BG3 Wyll Build Guide - Warlock Fighter Multiclass (The Great Old One & Champion)

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in this balers Gate 3 video I'll be showing you how to play will in balers Gate 3 if you want to make him into a true blade of Frontiers to do this I'll be multiclassing warlock with fighter and I'll explain why that is in this guide I'll also cover ability scores class features equipment and I will provide tips on how to get the most out of will when playing this way being a warlock will is a very versatile character he has some spell casting ability can use melee weapons effectively if he wishes and has a fantastic ranged attack in alrich Blast however will is the blade of Frontiers so for this build I decided to lean into that Persona and multiclass him a fighter by doing so he gains a fighting style action surge medium and heavy armor proficiency and extra attack that Stacks with the pack of the blades extra attack and he still gains three fats and this is a very feat hungry Bill these things help better set him up for melee combat as a true blade of Frontiers since will begins balers Gate 3 as a warlock his ability scores are in line with what a typical warlock might have however you will want to Respec him eventually to get the most out of them and this will allow you to save valuable Feats on ability Improvement when they are needed elsewhere you can see that we've evened out many of his abilities to provide more benefit especially with Constitution which will not only give him more HP but help him pass concentration saving throws we've also made sure he can get plus two Armor class when wearing medium or light armor by rounding up his dexterity which will improve his initiative as well will has Proficiency in animal handling and survival for his background so you cannot change these however ideally when resp specking will we take one level of fighter before taking a level of warlock in order to have Constitution proficiency which helps with concentration saving throws as well as provides him with some armor proficiency this means ideally you'd select persuasion and intimidation so that he can handle dialogues effectively acrobatics is a good solid third choice since it helps prevent will from being shoved but you could select Athletics for the same reason I like to keep my companions at least the class they begin the game with in balers Gate 3 since it feels like that's how Lan intended for them to be played and it's no exception with will however because Fighters have Constitution proficiency and medium and heavy armor proficiency When selecting them as your starting class it is a better fit for this build for this reason when you Respec make sure it's Will's first level chosen before picking warlock second we get quite a few things from selecting fighter first medium or heavy armor is what you want will to use with this build since you won't have very high dexterity you also have better concentration saving throws since his Constitution will be added when calculating it and Warlock have a lot of concentration spells will will also gain a fighting stop there are a couple of good options here defense just gives him plus one to armor class flat which is nice dueling gives him plus two damage when he's using a one-handed weapon even if he uses a shield and great weapon fighting can significantly boost his damage as well as prevent the need for the Savage attack or feat if you don't mind less Armor class any of these three are acceptable since you can't Respec until you're at least level two anyways you'll be able to keep will as a warlock even if it's second class by taking warlock immediately after selecting one level of fighter we'll take five levels of warlock in a row here in order to pick up the important warlock aspects for this build at level one of warlock will will be taking the great old one subass this is because he will gain access to Mortal reminder which makes it so when will critically hits with a weapon or spell Target and nearby Targets must make a wisdom saving throw or become frightened we have a huge focus on critical hits with this build so this will trigger often will will also gain his first warlock spell slot which replenishes after short rest and will get to select two level one warlock spells I suggest taking armor of agathys and arms of Hadar you won't end up using these all that often later in the game but you will use them early on before you've gained darkness and finally will gains eldrich blast at this level giving him a reliable ranged attack every round you will rely on this a lot until he reaches level three and gains packed of the blade since you'll have poor melee accuracy until that point note that eldrich blast gains an extra Beam at character levels 5 and 10 so multiclassing does not hurt its effectiveness at level two of warlock we will get to select two eldrich invocations from a list I highly advis taking agonizing blast which will boost the damage of eldrich Blast by Will's Charisma modifier and applies to each beam of eldrich blast and also selecting Devil's sight which will allow will to see inside the darkness spell which he will gain at the next level at level three of warlock will will gain a second warlock spell slot and both spell slots will increase to level two spell slots meaning they can be used to cast level one or level two spells he will also gain access to warlock level two spells allowing him to select darkness which is vital for this build Darkness blinds enemies within which automatically makes attacks against them have advantage while blinded enemies have disadvantage on their attacks and since will has Devil's sight he can enter the darkness and not be blinded using this to his Advantage as long as he maintains concentration on Darkness this is why fighter at level one comes in handy in case he does get