Elden Ring DLC Just Got Even Better...

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all right guys Wes here welcome back to the channel and today we have a big update for the Elden ring DLC shadow of the UR tree as you know shadow of the UR tree absolutely took over the Internet when we got our first look at the gameplay and story in a lengthy trailer that has already been viewed over 8.5 million times on the band dynamico Europe Channel alone now this DLC looks like an amazing expansion of Elden Rings world and gameplay and it's surely going to be one of the most successful gaming launches of this year but what new details have we learned about Shadow of the UR tree since the trailer released what additional details have been confirmed in the meantime well in this video we'll be going over all of the latest Elden ring DLC news we have some statements from Miyazaki and so much more guys we have a lot to talk about today so check the chapters for easy viewing and let's get started so following the release of the trailer Elden Ring's director Miyazaki has confirmed several gameplay changes in interviews with one of the most notable ones being a new power system similar to the one in seiro according to the director Elden Ring's new power system will be independent from the main leveling system and it will only apply to the DLC areas on the map map so it's not going to be a total overhaul to the base experience but rather a new gameplay Edition to go along with the other new content in the upcoming expansion now in case you haven't played seiro the power system was basically a way to buff your character stats that you got in return for defeating bosses and mini bosses essentially just giving you an additional way to grind XP albeit in a much more difficult manner than other from soft games adding a mechanic like this to the DLC areas of Elden ring will shake the formula up a bit especially for longtime players while also adding a new reason to grab the interest of newcomers this way it adds more stuff to your to-do list when a certain area is stonewalling you and it handsomely rewards you for your efforts which is always a satisfying feeling in a fromsoft game so treat this new power system as essentially a reset for the DLC because you would essentially be starting off fresh which funny enough that was one of the biggest concerns that I've seen was a lot of Veteran Elden ring players were like I've got a character that's such a high level right now and they don't want to go into the DLC and just steamroll everything so the fact that there is a different leveling system for the DLC kind of gives everybody a fresh start while also keeping your character stats completely normal whenever you're outside of the DLC Arena now in the interview with famitsu they asked the question are there any new elements unique to the DLC to which Miyazaki responded there is an element of leveling unique to the DLC and he said this and I quote think of the attack power system in seiro separate from the original level system there is an attack power that is only enabled in the DLC areas he said this was introduced in order to give freedom to meet the threats mentioned earlier so you could do something like exploring other areas before you go back to challenge boss that were too strong the first time allowing you to more easily experience this even in the high level range on the other hand by keeping your attack power low you could experience this challenge at a lower level so what this tells me is the progression is going to be similar to the base game for Elden ring where if you want the challenge you could certainly do that but if you don't want the challenge you could always just go to different areas level up your character a bit more get that attack power up and then go back and defeat the boss now this all does raise the important question though is shadow of the earth tree going to be harder than the base game with from software adding a new power system that's only usable in the DLC areas it kind of suggests that some of the DLC enemies are going to require some kind of stat buffing before you're ready to take them on if that's the case just how hard is the DLC going to be for newcomers will the attack power system and presumed increase strength of enemies going to be too much of a filter I personally don't think so and that is mainly because of the statement that Miyazaki just said where you have that freedom to explore other areas before going back to challenge bosses that were too strong in the first time now with that being said there might be a couple hurdles you'll have to get through in order to access the new DLC content that is if there's not the ability to boost character levels to a certain point in the game that allow you to access the DLC immediately similar to how it works with MMOs as well as The Witcher 3 blood and wine but let's say they don't have those options to boost your character level there is a possibility that you won't be able to access the DLC content until you defeat redon and Moog Lord of blood defeating those two gives you access to the Cocoon that serves as the portal to the land of Shadow and just the shadow of the UR Trey content however for some redon and Moog are pretty challenging bosses and if you manage to defeat them you should be comfortable enough with the gamees mechanics to handle a potential difficulty Spike once you enter the land of Shadow but as I said before shadow of the earth tree will likely be just as accessible to newcomers as the base game so for those of you that might be worried about not being able to beat redon and Moog I would say get that done now if you've never played Elden ring before but you're looking forward to shadow of the earth tree all I got to say is just start the game and just go backwards do not go forward do as much exploration as you can I would be hesitant on looking things up on Google and really just enjoy the ride because man is it an epic and terrifying and glorious experience that I wish I could just completely erase my memory and go back and play again so yeah will the shadow of the UR trade DLC be a bit difficult most likely but Miyazaki said that it's as approachable as the base game so I wouldn't worry about it too much now diving into the game's physical setting we know it takes place in a world called land of Shadow and according to the games director it is an entirely physical place that was was severed from the lands between which is why you have to be transported there instead of it just being attached to the base Games