Speak, Talk, Say & Tell - What's the Difference | Live English Lesson Writing Practice

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good evening our welcome to English like a native with me Ana English coming to a little bit later than scheduled but I'm here now and today we're going to learn hopefully oh sorry I'll turn that on to silent hopefully the clear differences between speak talk tell and say this is a live lesson so if you're here do say hello let me know where in the world you're watching from and also to let you know if you're a patron the patron Scout room is now open it's here for everyone to see and so feel free to write your messages there and those messages will definitely be responded to hello if you're joining me I'm going to jump straight into the lesson this is going to be an interactive lesson so what I want you to do as we're going through is to practice using each of these words by writing sentences so each word that we cover I'd like you to write a sentence using those words and I will correct you if I spot your sentence as we're going through I'll highlight it show everybody and then correct it with you so hopefully I'll help you using practice putting things into practice will help you to improve your English all right so let's get straight on into it seeing lots of you joining me here this is wonderful so the very first thing we're going to talk about the word speak so in general speak tell a talk tell and say as verbs all refer to the action of giving information normally through the mouth so let's talk about speak first the word speak the word speak is a more is more formal than the word talk now we can use talk and speak interchangeably most of the time apart from one extra little preposition that we always need with talk but speak is Germany more formal so if something important needs to be said in a formal situation than the verb speak is more likely to be used for example oh dear my formatting is all messed up I would like to speak to you about your behavior so imagine you're at work and perhaps your behaviors not been the best recently and your boss walks up to you and says excuse me I would like to speak to you about your behavior because it's a formal situation because it's quite a serious situation we're going to use the verb speak instead of talk your boss could use the word talk I'd like to talk to you about your behavior he could but it's more likely that he would use speak because that's what we naturally use in a more formal situation so I'd like to I'd like you to write a sentence now using the word speak thinking about a formal situation and while you're doing that let's look at some more examples the doctor spoke to them about their options the doctor spoke to them about their options so it's a doctor the doctors in a work situation it's obviously a serious situation so we're using speak instead of talk but like I said before you can use talk it's just speak is them is the more prominent verb in a formal situation so the doctor spoke to them and the last sentence I've got here on the examples list is please pay attention when the headmaster is speaking please pay attention when the headmaster is speaking okay so obviously headmaster formal situation he's in school talking to his students okey dokey let's have a look to see if any of you are already giving me your practice sentences hmm and I can't see any so let's carry on with the notes and as you put down some example sentences I will add them to the list so going further on we also use speak when talking about languages which is something you we'll do because someone will say probably how many languages do you speak as most of you are using English as a second language people might assume that you have other languages as well so they'd say to you how many languages do you speak and in this situation you can only use speak you wouldn't say how many languages do you talk because that doesn't really work we say how many languages do you speak and you could reply with I speak French fluently or I speak seven languages or I only speak two languages I speak English I speak I speak Japanese okay so speak can be used with languages any sentences coming through here great Horatio hello Horatio you said Anna I want to speak to you I'm sorry I want to speak with you about your new profile cartoon picture I want to speak with you about your new profile cartoon picture very good sentence I'm going to copy that and paste that onto the notes actually what you've done there is use a couple of the prepositions that I'm about to speak talk to you about let's put it up here so Horatio wrote Anna I want to speak with you about your new profile cartoon picture now this is fine the only thing I would say about this sentence is this preposition here I want to speak with you makes it sound like I'm in trouble I want to speak with you about your new profile cartoon picture I want to speak with you I don't know I want to speak with you about it it's fine it's fine I think because of our situation because I'm always quite relaxed with you guys and I see you more like a family I would say that this situation of the little more informal and so using speak with you for me sounds very formal sounds like I'm in trouble and so I would naturally want to say I want to talk to you about because torque is used in a less formal situation or an informal situation okay but it's fine it's fine so let's talk about preposition shall we it's gonna take that off now let's talk about prepositions used with the word speak so with speak we can use the prepositions to about or with so I'd say I want to speak to you I want to speak to your boss I want to speak to the man in charge I want to speak to the victim of the crime so you always used to when you're going to add the object I want to speak to that person you could use about when we're talking about what talk so it use about when you're including the content I'm going to speak about English prepositions I'm going to speak about what I did last week he spoke to me about his injuries and then finally we can use with the same in the same way that we use to so we can use with to say who we're speaking to I spoke with your boss yesterday or I spoke with my boss I want to speak with you like Horatio just used but it can also be used to say how someone speaks she speaks with a British accent he speaks with he speaks with a gravelly voice she speaks with an unusually an