Baldur's Gate 3 - Let's Play Part 19: The Rescue (Lower City)

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welcome back Adventures episode 19. I think today we're going to be heading into the lower City which might be the most exciting exploration moment of this entire playthrough possibly and we have a few quests that we have to work on of course our main quest to find the nether stones from gortash and Oren but we also have to try to find a way to infiltrate Raphael's House of Hope Starion as his quest we have to reach cazador's Palace Yale wants us to go to sorcerer Sundries to find some special books that will give us information on our Quest we have a lot to do we have to head to the elf song Tavern there's knobber again let's talk to him one more time oh what's he doing oh he came running over [Music] let me guess you've decided to try being a barbarian that's right [Applause] so how did I do are you quaking your boots with fear sure why not yes maybe not I think we're gonna see more of nauber it's too funny how else was I supposed to be all right so we have a pass to get into the lower City but I don't know if that would work right here I'm a little bit worried that the steel Watchers are going to connect to my mind again maybe they won't maybe they will but that would be bad because that would let gortash know that we're here and lower pass City are passed to the lower City might actually be what we need to get in up here at the actual City at the bacillus gate I'm not sure if larion's going to let us explore like some of these outer city districts or not that would be crazy I'm assuming after this section we probably teleport the gates but I don't know it looks like we have an explorable area down here how to get across and something down here too okay let's try going around oh crap citizen fluffington I trust you are enjoying I didn't mean to click on the steel watcher got some refugees down here look at the tents in the background incredible detail all right let's um let's prepare featherfall is a ritual spell which it wasn't in Early Access foreign we can use that spell whenever we want I didn't realize it was a ritual until recently nice oh my God we just jumped back up there that was a hell of a jump blazel hey another wizard hat all right let's call in Fern because there's no citizens around here hey girl let's go check out over here and see if we're able to get around this Fortress beautiful land of faerun the planet of Toro might be one of my favorite songs from the soundtrack as well [Music] [Music] we can jump over here too holy cow so many places we can go right now let's check out what's down below first there's a chest down there look at Fern oh my gosh come on girl everybody's failing the perception checks let's go ahead and oh yeah we also have the quest to find a Minsk with Jahira so I can't wait to do that that's gonna be a lot of fun I think Gail's the only one who hasn't done the perception check be cautious Fern's a little clumsy okay let's disarm this trap light on my feet my face if I have I do okay 10 11 12 13 no we failed okay let's see what happens wow the hell of a chain lightning right there I'm pretty sure that between the guards the arrows and the jugged Thunderbolts you'll never survive to read this note but just in case I want to make sure you know what you did to deserve all this remember that shiv you stuck in my leg when you turned me in that's why enjoy your Escape while you can or swipe I'll be coming to haunt you in your sleep okay anything else we can do down here won't even let me bring the camera that way I think that's it down here back up we go I don't have any more short rests [Music] I have to use a few of my spell slots to heal up here or some potions the good thing in this game at least on balanced on tactician on my other run which I'm way further back than this run this is my first time experiencing this content requires 80 camp supplies to rest a little bit more difficult on tactician unless you're always looking for food but on balance it's quite easy to take long rest so don't necessarily have to conserve your spell slots that much okay what do we got here um looks like a wall that we could listen to that music not even let me inspect the wall no rest for the wicked I see there's nothing to Target nothing to inspect and there's no passive perception or investigation checks I wonder if it's bugged out or if that's how it's supposed to be let me see if I can Target it with the Knoxville oh there's nothing to Target okay well let's go back and check out the other side because there was two sides to this maybe we could just take a boat take that row boat that would be awesome I don't mind going back though this is a beautiful area of the game like we have some Vines we can climb right here I feel like I have just enough spell slots right now to handle one combat encounter I have a few high level ones with Gail I also have those potions that restore some spell slots I'm ready shadowheart also has plenty of spell slots minus the higher level ones so I should be fine if we end up in a combat encounter if we go that way if you head West you end up in the sea of swords I go a coast oh we can actually see inside this one I don't think we're supposed to be in here I don't even know we have to somehow make it to oh wow it actually looks like this is explorable content still alive okay um I want to use seaming right here which is a level 5 illusion spell this guy's up to four members of your adventuring party we could change the appearance of all of my characters and I wonder if we go in here and if we get caught by the fist how that would affect things yeah let's go ahead and do that let's make use of some of these utility spells so I actually am going to take a long rest right now foreign into the group as well we'll pick Lazelle back up when we make some more progress on what boss wants us to do [Music] progress once [Music] Vos has gone Underground [Music] wait for me hello Jahira would you like to join my group and then we'll drop Aid and we'll do it at level four yeah nice and here we go c mean level five illusion spell up to four party members one two three four that's amazing look at Gail that's my character and that oh my character is the dwarf that's Jahira all right this is the new Entourage so let's go ahead and use knock level two let's head on in whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa maybe nobody's even gonna be probably hit F5 oh somebody's coming that way that's oh we got a fist out here okay let's go back in this is a restriction area time to explain yourself well this guard will be restricting you towards are you serious wow 2200 gold holy crap oh man all right let's try to convince this guard that we belong here talk our way out of it give it a try I don't think it's gonna work exception intimidation and persuasion not good at any of those my apologies I seem to have taken a wrong turn nah we got this we got this oh my God your conviction is enough this will be taken no further nonetheless this area remains forbidden should you attempt such a feat again you will find yourself on the deserving end of Justice yes ma'am oh no no way okay well I will fast forward the video because I'm gonna head back to that same spot we're gonna try to be a little bit more stealthy as we explore and I have returned I was thinking about popping in a visibility potion to scout around here a little bit but those only last for one minute of in-game time let's instead use wild shape with your hero will turn into a cat see if we can figure out what's going on here I'm not sure if this entire place is a restricted area but I'm definitely airing on the side of caution after what just happened to us we have a guard right there well let's test out the cat right now okay it looks like we're good oh no oh no keep that thing on a shorter leash I can't get back in oh no I have to keep pushing ready and waiting well okay there we go I think the cats can open up doors apparently not that one but there we go oh man that leader is gortash's coronation ceremony that we heard about earlier wow ravengard is making him the Grand Duke [Music] don't forget all the Raven guard is under the influence of the tadpole he is not to be trusted right now even though he is a well-respected Duke and also a leader of the Flaming fist wow and we have the wealthy families of the city day we named Lord and the gortash as Archduke of Boulder's Gate hi hi the council is unanimous let our Wars be good you know what's interesting is I think I have an invitation to this archdukeel coronation admission pass we got this back from I think his name was Arthur back in the Rivington District this past grants access for bear and Entourage to worms Rock audience hall for a ceremony of Lord gortash's elevation to Archduke Baldur's Gate I'm not sure if I would want to go to that maybe under disguise like I am right now but I have a feeling that gortash will be able to censor tadpoles I don't know if it's a good idea yes but see what else is going on here the Royal cat mazora what the heck what is she doing here yep so this is the audience Hall weren't for him have you seen the tieflings at the south gate El torell's Exiles cast out by their own City precious hero liberated them from one hell you have a supporter of ravengard and someone who doesn't like ravengard oh Three Stones to control it it will soon start acting on its own will we might be going to another outer city district right now it's mazora again seems like the game really wants us to talk to her okay so this oh wow this is a loading this is a fast travel point to the lower City let's have a chat with mizora now that we're out this way I don't think there's a waypoint to where I can get my team here if it isn't little Wills Chums I hope he hasn't been too much trouble heard about his father the dead threes pop it a travesty really he's upstairs in worms rock ordaining gortash as Archduke Splendid shindig I hear perfect for crashing go on up we'll talk after and bring the pup along if you can I'd hate for him to miss the fun mazora wants us to go to the coronation ceremony we don't really trust her though [Music] we found Missouri at Worm's Rock Fortress she insisted we attend gortash's ordination seek her out afterwards and we have carlak's Quest we learned gortash is currently being ordained as Archduke of balder's gate this could be carlock's chance to confront Tim interesting so we definitely can go to that ceremony and I'm very tempted to go to it but at the same time I just don't think it's a good idea RP wise like why would we walk into that ceremony there's still watch everywhere and gortash clearly is not happy with us right now [Music] let's hold off on that for a little bit here I really I hope it doesn't completely ruin carlak's Quest it just doesn't seem like a good approach to confront gortash maybe it is actually because you have a huge audience okay I'll tell you what let's see if I can get a waypoint here we're gonna switch to Will and karlak and we're gonna go we're gonna attend it because maybe this is I don't want to ruin carlak's Quest or Will's Quest and also maybe this is the time to confront him because there's such a large audience of people watching so maybe we can expose him kind of like you do with sarahvak the lower City we go gotta find a waypoint and welcome to the lower city of Baldur's Gates it looks like my entire team has been transported here this is surreal to be walking in the lower City in 2023 1492 Dr Ama and everybody runs from Fern I feel so bad for her I think you're beautiful Fern but you know what I don't want you being made fun of all day let's take a quick look here oh my God there's the counting house right there which is like the city's mob run