Starfield - The BEST POSSIBLE START for New Players, Best Weapons, Ships, Armor, and Money Locations

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I'm going to teach you the best possible start for Star field here's what we're going to cover in the video we're going to cover how to min max your credits that's money in this game your earnings how to get a super weapon early on and standard weapons so that you can easily destroy the entire game from the very start how to get the best in slot legendary armor for farming a free ship that lets you do smuggling have lots of storage and is just better than your startership how to be over leveled before starting the main quest line and all of this is done in under one hour let's go when you reach this part of the tutorial where you are asked to walk across a bridge here and go towards the quest marker instead jump off the right side and hug the left part of the wall you're going to see some brown little Crystal things here just Harvest one of these this helps level up the skill later neodymium added there we are and all of these are also neodymium you don't have to grab these only you only really need one describe at least one you can grab two if you want it's not super important if you skip this part it just makes it easier later on When You Reach this room here don't go to the quest marker just hit make sure that you get at least one of these on the sides and they do take a little bit sometimes to mine there we go calium added now it's an okay for starter money but we're going to make money much faster later just clear off uh you know the quest objective here and I will see you at the Character Creator screen or your starting background it doesn't really matter what you pick because we're going to be so geared so early none of the combat skills matter at the start but also if you want a money Advantage you want to pick something with Commerce and so let's go over the good ones cyber runner's nice secure leveling security just means you will earn more money later this is basically lock picking so you want to max out security as early as you can and it is a pain in the butt to level also another one is Diplomat because of Commerce which is really nice it also shares the same tree with persuasion so you get at least if you have two skills learned in a tree it's easier to go to the next tier earlier on but other than that Homesteader is okay professor is really nice because all three of these are in the same Tech tree and it when you level that one up later the tier three or tier four skills are it's just so much faster to get there but the whole reason to level that Tech tree is to craft a really high end game gear but we're gonna have that anyway but you can also use it for your AFK farming on outposts but you again you can choose whatever you want for this playthrough I am going to choose the Cyber Runner just because I like having the stealth icon on my screen in this game you don't whenever you crouch down you'll enter stealth and in most Bethesda games you'll see a stealth icon indicator you don't get that until you have one level in stealth I like having the level of insecurity but again I would highly recommend Diplomat just because you start with Commerce so it saves you a level I'll start with Diplomat I'll just go ahead and do that since that's why I'm recommending to you as for trait choices let me go over the best ones you can pick whatever you want but I'm just going to explain alien DNA is more health and more stamina which this game calls oxygen and as far as healing and food items not being as effective food items heal you for almost nothing the healing kits heal you for a percent over x amount of seconds and this almost it's unnoticeable you're you're mostly going to be healing from beds in this game anyways so the healing items are so easy to get in this game you're never going to be short on them so this is just a straight buff to your character with really no downsides the next one is Taskmaster which means that your crew will repair your ship automatically which is super useful during a fire fight and just handy in general for saving you repair costs and the downside is that cruise cost twice as much to hire but we are going to be loaded and Rich and so money is no issue if one guy costs 8 000 to hire and then City costs 16 000 higher we just loot a few extra guns and it pays for it it's not a big deal the final one is really ultimately your choice I'm going to explain the two best ones Dream Home sounds terrible it sounds like you're in debt forever that's a huge amount of money it's not a huge amount of money the way dream home works is every week you have to pay 500 credits to use your house if you don't you just can't enter the house and it's also pretty cheap compared to other housing in this game this is the ultimate cheap house it's one of the best houses in the game they just give you one of the best houses the only thing that the house really does it's used for storage decoration you can put a bunch of crafting benches in it if you want to do crafting but those things are scattered all over the game and in your ships so there's no shortage of any of this it's just an extra fun place to go to you can't get this home normally in the game the only way to access this house is through this trait it is the only way also the next one is wanted now this sounds bad it sounds really bad to have Random Encounters where people try to kill you but what this is is free loot these guys are they don't bug you during main story missions so you won't like get ganked while you're trying to you know do a dialogue option or anything but essentially extra enemies means more loot means more money so it's up to you what you want to do uh I don't really care for storage or the dream home thing but you can't get there otherwise unless you pick this uh everything else is pretty terrible and doesn't really give you much of anything so I'm going with wanted because that makes the game more fun and you get more money I want to note in the game that the robot characters will read your name through text to speech so if you want to put your name as something funny and stupid and then when the robot says your name you can laugh about it that's how it is just know that your name is pretty much permanent as soon as your character is created what you want to do now is pick everything up that is not bolted down now this is a starting zone no people will attack you you won't get crime stat you won't be charged you know a bounty no one's going to aggro and try to fight you everything here is fully up for grabs when you highlight an item normally in the game there will be a red icon indicating that you're stealing it but in this case we can just take it and what I want you to do is take every single thing that you possibly can even completely useless junk that has no value because this is how we're going to level up our Commerce skill in just a little bit so it's very important to NAB everything including this this character will get mad that I stole this from them it's fine that character is not important you'll never see her again and again just grab every single thing that you can don't worry you can carry a lot of weight and most of this stuff is pretty worthless so just sit here and just smash smash smash smash and there you go and grab everything you can in every single room just hug a wall and just Mouse around every single thing and just Spam the grab key and you ink it all up it's very important to do this now when I say pick up everything I mean every single little thing like this foam cup these uh napkins if they let you loot them this person's sandwiching plates every little tiny thing that you can possibly do and don't worry they'll get mad but they won't do anything whatever A lot of them uh anyway especially the playing cards that's huge that's a real real big one now some of this stuff can be a little heavy and I didn't mean to sit down so be careful when doing that because that will eat up some of your time but uh the heavy stuff we can get rid of pretty early on it's not a big deal we're about to gain a whole lot of storage in just a little bit so make sure that you fully clean out every room you don't have to pick up another cutter because um that's your standard like default item and if you happen to drop your all your Cutters later on the game will just spawn one for you because it's a vital game mechanic to have one at all times just be careful not to spam your use button and sit in the chairs but you do want to just grab every single possible thing here and right now I've cleaned out oh we got a couple Supply shelves and again every single thing has to go also you can you can drag some items you can you can pick up and drag them out and check behind them and there might be stuff so always be looking out for that make sure you crouch down grab every single one of these books and folders it's coming with us and it's going to again level our Commerce incredibly fast also the darts Dart there's some darts there some on the floor just be very proactive and look at everything after looting all of the rooms my weight currently is at 83 Mass out of 135 that's plenty we're gonna loot some more stuff here in a bit if we go overweight we can still move at a normal speed it'll be fine we can store it in just a bit once you're outside continue to loot things there's really not a whole lot to pick up but the most important things are at the main Runway here you do have a pistol and some ammo so make sure to grab those and then run around and just loot to your heart's content check up with the quest givers every once in a while there's again not a lot out here but be prepared because you're going to be attacked around this red line on this side of the map but for now we're going to go back over here and continue the story so when the mining Colony gets attacked there's a few things that you can do to get a little bit of extra loot uh also they land right over here so you can grab some of these explosion barrels if you want and kind of have a trap ready for them I've got a toxic Barrel here I'm going to throw at them but uh last time I tried this in practice I missed so we'll try it again sometimes it'll disappear from your hands but uh here we go that door swings open I'm gonna see if I can gas some of them let's see now you want to jump on the ship as soon as possible because otherwise it'll take off and there is a med kit in there there we go we got some gas it looks like it knocked a few down but an explosion Barrel would have done way more but real quick just run on the ship because otherwise it'll take off immediately grab this med kit that's the only thing that you can miss here and before you kill the enemy Pirates I mean go ahead and kill some of them why not it's whatever make sure you loot all of their stuff you might get over encumbered at some point but you want to run kind of to the back line here and start killing non-important teammates so let's see that's Barrett he's like he's the main character this is let's see if you shoot them and nothing happens they're a main character also you can't kill this robot but uh there we go so that is a teammate which I just killed and now the pirate will come for me with their hatch it's not a big deal just fully loot them fully loot your teammates that's why we're killing them for their loot here we go here's another one let's take them down you can also just melee them if you want it's not a big deal and uh yeah we're just playing this softly again these guys are so weak it doesn't matter let's go ahead and fashion with our gun you could also just punch them out it's whatever oh boy we exploded don't worry about losing Health if you lose enough Health the game is going to tell you that you need to use a med kit don't do it don't use any mid kits here we're about to be able to sleep in a bed and be fully healed it's not a big deal just again killer kill all your teammates that you can and then you'll see the little indicators here to kill the remaining Pirates so there we go take them out and yeah they like to stand near explosive barrels sometimes but again it's it's fine as long as you don't die and if you die you just restart it's not a big deal there we go we killed all the Pirates and hopefully we killed all of our allies too you could grab the cutter I don't need it those things weigh quite a lot and they don't sell for anything check every dead body and that is a regular character so we can take them out except no the fight ended so we can't loot him so we we missed some loot there it's okay you don't have to loot them all but uh looks like everything's clean so it's time to go we're gonna talk to Barrett and we're gonna roll out by the way once you're in the ship you can find a bed here and I'm sorry my menu opens every time I alt tab you open the bed you sleep for one hour that's going to fully heal you so don't use those mid kits also it goes towards your Wellness perk uh so yes I've learned about skill points so your Wellness all you have to do is get hurt a bunch and then sleep it off and let me show you a fun trick before you leave the first area there is a there's a very easy way to power level this up we're going to go back to the Outpost from the ship and uh this is this is super easy to level up your HP early on so over here there's a door you're not supposed to go in yet and the game lets you know by hurting you essentially so we go to this little uh this little broken switch and we use we push use on it it's gonna give us a shot now I'm gonna I'm gonna cut the recording here because it's kind of loud but I'm gonna shock myself down to very low HP and I'll be right back so I have tased myself down to a very lethal amount of health and now when I go to sleep I'm going to have uh all of that restored and there we go Wellness heal 200 damage so if I want to level Wellness to the next Rank and get 10 more HP I totally can because I've fulfilled it however I don't have any skill points because I haven't leveled up yet and I don't want to level this first we want to level Commerce first which you have to buy or sell items to be able to level up and because of that that's why we're collecting all this junk now you'll notice also that in my inventory I am overburdened by about four kilograms don't worry once we fly to the next Zone we can easily alleviate that problem once you've landed on Crete you can open the menu and then go to your ship and now technically the ship is yours you can go to cargo hold and this will