unusually melodic tone so that's quite an interesting set of prepositions and of course you can use all three prepositions in one sentence and here I've given an example the customer spoke to his friend about the state of the shop window with an unusually high pitched voice so I've used to to say to include the object who the information was going to I've used about to say what was spoken about and I've used with to say how he spoke he spoke with a high-pitched voice and you were unusually high-pitched even it's very hard to explain these differences I hope I hope that this is making sense and these notes are helpful for you Alessandro is in the patron room hello Alessandro nice for you to be with us okay let's see if anyone is adding any more sentences okay okay so is speak with you and speak to you the same says masa - so like I've just covered yes it can be the same I want to speak with you I want to speak to you yes they are the same pretty much some some pure grammar users will say that actually to speak to someone suggest that it's a one-way conversation I'm speaking to you but you're not replying and to speak with suggests a two-way conversation however we're learning natural English that natives speak and in a natural native way and even even in formal situations nowadays speak to and speak with are interchangeable with the added meaning for with can also mean how you speak so I could say I spoke with you with an Irish accent so I've said I'm speaking to you the object and I'm saying how I spoke I spoke with an Irish accent I want to speak with you with an Irish accent yeah does that make sense Lucas says I would like to learn how to speak French perfect speak is always used when talking about languages perfect okay I want to talk to you about your new profile cartoon picture yes Horatio that would be much better that's much more natural good okay um I think you've got the grasp of speak let's move on to the verb talk so hmm the talk is very similar to speak so talk means to converse just like speak does it means to converse or communicate by spoken word it's commonly used in informal conversations so if you're in an informal conversation with someone with your friend with your family member or someone that you've met a stranger that you've met and you're just having a chat about what time the bus is coming then you're going to use talk rather than speak okay so if you walk up to someone at a bus stop or at the train station and you say would you mind if I talk to you it's going to sound a lot more natural than do you mind if I speak to you because that would suggest that something bad is about to happen or that you're about to shout at them or it just seems a little unusual in that situation because talk is more informal and the better verb to use in that circumstance okay we also tend to use talk not always but we tend to use talk in its continuous form so we normally use it when we're saying talking so here are some examples and I'd like you to write some example sentences as well so I've put I was talking to my mum about this last week I was talking to my mum about this last week my friend and I stayed up all night talking about our dreams for the future and girly stuff he is not talking to me apparently I have really annoyed him so obviously here I'm talking about my family I'm talking about my friend and I'm talking about someone who is angry with me so it could be my boyfriend perhaps even it could be at someone at work but I'm obviously talking in an informal situation he's not talking to me apparently I've really annoyed him okay so let's have a look at the prepositions we'd use here when using this verb we usually use a preposition to with about or at so like with speak you can say talk to to say who is receiving the information I want to talk to you I had to talk to my child I'm having a talk with my dog right now and there I used with so with and to can both be used in the same way okay but also like would speak with can also mean how you spoke how you talked she talked with an unusually an unusually slow voice you can say talk about and then you would include the content of the speech she talked about herself all night it was very boring she talked about some of the exciting things that are going to happen tomorrow but we can also say talk at now someone talks at you then it really does suggest that it's a one-way conversation it's it's almost like someone is talking with intent not to allow you to speak back so you know sometimes you might start a conversation with someone and they just go modal oh no a little lower and they talk so fast and they don't stop they don't give you a chance to reply and you start to feel a little bit like you're being attacked you like stop talking they're talking at you so you could say I didn't have a very good time at the party last night because David just talked at me all night I didn't get an a word in edge that's a nice little phrase we have I didn't get a word in edgeways I couldn't in any way get a word out of my mouth I couldn't get a word in edgeways so those four prepositions to be remembered okay cool so let's see if you guys have given any examples just so you know patrons I will be making these notes available to some patrons to the level of patrons that receive all the notes they'll be available I'll put them up at some point this weekend on the patron wall and of course anyone who drops a super chat will also get a copy of these notes so um let's see what you guys are saying I would like to talk to you someday says um REE Ronaldo Ronaldo Ronaldo Reinaldo I've never seen this felt like though that's interesting I would like to talk to you someday good really nice my brother was talking to me about my new drawings on Photoshop saz Lucas perfect very good I want to talk with my boyfriend around the clock so if you do something around the clock it means you do all the time at any time very good sentence well done I want to talk with my boyfriend around the clock perfect I was talking at the wall I didn't notice you weren't there anymore Rose and her some fun sentence yeah I was talking at the wall I didn't notice you weren't there anymore I'm very good okay and I was talking to a boy he lives next door good Paluxy oh very good what's the difference between talk back and speak back there's no difference don't talk back to me don't speak back to me talk is more common we actually have a summit I remember the phrase we actually