Asking For Help | Live Interactive English Lesson | How To ASK FOR HELP

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okay so right okay everyone can hear me and see me fantastic my heart was literally in my mouth there's a phrase for you my heart was in my mouth we say this when we're nervous it's like your heart is in your mouth because you can feel your heart racing and it's up here and your throat my heart was in my mouth I felt so nervous but luckily you can hear me and see me and everything is good okay so on this new broadcasting software there's lots of things I can do like bring up the Skype room hello patrons bring up the Skype room and still have my face on board yeah yeah lucky you guys I can also bring up the notes so that you guys can see the notes on the screen and let me just bring them over a little more so you can see them a little better there we go ah and I can also hopefully this will work bring up you guys high so I can see you guys on YouTube chatting away as well ah this is cool isn't it all right so today's lesson is all about asking for help because as you are well aware last week was it last week yes it was last week I needed help I came to a point where I could no longer broadcast because my computer wasn't working and not only broadcasting I couldn't edit I couldn't generally work I was struggling to keep up with emails I have to do everything on my phone so it was becoming impossible for me to serve you with these lessons and so I didn't know what to do I thought about giving the whole thing up but obviously you guys are very important to me and I had to ask for help it's not something I do easily I find it quite difficult to just ask for help on a big scale and you guys completely completely bowled me over I was blown away by how generous and eager you guys were to hell me and now I have a new computer I have now also bought new broadcasting software so without further ado let me just say one huge thank you to everyone who did contribute and support in whichever way that you did support thank you hopefully I'll do you proud and make the most of the opportunity I've been given so today's lesson asking for help now this lesson will help people of all levels of English so hopefully there'll be something in here for everyone so let me bring up the notes let's have a look here so asking for help help is a verb and it means to make it possible or easier for someone to do something by offering your services or your resource or resources so I think we are all aware of the verb help sure we've all asked for help at some point so you can either order someone to help or you can ask someone to help normally you would ask for help please can you help me you put it into a question and as I've written here I'm lost can you help me so I'm asking you to help me can you question mark on the end and then I'm ordering someone to help maybe you work for me and I'm telling you to go and help someone please help your mother with those bags that's probably something a father would say or maybe your friend would say that please help your mother with those bags your poor mother struggling with those bags okay so what I'd like you to do as this is always quite an interactive session that's the point of these live lessons is I would like you to hang on having trouble here we go I would like you to write a sentence either ordering help or asking for help so just write a sentence and I'll pick a few to correct so let's just go with a basic sentence using the verb to help so hello to my patrons what you guys saying Julia hi Rami hi Alexander Abbott in Abbott Abbott in Abbott in there we go shout out to you besties you're giving shoutouts wonderful hello and a welcome back thank you very much how about phrasal verb list tutorials they will come back again I just thought I'd do a little break from the phrasal verb list we've done quite a few of them so far so phrasal verbs will be back again very soon I just thought I'd give you a break so Julie is writing a sentence right now let's have a look go over to my chatroom on YouTube and let me have a look who's given me here we go can you ask me can you help me sorry with the chores can you help me with the chores lovely sentence here all you need to do is remember to put a capital letter at the beginning can you help me with the chores good okay any more do I have any more here here we go could you please help me in English Anna and the best way to put this and this is very good because you've written a capital letter at the beginning you've given me a capital letter my name and you've also written English with a capital letter which is perfect and your punctuation is good as well well done but I would say could you please help me with my English Anna could you please help me with my English I mean this is fine but it would be clearer if you said with my English help me with my English all right okay here we go I've got one from my patrons here let me jump back over to the patron room excuse me could you help me carrying my bags at the shop hi can I help you or do you want to have a look around so could you help me carrying my bags I would make this simpler do I'd say could you help me carry these bags or could you help me carry my bags rather than using the continuous just make it simple could you help me carry these bags or could you help me with my bags and hi can I help you or do you two want to have a look around that's fine okay your class is helping me a lot to improve my English fluency perfect well done would you please do me a favor and help me to become as fluent as you in English Anna very good well done okay so let's now go back to the notes and carry on so where did we get up to so when you're making a statement when you're I'm writing these sentences you should consider including first of all who you want to help who you want to help sorry Beth bear with me I'm just looking at all the things I'm making sure everything's working so hang on I'll come back to the notes now you should include who you want to give the order to so if I'm telling you or if I'm telling someone else I should have possibly include that person so it's clear so David can you help David can you help and then you might also want to include in the sentence who you want them to help so who is going to receive the help so you might say David help Sarah please David help Sarah please or you might say David can you help me please you might then also consider including what exactly you want them to help you with