Learn ENGLISH: Bodily Functions - TRUMP / BURP / BLUSH & many more

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hello everyone how are you are you sitting comfortably and do you have a nice cup of tea ready for our lesson so if you don't know me my name is Anna this is English like native and today we are learning some English vocabulary and hopefully some new phrases all around the theme the topic of bodily functions so this is an English lesson all about bodily functions things that your body sometimes does you don't want it to and it's very embarrassing how do we deal with that how do we deal with that in English and how do we brits behave around that but also other things that our body does that's not so embarrassing that's more necessary so hello if you're joining me let me know that you're here that you are going to stay for a good hour with me here and tell me where you're watching from and maybe maybe click the thumb button just to say that you're happy today the weather here is not very happy so I put on my orange cardigan thinking bright colors let's all be happy and do this very fun lesson together so if you're feeling happy show me the happy thumb and let's all have a wonderful wonderful afternoon together hello in California Egypt Venezuela Italy Germany Wow so many of you jumping in here wonderful I didn't share this lesson with many people so I was wondering if many people would join but already we've got 60 of you in fantastic Bonjour in France um hello in Mexico Bulgaria hello in Poland Algeria Vietnam fantastic Manchester my hometown where I was brought up Brazil and my MA Kurdistan in London fabulous Ukraine island Kazakhstan lovely Turkey wow so was so international Denmark Azerbaijan Pakistan loads of people from Egypt Morocco lovely island Korea more from France fabulous hello everyone I hope you're all feeling well and happy today and I am feeling good I did have a little accident last night I fell over and I twisted my ankle I thought I might have broken it so I went to the hospital this morning and they did an x-ray on my ankle but you'll be very happy to know it's not broken it's just a little bit of ligament damage so just a very bad twist have to rest my feet rest my ankles stay off my feet waiting for that to heal but otherwise I'm feeling fabulous I've got my nice cup of tea so shall we start bodily functions I'm sure all of us have had a moment of embarrassment when it comes to bodily functions we're going to start with a function that is voluntary and that is necessary that's not embarrassing at all if you're doing it right so we're going to talk first of all about the word - - - now it's very important to know that CH in English is not Shh but a more explosive sound so the tongue goes up onto the roof of the mouth we have a little bit of a hiss but otherwise is explosive so just do that for me now choo choo choo we of course need to chew our food properly so that we don't have any digestive issues so make sure you chew your food properly chew your food if I am chewing right now we just add ing chewing I am chewing if we're talking about the past I chewed or past continuous I was chewing I was chewing very simple very simple verb and we can also use this way but we don't hear this very often this is more of them this is the technical term the medical term as it were there a technical word for two you may hear occasionally I've heard it occasionally more often we'll use to but sometimes you might hear masticate masticate masticate I like to masticate my food properly to muster Kate yes Anastasia has said is like chewing gum chewing gum yeah of course I love to chew chewing gum and you know I used to work in a dentist's like surgery I was the receptionist for a dentist and if you chew gum regularly it's really good for you because it releases lots of saliva which is good to help protect your teeth neutralize acids so chewing gum is really good for you so do you chew gum very often I chew gum all the time not when I'm teaching of course poun Dinesh and you're asking what Master Kate means master Kate is exactly the same as to masticate equals to exactly the same thing and I am I am masticating is exactly used in exactly the same way he masticated I am masticating I will master Kate she musta Cates used exactly this in exactly the same way now there's a couple of other words that I've added here that you might hear around the mouth and around eating you might be told not to slurp slurp see how I did that a nice open vowel slurp slurp to slurp is to do this which is horrible some people find that horrible it's not the light in the UK is not polite to slurp so if you're with friends or guests having a drink try not to slurp if you can help it as children we're always told stop slurping don't slurp your drink it's very rude the other one that I've mentioned is smack your lips go to smack lips is do this so if I'm eating I'm not only eating with my mouth open which is also very rude but I'm smacking my lips I'm making that smacking sound which here in Britain is not not very polite so don't smack your lips don't smack your lips it's very rude do not slurp your drink do not slurp your drink you might even slurp spaghetti so if you're you have a string of spaghetti in your mouth and you're slurping it in you have to be very very careful with that you have to try and make the sound choir to do rather than a rude noise Mostafa says I often slurp coffee I often slurp my tea if I'm on my own if it's very hot because it helps to cool it down yeah sure that a lot of the things I'm going to mention as not being very polite are going to be it's going to be the same in your country but you never know you never know so to masticate slurp and smack your lips now there's a few things I wanted to talk to you about the word chew so I mentioned don't chew with your mouth open we use that phrase very often do not chew with your mouth open I don't want to see your food we also use to in a number of phrases idioms so you might hear someone say he chewed my ear off he chewed my ear off I need to chew your ear off this means I need to talk to you so I have something I want to talk about and it's usually that if I need to chew if I need to chew your ear off it's usually that I need to do a lot of talking so I'm going la la la la la la la la la la la la so to chew