Best of the Worst: The Star Wars Holiday Special (FOR REAL)

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Did anyone else get an ad for depression medication?

👍︎︎ 11 👤︎︎ u/AroostookGeorge 📅︎︎ Dec 18 2017 🗫︎ replies

I prefer this version.

👍︎︎ 6 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Dec 18 2017 🗫︎ replies

It's so dense -- every single image has so many things going on

👍︎︎ 7 👤︎︎ u/MA34 📅︎︎ Dec 18 2017 🗫︎ replies
the Star Wars Holiday Special did you guys know that you're all wearing holiday sweaters like a bunch of jerks it's the holiday season yeah we're you're wearing one too my grandma made me this oh oh that's pretty weird she's been dead for five years oh my god we watched the Star Wars Holiday Special what wait holiday special the Star Wars Holiday Special sorry I we need to latest Star Wars Ellis they made a hard Star Wars holiday we watched it a couple hours ago so like George Lucas has repeatedly said that he hates it and wants it erased from history though the the showrunner the person who was on set producer is adamant that they sent George Lucas dailies yeah and he had to approve everything and he did yeah here's here's how George Lucas approved those though they came in they had a monitor they wheeled it up to him and he was like looking at is like bank account information and he said that's fine and the numbers kept going up yeah okay yes that's good this reminds me of something we did though like a behind the scenes thing from Attack of the Clones and the CGI people are working on Yoda and so they want to know what color blood Yoda has cuz you'll see it was there and they they asked George George what color is your his blood and George is like um Green doesn't know what he's doing so no [ __ ] lamp yeah what's good whatever I mean in his defense whoa yeah whoa just lost everybody sometimes you there just needs to be a person to make that call and you know he doesn't who cares what color zo does blood right like in his defense in that specific situation sometimes just a call needs to be made and that's his job to make that call so yeah scream that's how the holiday special he does have a [ __ ] really karmak doubly awkward this is probably a tall man costume so so much licensing and marketing and toys and everything was happening with Star Wars around that period post the success of Star Wars and theaters I'm sure he just didn't care at all but really who do we know who was responsible like there's a there's a director attached there's a director there's one seems but is there a singular vision behind the Star Wars holidays no this is directed by name withheld upon request it has a director it has a series of producers I'm sure a couple of writers but really like who was the guy or the gal who said I think that a Star Wars Holiday Special should be utter nonsense somebody somebody wanted to make money off Star Wars who was the one that said a producer okay who's the one that said no we can't have like nobody said no it's clear from watching it nobody said no okay but who said we want this to appeal to no one don't do it lumpy so much to live lumpy dough you just realized these in the Star Wars Holiday Special ha ha that's after trying to kill at least at least someone with a brain would say let's let this appeal to younger people younger people like Christmas songs they like you know they don't like Bea Arthur it's it's it's mind-boggling how miscalculated this way this really dragging us out what what if this could be Lucas just [ __ ] around with everyone see what we doing like button can we err 20 minutes of chewy noises hey let him it just seems bizarre to me that how big Star Wars was that that it seems like they're scraping the bottom of the barrel in terms of other celebrity talent maybe all the money went to carrie fisher's coke ha ha alleged alleged coke she it's alleged by Carrie Fisher herself that she had a coke problem around the time this special nothing's confirmed except for Carrie Fisher so but we don't want to show with more coke than Java frogs you know but it's still legit it's alleged that Java eights 828 frogs a day mark Campbell looks like a mannequin in this movie we theorize or do we know for sure if this was after the Exodus well just looking at his face I'm assuming it's after wow that's nice he looks like crap come on Tamala let's see a little smile come on no is that what that is perfect for people who don't know go ahead between the filming of Star Wars and Empire God Mark Hamill was in a horrible car accident that that ruined his race it turned him into the Joker yeah that's a bad joke that's a joke in poor taste thank you basically the accident [ __ ] up his face and that's why in the beginning of empire the first thing that happens to Luke is he gets hit in the face by a giant monster yes but he didn't wait carry Frischer hit him in the face so in the Star Wars special in the Star Wars special he has so much makeup on his face and his hair is over his his forehead where they are covering something up absolutely so this is after accident they didn't want to put him into much of the Star Wars Holiday Special possibly because of the accident I don't know