just show some stuff that's in it you can then go to your inventory and then we're just going to go to miscellaneous and that's where all this junk is that we picked up like bolt cutters and coffee mugs these don't do anything but we don't want to carry them around because they do weigh a lot so we're gonna just hit the store button just rapidly as much as possible and uh some some things you can't store like this artifact that's a story item so but everything else just keep hitting that e button and then watch it get stuffed into your ship storage and we could sell later from the ship storage it's not a big deal you don't have to pull it back out there's all the playing cards and uh yeah just store as much as you can now you can see here uh when I switch to Frontier you can see it has a storage of 450. so obviously you know we're not going to fill it up but not here not yet but um you don't want to you want to make sure that you're not storing ammo or anything you're going to use so I go to miscellaneous and I'm just storing all this you know random junk I'm gonna back out go to resources I don't need any of this for combat or you know whatever then I'm going to go to weapons and uh I have five Cutters it says well I'm gonna store four of them because you do need one for mining in general the pistol I'm not really going to use so I'm going to store it I'm not going to use this maelstrom or any of those maelstroms I'm going to uh I'm going to store all but one ax just my accent cutter that's what I'm going to do the next Zone with I'm just going to just straight melee I'll pick up some guns as I go so it's not a big deal next up is spacesuit I have the one I have equipped this is the pirate one it's not better than what I have so I'm going to store it hacks elements let's store that helmet that actually might have been better but it it doesn't matter we're going to get better equipment very soon anyway some of these none of those are better so I'm going to store all of them and then ammo you can hold a lot of ammo because ammo is weightless you don't have to store it as far as Aid goes I'm going to store all the food items but you got to be careful because uh the med pack you see this heart that's what we use to heal we do want to keep that on our person but everything else can just go ahead and go into storage for now and uh let's see what else notes don't need any notes absolutely not and there we go our weight is now down to 28 we can now do more looting let's see storage in the ship it's not even close to being fully stored I do want to check one other thing though we're going to go to um or go hold and I'm looking for something called amp we can get it later but we do need it later on to skip a puzzle I didn't pick up any amp again it's randomly generated there we go we're all set to go to the planet and uh all you have to do is I'm just going to equip a hatchet you don't even need a hatchet you can just punch them out they're level two mobs it's not a big deal and we're just gonna clear the zone now and pick up everything along the way by the way you want to be killing everything you encounter and looting them because they have their own unique Loot and we need that so that we can get our Commerce up so make sure you kill these Critters and loot them uh they will attack or run away it's not a big deal we have a bed on our ship to heal and there's no time limit so again just kill absolutely everything that moves in this Zone and yeah you could scan some stuff and you know Harvest some plants if you want you can go over here grab some things you don't really need to it's just a big time scene but you do whatever you want I want to give you a tip for exploring if you were to just Sprint forward you'll see that your stamina or your oxygen gauge will run out really quickly a better thing you can do is Sprint and then Bunny Hop just constantly jump and as you're Airborne your oxygen will replenish and the cost of jumping is much lower than the cost of taking a few steps so you should always just be constantly jumping everywhere you go so that you don't Tucker your character out there you go also if you're wondering this is how the bounty hunting works every week the bounty on your character grows higher and higher for my character it's currently 2000 I don't know what it increases to you after that because I only ever sleep one hour at a time so one week takes a long time to pass but if you're level two the bounty hunters will be level five and they only show up if you go off course which is what I did just now by the way you can use the F button to pop out your scanner and everything that you can possibly loot will be highlighted in blue this will make it a lot easier to join all the things that are just randomly around on the ground like a smokes we got an orange in the cooler and uh yeah just to continue to run around and loot everything now I haven't went to the main mission area yet I wanted to just kind of see if the bounty hunters would come and they did there's really not much out here to do these areas do level scale slightly and this planet has a very low level stuff so it's not really worth doing the side missions not yet anyway as you go through the zone and you loot all of the dead bodies and possibly all of the junk on the tables and and want it as well make sure that you check your uh your mass don't become overweight but when you get close what you're going to do is open your scanner and then well you have to leave the facility first so go ahead and leave the facility and then you can fast travel back to the ship and store everything that you currently have if you are overweight then you can't store it you'll have or I'm sorry you can't fast travel you'll have to run there manually and whenever you run when overweight it's going to rapidly drain your stamina so this might take a few trips to uh it's a stashed up but it's going to really help us later on super power level Commerce immediately to max level which is amazing to have at the start of the game so once you're outside just select the frontier which is the ship's name and then push uh e to fast travel I don't know what the controls are on consoles but once you fast travel there just you know get out of the cockpit and then open the menu and store everything as you've been doing also you've probably taken some damage from fighting enemy mobs so just rest in the bed restore your HP and continue through what I would like to call the dungeon but it's more like an outpost I've made a few trips now as you can see my cargo hold is starting to slowly approach maximum weight that's fine we have 243 different items here in our cargo hold that's plenty for level three Commerce also I just want to remind you that you can fast travel to and from the research lab once you've already been there again saves you a lot of time I also want to mention that anytime you open a computer screen or like a notebook and you have a bunch of choices while you as the player may not care about ashta specimens or candidate one your character might so all you gotta do is just open and close these and your character will have counted them as being red which can open up new quests or possibilities for loot or dialogue options by now you should be level two and if you've been following just the left wall you might come into a room that kind of looks like this and it has a safe and there is a Digi pick next to it you always want to save your game before opening these in case you use them we can get more later by abusing shopping mechanics but right now we don't have access to a shop so we're going to open our menu and depending on what you chose if you chose a class that did not start with Commerce then you are to put your first skill point into Commerce if you didn't if you picked a class that did not start with security your first point will go into security so we're going to learn security there we go and the reason why we do this before we ever pick a lock is because in order to rank up security from now on we have to pick locks so we need to pick five locks successfully and here we go we're going to pick this novice level safe and the way this works is uh it was a little confusing at first I didn't think the game explained it very well but every single one of these circles has these little slots right the only way to delete the circle is to insert these lines into all of the open holes so there is one two three four five holes on this first slot that means I need a three and a two in order to beat it and I could see the next one that needs one two three four five as well so we want to use a three and a two and a three and a two now you could just guess but here's the easy way to do it every time so you never waste your picks what you want to do is you want to line them up like uh hold on we're gonna just kind of play around here so this one doesn't line up at all with the first but that won't always be the case so definitely this one will be a choice see so that works now let's find a number three that works let's see so this one will break those two and this will break those three so we can run with that but what about the next the next uh the next section well Let's Line those up with the ones okay so that lines up there and then finally this one is the one that we didn't line up hold on so those will break that that leaves this one and that one that we would just simply swing it like that there we go everything is lined up it's ready to go so we're going to go ahead and do that one now and we're gonna push e and then e and then e and then e there you go so that's how to do it without wasting one because if you undo it it breaks your digit pick so but again if you save before doing it and you mess up you can always load but later on once we have access to shops you can just carry a whole bunch of them and you can mess up all you want and once you level it up enough the game will just open it automatically for you so it's not a problem I want to explain to you how to loot certain items from certain objects so here we have like a toaster oven and inside there's a cube of food and we can't get to it there's you can't break the object you can't smash it open if you hold the E button to lift the door up it's kind of awkward like I know I have like you can try to lift the door up it's really janky it doesn't work so what you do is you pick up the whole thing preferably from like the side and then you back up hold on we grab it and uh yeah there you go we just dump it out on the ground and then we pick it up and that's how to loot those objects sometimes there's good stuff in them not at the start of the game if you've looted everything properly in the first area you will have acquired five digit picks and unlocked five locks so as soon as we level up we can start unlocking expert launch at the very start of the game as you continue to loot you might become overburdened and instead of teleporting back to the ship you can talk talk to Vasco here and then go to let's trade gear that'll open up the menu then you go to inventory and then you can select whatever it is you want like these Blue Darts if I hit the e button it will then give it to him in his inventory which I can take out anytime I want and I can just continue to give him things until his uh his mask also he can carry 135 pounds so you know you you can load him up all you want and once you get back to the ship take it off of him put it back onto you take it off of you put it back on the ship simple stuff very easy now just for fun I want to show you guys a fun sequence break in the game so the way it works is when we enter the roof here we come out of this door we take a few steps forward we hit a cut scene wall where we encounter the space pirate dude over here and we can talk to him or fight them whatever you want to do but what I did was as soon as I opened the door I fast traveled to the ship over here and now I have run back over here near the Sledge and check it out I can get behind them which is pretty funny now normally you can't run fast enough to make the jump and we don't have our jet packs yet there's no way to get that but with the help of amp which we looted earlier we can consume one of those increase our running speed by 35 percent and our jump Heights so here we go I missed the jump actually but hey that's fine we run so fast we can you know try it once again and we're already back up on the ledge and then here we are now we're behind them we could go ahead and sneak up on them now and uh so yeah uh if you want to just fight them without the cutscene that's one way to do it uh and right now like let's add pickpocketing there we go it turns up around pretty funny stuff but besides of sequence breaking here's what it's supposed to actually look like you go through the door we're on the roof and before technically you could shoot at him uh the cutscene will play right about there what I advise that you do is that you go with the persuasion route so we can set up a legendary Farm through saves coming so that's what I'm gonna do right now I'm gonna hit persuade and I'm just gonna play the persuasion mini game here trying to hit him with a three there we go hit him with the one and didn't get it that time got it that time so I can try it all right so we got him now what this did is it makes him non-hostile so I can walk up to him and what I'm just gonna do is set the stage here a bit we're gonna take some exploding barrels and we're just gonna just kind of let them hang out again we're we're setting up the one shot here so grabbing more explosion barrels and let's see I could rotate that just like that there we go don't come back and yeah he's kind of a he's kind of a but hey that's fine it's whatever we're just gonna we're just gonna give him a bunch of explosion barrels here uh right behind him so we so he launches forward right at our feet you know we have to plan this out very nice well if I can set it set her down nice and steady there it is I think there's one more here in the corner maybe not that's more than enough and uh we're gonna go oh we got one right here there it is and one more this is Overkill by the way but uh whoops well you get you get the idea right you come back here we don't we need all we can get you only you really need three of these to kill them on normal I don't know what it is on very hard but we shall find out okay so we're all set up so we're gonna set up a quick save and I'm gonna teach you the next part so every this is a boss fight by the way this this Brogan guy is the first boss of the