All Endings Baldur’s Gate 3 (Good, Evil, Mindflayer, Secret + More)

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foreign counter with the netherway from every angle I know why we failed the problem was not the stones you make only one move at a time the nether brain calculates every possible at once it knows what you will do it knows everything you could possibly do cannot outmaneuver it think like in a method better yet one your mind is not capable of this mind to give the stones to me I will assimilate Orpheus and then I will be able to lead this prison to face the brain no now is the time to liberate him do not stand against I will consume his thoughts his knowledge his brain he is gets air Yankee people's betrayer you'd be my betrayer I realize he is of some significance to you but he is of even more back to our cause in theory yes you have resisted such a fate so far and this would be a complete Evolution and you will be an illited for the rest of your days is this really something you would be willing to accept I could I should I have nothing to lose anymore I'm burning up burning out this is something I can still do this is how I can help save the city I love and none of you capable of Thinking Beyond yourselves future hangs in the balance and you're clamoring to be martyrs saying this gate shows you have learned nothing from our time together the emperor may be a mind flayer but we have needed all the help we've received I don't think we should stop now we hold the means to free the prince of the Comet how is this even a debate yes please as everyone's brains leaked from their skulls we took the orphic hammer for a reason think indeed [Music] are you ready to become a mind player [Music] thank you now stand aside I will assimilate to get Yankee's power in your Stead stop you would keep my people chained to their damnable Queen I should have trusted my driven a blade through your throat at first chance free Prince Orpheus and you side with cake who are you you want office dead you'll have to kill me first lies you have been seduced by empty promises gate tricks to think I ever hoped for more from you you damned my people for eternity simulate Orpheus and I will rip off your every limb and bask in your agony it's Eternal Grace do it we will end The Grand Design and then we will go our separate ways do not judge me come we must follow the brain's path will not fail I think I'm going to be sick it's time to leave there goes my appetite for a while I hope we made the right choice if not something corpse has nothing to say hence mind has been consumed whatever thoughts it once had a forever lost no one stopped me yet I think we're done here I'll certainly be glad to see the back of it anyway ready when you are and you took my prince from me from his people freedom by every right I should cut off your limbs one by one and leave you to your screams slay the nether brain and end the illicit Grand Design I will decide after that where my paths should lead with haste [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] Dare You parade around this Abomination Stand Down boss no kit yank you will ever be free if the nether brain Sparks The Grand Design thank you mother gifts here me yes time flows to a crawl his scrutinizes you in his eyes his people's past and future fighting as he tries to understand the true path the right path the weight of responsibility heavy upon him enemy of my enemy is no friend to me but I cannot let the gay Empire swarm the astral plane I will spare you in fact I will help you but when the brain Withers so too does our alliance it will not just be black if that hunts you once the Embers of battle cool down thank you spare me your thanks a Sherlock go I stand at the ready have lost much already and we will lose more for the day is out but even when the last Soul Falls Baldur's Gate will stand for Baldur's Gate is more than just a city it is more than a place of opportunity for those of Mercantile spirit more than a place of Refuge for those who are lost more than a home for friends loved ones and at that Baldur's Gate is a place where anyone can find what they need if they're just willing to fight for it today Baldur's Gate needs us today we fight for okay you're late friend this is the one you spoke of the very same the champion we've been waiting for the one who will save Baldur's Gate from ruin first examines your illicit Ally with suspicion he was not expecting the savior of Baldur's Gate to be accompanied by a mind flare appearances may change but they do not mask the one within this one I know observe with whom it traveleth friends this mind flare will fight with thee it will save thy City and thy lives the first eyes your lithid ally with suspicion softening to curiosity is hostility melting at the recognition that there's more behind those eyes than malice my steel is yours and I'm not alone you helped me once I figured it's time I paid you back I'm