Half in the Bag Episode 100: Star Wars: The Force Awakens

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Since most of the review is spoiler friendly I'm marking this as spoilers and the comment thread will be spoiler friendly for TFA.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/mi-16evil 📅︎︎ Dec 20 2015 🗫︎ replies

Kylo's great because he's not going to be a static villain. He's like an inverse protagonist, the anti-Luke. He starts unsure, is tempted by goodness and reconfirms his evil. We're going to see him grow in stature and become less pathetic, I think.

👍︎︎ 339 👤︎︎ u/theivoryserf 📅︎︎ Dec 20 2015 🗫︎ replies

Mike looked so happy when he said he loved it. So glad he did. He spent all that time on the prequels reviews and this movie was basically everything those movies weren't.

👍︎︎ 483 👤︎︎ u/blueorcawhale 📅︎︎ Dec 20 2015 🗫︎ replies

Throughout watching TFA, it felt like they dealt with almost every point of criticism from the Plinkett reviews. The lightsaber fights really stood out to me in this regard. With people like Simon Pegg openly praising them, I have a feeling that those reviews might actually have had an impact on the new films.

And after all those somewhat cynical Star Wars parody videos in the last few months, Mike saying that he loved it feels like a huge victory.

👍︎︎ 305 👤︎︎ u/kuestenjung 📅︎︎ Dec 20 2015 🗫︎ replies

I'm glad they liked Kylo Ren. People who are calling him a wimp or a lame villain are missing the entire point.

👍︎︎ 727 👤︎︎ u/mi-16evil 📅︎︎ Dec 20 2015 🗫︎ replies

Jay is right on the money with his comments on why this movie worked and Jurassic World didn't. Both exist as a means to make money from children, teens, and nostalgiac adults, but Force Awakens took the time to create interesting characters and put heart into the writing. TFA could've been just as by-the-numbers as Jurassic World and it still would've blown box office records to hell, but it's nice that they went the extra mile anyway and made a great movie.

👍︎︎ 38 👤︎︎ u/pistachiopaul 📅︎︎ Dec 20 2015 🗫︎ replies

I'm glad that they really like the Han Solo smuggling monstors part. That was just some really light hearted fun that was really funny to see Han and Chewie basically being space smuggling truckers.

👍︎︎ 150 👤︎︎ u/JediIsMyInspiration 📅︎︎ Dec 20 2015 🗫︎ replies

Totally on point about Harrison Ford actually showing up in this film. He was a non-entity for most of Indy 4, and I had my doubts he could bring back Han Solo. I was happy to be wrong.