so they just put him in charged with a smoke machine I gotta get back to this engine I think we might have it solved what is going on with all the smoke he's Luke is in charge of the smoke machine alergy problem this comedy they said he said have a whole bunch of smoke in front of my face yeah because I just got mauled by Carrie Fisher what are you saying allegedly a car accident was like a cover yeah like like like like someone's Hamill spilled some coke on his cheek and Carrie Fisher he was playing hide the coke of Carrie Fisher's as she mauled him she won if you move across the hair that son is forehead you see like nose indentations well if we're talking about the original cast of Star Wars with this movie the other one that's in this of course is Harrison Ford all of you are an important part of my oh I'm glad I could be here we see on camera the moment when he stopped caring about it at this moment Harrison Ford realized he was too good for this what's the point where he gave up yeah so I was supposed am supposed to die off the absolute second when he said [ __ ] this I'm phoning it in from here on out here on after that he was always working around the car I already worked around the clock so the big question is what happens in the Star Wars Holiday Special J what's going on well there's a hole basically like a framework to hang it's a variety show and and so the framework that all the little skits are hung on is Chewbacca is trying to get home to his family I know your family's waiting I know it's an important day and life day is a holiday in which they do something this holiday is yours but we all share with you the hope that this day brings us closer to freedom and to harmony into peace no matter how different we appear we're all the same and our struggle against the powers of evil of darkness I hope that this day will always be a day of joy in which we can reconfirm our dedication and our courage and more than anything else I love for one another this is the promise of the Tree of Life till they spent all their money getting all the main Star Wars actors that's impossible for one day all we have left well we got left is Harvey Korman money oh hey Arthur hey don't be Harvey Korman you poo-poo be Arthur Carney Korman was not in the most successful movie ever made I have poo-pooed be Arthur the golden shower girl I've been there two golden girls one depends uh this is the first appearance of borba fed yes which was a cartoon character but yeah we've discussed the overall story was also a - cartoon what is cartoon character I was also in the cartoon and the thing what what was that we've talked about life day we've talked about um solo and Carrie Fisher being out of her mind on blow uh so finally his life day a little too close to Kwanzaa well I think I think life days a few weeks earlier should they're not that close that's pretty good that's pretty good so this entire time that Han Solo and Chewbacca are trying to get back to the Wookiee planet for her life day stormtroopers show up star wars are here hey the star wars happened came everybody at the the Chewbacca we don't get their last names ever they all de step first name the Bacchus the Bacchus the Bacchus residence mom Ibaka itchy baka and Chewbacca and and uh lumpy baka dumpy-dumpy baka Monty man made vodka lumpy baka is a bad name that kid rubbing his back sounds like some kind of cancer all I know is they didn't bring up life day it's a Wookiee cancer you have a lumpy pocket Oh No so then stormtroopers show up and they're searching the house for some reason I don't know isn't it why do they suspect us working families Ronald I don't give a [ __ ] but then then han Solo and Chewbacca show up without any sort of set up Chewbacca just kind of runs into frame because the the imperial officer leaves one stormtrooper behind yes and says stay and kind of point your gun at people but never kill them Oh well oh you died that's what I like at my Christmas specials day thankfully the storm trooper exposed a completely faulty banister yeah which which could have killed scratchy itchy and hooch it's true he called all the members of the Wookiee family all could have just leaned on that balcony and had to collect well they established earlier that itchy it what's the kid lumpy lumpy Oh a cheese the grandpa the grandpa should not be walking on the the railing but it but lumpy does lumpy bees they were saying earlier he's like like he could have just fall it but they'll think of these claps it was a very very flimsy railing yes what you know when you live thousand feet up in the trees you you want good railings I would like a good railings are crucial though this might be the first time in Star Wars we've ever seen a railing although Carrie Fisher did lots of rails after fortunately nobody's going to investigate the dead storm trooper is this a report about the missing trooper and it's a trooper b-47 11 was here with three other men they left then he remained as soon as they had gone he packed a lot of food from this house me rob me blind then he took off for the hills very well we'll send out a search party he stole food and left he went into the hills so yeah and then