Baldur's Gate 3 Guide to Feats: Which are the Best Feats For You?

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in the spalders gate 3 video we're going to be talking about Feats we're going to be going through each feed of the game talking about why you might take it why you might not whether it's worth it or not and just some general information about feeds so you probably know by now but if you didn't know at every four levels of a class you will gain a feed this means that if you are a single class you'll gain a feat at level four level eight and level 12 but if you multi-class the levels in which you gain Feats will depend on how long it takes you to gain four levels of a class this means that single class characters will always gain three Feats in Baldur's Gate 3 but multi-class characters unless they multi-class every four levels or at eight levels and four levels will only gain two Feats for instance if they take something like seven levels of Paladin and five levels of warlock they would only gain two Feats so they lose out a little bit unless they hit these exact break points of eight and four or four four and four so let's get into the Feats themselves the first one is probably the one most people will take in this game most frequently on their characters and that is ability Improvement ability Improvement allows you to assign two of ability points however you want in your six abilities and this is particularly good because characters gain a lot from increasing the ability modifier of whatever they use primarily for instance if you are a warlock your primary ability is going to be Charisma increasing your ability by Plus One will give you plus one to your Eldritch blast attack rolls plus one to your Eldritch blast damage rolls if you have agonizing blast which most warlocks will take it will also give you plus one to your Christmas saving throws as well as plus one tier dialogue checks when using deception persuasion performance or intimidation and it will also increase the difficulty class of your spells that Target enemy abilities by one that is a lot that you gain for one feed and this is even better on dexterity because in the case of dexterity you'll get an increase to your attack rolls and increase to your damage rolls you'll gain an increase to your initiative you'll gain an increase to your armor class you'll gain an increase to your dexterity saving throws which a lot of AOE spells Target dexterity and you'll gain an increase to your dexterity skill checks which are acrobatic sleight of hand and stone keep in mind though that you can only take any one ability score up to 20 using this feat even though you can get higher than 20 using items which means that most characters will only use this once or twice on their primary ability and then either use it on a secondary ability score or take a third feat in something else assuming of course they're a single class character otherwise they might just take two ability scores on a multi-class character since they may not gain three feet next up is the actor feat and the actrophy gives you a plus one to your charisma score up to a maximum of 20 and also doubles your proficiency bonus in deception and performance checks so I highly recommend if you plan on taking this feat that you set your charisma to 17 in whatever class you're playing that's Charisma based and then moving it to 18 with this to increase your ability modifier perfectly and keep in mind too that the proficiency bonus that's doubled for deception and performance checks will apply even if you don't have proficiency and deception and performance so what this means is you're better off not taking proficiency and these two skills during character creation because then you would only gain plus two to them from this feat whereas you gain plus 4 if you don't have agency already moving on to alert this gives you plus 5 bonus to your initiative and you can't be surprised this means that you are almost certainly going to go first in most combats and what's really good about that is if you're playing like a Gloom stalker that needs to take advantage of that or if you're playing like an assassin that needs to attack before enemies attack you this can be really strong for you because it can almost guarantee that you're going to gain advantage on your first attack and also not being able to be surprised means that like if you get ambushed or something like that you won't forfeit your first turn when this happens the problem is that like you know any of these characters that will be playing this way like Rogues or Rangers generally have high initiative anyway from their dexterity so this might be a bit Overkill and you don't get surprised all that often in this game so even though it seems like it could be great I'm not sure it's worth you know trading an ability score Improvement for next is athlete which increases either your strength or dexterity by one and it also makes it so when you're prone standing up uses less movement and also your jump distance is increased by 50 percent obviously the two best things here are the ability score Improvement Plus the jump distance some sometimes in combat particularly if you're playing a strength character or dexterity character you need to jump up somewhere to get above your target or maybe you need to jump down to something to get to it and that can really help I mean 50 is a huge increase to your jump distance and you're