Best of the Worst: Wheel of the Worst #7

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every day we receive thousands of terrible VHS tapes and DVDs some are so [ __ ] weird we don't exactly know what to do with them that's why the wheel of the worse was designed it's a torture device of a modern age the wheel is spun three times each spin selects a video at random for the group to watch and then evaluate which video is the best of the worst finally the horse ninja comic I was looking for comic artist Freddy Williams [Music] what are you doing here I'm definitely not here to steal your a horse ninja comic book idea and pass it off as my own and Marvel's definitely not interested in publishing it for me let's see what's on the wheel today it's now time to spin the wheel of the last well Freddy while you're here we might as well spin the wheel of the worst and pick some some terrible videos to watch I'm looking forward to it a little oh yeah I'm not I'm not but let's see what's on the wheel today our first video is called dog-sitter VHS that's part of the title dog-sitter VHS about a guy who sits like a dog right I hope so I don't think so I think it's going to be something you put on your TV that your dogs will watch like they're watching a raccoon porno and and there's a dog with a nurses hat on what's next on the wheel it's laughs just for the health of it just for the health of it with Patti Wooten are in if she has a birth aid kit yes I'm very familiar with this video it was on the wheel last time I hate it I haven't seen it but I hate it I hate Patti Wharton and I hope she gets a bola [Music] our next video is software made easy for in one computer video featuring Windows 95 which actually operates more efficiently with today's software than Windows 8 does WordPerfect and something called Lotus 1-2-3 I'm surprised it has such a futuristic version of Windows though because now only on number 8 this is all the way to 95 that's right that's right next we have kid sand airbags yeah yeah it sounds pretty painful whoever typed this up didn't do a very good job and really there should be a whole lot more blood in that car accident please cat sitter I are VHS forbidden in the USA Oh featured in USA Today The Wall Street Journal and The Daily Show go cat video this is suspiciously similar to dog sitter which is made by go dog video is a coincidence don't know sounds like conspiracy I think this is just [ __ ] two paws up cats magazine there's no such thing as cats magazine that's a [ __ ] complete with the sights and sounds of nature and stereo so again I hope to [ __ ] god we don't land on either this cat looks terrified what's next Freddie it is how to become a teenage ninja hmm discover the secrets of ninja power I don't know if we should have this in such a public forum it's secret yeah I wouldn't want a bunch of teenagers kicking my [ __ ] ass this clearly was a ping off the success of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles assuming it's Turtles Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles ever thought of it no I thought it was something to do with like it's a new Michael Bay movie oh I love Michael Bay right right discover the secrets of ninja Park yeah this is like some BS that somebody whipped up to cash in off that craze it's a bunch of junk all this [ __ ] is junk these are why this is why God invented dumpsters throw this [ __ ] right here well what's next on the wheel farm safety family-style 1343 oh okay I all I can hope is that they recreate horrible farm accidents that's that's the only thing we could hope for in farm safety but since it says family-style it might only be children getting their eyes pecked out by chickens ah ice dams what causes come what causes combats and cures causes combats and cures does that mean that it causes the combats and it really should be a common there yes but it's brought to us by the fine people at Liberty Mutual it's above reproach yes they're trying to decrease liability insurance claims all right Freddy it's time for the moment of truth it's time to spin the wheel and see what the first video is we watch all right there we go that was a pretty weak Spencer it's time to learn about ice van and how to combat them and cure them and what the causes are so let's go watch ice dams during winters with heavy snow this home has obvious problems yet the cameraman has someone has seen on the ice they are also the two primary solution how are you supposed to put anything in your adequate isolation look what do you want storage space Arno icicle he's got it all wrong they were storing the insulation inside that's very clever the same things which cause ice dams in the winter may cause your roof to rot over a year this is like the boyhood of ice dam except it's much more emotional ready you're never allowed to spin the wheel again [Music] [Music] yeah yes narrowly avoided disaster and we have landed on hits and airbags yes all right anything like [ __ ] cat sitter Jackson would simply take the along play with that with more details watch where you're driving oh no dad this is the most tense thing you ever watch no do you want to stop and call someone fam thank God they turn into dummies but like other public health successes there have been