👍︎︎ 106 👤︎︎ u/reticulate 📅︎︎ Dec 20 2015 🗫︎ replies
half in the bag [ __ ] movies oh that's it we put the VCR back together alright well J years of anticipation have finally led to this moment that's right Mike I can't wait to finally watch Star Wars The Force awakens so I can say it was pretty good and then forget about it in a day me too J me too hello Harry oh hello ma'am we uh Harry's not home right now we don't know where he won actually are you his new best friend Chris why yes I am Kristopher Kringle I live on the other side of the mountain well we were just sitting down to watch Star Wars The Force awakens the new JJ Abrams film do you want to join us I've already seen it it sucked but I'd be delighted to watch it again okay okay Mike I think that's Santa Claus it says Santa Claus I think it really is it really is you're my whole life to meet Santa Claus oh he seems like a little bit of a pretentious [ __ ] well uh you ready sir to watch Star Wars The Force awakens here we go is this in pan and scan why it's in letterbox No so where they put the black bars on the top and the bottom I don't like that why do they cut off half the picture they can save 25% on film stock that way I don't think you know you're talking about euros on both sides oh no this is the wrong Star Wars movies Wow is well that bed was right that was Star Wars movie that was the Star Wars movie we just saw Star Wars The Force awakens god we've been watching it for so long it feels like it's literally four o'clock in the morning I bet you there are some people out there who could only purchase tickets with decent seating at 1:15 in the morning thus getting out around 3:45 and perhaps filming a discussion about the their Star Wars viewing experience literally at 4 o'clock in the morning and to those brave souls I say Cheers Star Wars The Force awakens is the new Star Wars you know what this is and we saw it Mike what did you think of Star Wars The Force awakens well I loved it there was everything I hoped it would be well I will say this because you also loved Jurassic world and this movie functions basically the same as Jurassic world's where it's a semi remake soft reboot a soft reboot slash remake that's meant to start up a new franchise or start up a new series of films I did not like the Jurassic world I thought it was too similar and just felt like hollow and phony with [ __ ] annoying boring characters I also really really liked the force awakens it worked in all the ways that Jurassic world did not okay it was everything I was expecting it to be which was it was ok I'm not in love with it I didn't hate it it's a competent movie and really after the prequels as far as Star Wars fans are concerned that's all it had to be it had to be competent well that's good it's a very competent movie yeah it had a very specific set of goals it needed to to obtain and I think it did that I actually liked it more than that because that's kind of what I was expecting it to be too um and I liked it a lot more it didn't feel like my biggest concern is that it would feel like a just sort of like a calculated like very colds like we are gonna do everything we can to recreate the feeling that you had and when you saw the original Star Wars it just felt like a solid Star Wars sequel a better a better Star Wars sequel and Return of the Jedi I would say at least our returning characters have roles that impact the story on solos back and he has things to do it it felt like a Star Wars movie though that took place in a retirement home why we have such new energetic characters as a dinner I know but whatever what guy sorry Phoenician ray I was listening all the [ __ ] news energetic characters yeah you had the new but it's just the old feels so old right now I like that I like the the because there's so much of like it's true all of it and they're talking about these old adventures in the past sand and Harrison Ford looks like he gives a [ __ ] Harrison Ford was a lot of fun in this movie for the first time in 30 years yeah that's what I kind of forgot that that movies had was a little bit of a sense of humor yeah and they're like when the early adventures in the film Poe and Finn running around the Star Destroyer and these characters to not just like oh these are the characters I like doing something I'm enjoying its new characters that you like doing some new characters that are likable right off the bat yes I wish poe dameron was around for more of the movie just wait I'm sure he'll get his own spin-off film that's fine he'll be in the sequence he was plucky and and kind of funny and even when he's captured like you know there's the the park kylo ren's like he's captured him and he's like like who so starts first you or me and I'm like yeah that's that's what I like I like that scrappy characters yes there are stories about what happened strong Oh we're talking about the young and the new and the old does that both yes and what this has over the prequels is just get to it you just want to talk about how our carrie fisher's face doesn't move either that's true but i was an article by plastic surgery she hasn't had plastic surgery she's just done lots and lots of drugs c-3po has more expression in his face his mouth moves more hey I would say won't let you back to whatever you were trying to that's what we got to make fun of Carrie Fisher for a