a sentence Blaire out remember the example I gave was the music was blaring out and I could it could be heard at the end of the street so I could say the television was blaring out I couldn't hear myself think it was so loud alright so let me just have a look at what you guys are saying and what broadcasting system do you use I'm now using wire cast wire cast is what I'm using at the moment I hope you're liking it I like having the things flashing up on the screen it's difficult to organize but I think it works well hopefully you all agree ok fantastic I've got some some examples coming through here so Maria says the speaker was blaring out 10 minutes about our victory the speaker was blaring out 10 minutes about our victory so we just were missing a preposition here the speaker was blaring out for 10 minutes about our victory so we just need 4 in there it was blaring out for ten minutes okay fantastic and Rama's writing something and I've got some examples coming through here I'm calling for I'm calling for help blaring out says Marco I'm not quite sure what you mean by that sentence I'm you could say I'm blaring I was blaring out for help but actually when we're talking about ourselves I don't know if I would use blare out she bled out the words she bled out for help yeah you could say she was blaring out for help i i'm blaring out to say hi okay and yeah i think that i think it works although it just feels a little unusual because normally blaring out is used like I said for a broadcasting system so I normally hear it used when we're talking about speakers so coming out of the television speakers or out of the radio or out of your music system if you're playing CDs or if you have an mp3 player or something like that and it's really really loud coming out of the speakers I guess it can technically be used for our voices but I just don't hear it that often okay the singer is blaring out but I like it yeah and that works just make sure we have a capital at the beginning and the full stop at the end the smoke alarm was blaring out when I arrived home very good very good and yes they do make a terrible noise only on purpose they need to the train horn was blaring out all day long very good my mother-in-law was blaring out on me at me and I don't I doesn't work I don't feel with the phrasal verb yeah blaring blaring out at me it just feels odd it feels odd I'm not sure why okay let's move on so I'll answer this one from my patron and then we'll move on we've got blasting out blaring speeches of that actor was terrible mmm so you got blasting and blaring blasting and blaring pretty much mean the same thing in this context because you can say blasting out is one phrase a verb or blaring out they kind of both mean the same thing so you've used both but you don't need both you put blaring out speeches you could put the speeches blaring out of that actor what terrible the speech is blaring out of that actor were terrible okay and that would work that feels actually quite natural okay so I'm going to carry on all right the next one you've already seen because I I let it slip and let it slip through my fingers and that is to blast off now I'm sure you've all come across this phrasal verb to blast off we're talking about some form of rockets or spaceship now if you've ever watched the spaceships taking off maybe like from NASA then you will hear them counting down five four three two one we have blast-off now blast-off means to take off from a landing site to take off from a landing site okay and I'm gonna make this little shorter so I can see it properly the example sentence I've given here is the new shuttle is scheduled on Saturday afternoon the new shuttle is scheduled to blast off on Saturday afternoon okay so that's quite straightforward you are more than welcome to try and write a center that's using blast-off I think it's quite easy but give it a go let's have a look okay and does anybody have any opinions of out the moon landings I always enjoy talking about this now when the first ever moon landing when when Buzz and Neil Armstrong touched down on the moon and we saw all those videos and the famous words one small step for man one giant leap for mankind I think that was the quote I hope it was some people think it was faked what do you think do you think it was real or not I'm undecided okay so let's have a look have I got any examples coming through yes I have so here we go over to the YouTube chat room my eyes blast off when a beautiful girl passes passed near me my eyes blast off when a beautiful girl pass near me now Marco that was very creative and so you can use it creatively like that that's fine but what you need to do is to make sure you're in the same tense throughout the sentence so you've used past tense here when a beautiful girl passed near me so you need to use past tense here my eyes blast it off when a beautiful girl passed near me I would say passed me by or passed by me and remember capital letter at the beginning full stop at the end and I'll be happy they keep filling the rubbish basket as if it begins to blast off they keep filling the rubbish basket as if it begins to blast off I'm not going sure on the meaning of that one so I can't help you with that I'm sorry I was watching all where we oh they're cake and so Garcia I was watching the blasting off the rocket on the Discovery Channel channel is too ends for a start I was watching the rocket blast-off on the Discovery Channel I was rock watching the rocket blast-off on the Discovery Channel so it's just the word order you need to change there and correct spelling tomorrow will blast off to the countryside mmm so