3 OP BOW Builds YOU NEED in Baldur's Gate 3

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hail and match Adventures welcome to the world of balos G 3 it's me the spot King and today I present to you three Archer builds which is very unique interesting to play and of course Very fun so without further Ado let's start with the first one so our first build will rely on this beautiful bow that you see on my characters back right now when you create an Archer most of the time you think about a ranger or maybe a Rog but in my opinion one of the best archers actually in DND R set which is like Bal Gate 3 roll set is fighter and you will understand very soon why it is fighter so when you creating character want to pick fighter and pick fighting style archery then let's talk about our ability distribution about race it doesn't matter because fighter will get access to all armor and weapons so for race you can pick like half elf or someone like that and when you create an Archer of course main start will be dexterity so we focusing on dexterity and Constitution to have more Health points and basically survive more as stas is not so important for our Archer so we can balance them out and I suggest actually even going into 17 in dexterity so we have plus two and 17 over here right now and we can have something like 11 in strength or even we can go into more optimized way and have nine strength and uh 12 in wisdom wisdom will protect us from different sleep and hold person spells so that's nice and important start so let's level up leveling fighter is really easy so on second level you get access to action search which will give you extra action to use in one fight nothing to pick here now we're going to fighter level three and now finally we can pick our subass for this specific build we go with champion subass which unlocks this improved critical heat and it will reduce attacking roll that required to make Critical Strike by one so now instead of rolling 20 for critical heat we need only to roll 19 and it's like plus 5% to Critical Strike chance so level four now we get access to fits so our fit of choice will be ability Improvement right now and we can go into plus one plus one into strength and dexterity and this will give us ability to basically jump a little bit longer get more weight and other stuff so we continue our journey to level five it's like middle or end of the act one and now we get extra attack very useful Feit so now we can do two attacks with bow in one turn and use action search to make four attacks in one turn so now level six and fighter getting additional Feit on level six that's very cool and that's why we're picking Sharpshooter right now so Sharpshooter it's paive that we can turn off I will explain later how to do it but basically it will give you penalty to attack roll but you will make 10 thre damage very useful against targets with a low Armor class level seven nothing to choose so just some subass features level eight that's where we want to use ability Improvement to round up our dexterity up to 20 and on level eight we become just stable destroying machine so level 9 will give us ability to roll again when we loseing saving throw very nice level 10 that's where we're picking one more fighting class and now we can pick defense to just increase our fire armor class but for this build especially I recommend going with two weapon fighting right now at level 10 more that just in a second let's finish our build and basically that's where we going we want to have level 11 to gain access to improved extra attack so now we can make two attacks and this means with action search we can make six attacks in one turn isn't that crazy and of course our final level will be 12 we don't need any subass multiclass level 12 will unlock additional Feit for us so fits of choice there are two fits of choice you can pick from depending on what you want from your character and how you play him in your party and one of the feeds is heavy armor master so our strength will will be increased by one we don't care about it too much but our incoming damage from non-magical attacks will be decreased by three while we're wearing heavy armor and we will wear heavy armor as you can see because they fighter and we can do it so that's one of the fits that you can pick but there are second Feats that you can pick too and this will be Marshall Adept so marial Adept will give your superiority Dice and this will give you ability one time p short to rest to use use one of the spirit Dice and I recommend using Precision attack this will add plus 10 to your attack modifier so you will make hits against strong opponents with high Armor class against some bosses and other guys and another cool stuff is disarming attack or pushing attack to push enemies away or disarm them with additional damage so very nice uh fit to have it depends on what you want from your character but we can focus just on heavy armor master and just like that our character is ready so what's so cool about this build and what's the idea behind it idea of course lies in gear we choose so we focus this build around this bow that you can acur in act three from the Traer so it's easy to get the death shot B will reduce numbers that you need to roll to gain critical Heat by one so combined with our champion fighter class now we need to roll only 18 but that's not it we want to accur this blade of the first blood and you can get it from Orin in act three so after you get this it will reduce again this number by one and this knife of the under Mountain King again will reduce this critical hit number by one once