Best of the Worst: Suburban Sasquatch

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πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 254 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/flightless_booby πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Nov 11 2017 πŸ—«︎ replies

"Sack squatch"

I refuse to believe Rich is sober while filming these

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 181 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/ComedicPause πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Nov 11 2017 πŸ—«︎ replies

This episode might be the pinnacle of Jack's career.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 149 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/KingDonaldTrump πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Nov 11 2017 πŸ—«︎ replies

Here's an interview where David Wascavage is discussing the improvements he has made in Suburban Sasquatch compared with his first film

"I only like using computer generated imagery (CG or CGI) when I absolutely have to."

"There are several sexual characteristics to Bigfoot that I wanted to make sure came out, since it’s very integral to the story."

"I designed this film as a trilogy. I’ve written the other two parts, and maybe someday I’ll film them."

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 148 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/little_girls_squeal πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Nov 11 2017 πŸ—«︎ replies

FYI: David Miscavage is the Scientology guy.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 130 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/808duckfan πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Nov 11 2017 πŸ—«︎ replies

I am 100% certain that it was Mike was in the sasquatch costume making those noises.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 92 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/theworstever πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Nov 11 2017 πŸ—«︎ replies

The Sasquatch attack on the fishermen is maybe the hardest I've ever laughed at anything featured on Best of the Worst.

I need that scene as a separate youtube video. I want to spread that gospel to everyone.

Here it is. (kinda)

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 175 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/OpabiniaGlasses πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Nov 11 2017 πŸ—«︎ replies

I really wanted to hear more from that costume designer. I thought for sure she would be a high school kid too. Nope, it's a senile old woman who believes in Sasquatch.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 82 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Salmontaxi πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Nov 11 2017 πŸ—«︎ replies