you've used it in a creative way again meaning you're going to launch yourself so unless you're actually going in a spaceship I would say don't use this phrasal verb to say that you're going somewhere even if you're going quickly even creatively it's there are better ways to say it and more commonly used ways of saying it that you're going somewhere quickly okay let's have a look what my patrons are saying and then we'll move on to the next one okay I've got the newspaper headlines blared out the scandal yeah that works that works well done but just make sure you've got a full stop at the end here all right let's go back to our emmy thinks it is real there's strong evidence for that fair enough fair enough all right so we've had blast-off blare out and blank out number one oh four is blaze away now - blaze away and means to shoot repeatedly and this can be literally with like a gun or with something you're firing or it can be figuratively so I tend to hear people saying blaze away when talking about speech like if you're if you're constantly talking you could be blazing away but you're shooting at someone you're you're firing your speech at someone okay and the example sentence I've given I've given to actually one is four figuratively and one is four literally so figure took figuratively speaking the shopkeeper blazed away at the young shoplifter for the entire 12 minutes that it took for the police to arrive so the shopkeeper the man or the woman who owns the shop blazed away so shouting at telling off giving a lecture to the young shoplifter a shoplifter is someone who steal from a shop for the entire 12 minutes that it took for the police to arrive so while waiting for the police to arrive the shopkeeper I spent the whole time shouting at this young shoplifter okay and then literally using blazed away owning a firearm does not give you the right to start blazing away at innocent people whenever you feel like it okay and if you've been following all of the news in the u.s. at the moment this particular sentence is a very apt they're all arguing about gun laws once again following the terrible tragedy that occurred there not so long ago okay so I'd like you to try and use blaze away in the correct context so let's have a look and see what my patrons are saying first off so patrons Donald Trump blazed away at his opponents in the Senate perfect Alexander well done Julia is writing and martyrs writing so while you guys are finishing off your sentences let's have a look what's going on on YouTube hi guys so I've got I passed years and years people blazing to me not so well without knowing the truth so let's changed this completely marker you say for years and years people and your you need to use the full phrasal verb if we're going to that's what we're trying to do is practice the phrasal verbs you say for years and years people have been blazing away at me without knowing the facts or without knowing the truth for years and years people have been blazing away at me without knowing the truth okay one blast off may lead to one milestone it depends on the context but that could work you just need a full stop at the end okay my job trainer blazes away so quickly that not so many people can follow his training you don't need so here you say not many people can so my job trainer blazes away so quickly that not many people can follow his training ok perfect oh my saw one ok my girlfriend loves to blaze me away especially when she is in period ok my girlfriend loves to blaze away at me when she is on her period ok blazing away has been a topic of argument recently I would put an object in there like civilians civilians blazing away has been a topic of argument recently president oh I can't say this president Maduro blaze away whoever he want and wherever he is are we talking literally or figuratively president Maduro blaze you need Ness on there at least blazes away whoever he wants and wherever he is wherever you can just put whoever he wants wherever he wants okay trying to looks here how can make the screen brighter cuz I'm looking a bit dark now okay let's go back to the patrons and then we'll have learned another one [Music] I felt uncomfortably where my teacher had been blazing me away during whole lesson I don't feel like it works well I'm not sure why but doesn't feel what it doesn't feel like it works to put the object in the middle of this phrasal verb I know we normally do but it doesn't feel right in this case I felt uncomfortable so take off the ly I felt sorry change the Y Franny I felt uncomfortable when my teacher I would say after my teacher spent the whole lesson blazing away at me I felt uncomfortable after my teacher spent the whole lesson blazing away at me it's going quite darkest now let me just turn this light up here see if that makes a difference hopefully okay what else we got a serious man blazed away the waiter for carrying the dish for two hours serious man blazed away the waiter for carrying the dish for two hours I think that works you blazed away at me by starting this live lesson without me mmm doesn't work because to blaze away at someone is to aim something speech or fire to shoot something at them so that doesn't quite work the guns of the ship blazed away for a few minutes for a few minutes for a few minutes blazed away for a few minutes okay all right let's move on so the next one let's go back to the list the next one on the list is bleed out bleed out now to bleed out is another way of saying to bleed to death is it's less official it's more of a colloquial way of saying to bleed to death she's not very nice but still a phrasal verb that we need to be aware