again and of course Ser Vox horned helmet so again it will reduce critical hit number by one so now we can land Critical Hits even when we roll 15 on the dies and that's like 25% chance to hit critical heit for armor you can pick any armor you like I like armor of persistance it's heavy armor and all incoming damage is reduced by two in addition to our heavy damage heavy armor master and be gaining resistance and blade wart which will have the damage from blood jining pissing and slashing damage that's just insane guys in my opinion so that's super simple yet very effective build and just look at damage let's use Wizards to test damage let's attack him and look at damage so we got 1 d8 from bow plus two plus from bow plus five from dexterity modifier and plus 10 from Sharpshooter all in so even when rolling Clow we make around 20 damage in one shot or 25 when we're rolling for Max damage and with critical heit we will roll additional d8 for damage so you will lend a lot of critical hit and a lot of damage 25 per shot but most important stuff that's why we picking Hunter I mean sorry fighter because fighter will get three attacks and action search you will see just in a second in a fight how this character plays out and while he is amazing so how to fight with this fighter basically you can increase power of this character with alexir of blood last of course or you can use alexir of winess each will reduce number to roll critical Heat by one one more time so it will be only 14 to land critical heat very nice potion too but uh you know more chances will be with just more actions that's why elixir of blood last its most powerful potion in the game in my opinion potion of speed is very nice too and we can use toxin to make our weapon toxicated to inflict even more damage so let me use potion of speed let me use this Toxin and let's add ATT just attack one more time just like that so what this Archer can do and how much damage he can inflict in the fight basic attack just basic attack inflicts 1 d8 from bow plus two from bow plus five from the modifier plus 10 from Sharpshooter all in not biggest damage body cane you can attack three times with one action and we at least got two actions with action search in our first attack but when you're using some different stuff of course you can inflict even more damage and yeah don't forget to dip your weapon in something like Toxin and purple worm is not the best type of toxin better just dip it in Fire and it will do additional 1 D4 damage or 1d6 so just like that and critical strikes is insane so yeah we just do two critical strikes in a row that's aming amazing and yeah with Critical Strike we just rolling double damage for a bow that's nice damage too but I would say that's not like strongest part about this build and how you can use this character there's another way how you can use him so basically you start as normal Archer so basically after starting fight with your bow don't forget you pretty high armored and resistance or resistable just character you know who can tank a lot of damage and then that's why instead of just attacking with your bow you can go with your main hand attack easily so just go and attack with your main hand and don't forget you got off hand that's why you want this awesome dualist trade dualist feet when you leveling up as fighter in the later levels because that's where you get two of these Tigers before you can use for example Shield to have high Armor class but when you get to the taggers you can transition into Mele character and start fighting with your swords basically just like that attack a lot of time do a lot of critical hits and after you finish Target in the midle range you don't have high movement speed you transition into bow again and five targets with a bow basically that's idea of the build and I hope you will enjoy it but next build is awesome so what is a second Archer very unique let's build him first for our next build again we want to start as fighter and again we want to pick Archer as our fighting style and for our abilities they will be completely different and you never played Archer like that so instead of going dexterity and Constitution we want to focus on strength and dexterity at the same time our third main attribute will be Constitution and basically we dump everything below we will be left with two points so we can again spend them on wisdom to have a little bit protection from different he person spells so character is built let's level up level two is the same fighter level you already know this stuff and let's go for level three right now we're picking sub class Battle Master so Battle Master will unlock this Maneuvers and what we want over here of course we want Precision attack sometimes you just need it against strong enemies and I would suggest going with trip attack and pushing attack so pushing attack will give us more space to use our bow and trip attack will make enemies prone so they will lie on the ground and you will have advantage on next attacks very useful stuff so on level four we picking Sharpshooter trade right now we're picking it at level four because we don't need anything else right now and we can compensate this minus 5 penalty with our superiority diis level five most important level we get extra attack so it's our biggest power Spike right now level six we got additional Feit from fighter most classes will get it on level eight but we get it on level six Choice here can be again heavy armor Master to give plus one into strength and reduce damage taken but when I'm building this character as main damage tiller with bow I go for Ability