still getting strength and dexterity so if you set your strength or dexterity to like 17 and then took this this would not be a bad pickup next up is charger which gives you the charger weapon attack and charger shove actions that also consume your bonus action at the same time and you might think that's terrible when you first read it but charge your weapon attack actually increases the damage you deal significantly and also what this allows you to do is reach a Target that you normally wouldn't get to in a turn with just your movement because you can move your full distance and charge into the target a good distance away and feel more damage when you're doing it so there is definitely a case to be made for this particularly if you are a Melee character that has a hard time getting to the Target that you're trying to get to this can really help with that crossbow expert is going to make it so that you don't have a disadvantage when you're attacking with a crossbow when an enemies and melee Range View and also makes it so your piercing shot weapon action conflicts gaping wounds for twice as long which I think is four turns and the issue with this feat is that you shouldn't be near melee enemies when you're arranged attacking if this keeps happening to you to the point you need to take a feat you need to work on your positioning there's a problem with your positioning you shouldn't waste a feat to pick this up and honestly you can't wait around to deal more piercing damage to an enemy with gaping wounds over that many turns you need to kill them as quickly as possible and you know a couple extra turns of that lasting is not good enough to take as a feat in my opinion so I don't recommend this one defensive duelist makes it so that when you're attacking while wielding a finesse weapon that you're proficient with you can use a reaction to add your proficiency bonus to your armor class possibly causing the attack of an enemy to mess this is actually not bad usually when you're using a finesse weapon you're probably using two finesse weapons so this is usually on a dual wielding character usually not always which means they're not using a shield so their Armor class is typically going to be lower and then this is going to help you kind of offset that by allowing you to use your reaction which is you know once every round to basically help protect you against one attack it's not a bad pickup at all just keep in mind that if you pick up like ability score Improvement and gain a dexterity you would gain one Armor class anyway which if this is the beginning of the game this is level four would be basically half the armor class you would gain from this because this would give you plus two if your armor class and dexterity give you plus one plus all the other benefits but if it's later in the game and your proficiency bonus is like plus three or plus four then perhaps this would be a better take because you could add four Armor class and that's really really good at that point so maybe take this one later on in the game if you're gonna take it probably not early in the game and also keep in mind you need at least 13 dexterity to use it but again if you're using finesse weapons that shouldn't be a problem the Dual welder feet in my opinion is mainly for characters that are dual wielding using their strength rather than dexterity because if you're a dexterity character and you're dual wielding you just be better off taking dexterity here to gain the plus one Armor class plus one attack plus one damage Etc but if you're a strength character and you're wearing something like heavy armor and all your points are in strike and dexterity isn't going to give you any extra armor this might be a good choice for you in that case I'm not sure I would take it over something like strength which increases your attack and damage but you could take it you're probably only going to take it on like a strength based two two weapon fighter probably this brings us to dungeon Delaware dungeon Delaware is actually a really good feat in my opinion it gives you advantage on perception checks made to detect hidden objects and have you know advantage on saving throws made to resist traps you usually have one character in your party with high perception that's going to be checking all this stuff it's usually like your robe or your Ranger maybe your Bard or something like that and giving them Advantage just makes things easier for you you can use enhanced ability to give them an advantage I spot these things which can save you a feat but if you don't have someone that can cast enhanceability it's not a bad one to take but you could basically circumvent this by using enhanceability with the owl's wisdom on your character so it's kind of a waste of a feat if you have that in my opinion next up is durable which increases your Constitution by one and also makes it so that you regain full HP when you're short rest as opposed to half resting and the issue with this feed is that most characters if they have a chance to improve their abilities will improve their primary ability because the best defense is a good offense in this game it could kill an enemy they can't attack you so improving your chances of connecting is probably better and also if your other characters don't gain full HP when resting but one character does is it really worth it and that's the sort of thing you need to figure out so I don't think this is really worth it