someone's ear off is to talk to them a lot about something so if if you said to me my friend last night to my ear off I will understand that as your friend talked a lot and you found it too much she chewed my ear off okay so to chew your ear off somebody's ear off and those of you asking how long this lesson will be I'm aiming for one hour it might be a little longer but one hour another idiom by the way to choose someone's ear off is very different to bite someone's head off bite someone's head off to - I'm going to draw an ear here so this is an ear to ear off is different to bite someone's head hello bite someone's head off so sir to someone's ear off is different to bite someone's head off to someone's ear off you talk at them rah rah rah bite someone's head off you shout at them unexpectedly you just suddenly burst into a rage and you shout at them you bite their head off great okay so to choose someone's head off and to bite someone said I've know the difference because they're very have very different meanings okay dokey another another idiom that you might hear is to psyllium glue to chew the cud to chew the cud writing sideways isn't my isn't my forte to chew the card and so this means to card is like grass it's like what the cows eat and when a cow you see a cow eating they stand there for hours going so the to the card means to think something over so to have time in your own mind to think something over and just chewing the cud what are you doing just chewing the cud and just thinking about something okay what else do we have or to the card you also might hear this as well let me let me write this one down because it's very similar to the cud is the same as two over two over or you might hear this said as mull over to chew it over or to mull it over let me chew it over for a little while let me Mull it over for a little while so it just means let give me time to think about it time to think you might hear this one regularly if somebody takes on a job that's too much for them they might it might be said that they have bitten off more than they can chew more than bite off more than you can chew it means that whatever you decided to do it's too much too much bite off more than you can chew I think you have bitten off more than you can chew and last night when I was doing my exercises I had obviously bitten off more than I could chew because I had an accident I had bitten off more than I could chew it was too much for me to handle to bite off more than you can chew we use that phrase often and finally for two you might hear people talking about chewing the fat chewing the fat to chew the fat means just a gossip so me and my friends get together and we just sit there for hours talking talking talking talking we're chewing the fat do you think mmm start I think of a different way to put it we chewed the fat all night we gossiped all night I imagine we will chew the fat all night tomorrow night as well we'll chew the fat okay okay so to chew the fat so that was chew do you have similar idioms in your own language for that relative verb yes that's right chewing the fat is gossiping gossiping so sticking with the mouth for a little while I'm going to go on to a very fun word and this actually has two spellings that I discovered and one of them is more apparently more commonly used in the UK but I disagree from my own experience how do we spell this here oh so the word is hiccup hiccup now the two different spellings it looks like hiccup and hick off but actually they they both have exactly the same pronunciation exactly the same meaning it's two words for the same thing hiccup hiccup and this is oh yeah yeah don't you hate it when you get the hiccups when you get the hiccups I regularly get the hiccups there are certain things that I know will give me the hiccups so notice I'm always saying the the hiccups i hiccupped oh but I have the hiccups she has the hiccups I have the hiccups I don't want to drink that it will give me the hiccups okay now for hiccuping I love that word say that for me hiccuping hiccuping hiccuping hiccuping hiccuping for hiccuping there are if I eat bread if I bread too quickly I will get the hiccups if I eat raw mushrooms how bizarre is this if I eat more mushrooms I get the hiccups isn't it bizarre just and is there anything that you have that sets you off there anything that you drink or eat that sets you off for the hiccups now I did say that one of these is used more often in the UK the dictionary will tell you that this is the more common spelling in the UK and this is more American but in my experience and for those of you who don't know I am English I was born and raised in England in my experience as a native I have only ever come across this spelling of the word not that I see it written down often but this is how I would spell it when I saw this I was confused but it's good to know both of them so hiccups one thing to be mindful of with the hiccups is if I'd say sorry there was a slight hiccup on my way to come and see you that's why I'm late there was a slight hiccup in my journey I don't mean that I had this bodily function to say there was a slight hiccup it means there was a slight problem there was a slight unexpected obstacle unexpected problems that just occurred it was a little hiccup but it's fine now so I had a little hiccup on the way here doesn't mean but this everyone's giving advice on how to how to deal with the hiccups yes Kim rule mushrooms cause hiccups for me sonar says hold your breath and count to 30 it works I've tried I mean I do hold my breath but I find the best thing is just to try to relax and stop eating mushrooms cook them eat cooked mushrooms instead some say drink a cold water in sting Lloris sir sirs if I drink water too quickly I get the hiccups I get the hiccups okay yes hiccuping is can be unpleasant it can hurt I find it can hurt the stomach sometimes if I hiccup for too long do you know there was a man there was a man I read about that had their cups for years he had the hiccups for years can you imagine hiccupping constantly for years horrendous absolutely horrendous can you make another sentence by using hiccup and well only the ones I've mentioned really I had a little hiccup I had a little problem I might have the hiccups if someone hiccups in my face I might say don't hiccup at me okay Oh interesting the