so in that case it would be David please can you help Sarah to find her book David please can you help Sarah to find her book okay so you don't have to include these but it does make the sentence more accurate and clear so there's no mistakes who you talking to who you want them to help who's going to receive the help and what you want them to help with all right so you can now try to write a sentence using who is going to help who they are going to help who's going to receive the help and what you want them to help with okay so I've got one here from Amina and I'm gonna just jump over to that now let me just bring that up so Amina has said here you can see it's all in capital letters so be careful writing in capital letters if you write in all capitals it means that you're shouting it so if I'm very angry about something I might write in capital letters like I'm shouting so be careful because it might be construed as a rude message okay I know you don't mean it in a bad way but just be aware of that but you've said Anna can you help us speaking English so you've said you're saying who you want to be the helper Anna you told me Anna can you help us so you've all included the person who's going to receive and you've said what speaking English now it's not quite correct the sentence it should be Anna can you help us to speak English or can you help us with our English speaking we yet we tend to use with we use with quite a lot when we're talking when we using the verb help can you help me with can you help with this can you help me with that can you help us with our English speaking please okay I hope that makes sense this question here is capital letter are that important so you just say are capital letters important should be the question are capital letters important yes capital letters and punctuation are vital without them people don't get the full meaning and it's just always good to get into good habits if if I read an email that doesn't have capital letters and good punctuation maybe the spelling is a little bit wrong straight away I don't believe the email I think it's a scam I think it's fake and I'll ignore it and disregard it today I got an email from the bank actually and there was a spelling mistake and I assumed it was a fraud I assumed it was a spam email trying to get me to give across my details so I phoned the bank and I said is this real and they said actually yes it is but because they made that spelling mistake I nearly didn't get in touch with the bank and that could have been bad so it's always good to get into good habits spelling punctuation and CAFTA letters oh goodness me someone's dropped a super chat and I didn't see who's this who's sent the super chat let's have a look okay bear with me let me just sort my computer out so I can see who has been very generous with a super chat Oh bless I can never say your name just Giselle can you give me a name that I can call you by or help me to pronounce your name can you write it in a way that I'll be able to pronounce please but thank you so much that's a very generous donation thank you guys if you do drop a super chat and you have a message that you'd like to add to that then please do so that I can read that message out and that message will stay at the top of the comments so that everyone can see it and I definitely don't miss it that way but thank you that's very very kind that will definitely go towards paying for this broadcasting software every little helps thank you okay so let me jump back now to the patron room what are you guys saying here okay Oh quite a lot okay Chao says can make careful of your spelling here can you help me to take chair okay so you'd say can you help me to take it needs an article take these these chairs fine if it's plural or to take a chair if it's single to take this chair to take that chair to take my chair it needs something extra or if it's plural just add BS okay to take and to take these chairs hope that make sense Jade hi Anna hey Anna here a sentence of the Beatles song help I need somebody help not just anybody good song here is a sentence from a Beatles song here is a sentence from a Beatles song you'd say lovely Guatemala's the class so early not clarifying the answers could you help me how he arrives at the conclusion with the last problem oh that was quite a tricky one isn't it could you help me could you help me could you help me understand you need something extra in there could you help me to understand how he arrived at the conclusion with the last problem I find that I find that whole sentence quite confusing I'm sorry I'm not quite sure what the sentence is referring to so I'm going to move on from that one Julia says Francis could you help me with the kids very good they're messing everything up even if I'm telling them off even though I'd say even though instead of if because it's happening despite what you're doing even though I'm telling them off they're still making a mess okay please help us to help yourself please help us to help yourself I'm not quite sure on the meaning of this but one way to make this make sense would be please help us by helping yourself if you don't if you're working in a B&B for example you're serving breakfast to your guests and you can't manage to take the plates to everyone's table and to serve everyone you might just put all the food out on the side and say look we're really busy the moment you could help us by helping yourselves so help yourself okay hey Ana I'm so glad you're back Thank You Jay thank you very much for continuing with your English lessons I'm glad that you are here and I'm glad that you appreciate what I'm doing thank you I'm I mean to understand the solution better I'm sorry I'm still a bit lost I'm gonna move on from that one okay so let's move on with the notes shall we so synonyms I always have to think very hard before I say that word synonyms synonyms for help so there's different ways you can use the verb help or different ways that you can mean the same thing so you can just simply use it as we have been doing to help I would like you to help each other or you can use the cinnamon they're all phrasal verb it's a phrasal verb to help out to help out we use this a lot so the example sentence I've given here is who is able to help out tonight who is able to help out tonight let's imagine I am organizing a party but before the party starts I need a thousand balloons to be blown up and I can't possibly do it myself so I'd say who is able to help out tonight I need