game and he has a very good loot table this means that you can Farm him for legendaries not that we need it we just I just want a legendary for more money money's more important early on so all we're gonna do is uh shoot the explosion Barrel behind them that's gonna send them flying and uh just go ahead and finish them off here all right down he goes so let's check his loot bashing Eon that sucks I'm gonna hit to F9 to quick load of course and we're just going to rinse and repeat over and over and over here it might be faster if I uh set up a gun just a quick you know just pop a cap in them there we go hit the quick save pop them once again there he goes into the stratosphere uh just you know pops a bullets this time again only a blue if you don't want a blue I'm going to sit here and reload until I get something good and then show you something expensive and here we are after just two kills two two tries we got a legendary now check this out this is a mechanized star Romer space suit now we're gonna loot something way way better in the next like 10 to 15 minutes but this thing is worth you know 3K his gun not so much I could actually get something worth a little bit more he can drop Legendary Weapons which are worth way more than a legendary spacesuit so I could sit here and keep rolling and rolling until I get something good or I can just take what he's got now and then continue on this is just optional you don't have to do this it's just something that you can do if you decide you want to also this ship lands and a bunch of dudes come out so make sure don't fall too far you might break your ankles uh and uh jump on that ship and loot the stuff before it flies away but uh I'm just gonna switch to uh laser beams here and uh we're just gonna fry them also they're stuck in the in the ground so that makes it a little easy as long as I'm in the ship it won't take off oh no they can't fight back oh that poor dude anyway I'm just gonna you know you only get the med pack of course and I'm gonna finish these up and then it's off to the next area now before you're about to land on the new planet here called jemisin select random ships flying around and try to find one that says Trader on it and then hail them so this is a trade ship you can trade with them which is kind of interesting how you can just trade through space and uh here we go what we're going to do is we're going to hit sell and then sell from ship inventory we're going to go to misc and we're just going to do left click about 20 25 times let's do three four five six seven eight nine ten you see that right there that calmer Spire cell buy or sell 25 unique items so we're gonna just uh you know pump that up there we go so we're at 19 out of 25. and we don't want to go over 25 out of 25 there it is okay so we can close the menu now and there it is that's all we need from them for now then we can go ahead and land on the planet and continue as normal now once you've landed on the planet just continue the main story Quest as normal follow the blue markers on your map I'll tell you when we're going to divert course and break the game once you get to this part in the story where Sarah asks you if you want to go ahead with the game tell her this is all a little much I need some time to clear my head this will let you free roam essentially though the game doesn't tell you that that's available yet so she gives you a big old pile of money and a Lodge Key and also a level up which is very important for what we're about to do so you should be level four by now if you've killed every single thing in sight also the launch key allows you to go into the basement and have access to every crafting bench in the game the research table by the way is in the middle we don't need any of this because we're just gonna go steal and loot all the best gear but uh you can grab a med kit there if you want and let's just quick save so the first thing you should do now because you're level four you'll have two skills to allocate what you want to do is go to Commerce and level that up now we have to buy or sell 75 unique items which that's what we spent the early part of the game Gathering up all that junk inside our trunk is about to get sold and we're gonna level up our Mercantile so that we can earn even more money and buy things even cheaper so now I've pushed Elm to go to my map and I'm just going to teleport back to the ship and that's just going to put me right in front of a vendor kiosk that I can now use to go to the next level essentially so here we are we're going to exit the ship and as soon as you exit the ship there is this green machine on the very right here I always do quick saves so I don't mess up any menus here but we're going to go to the trade Authority kiosk and then I'm going I have it automatically set to sell and uh looks like I can't oh here it is there it is okay so I'm gonna go buy and then buy and then sell and then sell from ship inventory because we put all our junk in the ship I'm gonna go to misc and again we're just gonna just sell it's fine just sell everything you got and this does take time but look at that buy or sell 75 unique items it's pumping up I'm using both my e button and my left click and let's we don't want to go too far there oh I think we did a little too much there all right so it made the noise that we did it we're gonna go back to our screen here level up Commerce again with our next skill point now we have to do 150 unique items let's go ahead and reopen the kiosk once again so from ship inventory miscellaneous and here we are this is uh this is how we level all that junk not only is it making us money and we have a lot of money right now too it's a pretty good amount uh next up is uh you got to be a little careful with this resources are actually very useful I don't recommend that you Mass sell these even though everything in here we can buy and also we can simply um you know we we can buy later there's other ways to um to meet our goals which I will show you in a little bit because we're going to do some shopping so our next step is to get our Mercantile you know finished off so just go into every shop essentially we're gonna go to the coffee shop and we're going to buy one of everything it's pretty cheap like these are only uh how much are they 63 each so just buy one don't buy it don't buy a whole stack all right I think I missed one but that's fine it's whatever then we just walk away from the store and go to the next store over here and then buy again one of everything we're gonna sell it back it's fine and uh this is very important before we start stealing and grabbing very high value items to pump up our money and to buy a very powerful ammo please take a look so this does take a little bit of time but what I like to do is when I go to a store I just buy one bullet of every ammo type which um would set off alarm Flags or alarm bells in real life if you were to do this at an ammo store never do this in real life uh they'll be calling Authorities on you but in the video game we're just doing it to you know raise our Mercantile so there we go that's nine right there what about uh we want cheap stuff apparel you know we could buy one of all of these that's fine they're pretty darn cheap these are just uh Jack and stuff we can go to Aid and we can buy one of these These are actually somewhat useful they're some of them are a little bit more expensive uh you can also buy the notes they're pretty cheap we have plenty of money next up would be uh resources here these these are the most useful things so I'm just gonna buy one of everything here and uh I'm I'm not gonna record the whole thing but you get the idea go to every shop and buy one of everything all right so my game actually crashed and I had to start over and instead of going and buying whatever everything I just sold one of most of my resources and one of most of my AIDS so I never had to go and buy anything anyway but you could but uh there we go now we don't have a skill point yet to level up the last Point part of Commerce but we're gonna get that very very soon also if you've TR if you're trying to fast travel out after you've talked to Sarah and told her that you want some time to think about it by going to the map and trying to leave the planet the the game technically won't let you yet because it wants you to talk to Sarah and continue the main story Quest but all you have to do to bypass this and I'm pretty sure this is intentional it just isn't coded right as you go to your cockpit and you have to manually go to take off and watch the little screen where your ship blasts off into space and once you're in space you are now allowed to free roam the entire game you are now allowed to go anywhere where you can technically survive and the way this game kind of gate keeps you from the end level content so you can't exactly go to a level 90 Zone and just grab something out of a chest is if you try to get there you're going to be attacked by space pirates and they will just instantly blow your ship but I know some safe routes to get to some very high level zones and some zones are listed as high level but they're not really but we're gonna go get a super powerful weapon and we have money for ammo and it's gonna be really nice I'm gonna show you how to do it so here is where we're going to go we're going to open the star map and we're going to zoom out zoom out again currently we're in the Alpha Centauri system we're going to go up and left a bit to the soul system or soul I don't want to pronounce it we're going to uh click that and no we're not we're not actually going to solve we're going to Velo so from Saul is top right up here at narion that's where we started the game but we're gonna go to Velo instead which is kind of in the same Zone and then we're gonna jump there and that'll take just a little bit of time clickety clack and oh we have to power up our uh grab engine I always forget so power down laser power up grab and we we're in save zones we won't be attacked by Pirates you don't have to worry about doing any any kind of space combat this entire video shouldn't involve space combat so we should be good there and instead of cutting the footage you're just gonna have to eat the loading screen I'm sorry but uh here we are we're in Velo we're gonna open we're gonna wait for the scan to happen we have no Contraband later we're getting a ship where we can have Contraband and when they scan us they won't be able to detect any so let's see is this there's Polo open the map and we're going to click Hope Town that's right we're going to Hope Town this is just a settlement this is not an actual City so you're not going to get lost it's very easy to make your way around this and we're gonna do a little bit of exploiting to get an A Very overpowered weapon that you wouldn't normally see in in areas until your high 50s that's right the weapon we're about to go grab you normally don't get access to until you're in your mid to high level 50s but we're level four and we can wait we can we can equip it we can shoot it and we can afford it sort of well I'll show you what I mean by that so we're in Hope Town I'm gonna go ahead and do a quick save here and uh we're gonna run forward and it's storming right I've never seen it storm here interesting all right and then to the right is the ranger station we're going to continue along this path and to the right is the best defense store now before we do any Shenanigans in the store I'm going to talk to the shopkeeper and we're gonna see what I like to call a daily driver this is a gun that we will use when we're not using our super overpowered expensive stuff so I'm just gonna go I'm just gonna skip his dialogue until it lets me talk to him and open his shop let's see what you have all right so first things first let's check his weapons and there's one specific weapon you should check everything you kill for and every shop you encounter and it is a modified Grendel which is right here however well this one actually works okay so there's a few mods we're looking for this one half works this one is a semi-automatic Grendel that's exactly what we want however I would also prefer one with armor penetrating rounds that's the Golden Goose but this is good enough I'm gonna go and bite it for a thousand now the thing with the grindles is they are very cheap on ammo everybody you kill is gonna have ammo for this gun now normally the I'm gonna buy a regular hold on no I'm not I'm gonna show you the power of the Grendel real quick through save scumming so that you understand how good this gun is so first off let me show you the regular Grendel which is awful terrible terrible weapon never use the regular grindle and then I'm going to show you what semi-automatic does in this game I don't know if it's bugged or if it's intentional but we're going to equip a regular Grendel it does three physical damage and it's a semi-automatic or I'm sorry this one is a full auto so this is what it looks like it just it just blah blah blah and also why does a why does no one care if I'm shooting guns let's go to an incredibly tanky uh you know named character here this one is Nia kalu she's level 30. I'm just gonna just spray into her body and look at this this is a full clip look how much damage I did to her her health is barely tickled right I'm only hitting her for like three per bullet it's it's really crappy and let's load game now because obviously we we don't want to continue that uh that Dimension where we've heard an innocent person not yet at least and uh did I save after buying that I did not oh wait yeah I did yeah I did uh okay nope I'm in the wrong menu here modified Grendel this is simply semi-automatic it's the exact same gun except now when I pull the trigger it shoots one bullet at a time so I have to left click multiple times you may think well that sucks how can that possibly be better and it is in so much regard so here we go same character now look at my damage 18 18 and it stuns her it's stun locking her she can't exactly fight back look at my look at her she's about to die on a single clip now obviously I miss him some shots but you can see the DPS difference is it's night and day right I put three to four magazines at full auto indoor and I barely chunked her at all whereas the semi-auto almost killed her completely that's why we want that gun now the the guns are randomized in the shops when you play this character may not have that gun for sale so you just have to check random shops and bodies and corpses into you find it but let me just also add once