Baldur's Gate 3: Complete Guide - All Quests & Achievements (Act 3)

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This Baldur’s Gate 3 series covers how to do  all major quests and missable content in order   so that all achievements or trophies, choices,  and major rewards will be available. We will be   striving to get the most optimal or good outcome  for all companions, recruit the most allies,   obtain all Legendary Weapons and Armor, and  have an overall satisfying playthrough. For   best results, follow this series from the  start of Part 1. Spoilers will be limited   to important information and as usual, useful  timestamps can be found in the video description. Before starting, if you enjoyed this series  and want to help it reach more people,   you can do so by liking the  video, I sincerely appreciate it. Part 3 of this series will take  us through the entirety of Act 3,   which takes place in Rivington and  the Lower City of Baldur’s Gate. At the end of Part 2, we were  still in the Shadow Cursed Lands.  Before leaving for Baldur’s Gate, we will want  to make sure we’ve looted all of the zealots,   Z’rell, Tarv, and other bodies within and in  front of Moonrise Towers. There is thousands   of gold here in armor and weapons, which we will  definitely make use of in Act 3 as there are tons   of awesome items to buy from merchants. Whatever  we can’t hold, we can just send to camp for now. We can also head up to the second floor. If  we go to Balthazar’s Secret chamber with Gale,   we can create a Shadow Lantern by interacting  with the Ritual Circle. However, it is suggested   that Mystra would disapprove. Because of this, I  personally did not craft the Shadow Lantern and   erased the Shadow Sigil instead. In any case,  the Shadow Lantern only allows us to summon   a pet Shadow once per long rest, and it’s  really not all that strong or worthwhile. While here, we can speak with Gale about  the Crown of Karsus. We can agree to visit   Sorcerous Sundries with him in Baldur’s Gate,  which will also gain us some approval. He will   also tell us about Mystra’s presence, which  he felt when destroying the Shadow Sigils. Once we’ve done that and are ready to leave,  we can fast travel to the Road to Baldur’s   Gate and head into Act 3. I recommend making  a manual save before we go “To Baldur’s Gate” Doing this will unlock “The City  Awaits” achievement, and we should   also see a cinematic that shows the results  of our efforts in the Shadow-Cursed Lands. We should avoid using any consumables as  this next day will be very short-lived,   and we are already set to take a long rest. Before  we do that though, we should explore this area,   Wyrm’s Lookout. First, there is a neat easter  egg if we go stand at the northmost point,   which overlooks Baldur’s Gate. Standing  there will trigger the song “I Want to Live”   to start playing, this version with sung  lyrics. We normally hear the instrumental   version play at camp, so it’s interesting  to hear the lyrics that go along with it. While here, we can find and speak  to Astarion about Cazador, and we   should probably start dissuading Astarion  from following in Cazador’s footsteps,   as well as agree to help him find  his fellow spawn in the city. Next up, I want to get Jaheira in the party.  The reason is that, for the most part,   Jaheira is one of the most fleshed out characters  when it comes to Act 3, so we definitely get the   most out of having her on full time. Now  we just need to choose who she replaces. I would recommend choosing a character that  is not a primary love interest. For me,   that is Shadowheart. We will get her back in the  party for the quests that relate to her in Act 3,   but otherwise we can have Jaheira fill her spot. To keep things simple, I am just going to  be respeccing Jaheira as a Cleric, and will   transfer Shadowheart’s equipment over to her. Once  Jaheira is in the party, we can take her over to   Withers near the east side of camp to change her  class. The most lore-friendly Deity for Jaheira   would be Mielikki, but I don’t think this choice  will significantly impact gameplay. If we want,   we can also take one level in the Wizard class.  This will allow us to learn the Haste spell   if we have a scroll with it, and that can make  Jaheira a lot more useful in certain encounters. Now if you want to replace Lae’zel or Karlach  instead of Shadowheart, that is also fine,   and you can respec Jaheira to fill any role  you want or need in the party. The only thing   I would suggest is to keep your primary romance  interest in the party as a permanent member. Once Jaheira is fully leveled up and  appropriately geared, we can go to bed. This will trigger an event, and all we need to  do for this first phase is reach the portal.   Defeating the Githyanki is unnecessary.  We can also take this moment to use an   Elixir of Hill Giant Strength on our Monk  as there will be some fairly tough combat   ahead. We should probably refrain  from using a Soul Coin on Karlach,   though. I found it easiest to reach the  portal on a character with Misty Step. Within the Astral Plane, we will need to make  our way over to a large Skull-like structure,   defeating a duo of Githyanki along the  way. We can freely use our spell slots   and sorcery points here, as there are only  2 encounters before our next long rest. Upon reaching the central structure,  a cutscene will play out. In order   to eventually get the “Mind Blown” achievement,  we will need to act kindly towards the Emperor,   that includes siding with them  against the Githyanki. In general,   we should try to be open and kind to the  Emperor to gain their trust and confidence. Haste, Step of the Wind: Dash, and  Stunning Strikes are all very useful here,   allowing us to go around and  incapacitate our enemies. These   Githyanki are capable of dealing  a lot of damage if allowed to act. Once all of the Githyanki are  dealt with, we can have a more   thorough conversation with The Emperor,  learning a great deal in the process. We will eventually be given the  choice to evolve our Illithid powers,   with the aid of an Astral-Touched Tadpole. If we  decline the offer, we will be given the Tadpole,   which can be used at any time. We will  cover the implications of using this   special tadpole in a moment, but first,  let’s finish up here in the Astral Plane. Before leaving, we should loot all of  the Githyanki we fought. Their leader   will have the Boots of the Uninhibited  Kushigo, which are great for a Monk. Once we leave the Astral Prism, we can speak  with Lae’zel about Orpheus. To put it bluntly,   we should agree that Vlaakith  is bad and Orpheus is good. Afterwards, we can take our final  long rest before going to the city. Before we get started for the day,   let’s cover the Astral-Touched Tadpole  and the implications of using it. Personally, I probably won’t be  using this item. That being said,   we can make a save and then use it to see  what