better at crafting steel than wielding it your friend here is armored and potion fueled and ready for battle [Music] I have marshaled the best of flaming fist has to offer we will fight to the last my iron hand gnomes brought enough explosives to level the upper City just show us where we're needed the moon maidens and silver light is a she Dark Times today mind to wield and I hold her sword whatever strength I have to land I will lend it I will make my city proud again count on me little rabbit and your Squiddy friend thirst for the hunt I made some improvements to Ramos's Arcane artillery give the word and the sky falls on any who stand in your way not sure what I have to offer a mind flared if I'm honest but I hope my words of encouragement and reassurance will strengthen your Auto resolve the journey has been brutal but I stand Here a hell Rider once more and I would die a proud man if I died this day I want my city back and I've brought the toughest bastards from The Guild to get the job done my people have never hunted a monster this large they are eager to join The Fray all the strength of the lands we healed flows through me and from me to you and whatever Company You Keep Nature's servant awaits glad to have you with us and not a moment too soon the errors thick with anticipation all eyes are on you they're expecting a speech so stir their hearts and put fire in their bellies for the fighter head [Applause] well said we'll prepare ourselves we'll be ready when you call upon us baldran's Grace be with you you feel a tickle of Mirth in the emperor's thoughts say in the truth does thou need my services [Music] yep even I was surprised by how well the owl bear would take to the potions glorious little creature well so little anymore say whatever you need to have a good moment to talk I wouldn't be here without you it's time I repaid the favor I'm glad you're here the elephant too though it'll take some getting used to have courage my friend your Victory is assured onwards there is no reason to linger here come on speeches are done all that's left is the doing we Face the greatest evil our realm has no and we do it together on your word the sword of soluna will fall Upon Our foes don't look at me this is your charge to lead and no one better to do it today we take back the city once the city is saved we'll rebuild it better than ever with iron hand invention at its very Foundation press on this will all be over soon and then my God I'm having something very smells like violence all round blood tears this will be a good hunt hurry on and start the attack We Stand ready to help you as you helped us foreign [Music] this is the dream you our smartster sneaks in the Skelly boy said I could stay of our soldier stuff so hurry up bye bye bye really ah don't you go getting chopped up I need customers [Music] don't go dog let's go let's go want to bite you have the full force of ramaz's Tower and its dashing Master at your side my friend let us finish this hold back go back fall back leaving me we have to keep running mindful it's over he's frightened of your lipid Ally but the very fact it hasn't killed him on site gives him reason to come because this really the Mind flare who could save the city you see his mind racing through its options finding everyone the Judgment it's you and your and your remarkable never in all my life did I think the fight alongside a mind flare we'll go back in there we die we flee we lost half a day at best [ __ ] if this is it God's damn it let's make it count City watch with me we'll follow you to our last breaths are persistent hi there foreign [Music] foreign [Music] 's power and the Very place that we will be able to dominate it that's where we should use the nether stones [Music] one abomination passed another false doors [Music] in a car spectacular specimens this weekend this is our chance rebound its will is stronger than anything you've ever felt chains Shake threatening to break at any moment are defeated use the portal we will bring it down together [Music] possible reconsider implore surrender it's up to you at last it begs for its life join me wield me become absolute please because it knows I'm its master I will finish this the brain is on the cusp of its final thought and it's taking all of the emperor's strength to keep it there T perhaps [Music] perhaps I must obey I must end popes nightmares and the screams of Legions upon Legions [Music] pump brain [Music] urgent worming brain is battered and bruised this is yours yours at it [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Applause] thank you [Music] [Music] laughs [Music] [Applause] [Music] everything you did everything you sacrificed it was worth it for this [Music] [Music] loss of a mind is a terrible thing at this time I think I'll make an exception my Powers they're draining just like mazura said they would a small price to pay in the grand scheme of things and I'm still standing in the Sun