help blowing up a thousand balloons I could also say to lend a hand can you lend a hand I mean I need your hands to come and give me a hand with something to help me with something so the example sentence is do you want to lend a hand it's just the same as saying do you want to help do you want to lend a hand I'm about to go shopping do you want to lend a hand help carry the bags then we have to give a hand and this is quite common I say this all the time can you give me a hand perhaps I'm building an Ikea wardrobe I don't know how many of you are familiar with Ikey but if you've been to Ikea and you've bought some flat pack furniture then you know you have to build it and sometimes building it can be frustrating so you might say can you give me a hand to build this wardrobe it's a nightmare okay then we have to give a helping hand it's very similar we've just changed it slightly to give a helping hand now you wouldn't say a help hand we always have to make it continuous a helping hand it kind of describes the hand a helping hand and we all need a helping hand every now and again then we could say to assist so much more formal technical could you assist me please is anyone free to assist me with this you could also say to give assistance I need your assistance I need you to give me some assistance you could aid although we don't use this very often but David can you aid me in this exercise we really don't use this very often at all this is normally used if you're talking about an object helping something like the microwave aids the breakfast making process the microwave aids helps the breakfast making process so while I'm making breakfast sometimes it's easier to throw something into the microwave and it speeds up maybe heating up the baked beans or something so the microwave aids the breakfast making process okay and then we have to come to someone's or somethings aid and here the example sentence is David agreed to come to Sarah's aid David agreed to come to Sarah's aid okay so now I'd like you to write a sentence using one of those let's not cheat let's not use aid they are less common and a little tricky so let's try and use one of these instead but I'd like you to write me a sentence using one of these not this one okay and while you're doing that I'm just going to have a look see what's going on one is happening what's the difference between help and assist there's no real difference they just pretty much they're they're synonyms of each other they they you can use them in the same way okay so while your sentences are coming through let me have a look-see okay so thank you you're welcome Jade Anna please help AB team to get English like a native to get English like a native ID that's a strange one to use to get English like a native unless English like a native was a book and then you would get the book because to get is to like possess to to bring to buy to get to be in possession of so help apt in to get English like a native doesn't quite make sense and so just have a think about that see if you can reword that today I'm moving out anyone interested to lend me a hand I wouldn't use interested for this or if you did I would say is anyone interested in lending me a hand is anyone interested in lending me a hand otherwise I'd say would anyone like to lend me a hand or can anyone lend me a hand yeah okay so let's have a quick look over on YouTube let me just pull this down so you can see it hi guys there we go alright okay it's that if you come here Jimmy Jimmy Anna how can I give you money Oh bless you if you do want to donate towards the channel it would be very kind and those who do donate also get a copy of the notes that I'm using for the class so if you do donate a super chat please do drop me an email afterwards and I'll send you the notes as a way of saying thank you for your donation but Jimmy all you have to do is click this button here can you see that it's not available in every country there's a few countries that this isn't available for but if it is then you just click on that make sure you write a comment first click that and then it sets it up for you okay okay I would like your assistance and Anna with an A on the end like this how you see how it's written here Anna a double na a lots of people call me Anne it's a it's a common mistake old Carlos has to go by Carlos sorry that you have to leave what else do we have who is able to join me in my meal there's no helping verbs in there hi and a nice to meet you I'm you to your channel hello Juan and so far I'm enjoying watching your videos it's nice to see you helping people that are struggling and all have problems with English well good use of help and Thank You Fran for your very kind comment and it's good to have you here oh there we go I have one I lost it where is it I can't do all of this by my own give me a hand so you say on my own this is a good one to remember on my own or by myself on my own by myself you you can't mix the two you can't say by my own or on myself on my own just think ah ah on my own on my own there's even a song on my own what's that that's from lemierre's do you know lay miserable er the musical on my own pretending he's beside me try to remember that on my own so I can't do this on my own give me a hand good what else do we have the home task was so difficult ah disappeared where'd it go see this is what I have to deal with all the time you can now see how difficult it is to read the messages Oh No I've lost it no where's it garden uh-oh it's gone oh there we go the home task was so difficult in order to fulfill therefore I asked for someone to help me out okay the homework we don't say home tasks we say homework the homework work that you're generally given when you're studying and asked to do at home so at school or college or university you'll be given homework the homework was so difficult to complete or too fulfilled you can say that the homework was so difficult to complete that I had to ask for someone to help me out it was so difficult that I have to ask for someone to help me out okay Anna can you hit me I need help me because I'm fall in love about you I need wake up okay Roscoe boy I need I need help because I I have fallen in love I have fallen in love with you not about you I fall in love with you I need to wake up help me all right I'm gonna jump back to my patrons and quickly check these guys and then I'll move on so patrons have said Julia could you assist me with getting my lesson ready for my students could you assist me