HUMAN BODY - LIVE English Lesson

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YouTube YouTube are you with me can anyone now see me it's saying that it's working but I don't know if it is a beauty of live streaming okay I'm just gonna I'm just going to sit here for a moment and hope that things are working yes hello great wonderful woohoo hello and terribly sorry about the technical difficulties I hope now that you are with me seeing me and hearing me and yes yes woohoo so hello my name is Anna I live here in England this is English like a native and today we are talking about the human body now I have to say before I start that these lessons would not be possible if it wasn't for the support of my amazing patrons and I had a new patron joining the patreon campaign yesterday so Dennis here is your shout out thank you very much for your support and I also have to say that this video is sponsored today by itoki and if you're not familiar with itoki that's a website which provides a connection between language students and fabulous language teachers all around the world these are affordable personalized one-to-one English lessons and which are convenient for you and they're also super affordable I mean they're cheaper than offline tutors like me at just 30% of the cost so if you are working on a budget then this is definitely the deal for you because I've managed to get you a buy one get one free offer it is limited so it's not forever but if you are interested then all you have to do is click on the link the description of this video head over there by your first lesson and you'll get one absolutely free and if you do sign up let me know how it goes I'd love to hear about your progression so what I'm going to do now is get Facebook back online because I ditched them when I was having problems with the feed here so I'm going to get them back online and then we'll start the lesson so just bear with me while I am getting them online why don't you tell me where you're watching from and why don't you tell me what your body type is as we're talking about bodies tell me what your body type is we did a lesson not so long ago about how to describe your appearance so hopefully you've remembered how to describe your body type so give me a shout out tell me where your you're watching from and tell me your body type see if you can remember how to describe your body and I'll just get Facebook going here mm-hmm of course I've got my tea are we here oh here we go hello Facebook so sorry we have everything in good working order now so sorry about canceling the lesson and having to restart but hopefully we are all here and all happy I'm ready to get going again so I have YouTube online YouTube I now have Facebook online yay everything is working wonderfully so if you are here and you are excited about learning about a human body how we describe our body parts how we pronounce our body parts in English then please now click the like button and let me know that you are excited also if you want to help me out then click the share button as well and share this lesson with your friends and help me to grow this community so it is very exciting I was quite nervous about doing this lesson because I am typically British and I find talking about bodies a little bit embarrassing but I thought it was important for you if you're going to the doctors or if you need to describe something then you need to be able to pronounce all the words of all the parts of your body so it's a very important lesson I think so I've got people here from Hungary hello Leon Leonardo hello and you yah hi yo-yo is one of my patrons hello yo-yo in Sydney Elena in Moscow hi how are you Lebanon I've got ally in Lebanon hi I've got Julia in the Ukraine I've got a new are newer in sedan who do I have here I've got um Julia Julia um all these lots of fabulous names that I can't pronounce ex ex a quill ex accrue from Chile hola do they say or line Chile do they speak Spanish I'm not sure I've got the salmon in Kurdistan in Iraq hello wonderful of people input Philippe in Poland I think I am medium height and have a slim body good what else for the body description do we have Leonardo says I am more or less skinny okay okay hi in Turkey and hello how are you I'm very well thank you it's taken me a while to get the setup right today because if you're watching yesterday you'll remember on Facebook the writing was back to front because I was filming from my phone and so today I tried a different setup so it took me a little longer to get going with the broadcast today because I wanted to make sure everyone would be able to read the writing the right way around wonderful so let's get started let's start talking about our bodies so we're going to talk about the external body parts today we're not talking about the anatomy the sorry the insides of our body so we're not talking about like lungs and hearts and organs things like that we're talking about our external body parts how we pronounce them on what we call each of the body parts so let's start with this thing so this is the head hmm hopefully you could all see this now so we have the head and obviously on our head we have hair and we have on the front of our head our face face and on our face we have two eyes a nose and a mouth now mouth is one word that people tend to mispronounce because of the th now remembering that th is always pronounced with the tongue between the T so we say mouth and we have this rounded vowel ow ow it's actually called a diphthong two vowel sounds moving into one ow ow mouth mouth and our mouth is made up of two lips lips so just trying to think now of some phrases that we would use with these body parts that we've mentioned I recently climbed a mountain and you might say that because I was high up I have a good head for heights a good head for Heights this basically would mean that I'm I'm good with Heights but the truth is I'm not I'm frightened of heights and so I don't have a good head for Heights let me just make some space here and write these down for you so a good head for Heights and Heights is a funny word because it's spelt very very oddly compared to how it sounds so Heights Heights I high making sure we get that ts sound in there so I have I should have after climbing a mountain a good head for Heights a good head for Heights talking about I you might say we don't see eye to eye we don't see eye to eye this expression means that we don't get along we don't agree so we don't see eye to eye now you you might find that how to make sure that everyone can see this you might find that you don't see eye to eye with someone that you normally get along with so your best friend on a particular subject you might say we don't see eye to eye on this so me and my best friend when it comes to when it comes to cooking we don't see eye to eye perhaps every time we cook we have an argument about how to cook the best how to make the dish taste the nicest maybe I do it one way and my best friend does it another way and you can say me and my best friend don't see eye to eye on this when it comes to cooking my best friend and I don't see eye to eye so that's a good one to remember it's a very common phrase