maybe whatever changed in me was permanent All Odds we cured ourselves free from the parasite free from the prospect of ceremorphosis can hardly believe it we will not become accursed in lithids not to cast any slight on you of course your form rather Suits You it makes little difference to me [Music] I did what I had to to secure my freedom and in spite of your resistance to evolution you have proved a good Ally I'm glad you think so I did my best you may have succeeded but I have failed sun is dead and vlakath has abandoned me I will be hunted by her Inquisition to the ends of the world I must leave I have nothing more to gain by being here [Music] [Music] source of my joy without you I wouldn't have known warmth only ice and fire perhaps there is a future here yes I will stay my destiny is for neither blacketh nor Orpheus to decree foreign [Music] departing in peace curious Scythe in a day already full of them with the gift Yankee gone there's nothing left but the Silence of the city smoldering waiting to be rebuilt but it seems that Gail's mind is elsewhere the crown somewhere in the giantha if I Salvage the stones I can reforge it the power of casus would be in my hands [Music] but what then what would I do with it once I have it me sage and timely counsel as always and I intend to heat it a wise man learns from his mistakes and strives not to repeat them I shall bring the crown to mystra shall cure me of my affliction and I'll finally be free [Music] deserving one this time around if this adventure has taught me anything is that there are things in this world far more valuable than power besides going quite fond of this merry band of ours and I quite like to see what happens to it I'm sure Mr will summer me soon enough but until then I propose we celebrate our Victory the Mortal way with a drink in our hands and Reckless abandon in our hearts I'm not sure about um drink in hand but I think we've all earned some reckless abandon how about you any thoughts on what's next [Music] perhaps we can Circle back to that one once the fires have died and the rubble settled I do think we deserve a little rest I will not be joining you I fear my presence will be no more welcome in the streets of the city than it ever was hmm you're right of course but well I'll miss you friend your companionship has been quite the education I will miss you too now that you no longer live in each other's minds it's hard to tell if the Mind flare is being sincere though perhaps no harder than it ever was [Music] man what we do once we get to this oh God well it was it was nice when it lasted I'm sorry I I have to go [Music] that's the last of a story and the sun we'll ever see may he fare well in the dark [Music] who did it Soldier the city's going to be all right and so are you engines finally cooked hold on just long enough so how'd I do [Music] careful hot above [Music] I love you you more than anything I saw [Music] toy son goodbye see [Music] no stop I won't allow this Karnak you're coming with me back to awareness [Music] so what do you say die here now or live on with the blade of avernus at your side Rosario won't touch you I swear at karlak fine well no can't hang on much longer it matters my love we did hear matters what we have has been everything [Music] careful hot I never gave a game I did my best I did my best ah it's a whole thing I can't be isn't it same below is above [Music] you [Music] you more than anything I thought [Music] goodbye son goodbye see no stop I won't allow this car like you're coming with me you can't [Music] force her but I don't want to watch either I can't [Music] stand back I'm going to thank you [Music] [Music] sofa and it's all because of you you destined to become a thrall thanks to you there will be no illited Empire no death Gods tyranny you have earned your place amongst the legends of the sword Coast you are the saviors of Boulder's Gate [Music] there Thou Art the dead three thy faces Gods thy actions barely worthy of the name it's truly believe thy Ploy would succeed disbelief if I would not notice thou sorts to bolster thy strength by taking away the souls of Mortals but Souls vanish when their hosts become mind flayers did think the other gods would not notice guards thou may be yet thou has proven thyself fools everyone the supplication of vain the whimper of bowel the death mule of Merkel felled by Mortals I overestimated Thee they did not Vermin away thou Wilt trouble us no more I owe you thanks the crown really is marvelous I'm almost tempted to dig cars as his soul out of whatever pit he's in so I can show him what his creation is capable of now it's in the right my Legions are beginning their assault on zario's flying fortress just about now it will fall before the sun rises over to real and avernus will be mine Conquering the other Hells will be Simplicity itself some of the archdevils are already making overtures of peace and Promises of tribute an idea of Father