happens. We will undergo a serious   cosmetic change in the face, looking all the  more ugly for it. But from everything I know,   and in the current state of the game,  that is the only real downside. You can   check the pinned comment to see if this  has been changed in future game updates. If we go to our Illithid Powers, the outermost  Illithid Powers will now be obtainable,   which are the most advanced and powerful  abilities. Unlocking any ability with   a tadpole will also give us the “Expand Your  Mind” Achievement, if we don’t already have it. Our companions will also react to our use of  the tadpole, some more negatively than others,   but their actual approval won’t change. After  we’ve opened our minds to the Astral-Touched   tadpole, it will be easier to convince our  companions to do the same, even Lae’zel. All that being said, I won’t be using  the Astral-Touched Tadpole. This way,   I won’t have an advantage in combat over  anyone following this guide that does not   use the tadpole either. However, if you do make  use of it, the game will definitely become easier. Also, if you use the Astral-Touched Tadpole and  notice any changes to dialogue options or gameplay   when compared to my own, please let me know in  the comments as I am very curious about that. So, with all of that out of the way,   I will be reverting back to the  save before I used the Tadpole. At this point, we can go ahead and do some of our  daily preparation, although we will probably want   to avoid using any consumables. We can then  leave camp, which will bring us to Rivington. Now, there is a ton of stuff to do here.  However, for the most fulfilling experience   (and without getting into spoilers) we will  want to focus on completing Jaheira’s Quest   first. Don’t worry though, we will be coming  back here soon enough. We will also be doing   a bit of power gaming, outfitting our party  with the strongest items as early as possible,   so that we can get the most out  of them during this final act. For these reasons, we are going to head north,   directly down the main road. We will be stopped  by a girl named Yenna before getting very far,   and we can offer her some gold or food  to gain approval from our companions. If we approach the Steel Watch  at the South Span Checkpoint,   we will trigger an encounter that could  cost us 200 gold. I tend to sneak around   the checkpoint by climbing down the  knotted roots to the east. From there,   we can jump over to the side structures of Wyrm’s  Crossing, and climb the rest of the way up. We will need to make a quick stop in Sharess'  Caress, which is right next to the fast   travel point. For now, we will be going to a  specific location. It is up two sets of stairs,   on the 3rd floor. We will want to  avoid the Nymph’s Grotto until after   our next long rest. For now, we will be going  straight to the room marked as “Devil’s Den” During the conversation that follows, we will  need to turn down Raphael’s deal. Afterwards,   we can speak with Lae’zel and assure her that  we will take the Orphic Hammer from the House   of Hope. It is very important that we head back  downstairs to speak Kith’rak Voss. Along the way,   The Emperor will ask about our deal with Raphael,  to which we can honestly say “I turned him down.” Speaking with Kith’rak, we can once again  be honest, saying “No. I will find another   way to liberate Orpheus.” Doing this should  avert any potential bugs with Voss’s quest,   which could otherwise prevent us from getting the   Silver Sword of the Astral Plane (assuming  we didn’t already get it back in Act 1). One last thing, we can speak  with the Dwarf named Korilla,   near the bar. She will have something  to say about our meeting with Raphael. Next, we’ll get Astarion in the party,  temporarily turn off the sunlight passive   of Lathander’s Blood, and go to the  second floor of Fraygo’s Flophouse,   it is just across the street from Sharess'  Caress. There, we can speak with Petras to   trigger a significant story moment with  Astarion. Given that he is a master of   manipulation, it is probably best if we let  him handle the situation. That being said,   it is probably for the best if we can talk  Astarion out of killing his brother. Once again,   we probably shouldn’t outright agree  to help him complete the ritual. With that taken care of, we can reassemble  the party, then head further north into   Wyrm’s Crossing. Two of the most useful  shops are near the end of the crossing,   on the west side. We can go up to the top  floor to the Alchemy & Potions Shop. This   is just one of the several shops where we  can find Elixirs of Cloud Giant Strength,   which are extremely powerful, along  with potions of speed and flying. We can then head downstairs  to Danthelons Dancing Axe. Speaking with Entharl will trigger a special  interaction with Jaheira, which will also   progress her quest. We can also look at Entharl’s  stock, even if it annoys Jaheira. He will often   have useful potions and elixirs. On top of  that, he sells one of the best pieces of gear,   the Cloak of Displacement. There is also  the Garb of The Land and Sky, which could be   good for our monk, although we will be getting  something better fairly soon. Because of that,   we might want to just save our gold. I should  also mention here that we are going to go   through a lot of thieves’ tools during act  3, so take every opportunity to stock up. Once we’ve finished shopping, we can use a Potion  of Mindreading, equip our Headband of Intellect,   then head through the locked door and down  the ladder. We should also have Jaheira use   Guidance on us before we initiate the  encounter. During it, if we succeed on   a passive insight check, we can then perform  a Detect Thoughts skill check. If we succeed,   we will gain approval from Jaheira, as  well as the opportunity to gain surprise. For reasons that contain heavy spoilers,  this will be our only combat encounter   before our next long rest, so we can  pull out all the stops for this fight. Afterwards, we can speak with Harper  Geraldus. To gain approval with Jaheira,   we can say “Wait, Jaheira…” followed  by “This talk of the Rashemaar…” We can then speak with Jaheira  to learn more about her mission,   and we will eventually want  to say “Then let’s find him.” We can gain quite a bit of approval with Jaheira  just by speaking with her. To do this, we will   start with “Now we’re traveling together,  I realise I don’t know much about you.” After asking “Is it true that you’ve  fought the Dead Three before?” we   can say “Please. You’re only one of those things.” After saying “You mentioned you  know something of illithids.”   