Best of the Worst: Plinketto #7

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It's pretty impressive that they're able to get such prominent guests as the guy from Ellen.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 180 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/fallenmonk πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Dec 13 2018 πŸ—«︎ replies

Watching Home Alone 4 as a kid was the first time I realized that movies could be bad. I didn’t get to watch many movies so I treasured every moment that I was able to spend watching them. Home Alone 4 was the first to make me regret spending my time watching it.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 53 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/darklightrabbi πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Dec 13 2018 πŸ—«︎ replies

Hey look it's Rich Evans from Ellen fame..... and Macaulay Culkin.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 38 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Hieillua πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Dec 13 2018 πŸ—«︎ replies

"Home Alone 4 is only funny if you watch it with Macaulay Culkin."

Well said, Rich Evans.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 25 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/[deleted] πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Dec 13 2018 πŸ—«︎ replies

Oh snap, how will Home Alone 4 ever recover?!

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 19 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Ofwaihhbtntkctwbd πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Dec 13 2018 πŸ—«︎ replies

Holy shit he's hilarious with the RLM guys, I hope he keeps coming back.

Edit: "I'm Macaulay Culkin!"

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 43 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/DrunkenEffigy πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Dec 13 2018 πŸ—«︎ replies

If you google β€œMike Stoklasa net worth”, it says he’s worth 15 million dollars. I hope that’s true, everyone who makes me this happy deserves to be filthy rich

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 16 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/BoognishSupreme πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Dec 13 2018 πŸ—«︎ replies

Wow. Mcaullay is funny. Also I learned from this about Joe Pesci's rap song "Wise Guy".

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 14 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/needsinsfo πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Dec 13 2018 πŸ—«︎ replies

wait, there was a home alone 4? I remember 3, but I honestly had no idea they made a 4