Improvement and just max out our dexterity later levels again same story we want to focus on fighter so we get two Maneuvers we can go with disarming attack right now if you haven't took this yet and just pick anything you like it doesn't matter so we continue to level 9 I mean level eight we get access to new feet again we go into ability Improvement and get plus two into dexterity level 9 we just get this fighter subclass future class future now we're going to level 10 now we get subclass future finally which will give us improved super dice very nice yeah and basically again pick what whatever you like it doesn't matter we got everything we need right now going to level 11 that's where we getting this extra attack so we make three attacks in one turn as fighter very cool and level 12 that's where we finishing our Archer build so fits of choice can be anything you like you can pick tough trade to get more Health points you can use ability Improvement and just uh get more Constitution just whatever you like it doesn't matter too much so what's the idea behind this weird build again pick any heavy armor you like it doesn't metap this class most important items is here it will be Titan string bow and harmonium halber and that's mostly for early game so uh in early game this Halbert will give you plus two into strength and it's very nice bonus then if you're using him as a main character maybe you will find this heck hair andal hair in First Act and if you pick strength hair basically you will use it to improve strength up to one so let me use it now our strength is 20 and later in act two you can finish this stop with drinking potion you can find this potion in Moonrise Towers when you speak with uh theow F and she will give you this potion if you meet your up with asterion so if you do it you will have strength of 22 flat so no potions needed 22 flat strength that's crazy so what's the point of using this bow and how to get it in a second so Titan string bow you can acquire it in First Act so you can get it as early as possible very early into the game and that's why we're building strength and dexterity M Archer fighter so uh this bow will have only plus one enchantment so it's harder to hit with this bow but you can counter it with Precision attack easily with your superiority ties most importantly it is Titan weapon and this weapon deals additional damage equal to a strength modifier so when we get only 20 strength and 20 dexterity we do in one attack just look at the damage so we're rolling 1 d8 from our bow so we roll seven damage then adding plus one from enchantment plus five from dexterity modifier plus 10 from Sharpshooter all in and plus five strength modifi so basically we got plus 21 flat damage and then one8 random damage while at the same time we can add pushing attack disarming attack and this will add additional one 10 damage to our hits later in the game you can get this gaunlet of FR giant strength again you can change basically your stats you can get more wisdom more intelligence Charisma whatever you need for seven throws because this will set your strength to 23 Flat so 23 Flat strength and now you will do even more damage with your attacks so now it will be plus six from strength modifier and in the late late late late late game you can get elixir of cloud giant strength which will increase your strength up to 27 and that's crazy so this dude doing just flat 24 damage while adding one to 10 and 1 d8 damage at wheel 1d8 always 1 d10 at wheel with your superiority dices so this dude is just crazy and before we see how he looks in the battle let's get this Titan string bow if you miss this bow early game you can get it later on in monr Towers in act two from the wender from The Bu beer Wenders but if you want to get it in act one you need to go to the ryzen road which is located near bookings rest something like that and basically do little quest line and don't worry there won't be a lot of spoilers here basically in this location on ryzen road you will find a fight after fight is over you just need to speak with guy named rugan you will find him speaks nicely and he will tell you to go to Walkins arrest after you arrive in Walkins arrest go to this location and to this crates you just throw this crates away go inside this house then say what's up to this dude salazon and he will tell you to go to this hch behind him then to the secret passage in the wardrobe and you will be in this way point in tent Hideout and over here you will find Trader at the bottom so after you finish quest and this basically will be Quest you can buy this bow from this Traer this Titan string bow and now look at this bow in a battle so stuff that will increase power of this character is first one elixir of blood lust this Elixir when you kill a creature will give you additional action and another is potion of speed with potion of speed you can have four actions in one turn and that's crazy let me show you this so we're drinking potion of speed and let's go and attack so that's our turn to attack we just position ourself in the middle of the fight because we don't care too much and basically look what this bro is doing so we got two actions from the start we're basically attacking and yeah we missed happens and just just in case you want to heat more often turn off Sharpshooter Orin this will increase your chances of heat so 95% if we turn this on it will be 70% if you don't know where it's located you go to character sheet to basically our fighter and or where you pick this feet and just drop it on your dashboard and you can turn this off and on or in the passives