bit I love Carrie Fisher first I'm glad she's a classy she's been my favorite part of the Star Wars media blitz has just seen her back in the public eye she's great it shows that she's still a solid actress because she comes across like a normal human being in this movie which he doesn't in real life but that's why I love her so she'd just find in this movie that Carrie Fisher yeah do you remember everybody needed general when we were together you were a general I was it's like when I saw the prequels everyone after Phantom Menace sucked was like well attacking a clones they'll be better at the second one and I was the only one thinking but these characters are all [ __ ] there's nothing they can do with this here we have good characters that you can do fun things with and I'm excited to see these characters again and this as we were saying this is a soft reboots I think everybody at this point is saying it's a new hope it's just like a new hope and it isn't a lot of ways but it's also there are lots of similar there are lots of similarities which we'll probably get into more when we talk about spoilers but like Star Wars like people have kind of deified Star Wars and made it into this as if it's some like big complex story which it never really has been it's fun space adventures with likable characters and that's what this movie gets right more than anything else the overall story is more of a backdrop for the character drama and the character relationships and this carry their story stuff and that's what works really well in this what this movie needed to do was reestablish Star Wars as the Star Wars you like and it does that I'm just hoping with the next one they don't star trek into darkness it where they just double down on the references and the callbacks because there's I would say one complaint about this movie there's a couple too many little wink-wink callbacks so if there's a little too much poetry there's a little too much poetry a little too much it rhymes and I'm not even talk about the overall story just the little light we're on the Millennium Falcon and we see the chessboard come up we don't recover fanservice its phantoms and the movie doesn't get bogged down in it no I'm just hoping that sequels nods you know play more that out now that we have this movie out of the way establishing these new characters let him go off on their own adventures the moss eisely shot yeah there's the moss eisely thing and that's I'm okay with that just cuz I like fun creature designs so they weren't I'm just talking about like the Overlook but only one and then Luther Shannon the black killers were seeing the city in the distance ed oh yeah kind of the same shot on jakku jakku yeah it's Tatooine not far too cool it's a same thing so there's a scene where a character went into a wacky cantina to find a pilot to take him to the liver to get the stolen plans inside of a droid to the rebels it was a stolen map is so unmanned yes it was the map to the pirate's gold rioter oh the spoilers yes I accidentally let it slip that kylo Ren wants the pirate's gold have you felt it so we gave you first impressions and we're going to say spoilers from here on out major warning spoilers here we go rich what's wrong with carrie fisher's face is this too old her face is too old oh she's not too fat though you're an ageist she lost the right amount of weight because you know rich is okay with carrie fisher's weight but she's too old that's what remember when I remember when I first saw Carrie Fisher Han Solo said to Finn and race like she's like just don't stare don't stare and then she comes out she's got these glasses on and I'm like I'll carry Fisher's back Oh Mike that wasn't Carrie Fisher that was a CGI motion capture character what Carrie Fisher and Harrison Ford's I loved their relationship in this movie I loved that it didn't work out it makes perfect sense that it wouldn't work out between the two of them it doesn't feel like because that's the biggest problem Jedi's like now they're just there they're together yeah there's one line where she's where unsolo is concerned she likes Luke it's just like tossed in at the last minute no reason so I love the way they handle those two their dialogue back and forth is great without feeling forced or like remember their relationship in the past like there's more through the decades since then there's a little more drama a little more weight I like that there is a throwaway line of dialogue to explain it but for me it's a little bit weird that like here we are like 40 years later and these characters are still doing the same [ __ ] they were doing 40 years ago Lele is still the one in charge the rebellion organizing things and Han Solo is still the brash smuggler lying around the galaxy so he goes back to day one fine throwaway line to excuse it I know and it didn't be like a throwaway line I felt like more a way of informing the character it seemed completely appropriate for a little he's like he said he went back to doing what he was good at and and even he upped his game it was a fun plot with with with the Han Solo's little little monster smugly yeah I thought that one soul has a giant monster smuggling ship and squid monsters I'm Sulu Cthulhu monsters is smuggling and characters from the goosebumps movie in in little cells and then a bunch of like people come looking for