hit while inside which can happen also at level three will will get to choose a packed Boon and we will be selecting packed of the blade since will is the blade of Frontiers after all this allows will to summon a melee weapon and use his Charisma modifier for attack and damage rolls with it or to bind any weapon to him allowing him proficiency with it and to use his Charisma modifier for attack and damage rolls with it this allows will the flexibility to melee or eldrich blast each turn with the same effectiveness at level four of warlock will get to select his first feat here I highly recommend selecting great weapon Master this will allow will to use his bonus action to make another attack if he kills an enemy or critically hits an enemy with a melee attack he is more likely to kill than critically hit at this point of the game but it will become more useful when his critical chance is higher additionally if he is using a two-handed weapon then he can gain a huge damage boost as well and the hit chance can be somewhat offset by the advantage he gains while attacking blinded enemies standing in darkness will will also gain a second beam to eldrich blast at this level making it outperform his melee attacks until the next level warlock so you will likely once again rely on it here for a short stretch of the game at level five of warlock will will gain level three spells and his warlock spell slots will improve to level three spell slots allowing him to cast level three two and one spells with them hunger of haar is not a bad choice here but it doesn't work the same way as Darkness so will is not effective inside of it will will also gain an extra attack from Deep Impact at this level of warlock allowing him to melee twice per turn in combat with his packed weapon this does stack with the extra attack from fighter which will give him three attacks at fighter level five and finally he will gain one more eldrich invocation and I highly recommend selecting repelling blast in order to make the beams of eldrich blast knock enemies backwards this can often result in their death if knocking them off a cliff or high elevation after taking five levels of the great old one warlock it's time to switch back to fighter to pick up many benefits from it and the champion subass at level two a fighter will will gain action surge allowing him to perform a second action in combat this allows him to cast darkness and then attack twice on the same turn since you'll have the extra attack from warlock this will eventually be three times once he gains extra attack from fighter at level three of fighter we will get to choose a subass I've selected Champion here because it reduces the number he needs to roll in order to critically hit with both eldrich blast and melee attacks by one this is roughly a 5% increase to critical hit chance but since we typically attack with Advantage it's closer to 10% making Will's critical hit chance when attacking with Advantage close to 20% at this point of the game note that this affects stack and we be using equipment to help increase this further at level four fighter will will gain a second feat here he'll either take Savage attacker or ability Improvement depending on what fighting style you chose for him if he's using great weapon fighting then Savage attacker is not needed and you should select ability Improvement for better accuracy and damage if Will is using dueling or defense then Savage attacker is the play here note that Savage attacker applies to all damage rules made when making a melee attack even those added by equipment critical hits or sneak attacks so it's very important to this build if not using great weapon fighting at level five of fighter will will gain extra attack allowing him to attack three times in combat when using his packed weapon this can even be four times if he critically hits or kills an enemy with his melee attacks which is a huge amount of attacks also at this level Will's eldrich blast will add a third and final beam allowing him to hit three different targets or attacking the same Target multiple times remember that each beam has its own chance to critically hit and that enemies hit with it can be frightened thanks to Mortal reminder at level six a fighter will will gain a third feat with it he should select ability Improvement and take Charisma up to 18 or 20 depending on what Feats he's selected for this extra feat comes in very handy for this build and should not be overlooked at level seven of champion will will gain remarkable athlete jump allowing him to jump 3 meters further and will also gain remarkable athlete proficiency allowing him to use half of his proficiency bonus when making strength dexterity and Constitution checks he is not proficient in initiative is one such check so he will gain improved initiative plus two at this level allowing him to act sooner in combat when it comes to equipment will has the option to use either medium or heavy armor thanks to a starting level in fighter and one that I like for this build is The Dark justicier Half plate this is a medium armor that provides advantage on stealth checks while obscured but also advantage on Constitution saving throws which is essentially the equivalent to having the warcaster feet for all intense purposes this armor also has incredibly High base armor at 16 for medium armor giving Will a total of 18 Armor class just for wearing it because of the plus two to dexterity a good alternative is the adamantium splint armor which has the same armor class but reduces damage by two and prevents Critical Hits Critical Hits are often one of the few ways will can get hit while in darkness and this armor prevents that for Choice a weapon for this build I really wanted to try to stick to some sort of bladed weapon since will is the blade of Frontiers weapons that work well with this build or any that