you find one that has armor piercing on it boy oh boy are you you're just you're in heaven because that weapon will deal even more damage and stun lock and you can you can hit people from across zones with it it's super accurate it's one of the best guns in the game and you're never gonna run out of ammo it's everywhere it's so cheap to maintain and have so let me show you an example of a really good daily driver gun right here it's the exact same one this is a Grendel with armor piercing rounds and semi-automatic I also have suppressor for sneaking and a bunch of other stuff on it but essentially this is the kind of weapon that you eventually want to grab it is insanely powerful I'm just gonna fire into the gra the crowd and shoot some guards and show you just just how stupid this this weapon truly is so uh obviously the cities they don't do much but the security guards here uh they take huge amounts of damage they're taking 40 on headshots and you know you have the ammo to spare this thing is great for clearing out you know Camp settlements just whatever you want it just it makes such a short work of everything that you do it with and like I said the ammo is just infinite you're never not going to have ammo like when I kill these guys boom 22 bullets easy every single thing that you kill is gonna have this ammo it's so common you absolutely want a semi-auto grindle it's overpowered anyway back to getting the most broken overpowered weapon ever so what we're gonna do is we're gonna open his back door here which he doesn't seem to mind or care also it's kind of annoying that this guard is like standing in the way here sometimes you can kind of like run into them and they will Mosey away you can also sit in the chair and wait but we're gonna grab this trash can and sometimes this bugs out and and counts as stealing but let's see what happens okay nothing happened no one's angry I've got this trash can here nice right and so what we're gonna do is we're going to you see these two guns on these shelves well not that one we can just joint that one off the shelf this one we're just gonna knock it off the shelf there and oh that's not that's a bad spot in here let's try to scoop it this way and oh no okay we're gonna have to load game because that one is that I'm not getting that one out of the corner ever there's it's stuck so yeah we have to load that one oh boy so let's try this again and I have the trash can in my hand and we have the gun on the floor we're just gonna sweep it just sweep it and just kick it kick it around on the ground as awkward as this is a little too hard okay here let's squat down and you gotta play like ping pong with it we got this person in the way but we can still kind of make it work and what we're gonna do is uh oh I don't have the door open on my quick save all right open the door don't touch the gun make sure that you don't ever lay hands on this or otherwise it's over and we're just gonna we're just gonna knock it over here into the corner there we go let go of the trash can and we're gonna shut the door so no one can see us no one's looking at us we're in sneak mode make sure you're crouched and then we're gonna pick it up there we go mission accomplished we just got one of the strongest guns in the early game that you're ever gonna get next up we're gonna stand over here make sure no one's looking at us like of course the shopkeeper is do a quick save we're gonna Crouch and we're going to try to oink this one off the shelf on the very pixel there it is okay so they saw that I'm gonna quick load and we're gonna rinse and repeat if you still can't get it if like the NPCs are staring at you you can sit on a chair and wait an hour or you can just try like this NPC has got eyes on me so that sucks so again we could just grab the trash can and Scoot it along the ground and hide it from their view or I can sit here in the chair and then I can wait one hour for the NPC to maybe Mosey along sometimes they do sometimes they don't nope she didn't she's still there staring at me so we'll go six hours you know just wait and eventually they'll get tired and go home or you know follow their local whatever the heck and if that's again if that still doesn't work just use the trash can method but normally you can snatch that one off the shelf pretty pretty quick obviously this person is sus as hell and so they're not moving sometimes you can grab the trash can and you can put it over their head and then they can't see you but uh it doesn't always work and also it falls off sometimes but um I'm gonna go ahead and just trash can method this one into the back room shut the door and joink it off the floor so we've stolen the two weapons and they they are amazing guns they're called the advanced mag Shear now right here is the ammo type .50 Mi we're gonna go ahead and clip one and then this is where a lot of the early money that we have comes into play because we're gonna buy some ammo from this man we're gonna go to ammo we're gonna go to the 0.50 Mi array these things are 200 and uh no they're 32 per bullet and we can buy 240 bullets 7.6 K that's like half our money essentially it's worth it we're gonna buy another set of of ammo in a bit with the rest of our money because we're gonna we're gonna blow through this ammo like crazy so let's go ahead and load it in and I'm gonna show you how much damage this does just so you can see why we bought this or why we stole this and I'm also going to show you how to unseal it later so we don't get it confiscated but I'm gonna do a quick save here and we're back once again at this NPC and we're just watch her health just just goodbye health bar it's gone and look at look at that it only took like 20 bullets but the way the way you want to use this weapon is you want to just tap fire just just light little Taps also she revives so like tap tap tap that way you're not wasting any bullets and it will look you just revived once again she is uh unkillable she's like a vampire or something but uh yes that weapon alone will let us go to very high level zones and just delete the enemies with with no fuss no no mess and also we can sell the other one for a huge chunk of money so what we're gonna do now is we're gonna travel back to the original Planet by pushing Elm zooming out a few times going down here to Alpha Centauri clicking that and then we're going to go to the jemisin planet here we're going to click uh new Atlantis explored uh I'm carrying too much I'm over encumbered so I actually have to manually go to this ship and then do it uh that's fine and I could also store the weapons on the ship it's not a big deal so again ship super close to the shop let's get her done I'll meet you there all right I've done some Inventory management I've gotten my weight down to 34. Let's uh let me show you where to go now we're gonna go to the star map and we're going to zoom all the way out to the entire solar system here go to Alpha Centauri click this here we are click on jemisin and then we're going to go to new Atlantis and then land and that's going to put us back on the planet back where we originally started we're gonna go to another weapons shop and we're going to we're going to steal a couple things then we're gonna clean the stealing off of them so that they're unstolen and then we're basically going to sell it and then buy a bunch of ammo so I'm going to show you where to run to now and this place looks wild at night I have not seen the city at night it's very lit up but uh yeah crazy so again remember as you're traveling and just follow my path uh what we're gonna do is We're Not Gonna Take the tram to get to the item shops we're actually going to take an elevator and I'm just jumping so I can conserve O2 or stamina and it looks like I've run out of stamina so now it becomes CO2 which is silly it's like this you shouldn't be stamina drained on a planet I guess it was too hard to program anyway so in between the coffee shop and whatever this shop is it's like a food store I guess is an elevator and we're going to take the elevator to a place called the well and once we're down here there's two things we're gonna do we're gonna steal mini guns and then we're going to clean the stealing of all of the guns that we took so this is the UC Surplus this is where we're going to buy more ammo but we need more money and so I'm going to do just a quick save here and make sure everything's cool we're going to open this weapon case up opening the case does not cause you know crime stat and because like here's the shop owner this guy in the red here but make sure there's no one else also in the store if you can close the door so people on the outside don't catch you in the ACT we're gonna stand behind the sign we're going to crouch he can't see us and we're going to yoink the micro gun and he caught me so we're gonna load the game and we're gonna we're gonna try this a few more times otherwise there's a few things we can do to lure him into the back room and once again let me get the room set up a little oh we have a person here so that maybe they saw me um sometimes if there's people they will see you but we're gonna crack this open crack this open also this guy's very fidgety with his stuff I'm gonna do a quick save he will like stand up sometimes and you can shove this guy by the way you can push him around you can uh if you stand near him and run towards him he will back up sometimes there he goes and what you can do is you can just kind of put them in the closet here if you want that's another alternative um but other than that you can't scoop these out of the boxes they are bolted in there so we have to just rely on being a thief so it looks like he's being a little Jank right he's uh he's like he's following me so we can maybe get him get him yeah he I don't know he's following us follow me into the closet but you have to play around with him but we can get these mini guns they're they're not super expensive you can kind of skip this step if it's taking too long but try to steal the two miniguns the miniguns by the way I guess I should show you is uh there's one right here and uh well they're called micro guns and one right there you don't need to steal the ammo we're not going to use them we're just doing it for money it's just fast and easy money anyway I'm gonna go ahead and steal them now once you've stolen the two miniguns go ahead and buy you some 0.50 Mi arrays again 8 300 we have 8 900 that's fine we're down to 650 but hey we have high Mercantile so we get more value for the things we sell we still have a lot of stuff to sell so let me show you how we're gonna clean these guns and sell them and so once you leave the shop if you go left up these stairs this is the elevator where we came in from just for reference so you leave the elevator and then to your right is the surplus store which we just robbed and bought from and then to our left down the stairs and down this hallway is another shop so when we go here we're going to take a right and we're going to see this trade Authority sign we're gonna go inside here and it looks all fancy business with guards and stuff which I don't know the lore but essentially these guys they buy stolen goods and then they sell them back to you for the same price so it's basically it's free service I'm just gonna skip her dialogue here and then I'm gonna see I'd like to see what you have for sale so this is how it works you're going to go to sell in the bottom right and then you're going to go to your weapons and these these have a red icon so what stolen items do in this game is if a guard if you anger a guard like you steal something or you punch somebody a guard will take all of your stolen stuff out of your inventory they just know somehow but this is how you clean it so they won't ever know so we're gonna sell that item and then these two items also I need to sell for my ship inventory because I have another mag Shear in there there we are and yes I know we have one more level of Mercantile to go but um you know whatever it's called don't exit the menu don't exit the menu or you lose that stuff so go back to buy Scroll down and you have this buy back box now we're gonna buy back our Advanced mag shear and uh there we go I don't need to buy those back because uh the whole purpose of grabbing them was to steal them anyway and so now I have a super weapon with two big things of ammo 7 362 credits to my name and it's time to go to some high level zones with our powerful gun and um just basically win the game at this point but I another thing in testing you know because I did a lot of testing before I made this guide that I I want to share with you and that is how to get more ammo because we just bought out this dude's entire stock of ammo well all you have to do is wait two days so I'm just gonna I'm Gonna Save first in case something glitches but I'm gonna sit down next to him and he's gonna he's gonna chat with me I guess and I'm just gonna hit the weight button and then I'm gonna wait 24 hours and I'm gonna do that one more time after this and then when we go back to his inventory you will have restocked all of that ambo unfortunately the items on the store shelves never restock to my knowledge I've I've waited one week two weeks three weeks I've left the zone and came back flew to other planets came back I can't get them to refresh the guns on their display cases I have now waited two in-game days we're gonna talk to the sales clerk now once he's done sitting down since I can't talk to him while he's in that animation and uh what we're gonna do is since I don't have enough money for another set of ammo I don't think let's let's check the he did not oh there it is I thought you didn't restock so I oh I actually wow look at that I I had two credits left over I did not plan that it's completely random how much he restocks his ammo I swear uh but that is that is so cool I have two dollars to my name but we got plenty of ammo but I want I want more I really want more so I'm gonna sell from the ship inventory now I'm gonna sell all these weapons that we got um I have four Cutters I don't need any in my I have one on me I don't need any on the ship I don't need any of this stuff so we're just gonna just gonna sell and 11 of those and there we go again we're going to restock this amount so fast all right and then spacesuits I don't need this don't need any of those 96 684 credits and remember we have level three of uh I forget the skill I keep calling it Mercantile because that's what it is in other games uh it is Commerce level three Commerce so you know