that we use to see eye to eye we would say we do see eye to eye we always see eye to eye nose we've talked about nose quite a lot in the past and someone might call you nosy they might tell you you're nosey which means you're you're trying to find out information that doesn't that doesn't involve you you're asking lots of questions you're being nosy so someone might say to you keep your nose out if they don't want to give you information they'll say keep your nose out keep your nose out I was told a lot when I was a child to keep my nose out keep your nose out you're being very nosey good so then we also have the mouth and lip service lips so lip service is something you can say is a phrase you can say lip service is - if you pay lip service to someone you are giving them compliments so to pay someone lip service is to give them compliments but with mouth we generally say things like if someone is shouting a lot or talking a lot maybe they're ranting about something and you want them to stop you'll say stop mouthing off stop mouthing off stop mouthing off okay so there's four good phrases a good head for heights do you have a head for Heights we don't see eye to eye is there anybody you can think of that you don't see eye to eye with is there anyone I don't see eye to eye with I get along with most people but I'm sure in my life in work situations then must have been people I don't see eye to eye with have you ever been told to keep your nose out and would you describe yourself as nosy and stop mouthing off have you ever had to tell someone maybe in a different way to stop mouthing off be quiet stop talking stop mouthing off okay let's have a read of some of your comments of course on our head we also have something we haven't mentioned our ears our ears and on our ears we have an ear lobe this bottom part of your ear is your ear lobe lobe and if you have a hole in your ear so that you can wear jewelry you have your ears pierced you have your ears pierced and Julia has said I'm all ears that's a good one the phrase I'm all ears means I'm listening I'm all ears good so let's have a look on YouTube to see what you guys are saying if the camera resolution is low I think you should be able to click settings and oh no you can't oh dear I'm not sure if I can change the settings mid broadcast I don't think I can okay so this is low resolution on YouTube guys I'm sorry about that I can't adjust the settings mid stream so you'll just have to bear with it so I'm afraid I really like your channel it's one of my favorites thank you very much keep your nose out lip service yes you're repeating what I've said good what I like to say nose around for going out on the town without a plan not a bad thing I would say to nose around too nosey around is to look around for stuff to search around too nosey around you've ever ever sucked ever suck - saying are you live every day at the same time I am going live on a regular basis at the moment but not at the same time every day because it's not fair for some students in different countries where this is very very late or very early for them so I'm trying to adjust the time each day to give everyone a chance and to join Eric your YouTube streaming with one minute behind Facebook streaming mmm but the quality on YouTube is much better on my PC oh okay well that's good Philippe how can I send a super chat without having a credit or debit card I don't know Philippe um I'm sorry I not that familiar with super chat I think you have to have a credit or debit card to do super chats or maybe PayPal I don't know for those of you who don't know what super chat is super chat is a chance to make a small donation to the channel if you like what we're doing here and you want to donate and what it does is it makes your comment stand out it highlights the comment and it pins it to the top of the YouTube comments board so that everyone can see it for a prolonged period of time and I also see it very clearly - so if you want your comment to stand out and you want everyone to see it and you want to give a little back to the channel then all you have to do is click the dollar sign next to the emoji sign which is called the super chat function cool to play something by ear to see what happens in the day and if something can happen yes so there's a phrase to play it by ear which we use a lot actually to play it by ear which means just go with the flow there's not a specific plan let's just go with it and see what happens so you might say to me Anna we were supposed to go and watch a film tonight what's happening where are we going and I say I don't know there's a group of friends going for a drink in town some people are talking about going to a concert should we just go along and play it by ear so should we just go along with it go with the flow should we play it by ear I think we should play it by ear okay so that's a really great one thank you Dave for suggesting that one okay so we're going to carry on here now [Music] does everybody find the low resolution on YouTube a problem because if you do I could try to stop the stream up the resolution and restart so just let me know if you prefer me to do that I can do so talking about hair just very quickly a phrase a phrase that I used a lot this weekend when I was climbing the mountain was it's hairy the climb was hairy it was quite hairy and I didn't mean that the mountain had hair on it I meant hairy meaning practically scary so sometimes we say something is hairy when we mean scary it makes my hair stand up on end because I'm scared it's hairy okay so that's something to be aware of so no one's telling me on YouTube that they want me to up the resolution okay and Tara Tara terr co2 Co who says why no subtitles there's no subtitles because this is live this is happening right now I don't know what's coming out of my mouth so there's no subtitles yet they will probably probably be automatic subtitles added later on okay so let's carry on moving down the body so after our head we come to our neck or throat so the throat normally refers to more the front here but we can refer to how the whole body here the whole body of the connecting part as the neck or the throat and there are a few phrases that we we have when we talk about neck and throat I'm going to go through a few of them with you now sometimes two people when they don't see eye to eye and might be at each other's throat at each other's throat and this means that they are arguing a lot so they're at each other's throat they're arguing to physically be arguing and shouting at each other you might say that two people are always at each other at each other's throat oh absolutely wrong others at each other's throat so they are always at it my mom and dad are always at each other's throat okay and you might say if someone is constantly looking over you and watching what you're doing maybe your boss has asked you to do a job and then he stands behind you the whole time watching what you're doing maybe he's constantly asking you have you done it yet have you done it yet when's that project going to be finished is it finished yet you will say he is breathing down your neck breathing down I would say my because I am