Ranking EVERY Feat in Baldur's Gate 3 from WORST to BEST - Baldur's Gate 3 Tier List

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feeds are some of the most important tools that can help strengthen your characters in Baldur's Gate 3. as they are essentially character features that Grant unique abilities or bonuses which improve a character's abilities in specified areas once a player reaches class level 4 8 and 12 they can choose to take a feat instead of increasing their ability scores do note that Fighters and Rogues also gain access to bonus feeds with the fighter getting a bonus feat at level 6 and a rogue gaining a bonus feat at level 10. with that being said hello everyone my name is dark hero and in today's video I will be ranking every single feat in Baldur's Gate 3. I will be ranking them from worst to best with the D tier being D not recommended Feats C is reserved for situationally good feeds B is for the Feats that are actually quite good but they could be better and there are better Alternatives A is for very good feeds and S is for the must-have Feats even though there really aren't any must-haves this is a role-playing game after all so just take whatever you feel like is going to be better or more enjoyable for you so starting off with actor with this feat your charisma increases by 1 to a maximum of 20 and you also get to double your proficiency bonus for deception and performance checks this is very much a role-playing feat so if you like your character to be the face of the party to be the one that interacts with most NPCs throughout the story and you really want the most opportunities to see the various different dialogue options then this is a fee to take that being said I believe that raising your charisma to a good enough level like 16 maybe 18 is probably good enough especially if you have someone in your party that has guidance or barding incantation to help you with those performance and deception checks so personally I'm actually going to start off the list by placing actor in not recommended because again I think that there are just so many other boys that you can increase is your charisma and they're still going to prove useful in various different other scenarios next is alerts you gain a plus 5 bonus to initiative and cannot be surprised personally I really am a big fan of alert it's a Surefire way to make sure that the characters that you need to go first in the initiative order get to do it and being unable to be surprised has actually saved me a couple of times in Baldur's Gate 3 in Just the first chapter I'm sure a lot of you guys know which encounters I'm talking about and alert has proved to be very useful there sure it doesn't Grant you any higher stats it doesn't increase your damage output nor does it increase any proficiency bonus but just being able to go first in the initiative order means that you get to knock out an enemy before they even get the chance to deal damage which means your healer can then take another action so they can be more offensive so in my opinion alert ends up being deceptively very good which is why I'm going to place it in the 8th year as of very good feat next on the list we have athlete your strength or dexterity increases by one of course to a cap of 20. when you are prone standing up uses significantly less movement and you also get the benefit of your jump distance increasing by 50 percent which I think really is the highlight of this feat as increasing your strength or the dexterity by a single point isn't all that impressive and personally I would rather take an ability score improvement over athletes it's not very often that I find myself being prone although there is one boss fight at the end of chapter 1 that did make that a bit hard for me but honestly I don't see a good enough reason to be using athletes unless you want to do something very specific with your jump distance but hey at least you get to increase your strength or dexterity by one you get to choose which is pretty convenient so I'm going to give athlete the benefit of the doubt and I'm going to place it in C as the situationally good feat next on the list is charger you gain the following weapon attacks charger charger which lets you charge forward and slam your weapon into the first enemy in your way you use this as both an action and a bonus action to charge up to 9 meters and make a melee attack that deals plus 5 damage keep in mind that charger does not provoke opportunity attacks so that is a very good way of closing the gap between you and an enemy you also get charger shove which makes you also charge forward and shove the first enemy in your way the Shelf distance is going to depend on your strength as well as the target's weight I feel like these moves can be very good in certain specific scenarios and if you have the right character for it I'm picturing for example a raging Barbarian that likes to go into the middle of the frenzy and this is a very good way to do so however having to use both an action as well as a bonus action is a bit of a steep price in my opinion as especially when in the case of characters that I believe would be best at using this like for example a barbarian a paladin or even a monk those characters like to use both their action and bonus action a lot so I think that charger ends up being a very resource heavy feat which is why I cannot place it any higher than C tier next on the list is crossbow expert when you make crossbow attack within melee range the attack rolls do not have this Advantage your piercing shot also inflicts gaping wounds for twice as long with gaping wounds of course making it that attacks against this creature deal an additional two-piercing damage personally I'm not a huge fan of this one because it's not very often that my long range characters get to go into a melee