gorilla interrupted 2: we jumped the shark

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 70 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Bosspyro88 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Nov 11 2017 πŸ—«︎ replies
well everyone we're here today on another special spotlight episode of best of the worst and we're gonna talk about one of our favorite films of all time Jack I believe this was your first time watching maybe I've seen bits and pieces here and there but this was my first full viewing and we discovered suburban Sasquatch originally on the the esteemed pendulum pictures release six movies depraved degenerates about pendulum pictures is a company that buys the cheapest bottom of the barrel shot on video stuff and just threw them on DVDs yeah so you could say like six movies for five bucks or whatever it was and they're all garbage as you can tell by all of the stills from the film they include on the back of the box yeah they really want to show off what's available on this disc and this this is from the little little window and time when the movie packs on DVD were a thing way again at Walmart in the bin yeah wherever and say six movies what a value and Grandpa's and dad's all over the world were tricked what we love suburban Sasquatch so much we got the official release yeah at some point the ownership passed hands because this is released by a brain-damaged films the famous brain damage films it must have cost some pretty penny like a one really pretty penny [Music] J let's do it let's do a quick rundown apply of suburban sasquatch while suburban Sasquatch is about a sasquatch that shows up in suburbs and a Native American woman I shouldn't put woman in quotes but Native American woman that has to hunt down the Sasquatch with the help of a reporter who's not really a reporter he wants to be a reporter but nobody will pay for his shitty articles he's an amateur reporter who wants to win the poets of the pool that's right and he his office is the high school but we know it is a high school because in the first scene that takes place there you can see people practicing football this is brick just a few bucks to start my writing if I can prove this corrupt police forces covering our murders well it could be my big chance it could be my breakout piece he comes there to ask him for money even though he hasn't written anything yet yeah does he have any idea how jobs would he's a loser he can only afford one shirt and it's too large he's a giant shirt and he sleeps on a mattress and box spring on the floor in grandma's bedroom he's got his computer there as his whole setup is in this spare bedroom in grandma's house yes Andy he's a virgin now you're just writing your own fan I am I can only use logical deductions because man has not changed a shirt how many days go by on this movie like a that's a very good question look it's a patron you'll have no future what were you doing here 70 still run around investigating small but somewhat interesting stories well he does have the scene with the adult baby where he talks about how he can't get women the fancy restaurant they somehow got a table before they opened there's an old man with reverse progeria he has a baby head it's crazy we should say before we continue we've seen some urban sasquatch probably six seven times at this point it was your first time seeing it so we got some nice new reactions but even though we've seen it so many times we were still laughing quite a bit like this movie holds up [Music] [Applause] [Music] apparently it is it is so bad and so stupid and so charming yeah well the magical thing about it and the very very important thing that makes suburban Sasquatch work is that it's a movie that they took seriously making right it comes off like a movie you would intentionally make a bad movie but as we discovered watching the outtakes the director is not a 17 year old hi I'm Dave West cabbage and welcome to the documentary the making a suburban Sasquatch but I've gotten done so far as I've met with Sarah Schneider she's going to be the costume designer she's going to design and work on the Bigfoot costume we met this morning talked about different materials the furniture robot [Music] the director is not a high school kid that is the most shocking thing we saw the high school you know yeah we had evidence of a high school some kids making this no it is where the director cleans toilets at that high schools a janitor he's a janitor at the high school the jet the janitor the director Jamie all the janitor the janitor his name is David miscarriage the concept I had my life suburban sasquatch is really going to be more than just a horror film I'd like this to have a bit of a statement about life and humanity's pressing onward into nature Dave wass coverage maskavich West lastly Wes covered the director janitor is a middle-aged man from Pennsylvania again Pennsylvania in Sylvania theory holds true and he he is a hundred percent serious unless this is the most elaborate Andy Kaufman asked prank you know we tend to see things as human beings going out and changing the world discovering things but here's something that's basically not only discovering us but wants to put an influence and a change on us let's face it we only have nature left is the only thing that can make any difference what we like what what I'd like to do this isn't just killer Bigfoot is a creature in the woods he's a mystical creature the the deep story the lore if you will of suburban task box yeah madness because he's not just a regular Sasquatch cuz really you just shoot him to death but yeah yeah there's a mystical quality to him rich the Sasquatch is a force of nature and and and mankind the suburbs are now encroaching upon nature that's a big theme is man's over development and then destruction of nature even our Native American who represents nature has to fight nature to stop nature from fighting the suburbs wait apparently he was on the third draft of this treatment script yes yes at the time of filming a pre-production blog today is January 29th 2003 and I'll give you a little status update started writing the treatment and the outline for the script back in mid-december just completed the first version early January and I just completed version two this morning yeah where he's sitting on his grandma's couch it looks like like a confessional tape of someone like admitting to murders right yeah just off