Pronunciation & Shadowing | LIVE English Lesson | Let Me Help You Improve Your English Speaking

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good afternoon everyone I just have to check the clock to check the time good afternoon everyone my name is Ana English this is English like a native and today we are looking at your English speaking we're doing English pronunciation specifically British English pronunciation and we're going to try a new technique which is shadowing you might have seen this from other teachers it's quite a common technique but we're going to give it a go today and see if it works for us for our little community here so as always I have prepared some notes for you now the words I've chosen to look at particularly today for our pronunciation come from my Instagram followers if you're not already following me on Instagram I do a lot of pronunciation work on Instagram so if pronunciation is important to you you can find me on Instagram British English Pro unfortunately someone else had English like a native so I am British English pro on Instagram and I do lots of pronunciation work there so make sure you join me there of course it's free so there's no reason why not so the words I've taken today specifically are from my students on Instagram but you are free to ask me the pronunciation of any word as we go through now first we're going to do some shadowing so first of all we'll do shadowing to really work on the flow of your English so that we start to sound natural when we're speaking English get the melody and then once we've done a little shadowing we'll move on to a specific word pronunciation and that's when I'll open it up so that you can also offer suggestions of words or phrases that you struggle to say okay so hold on to those suggestions until I open it up to everybody and then jump on in and let me know okay fantastic right so I do have my patrons here as well so patrons feel free to write in the Skype room okay and let's get started with the notes so pronunciation and shadowing now the first practice practice reading while listen and listen to this example at the same time so I'm going to read it and I want you to just listen to how I phrase it okay so read along at the same time this morning I skipped breakfast which I'm told is bad for my health apparently breakfast is the most important meal of the day but the problem is but I just don't feel hungry when I first wake up and if I force myself to eat then I end up feeling sick did you have breakfast this morning okay I'm gonna read it one more time so just listen to the flow if there are any words you're unsure of please ask me just ask me in the comment section and I'll try and help you but just listen one more time listen very carefully this morning I skipped breakfast which I'm told is bad for my health apparently breakfast is the most important meal of the day but the problem is that I just don't feel hungry when I first wake up and if I force myself to eat then I end up feeling sick did you have breakfast this morning okay so let me just bring you back up show you my face again hello hi okay so this is just a little paragraph that I wrote this morning I thought it was better to do a natural paragraph rather than a poem because poetry has his own flow poetry has its own unique rhythm and so I thought it was better to do just a random phrase bunch of sentences that were more likely to say okay so now what I'm going to do is we're going to read it together again I want you to start getting used to reading along with me this is how shadowing works you get used to a piece of text and then you've read it at the same time okay so this time I'm actually going to read slower I'm going to put gaps so I'll say it and I want you to repeat it and try and get the exact same melody as I do so I'll say a sentence you repeat now what I've done is I've broken this up into phrases rather than sentences and I've marked each phrase with a slash so every time you see a slash I'll wait and you repeat the sentence I've just said okay so let's jump on to this version so listen and repeat this morning I skipped breakfast your turn which I'm told is bad for my health now there should be a little slash there apparently breakfast is the most important meal of the day but the problem is that I just don't feel hungry when I first wake up and if I force myself to eat then I end up feeling sick did you have breakfast this morning great alright guys so that's that's kind of shadowing but it's more mimicking that's more imitation you're mimicking what I've just said so now we're going to go into shadowing and what happens here is I'm going to say the sentence and I want you to say it at the same time okay so I'm not going to put big gaps in this time I want you to try and say it at the same time as me okay and for those of you who are unsure I am British English so we are working on British English pronunciation okay just in case you're unsure about that alright so reading at the exact same time as me let's go into it are you ready this morning I skipped breakfast which I'm told is bad for my health apparently breakfast is the most important meal of the day but the problem is that I just don't feel hungry when I first wake up and if I force myself to eat then I end up feeling sick did you have breakfast