we're getting a pretty damn good deal right and so I'm gonna go wait two more days and buy some more ammo and I will be right back and that should be more than plenty now in testing I had a strategy where I only killed half the enemies in the places we're going to and then ran from the other half and just looted but it was really hard to do and I like to make my guides as easy as possible for people that are not good at video games people that are young or people that are just they're lazy and they don't want to try hard that's what my guides are for that's what my whole YouTube channel is about so I'm making this as easy and as simple and as dumb as possible so that you guys can just go in there and then rat a tat tat all the enemies down you can spend all as much time as you want looting you don't have to you know bunny hop around corners and shut doors in front of robot and mechs that are trying to pounce and kill you I've got you covered alright so this is the fourth time we're buying ammo and cha-ching down to 1 300 credits that's fine we're about to go kill some high level mobs loot them all sell their stuff and get a bunch of levels and we're going to uh we're gonna need those levels also another thing too that I need to point out is every chance you get I uh you need to be buying Digi picks so we're going to go into this guy's menu he might have some I forget but um is it under Aid no it's not under eight it would be under misc and it it's uh it's the little hacking tool used to lock pick things so now it's time to get digit picks and we need a bunch because we're gonna be opening a whole lot of stuff so here's Tara brew and then here is the uh I forget what this store is called but um talk to the lady and there's more in the back there's never more in the back that's a lie I buy the digit picks and again they reset every two days but we there's another store that carries way more than this one I'm just picking them up because it's on the way next up we're going to hop on the tram and go to the residential district and we can get more digit picks at a time from one vendor there we're gonna do that a couple times until we have about 20. that's Overkill but it really does save time later so we might as well do it now I'll I'll cut till we get there slight error correction they have removed the digipicks from a lot of the stores made them a little bit harder to get so there's only two stores left in this city that sell them this one uh the store to the left of the coffee shop here I believe it's called Apex Mercantile that's why where I keep saying Mercantile but we have to go back to the well and there is an electronics store that sells them so I will meet you there so let me show you how to get there from the elevator because that's how I do things when you leave the elevator this is your view you got the surplus store on your rides on the left was that uh the trade Authority store if we go forward a bit and then we turn left in the middle there's the trade Authority again here is the Apex Electronics so we're going to go inside and buy some digipicks and then we're gonna wait and buy more what do you got for sale and then we go to misc and then digit picks he's got seven of them for sale we're gonna buy those and then we have to wait two days until he gets more by just sitting around and uh is there room for me to set unfortunately no he's uh occupying the seat Let's see we gotta we just gotta find a seat to bum around on for for a whole couple days I'm gonna set I'll just sit here on the bench and Skip today also yes I realized I could have went and bought digit picks while I bought ammo but um I usually buy them from a different store but I guess this way we're works better I have rested many days on this bench next to oh she's gone now my bench partner has left but I've got 27 digit picks from the vendor it's time to go we're gonna open the map now zoom out until we get to the big map here we're going to go to the soul system finally and uh I'm gonna go ahead and jump there here we go thanks in a minute we're gonna get scanned we're gonna wait for the scan I don't think we have to wait for the skin if we're not landing on a planet but anyway scan done we're gonna zoom out and uh here's planet Earth check it out next to Earth is this weird little icon and it's really hard to Target so you got to be really precise Nova Galactic star yard we're going to travel there and um technically it's it's marked as a level 50 Zone but don't worry it's not actually level 50. it was changed it's actually around level 8 to 15. and uh we're gonna select the station and you can hail it nothing happens it's just static also you can crash into these things and nothing happens so don't be afraid to just Full Throttle into it when we get close enough the dock button appears so we're gonna hold R and Doc and yeah you can see on the tool tip it was is showing a level this is a level 50 space station don't worry though it's not and we're not gonna spend a lot of time here we're just gonna pick up one little Quest item we're gonna board now and for this part we're going to equip our daily driver we're not using our mag Shear we're going to use our modified grindle if you don't have the Grendel just use the mag share we got enough ammo for it but I'm going to go ahead and use the modified Grendel I'm going to show you exactly where to go here go ahead and loot everything along the way because we're gonna again you know we like money you don't have to loot this stuff I'm just going to go ahead and open the door here this enters the zone I'm going to save first I'm going to click save and then we're going to enter the Zone here wait for the loading screen and let me show you where we need to go exactly and who we need to kill so what we're going to do now is we're going to do a tiny bit of grinding to unlock uh a level so we can lock pick a little bit better and here at the Nova Galactic we're going to take a hard right and then we're going to kind of follow this little path we're not going to the dining hall we're going to go in here and there's two factions fighting and what I recommend is just killing everyone inside again you could use your mag share if you want they give really good XP like that's 10 I'm about to be I'm about to get a level up so these up elliptic guys they're pretty strong they're they are Level 10 they have a lot of health and their guns hurt so you know you can take it slow you can take it chill but uh this guy's apparently in cover and the he's still getting a hit now on the right our spacers we'll take we need to take them out the epileptic guys are just for XP so and uh you will be coming back here later I'm not gonna spoil anything but you do have to come here at one point in the game so if he killed him now it's less work later so you might as well just mop them up real quick also uh if you kill them instead of the enemy you can get the XP I'm about to level up if you see the gray bar in the middle of the screen it slowly fills up with how close you are to your next level so just a few more kills I should be level five there we go level five all right so I we're concerned with looting the spacer guys that's the the people on the right side so we're gonna take a ride and you can see like I have tons of bullets I'm about to get tons more when I loot these guys but for now we're just gonna take them down and I swear oh that one was already wounded this one's got a lot of health bars but again we just kind of stun lock them it's not a big deal take our time we have 100 bullets there's another one in there take them out we got plenty of bullets plenty of ammo on the ground available for us take this one out and again if you have the mag Shear these things are dying in like you barely left click and they're dead they're they're not a threat so let's go back to where we were and uh let's start looting because uh we're a little bit low on ammo but you can see here there we go 43 bullets from that guy another 22 from that one and it looks like there's still more alive there we go 38 bullets there and yeah I'm taking a lot of damage here so I'm just gonna back along I really don't want to use a health pack but you know there's one on the wall I might as well just make the most of it and oh I rebound put my key to one instead of zero it defaults to zero I rebounded to one it's pretty easy to do I'll take them out grab some ammo again these guys are good for the grindel ammo now that's two here's the thing right the way it works is if you're not uh if you stand in front of them they will ammo dump on you and you're just basically dead so we don't want to do that we don't even have to fight them right now anyway they're not really why we're here and that's a legendary we can sell that sure why not sell the blue why not we can store it in the ship it's not a big deal uh let's see so what we're looking for on the spacer guys we are looking for it's called secret memo or secret base and usually you have to get about this far in until they drop it so I'm just checking the bodies now but sometimes you have to go a little deeper maybe this one oh okay so none it's random it's completely random and uh again just just keep killing and looting as you go you'll eventually find it and I'm just to make sure I didn't already loot it yeah I don't have any notes down here so I haven't looted it yet and we're just going to continue in to the dungeon and uh until we find it normally I find it by now so this is not good luck this is uh this is actually unusual to have killed this many and not have the drop yet which is a little concerning actually a little worrisome but hey that's fine it's whatever those rooms are all clear go this way did we loot this secret Outpost there it is this guy had it he's just a regular spacer he's not a boss or anything so we secret Outpost now we need to read it so open your inventory go to notes and then click secret Outpost there we go our character has read it we don't have to actually read it then I'm going to push l or I'm sorry I'm gonna I'm gonna go back into the game push l and go to miscellaneous quests we're doing the Mantis Quest go to the secret Outpost at the Den Ebola I or yeah IB and then we're gonna hit set course that's the R button now this is way too far away we don't have enough fuel but we can still do it because what we're gonna do is we're gonna travel to uh Olympus here we go yeah we're gonna travel to Olympus and we're just gonna jump there we are we've jumped to Olympus now I'm just gonna again open the map zoom out and uh Zoom this out so we're trying to get to cricks I'm sorry we're trying to get to den Ebola now I gotta now I gotta travel to volley so we'll travel to volley and there is a lot of stuff in volley to log pick to level up our lock picking which is our next skill point by the way we don't need to max out our uh money making just yet we're gonna get plenty of levels and in that area we were just in you could stay and grind moms and get another level if you want but you got to go back there later anyway to be on your ship so we're gonna go to volley and we're gonna we're gonna lock pick some stuff and level up so let me get a save going and I'll show you that so our next skill point like I said is going into security so we can hack expert locks there we go we have 27 digit picks now we need to pick 15 locks to be able to hack Master Level locks once we have Master Level locks unlocked then we can basically loot every kind of chest and door in the entire game and um rank four is just if you're lazy I guess first thing we're going to do in neon is we're going to go hack ATMs that's right we're gonna be lame and break into some money machines so when you when you go to when you come to Neon you're just going to run Straight Ahead across this rainy wet bridge and this entire city is basically a giant ocean built City it's wild but um but a wear a gun we don't we don't need our weapons out this guy's getting arrested that's a quest you can do later whatever uh we're just going to use the elevator and go down into the main city up this city is very simple to navigate all the shops are in just one big long row and we're looking for the ATM which is over there where it says bank so we're gonna as soon as we step out of the elevator we're gonna take we're gonna turn right go on the leftmost side of this street run all the way down to the bank and here it is uh the gal bank so there are there should be yeah there's one two three four there's six machines to hack here and uh there is a guard staring or that's a citizen just staring at the wall another citizen here these can cause issues but the fun thing is as long as no one's looking at you while you crouch they will not report it so technically I could crutch behind this dude and then just kind of sneak up like this and touch it like that no one's looking at me except maybe someone from the outside so as soon as I touch it it will freeze and let me show you the easy way to do these because you might sit here and scratch your head and be like man this is confusing it's it just got way harder it's not we're going to solve the inner ring first and then the outer ring and the quickest way to do it is to count the holes so we got on the inner ring we got one two three four five six seven holes it will always take two picks to open a circle so seven holes would be four and three so that means one of these will be it and then one of these will be it so we'll just trial an error we'll pick this one and see if we can slot them no no like I can already tell let's see no so this one's out we know it's this one then 100 this is the one that will do it you just have to figure out where it goes It goes right there so that one's done and now it's time to figure out the three Slaughters so um let's see if that one definitely goes there then we need kind of a space there and one on the right side so maybe this one nope so this one for sure yep all right so we have the Inner Circle solved done and we know that it's uh it's this one and this one so now we just saw the Outer Circle that's three holes four five six holes so Outer Circle is six holes that's three and three let's see or four and two it could be four and two so let's try four and two that's the easier solution let's see if um this one is let's see how this one fits oh no yes that one fits so two is these two remaining that would be this one right there there we go we got it and then we just uh finish her up well oh no oh wait it's that one there we go got it now I've been caught tampering with