map but as for where the two maps are in relation to one another some fans have speculated that the land of Shadow is located quite literally under the her trees Shadow which coincides with what mizaki said about the shadow of the earth tree having two meanings the land of Shadow literally means what it says and it is the land under the Earth tree now what's curious about the keyart right here on the screen is if you look at the top those are actually the roots of both the shadow her tree and the her tree itself so while there was some disagreement within the community over whether the land of Shadow is a physically a part of the Bas games world now that we have confirmation from Miyazaki that it is a physical part of the base games world it was just detached it makes sense that the land of Shadow is literally under the Earth tree now I've also seen some people suggest that the land of Shadow is going to be some kind of mirror Dimension to the base Games map meaning a lot of it would be recycled or reworked locations from the base game similar to how you have tears of the kingdoms Overworld and then directly under that the depths which is essentially the same map but it's just mirrored under Hyrule now I know I'm going to go on a small tangent here but what's really funny is the shrines and te of the Kingdom the underside of those things are called a light rout and as you activate the light Roots you can actually see more of the area as it just lights up the depths now I'm not saying that Elden Ring's DLC is going to be a mere dimension of the entire map but just flipped upside down but we know that that's not the case we know that the DLC for Elden ring will be about the size of limb grave but it could just be misdirection similar to how Nintendo did things with tears of the Kingdom where we thought the sky shrines were the selling point of the game just to find out that there is an entire world under the base Games map that is the same size again I don't think there's any chance that Elden ring does that but imagine how mind-blowing that would be now one thing that I think is interesting about recent interviews about Elden ring shadow of the earth tree is that Miyazaki has also confirmed that the DLC will have over 10 new bosses which initially is a pretty nice number but when you consider the number of bosses in other areas of Elden ring you can interpr interpret that as being relatively small granted I don't think Miyazaki statement of there being more than 10 bosses included field and dungeon bosses so that would mean that shadow of the earth tree has 10 new proper boss fights but it's not like those are going to be the only real meaty challenges it's also totally possible that the final number is a lot more than 10 because more than 10 could equally mean 11 or 30 right I don't know about you guys but I'm really excited to see all of the different boss Variety in this new DLC we already saw some of the variety in the DLC trailer I mean Mesmer the Impaler looks insane and I cannot wait to see what the other bosses are I hope the ones that they've shown off are the only ones we get to see until launch because I want as many surprises as possible I think that was one of the things that I appreciated about Elden ring the most especially for me being more of a newcomer to the soulslike genre and with shadow of the UR tree not scheduled for launch until June 20th it's very possible that we get another trailer before that day comes around most of the big summer gaming showcases are going to take place in May and early June meaning there's a very good chance that Bandy Namco wants to get a new trailer at one of them to maximize the launch height there is a lot of marketing juice being put behind Shadow of the earth tree and they're even selling a $250 collector's edition of it with an awesome statue of Mesmer the Impaler which honestly if you guys got that I'm so jealous I am actively trying to get that so hopefully I do and we are just at the beginning stages of the marketing campaign and I'm absolutely expecting a second trailer at one of these summer showcases so if you're not already prepared get ready because the marketing campaign is going to heat up hard in the months leading up to the launch Bandai is going to give this expansion the same level of hype that they would for a full game release because from soft absolutely does not miss and Elden ring is easily going to be one of the most talked about games of 2024 because of it shadow of the earth tree is going to be a massive experience just like the base game and people are going to be treasure hunting and secret finding for a long time after launch day people spent months combing every pixel of Elden ring after released and while most of everything has been discovered Miaki recently confirmed in an interview that there was one Secret in Elden ring that to his knowledge nobody has found yet when talking with Ian games Network he said there's a small element that I feel has not been yet discovered so whether that's up to user interpretation or up to further investigation in plane that's something I'm looking forward to which is absolutely nutty now my question is whether this is related to the DLC or not because if there was a teaser for the shadow of the earth tree DLC sitting right in front of our faces this entire time that would be pretty crazy well guys that's going to wrap it up with this video let me know if you're excited for shadow of the earth tree did the trailer get you hyped are you excited for the new attack power leveling system if you've enjoyed my coverage on Elden ring shadow of the UR Trey do me a favor and hit the like button subscribe with your notifications turned on thanks again for watching this video and until next time this has been Wes and I will talk to you guys again [Music] soon
Channel: WesNemo
Views: 277,300
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Elden Ring Shadow of the Erdtree, elden ring exapansion, Elden Ring, Elden Ring DLC, Elden Ring Expansion release date, Shadow of the Erdtree release date, elden ring leak, elden ring dlc gameplay, elden ring update, elden ring update news, elden ring news, elden ring new dlc, elden ring dlc new bosses, elden ring new boss, elden ring shadow of the erdtree details, elden ring dlc update, elden ring dlc news, elden ring leaks, Shadow of the Erdtree, attack power system
Id: Sb6MpShppzU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 57sec (597 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 03 2024
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