Bank we can see the top of sorceress Sundries your One-Stop shop for magical items and that's where Gail wants us to go the harbor Master's office is in the distance right there and then the sea Tower of balduran which is a flaming fist headquarters and also a defense Fortress for the bay and we might be walking this entire city I'm not sure exploration is one of my favorite parts of RPGs so before we switch to Carlock and will to maybe attend that ceremony even though I kind of think it's a bad idea but I also think game design wise I don't want to ruin carlax and Will's Quest [Music] let's take a quick look at the lower City the gortash has tyrannical control [Music] only gortash can protect us from the absolute mouth this is the news agency the main newspaper agency of the city let's check it out a lot of Steel Watchers in here and larian did say in some marketing in the past that we can manipulate the newspaper of the city I plan on doing that at some point depending on what it says Thomas still missing one link shove off don't be peeking at my scoop at far needle I know that name from descent to averness we have another Volo here I'm sorry who are you 50 Dr no need to introduce yourself I make sure I become intimately familiar with my subjects before writing about them it seems odd you've written the article before asking me any questions deal with the truth and the truth is you're a damned Menace trafficking refugees into our city is hardly a good look especially when so many are absolutists and murderers the truth will be out with tomorrow's broadsheet people will spit in your face your very presence will be bad for business you'll be a pariah an outcast as you should be and when we can only hope the fist do their Duty and escort you to that Gallows your days of scumming up this good city streets will be over [Music] and who told you this nonsense I would never ever reveal my sources and certainly not to the likes of you besides you're too late the headlines are loaded into the Printworks already tomorrow you will feel the power of free speech vox populi Vox day gods I believe our distinguished guest was just leaving serious would you care to escort them out doesn't seem like a good idea to attack the guards right now that guy was awfully rude it's the truth definitely going to be coming back there sneak it in seeing what we can do okay so in bg1 pick the elf song Tavern is quite close to when you come through the basil Escape actually I think we did come through the Basilisk gate let me come back up here real fast and take a moment to just do some yeah you can see the basilis gate do a little sightseeing here and there it is the mighty basilisk Gates a gate to get you from the outer city into the lower city of the city and you can see all these stone statues which are prior Dukes of the city that's why it's called The Bachelor skate because there's Stone [Music] oh it looks like the elf song Tavern is right there this is the storm show Tabernacle thank you Amelia the heck is that misters like his life and sometimes since I stood before her in a place like this I should pay my respect to Lady Shaw as well okay the temple with several gods and goddesses you have a statue of mistra here the mother of magic one that Gail was in love with and you have saluna tear [Music] statue of Helm the god of paladins Defenders okay let's talk to this guy the car humble toes greasing's child of Faith be welcome to the storm Shore Tabernacle you have come far I perceive how may I serve you this day who are you I am vicar humble toes guardian of the storm Shore Tabernacle I keep the peace in this sacred place and guide those in need and what can I do here here clerics may commune with their gods and even hear their responses if they are so favored I am also granted the power to provide holy Resurrection through sales of revivification Scrolls okay of course my child within limits behold my where the mantle of the Holy Warrior will be a lot of gear in the city here radiate a holy power that emboldens nearby allies their weapon attacks do an additional one to four radiant damage wow cost fifteen hundred then we have some revisified Scrolls [Music] I don't know like what I want to sell yet because I'm curious if we can use these in like different shops in the city like the silver Ingot I want to talk to a blacksmith thinking we can't at this point buy one red scroll the sacred star on a hit inflict one turn of radiating orb upon the targets Undead creatures struck by this weapon are possibly turned wow really good items in this game when you heal a creature it gains the effect of Blade Ward when you revive a creature against the effect of death Ward no way the blade Ward is resistance to physical damage or two turns and death Ward allows a character to be knocked to zero HP but actually be knocked to one HP instead of going unconscious and you get the rib of a thigh that's a really really good item right there I don't have money right now [Music] and this is the elf song Tavern right here to the right Caitlyn important to the Baldur's Gate dark Alliance series the arpg series and also Baldur's Gate one of course okay before we go in before we go in because we have some quests bringing us there let's just see the city for a second I always said the elf song is haunted yeah so there's an eerie song that is played in the elf song from a elf who has died and her husband left her to go off to war and he never came back and she haunts the place now singing songs about him but I think the song that she sings now is different she actually sings about descent into averness be interesting to see if that song plays when we go in there let's show some respect okay I respect that cunning yeah I agree shouldn't be just digging up things in a grave metal pipe here hold on oh hold on okay it was worth a try okay you know what Jahira I want Jahira in her elf form because she's gonna know some things about the city and I want to be able to talk to her speaking of that let me do speak with animals I keep forgetting that I have this spell I'm gonna keep that active but we see any creatures down here wow the city is just full of so much detail holy crap and what do we have here a forge and a blacksmith okay light Hammer charcoal blacksmiths bellows check it out real fast it's locked all right a suggest if not I don't believe you oh man I think we're close to tumble down the outer city just I'm not sure where starion's Quest is it kind of gives me the Vibes here click on this plaque is this the Tsar Mansion the devil's feet I'm not entirely sure Charlie I think it is because we're very close to investigate cazador's Palace for a Starion okay go over here and take a left and then we're on the back side of sorcerer Sundries nice we've got a waypoint wow look at it that's incredible there's Eridan I'm outside The Druids Grove in the beginning of the game okay let's check out up here oh here's a cat let's have a chat with the cat for justice of the two Heroes were fated to cross paths that day their eyes met Destiny was calling you're all right it was in the tall one's voice they knew they cared about this creature but they didn't know why but the cat did this could be the beginning of something two Heroes against the world an act Injustice for those unable to seek their own all the tall one had to do was say yes yes join me the tall one that failed the first test I have to caution the cat could have just as easily been a foe as a potential friend perhaps it was simply not meant to be okay fair enough brother that was kind of funny Bloom Ridge Park wow so big that's a statue of baldran right here the founder of the city I mean the city is massive so far I'm so surprised that larion made it so big I think you can go into pretty much every house too okay we're coming up to the harbor and there is the water Queens Temple the temple to umberley evil goddess of the sea best to say a prayer to umberly before you set off on your ship by throwing gold and valuable items into the ocean in the temple then we have the ship right here I was blushing speculating it is the blushing mermaid our speculations were correct in fact this is another Tavern Elson Tavern and blushing mermaid and this tavern is known to be quite crazy for its bar fights let's walk in and just check it out briefly there's there's the mermaid Taco why some of the finest artists and musicians began their career amidst stale beer and sticky floors Arizona even the dingiest of bowls you know what maybe we can actually do a long rest here and then grab karlak and also will break it and any fighting and Captain Grizzlies shank here got it [Music] what do you sell here use your eyes oh nice camp supply packs great I'm sure we can find plenty of food in the city if we need to can we get a room here though sir if you're here to complain that the booze taste like piss or you know anything else is there an option to buy a room [Music] see anything here okay let's go check out upstairs talk to this guy you had to choose the rat one or the blonde one which should I which would you you choose what are you talking about spread one or blonde one red it's the Easy Choice yeah right you're so right motion a Red Ale nice [Music] and a drunk guy on the ground right here a lot of drunk people in the blushing mermaid [Music] okay [Music] all right I think we're gonna definitely be coming back here quite a lot oops I clicked on Shadow heart Within Reach of worms Crossing that it felt real it's strange I don't remember much of it yet I can't help feel like I know it It Feels Like Home better than hating the place without remembering why I suppose it is though the chance to savor the moment might be brief I may have to rely on your local knowledge to plug the gaps in my own mind thankfully I'll remember more than I expect to I didn't choose the Bulgarian option the prize that she said local knowledge maybe she's speaking to jihira oh finally it's bloody pace and quiet gimbus uh how beautiful this is amazing I have a feeling that this act if you do all the content is much larger than act one could be wrong [Music] okay we're very close to murder Target Alexander keep going what's going on down here Steve this car goes heavy as lead and I've got Lombardo issues okay let's go up this way I wonder if I can get through that gate investigate the suspicious toys below gears fireworks and The Wizard of waterdeep at sorceress Sundries looks like a lot of we have quests everywhere actually oh these are the murder targets from the ball contract that we picked up we have to kill citizens in order to be invited to Paul's domain the Temple of ball and if you're doing an evil playthrough you would probably fill all those targets we're clearly not going to do that okay this is the counting house so this is the bank I guess I got the counting house wrong earlier looks like we can go right in check it out head clerk Med honey bead honey welcome to the counting house I'm head clerk Mead honey how may The Fellowship of finances serve you a relaxed tone and easy smile but the hoflings shifting gaze gives it away something has him rattled you smile but your body language says otherwise is everything all right 15. we can do it oh fine fine a rather large and heavily armed fellow has taken the head Banker glitter beard below [Music] sort of customer but the head Banker said he'd handle it so it's fine I'm sure we're just fine tell me more about this large fellow honestly that about describes him over a certain size well you'll begin to look the same my eyesight you see the head Banker did seem to expect him but he seemed frightened too sounds like a robbery to me our books stretch back to near the city's founding no robbery has ever been recorded they also make no mention of glitterbeard's stranger guests