talking about me he's breathing down my neck he's breathing down my neck oh so I have to stay at work late tonight because my boss is breathing down my neck about that project and I am really sick of my boyfriend constantly breathing down my neck about the laundry the washing up so to be breathing down someone's neck and oh yeah it's it Jung Eun's said a good one I have a lump in my throat a lump in my throat so sometimes and this is a physical sensation that you experience sometimes if you feel emotional like you you're about to cry you get a lump feeling in your throat so if someone says did you find the film upsetting you might say well at one point I had a lump in my throat a lump in my throat so I didn't cry I didn't cry but I did have a lump in my throat so it just means that you felt a little bit emotional and you got that sensation in your in your throat that feeling that you're about to cry okay oh dave has come up with another good one which is a rubber necking rubber necking to be rubber necking I'll write it down is to be looking at something that's happened I would normally use this phrase if I'm driving down the road and I've seen an accident on the other side and as I Drive past I go like this to look at the accident I'm rubbernecking and lots of accidents are caused because of rubbernecking because people turn their heads away from the road to look at other accidents they are rubber necking and now one of you has mentioned the phrase deep throat deep throat I'm in most cases is a sexual term which I potentially will cover tomorrow because tomorrow we're having a sex education lesson so I'm not going to cover it now I'll cover it tomorrow it's going to be a later session tomorrow later in much later in the afternoon and we're going to do sex education because although it embarrasses me it's important that we discuss it so deep throat is one for tomorrow's lesson ok and one thing that you might hear is someone saying oh sorry I have a frog in my throat I have a frog frog in my throat and this means their voice has become croaky so if you have a croaky voice so if you're talking I'm sorry I just had a frog in my throat apologies I have a frog in my throat I just need to cough up her so if someone's voice becomes croaky then they might cough and say they had a frog in their throat and that's because a frog croaks ribbit ribbit that's that sound is called a croak and when yes I I need to I need to get a microphone plugged in and you know live streaming is actually really difficult so it took me a good 40 minutes to set up today to do the live stream because obviously I'm doing the live stream on YouTube and the live stream on Facebook I have to do it on different networks so that they don't take down my internet and I have to make sure that you guys can hear me so I put on my microphone but that's all twisted wires around everything else and then I have to make sure you've got all the descriptions and go live at the same time and make sure you can all see properly it's um it's hard to manage actually harder than I first thought it would be anyway what else do we have Oh neck and neck so you might have remembered the phrase that we covered not so long ago head to head to go head to head with someone is to go into direct competition with them so a boxer would go head to head with his and with the other fighter so the boxers went head to head but if you are neck-and-neck it's slightly different so to be neck-and-neck [Music] we use this phrase in a competitive environment to mean they are they are in equal position so for example the easiest way to describe this is if two people are racing if two people are racing and they are in exactly the same position no one is in front and no one is behind you would say they are neck-and-neck they are both equal exactly the same they're neck-and-neck so if you're applying for a job and the two of you are doing just as well as each other you've got equal merit then the person who is hiring might say oh the candid are neck-and-neck at the moment I don't know who's going to get the job it's neck-and-neck so Kolbert Kolbert is watching us live for the very first time from china wonderful and so glad to have you here and glad you've managed to make a live session Oh Wayne it's the first time you've caught us live as well fantastic and do I have any others that I particularly want to talk to you about regarding neck throat there's one more and that is um debris to hold your breath so to hold your breath you'll hear it regularly people saying don't hold your breath they don't mean don't do this what they mean is don't wait it probably won't happen so if I say to you look and I might I might do I might do five live lessons a day but don't hold your breath that will mean it probably won't happen so don't wait for it don't count on it don't hold your breath I hope that makes sense so if you're enjoying what you're seeing then please Facebook show me the love so that I know that this is good for you and we should carry on going further down the body are you finding this helpful YouTube is this good for you which i think is there anything else oh so actually oh we haven't got love coming through on Facebook thank you guys there's many of you in on Facebook today normally there's like hundreds of you and today there's only 25 maybe it's a bad time maybe all those false starts didn't help and I didn't share it so that probably hasn't helped if you are on Facebook and you're part of an English group then maybe share this with an English group and that that would help to boost the numbers so talking about the neck it's a very specific part of the neck which is the back of the neck that you might need to talk about the back of the neck is called the nape the nape na PE you write it down for you the knate knate the nape the nape of the neck and that's the back of the neck okay so moving down the body I'm drinking peppermint tea for those of you who have asked I always have peppermint tea at this time of the day makes me feel fresh and awake okay so I'm moving down the body so I've had throat the neck here these bones here are your collarbones and I know I did I said I wouldn't talk about the inside of the body but we regularly mention the collarbones when talking about appearance so um people have said to me or you have beautiful collarbones if I'm wearing a dress that's low-cut a low-cut dress and my collarbones are on show and someone might say you have lovely collarbones which I know is a strange thing to say we say the same about our cheek bones you might say she's got lovely cheekbones or you've got very strong defined cheekbones so we often talk about the collar bones and the cheek bones collar bones cheek bones we then have our shoulders and I always talk about my shoulders because I have a lot of tension and I get stressed I have a lot of tension in my shoulders and so I may say that I need a massage I need someone to massage my shoulders because my shoulders are tense I might roll my shoulders to release my shoulder tension bear in mind how I'm pronouncing that shoulder shoulder a lot of my students recently have been struggling with this dark L sound a dark L is when an L appears in the