with getting my lesson ready for my students you've put these words in brackets but you're right to use them Julia it wouldn't work without them could you assist me with my lesson or actually you can lose getting could you assist me with my lesson oh I see what you've done so could you assist mother with my lesson for my students yes that would work sorry ignore what I said and could you assist me with getting my lesson ready for my students changes the meaning of slightly but yes also works so well done good just make sure you put the D on the end little typo there emergency services were called plural they were I was they were emerges services were called to assist earthquake hit people I would say earth emergency services were called to assist with the victims with the victims of the earthquake an earthquake is all one word I believe yeah okay is there anyone here who would like to assist me in in preparing and that's an easier way to say it rather than getting prepared is there anyone here who would like to assist me in preparing for islets writing and speaking sections by getting by being my pen friend by being remember to get is to possess is to buy or bring or have but you're asking someone to become your pen friend to start being that thing okay good all right let's move on oh oh goodness me I have been so wrapped up in the technical aspect but I fail to notice that we have three hundred and fifty three of you watching this is actually probably the biggest amount of people watching at any one time a huge high-five to all of you yeah that's amazing thank you for being here guys if any of you are new then please do hit that subscribe button because I'm releasing lessons all the time and sometimes I go live and I don't know I'm going to do it and it's a bit of a surprise for everyone so if you get something out of this channel then please do press subscribe and the bail notification button and while you're all here let's make sure that we all give this lesson a thumb up I know it's a bit clunky at the moment but things will get better right so moving on with our notes so if you're seeking information from a stranger and what I mean by that is if you're out on the street or if you're in a pub or you're in a restaurant or just somewhere and there's people there you don't know but you need help from them how do we ask them for help and this is when we're talking face-to-face I'm not talking over the internet talking when you meet someone face-to-face typically we seek help from strangers when we are lost when we need some local information or podia type Oh Anna want to know the time it is common to get the person's attention person's attention by saying excuse me so the first thing you do when you're trying to get someone to help you and you don't know them is to say excuse me in the UK that's very common is it's just the polite way to get someone's attention some people might say oh and that can be that can come across in the wrong way it might scare someone off it might come across a little aggressive or a bit rude so it's always polite to approach a stranger by saying excuse me and normally they will assume that you need help if you do that okay so excuse me so that's the mountain you're lost now if you're lost what sorry when lost and in need of help you can use any of the following phrases so you're going to use number one plus number two and plus something from number three so I want you to put these together you've got excuse me so we always start with that then number two you can either say can you help me excuse me could you help me I'm trying to find London Bridge or excuse me I seem to have lost my way so this is how we start and then you'll add on one of these I'm looking for London Bridge I'm trying to find Westminster Cathedral do you know where Waterloo station is could you show me on this map where we are so let's say we're going to do an entire conversation with a stranger you'd say excuse me could you help me I'm trying to find Waterloo station do you know where that is do you know how Waterloo station is or I could do excuse me can you help me I'm looking for the Fox and Hound pub okay so that's how you would put that conversation together okay any questions on that so just a very quick one I want to note here oh no not that one I want to come to this one here Hamas has said could you excuse me now that's a different question if you're asking for help you say excuse me it's not really a question you're just saying can I stop you I need help can I get your attention if you're saying could you excuse me you would use that phrase when you're asking to remove yourself from a situation so if we're in a class together you're the teacher or I'm the teacher and I need the bathroom it would be rude and strange for me to just walk out so I would say could you excuse me I need to go to the bathroom so there's a difference all right excuse me I need your attention could you excuse me I need to be excused I need to remove myself or I'm doing a lesson my phone rings and I go could you excuse me for a minute I need to take a phone call hello okay could you excuse me so it's different help excuse me could you help me I'm trying to figure out where the bus station is perfect well done gold star for you really nice Daniel excuse me could you tell me where is the subway station I would like to get to Britain Street you don't need the you don't say the something Street you just say I'm trying to get to Britain Street I'm trying to get to Oxford Road I'm trying to get to Trafalgar Square okay one more come on help me you lot I can't carry these sacks alone very good okay great so let me just have a quick look at patrons and then we'll move on to the next scenario patrons yeah it works Peter yes it does thank you and glad you joined us I hope it's not too early for you Anna could you please say out loud some phrasal verbs thanks very much yes look up look up to look down on look over look in on look after look through look in to look out of oh sorry look out for and look around there you go hope that helps Anna could you play them blah blah blah okay you guys are just talking amongst yourselves excuse me could you help me where I can find the train to Eiffel Tower okay let me help you with the sentence excuse me could you help me question mark I need to find or I'm trying to find the train which goes to the Eiffel Tower or excuse me can you help me find can you help me find can you help me to find even can you help me to find the train which