combat scenario and if that's the case in Baldur's Gate 3 you always have the option to switch to your melee weapon without having to spend an action or a bonus action to do so which is what you would normally have to do in DND so because you don't have that extra condition to pull out your melee weapon and attack the enemy that is near you that way I personally don't see the reason why you would use crossbow expert I think there is a much better feat on this list when it comes to ranged combat which we'll talk about in a moment but for this one I really don't think I can recommend crossbow experts even as someone that has been using a ranger since the start of my playthrough next on the list is defensive duelist a feat that I love using for flavor but one that I don't think is all that amazing so when you are attacked while wielding a finesse weapon you are proficient with you can use the reaction to add your proficiency bonus to your armor class possibly causing the attack to miss now keep in mind that defensive dualist is a reaction not only that but if you don't make it so that the game asks you whether you want to use defensive duelist or not it will automatically trigger in attacks that would miss even if you didn't use defensive duelist and again this is going to take up your reaction and you may have much better reactions like for example charm that you get from your illicit Powers not to mention opportunity attacks and so many others I'm someone that has a character that has a single finesse weapon using the dueling combat style and still I do not take defensive dualist because while it is situationally good I think that there are much better options out there and I don't think it's quite good enough to be considered a good feat so I'm going to place it in the seat here next on the list is dual wielder this feat allows you to dual wield weapons that aren't off the light straight and you also gain a plus one bonus to your AC while wielding a melee weapon in each of your hands and of course you cannot do all wheeled heavy weapons even with this feat personally I don't find this fee to be all that good I've used it before on my Barbarian more so for flavor than anything else because again you can still dual wield as long as the weapons you're using are light by taking the Dual Builder fate you are going to see some improvements to your damage output I cannot deny that as weapons that aren't light are more often than not going to be of a higher dice than the light weapons so on average you can expect to deal a little bit more damage with dual wielder but personally I think you would be much better off taking so many other Feats that are present on this list but still I have to recognize that dual wielder is a feat that in my opinion is good enough to be in the video next on the list is dungeon Delver you gain advantage on perception checks made to detect hidden objects and unsaving throws made to avoid or resist traps you also gain resistance to the damage that is dealt by traps personally I find the dungeon deliver feed to be one that is very very good for a role play type character but here in the case of Baldur's Gate 3. it's very easy to have one or two characters that even if they don't have high perception because you have 4 characters in your party at all times whenever you encounter a trap it's very easy for at least one of them to detect that the Trap is there and sure you may not have advantage on those perception tracks or even the saving throws by not taking this feat but it's not like those traps are going to be all that deadly like even at a lower level most traps in Boulder Skate 3 don't post that much of a threat and even if a party companion happens to Die For example it's not like it's hard to make money in this game to be able to buy the Scrolls to revive them I personally really don't recommend taking this feat in Baldur's Gate 3 and keep in mind that dungeon Delver does not give you an advantage whenever you're disarming a trap its only advantage on noticing the Trap or resistance to the damage dealt by the Trap you don't even get to deserve them with a Advantage I cannot stress this enough I really do believe that this is a waste of a feat in Baldur's Gate 3. next on the list is durable your Constitution increases by one to a maximum of 20 and you regain full head Points each time you take a short rest now having increased Constitution is quite good it's always good to have more Health but I also find that a lot of times whenever you take a short rest you're probably going to be at full health or very close to it and if you're not full HP you probably have a leftover potion a druid that can make some good berries or a Bard or a cleric that can heal you up because in my opinion if the entire party is devastated and everyone is badly hurt after a big combat then you are more likely than not going to take a long rest and it's not like it's hard to get the resources to get a long rest in this game you can very easily heart camp and resources and never have to worry about having enough to do a long rest so I really see this as a non-issue even though getting one point in Constitution is something nice at least but then again you could always take an ability score Improvement and simply put two points into Constitution which I would argue would do you much better so having said all of that I'm going to place durable and the not recommended tier as well Elemental adapt makes it so that your spells ignore resistance to a damaged type of your choice when you cast spells of that type you cannot roll a one and of course these elements are acid cold fire lightning and thunder now I'm a bit split here because I could see this potentially being a very good feat to take if you know what kind of environment you're going into for example if you are in the Forge