locks so here's the thing it costs 350 money to pay the fine go to jail whatever I'm getting 734. this gets confiscated whatever I had 1700 credits the owner caught me stealing whatever okay so we're gonna walk out the guard's gonna arrest us that's totally fine and then you pay the credits stolenized we didn't have any stolen items there we go it teleports us to jail which is right in front of the bank which is really funny and uh you know that's that we're back to square one it's not like the guards are gonna beat us up or anything or take our stuff and you can see my credits are 2092. so we paid the fee with the stolen money and then he confiscated the rest of the stolen money and then we just come back so this one's been hacked already so it's empty so we just Crouch and then we just do that again and you can see here when I open my uh security tab we have one out of 15 completed so we have to do this we can do this at least uh what six more times in here so I'm gonna go ahead and do that I want to show you an even faster tip with the log picking mini game once you've reached this level so if I click this circle on the right you'll notice that these two circles are highlighted White if I click this it's still highlighted white but if I click this one they're both blue I click this one they're both blue if I click this one they're both blue if I click this one only the outside one is blue so what this means is that these four will fit in the circles whereas these don't fit so that will speed things up for you we can automatically eliminate these two and then by process of math we'll do the Inner Circle first one two three four holes so that's two and two that's two that's two Outer Circle is also four so again we're only going to be using these four right here because this one will not fit in in the in the Inner Circle we already know that wherever this fits it only goes on the outside and so there it goes so that's guaranteed we know that one's there next up this one fits this one fits that one only fits on the inner circle so we know this one only goes on the inside right there not right there or right there one of those two spots will worry about that later let's finish up the top here and uh we gotta be careful and make sure that we uh do the proper one here so which one shall we use you can use this one or we can use that one and uh let's line up the Inner Circle so we have four on the inner so let's see if that one works this one will always be the inner these two both work on the outer and inner so it shouldn't matter so we go unlock that and then we have to decide what do we want to do here about this one would you want to do it that way and then that way yes that works there we go did it quick and easy once you have robbed the ATMs your progress on security should look like this 6 out of 15. now these don't come back I've rested for two days and they they don't replenish so what we're gonna do is buy some Digi picks before we leave and we're gonna go to another city Rob those ATMs normally there's a lot of chests and doors you can open in this city but it might affect storyline choices and factions so I'm not going to suggest in this video originally in my draft that's what I would tell you to do but I don't want to mess up anyone's game so first off is the trade Authority big yellow sign going here talk to this guy leaning he should be cleaning and he's got three digit picks those refresh every two days you don't need to stick around continue out of the store to the right down the street to Newell's goods and uh well Newell's clean and he's not leaning and he's got three digit picks after that it's time to blow this Popsicle stand and we're gonna leave and go to another city and let's go ahead and travel yes you guessed it we're going back to Alpha Centauri and then we're gonna travel up here to Cheyenne soon because from Cheyenne we can get to dinabola much faster it's not showing the normally I can connect from here to cricks or I'm sorry it's a dinambola but right now the the pathfinding is being weird but there is a city here we're gonna Rob but we're gonna Rob good old Alpha Centauri and uh you know we can fast travel there we don't have to do any kind of loading screens we're going to just uh we're just going to land at new Atlantis there we go and uh I'll show you where the bank is there when you're in new Atlantis it's pretty easy to find the bank here's the coffee shop to the right of the coffee shop there's the bank and it's a little bit more on the open uh there's only four kiosks here but uh we're gonna pick up the rest in the next town over and while we're here we're gonna get more digit picks as well I want to mention that here in New Atlantis do not get caught robbing these ATMs because if you do it starts a side quest which if you refuse makes you an enemy of an entire faction so it's a real pain in the butt to rob from this one but every time you succeed make sure you save so you don't waste any time after hacking the ATMs in new Atlantis we only need four more to push the next level let's go get them the next thing to unlock will be located between the coffee shop and this shop we're going to go back down to the well go ahead and confirm that and this one is actually a fight I'm not sure what the purpose is um but I'm sure it might be a side quest or Story related but we're going to take we're going to go down the stairs and take a hard left and just kind of follow the left wall all the way down keep going and up these stairs I believe is the correct way up more stairs there is a locked door we're going to hit the switch and unlock this door then we're going to continue to stay on the left side here another locked door we're gonna hit the switch to again unlock the door and then right up here this door unleashes there's a there's like a robot dog in there so beware it's level 12. I'm gonna just go ahead and equip our mag shear and destroy it very very quickly let's go ahead and crack this lock oh that's one is also only for the first lot there that one goes there and voila we did it so angry robot dog he's right in there you can see how my lasers are turning red when I'm touching his foot there we go down he goes real easy fight because we have this weapon also everyone in town is now screaming in Terror because of the dog but uh it's fine it's totally fine uh they we didn't aggro them the dog was a bad enemy anyway and you can see every everyone's okay the children are safe they're just nothing happened they're all just kind of looking at me they're like what do you what do you do so that's uh that's the next lock I will show you the next lock box now from the entrance of the elevator we come out there's the J was that JC Surplus we're gonna run Straight Ahead though this time and we're going to go down this exit hallway there's a fan there spitting and we're through the hallway there is a green medical thing on our left we're going to keep running straight you're gonna see this ominous gray door here we're gonna turn left there's a door here the light above it you go up the stairs up the stairs again and here we are at the next safe very simple stuff not really much in here let's see if we can crack this one very quickly that's for the last one and let's see one two three four five the five until sets of three two go ahead and off that there pop that there this one goes somewhere like this there it is last one got it all right free money always good to have yay there is one more bang to rob in this town so we say goodbye to the coffee shop we move to the right the banquet you grabbed earlier is there there's the tram we're going to take the tram now to the Mast district oh boy I'll meet you there once you leave the tram you will see a long hallway with decorations around you we're going to hug the left wall and then we're going to round the corner here to the left following the path along this River thing Pond up top you'll see commercial District if you look even higher up you see the gal Bank giant building if you look ahead you'll see Outland and some Green Tinted buildings there this is the entrance to the gal Bank corporate office and they have ATM machines right outside of it so yes again remember make sure you you save your game because if you get caught here you get thrown into a side mission which you may or may not want to do so again quick save Full save what I like to do is I'll quick save Rob one when it succeeds I'll full save Rob one when it succeeds quick save so I can always reload it turns out that the bank ATMs can be impossibly hard because there are just so many people around and the guards just have I don't know psychic powers so let me show you some other easier ones to get to if you teleport to your ship we're just gonna teleport straight to the ship here and there is a novice computer behind it which we can unlock there's also an expert lock to unlock but unless you had something seized there's nothing in it I'll show you so once you exit your ship just turn around and then run straight behind it to this storage a area and it can get a little tricky here because there is a patrolling guard who will just chill there's also this guy and right now if I'm quick enough I should be able to hack it without anyone seeing me and let's see if we can NAB this all right we'll do I need a kind of a y split maybe that one this one might be a little trickier but um let's roll with that and then we'll go with this that does it and this one shall be I think no that yeah that'll work and got it all right so this just opens a door into a storage closet area okay he didn't tattle on me he doesn't seem to care he doesn't get paid enough there is a quest package in there that you can grab it does not kind of stealing so feel free to grab that now uh this card here if he does see us mess with this computer he will get us and like I said if you aggro the guards in this town they will send you on a side quest which you may not want to do so I'm gonna go ahead and quick save the other one is right here the Seas cargo now this is an expert lock where did that guard go okay go into sneak mode and touch it so if you want to challenge this you can it's a lot harder it's really not that much harder but there is another easy one I can show you next up we will go from the favorite everyone's favorite Bank next to the tram here some of these are really hard to get I'm gonna admit they're really hard to get you have to sometimes set and wait and hopefully the guards don't look your way or the civilians don't stare at you as you rob them you're going to go to the residential district next and we're going to rob an apartment building not really rob it there's nothing in there to grab we're just unlocking the door for the 15th one I'm going to show you a couple other unlockables as well just in case you really don't want to fiddle with the ATMs so once you've arrived we're gonna we're just gonna run towards this building here what is this one the Centurion Arsenal and we're just gonna follow the path down we are looking for not the Apollos not whatever that is on the left we're gonna pass CJ's open 49 hours I don't know it's like they didn't really finish the sense oh yeah we're open 49 hours and then what and you're gonna continue to hug it until you see the Orion Tower and we're gonna go in so we're gonna take the elevator it only sends this to one floor it's pretty simple and on this floor there is there's a cleaning robot who doesn't care if we uh crack this door here and yeah let's go let's see and we'll pop that in there just like that get that one in there let's see how are we doing this one I guess like that yep all right and there we go that's number 15. we did it but we are not leveled up yet that's okay we're good by the time we can level up that's when we'll start using our security but let me show you a few other places just in case you still need it so the next picks if you need them the next lock picks we're going to go back to the volley area so we're right now Alpha Centauri we're gonna go down and to the right to volley like that there we are and then we're going to go to volley Alpha and then neon core all right and we're gonna land there at neon core now there's a computer a novice computer a novice door and then there is a safe which is pretty easy to find it's also by itself so what we're gonna do is we're going to go west so if you look at your compass in the bottom left the fat like the thicker notch on your compass wheel is North so we're gonna turn left and run all the way down this hallway and we're going to go to the I believe it's called the neon lounge and we're going this is a really good place that we're gonna revisit later to Rob if you want to you don't have to but it's free money it's a lot of money too it's a lot I'm gonna show you all the good money spots once we have our skills up so here we go astral out astral Lounge not neon Lounge my bad but here we are we're in we're in the club you know Dropping It Like It's Hot we're gonna take the VIP elevator to the left and for whatever reason we can just come up here it's fine all right and then we take a left there's a guard if you hang out near the guard which will give you a quest as you round the corner here there will be a room with a computer in it and I've already unlocked it but this computer is a novice log so feel free to do that turn back around there's a guard there this door on the left is a novice lock you can unlock that to get your uh you know your your lock picking points and we're gonna go ahead and fast travel back to the Neon no no we want to go to Neon core so we're back in the middle of the town to get to the safe now which is pretty easy to find all right so if we turn to the left and then and then scrape right so we're facing north we're gonna go to ebb's side and then this is going to lead us up a bunch of stairs to another safe a novice safe and then that should be it like you should be able to have your lock picking up your security up by now but uh we want to we want to travel West as much as possible so we're going to just try to go hard West here and go up as much stairs as possible while traveling west as long as the game allows so let's just kind of hug the wall here and we're just looking for stairs that lead upward because the safe is up there there's some stairs all right then we're gonna climb the stairs just a few just a little bit more stair climbing and my character is getting tired and it's it's it should be over this way yes so here we are Northwest and there's shotgun on the ground