goes to the Eiffel Tower okay you don't need where I can excuse me can you help me question mark then you could say where can I find the train for the Eiffel Tower you could do that but you must separate those censuses if that's the case Ramy excuse me I need to go to the bathroom Anna don't you think it's quite awkward and embarrassed and embarrasses the questioner no you don't have to say what you're going to do if you feel embarrassed about asking to go to the bathroom perhaps if you're in a lecture and you don't want to tell people that you need the bath room although I wouldn't be embarrassed about it is perfectly natural and everybody does it true truly everyone does it but if you are embarrassed then you could just say I need to be excused for a moment you don't have to tell them why say sorry I'll be back in a minute I need a moment you know and and I wouldn't worry about it though okay let's go back to the notes and to the next situation so if you need some local information so the first thing we'd say is excuse me remember this is with strangers people you don't know then you might say one of the following sentences do you know if there is a post office nearby and you could use that for anything do you know if there's a shop nearby do you know if there's a coffee shop nearby do you know if there's somewhere where I can buy a hammer nearby I don't know why you'd ask that but you never know do you know if there's a garden centre near here do you know if there is a police station close do you know if there's a train station nearby okay so there's lots of different things you could use that sentence for or you could say excuse me where did you get that high scream from and that's if you're walking around town with something delicious in your hand people might come up to you and say where did you get that from that's that smells amazing I want one of those where did you get that from or you could say excuse me do you have any idea when the next bus is due and I guess a lot of questions about this word Jew means expected when is it expected so do you have any idea when the next bus is expected to arrive when is it due alright so give me a sentence using one of these examples and just put your own little twist on it alright let's have a look see what you guys are saying so we've got Moo tada has said excuse me on a you know where the post office is perfect and yes I do is just around the corner second on your left excuse me could you help me please I'm trying to find this address make sure that's a D on the end fine and find our different completely different meanings could you help me please I'm trying to find this address full stop perfect well done excuse me can you lend me your hand too now if you're generally asking for help I wouldn't say lend me your hand you just say lend me a hand so use a instead of your because if you're asking me to lend me your hand I think that you literally want to take my hand and do something with my hand maybe you're going to put something in my hand or maybe you're going to look at my hand or put a ring on my finger but yes it's odd if you're asking for my hand I will literally give you my hand so what you should say the phrase should go lend me a hand that means help me okay do you know a tube nearby so we need to extend this and say do you know if there is a tube nearby do you know if there is a tube nearby or a tube station to be exact what else do we have does you have the same pronunciation as jus very very similar there is a slight difference but it's so slight that I'm not even going to go into it pretty much it's the same pronunciation so think of them as the same okay do you give me a pen no can you if it's question can you give me a pen could you lend me if you lend something it means you're going to get it back could you lend me a pen or could I borrow a pen you lend I borrow I think that's right I used to get this mixed up as a kid a lot all right let's have a look quickly and my patrons and I'll move on excuse me do you know when Sheila's party is due I haven't received an invitation from her yet okay Julia just to clear up this do think of du meaning exactly meaning expected to arrive now a party doesn't arrive the date of the party arrives or the party can arrive if the party means a group of people who are celebrating but they are taking the party to a restaurant or to a place where they'll have the event and therefore the restaurant might say when is the 60th birthday party arriving when is Anna's party arriving meaning the group that are celebrating but in this case you're asking when is the party going to be so you say excuse me do you know when Sheila's party is question mark I haven't received an invitation for an invitation from her yet a Burton Upton sorry Anna could you please teach me what to say when I want to grab someone's attention for example I used to say excuse me or hey man or ma'am what are the other ways both formal and informal I would just always stick to excuse me it's just the safest way because even saying hey man is a bit some people like it some people don't and so I think it's always safer just to stick with the generic excuse me everyone uses that formal informal and it just works and you're not going to upset anyone or get anyone's backup you're not going to worry anyone by saying excuse me okay all working beautifully nice and clear and no buffering good audio and image that's good to hear Peter it was quite expensive this broadcasting software so I would have been very upset had it been problematic so thank you for confirming that you're welcome Julia excuse me sir can you tell me when the next assignment is due perfect well done good work all right let's move on to the final example so we've asked for we've asked for directions because we were lost we've asked for local information and now we're going to ask for the time so you'd very simply say excuse me do you have the time now we say this a lot do you have the time and when you ask it in that way excuse me do you have the time I'm asking you what is the time could you tell me what the time is all right but you might later say I don't have time it doesn't mean that you don't know the time it means that you're too busy to do something I'm sorry I don't have time right now so I could say to you excuse me do you have the time and you could walk past me you're too busy to even look at your watch or you're in a hurry you're late for a very important date and you might go I'm sorry I don't have time right now it