Baldur's Gate 3 BEST Summon Guide Tier List | Beginner friendly | The Summoner Series

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hello guys and welcome today we're gonna be talking about the salmon tier list for Baldur's Gate 3 so we're gonna be going through every salmon in the game that you can get from Spencer items and we're gonna be talking about it discussing it and then putting it into a category so let's get straight to it by starting off the first one that you can get from early on in the game which is the Mage hunt so the Mage hunt is a country that you can use one per short press if you're a wizard or one per long rest if you get it from the give Yankee trade this ability was so strong that larion actually had to Nerf it and as you can see you can get it from different sources and that would give you additional costs so why is Merchant good Mage hunt essentially is really good because it can actually be used to throw bombs poison grease bottles and it can also be used to throw healing potions at your allies that's something amazing to have in combat we can see that when used correctly it can be a huge asset in combat it can also be used to interact with objects outside of combat trigger traps for you so that you don't actually have to do it yourself and you don't have to be damaged however what is the downside of Mage hunt as we can see it has a limited cast so it has been nerfed also it can only last for turn turns and it takes an action to be cast so to make full use of this you have to drop down items before combat and you have to summon a hand with an action also before combat so it's very good when you can prepare for for it but it's not that good if you're caught off guard utility device and what it can do it really scales very well yes it's it only has 3 HP it does very easily but under the right conditions it can be amazing so just for that reason and you get it early on in the game it's at least on a when it's done properly it can be an S but when it's not done properly it's probably around the b or seat here so average that out to an a now let's talk about the next sample the next salmon is find familiar scratch if you finish the questline you can actually summer scratch scratch is a very good toggle you can pet him but for combat and utility he's not great however what he's great at is finding things around the map that you cannot so make sure to always have him someone with you he's a good boy but unfortunately for our to your list is getting a d Wow Let's talk about fight familiar but find familiar not the Warlock type the regular World find familiar so why is find familiar good find familiar allows you to cast a familiar to and you get to choose between spider Raven frog crab cut and rot now frog crab and Rod their saving throws are very low their damage is non-existent and their utility is not great what where the spell shines is when you have the Raven which can actually be used to scout ahead and blind enemies and when you blind an enemy you get advantage in all attacks against them and they have disadvantage like attacks against you and they can't use spells that require you to be able to see the other person so it's an amazing perk to have you get it very early in the game and it's very useful now the spider comes second it does some decent damage you can jump very far distances but it also aggros and PCs and the Constitution safe for the poison damage DC is quite low the cut the the use for the cut really is just so that you can lure NPCs away from their positions by using the meow feature you never use Cuts in combat they're not good for combat but it's also very fun to be able to play as a cut so yeah so it had to summon them we would go the top tier one is the Raven then it's Spider card from and Rod on the same tier and then crab so find familiar while it's good is gonna go in our C tier list it has some uses but it's not the best one then we have the fine familiar for the World locations the closet and the AIM the Imp this deals significantly better damage it can fly it can go invisible permanently that means it makes his next attack with advantage and it does not trigger interactions with NPCs that chase it around and try to get it to leave the town so it deals a little bit more damage it has more survivability and it can get an extra attack at level five so it's definitely better than find familiar when you can't use the Imp the closet is pretty bad it can only go invisible it's frightened this this is eight so most of the times it will be saved against not a good familiar to have so always go with the Imp or the Raven in this situation maybe sometimes you can go for a spider then we move on to level two spells so level one spells was scratch find familiar Now we move on to level two which is Flaming sphere and spiritual weapon usually they're not considered summons but since they have an HP bar and they move and they often your behalf in the battlefield we can consider them as summons for the for the purposes of this build so flaming sphere that's a 2d6 damage on its own turn it has about 40 HP creature starting it's their turn around it have to make a deck save for 2d6 fire damage when you get this at level 2 and 3 this is an amazing spell to have it deals quite a bit of damage but it is concentration so as soon as you get to