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 8 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Excolo_Veritas πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Dec 13 2018 πŸ—«︎ replies
hello rich Evans hello Mike and welcome to another episode of best of the worst pling keto perfectly normal edition of plink kettle that's right no gimmicks or tricks or special guests well let's talk about the films that we have on the board today white Oh anyways our first film is Deathstalker 3 the warriors from hell which is uh we have to have every Deathstalker film on the panel until they're all gone then plink Eddowes over oh prototype which has a man with a gun prototype what but oh it's got more x29 a that part is very important it is next film is twin dragons encounter we found this one before I never landed on it and then we have a movie called war I don't know anything about war I'm assuming it's some kind of monster movie then we have vibrations starring Christina Applegate and James Marshall then we have the player's choice spot which if a ball lands on that the person rumble gets to select whichever movie they want to watch this is sort of self-explanatory but thanks then we have killing spree Tim Ritter's killing spree sorry Oh Tim Ritter's killing spree winter Reese the Evil Dead meets Northern Exposure want to see that you don't then we have the instructor which is a karate kung-fu martial arts movie apparently and we have Quigley Quigley starring Gary Busey and oz Perkins and a dog named Quigley and finally called classic Abraxas starring Jesse Ventura I've never seen Abraxas I haven't either okay alright I guess you're gonna drop the ball you can use shadow care yeah I'll grab the ball you could take all the blame then this is a great intro it's like we're low on energy and talent you ready to drop the ball rich I am what what are you hoping for players choice to 9 a the movie we know the least about oh my god alright I have it a prototype x-29 a part man part machine all killer original mankind doesn't stand a chance alright yes I love this costume that looks great wonderful cheesy robot man outfit I can't wait to see him moving it alright Los Angeles 20:57 a lawless war-torn terrain where a beautiful young woman Chandra and her ex-lover a crippled soldier Hawkins share vivid psychosexual dreams [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] what a brain research scientist Brenda Swanson experiments in Hawkins he becomes prototype a half-man half-machine robot the ultimate battle commences that will determine whether mankind or machines will survive [Music] so people talking in a room and people sitting in cars and a low-speed chase where cars hit empty cardboard boxes and in two minutes of footage in a man doing this in a laboratory with beakers it's smoke coming out of them it's gonna be one of those movies forever who intends man in a costume doing this is the greatest threat to humanity and that's fine all right [Music] all right Josh okay aim for breakfast all right all right Josh tell us more quickly oh man Quigley look at this look at this dog it's gonna steal your heart or something kooky hyper comedy from Focus on the Family you know that's good I know that and hysterical adventure of madcap entertainment the Dove Foundation respected film reviewers the Dove Foundation Gary Busey Lethal Weapon Curtis Armstrong risky business oz Perkins Legally Blonde and Christopher Atkins the Blue Lagoon those are all films no unifying theme they're not at all except they're all in this movie head up the cast's in this fun-filled family adventure about second chances Archie Gary Busey is a billionaire who has everything one could imagine except for what is most important heart and a conscience wealthy a heart of conscience he wouldn't be a billionaire exactly doesn't seem that important no on the brink of making an announcement that would forever change the lives of his employees Archie experiences a tragic accident and that takes into the gates of heaven Jesus Jesus dog mm-hmm it is decided that he should be sent back to earth in the form of an adorable Pomeranian not Jesus dog Gary Busey dog who will find Jesus short because he's a dog yep a creature he despises even more than people he hates people he really hates dogs along with his guardian angel Archie is sent on a heavily mission to help the lives of those around him while at the same time saving his own approximately 90 minutes okay let's get it over with okay J it falls on you to salvage this night now God you're asking the impossible all right J you can do it come on winter beasts all right J what's your choice got my choice right here home alone for six taking back the house okay so J has chosen to use his choice to pick a movie and he didn't pick one on the board yeah yeah no home alone taking back the house I'm gonna read from the back alright it's tough being 9 tell me about Tupper still is spending Christmas with your dad chasin beige big beige it's a BB ghe I could have picked a more exciting stage name than they like just something it just really beige decent read he's at his new girlfriend Natalie Joanne goings mansion even though it's loaded with all sorts of techno gadgets any kid could hope for but this Christmas Kevin Michael Weinberg is in really hot water again and so are Marv French Stewart nice house and his sidekick missi pyle doesn't get a name just just the actress who are trying to rub Natalie's house exclamation point no no I don't want to rob it my robbery days are over with funnier and more high-tech