his money and then he looks like a like a crazy old kook at that point oh yeah yeah and that's kind of fun I wonder why nobody told Harrison Ford to get a haircut before this movie is just like shaggy looks terrible he looks like he just walked out of the senior citizens home I think that's the point though I guess it little distracting in the movie cuz it just look just look so unkempt in like a way not like movie unkempt you know I wish Chewbacca looked a little rougher like I was watching Empire and the and his fur and Empire is all like ready yeah and nasty I notice that right off the bat it looks a little too clean he looks like the Chewbacca from that like Citibank commercial is running around and it looks like a Chewbacca that's like it's Chewbacca you know here is like where it's like not really Chewbacca I want him to be a little more Mady little more gruff he's like the replacement Chewbacca you get Han Solo after Chewbacca dies this is my new one you say this ever to Baca was real yeah it was a very good death scene oh we're talking about the death of Han Solo not sure why not but we're are in spoilers if you're watching this well guess what I'm solo dies the least shocking plot twist of all time kylo Ren is the son of Han Solo and Princess Leia well general layout do you remember everybody needed general when we were together one thing I wanted to point out is that I liked that this movie didn't try to do any sort of like Luke I'm your father shocking reveals the information is doled out throughout the movie in a more casual way than that which I appreciate it cuz like so much of this movie you could have predicted going into it a lot of people have or it'll just be spoiled so I appreciated that it's like you just learn these things throughout the movie and it's not like aha yeah like I'm surprised to learn that kylo Ren is Han Solo's kids yeah it wasn't like they revealed it on the bridge at the end or something but yeah it right off the bat you see kylo Ren he just kind of walks off the ship is like blah blah blah and so go okay this this feels like Star Wars and then yeah he walks in and we see grand Imperial Emperor Lord Snoke who's a CGI thing first you think he's a giant monster so then she was that - that you think you like and then you just realize it's a hologram like I thought that was great I think and real-life Snoke is gonna be four feet tall yeah and he does that too like to intimidate I like kylo Ren a lot I has more character to him than Darth Vader doesn't a new hope Darth Vader of course is more going on in Empire um yeah well Darth Vader's character wasn't really established until Empire exactly exactly so I like the villain established in the first movie of this new series has a little more going on yes yes we're rich and I were discussing this um yeah kylo Ren is of course the son of Leia and Han and he is a Brant he's a bratty rebellious kid that works in a way that the bratty rebellious kid and Star Wars prequels does not yes and he's conflicted he feels a little bit of the light side daughter the light is like he's like help me Darth Vader mask he's like help me see the way of becoming a complete [ __ ] and they're so on the seeds of where they take that character next and that's a fine thing to do great it's great and I like that he wears that he wears that mask and it almost has like the Bane voice as an intimidation thing and because he probably learned that from the four-foot-tall CGI creature who intimidates everyone by being a 20 foot tall yeah and then he takes that mask off and he sounds like a little wimp and he looks like like a dope and you know he wears that mask to intimidate others and really it's like he's really like kind of cowardly almost and unsure of himself but he wants to be a badass you can tell he's going to be a real prick in the next movie too because he got embarrassed big time like like three times yeah he got bested by a girl by a girl do you need any kind of training to use the force any he has training she doesn't well you know we don't know her neither defer neither does Luke and Empire you know yeah well the minor training it like a week of training with Yoda yeah that's all you need you know we need a week and then he went back for his training and Jedi and you ought to just die to media can I point out that that this is this is we are now back to real Star Wars yep there is never any [ __ ] about the only thing that Yoda says he's too old to begin the training that's all but really it's more like okay I've taught you a couple things how to levitate stuff how to do this your real training is confronting Darth Vader blah blah blah and this it's it's kind of the same thing where it's it's not the stupid prequel idea of you have to get you when you're one and you have to stand there with a thing over your head holding a lights in a room full of other children the room full of they're as close as we are not with lightsabers yes it's not a literal training it's not it's not an academy of little kids in a classroom like the stupidity of George Lucas's ideas and the prequels and that is George Lucas George wherever you are thank you George and not one hint of midi-chlorians well we knew that wasn't gonna settle with ya we're back to Rebekah basa back to magic baby back to magic magic and coincidences oh look that's just the Millennium Falcon