unless maybe you're taking it on all of your characters and you're playing on the hardest difficulty and you're struggling but even then there's probably better feeds Elemental Adept is interesting because it's basically going to make it so you bypass resistance on an enemy when using a specific damage type there are a couple subclasses in this game specific damage types like light clerics are very fire oriented and storm Druids are very Thunder oriented so you might take it on one of those two characters but otherwise I don't think there's too many characters that are going to take this and additionally there aren't so many spells that Target the armor class late game with your spells most of them Target abilities and this has to make it so that when you roll you can't roll one means your spell has to Target Armor class so I think the vast majority of characters are not going to take this although you could on those two classes particularly early on in the game and then we come to Great weapon Master what this does is it makes it so when you land a critical hit or kill a target with a melee weapon attack you can make another melee weapon attack as a bonus action on that turn this is absolutely outstanding and if you saw our video on combat you know that it's important to try and make the most out of each of your turns trying to use your action bonus action movement everything that you can possibly use if you need it and this is a great way to give melee characters something to do with their bonus action if they don't have anything else and the second part of this feat is attacked with heavy melee weapons you're proficient with can deal an additional 10 damage at the cost of -5 attack roll so this is talkable which is great because that means like in situations where maybe you have advantage or you have really high hit chance that you can toggle it on for extra damage if you're using a two-handed weapon and toggle it off if you don't but keep in mind that this only applies to heavy melee weapons it doesn't apply to like one-handed melee weapons or non-heavy melee weapons so the first part is going to apply to any Melee character while the second part only applies to heavy weapons which means that you're more likely to take this on a heavy weapons character because you get the full benefit of the whole thing and Bar barbarians typically take this because they can use Reckless attack which gives them advantage on their melee attack rules which can offset that -5 attack roll penalty a lot and then they just get that 10 damage a lot on their attacks heavily armored gives you plus one to your strength and also gives you armor efficiency with heavy armor the caveat here is that you have to have medium armor proficiency already so this would be like on a ranger or maybe a cleric or something like that but both of those classes have ways of gaining heavy armor so I don't think this is a particularly useful feat and if you want strength I would just take ability Improvement or another feat that provides strength heavily armored makes it so that you increase your strength by plus one and it makes it so incoming damage from non-magical attacks it's also decreased by three while you're wearing heavy armor this requires heavy armor proficiency obviously you're gonna be wearing heavy armor if you're taking this and this is not a bad one to take in my opinion because you do gain one strength so if you had 17 at the beginning you could get to 18 with this and also it's going to reduce like physical damage basically right so if you're like a Melee character and you're tanking enemies gonna further reduce the damage you take you wouldn't take this on a barbarian because they don't use heavy armor they might take it on a paladin or fighter be a good choice there probably or maybe like a heavy armor Ranger if you have one or even a cleric lately armored is going to provide you armor proficiency with light armor and increase your strength and dexterity by one and in my opinion this is not a very good feat because if you're like a spellcaster who wants light armor you can pick that up easily from a race and you don't really need strength and dexterity as a spellcaster all that much dexterity guess could help you with armor class but you can pick up this proficiency from a race really easily or you know multi-classing with something else to be better off of the feet here and I don't see any Marshall class like a rogue even or taking this because they already have light armor proficiency so does every other Marshall class so it's not a great feat this brings us to the lucky feat which is probably one of the most slept on Feats in the game in my opinion this gives you three luck points that you can use to gain advantage on attack rolls ability checks or saving throws or make an enemy re-roll their attack roll and you can do this three times in between each long rest and what's really great about this feat is that it's a reaction meaning that if you're gonna miss your attack the game will say you rolled a block do you want to use this to try and gain advantage to try and hit your target so you're not using these dice anticipating missing you're using them only if you miss or if you fail an ability check or fail a saving throw or if an enemy is going to hit you or hit you with a spell then you can use it to make them you know re-roll that so that you don't fail Etc so it's just really really strong in my opinion