crime stopping wizardry at his disposal than ever Kevin must finally put these crooks on ice forever and keep his parents together while he's at it this uplifting hilarious comedy for the whole family issue love so he's just going to kill them this time I'd be done with that no they're breaking up apparently he's got he's got to keep them together I was thinking he was just going to kill the fees just to end his misery no you to put them on ice forever so I think yeah you know more death that's what I'm saying all right all right I think you wasted your choice we'll find out let's go watch holon 17 maybe so anyway was the size of a golf ball oh and you know it fit how did you get it out how'd you get it in I still feel it to be honest it's it's you know but at the same time I think it was totally worth it am i right rich oh yeah yeah see okay it's just he was there right yeah I mean the guard he brought the garden hose there's not a lot to do in Milwaukee yeah reaches into some weird stir I lost my glove but yeah mm-hmm but I'll find it I'll find it soon okay yeah oh oh the cameras are out Jesus Christ this always happened did we yeah we should have slayed in first yeah we can cut the us on this very special episode of best of the worst I'm Macaulay Culkin oh I guess we didn't introduce you at the beginning appreciate ya know give a [ __ ] to be fair we don't give a [ __ ] about most people oh yeah that's cool no it's I find it refreshing yes yes mm-hmm so go on you were saying I was saying we dropped the plink hetoh ball we dropped the ball in more ways than one prototype x-29 a was my selection out of the the other nine quality films on the plane keto board and unfortunately it was the first one that landed on mhm the rebirth chamber yes there's no access panel but it was rich that dropped the ball you're the one who actually picked since you dropped the ball rich tell us all about don't worry I have a movie specifically picked out for you to talk about yeah that's quickly I was gonna say yeah alright prototype x29 A's movie that takes place in the future and there are cyborgs wait a minute if it's a prototype why are there 29 versions before X 29 they just can't get it right the prototype is a robot with a human in it that assassinates cyborgs in the future and then 30 years in the future of the future as people and they have an apartment and then sometimes there a house then they're at a bar then sometimes people kick each eye and they're just like this is one of those horrible horrible movies the [ __ ] worst kind of movie would talk about is the movie where like things keep happening but nothing happens because there is absolutely no structure there's something oddly compelling about we're just waiting for something to happen this is like a weird anticipatory I never felt like if something is not gonna happen it's very it's very very tantric just never really get to release what we were just trying to figure out what was happening for the longest time yeah because there's like the the wheelchair guy he's in like a two-bit Wayne Hawk yes his name is Hogg not a joke we came up with yeah that's a [Music] turn-off the first day that [ __ ] noise well there was a plot to prototype x-29 a it was an extremely inefficient robot walks around and kills people that are called omegas mm-hmm who apparently have some kind of cybernetic device in their brain they've got an XLR input in the background yes there's a little little flash drive it was me arrey after the the apocalypse or whatever it was probably a nuclear war whatever member explain these omegas were selected to to kind of re to like reeducate them they were supposed to be scholars and teachers and shaman yes and somebody [Music] talk faster and louder the prototype walks around and slowly shoots the Omegas but only in the first 20 minutes yes like big sideways it's always like just doing warning shots yeah kind of just looking and it's just you know it's 20 57 at least the first scene which by the way kato kaelin hey Kaito what I think there was kato kaelin oh [ __ ] how could you tell that because it looks like Kate okay little thing oh yeah Pino Kalin's in this movie how was excited that was the most exciting thing that happened basically he was and then he dies five minutes later he really all we thought you know Kaito we thought he died when the prototype shot a missile and blew up his uh his guest house and accrues crashing at a guest house but at that point that was the worst thing to happen to kato kaelin and the prototype then thinks it has killed all the omegas but there's a little girl with a Raggedy Ann doll mhm who was smuggled away and to safety but not before she makes out with her dead father oh go hang out would you did he's been out here for a while oh stop it bindis oh yeah her father dies in the computer lab and just just kisses him on the mouth and listen she's like four years old like well and he's a corpse that's been sitting out in the Sun for so I'm just wrapped up in cloth and then just kisses them on the mouth and you can see her like looking off camera like - or like parents come they're going hey do it again like right on the mouth like it's it's you know yeah this is a running thing to the movies remember the the the portal machine that you had to put your tongue on budget a little bit freak your do lube up we're gonna Lube it up before you put it in your mouth add a second what's the theme here I remember quickly because Gary Busey was licking the little girl's face so there's something there there's no licking in home