have a phrase called back chat so if if you are if you are telling your child to do something if you're in authority and you're telling your child or someone you are in charge of to do something and they question your authority so if you say to a child put that in your room and the child says but what if I don't want to put it in my room and they start to question your authority then you could say don't talk back to me but what we would normally say is don't don't give me an O chat back no there's a phrase if anyone knows what I'm thinking of but it's back chat back chat don't back chat to me it's very odd and I don't even know because it's slang I don't even know if it's one word or two let's have a quick look on Google backchat yes it's one word okay so it's to make it a it's like to make a rude remark or a cheeky remark so here we go I've just written it here back chat so you say don't give me back chat don't back chat me or you can also say lip don't give me lip or don't be lippy don't be lippy but that's that's something you would use more with a child and see it's slang this is why my computer showing up as red because it's a slang word don't give me lip give me give me lip and don't be lippy or don't give me chat back back chat back judge you can see how often I say it's not very often so these are slang words anyway yes but talk back would be the most common phrase you would use there don't talk back to me like that all right Alessandro has given an example sentence she always talks at me about her problems okay so there you're suggesting Alessandro it's not a pleasant conversation that she's just talking to you about her problems and you don't really want to hear them but she like attacks you with her problems is that correct because if that's correct then you've used the right preposition there all right so hopefully that's clear the differences between talk and speak remember speak is more formal that's the main difference okay so the next one on the list what do we have we have say so say means say means to speak words it's very easy say means to speak words commonly used with reported speech and it's often emitted it's often omitting the object and the object means who the speech is directed at so you should know what reported speech is reported speech is when you're saying what somebody else said so if I'm reporting to you what somebody else said then I'm talking in reported speech so reporter speech would be she said that we shouldn't go or she said she said be home by five o'clock I'm reporting what she said and therefore it's reported speech that's probably clear to probably clear to most people but just in case that's what reporter speeches and it the words say often omits the object if you're using say then you don't need to say who we're talking to because what is more important when you say is what was said so say makes what was said important rather than who it's directed at so let's look at some examples if someone calls what should I say now sometimes like when I was younger my mum would go out and my mom used to work from home so she get lots of clients and people phoning to book appointments with my mum because she was like a therapist so they'd phone to book for my mom or they'd phone to cancel appointments and I'd say to my mum Oh mum if you're going out and somebody calls what should I say so I don't need to say what should I say to them I don't need to talk about them I'm just saying what should I say I'm making a statement so we you say we're making statements what should I say we have a phrase as well what can I say if you don't know what to say to someone you just go what can I say what can I say if if a show if you're go and see a show and the show is amazing a ballet or an opera or anything on the theatre it's amazing you could say what can I say that was amazing or if it was rubbish you could go what can I say that was pretty rubbish so we have this phrase what can I say it's a statement I've also got the sentence here I said stop it so I don't need to I don't need to write who this has been said to I'd say I said stop it and that works they will probably say they want to bring their dog along they will probably say they want to bring their dog along he said that she said it was acceptable to wear a raincoat he said that she said it was acceptable to wear a raincoat so you've got double reporting there he said that she said mm-hmm okay and here we go Alessandro has written beware what you say very good yes beware what you say good statement using say so it's okay so hang on let me have a look for some sense this is where you guys are using the word say am I really watching you live yes I'm really live right now so Taylor hello Taylor Taylor said she didn't say a word on the way home she didn't say a word on the way home that means she was very quiet so quietly she didn't actually say anything on the way home perfect very good I don't know what I must say when someone compliments me I don't know what I must say when someone complements me they're us feriss ferriss I don't know how to pronounce your name I do apologize I'm just going to write this sentence in the notes so that we can look at it together so that feriss ferriss has written I don't know what I must say when someone compliments me now this sentence it's okay but to make it sound more natural you just write I don't know what and you lose the words I must we just put I don't know what to say this is much more natural I don't know what to say when someone compliments me and then of course a full stop perfect lovely okay and let's do one more example then I'll move on to tell Lucas I said did she really say that to you yesterday question mark yes very good just make sure Lucas you always put a capital letter at the very beginning of a sentence lela lela the woman said I shall obey the woman said I shall obey I'm going to put this on the notes so people can see let's do this together okay so you've written this the woman said I shall obey of course that was a little typo there always start with a capital letter the woman said and if it's reported speech and you're saying exactly what they said word for word which we can say verbatim the word verbatim means exactly what they said then you put it in speech marks the woman said I shall obey okay and then that's very good well done okay so any more that are stunning out here Johnny is correct I want to say you something if you don't speak