but I'm sure that's a separate matter entirely let me help I'll go and check out on your Headmaster probably a good idea to see what's going on at the city's Bank holy crap that would be most unusual but then so is our visitor that he is but don't worry we can handle him very well show the gods this temporary Vault boss and should my Superior ask keep my name out of it okay like we're going down into the vaults we picked up a press excuse me we picked up a quest stop the balder's mouth Gazette printing slander had clerk Mead honey revealed that a stone Lord matching minsk's description was taken down into the vaults by the head Banker a short time ago matching minsk's description I didn't catch that talk to Jahira yes have you thought any more about how we might find Minsk I have and while I do not love my conclusion that does nothing the Harpers are the city's best Information Network with them out of action we shall have to fall back on second best nine fingers Keen a name known and feared throughout the city's underworld a mysterious King runs the guild which in turn runs every criminal Enterprise in the city I didn't think a Harper would be friends with a petty crime Lord friend is not the word I'd use nor is Betty if you have a mind to keep your tongue oh damn Junior those four operations step outside the law when needful she just likes it better there how hospitable she will be to a Harper that comes begging to her guilt hole we will find out perhaps I will let you do the talking I do want to meet nine fingers Keen Tahira doesn't seem to know about Minsk being here Jahira wants to speak to nine fingers Keane the leader of the criminal Guild she believes the Guild Master might have a lead on how to find her old friend Minsk but we have the quest updated further than that and Minsk might be down in the vaults okay all right let's go check out the vaults account holders only from here Vault pass here it is right descend and know upon entering the vaults you forego the protection of city and church law alike which is to say keeps your own Vault and you'll be fine oops I clicked on Jahira I always do that all right what now thinking we might want to call in Cash Card artillerus Smathers to talk to her real fast mind your man is down here sir mean much once you're in the vault okay avoid maybe I will just need to see a vault pass please here you are what can I expect below no idea our post is out here besides his chores and swords at Banker glitter beer doesn't like course asking what goes on below for security I expect like her accent here we are order oh wow so if we didn't actually get a pass down here and we had had to sneak into here we would be dealing with all those traps yeah I'm gonna call in an animal companion now that we're down here I don't have any Undead to call in I actually may respect Gail out of necromancy because like now that we're in act three we have zombies running around with us it's going to be scaring everybody away sucks that the Animal Companions do that because I think that's a bit of a bug it shouldn't happen with some of the animal forms it'll be fine like the two main classes that I chose don't work that well in this game right now I mean they work well they just it's annoying having everybody run from you oh look at this train until a stop member has opened the way for you okay well it looks like you can steal from all of these vaults I don't think I'm in the business of stealing just yet as we don't know whose vaults those are the current door codes please refer to the Head Banker's office highest security clearance only like we have a little puzzle slash code thing here let's send our Bear Down looks like it could be a trap okay I wonder if I can maybe we can just click on it because we were allowed down here we can lock pick it oh my God look at the difficulty class we could still get it we just need a 20. oh it won't even let me roll it for some reason I have a this hopefully the room doesn't blow up right now oh man okay that's good 99 difficulty class all right so I think we got a baby go to the I don't know how I doubt that a code would be hidden you know on the walls or something like that that wouldn't make sense for Bank security I might have to go to the headmaster's office the direct notice of the cleaning staff no more water is to be used to clean the floor in front of the main Vault use prestid to chase that's a bit of a tongue twister press digitate spread press digitation press did rested vegetation prestigitation if you must clean there we can't afford any more lighting mishaps with wet pressure plates there will be no more warnings only dismissals lightning mishaps with wet pressure plates prestiditate I'm having a really hard time saying that word do not approach any Vault but your own make sure the number before attempting to open do not ask a cash guard for help with locks doors or carrying valuables no tipping wet floor unsafe to use devices powered by bottled lightning I'm tempted to throw some water down here to see what happens well we gotta go find the headmaster's office let me read that note again hold on I mean there's a reason why these notes are in the room no more Waters to be used to clean the floor in front of the main Vault okay lightning mishaps with wet pressure plates all right let's try something um thank you might as well not waste a high level spell slot right I don't think I have any lightning can trips shocking grass but that might be a little bit I don't know if I'd recommend using shock and grasp but it's a melee spell you know what I'm saying okay Shadow heart you might want to back up everybody might want to back up come here Mr bear whoa that is so cool like we short circuited okay well we don't have to go to the headmaster's office now probably hit F5 and actually let me make sure I have the right spells prepared right now we have kandra elemental blight banishment get rid of which bolt I don't typically use it knock Misty step pick up haste blink and counter spell and Fireball hmm definitely have too many high level spells right now prepared to where I can't use them all but okay so I'm gonna unprepare Well unprepare Blink and I'm gonna pick up ice knife wherever we go and for Jahira I think we're looking pretty good here I do want to try out insect plague I'm gonna grab insect plague at least we get into combat here grasping Vine some of the giant Vine capable of dragging creatures towards itself and the Woodland creature stays until a long rest so we'll call her in then for shadow heart we have flame strike contagion yeah I think I'm good with Shadow heart right now longest Spirit Guardians is prepared all right let's go check this out you might be seeing Minsk the first time in a video game in a long long time I have to turn off that passive oh fussing knowing fingers at this one made especially hello Marvel we'll barely slow it down stories tall tales and big big don't let them fool you elminster the archmage dressed the drow exile Heroes have power eye but not all so much as we do as the first dressed reference a little coin into the right purse soft word in the right ear it's not Glory that spins these planes lad gold see now Griffin's cracked clay here we go [Music] let's go there is no gold in here huh if there is one thing means Kate's more than beasts with bad breath it is those who are tricksome with the truth and turnips but you are no turnip let that be of comfort in your final moments meet Minsk he still seems very much himself to me so those of you who are unaware this is Minsk another very very important companion from the original Baldur's Gate games a good companion and a lot of people do run their party with Jahira and Minsk he also has a miniature giant space hamster Named Boo which doesn't seem to be here who doesn't seem to be here right now so it'll be interesting to see what Minsk says okay let's um let's let Jahira reveal herself better to call yourself Stone head [Music] you're a false face does not full my eyes I will cut until you look like the monster you truly are [Music] somehow you are making even less sense than usual perhaps I can explain [Music] a bit Orange shapeshifter count yourself lucky he cannot stay what the heck nine fingers set a poor trap little Banker let the absolute faithful show you how it is done now come Stone Lord we have the gold and the absolute has need of it elsewhere as you say jaira [Music] thank you it's learning shape Changers enough let us deal with these cultists then find out where they are nesting oh wow and Minsk is also known to not be the most intelligent character ever but he is a true hero now we got ourselves a combat encounter we're all surprised right now oh no okay I know the bankers are surprised we got a little update on that Quest we saw Minsk Rob The Vault beneath the counting house led by a doppelganger wearing jahira's face he escaped nine fingers trap and teleported away we should search The Vault for Clues on where he went okay is it ever going to be my turn there we go all right so let's start off with to these are Reapers of ball wow nearby hostile creatures become vulnerable to piercing damage all right let's start off with Shadow and I'm just going to pop a spirit Guardians right now and I'm going to oh she's like trapped in here right now move her right here some damage on these guys and then for Gail we're gonna do conjure Elemental let's do a let's try out the fire Elemental this time gotta take care of these guys that are in our face first and also maybe even Mage hands sure we can push these enemies around okay probably hit F5 multi-attack erupting Cinder Stoke a giant cinderball and lavit bursting in white explosion creating a fiery surface it's pretty cool we'll do multi-attack damn we're missing everything against these assassins all right Shahira oh man I wish I did a short rest before I came in here I don't have any wild shape charges dang that's rough that is rough all right let's do let's do a Moonbeam hope that I don't lose concentration [Music] kind of stuck in here right now all right then we got magehands foreign I should have attacked him because he's prone but I need to help out Jahira here I should have used goadin Roar but whatever awesome perfect nice oh man it was delayed the Woodland being got shoved off the ledge death's head of ball AST I know that name foreign [Music] 's a little bit a little bit buggy right now oh man glitter beard just died the owner of the bank I don't think I really care okay so now let's see who do we want to attack five assassins left we're in pretty good positioning up here I'm thinking we might wow look at that cloud of daggers right there that is insane thinking we might do not enough movement oh I can get that oh come on really you can't shoot that from up here again seriously all right we're gonna do haste and I'm gonna do it on Wolf and then we're gonna start moving this way ready oh I didn't realize it was an assassin right there [Music] it's a massive damage right there we have elemental Warp oh glitter beard yeah he's dead right now pretty cool nature builds you can do in this game ah man you know what I just did I ran through my own Moonbeam and I canceled my concentration on it classic really want to see insect plague but it also hits friendlies I believe you know what let's do it it's only gonna hit by summons Bay beans here let's see what this looks like if I can actually get it off there we go nice that would be terrifying song whoa what are you doing Mage hands Han just bugged out there we go I wonder if we could jump the Bear Down minus 9 HP I think it's worth it something's a little bit buggy with combat right now foreign spiritual weapon gets in the way of everything oh this creature's got Sanctuary active that's not good I wonder if the wood