this morning now you'll notice where I previously paused on these marks here on these slash marks I always naturally put a pause anyway so this is a natural phrase and these are connecting words here and I'm stopping at the connecting words quite a lot of the time but which I even do a little pause when I say and just to make sure that you're connecting all the clauses I naturally add a little pause on either side okay and have you noticed yet the difference in the intonation whether my voice is rising or falling when I use a question mark so when I'm asking a question my voice rises up but in every other sentence my voice starts high and then falls down this morning I skipped breakfast this morning I skipped breakfast but then in the question I said did you have breakfast this morning did you have breakfast this morning of course I'm slightly over exaggerating the change but we always have this rising intonation on a question and generally a falling intonation on statements it's very different in that respect to an American accent American accents tend to include a lot more rising towards the ends of sentences okay so how you're getting on okay guys just remember that this is attended by children as well as adults so please keep your comments clean and let's not be name-calling or saying any anything horrible about anyone else or any other accents or anything like that okay keep it all nice and friendly now what we're going to do is I'm going to just point out as we go through now some weak weak forms so smoove covered weak forms before in other lessons and now I'm going to point out some of the very obvious weak forms now some words as you may or may not know have a strong form pronunciation and a weak form pronunciation for example the word for this is for you fo are in its strong form we say for in its weak form we say four four four four four okay so I've highlighted in orange the weak forms that I definitely use as a weak form within the phrase within the paragraph and also now let's really think about that intonation that we've just talked about so we're going to do it one more time I'm going to look at those weak up coming and that are coming through those weak forms sorry and and yeah there you can see the highlighted you see alright so this morning I skipped breakfast which I'm told is bad for my health ci safer but my I don't say me I don't make this one a weak form this time I say it's bad for my health for my health for my health so really change that for my health it's bad for my health it's bad for my health apparently breakfast is the now the reason I've highlighted that is because there can be pronounced as there all thee and there's a very very strict rule about when you use the stronger pronunciation of the but in this case and in this case we're using the weak form the so apparently breakfast is the most important meal of the of the of the day so rather than saying of the day we'd say of the day of the day but the problem is that that so we're making this a schwa that the problem is that I that I that I just don't feel hungry when I first wake up and here I tend to use the weak form because what I do is take away the D I say and if and if I force myself to eat and if an if so I'm taking away that D sound and if I force myself to eat then I end up feeling sick did you have breakfast this morning okay so let's try that one more time remembering those weak forms are you ready okay let's go this morning I skipped breakfast which I'm told is bad for my health apparently breakfast is the most important meal of the day but the problem is that I just don't feel hungry when I first wake up and if I fall myself to eat then I end up feeling sick did you have breakfast this morning okay so there we go right let me have a look and see what's going on with you guys hello patrons hello Eva hello Vivian and hello to my new patron that night don't know how to cook that your name correctly but I give it a go Oh lubu solo Sola please correct me on how to pronounce your name and I hopefully will get that right so forgive me for that one and hello to everyone in the YouTube chat room do we have any newbies here is there anyone here who hasn't seen a live session before it would be great to welcome you and Oh bless I seen a super chat has come through thank you so much that's very very kind of you okay let me try and say this Zil Zulu is all bizarre is that right I think I said that correctly dull buzz el mozole well thank you very much for your kind donation and as you sent a super chat you will get a copy of the notes all you have to do is just drop me a message in my inbox my email address is at the bottom of the description here so if you have sent a super chat then just email me and I will send you a copy of the notes as a way of saying thank you okay lots of you chatting away in the chat room some of you having to leave some of you just joined olam and Lissa hello hello lots of you here Bon dia and new from Greece's Isadora hello Isadora vanity I love your accent thank you very much Mustafa is new here fantastic welcome it's my first time drawing joining your live lessons as Molly hello and welcome I want to know the meaning of adios adios Spanish and it means goodbye hello Daniel thank you very much very very kind all right so we're going to carry on with