some unfortunate side effects is it over yet he seems like a like a real wild guy look at him wildly gesticulating with that hand oh my gosh do you think he lost the other one in its and airbag even leaning forward to play with a radio or tape deck and put a child's head close to the airbag module never permit a child to lean forward never let your child drive the car well rich we've learned a lot in a very short amount of time a very short amount of time so Jay I understand you want to land on cat sitter yes I'm taking the spin in hopes that we'd land on cat sitter so here we go said Josh oh you don't you spend the wheel so hard you fall over oh my god all right I can't wait another bullet dodged [Laughter] [Music] Tales from Genesee space you have a much bigger problem than those kids outside this authentic white ninja suits that balance issues great appropriate reaction right breathe right now turn around into it all right rich I replayed the footage of the last wheel spin I played it back in slow motion multiple times and I am 75 percent sure I did not spin this wheel look like a legitimate spin to me I think the only way to solve this is to just do another spin we've watched three videos and they're less than the length of one episode of Law & Order so let's let's just do another spin and see what happens but that means me white we might have to love [Applause] [Music] we're rich let's go hi folks my name is Steve Kenton director and producer of the dog video we produced the cat sitter video [Laughter] [Music] finally something produced just for us it's called the dog sitter video and I give it two thumbs up it stars Gary Douglas rocky the keys Sammy squirrel Tommy techie and a cashless vouchers it's the helm of a good show created with special sound introduced with the ladies of doggy care technology just watch we're heating a trailer for the video after the video yeah Oh is there target on there oh god what's happening oh Jesus Christ well the wheel of the worst has certainly lived up to its title tonight the first video we watched was ice dams causes combats and cures although there's no comma after causes causes combats and cures I'm afraid I caused us to pick this videos was your fault yes yes this is produced by Liberty Mutual so Mike why don't you explain ice dams causes combats and cures in detail it's a very extensive video I'd rather not okay then I guess we're done yeah this isn't even worth discussing there was a lot of scientific explanations about how icicles form and I now understand what an ice dam is I didn't I did not know what that was yeah and it makes sense ice builds up water builds up and forms a dam and it spills over freezing icicles that hang down anterior ridge of the roof correctly ventilated and insulate arrow-shaped bugs of arrows past we once froze here I'd rather have watched ice damn truckers nothing so you saying you wish you would have seen trucks just drive through houses to try and knock down the ice dams wow that's that's the method that's the cure for the icicles is to drive the truck this is how you combat it the only interesting thing about this video is that they apparently as a videographer they hired a stalker a creepy serial killer slash stalker icicles are present and dams are beginning to form along if you've seen this girl please dial the number at the bottom of the screen [Music] her parents miss her very much she was last seen being videotaped by a creeper in addition to well with the exception of this shitty cash grab videos videos that were made by insurance companies to address issues to lower their claim yes places and really there is nothing of note to discuss in ice dams this is pretty much a first other than you you made the joke about a creepy stalker that's it they actually used Liberty Mutual Insurance agents to film some of the segments and it looks like shitty home video camera footage yes there were no recreations I thought it was going to be a video about don't stand under a melting icicle because it could slip off and and stab you in the head the one thing I wanted out of that video was one icicle fall and hit some kid in the head why that's it all I wanted because it I think because that's funnier because it's proportionate the longer life that they have to live with less I okay then that somehow increases me yes right that's kind of twisted I wish we had bought boredom insurance bring out the slide whistle so that's it is 15 minutes long oh but it was a guest appearance by a bald woman what be careful yeah which Baldwin was that again yes don't be stumpy balls it would be Baldwin he's the lesser-known Baldwin there was one human in the whole video and it was a guy who climbed into an attic looked around at the insulation and left we hoped he would have tried to eat the insulation or roll around in it yeah to be fair we don't know what happened once they cut away maybe maybe he was like a weirdo and thought it was edible and then it turned into a hospital safety video where they're trying to remove pounds of insulation from his colon as how about tearing his insides apart and he's bleeding out of his rectum that's a sequel video yeah you can't fit all that into one video is cooled by the air entering at the Sun is happening now it's like