of okay so the example sentence I've given here is a stony silence fell over the battlefield as hundreds of soldiers needlessly bled out hmm his battlefield one word I feel like it might be yes okay a stony silence fell over the battlefield a stony silence means if something is stony it's hot it's heartless there's no feeling to it so a stony silence fell over the battlefield as hundreds of soldiers needlessly bled out okay so you can give that one a go if you would like to but as it's quite a simple one I'm going to move on straight away to the next one which is bliss out now this is not a phrasal verb I've ever used but it does exist so I have to cover it and bliss out means to be extremely relaxed and happy maybe that's why I don't have I don't use it because I'm rarely relaxed I mean I'm generally very relatively happy but I'm usually quite stressed out so to be extremely relaxed and happy and the example I've given all the example I've given ears I like to bliss out in the warming sunshine listening to the sound of the ocean waves I like to bliss out in the warming sunshine listening to the sound of the ocean waves how do you bliss out okay so let me have a look of what's coming through here I've got Remmy we cannot win if we are having a bleeding army so you need to change that around - we cannot win if our army if our if all our soldiers bleed out remember you cut you need to use a full phrasal verb we cannot win if our army bleed out is how you do it and I've got a few examples coming through on on the YouTube room I've got after the accident the woman bled out after the accident the woman bled out so to put it into the past tense and that works hey Anna I hope you're alright English is rich of verbs and synonyms then why there are a lot of phrasal verbs who knows who knows my philosophy is don't ask why just get used to the way it is understanding why doesn't really help okay coffee or tea tea I said I said earlier it's pear and apple tea I hate when actors are bleeding out at the scene so how would you say this I hate it when actors do you mean when they make a scene longer than it needs to be or do you mean when it shows actors pretending to die and there's like fake blood and things if you mean about fake blood and stuff like that then you would say I hate it when actors bleed out on stage perhaps okay so oh we got one for bliss out here we go so I need some time to bliss out to refresh myself good we all do every now and again I've list out in my practicum period in school I don't know this word maybe it's a practice period my pack might revision period is that kind of what you mean okay the man got hit by a bus and bled out on the spot yep that works I would like to spend the rest of my life blissing out on the beach yes very good full stop at the end I saw your wound bleeding out when you stumbled with a rock near the seashore that suggests that I'm carrying a rock because you said with a rock oh it's all moving so fast when you said with a rock it suggests that I'm carrying a rakh so it might be better for you to say when you stumbled over a rock or stumbled on a rock suggesting the rock is what made me fall and hurt myself okay let's have a quick look at Alexander he says oh I've got another one here as well having blissed-out at the beach the return to work was awful good motto well done Alexander my dog amigo Bliss's out when I pet him I'm not sure about pet pet is the right word to pet is to stroke it could be like a pat or a stroke that's petting petting to touch in a gentle and loving way to pet and we pet our pets okay guys we are now over halfway through so what I'm going to ask you to do because I was terrible at letting people know that I was live today is if you are here you'll not subscribe please do press the subscribe button and the Bell notification button so you don't miss any future lessons and if you're enjoying this then please show me your thumb don't forget to give this video a like and if you are super duper cool then it would be great if you could just press that share button just to let some more people know that this is what I'm doing and these lessons can be helpful all right so let's carry on and the next one we've got on the list is block in now I use this a lot this happens often and it's very frustrating so when someone parks a vehicle I've made a park vehicle park a vehicle in such a way that it obstructs another car so if you park a vehicle in such a way that it obstructs another car you have blocked that car in I might say hey you've blocked me in move your car so I have a parking space with my flat in London it's very hard to park your car and you have to pay for parking with a machine and it can be very expensive but if you live in Londyn then you either buy a parking permit or you have an allocated parking space and I have one parking space for this flat and sometimes people park right behind me and it means I can't move my car so people regularly block me in and it's very frustrating especially if you have an appointment and need to get somewhere so the example centers I've given here is Shane which is the name of a boy Shane couldn't get his car off the driveway this morning because someone had blocked him in very annoying someone had blocked him in ok so this is quite an easy one to use so I'd like to see your examples please here we go straight away in I've got the traffic was so thick that a whole row of cars got blocked in we don't say thick for traffic we tend to say heavy or light there's light traffic so a little bit of traffic or there's no traffic or this very heavy traffic at the moment so heavy is is what you want to use