alone there is a a wet French Stewart and it's not a euphemism it's no that's actually true we'll get to that so the little girl grows up and she is wearing a like an S&M bra yeah mostly looks like Madonna kind of yes she has a Madonna thing and like they have these like little like silver like nipple clasp kind of things yeah gorgeous yeah that's all you can scrape together as was the style at the time yeah she's got a kid brother an adopted kid brother or you know kid brother by name only Sebastian Sebastian Oh an arrow you're not a tray you proper training story there's dreadlock guy who doesn't say anything but slowly beats people up [Music] let's try to avoid having to punch a robot doink every time when the orchestra hits that's so damn good soon the sax guy from Lost Boys yeah that's nice [Music] and then the movie meanders for the next 108 minutes well it introduces us to all these characters and then at like an hour into the movie they all kind of meet up and we're like oh they're meeting up but then we were like why I think I'm just gonna walk away chatter yeah nothing means anything okay our four main characters are together at last I mean could you really call these guys main characters these yeah not even two seats sixty minutes into it but what is everybody trying to do that's her like like adopted younger brother and she's been trying to find him I think why do you try to kiss her like in a good movie scene a would like lead into CB this happens because this happens which causes this to happen yeah yeah this this is just a it's not even an alphabet it's X - it's a prototype why does everyone smoke shots everything so spooky yeah Nikki and like a close-up of the lips or something like you know yeah yeah have you ever heard the term you're beating a dead dog with a broken stick no I've heard of your breathing at that horse that's a 2087 to a few old classic I think they're trying to be artsy with the like the sex machine I like yes and there was also like the dude one which it was just like that guy was just gorgeous just changed the camera and he said something just like I watch you walk yeah like why do you name a character coleslaw I was hungry okay coleslaw when I was writing the script hey so it's a he needs a last name I don't know I'm writing up I'm writing a science fiction dystopian artsy romance story my main characters called hot coleslaw we'd like to produce this films [Laughter] but you can't apparently you can't move this like it's very obvious how the mobility is limited he's holding the gun while shooting and he can't hold the gun straight yeah he protects why he kept on doing this like this at the same time he can't turn his head so he has to shoot like this while looking forward and it's like really awkward but let's again the Batman movie is this the early Batman movies he could know you'd like yeah he's always doing this oh yeah it's all the shoulder dress it's okay it took him till Christmas Christopher Nolan was the first one that Batman turned his head he [ __ ] up that always drove me [ __ ] nuts - and those Batman movies I was ok where they gave him a particular way of moving that was different than Bruce Wayne was more theatrical I expect Batman to be a [ __ ] ninja and he's doing this good point rich a very good point along the trolley all right on the trolley I'm on the muck train I know buzz beam do I just remember at one point in the movie I was just like everyone is even talking about trying to catch up what it was I was just like yeah that's we're done we're Donald look at their legs up see guys in an hour should just be in like hospital but cut to IVs behind all this blood just like cool again no I mean brain hurt II look after this like it really did the gate was it was a lot it was you know it wasn't fun it wasn't fun [ __ ] just I know it was a rich tapestry of disaster I know but we're only getting started I don't want to talk about produce I don't want great hurty yeah that's the thing we can stop talking about these movies whatever we want yeah and we always just keep talking about them yeah but we're gonna stop right now J buzz you're gonna tell us all about quickly oh okay quickly quickly well click quickly is an old favorite of ours this is the thing is we kind of we kind of stacked the plinky dough board with with quality selections and and somebody put prototype on there we needed an extra one and of course that's the one we line it on ya know Quigley is about Gary Busey he is a rich businessman that hates dogs and then and women and women like you can't trust men you can't trust your friends and women are like dogs they say why don't you have a little laughing at that what do fire escapes bulletproof vests windshield wipers and laser printers have in common trick question nope all of those things I just named were invented by women no they weren't hey hates dogs love's vicodin police still can't believe that you're alive oh yeah he so he at one point he's driving down the road but he sees a little Pomeranian dog in the middle of the road and even though he hates dogs and he should just run the [ __ ] over he twists the wheel and dies it's very it's very dr. strange yeah even though it looks like the same sort of hillside road that dr. strange didn't place on and why does he hate dogs can we talk about the establishing scene oh that was eight stars well well he works at the biodome Starfleet headquarters our Fleet headquarters she needed that job for Mother's sake welcome to terrasphere eight SAR feed command recreation and yeah there's a dog