Baldur's Gate 3 - Pure Vengeance Paladin Build - Vengeance Subclass Guide

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what is going on guys this is crowen and welcome back to another balers Gate 3 build this is my pure Vengeance Paladin and pure Vengeance pys are basically single Target boss Killers that's what they specialize in so they're not really going to wow you with any kind of AOE damage but they're one of the better single Target damage dealers in the game and going with a pure Vengeance Paladin straight up to level 12 has a lot of good benefits you know at level three they unlock valve enmity which gives them free Advantage for 10 straight turns without any kind of debuff at level 9 they get the Hast spell at level 11 they get improved Divine Smite which is going to be used like 95% of the time and then at level 12 they get that additional feed so there's a lot of good benefits they're pretty simple class but yet they're still kind of fun so yeah let's get into making a pure Vengeance P so starting out with our ability points we're going to be two-handing weapons so strength is going to be our main stat here so it's a good idea to go up to 17 strength and then also 15 Charisma we're not really going to worry about spellcasting with Charisma but mainly Aura of protection because it grants you a bonus based on your charisma towards saving throws which means that you're going to be able to keep concentration spells up a lot longer basically uh yeah you're never going to fail a constitution saving throw and uh speaking of constitution we're going to go with 14 Constitution here 12 dexterity a lot of people like to have this lower but I like to have a little bit higher initiative I don't like starting last every fight so 12 is a good starting point here and then just going for eight intelligence and eight wisdom for skill proficiencies we're going to go with Athletics and persuasion um if you don't plan on shoving any enemies though uh you could probably swap Athletics out for intimidation might help you out on some dialogue checks and yeah oath of vengeance is our subass and that is how we're going to start out this character next up is guiding you guys all the way up to level 12 with the level path here so at level two we get a fighting style you have two options here you could go for great weapon fighting or defense I tend to stick with great weapon fighting but if you want that extra bonus to your armor class you could go for that as well at level four you get your first feat and you have two options here you could either go for Ability improvements get your strength to 18 and your charisma to 16 that way they're at nice even numbers your other option is to go with great weapon Master early because at level three as I stated earlier on you get vow of enmity which means that you're going to have advantage on all of your attacks so it's not really going to hinder the minus5 melee attack bonus that you get uh towards attack roles so it's a good idea to maybe go with great weapon fighter this this early if you want a big boost to your melee damage at level four at level eight we get our second feat and if you chose great weapon Master at level four then at this point you could go for one in strength and one in Charisma and get those two nice even numbers and finally at level 12 we get our third feat this is where I go for Ability Improvement and I get my strength up to 20 just keep in mind that based on our gear we can actually spec at level 12 and change up all of our ability points and our Feats to better enhance our character towards the late game so I'll kind of go over that more once we get into the gear setup but just keep that in mind that uh you know later on you could resp and make your character even better but this is a good way to progress all the way up to level 12 so next up is taking a look at our spells so I'm going to quickly hover over the prepared spells that I have on my character uh just keep in mind that most of these you're never going to use and that's uh especially true once you reach level 9 because once you unlock haste that is going to be your main concentration spell that you're going to use 99% of the time and you're also going to use Divine Smite all the time whether that is uh initially or as a reaction so your only other spell that you're going to be using in combination with those two is going to be misty step Misty step is great for a paladin because they don't have any ranged attacks so you got to get in melee range or you got to get closer to a boss that is where Misty step comes into play and it is a great bonus action to have and it's always prepared so you don't have to ever worry about preparing this but yeah their other concentration spells are good too but the thing is once you reach level 9 you're never really going to use those anymore because haste is just going going to win out but hold person is great early on Hunter's Mark is good Bane is good you know even bless bless is another really great one uh the only other thing is Warden of Vitality this is a really good spell that you get later on in the game and you know you can use this as well uh but it's probably not going to be needed in most cases and then you also have access to aid but you might have another character that can upcast this higher than level three and give you uh more temporary hit points than just 15 so uh but yeah like I said the three bread and butter spells here late game are going to be haste Divine Smite and Misty step so now we can take a look at the gear setup for avengeance p and it's pretty simple here the main thing that you want is an improved chance of getting a critical hit because that is really going to increase the damage of your divine Smite and you can do that by stacking the horn helmets and also the Deadshot bow that way uh you combine this with the advantage that a Vengeance Paladin is always going to have um you're going to get a lot of criticals more often than not and that is really going to determine when you want to use a Divine Smite on the critical and then also having a ring such as killer sweetheart where you can time a guaranteed critical hit is really going to be beneficial because let's say you have to have a critical hit on the boss at a certain time well that's where killer sweetheart comes into play um and then also you know I went for heavy armor here so hell dusk armor if you don't have hell dusk armor armor of persistence will work and then if you want to swap out one of these rings for whatever reason ring of protection is another solid option that you can get early on in the