it's just sitting there oh we got a run into Han Solo hey what a coincidence yeah why is it the Star Wars universe everyone has to have some sort of relation they have to be some sort of family member of another character like a family spirituality tree rhymes no it's about families no didn't line characters what else well what it is is everyone loves Luke I'm your father so then everyone you know oh and then look at layer or brother and sister it just went from there I said you want to pass that torch you got to have Luke Leia Han and you got a you got to have it go to the next generation it's a generational thing I understand this I'm fine with it it's funny to me it's it's it's amusing to point out how coincidental everything is but that's the scene my favorite scene in the whole movie it was when kylo Ren is interrogating Rey and and he's like he's like using the Force on her and then she's yeah pushing back again so it goes on forever but it was great internalizing internalization the way way way what and she's like you're afraid you're you know you're worried that you're not going to be as awesome as Darth Vader he's a boy and and and then it's like that realization and she realizes it too that she has the force and she's aware of it and everything and then then there's a humorous Jedi mind-trick scene with the stormtrooper and you get back to some humor and there's a lot of cleverness in this and useful what if someone else beside you came to you and said I want to make Episode seven could you see that happening No the dark side Jedi they're real I really like some things I really like just just random bits and pieces just some what about one one kind of guy came in and told kylo Ren ma we we didn't we didn't get the Droid and he just without saying a word he just whips out his lightsaber he just starts [ __ ] up the room he throws tempered enters little temper tantrum um which shows he's not in control yes emotions and that happens again and the stormtroopers are coming around there I go I kept waiting for Harrison Ford to make some comment about running around on another Death Star well here I am and on another day there's there's one mention where he's like they're showing the the new dust with the called starburst star killer base and they're like here's the Death Star here's the star killer on this graph and there's them for is just like how do we blow it up like they know what they're doing we said we can do that we can always blow it up yeah there's always a way to blow it up and that was the one story element the whole star killer thing that to me was like a little too close to like we're watching them blow up another Death Star again but unlike a new hope or that's the entire end of the movie is I'm trying to blow up the Death Star in this it's more of a backdrop for the real drama the real character story stuff so Jedi oh I guess Jedi too but this um I don't know I didn't it's such a small element to this the actual blowing up of the the circus or a night bomb whatever yeah it's a sign announced and Ed would film what the solar a night solar a night is a 9 from outer space the bomb that makes all light explode yes yes rich thank you you've seen plan 958 say you don't remember this every time I see it I'm just yelling at the screen though we don't pay attention to the story about a 9 mm space that's fair which is the thing that they blew it up though at the end of the book yeah what are you doing the sequel so you got the same problem that Jedi had I really I really thought the new Death Star the star killer base was going to carry over I was hoping it would just to subvert I'm just blowing up another Death Star they really should have just disabled it by blowing that thing up whatever you need then the movie on that high note though I guess what do you need the climax but that wasn't even the climax no this is the confrontation between kylo Ren and let's toughen Rey it should have stuck around the playing field has been leveled now no it has because the first thing the solar night bomb did was blow up chorus on which it was awesome we think it's chorus on did they standard Gleeson was screaming about the Senate he's like well [ __ ] the Senate and [ __ ] the Republic and all the coastal Republic still around what's going on and then then the solar and I bomb shoots it's real energy and it's like 5 planets at once it hits all the little planets and and then I I swear I saw that the main shot of course on they show a bunch of people they're like what was a punch again as a poem ok yeah any issue at most of the issues I have with this movie or nitpicks the only big one is the the Death Star again and that's the battles of trying to blow up the Death Star again that's the only thing that really fell flat for me mmm they even fly down the trench yeah yeah it was it's almost like a direct remake of that whole sequence so we're we calling this a soft reboot yeah yeah it is it works because you like the characters and that's the stuff that is feels new and fresh Daisy Ridley was great I think she kind of made the movie john boyega's very good mm-hmm I wish there was a little more Poe Dameron but I like that they didn't you know give you too much of all these characters so on let's talk about our favorite character oh my god it's captain fast phantasm Captain phasma Bastion Kevin advertisement