Baldur's Gate 3 - The issues with Act III and its conclusion... (+Ending Discussion)

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hello everyone baldos Gate 3 has been out for a while now so I figured it's about time we talk about the later parts of the game namely act 3 and also the endings in the first part of the video I will do my best to avoid any Major Spoilers but still if you haven't reached the later parts of x3 it's best to come back to this video once you are close to finishing the game unless you don't mind talking about some plot points and in the second part of the video we will talk about the endings itself so be aware of that before we begin and I start commenting on stuff that might upset some I just want to say absolutely love the Baldur's Gate 3 as a whole and it is most definitely my game of the year so far so any columns you might hear do not change that I just want to summarize issues some people voiced already towards the last part of the game and also my own opinion on it I hope we can have a healthy conversation about it in the comments and let me know what you think yourself after the video so let's begin with entering act 3 the ACT begins in Rivington which is an enjoyable prequel to the actual City with some great Parts like the circus Charis cares and some cool side areas like the coast that I really liked and the beginning of the murder mystery which was pretty good but I must admit that there were some signs of the drop in quality here already with some of the areas feeling a bit Bland comparing to act 1 and 2. in act 1 you can feel the Polish on every corner of the map and how it really benefited from such a long Early Access period act 1 is pretty much the perfect gaming experience and I think that is what most people judge balder's Gate 3 on before they reach the later X especially with Colony get a Flawless game then we get to X2 which I absolutely loved the atmosphere of but it did start to show some chinks here and there already my biggest gripe being that the map itself could feel Bland at times with large tracks of no enemies or interactions over extended period of traversing the shadowlands but it was still a very enjoyable experience with perhaps the most satisfying conclusion and also one of the best fights in the game overall a great experience with memorable quests characters and plot lines and Dungeons and that's why arriving in act 3 might feel a bit Bland after such a unique area at First Act 1 was a nearly perfect introduction to the adventure and act 2 was unique and also had some great side plots like the gifianki crash and the Sharon Temple lifting the shadow curse of course and concluding with the final of fighting an avatar of the god of death after which you arrive at just that a city with mainly Earthly problems of course there are some great side quests here which I will mention later but I admit I had to overcome my own personal dislike of huge cities and RPGs but that will not influence my opinion on act 3. obviously the game being called Baldur's Gate we know the city will be huge and brimming with life and we will spend a good portion of the game in it I have to say that among all the RPGs I played over the decades the city of Baldur's Gate was still one of the more enjoyable ones I enjoyed spending my time in it but it can be overwhelming and underwhelming at the same time when you start doing basic fetch quests and a lot of NPCs have barely any dialogue also some of your companions grow noticeably more quiet at least from my experience except for the ones with still unresolved quest lines like will astarian or shadowheart but halsin and ventara for example were a late addition to the cast and it definitely shows there is still some amazing content here of course I liked sorcerer's sunris and epic quests like the legend of anser or perhaps my favorite House of Hope with an amazing fight and perhaps an even better musical number those were definitely my highlights of act 3. I also somewhat enjoyed the Iron Throne mini game but hated the steel factory also if you were playing as the darkeridge the ball spawn plot was pretty satisfying but when it comes to villains of the ACT comparing to Catholic term both gortash and Oren fall a bit flat and feel one-dimensional gortash was charismatic and cool at first but then proceeds to do almost nothing for the entire egg I think he should be more involved throughout the game especially politically as that was kind of his thing and the fight with him itself was perhaps the most underwhelming of the entire game and yes I know you can make it tougher if you don't disable the steel watch but the whole point of the quest is to do it I also understand the decision to make the fight underwhelming on purpose somewhat as among the cast of demigods he is just a normal human in the end with no special powers with influence and deception being his main portfolio but the fight still could have been way more interesting with some usages of his technology and resources and instead he died in two rounds on my tactician difficulty playthrough the fact that he doesn't do focal after you encounter him the first time and just awaits his death in his Tower while you can do whatever you want in the city for hours was disappointing after how hyped he was in the trailers I have hoped he will show up more predominantly maybe not on the level of Oren but still show his influence on the city way more often speaking of orange she was alright especially if you're playing as the dark urge but the fight itself at least for me in the Duel of the ball spawn ended even more quicker than the gorgeous fight as I smited her to Kingdom Come and she didn't even use any interesting skills at all but I have heard the fight is apparently better while not playing as the dark urge and not having a duel but instead a full-on fight overall I enjoyed the darkerish plot however towards the end I was starting to grow a bit exhausted of the ball spawn Saga and while I understand the whole thing was a love letter to previous Baldur's gay titles I wished it had a cooler less predictable twist if it wasn't for the purpose