because you only need to use these when you need them you don't have to guess when to use them and they can really change the outcome of a battle particularly some of the harder fights of this game and because you long rest like you know in between like every two battles or so you're gonna get these back pretty quick in mind in my opinion and I think most people are going to sleep on this this is a really really strong one to try and take and I would highly recommend at least having one character to do this so the Mage Slayer feat makes it so that when an enemy casts a spell at you when they're standing next to you you have advantage on saving throws and you can use a reaction to immediately make an attack against the Caster additionally enemies you hit will have disadvantaged on concentration saving throws meaning you can disrupt their concentration on spells more easily if you have this feat this isn't a terrible feat but it's also not a great feat either and that's because you know usually early on in the game you're just gonna kill spell casters outright they don't have a ton of Health normally and whether you break their concentration or not it's not that big a deal because they're dead so they don't have concentration anymore and this is very situational sometimes you're not up against the Mage you can't get there because of melee units or other ranged units so I wouldn't advise getting this one early in the game but later in the game if you find yourself fighting like deadly Mages and stuff like that and you're having a difficult time you might want to pick it up but early on I don't think it's necessary this brings us to Magic initiate bar that's gonna make you learn 2 can trips and one level one spell from The Bard's spell list which scale with Charisma so if you're not a Charisma class probably not going to be as useful for you but you should still take it anyway and I think probably the reason to take this is if you need some support spells on a character like Paladin warlock or sorcerer maybe you don't have a dedicated healer in a group maybe you want to pick up pure wounds maybe you want to pick up healing word paladins don't have healing word which would be a good pick up for them in a lot of cases or maybe you're playing a sorcerer and you want to pick up healing word or cure wounds to be able to heal in between fights because you don't have a Healer these are really the situations that I see taking this I don't see too many other reasons to do it and Magic initiate clerics gonna give you two can't trips and one level one spell from the cleric spell list but these scale off wisdom so this is probably going to be wisdom characters that pick this up um I could see maybe a druid picking up something like inflict wounds if they want a close range damaging spell uh or maybe guiding bolt if they want another option for a long range spell but there isn't too many reasons to pick this up because you're probably gonna have to be a ranger or Druid to do it and if you're a ranger you're probably gonna be attacking with your weapons and not flinging offensive spells so unless you're using like healing word with it I don't really see a lot of point to pick this up when it comes to Magic initiative Druid you're going to learn two cantrips one level spell that scale off wisdom and again you know if you're playing cleric you have access to a lot of these spells already if you're playing Ranger you do as well you might want to pick up healing word on Ranger if you don't have it that could be one option there but otherwise there isn't a like a lot of reason to pick this maybe pick up good Berry but I don't see a lot of players taking this in the majority of cases magic initiative sorcerer is going to give you two can trips and a level one spelled at scale with Charisma and I could see potentially like a paladin taking this if they want to pick up like an offensive spell that's not in their spell list like something like magic Missile or burning hands or maybe witchbold or Thunder Wave they really don't have a lot of offensive spells in bg3 because besides their Smite spells which is basically melee attack so I could see them doing that I can't really see too many other classes picking this up because of the Charisma modifier scaling warlocks are going to have access to this sorcerer's already gonna have access to this maybe if you were Bard and wanted some offensive spells as well you might like maybe you want magic Missile on your Bard something like that I could see that but if you're not playing Bard or Paladin you probably won't take this this takes us to Magic initiate warlock where you can learn two cantrips and one level one spell from their spell list and these scale off Charisma I feel like out of all the magic initiates this is probably gonna be the one that's selected the most because you can take Eldritch blast on a sorcerer Bard or Paladin that can give Paladin a nice ranged attack that's based off Charisma or the same for Bard and sorcerer it can give them a reliable can trip that deals significant damage it won't have all the Eldritch invocations that you know the Warlock will gain but it's still a very reliable one and at level five it's gonna gain two beams regardless of whether you're a warlock or not so that's a very effective long-range can trip at level five you can Target two different targets so I could see you know any of those three classes taking it for that and