menu in the bottom it's over here too so if you want to hit 100 % just use Precision attack it will use superiority dice so just use it before attack and now we got 95% chance to hit even with Sharpshooter Al turned on and this dude by the way having 14 AC it's not uh too low and not too high just medium AC so our Attack One Shot One H and as you can see we got additional action right now our damage incredible damage gain we shoot in a large amount of damage with this Titan sing bow so there's a lot of guys let's shoot this bro just critical hit OMG so we just did 2 the8 plus one plus 5 from dexterity plus 10 sharp shooter plus six strength modifier 32 damage with one shot and we only starting because it was only our first action we can do our second action so Attack One attack two attack three critical Miss wow I like Bal gate three there so much misses so let's use superity dices on our thir action and we will make nine attacks in one turn with this idea oh my God what's happening so one more attack please what I'm rolling actually what I'm rolling that's crazy that's just crazy okay I I don't care oh come on classic baldos gate so let's turn this stuff off and basically we did nine attacks in one turn we can use action surge to make three more attacks and that's crazy that's crazy guys that's just insane and basically that's idea of our build and let's talk about our last archers so so finally instead of making Fighters we will make Rangers so this time we're making Ranger as our main class so we're starting with Ranger and I would suggest going with Bounty Hunter favorite enemy natural Explorer pick whatever you like I would go with fire it's like most common like damage Source in the game if you're using him as like slight of hand machine use urban tracker to disarm traps and pick pocket someone but basically we're making Ranger and let's allocate our stats and I would suggest going with something like this dexterity and Constitution is our main stats for bow based Ranger with this beautiful bow yeah you know this character looks amazing in my opinion so uh dexterity in Constitution is main stats dexterity to attack more with more damage and heat more often Constitution to survive and strength just you need to have 10 to make jumps across the rivers in most of the locations intelligence we don't need it wisdom to 14 for most successful spells and other stuff that Ranger have and Charisma 10 because we can so let's level up at second level we get fighting style and we pick an archery of course to make more often attacks with our bow for our spells of choice so we want to pick hunter mark it will increase our damage dramatically and you can pick and snaring strike because we got ability to strike with it more often with our pcks from first level third level will give us additional spell you can pick a goodberry just to have some Health Supply to your party or you can go with L trer speak with animals and hand sleep whatever of the stuff you need for exploration stuff mostly if other characters don't have the Spells most importantly we're picking sub class right now and we go with Gloom starer Ranger right now and we picking this only for one reason we getting plus three bonus to initiative and on the first turn of combat we got increased movement speed so we can travel large distance and position ourself in the best position and we can make additional attack which will inflict 1 d8 damage so with Glo stalker we want to continue up to level six at least and at level four we get fits so our Feit of choice will be exterity ability increase just to make more attacks have more initiative just like that so level five that's where we're getting Mr stepp as bonus action very cool and extra attack so now we can make two attacks in one turn that's amazing so our spells don't matter pick whatever your party needs so level six that's where we want to stop our Gloom stalker journey and we changing to our subass it's this button over here if you don't know I saw in the comments some people don't know how to multiclass in this game basically you press over here if this button is not accessible you need to change your difficulty from easy to medium and then go back for this multiclass build we want to switch into Rog right now and basically Rogue will give access to slight of hand and stealth uh skills nothing more so we picking Rog on second level we will get to Rogue bonus actions which will give us ability to disengage most of the time we will use it to disengage and attack from the distance and we will disengage with bonus action and attack with our beautiful bow with our action and now Rogue level three so that's our main part here instead of going C Rog we want to go with assassin right now yeah Assassin Rogue we have advantage on ATT rolls against creatures that haven't taken a turn yet and that's our main combination with Gloom stalker Gloom Star Killer got high initiative and we will attack first most of the time and there's two additional features assassinate Ambush so if you surprise your enemies every next attack will be critical hit against them it's useful sometimes but not in the major battles and basically we're going with Assassin Rogue up to level five but most importantly up to level four to get this sharp shooter trade finally so level five will give uncanny touch and we will take only half damage when attacks hits us very nice future to have and now we kind of get to the next point where we can choose our B so one will be to go into Rogue level seven to increase power of our Ambush attacks but another way is to go with fighter and we can pick fighting