boat's even affected yeah it looks like it is affected by insect plague all right slow on five targets yeah we're going to counter spell that absolutely all right Mr Gale let's see what we can do with you we have an invisible Target somewhere in here I bet you I could probably hit that Target to show itself if I cast clouded daggers level two I think it's probably still in this area see a circle right there [Music] there we go perfect we'll just hold our ground right here if we can get close enough right here nice we got 7 HP left still have Sanctuary active and do nothing foreign you can still do AOE spells so let's do a either a Moonbeam or a call lightning all lightning might actually finish this character off so we'll do that [Music] see ya [Music] um foreign [Music] right after my caster o hmm let's think here what we want to do and we're gonna do inflict wounds 40 HP Let's do an inflict wounds level damn I could one shot this character without inflict wounds level four yeah let's try it why not be fun 28 damage okay not bad not bad at all foreign [Music] try to do this to where my companions can get down and still be able to attack this creature so we'll put it right here I love the particle effects for that one and then Mr Gale let's have you drop a magic Missile hopefully we can actually take advantage of oh no I lost concentration on haste oh yeah haste I keep getting it mixed up in Early Access I used haste so much as a potion passed it as a spell it requires concentration I gotta be careful when I'm using haste but also like clouded daggers not used to that yet nice got both targets with a taunt all right Mr Ranger go kick some ass now Ranger from the Misty Forest to the north see ya it's at F5 again ah okay so we should probably take care of the guy that's back here I don't want gal to get assassinated so okay let's first do this perfect and let's move gal behind my teammates and I think we can just start dashing over to where that other assassin is actually we have all these extra abilities like Shadow teleportation to get us right up there and I have Shield of Faith too it doesn't cost a spell slot it still uses concentration though thank you try something over here hope didn't hit him just get the Bears turn we don't need the bear for this worth a try okay the Assassin is in jahira's face right now now we gotta go back the other way I got just the spell for this assassin oh this would be hilarious I could get a fireball off right here don't know if I can without hitting Jahira trying my hardest well we could Misty step you know what you only live once this will be quite entertaining aha all right Shahira finish this guy off with a melee attack with our scimitars awesome well that was pretty interesting and cool then expect to be meeting minsks today it looks like we have our work cut out with Minsk to get him to come around okay let's do some looting down here and we gotta look for Clues murderous cut Ting house Vault 9 key Stone Lord Strike Team update on the counting house operation we've been tipped off to expect an ambush once we reach the Vault but the guild underestimates us as usual we maintain coordination we should be able to shrug it off without casualties let the stone Lord take the lead if you deal efficiently with the cash guards there may be time to gather additional funds before we withdraw bring everything a cistern and the sewers occultist in the counting house carried a note mentioning some hideout in the sister we should head down to the sewers to search for Minsk we have so much to do in the city that's Vault 9 right there yeah it is like now that we're on the mints Quest we might as well finish this one through and then we can figure out our plan for the city itself we still have that coronation ceremony going on that I'm hesitant to go to what I want to go to at the same time because I feel like it's a pretty big story moment for Will and and uh carlak all right we found a trail of Muddy footprints in the vault they reek of the sewer that's where we should go next to find Minsk elegant studded leather 14 AC it's light armor gain a plus two bonus to initiative rolls you also get the shield level one AB duration spell which is a great spell in this game let's put this on Gale to see what it looks like it boosts AC by one because of the light armor we also get Shield I wonder if Shield is actually it's only a one-time use I'm assuming that it is recharges on a short run so you get one use of Shield I've been sticking with gal with the robes because I'm not really a huge fan of Yale being able to wear light armor of the change with the full game as humans now have the light armor efficiency let's stick with the moon devotion robes which is actually ac-17 when I use Mage Armor and I get that extra one to four radiant damage on saving throws and if I can remember I need to start using lunar ball work which will allow me to cast Mage Armor without a spell slot so we'll stick with that for now talk to the guard right here watching my breath okay a path Less Traveled so we gotta go to the sewers I don't know if there's a way to get there from here I don't think there is because Oren teleported in here see any cracked walls or anything but this might actually be a nice natural stopping point mid episode so I'll catch you all in a few welcome back I wonder if we can use speak with the dad on glitter beard here this is the proprietor of the bank the owner of the bank the corpse regards you lifelessly what did you do here nine fingers what was all that with a mimic what can you tell me about the stone Lord smelled like short nice and what did the cult want with all that gold soldiers for them absolute who are you right here Little Beard the Spells power wanes you can ask no more questions nine fingers Keen has control over it okay ton of vaults in here but I wonder if the knock spell works on these ones immediately doesn't oh if I'm fully comfortable with stealing oh can we just speak with the dead on the ball Fiona let's try that oh it's showing red Motors use it on this guy the cool nothing to say okay let's be on my way I don't know if I'm fully comfortable with just robbing all these vaults right now even though it's a mob run Bank loading dock chess key these are still vaults of citizens of Baldur's Gate so we can probably teleport out of here and then take a long rest and it'll be interesting to see what happens when we take a long rest within the city I can actually do it down here your deception ends now I shall cleave the truth from you like flesh from a doer what the heck is going on here another normal evening in Camp what in the hell is going on here Lazelle this is not Nation she tried to silence me and hide her deception I um you have any proof LaSalle is my word not enough oh God they all fell well cream Liesel is saying that this is Oren Maybe [Music] but how do we know for sure there actually was some Larry in marketing too where they showed Lazelle actually shape change into Oren because of that prior knowledge of whatever trailer that was I am hesitant to trust Lazelle at the moments but who knows what my game is going to be like man I don't have any you know bonuses for intimidation or persuasion okay well we're gonna try it Let Her Go Lazelle God 25 DC all right we have a five percent chance but I do not oh my God nope that wasn't Oren I don't think [Music] oh rap look at it crawling and sniffing and rooting around in the filth is it my nether Stone you seek little piggy you keep such silly little lambs in your flock so easily slaughtered not like your green gourd friend she loves the taste of blood too much what a brutal brutal antagonist what have you done with Lazelle I will not slice her kind die too easily the murder Lord demands a better offering nothing new sticky sweet and delicious he wants you the murder Lord wants me why cathrix killer turned the corpse lover to carrion when you took his Stone oh but he was a doll kill no blood to spill no guts to rip desiccated husk oh dust and Hollow you must be missioned before you set your Edge against my skin I'm sharp enough already I'll show you right now oh no not here not now the Tyrant Must Fall first arrangement but he winches and wails over the crown wanting to command it alone oh how I long to slit his epoxy smile from ear to ear he bound my blade when we first conspired quartet want me at first didn't trust me got me to wag my tongue swear an oath never to hang him from the hooks trip train him into father's open Jaws you must take the netherstone from his corpse and bring it to my temple slice and Shred each other Survivor claims the stones what's left of the other is agree and I will bring my assassins to heal they watch you always longing to spray the Crimson from your veins refuse me and you'll learn what happens to those who defy balls Doctrine so will your friend Oren Demands a fight to the death the prize for the Victor the nether stones and the chance to control the crown alone accept and you must kill gortash refuse and your companion's life may be forfeit as much your own orange assassins will hunt you like prey for Slaughter the decisions in this game Lauren wants to work with us I mean I just don't trust Oren no matter what she is not to be trusted and she is like pure evil agreeing with her and assuming that she's going to keep Lazelle alive I don't know so you're stabbing your ally in the back or rather asking me to nice oh no we had a balance the chosen three let it tumble when you turned the bone Lord to Ash now goodness tries to gouge me from the city during an adequate pleasure butchering and cleaving only to whip the herd towards his tin men's oppression you you got him like a pig preps for the spit only then will you be sweet and sharp ready for the murder Lord's purpose sounds like you can't defeat gortash without me you need me I do not need you are made of nothing meaningless flesh and Bone I do not need I offer balls age approaches and you could be there to see it an idol of flesh made to welcome his bleeding door there is time for you yet time to say do not underestimate history watch seek their cradle in the lower City and skewer their scold meat make them rust and blood then you can go the Lord Ling again and again and again listen close bone bound step in my domain while the Tyrant still sucks air and I will carve your failure into your pretty playthings skull bring me his Stone and I will set the bait free yeah only then can you and I make Exquisite Butchery the Victor will set the world to slaughter that is Ball's offer he will not make another [Music] holy crap well that was unexpected Oren has kidnapped one of our number you must find the Lash of ball and free our companion will you speak with deadanya first that was that was quite sad the corpse regards you lifelessly who can I inform of your death where are you from what can I do to honor your memory why did this happen the corpse remain silent it does not know what did you want to be when you grew up you know and what a brutal moment right there shows you how evil Oren actually is a formidable addition to our party our odds without her are diminished we should consider Oren's terms carefully however distasteful we may find them hmm okay and expect that out of Gail you'll miss pity Oren taking laser like that give her half a chance and she'll rip out the shape-shifter's spine okay look at this Camp too by the way like we're just camping out on the lower docks the great or in the red thugs your leave sulking for attention she might come to regret it yet lizelle will not break easily Authority will only enjoy her work the more for that if we give her the time [Music] all right let's have a chat with carlak I want to bring karlak and will into my group but I think for the men's Quest if that's