doesn't mean you don't know the time you're just too busy to respond to me so in both cases you've used have time but they are different to meaning and it's all about how you how you use it the intonation and and the body language do you have the time that's obviously a question and we tend to point to our wrists even though most of us now only have our time on our phone it's crazy right okay so any more questions on that let's have a quick look I have time but I don't sell it good Rodrigo good for you excuse me as a phrase has a different meaning depending on the intonation doesn't it yes it does because you could say excuse me in a number of different ways in different situations and it would mean a different thing but generally generally it's to get someone's attention or to remove yourself from a situation so matada has said let me just get this up for you excuse me can you tell me what the time is please perfect well done oh I love you thank you very much the lady from London asking about Beauty oh right ok hello stunning lad how are you can I call any man sir I thought only noble men were entitled to that title and if I was working giving out leaflets or talking to people in the streets I would always say sir excuse me sir sorry sir do you have a moment I'd always say sir it's just a sign of respect unless they're younger than me if they're very young like a little boy I wouldn't say sir that just seems a bit silly so it's kind of it's about respect you call a man sir I'd love to be able call a lady mam mam excuse me ma'am excuse me mam I don't like it I feel so fashioned for me I would just rather you just said excuse me instead of anything it's just excuse me and then I'll talk to you alright so patrons I come to you and then we'll move on with the notes hi Devere but um excuse me Anna do you know the time you go live next time so we don't you need to use the word time twice so you'd say do you know what time your next lesson will be do you know what time your next lesson will be I don't know yet you'll have to wait to the end of the lesson and I will have a quick look at my schedule but it should always be on Mondays as far as I can I'll come out here on Mondays to say hello okay so let's move on with the notes let's see what else we've got in store so I wrote these last week so I can't even remember this full lesson ah okay seeking help from someone you know so obviously we've talked about strangers in the streets but now what if you need help from someone you know and most of the time we're asking people we know for help so why asking someone you know to help you then you could be direct and simply say can you assist me tonight can you help me with this oh that's another typo or can you give me a hand so you can just ask like that that's because they're all questions let's put question marks in the end but if you want to sound more polite then consider using one of the following phrases and of course when you're asking people to help you it's always better to be as polite as you can be otherwise they might say no not when you ask like that I'm not going to help you so you could say are you able to give me a hand now here I've used a colon because there's lots of options you could add on the end are you able to help me are you able to assist me are you able to give me a hand remember all the synonyms we looked at earlier you could use any of them here but these these make these thus beginning to the sentence makes it sound more polite I sorry I hope I didn't just blow your eardrums by banging on the mic like that are you able to give me a hand or you could say is there any chance you could give me a hand with the invitations is it possible for you to help me to fill out this form so here you are really asking and you're asking in a way that just sounds more polite could you is there any chance is it possible please okay and there we go of course using please at the end will sweeten the requests even further so it will make it sound even nicer who can refuse if you've asked so nicely who can say no so of course using please at the end of sentence will sweeten the requests even further you could even start by simply asking can you do me a favor are you able to give me a hand with it could you do me a favor I really need help is there any chance you could help me or you could say can you spare a moment or can you spare a minute excuse me can you spare a moment I'm I'm really struggling to fill out this form is there any chance you could help me fill it out is it possible for you to spare a moment to explain this to me so these things you can add at the very beginning of the sentence all right let's see what you guys are saying I hope I'm not speaking too fast I know some of you asked me to slow down with what I'm saying Miranda says where did you buy your t-shirt this was actually from new look I believe we have a look in the yep from new look this is from new look actually um this was my Christmas present I'm glad you like it's a ball no I look a bit flushed at the moment so it's not it's not doing my complexion any favors but I'm glad you like it okay what else do we have people asking about Facebook yes I am on Twitter Facebook and Instagram and all the links to those social medias are down in the description box below so do come and follow me there because I'm doing different things on the different platforms I'm giving news so updates I do mostly on Twitter so if you want to find out what's happening with live lessons that kind of thing I normally will do quick updates on Twitter so follow me there Instagram I do regular pronunciation practice so definitely come on follow me there if you want to improve your pronunciation and on Facebook sometimes I'm going to be doing live lessons there and a mixture of other things as well as announcing my next lessons so keep in touch come and follow me on all of them and then you can't go wrong yay all right bah bah bah can you do me a favor to pass that pen so Daniel you don't need to say all that you'd say can you do me a favor pass that pen can you do me a favor or you could say it two questions could you do me a favor could you pass me that pen could you do me a favor could you pass me that pen so it's two questions [Music] favor or favor says so let me show this quickly so this is a difference in American and English British English spelling so favor oh you are is British English and favor just so R is American English okay they're both the same pronunciation in British English anyway