add an additional damage type that can roll since this will be improved with Savage attack or great weapon fighting and doubled with critical hits however there are a couple of exceptions that help increase our critical hit Chance some that I have found to work well are the following knife of the undermountain king thorn blade kerwin's cauterizer Boron blade sword of Screams Crimson mischief and charge bound Warhammer knife of the undermountain king is an exceptional weapon for this build because not only does it reduce the number you need to Ru to critically hit by one for all attacks but it also applies a similar effect to Great weapon fighting rrolling your damage dice if they are two or lower for your attacks this can remove the need for the Savage attacker feet if you use this weapon charge bound Warhammer is also exceptional for this build though it is not a blade it deals an additional 1 to six lightning damage if pack bound which it will be allowing you to really crank the damage it can also be two or one-handed since it's a versatile weapon The Dread shot is also great for this build in the ranged weapon slot since it further reduces your crit number by one even when not using it at all consider slotting it on will if you don't have an archer in your group if you're not two-handing then you will most certainly want a shield some good ones are justi here's great Shield Safeguard Shield iron banded shield and cthc shield justi here's great Shield allows you to create Darkness around you for two turns as a bonus action and is a great way to lead off combat iron banded Shield has high armor class and kri shield has some nice bonuses as well since we're using our bonus action to make a normal attack there is no need to do a wield with this build unless you want bonuses of the second weapon when it comes to accessories dark Justice your helmet is perfect for this build not only does it boost concentration saving throws but it also reduces the number needed to critical hit by one while obscured further boosting critical chance while in darkness BT cow is a solid alternative if you don't have this one though less effective cloak of protection is excellent for this build as it adds plus one to both Armor class and saving throws not a must but very nice to have dark justicier gauntlets are a nice addition as well since they add necrotic damage to your weapon attacks and boost strength saving throws by plus one flaw hell dust gloves or Hell dust gloves also work well so consider using either of these if you don't have the dark justi your gauntlets evasive shoes are nice for the added Armor class but you can really use any shoes you want for this build they are one of the least important parts for amulet there aren't too many good ones for this build unfortunately I'm using the surgeon subjugation amulet but you can really use whatever you like here for Rings there are a few solid choices strange conduit ring Shadow cloaked ring ring of Twilight and ring of Arcane Synergy strange conduit ring and shadowcloak ring are my go-to since they add rolled damage which can be increased via crits ring of Twilight adds armor class and ring of synergy can boost damage if you strike with eldr blast first and then attack afterwards using action surge or on the next turn final tips the general strategy with this build is to go in turn one and drop darkness in the middle of as many enemies as possible and then pop action Surge and begin mailing them to death you can use your second spell slot to reposition Darkness as needed if ranged enemies or casters move out of it keep in mind that you can use Elder blast from inside the darkness as well to attack enemies outside safely try to maintain advantage on all of your attacks as this will drastically increase your chances of critically hitting enemies which will further boost your damage action Surge and warlock spell slots both replenish with short rest so be sure to do this between combat when possible it's also not a bad idea to have a Bard in your group that can use song of rest to allow you to do this even more before needing to Long rest and lastly the favorable Beginnings tadpull power is great to have on will really any character since it further helps with his hit chance especially if he's using a two-ended weapon and great weapon Master great weapon Master makes it easy to miss and anything you can do to help hit chance is a good idea this only requires one tadpole to use so it's a no-brainer on this build you'll just have to convince will to use tadpoles first so that wraps up my will guide I hope you guys enjoyed this one I really tried to come up with something that really embodied the blade of Frontiers I know there are probably more powerful warlock builds out there but I really like the way this one came together and the focus on critical hits is not something that I began doing when I first started making this build they sort of steadily lean into as I started to see the damage Dage rack up and I think it works really well if you guys have questions or comments please leave them in the comment [Music] [Music] section
Channel: Fextralife
Views: 170,445
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: bg3 Wyll build, bg3 Wyll guide, baldurs gate 3 Wyll build, baldurs gate 3 Wyll guide, bg3 Wyll trickery build, bg3 cleric build guide, baldurs gate 3 Wyll, bg3 build, baldur's gate 3 Wyll build, baldur's gate 3 Wyll guide, baldur's gate 3 build, Wyll build guide, bg3 Wyll, baldur's gate 3 Wyll, bg3 Wyll voice, bg3 Wyll companion, bg3 wyll multiclass, baldur's gate 3 wyll multiclass build, wyll warlock fighter, wyll warlock champion build, baldurs gate 3 warlock build
Id: XHDzus-6qTg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 27sec (867 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 24 2023
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