middle or at the end of a word and what happens is they just miss it off altogether so a lot of my students would say shoul shoulders and make a W that's wrong it should be shoulders with the L shoulders shoulders just write that down for you so being very aware of that L in shoulders shoulders okay all right so let's move on to the arm arm now again let me write this out for you Wayne you're definitely right I really am struggling with this wire oh maybe better so um it may have an R in it but ignore this I oh no what's happened to Facebook oh I've lost Facebook why are the last Facebook bear with me one second YouTube okay go alive again one second you - I'm just going to get Facebook back on today is a technical disaster technical disaster three two one go live through - ah hello again sorry about that so picking up where we left off um it may have the letter R in it but we do not pronounce that we don't do arm arm we do a nice open long vowel sound ah so the tongue should be down the mouth wide arm arm arm and that's the same for if you were to say the word harm there's no harm in talking about your arm you might sit in an arm chair arm so those are you on Facebook sorry about that some of you have come over to YouTube which is probably a good idea and the youtube link is slightly stronger because it's going from my 4G so if you're if you're struggling with Facebook and getting frustrated as I am then maybe hop over to YouTube the link for the YouTube channel should be in the description of this video and hopefully we won't lose YouTube in future what I may do is just keep the live broadcast to one channel because it's easier to manage alright so our arm is separated obviously into our upper arm and our forearm so you might talk about your lower arm but mostly we talk about the forearm upper arm forearm upper arm forearm we may also talk about our arms when it comes to muscles and working out and this muscle is referred to a lot most people will know the name of this muscle and this is the bicep or a big bicep bicep and lots of people will comment if you have good biceps I'll say oh you've got nice biceps haven't you got defined biceps or haven't you got large biceps by step obviously bicep is one the two biceps for the two arms but most people talk about the two because they're normally the same your biceps so I think I forego I have reasonably good biceps most women don't work too hard on their upper arms so they don't have big biceps but because of the work that I do and the climbing and the gymnastics then I do have quite toned defined biceps of all the muscles I think there's the bicep is the most commonly known muscle known by most people so we have upper arm bicep and we talk about our forearm the bend is the elbow and elbow can also be used as a verb to elbow someone to elbow them out of the way means that you've done this movement you poked them with your elbow if you elbow them so you might say hey stop elbowing me or if your utter utter a take away McDonald's you've gone to McDonald's and it's really busy because everybody wants to buy a burger and you want to get to the front of the queue as quickly as you can you might decide to elbow your way through so elbow elbow good the other joint on the arm is this joint this is the wrist a silent W so I tend to put the lip to the teeth or and do wrist wrist wrist good okay let's just have a look at what you guys are saying um hi Chum asking if anyone's here that can speak English fluently well I can yes guys the one good thing about the English like language community and what I try to encourage is for you to all help each other so it's not just about me helping you but about us working together as a community to help one another so if you want to do language exchanges if you want to hook up on skype with each other to practice your English conversation I think that's a great idea if you want to ask each other for recommendations on books or websites or other YouTube channels that you found really helpful I'm not precious I don't mind like talk about it with each other tell each other invite each other to different groups different resources I'm here because I want you guys to learn mmm so let's you know spread the love I don't mind okay hello in Florida hi so let's moving on hmm let's move on so we have wrists and then we're talking about the hands now the hands are really important of course and there's lots of words that we use to describe the different parts of our hands firstly someone might ask you are you left-handed or right-handed are you left-handed or right-handed so if you are right-handed that means that you dominantly use your right hand so you write with your right hands you might generally go to grab things with your right hand you might carry things with your right hand so tell me if you are right-handed I want you to click the like button now if you're right-handed click the like button let me know are you right-handed if you're left-handed on Facebook click the love button if you're left-handed click the love button if you're left-handed now on youtube click the love click the like okay so got mostly right-handed people on Facebook I think a lot of people are right-handed I think that's possibly because that's how we're told we should be I know when I was a child I was always told to write with my right hand if I was trying to write with my left I was told note with your right hand sorry I'm trying to see I'm pulling you down here because I'm trying to see the screen over here and move this so that I don't clash it okay so we talked about being right-handed or left-handed okay Julia and save that question for the end and I'll come back to that at the end okay so I was left-handed I think when I was younger but now I am right-handed because I was kind of pushed to be right-handed and but still sometimes I do things with the other hand like I change my knife and fork around so you're supposed to have it a certain way around but I always eat the other way I'm not sure oh my goodness we just had a super chat come through so Monica Monica 2006 has just sent 500 yen Wow thank you so much thank you so much so Monica 2006 has just sent a super chat to to the channel and with a comment you look beautiful where I'm blushing thank you that's very very kind and very much appreciated okay so with our hands we might want to talk about the different parts of the hand so this part of the hand is called the heel of the hand this is the heel of the hand and you might mention this if you fall and put your hands down and hurt this part you might graze the heel of your hand and obviously that would hurt but this is the heel of the hand this whole section here is called the palm the palm so we'll come back to Palm in a moment Rafael has just mentioned something really cool that I hadn't remembered but if you use both hands you are is that the right spelling Rafael I hope so I'm going to copy your spelling I'm not always great at spelling guys and because I'm Dyslexic I don't know if anyone knows what that means but if you're dyslexic it means you have trouble with words and spelling it's like a learning difficulty but it just means your brain works in a different