We can either joke around, or  say “My mind is still my own…” Finally, we can say “Tell me what  you know about Orin.” followed by   “She wants us paranoid -  likely to make a mistake.” After doing all of that, our approval rating with  Jaheira should be around 50, in the High range. Before we take a long rest, there are some  important, non-combat tasks we need to complete. We can start by returning upstairs to  explain the situation to Danthelon. Next, we will need to gain access to Wyrm’s  Rock, a short distance to the north. If we   speak with Blaze Elin, we can try our luck at  persuading her to lower the bridge. However,   this is an extremely difficult skill check,  and even if we stack the deck in our favor,   we are very unlikely to succeed. Doing so will  gain us approval with our companions though. In any case, there is a way to access  Wyrm’s Rock that does not require   any ridiculously high skill checks.  Climbing down the ladder to the east,   we can use our featherfall boots and jump  down to the mountainside of Wyrm’s Rock. We can head around the northeast side,  and we may want to quicksave as this does   depend on a passive perception check.  Albeit one that is fairly easy. Along   the fortress wall is a crack in the wall,  and a successful passive perception check   will reveal it to us. We can then  enter through it, into the prison. There is a sturdy wall of rubble we will have to  break through. Lae’zel should be able to break   through it with any blunt weapon and the All-in  passive toggled on. If that is not working,   try using magic missile on the wall first and  then switch back to Lae’zel. We can also go back   outside, return to camp, and grab a smokepowder  barrel, as that should definitely do the trick. We will next need to pick a lock,  which Karlach should be very good   at. We will want to go through  this door on our Main Character,   as it is very likely we will be confronted by  a guard. A deception check will avert a fight. Even so, before doing anything else, we will  need to get rid of this nosey guard. This is   where Greater Invisibility comes in handy.  We can turn Karlach or Lae’zel invisible,   toggle on non-lethal if we want  to be nice, approach the guard,   enter turn-based mode, then beat the guard  into unconsciousness while staying invisible.. If we try to do this while not invisible,  or with just basic invisibility, we will be   revealed and will then have to take on all 4 of  the guards. It’s still a pretty doable encounter,   but I’d personally prefer to  avoid the hassle altogether. Once that guard is dealt with, we can grab his key  and head to the cell where Florrick is being held,   near the north end of the prison. We will  need to persuade Florrick not to give up hope. Managing that, we can then open  the door and Florrick will become a   temporary companion. We need to make sure  everyone is hiding, including Florrick,   then retrace our steps back to the crack in the  wall, where we initially entered the prison. Upon leaving the prison, we  can wish Florrick farewell,   and she will now be our Ally against the Absolute. At this point, we can go back into  the prison, this time making our way   to the main level of Wyrm’s Rock, which  is through the set of doors to the south. We will be confronted by a Steel Watcher,   which we can respond to in any way,  short of outright physical violence. Once we are free to move about, there is a  unique set of armor we can get here. To do this,   we will want to turn Karlach invisible,  preferably with greater invisibility,   then have her hide and enter turn-based mode. We can use Step of the Wind: Dash on  Karlach, then make our way southwest to   the iron gate. Once we’ve picked the lock,  we can head inside and grab several items,   including the Flame Enameled  Armor from the Heavy Chest. If we keep stealing items, we will eventually  cause our greater invisibility to fail. So,   we will try to not push our luck,  grab the best things to grab,   then exit turn-based mode and fast  travel to the nearby waypoint. Next, we can head east, out of this  room, and over to the Audience Hall.   Mizora should be waiting outside, and  we can speak with her before entering. Upon entering the Audience Hall, Karlach will  begin burning up with anger. I remembered a   Persuasion check being necessary to  keep the situation from spiraling out   of control. However, it seems that  if we are in a romance with Karlach,   we can avert disaster without  the need of a skill check. It is up to us how we want to deal  with Gortash here. Although we will   eventually be turning on Gortash, we can  lie and agree to an alliance with him,   or we can refuse to help him. That being  said, if we make too many overt threats   or try to cause a commotion during the  ceremony, an extremely difficult combat   encounter will ensue. Not only that, but  even if we manage to survive the encounter,   we will autocomplete and skip several  important quests, leading to some bad outcomes. Personally, I decided to lie and agreed to  an alliance. If we do that, we can reassure   Karlach that the alliance is nothing more than a  ruse to gain Gortash’s trust. This will gain back   any approval we lost by forming the alliance. We  can also have a similar conversation with Jaheira. After the ceremony, we can go speak with  Duke Ravengard. We can gain some approval   from Jaheira during this interaction. If  we ask “Don’t you understand?...” We can   follow it with an Illithid skill check  to gain further insight into Ravengard’s   condition. Speaking with Gortash while Karlach is  nearby will also trigger a special interaction. Next, we are going to get one,  potentially two achievements here,   but we will want to make a save to  revert back to afterwards. To get it,   we will first have Karlach go through the  small door to the northwest of Gortash,   and we can turn her invisible if necessary.  She can then lockpick the set of doors a   little further west. We also need to make sure  Karlach has an Elixir of Giant Strength active,   preferably Cloud Giant. All of our party members  besides our Cleric should also be in this room. The next step is to have our Cleric use  Spirit Guardians. This should serve as a   sort of repellent for neutral NPCs, such as  Gortash. We can use that effect to push him   towards where Karlach is located. Once  Gortash is in that room, we can haste   Karlach with our Sorcerer, then save and hit  Gortash with a magic missile or other attack. This next part will work best if Karlach is  first in the turn-order, and she should be.   Our goal is to send Gortash over that nearby  cliff, to the west. With the first 2 throws,   we should be able to get Gortash close to the  edge. There is a weird bug where something is   blocking enemies from being knocked over the edge.  However, if we throw Gortash as close to the edge   as possible, we should be able to push him off the  edge with a Flurry of Blows: Push. When combined   with the damage of that attack, the fall damage  should be just enough to finish Gortash off. Because we didn’t set off any traps to do this,  we should get the “Fancy Footwork” achievement. In   addition, if this is the first time we defeated an  enemy with fall damage, we should get the “Shove   Off” achievement. Killing Gortash this early  will progress and skip a bunch of quests and   result in bad outcomes, and because of that, we  will want to revert to a save before doing this. Before leaving, we can get a nice set  of boots from upstairs. To do that,   we will head over to the northwest passageway.  