level 5 and get fireball this spell that takes your action to cast is no longer viable so when you get it it's tier a as soon as you hit Level five it goes to tier C so we can take an average about that and put it on tier B it's definitely good early on but it definitely drops off then we move on to spiritual weapon spiritual weapon takes a bonus action to cast it's in the cleric spell list and it's one of these few bonus actions that actually credits can do to do damage you can also upcast the Spells and for every upcast for every two spell levels higher that you use on the original it gets eight additional hit points and those one to eight extra Force damage it does quite a bit of damage so as you can see 2d1 2d8 plus five it's been numerous times where my enemies have been focusing my spiritual weapon which has immunity to resistance to almost every type of damage and therefore I quote the chance to to kill them and do damage to them the fact that you can just use it as a bonus action and it lasts from turn turns it has HP it does a quite significant damage very good for the clinic it might not have been as good for a sorcer that can use its produce action to do another Fireball but it's amazing for the clerics so just for that reason I'm alone the fact that it allows clerics to do damage with your bonus action it goes in the a tier up next we have the shadow Elemental or this item you can get by getting into buffer buffers room unlocking his Library there is a hidden mechanism inside it and using Gale you have to have Gail with you to actually craft this item which is a shadow Lantern which allows you to summon a shadow Lantern rave you can do this once per long rest and you summon a level 5 shadow now the shadow will 3D damage and reduces the enemy strength and you can also do necrotic claws to do a little bit more damage than the average damage than the actual strength brain would do however as you can say it's very cool to be able to summon shadows and fight with them even though it's not the strongest pet you can have is definitely one that you would want to consider having in your party it's free to cast don't cast it before going into a city people will probably won't like it but the damage is okay the HP is okay you do get it at some sort of late part of the game so it's not going to be as useful when you get it as when you would get other summons but it's definitely good we cannot consider the other DPS or any of its utility to be too great it goes on the beat here and I think I'm being a bit lenient you could even go to sit here if I was being honest so up next we have the fungal infestation from the the sports druid so the fungal the fungal zombie is actually a very cool ability you can summon four of them at level 6 of sport trade per long rest and they have this really unique amazing ability called when they slam their enemies so if you do London attack on your enemy you inflict them with a condition whereas even if they die they get to be summoned up as a zombie themselves amazing ability this can actually create a Snowball Effect where you can summon an army of zombies however when a zombie is reborn it is reborn as a newborn zombie and they only do and they take they have 10 HP and they take one necrotic damage each turn until they die you could extend their lifespan a little bit by casting aid but still is probably not enough to have them for an entire day again very cool ability however they only come with 9 HP and they do not benefit from the necromancers abilities and therefore just for that reason alone they do go in the eighth year they are very good they're very strong to have in your party but they don't have enough HP but they're good they're good enough animate that is a third level spell that can be learned by clerics Wizards and it's on the spell list of a few other subclasses so animate that gives you the ability at level three to summon between a zombie or a skeleton and if you're a necromancer wizard you get to someone a second one however you can also Outcast this ability to a level 4 spell to get three Summons of skeletons or zombies if you're a regular Caster or for if you are a necromancer this spell is very strong especially when combined with a necromancer which gives them gives them additional HP and additional damage skeletons are a very cool option especially because they're arranged and they do quite a bit of damage one the six plus one the 10 necrotic plus three is very good damage to have for the back line character that probably no one ever is ever gonna try to attack they do have a vulnerability to crashing damage bludgeoning damage but I would say they're a very good option especially if you're gonna be having a lot of summons having a lot of skeletons to be throwing arrows at your enemy is not gonna be bad for you it's definitely going to be beneficial now zombies on the other hand are a bit tankier and they do also have nerling no like the fungal infestation zombies but they come with more HP and if you give them Aid then you can actually boost their HP significantly so this spell is going to be effective very effective at levels three and four when you get it assuming you can't get enough corpses just remember guys to pick up the corpses and put them in your chest or or to drop them off at your Camp so that you can actually