also paladins might want something like armor of agathis which is going to give them five temporary hit points and d05 cool damage to any creature that hits them with a melee attack and this is until long rest so you cast this on your Paladin or your character and then that's just gonna be a constant effect that happens throughout every combat and tell you long rest that's really really strong in my opinion so I can definitely see paladins taking this for elders blast and for this spell magic initiate wizard gives you two can trips and a level one spell from The Wizard spell list that are cast with the intelligence modifier I think the reason to pick this up depending on what class you're playing is for more can trips or find familiar some classes will just want find familiar like you can just have one if you even took one on every character think that you could have four familiaries out at the same time so that could be pretty deadly martial Adept essentially gives you one security die that you can use to use one of two Maneuvers every short rest and you can pick from a list of these These are similar to The Battle Master and I don't think this is really worth it in my opinion you're gonna get to use this like once per combat it's not a huge amount which you're giving up versus what you're gaining I don't think it's worth it in this case if you want to use the Purity die on your character I would suggest getting three levels of fighter and just taking Battle Master because that way you can actually have four dice to use so I think this is probably not a great pickup for most classes medium armor Master removes the disadvantage on stealth checks when wearing medium armor and also makes it so that the armager extra armor you gain from dexterity that normally caps at plus two on medium armor is raised to plus three so you basically gain one extra Armor class for wearing medium armor if you're a dexterity focused character and you won't have disadvantage on stealth checks this is not a Bad feat in my opinion if you want to play like a heavily dexterity focused character but you want to get some more armor for medium armor and extra dexterity and you also still want to be stealthy it's not a bad one to pick up I think it really depends on what sort of character you're making though for instance if you're playing like a thief Rogue you could go into stealth attack and then go back into stealth so you don't really need the armor class in that case or maybe if you're playing a rogue in general but maybe if you're playing a ranger and being a stealthy Ranger maybe you would want those mobile essentially increases your movement speed so you're going to move farther and difficult terrain doesn't slow you down when you dash and if you move away from a melee attack you won't provoke attacks of opportunity I feel like this is probably best on like a rogue or a Caster character because male units don't typically move away from targets that can opportunity attack them but like a rogue that's ranged or maybe a cast or would and then you can't be attack of opportunity when you do it you don't have to use disengage so you could just move away and then cast your range spell and be fine so there might be a case to do this on your Caster but probably not until you like already maxed out your spell casting ability modifier moderately armor gives you armor proficiency with medium armor and Shields and increases either your strength or dexterity by plus one just keep in mind that you have to have proficiency and light armor in order to take this feat and if you didn't choose a race during character creation like human or half elf or something like that that gives you light armor proficiency you'll probably take this on either a barred warlock or a rogue in order to gain some medium armor proficiency and be able to use Shields warlocks can pack to the blade warlocks can use this very effectively if they go like Rapier and shield with their pack weapon they can use Eldritch plastic range and just have medium armor and use a shield to further boost their armor class Bard's often melee and also cast spelled so having medium armor is not bad or even they just have more protection in that range it's not bad for them and of course Rogues to gain it as well although I think Rogues that are playing like you know a sword and shield style of play if they really want to go sword shield will probably multi-class with a class that will give a medium armor and shield proficiency so I think it's less likely to be seen on rows performa gives you musical instrument proficiency and increases your charisma by one up to a maximum of 20. bards already have this so I think this is more likely to be on like a paladin warlock or maybe a sorcerer in order to be able to play a musical instrument that distracts people they come running to them so their other people could get behind in like block pick or loot people Etc you know get somewhere they should be so this is likely to be one of those three classes that might take this especially if they have like 17 Charisma drink character creation polaro Master makes it so that when you attack with a glaive halberd Quarter Staff or spear you can use a bonus action to attack with the butt of your weapon this doesn't do a ton of damage well it's really strong here is that you can make an attack of opportunity when a target comes in range when you're a Melee character and enemies come to you you