Baldur's Gate 3 - Dual Wield Bardadin Build - Swords Bard and Vengeance Paladin Multiclass Guide

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what is going on guys this is croen and welcome back to another balers Gate 3 build this time we're going to be taking a look at the Bard more specifically a bedan which will be a swords b/ Vengeance Paladin multiclass build and this build will be a little bit different than the conventional multiclass builds featuring a bedan with this one we're going to maintain three fats and we're also going to be dual wielding which means that we can use our offhand attack as a bonus action every turn with which will pair up really nicely with our guaranteed criticals and our divine Smite damage so aardon makes for a really good hybrid class where they have amazing damage potential thanks to their flourishes and thanks to their guaranteed criticals and the Divine Smite damage but they also have like the best crowd control spells in the game they also make for a great main character because you're going to succeed any dialogue check that comes your way so yeah let's get into making a beden all right so starting with our ability points dexterity is going to be our main stat so it's a good idea to go with 17 dexterity and then Charisma is also going to be a very important stat for a bedan so 15 will work out well here and then from there I went with 14 Constitution I kept strength at a base of 10 same for wisdom and then I lowered intelligence down to eight for our skill proficiencies we're going to go with slight of hand in intimidation and persuasion it's just going to make all of those ability checks a lot easier and we're going to start out with a Bard now you do Miss heavy armor proficiency by starting out with a Bard but I really wouldn't worry too much about it since we're not going to be using heavy armor with this build so just start with The Bard um two can trips we're going to go with vicious mockery and minor illusion and then for our four starting spells we are going to choose dissonant Whispers long Strider speak with animals and Tasha's hideous laughter so now we could take a look at the level path for a bedan and the most important ability that you want to have early is that extra attack from a swords Bard and that comes at level six so that means that we're going to go six straight levels into a Bard so at level two we unlock an additional spell this is where I like to go for feather fall you could also go for healing word here um this is a really good healing spell that you can pick up down allies with for a bonus action it's really up to you whichever you value more I go for featherfall here at level three this is where we can select our subass so we're going to go with the College of swords and then for our spells we're going to get probably the most important spell for this build and that is going to be hold person and you could get this right at level three which is amazing and then for our fighting style we are going to go with two weapon fighting since we are dual wielding then at level four we unlock an additional can trip this is where I go for mage hand and then for our additional spell we have a lot of different options here but I feel like enhance ability would probably help you out the most as getting this at level four means that you have a really good spell early on in the game and then we also get our first feat what I like to do for this is I go for Ability Improvement and I make sure that I get my dexterity and Charisma to nice even numbers at level five we gain another spell and this is probably going to be our second most important spell on this build and that will be Glyph of warding you can cast sleep with this and it's going to work out on any of those enemies that aren't humans because hold person is only going to work on humans so any kind of creature that is where you can go into a glyph of warding cast sleep on them and it will function the same as whole person where you're going to get those guaranteed criticals whenever you attack so now that we're at level six we unlock our extra attack but we also gain an additional spell and there's like four really good spells here the problem is you're only going to be able to get three additional spells from this point on so one of them is going to have to be excluded from this build but the four really good spells are fear hypnotic pattern cloud of daggers and shatter what I like to do here is I go for hypnotic pattern now that we're at level seven this is where we're going to want to swap over into a paladin so we want to go ahead and add class we want to go to a paladin and choose oath of Vengeance so now that we're level eight we want to keep going into a paladin at this point so at Paladin level two we unlock an additional fighting style and the only one that's going to work for our build here will be defense we'll gain an extra plus one bonus to our armor class so now that we're level 9 which will be Paladin level three I just want to point out that we are going to unlock a really important class action which is valve enmity which will give us Advantage for 10 straight turns so uh in the combat showcase I will go over this a little bit more but just make sure that you use this class action so now we want to keep leveling into a paladin so level 10 will be Paladin level four and we want to select our second feat here and we want to go for Savage attacker Savage attacker is going to pair up really nicely with our divine smites so now that we're level 11 what we want to do is we want to go back into our swords B and for the last two levels we want to level up in a Bard so we're going to get an additional spell here and for this one what I like to do is I just go for cloud of daggers and finally now that we are level 12 which will be barred level eight we get our last spell and I like to go for Shatter here it's a nice AOE attack that you have and we also gain our third feet so I just go right back into ability improvements and I max out dexterity at 20 next up we can take a look at our gear setup and what I tried to do for the gear setup was I went for items that helped with the criticals but also items that gave me more utility to this build so there's a couple of items here that are going to be super important for a Bard so helmet of Arcane Acuity is really important here which you get in act two basically it makes it to where none of your enemies are going to be able to succeed a saving throw on whole person or on your sleep so this is really what you want to have 100% essential for this build and then everything else you know cloak of protection armor of agility hell dust gloves disintegrating night Walkers we're also going to go with Amulet of Greater health for Advantage on our constitution saving throws and then for our Rings we're going to go with strange conduit ring and band of the Mystic scoundrel band of the Mystic scoundrel is going to be