get your summons whenever you need them the coolest part about this spell is that you can actually use it as a level 5 spell to get one goal or one flying goal always go for the cool guys the the flying ghoul while it looks cool it has less HP yes it has more Mobility but there are strike DC to paralyze the enemy is very low I think that is around 10 or 8 where where's the normal Goose DC to paralyze the enemy whenever they land an attack is around 14 so just because you can paralyze the enemy for two turns and then they can take critical attacks from all your party and all other zombies around them which will and keep them paralyzed in themselves is an amazing ability to have just because of that reason it would BS but you can also upcast it to a level 6 spell and get even more goals so you can get four if you are a necromancer and three if you're a regular caster and if you actually complete the necromancy of phase questline you can make it up to six you can take it up to six summons per cast which is crazy they have enough HP to tank quite a bit of damage they have amazing Armor Plus amazing HP they're very likely to start to paralyze your enemy especially when you have a lot of them so I definitely like them and there's a creature this is a creature you should be using in any someone on that romantic campaign as you're running so just because of that just because of the goals this would be an S tier but it's so good that this would be S Plus really up next we have the control Woodland beings conjured Woodland beings is a spell a fourth level spell but the only drugs can learn which allows you to summon a woodland being as this Val says with 32 HP and it also summons it in itself it's Fallen level so they have 22 and 42 HP respectively and the drag herself has an aura around here called nature stack this Aura makes so that you and your allies are not affected by difficult terrain you have resistance to poison damage damage and cannot be restrained or paralyzed cannot be restrained or paralyzed is an amazing condition to have for anyone and this one gives it in AOE and it can also use strengthened shilela to be dealing a lot of damage from 7 to 35 damage for the 8 plus 3. with her attack and it can also cast wild growth and concentrate on it as many times as you want within a day the wild growth is a second level spell but the fact that this salmon can spam second level spots it gives you an aura and it has another salmon with it which regenerates by itself is an amazing tank which also does 44 plus 4 damage is an unreal the amount of damage that this does so the amount of utility and damage and potential that this spell has definitely a nest here great options great utility gives you things you would not get otherwise you cannot get an aura like that in the game so in any other way up to the point where I am so it would definitely be an S tier for me up next we have conjured minor Elementals manual Elementals have has three options control minor Elemental feeds as there or Iceman Fields I would rank them from high to low between eyes as there and mud ice Elementals are good because they can exploit the water they create water resistance where your enemy gets vulnerability to frost so essentially they deal damage double the damage that the Mad benefits do and just because of that reason they're very good to have they can fly they have a lot of utility they're not tanky but if you give them a good Aid the race is very low they have vulnerability to bludgeoning and fire damage but if they're used properly they are very very very strong I would definitely use them position properly so that they don't get hit by Fireball because they would instantly die and explode and deal extra damage to you but other than that they're a very unique addition to your party alternatively that's there is all right because it has a very high Armor class it has a 20 Armor class it has a lot more HP than the others than the man fits and it can actually use an ability to Smite and know your enemies prone so definitely an alright pick if you're gonna be fighting something that is a lot of AOE damage it's probably better to summon another and yeah pretty good not amazing but not bad then finally you have the madman fits Unfortunately they get the short end of the stick since they can only be used yeah they get the short end of this we think they have a little bit less HP on there they have a little bit less HP than the Iceman fits whenever they die they do Force damage instead of bludgeoning which is all right they can fling yeah their damage is less than what the ice Memphis would do because it's bludgeoning and that can be resisted easily but what they do have is a is a mud breath where it makes mud and everybody on it can resist fire well it's a little bit like having um create water spell however it restrains all enemies on it and allies on it so if you cast it on your allies are gonna have this advantage on their dexterity checks you can combo this very well though with some AOE dexterity spells just not Fireball because you're gonna take half damage from it because they will have resistance your enemies will get resistance from to it so they they are all right but they're not the best someone spelling the game so it definitely goes up here a but not here s up next we have guardian of Faith guardian