have to wait for them to leave your range in order to gain attack of opportunity normally and that doesn't always happen particularly if a melee unit comes into your range so this is really really strong because this doesn't allow you to use your attack of opportunity a lot more often maybe you're playing like a Vengeance Paladin or something like that that gains movement speed when and when you do an attack of opportunity now you're going to be doing an attack of opportunity constantly and you can gain more movement speed so if you have effects that trigger off attack of opportunity this is really strong and you just want to use your attack of opportunity more effectively this is a great pickup if you're using one of these weapon types resilient increases one ability by one to a maximum of 20 and gives you proficiency and that ability saving throw so this is kind of like half of ability Improvement except the ability you choose here you will also gain Proficiency in so you definitely want to make sure you're choosing one that you don't already have proficiency on with your character because each class has two of these to begin with but you know usually dexterity and wisdom are great choices here a lot of spells Target these a lot of negative effects Target these so I'd recommend taking dexterity of wisdom you might need to do some planning ahead so that like you know your dexterity is like 13 or something and it goes to 14 or your wisdom's like 9 and goes to ten or 11 it goes to 12 something like that ahead of time or you could respect and you know set it up properly ritual Caster allows you to learn two ritual spells of your choice self-like speak with the dead find familiar speak with animals disguise self stuff like that and keep in mind that ritual spells when you use them out of combat don't consume a spell slot so you can use these as much as you want outside of combat and they're really utility type spells like if you have like you know something or someone that allows you to speak with a dead or you have find familiar already or maybe you speak with animals already someone in your group already does that this is less useful too but if you don't this would be a good way to get some of those useful things so Savage attacker is a feat that makes it so when you make a weapon attack you roll your damage die twice and use the higher the results and it doesn't say here but this actually only applies to melee attacks you can test this out you'll notice immediately that range damage is not affected by this at all so this only applies to melee attacks and typically this re-rolls the die or dice of the weapon that you're using only and doesn't apply any other benefit for instance if you're doing like a melee sneak attack it will not re-roll the dice of your sneak attack damage to give you better damage however one case it actually does work is when using the Divine spite melee attack of the Paladin class or using any of their Smite spells it will actually re-roll all of the damage dice that you do in this case giving you the highest number of the two numbers you roll for each Dice and that's actually really good in my opinion so this is definitely a feat I would suggest taking on a paladin at some point either you know at like level eight or level 12 but definitely at some point I would suggest taking it and this might be the only class you use this on so sandal makes it so when an enemy Within melee a range of you attacks an ally you can use your reaction to make a weapon attack against that enemy and that Ally must not also have the Sentinel feet so you can't just put this on all your party and put them all together Etc but this is kind of situational right depending on whether you have another melee unit then you guys stick together on a Target you might not find this as useful however the other benefit is that you gain advantage on opportunity attacks meaning that you're much much more likely to connect on them and when you hit a creature with an opportunity attack you can't move for the rest of the turn which is phenomenal right because this means if it's a range unit it can't get out a daily range of you so its attacks are going to have disadvantage if they decide to attack you and if it's a Mele unit trying to get away from you to attack a squishy they can't move and do that anymore so this is really really strong in my opinion you definitely want to consider picking this up on your melee characters or at least one of your melee characters so Sharpshooter makes it so your ranged weapon attacks don't receive the minus two penalty when you attack a Target that's higher than you in elevation and also gives you the talkable feature to take them penalty on your attack Roll But deal an additional 10 damage if the hit connects and you might use this on something like a rogue that can gain Advantage very easily on their attacks offsetting this minus five penalty by going into stealth with a bonus action or you might use it on a ranger or a fighter that can gain archery that would help offset some of this too with plus two to their weapon attacks with ranged weapons but again this is situational right like if you have advantage on the target through some other effect it'd be a good time to pop it on and deal some extra damage and then you can toggle it off if you don't feel confident your shots are going to land so I highly recommend that one on a rogue or any ranged character that