some shadowing and we'll come to pronunciation of individual words after the next practice so now we know what to do we're going to do one more practice run of a different paragraph and then we'll come on to individual words now if you are here for the first time please make sure you're a subscriber and you press the bell notification button and those of you who have been here for a long time you know what to do please give me some love by giving this video a thumb up if you do like it at this time then give me lots of likes and the more likes I get on the live lessons then I know which ones are the most popular so I know when to be live again all right so let's jump over to the next paragraph what have we got okay here we go read along with me have you heard the new schedule we now have a class at 5:30 every Friday which means we can't attend band practice I can't believe it what should we do if we skip the class all together then we fail the exams but if we miss band practice then we won't be able to play in the recital next summer so I guess the only option we have is to talk to the teacher about it what do you think okay and let's have that one more time have you heard the new schedule we now have a class at 5:30 every Friday which means we can't attend band practice I can't believe it what should we do if we skip the class altogether then we fail the exams but if we miss band practice then we won't be able to play in the recital next summer so I guess the only option we have is to talk to the teacher about it what do you think okay so hopefully hopefully that all makes sense to you if there are any words that you're unsure of do just try and drop it into the message chat room and I will try to answer for you um bless another message another super chat has come through but the message have been retracted and I'm not sure who it's from but whoever it's from thank you so much that's very very kind of you just drop me an email and and I'll send you the notes so that you have a little something too for me to say thank you with ya so some of you are noticing that I'm not always pronouncing the final plosives K's and T's at the ends of words and that's true we do tend to drop the final plosives it depends on the sentence really just in Wow goodness me hello Justin you've dropped a super job thank you very much very very kind of you if you do drop a super chat you can write a message in the super chat as well so your message stands out so don't be afraid to drop a message all right so let's go and have a look at where the pauses are naturally in that phrase so we've got have you heard the new schedule and listen to that rising intonation it goes up at the end because it's a question have you heard the new schedule pause we now have a class at 5:30 every Friday which now here I haven't put a pause afterwards I'm just going straight into it because there's a sense of urgency and what I'm saying which means we can't attend band practice pause I can't believe it pause what should we do rising intonation what should we do if we skip the class altogether then we'll fail the exams but if we miss band practice then we won't be able to play in the recital next summer so connecting word so I guess the only option we have suspend is to talk to the teacher about it what do you think okay so now I want you to copy me so imitation here now guys I will say the sentence up to the pause point and I want you to repeat it okay here we go have you heard the new schedule we now have a class at 5:30 every Friday which means we can't attend band practice I can't believe it what should we do if we skip the class altogether then we'll fail the exams but if we miss band practice then we won't be a boom scuse me hmm then we won't be able to play in the recital next summer so I guess the only option we have is to talk to the teacher about it what do you think okay well done guys really well done okay so what's going on would it be possible for you to ask would it be possible for you to ask how to change your twang as you do as far as I'm aware you're from the north on you yes I am from the north of England and I changed my accent and yes part of that was to change the placement of my voice as well and it's just through doing things like this through shadowing imitating lots of listening it's not that difficult to change your accents you just have to really want it and to really tune in with your ears every time you're hearing someone speaking in the kind of accent and in the language that you want to achieve okay so I'm just gonna now do the last little section of this shadowing we're gonna move on to the actual shadowing phase we're going to look at the weak forms within that within that paragraph and also I want to point out the very last time I say what do you think I don't use the weak form of you now normally you would you'd say what do you think what do you think and even do becomes a little weak what do you think it becomes Jo what do you think what do you think but in this case I'm I'm really emphasizing that I want to know what their plan of action would be what do you think we should do not I'm not saying generally what do you think what does everyone think I'm saying what do you think we should do so because I'm emphasizing that I want to know what your plan would be in this situation