a disco this is a party there's something tropical fish like about this that's all we got oh my god is this the first video where we have nothing to work with no that's not true the Dunkin Donuts finishing videos were I think we have more with that we talked about Bob Rosenberg [ __ ] the doughnuts like that alone but there's really nothing with ice dams so we moved on to our next video which is kids sand airbags which was four and a half minutes long and thirty seconds of that were entertaining rich well Jay after watching the video I I think I think we're wrong about the title I think it's actually kids and airbags because there was no sand no snow back true there was no sand in the entire video I think the family did say that they were going to the beach in the beginning but other than that nothing about Sandhya yeah they brought it around they brought it around to the title so it's probably kids sand I just had an image of the kid on the beach like building a sandcastle and then an airbag exploding no provocation at all it's just in the sand somehow well that's what happens in kids and airbags four-minute video to explain something to parents that you could probably tell them in person in a minute app yeah by the time you have the tape loaded into the VCR and rewind it and adjust the tracking and yeah you already have all the inflation they do have a nice little opening sequence though in a family that goes out for a try yeah yeah yeah that's set us up for like oh this is gonna be great they load their kids in the air bags they're driving and they're not paying enough Road they load their kids with the air bags they're shot out of the car I mean they load their kids in the car seats yeah whatever there's a big difference my brain is trying to make it more exciting yes used properly these provide excellent stop I'll do it myself you're stupid baby let me help you for a four minute long video there was there was decent information and it you know it didn't it wasn't bloated and long and pointless it was like here's the thing airbags inflate in a bill a second and they're very dangerous don't have your kid [ __ ] around on the front seats and play with the radio because if you hit something it's gonna bash your kid's head and you know it's good information you know avoid having your kids drive yeah and it was very efficient it was very nothing none of that edu tainment nonsense that's a good point yeah they didn't they didn't bother with like the wacky song I guess be cool about airbag safety you know like they didn't need a song puffy the the airbag bearer [ __ ] up your face we don't need that cuz I get large extremely fast [Music] puffy the air bag bear why bear why is the air bag of babies are usually bearing mascots it's never like a snake puppy the air bags aren't fans of snakes but it's but the way you made it is something like it was a personified air bag and if it was a personified air bag it would not also be a bear I'm actually picturing like a hybrid air bag slash bear like a bear made out of inflated air bag but thank you shape the shape of an air bag I could see like little ears okay why are you suggesting that they make air bags with like a happy bear face on them yeah inflatable arms going on outside and this cartoon bear jumps in the paramedics are under the rescuer just like ah Billy's Billy's been decapitated but there's a charming bear airbag wrapped around his corpse all I can say is it was a four and a half minute video but it felt like a four and a half minute video if you're on top of we're very close to the airbag when it begins to inflate it can cause serious injuries I will [ __ ] up your face well we're knocking these out one after the other well what's the next J well the next video that we watched was how to become a teenage ninja discover the secrets of ninja power a Freddie did we discover the secrets of ninja I certainly did okay what happens in this video well first of all you must be pursued by some bullies then disappear into a cave that has some sort of power ranger cloaking device over the private was it a cloaking device or did the ninja master magically make the the cave just seal I think you're just splitting hairs at this point it is the same thing they didn't tell us they didn't tell us that the boy being that the kids are trapped in there with the strange man this is too weird yes yes first of all he he wields dual wield swords and then he creates some sort of ninja assistant who does the rest of the hard work yes you can just materialize ninjas look at it Cyril luck Amira thank goodness he's wearing a lot of clothes that's all from the head nope I'm done all right yeah bye these kids were horrible they will never be ninja masters those kids had had issues okay they needed to learn in Jitsu because they had we had bullies chasing them wanting to smash their ass [Laughter] well I'm going in no way I'm not gonna get my own smash I'm a ninja no way am I gonna get my ass bashed is that head smash but that's what it sounded like that's what I thought the first two I don't my yeah it's not actually what he said but it's sort of I think we all heard that maybe oh we all just wanted to hear that because we were all hoping that this video wouldn't be as boring as the other