with your mother she will be annoyed and I want to tell you the true but this is not a good idea speak with him is much better okay let's correct this actually a good one to correct so let's correct this together okay so Johnny has written this he's written I want to say you something if you don't speak with your mother she will be annoyed and I want to tell you the true but this is not a good idea speak with him is much better okay so let's correct this I want to say you so because here you've included the object what you would have to do is either include a preposition I want to say to use but then you're you're saying I want to say to you something it doesn't work so what you'd have to do who if you're going to use the word say you'd have to say I want to say something to you so you'd have to say and you'd have to put something here I want to say something to you I want to say something to you but you could do I want to tell you something so you can lose this to I want to tell you something okay so they're a couple of different ways we can do it I want to tell you something let's go back to say though because that's the word we're looking at I want to say mmm I want to say something to you I want to say something to you and then let's go with a comma because we're not ending the sentence yeah once say something to you if you don't speak with your mother she will be annoyed I wouldn't put a comma day if you won't speak if you don't speak if you don't speak with your mother she will be annoyed and I eyes are always capitals always capitalized the I you are important so give it a capital letter if you don't speak with your mother she'll be annoyed and I want to tell you the true now this has to be truth th I want to tell you the truth but this is but this is not a good idea speak with him now you said him but you're talking about mother okay so this should be her because her is a girl and him is a boy speak with him it is much better no it should be it will be it'll be better it'll be much better okay I hope that makes sense but that's how I would create that sentence I want to say something to you if you don't speak with your mother she will be annoyed and I want to tell you the truth but this is not a good idea speak with her it'll be much better okay good that's good I was a good sentence to work on all right so let's go through to the last word oh wow we have a 220 people in that's amazing I always try and push to 200 and never get there but hello all of you thank you so much for being here that's really really cool all right so let's look at the oh let's have a look at quickly at the preposition is just in case what unsure prepositions to use with say you can say say to which say to the person who's receiving it or say that and this is an important one that and then we'd say what was actually said so you could say she said that she would be here at 7:00 so you wouldn't say she said she'd be here at 7:00 she actually you could say that hmm sometimes we use that when you don't need to use that and I think I've looked into this as to why we use that and there's no obvious answer this is where English is very confusing but you can use that after say she said that he would be here she said that she loved me they said that they really enjoyed the evening but you can lose that all together they said they really enjoyed the evening she said she loved me okay don't worry about why just accept that sometimes we use that after say and of course you can use both prepositions in the same sentence and here I've given an example Stephen said to Jane that he was over the moon Stephen said to James that he was over the moon okay alright let's look at the word tell I hope that your brain isn't boggling right now I hope that this is all clear confuses me I have to tell you all right so just pour we jump on to tell let me see what Allison thought I was saying it's evite you're the only patron in today Alessandra you know your father just told you to give up with this mess in the room his mother said you know your father just told you to give up with this mess in the room his mother said so perfect you've you said and you're doing reported speech and you're quoting verbatim so you're giving exact words that were said just told you to give up with this mess in the room I'm not sure that this is the best way to write it i but it depends exactly what you're trying to say stop messing up the room stop tidying up the room what exactly do you mean let's move on to tell so tell me is to speak words okay just like with the others just like with say means to speak words importantly when using this verb you need to include the object so this is where a lot of my students make the mistake you must include the object when using tell okay often this is when used with the preposition to this verb becomes a strong order or a request so if I say to you I was told to do this lesson today then that suggests a strong order or a request told to I'm going to tell you to do this what did I tell you to do so it makes it sound like I'm bossing you around okay so we must use the object you him her them let's go through so they will tell me as soon as they know their exam results they will tell me as soon as they know their exam results I told the girls to wash their hands for dinner I told the girls to wash their hands for dinner they told me that they wanted to bring the dog along they told me that they wanted to bring the dog along don't tell me lies don't tell me lies so you see in every example I've pointed out the object you must use an object okay prepositions we can use with tell are to that and about so this is the structure tell Robert to tell Jane to do something to go to try to eat to wash okay you can use that tell Jane that and then what and now when we use the word of that we're going to be talking about an action or a permanent situation so let's have a look at this for a little while I want to tell you that I'm pregnant yay I'm not really of course but being pregnant is a permanent situation or at least for nine months I want to tell you that I'm pregnant yay I want to tell you that I have a new job it's a permanent situation or we can do use that with an action I want to tell you that I'm going out I want to tell you that today's lesson is finishing in 10 minutes I want to tell you that you can't go action you can't go to the ball no okay so we use that with a permanent situation or an action and I would