then I'm using the stronger form so the strong form always falls on a stressed syllable okay so I'm stressing you and so we have to use the strong form I hope that makes sense okay so let's try shadowing this time looking at those weak forms so this time you're going to copy me exactly at the same time okay all right sorry about all the coughing so are you ready here we go have you heard the new schedule have you heard the new schedule we now have a class huh sorry that was northern class class we now have a class at 5:30 every Friday notice these wheat forms uh but we now have a clot we now have a class at 5:30 every Friday I'm going to do every line twice by the way which means we can't attend band practice I can't believe it missing off that tee I can't believe it what should we do what should we do if we skip the if we skip the class altogether if we skip the class all together then we'll fail the exams then we'll fail the exams but if we miss band practice but if we miss band practice then we won't and because I got another strong and plosive sound here I'm ignoring that T we won't be we won't be we won't be able to play in the recital next summer then we won't be able to play in the recycle next summer so so I guess the only option we have I guess the only option we have is to talk to the teacher about it is to talk to the teacher about tit so I'm hitting both of those T's at the end then what do you think what do you think okay hopefully that is working alright for you we're gonna do once through now without stopping I just want to say another huge thank you to Justin who's dropped another super chance very generous of you and you've said I'm a native English speaker but I never knew about strong and weak forms even though I've been using them all my life this is really interesting yep just in it's you you're proving my point very very strongly they're natives don't know these rules even I didn't know them and still I started teaching them we just do it automatically so thank you for pointing that out all right everyone let's read it once through all together from the start here we go have you heard the new schedule we now have a class we now have a class at 5:30 every Friday which means we can't attend band practice I can't believe it what should we do if we skip the class altogether then we fail then we'll fail the exams but if we miss band practice then we won't be able to play in the recital next summer so I guess the only option we have is to talk to the teacher about it what do you think all right guys apologies that was a little bit jumpy it's very difficult running these sessions because you have so much going on so I'm trying to read trying to highlight I'm trying to catch your messages at the same time and then something went ping yeah I'm sorry about that hopefully you're still finding this very very helpful okay so now we're going to move on to words that you find difficult now like I said on Instagram which is where I do a lot of pronunciation work I did ask what words you guys struggle with and you came back with a whole list of words some of them I covered already on Instagram and some I'm going to cover right now if I do have any of my Instagram followers in right now big shout out to you guys thank you for following me there I do enjoy my Instagram posting and the conversations that we have there so if you now watching haven't previously suggested a word but there's something you want me to help you with write it in the comments now and we'll start we'll start going through them okay so here we go the first word that you asked me to help you with was a furry little animal and it's the animal a squirrel a squirrel squirrel and they've given this I've written this little a tongue twister to help you with this one and the tongue twister is a squinting squid which is an animal from the see a squinting squid saw a squirrel imperil a squinting squid saw a squirrel in peril let's have a look at our mouth shapes when we're making this sound so we have a squat squat it's like a W follows squat squinting and to squint is to to make your eyes small like you're trying to see something you're trying really hard you do that normally if someone needs glasses they will squint you can tell they need glasses because they're squinting it's everything a squinting squid saw a squid roll a squid roll a squirrel and it ends with that dark L so the tongue tip has to come up to the roof of the mouth oh oh squirrel squirrel it's just hidden because I'm making the R as well a squinting squid saw a squirrel in peril if you're in peril then you're in trouble you're in danger okay hopefully none of you have ever been in peril okay so the next one is the word comfortable now there are a couple of different ways you can say this you can either say three syllables constable comfortable or you can say with four syllables comfortable comfortable but notice on both examples I do not pronounce the letter R comfortable or comfortable most of us just use three syllables it's easier that way so let's have a look and it written comfortable and I've written this little tongue twister for you to help with those bull sounds we've got comfortable culpable vegetables our unsuitably unforgettable don't worry about this making sense it does kind of make sense but it's also nonsense so