way and spelling is one of the things that my dyslexia has a problem with so and the dextrous I think that's the right spelling and be dexterous so if you use both hands equally you're not right-handed or left-handed but you can use both then you are ambidextrous great word and be dexterous I'd love to be fully ambidextrous okay so we were talking about palm you may you may know someone who or you may have come across a palm reader at the fair or some people offer that service to be a palm reader something to be aware of a palm reader is someone who tells your fortune based on the lines of your hand so these lines and your hands are lines on your palm some people believe can tell your future and these people who can read the lines on your hand they are palm readers palm readers or fortune tellers fortune tellers there are some very famous lines on your hands that most people know and that is the life line the big one that goes around your thumb life line I think that one's the headline headline and maybe that's the heart line I'm not sure but that's definitely the life line the one that comes around here so the palm palm readers life line and what else do we have with palm or a great phrase a great phrase that we use regularly is to palm somebody off so to Palm off phrasal verb to Palm somebody off is to get rid of them it's basically like putting your hand in their face and going you know thank you to palm them off and it can also be to to be ripped off to be similar to being ripped off so if I have some if I have some computers that don't work maybe mobile phones that say mobile phones if I have a mobile phone that doesn't work very well and I want to sell it but the person I'm selling it to doesn't know that it's not working well I might very quickly say oh you have it really cheap because I just want to get rid of it but it's fine I am Parman it off I am palming it off to you so I'm getting rid of it it's a bit dodgy to Palm it off to Palm it off great lovely alright so um what else do we have we have thumb thumb this is a difficult one for pronunciation because we have that famous th and we have a silent B thumb so that's silent and that's to be concentrated on um thumb we don't do thumb but just thumb thumb um good so we have our thumbs and we obviously have our fingers fingers lots of people have trouble with this ng sound mmm back of the tongue hi and this is a nasal sound fingers fingers fingers but each finger has its own description do I know all of them yes so this one is your index finger your index finger I don't know why it's called index finger maybe someone else knows and if you know the origin of why it's called the index finger obviously it's an important finger your pointing finger but if you know why it's called index then please share it with us and this one obviously we don't want to face it that way because that's bad means bad things but this one is your middle finger middle finger this one here is your ring finger it's where you wear your red wedding ring if you're lucky enough to get married or unlucky enough some people might say so you have index middle finger and ring finger and your little finger or your pinky some people call it a pinky little finger or pinky so let me show you these so starting next to the thumb we have index finger middle finger ring finger little finger or pinky good also I've just remembered if someone if your friends and it's kind of it's very formal very informal I wouldn't use this at work but if you want someone to promise something so if you say okay I will I'll take you on holiday next week and you say do you promise you might add to that pinky promise pinky promise and then that person has to link their little finger to your little finger and say pinky promise so to do that it's just a silly tradition to do a pinky promise I promise we shake on it with our pinkies pinkie promise for those of you asking no I don't have any rings on any of my fingers and those of you may work it out that means I am not married I'm not lucky or unlucky depending on how you see it okay so people on Facebook of having a problem watching they say they can't see anything if you are having a problem my suggestion is to head over to YouTube I think that is the best bet Facebook has been having lots of problems today so head over to YouTube let me just say this in the I'm going with you and second head over to YouTube it's much better link is in the description of this video okay great come to YouTube Facebook and I'm going to close this stream down in just a second so we've got our hands we've got our hands and if we're talking about the very ends of our fingers these are our finger tips our finger tip and then the little lines on your fingertips are called your finger prints if you are unlucky or naughty and you get arrested by the police they will probably take your fingerprints so they can identify you or link you to a crime so finger prints from your fingertips on the other side of our fingertips we have our finger nails our finger nails and you may be asked on a regular basis to cut your finger nails cut your finger nails okay so we have fingers fingertips fingerprints fingernails oh these things are your knuckles your knuckles and if you hit something you might graze or hurt your knuckles when I was younger I heard the phrase and I've heard it a few times since to give someone a knuckle sandwich and this means to hit somebody so hopefully you won't hear this give somebody a knuckle sandwich so you hit them with your knuckle ooh YouTube okay so do come and join me over on YouTube and and we'll continue the lesson there and don't forget tomorrow is going to be a I say join me on ok yes tomorrow is going to be a sex education lesson so I meant we're talking about sexual vocabulary so do join me tomorrow as well but YouTube is your best bet the links in the description of this video so I'll see you on YouTube all right so that's finished there I can concentrate on you guys so to give someone a knuckle sandwich great and well not great let's hope that you never get a knuckle sandwich I when I was younger I was putting my bits and bobs down when I was younger I used to do a bit of boxing but I didn't like hitting my coach I didn't mind hitting the punch bag and I didn't mind hitting the pads but I didn't like hitting my coach I didn't like giving him a knuckle sandwich upset me greatly ok so that is the arms and then we move down and we have the chest we have the chest there is a phrase that we use with the word chest and that is to get something off my chest so get it or something off my chest and that's when something has been bothering you when you know something and it's bothering you and you want to share it but maybe you're all scared too when you finally share it you are getting it off your chest as if this secret is a weight on you and you finally gone ah I told you there's the information I've got it off my chest so I might say to you is there something you want to get off your chest hmm would you like to get it off your chest or afterwards here I might say aren't you glad you got that off your chest hello and on and on you're saying cerb teacher and I guess you mean what's up