two sounds great to me let's get started I wanted to put you into something a little more company will want to watch this fast-paced fun-filled program again and again oh god no I have an issue with the back of that box you do yes what is it it goes through everything they teach them right proper warm-up techniques basic stances punches kicks blocks the ninja code of ethics and that's we can win agree with everything so far right yes then it says and much much more that's a lie that's a lie well they they learned a slightly almost offensive accent that the oh the master taught that very well throughout the entire video which is used for defending your upper body and your face well can we talk about the the blatant obvious marketing scam that this tape is what do you mean by that well let's see nineteen ninety yeah that's about exactly right as far as that's what Thundercats were big right yeah something else is big mainly Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles and the words teenage and ninja are both in the title and the layout is exactly the same and you at home can become a ninja warrior if you practice well it started really with Frank Miller why Freddie Williams comic book expert no well Frank Miller did he first of all he wrote a very let me see a seminal chapter in like the Wolverine history where he went to Japan it was what the movie was loosely based on the newest Wolverine movie where he goes to Japan let me see also Frank Miller did a graphic novel called Ronin that had like some stuff about samurais ninjas and then like there was time shifting involved and all this other stuff and that was Ronin has been cited by Kevin Eastman and Peter Laird as like a primary influence on how they have what they did with Ninja Turtles so yeah I think I mean the blame tree can be followed a lot further down into the roots like a lot further along than that but I agree that you know the predecessor to this like kid dumbed down version of what ninjutsu is and the disgrace of this can be can be traced back to Frank Miller and then even further Frank Miller made daredevil a ninja and Daredevils origin is he gets hit in the head with a canister of radioactive waste in the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles origin from the original comic books a can of radioactive waste hits a man in the head and then bounces in the sewers it was like an alternate is like a splitting of history or the the origins there which is yeah you're in that second Ninja Turtles movie when do you remember Vanilla Ice we remember the vanilla ice the ninja rap go ninja go go ninja go ninja go go go go go [Music] Frank Miller wrote that he wrote the lyrics to that song I do now Mike I do know I'm gonna update his Wikipedia page the video is 35 minutes long and it took him 20 minutes to film it that would actually make some sense because whenever they kept doing the recaps whenever they would cut back to the to the assistant and they even like repeated some of the video footage they just looped it back and forth because I guess they didn't have the assistant punch that many times or something in that way gladly use the full house font for this it's not quite Comic Sans no but it's definitely full house yeah also in addition to just being sloppy I'm sure they didn't slap it together but I'm assuming that set was way too small too oh yeah that's the thing is they're doing like do your stretches or you're supposed to go like they're like stretching like this exactly like that yeah at the one point they're doing some sort of our movement thing and the kids like he keeps flipping his shirt up because he doesn't have the room to put his arms out properly okay now can anybody repeat or recite the ninja code we must recite our code of ethics it sounded like this most of what because all of them were just like all running together I couldn't hear any individual words at all that was close but you need to sound slightly more racist assistant will demonstrate for you a ninja code that's how his tongue he was trying not to though but you know that he wanted to and it kept slipping in there trying to sound like the wise sensei yeah ninja master but I said he just looked like a surfer dude yeah why didn't they get like like an actual Japanese man I can take many forms a bird applies a fish any animal that you know I have chosen to take this form of a young man in order to teach you the physical and mental powers maybe maybe this guy is a highly respected martial artist no this is the foundation by what the ninja lives by and should be your foundation as well well here's the thing the video ends with to be continued so there's more to this story okay it goes the well runs deep yeah yeah we don't know where the saga continues and how to be a ninja teenage ninja part 2 but Jay they already became black belts what else is there to learn yeah and then they don't even beat up the bullies which we knew was gonna happen boiler those bullies were some [ __ ] yeah they're like oh no kids that are much younger than us are now wearing a karate pajamas run away well at the at the end of the video to prove how ninja they are there is this incredibly deadly obstacle course where all the boards are scored and everything and it makes it so