game um it's not really going to help you too much out with the saving throws because Aura of protection combined with high Charisma is really going to give you uh more than enough that you're going to need for the Constitution saving throws but yeah for a two-handed weapon pick anything that has high damage and just go for that you know I went for Baler and's Giant Slayer in the end but uh yeah this is where you can finally Respec your character and really increase the rest of your stats and gain an additional feat so once you have gauntlets of healed giant strength and Amulet of Greater Health you can respect your character put strength and Constitution down to eight and you can start leveling up all of your other stats so you could get your dexterity to 15 and you could get your charisma to 17 and then for the Feats you can use ability Improvement to get Charisma and dexterity to even numbers cap those out at 18 and 16 and then you could still go for great weapon Master for your first or second feat and then for the final feet you could go for Savage attacker where Savage attacker is going to give you the damage roles needed for divine Smite so it could roll the damage rolls give you better overall damage every time you use Divine Smite and that is really just going to enhance your character even more so for the last part of this video I'm going to Showcase a basic fight featuring The Vengeance Paladin so the first thing that you always want to do is cast your oath and that is Bow of enmity you want to get that going so that way you have Advantage for 10 straight turns without any kind of downside so you want to get that out of the way right away and then you also want to go for haste and cast this on your first turn that way you're set up for the next turn and Beyond to get a total of five attacks per turn so now what we can do is we could start attacking and what I like to do first if there isn't a boss I like to go for the enemy with the lowest Health that way I trigger the ring effect so that way I'm guaranteed a critical so we might as well just go for this guy since he only has 28 health and now we have the Executioner buff ready for our next attack so another thing that you always want to do is put all of your reactions to ask for your Divine Smite because there's going to be certain instances where you may only want to use this on a critical hit there might be other instances where you want to use this maybe there's an enemy that only has like 10 or 20 Health left you just need that extra push from the Divine Smite in order to kill the target so always keep them on ask it's just uh going to be better off for you in the long run and so now uh we got a guaranteed critical so we might as well just use Divine Smite I'm going to cast it as a level one spell and I'm going to go for this target since they have the most HP so let's go ahead and this should easily take this target out with executioner and yeah pretty simple there and so now I'll probably just go over here so that way I can trigger an opportunity attack in case one of these archers decides to run and then also when we're talking about the bonus attack from great weapon Master it only works if you kill them regularly or if you kill them while you cast Divine Smite so if you try to use it and let's say you use your regular attack and you use Divine Smite as a reaction and you kill them with the reaction it won't trigger your bonus attack so you won't get the bonus attack for that turn so if an enemy is low just use uh no reaction at all and just use an extra main hand attack in order to to gain the bonus action so now we're in turn two and thanks to setting our character up with Buffs in turn one now we can get five total attacks in each turn and as you guys seen this enemy died thanks to an opportunity attack crit so if we're lucky we should be able to kill all four of these enemies in this turn if we could get some crits so uh we didn't get a crit there I'm going to choose not to react and in this case I'm just going to use another main hand attack that way I could get the bonus attack here for great weapon master and I'm going to use it on this Archer and again we did not get a critical so uh at this point just going to go right back into another one and we have one extra attack here I'm going to make sure that that I kill this enemy and I should be able to reach this destination I'm not sure why it's telling me that so let me go like over here and now let me cast theine Smite and casting this at a level three spell I should be able to kill this enemy with 74 Health uh and we got a critical there so I don't think it would have mattered though so at this point what I'm going to do is just go over here and if this Archer tries to run then we should be able to kill him with an opportunity attack so the Archer chose not to run which is strange because normally they always like to run so at this point uh we got one enemy left 62 Health we might as well just showcase some of the damage here so I'm just going to use a normal Divine Smite and upcast it to level three and this should kill this enemy regardless whether it's a crit or not so I hope you guys enjoyed this pure Vengeance Paladin build and as you guys can see in the combat it's a very simple build and you're mainly just going to be a heavy single Target damage dealer and you're going to be fishing for criticals because the criticals are going to do some insane damage when you use Divine Smite and that is really how this build works and you're going to have haste you're going to have advantage on every enemy for 10 straight turns which is a pretty overpowered move that you could get at level three and yeah it's a lot of fun but yeah it's a very simple build so I hope you guys enjoyed it and let me know what other build you want to see for balers Gate 3 and I will see you in the next video
Channel: Crozyn
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Keywords: baldurs gate 3, baldur's gate 3, baldur's gate 3 best build, baldur's gate 3 build guide, builds, guide, tips, baldur's gate 3 beginner guide, baldur's gate 3 ultimate build, baldur's gate 3 combat tips, baldur's gate 3 stealth, baldur's gate 3 ranged build, baldur's gate 3 tank, baldur's gate 3 tank build, tank build baldurs, bg3 tank build, bg3 shadowheart necromancer, shadowheart necromancer build, bg3 shadowheart necro build, shadowheart, bg build, shadowheart cleric build
Id: vnX7oiHyK1M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 54sec (834 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 14 2023
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