what I'm gonna push on with I want to have Jahira bloody shape-shifting freak nice then there's no lays out to chat with of course Taco Shadow Hearts oh this is such a cool camp I love it we can't just let Oren take one of our own even if it's laser we have to rescue her or kill gutash in order to win her freedom don't trust Oren to actually give lizelle damn it all fell back if that means killing gortash nothing would give me greater pleasure but we've got to tread carefully I won't risk my father's life to take gortashes all right we will fast travel out to the lower City Central wall try not to get overwhelmed with all the quests that we currently have let's see if we can continue on with the sewers here as ours Palace murder targets the wizard of waterdeep and there is the high harp request search the sewers for Minsk so let's go over there first see if we can get into the sewers from over there right near Bloom Ridge Park and then after that maybe we'll come to sorceress Sundries or we'll call in will and karlak en probably better just to stick with one Quest instead of hopping around to a million at one time apparently I don't know where I'm going I have no Hamilton please there's Bloom Ridge Park yeah the book was a lot more days and you smell like that place down the dock expect unceasing harassment by scum outside the blushing mermaid kind of hard to navigate because every time I click on the ground I click on an item or a citizen okay so that okay that entire building is the blushing mermaid however we're going up here according to the quest marker [Music] wish we could look up a little bit in the third person view that would be nice and they have a nice Tower of balder in [Music] um the citizens are running from me because I didn't I didn't manipulate the newspaper and I took a long rest so I think everybody in the city now has a bad view of myself and my party and here we go we have a manhole right here larion did an incredible job on the city I'm just like amazed at how big it is like every door is pretty much can go inside each building hahaha all right we gotta do some Buffs real fast we're gonna use gals oh man we're real close holy crap whoa guys oh man okay thank God we didn't end up in combat right there wow we got oozes down here muffets is about to be crazy fuck you fuck you hey long Strider and then let's also do Aid I wonder how long feather fall lasts as a ritual spell let me try real fast [Music] yeah it only lasts for one minute so we'll just keep it unprepared and if we need it we can prepare it I mean in combat sometimes you do actually need it but it's fine you know what I'm going to try to do this time I'm going to try to use the Sunbeam spell from the mace of lethander that I have on Gale right now I simply have it on him just for the Sunbeam spell only used it once it's super powerful okay well here we go assuming we can probably just attack oh crap these guys are showing as yellow these are not hostile got a rat over there Cranium rat oh okay well let me send let's send my bear up see what happens whatever it's cold it's impressive I keep forgetting you can't talk with your animal companion to the animals foreign like these guys are just not gonna go into combat with me so that's good okay what's this cousin another absolutist come to see what we did to pour out Salin your God took her mind cultist so baraki took her head and I burned the flesh from her bones and now you come to interrupt the funeral rights I conic sorcerer yes cousin excellent idea there's we will take you in return he says you look just like kindling for sarin's funeral Tire try me buddy haven't got the slightest idea who or what you're talking about and I made our coin by going unnoticed the finest thieves in the city until we messed with gortash and he sent the cult after us your fellow cultists hunted us so we hid down here we were safe and so was our loot until the darkness soured sarin's mind she kept our treasure from us said bareki and I had gone strange hmm hash cousin Surin turned into a cultist herself so we did what we had to barecki went until his voice was gone and then he was gone too even only me to conduct sarin's rights and my cousins here you cannot conduct the rights without a clan to Bear witness or some fuel for the fire if we can get Shadow heart a little bit closer okay let's try to persuade this guy doesn't mean he could help us out a little bit I'm not a cultist and I don't think your friend was either your paranoia turned you against one another 18 DC there we go we got guidance though no no no no you are so deep in the absolute power you do not even know it yourself just like sorry okay so be it oh we got an upper area right here holy crap oh that just brings me silly me I thought I was gonna be like in some Rafters in the sewer or something all right see what we can do here hold on guys up here with his grease Elementals I mean I know exactly what I want to do here it's fire resistance but the other ones have fire resistance but vulnerabilities a double damage oh my very yeah my bear is in battle right now okay let's take our first turn here I think I actually I'm so curious if I use a fire spell this entire place might actually blow up so what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna back wolf up okay I think it was worth it kind of that's pretty cool all right let's go to Gail I could sneak gal around to get like a fireball in here or something that would be phenomenal it's too far I don't know how I'm gonna get him over there though unless they come all the way in here but then I'm gonna aggro some more enemies I think I actually did a lot of damage it's a little bit to my Ranger my range is fire resistant okay let's take Jahira I think we should probably take care of the guy back here oh wow I didn't see a cone right there man if I could just get a spell up there that would be great I don't see any High Ground to get Gail on all right well we're just gonna play it from down here then maybe they'll all move this way so we'll take a shot at this guy right here okay I like it and we'll take out this one first go ahead and do the problem is if I take damage in the fire surface I think I'm going to be doing concentration saving throws or Constitution saving throws I really hope that all these guys come towards me because if they do I can do a guardian of Faith too we'll do that and then I'm actually going to create water and then we're going to maybe use a little bit of a choke point here oh they're just going to fly over not sure if they're going to jump over that or not all right Mr bear I need you to come back straight gotta think for a second sometimes you gotta just sit and think when I'm filming I'm a little bit more hesitant to sit here and just think about things I don't know if I want to use a concentration spell right now let's do it oh he's okay wow assistant to lightning damage do you have any flame spells I really don't not prepared at least right now just take a shot and then we'll back up a little bit I'm gonna wild shape here shortly these guys are all coming down that's not what I was it's not good I was hoping they would all take the bridge well this guy's taking the bridge that's good we just need one good Fireball and I would take care of like all these guys okay and this might be our Fireball moment here get up wolf wake up buddy [Music] thank you oh okay another magma methods damn all right let's see a few more turns until it scales turn let's just kill this guy right out right now with our fire sword really I didn't get the kill that he used Hunter's Mark oh foreign telling you that right now wish I was playing a light cleric all right we're going to start off with mirror image and we're gonna move to the door and next cast will be Spirit Guardians critical hit okay here we go oh my God all right see if I can get as many targets as possible I think I have to cast it like right there yep that might be perfect you only live once wow that was epic see if I have any nope I don't I had a potion of speed gotta cast two Fireballs right there if I used haste at the start of the encounter that's okay we're doing pretty good back him up Teamwork Makes the Dream Work and actually I think I don't want these guys to come to here I think I want them to stay on the bridge so I'm going to move the bear up let's go ahead and do a are all these guys nope nothing with lightning nothing with lightning okay not bad now we're gonna wild shape does that completely take away interesting the only wild shape that completely takes away the call lightning I'm still concentrating on it but it doesn't show it up but we'll take we'll take note of that next term we'll see if I can cast it again I gotta get into the habit of doing good concentration spells and then wild shaping and being able to keep those concentration spells going get up there spiritual weapon we activated the entire place yeah this guy can turn these guys into magma methods from mud he's the master of The Muppets [Music] okay I don't want to go up too far old I can go into the fire I am Wasteland wander fire we'll see if we can kill this guy now these guys are probably gonna be resistant to fire oh nullified wow see ya now we can also come over here just gotta make sure I stay far enough back to where I can still get off a nice Fireball sweet barely taking any damage guys got 68 HP foreign [Music] there's poison everywhere down here might be time to go after this guy a little bit nervous about bringing Gail all the way over there though foreign I can't even make it okay we got grease methods down here 14 14 and one magma methods the fireball wouldn't do any damage against that one not even worth it we got a couple slime balls coming over here too I like that like that a lot and we're gonna have oh yeah Tahira we're gonna have you rush the boss if you're able to make it over there doesn't look like we can we can jump right over here foreign owl bear has rushed him oh my God are you serious we're gonna have to call in a Elemental here that is crazy you gotta kill this one guy as fast as we can there's a guardian of faith he's not attacking anybody ah don't want to lose my concentration in here I seriously think it might be worth this wolf needs a little bit of a heel but healing words just not enough and I don't have an action to throw a potion I'll take it it's gonna move up just a little bit a little bit more hey there we go perfect awesome he only has one HP Gales in his own battle over here [Music] seriously bear there we go take care of him and then we're gonna do an elemental on the next turn I think an elemental will be great maybe even summon it over here I think we have to kill him as fast as possible this is going to be an opportunity attack on me you know what I'm okay with it lock this guy down there we go okay I love the combat music oh my God this guy is a lot more powerful than I thought eat metal on Wolf man I don't know if I want to counter spell that we're going to because I'm gonna be disarmed okay let's see what we can do here let's finish off the grease Elemental very very nice so much fire around here I can jump Shadow heart over here that'll be great I think I'm gonna send Shadow to help up here on the top I think it's worth it Mr Hero is in need of help right now actually we could do great water too let's do it I don't think this guy's gonna have any lightning spells maybe he does [Music] yeah conjure water Elemental is probably a really good play here I should have done that earlier we have all these new spells I'm just not that familiar with fuck I guess my um my guardian of faith is not reaching the love Elemental the radius of the circle okay so here we go let's conjure elemental we're going to do water I'm gonna put that son of a gun right here I can