they're fine with that like yeah that 3/1 be this story checks out trust you are Carney the commander should have said I don't believe anyone's told your food Art Carney Oh picture you're looking at right now is taking quite a few years ago that's that one of me I've gained quite a bit of weight since then so we were investigating you for rebel connections and then our super just stole your food and went to the hills I believe that yep done moving on move along I would say from a Milan yeah I guess I would say conversation was boring me anyway that was also a Star Wars I not get then that's when Han Solo said that and before he shot up after he shot up the yeah but um from a purely bureaucratic sense the the guy the Imperial guy probably is just like whatever we have a hundred and fifty million stormtroopers we are rands ransacking this this wookie house and and smashing a poor wookie child's toys looking for some sort of vague connection to rebels like okay one guys missing who gives a [ __ ] yeah I have other things to do and then yeah we have a Death Star build spoiler yeah we haven't done oh yeah we have leaf we're already working on that so that's the basic story of holiday special you're forgetting about the thing that makes the Star Wars Holiday Special special is the random entertainment well that's that's the thing is it is essentially a variety show and what we've talked about is the overall story because that's the interesting part of it if you want to go oh that's left is the variety elements which are terrible Ichi or scratchy or poochy poochy poochy the the little baby Wookiee watch a bunch the the very first circus lumpy watch the very first sinkhole a concert oh that's right yeah yeah which was Cirque du Soleil Chewbacca's son yes who I may not have been from a previous marriage lumpy one wait is his name really lumpy his name's really I thought I was making that up as a joke no his name is like they call him lumpy and his real name may be Lim baka but but he's family cause some lumpy lumpy lumpy opens up some kind of thing which is reminiscent of the chess board yeah yeah from a new hope yes and he's watching holographic humanoids do like a Cirque du Soleil kind of thing yeah and that's our first introduction of a musical number variety shows are usually like you have a musical guest we have a stand-up comic or you like I mean I guess this is supposed to be this is like we're supposed to be entertained by those yeah it's so disconnected from the audience where we're not sure yeah right yeah we're supposed to be enjoying it or we're supposed to be watching lumpy enjoy it right and that that is the downfall the point being that nobody's enjoying it we cut back to itch e 1p lumpy we come back to lumpy and he's like and it's like we don't know what he like it there's no subtitle so he could be saying this sucks we have no idea the the pitch of this was obviously like oh we'll be in the wookie house and the Wookiees have lots of screens or Holograms or monitors and they'll just keep looking at stuff and then we'll show entertaining things out well though the pitch was we want to do a Bob Hope style Bing Crosby Christmas variety thang - how do we shoehorn that the Star Wars unless every video wookies looking I'll be Wookiees and everything is gonna be a TV a grandpa wookie will become sexually aroused by a black woman oh gee I thought you might like this one of those that that's a really kind of hard to explain it's a yeah Wow you know what I mean yeah it's it's for a virtual porn that's what yeah what has to watch it in a special chamber or no one else can see what he's watching they will see him masturbate oh I starwars everybody showers doors captures yeah Marty laser guns mommy oh yeah right you're the silly droids where is anything I want to see spaceships Diahann Carroll um sing something terribly well no she sings okay and it's nothing is horrible yeah it's not just her singing though she was like she was like whispering things to him I'm getting you a message and an art Carmichael that's not a real man what's his name I'm sure there is somebody named her like a carnival Heartgard hernia art garfunkel slips grandpa this special like chip and he says hey grandpa this is the good stuff yeah he does say that I know your grandkids in the room next yeah but watch this part basically it's a space horn yeah spaceborne and so Diane Lane kind of was whispering sweet nothings diner Lane Dicky one Diane Lane thought it was Diane Keaton Diane Keaton yeah Buster Keaton Ryan Keaton and Busta Rhymes and buster fine Oh anyway she sings a horrible song and and the wookie the old elderly wookie is getting off to it and in his virtual reality helmet yeah which is basically just a 1960s hairdryer yeah with a blast shield with the blast shell also it's weird like black feel down I can't see anything now am I supposed to fight how am i sposta master jerk ah so that's a segment but but also like can we talk about the amount of electronics this household has they have the the holographic table where we see the acrobats they have the computer phone where they see the cantina they have the other computer phone where they see