We will then have Karlach split off from the   group and use Haste on herself with the  Darkfire Shortbow, then turn invisible,   and this can be with a potion or spell (although  greater invisibility is definitely preferred).   We can then hide and enter turn-based  mode, and proceed through the passageway. With both Step of the Wind: Dash and regular  Dash, we can hop our way over to Gortash’s   personal chambers within 1 or 2 turns. There is a  locked chest in the northwest corner that we can   steal. Doing this will break normal invisibility,  but so long as we are hiding and out of view,   we should be able to use another before  getting spotted. We could probably get   away with just exiting turn-based mode and  fast-traveling to the nearest waypoint too. Finally, after regrouping, if we find  Mizora and speak with her once more,   she will provide some ominous  foreshadowing of events to come. At this point, we can go ahead and take a  long rest. This will trigger an important   story moment for Wyll, and it’s also where we  will get his companion achievement. Pause now   if you want to avoid spoilers, and come back  once the important decision is available. Once we are given the choice, we will need to say  “Break the pact, Wyll. You deserve your freedom.”  Doing so will get us the “Loophole” achievement,  and set Wyll free. Mizora will also join the camp. Afterwards, we can speak with Karlach  about her worsening condition. We can   also speak to Wyll and assure him that  we will save his father. We should also   speak with Mizora and see what she has  to say. Even if we tell her to leave,   she won’t. We will want to make sure we exhaust  all of her dialogue options before moving on. Our other companions will also have something to  say about Wyll’s decision if we speak to them. Finally, there is a note from Arabella that  can be found on the bench near the campfire. With all of that done, we can go ahead and take  our long rest. This will trigger an encounter   with The Emperor, and this is also where we  can start pursuing a romance with them. We   will need to do this in order to eventually  get the “Mind Blown” achievement. For that,   we will want to play nice and eventually “Give  the Emperor’s hand a reassuring squeeze.” The next morning, Yenna will show up  and join our camp, so long as we agree. We are going to complete several Long Rests here,   and feel free to revisit shops between each one  to buy more Elixirs of Cloud Giant Strength,   Battlemage Elixirs, Potions of Speed,  Potions of Flying, and Thieves’ Tools. Our next Long Rest will focus around Lae’zel.  At this point, we want Lae’zel to take a stand   against Vlaakith. If we either encourage  her or keep silent, she should do just that. We can then speak with Lae’zel, and if we pass  an insight check we can say “You’re grieving   the future you’ll never have…” to gain some  approval. Depending on who we are romancing,   we may be able to speak with them to  initiate their Act 3 Romance scene. This   is not the case for Karlach though. Once  we’ve handled all that, we can go to bed. Our decisions over the next Long Rest have  significant implications for certain characters.   Because of this, I recommend watching ahead for  the next long rest or two before proceeding. At our next Long Rest, we can speak with  Mizora and she will propose a one-night stand. Halsin will also propose something similar.  Hypothetically, if we did say yes to both,   Halsin’s romance would occur during this  long rest, and Mizora’s during the next. Neither are required for an achievement,  and because of other negative consequences   (which I would be happy to discuss in the  comments section) we will be turning both of   them down for this playthrough. If you just  want to see how those scenarios play out,   feel free to create a save to  revert back to, then go for it. In any case, after turning both of them  down, we can go to bed. At this point,   we still have a handful more of Long Rests. For at least one event to occur, which  is also required for an achievement,   we will need to go to the lower city, and  the entrance to it is north of Wyrm’s Rock. If we want to get really nice camp clothes  for our characters before these Long Rests,   we can do so by heading far west  to the Baldur’s Gate Waypoint.   We should also do this to trigger an  encounter with Counsellor Florrick,   where we will need to pass a Persuasion Check  in order to stay on good terms with everyone. Once we’ve made it to the Baldur’s Gate  Waypoint, The Facemaker’s Boutique can   be found directly to the east. There, we  can speak with Figaro, and sass aside,   he sells the best dyes and camp clothing in the  game. Nice camp clothes are completely optional. In any case, once we are in the Lower City, we can  go ahead and take our first Long Rest. We can find   and speak with Karlach, and she’ll ask us out on a  date. If you are romancing a different character,   they may have a similar proposition. But, going  back to Karlach, to get an achievement, we need   to say yes. As long as we do that, I am pretty  sure we can play the rest of it however we want. Afterwards, we can speak with Karlach  for more romance-related dialogue. Once we’ve finished the Long Rest, we  should get the “Hot Date” achievement. We will want to make sure Halsin is NOT in  our party, then take our next long rest.   This will immediately trigger an encounter  with Halsin. In order to talk Halsin down,   we will need to pass a high DC skill check.  Trust me when I say that we should not waste   inspiration points here. I recommend pausing  until after the skill check to avoid spoilers. After the big reveal, we will  want to eventually say “So be   it…” and don’t worry, Scratch will be fine. We can also speak with both Wyll  and Mizora about her interference,   in Regards to Florrick. If we read the Legend  of Ansur book that we got from Florrick,   we can then speak with Wyll about  it. All that’s left is to go to bed. The next long rest will feature Astarion,   and this event will trigger once we go  to bed. We should Persuade Astarion to   be truthful here, despite it earning his  disapproval. Regardless of our success,   we will have to fight Astarion’s siblings off. A  Sunbeam and a couple high level Lightning Bolts   should severely damage or defeat the majority of  them. We can then clean up the rest with Lae’zel. Afterwards, Astarion will speak with us. Saying  “I can’t believe how you lied to them…” followed   by “You don’t have sympathy for others…”  and finally “The world can be a wonderful,   kind place, Astarion…” will earn approval from  him, and even start to change his outlook on life. Depending on who you are romancing, there  may be more unique Long Rests to do. So   it’s always a good idea to keep taking Long  Rests until nothing new or eventful happens. All that is left is to prepare for  the adventuring day and head out. Our next objective is within Sharess'  Caress in Wyrm’s Crossing. Once inside,   we’ll make our way up to the third floor,  where we can break into the Nymph’s Grotto.   