we'll get gal some cover from that method oh I didn't notice that oh there's a long combat encounter I think I'm gonna be fine though nice I love the sound effects of the water Elemental choice but to keep going all right well looks like we lost our Hunter's Mark there we go I'm up here let's see what we can do to this guy we need to take him out fast as possible guiding bolts level five 19 damage not that much [Music] foreign I think we're wrapping it up now in F5 wow casting Fireball on Shadow heart not today my friend [Music] sucks to get counterspelled with a fireball the worst feeling in the world I just can't hold concentration when I'm fighting this creature there we go oh you can't get across us I'm blocked in right now all right buddy hate to tell you but I think you are now dead got the stupid grease on me right now it'll be kidding me almost killed in one strike I don't think we gotta do anything crazy here I think we have it now I'm gonna have to rest probably after this fight oh I forgot I keep forgetting the Slime guys right there [Music] and we won wasn't a fight that I expected it was a fun one it's kind of fun I don't really like oozes and methods capture orders the wizard is a lunatic who already murdered one of his close companions at a sheer paranoia likely none would believe his tale of the tadpoles no matter what truth we saw but end him all the same Oren will Brook no failure we are so close even so a lost soul will make a fine offering to our Lord Porter staff plus two that might be the first plus two weapon that I've seen and you get 1d4 necrotic damage cindermoth cloak a creature that damages the wearer within seven feet receives burning I think that fits perfectly I like that a lot especially with my Ranger I like the color too wow sarin's skeleton insert item let me check the boss guy again Elton doesn't have a head may you speak with the dead on it oh sure all right let's Press On oh we have some oozes right there no idea how big these sewers are gonna be oh you didn't get that off Gail seriously what happens I lost my action I never got the fire bolt off thank you by your command water elementa has 114 HP that's crazy [Music] hey thank God it wasn't another room not because [Music] okay go through the door don't see anyone in here it might be worth a look irresistible dance painted key what's next I wonder if we can make some Arcane cultivation potions Superior healing potions oh look at that I make a ton of potions of speed I didn't even realize I had the ingredients for that gonna be super useful Arcane cultivation running pretty low on spell slots right now I don't want to get caught off guard I should take a long rest here but I'm running a little bit low on camp supplies at the moment we'll drink one of those and we'll drink one of those that's the room we just came from that water looks tainted better to avoid it the abandoned cistern cultist in the counting house carried a note mentioning some hideout in the cistern should head down to the sewers to search for Minsk okay at least we know we're getting closer to Minsk got some people up here Aura of murder okay I don't think they're friendly they look like ball cultists they're showing yellow though I think we can probably just attack them I'm missing out on a cutscene well that's okay I think it's going to turn into combat either way yeah they don't look too friendly Barnes what kind of name is that let's move everybody else into hopefully this doesn't blow my cover so to fight and now nice sending wolf solo holy crap yes okay so before I hit next turn let's go back to my bear and everybody else too actually is everybody hiding my water Elemental hiding right now oh crap that was close looks like Gail can't get up nice I think I can sneak an owl bear up here too that'd be pretty funny thank you that is one sneaky aliberate oh never mind it didn't work uh she'll be mine that's polymorph one of these characters 75 chance on oh no that was my own character that would have been bad 75 chance on Barnes turn them into a sheep [Music] okay here we go oh it looks like the water Elemental made it over nice and gal is also in combat right now too what is this Unstoppable reduce the next damage taken by The Entity to 1 and consume one charge of Unstoppable creatures cannot be moved by any external forces wow in that case let's use a cam trip critical have one damage what was that but uh no more Unstoppable oh man conjure murder crows what the hell better kill her fast oh my God 54 damage and the crows are still up though that sucks I thought they would have disappeared oh no nice we whacked that Crow my Bear's still hidden back here that isn't that is crazy there's one sneaky bear all right so now let's kill let's see polymorph will stay for four turns it is concentration okay so I guess we can work on the crows for a little bit now tournaments owl Bears turn [Music] nice um I'm so tempted to just swing at that sheep seriously seriously I'm Gonna Leave the spiritual weapon up there things are everywhere probably hit F5 never a bad idea right thank you Moore's cut we'll help out my bear a little bit 14 damage okay all right it's the thought of an owl bear belly flopping on top of two crows is kind of funny I think we can start swinging at this guy now it's time cannot harm sanctuary oh does this is a creature of sanctuary does polymorph cause sanctuary interesting polymorph is so different than bg3 if the Sheep's hit points drop to zero the target reverts to its original form I don't know where the sanctuary comes from thank you can't wait to get extra attack I'm assuming I'll get it with my Animal Companions at some point I hope we can still do though foreign still works again we're gonna definitely have to rest after this so what the heck let's do it okay now he's back nice oh I can't reach from right here oh still got Sanctuary active not anymore [Applause] [Music] [Music] okay and two of my companions have leveled up it can now reach level 10 but it looks like Shahira and wolf still need a little bit more XP I'm gonna hold off I'm leveling up until all four meet the requirement and I can create one save point and then reference it when I'm making videos in the future it's been a long day better stop to rest soon oh I know Shadow heart I know nice hand crossbow and what the heck do we got going on up here slow skate you probably want to open the sluice gate you can get into the cistern and muck it out to do that you need to manipulate the valves to get the water level and heat level to their Optimum levels at the same time don't get scalded like we got ourselves a little puzzle mini game here go ahead and take a long rest hopefully I have enough camp supplies you don't have enough camp supplies we can do a partial rest I wonder if all of this rusting is going to accelerate the coronation of gortash or if that event will just pause until I go to it the first time I haven't had camp supplies in a while really haven't had to worry about it too much on balanced foreign we'll take a partial rest someone in Camp wishes to speak with you who might that be scratch wants to speak with me okay you always give scratch the time of the day dog is unable to speak it's a small bag keeps bringing me things I don't know as I thought of you when I saw it give them another pets good boy okay what if that's what I needed to be able to take a full rest I do have enough now oh interesting hold on hold on I have plenty there we go you sleep but the wicked don't someone is here to disturb your rest get the hell's away from me peace brother vampire spawn the master needs all seven of us for the ceremony come with us and be reborn we'll live again [Music] what does Cazador want with him the right the master needs him he must attend why should we let Cazador have all the fun after all he's done to us will taste sweet paired with Ascension you think he's ever kept a promise he will never let us be free after all these centuries of Torment I know what you all want more than power more than to walk in the Sun this persuasion check is quite interesting Starion Has the strength to defeat kazador we should Stand Together like it's going to be a pretty tough DC 18 with no bonuses let's use one Inspiration Point 10 chance oh my God okay stand with the runs of the kennel the one who always is whimpered while he got beat save us that lick spit all he ever wanted to save himself the rest of us be damned you were always weak brother we don't follow weak weak this is our only chance to be free to end centuries of slavery you will not ruin it historian oh wow we're just getting into battle right away holy cow this guy's got some HP too I don't have my spell slots yet damn 's up here why didn't I get my guidance oh this is gonna be tough yeah the resistance to physical damage and also necrotic they're gonna take half damage from that but maybe I can keep it up the entire time actually I'm going to take a potion of speed 65 chance not that much gotta keep her in there by moving up here and then I'm gonna cast mirror image and Jahira how about you give me a little moon beam triple moon beam here nice awesome damn it that's cool starion's I'm not even controlling a Starion right now he wasn't in my heart all right gal what do you got for us my man 45 HP 60. ah okay foreign [Music] [Music] damage if it starts its turn in sunlight you know I do have the uh daylight spell but I don't have it ready shar's Darkness you know what we're gonna do bless [Music] I think that'll help a lot [Music] one gone [Music] vampires are no joke thank you I don't want to create Darkness all around me but I think we have given the fence nice everybody lost vampire spawn that we have to fight when we go to cazador's mansion I guess this was a good thing foreign you can't move Moonbeam when in Wild shape it was a bummer and one left nice [Music] I wonder if I'll be able to revive a Starion if he died in this fight he's not technically in my group I mean he is but he's not one of my controllable companions right now foreign well at least you've met my family now he's talking to Gail was it true what they said that you gave up fighting him long ago it was like there's no way out first decade of my slavery I found darling boy who I couldn't bear to bring back to him so Iran instead of hurting that sweet man after Cazador caught me the bastard sealed me starving inside a Dusty tomb all on my own for an entire year a year of Silence months of scratching my hands raw trying to carve my way out more months of not moving at all that's wishing only for death so don't you ever ever judge me for doing what Cazador ordered [Music] damn starion's getting deep here we're finding it is so easy to kill earlier on but if you just stick with them and learn more about him you start to feel some sympathy I have no words historian I'm so sorry nothing can make up for that not even kazador's death I'm happy I kept him around even though his morality is questionable I mean understandable but still questionable oh now we got a black screen I think it's going to come back it's done this to me a few times yeah I'm happy that we kept him around even though we've for the most part doing a morally good run here I mean Shadow heart went off the deep end but okay well let's go to bed still had I didn't level up after that are you serious how did I not level up a little bit bugged out here there we go okay and then back down here we go [Music] [Music] all right so I wanted to try before we mess with this weird puzzle thing is let's just try the knocks though work smarter not harder right okay I think that did it we don't even have to mess with these I don't it seems like it did it Maybe stop no no foreign let's figure out these valves then Mr bear come on over here so I didn't mean to click that I'm