Princess Leia they have a screen in the kitchen where they see the cooking show and they have a screen in the kids bedroom yes where he sees the electronic show and they have the virtual reality machine but but the Wookiees live in a Swiss Family Robinson house yeah in the tree Oh what's up you take the trash wouldn't house for the space door uncomfortable with that which we should what's awesome we should mention oh [ __ ] it was my tooth you spit it on my drink dog we should mention that as as seen on the back was enough of this holiday special yes the the wookie houses are homes that are in the trees which we think were inspired by Ralph McQuarrie art yes look very similar to the cache chic homes that are depicted in star wars 3 and so one must wonder did George Lucas know that whoever the artist was who did the artwork for Star Wars 3 was was using the same exact imagery that was used in the Star Wars Holiday Special we probably did not remember you don't think so I think I think he proved this back at the time they put the artwork in front of me so that's fine and he went back to you know looking at his bank account and then a debt couple decades later they showed him that exact same image for a Revenge of the Sith and he said oh it's fine I think Lucas is just fascinated with tree houses like like his father didn't build up a tree house but haha I guess the wookie sin live in tree house yeah you watched live in tree houses yeah he's just trying to make up for the fact that he never had a treehouse that's pretty good you ever want to - Lucas reg - it's got a sign on the door it says no girls allowed you got to climb up the ladder to get into the CGI rooms I found him I found him Pixar right over there on that bridge okay so we've got a fake fake Diana Ross sings your song yes as the elderly Wookiee masturbates Oh Diana Ross I'm not Diana Ross singing some kind of erotic soul song you have elderly wookie who's masturbating in a science fiction shoe that's not what comes to mind and then not mama wookie goes into the kitchen to cook some food Oh God and she watches a cooking program hosted by a Harvey Korman in his heart beeps cosplay costume her beeps is film starring Andy Kaufman and Bernadette Peters Mike is gone and this goes on for a very long time whip what does he keep saying whip and stir it bins to whether it's stir so good so good lips touch so good so this hipster come on faster all together now cooking can be fun so this is Harvey Korman directed by George Lucas is ready supposedly supposedly he was not on you are you are you making up this mythology and that word bird was on set every day it goes on he whips his hair back and he moves his hair back and forth for 35 minutes that's that's where you wonder like did they just say Harvey Korman you're a robot cooking show host action he was in a just made everything up they said here Harvey Korman we're doing this this comedy skit and Harvey Korman said okay where's the script and they said what yeah its feet beat feet so quick so hip feet step that's not like I'm sorry the the the Empire shows up that's when they first show up okay like a an officer and there's two stormtroopers and they show up at Chewbacca's house all right then it's the search of the residence they're looking for daily rebel check I don't know a daily rebel check to every household drop the entire universe but for some reason they go there and we're gonna go through all your stuff and Art Carney is there this plot is more intricate and hard to follow than any of the actual Star Wars anyway Art Carney shows up and he has a box anybody opens it up the Jefferson Starship is playing yeah and he says Empire our Empire guy with dark Death Star Darth guy dark a guy with a black helmet watch this dark helmet this is a 1970s band and they're gonna play some kind of generic rock song and you're gonna like it and he did any day why is everything a space TV I know you'd like it I didn't can we all agree that out of all the the musical numbers and entertainment portions that the Bea Arthur musical segments in the Mos Eisley cantina is the best just one more round friend then a homeward bound friend don't forget me in your dreams just one more song friend and I'm so long friend Harvey Korman comes in any key for his liquor into his brain there's a set of top said oh you're too ok yeah no but they are watching it on a mod they're watching it on a monitor time now for life on Tatooine brought to viewers everywhere in the hope that our own lives may be uplifted by the comparison look at these people they suck so you should feel better about your life hop again yeah yeah and so then Harvey Korman walks into the Mos Eisley cantina and the era that gives him a drink and He pours it into his brain funny part is that P Arthur does that in real life yes so the point of that segment was you son I get it I get it I guess I get the important for those nice talk so Harvey Korman for like five minutes before the song and it's supposed to be like do we know these characters like they're setting it up like these are people we should already know but we don't know and we don't care and then I'm just I was just the entire