instead of thick my neighbor blocked me in last morning nikka nikka we wouldn't say last morning we say yesterday yesterday morning my neighbour blocked me in yesterday morning oh how annoying and just to go back believe it or not I bliss out by learning English sounds weird not at all learning can be very therapeutic so good really nice sentences there guys let me have a quick look on YouTube see what these guys are saying my car is blocked in I can't drive very good would you mind not being obstruction on my way you'd say would you mind not obstructing my way but you need to use the phrasal verb that's all right here to learn one of our neighbors is always block the street again that's not using the phrasal verb and the sentence isn't quite right you say one of our neighbors is always blocking the street it took me it took nearly an hour for me to get get out my blocked in car hmm it's quite a complicated structure I mean it works it took nearly an hour for me to get out to my blocked in car but it sounds more complicated than it needs to be I would say it took Mike I would say my car was blocked in and it took me nearly an hour to get it out so I just make it simpler okay I'm always being blocked out by neighbors car blocked in blocked in not out okay let's I blocked him in when he was talking in the street okay so you don't purpose it kind is it I blocks in several cars and I received a fine and the work word received is spelt differently so do check the spelling on that because that's not spelt correctly okay so let's now go back to my patrons quickly I was so angry when one bottle of are blocked my car in good well done you've blocked me and make sure you put an apostrophe if you're contracting two words you have you've blocked me in move it or I gonna wreck your junk car I'm so you need another contraction Here I am I'm gonna wreck your junk car I don't think the junk is the right way to who's describe a car I'm gonna wreck your rubbish car you could say okay I was blocked in house by an avalanche so and you need an article I was blocked in I was blocked in the house I was blocked in the house by an avalanche so you just need those two little articles there and that worked fantastic all right it's time to move on to the next word and the next word is block off now to block off someone was talking about a street earlier we wouldn't really block in a street you'd block off a street so you block off a street okay and block off means to obstruct and exit and I've put here the traffic was terrible this morning apparently the high street was blocked off because of a police incident apparently the high street was blocked off because of a police incident I wonder what went on okay so block off is quite easy to obstruct an exit so I'd like you to try on my sentence using block off okay so so far we've covered block off block in bliss out nice and easy bleed out blaze away blast off blare out loud loud sound blank out blank out so I'm just waiting for your example sentences coming up for block off have you ever been stopped in your tracks because a street has been unexpectedly blocked off as your way ever being blocked off and here we go the police block blocked off the street where the gunman was hiding very good Alexander and a Kia nickk nickk nickk nickk er the ambulance has blocked off the entrance to my house yeah that's very good obviously not good if that really happened frustrating but snow in Kiev has blocked off several streets very good snow in London will probably block off many streets and roads even though we've only had a time the amount of snow stick to the ground we can't cope with snow here in London okay let me see what you guys are saying in the YouTube chat room I hate when I go to a block off street and I'm in a hurry mmm so I so you don't go to a blocked-off street unless you're specifically aiming for that purse in that place I hate it when I come across or I hate it when my path is blocked off and I'm in a hurry is what you'd say because you're not aiming for the street you might be going to work or you're going to school or you're going home but your path is blocked off okay the traffic jam blocked me off to go to campus with fast this isn't right we don't say with fast so the traffic jam no I don't think we would use block off in this circumstance block off is block off just literally means that your exit is obstructed so block off is not the right phrasal verb for that particular scenario sorry okay Lots coming through here what is a police incident it's so an accident is when something happens and it wasn't planned like I fall over and I break my leg or I accidentally knock someone I hit someone and they fall over and hurt themselves I didn't do on purpose it was an accident an incident is when something bad happens but it was planned so if I hit you with my shoulder on purpose because I want to push you and you fall over and break your wrist then that's an incident because I planned to hurt you okay so a police incident is when something bad has happened it's been planned and the police are involved so for example a terrorist attack would be an incident the police would be involved and it was definitely planned as much as it was unexpected it was planned okay so the speed driver got blocked off by the police so you might say here the speeding driver the speeding driver was speeding driver got blocked off by the police would you say that speeding driver got blocked off by the police I would say while the police were trying to stop the speeding driver they blocked off they blocked off many roads or the police blocked blocked off one of the main roads in an attempt