Mephistopheles is among them even he sees how the tide has turned and with all nine Hells under my command I will end the blood War Inferno Victoria and look for new worlds to conquer [Laughter] it won't be long the come knocking at your door Tata for now [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] and [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] in my name I have a happy child lacerate this world a gift from your God your father an offering of his affection for you or confirmation that he owns you [Music] conquer checked my blood and so I will reclaim it will another for the first time in over a century silence Falls over the Baal Temple no chance no screams no prayers in the end your own death brought you more joy than any you wrought on this land slipping into peaceful Oblivion the new journey is not over thou as defied bow thy liege and father and in doing so has turned a place among Champions and heroes but alas my courage was in opposition to the Divine cosmology that bound thee to the Lord of murder Thou Art now faithless Godless and doomed to wander the few plain for eternity I will not permit that though all the powers of life and death dictates that it should be served I too still hold some power and I invest a portion of it in thee who have challenged the gods and now liveth to 10 of it thy fight is not over and it is thy fight for one who can look upon bowel and oppose him can survive any crisis so rise Challenger and purple once more death will not claim thee who else died the sole way to atone for thine actions is to do better in a new dawn that dawn has come tried to extinguish thee but his wrath is imprecise he only succeeded in killing the part of being he knew the urge that drove thee to terrible acts the spark of brutality that made these but there is a new part of you that hath grown during my travels that part Baal could not extinguish and so instead of destroying thee hath made the Anew it must be said because of you I still breathe because of you I still battle I'm not one to show gratitude but thank you the heart of a savior hath overshadowed the mind of a murderer thou Hast vanquished thine urge I know all but to State truths is to interfere for the minds of Mortals are easily swayed my place for the most part is to observe this intervention the Reclamation of thy soul is beyond mine ordinary remit but Thou Art extraordinary and so are these times today Thou Art born anew happy birthday Soldier greets the bloodless Dawn child of none thy path is clear you must save Boulder's Gate as it was so it is again a hero has risen from a legacy of death [Music] I will consume his thoughts his knowledge his brain let's kill him he is gets air Yankee people's be my betrayer I realize he is of some significance to you but he is of even more value to our course still though trust me after all we've been through remember I have been your salvation from the very beginning your night in shining armor I freed you from the nautiloid prevented you from crashing to your death I have protected you ever since at no small cost to myself I came to you as a leader but I did not shy away from showing you vulnerability I needed you as much as you needed me I was not about recognizing this when you discovered my true identity I did not flinch from the truth I never lied to you not once I am just like you we have the same enemy the same story I encouraged you to fulfill your potential all while protecting you from harm and when you saw what I truly am you did not reject me you enjoyed me now I ask you for the last time to trust me release the never Stokes to me I told you we have to trust one another I told you to get Yankee would only want to kill you but what you are break our alliance United the nether brain was going to be an impossible enemy but apart we have no sense you will not work with me work against me leave me no option but to join the nether brain [Music] foreign key Prince takes his blade a silent cry pierces your head his any sensation you've ever felt it you fornicated with a mind flayer slaughtered my honor guard nonetheless it seems we must be allies your majesty the prince of the Comet gets true air it is an honor do not patronize me rejected the illithid when it no longer suited your needs no doubt you've freed me because it suits you now I will neither forgive nor your abuse of my powers that is true and it would have been the honorable outcome for one destined to become geek you had the opportunity to surrender yourself to my honor guard given you a noble end they would have freed me and I would have stopped the Elder Brain before it evolved into another brain were it not for the choices you made in this we are aligned I am obliged to overlook your transgressions we will destroy the nether brain together and put a stop to this nascent Empire before it expands into the Stars cake was correct about one thing the netherbrain's power is beyond us hardest