the way of saying hello and hi so to get it off my chest do you have something to get off your chest mmm good so obviously on our chest men and women are different but on our chest we all have nipples we all have nipples and this word has again a dark L sound of course if we're talking about one you might say nipple with no s the left nipple or the right nipple and when we're talking about both of them we talk about our nipples nipple poles and it's a Z sound not an S and nipples nipples okay so when you jog run when you run sometimes your shirt will rub and hurt your nipple because it's what we call chafing it's just rubbing and irritating the skin so if this happens on your nipples then you have what we call joggers nipple joggers nipple and we we say this is singular not we don't say nipples we say joggers nipple I've got joggers nipple my nipples really hurt from running and it's just where your clothes have rubbed on your nipples and made the skin sore you have joggers nipple obviously then we would talk about for a woman a woman has breasts breasts important that we articulate the tongue properly for this breasts you have an STS breasts and so you don't want to mispronounce that STS breasts breasts they are also referred to as well a number of other things but sometimes they're referred to as boobs and other times less politely they referred to as tits what else well there are other words but they're not so common these are the most common ones so have breasts are the technical words the formal word so if you're visiting the doctor maybe you have a lump in your breast that you're concerned about then you would say doctor I would like you to check my breasts please I think I have a lump or I have pain in my left breast if you're talking informally with your friends you might say boobs boobs and less slightly less politely but it's still not a swear word we would say tits tits okay but breasts is the formal way of saying it men also have technically they have breasts but we don't talk about them having breasts because they're not big but they have breast tissue so they still have this kind of fatty tissue here when a man is slightly overweight and he has quite large breasts for a man when a man has what looked like breasts because he's overweight on in an informal way and this is informal and it's not very polite so I wouldn't use this but to be aware of it if a man has boobs we call them boobs man boobs boobs this is slang so if someone is saying to you hey look at his moobs they mean look at his man boobs but it's not polite hmm what else what else do I need to tell you okay so below below are boobs or are chest we have the end of our rib cage of course we're not talking about the inside but sometimes you might need to refer to your ribs it hit me in the ribs so your ribs are your bones that protect your lungs and you might take a bash or an elbow to the ribs so you may say oh you just elbowed me in the ribs so make sure you're doing that bs ribs ribs and the S is voiced so it sounds like a Zed ribs ribs okay oh there's a good one that's come up you might hear the phrase tit for tat tit for tat not tit for tit tit for tat I don't know where this phrase comes from but it doesn't have anything to do with boobs it doesn't have anything to do with breasts the phrase tit for tat just means and how do I explain this it means to be petty to be so let me get let me get up a good description for you because I'm finding this hard to explain and tit for tat tit for tat it's what people do when they fight so I'm tip tip the tat so a tit for tat actions done intentionally to punish other people because they've done something unpleasant for you to you so if that doesn't make it any easier to understand so basically if someone if someone does something unpleasant to me maybe they hide my car keys in the morning so maybe my housemate hides my car keys in the morning so that I am late for work and that's a very unpleasant thing to do so in return I put laundry powder in the sugar so that when they make tea with sugar they will have laundry powder in their tea so one unpleasant act to to come back to from another unpleasant act so one unpleasant act answers another and this is it's very silly it's very childish immature this is called tit for tat it's unimportant silly petty arguments ticked attack I hope that explains it clearly it's not something of how to explain before so okay so tit for tat good okay so carrying on ribs we were on two so poking the ribs then and moving down we have the the stomach or the midriff or the waist there's so many ways to explain the middle of your body so the middle of your body is technically called your torso so from here down to your hips is your torso the middle is the torso so the middle of your body is your torso but we don't say this very often we tend to talk about the chest or this part which is the midriff midriff or the the tummy sometimes which is more slang the tummy I use this word all the time my tummy or stomach although stomach can also refer to the inside or your actual organ the stomach um or your belly which is another slang term your belly and we call it belly more often because this is your belly button your belly button and let's write it up here a little it's written here belly button now the interesting thing about a belly button and one thing I want to know from you guys is some people not everyone but some people have an innie and some people have an outie the slang terms does your bellybutton go in or does your bellybutton stick out some people have an LT and LT and some people haven't any I have an innie most people have an innie but some people have an outie so do you have an outie belly button I'd love to know my sister has an outie I have an innie I think it has something to do with where they cut the umbilical cord when you're born if it's very long then it doesn't go in I don't know but they have your bellybutton and most people don't like someone sticking their finger in their belly button because it can be quite sensitive we also sometimes will talk about bellybutton fluff so you know if you have a deep bellybutton you sometimes get fluff bits of fiber dirt in your bellybutton people talk about bellybutton fluff it's a thing so say bellybutton fluff I don't know I don't know why we talk about it but we sometimes do I've taken his arm off oh dear oh no my man has lost his arm he's his is armless that's a pun a play on words he's armless he's harmless um okay so Eric hasn't any um sreekuttan has an innie or Kolbert has an outie yes yes for the Audis and on and on and on hasn't any lots of you have any I would expect most of you have in ease I don't know how to spell it actually because it's slang it's because I've never used it in written English some of you are asking me whether it's spelt with a Y ending or an IE ending I don't know I've never had to write it maybe someone should google it now and tell us what the answer is how do we spell any and lt when it comes to bellybuttons someone do the researching let me know okay so we've got our waste so you might talk about someone having a slim waist if they go in in the middle they have a slim waist and when we're talking