A short encounter will follow, and we  should save the game immediately after. We can then speak with the Wood Elf, and if we  succeed on a passive insight check, we will have   the option to get the Rapture buff or condition.  We will need to say “That creature aroused you,   didn’t it?”, followed by “What did you have in  mind?”. We can then close our eyes and listen,   and play along to get the buff. This is a really  good buff to get and so I definitely think it is   worth save-scumming for. It works in the  same way as the Bliss Spores from Act 1,   adding 1d6 to all of our d20  rolls until our next long rest. With that buff, we will return to the Lower City. Our goals in this part of the city are  to complete Jaheira’s Quest and also   collect a bunch of powerful magic items. To  start, we can have Karlach split off from   the group and head northwest into the Stormshore  Tabernacle. When the proprietor is looking away,   we can hide, enter turn-based mode, and pick  the lock on the hatch in the southwest corner. There are several traps we will want to avoid as  we make our way to the easternmost room. Within   the room are multiple chests, each containing  valuable items. But if we steal from any of the   chests, we will get a very bad curse put on us,  although there is a workaround. The chest in the   back contains the best item of all, an Amulet  of the Devout. If we want to avoid the curse,   we can just send the items back to camp,  then go retrieve it from our camp stash. If, for whatever reason, we still get the curse,   we can have a cleric remove it with the remove  curse spell, though this will also summon a Deva. In any case, the Amulet of  the Devout is probably the   single best necklace for a Cleric  and is worth the trouble to get. Next, we can stop over at  the Elfsong Tavern. There,   we can speak with the bartender and rent  the upstairs room. This will become our   camp location in the lower city, and it’s a  cozy spot, with a unique soundtrack to boot. Moving on, we will travel northwest  to the Forge of the Nine, where Dammon   can be found. Unfortunately, he is not  able to help Karlach with her condition,   at least not at the time of making this video. He does have some stellar new  items for sale. Unfortunately   they are all prohibitively expensive. With that said, he will usually drop 2   of his best items when knocked out. Those  being the Armour of Persistence and Boots   of Persistence. Because of that, we can buy the  last great item, the Legacy of the Masters gloves,   then have a single character stay  behind to knock him unconscious,   such as Lae’zel. I have a hard time deciding if  the boots of speed or persistence are better,   but both the gloves and chest armor we get from  Dammon are a definite upgrade for our fighter. Next, we’ll go a bit further west, to the  Devil’s Fee. We can have Karlach split   off from the group and jump up to the 2nd  floor balcony. She should have no trouble   with the height if she is boosted by  an elixir of Cloud Giant Strength. Once inside, we will want to read Helsik’s  Diary. We will then need to break into the   various chests scattered around this area,  collecting multiple important items. In the   southeastern chest is a diamond. The Opulent  Chest contains an infernal marble. The Wooden   Cask contains a skull. In the room to the  north, we can get the Mask of Soul Perception,   which is great for Monks, along with a Coin of  Mammon. Finally, we will need to grab the incense,   sitting above the fireplace. With all of those  ingredients, we can return to the ritual circle. Looking at it like a clock, and using the  pointing arrow as the 12 o’clock position,   we will need to place our different  ingredients in the following positions. The skull at 12 o’clock, the Coin of  Mammon at 2 o’clock, the diamond at   5 o’clock, and incense at 7 o’clock.  Finally, to complete the ritual,   we will need to place the infernal  marble at the center of the circle. Before entering the portal, we can  speak with Helsik on the ground floor,   gaining access to her secret stash of items. The  main item we want here is the Cloak of the Weave With that in hand, we can save the game, then  go through the Portal to the House of Hope.   The first thing we will want to do here, after  speaking with Karlach, is make sure that we are   actually able to come and go from the House of  Hope as we please, which we should be able to.   If that ever changes in a future patch, then we  should probably wait to tackle this obstacle. Once we have the all clear, we can head to the  door, at which point we will meet Hope. We can   get some help from Hope, as well as agree  to help her. Our next destination is the   west most room of the house. We will take  the long way around, going east at first. Along the way, we can visit the room  labeled “Outer Portals” and speak with   Nubaldin. Through the conversation, we can  gain some insight into Gortash’s upbringing,   which Karlach will have something to say about. As we continue west, feel free to speak to  the various debtors throughout the house,   it can make for some funny moments. Arriving at the Archives, we’ll speak with Hope  once more, for more guidance. A few successful   checks will get us some information  that we can use against the Archivist. With that info, we can perform a deception check  on the Archivist, convincing him that we belong. We will then want to ask to see the Hammer.  Which will gain us a Boudoir Invitation. We can also speak with Korilla, though we should  keep our cards close to the vest, so to speak. Also in this room are two powerful magic items,   the Gauntlets of Hill Giant Strength and  the Amulet of Greater Health. In order   to avoid any problems, we will need to stay  hidden, preferably with greater invisibility,   and we will also need to disarm the trap  beneath each item before stealing them. The Amulet is pretty great on a monk, as it  makes Stunning Strike much more effective. Once we are done in the archive, we will head  northeast, towards the Boudoir. Along the way,   we can lockpick a Gilded Chest to  get two Potions of Angelic Slumber. We will want to save before approaching the  brick wall that is opposite of the Boudoir,   as a Passive Perception check is needed  to interact with the Inert Infernal Gem. We can then activate the infernal  gem with a wisdom skill check,   and unlock it with a DC20 Arcana check. Within this chamber, we will want  to grab the Staff of Spellpower,   Helldusk Helmet, and the Contract for Mol. Next, we will head