don't worry about it just use the words comfortable culpable vegetables are unsuitably unforgettable or if we're going to do it with four syllables comfortable culpable vegetables are unsuitably forgettable okay let's move on to the next one so the next one was Hill versus hell and this is the difficulty with the short vowels Hill hell yeah and let me just show you and the mouth shape on this so a a the tongue and the back of the tongue is quite high if it's stuck up onto the roof of the mouth almost a hill but then air air you can see this space the tongue isn't touching the top of the mouth is high but it's not touching if air air air that's the difference Hill a mound of Earth a hill and hell heaven and hell it was hell and the example tongue twister that I've written for you is hit or I'm putting us on that hills in hell our hellishly hilly hills in hell our hellishly hilly Hills in hell are hellishly hilly hopefully that's nice and helpful for you okay then we have another one using the same two vowel sounds the high tongue e in pin and the slightly less high tongue position in air pen and the example sentence I've given here for pin versus pen is Ben's sin was tube in a pen and the bin men pinned the pen binning on Ben if you struggle to understand this don't worry too much it's just saying that Ben threw away a pen he Bend a pen tube in something you can use this as it's usually a noun but you can use it as a verb to say to throw something in the rubbish to throw something away and his sin the bad thing that he did was to throw away a pen and the bin man or the bin man plural the bin men the men who collect the rubbish to take it away pinned the pen binning so they knew they found out they accused and were correct that it was Ben that threw away the pen okay so that's what it means Ben's sin was to bin a pen and the bin men pinned the pen binning on been tough one hey I enjoyed writing that one actually okay so just so you can see that you got pin pin pin and a writing instrument a pen pen look at the space pin a pin prick a pin pen pen okay so the next words that I have are distinguished and distinguishable now if someone is distinguished you could say is it's kind of refers to a level of respectability and I usually think they're very well dressed if they are distinguished they are respectable they've probably done something notable and they probably have a Doctorate or they're very well educated in some form or they've been honored they're distinguished they're very important people but to be distinguishable or to distinguish means to set apart to be able to see something as different to another so what distinguishes me what are my distinguishable features or my distinguishing features I have long hair you might have a birthmark you might have a tattoo and those are your distinguishing features these make you different to other people so that people can tell it's you because of your distinguishing features you could say that someone has a distinguishable voice okay so their voice sounds very different and as soon as you hear it you know who is speaking we all have friends like that and the example sentence I've given for this quite unique word is despite his distinguishable and suitably distinguished attire he was undistinguishable from the extinguisher and an extinguisher is a fire extinguisher so an object a tool that puts out fires you pick it up it's normally in every building you'll have a fire extinguisher in every public building and you spray it on a fire if a fire breaks out so despite his distinguishable and suitably distinguished attire he was undistinguishable from the extinguisher so he must have been wearing something red okay so the next one is thoughtful full versus fool this is a short o sound and it is difficult this is a long ooh sound so we want to have rounded lips full fool both of them require a dark L which I know is difficult for many many students or all the example sentence I've given is a drooling fool with a bag full of wool now that's interesting isn't it even though this has got the same letters in it's a completely different sound we don't say wool like fool we say wool like full so this is where English becomes completely frustrating and confusing a drooling fool with a bag full of wool a drooling fool with a bag full of wool if you drool it means that you're like dribbling saliva is coming out of your mouth and you're like a drooling fool drool fool with a bag full of wool so look at the difference in my shape fool full full full okay hope that helps okay we have four more and then I can look at what you guys are asking me on YouTube and I can drop in to my patrons chat room as well so the next one is the difference between three words so so and saw let's have a look at them shall we so so we have so and this is exactly the same as the word so lots of people trip up on this so so is to either plant seeds into a into a field a farmer will sow his seeds and so it's exactly the same pronunciation or you can sew with a needle and thread when you mend clothes with a needle and a thread your sewing sewing sew and sew but they are both very different to the word sore it's a completely different placement oh and it's also a long vowel whereas these two words are diphthong oh oh can you hear the movement oh so and this one saw saw