time looking in the background like oh there's the wolf man or there's you know hammerhead because all the the regulars are there yeah we're all those the actual masks and stuff they look like yeah some of them might event oh could have been well that was neat just one more drop before we stop I want to say that perhaps that was the very first thing that they shot or that was the first idea like that was the first segment that they built all of it around and they just ran out of steam after that they ran out of money this is their only senior they had a whole bunch of steam leftover for when Luke was working it was all over the phone so after that is that after that the animated segment I don't know the order I guess it doesn't matter okay so then we then there's an animated segment which is the lumpy kid is watching it and it's I guess the whole time that lumpy got killed it didn't happen a long time ago they're probably all dead by now yeah yeah they're most likely dead a long time ago in a graveyard firm yeah I think Mike's lost his I love lumpy leaned a little too hard on his railing outside storm trooper system so between like Empire Return of the Jedi Chewbacca had to go home for his son's funeral Chewbacca came home and he growled I shouldn't have joined the rebellion to raise my son I should I gotta go Han is in carbonite I got I got aa and mala is just like you always put on before your family what about stinky over here love him don't you they've such as Han more than me I'd say Hana shoots first but that's not exactly it's something it's something that is status says that is really good thank you thank you The Talisman it makes things invisible I think is even you we so this is a fictional cartoon at the Star Wars universe Luke Skywalker c-3po and r2d2 yes okay [ __ ] than likely and Han Solo and Chewbacca yeah what Julie Oh Leia oh my god this Christ that's careful what happened I'm so low space in the animated segment looks like it's about to fall off of it yeah it's very drawing once you see Han Solo's face yeah yeah it looks like Harrison Ford looks now his his muscles hanging like a foot off of his face yeah it's a little awkward to Laird but it stylized is what it like an if he did you notice like c-3po spotty whereas there's like I get a tiny neck a tiny thin black neck and then like his armor kind of hung around it r2d2 contorted and bent what's the matter with our two hey well holding was weird a little tiny line yes very interesting though end the best segment overall you wouldn't count Harvey Corman's embarrassing how-to video thank you for selecting our brand of mini transmitter if you assemble it properly following the instructions I'm about to give you disappearing an instructional video sketch No and now let's get started shall we know that this is missus no he's a robot this is a timid ear sketch he's a robot he's supposed to look he's glitchy well but that's the thing is he's supposed to look like a robot but instead of having him act like he's glitching they decided to edit the tape yes which makes no sense he's an actor he could just glitch yeah and that would work better for comedic timing but the weirdest thing is that somebody thought this would be a good idea to include in some sort of holiday special is a how-to video for technology that doesn't exist now find the circuit breaker module and by the way let's start calling these components by their proper names circuit breaker can we just get that tongue a clerking loop for two hours the important part is that eventually Chewbacca comes home yeah they hold up snow globes that make some transport to an alternate dimension we ultimately discover where red robes they wear yeah but not in the real world that's when they get transported to the other dimension they're wearing red robes but that's it's every single Wookiee and also Princess Leia Han Solo in Luke Skywalker oh it's easier to eat over there for something yeah they went to the dimensions of robots they also celebrate life day though they married maybe I had to give her to no tools that day so whoever made this completely [ __ ] starwars go great that's amazing and it doesn't fit at all I think this song is so bad just put this star background it's one of the most epic fuck-ups in the history of always thinking back to the things that just happened to it in the first movie no boy what what Jess why isn't thinking about space Jess he didn't really well oh well it's a cultural artifact that people like to bring up and discuss and talk about but I would not recommend anyone ever actually watching it watch like highlights on YouTube maybe but sitting through it wears really painful here's the thing we can't have a discussion about what wins best of the worst but we can't have a discussion about whether or not we think this is worth watching at least once in your life Oh jack if you are a big star Wars fan and you consider yourself that I think you need to see it at least once only so you can tell other people who aren't as big as our stones not to see you know bother you know you need to be the aggregator for your friends and say listen it's because it's not so bad it's good it's boring