it's nobody's dog it's just a dog it's a big poodle yeah it's just on the lawn of this business mmm and it takes a big old crap is he smash oh look next to it it's not it's not on him at all nope and Gary Busey runs up to it he slips on the grass next to it but not on the x1 mph little dog poo but then he falls back onto it this is a family film yeah it is a movie about family as we discuss starring Gary Busey forces the kids look it look the kids rich the kids love Gary Busey kids love Gary - mr. Odgers and Gary Busey do you have a problem with dogs yes they call him scary abuse why is that man keep having seizures what's he doing he's drunk like Daddy he looks like how daddy smells so Gary Busey dies in the family film and he he ascends to the vac rec room at a church it's supposed to be heaven they got a couch that they put a white sheet on and that's heaven and I got all the scene from prototype yeah lots of smoke it just lingers over from one movie to the next and and Gary Busey help decorate the set yeah we learned from the outtakes he was all about it we just think he doesn't know what a sheet is but Jesus again that kind of covers the couch fine yeah you know the strange thing is usually when you see like a bigger name in like a no budget movie they film like a scene and then they're gone like the minute he's gonna be a dog like all we're just gonna get voiceover that's what I thought it was gonna be - yeah but he's in the entire [ __ ] movie well in case of this movie they just couldn't get rid of him there's a young family man a very good man what's the justification for them turning him into a dog cause he's a bad like person like he's always been greedy yeah so at the end of the movie they say you know in life you don't get second chances which kind of contradicts what happens with the entirety of the movie I'll tell you why because this is the this is the most subtle Christian film we've ever done you cannot earn your way into heaven by doing good deeds artena the only way into heaven is by faith and faith alone you're hardcore Christian doesn't view good deeds as meaning anything as far as getting into heaven the only thing that matters is believing in Jesus they gave you two assignments and if you do them well I suspect they might consider allowing you through the gates you cannot earn your way into heaven by doing good deeds arguing but you still need to make cute dog movie to get the kids to watch it yeah so under if you see your vet first now you gotta be a dog but then then we get to the end of the movie nope we're gonna tell you the truth and do you have a problem with that I do have a problem with Quigley's ending as well I found the ending of Quigley quite substandard [Laughter] and I did good no no on that man's briefcase so you have to burn in hell I take a gift for pissing on stuff by okay so but yeah he's he's teamed up with Oz Perkins who's Anthony Perkins son I guess he's kind of his guardian angel director of the black coats tone director of one of my favorite recent horror films the Black Codes daughter don't you feel some remorse or something he said he quickly I was Perkins throughout the movie every scene he's wearing a different outfit yeah he's like a referee in one scene yeah I think the idea is is that he's he's a angel or not human so he's just he's gonna move to keep an eye on morphing yeah his appearance and for some reason he keeps falling on his face another new outfit it's supposed to be funny comedy comes in three sets three don't do it again more than halfway through the movie let's start doing this gag this is gonna be Maureen yeah make him fall in some mud yeah Gary Busey asked why he's so muddy and wet he has a weird line or he's like why somebody that's usually how I like that's funny why are you so many you wet maybe it was to counterbalance all of Gary Busey's falling down there was unintentional Gary Busey wasn't supposed to start every scene in all fours that was just the dog subplot was supposed to be like out like a man who's like family after being greedy for somebody it's a wonderful life okay you can't stand up raise a dog and and all the dog actions are explained because the diagnosis had yeah like I'm listening dog goes through a file we got to mention how cute the [ __ ] dog is very good yeah but but one time the dog knocks the girl down from getting hit by a car oh yeah and then for no reason just a little circle licking your face even though that's Gary Busey yeah it's supposed to be Gary Busey yeah I guess I will give us some some leeway here yeah it's a low-budget film they have been working with the dog know that Lincoln goes on for a while it's okay because I'm a dog you want me to embrace this oh we got to talk about the famous chair sequence mm-hmm what even I don't even know what the setup for that is what happened well haven't well having sons in there cuz he's got to do two tasks they won't tell him I guess we got to set up why he's doing this division so yeah so there are multiple shots of this dog just pushing a chair across oh my god it's amazing oh no yet multiple shots of this dog pushing this chair and there's certain times you can just straight up see like just the edge of a hand it's like and the dog you kind of just right and then it is the most adorable thing I've maybe seen in my entire life oh happy this is not a good way for me to celebrate my 35th birthday [Laughter] [Applause] yeah and then bugger this decides like yeah that's what that's what boss would have wanted and so everything works out okay and he asks his assistant