of reviews I would have probably finished my first playthrough as a normal custom character and to make my second playthrough as darker to increase replayability but instead I went the opposite route and now I'm playing as a custom GIF Yankee character without the darkeridge which actually I am so far depressed with reactivity towards it without the ball spawn plot it feels surprisingly even more organic when it comes to the main villains of the game excluding of course the main big Baddie that we'll talk about later I find it unfortunate that katorektorm was the first major villain to go as I feel he was both the most menacing and interesting character of the three he just had the unfortunate luck of being the first major boss of the game which was a tough act to follow for Oren and gortash not to mention the Avatar of Merkel was amazing and Visually awesome I had hoped we'll face Bane's Avatar as well instead of a Meek human surrounded by guards and orange Slayer form will be more impressive but alright I hope I'm not starting to sound like I hated act 3 as a whole because it was far from it as I said some of my favorite quests lie in this act is just that sitting so much in one huge location on the map gets exhausting after a while and I wish it was split more like with the underdark connect one and mountain pass I was surprised we didn't even get to see the upper City at all and the under City felt like a chore to get through sometimes not even half as exciting as the underdark I must admit that closer I got to the end the more I felt like I just wanted to finish the side quest as soon as possible which I find is never a good sign for an RPG when I start getting this creeping feeling of just wanting to go to the Finish Line having said that I can tell there was a lot of love and hard work put into the city it is absolutely humongous and filled with content on almost every corner even if some of it was simpler I still admire how much ambition was put into it but I cannot empathize it enough that comparing to act 1 and 2 act 3 can just feel a bit too normal for the lack of a better word except some side areas like the House of Hope and under the prison of worm's Rock but those side areas lived in their own bubble outside of the city and perhaps that's why they simply feel better to me solving the murder plotline was fine I loved the circus I loved some parts leading up to the entire city I like the underground smuggling network with nine fingers even recruiting Minsk was pretty enjoyable I thought he's gonna be more annoying to be honest and shoehorned a little bit but his constant reminder to the player of Buu was a bit too fancier VC for my taste however I still enjoyed Minsk and jahira's inclusion for the most part and took them with me on many quests where I thought they were reminiscent all times and they did so which felt satisfying some returning characters in the city were also a welcome sight still if there was one sentence I could described act 3 as it would be this lack of Polish and I don't mean me or my country of origin here the city itself suffers from what was larion's Achilles healed many times before which I think was running out of time to make sure the last Parts would be fleshed out as much as the first two thirds of the game there is definitely the biggest number of bugs here as well some minor and some almost game breaking that's why I'm glad I had 25 quicksave slots because I sure needed some of them bugs ranging from characters not moving when they should in the iron throne for example and even towards the end of the game one of my companions simply refused to follow me despite being attached to the party and not being encumbered FPS drops were common even on my decent PC some items just disappeared NPCs bugged and ragdolls could stretch and fly anywhere at times which while hilarious wasn't very welcomed also what's up with there being a shop called the literal face maker in the city but not being able to change your appearance it's an another clear sign for me that some things were cut from the game but I can't understand and excuse however is Inventory management in Camp which just drove me nuts at times why can't you see all your gear in Camp from all of your companions and your chest boggles my mind and it is extremely tedious having to check every companion and your stash and only having your traveler's chest that doesn't expand Beyond a certain size and the Sorting is mediocre to say the least probably 20 hours of the 150 that I had on my first playthrough trying to figure out what is where yes I know the restoring but still gear management and Camp was just awful for me the only redeeming factor is being able to swap gear slots among your companions but still it's only among your active ones for some weird reason and not all of them but I know there is the first major patch in the works so I hope some of those issues will be fixed and I'm sure larion is working on it so some of my complaints here will be fixed over time but that is just the thing here time I think act 3 would have benefited greatly from a couple more months in the cooker but as it stands I think it isn't controversial to call act 3 the weakest of the three bars on side areas and subquests but sadly still don't redeem the act as a whole but I have to say that being the weakest act does not mean that it was bad I still had more fun in the city of Baldur's Gate than I did while playing whole entire games in past years perhaps only Elden rink coming close to the feeling this game gave me so I was definitely still addicted to exploring it but the lack of Polish the amount of bugs and some blandness of it all comparing to the epicness of previous acts definitely started to show oh and one last thing before we move to the end game I have to talk about the level cap larion said that they didn't want to go beyond level 12 because of the power level it would entice would be too powerful for the setting but at the same time we are dealing with god-like epic enemies especially towards the end of the game that should be realistically tackled only by Epic Level characters so other than