in the later stage of chapter 1 you would do well to take on Elemental adapt fire if you're fighting spiders you would do well to take on Elemental adapt acid for example so if you know which environment you're going into and if you're going out of your way to respect your character and make sure that you go back and change the feeds depending on the environment you're in then this feat can be extremely good but if you're not doing that then I don't think it's going to be all that amazing but then again you could simply be for example a wizard that is focusing on fire spells and if that's the case you can simply go all the way through with fire spells and not have to worry about enemies resisting the fire element so I could totally see it being very good in that scenario you would be more limited in the scope of the different elements that you have available at your disposal but then again you would be much more powerful in that aspect so haven't given it a good thought I'm actually going to place Elemental adapt in the B tier as I think it is good but could also be better next on the list is great weapon master and boy oh boy if you know this feeds then you know what's coming next so when you land a critical hit or kill a target with a melee weapon attack you can make another melee weapon attack as a bonus action that turn now the second side of this feat makes it so that attacks with heavy melee weapons you are proficient with can deal an additional 10 damage at the cost of a -5 attack penalty and you get to choose if you want this to be on or off and if for example you have a fighter that has access to action search and once your level 5 you also get extra attack you get a ton of damage that is available at your disposal from this feat alone and you may also have some characters that are able to buff up your character so that the attack roll penalty you get from great weapon Master doesn't end up mattering all that much again the -5 attack roll penalty may sound like a huge deal but because you can toggle this on and off at will you don't have to worry about it you simply have the option to when you want to try to deal more damage you toggle it on and you deal more damage personally I think that this is without a shadow of a doubt one of the very best feeds in the entire game and so great weapon Master is going right into the else tier heavily armored makes it so that you gain armor proficiency with heavy armor and your strength is increased by 1 to a maximum of 20. now in ordinary DND I would classify this feat much higher than I'm going to rate it here because the thing about Baldur's Gate 3 is that you can very easily multi-class into a different class in DND you need to meet the requirements of your primary ability for example to become a paladin I believe you need to have a strength of 14 or higher and to become a warlock I believe you need to have a Charisma of 13 or higher but here in this case you can simply pick any class you want to add to your character and of course that means that you're also going to get the armor proficiencies they come with so if you really want to have heavy armor proficiency why not respect your character start off as one of those different classes that gain access to Heavy Armor proficiency right out of the gate and then multi-class into the class you were originally going to go maybe you do that with a couple of levels of fighter and you get access to action surge or maybe you do that with a couple of Paladin levels to get the vine Smite or a single clerical life level so you get a bunch of spell slots and some healing spells as well again if all you want to do is get your heavy armor proficiency and you'll also get the bonus of increasing your strength then this gets you covered but because it's so easy to respect and start multi-classing in this game I really feel like heavily armored ends up being a bit worse than it would otherwise be so although I see the benefits I don't think it's all that good and so I'm placing it in the seat here next on the list is heavy armor Master it also increases your strength by 1 to a maximum of 20 but more importantly the incoming damage from non-magical attacks also decreases by 3 while you are wearing heavy armor now 3 damage matters a lot at the start of the game and as you get to the later levels it starts to matter much less because of course you have a lot more HP but still I think that this is a pretty solid feat to take if you already have heavy armor proficiency which as we just discussed can be very easy to get and not only do you get to increase your strength but it also helps alleviate the stress of your healers so they have to spend less actions or bonus actions aiding your party so with all of that I'm going to place heavy armor master in the beatier the next feat is slightly armored lightly armored makes it so that you gain armor proficiency with light armor and your strength or dexterity increases by 1 to a maximum of 20. so this one is very similar to heavily armored of course but you get to choose between strength or dexterity now here's the thing I don't really know what classes would want to get light armor proficiency and don't already have access to it it's very easy to get light armor proficiency and a lot of classes that don't get access to it can very easily also get medium armor perfect efficiency which I think would be better in most scenarios there might be a couple of very specific things you may want to do maybe with a monk or perhaps even a wizard for example but I just don't see the reason as to why you would use this so much like with heavily armored it's going into the seat here up next is a pretty cool feat which is lucky you gain three lucky points which you can use to gain advantage on attack rolls ability checks or saving throws or make the enemy reroll their