style defense to increase our Armor class and basically we can finish with two levels of fighter to gain action search so we can start the fight with a lot of attacks let's do it like that because picking Rog will just increase our power so best way is to finish with fighter so what's so special in this type of Archer this Archer is our opening Archer how I call him our armor of choice will be any medium armor you can find it as good so it doesn't matter too much but it will be most importantly centered around this bow so while this Archer will work before you this bow because it's super late game bow it's can be accured from giant robots KN three from the quest line so you possibly even can just go past this stuff and can't get it but I actually recommend getting this stuff because then our play style will be very cool and fun to combine with our characters in our party so coolest part about this bolt is about this bow because you can on heat possibly infect guiding ball upon the Target and guiding bolt will give next attack roll against this target against this creature Advantage so idea of this Archer is to actually start the fight attack everyone he sees every enemy once and possibly it will inflict a lot of guiding bolts and your whole party will attack with advantage next turn and that's crazy so let's see him in action again for maximum performance use bloodlust potion and potion of speed before entering the fight so now as Gloom stalker we got awesome range of running as you can see 25 M we can travel additionally we can use Mr stab to teleport for the almost same distance so we can travel around 50 m in one turn and we can use our Canon action Dash to travel double this distance so almost 100 m we can travel but most importantly as Gloom stalker again is a told you it's our opening Ranger with this ball especially and we have advantage on anyone who haven't taken a turn yet because we are assassin Glo stalker Rangers so we can sacrifice 6 M of our movement speed that's like not a big of a deal with our bow and you can do it with most long bows and now we will roll for most damage possible and because we got uh this awesome ability to have Advantage we can use Sharpshooter L to have high heit chance from the start of the battle basically we shooting just like that critical hit hit that and most importantly he failed sa throw against the promised Victory so he would be inflicted with guing bolt if he would have more HP than 22 let's turn this stuff off so maybe I want kill them and again we got three actions from the start of the turn but that's not coolest part as you can see everyone dying in one shot oh yeah is not that but same as previous archers so we can use our action s to make even more attacks so we can make 12 attacks with this combination of potions action Surge and we can make one more attack with our bonus action with rad ambusher no we don't even use bonus attack for that ambusher so we can use it from the start just freely yeah I totally forgot so we don't need this bonus action even so we definely can use Misty step just like that that's crazy that's crazy how many stuff you can do and of course most important stuff is everyone will be inflicted with this guiding bolt so your whole party will have advantage on attacks against same targets and that's why I use this Archer as my opening Archer when I'm playing three Archer build so I'm basically playing this build right now on my like first play through with Carlock as my Barbarian tank and these archers as supports that's easy straightforward and very fun to play actually if you want just chill and enjoy game play without doing some crazy stuff and another way to use your bonus action is to use Hunter Mark of course and so you can use bonus action Hunters mark on enemies with high Health points and this will add one6 to your damage so this dude haven't taken a turn yet so we just attacked him and we have a nice advantage against almost everyone over here with Advantage we easily shooting arrow after Arrow yeah and when we out of actions we of course can use our red ambusher one more damage and now he inflicted with guing bolt we can use our action surge make even more attacks just like that easy just easy critical inspired because we killing everyone in One turn and don't forget your assassin Ranger so if you attack from like cover and surprise your enemies that's not aware of your existence you will see they are surprised the enemy is surprised and that's where our character shine even more because now we're making our attacks with advantage and most importantly every attack will be critical try and that's crazy 2 d8 from Critical Strike plus three plus four dexterity plus 10 from Sharpshooter and additional 66 to First Target from the sneak attack because you got advantage and that's just insane amounts of damage so just 50 damage in one shot with basic arrow and if you don't have nice position after lost movement speed you just use Mr step reposition yourself use action search and attack more just like that I use red ambusher of course I hope you enjoyed this awesome builds and you will have fun playing them but now I recommend watching this potato or sausage walk through of B Gate 3 yeah you definitely can beat this game with just a sausage or potato thank you for watching see you in the next videos
Channel: Spud The King
Views: 30,949
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: xOW4UoSs3Bg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 51sec (2031 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 25 2023
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