some ammo and then the safe you can unlock that too that's also another novice lock so that is plenty to pump us up to security so there we go that will allow us to learn Rank 3 so we can hack the Master Level logs we don't need Rank 4 we only need ring three after rank three once we have rank three we can open everything in the game all right so let's go get a bunch of level UPS now and uh here's how this is gonna work so you're gonna open your map and you're going to zoom out and right now we're we're in volley by the way this is planned so we're going to purima now we're going to jump there there we go and then we're going to jump to the next area you can ignore this that's just a side quest that we don't need to do we're gonna zoom out twice so we can get back to this screen and then we are going to travel to dinubola all right we're gonna jump there don't worry about that fuel consumption it's fine it it's basically means you can't do the grab jumping from one part that's super far away to another like if there's not two systems next to each other your ship is going to be too weak to go there but we're gonna fix that we're gonna open up a whole lot of the game before the game even truly begins so now we're at dinabola I'm just gonna look at the planet push e that's gonna allow me to hit the the planet map and then we're gonna swivel it around to the secret Outpost and then land there now as soon as you exit your ship you're going to be attacked so what I want you to do is while you're in your ship well while this plays whatever we want to ready our really good gun we don't want our cheap gun we're we're using the good stuff in this one and uh I like to save before doing this Dungeon Because it's it's a pretty brutal one so don't exit the ship get get up out of your out of your seat because we're gonna ready our weapon right we're gonna make sure everything's equipped and ready to go we're also going to quick save because it's all it's you know this game crashes so often we have 888 bullets that's more than enough to do the dungeon so we're gonna sit back down in the seat because that's faster than climbing out of the ship manually just gotta wiggle the monitor a bit and then we're going to hit the x button for exit ship directly to our right will be our first enemy and uh we're just gonna lightly tap them down so this that was a level eight this is level 14. these guys are pretty low level but once we get inside there's our level up we're going to now learn security rank well hey wait why is it 14 out of 15. huh what the hell all right well this is take two uh all right so as soon as as you Zone in on the left side are gonna be the enemies remember just lightly tap them with your weapon also yeah they just shot a grenade at me this time there we go level six now when I push the button here it's time to rank up to rank three now the last one is pick 30 locks you're gonna pick more than that as you played throughout the game because like I said you know we haven't even started yet and yeah so we're gonna make our way uh towards the quest marker here the blue one and uh loot everybody that you see along the way make sure you grab their ammo and their Med packs you don't need their gear we're gonna we're not we're gonna clean up on the way out let's just say that we're gonna clean up on the way out of here but just head towards the quest marker and I'm gonna take this little hallway here now the enemies do ramp up when we go inside so be aware remember light Taps don't hose them down it's a level 14. there's a little here's the thing if you run inside they will follow you that's a level 30. so it's about to get a little a little bit tougher but look at look how easy they die and uh let's see grab the credits grab the ammo remember ammo does not uh let's reload as soon as we walk in those guys will follow so we are now in the lair of the Mantis and uh this is It's a pretty dangerous dungeon and there's some traps I'm gonna teach you how to beat but uh they will Zone in through this door so just give it a little bit of time they're coming and uh or you can start clearing there we go and take them down just door Camp them huh like they never played Russ before all right and so uh this dungeon it's pretty straightforward it's not a maze or anything but uh there is a lot of stuff to loot there is a lot of things to log pick so you're you're gonna just fill up in loot so make sure that before you get here that you've stored as much as you can I also want to mention you should be abusing quick saves there are beds in this dungeon so you you will be able to sleep in them and heal without using your heel kits if you want but you don't have to and here is our first legendary pistol now the loot is random in these crates but because we're going to be opening popping all of them open we're going to be getting a lot of good stuff so yeah keep it coming also this is what the bed looks like so you can just sleep on it restore your health as you come down the stairs during this dungeon You're Going to see like a glass wall here a room that kind of looks like this a white chair over there and make sure you don't miss this one over here besides the bed because you want to use the bed to sleep there is the Bounty Hunter spacesuit now this is our temporary carry armor for this the rest of this dungeon because our mining spacesuit pretty poopy you think oh legendary look at the stats on this legendary but look 37 physical 128 physical defense you definitely want to put on the Bounty Hunter suit it will absolutely help tank hits later on very important and make sure to always sleep one hour to fully heal your character it's brutal out there oh also there's a really good helmet where this white chair is not to spoil it too much even though this isn't really a story this character here it doesn't matter what you do to them if you bring them with you if you kill them nothing changes his outcome is pretty much always the same it doesn't alter yours in any way so let's talk about the puzzle room now there is a few solutions to this room make sure you click save before you do it so you open the door and you think you're a badass because you have your Bounty Hunter armor there are four turrets on the ceiling and there's a bunch of words on the ground if you've been paying attention to the radio things you've been listening to picking up off the dead guards or space pirates then you might know the answer if you try to run through it they will shoot the hell out of you and uh kill you yeah they they pretty much hit you in the head and you die so not fun and um the solution that you're supposed to do is step on the letters for tyrannus so there's T and then y and then we need to find an R except it gets a little awkward so tyrannus and then you know that'll keep them from shooting that's one solution the second solution is because we have such high security you can simply just go over here to the computer and hack it and turn them off the third solution is my favorite and that is wrong button that is to go to your Aid and you have that amp it increases your move speed by 35 percent we're gonna chug one of those or inhale it whatever and now we move real fast so we're just gonna Sprint across before the turrets can acquire us and that did they patch it I don't know if they patched it that would be kind of interesting if they did patch it because it did feel like cheating in the betas but I'm gonna try it again I actually have it hot keyed to number nine so number nine let's go and we're running we're running okay maybe they did I I swear they didn't patch it maybe if I leave maybe if I jump uh there is a fourth solution and that's just to shoot the turrets but the amp is way more fun there we go we made it through so oh they turn around oh they did patch it oh wait no I'm stupid okay so when you run to the end it's not over yet sorry it's been a while since I've played uh now that it's officially released all right so I'm gonna start with the T and that hey they're shooting immediately that's not fair hit the button hit the red button at the end of the finish line and they will turn off so at this point if you don't want to waste bullets you can pull out your scan uh you know this thing and Fry the turrets these things are worth 60 plus experience each that's gonna take a while I like it faster let's just kill them there we go 66 and look at look how much we're about to level up from just turrets and they kind of spares out you can also Loop the turrets by the way we're so close to a level you can grab their ammo yeah they're they're spazzing so they never did fix that oh that one had a lot of loot also don't forget to loot the dead bodies you know they're over here they got stuff on them they're not completely pointless well that one is Rip shank Art Plus but yeah you can loot the turrets you can loot the bodies and then you can continue on in the dungeon if you want as you loot the dungeon you might have a problem with your carry weight my Mass is now 139 out of 135 well guess what I've got two skill points here we only need one more to max out Commerce why don't we go put a point in weightlifting that's gonna give us 10 extra carry weight and we're gonna get even more than that without having to level it up again so don't worry about that we're about to acquire way more carry weight once you've cleared out the enemies in this big wide cave all you have to do to claim your ship well the the first part of claiming your ship it's a run over and flip the switch and then and then send the ship up to the surface of the planet which we're going to go pick up in just a little bit but we have to go get our legendary armor set and to find that we're going to go back this way away from the rising pillar make sure all the robots are dead by the way and it is in this area here we're going to open this door and there's a lot of other loot to grab and sift through and all that's just fine but let's talk about something super important do not open this door and loot this stuff just yet save right before like right in front of the door do a quick save this is the most important thing you are going to be safe scumming until you get a set of armor that matches what you want but what I highly recommend is one with the Deep Pockets mod so that all weapons that you pick up from now on will be half as heavy and then something that gives you plus 40 carry weight but also everything else also needs to be good so we're gonna open the door and this is rolled as soon as we loot the mannequin so here we go let's see what mods we got we got combat veteran that's very very good the majority of people that you fight will upbeat combat or will be humanoids fastened plus 20 carry capacity yes that's good assisted carry we don't ever want to be at a drain when were encumbered so this is a this is a re-roll that like for me there's a few mods that are instant re-rolls one of them is assisted carry the other one is automatic I don't want the game automatically eating my healing items whenever I'm low on health that sounds cool but it also sucks so let's see what we got this time we got chameleon well we can spec into chameleon late game with Talent points we don't need it on our armor uh resource weighs 25 less resources aren't super heavy to begin with so mechanize plus 40 carry capacity that's good let's see what else we got mirrored I do not like mirrored I usually reload when I get a mirrored because four percent chance to reflect is not high enough for me to care also you don't want chameleon on two pieces of gear that's a waste so that's a that's a re-roll for me I'm just hitting my quick load button and we're gonna do this until we get some good armor this can take a few minutes this could take 20 depending on how picky you are but let's see and incendiary chameleon combat vets reactive uh basically if I don't get Deep Pockets and carry weight I just re-roll anyway so I'm going to continue to re-roll until I find a winning set of armor alright this is a pretty good but not perfect role we have the spacesuit which is ignition is good because robots hit hard weapons weigh 50 less mechanized for plus 40 carry capacity we have the backpack I'm not a big fan of but combat veteran very good uh thermals are the easiest thing to get in the game so that's trash mirrored is also trash so this is the bad one but uh the space helmet also mirrored not my favorite either but minus 25 oxygen consumption is huge it's insane also resource hauler not really my favorite don't really need it but it's got weapon holsters carry capacity it's also got the O2 so that's uh that that's three out of nine so I'm taking it I'm taking that and then I'm Gonna Save that I'm gonna equip it and then save it so we have the full mantis suit now so we can put on all the Mantis stuff and everything else gets sold and look at that I am no longer overweight and we could level up weightlifting more if we need more carry capacity no problemo also just a gameplay mechanic reminder a faster way out of the dungeon rather than backtracking taking the elevator unlocking the door you can just fast travel to your ship if you're not over encumbered which you should really leave you know at least one or two kilometers or kilograms until you know before you're over encountered over encumbered also don't forget to claim your new ship don't worry about this one uh people will come pick it up for you it's a like a little Valley service we're gonna follow the the blue the blue icon there and sometimes enemies will have respawned out here so be on your guard also I never did loot this I guess what if I grindle oh dang yeah don't forget to loot everything and uh yeah there's the new ship we're going to uh we just got 2 000 bucks just for getting a 220 experience and once we lift off with this bad boy then uh then it's technically ours so the only difference between the starter ship and this one this one has better weapons more Shields more Health it's faster it also has what's called shielded cargo which means you can smuggle things which is important for later uh when we start grabbing grabbing what's called Contraband and selling that so here we go once we set down uh the ship is ours the game will explain how having multiple ships works and you can you know put crew in it so let's hit the take off button there we go and we're off so this is again a much better shift than the starter ship it lets you start smuggling immediately if you want to which I'm going to kind of show off what that is and sort of not exactly how it works but uh just a