it's very boring but as a creator of content it's fascinating how it all came about but not fascinating enough where I'd recommend it to anyone else I mean well there's not much actual so bad it's funny comedy value in this but I mean isn't there something to having said yeah I sat through these Star Wars Holiday Special yeah there's also something to say yeah I sat on a tack you know has other than the Star Wars name being grafted on this there is no value I'm glad that I finally seen it okay because I have never seen it I saw two minutes of the opening with the rookies and I was like okay that's enough but I'm glad I finally saw it now only if you're a star Wars fan mainly you know basically if you're a star Wars fan to see it and then move on it it's really bad but it's almost beyond comprehension of how bad it is we we have a strange overlap where we're both star wars fans and fans of really bad movies yes and so if you're in this over but does this even make the fan of bad things tear because it does this didn't have Star Wars on it yes would you give it as would you watch this beyond one minute no no if that's that's what makes an anata tea if this were 15 years ago and the internet and all the information that we have now didn't exists I would say this is worth seeking out but now you can find out everything you need to know about it online without actually having to sit through it and that's far more interesting than having to sit through it that is a great point would you say that's sitting through it is sort of a like a rite of passage or no no at all I don't feel like I have any better understanding of the Star Wars Holiday Special now than I did before we watched it but or or of like Star Wars and it's this place in you know pop culture or anything I didn't get anything out of this other than boredom but you can't have any context of like the reading about it without watching it yeah I think you can you can see highlights I watch a five minute highlight reel on YouTube that's all you need to see you don't need to sit through the whole thing it's not worth it I think it's no greater than agree with Jack here you need you need to sit through it you need I don't think you do I don't I don't know that I was that clear and I wasn't sure myself when I gave my answer but I think I'm with you Jay okay now you don't need to sit there you don't need to sit you know and this watch I highlighted in this day and age you don't need to but you can't talk about something in context without having news but do you need to talk about this no no I'm fine it's like you're gonna talk about this but a holiday special you should have at least seen it okay the entire thing not just a clip you can't just say oh I've seen the BR through so okay if you want to have a serious in-depth discussion about the Star Wars Holiday Special then yes you definitely should watch it nobody should want to have that discussion no that's like saying I the desert is hot yeah yes is the desert is hot but until you leave walked through it for 24 hours with no water yeah you can't truly describe how hot the desert is you have to see the whole thing but you may find yourself in a situation where you are stranded in the desert where there's never gonna be a situation where you need to watch the Star Wars Holiday Special uh yeah I think the consensus is if you want to see the Star Wars Holiday Special you should watch the Star Wars Holiday Special no no no no not not just that okay if you want to complain about how bad the Star Wars Holiday Special is how can you need to have watched it from beginning to end that's fair enough if you have not you have no right to complain about how bad ok that's fair it's a rite of passage here's a better question now normally on best of the worst we destroy the worst movie obviously we have three copies of the same movie here should we destroy this absolutely I think we should study it and write a 500 page scientific article about it and then destroy it I do not think it needs to be destroyed because George Lucas allowed it to happen and because of that tremendous failure on his part yes it deserves to be not only destroyed but in a best of the worst first duplicated oh my god you write you read my mind Mike's the glossa because I was going to say we should not destroy it simply because it's George Lucas we should not destroy because George Lucas wants to destroy it that's why it should continue on forever Jordan are we gonna gift wrap this and just give it out that's great great George Lucas needed to be more attuned he needed to be more in control he needed to be more on hand yeah and say this is this is bad I'm in control because he didn't yes he has failed yeah it's a Christmas miracle only
Channel: RedLetterMedia
Views: 2,370,242
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: redlettermedia, red letter media, red, letter, media, plinkett, half in the bag, star wars, best of the worst, Star Wars Holiday Special (TV Program)
Id: xW4m0oYK0WQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 40sec (2620 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 26 2014
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