camera as a lamp made from a face just set the camera down and his heads cut off at the top Oh talk about why I did what I did it's a sasquatch no yeah it's it's disturbing it's shocking I mean I wish we had filmed ourselves watching his his video because behind the scenes stuff because he's taking this all seriously and it's the end product is amazing yeah the important thing about suburban Sasquatch is the layers of incompetence in the in the first five minutes I was gonna say the opening is like a thesis statement for the rest of the film ah it's beautiful I mean there's so much to talk about we're just gonna break down the first scene okay analysis of the first scene we open day for night boom right off the bat Oh Ron spooky woods at night okay a couple is driving we hear them talk then it's bad well the whole point is to get away from the city as they're talking about going to a party or something the acting is atrocious and then we see outside the window oh I mean it's gonna be fine don't worry about it we speculated I think you said it that he's walking alongside the car camera Bob that's why they're going so slow you can clearly see out the window that they're going one mile an hour he didn't think the audience would notice barely even she's worth it oh I mean it's gonna be fine don't worry about you remember when we filmed the recovered James oh yeah I built a little Ray J took two pieces of wood and made up made a triangle shape and then we glued or we drilled the camera to it yeah braced it in the window done and it's completely smooth took five minutes the best thing about the movie but so his idea is to drive one mile an hour and I'll walk along with the car somehow that will simulate driving so you have that then you have their acting and you have the day for night and then and then of course the attack scene [Music] bones start flying no blood or go around them just bones he had them with him separately and threw them in the air is glorious so amidst the context of the story and the subplots that I have going on and what characters are going through their transitions they have this this creature this seeming seemingly force of nature that could cause so much havoc and it's a good example to explain to the audience here who has not seen this film the translation like you're talking about there's a rubber hand that you get at the Halloween store you know good use of that rubber hand you see it a lot there's there's some bones some plastic bones and they just throw them on the floor and then they film it but he would be like so I had my makeup technician supervisor prepare the prosthetics for the sequence you know what I mean he would talk about it like this heard filmmakers talk about movies on commentary tracks when really it's a rubber hand from a Halloween story that they threw out the crown what if he paid somebody like a special effects person he gave him a bunch of money and they were just like laughing behind his back because they're like we just bought this rubber hand at Halloween store is this great craftsmanship yeah such such great craftsmanship you did on this rubber hand I see you went all the way to China to make it those Tibetan craftsmen so we get our intro like our entree no not our our hor d'oeuvre advertised for storm still there's divorce every scene in this movie is a full-course [ __ ] meal we get a little taste of the movie to come yeah and then the police officers show up break you up another one for you that's a cop well I noticed that that was a cop that's his uniform I could tell it was the cop because he had brown pieces of tape on his shirt good point not just every little thing that's wrong with those outfits I think it's really important because there is so much wrong with those police outfits it that that to me is is like number one they sell policeman costumes that you can wear for Halloween but why do that when you got some brown tape lying around some tape on it not just not just the shirt guys there is no badge no badge on the shirt there's the thing I'm a hat a little tinfoil or black that does not match the color of the shirt and it's got a cheaply painted like that silver spray paint on like a dollar store bad police force and officer policeman they're always physically carrying their guns because there is no belt no belt no holster if there are their handcuffs are just I mean yeah okay the shirts I don't want to talk about our movies III will again though because our movies are terrible so when it came time to have cops in space cop went online ordered some police shirts got a belt at the army surplus store found Milwaukee police badges through eBay uh you know just basic steps that are just like so common-sense like how could you screw up police costumes so badly unless it was intentional like it's just like okay here is a picture of what a cop looks radial things like the little things they talking to right yeah you can buy those no you just turn around you talk to your fax machine [Laughter] why don't they have caution tape in between like it's not surrounding the whole area it's two different crime sheets first so now we've made it through the opening scene and the cop uniforms but but that's like that is the whole it starts it starts so poorly yeah Oh every everything is wrong every aspect of the movie is wrong the disappearing body their shirts are so fresh there's the dudes body wasn't it on the driver side it was their hands still there those two actors have to leave yeah they film that at a different time the head no major that grows back after Bigfoot crushes the head there's a there's a bit of a repetition to it which is the Sasquatch shows up he causes some trouble he rips off some arms and then the the Indian woman shows up and shoots at him with her her CGI arrows and causes the blood fountain cg blood phone actually Indian like Pakistani like we don't know blessing Sanchez I think she's Hispanic she just looks Indian and exotic so this is so Mexican her name is hench's well her her her grandfather is Italian oh yeah yeah and he's wearing like a bathrobe he looks like he looks just like Paul Sorvino and he sounds like him do so he's clearly Italian the Italian Native American chief and his Mexican daughter they sit in the middle of someone's freshly mowed lawn there's a couple of sticks and some iron used some like lighter fluid to make to light several sticks yeah which which is a big roaring campfire that a