stuff I said what does guzzle mean guzzle that's a great word guzzle spelled like this to pronounce that for me gaw Zhou dark L guzzle guzzle guzzle guzzle is when you imagine I have a bottle of water and I'm thirsty and I go good good good good good I drink it really quickly I'm Gosling Gosling so if I drank this tea now really quickly I'm gutting it and you're your mother or your father might say to you don't guzzle your drink you'll get the hiccups you'll get indigestion or something like that all right so we've covered all of this we've covered this we've covered this we covered that hmm okay so here's a more embarrassing can be an embarrassing bodily function and this is - burp - burp so - burp is when you have trapped wind and your tummy and you let it out of your mouth you do like that that was a pretend one by the way I'm so - burp is - up is to just let air come out of your mouth from the stomach usually if if I drank a bottle of fizzy drink so like Coca Cola I might need to burp because of all the gas that is in my tummy so burping is the act of letting air explode out of your mouth okay so - burp we can also say - belch - belch exactly the same I'm belching he belched and she will belch he will burp he burps she belches okay and what is the gap between burping and belching what you mean by gap if you're asking about difference there is no difference belching is a little when I think of a belch I think of it being more a deeper more disgusting sound so I think about when someone really pushes it out another ah one of those I think of that as a belch a real tummy rumbling burp a burp can just be a little up oh excuse me so a burp can be a little one or as a belch I think because of the sound of the word belch it sounds like a more guttural sound ah so I I would never belch I don't belch sometimes I accidentally burp but I never belch I don't force it out and so other words for burp you might just say if you burp sometimes I might say oh I've got wind I've got wind but normally that's related to lower regions so we tend to use the word burped and sometimes the word belch and if we do burp or belch this is not really polite behavior so if we can't help it and it just happens then the polite thing to do is to say pardon me or excuse me pardon me when I was younger we knew this we learned this poem around this word this phrase pardon me and the poem or the little little song went pardon me for being rude it was not me it was my food it just popped up to say hello and now it's gone back down below so that's a good way to remember it pardon me for being rude it was not me it was my food it just popped up to say hello and now it's gone back down below okay cool so pardon me or excuse me excuse me I'm so sorry excuse me I've just I've just eaten very fast had a bit of trapped wind so in the UK we should always pardon ourselves if we happen to burp obviously sometimes you can't help it and sometimes you need to let the gas out but try to cover your mouth and say part of me Oh part of me but I'm sure you all know this anyway these are just common it's just common courtesy and saying oh you like the poem wonderful some of you are asking what does nibbling mean compared to chewing so nibble to nibble nibble nibble nibble to nibble something is to to kind of chew on it a little bit at a time so to take small bite so a mouse would nibble whereas a crocodile would just chomp but a mouse would nibble so to take very small bites and chew little bits at a time if we're talking about being affectionate to someone you might hear people say he was nibbling on my ear he was nibbling on my ears he was kind of kissing and and chewing a little bit on my ear just about her you know in that loving way so he nibbles my ear or he was nibbling on my neck so it's like to be like kind of kissing biting a little bit is to be nibbling and quite a nice word to nibble to nibble to nibble on a biscuit okay with regards to burping I mentioned about having trapped wind so if you have gas in your tummy or maybe a little further down so in your stomach you can feel gas you want to burp but you it's not happening naturally you can't can't force it either you say oh I've got trapped wind the gas is trapped in my tummy and it's making me uncomfortable I have trapped wind trapped wind hopefully none of you have trapped wind and Carly says don't forget nibs of chocolate yeah so you can remember nibble by thinking about nibs nibs are little bits so you get nibs of chocolate also did you know that the end of a pen the very very end of the pen is called the nib the nib not many people know that so there you go you've learned something but even a lot of natives don't know the nib of a pen NID nib of the pen great okay oh it looks like the quality of this image has dropped a little bit sorry about that nothing I can do I hope you don't mind if you are here for the first time guys while we're just taking a little moment can I quickly just say it would be great if you could click the subscribe button and give this video a thumbs up so the more you help me the more I will be able to give live videos and do more pre-recorded lessons and stuff on social media so if you are enjoying what I give to you then please thumbs up and make sure you press the subscribe button and if you want to know more often when I'm live make sure you click the bell next to the subscribe button so that you are notified whenever I'm up some of you asked me in advance I don't know when you're going to be live can you tell me a timetable because it changes regularly the best thing to do is to follow me on Instagram and on Facebook well always try to give at least 12 hours notice so the links to those pages are in the description of this video I hope and on Instagram I'm also offering free daily pronunciation videos so you should definitely come and join me on Instagram if you want to improve your speaking Plus Instagram is a great place for English learners I'm following so many English teachers on there and the work they do is spectacular so go and download Instagram it's free it's a fabulous app let's talk about then we're getting to the rude ones very soon trust me within the next 20 minutes you will know you will know why we find the name Donald Trump so funny so let's talk about a rumbling stomach Rumble or growling Rumble he'll do as the infinitives