Thunder underling out on a like on a date he's her boss not appropriate and she's receptive but at the same time you know me too overly yes yes she's a goddamn Amazon next to him look he's got a good two feet up and then the movie decides that it wants to get away from all this so we go to a different story altogether with the Gary Busey's brothers his brother played by the great yeah so now he has to try to help them like you know again you look another some thing once you get out of financial peril but your video games are sensational and they're almost finished besides you made a promise to me a long time ago that you were gonna make video games for kids even their parents would approve his talents as brothers talents have gone unrecognized as the creator of this great video game this is like the worst video game which is just who which the dog plays the dog does play so that's another movie gave up yeah yeah see some [ __ ] puppet arms seven clicking on the mouse whatever let's get this [ __ ] done do you think they'd grab that little dog's head I'm just I'm just picturing like like five people holding I don't want any more treats it's not worth it the phrase we're gonna need another Quigley just mentioned a lot on say it save them some money with craft service I was just about to say it's a Chinese food there's some Chinese food in there [Laughter] quickly stroganoff coleslaw oh so the brothers dad is a big video game designer on the side and so the worlds collapse most UPS drivers are yes yes he's a UPS driver he designs games for like the Nintendo 64 somehow yeah that's the controller right yeah well he was a PlayStation PlayStation nation controller a Nintendo 64 controllers got that weird thing in the middle so Gary Busey developed a taste for dog meat so [ __ ] up I claim I cut my own hair I bought a flowy oh my god also Busey does look like he has a Flowbee like when he cuts his it looks like he cuts his own hair oh yeah save a fortune on him dresses on this production I'm sorry I'm doing that wrong here save a fortune it's a mystery his hair is a [ __ ] mess until the very end when he's wearing the suit oh he's reformed and whatever and he's like made it no one else do I got to do and it's nicely combed yeah so it was a stylistic choice an artistic choice sounds like his hair was symbolic of his transformation he was a mess and then he became the symbolism behind him falling into a bush we have to replay that footage in the edit and see what as Perkins reaction is because it has to be a moment of like oh [ __ ] keep we'll keep going it has to be right whereas Perkins got the idea for black make a movie that captures what I'm feeling at this exact moment where Gary Busey falls into a bush something funny that was the best one that was the one where he got back up oh my god it's actually a hundred days of shoot at you 1:00 p.m. get it get Gary out get him in the bush falls over he doesn't get back up trying six months go by you see crane he's completely limp you see on a wire so he gives birth to a dog at the end we find out yes impregnated a dog during the course oh I guess see how the climax of the movie is he steals the video game takes it to the Starfleet Academy and gives it to Curtis Armstrong so everyone ends up in a room together in a room together and his brother makes a shitload of money yeah and then plenty of boom mic - at the end there yeah yeah no not the shot of Gary Busey surprisingly it's like it's like they're trying to get it right because they just keep more I think they didn't use the boon because say he'd just be like yeah I just came out of a never any nightmare he does in the the his first scene in heaven to backtrack a little bit he has a question I think was just a genuine question on the set where he didn't know what movie he was in or he's like am i talking dog in this feeling and I just put it in the film am I talking God there was a couple of like gasp scenes like that we're like you weren't sure whether or not he knew the camera was rolling or not yeah I think he's just that great of an actor like yeah yeah he convinced me convinced me he didn't know where he was let's take a walk Gary if we don't put you back in there you wander away and we can't find you Gary that's concrete like the production this is the girl look like good boy Gary that's concrete you can't dig out sure wait I'm a dog the credits were assistant to mr. Busey of people like the end of like a Marvel Avengers movie max people but it's just people pulling Gary Busey out of bushes doctor [Laughter] yeah that's Quigley that's if you think we nailed it guys that was a dumb thing to say I'll do it no I'm kidding I'll do it of course I'm gonna do it yeah I think I think you should okay I don't know why but I think you should well it's because it's home alone for taking back the house and it should be pointed out that's not even the last home alone Phil no yeah five in 2012 which I had never heard of either look at young Kevin McCallister oh yeah they do say Kevin McCallister and as his parents have the same name as the parents in the original yeah yeah yeah there's a buzz and all that kind of stuff I mean you know in a way his name is bond yes so after the failure that was home alone three they decided to go back to this back to basics go right back to French Stewart everything French Stewart and uh Johnson do actors that look nothing like the people from the original film there's no relationship to atonally but this this gets back to the roots and it kind of confuses some the stuff from the home