about tummy or stomach you could say I have stomach ache or tummy ache tummy and belly I used to describe weight sometimes so someone's fat you might say they have a big belly or I might just say he's got a belly on him he's got a belly on him he's got a belly on him meaning he's fat or she's got a big tummy meaning she's got a fat middle a fat tummy I wouldn't say those things of course so then moving down we have our hips our hips are these parts here so they come from our hip bones lots of women will have bigger hips so they have a small waist and bigger hips whereas men tend to be a little bit more straight up and down so if someone says I have big hips they mean their hips sit wide or they might have wide hips is another way to describe it and mmm feel like I'm missing something of course they and I'll come back to it so hips if I turn that around this is the back so you talk about your back of course if you're going from massage you normally have a back massage and there are lots of phrases that we can use for back I'm going to run through a few of them now because I did write them down so we have to turn your mmm turn your back on turn turn your back on if you turn your back on something you abandon it so if you abandon me I might say why did you turn your back on me don't turn your back on me please come back and we also have the phrase to stab someone in the back and this means to betray them so you told my secret you stabbed me in the back you betrayed me in a positive light if someone gives you a pat on the back they don't have to physically do it it just means that they are praising you oh I give you a pat on the back you deserve a pat on the back you deserve congratulations you deserve praise a pat on the back and so let me just show you those so you can see them written down to turn your back on to abandon to stab someone in the back is to betray them to Pat someone on the back is to praise them then you might want to get somebody off your back so get somebody off your back this means if someone is breathing down your neck do you remember that means it means someone's constantly bothering you giving you a hard time watching you pestering you breathing down your neck if someone's breathing down your neck you might want to get them off your back like get them to leave you alone get them off your back and some good ones coming through here I've got a scratch my back and I'll scratch yours that means you help me I'll help you scratch my back I'll scratch yours English lessons - six five says I googled it and I found that it is written like this so an innie is spelled i double nie and lt is spelled o UT ie thank you very much for doing that so we've learned something all of us together any belly button outie belly button spelt with an IE ending fabulous thank you so get someone off your back is to make them leave you alone to stop them from hassling you but if someone gets your back up someone gets your back up it means they they've irritated you if they've made you put up your defenses they've made you stand up and go that's annoyed me you've got my back up to get someone's back up different again to someone saying and I've got your back I've got your back that means I'm supporting you I'll look after you don't worry I've got your back I'm here to help you so these are the last three we talked about to get someone off your back is to get them to leave you alone if you get if someone gets your back up or you get someone's back up it means you irritate them you've annoyed them but if you've got someone's back or someone has got your back that means they're supporting you you've got their support and finally something might happen behind your back like for example someone might be talking behind your back they might be talking about you behind your back this means that they are doing it without your knowledge and it's usually malicious or there's a reason why they haven't told you sometimes it could be a pleasant surprise like they might organize your birthday party surprise behind your back but normally when you use the phrase behind your back it means they've done it secretly and maliciously because you wouldn't be happy if you knew so I I booked no I took the money behind his back or I spent I I bought a new car behind my husband's back because he'll be angry when he finds out so I did it behind his back so he couldn't stop me okay good so moving down now let's talk about the embarrassing bits so from the back when we get down to the hips we have the buttocks or most commonly known as the bottom or the bum so we have buttocks bottom and bum these are the common I mean well bottom is the most common and bum are the most common these describe the overall feature that's your bottom there are your legs oh my dreadful drawings so your bottom that's overall but if you want to talk about one part of your bottom this is your that'll be your right no your left buttock and your right buttock so these are your individual buttocks your left buttock and your right buttock and together they are your buttocks or your bottom or your bum okay and some people will crudely refer to this as your ass this is a swear word so be careful with this one Americans I think say ass but for us an ass is not this an ass is a donkey or one of those like a horse you know and so an ass not that's American not for this we say arse arse okay and if you're talking very intimately you're what we would call your bum hole the hole here is called your anus technically this is your anus see I'm getting embarrassed now so the hole is your anus so if you go to the doctors because you have a problem you have a pain perhaps in your anus you mean the hole in your bottom and we also call this informally the bum hole or bottom hole but bum hole is more commonly used so your anus or your bum hole this parting here we call the bum crack the bum crack and sometimes when people wear their jeans very low or the trousers low you can see a little bit of their bum crack coming through that's the top of the trousers terrible drawing and we would say oh pull your trousers up I can see your crack so pull your trousers I'm going to see your bum crack good okay going to wipe this all off now and very rightly JD John has said gluts so the actual muscle here is called the gluteus maximus is that right so gluteus maximus so the big muscles in the bottom are called the glute Asst Maximus I think and so we sometimes refer to these as your glutes but usually only for talking about exercise and or if you're talking to a physiotherapist or a masseuse someone who gives a massage you might say can you massage my glutes rather than saying can you massage my bottom because that sounds weird ok ok so moving round to the front on a gentleman on a man we obviously have the penis the penis and the penis is the you know what the penises the the male where the man and where the man urinates from and where he produces his sperm so this is the penis now the end of the penis and to try and think of those many words for this I just check okay so the skin that comes over the end of the penis is called the foreskin and this in some put in some cultures is removed and sometimes for medical