Rumble growl grumble I think that's it yeah so these are all words that we can use to describe that sound that our tummy makes our stomach makes when we are hungry or when you've eaten something and it's just very noisy as it's digesting so you might say my stomach is rumbling you'll hear this more often my stomach is rumbling rumbling or you can say oh my stomachs growling I'm hungry obviously my stomach is growling rawr rawr feed me rawr or you can say my tummy is grumbling my tummy is grumbling if a person grumbles you might hear them say Oh mr. Smith was grumbling all day if a person grumbles it means they complain oh me back's hurting all Maties cold Oh nobody loves me that's grumbling so a person grumbling is a person complaining quietly and but we can use all these words to describe the noise your tummy makes when you are hungry or when you're digesting hmm and let's just have a quick look at what you're saying and some of your my Instagram Instagram is for phones only you can't you can see it on a computer but you can't take part on a computer so I guess that would be fine but I think you'd have to set up an Instagram by a phone first but it you know it's not for a personal experience Instagram is a fantastic resource for learning English and I'm there every day posting up material that I don't post anywhere else and there are lots of other fantastic English teachers doing some great work so it depends how much you want to integrate English learning into your life okay so Instagram is not popular in Korea let's start a movement Kim you and me let's start a movement to make Instagram popular in Korea is there any anyone else here from Korea let's do this let's introduce into the ground to Korea in fact I've actually just launched you may or may not know some of you I've just launched a competition on Instagram to find some lucky audience members to start in a video with me here teaching me your language so I'm going to choose five audience members to teach me their language for a video that will come on to this channel and that's all being done via instagrams very easy for you to enter and I'll pick the winners by the end of the month so if you're interested go over to Instagram and look for the picture of me wearing a red coat with a speech bubble saying speak my language look at that and I'll tell you all about it lalala okay so um yes we have a few people here from Korea ready lovely oh no only one only one just you Kim okay let's carry on so rumbling is the abdominal sounds that we hear if you are tired then you might oh excuse me excuse me yawn yawn so let's just get this pronunciation right yeah yeah or so we don't do young or young it's your this vowel sound is difficult for many students or the tongue is down there's a big space inside the mouth and the sound is placed at the back or or and the lips don't move or your yawn yawn Kim is asking about the difference between the pronunciation of this word and this word this is yarn open Val ah yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn okay so to yawn if you are yawning in the UK is polite as I'm sure it's the same in your country it is polite to cover your mouth oh I'm sorry if you're in a presentation or a talk or someone's talking to you and you can't help but yawn you can't help but yawn try not to make it audible so try to just do rather than because making that noise is what we tend to do to say I'm bored Oh boring that's how we read it anyway if you try not to yawn you do this that's called stifling a yawn to stifle and do I know how to spell this Steiff is it two F's stifle to stifle what if I think like one or two up it stifle 1f surely to stifle a yawn yes I think 1f oh now some people think too you'll have to check you have to check on google for me not sure about the spelling on that one but you stifle a yawn you stifle a yo and that means you go you're holding it back you're holding it back and I knew someone picked this up so I previously just said I can't help but yawn can't help but be UT I can't help but I can't help but do it I can't help but yawn it's quite a complicated phrase but we do use it regularly can't help but I can't help but so to stifle to stifle um what else do wants about yawning nothing else and if you get if you do get embarrassed some of you might go red in the face you might blush blush blush blush you might blush and if I blush then I am blushing oh I'm blushing if somebody says something very nice to me and this happened here sometimes and some ones I don't know sent a super chat or someone has just really big DUP the channel or said something I think it's happened a few times and I've just started blushing it's something you can't control them for some people it's very embarrassing your face just goes red you're like oh I'm blushing cool and we tend to hold our cheeks don't we to cool our cheeks down to try and make the blood go away so we're not so red-faced so blushing and red-faced is the other way you would say it he went red in the face to be red-faced to blush to blush and to blush can be for men or women anybody can blush and some people find it embarrassing some people don't and to blush okay so I don't think that anything else around that word okay let's start to move on to something it can be a little bit more embarrassing and that's the subject of sweat sweat to sweat is to release water from your body to cool your body down we normally sweat from our armpits we sweat from our armpits and we well we can sweat from anywhere we sweat from our forehead and so ever we have sweaty palms a lot of people will have sweaty palms we've got very dirty fingers again from this and sweaty palms sweaty armpits sweaty forehead these are the typical places you might sweat but anywhere really you can sweat anywhere another word for this is as someone quite rightly said is to perspire perspire or to have perspiration perspiration and so sweat obviously can be a problem it's it doesn't look great and sometimes it gets on our clothes now if you are wearing a shirt and you sweat into your armpit area then you could say oh I've got sweat marks sweat marks because you have the marks of your sweat and nobody likes have sweat marks so you might say oh no do I have sweat marks oh oh no I've got sweat marks it's horrible I need to change my shirt and if the sweat then dries you