few smuggled items that you can you can now Rob with your you know skills that you have but very important the first things first we need to max out the most important skill Commerce so that we buy at a 20 discount and we sell for a 25 more than we did without any of this and what this allows us to do now is just dump items onto shops and just acquire Mass amounts of money if you want you can go clear a few outposts and you could buy one of the best ships in the game so for example why don't we uh make a whole bunch of money now with our massive amounts of carry weight and our maximum Mercantile Commerce skill let's go ahead and head back down to volley and we're going to go to volley Alpha of course and then we're going to go to Neon core and let's offload all of our equipment that we just looted from that dungeon onto the trade Authority or any of the shops that'll take it really but trade Authority is really the easiest and then we're going to go steal a ton of liquor and sell that it'll be uh lots of fun I'm gonna go sell right now where are we at I am at 18 000 credits remember uh that's kind of what we started with so we're already back there but we have you know a powerful gun with lots of ammo you can always spend your hard-earned credits on more ammo if you want to kill stuff quickly but like I said earlier in the video your go-to daily driver will be a modified Grendel this one's just semi-auto try to get armor piercing and this thing just slaps as you level it'll continue to slap for a very very long time I want to show you something to be aware of when selling if you sell make sure that the vendor has enough money on them the vendor currently has 2703 if I were to sell this weapon which I wouldn't because this is our big bang freaking Mega DPS weapon the vendor credits turn red meaning he can't afford to buy this from us so we would be at a loss if we sold it so don't sell it if you want them to get their money back wait a few days or go to a different planet and sell the first thing we're going to rob for lots of money is the club the the nightclub here we're going up the VIP elevator once again and we are going to take every single room for all of it's worth first we'll start here with this room and we're gonna do a quick save because sometimes guards are psychic and there are wine bottles these are worth 300 each oh they've already found me that's why we quick save boils so we just quick load there and um I don't know how she saw me through the wall but uh sometimes if there's doors you can close them the the all the other rooms are way easier than this so again she's all the way over there I'm crouched there's like unless someone from the floor down here looked up in Zombie yoinkum right which is silly how do they know it's not mine you know to grab but we're gonna grab pretty much everything of good value here this room doesn't have a lot also the food can sometimes be very valuable so make sure to check oh the owner oh come on I'm in line of sight of somebody through one of these stupid windows dang it okay well you get the idea I'm gonna go ahead and clean out every single room the next store we're going to Rob is on ebb's side and we're back here in the middle we want to face North looking at our Compass the big thicker bolded knob and we're gonna go to ebb's side and then we're just gonna wander around until we find the next club which allows us to steal our first Contraband as well as their drink products because they sell quite decently so we're going to just uh hug the walls here kind of sort of and we should stumble across it pretty quickly it is just around the corner somewhere it's it's hard to miss when we see it we'll know there it is Madame salvage's place you just kind of wander around down here till you find it or you can just follow where I went anyway so this is really easy why did why were items flying up what the hell happened here uh items are just popping off the shelves so we're gonna open the door and then we're gonna shut the door there we go now we have complete privacy to yoink everything off the shelves but in this specific Locker we have stolen artwork worth 15K this is contraband we have the ship now to transport it if we want to we don't really need to but there is wine to steal in all of these holes and the entire shelf is ours so we're just going to pull it all off the shelf I don't even have to be sneaking I can just kind of stand under this box jump up and grab it there we go and even though the door is see-through no one cares no one is caring that we're stealing all the alcohol and you know these bottles are not the cheapest they're 300 each so there we go if only I were taller that's pretty much about it that we can steal in here uh oh no wait never mind there's another entire shelf I forgot this place is super easy early money and there we are oh also in the wine holes I don't know what these are called I'm sure they have an official name but just go ahead and grab you grab grab nothing's stopping us also the more bottles down here there we are and that's all the valuables so we can Mosey on out of here now and uh go sell so now that we have that Contour band it does become difficult to travel even though we do have the ship it is a percent chance to not get caught when you put it in cargo it's better just to sell it to the trade Authority the second that you get it you don't get to have the full value either even with our Max Commerce so we're getting 2 000 for the stolen artwork but it does let us travel around much quicker and we still have all those stolen wine bottles so we gotta go offload those on another planet why don't we go on down to Alpha Centauri Centura I don't know how to say it and here we are um well wrong planet I totally clicked the wrong planet there uh muscle memory huh all right so let us go to yeah we'll go here and because we don't have the Contraband on us we can skip straight to land followers if you have the Contraband you have to float in outer space until they clear you for landing and when they don't that's when you just load game but uh there's two contrabands that I know of in this area and we've already unlocked one earlier is over here at storage we unlock the door you can go grab the Contraband and then I'll show you how to get the second Contraband that I found in this entire Zone and I've I've looked all over where is it there it is it is the the mech components we don't want them to see us doink at joinkers Mech components we got them all right cool and uh the next one is in the police station right in front of a comp and we're gonna use our old friend the trash can to scoop it out of view and then pick it up and then you know that's more money and then all these wine bottles that we also basically stole well that's free money too so not only are we gonna be we're we're over leveled for when we start the game remember the game hasn't started yet you know uh but we can continue to farm and we could go buy a narwhal ship which is a huge ship that'll allow us to go to much more dangerous planets to increase our farm further and it's like the sky is the limit here we've uh We've pretty much got it made we have very deadly weapons we have the best damn armor that can carry loads and loads of stuff so whenever you do I keep calling them dungeons but whenever you do a settlement or an Expedition or really whatever the heck you want to call it you will be able to absolutely just uh pick up everything and then sell it and that's big money especially when you kill like 50 dudes all right so we gotta go steal from the cops now we're going to the UC Security office we're gonna open the door and to open these doors there's like a little switch on the wall uh somewhere I think I've already flipped it at some point I guess this one's just open whatever so we can walk in we're gonna go up the stairs and yeah it's like these little switches you just pop them open and they don't care they don't mind but as we go up the stairs the very first cubicle to our right there is a harvested organs so what we're gonna do is we're gonna quick save so we don't anger the guy we're gonna grab his trash can and uh yeah we're gonna steal us some organs yay so just knock it off the table who cares if it's a still beating heart uh we're gonna and then we're just gonna kind of knock it over here into this next room where the cops aren't going to be watching us there we go get in there yes get in there get in there also I just want to mention real quick that these Master safes they have like nothing in them they're they're not worth it so let's yank that and there we go we got the organs and lucky us we are super close to the trade Authority fancy that the trade Authority is always nearby we can go hawk our Goods and then enjoy our our our luxury our riches weight lifting I can level that up now if I need to but that's we saved that for whenever we're overburdened and we don't want to be overburdened but we still want to pick stuff up all right so now I'm going to switch to Cell mode and then go to misc and then we're gonna sell the mech components and the harvested organs and all this stolen goods from that other planet uh we go to the aid and this is where we're gonna sell not too much there not too much there 151 bottles of wine on the wall boys let's uh you know sell 4 300 worth there we go so we're at almost 41 000 credits when you do a few of the starter uh story missions they they front load you with credits so that you can start spending and experimenting with the game so that's another 20K uh and then if you do even more story missions that's gonna push you to 100K especially if you're looting all the guns and armor that they're dropping uh so once you have 370k that's when you can buy a giant ship and then you can really go to the level 90 zones and just with the with the uh what is it called again the advanced mag Shear you you can just kill anything in the game and take their stuff and it's over it's completely over you also have other backup guns with plenty of ammo and all of them that you can use for just about any situation the modified Grendel's gonna take out basically everything thing and then once you get one with armor piercing it's again it's over so other than that just store all this extra junk you know make sure you sell the stolen goods anything with a red tag just wait two days the trade Authority they're going to uh want to sit right here wait my two days and then sell the rest of my stolen goods so that they don't get confiscated if I accidentally bump into a guard or something yeah yeah also I forgot to mention you don't need to wait two days you can just wait one day and they get their money back so there we go and finally do remember that whenever you're ready to actually start playing again you return to the lodge you talk to Sarah over there who's uh she's a little a little sad that we left her behind to go on adventures and uh let her know that you're ready to start the game yay but remember you can unlock everything in the game now so you can actually go to all those weird things that you always wonder what the hell is in them and you can open them up and see what's inside and again anything like this you want to save before you do it because this will randomly roll the mods assuming it's a legendary also if you're wondering what was in that mannequin it's just flat you know gear but it's it's High stats and it sells for quite a bit so I mean money is money oh I also want to mention with this ship uh one of the passives is that space pirates when you encounter them they know what the Mantis is and so they just run away they just leave they don't like fighting you at the very start of the game you encounter this locked uh closet here with a master lock on it if you're wondering what's inside then you get uh just a purple random Weapon 2 500 credits a useless spacesuit like you would think it would be pretty cool but no it's it's garbage stats uh you also get uh some chlorine and some water oh boy what else we got biosuppressants just more credits really nothing of value in here uh not even hidden away in the corners or anything so uh no real reason to come back here oh we do have something on the ramp a deep core pack which is worthless uh nothing on the on the rack here so yep just uh not really not really worth coming back for you know just uh just in case you're curious now that's basically it for the video you are all set you're fully geared you've got a decent ship you've got amazing guns you've got tons of money to afford whatever the hell you want to buy you've got a huge amount of early game carry weight so that whenever you do these story missions you do any kind of mission you can pick up every single armor and weapon off the dead bodies and then vendor them and you have more storage on your ships so you're all set to be able to buy the best ships the best weapons and not die over and over or have the enemies be treated as bullet sponges because they just actually die when you shoot them thank you so much for watching hopefully this helped you learn how to do the lock picking if you want a faster version of this guy just skip all the lock picking segments if you want though that will heavily limit your treasure earnings in the future I know that picking lock sucks in this game it's really awful but if you want some of the best gear they're all behind locked chests so you have to level it I wouldn't skip Commerce for a second and if you have points into stealth it makes it easier to steal later on so you can pull your inventory full of really good valuables but that's all I've got Please Subscribe please get me to 100K subs and thank you so much on the right side of your screen is a video you should absolutely click go ahead and give it a click and your crush will acknowledge you exist
Channel: SwoleBenji
Views: 248,134
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Starfield, Starfield Game, Starfield Video Game, Starfield Action RPG, Starfield ARPG, Starfield Bethesda, starfield best possible start for new players, starfield new players guide, starfield beginners guide, starfield get op early, starfield be op early, starfield become overpowered early, starfield how to be op, starfield strongest possible start, starfield fastest possible start, starfield new player guide, starfield guide, starfield best start guide, starfield fast start
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 121min 22sec (7282 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 03 2023
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