love for you to write a sentence using tell that we can also use tell with the preposition about so I want to tell and then who about I want to tell you about I want to tell everybody about I want to tell my mother about the new man I met I want to tell my mechanic about the problems I'm having with my car so you'd usually use about when you're going to talk about an event that's happened to yourself or to someone else so you'd say I want to tell you about James's new job I want to tell you about the party I went to last night the event that happened yesterday I want to tell you about Christmas last year or I want to tell you about something really important that happened yesterday okay so about tends to be when we're talking about an event that's happened to someone okay so let's have a look at some example sentences so what have you guys given me tell about rain or sunny weather so here surah you've written this sentence let's write this down you've wrote tell about rain and sunny weather so remember you have to use the object when you're using the word tell tell me about rain and sunny weather that would make more sense okay so must use object what else do we have let's see we have Alessandro has said what do you tell me about what do you tell me about that doesn't quite make sense on its own you it would make sense if you put what remember capital letter beginning of a sentence do you want to tell me about or if you're hearing someone talking and you don't understand what they're telling you you could say what are you talking about oh I've spell talking wrong what are you talking about you would say if you don't understand if someone's talking nonsense and you don't get it you'll be like what are you talking about you person lela lela says i told you a thousand times i am telling the truth why are you still call me liar okay let's look at this one so you've put I told you so remember space careful there and carefully I told you a thousand times this is good we use this phrase a lot especially when you're telling someone off I told you a thousand times I don't want to do the washing-up I told you a thousand times I'm going out this weekend I can't come with you I've told you a thousand times I don't mind so I told you a thousand times is a good phrase I told you a thousand times I am telling the truth perfect so by there I would put a full-stop why are you still call me liar so yeah it has to be a liar it's a noun call and this has to be continuous because it's happening it's continually happening why are you still calling me a liar question mark because it's a question okay I hope that makes sense all right anymore what we got Paluxy oh I'll call you on Friday and tell you the way to my house what does she tell you please don't tell Dan what happened they asked me a lot of questions but I didn't tell them anything perfect Paluxy oh well done good roast sir says is this the truth tell me good well done Oh Leandra Leonardo what the are you talking about it's funny to hear and angry caught me to say that oh right okay yes with a cockney certain with a cockney accent cockney swearing is what's the word it's definitely more interesting to listen to because they have quite a strong way of pushing outwards okay let's carry on hell is used when you are nervous am I wrong I wouldn't necessarily say so No can I tell my friend good night before I hang up the line good that's a good sentence I need to tell you something perfect good okay anymore for anymore any good ones here I told my brother about something he doesn't know good you could just say I told my brother something you don't have to use about I told my brother something he didn't know that would work I only tell lies a lot oh I only tell lies a lot you what you don't use both only and a lot you one or the other I only tell lies so you never say anything that's true or I tell lies a lot okay they kind of they don't work together so you can't use only and a lot together they don't work okey-dokey so I'm gonna do one more ba ba ba I won't tell my secrets to anybody good sentence and very good keep your secrets to yourself that's great okay Alice sands ro let's have a look at what you're saying yes I meant what do you want to tell me about Thanks okay great perfect okay guys thank you so much for joining me today I will stay in the chat room for a few more moments before I get on and do a private lesson and so I can't stay for too long but thank you so much for joining me if you did find this helpful then please do give it a thumb don't forget these notes will be posted to the patrons who are who qualify for all the notes so I'll be posting them up patrons on your wall in hopefully tonight and then it's a couple of hours if I get chance and if you want to be a patron and you're not already then patrons do get a lot of perks patrons are people who support this channel in a big way sometimes only making a small contribution and by doing so they get rewarded with free ebooks with access to the Skype room of responses to their messages privately with me and all that kind of good stuff but they also are great at helping me to grow this channel giving me inspiration some of them message me with ideas which is really really helpful and so I consider them an integral part of this channel they're like my team like my production team so if you would like to be a part of that team then we would love to have you the link should be in the description box below I hope just go down there and take a look there's also other links there that will help you okay until next time guys lots of love from London know there'll be a fresh lesson here on Monday at 4 o'clock I hope to see you there you
Channel: English Like A Native
Views: 29,222
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Learn English, English lesson, English like a native, vocabulary, english, English speaking, british accent, british, Anna English, british english, what is the difference, english lesson, grammar mistakes, Speak, Talk, Say & Tell, speak vs talk, english speak talk tell say, difference speak talk, difference tell say, english difference speak talk tell say, learn grammar speak, english speaking, learn english speak, learn english talk, learn english say, learn english tell
Id: uyAKvpTSzd8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 16sec (2596 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 24 2017
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