might start to smell poo if you are smelling of sweat then you may hear the phrase or the word sorry Bo you've got Bo this stands for body odor body odour I can't write this way around body odor you have body odor nobody wants body odor so if you do have body odor geeky saying go take a shower um cally saying sweat and sweet and not the same thing that's absolutely right sweat is very different - sweet sweet is nice and and sweet and lovely sweat is the water that you perspire the the water that you release from your body so if you have Bo and we talk about this all the time somebody's got Bo do I have Bo do I smell of Bo no I don't smell of Bo I smell like roses all the time if you have Bo then you need to use well soap have a shower but you should to help tackle Bo use deodorant Oh No the Oh grant deodorant deodorant the deodorant a deodorant any good spellers here deodorant yeah I was right okay deodorant is that right oh my god I've got geeks in here oh my god she don't have Bo no it should be OMG she doesn't have Bo she doesn't not she don't she doesn't have Bo no I don't have Bo the teacher doesn't have Bo Oh some of you have to go if you're going bye and so you have antiperspirant very good antiperspirant is another word for deodorant deodorant and in the UK we have spray deodorant and we have roll on roll on which is the one that you rub against the skin roll-on okay so also if you if you are sweating you can describe yourself as sweaty I am sweaty I'm really sweaty I'm so stressed I'm really sweaty I don't want to get sweat marks in my outfit I have to wear this all day and I don't have a spare top I'm really sweaty what can I do have you got some deodorant do you have any roll-on I could use oh not that you cheer role along with anyone and some of you asking about the spelling of odor odor is there difference between OD oh you are versus OD o R I think the other spelling is American let's just quickly check so yes odor OD o R is American and odor how I spelt it which was OD o you are is English British English okay cool so you're sweaty if you are if you are starting to sweat then you might use the phrase to break a sweat if you were fine and now you've started sweating you you are you just broke a sweat alright I don't want to run in case I break a sweat that means to break out to start to break out to break a sweat and he will break a sweat if you tell him the news he will break a sweat if he starts exercising and you might tell someone don't break a sweat it's fine don't get all sweaty and stressed it's fine don't sweat it is another one stunning lad one thank you don't break a sweat and don't sweat it don't worry about it don't sweat it you might also say to me no problem you might also say no sweat hey no sweat don't worry you can't you can't come to my party that's going to be the best party in the whole world no sweat it's fine your your loss no sweat okay so to break a sweat and no sweat okay how much time we got we've been on 45 minutes that's not too bad you'll have any newbies here does anyone want anyone here who's never been on this channel before and never seen any of these lessons before if you are new let me know I'll give you a bit of a shout-out and well while I'm waiting for people to respond to that question we'll go into the next one which is to sneeze to sneeze so to sneeze is to do but what do they want to have a tissue do you have a tissue sorry do you have a tissue so it's a sneeze you normally sneeze when you are unwell or if you have an allergy if you if something goes up your nose that tickles your nose then you might sneeze so just look at the pronunciation for that sneeze and make sure we're getting that Zed on the end sneeze and quite rightly said if someone sneezes then you should say to them Oh bless you bless you so that is our response some even if you don't know people maybe you're on the bus or a train if you sneeze someone might say bless you and you say thank you okay let's see newbies where are you so I've got Hashem Hashem hi welcome and four degrees of the scale in are you new to this channel because I know you're on verba my other channel and I know you're on Ana and there's big adventure because I saw you on the live chat yesterday so but welcome great for you to be here and gâteau want to for welcome who else do I have um Harun hi Ana Ana yes great name Ana love your name um hacking I new here thank you for joining me and I've got horn horn Vanna wrong hi welcome and uh quite a few of if I missed anyone out I've got Dave hi Dave how are you if I've missed you out I am sorry there's quite a few messages here to go through but if you are new welcome and before you go please do press the big red subscribe button and come and join me for many lessons in the future plus I have over a hundred videos that are already on this channel so do check them out I'm sure you'll find something that will interest you and be useful okay so sneezing bless you that's all we need to say or apart from sometimes you'll hear people say it's not to be sneezed at that's not to be sneezed at or to be sneezed at to be sneezed at is to treat something like it's unimportant I would sneeze at it I wouldn't treat it like it's unimportant it's not to be sneezed at it's not to be considered unimportant I don't hear it very often but on occasion Bob Bob says such posh much and I know what you're saying a sentence isn't quite right you'd say so posh you're talking about my accent I'm assuming so posh so posh not such posh they don't go together so um we're very close we're very close to the end you also have this word if you're not well or if something goes down your windpipe into your chest you might cough to cough it looks completely different to how it sounds we have an F COFF COFF COFF COFF no I don't think you're dumb I don't think anyone's dumb where I'm dumb I spell things wrong all the time and this is my own language so I don't think anyone's dumb don't think that of me and cough cough if you start coughing or if you have a coughing fit is to be for a very long time you say oh I just had a coughing fit if you have a coughing fit and you might say excuse me I'm so sorry could I have some water or something like that but you can't help coughing as long as you cover your mouth and this is so important if you cough on like the tube it happens a lot people