of Faith again is a cleric spell exclusive to the clerics you can use this to summon a guardian which stays over that area and it also has an aura [Applause] it can't be disarmed and it strikes back at any enemy that attacks any Ally within the aura so whenever a culture enters its area it strikes them and whenever a creature attacks one of the creatures inside the area it attacks back at them however it only has 60 HP and whenever it deals damage it takes the same damage itself so it has a high element class it's hard it's hard to hit but it cannot move and it dies quite easily as soon as it stealth a bit of damage it's all right it's good it's very good to control the battlefield but it doesn't do much much more than that so just for that reason it goes into your B up next we have major Elementals now major Elementals is probably my favorite summary spell it has so many options there's so many good ways in which it can be used properly which essentially makes me laugh this spell apart from being able to summon Elementals at level five it can also be upcast at level six to summon four mirmidons so let's go through them all one by one from the Elementals the water Elemental gets some resistance some very cool resistances and it also has multi attack it has missed its step my favorite ability is Winter's breath because it can actually make a repairing Target brittle and making them vulnerable to thunder and bludgeoning damage not just Thunder bludgeoning damage as well so if you throw a fireball at the enemy and then you cast the breath from the water Elemental your Barbarian with or your monk with their punches they're gonna be able to do twice as much damage twice as much damage that's not a little bit of damage that's twice as much damage for both your storm Sorcerer And your monk and your Barbarian and whoever is using bludgeoning weapons so if you just exempt everything else like it has slash just because of that but it can also do damage itself with material attack it has Elemental wrap which essentially is a free Missy step every every round so definitely this is the one I'm gonna be using but let's look at the other ones as well far Elemental fire Elemental doesn't have the resistances that the water Elemental does but it has far immunity so that would be great whenever you're fighting an enemy that only deals fire damage or heavily deals fire damage can be used it has an AOE ability that is ranged can be used to deal damage it has multi-attack and can also burn enemies so it can be comboed very well with the water Elemental however it lacks a bit so if water Elemental is as plus then this one is a or b let's continue to the next element which is going to be the Earth Elemental the Earth Elemental is definitely the tankiest option it has the highest Armor class the most strength most Constitution and while it it only does a multi-attack which only does bludgeoning damage it still has the elemental rapability that all the Elementals do and it can also use a seismic seismic strike to reduce the enemy and dexterity of the enemy and it's an AOE ability it's all right it's not it doesn't have an arranged ability I would say it's in the same tier as the fire Elemental so that would be tier B but the tankiness could probably bump it up a little bit more and to conclude we have the air Elemental the air Elemental is probably the weakest one it does have some Thunder damage that could be combat very well with so what are the elemental stability there the throw is ranged so that's a good way to deal some range damage it does have multi-attack with lightning damage and it can shock the enemy your enemies but shock it's really not worth giving up on the brittle so I would probably not use a Elemental without the option to use water okay now let's look at the upcasted versions of it because this is where it starts to get fun so we have the mirmidons so let's start with the fire mermaidon first of all it looks like Saturn so it gets bonus points for that and it can actually hasten itself which is an amazing ability to have so it can get multi-attacked for some reason it keeps getting lethargic when I do cast haste so it feels like it has some sort of bug with keeping the concentration at the moment but when this is fixed it's gonna be amazing you can do an AOE breath attack and it can do scorching strike which would be an amazing ability if you could actually haste yourself which will probably be fixed in the near future because we're going to be able to do two attacks which are going to be dealing 10 to 29 fire damage add burning your enemies so up next we have the upcast of the that's mermaidon so Earth pyramidones might go to they look amazing move some movement use some movement speed to amp their Armor Plus up to 20. they have very high starts they have resistance to slashing piercing and bludgeoning from non-magical weapons and they have poison resistance their damage not too great but it actually Stacks very well because they do Thunder damage it actually works very well with the Earth Elementals so that's a good a very strong summon it does damage and it can also use its bonus action to do some damage as well to the edge to the 8 on the attack save and they can also create mud around them to give you your enemies difficult Terrain and to give them disadvantage on dexterity