there's no movement so here is the example sentence Sophie saw a sewing machine so she stayed - so Sophie saw a sewing machine so she stayed - so fantastic I'm just gonna show you my mouth shape on that one just that you have it clear so and so oh oh so and saw I saw saw I make a big space inside the mouth and the sound is very far back or so saw so saw okay so the next words are time and time so time we're talking about what time is it now the time of day and then we have time like the hub you put time into your cooking maybe if you're cooking lamb or a tan jean or something you might put time I'm not a I'm not a fabulous cook so I don't really know what you would use with time and time oh Justin has sent me a correction Thank You Justin and another super chat you're very very kind indistinguishable not undistinguishable fair enough I they're not words that I use very often so I will change that in the notes and thank you very much for pointing that out I can't remember how many words there are exactly in the English language but it's thousands and thousands it's one of the bigger not the biggest language but one of the biggest languages in the world with a constantly changing and growing vocabulary and so we natives make mistakes all the time we assume rules but rules are always broken and sometimes we just make up words so thanks for that correction it certainly doesn't bother me to be corrected because we only get better by making mistakes okay so if I'm not afraid to make mistakes and you guys shouldn't be either okay so we're moving on from time versus time the example sentence I gave for that one is this time ad time and notice they have exactly the same pronunciation this time ad time this time ad time okay and when nearly at the end we just got these ones to cover and then I'll come to your questions can versus cannot versus can't so here we have the exact same vowel sir bowel sound can cannot can cannot but here it changes completely to a long are sound the jaw is dropped the mouth is open can't I can't very different to an American pronunciation okay so here is the example sentence cat can can can it's a type of dance lots of legs kicking in the air I think it's French cat can can can but cannot tango and can't barn dance cat can can can but cannot tango and can't barn dance hmm I hope that helps and the last one on the list poor versus poor versus / now in British English these are now pronounced the same he used to be in the old days that this one would be pronounced differently with a diphthong poor poor but now it's just one long vowel sound or I'm poor I pour the milk and the cat purrs so that's a different vowel or poor purr and the example sentence is the poor cat purred and poured as the milk was poured there's another word that sounds exactly the same as this one that just means to use your your paws I hope the cat's feet are paws and you know when they kind of push against something and they stretch their feet through that's pouring pouring so the poor pussycat poured purred and poured as the milk was poured so that's a tricky one isn't it okay so I'm going to close those notes down now I might actually add some of yours okay so let me first go to my Trane's and see what those guys are saying and then I'll come back to my YouTube room and answer your questions hello patrons I've got Fabian in a call me Lola fabulous I'll call you Lola I ate a big breakfast this morning says Lizzy fabulous good I always eat a big breakfast as well in fact I have a double a double breakfast I have yogurt and fruit and a little muesli and I also have a cooked breakfast which is usually egg on toast or this morning I had beans on toast with a little cheese Alexander what's the meaning of drooling I remembered I watched a film where there were some very attractive ladies walking on the street and the word drooling was used okay well the word drooling as I mentioned means to dribble so it's when saliva comes out of your mouth but there's a difference between dribble and drool if you dribble a baby would dribble or when you sleep you might dribble do you dribble when you sleep I do I have to admit but if you drool it doesn't necessarily mean that saliva is actually coming out of your mouth sometimes it can just be used as an expression to mean that you're you are showing interest like you're hungry so you might drool when you see the pie coming out of the oven and it smells good you might war I'm drooling my mouth is watering I'm hungry for it and similarly if you see an attractive person walking down the street then you might be like for their really attractive and someone might say stop drooling because they can see that you want them that you are attracted to them you're drooling okay so Lizzy at Lola sorry let's come back to your question I saw something pop up could you please help me with the distinct mouth shape for this short vowels and the position of the articulator oh and ooh oh oh oh and Lola can you give me exact words because there are a few different versions of the you sound inch Wow so can you give me exact words that you're struggling with but yes the aah sound aah aah aah you'll notice my tongue is pushed down aah oh my mouth is very round inside it's like you could put a marble or a big ball inside my mouth and it would hold the shape of round a