into the Boudoir. We can speak  with Hope if we want, but the main reason we are   here is for the Restoration Faucets. Until  we retrieve the Orphic Hammer, the faucets   can be used an unlimited number of times and  using them basically counts as a long rest. There is also a locked chest  near the Boudoir’s entrance,   containing another Potion of Angelic Slumber. One last thing we can do before  leaving the house of hope is to   confront Haarlep. They are located in  the northern section of the Boudoir. We   should also haste Karlach and Lae’zel  before initiating this encounter. If you want to go beneath the  sheets with the Incubus, you can,   I however will just be attacking them. We  should do our best to stun Haarlep with   our first strike. Otherwise, they will  turn insubstantial and be unattackable. Also, if Haarlep does end up  summoning additional enemies,   do not hit them with Radiant Damage, as  that damage will be dealt back 2-fold. Haarlep drops the Helldusk Gloves when defeated,   which are good on Sorcerers,  as well as a safe key. We can have Karlach click the button  under the portrait to the northwest,   eating a fireball for her trouble. Within the  safe that is revealed, we will get 5 Soul Coins,   along with Raphael’s Notes, which contain  the secret to acquiring the Orphic Hammer.   After reading Raphael’s Notes, we can  go grab the Orphic Hammer at any time. However, we definitely want to wait to do that  until a good while later. The reason is that   once we do, the restoration faucets will stop  working. So, until we steal the Orphic Hammer,   we basically won’t need to take a long rest, which  will cause us to lose all of our buffs. Also,   stealing the Orphic Hammer results  in one of the most difficult combat   encounters in the entire game, and  we aren’t ready for that quite yet. This can definitely be exploited to our benefit,   and we will do just that, but first,  we should have just hit level 10. Hold Monster is a good Spell to get on Sorcerer,   and we also gain a 4th metamagic option. I  suppose Heightened Spell is the next best option. We will gain 2 more Maneuvres on Lae’zel, and  at this point just take whatever looks good. Clerics don’t gain much, especially  if we have one level in Wizard. Finally, we can take a second  level into Rogue on Karlach. Before leaving the House of Hope, we can stack  a bunch of Cleric buffs, mainly Death Ward,   Freedom of Movement, and a 5th level Aid, then use  the Faucets to get back all expended Spell Slots. Given all the buffs we currently have, it would  be a shame to take a long rest and lose them all,   especially the Rapture, which is irreplaceable. Fortunately, so long as we don’t steal the Orphic  Hammer, we don’t have to. Instead, we can just   make a short trip back to the Restoration Faucets  and use those. We just need to make sure we hang   on to the Debtor’s Attire we’ve been given, which  allows us to travel freely within the House of   Hope. It’s also a good idea to come back here and  use the faucets if all we need is a short rest. If, for whatever reason, a long rest is necessary,   I will have a segment covering all remaining  unique Long Rests more near the end of the video. With that, we will make our way  back to the entrance portal,   and leave the house hope. At this point, we’ve  done basically everything to do in there,   aside from stealing the Orphic Hammer,  which again, we will be doing a bit later. Once back on the Material Plane, we can  briefly speak with Karlach about her condition. Also, if we want, we can get a hidden interaction  with Karlach. We will want to save the game,   then use all 5 of the Soul Coins we just got on  Karlach. This will trigger a unique conversation   with her. Besides that, though, it doesn’t really  provide any lasting benefits, and it also wastes   4 Soul Coins. So we will want to revert back to  our previous save, prior to using the extra coins. Trying to go down the stairs will trigger  a trap that does a good deal of damage,   so we are better off using the feather  fall boots and jumping off the balcony. Next, we’ll head south and discover the  Lower City Central Wall fast travel point. Now that we are level 10, we can get  another Legendary Weapon. We will need   to make room in our party, then recruit  Zenith Feur’sel, the Cleric Hireling,   through Withers. At level 10, he will gain  the Divine Intervention ability, which can   only be used once in the game. Picking Arm Thy  Servant here will give us the Devotee’s Mace,   which we can then move to our own inventory. After  that, we can have Withers dismiss this hireling. Fun fact, whenever the party reaches a new level,   all of the shops refill their inventory. So,  if we want, we can make a trip back to Wyrm’s   Crossing to potentially get more Elixirs of  Cloud Giant Strength from the shops there. We will then want to return to the Lower  City Central Wall Fast Travel Point. To the east is the Bonecloak Apothecary,   where we will see a familiar face. If  we gave Derryth the Noblestalk in Act 1,   she will have an expanded inventory,  including 3 more Noblestalk consumables. Across the square, to the southeast,  is Sorcerous Sundries. We will bring   Gale here later, but for now, we can  go in to get some important items. To start, we can speak with Rolan, and  pleasantries aside, browse his shop. The Vest of Soul Rejuvenation is probably  the best Chest Armor for a Monk, and the   Birthright Hat is great for Sorcerers, or  even just for boosting Charisma Checks. Once we’ve gotten and equipped  those items, we can head up the   staircase. We will be given a test on our  knowledge of the Nightsong. In the end,   we will want to save the game, then  take the blue portal on the left. This will lead directly to a dialogue  with Lorroakan. We will eventually need   to pass a difficult Intimidation check to  roam this area freely. But as a sorcerer,   and with all the various buffs we have,  that should not pose much of a problem. Once we are free to move about, we can  leave one character, such as Lae’zel,   in this top area, which will make  for an easy exit. We can then jump   down the floating furniture near  the northeast corner of the room. Thanks to Volo’s Ersatz Eye, we can  see invisibility, which will reveal   the various invisible plaques around  the room. To our immediate northwest   is a Weave Button with a sign reading  “Below”. We will want to use the button,   then save before proceeding. In order  to access the two items in this area,   we need to pass a difficult Arcana Check  on each of the levers. We can increase   our odds with Guidance, Enhance Ability, the  Headband of Intellect, and Mage’s Friend Ring. The staff is the Legendary Markoheshkir, and it’s  the best staff in the game. We can equip it and   use Kereska’s Favour. As a Storm Sorcerer, there  is really one correct choice, “Bolts of Doom”. This condition will allow us to cast both the  Level 6 Chain Lightning Spell and the Level   3 Lightning Bolt Spell for free, once per short  rest. That being said, if we unequip the staff for   any reason, we will lose the buff, and must take  a short or long rest before we can use it again. In the other sphere are the Robes of the  Weave, which are also great for our Sorcerer. With those items in hand, we make our way back up   to the portal to exit this area.  