from a mechanical standpoint I really don't understand the decision I feel the game could have easily went on to level 14 and Beyond and no one would complain about the power curve you are already wielding close to demigod Powers especially if you use your illited ones which the consequences of or rather lag thereof we will talk about soon the fact that I was getting massive amounts of XP that didn't amount to anything in the end as I was already level kept from less than halfway in the Act was a bit of a letdown seeing all the XP going to waste it makes me hard to believe that the level cap wasn't originally intended higher because there is easily experience in the game for level 14 and Beyond and the story itself does not feel like a level 12 campaign it is way too grand for such relatively low level characters so it felt a bit disjointed dealing with gods and Elder Reigns on this character level but don't get me wrong I know that DND campaigns that go beyond level 10 can be a menace to manage so I somewhat understand the decision but given the scope of the story I just wish we had even more to Tinker our builds with some spells and abilities could be simply nerfed to allow us to go a couple levels further but I suppose mods will address that in time however that would travelize a lot of Encounters in the game so unless a higher difficulty mod will be released alongside it it might not mesh well together however we are here to talk about the base game as it is I admit I am really hoping for some major patches and I would love a DLC or even an expansion down the line because in the end I still loved the experience and I don't want to leave this amazing game after only one campaign even though I will be replaying the game countless times I simply crave more already any critique I'm giving it right now comes from my pure passion and love towards the genre and the amazing experience that larion has crafted I adore Baldur's Gate 3 despite my gripes and again I just hope that after arc's larion learned their lesson and will stick to the landing speaking of the landing let us tackle perhaps the biggest complaints from people that has finished the game which is the end game and the endings itself so if you didn't finish the game yet and don't want to be majorly spoiled you better turn around now otherwise buckle your seat belts and get ready for a rant Major Spoilers begin now you have been warned my biggest complaint by far about the last 2-3 hours of the game is the lack of feeling that your decisions mattered the biggest culprit here is the tadpoles I was sure convinced even that avoiding using any tadpole powers and not mind influencing people refusing Emperor's deal and not using it on your companions will have some implication or at the very least a mention that I persist throughout the entire game without giving in and how does the Game Reward Me by making me choose to either become a mind player or dooming Orpheus to the same fate or the awkward choice of letting Cadillac become one which we will speak on later because how her plot resolved grind my gears in itself so my decision on not using the tadpoles had no impact on the story at all all I did was Rob myself of extra power and content that didn't matter in the end no matter what you do you are stuck between a rock and a hard place letting the manipulative Emperor get his way robbing the gift of their prince or becoming a monstrosity yourself no matter your decisions during the game and then there is this weird decision of the emperor to just go back to the nether brain if you don't agree to his terms excuse me what after he did literally everything the entire game to rebel against it he just off to be a slave again yes I know that the absolute said she was anticipating over every move and let the emperor lose on purpose but I still find it poor guy I think to just make the emperor with all his Ambitions surrender in a split second like that especially since there was no reason at all for him to suck on Orpheus the emperor was a mind player already so all he had to do was agree to spare Orpheus but nah rather than trying his luck and siding with us he chose literals mind suicide speaking of choices that don't matter when it comes to Side Quests during the game I did almost everything there was to be done in act 3 and all I got for completing every companion Quest and almost all faction side quests was a button to summon some cannon fodder in the final fight but at least the all bear was cute there was no real resolution no ending slides no acknowledgment of all we did throughout the game the last fight itself was alright although the road to it was god-awful in my opinion I didn't feel such excruciating pain of getting through an area anywhere else in the game and now we arrive at the ending itself let's start with the positives LaSalle's resolution has been probably the best especially if you spare Orpheus but all the endings that I saw with Lazelle felt pretty good and I liked it and then the next best resolution was let's see uh okay it all went downhill from here so the gifianki plot was the most satisfying I will give them that but after that some companions get a line or two some didn't appear at all a Starion is reduced to comic relief and that's after I saved him with a very satisfying conclusion from the kazador plotline he just starts burning which was expected of course after the tadpole was removed but still him running off like that and just Gail or someone commenting or remarking that we probably won't see him ever again excuse me what he was my bro through the whole game with mixed attitude and that's how they treat me completing his every Quest and side quest he just off speaking about elmenster 2.0 or should I say Gail who I even romanced had all but two lines for me about reverging the crown and winning backmistra's favor and bye bye shadowheart didn't appear at all for me because I was in the 0.1 percent of people that didn't romance her and now my biggest gripe Carlock for the entirety of the game you are teased that her engine can be fixed you collect those improved infernal plays or whatever they are