metal in the world would not cut through its mind for it is made of thought itself point will take an elliphid to unleash the full potential of the netherstons there is not never brain for there to be one way to defeat it is unlikely enough not be another wait maybe you don't have to it it should be me I'm dying my heart feels like a live grenade gonna blow any minute you still have a life to live I don't if this is the end for me let me be the [ __ ] who saved the world anytime Soldier you tiefling you would volunteer your life for the greater good make the ultimate say thank you the brain wants nothing more than to see all infected become gake my defenses keep the voice of the absolute out but just as I can raise them so I can lower them I will allow the voice of the absolute Inn once it reaches you it will order you to transform will only take a moment and once you are a mind flayer I will fold you under my protection once more savior of bleached my own with the withdrawal of orpheus's power carlock's mind is rushed with the full force of the nether brain Stillness once again closed off from the nether brain's mind people will remember you tiefling the rebel elithid who stood beside their reborn Prince and ended The Grand Design Let Us return now to the city follow the path of the nether brain to say the least come the most noble sacrifice tiefling gives blessings upon you it's wild [Music] you don't need to thank me I somehow feel like like this was meant for me maybe not the tentacles but you know in a bigger picture and my engine it's it's no heat no gears still there but no longer threatening to explode yes my God is it possible [ __ ] I get to be alive I get to stay as a hideous monster sure one that can feel think live but I'm still myself I still love you and more than anything I know what our mission is delighted I get to do the honors I'm glad for you carlak it's hardly the life anyone dreams of but well it's a life I'll do you one better than good let's do something absolutely legendary go ahead I will follow [Music] [Music] Hey listen I need to find a way through [Music] baby Prince of the comet has come Shava Orpheus [Music] voice my most loyal friend good to set eyes on you you honor me your radiance Lazelle to lock my gear thanks to you the sky's above tunarat shall tremble with Psalms Orpheus will take the truth to the people we will slay the lit Queen our chains will be cleaved Mighty fast your words lift me black it will Splinter like glass and vanish like smoke Orpheus when the hammer struck the air psionic cry shook the flames and marked his Locus vlakit will have heard it too and she wants an idol the queen will have hurt you in time today strike at the brain this Champion holds the key to its defeat stand by for orders thus answer to him as you would answer to me as you wish Prince Orpheus the nether brain Falls this day let it be the first victim in the war for the skies let's go [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] sight of domination we need to use the nether stones on the crown that is our fated path [Music] thank you that face the one in my dreams foreign your thoughts your feelings your and so today the brain is on the cusp of its final thought is taking all of kalak's strength to keep it there T perhaps [Music] no more tadpoles Bring It's Time To Die [Music] obey I must end [Music] foreign [Music] we actually did it and the city's still standing my powers they're draining just like mazura said they would a small price to pay in the grand scheme of things and I'm still standing in the Sun is incredible maybe whatever changed in me was permanent and there weren't squirms no more will need not worry that he sit on my skull will grow suddenly stickier with mind flayer juice ah forgiveness it has been said that his mouth sometimes frolics and feels far ahead of his mind it's all right I knew what I was doing I will ensure that all get Yankee know your name and your sacrifice what you have done today will start a fire that rages across the astral plain Prince returned my people will burn away flackett's corruption and it is all thanks to you dear lift it who defied another brain I did didn't I I saved the [ __ ] world and I think I might live long enough to tell the tale too I thank you my liberator my savior [Music] [Music] my people are leaving and I must leave with them come later we will free the gift Yankee and dismantle the empire let them be imprisoned no longer [Music] without you I wouldn't know warms only ice and fire I can never forget you your name will be etched in our slates you will be called malague liberator [Music] Orpheus I am ready [Music] thank you [Music] farewell just still my liberator [Music] with the githyanki gone there's nothing left but the Silence of the city smoldering waiting to be rebuilt but it seems that Gail's mind is elsewhere the crown somewhere in the giantha [Music] if I Salvage the stones I can reforge it [Music] the