on the tube in London Wilke off with their mouths wide open without covering their mouth so that beyond literature and your disclose to them and just go oh it's horrid but I don't want your germs so I don't know what the culture is in your country but I think for everyone's well-being we should all learn to cover one week off I'm sure everyone here does hmm oh yeah so stunning lab says coughing my guts out you'd say coughing my guts up I'm coughing my guts up so to have a coughing fit you can also say I'm coughing my guts up coughing my guts up and the tube is the underground for those of you who don't know the tube I talk about the tube I mean the underground in London we all refer to it as the tube I'm going to catch the tube I'm on the tube so coughing coughing coughing you might also say coughing your head off coughing your head off as if you've coughed so hard your head will fall off so to cough have a coughing fit cough your guts up and um what did I say coffee your head off Koff your head off I know a little poem that goes it wasn't the cough that carried him off it was the coffin they carried him off in it's a little bit it's a little bit like nonsense but it's good for pronunciation it wasn't the cough that carried him off but the coffin the place the box they put you in when you're dead the coffin they carry you often it wasn't the cost that carried them off but the coffin they carried him off in cool enough of that Oh apart from cough it up cough it up this one's important to cough it up might be that you've got something stuck and you're coughing and I might say coffee top then cough it up a hip but if someone says COFF it up they might highly likely might mean pay your debt totes so to cough up so cough it up is to get something off your chest but to cough up is to pay your debt so you owe me money I see you and I say eh you Koff up give me the money Koff up stunning lad says cock-up gab that as if it's a cockney as if it's a cockney and phrase everybody uses it Koff up I need him to cough up I need him to pay me give me some money cough up show me the money alright so we've had sneezing coughing and we also when we're talking about the face and things that happen we also might cry cry oh she's crying other words for cry are to be teary to be teary to have tears to be teary can everybody see me alright by the way is this picture okay because for me it looks quite pixelated I'm hoping I should be streaming it's a reasonable reasonably high level but let me know let me know not that I can change it and so you can be teary you can weep so to weep she was weeping you might say that she was weepy if she was teary she was weepy and she wept past of this wept she wept yesterday and sob to wet to weep and to sob our to cry a lot to weep and to sob is to cry a lot and howl see my howling obviously is the noise that some animals make her like Oh a wolf or a dog and to howl but if you say a person is howling meaning crying it means that their haplit they're crying loudly she's howling she's weeping sobbing howling and and some very interesting my pen smells so bad some very interesting air phrases that we use are don't cry wolf don't cry wolf crying for crying out loud for crying out loud and don't I'll tell you the next one so you got don't cry wolf don't cry wolf this means don't um don't fake it like the little boy who cried wolf do you know the story the little boy who cried wolf it's a fable a story that teaches us a lesson we learn as a child don't cry wolf there's a boy who is looking after the Sheep he's being a shepherd he's looking after the Sheep making sure the wolf doesn't get the Sheep and he doesn't like it or he wants to have a bit of fun so he pretends that there is a wolf so he goes the townspeople he goes whoa whoa wolf and everyone comes out and they all try to find a wolf and there's no wolf and they go back to bed and the next day he goes wolf wolf wolf just for fun and the townspeople get up and they find that he's lying again and then the third night he does it again because that actually is a wolf nobody gets up because they don't believe him because he cried wolf before and now I think I can't remember how the story ends but I'm guessing he gets eaten by the wolf and he's never found again so pee regularly use this phrase don't cry wolf don't lie and also you will regularly hear for crying out loud ah for crying out loud this is an expression of frustration in the same way when we talked about religion if you haven't seen that lesson by the way even if you're religious or not it would be helpful but we use a lot of expressions for high emotional feelings so sometimes it's hard to explain so we use a lot of expressions around our emotional state just like we say and for God's sake or oh my god for God's sake is the same as for crying out loud it's an expression that we would use if we are frustrated or annoyed with someone so I would say for crying out loud why haven't you done what I've told you to do for crying out loud why didn't you bring your coat I told you it was going to rain okay so um also finally on cry you might hear someone saying don't come crying to me don't come crying to me don't come crying to me that means don't I've warned you about something and if it goes wrong I've told you so so don't come and tell me oh it went wrong because I told you so don't come crying to me when it all goes wrong I've heard that many times all right so let's now talk about the word Trump the word Trump obviously this word is everywhere at the moment and has been for a little while so Trump Trump is a funny word for us and here is why for us Trump is a regularly used term particularly with younger with younger people but everybody knows it everybody uses it Trump to us means flatulence flatulence I don't know if you knew this if you didn't know this then say I didn't know flung Trump means flatulence flat to lence which means fart so to Trump is the same as to fart to let air select gas explode from your bottom from your bum so when you do you are trumping you are trumping you are farting so to Trump is to fart so when we in the UK heard that the new President of the United States was going to be Donald Trump for us it was quite funny because Trump means part some of you didn't know that anyway just so you know Trump and fart can be using it exactly the same