really good for a Bard because they're going to be able to cast illusion and enchantment spells as a bonus action after you hit a creature with your weapon attack attack which is really going to pair up because most of our spells are either illusion or enchantment spells so another Super essential ring that you want to have on this build and then for our weapons we're going to go with sword of Life stealing and then knife of the under Mountain King uh you probably want to have sord of Life stealing in the main hand because the extra 10 necrotic damage that you get from this only works whenever you uh attack with it in the main hand like uh if I do an offhand attack I won't get the bonus is what I'm trying to say so uh knife of the under Mountain King that's just going to help you out with the critical hit chance and then same thing applies for the Deadshot and as always for the last part of this video we're going to go over a basic combat showcase featuring The bedan so you always want to make sure that you have a concentration spell active prior to going into a fight and that is where in ability works out really well because you can just cast Eagle Splendor that's going to help you out with your dialogue checks and then when you go into combat you already have that concentration spell active so you're going to be able to pair that up with strange conduit ring right from the beginning you also want to make sure that you have your reactions for divine Smite set to ask it's a really good practice to do this with every single reaction by the way and now we could finally get into doing some combat here so the first thing you want to do is use your bonus action and cast valve enmity on yourself this will give you free Advantage for 10 straight turns it is a really overpowered ability that Vengeance paladins get at level three and so now we could just go right into combat here and we could use some of our flourishes so since we got two enemies here lined up we could use slashing flourish so I'm going to go ahead and use that here and as you see we did get a critical on this guy so what I'm going to do is for this enemy I will not react and then I'm going to react on the one with the critical and then for the critical hits most of the time you could get by with just using a level one spell slot sometimes you might want that extra damage if it's a boss or something but most enemies they'll die from just the regular level one critical hit for divine Smite so now we got an extra attack here we're going to go go right back into a slashing flourish I should be able to hit both of these enemies here and I'm just going to choose not to react well actually this enemy has 17 Health left over I might go for a level two Divine Smite here just to take that enemy out so that way they can't attack and that is how I would start turn one so now we're in turn two and now we could really start to have some fun with this build so the first thing that you want to do here is use an attack so that way it's going to open up hold person for a bonus action and the reason you want to use it as a bonus action rather than an action is because if I use this first then that means I can only use my offhand attack which means one attack if I attack first then use hold person then I'm going to be able to use an extra attack as well which will mean two attacks per turn rather than just one offhand attack so always try try to use your enchantment and your illusion spells as bonus actions if you have the ring so first thing I'm going to try to do is move forward just a little bit so that way I can maybe get this flourish here so let's go ahead and cast that um we got a critical on both of these enemies um it's already showing that this enemy is dead so I'm not sure why it's asking me for a critical hit here I'm just not going to react there uh so yeah that's uh that's perfect we got rid of both of them so now what we can do is we can use hold person as a bonus action so I'm going to probably get close to this enemy so that way we can attack him here but I'm going to use hold person I'm going to upcast this and since there's only three enemies left over I'm just going to upcast it to a level four spell let's go ahead and use it on him use it on the other Archer and use it on her and now we got hold person and basically this fight is over at this point so let's go ahead and just use a normal main hand attack here and we get the critical um most of the time if you use a main hand attack and you get a critical you could probably get by with just getting a Divine Smite on a level one spell slot um if you're using it as an offhand attack you might have to go for for a level two just because uh as I stated in the gear setup um the sword of Life stealing only works in the main hand so yeah that's why you could see that extra 10 from the necrotic damage there that wouldn't happen if I did an offhand attack so at this point it's basically uh a done deal so we could just move over here if you have a party you could just use your party members to go ahead and get their own criticals on melee attacks here but yeah we'll just wait until the next turn and now we're in turn three so we could just get our critical attacks on both of these enemies that are C seed so we'll just go over here use a main hand attack uh this enemy has 13 Health left over we'll just use a level one spill and then we can move over here and just repeat the process and yeah that is basically how you could just shut down a whole fight so I hope you guys enjoyed my Ed in build and yeah there's just so much going on here with this build between the guaranteed criticals the crowd control with hold person and sleep the Divine Smite critical damage the offhand attack which gives us an extra critical hit per turn the free Advantage thanks to our vow of enmity from the Vengeance Paladin I mean so many things going on here and it's just really fun to use this build so I would highly recommend you guys give this one a try so yeah let me know if you want to see any other kind of builds give me a specific build in the comments and yeah I might get around towards making it so hope to see you guys in the next one
Channel: Crozyn
Views: 24,725
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Keywords: baldurs gate 3, baldur's gate 3, baldur's gate 3 best build, baldur's gate 3 build guide, builds, guide, tips, baldur's gate 3 beginner guide, baldur's gate 3 ultimate build, baldur's gate 3 combat tips, baldur's gate 3 stealth, baldur's gate 3 ranged build, baldur's gate 3 tank, baldur's gate 3 tank build, tank build baldurs, bg3 tank build, bg3 shadowheart necromancer, shadowheart necromancer build, bg3 shadowheart necro build, shadowheart, bg build, shadowheart cleric build
Id: j7qy24B6b68
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 10sec (850 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 02 2023
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