attack rolls now this feat is of course Very Much reliant on RNG but it also makes it so that the outcome of certain scenarios especially when the situation is very dire can go your way with lucky you can turn a bad scenario into a good scenario you can force that to happen and that can be very clutch in a variety of different scenarios in Baldur's Gate 3. I just added lucky to my Barbarian and this thing has saved me so many times why whether it's an attack that I end up missing because my rage is on cooldown or an attack that is going to hit me and put my character down or even an ability check in a dialogue lucky can help you with all of that and again you gain three lock points that you get to use and they recharge on a long rest so it's not like you need to be all that careful with them as it's very easy to get the resources to do a long rest I'm not gonna say it's a must-have but it's definitely a very good feat so it's going to be in the eighth year next on the list is Mage Slayer when a creature casts a spell within melee range of you you have advantage on any saving throws against it and you can use a reaction to admittedly make an attack against that Caster enemies you hit have disadvantage on concentration saving throws so it is the perfect tool to use against Mages especially ones that use concentration spells now this Fate on paper is very very good as concentration spells tend to be be the ones that give you the most trouble think for example hold person if you were able to negate that or at least have advantage on the saving throw and also hit the enemies with disadvantage on their concentration so that if they use hold person on an ally for example you can easily break it that would be wonderful but how often are these enemies casting concentration spells within melee range of you more often they not they try to get away from you before they actually cast their spells because maintaining concentration is a very big deal so on paper this is very good but in practicality it doesn't come up as much as I would like it too but still the effect can be very good and when this works it's going to be amazing you may even get to save huge headaches just by using this feat so I think I'm going to place Mage Slayer in the a tier next on the list are magic initiate Bard cleric Druid sorcerer War lock and then wizard very simply you get to learn two cantrips and a level 1 spell from each of their respective spell list you can cast the level 1 spell once per long rest and your spell casting ability for all three spells is going to be dependent on the class you choose so for The Bard the Sorcerer And the Warlock it's going to be Charisma the cleric and the Druid are going to be wisdom and for the wizard it's going to be intelligence in my opinion magic initiate is very hard to write because it depends on the build that you're trying to do and the Spells that you want to add to your character of course the quality of spells also differs between these ones for example in my opinion the Warlock and The Wizard get some of the better cantrips and spells and being able to add Eldritch Blast for example could be a very good option to I don't know a bars for example because of their Charisma there's just a lot of good options here and above all it's the flexibility that magic initiate provides to your character and I think that in an open-ended game such as Baldur's Gate 3 and by extension Dungeons and Dragons this matters a lot and as such I'm actually going to place magic initiate in the 8th year the only reason why it doesn't get to be in the S tier is because it's very easy to multi-class in this game so a lot of times you can very easily get these spells and a few other Extras by just multi-classing next on the list is martial Adept you get to learn two Maneuvers from the Battle Master subclass of the fighter and you regain the expanded superiority die after a short or a long rest now these combat Maneuvers are absolutely amazing if you've played a fighter then very likely you know how good this can be with disarming attack pushing attack and trip attack being in my opinion the three best Maneuvers to choose from as trip attack will make the enemies prone pushing attack will allow you to move the enemies and sometimes even push them off edges but maybe you want to get a melee combatant away from your healer so they can move away from them without triggering opportunity attack menacing attack can also be good by inflicting fear on the enemy and then there's some other good ones which are a bit more Niche like for example repost or rally evasive footwork is a pretty fun one and disarming attack is also quite good by making it so that the enemy can drop their weapon unfortunately with martial adapt you only get a single superiority dice which is very very unfortunate when as an actual fighter you get way more of these and also again because it's so easy to re-class and because fighter is such an appealing class to multi-class N2 just to get action search for example maybe you want to get into the third level of Fighters just to get Battle Master fighter so you get to use your superiority dice more often and get 3 and not 2 battle Maneuvers personally that's what I've done with my Ranger and he's become a killing machine being able to push off enemies of Ledges from a distance or Make Them Fall to their knees with trip attack I'm a bit indecisive on this one because you only get a single superiority die but because these Maneuvers are so so good I think I'm still going to place it in the eighth year next on the list is medium armor Master when you wear a medium armor it doesn't impose this advantage on stealth tracks and the bonus to your armor class you gained from your dexterity modifier becomes plus 3 instead of plus 2. now this one is actually much better than all the other