easy to punch them the deadly part is that it gives you a false sense of security so the next time you're around some regular boards you might just think you can just chop right through them and you will break your hand which would happen to many eight-year-olds after watching this video I was picturing how many how many siblings got into kick fights after watching this after town house kick yeah they wanted to be Raphael Michelangelo instead they were splintered in order from the top what whoo all right all right we're done with ninjas oh my god wait there's more to talk about what no well done thank you you've made it to the halfway point well after the ninja video I started to think about the fact that I don't think that was a legitimate spin on my part for the ninja video so we decided you know since these two videos were so short you know maybe we could do a fourth spin and then I could be sure that point being our final video was dog-sitter [Music] [Laughter] what is the first can we go back dog dog sitter is an hour long it's meant to be entertainment for your dog and we discovered from the minute you hit play this tape is chock-full of lies because it has a warning that comes up saying that this tape is physically coated with a chemical that will prevent you from being able to dove it the program portion of this tape is we coated with a new substance called ktc to prevent illegal copying if you've already started recording state we were required by law to inform you that the KDC process may damage your VCR KDC will not affect your VCR on the play mode the tape coated with KTC to stop recording now thank you for purchasing this video enjoy the show is that a lie I think it's a lie it's saying that you can't copy the tape but we are copy they say maybe from Dex an account may be coming down or it's just gonna explode it doesn't really have every production so then we cut from that to a guy with sitting on the ground with a pillow on his lap covering a boner covering a boner that his dog is giving him he's his ward knowing he's sitting on the floor in front of a perfectly comfortable looking chair yeah that's a little distracting that's a little Justine Bateman that's a little too just oh yeah and what is what does he say oh he says that the tape is filled with subliminal messages for dog embedded in this video are subliminal messages that say good dog good dog it'll make your dog feel better working a dog they don't understand words subliminal gibberish CRD lied to us about the copy-protection is this nothing belong oh well and then there's doggy cam which is also a lie he lion number two light number three why so many lies I can't come up with the lies this is the most [ __ ] tape we've watched on best of the worst they say doggy cam and they show a dog with some sort of comical contraption strapped to its head and then they cut to what is supposed to be his vision and it is clearly a guy with a camera and a partisan effect to it as he walks along the grass the grass chasing the geese the turkeys whatever he's chasing how many people were fooled by that so then the rest of the video is just a series of things that I guess is supposed to hold your dog's attention we see birds we see mice and it just holds on them for a little while but we do get to a pretty amazing sequence which is monkeys riding dogs that's all you need to know monkeys forcibly riding dogs yes they're sewn to the dogs against their own monkey will they are sewn into little little cowboy pants and they there they're screaming for help yeah wishing that they were they were test among keys in some sort of genetic slams any faith is worse than that they're gonna volunteer for the space program this this video was made by a madman an absolute madman who wants to put magnetrons and flavours I got this great idea we're gonna make programming for dogs and we're gonna put Megatron on the tape subliminal messages from the dogs the editing here you look I just moved a snob the cat goes back in Paris that is the most experimental section of the video is when it keeps cutting back to the cats yeah oh no in there see it was a chipmunk the chipmunk that jumps into a grey when they jumps back out then just makin and it goes on literally for 27 minutes I think the theory was that not so much the guy who made this was crazy but that he was more desperate desperate for the hands desperate for cash that's pretty Nang Gris good idea it's gonna save the farm the family farm was about to be foreclosed on he has six kids and we see them in the video we see them in the video he has 36 pigs like 25 chickens running around he has all these things he has to take care of but he can't make a living for his family because he's a loser and his only idea is to come up with a video that dogs watch a get-rich-quick ski to cash in on the VHS craze yeah and he's I got one of those video cameras I can bring those crap we see his video camera in the video it looks actually it's a big we might actually be I know he's a farmer he's trying to save his family's farm [ __ ] it whatever and he's he comes up with this scheme to make money yeah and it's it's embarrassing yeah I'm embarrassed for him and and the the thing was he ordered he had 27,000 copies pressed the business