called it is implied you can fix her and you can do nothing with it at one point I thought maybe I missed something but nope she still either blows up or goes to hell with Will which I thought was sweet of him but narratively doesn't make much sense because carlux said multiple times she would rather died and go back to awareness then does the 180 because will said so okay it could be worse but I'm still pissed that I rescued Guardians who specialize in infernal creations and you can do focal with them I think it was obvious that karlak was the last addition to the cast with even her voice actors commenting she didn't start recording lines until December of last year I believe and where the last to finish her work and it definitely shows that her ending was incomplete and rushed and it just makes me sad that there was no way to fix her infernal engine and she ends up either dying or going back to the place she swore to never go back to and yes I know you can turn her into a mind player but I still feel it's a bit unsatisfying so that ties up both will and karlovak and let's see who do we have left wait a second it's hard to remember because there are barely mention of anyone else at all Minsk has always says something about Boo being the savior of the day granny Jahira says good job buddy and that's about it you are the savior of Baldur's Gate hooray roll credits yes I know that there is at least a cutscene with Shadow heart if you romanced her and my boy witters or should I say jergal and his little snarky comments towards the end that we won't be seeing the Dead 3 anymore which thanks kelimvor for that because I was getting so exhausted of the ball plotline towards the end that I'm glad it's over and I hope if there will ever be a DLC or even an expansion we will set sights on New Horizons perhaps going through the hells with karlak and hopefully get some meaningful conclusion to the story I know I know that not everything has to be served on a silver platter and not every subplot has to be mentioned at the end that it's about the journey and not the destination and all that but I just couldn't help but feel dissatisfied after the ending even some ending slides with narration would have been nice to see I know there's a major patch in the works but I doubt it will fix all the issues with act 3 and the ending yet I remain hopeful that over time act 3 will be polished and a definitive edition is definitely not out of the question as it stands though it is what it is and please don't stake me for my opinion Baldur's Gate 3 is still by far my game of the year based on the first two Acts alone and even the third one I couldn't put down for 5 days straight despite its flaws weird pacing bugs and lackluster ending with some illogical decisions looking at you the emperor I think the last act suffers from lack of feedback and rushed release and it rears its heads on many occasions whether it was a conscious decision from larion to release the game as it is to avoid Starfield and perhaps some other factors I am still very hopeful confident even that the issues will be fixed with patches and by no means am I bashing on the game as a whole I admire how much passion and work was put into it probably more than any game I can remember playing in the past decade the lack of microtransactions and just being a pure joyful for the most part experience that just focuses on what we love the most which is just pure gaming experience was beyond welcomed I slept for two hours for a week's trade just so I could game more and I absolutely don't regret my decision but because of my passion towards gaming and what a love letter to all RPG fans the game is is why I have some harsh critique when it comes to sticking to the landing I had hoped larion has learned after the roughness of arcs and Divinity original sin 2 but I am still confident that the game will be brought up on par and fixed most of its glaring issues even the ending I'm sure will be addressed so concluding all I wanted to do was put my thoughts onto this video and I hope we will have a healthy conversation about it and I would love to hear your opinion about the Final Act of the game the game I will still hold dearly in my heart for the coming months and I am already planning my future playthroughs one of them will be an evil darkridge playthrough on my twitch Channel Twitch TV Kendra so I hope to see you there and we will continue this conversation elsewhere but of course more videos to come on YouTube thank you very much for watching this one thank you for your never-ending support for all the comments likes and subscriptions and sorry for not making many videos lately I do admit I got into Baldur's Gate 3 perhaps even a bit too much so all of this is coming from a place of love and I absolutely adore balder's Gate 3 still and I'm putting my trust in larion once again that the game will be a 10 out of 10 sooner rather than later because all the issues I have I know can be ironed out over time I personally think that the game would have benefited from this additional month of Polish but hey at least we got to play the game earlier and it was still mess enjoyable and they both don't regret and I am glad that I put so many hours into the game with many mores to come again thank you very much for watching my videos let's have a healthy conversation in the comments and I'll see you again very soon foreign [Music] [Music]
Channel: KainRa
Views: 11,064
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Baldurs gate 3, Baldurs gate III, Baldur's Gate III, BG3, wolfheartfps, baldurs gate, baldurs gate III, baldur gate 3, baldur gate III, baldurs gate 3 guide, baldurs gate 3 multiclass, baldurs gate 3 gameplay, baldurs gate 3 romance, the dark urge, baldurs gate 3 tips, bg3, baldurs gate 3 review, baulders gate 3, baulders gate, boulders gate, boulders gate 3, Baldurs gate 3 ending, baldurs gate 3 endings, baldurs gate 3 act 3, baldurs gate 3 acts, baldurs gate act 3
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 34sec (1174 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 16 2023
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