way he Trump's he farts she is trumping she is farting I might Trump I will fart butt flatulence is slightly different I have flatulence if you're going to say - then you say to be flatulent to be flatulent I am quite flatulent today flatulent you know every lesson someone mentions my mug someone just said a posh mug I love my mug and I know lots of you love my vlog - so yes my mug let's hope that I never break it when I'm washing up I did break something washing up recently I was so pleased it wasn't my mug okay so da da da da so two Trump to be flatulent to fart you can also say to drop one so if someone has trumped then I might say who's dropped one did you drop one imagining like the Trump or the the fart is a bomb that you've dropped and it's exploded and the smell is emanating out to drop one to drop one oh no I just dropped one it's gonna stink I hope you didn't just drop one you can also say make a smell did you make a smell or I might have just made a smell I'm sorry if you do have this problem sometimes it can't be helped if you do Trump or if you're flatulent if you fart or drop one or you make a smell then you would simply obviously probably blush but you'd say excuse me I'm so sorry pardon me didn't need to didn't mean to Trump there couldn't help it ought to rest my arm for a minute okay so what are you guys saying in a crowded elevator there's nothing worse nothing worse than dropping one in a crowded elevator to break wind there is another way you can say it to break wind good thank you for bringing that up you guys are great we learn together as one big community if you do find these lessons helpful guys then the bigger the audience the better so if you think you have any friends or people who would find this helpful if you're an English teacher yourself then feel free to share these with your students because it's I think it's really helpful to learn together so feel free to share this to be leaking gas yeah you'd sound quite gassi gassi we tend to talk about being burps but obviously it's gas that comes out both sides just blame it on the dog yes I don't have a dog so it would be weird if I blame it on the dog right oh the dog must have run away I don't know where the dog is how often do you air are you still talking about farting or are you talking about going on air broadcasting live let me know for some of you now is very late I'm very sorry I have people all over the world so these lesson times sometimes change a little bit but I can't be I can't be at the right time for everybody so sorry about that I hope I'm not keeping you up we are nearly finished oh my god there's a spider on your shoulder no there isn't now that isn't don't make jokes what kind what time you brought how often do you broadcast around three times a week but things are going to change and I'll tell you about that in a little while we are going to finish up really soon stunning Ladd has mentioned goofed goofed is another word for Trump or thought and that can be used in the same way Gus I don't hear it that often them and what are those bottles behind me them there's a mixture as a mixture of Port Coke lemonade um lots of gin wine it's not mine my how I don't this is not my house this is where I live I rent a room here there my housemates bottles where is the buttons up here to give you 1 million lights and subscribed Anna please where is the buttons up here I don't know what that means but yeah I'd love hundreds of millions of subscribers and likes that'd be great I mean if you're hearing you haven't pressed like please do press like if you've ever accidentally farted or trumped then press the like I think we all have we've all trumped at some point and sometimes it happens when you don't expect it and you like oh no especially if it's a smelly one it's terrible ok the last two that we're going to talk about are obviously we have to cover it bodily functions when we go to the toilet when we go to the toilet we might have firstly we might have a wee or secondly we might have a poo a wee or a poo so am i talking to children we always read tents a wee-wee or poo poo but we an poo are the look the words we tend to use with younger people and these kind of stick I still say we and I say poo if I'm ever talking to someone about toileting so we and poo are commonly used I've numbered them because we also commonly say a number one and a number two so if you want to be more polite and I mean I still wouldn't talk about this stuff in a formal environment but it's more polite to say I need a number one I just have to go for a number one is there a bathroom or oh no I really need a number two and there's no toilet paper do you have any tissue okay so a number one and number two and cool so a wee and a poo obviously technical term for this is to urinate to your rim late to urinate and two I think the technical term for this and deaf defecate how do we spell this defi Kate to urinate and defecate urinate and defecate so we poo number one and number two sometimes this is also called having a little tinkle I was having a little tinkle more often if we need if we need to use the toilet we'll just say I need the little girl's room or I need a little boy's room can you tell me where the bathroom is please we never we never say WC in the UK someone asked you where WC is I mean we'd know what you mean but it's just it's a bit odd it's not familiar we say bathroom toilet and loo where is the loo please I need to use the loo okay and some of you have said spend a penny yes spending a penny is to have a number one because you used to have to pay a penny to get into a public toilet so to spend a penny I need to spend a penny WC is water closet I think it stands for I wouldn't be surprised if that's an American word American phrase our water closet at WC but you'll see WC in most countries I see it a lot WC we just never say WC or water closet we never say restroom either we know what it means but that's more American the John is very American Oh Callie says WC is not American okay well we see we have it written here but we never say it Oh to go for a slash slash is a slang term you would net well you wouldn't hear any nice people say go for a slash I mean not girls anyway guys might say it more often than girls and it's it's quite slang it quite crude to go for a slash lavatory we do use here it's a little