round shape within the mouth oh oh oh so it's big and it's also quite far back oh oh like you'd say on the you sound cut okay so that sound cut uh uh again the sound is quite far back but you see there's not such a big shape or in the mouth so you've got caught big shape cut vs. cut cut and see how naturally smiled to make that sound so you have cut versus cut cut or cut ah oh oh ok hope that helps alright let me jump over to my my viewers here on YouTube hi guys um have you all press the thumb I hope so alright let's see what you guys are saying let me scroll back a bit doo doo doo doo gosh gosh gosh um photosynthesis photosynthesis is one of the words that has just come up there from joke a quite a way back I'm afraid so if your wait but photosynthesis is the is what happens when plants turns sunlight into oxygen if I remember my if I remember my science lessons from a long time ago but yes it's pronounced photosynthesis make sure you get the tongue out for the th photosynthesis tip tough one can you pronounce masochistic masochistic masochistic [Music] cepsa sabha sabha rural rural role it's a hard one rural rural how do you pronounce the word mischievious miss like a lady miss mischief hang on I always pronounce this wrong let me just remember miss mischievous mischievous that's one that I always have to correct correct my cell phone because I always say mischievious but it's mischievous miss cheevus three syllables mischievous mischievous okay familiar out familiarity familiarity familiarity did uh hello in Brazil hello in Egypt oh here's one that I struggle with to February February I hope I'm pronouncing that right February February I think it's supposed to have that extra R sound in it February February but it makes you feel like you have a lisp February February February I'm gonna look it up on Cambridge so here's a trick for you guys if you are ever unsure about pronunciation then usually if you go to either the Oxford or the Cambridge dictionary they will give you in phonetics and sometimes also the the recording as well of the word February you have they do have the are no but not always goodness so this one gives me both the way I say it and with the are as well let me see there's one more American mmm interesting different people are saying different things okay let's go with February with a row I should I should work on that one to February February February there we go February that was the recording on Cambridge dictionary there hopefully I won't get into trouble for playing that okay let's move on so that's two that I need to remember mischievous and February the dark hell most of the time in yes the dark hell is mostly at the end of a word you'll never find a dark hell at the beginning of the word in a British English pronounced word which accent is better British English or American English there's no better accent different people will argue different American is best because most people use American other people will say that British English is clearer and Britain is where English came from in the first place so it's the origin of the English language blah blah blah but really is down to personal choice which is I think as long as you're clear as long as people understand you and you don't have to keep repeating yourself then it doesn't matter if you have a little bit of American a little bit of British that's absolutely fine I think the most important thing is that you can be understood firstly absolutely absolutely oh no that's not on that you're just having your conversation let me see let me see more words give me some words guys yes the crown on Netflix is a fantastic series where they all speak very very posh it's actually a very heightened RP accent in there but it's very very clear suggestion suggestion sir jesh gin suggestion catch catch you catch a ball and caught that has that long vowel that I talked about earlier with a big space inside the mouth or but look how round my lips are caught I catch the ball now I caught the ball yesterday I catch the ball now I caught the or yesterday colonel colonel sorry cologne I think actually I think I'm completely miss reading so for those of you who don't know I am actually dyslexic and sometimes I look at a word and I can't understand it yes Colonel Colonel I just didn't recognize the way it was spelled then colonel wielding wielding to wield a knife or to wield a sword fuel to fuel your mind to fuel your car and to fuel your stomach fuel fuel necessary necessary four syllables necessary necessary it's not necessary dude to do do you have an RP accent um I have a soft RP accent I would just generally call that a standard accent can you please tell me a series on movies I want a posh accent then you need to watch the crown the crown is is the best series for for having a posh accent clothes clothes stuff because you have that movement of the tongue from the th mm to the S or Z sound the clothes okay I'm gonna take a few more and then I'm going to let you go because we've been here for nearly an hour goodness me time flies when you're having fun I want I want it or what want want and won't I will not I won't want what what what whoa see how my mouth moves into another W sound won't won't I won't do it I want it what want won't want so good one it's a good one Carlos I don't agree you said girls