captain toy captain toy captain doesn't do much in the film so if you're watching this and you seen the film you know that captain I want to say phase ma but it's fast asthma which I've laid off is not out laid off it's just weird to me that J James would make a reference to the film phantasm in a Star Wars movie but that's what it is a direct reference to well Captain phasma is it is like a like a joke and Captain phasma is getting more screen time right now then she has in the actual movie I guess she's like she's like in charge of all the stormtroopers and it's more of a plot device um it's it's publicity fault if you're upset about that I mean they needed they needed a stormtrooper in command to stand out so at the end when they're they need to get the shield down they we would let the audience know who that is and show she would know how to do that but she reprimands boyega's character and says you know you why take don't take your helmet off knowing you know and then and then he's like that it's basically like his boss yeah at the yeah we get just a little moment with them early on to establish that they got beef with each other but really like we thought this was going to be some kind of awesome character I guess not Oh No there goes Captain phasma oh no oh no and the other thing I thought was great with Finn and it works with him learning to stand up to the horrible empire was just a normal person in a lightsaber fight with a Jedi yeah that was really kind of cool and he didn't get his ass kicked as he should have just that happened was neat it wasn't that great because no one was like flipping around and doing all these overly choreographed movies well you saw when I was thinking of the ending of Revenge of the Sith where they're they're flying and spinning and hanging on ropes and there's our little surfing in the lava bull jumping and it's like all that fight needed to be it was them honorable mountainside and some lava going down yeah and then this is not the character it's about the characters and this was just them fighting the forest hmm and just awkwardly beating each other very using googled lightsabers not in a ninja way but just hitting each other and trying not to get hit themselves yes beautiful and it was really nice to see real stormtroopers even though they all look fat yeah was the costume yeah the costumes are really make them look short and stocky yeah right right now we're saying we had a terrifying thought during the the Rey and kylo Ren fight they're fighting you know the Luke Skywalker's lightsabers in the and the snow kylo Ren's trying to grab it and we see it I know it was going to fly to Rey and if she was Ben grabba I I thought it was gonna fly into Luke's hand I was gonna be the big looper Vil I was expecting him there yeah I was expecting that like his green lightsaber to appear in the frame somewhere and everyone looks and there he is and he's like I was like oh God don't show up Luke yeah you're gonna run and then we see Mark Hamill in the end is this best acting job Mark Hamill has ever done now Jay I understand you had a problem the last shot is a minor big thing yeah like I like the idea behind it I like Lee the emotion of it but you know she holds out his lightsaber and he stands there and we cut the credits I don't agree there's a static shot or just a close-up of Luke or something but it's like this awkward helicopter shot that's like spinning around them you see the shadow of the helicopter to on the ground no you yeah you're doing my side I don't believe you we don't ya know some kind of like low angle where they're like silhouetted or yes there is like a dolly out or don't ya so I didn't like the fact that she went there and like broad daylight I'm assuming like that's that island and off of Ireland it's like really dangerous and weird and nobody could go on the island and maybe they couldn't film at night because there was like some will fall off the cliffs I think it just would have been more exciting if it was like dark and mysterious yeah I was like broad daylight kind of like a tourism video it's like visit and then we you know some more dramatic lighting like one listen so he's just kind of standing there I think he was urinating and he's like oh I better just stand here for a few more minutes so it looks mysterious but it puts this little lightsaber away and then excuse me oh oh oh it's me I was at kissing I don't know like we're talking about the Starkiller base being gone and the blow-up Khorasan maybe and then so we have a little smattering of rebels on whatever planet they are on and then we have a couple of Star Destroyers and then did you shoot each other and what's what's like what's the what's the thrust what's the threat yeah I mean this is because an empire the empire was still in charge of everything yes now it's not clear because they talk about the Republic being a government but they also talk about a resistance to the new order right and it's not clear who's in charge of what who's attacking who yes yes the resistance shouldn't I think you mentioned this in our predictions video is that the resistance is not the resistance until they are overwhelmed they're pretty much the the they should the resistance should be the vampire my predictions started to come true with them with the you know the new Death Star destroying the old