power of casus would be in my hands but what then what would I do with it once I have it [Music] and what kind of God would I be no guy in the world will suffer for the absence of and I hope there are plenty on Mortal soil who would regret my absence if this adventure has taught me anything is that there are things in this world far more valuable than power besides going quite fond of this merry band of ours but I quite like to see what happens to it I'm sure Mr will summer me soon enough but until then I propose we celebrate our Victory the Mortal way with a drink in our hands and Reckless abandon in our hearts [Music] very well perhaps after a drink or five I'll be tempted to inflict some of my singing on you all as if the city has not suffered enough I honestly don't mind what we do once we get to this oh well there it was it was nice when it lasted I'm sorry I I have to go I suppose that's the last time any of us will see him and the last time I'll ever see the sun [Music] sofa and it's all because of you you destined to become a thrall thanks to you there will be no airlifted Empire no death Gods tyranny you have earned your place amongst the legends of the sword Coast [Music] yes of Boulders gate Soldier thank you but Beauty no longer concerns me this vessel this flesh is but a means to experience the depths within and without before all I cared about was survival now I think I'm ready to live I love you too before that love was an irrepressible Inferno now it is a calm cool object of beauty maybe you're right I feel this changeable less afraid I feel ready for whatever is to come at your side I have learned to make peace with death to accept New Life to conquer all that stands in the way of us and our destiny we are indomitable and the life we lead will be legendary let us begin together as one an opportunity perhaps [Music] [Music] [Music] what are you doing [Music] once again conquer or [Applause] [Music] thank you wait but it isn't a sacrifice if this is the end for me let me be the [ __ ] who saved the world fascinating you take on the sacrifice that you could have foisted your responsibility onto another perhaps I misjudged you the brain wants nothing more than to see all infected become cake my defenses keep the voice of the absolute out as I can raise them so I can lower them I will allow the voice of the absolute Inn once it reaches you it will order you to transform you take a moment and once you are a mind flare I will fold you under my protection once more you will be the savior of Empires pleased my own with the withdrawal of orpheus's power and is rushed with the full force of the nether brain cool measure you wish nothing in the world but to evolve [Music] D silence as you will once again closed off from the nether brain smile my people will remember you the rebel illithit who stood beside their reborn Prince and ended The Grand Design Let Us return now to the city follow the path of the nether brain feel it a sudden shift the brain is weakening its grasp of itself slipping even bound it's real is stronger than anything you've ever felt chains Shake threatening to break at any moment camera reconsider assassins surrender it nothing but a vile death rattle weird me become absolute commanded to Die end this [Music] beautiful [Music] no stop what are you doing [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] I must away I must end thank you nightmares and the screams of Legions upon Legions through you penetrating all thought it is free urge and worm your brain is battered and bruised but it is yours [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] can't believe I almost drowned at the last hurdles powers they're draining just like Missouri said they would more price to pay in the grand scheme of things we've won but at what cost s the mangled Rhymes the bards will make of your name perhaps those are the true evil here the parasite it's with it dead along with a nether brain cleansed I will never be a filthy geek only mild defense intended of course [Music] and I'm grateful for it [Music] I will ensure that all giftyanki know your name and your sacrifice what you have done today will start a fire that rages across the astral plain their lost Prince returned my people will burn away vlakit's corruption and it is all thanks to you dear lifted who defied another brain [Music] [Music] as you wish my savior thank you [Music] my people are leaving and I must leave with them come Lazelle we will free the get Yankee and dismantle the empire let them be imprisoned no longer [Music] of my joy I wish that you are gay as Noble as you are this is a threshold I cannot cross this is where our Fates diverge I have already chosen away the way of Orpheus like it will fall and we will plant a seed from that seed give Yankee Freedom will Blossom your will is stronger still your name will be etched in our slate will be called malagir liberator Orpheus I am ready [Music] [Music] thank