gonna wait until everybody's ready to level up okay so what do we got here let me read this note again manipulate the valves to get the water level and heat level to their Optimum levels at the same time don't get scalded this looks like it's the Heat and this looks like it's the water I'm assuming these valves are going to make these go up a little bit we try to get it into the green let's see what happens water level rising not doing anything okay watching the timer on the top right now oh crap from the green perfect water level canceled out um what do we do here what do we do is that gonna drop back down oh no wow it's loud in here okay overheated perilously hot two turns remaining all right let's bring another companion in how about Shadow heart perfect warmth I think it's just a game of timing barely warm okay I wonder if I twisted it right now if it would go back into I'm gonna let them both reset the water one's more delayed okay here we go let's do the water one we got two turns remaining and now we'll do the temperature one one turn remaining see what happens uh hurry up water go go go go go go go oh we got it nice that was pretty cool just need a little bit of XP right now and get my entire party to level 10. oh man that doesn't look good let's hit F5 you know what I'm just gonna level up we're getting in I don't know if we're gonna get that XP here shortly I wonder if I could just run around the sewers a little bit more let's go back this way we know we're in the area where minska's I think let's go explore something that we haven't explored yet maybe I'll get that little XP boost and then I can level my entire party to 10 before we go through that suspect Tunnel right there foreign this is where we have not gone yet I don't think barrecki don't be mad if you find this boys I'm not trying to keep the treasure from you we just ripped off gortash for gortash getting ripped off looks like a waypoint right there I'm assuming that there's no house well creatures up here whoa voiceless penitent baraki who's the guy that was in the books okay only got six HP Waypoint discovered he's running for my bear listen looks like you silently expectantly you all right the penitent doesn't respond holding your gaze almost done blinkingly with his uh who are you the penitent doesn't respond holding your gaze almost done blinkingly with his shall we trade that there's the slightest flicker of acknowledgment in his eyes interesting the moon basking armor gained 22 temp HP after casting wild shape wow and while those temp HP points are active reduce all incoming damage by one we also have a plus two bonus to Armor class and advantage on saving throws against spells this effect persists while using your druidic wild shape ability last step from the Moon Druid armor right there if I put it on Jahira her Armor class when she's not in Wild shape is going to drop by quite a lot but as a moon Druid you spend a lot of your time in Wild shape forms that actually might be worth getting guys charging 2500 gold though holy crap I don't think I even have enough to sell to have that bone Spike helmet while you rage hostile creatures in a 10-foot radius must succeed in a wisdom saving throw or take psychic damage nice Barbarian Helm right there all right I'm gonna see if I can figure this out I ended up buying that actually let's see what it looks like man that looks awesome I'm really excited to continue to use wild shape form now that's some really nice looking armor actually let's go ahead and wild chip right now and see we'll do we'll transform into a do a saber tooth and we have 22 temp HP underneath our portrait right here that's awesome Okay so this is the under City ruins that makes me a little bit nervous oh mind as you approach the door it is Rife with magic old deathly Magic a new vessel brimming with blood darkens Ball's door to baptize his day is most holy your faith to our Lord how can I prove myself you must bear proof of the dreadlord's favor or pay his toll of blood wow so this is how you get into what I'm assuming is like a temple of ball this is where lizelle is probably being kept looks like we can't lock picket wait we can use arcane we can use knock no way oh my God holy crap all right let's go into sneak mode I don't think I'm ready to take on the Temple of ball right now let's just see if we can get a little XP the corpse running silent we gotta approach this really really cautiously here oh this guy's just following me what are you doing brocky get the hell out of here wow look at this place this looks like a Battleground if you ask me so surprised we're able to get into here with the knock spell I think they would have taken precautions for that oh God okay far Slayer of ball if it's just these four I think I'm okay with that they surprised us though thank you all right we're gonna back up see if we can get them to come to us because this is pretty crazy my character is past that perception check I have a feeling they would have noticed these assassins kind of like when you go into the bladed Village for the first time okay everybody move the hell back we're gonna move way back see if we can get these guys to follow swiftly now and we'll call in spiritual weapon consider my hackles erased retreat I want to say spread out a little bit These Boots put it right there and we'll take my bear move you up here my man okay let's see what happens well they came over you still got the high ground though where are they right now well they can't see us right now foreign I don't think they're gonna come over it's not smart to run in there so let's bring everybody back out here light on my feet we'll just get out of combat I don't think that's a battle that we want to do at the moment I could probably do it but that high ground that they have and they're invisible yeah let's Striking Distance okay all right well at least we know we found that now that's pretty that's pretty insane that looks really really cool let's go back this way under City ruins we'll come check out over here what's that nice onward probably shouldn't lead the way with gal okay that brings us back out into here just looking for a little bit of XP that's all I want a greasy smelly climb up it says right here this must bring us back into the city let me loot the rest of this room map of the sewers that doesn't help let's see where this brings us up to Lim cargo's basement hmm what the heck what have we got here whoa wow man the amount of content is pounding be your wicked attention block okay let's check this ladder right here I don't know if there's anywhere to go okay I guess we're going back down I think what I'm going to do is we're just going to go save Minsk and I'm going to create two load points for leveling up which is fine with me and we'll level up Gale and Shadow heart to level 10. that's exciting level 10 Necromancer wizard Necromancer who doesn't get to have his Undead as much as he wants to in order to undeath you have steeped yourself so completely in depth that you are resistant to necrotic damage and moreover your hit point maximum cannot be reduced get a can trip pick minor illusion create an illusion that compels nearby creatures to investigate and then for spells in our binding is tempting but it's situational I mean a lot of these spells are situational let's pick up Wallace Stone the solid CC spell right there and I think I'm also going to pick up the level 2 Mirror Image it's one of the best defensive spells in the game and then Gale will have it and also Shadow heart and then when we go to sorceress Sundries I'm sure there's going to be plenty of Scrolls that we can buy to enhance and expand our wizard Spellbook if we have the money go ahead and prepare Wallace Stone foreign [Music] HP class features level 5 spell slot unlock and divine intervention no way you can cast divine intervention to invoke your God's Aid once used this can never be used again what did larion just put into this game can never be used again and we also get a can trip I'll take thamaturgy advantage on intimidation and performance checks well I can't wait to try that we're gonna have to use it at some point I can't beat the game without using it maybe we'll use it on either the gore Tash or the Oren fights if things start to go kind of wrong be interesting to see what larian has planned for that spell okay and there it is right there all upon your deity in your moment of greatest need once they interfere your deity will never do so in this manner again Caster can only use this feature once in their Adventure all right hold on I think I can kick on it click on it at least for the end of like the initial animation oh wow golden generosity provides you with a rich Bounty of potions and camp supplies Sunder the heretical bring forth a radiant cataclysm upon all nearby enemies 8 to 80 damage resurrect Fallen companions with half their hit points and restore all nearby allies if they had a long as if they had a long rest that's pretty strong and arm thy servant call upon your deity to Grant you a legendary weapon forged in the fires of your holy Bond oh we might have to create a load point and try them all out so curious okay let's press on and go save Minsk from the fake Jahira I should probably send you here up a little bit whoa whoa that was close oh my gosh it's rowa from the Goblin Fortress I missed I didn't even see Minsk okay with the purple tattoo on his face I'm just surprised that we're seeing Roa again if we ended up attacking the goblin Fortress Roa would probably be dead and then not be here that's super cool okay so Minsk is doing something weird here here's the the fake jahirah for the hyena named snicker and then we got okay interesting down your case lest I turn it for you not really giving me much of a chance to get in here let's um let's dismiss wild Jake take a short rest party members in danger right now oh my gosh what is my bear doing the Animal Companions are really bad at following all right I'm dismissing you spiritual weapon is in combat right now oh a spiritual weapon still fighting back at the the ball Temple Place that's funny okay now we're good let's go ahead and call in call him the wolf let's call him Fern Fern wants to be here for this big moment here when we see Minsk now we can take a short rest but I'm thinking about sending Jahira and wolf ahead here we're gonna leave gal and Shadow heart back here yeah I like that okay here we go oh the coin seems to be there if a little Blood Stained not our enthusiastic about your Lord's work our lady we serve only the absolute me we send to him are so long past our own Godly Roots I'm afraid I forget the half of them but you I know when did you start worshiping gods did they give your wee rodent a worm friend too enough you will show the stone Lord proper respect and you will return to the Guild Hall and do as we have paid you to of course I only thought wait you wish little fish but Minsk has caught you on that note good luck the job will be done by the time you get to the Guild Hall oh just wow just straight into combat okay it's quite the battlefield here Arctic inspiration on Minsk okay um this is gonna be interesting just back up a little bit I think I might have to use this as a choke point in here I'm ready do not kill him okay all right so I think we're gonna have to get Minsk low on HP and then perhaps tagawan non-lethal attack not sure we can go all out all out on Jahira though all right let's see how we're gonna do this start off with a moon beam make them all walk right through the center right here I'm going to Wild shape into aloe vera I'm stunned right now okay either gonna take the opportunity attack to move back and to form this choke point that would just hold their ground see if we can get a shot off with these two all right for Gail