armor master in my opinion because not only are you improving your modifier with you getting a plus 3 Trac from using medium armor instead of plus 2 but it also removes the disadvantage on stealthtracks that is innate to medium armor which means that if you are a rogue and you haven't multi-classed into anything you can still use medium armors and get a good benefit out of it by choosing this feat which I think is perfect because medium armor also tends to have more AC than the light armor which means this feat is simply going to make it so you dodge more attacks it's a lot more appealing than all the other ones and while I don't think it's quite good enough to reach the 8th here I think it weren't placing it at the top of the beat here next on the list is the mobile feet your movement speed increases and difficult terrain doesn't slow you down when you dash if you move after making a melee attack you also don't provoke opportunity attacks from your Target and that is a very big deal the second paragraph is a huge part of why you should take mobile this is the perfect option for something like a rogue or a monk that they get to jump into The Fray they stun a Target or assassinate an enemy and then are able to quickly get out of the way without provoking an opportunity attack and without needing to use a bonus action like this engage they're simply able to move out of the way and not get hit I don't think there are many classes that can take advantage of mobile but the ones that can makes them extremely powerful personally I think that if you're playing a monk you should always take mobile I really do believe that so having said all of that I think I'm going to place Mobile in the ass here next on the list is moderately armored which is the same thing as before gives you medium armor proficiency but this time around you also get Shield proficiency and you get to increase your strength or your dexterity at your choosing this one is going above the light and heavy armors simply because you get the benefit of The Shield but it's not good enough to be placed any higher than C tier next on the list is performer UK musical instrument proficiency and your charisma increases by one my question is do you want to be a performer with a character that is not a Bard that sounds like a very odd choice you could always be for example a barred Paladin and by being a Bard you simply have access to musical instrument proficiency so I really don't see the point of having this and personally I cannot recommend it in any way it's not that it's bad to be a performer it's that you can already be that with the Bard which is the class that wants to be a performer so why would you choose this I really cannot recommend it and so it's going into the detier next on the list is polar Master when attacking with a glaive Halbert Quarter Staff or a spear you can use the bonus action to attack with the butt of your weapon which will deal won the far bludgeoning damage you can also make an opportunity attack when a target comes within range so think of it as the opposite of the traditional opportunity attack but this one you get to enjoy a lot more as a Melee character especially if you're using a weapon like a glaive which has extra range personally I think polar Master is fantastic if you're a character that uses any of these weapons I think it's a no-brainer it makes you a lot stronger a lot more active on the battlefield and the enemies have to be a lot more careful about the way that they Traverse the map and for example you can position yourself in a way that's the only way the enemies are going to reach your healers and the rest of your party is by going through you and so they need to get within melee range of view at which point they will take damage from your polar Master opportunity attack I've been using this a lot on my hex blade Warlock and it's simply fantastic it may only be a combat feat but it's without a shuttle for doubt one of the better ones so it's going to be in the else tier next on the list is resilient you get to increase an ability by one and gain Proficiency in that ability saving throws this can be a very good way of fixing a deficiency with your character say for example you have a 9 in Charisma this would be a Surefire way of turning those bad Charisma roles into good Charisma saving throws then again there's the argument that you could simply build your character better or have your character set up so that it has a dump stat and you don't worry about it at all I can see resilient being quite good in the right scenarios and with the right characters so I'm going to place it in the video next on the list is ritual caster which will allow you to learn two ritual spells of your choice keep in mind that ritual spells are spells that you get to cast that do not use up a spell slot when they are cast outside of combat and the Spells that you get to choose from are speak with the dead find familiar long Strider and hence sleep disguise self and speak with animals personally I think that the spell list is quite decent but out of all of these ones there are two that definitely stand out those beings speak with the dead and speak with animals because of the role-play aspects of Baldur's Gate 3. speak with the dead is going to be a very useful spell throughout your journey in this game and the thing is speak with the dead is a level 3 spell which means that ordinarily you would need to spend a level 3 spell slot in order to cast it but with ritual Caster you don't have to worry about that you can use this as much as you want and you don't need to worry you can use this without having to worry about your spell slots and the same thing goes for speak with animals now I'm not sure if you can cast speak with animals on other party members but if you can do that that means that the character