alone movies with some of the Richie Rich kind of stuff because it's he ends up kind of going to his new is his father's new girlfriend cuz okay by the way the parents whether amber audience I'm sorry but the parents in home alone yeah they got divorced that's canonical that is canon they also lost a few children along yeah they had numerous home alone situations with various children you know they never saw him again and also Kevin he's like younger in this than he is in the originals so I'm pretty sure they lost him again again and then who's got a replacement Kevin yeah looking I think it's found a kid in an airport yeah this is Kevin close enough yeah look at me you should have just brought you back live on your own throw a party [Laughter] nobody was real tired see they split up and so he decides that he wants to spend Christmas with his father and his new girlfriend who's incredibly wealthy has a butler a maid and you know in a house that has all kinds of gadgets it's all waiting for you even though you surprised us the curtains closed on their own oh yeah it's like they just a door open into a remote and the door opens you imagine that kind of tech right I want a computer to open my door I couldn't imagine life where I didn't have to like pull a remote control out of my pocket and say open door and then wait for the slow door opening mechanism to open we're walking through and having to say okay closed door I mean well no first the device has to wake up and then it has to connect to the Wi-Fi thankfully you don't have to do this anymore a lot of empty space which is like it plenty of yeah it's like you said like plenty of times we play a room for pratfall you sit around as much as you would think it seemed to promise more more technological gadgets and gizmos of defeating the bad guys yeah because the first one the first home alone film is more like you know swinging paint cans and you know stuff on the floor no chattering oh yeah the kid would come up with Micro Machines they T is a drone which I don't believe is ever you know it is he Rams it into Murph squad as it wanted to be it's it's it's awful it just hits him in the crotch how dare this TV movie of the week and not not live up to my expertise for a fourth home alone film [Laughter] Jerry oh yeah a lot of French Stewart mugging to the camera well that's the weird thing is he's playing Marv he's playing the Daniel Stern care but he's dressing like Pesci he's dressed like Joe Pesci she's dressed at the fish and I don't know if his accent is supposed to be like Chicago or New York it's all over the place over the place all right coast is clear let's go wait are you sure it's safe pumpkin what I think you in there who wouldn't say no he's trying to do a New York accent so he's due in Chicago what do you think fear we're just gonna go in there tomorrow and start grabbing kids yeah Oh Griffin Kimmy a beard everyone's would you yeah yeah I don't know why French Stewart hasn't caught on yeah bigger than he has mm-hmm yeah it's it's it's I don't get it it's been a while since I've seen him I think the last time I saw him Jimmy Fallon was playing him in celebrity jeopardy on SNL from third Rock from the Sun French Stewart in second place with negative $17,000 I'm a late bloomer Alex and in double jeopardy I'm gonna blow when Jimmy Fallon's making fun of you he oh look he had the big tree lighting outside the Christmas tree lighting and and have you have you ever seen the Christmas tree lighting are you familiar with my work and the kid he went on to he works at the subway dumb street hey there's nothing wrong with working in a subway just because you were in home alone [Music] one chunk there's so much damage and the time it took me to know it is gonna be the main because it's too obvious that I'll be him yeah it's gonna be like the old man yeah yes he's old man Marley yeah were you going and the idea that like the missi pyle and French Stewart like they show up to try well no there was a prince there's a prince coming apparently yeah so I don't know why they tried to break into the house multiple times before the because they want to kidnap the Prince yeah but they just keep trying to break into the house bro reason door open you better start laughing [Applause] this is comedy [ __ ] [ __ ] gold John use created these characters alright you're disrespecting mr. John Hughes every time there's a joke I'm gonna look at you right in point [Laughter] [Music] [Laughter] I'm not gonna get upset at a home alone film for having cartoony physics cuz that's kind of the point I mean I think I think part of the fun of like the some of the earlier kind of things some of the better entries if you will is that like yes no it was it like I mean yes it's kind of like wacky hijinx or at the same time like it's an ale going through a foot you know I mean like it it does feel like yeah it does feel like kind of officially do get like bruised and battered like it when Kevin's throwing down the bricks and hitting them in the [ __ ] head it's realistic and weird but then Marv turns into a skeleton yes yes what he's electrocuted yep yeah yeah that's a little card that wasn't my choice against my phone I shoot the nail I talked to Chris Columbus every day I'm like I sure love disgusting thing I want to do something a little more realist yeah just want something more grounded I think home alone 2 needs to get like more downed oh yeah yeah can he just have smoke come out of his ears yeah just just so the realist this is hair going up you know yeah oh a TV series yeah should we