predominantly does range damage Shield Master gives you a plus two bonus to your dexterity saving throws while wielding a shield typically characters that are wearing like heavy armor and using a shield that are front lighters like paladins Fighters stuff like that don't typically have high dexterity to begin with so this can really help protect them from taking damage additionally if a spell forces you to make a dexterity saving throw you can use your reaction to Shield yourself and diminish the effects of the damage on a failed saving throw you only take half damage and on a successful saving throw you don't take any damage if you do this so you can help wipe out some of the damage that you would take if you're using a shield in your front liner it's not a bad one to pick up if you're trying to make like a tanky character that just absorbs hits and spells and doesn't die easily skill just gives you proficiency and three skills of your choice and frankly this really depends on your party composition if you have an optimal party composition then you probably don't need this but if you're running something less optimal because you really like specific characters you just don't care or whatever then you might consider picking this up on one character spell sniper makes it so you can learn a can trip including Eldritch blast and the number you need to roll here is reduced for spells to critically hit by one so normally a spell would need 20 to critically hit now it could be 19 to critically hit as well and that can stack with other effects the issue with that though is a lot of spells are cast against a character's abilities and you're not actually rolling so this will only apply to spells where you're rolling so if unless you're using a lot of spells that Target the armor class of the enemy you're not going to get as much out of this one Tavern brawler makes it so that when you make an unarmed attack use an improvised weapon or throw something your strength modifier is added twice to the damage and attack rules that you make and you also get to put an ability Point into strength or a constitution this is obviously going to benefit strength based characters more than anyone particularly barbarians who use improvised weapons and throw things a lot and getting that extra strength will be really great for them unarmed attacks typically use strength but if you're playing as a monk they can also use dexterity and monks typically have very high dexterity because a lot of their class features so this isn't going to be that great on a monk because they're typically not going to have that highest strength tough makes it so that your hit point maximum is increased by two for every level you gain this isn't terrible like on a tank character or maybe a really squishy character that has like very low Health to begin with keep in mind you could take ability Improvement put it in Constitution you can you'd also gain plus one to your Constitution saving throws and you'd also gain plus one to your concentration checks if you're a spellcaster so that would probably be better than tough in most cases warcaster is a phenomenal feat that gives you advantage on saving throws to maintain concentration on your spells this is really good on melee characters or characters that kind of get in the thick of combat but use a lot of concentration like paladins and clerics so you might consider taking it on them it also makes it so you can use your reaction to cast shock and grasp at a Target moving out of melee range so sort of like an attack of opportunity but slightly different and shocking grasp has advantage on targets with metal armor so it's even more likely to connect if the target is well armored against them weapon Master is a feat that gives you Proficiency in any four weapons of your choice and also one strength or dexterity who maximum of 20 and if you're Min maxing your character you should be getting your proficiency from either your race or your class or some combination of multi-classing you shouldn't waste a feed on that in my opinion there are much better Feats out there so I don't suggest selecting this one and if there's a proficiency that you really need try and look at re-optimizing your character with your classes or a different race in order to get it so that wraps up our video on feeds I hope you guys found it useful I know there's a lot of stuff in this game that can be overwhelming I'm trying to break it down all video video by video to try and simplify it help you guys tackle one thing at a time if you have more information about these and I didn't mention please leave it in the comments and if you have questions let me know and I will try and answer them [Music]
Channel: Fextralife
Views: 385,364
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: bg3 feats list, bg3 feats new, bg3 feats tier list, bg3 best feats, bg3 best feat for shadowheart, bg3 best feat for astarion, bg3 best feat for wyll, best feat for gale, best feat for laezel, best feat for karlach, baldurs gate 3, baldurs gate 3 feats, baldurs gate 3 guide, balders gate 3, baldurs gate 3 best feats, baldurs gate 3 classes, baldurs gate 3 tips, baldurs gate 3 multiclass, baldur gate 3, baldurs gate, boulders gate 3, baldur gate iii, best feat
Id: 0O2lkom6L5Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 8sec (1748 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 07 2023
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