Native American would have it's like five sticks in someone's lawn well she has an authentic Native American tepee as well it's so incredibly lazy and incompetent no that's what makes it magical they could they could not have her shoot a real arrow for some reason we should you brought up the the CGI arrows and she doesn't have CGI hatchets to that she throws even though she throws it the CGI log the hatchets wait a minute if the arrow if the arrow hit him in the heart then that's that's his Achilles heel to kill him why would she throw hatchets at him that doesn't make any sense does it really this is Dave Weiss cabbage I'd like to welcome you to the computer-generated imagery of severe miss a Squatch the first sequence done was the moon and trees which was in the introduction of the credits and the first thing that's necessary to be done is to take a frame modeled look which is a wireframe model of the moon in the sky oh but but okay there in the behind the scenes there's a little like to tutorial or explanation of how he created the moon in CGI and his trees and the bird - the biggest challenge with CG modeling comes with the motion to make it look as natural as possible he actually modeled and animated the CGI in it when really like we're sitting there watching it it looks like plugins these are some kind of like cheap plugins from a program but really that just makes it that much more interesting is he modeled and created the CGI in this file [Music] it's the breeze J is that what that the logic is he had faith in this movie I don't know why the integrity of his artistic vision well he also talks about the the opening shots the opening credits which are all like 3d CG trees and stuff and he must have spent all of his time working on that because he did not make a 3d model of the cop car why why do that why why do the turning when that looks worse than it just being flat would Larkin why I pick it up in the first why I pick it up the first place like to show sasquatches strength it makes them more intimidating for the rest of the film because I know what he's catching up you can share pick up a car one Sasquatch just shaking the car and the cop gets chick around you could have easily cut out the part where Sasquatch picks up the car oh I disagree I think that was very integral to the story you can't just take sections of a museum form our story make no sense that's that's one of the magical things about this movie is is I when I watch it I picture it in the written form oh sure like it the cop car scene for example on the exterior city street night there's a fog start because the cop is is using his spotlight the copper ions his spotlight into the darkness it vanishes and the misty fog and the lights not on because they shot it during the day the darkness and attacks you know he's right in it and I'm sure he pictured it completely differently in his head and then we see how it turned out what was that thing look someone has to stop these hoity-toity women that drive around eating hot dogs from living in the suburbs we know they're rich because they have a chandelier a moped and they bought things at a store also we're gonna be a shower women do something and just driving around eating hot dogs when I think of rich white people I think of them eating hot dogs no well the chandelier the chandelier in the car my hot dogs just says elegance to me it really does it even put any condiments on the thing it's just a hot dog in a bun J it's it's it's a high quality meat in that hot dog oh okay it's you don't spoil it with the condiments you know it's like putting a like a1 sauce on a really nice steak just don't do exactly there's something there sending a message though because as she is eating the hotdog we are treated to footage of the Sasquatch eating a person what someone they say the parallel know nature who consumes things is mad at the socialites because they also consume things and that's why Nature doesn't like hot dogs he's saying the Bigfoot is no worse than the fat sex lady eating a hot dog they're exactly equal and you know what just go throw it more suburbs [ __ ] it well I'd like to talk about you said earlier the cop car scene was the best attack scene in the movie oh there's so many but there are there's lots of attack scenes the best one though in my opinion is the the fisherman and then he rips off the got his arm and throws it so hard at the other guy that he knocks him unconscious by hitting him in the chest and then the guy lays there facedown in the water for several hours and then he just gets up he's mine you know that that reminds me a lot of another attack scene my personal favorite I think because like I think everyone has their own favorite attack there there are there is a lovely progressive lesbian couple - you're assuming they're lesbians just because the one has a bandana no they're both wearing awful jean shorts [Laughter] [Music] then you put it back on so Sasquatch must have went to go grab the arm and put it back only then because he's so vicious to rip it off again and then he starts eating it and we like cut to later and he has devoured the whole body except for the arm that we saw him to start eating yeah right it's a commentary the sanctity of marriage on the 3d nature because that was what arm was that was a ring field yeah think about that between a man and a woman so what you're saying is Sasquatch does not approve of gay marriage but you don't my favorite Bigfoot kill season I have had a bug Bigfoot kill so this man walking the car repairman no no no no there's a man walking around outside in the suburbs so we're treated to minutes of a man just walking around saying Muffy we were still thinking attention yeah then we finally see this like Hitchcock is his small poodle this man's small poodle Muffy who Bigfoot picks up oh he broke his stomach bone this is more of Bigfoot's magical powers which is that before he tears the dog in half he turns it into a stuffed animal the dog as a part of nature was encroaching upon nature and some Bigfoot had to eat the dog okay because nature yeah all right well and you know a lot I think you know Bigfoot's muddled motivations is actually more speaking to his animalistic nature because he has sometimes he'll eat people sometimes he'll take a foot and drink the blood out of a bud sometimes he'll tie women up in his tarp cage yes captive for the tusks air Bigfoot is taking hostages for some reason and they