favor in American it depends whereabouts in America from favor favor they would be a bit more like that can you do me a favor favor favor so it's a bit flatter in the British accent alright but good question thank you for asking it Anna I am infatuated with you can you help me can you help assist to Mary can you help assist me to marry you please but you don't need help and assist you'd will just say can you help me to marry you please yeah I think my boyfriend would be upset if I married someone else but thank you for asking okay so let me have a quick look at my patrons and then they'll see if there's anything else to the notes I think there is Anna are you planning to do more vidcast videos I've been waiting for thee for it I really love and enjoy it Jade you mean the advanced English lessons if so yes I'm just trying to get my life together a bit at the moment there's so many things I want to do but life is a bit hectic at the moment I can't really talk too much about it now but I'll be able to explain all in a little while yes vidcast are not forgotten they are coming back excuse me know about help I was rude in not saying hello to everyone okay not about help okay I see don't worry Peter excuse me Anna is there any oh okay so you're saying excuse me not is not about help oh sorry I'm a bit confused P so my brain is fuddled Upton excuse me Anna is there any chance that you could prepare a lesson about British educational system in the near future I've already done it if you go into my video link on my channel on my youtube channel type in school and I covered a lesson on on schools in the UK in our school system you'll probably find that really interesting hopefully Anna can you do me a favor to pronounce defib defib defibrillator defibrillator defibrillator it's a difficult one ok I'm going to jump out this guy is patrons if you do have requests if you can leave it to the end and I'll answer you after the lesson is done I must just stay on track ok so if we ask using the phrase would you mind so if you're going to ask for help saying would you mind helping me would you mind doing this would you mind giving me a hand we would always follow the verb with a continuous form so the following verb should be in the continuous form basically using I and G would you mind helping me you wouldn't say would you mind to help that doesn't work would you mind helping me would you mind giving me a hand you wouldn't say would you mind to give we don't say that so always the ing version so for example would you mind explaining it to me again would you mind helping me to unpack would you mind assisting the teacher in class would you mind giving us a hand ok so that's just a basic little rule that I became aware of while I was writing these notes I hope that helps perhaps maybe try writing a sentence now using would you mind then the ing form just so that you can help to get that that little rule into your it's your memory okay and gosh we've been here for nearly an hour how time flies how does not feel like an hour at all thank you for sticking with me there's now 381 of you that's insane guys if you have found this helpful you don't have to but it really does help in everything I do it helps if you press the share button so if you don't mind you logged in to YouTube and just click on that share button and let's did I just make that Maki have I just now made hang on there we go there's a bit better okay just but a greasy finger on the camera lens but if you can hit that share button that would be amazing alright let's have a look what you guys are saying so how does it work in sentence would you be kind enough to so because you're using 'too you can use the infinitive version of the verb would you be kind enough to help me would you be kind enough to give me a hand would you be kind enough to assist me so you don't need to use the ing version when you're using be kind enough to all right could you help me with the difference between practice and practice not right now that's completely off topic so let's just keep going would you mind writing me an email to USA oil company this afternoon ASAP please would you mind good good use of the rule would you mind writing me an email addressed to addressed to the USA oil company this afternoon ASAP please good [Music] you speak really clearly blah blah blah sorry don't be blah blah blah I'm just trying to find examples of the sentence I've asked for here here we go would you mind if oh here we go would you mind if I'll eat the last piece that's interesting see you're not asking for help here so it's different but you said would you mind if that's a different it's a different thing altogether so we wouldn't use the ing here necessarily because because using the word if it changes everything would you mind if I ate the last piece not eat the last piece would you mind if I ate the last piece of cake would you mind if I went out tonight yeah but that's a completely different version to the rule that we're talking about so let's carry on here we go excuse me would you mind helping me to pass the book you'd say would you mind helping me by passing the book or you could simply say would you mind passing me the book makes it much easier would you mind passing me the book Rowen grammar is important question mark of course grammar is important if you didn't have grammar then we'd have no structure but I always say in general grammar rules you shouldn't get too upset about you shouldn't get too obsessed with grammar rules it's better just to practice and you'll pick it up automatically as you go along so don't worry too much about the rules but yes grammar is of course important how time is flying question mark yes how time is flying how time flies or time is flying means time is going fast when you fly you cover a lot of distance very quickly so as time is flying by here we go here's a good one would you mind taking off your would you mind taking off your finger on the camera so you'd say would you mind taking your finger off the camera would you mind taking your finger off the camera great ok I'm going to jump back now patrons I've got one here from all this says would you mind if I'll borrow your pen you don't need I will just say I would you would you mind if I borrow your pen would you mind if I borrow your pen okay and that's good okay how does they have a look at the video anyway I do talk about the education system a little bit but it depends if you want something more specific we'll talk about it afterwards let's move