tape build up and they filled up his farmhouse and he barricaded himself in when the bank came to foreclose on his home and then it was a murder-suicide situation in the old farmhouse and when that when the police came to the farmhouse it was filled with thousands of copies of dog-sitter and the body of stumpy Baldwin and we learned how well insulation absorbs blood and brain mass it absorbs it quite well so the weirdest aspect of this video is after the first 20 minutes it's the same type of footage repeated over and over like oh here I found some some turkeys running through my yard so I'll film them or here's some cats extra points to whoever can list all the segments okay I'm gonna take this - who wants to take the challenge one person can take the challenge rich do you think it's like the man today do they have to be an order they don't have to be an order you'd all different types yeah monkeys riding dogs pigs showdown mice and rocks different type of mice and rocks that still counts as one yeah raccoon digs and rocks rodent goes in and out of a great does a chipmunk whatever birds feeding on some kind of bird feeder things 10-round fight between a squirrel and a pair of ravens turkeys running through a field fake dog cam dog looking at a TV barking at a TV does that count there's multiple dogs but that's that's it that's more of an interlude yeah okay okay all the different types of dogs watching the TV okay you throw me off Jay you throwing me I'm sorry there was about a three second shot of a large cat that we're assuming that was at a zoo or something and it gets dangerously close to the camera and then they don't have any more of that we have Cougar insurance no I'm just gonna get some cats costing me too much of money can't save the farm if I spend too much money well there were there were certain segments of this that felt like shooting the rodeo yes the phrase I think that we invented we invented that for the movie blood the Cooper where they literally shoot the rodeo to fill the running time of the movie and shooting the rodeo means there's an event happening and you film it and you put in your movie and it's the instant production value because you don't you didn't have to arrange and and it pads the runnings and it pads the wrong time so there's I think I think it's the guys credited tin leopards ghostwriters which are the tiny monkeys that are attached to dogs against their own will yes that is shooting the rodeo because there's an event happening like a dog show or something and they're filming it and then there's another thing that happens for about 15 seconds where two full adult pigs come out one's wearing a little cowboy hat and and they have little tiny holsters it's the most cool way possible stapled stapled not glued to the pig and they show what looks like a hero pig and then what looks like a villain pig and then there's a little pig running in front of it which seems unrelated but well the villain pig is chasing the little pig that's why we know it's the public shocking it feels like like a universal studios like Wild West thing like for kids stunt show don't show of some kind yeah and they set up for a showdown at noon where the two pigs are gonna draw guns and then we never get a conclusion no we both we both know in real life both pigs lost because they became bacon but in in the context of the story we don't know which one won the shootout we were desperate to seize like a hoof with a gun oh yeah like somehow it hands well yeah this this leaves us with lots of questions as to the intentions the motivations there is a toll-free number on the back oh why why I think we should call it let's see if it's still in service di n do it now incorporate it questions and comments so they are in court and they're encouraging that okay give me the number J okay it's 100 Jesus Christ yeah hi my name is Dan Wilson I remember used to be forever thing I got a I got a video from you guys it's called dog sitter well gave me a great idea see I run Iowa's largest wildlife preserve and I want to produce a video for drafts just imagine how many zoos are in this country I got an idea is like this we're gonna we're gonna build all these platforms in downtown Manhattan and then we're gonna walk guys around with cameras and it's gonna be like a like the giraffe's night out man and all these platforms are gonna be 15 feet in the air we're gonna put her on a DVD and I know those kids like the torch so I would have bought every DVD with solar radiation I think that'll create some kind of magnet rod and that'll that Ariel tries to copy of videos like a beams gonna fly right into their eyes like Raiders of the Lost Ark when well hold on they've come back why don't we come we're go what's going on go away from my door the whole I'm gonna go shoot some guys I'll talk to you later my name's John Wilson I ran Iowa's largest wildlife [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] so best of the worst on this wheel the worst episode ice dams kids and airbags how to become a teenager ninja and dog sitter VHS not to be confused with dog sitter DVD despite the fact that the VHS tape has a DVD logo on it for some reason Freddie Williams best of the worst okay I guess for its its brevity the the kids and airbags