apparently can't break free from very thin vines that they can move their arms all around from yeah he needs something to snack on when he's not outside worming about just eating random people you can ask him home when he comes home he's got someone to eat it's like a refrigerator yeah I don't know if that was to imply that there might be some sexual misconduct well we do know this Sasquatch does have a dong they discovered that from me we thought we saw it in the movie but then when you see the behind-the-scenes footage it's it's clear as day that's a giant Sasquatch dick see man made tarps and men put tarps in his cave with his nature yes and because of that big Sasquatch has to rape no the woman of man's he rich you're ready time to this wrong maze like mess in the caves to tarp over nature that's why Bigfoot was summoned to go to the suburbs which is tarping over nature the the the Mexican Indian she does babble on about something about nature and and there's a whole there's also an underlying theme about belief we get to our final test of faith where where our Native American Mexican has fallen ill if you will El Pollo Han tiss-you thought of that one I was going you were just I was waiting for it yeah and by the way I think you think you know his faith has put to another test because she is hurt by Bigfoot wouldn't be la jolla hunters just a few no I don't speak Spanish I'm sorry lol I think is masculine oh yeah I think it's LA but I don't really die don't I don't know but let us know contact that regulator comment below what is it el martes please comment below movie end bien muy bueno reading about fat cops character arc yeah yeah that's important this fat causes anti character arc why are you so eager to keep this quiet geez two months ago when that convict was loose your clothing Polk County for help and now we have a murderer out there and you have it you'll know he doesn't want anyone else to investigate sasquatch but it's it's because it's a personal vendetta for him I just got out of the police force services and I ever recently married and we decided to live in the piece of nature not a mr. crime medieval of the city when he hears his own flashback scene where where he has a wife they're not even trying no they are that's the problem and so then fat cap goes to grab a shotgun and then awkwardly runs up to Big Foot with the shotgun rather than shooting at him from a distance and he gets knocked over where it's I don't think you know how guns work so like yes is there close range [Music] this is a very deep work much he's he's like he's like Captain Ahab now and Moby Dick oh yeah where the sack Squatch it's his white whale here's the important thing about fat cop he is the only one with a back story in this situation motivation and a motivation so finally he confronts Bigfoot Sasquatch gets away and he and other cop walk away never to be seen again yes for the rest of the movie they're they're holding Eldin each other up and they just disappear into the woods I think they actually have a line that says that's all we could do yeah anything you think they mean just for that that moment like we did what we can do but we'll get him next time but there's no next time this was the third draft goddamn supposed to fix these problems maybe you can show up at the end you get like like beholding Bigfoot back with a robe so that the Pillsbury newsboy can shoot it with the arrow didn't listen we've all been there shape wise but you got a dress for your body not the body you want you know I'm saying well the body he want if he's if that's the body he wants and he wants to be a 300-pound man because it's much too large this shirt is very large Hey look I say the kudos to the costume designer for Bigfoot yeah I think what attracted me to the production of the first place was the fact that I really wanted to work with Dave Ross cabbage because I've always wanted to work on a Dave Ross cabbage film and I'm we share a lot of the same sentiments when it comes to sasquatch what's your favorite parkland it's gotta be the tits it's gotta be the Bigfoot tits that are just flopping around with these weird [ __ ] looking nipples the mismatched colored gloves and I had it all perfect the face and the hands which is where his actual skin is showing or a different color than his his tits well we're forgetting them the most important thing about the whole film we were speaking of Bigfoot it's that's chapter five the song decide when one could simply find a sound effect of a gorilla mixed with a lion and put them together Slayer um slowed them down so they apparently then des voix snitch eight seconds at a fisher-price tape recorder it is a hard cut loop yeah over and over and over and it never stops being funny it's it's its comedic perfection achieved on accident yeah that sums up the whole movie actually I feel like don't don't flip on Dave wass Covino this movie brought us so much joy yeah it has literally brought us joy take the door it's a lot of work gotta pop off the 3-pin sup I started off hosting so so so that brings us to the conclusion of this episode of best of the worst and our discussion of suburban Sasquatch one of our favorite B movies of all time this is something where you can watch 10 times in every viewing you will find something new that is very wrong with it yeah that opening scene the opening attack scene after that when the cops are investigating I never noticed there's just a rubber hand shoved into the car door I shouldn't be any surprise for anybody who knows my writing or my filmmaking style that predominately what I do when I shoot or when I write is I really want to have an underlying theme like I'm happy that he made it because I get to enjoy it and what if he learned lessons we're gonna buy all of his movies we are gonna watch everything what if as a filmmaker he you know progresses and gets better I think he's gonna hone his craft and one day he might even win a new skirt you are rewarded joke of the day [Applause] [Laughter] [Music]
Channel: RedLetterMedia
Views: 2,349,070
Rating: 4.9416809 out of 5
Keywords: redlettermedia, red letter media, red, letter, media, plinkett, half in the bag, best of the worst, mike stoklasa, jay bauman, rich evans, suburban sasquatch
Id: OCmolso_LrQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 19sec (2359 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 10 2017
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