glowing of course I yeah right exactly where but it seemed like Leia and the the rebels or resistance were resistance they should be the army yes the status quo at that point I don't understand the layout of this universe I don't understand yes it was very clear before I don't know what do you do well Rey has to redeem kylo Ren to fight Emperor snuck I think so yes that sounds good yes that's my worry is that they'll just continue like this movie you know apes a lot from a new hope - aside from the Death Star stuff suffice reboot soft reboot I was fine with that but now just like with Star Trek o.9 I was like okay now that that shit's out of the way let's tell your own story which they didn't do with Star Trek I I'm hoping they're a little smarter with how they handle this but who knows it's funny because this this movie kind of nullifies the entire Star Wars Expanded Universe like hundreds of of novels have all been thrown in the dump it gives a [ __ ] I don't really give a [ __ ] really I didn't read the novels but I'm passing familiarity with him I know in the books Han and Leia's son turns evil hmm and then his twin sister ends up redeeming him I think I think they're just gonna ditch this is gonna be the same [ __ ] thing and I don't know I think she's gonna I still think she's Grey's gonna end up being Luke's daughter yeah but I don't know I like that was everyone's assumption leading up to this movie but I'm I'm hoping they do something more interesting than that obviously she's gonna have some sort of connection to she's got some backstory they hint at yeah which was kind of need they don't don't tell you yeah they said her family dropped her off yeah and left her there as a little child he sees you actually see a flashback of her as a little girl well it's it's kind of similar to the backstory non prequel backstory of obi-wan attempting to train Anakin and it getting [ __ ] up and I'm turning to Darth Vader which is Luke attempting to train kylo Ren that getting [ __ ] up in him turning into Darth Vader he's amazingly Darth Vader I like the kylo Ren's lightsaber was wonky yeah well let's see probably yeah he's wonky it's appropriate it was all like uh not functioning right like the blade was weird you know like he didn't quite know how to make one it wasn't a solid it wasn't solid and perfect it was like kind of just sketchy I thought that was a neat touch at first I didn't like that because I thought that that was gonna be like the new look of the lightsabers like all ya know easy it is just as was all [ __ ] on the important the important thing is that he didn't have a fancy lightsaber in place of a personality yes he's the anti Darth Maul he has actual villain with depth I think in kylo Ren was my favorite part of the movie he's yeah he's great one other thing in the movie moves pretty fast so it's possible I just missed it the the MacGuffin of the movie is the map those I wanted ABS bb-8 map yeah do they explain like where this came from or like was there a man x1 Saito had it like who made this map Magus one Saito had it that was my other thing I was like Adam why is there a map to Luke Skywalker what you teach you had most of it yeah yeah the other part yeah the other part but like who made this map why is there a map that had where to find this hour exactly but like who made the map like if Luke's again hiding where did this map come from well I think they mentioned that Carrie Fisher was looking for Luke okay Oh in the opening title crawl it says it yeah it says she wants to find Luke and bring him back so that he could help them okay and so I'm assuming that the map is all the data so the map was like a calculated deduction of where he problem yeah like um cuz cuz they got the Death Star the star killer plans from somebody who went there and did I think they didn't it was just Finn who worked there no no no they mentioned like the recon team oh this out yeah so my guess is that Princess Leia was sending out people on secret missions kind of like the one Poe Dameron was on in the beginning to help track down Luke and they're like oh he was here last no he was here last I was here last and so it's like okay this is the final spot let speaking of the opening Carl can we just mentioned how wonderfully simple and corny that opening was yes perfect Skywalker has vanished like it was perfect something just visually though something one just seemed off to me for some reason I kept expecting that to be like a parody a parody ad before the real movie started I don't know what it was because they're so used to it it is corny I was we not hearing the twentieth century-fox face it's probably it that was probably it we just open on silent Lucasfilm long ago by the way there is a Darth Bane in the Star Wars universe Darth Bane which is gonna is that work on kind of ready for me under brutal it was fine just fine haha there's been an awakening I've felt it I think the problem with Star Wars though is that one really good sequel happens to be one of the better movies ever made and it's really [ __ ] hard to live up to that exactly and this movie does a good job of establishing itself as a solid sequel which is the my biggest takeaway from it is that it feels like a sequel it doesn't feel like too much fanservice or too much like we're doing like us like us we have all these things that you enjoy from Star