on let's go back to the notes because we have over over running hugely I need you I need you so making others understand that you need help is usually all you need to do in order to get them in order for them to offer their assistance so normally you don't need to even ask for help you just need to tell them that you need them or tell them that you're in need of help so you could simply say I need help and normally then they'll say let me help you or I can't help you what do you need you could say I could use some help so I could like hey guys I could really use some help here maybe I'm carrying lots of boxes hey guys these are really heavy I could use some help or you could say I'm struggling how you getting on with your maths exam I'm really struggling let me help you you could just say this is very difficult or this is tricky tricky means the same as difficult you could say I don't know how to do this I don't know how to do this maybe you're trying to put together that IKEA wardrobe and you're looking at the instructions but it doesn't make sense and I don't know how to do this and then hopefully someone will come and help you you could also say I'm confused I don't understand this is a slang a slang phrase but you could say I don't get it that means I don't understand I don't get it what was that thing you said about verbs I don't get it I don't understand but that is slang I have no idea what I'm supposed to be doing so maybe the teachers explained a task you've been asked to get on with the task everyone's got their head in their books they're all working they all understand but you didn't understand the teacher could say are you okay you can be like I have no idea what I'm supposed to be doing okay do we have any more ah okay so obviously if someone helps you I'm sure I don't need to say this but you should always say thank you showing your gratitude is of course good manners and will make the other person feel good about helping you here are a few different ways to say thank you so you could say thank you so much thank you so much that was so good of you you could say you are a star thank you you're a star that was really helpful thank you say I really appreciate you helping me well I really appreciate you giving me a hand you could say I can't thank you enough I want to say thank you thank you thank thank you thank you but it's not enough I can't thank you enough you helped me so much or you could say thank you for taking the time to help me it means a lot and of course by saying those things they're going to really feel good about what they did to help you okay so I'll just read it quickly a few of your comments I don't understand what tricky means tricky just means difficult so if I could say I'm trying to work out my phone my new phone but it's difficult I'm trying to work out my phone but it's tricky it means the same thing it just means difficult hard to work out hard to understand I don't understand what you teaching is that right no you'd say I don't understand what you are teaching and I'm sorry I didn't get it if it's a slant if it's a slang is it rude to say to a customer yes don't use it in a professional way don't use it at work it's it's just something you would use informally I don't get it if you're in work let's say I'm sorry I don't understand okay sure versus what about thanks to you yeah I could say thanks thanks to you thanks what's the difference between would and should that's quite a big subject I have done a video on the differences between wood should and could so if you just go to my page go to the little magnifying glass the little search tool and type in would should could you should find that video thank you so much Anna you are the best teacher thank you very much that's very kind can I say I don't know what I'm supposed to do Daniel yes you can alright let me have a quick look at my patrons here my patrons would you mind giving me the permission to tell you that your shirt really suits you good sentence and yes and thank you very much good all right guys you've done fantastically I hope that that's been helpful no matter what your level I hope that you've gained something from that all patrons the notes as you know patrons the notes are now all were all going into the patreon Dropbox so patrons these notes are going in the three dollars and up patron Dropbox so if you're a three dollar patron or upwards then these will go into your lesson notes Dropbox there are always new things being added to all the patron drop boxes so don't worry if you're a one dollar or a two dollar patron there are things coming for you very soon so just keep an eye out you should get a notification from Dropbox to say when new things have been added yes I will share the lesson as soon as I break off this broadcast I'll share that lesson with you also to my super chat donator please do email me if you want the notes email to you separately then I'll send that to you thank you so much for that very kind donation once again it was very kind if you're not ready to subscribe please subscribe if you enjoyed it you know what to do please show it a thumb do take some time to check out some of the other videos that I've been putting up here lately otherwise I will see you with another lesson shortly hopefully live again next Monday but I'll announce it on Twitter Instagram and Facebook so make sure to go to the links down in the description box below and I will put them on I will announce it there to let you know when I'm live again and just to let you know for those of you who want a copy of the notes but you're not a patron and you didn't drop a super chats they will be available to buy from my website and I just see if I put a link have I put a link in I haven't but I will so my website is a lovely evening lots of love from London mmmm now I have to work out how to say goodbye I think it's that button
Channel: English Like A Native
Views: 19,940
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Learn English, English lesson, English like a native, Anna English, british english, english lesson, learn english, Live english lesson, ask for help, help, how to, how to ask for help, english lesson help, help with english, how to help in english, need help english, help english, asking for help, ways to ask for help, live english lesson
Id: 66UFJHxw73c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 68min 31sec (4111 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 19 2018
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