saving throws if you plan on using those lightning bolts is going to be good not very good if you plan on using fireballs water will be done it can actually throw three water icicles that deal 3D damage each and that's every turn that's a very strong ability to have that's 98 every turn of coal damage and my God if you call if you actually make your enemies wet so they are vulnerable to cold damage this is going to be dealing even more then it has a hemo strike which can actually be used to make vulnerable the enemies to cold damage and resistant to go to to fire so it's like a water bottle not too great nothing special I would just rather have a mage hunt throw create throw a bottle of water at the enemy it's quite tanky it has a little bit some good HP it has an 18 animal class so definitely not a bad choice I would also put this in the a tier list maybe it's a little bit better than the other two because of the cold vulnerability which could be comboed very well with kind of cold or other Frost damage spells or even your lesser Elementals so definitely a good spell definitely would consider using it for that but my personal favorite is the air mermaiden why do I like the army midon yes it has the same Hardware class Cassandra lightning resistance but my gob what they have this amazing ability called electrifying flail this element can actually walk up to an enemy or well yeah just hit an enemy which have very good chance to hit by the way and stand them for two turns two turns stand for an enemy is crazy good it can also use Invincible invisibility on itself once per short rest so it's not gonna trigger any crazy interactions with NPCs and it can use its bonus action to teleport or fly to another position very cool probably the strongest of the of the bunch and it can also create a raging Vortex if that wasn't good enough in which every area in every monster inside takes bludgeoning damage to every turn and is silenced and therefore cannot cast spells so it's a silent zones that that was damaged and it doesn't concentrate on it just can't do it over and over so you can have multiple of these zones you can stack no actually you can only have one you have two of them you could stack them near near each other they do have a limited time though can only stay from turn turns and if you summon more than one the other one goes away very good way to actually keep the enemy casters silenced and control the battlefield so this is yeah this is my favorite one it's up to you though all of them are good so this one goes in the S tier Maybe even the water one goes in the S here for the cold water nobility but since we can also have the water Elemental this spell is amazing to have and if you use it properly this can just bring encounters by itself I could just imagine a party of four Elementals that do more damage than their actual characters so you could combo them very well together so yeah this this is where I would put it I would definitely a nest here spell it's probably the second best right after the animated so S Plus s then finally we have the salmon Deva and create Undead now the create on that spell is a sixth level spell that you can learn from your clerics or more Wizards it's a necromancy spell so you need a corpse to use it that it creates a mommy that can prevent your enemy from healing introduces your hit point maximum it has good armor class it has all right HP it's less than the Elementals and it can only multi-attack enemies that are already frightened so if your Hobbit party that already frightens enemy then enemies then it can be good if you don't though it's probably not the best summon you can have like a ghoul would be better at it so it's a little bit of a whiff in that scenario it's not a horrible someone to have so definitely keep it as an option it does not benefit from the necromancer's abilities so definitely not the best option you can have but it's pretty good overall so definitely consider putting this in your party but not the best option nevertheless so yes let's move on so definitely I'm alright spell but not an oh P spell it's probably a but it could also be a beat here especially since it requires a six level spell suit I know we can get those a lot of those down the line but yeah it's not optimal then finally we have the salmon planar Ally which is a six level spell from the cleric spell list you consider someone Deva cambion or the genie now Devas are pretty cool they are someone you can have walk around with you in the city and nobody's gonna be chasing after you trying to get you to leave the city it has a smart spell that it can use it can use reverify ones for long rest and you can also use chromecastic smash to stun your enemies pretty good damage the stats are even better 21 Armor Plus 136 HP very good resistances so it would be an amazing creature to have fight against any radiant or physical damage enemy it can fly essentially this is probably one of the strongest summons in the game not as good as the Elementals but it definitely could we it could outtp as an elemental that is not used properly so this is also a very beginner friendly sound so let's look at the camera can be on much less HP than the devil than the devil but it has better resistances poison fire cold and lightning resistance it does have resistance against non-magical weapons