that can have disabilities does not need to be the face of the party and so if a dialogue option presents itself you can give speak with animals to the character that has the most stamina in your party you would not have to waste a spell slot and you would be open to so much more dialogue in the game the more I think about it the better it sounds and so I think I'm going to place ritual Caster in the 8th year next on the list is Savage attacker when making weapon attacks you roll your damage die twice and use the highest result it's a very simple feat that is quite simply going to boost the damage of your characters that being said how good Savage attacker is is also going to depend on the die of the weapon attacks that you have where I think this would be extremely useful would be in the case of a fighter for example example where you get action storage and then on level 5 you get extra attack and so you get to attack a ton of times and every single time Savage attacker is going to make sure that the highest result out of the two die is the one that you get to use on a character that doesn't have a high damage dice this is going to be a lot less useful Savage attacker also doesn't increase your odds of hitting the enemy it doesn't help with advantage or disadvantage and so there's a bit more that I think people could ask in regards to Savage attacker it leaves you wishing a bit more in my opinion but still because it can be so so good in the right characters I think it weren't placing it in the eighth year next on the list we have Sentinel when an enemy Within melee range attacks an ally you can use the reaction to make a weapon attack against that enemy note that the target Ally must not have the Sentinel feet you also gain advantage on opportunity attacks and whenever you hit the creature with an opportunity attack it can no longer move for the rest of its turn this is incredibly useful in a variety of scenarios this is the perfect way to make sure that a big bad enemy does not get anywhere near one of your other party members you can simply put one of your big tanks near it give them for example a glaive or a halberd so they have more reach and you become an immovable wall that the enemy has to take down before they try to attack the rest of the party it's an insanely good feat that is very easy to use well and so I don't think I can play Sentinel anywhere else other than the else here after that we have Sharpshooter the arranged weapon attacks do not receive penalties from High Ground rules meaning that the height difference between you and your target is of at least 2.5 meters in addition your raged attacks with weapons you are already proficient with have a -5 penalty to their attack Roll But deal an additional 10 damage so think of it as the Great weapon Master feat now in case of the Sharpshooter feeds I don't think you can toggle the -5 penalty to the attack roll but at the same time I feel like I always have a very high attack roll whenever I use a ranged weapon on my Ranger for example and that would be the perfect type of character that would take advantage of the Sharpshooter feet and for example if you're playing a fighter and you take the archery fighting style you can increase your accuracy and so d-5 attack roll is not going to be such a big penalty as for The High Ground and low ground penalty this has come up more often than I would like and while I still don't have a lot of Mobility on my Ranger this ensures that my attack roll is not going to be lower simply because the map for the boss fight I'm in decided that the boss was going to be at the top and me and my party at the bottom so having said all of that I think Sharpshooter is going to be ranking in the S tier along with all the other combat feeds as well next is Shield Master you gain a plus two bonus to the dexterity saving throws while wielding a shield if a spell forces you to make a dexterity saving throw you can use the reaction to shoot yourself and to manage the effects damage on a failed saving throw you only take half damage and on a successful saving throw you will not take any damage situationally this feat can be incredible but it is entirely reliant on the dexterity saving throws and from my experience that's actually the saving throw I've seen the least maybe apart from wisdom and intelligence the part that even if you fail the saving throw means that you only take half damage is very very good so you know that even if it doesn't work out there's still a Saving Grace but because it is so situational I'm going to place it at the top of the seat here as a situationally very good feat up next is skilled which gives you Proficiency in three skills of your choice this can be a very good feat when it comes to plugging holes in your car character or if you want to change something about it maybe for flavor reasons or you want to role play a bit more and you want to max out your persuasion something along those lines gaining a plus 2 in any of these skills is quite nice and you're essentially getting a plus 6 in your skills with all the flexibility in the world with this single feat so I don't think it can be denied that it is a very good feat I just don't think it's quite good enough to reach the S tier and so I'm going to place it in the 8th year up next is spell sniper you get to learn the cantrip out of all of these ones and the number you need to roll a crit with this scan trip is now 19. and the cantrips on the list are actually quite good you have bone chill Eldritch blast Fireball rail Frost shocking grass and Thorn whip all of these are very good in my opinion with of course the standout option being Outreach blast because of Aldrich invocations which can make this a whole lot stronger I can see this being a very good option for a character that might be missing a range damaging