you foreign [Music] my liberator [Music] [Music] with the gift Yankee gone there's nothing left but the Silence of the city smoldering waiting to be rebuilt you are mind flare the very thing you sought to eradicate whatever self you possesses quickly ebbing away your friends and enemies alike have ripe for manipulation if not manipulation then consumption soon you will not be able to trust yourself at all atrocity Beyond Redemption [Music] perhaps you are unique among in the Third Kind perhaps you will retain enough of who you are to resist your nature a rogue mind flayer like the emperor the risk is certainly yours to take will you [Music] you have thwarted The elithered Grand Design you have defeated three Chosen and a nether brain you are miraculous earned the right to live your fate will be what you make of it now you are your own [Music] free I will do it I will come come lit I will sacrifice my soul for my people I will end The Grand Design Prince you cannot this is not your burden to bear brain will be only to my prince no In My Darkest Hours I knew it was my destiny to save my people I'd never have imagined this would be the way crushed foreign let us seek out the nether brain and finish this once The Grand Design is ended kill me it is the very least you can do come it's time for us to meet our fakes and end this illicit nightmare I will not forget what you did here today nor will the get Yankee people we have Unchained the true bear first he will lead us to Victory against the nether brain he will loose the gift Yankee from vlakit's Undead talons a portal the future of the people in your hands how dare you take our Prince from us how dare you parade around this abomination silence your Blasphemous tongue voice voice what Stand Down true air has spoken no it can't be obvious my prince what's become of you The Grand Design must be ended sacrifice had to be made the duty fell to me I am not long for this world or any other what a black is what of our Liberty you underestimate your own people their imaginations have kept the name Orpheus alive for millennia bring them my message tell them my fate some will doubt some Will Mock some will listen and the spark will be lit foreign ER my friend today we strike at the brain this Champion holds the key to the Grand Design's end answer to him as you would to me Your Majesty I have spoken as you wish I stand already your friendship your constancy when I fell to despair they elated me thank you my friend now to the nether brain let it be the death of him in the war for the skies surrender there at last it is subdued join me wield me become absolute and thus I honor my mother's Legacy The Grand Design once again ended by my line the brain is on the cusp of its final thought and it's taking all of orpheus's strength to keep it there an opportunity perhaps [Music] [Music] I must I must obey I must end nightmares and the screams of Legions upon Legions through you obliterating all thoughts all feelings Burns in your brain [Music] silence and bruised this is yours at last foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] okay [Music] [Music] it's done the nether brain is defeated along with a grand design praise mother give my Powers they're draining just like mazura said they would a small price to pay in the grand scheme of things and I'm still standing in the Sun incredible maybe whatever changed to me was permanent and they weren't squirms no more we'll need not worry that he sit on my skull will grow suddenly stickier with mind flayer juice ah forgiveness it has been said that his mouth sometimes frolics and feels far ahead of his mind even when my time in the prison stretched out like eternity when Escape seemed impossible I never lost hope I knew that my destiny was to liberate my people to return to them triumphant I was wrong it seems I can only fulfill one part of my destiny my people will be liberated but I cannot return to them not like this you helped me destroy that abomination now help me destroy myself kill me but first Lazelle I need your promise carry my hope carry my burden call my dragons chulos and couthos and ride to the astral sea destroy vlakif release our people be our future and our Legacy [Music] duty all my life I've traveled in its slipstream not once questioning its path in its service I came here and now in its service I leave I will carry your hope Prince Orpheus and I will carry your burden but to that burden I must add my add my the loss of those I leave behind crush the mcflick so be it now give me my freedom from this form [Music] yes but for how long my mind screams it will never stop until it has slipped away from me entirely I will not be cake I did what I did to save my people the rest is up to them someone else must rise within the ranks to lead the revolution against blacketh give me my freedom from this form release my soul to the astral Seas well I still have one to call my own [Music] perhaps you