to stop the speeding driver I hope that helps what else have we got the killer blocked off from jail no no thus the the killer now he doesn't work in that context I know what you're trying to say here's he can't get out because his exit is obstructed but think about block off usually being used with anything that normally goes through like roads and streets or a river the river might be blocked off and therefore it will flood the surrounding fields just think of it as a place where people normally go through and that's where we would use block off okay I'm gonna move on and the next one we're nearly at the end now thank you if you stayed with me we've got so on the next one we've got block out to block out now block out can be used in two ways we can either use block out to mean to stop light and noise from passing so for example my new blinds and blinds are the things I've got in front of the window now so they're not curtains but they stop light blinds some of them stop like completely some of them don't but my new blinds are fantastic because they completely block out the Sun all them with us over in the morning and those types of liens actually call blackout blinds blackout blinds if they completely stop in the sunshine so my new blinds are fantastic because they completely block out the Sun in the morning and then the other way of using block out is for you to suppress upsetting or painful memories or feelings similar to blank out you can block out and that's what we more commonly used in that scenario I block it out I don't want to think about it and the example sentence I've given here is you know it's not healthy to block out these feelings that you are having ok so let's have a look at some of your examples patrons and what have I got from you okay so blocked off road doesn't mean they are damaged no it doesn't if they're blocked off it just means that you can't access them it might be blocked off because our tree is falling down so the tree has blocked off the road the whole street was blocked off for some film shooting good well done all of major and minor streets were blocked off by rubble after the earthquakes he an article all so you don't need off just all major and minor streets were blocked off by rubble after the earthquake ok good the road was blocked off after an accident good I was blissed-out until I saw a group of rebels blocking the road off in the city center good well done my heart has been blocked off since my last relationship so I can't even think about someone new in my life that's terrible good full stop at the end and use an apostrophe for this contraction that is well done alright I'll take a few examples from YouTube Zaha I put my fingers in my ears to block out the terror sounds good well done I close all windows and doors to block out the nasty speaker sound good music helps the athlete's block out distractions good just use a full stop at the end well done guys great as doom Miranda here I blocked out depressive memories that I had a few years ago I'm good now great well done all right so I think we're on the last one yes we are so that's good the last one now block up block up and so block up means to fill the space so that nothing can pass like a home if there's a hole in a boat you need to block up the hole to stop all the water from coming in and sinking the boat okay and the example sentence I've given is this is ridiculous last night the sink was completely blocked up and now you tell me that someone has blocked up the toilets oh this is ridiculous last night the sink was completely blocked up and now you tell me that someone has blocked up the toilet how annoying okay so block up is your last one so I'd like you to either try practicing block up or any of the phrasal verbs and I'll spend a few more minutes now going through your sentences and correcting them for you I just like to remind you to make sure you're subscribed to give this video a thumb up if you haven't already and if you think it's helpful for anyone then please do press the share button so that we can spread the love and make sure that many people benefit from the time that I give to you while I'm waiting for those sentences to come through I'll remind you about this promotion you can get $10 free itoki credits when you purchase your very first I talk you lesson all you have to do is click on the link below and like I said before I talk use great because it's very affordable it will connect you to Native teachers at any time any anywhere around the world and they don't just teach English so do go and check out their websites if you are interested in taking lessons with a native teacher where you can get a bit more out of it obviously I give you what I can but sometimes you need some one-on-one to really work through those problems in your language learning to help you to progress okay what have we got so did you do let's have a look at YouTube first shall we I got my eyes blocked out using sunglasses sunglasses is always plural we never say sunglass and sunglasses because there's two lenses so it's always sunglasses and wearing my sunglasses I need to buy sunglasses I got my eyes blocked out using sunglasses so we wouldn't use our and I would say the Sun was blocked out or it's an awkward one to use blocked out you could say my sunglasses blocked out most of the lights and protected my eyes so the sunglasses blocked out most of the light is what I'd say I have lost it oh no okay um well don't block up the corridors with all these boxes very good sintel I don't think I've seen you here before well done the dentist blocked up the tooth with the chemical kind of dough I'd say a chemical