set that up like a nerd discussion sure so what did you hear about this oh you know I am I interesting facts about this film that I've known for a very long time is that this was actually shot is sort of intended to be a pilot for a TV show and so all these actors were kind of signed on if this was successful it would become a TV show I knew that one already exactly well there's three episodes in this movie alone Marv shows up yeah the mark shows up again I guess he doesn't need to be home alone because he's never home alone in this and there's not a lot of like clever traps or anything like that look yeah and I think that's kind of like the fun of it and not a lot of technology stuff which is what you were saying earlier yeah you'd expect like a lot of these like qsr gadgets to like pay off these James Bond II kind of like yeah like he dealt he does at one point though he does castrate French Stewart with a grappling hook yeah door opens right yeah so uh so this is this is an amazing franchise just as you know taking a taking a step back from the house yeah yeah what is that subtitle me taking back the house mm-hmm they watch me they look they loving the wine cellar and the wine cellar in they have to take the house back and we were talking about it okay like Oh like how would like the home alone movies wouldn't really work without like you know like modern because it's cell phones and so forth and so they're like trapped down there and about like five minutes in the scene like the butler goes goes oh here's a cell phone dude yeah you call your parents yeah and he calls his brother twice yeah he doesn't call nine-one-one even better it was the adult that had the phone the whole time let me hand this to this nine-year-old he'll know what to do with this he's control I'm a mere butler Kevin didn't call the cops cuz he's really just out for blood yeah he's really a sadist yeah tougher revenge yeah no I think he just likes hurting feet Oh [Music] maximum speed [Music] it's a it's a symbiotic relationship right he needs Marvin Martin needs him steal and Joe Pesci's left to go have his own rap career right in stealin don't kill without feeling yes yes Marv secretly into masochism okay all right yeah he loves getting his genitals mutilated coming back for more a grappling hook is it just pain in general or specifically is groin my breathing general yes I think I think the answer is both of those is yes the scary part is its pain inflicted by a nine-year-old boy oh that's an important factor it's not just pain just the detail okay that's vital that's we need each other a nine year old that a year prior was a ten year old yeah he's got Benjamin Button syndrome eventually he'll be like an infant me smack it smack and Marvin the dick with a like a rattle yeah throwing a bottle at my crotch this yeah this movie needs more Busey you should've played the kid Gary Busey is Kevin McAllister you look at my future right here [Laughter] in front of the mirror what a ham [Laughter] so fellas yeah yeah chaps yes which one of these is the best of the worst we have prototype xx 29a we uh who got Quigley coming home alone for what bizarre selection of movies this this time more so than usual so let's go with the rich has to be Quigley home alone yeah home alone home alone okay good choice oh I was gonna say Quigley not for best of the worst nah it was gonna go with home alone taking back the house of course yeah good choice you have a really good taste thank you Mike my choice is I'm sorry prototype X 29 okay okay you can live with that I'm picking Quigley that she's hilarious what what is what truly though what is the best of the worst Oh Quigley I think is I think I'm pretty sure we had the most fun with that home alone for is only funny if you watch it with Macaulay you want to watch home alone with Macaulay Culkin don't you I still watch it over prototype that was a this is a sloth that was a slog that's that's we get to the question do we want to destroy any of these films oh well oh oh yeah I'd be okay with the storing come along taking back what the [ __ ] is wrong with you I would urge everyone to order your own copies of course yes so everyone can destroy their coverage yeah if you pay for it you know you could do whatever you want with it the costume is great but I would destroy prototype okay I think for for just the general kind of thing yes prototype was yes this actually deserves to be killed yeah but I mean I am here how do we smash both of them they smash both of them yeah well you know yeah when a squiggly gets a pass it's yeah I recommend it but yes so does anyone have a paint can that's all you know how to do isn't it you know what Rob don't think it you know what it's working this way okay we're gonna destroy two tapes pull the load style we've got a paint can on a rope and we've got Kevin McAllister armed and ready to go all right Mac you still got it you know it that was great all right let's see if you can go two for two time for the money shot ready okay still got it [Music] oh hi by the way I'm Shawn I work at bunnyears comm is he okay
Channel: RedLetterMedia
Views: 1,963,249
Rating: 4.9567471 out of 5
Keywords: redlettermedia, red letter media, red, letter, media, plinkett, half in the bag, mike stoklasa, jay bauman, rich evans, prototype, quigley, gary busey, home alone, home alone 4, macaulay culkin
Id: a_FURNuBeQg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 62min 9sec (3729 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 12 2018
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