with British accents look more sophisticated I'd say sound because if you're talking about the way they sound then they sound more sophisticated but you've said that men sound a bit I don't agree I think that a man with a standard clear British accent comes across as well-educated gentle that's what you might be talking about but but I completely disagree I think a real English gentleman like an English prince is a wonderful thing and certainly not something to shy away from yes it's always wonderful having a conversation with an English gentleman a man who can articulate himself very well can you pronounce the word slowly the word accept Eck accept Eck see I'm using like a K sound except I hope that helps oh gosh it just all jump down vulnerable vulnerable sorry vole vole nura ball vulnerable vulnerable I generally dropped the L quite a lot actually vulnerable vulnerable literally and generally literally generally make sure you smile into the end lots of people say literally generally and they don't do a full e when there's a Y so make sure you do literally generally I lost my eyes up to your entrepreneur entrepreneur It's Made in Chelsea is a super posh accent no it isn't Made in Chelsea is not super posh no it's a very strong it's a very strong accent but it's not standard my RP sound so if you're trying to sound posh don't learn Made in Chelsea accents can you say he's best at it he's best at it there you go what's the difference between maybe and probably maybe suggests that it might happen there's a chance probably suggests there's more chance of it being the positive answer will you come to the party maybe it's more 50:50 it's less possible hmm maybe I'm a bit tired I don't really like anybody at the party I don't know if I want to go maybe probably is more positive it suggests that I'm very likely going to be there okay but it's still not certain hope that helps gender gender failure failure or a good one I just saw was wonder like to walk around off the path that you were supposed to be on to wander off you tell your children don't wander off wander and wonder wha wha have a very very close in pronunciation wonder wonder in fact I need to check actually what the phonetic transcription is matsan ah and wonder I wonder yeah they are different what wonder wonder wonder wonder that is very tough very tough I wouldn't worry too much the context will give that one away okay so ladies and gentlemen we've nearly hit an hour so I'm going to say thank you so much for joining me thank you to my lovely patrons I'm just going to answer I'm going to answer these last questions with my patrons so I've got one more question which one do which one do I have to put in a sense and sentence rather or quite the the flat is spacious it has a large living room with a fireplace and a bright kitchen there's only one bedroom but it's you can use either I would go with quite there's only one bedroom but it's quite big I would say quite feels more natural to me but either would work perfectly well okay it's for all it's rather big it's quite big well that's difficult I would say quite I would say quite okay he hello he you want the pronunciation of the word perscription perscription and subscription subscription sub scription tion prescription subscription prescription subscription okay I hope that helped alright guys thank you so much for joining me just a very very quick shout out to everyone who sent a super chat today you guys are amazing that's very very generous don't forget if you did drop a super chat today then feel free to drop me an email my email address is in the bottom of the description and request the notes I'll send them to you as my way of saying thank you patrons of course these will be dropped into the patriotic patreon drop box so they'll be available to all of you thank you those of you who've been able to join me today and thank you to everyone who suggested was and got involved with this lesson please do give it a thumb up share it with anyone you think you'll find it helpful there is a new lesson coming out tomorrow rather rather a or should I say a risque lesson one that might shock you initially but one that's going to be helpful and hopefully hopefully enjoyable as well so look out for that coming out tomorrow morning yes tomorrow morning I mean as well just release it in the morning why not and I'll be live again on Monday at 4 o'clock with more of those tricky phrasal verbs so thank you very much guys for joining me I will see you all soon have a wonderful weekend lots of love from London goodbye [Music] you
Channel: English Like A Native
Views: 81,441
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Learn English, English lesson, English like a native, Anna English, british english, english lesson, Live english lesson, english vocabulary, learn english, live lesson, learn english live, english, british, practive english, phrases, speaking, speaking english, pronunciation, pronunciation practice, shadowing technique english, shadowing english, british pronunciation, british pronunciation practice, english accent, british accent, practice english accent
Id: Vc_shrNzOGM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 60min 52sec (3652 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 13 2018
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