kind of dough rather that is very specific ah is is general so the dentist blocks up the tooth with a chemical kind of dough good the plumber has to block up the pipeline in order to repair it very good well written a tube of my vacuum cleaner has blocked out I say blocked up is blocked up or sorry has been blocked up a tube in my vacuum cleaner has been blocked up that is terrible to fix principally in the bathroom mm-hmm yes the pipe has a hole you must block it up before the flood oh the floor gets wet before the floor gets wet very good there's a hole in the door so everyone can see us we need to block it up very good you don't need the s just door singular okay let me have a look at my patrons I'm trying to block out toxic people people is plural so we don't need ah a person and then just people so a toxic person or toxic people so just lose that ah because we're using people here I have to buy new curtains because those don't block out rays of sun rays of the Sun I would just say these don't block out I wouldn't say rays off we say rays of sunshine and normally that's how we say it rays of sunshine rather than rays of the Sun we say rays of sunshine but I would in this sentence I'd say because those don't block out the Sun and that's enough ice-cream and a lot of fast food won't block out your depression good the pipe is blocked up again and these water and authority and there's water all over the floor well done yesterday my kid blocked up the toilet because he threw a lot of toilet paper without flushing good just make sure you knew safe through toilet paper down through in a lot of toilet paper without flushing actually that would work through in we normally say to throw toilet paper down the toilet so to throw down is is what we normally use with the toilet because there's going down but throw in works actually yes they make lip-locked at the toilet because he threw in a lot of toilet paper without flushing yeah that works ignore me they are so alike I don't think I understand understood the difference between blocking and block out and block up just think of blocking means you can't get out of a place where you're stopped so you're blocked into a corner you're blocked in No we blocked in this for parking a car most of the time we've blocked in for a car that's stationary and then can't get out because of something in its way to block out like I would block out the noise is me stopping noise or stopping light I need to block it out or stopping a thought I'm blocking it out and to block up imagine something's moving through already and you stop it you put something in the way to stop it from continuing to move does that help so block in it's stationary it's a car normally and now it can't move to block out you stop it from getting in I'm going to block you out of here I'm going to block out the noise block out the light and to block up something's already coming through like water out of a hole in a pipe you put your finger in the hole and the water stops coming through you block it up okay I hope that helped I can see why it's confusing and the chimney was blocked up with a bird nest good the sooner you lock up your decayed tooth the better good we actually do use fill so you the sooner you fill your decaying tooth or the sooner you get a filling in your decaying tooth and the better but that works fine that's totally understandable can ya use instead of filling this example yes yes like I just explained that works great that's good to know Alexander alright guys so thank you so much for joining me I do hope that you found those phrasal verbs useful don't forget this is 110 that we've covered now we've only done ten in this lesson so if you did find this useful and this is the first time you've joined us for a live session then don't forget there's ten other phrasal verb lessons that you can catch up on all you need to go to is my video tab on youtube click on there and you'll find all the previous videos that gone both or some of them live some of them pre-recorded I do have to let you know that next week I will not be live because I'm going to be in Austria having a much-needed break I I had tried to cancel this holiday it was paid for last year and I had tried to cancel it given all the problems that I've been having to release some funds and stuff but no one would buy it off me and the holiday company wouldn't give me any money back so I've decided that I will use it to go and do some filming and to go and have some time out as well as do some learning and stuff myself so I won't be live next week but I will set up some videos to be released so you still get lessons from me so do keep checking out what's going on on the channel otherwise have a lovely evening lots of love to everyone and particular thanks and love to my patrons for all your support and I'll be adding some more stuff into the drop box soon so do keep your eyes open on those otherwise take care have a lovely evening lots of love in London
Channel: English Like A Native
Views: 13,789
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Learn English, English lesson, English like a native, Anna English, british english, english lesson, learn english, Live english lesson, phrasal verb, phrasal verb list, phrasal verb list full, complete list, phrasal verbs common, englsih phrasal verbs, english phrases, learn phrasal verbs, learn phrasal verbs easily, Phrasal Verbs In Use, Complete list phrasal verbs in english
Id: J5S0FeVwmgM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 56min 28sec (3388 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 26 2018
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