however there's a hard resistances against none against magical weapons as well it has less armored class it can do scorching Ray with a little bit more damage and it can also finish charm your enemies and whenever the if they fail that with a 14 DC then you can also give them a draining keys for some cycling damage not the best summer at this point and I would not be using my spouse law to summon a Campion at this point the deja is much better and it's not gonna trigger weird interactions inside the city alternatively you could summon the genie the gene is a pretty cool someone to have has a lot more HP than any other salmon 19 Armor Plus and it's has founder and lightning resistance this is amazing the fact that it has those resistances it means that it can be very a very very effective creature to have against any encounter where that's the primary source of damage you're going to be taking it can summon a plethora of gales not not killed a wizard of wind Gales that restrain the enemies within them and they would have disadvantage on attack rolls no they would have disadvantage on saving throws and attacked rolls against them would be made with Advantage so they would also be making attackers with disadvantage so they would have disadvantage with attackers since the exteriority saving throws and attack evolves against them would be made with Advantage also they would not be able to move so it is a strength save so it's easy to save for melee classes but still very strong it can also do a Thunder Wave which everybody knows how to use one and it can do it with a 17 DC which is very high and it's for 5d8 damage and of course it has a freemy system will return and its attack deals a little bit of poison damage so it's damaged it's quite diverse you can also do an AOE speed poison speed which makes your enemies drunk and therefore have the disadvantage of the dexterity and Charisma checks so very cool combination of spells it's very versatile it's probably the most versatile of the three options and it can be very useful in a lot of situations so this spell for me gets an S because of the options that it gives you yes you might say that cambium is not good but Teja and Genie are pretty good they have good stats very good options to use in battle one is very beginner friendly the other one has a lot of I have various abilities that you can use during combat so it provides good options it's a good use of your six level slot especially as a cleric so yes this is definitely someone I would consider summoning and yeah this is it this is a tier list guys so to summarize our Togo goes to D tier it's not very useful in combat salmon pets find familiar find familiarism and write spell definitely has some utilities especially early on but it falls off greatly doesn't scale very well find familiar imp is a much better option than the rest even though it can compete with a raven at some points but still not doesn't scale very well in order to continue past the beat here we have the Flaming sphere which is very good when you get it at level three and four but after it falls off greatly then we have the less the salmon Shadow Wraith which is mostly cool thematically really it's not as strong as you would want it to be you don't get it at an early point in the game but it's still a good spell to have it's free so you can use it so it's definitely not bad when you have someone you have the guardian of faith a tier B and then a tra we have the Mage hunt for its amazing utility then you have a spiritual weapon because it's a classic spell and it's amazing to be able to tank damage and deal damage with just one bonus action and one spell slot we have the fungal spores from the druid which allows you to summon an army of zombies then you have the minor Elemental the great create Undead and then at s tier you have anime.dead well actually this would be tier S Plus then after that you have the summer Elemental because the water Elemental is amazing and the millimetons have a lot of utility and they're a very strong creature to have fight by your side we have the Triad because not only is an amazing spell but it's only a level four spell and then we have the salmon the um Deva and Genie simultaneous Ally which can be used to make wonders for your team which which gives you a lot of options and then you have the summer Planet Ally which gives you a lot of options to choose from and some pretty unique and cool summons to have by your side so all in all this is my to release guys I hope you enjoyed it I enjoyed giving this video a lot this concludes the Summoner Series so thank you everyone for watching thank you everyone for subscribing and I hope I'll see you in the next one have a good one
Channel: Sawash93
Views: 75,320
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: BG3, Summon, Druid, Necro, Necromancer, Necromancy, zombie, undead, elemental, myrmidon, summoning, scroll, best, top, ultimate, guide, beginner, friendly, tier, list, tierlist, shadow, fire, water, eart, air, familiar, score, rank, category, discuss, in depth, depth, baldur's gate 3, gale, damage, utility, control, DPS, insane, awesome
Id: VEm2LWeMjUw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 46sec (2266 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 16 2023
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