If we left a companion up there,   such as Lae’zel, we can just switch to  them, group back up, and take the portal. Outside, we can find two more vendors to  the southwest. The first, Gloomy Fentonson,   has the Armor of Agility, which is pretty  great for Clerics. It’s also very expensive,   and we don’t absolutely need it,  but it would be nice to have. The other vendor, Fytz the Firecracker, well, she  doesn’t really have anything that I would consider   using. However, she and Karlach are friends, and  we can let the two catch up before moving on. If we haven’t already done so, we can speak  with Jaheira and ask her how we might find   Minsc. At Jaheira’s suggestion, we can seek  out the Thieves Guild. To find the entrance,   we will head southeast from the Stormshore  Armory, those vendors we were just speaking   to. Heading down towards the shore, we will  discover the Heapside Strand Fast Travel Point. From there, we can move a  short distance northeast,   where we’ll run into a verbal encounter.  With Jaheira in the group, we can gain   entrance with a simple dialogue  choice, bypassing any skill checks. Once inside the Guildhall, we’ll move northwest  towards Nine-Fingers’ office. Along the way,   we can stop and speak with Mol, giving her  the contract she signed with Raphael. We   can ask her about it, but ultimately should  support the choices she made. We should then   have a fairly easy Persuasion check, and  succeeding it will gain us Mol as an Ally   against the Absolute. We can also trade with  Mol, but she doesn’t sell anything unique. Sticky Dondo will also sell goods to us,  and he does have at least one unique item. Moving on, we’ll enter Nine-Fingers’  office and initiate a dialogue. We can gain some approval with  Jaheira by saying “Hi there. I’m   a friend of Jaheira’s.” and also  “She’s not alone - she has me.” Afterwards, we can speak with  Jaheira and plan our next steps. The only guild member that will provide us with  useful information is Uktar, the Guild Bursar.   Saying “The quicker I deal with the Stone Lord,  the quicker Nine-Fingers gets back to business.”   will earn more approval with Jaheira. It  will also get us the information we need. We can then speak with Jaheira once more,   and eventually say “Don’t worry. We’ll  save him…” in order to get more approval. Before leaving the Guildhall, we can go  back to Nine-Fingers office. Near her bed,   there is a secret entrance. We can have Karlach  sneak and pick the lock on the bookcase to open   the way. Through it, we will find a very  difficult vault to crack, with a DC of 30.   There are some valuables and fancy clothes  within the vault, but no unique magic items. However, we can move down the ladder to the north  and pull the nearby lever to fully open this   back door entrance. We will want to watch out as  there are some firebomb traps on the other side. Beyond the locked door to the west, we will  discover a fast travel point for the sewers,   and this will come in handy later on. We  can also move a little bit further west,   into a natural cavern. Here, we  will find Arabella in deep thought,   and there is not much to do here,  besides ask what she is up to. Next, we can fast travel back  to the Lower City Central Wall   and move southwest, towards the counting house. Along the way, we can stop at the Beehive Goods  and Wares store. The vendor here will often have   useful potions and elixirs for sale. Also, if we  want to see the conclusion of Oblodra’s story,   we can do so by heading to the building a  short distance northwest, but I digress.   From the Beehive Goods and Wares store, the  counting house is just a short distance south. Once inside, we can speak with Head Clerk  Meadhoney. Thanks to our previous actions,   we should have no problem passing the  Persuasion check, gaining the bank pass.   We can then present the pass when asked by the  guards, before moving down to the lower level.  Before going to the vaults, we can stop in the  small room down the east staircase. There are tons   of valuables worth nabbing here, amounting  to around 3000 gold overall. To be safe,   we will probably want to stay hidden  while engaging in these activities. Making our way further down, we  will have to present our Bank   Pass to one more set of guards in  order to gain entry to the vaults. Inside the vaults area, we can spend  as much time as we want breaking into   all the lower-security vaults and stealing  all the valuables. In the northern chamber,   we can have Karlach shoot the buttons  above the braziers on the east and   west sides of the rooms in order to  disengage the traps on the ground. While all the vaults are guarded by DC 25  locks, Karlach’s expertise in sleight of hand,   combined with the gloves of thievery and  Guidance, should make pretty short work of them. The safes in the southern chamber  are a bit trickier to access,   as they are stored behind impassible metal grates. The most convenient way I know to get at  these safes is by using misty step or other   teleportation items. These include the Amulet  of Misty Step, Disintegrating Night Walkers,   and Helldusk Boots. The 3 vaults on the west side  are worth getting, as are the 3 on the east side.   Of the two individual safes, the more eastern one  had literally nothing in it in my game (although   I am not 100% sure if this is always the case)  and the more western one had around 500 gold. We will then need to get out of this  area, and we can either misty step out,   which would require a scroll at this  point. Or, if we are really desperate,   we can fast travel back to the Lower City Central  Wall and just run back to the counting house. Overall, if we loot everything here,   we should have a bunch of valuable and  useful items, along with over 5000 gold. After re-equipping all of Karlach’s combat  gear, we can then make our way east,   over to the high security vaults. There is a  puzzle here that we can solve, but to bypass it,   we can have our cleric cast create water  near the vault door, then electrify it with   shocking grasp. This should bypass the security  measures and instantly open the vault door. Before entering the passageway, we can prepare  for the next encounter by casting twinned haste   on Karlach and Lae’zel, and by having Jaheira  use Spirit Guardians. Without spoiling too much,   I will just say that we can let Jaheira reveal  herself here for a more interesting cutscene. What follows is not necessarily a difficult combat  encounter, but it is a somewhat tedious one. We   can have Karlach and Lae’zel jump down to the  enemies near the back of the vault, which can   be attacked directly. We will want to either  stun or outright eliminate these threats ASAP,   as they have the potential to stun us if we don’t.  