Wars or making it look and feel just like Star Wars it feels just like a Star Wars sequel it is a very good job recapturing the magic and the energy of the original it almost feels like a blend of empire and a new whole yeah yeah and like it's not totally a new hoped on totally Empire but it has those emotional highs and lows of empire and the novelty in the magic of the first one I'll kind of blend it together JJ Abrams Lawrence Kasdan they all did a great job doing what they were supposed to do it ends up kind of like the low note of empire to where they kind of like at the end a Empire was kind of separated Han Solo's in carbonite yes now Finn's and maybe a coma and then ray flies off to meet her Jedi destiny and it does not end in a award ceremony yeah I just I just want to see him put a little metal on Rey and Finn and Chewbacca and then just put one of the like put on a hunt soul but just falls to the ground because Han Solo's dead [ __ ] it cries because you have honey forgot for a second and then the credits the music stops is like awkward silence she walks on what your process that wasn't a sentence Louie what I like would you recommend now that we're past spoilers the force awakens absolutely this is the big event film we've all been waiting for her you sound so excited about it it's a great fun adventure film that that mostly captures the magic of the original Star Wars trilogy with none of the dumb [ __ ] that was in the prequels that ruined Star Wars temporarily now it's back JJ Abrams has ate it he's done it he made a fantastic film and you should all go see it at least once or twice that's that's that that's that's what we were contractually obligated to say so I'm glad you got that out of the way god I memorized it all everything that was in the email from Disney that they told us to say though was that pretty good does it come off on camera I think yeah well we'll cut this part out where we're yeah yeah we'll make sure we cut there's definitely because we don't want people to know that we're horrible sound like authentic it did it sounded like you really okay okay good Richard you need to read yours over I'm just I'm just want to see what we're do this read it off the page because I know you're really bad at like remembering things and we'll just cut to like me and Jay because we both have our own separate camera angles yeah you'd be off of Jays camera okay so go go okay Star Wars The Force awakens is the film of a generation new generation a new generation it's bringing Star Wars to a whole new group of fans that have never gotten to experience this universe before I I plan to see this movie at least five more times yeah and I'm going to get the the 3d glasses I'm going to see that to see the movie in 3d and I have to make sure to check out IMAX it's on available in IMAX just because I think it doesn't look because the 3d experience is really immersive and amazing as well yes yes yeah so maybe see it both ways Jay your thoughts on Star Wars The Force awakens I can't do it it sucks oh my god sucks the fly ball oh my god the layers are coming oh [ __ ] no absolutely positively you're really app closing the door without any wiggle room whatsoever there is no episode seven yes well you see it's a it's a super sophisticated system when when Hollywood uploads the film to the service its encrypted but my satellite is up so high on Mount Everest but I can steal the signal before it's ever been encrypted Wow well that's pretty cool but probably really really illegal yes totally huh hey you know mr. blinken mentioned something about you having a bunch of little people that make toys ah yes a homeless shelter for legless midgets burned down in Honduras a few years ago and well I decided to take in some refugees my exchange for food and shelter they manufacture sex toys for my wife's business ever breasts yes dildos rubber [ __ ] and whatnots yeah Lincoln thinks she has a stick up her ass but really it's an anal plug Wow that's [ __ ] up and weird yes it's essentially free [ __ ] slave labor I can get away with all kinds of legal [ __ ] up here because nobody can find me that's why I built my mansion way on top of Mount Everest well I've got to get going please do tell Harry to bring over that bourbon I'm afraid I have to get smashing drunk because my wife is a [ __ ] my wife is a [ __ ] to literally make silence she makes rubber cuts she makes literal pink ones I mean all of my daughters they're all my wife she isn't who makes rubber guns and also makes literal comes in the form of my fing [ __ ] daughters yeah well I've got to get going Tata oh my god did he just say that uh wait wait wait Chris I just wanted to say it was really nice of you to leave mr. Plunkett that VCR VCR well I never left planket a VCR oh and do remember vote Trump a J if he didn't leave the VCR then who did you you
Channel: RedLetterMedia
Views: 2,289,595
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: redlettermedia, red letter media, red, letter, media, half in the bag, best of the worst, plinkett, mike stoklasa, jay bauman, rich evans, star wars, star wars: the force awakens, george lucas, force awakens, j.j. abrams
Id: AvsiJppCdmk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 19sec (2539 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 20 2015
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