are right I may not be the one to lead my people but I can still bear witness to their Glory I shall find a place for myself in a corner of these realms for even in darkness the stars of tuna wrath will shine upon me you were a worthy Ally [Music] his people are blessed to have him as their prince I just hope he finds peace in his new form [Music] ulas thus and rides to the astral seat mother gets battled for Liberty my destiny is for neither blacketh nor Orpheus to decree foreign [Music] until someone can take up my cause the gift Yankee will remain chained found freedom and then lost myself to this horror for nothing All That Remains is to die [Music] give God tough Keem crashed the princeling deserved a better end in this we shall remember him boo [Music] carry my hope Crush [Music] [Music] Ed [Music] kill us [Music] pray high above the city now far away from any Innocents I can end this now stop the absolute and spare the city stages said for my final Act mistress bidding and the Redemption that lies Beyond [Applause] Right Where I Need to Be to ask more more of the time I spirited you to safety as much as I enjoy your company I'm not willing to kill you just to ring out a few last moments it's just a choice between two deaths quick and meaningful or torturous and pointless it's now or never what I want perhaps not what I need I believe so it may not be the last turn of the page the it seems so it's wonder how bad infinite possibilities perhaps fate will bring us back together up you go then Gail let's make this count The Whole World's watching come to me and live brawl thrall no I think you're mistaken the name's Gail of waterdeep a pleasure to make your acquaintance though our time together will be exceptionally brief farewell and Happy Land [Music] [Music] he did it he actually did it he blew up the nether brain and the tadpole's gone finally a gale he's gone he's a hero King hero his was a noble sacrifice I will ensure that all gift Yankee know his name and his sacrifice what he has done today will start a fire that rages across the astral plain with their lost Prince return my people will burn away vlakath's corruption and it is all thanks to Gail the wizard who destroyed a nether brain [Music] my people are leaving and I must leave with them come Lazelle we will free the get Yankee and dismantle the empire Orpheus I will not [Music] my liberator with the githyanki gone there's nothing left but the Silence of the city smoldering waiting to be rebuilt but it seems that Gail's mind is elsewhere the crown it's somewhere in the chip [Music] you said it was under control my answer to Gorge oh the general voice is this where we salute salute yes with Cleavers through his blood stuff how it crawls with failure like flies on liquid carrion you forget yourself Oren I've played my part you've built an army for our masters true enough but what of the astral prism a rogue true Soul flaunting it under your nose all this time rap for sure that they would follow and deliver it into my hands here the distractions have been yours catherick perhaps we never should have dug your daughter up so you haven't lost your Edge but you're still not as sharp as Oren I wager Slayer against the undying one seems to Begin Again but he must leave the murder March toward his grave grasp catherick might I suggest closing your fist Aaron and I can wait for you no longer the plan proceeds we're going to the city and we expect you to follow Army and the weapon in total edict obey oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] my God The Testament of Merkel and held a brain one of the cruelest and most powerful creatures in existence enslaved by men Mortals look at that crown have radiates with power unlike anything I've ever seen to have it to hold if only I could but I can't sit it must do as Mr commands one last gust of weave one last Gale to end them all beneath the smoking ashes of moonrise Towers the Elder brain lies destroyed what of the tadpoles it commanded freed of the absolute control they will complete their transformations a plague of illithids will soon descend on the sword Coast enslaving all they do not infect it is an ending of sorts they're not the one destiny had in store for you
Channel: VGS - Video Game Sophistry
Views: 89,832
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Keywords: Baldur's gate 3 all endings, all endings baldur's gate 3, baldur's gate 3, baldur's gate 3 good ending, baldur's gate 3 secret ending, baldurs gate 3 ending, baldurs gate 3 ending variations, baldurs gate 3 ending spoilers, baldurs gate 3 heroic ending, baldurs gate 3 hero, baldur's gate 3 evil ending, baldur's gate 3 ending, baldurs gate 3 endings guide, baldurs gate 3 dark urge, Baldurs gate 3 all endings
Id: -cF68BFlnrE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 119min 17sec (7157 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 22 2023
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