bit old-fashioned washroom yes we use that stunning lad the piss house note we never say that I've never heard that ever ever ever and Bob is saying sexist no I don't think so it's just that slash has is used mostly by guys it's just what I've heard and I don't think I've ever heard a girl say I'm going for a slash I've heard lots of guys saying it but not girls and water closets not water clothes water closet is what WC stands for yes lots of times we say I need to go I need to go I need to I need to go obviously it depends on the the way it's delivered as to whether it means they need to leave or they go to the toilet so but if I'm holding my cell phone and need to go and I'm dancing around I need to go you it's obvious that I need to go to the bathroom and however we have a number one okay so that covers it so now when you hear the word Trump you know what it means to us now when someone tells you they need to have a number two you know exactly what they want and hopefully you've learned some new idioms if you have learnt something new then tell me say you found something new you found something new just let me know in the comments that you found something new during this lesson you learn something new that'd be great if you did if you if you're just arriving now and you've missed most of this lesson then don't worry because you will be able to go back and and watch what we've covered I think we covered a lot today which is great great lesson great lesson loved your lesson thank you so much guys that's really kind great so you have learned some new things that's great as long as I've given you something as long as I've given you something and it's been useful then I'm really happy about that bob says I was joking about the sexist thing don't hate me please I don't hate you I don't hate any of you how could I you're all so wonderful but isn't mug the same as cup mug is not the same as cup this is a mug because it doesn't have a saucer so a cup is the kind of cup that goes with a saucer but we do actually use also them interchangeably so this could be a mug or a cup but a cup that comes with a saucer could not be a mug so a cup and a saucer is definitely a cup but this is mug and a cup if that makes sense it's quite confusing I don't understand English myself I think it's a very confusing language bar Bob says mug can be an insult yes it can you can call someone a mug someone who's stupid who's naive you're a mug someone has mugged you off but we'll talk about that in another lesson what is the correct word when a perp when a person a person lots of people a person we's too much I'd say they have a urine infection they need to see the doctor they have an overactive bladder if someone weighs too much they have an over active bladder one of you I can't remember how I know I pronounce your name wrong Zhanna Gianna Gianna Jana you've asked about snoring yes of course snoring I didn't mention when we sleep and we make noise that is called snoring snoring snoring just and you can say I snore I don't snore do you snore I think sometimes sometimes I snore if I've had some alcohol I don't drink very often but if I do sometimes I think I occasionally snore but generally I sleep silently although I sleep talk sometimes apparently I used to have a recorder that would record my sleep patterns and you can play back in the morning any sound that it's recorded so it spikes when you talk or snore and sometimes I talk I'm probably teaching English in my sleep someone's asking Wii and Wii and P are they different no it's the same thing too we w ee and 2 P P EE is exactly the same I need to pee I need to wee oh my god you talk while you asleep yes I taught only sometimes when I'm we're very very tired and only a little bit I think okay some of you gotta go if you if you going then thank you so much guys please do make sure you press the like button and I will see you again soon in fact I'll probably wrap up now so just so you know from now I'm going to be doing the weekly patron only live broadcast this is so that I can give my patrons that extra special treatment so my patrons the people who helped to support this channel and in turn they helped to support you guys as well because without my patrons I literally could not do this on a full-time basis I mean I'm struggling as it is but my patrons give me hope and give me that extra little bit of support to buy my food and to help keep a roof over my head so on Friday this week I'm doing my patron only live lesson these lessons will later then be available to everybody but only the patrons will be able to see me live and to interact with me which is great for them because it means that as there's only a handful of them it means that I see all their comments and respond to everything they say so if you would like to get involved with that live lesson you can do doing one every week so you're getting four hours worth of live 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give it a thumbs up and if you have any friends that would be interested please share and let's grow this community and teach the world English let's teach the world about Trump and burp and sleep talking and taking a number one this stuff is really important if I'm not going to teach you who is well there's lots of people really but if you enjoy learning with me then I'm glad to have you okay guys thanks very much you've all been wonderful I'm really pleased at the behavior in this class nowadays there seems to be no trolls so thank you to my moderators you guys are invaluable and that's all that's all for today don't forget to join me on Instagram all the links for everything is in the description box below and also there's something called audible and listening to audible at the moment audible is this great thing on Amazon where you can listen to books so if you're really into learning English on a regular basis audiobooks are fantastic they're a really great way to do this and I 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Channel: English Like A Native
Views: 49,550
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Learn English, English lesson, Trump in english, English like a native, Fart
Id: tW1Jp3hnq_s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 80min 31sec (4831 seconds)
Published: Wed May 03 2017
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