Baldur's Gate 3: All about Alchemy - A tutorial

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all right so I'm going to talk about alchemy today um a lot of people I've seen online are having trouble with Alchemy because the game doesn't give you a very good tutorial if one at all I don't remember seeing anything about how to do it um and I I've had my own questions I've looked online and nobody seems to have the answers for them um so the first thing I'm going to do is talk about how to open the UI for Alchemy because people are unsure so first off the hotkey on PC is H um if you want to do it the long way you can go to your inventory and it'll be the third button from the left um crafting it potions once you get them I think you start with potion healing is pretty straightforward you need two um ingredients one of them is a specific so each of these have a specific uh item that you need to make that potion and then it needs an any of another type of ingredient you can see that it changes depending on the potion you want to make um down here on the bottom when you pick up a new ingredient generally you get a pop-up on your screen that says you know a new recipe um there are some items which leads me to the problem I was having that does not pop that up so for example I don't have anything but let's say we wanted uh some of these this bone cap if you have the ingredients you press extract you get the ingredient for your potion easy now if you uh are like me and you're wondering well where do I get recipes because I have all these ingredients but nothing lets me craft them into what you need for the potions hit extract all ingredients you see there I got uh two new recipes unlocked it says press h to view I'm already in the menu so it won't um that one in particular was posted evangelic Slumber and I believe healing potion extreme yeah healing uh potion Supreme um now my issue for example was with potion of speed and I saw this button for a long time I was hesitant to click it because I thought that meant that it auto crafted uh potions it does not it auto crafts this like these so feel free to hit this you'll get a bunch of recipes and that'll pretty much it's probably like most generally solve your issues about not knowing where to get recipes um second thing I'm going to do real quick is I want to talk about the difference between potions and elixirs because people are getting a little bit confused I think I see someone read it that are asking these questions so potions are generally immediately used um like healing potions they are time based like the animal speaking which you can see there is until long rest or they are turned based in duration like this potion of Glorious vaulting the difference between potions and pretty much all elixirs is that you can have multiple potions active at one time but you can only have one Elixir at a time and all elixirs last until a long rest so you can see this one here is the hill giant strength but if I pop a uh greater elixir of Arcane cultivation it gets rid of the Hill giant strength so you can only have one Elixir active at a time and they'll all last until a long rest or you can uh and the difference between that is you have potions that are instant on a duration basing or until a long rest but you can have multiple potions active at one time um yeah that's about all there is uh to to Alchemy and Potions so um I hope you stick around on the channel because I'm going to be making more balder gates videos for little things like this maybe even some build uh related videos and you can see me stream on Twitch very often um and the link for that will be in the description below
Channel: IamSpooked
Views: 1,106
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Games, tutorial, help, new, Baldur's, Gate, DnD, Dungeons, Dragons
Id: 3MaP3tM1GM8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 41sec (281 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 09 2023
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