spell or a character that doesn't have a lot of spell slots and so they need to get a cantrip that deals damage reliably and along the way you get the benefits of being able to land Critical Hits more often I don't know how good spell sniper can be for warlocks that rely on Eldritch blast because most of the time I play a warlock I play The Pact of the blade version but if that's the case that I can see spell Sniper being especially useful for those warlocks I don't feel very good about taking a feed just to get a single cantrip with a higher chance of getting a critical hit but because Ken trips are so easy to get in many various different ways I cannot play spell sniper any higher than the B tier Tavern brawler makes it so that whenever you make an unarmed attack use an improvised weapon or throw something your strength modifier is added twice to the damage and attack rolls on top of that you also also get to increase your strength or your Constitution this can be very good for a particular type of character I can see it being quite good on a barbarian that is all about making improvised weapons and throwing the weapons that are present in their backpacks rushing at the enemies and even if they have the weapons they will use unarmed attacks something along those lines it's not particularly amazing and throwing your attacks certainly is not going to scale very well into the late game but it can also be a very fun playstyle and as far as role play this has got to be one of the better Feats as it allows you to play out a power fantasy that cannot be achieved any other way or at least it's not going to be satisfying unless you pick the tavern brawler feet so I think Tavern brawler ends up being good enough that it deserves to be in the sea tier as the situationally could feed as only a very few specific characters are going to take advantage of it next on the list is tough your hit point maximum is increased by 2 for every level you have gained this is a bit awkward it sounds amazing in the later levels as if you are level 12 you will gain 24 HP right away but at the same time at the later levels 24 HP isn't a huge deal as you might think it is and also at the start let's say you're level 2 gaining 4 HP might actually be a bigger deal so I think Dove ends up being relatively better in the early to medium portions of the game where the enemies don't deal a ton of damage right away but it can also be a good way to make sure that for example a wizard that doesn't have any Armor class gets to be a bit more survivable so in my opinion tough is going to be a bitier feat as it is good but could be better warcaster allows you to gain advantage on saving throws to maintain concentration on a spell you can also use the reaction to cast shocking rust at a Target moving out of melee range personally I love warcaster at the start of almost every encounter I have one of my characters cast Plus on the entire party and because it is a concentration spell I have to be careful about the enemies not breaking that concentration and that goes for many other spells that I use like hold person for example so being able to gain advantage on a saving throw and also gaining a new spell to use on a reaction is a very very good deal in my opinion and because concentration spells are so powerful in Baldur's Gate 3 I think warcaster deserves to be in the S tier and finally we have weapon Master you gain proficiency with 4 weapons of your choice and you get to increase your strength or your dexterity by one so you get to choose 4 weapons that you want to add proficiency to your character out of all the weapons in the game but here's the thing the character that I have here is a level 4 fighter that doesn't have any multi-classing doesn't have of any feeds and he is proficient with every weapon in the game it's very easy to get proficiency with a lot of weapons especially if you multi-class into fighter or any other martial class or even if you are a warlock for example but you can use pact of the blade and turn any weapon into a weapon that you have proficiency with and while being able to choose from strength or dexterity is nice I just don't think weapon Master is all that good I can see its merits which is why I warranted being in the city or as a situationally good fit now scratch that I'm placing it in the detail as a not recommended feat you can do much better than this and so these are my rankings for the feeds in Baldur's Gate 3. keep in mind that whenever you are choosing a feed you're choosing to forgo of an ability score Improvement which means you get to add plus 2 to any ability you choose which can be a lot more flexible and a lot more powerful depending on the feat you select effect which is why I may have been strict with some of these there's not a lot of flavor or role play Feats that I have placed high on the list because in my opinion if you truly value the role play experience you would just go with the wisdom or a Charisma character and you would boost their stats to make them better in that aspect so at the end of the day do you agree with me and if not let me know why in the comment section below as always my name is dark hero thank you very much for all the support on the Baldur's Gate 3 videos and thank you very much for watching
Channel: DarkHero 2
Views: 13,356
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: bg3, baldur's gate 3, baldurs gate 3, baldur gate 3, baldur's gate 3 guide, baldur's gate 3 beginner guide, baldur's gate 3 how to, baldur's gate 3 best feats, baldur's gate 3 tier list, baldur's gate 3 best spells, baldur's gate 3 best class, baldur's gate 3 best multiclass
Id: gyMqoHpa-0M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 21sec (2481 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 23 2023
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