that one and the visual of a kids sitting in like a Sandlot and that does an airbag just coming out of nowhere completely catching them off guard that's a pretty good one it's hard it's hard though to - I don't know play down the enjoyment that we just that you just gave us based on based on all of the the crazy scenario that you basically enforced or you you know put on this video but I can't give this video that credit so the best of the worst I guess is kids and airbags well I mean these are both like non videos so boring we usually say the worst thing you can do is be boring but at least these were short you know I picked the best of the worst ones for the shortest video and everyone gave me [ __ ] for it I appreciate it now after these right it's quasi do its quasi the the the the rules yeah for what might makes best of the worst but but you know picking best of the worst I'm gonna surprise myself I know earlier I'd paid Josh to knock you down so you wouldn't spend I mean I mean I know we almost didn't watch it earlier and I was glad but I think I'm picking dog-sitter as my best of the worst even even outside of the crazy story we came up with about the mad man who made this video I mean there's all kinds of bizarre editing in here and plus you get you had monkeys on dogs and a pig showdown so I'm going with odd sitter ice dams causes combats and cures had some important information about how to prevent icicles from forming not a lot of entertainment value from that kids and airbags lots of information about how to protect your child from air bags solid video some laughs not not the worst thing ever not the funniest thing ever I hated this based on its sloppy execution and it's shitty cash grab goal and I I've got a I've got a go with rich dog sitter dog sitter was equally sloppy and shitty but I'm going on entertainment value for some reason we continue to watch this for an hour that's true and they're thinking when we started we said we'll probably shut it off after a while because we'll get the gist of and that is amazing and I think some of that's based it was based on the the promise that since we saw repetition in the bits that once we saw those pigs about to have a shootout that had me glued to the chair yeah I want to say the variety kept us interested but there was a repetition of variety which is a contradiction I in some way but even though this was clearly also a shitty cash grab like how to become a teenage ninja the the chaoticness the sloppiness and the strange execution of it made it somewhat entertaining and also the fact that it led into a fictional story about a farmer who was trying to save the family farm by making shitty video who eventually ended up killing himself that that makes it makes the best of the worst for though if I'm going to the best of the worst based on which video I would be willing to sit through again I'm gonna go with kids and airbags because it was four minutes long but as far as entertainment value goes I gotta go with dog sitter it's twice the length of how to become a teenage ninja but it feels half the length how did we go and see an ancient ninja felt so long because it was that one location is stupid little kids doing shitty ninjutsu stuff but dog sitter was so bizarre and and it's it's sort of got tiresome towards the end when we realized that we weren't gonna get back to the pigs yeah but the first half of it or so was we were entertained like it never got tiring so I'm gonna go with dog sitter dog sitter is the winner for best of the worst and we'll start with you Jay destruction how to become a teenage ninja okay how to become a teenage Ninja I hate how to become a teenage Ninja how to become a teenage ninja definitely definitely please no it's like an icicle oh Jesus Christ my I know how to become a teenage ninja gets the axe tonight you know I wonder what a certain person that is a fan of ninjas would think of how to become a teenage ninja don the dragon Wilson No well who else could you be thinking of Jay [Music] [Applause] [Music] sensei there's been an urgent delivery for you oh it's from red letter media I still talk to red letter media sometimes I wonder if what I'm doing is right or wrong I've seen many things that wouldn't be believed I have seen zombies peruse the swamps of the land seeing distaff warriors of the Apocalypse at a time even been bound by blood to the Wendigo and now now soon perhaps on there the power of blood mercury and though I'm not quite sure what bite of the mummy really means oddly enough it feels like a teardrop of destiny waiting to fall so I give pause and thinking what I'm doing is right or wrong but perhaps the universe has already answered here in me [Music] [Music] [Music] now you got the tools you know the move whether you become a masking up to use practice to perfection only then will you be part of the ninja connects walk tall crowd always keep your cool cuz now you're a graduate of ninja school always remember avoiding trouble is your best defense [Music]
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Id: wZFuyATj5EI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 54min 56sec (3296 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 24 2014
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