reasons is removed if you have no foreskin you our circumsized circumcised if you've had your foreskin removed you are circumcised other words for penis are these are slang or informal words and we have willy and bad words are sometimes this word sorry if you are young then you probably shouldn't be watching this with all these words nob is a bad word and dick is also a bad word these are swear words shouldn't be used in formal situations or in polite company so penis is the best word to use Willy is a slang term which is perfectly safe that these are bad words knob and dick are bad words and the foreskin is the technical term for the skin that comes over the end of the penis yes lovely now also I'm going to just write those white those words off also we have obviously the testicles so the penis and we have to in most cases two testicles and how do you spell this test D Cole's testicles dark he'll again testicles and you have your right testicle or one missed one off the penis another word for penis again not a very polite word is good thanks for bringing up so testicles you have a left testicle and a right testicle together sometimes people call these testes my testes sometimes and most commonly people refer to these as their balls their balls I think that's all testes testicles balls okay um get let's carry on so on the lady on the lady we have a vagina vagina this is the technical term if you're speaking to a doctor then you would talk about your vagina and sometimes are most commonly informally we say Fanny would be a term that we would use a lot Fanny more vulgar terms for this so I wouldn't use this word it's very vulgar it's not a swear word but it's not nice is I wouldn't use this word and I mean some some ladies call their vagina a something unusual like their foo-foo or their Lala or their top pants or their lady bits and yeah so people have very strange ways of describing their their private parts private parts is something that we say regularly oh okay so the great ones coming through for testicles I didn't see before we've got bollocks plums and I missed one earlier nuts rocks good some cool some great great ones coming through that I'd forgotten and okay so the hair the hair that is around your genitals on a man and a woman is called the pubic hair pubic hair pubic hair so carrying on down the leg we have one word that's quite difficult to pronounce and that is Phi Phi th and then I say diphthong so ignore these funny letters just listen to the sound Phi Phi and then moving further down the joint here is called the knee silent K no me me my thigh my knee and then your lower leg your lower leg is your well the back is your calf the front is your shin can you see these all right so we have it we have a silent L in car we just have an open vowel car and shin so you have Phi knee calf which is the back muscle and shin which is the front kind of bony area and that would be your upper leg and your lower leg and on your knee you have the main part in the middle which is your knee cap the bone that covers the front of the knees the knee cap kneecap say oh I banged my knee cap and then coming down the foot you have the joint of the foot which is a similar to the wrist it's called the ankle ankle ah ankle ankle and and then you have your toes toes Z sound toes we have our big toe and our little toe but we don't really have names that we use for the other toes so you talk about your big toe or your little toe and the rest are just toes I'm sure there are medical terms for them but we don't commonly use them and the bottom of your foot is called the sole of the foot the sole of the foot and and the middle of your foot where it arches up if that's your heel these are your toes oh my drawing is terrible these are your toes toenails this bit that goes upwards is called the arch the earth has a triple drawing this is the arch of the foot the arch of the foot but the whole bottom of the foot is called the sole of the foot this part is the heel the heel yeah and I think that's it if you're talking about this part you're talking about the top of your foot the top of your foot ah well goodness me we've been streaming for an hour and a half we've covered a majority of the body parts I've done some dreadful dreadful drawing I hope that no one has been offended by my awful drawing or by some of the bad words that I've had to write down and I hope that you have found this helpful yes I'm I found that quite embarrassing actually but like I said these things are important we don't tend to talk about these things that often in the UK pit particularly even in the doctors in the doctors we get embarrassed about saying some of those words that we've just discussed so if I have a problem with my vagina and I go to the doctor I wouldn't say doctor I have a problem with my vagina I would say doctor I've got a problem with my lady bits with my you know down below so I think a lot of English people are like this we get very shy when we talk about our intimate parts just thinking off the top of my head one part I missed off is the underneath of your arm here this is your arm pit it's quite important because we some of a shave our armpit some of us have smelly armpits and hopefully we mostly used deodorant in our armpits so you might talk about your armpits quite a lot and don't know if there's anything else important I've missed probably probably miss something but hopefully you found this generally very helpful lots of you are sending nice messages through now I'm glad you liked it so before you go do make sure that you are subscriber and you have pressed the notification button the notification button will let you know every time and live and every time I upload a new lesson I have been uploading lessons every single day for the last 17 days so please go and check those out because the numbers are falling they're not getting that many of you so I know that not many people are seeing them so if you're enjoying learning English with me then do go and check out some of the other videos that I've put out here and and make sure you give things a thumb up so that YouTube know that you like the 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remember tomorrow's lesson and will be later in the afternoon and it will be on sex education so I will be very red-faced I'm sure so I will see you tomorrow for our dating and sex education English lesson otherwise take care make sure you subscribe lots of love guys good bye
Channel: English Like A Native
Views: 38,191
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: English lesson, Human body, vocabulary, Learn english, body, body vocabulary, the human body, body parts, lezione d'inglese, Corpo umano, vocabolario, imparare l'inglese, 英語レッスン, 人体, 単語, 英語を習う, İngilizce dersi, บทเรียนภาษาอังกฤษ, Speaking english, learn to english, learn speaking english, parts of the body, learn english vocabulary, free english lessons, online english lesson, 영어 레슨, 어휘, english speaking, english like a native, Anna Tyrie
Id: nJwQugsjouc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 96min 36sec (5796 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 20 2017
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