we're gonna do clouded daggers actually let's do conjure Elemental we're gonna do a little fire Elemental I'm able to get that without moving not enough space okay and then let's do a you know I could do wall of stone right now I'm not gonna be able to do it in here actually let's start off with a start off with haste now let's start off with magic Missile cannot find path wow this is difficult in here the owl bear is so big okay hold on all right I gotta be careful with AOE because I have to do a melee attack I think for the Nom lethal all right Mr fire Elemental you think you can get up there somehow let's see do we have yes we do have elemental warp that's exactly what I was looking for we'll come in right here let's just start chipping away we're gonna start on jahir I guess might just be a doppelganger I don't think it's actually orange I thought it was Orem before Fern I'm gonna have you can't really do much if you're able to jump out I'll have you jump out nope so hit him up if you haven't even much uglier twin sister Vince does not like this the mass Mercer is the voice actor for Minsk and you can hear that it's Matt Mercer but he's also doing a phenomenal job at the same time also calling Spirit Guardian spiritual weapon come on get it right in there Perfect come back up a little bit invoker of ball casts slow on Wolf we're gonna counter spell that [Music] nice we almost have the fake Jahira down I can't see anything with him right now nothing we could do cloudy daggers and then cancel it when Minsk is low on HP I think we're gonna have to get him down let's go ahead and do that it's going to be right on top of my Elemental I don't see is that not hitting Jahira be hitting your hero don't want it to hit you hero all right we'll go with we'll go with that oh damn it okay all right that's okay oh did you hear it died the fake chihira Minsk is pissed off now the mad rashimar oh man really ended our constant by concentration all right let's attack I'm sorry bushman's back a little bit [Music] we're still concentrating on Moonbeam the lunar men's in this character nope I think I might back up a little bit I can Alice is just so tight in here not really the ideal paddle ground but honestly I think it would be worse if we just came out I might have to move I might have to move her though nice it's actually kind of cool like Chihiro is just not letting any of the enemies come out my party all right Fern you just stay back here my girl foreign if we can get off a flip of warding nope I cannot app is interrupted for a guiding bolts I can just kill like two more of them then I think I'll just rush out because it's kind of annoying being stuck in here you know what I mean so for now let's go with I'm not concentrating on anything concentrating on our Shield of faith from my gear switch that to bless foreign it's time to get aggressive here we go can't reach destination there we go it's time to get aggressive playing this game no more all right there we go let's find a way forward for breaking through oh what's up all right jihira get you to move that moon beam let's put that moon beam on this person right here we're going right back into wild shape form next round perfect I didn't even see the hyena all right fern go help your master out you can get out there girl I don't think she can I gotta get Minsk away from that because that thing will kill Minsk got a little bit of time though people can't get a shot off okay you know what time it is I'll tell you what time it is there we go laughs oh this guy must have did like no damage what if they have that Unstoppable okay that's making me real nervous I might have to Target my own guardian of Faith seriously I don't know if there's a way to get rid of it it's not concentration but that thing was about to kill gal or it was about to kill Minsk all right gal might have to use Sunbeam right now go ahead and Misty step let's get a little high ground let's see I can get up there I can get up here well it's another reason that's the self the suicide thing it's a good thing I didn't click that foreign broke my concentration okay now we're fighting Minsk so let's make sure we turn on non-lethal and let's see we could do we could could hold him right now I actually like that idea a lot and we'll take care of everybody else that's what we'll do let's go into going to Panther Farm let's change it up a little bit hyena versus wolf [Music] foreign don't think we need Spirit Guardians let's just go ahead and finish off this guy we'll do a level four guiding bolts nice knife get that out of here got out of here dude okay you guys got 17 HP oh man so close 2 Hp left Minsk is back don't know if the wolf can actually do non-lethal attacks or what gotta be real careful here maybe when he gets low HP we'll just get like a cut scene or something oh damn that's close wolf Hunter's Mark Angela fine with it okay let's take care of this guy first morning seriously all right so with my character I know I can do non-lethal Shadow heart spear I know I can do it let's go ahead and get right up in the action next to Minsk 22 HP oh nice holy crap damn took him out with one swing right there and he is knocked unconscious okay perfect knocked out we got an update on the quest too we managed to subdue Minsk for now we should deal with him before he has a chance to come to his senses does that mean get that you know I'ma let this guy have his let this guy have a little fun kind of feel bad for him he hasn't landed a spell yet you know what I'm saying someone's meat sorcery damn 43 damage with blight that's awesome all right Panther has jugular strike prowl turn invisible while stalking your prey that's crazy oh that's awesome [Music] foreign [Music] against the darkness swarming his senses a single light glows rage flaring brighter every moment cute he won't stay down for long tell your related to protect him from the Elder brain's influence quickly no this one will not Aid our cause dread of him okay well that right there makes me feel a certain way about the emperor it's a little bit of my bias of loving mints from the original Baldur's Gate games because my character might not necessarily know Minsk as well as I do the player but the emperors statement right there just get rid of him that tells me a little bit about him so let's extend our protection to Minsk don't be foolish he is too unpredictable he will only be a hindrance to us yeah I mean the emperor knows that your hero is in our group and Jahira is really close friends with Minsk and the emperor should also know how much of a hero that Minsk is so I don't trust the emperor at all anymore not that I ever did before but I was starting to come around a little bit his unpredictability saved the city before we need him no I will not be coerced into protecting him you do not see what I do stewards is mind pure chaos the Mind flare pours poison in your ear I think that I will tear the prism from your grasp and throw lava pit up long after our bones are dust and Ash the walls of its prison will still be burning now help my friend it doesn't matter help him fine have it your way his mind unfolds beneath yours a still Lake pulls you down into its depths images flash by battles fought and Friends Fallen his rage grows colder Burrows deeper as a familiar face crystallizes before you the instance hesitation is enough with a sensation of terrible rending something vast and nameless Falls away from his mind I do not understand good that means you're back to your old ways we have a lot to discuss but first you have someone to thank in the sudden silence your minds merge once more memories Sensations but passing too quickly for you to track in the same breath you share everything that happened to you the nautiloid the absolute the chosen of the dead three you you saved means well he danced like a mind the flares meat puppet why because I'm infected too I know your actions weren't your own Minsk a level head and a kind heart it is well that Buu kept me from crushing either I would be rid of this parasite Minsk takes orders from only one tiny beast and he is much cuter than any mind the maggot he is he is where is he trying to find those gotta find his miniature giant space hamster I don't know if we're supposed to be following him [Music] where is Boom okay my friend from a brief sharing of skulls I know you have faced many strange beings but none like this whatever happens show no fear and stay your hand trust in Minsk I do trust you I think Minsk finds that the less thinking he does the easier the trusting comes wait you gaze into minsk's soul and see his foul crimes you smell this stench of evil upon Him pointy cross primed ready to scratch out his eyes I am sorry my friend I am at the mercy of your faultless Justice no if you must borrow through my blackened heart I am ready no you are certain such boundless compassion you are all hurt and whiskers and cute little nose you are right of course there is still much evil for Boo and mince to Stamp Out but we need not fight it alone I have a new face to show you but it is not a villainous one for the clawing understand you this is Boo Boo meat you oh my God I'm smiling so hard right now that my face hurts I know I don't use a webcam for the let's play series but this is a special moment right now look at the responses what is it a rat we're gonna be respectful towards Minsk we've spent enough time with Jahira he's told us all the tales of Minsk and perhaps my character has heard of him too it is an honor no it is a hamster a miniature giant space hamster fear not you will learn the difference in time those villains locked boo away lest his righteous gaze cause they're tadpole to flee in Terror now we are together again all will be exactly as poor why do you use such language uh once more my hamster proves himself my greater half and makes the path clear when my mind is fuzzier than his tiny bottom he says we will join with you and cleanse Boulder's Gate of evil together [Music] can I trust you not to turn on me again Stone Lord I give you my solemn vow should any of us show signs of weakening to the worm or any other evil boo will Slaughter us all in our bits I hope this brings you comfort good enough for me let's go you have a great many companions already there is no room for little boo or slightly larger Minsk why don't you wait at my Camp instead I have things to do boo and I are most Adept in the doing of things but as you wish to come thin for his heroics here today boo has earned the most vigorous of back scratchings what an awesome scene right there for larion to somewhat introduce us to Minsk that's the second scene that we've seen him without him having Boo and then following his character back here in that emotional scene right there how amazing Bravo talerian and Bravo to Matt Mercer with a voice acting so mints can boo are officially at our camp now but this episode is very very long so I'm going to call it quits right here we shall continue our adventures with Jahira and minskin Boo at our sides in episode 20. catch you all in the next one
Channel: WolfheartFPS
Views: 204,634
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: baldurs gate 3, baldurs, gate, baldurs gate 3 gameplay, baldurs gate 3 classes, gameplay, classes, races, baldurs gate 3 beginners guide, balders gate 3, baulders gate 3, boulders gate 3, rpg, rpg 2023, upcoming rpg baldurs gate, crpg, wolfheartfps, wolfheart fps, larian studios, baldurs gate 3 lets play, lets play baldurs gate, lets, play, lets play, baldurs gate 3 walkthrough, walk through, baldurs gate 3 playthrough, full game, guide
Id: DBVzk8Xl5Mo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 236min 42sec (14202 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 18 2023
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