Also, a really cool thing we can do with Karlach,   thanks to her fancy new chest armor, is  deliberately provoke opportunity attacks.   If the enemy misses that attack, we can react with  a Greater Kushigo Counter. In addition, unless it   gets patched out of the game, this will allow us  to attack an additional time, thanks to our extra   attack. However, this only seems to work if we are  either out of actions, or have not yet attacked. Between Spirit Guardians, Radiance of the  Dawn, and a Lightning Bolt from our Sorcerer,   we should be able to dispatch  the two reapers that start combat   near the entrance to this area. They  can’t be targeted by direct attacks,   as they are protected by Sanctuary. However,  that does not protect them from area attacks. There is one invisible enemy hiding  in each of the elevated areas,   on the south and north side of this chamber.  Jaheira can do a good job revealing them by   running over them with Spirit Guardians active.  If we fail to reveal them during the combat,   they will probably get revealed at some point  after the encounter, while we explore this area. After the fight, we can speak  with Rakath to progress Jaheira’s   Quest. Rakath will ask us to help  recover the stolen gold, and we can,   but let’s hold off on that until a later  point. From everything I’ve seen, it makes   no difference if we break into all the High  Security Vaults now and steal everything.   At least in the game’s current state, the  Bank staff won’t do anything to stop us,   and we can still give any vault keys we find to  Uktar for a small monetary reward, but I digress. Going to the easternmost chamber will reveal  that Minsc can likely be found within the city’s   sewers. Upon this discovery, we can speak with  Jaheira once more, saying “Of course you’re tired   - you’re ancient.” in order to get a heartfelt  laugh from her, along with some approval. Fast traveling back to the Lower City Central  Wall, we can move a very far distance west,   eventually veering northwest, which will bring  us to the Baldur’s Gate Fast Travel Point,   assuming we haven’t already activated it. From there, we can wrap around the house  to the southeast, which will bring us to   a manhole entrance to the sewers. We are  going to take a very particular path. We   will start by moving a short distance  north, before turning to the west. We will be confronted by a Sorcerer named Aelis  before getting very far. To avoid a fight, we’ll   need to pass a DC 20 intimidation check. That  being said, all of our buffs should give us pretty   good odds of success. If you end up taking this  fight on, fire damage should probably be avoided. Afterwards, we can continue moving  west until we reach a large pipe,   we will want to enter hiding and move north  through the hole in the wall. Further west,   there are 3 bhaalists that we can gain surprise  on, making the encounter much easier. We will   want to prioritize eliminating the one named Kevo,  as she will conjure a murder of blinding crows,   which makes this combat encounter  much more difficult and tedious. In the next chamber is a puzzle. This puzzle  can be bypassed if one of our characters   manages to succeed on a strength check when  interacting with the Sluice Valve. However,   even if we fail that, the  puzzle is not too difficult. We just need to make sure the Water Level  and Temperature reach their ideal points   at the same time to open the way forward. To  do this, we will want to start by interacting   with the Water Level Valve. We will then  wait until the water level rises 1 notch,   which takes 2 turns, or 12 seconds. We  will then want to quickly interact with   the Temperature Valve. In another 2 turns,  both the Water Level and Temperature should   hit their ideal points at the same  time, opening the Sluice Gate below. Within the pipe, we will want to save the game,   then use twinned haste on both  Karlach and Lae’zel to prepare. Once we are ready, we can save the game, then  move west down the pipe to initiate an encounter. In this combat encounter, it is critical  that we do not kill Minsc, we just want   to knock him unconscious. Therefore, we  will want to toggle on non-lethal attacks   before moving in with Lae’zel and Karlach to  knock him out as our first priority. Also,   we need to be extra careful with area  attacks on both Jaheira and our MC,   as these could easily hit Minsc and  kill him, even after he is knocked out. Our second priority is to take down  Roah Moonglow before she can escape. Once Minsc is unconscious, we can proceed to  systematically wipe out the remaining enemies,   going non-lethal on them is completely optional. Once the fight is over, and so  long as Minsc is still alive,   we’ll then need to convince The Emperor  to extend his protection to Minsc. The   Emperor will initially refuse, but  if we say “He’s Jaheira’s friend. Do   it.” followed by “It doesn’t matter - help  him.” then the Emperor should acquiesce. After a brief exchange, Minsc will run off  to the north. Before we chase after him,   we can loot up and we will especially want to  loot Roah Moonglow, as she has the 10,000 gold   that was stolen from the Counting House. There  are also some containers scattered about that   contain valuable items, but nothing unique and  we can speak briefly with Karlach about Minsc. Next, we will chase after Minsc, and we will  trigger a unique interaction when we speak   to him. Through the dialogue that follows, we  will eventually need to accept Minsc’s offer   to join us as a permanent companion,  and tell him to meet us back at camp. At this point, we can return to camp,  not to take a long rest, per se,   but to get Minsc in the party. Minsc is like  Jaheira, in that he has a lot of cool story   interactions in Act 3. We can also take  this opportunity to get an achievement,   but more on that in a moment. I will be having  Minsc take over the role of Fighter for Lae’zel.   He won’t be as effective as Lae’zel with the  Silver Sword, but that won’t be an issue for long. So, with all that said, we can take  all the important items off of Lae’zel,   and get them ready for Minsc, this includes the  Debtor’s Attire, which Minsc will need to travel   freely within the House of Hope. We can then  dismiss Lae’zel from the party, and get Minsc.   Minsc is special in that he is automatically at  the max level 12. While we are going to switch   him over to a full Fighter, we can first have  him multiclass into all 12 different classes,   taking 1 level of each available class. Doing this  will get us the “Jack-of-all-Trades'' achievement. We can then take Minsc over to Withers and change  class to become a fighter. We will take Great   Weapon Fighting as his Fighting Style. Because  we will always be boosting him with Elixirs of   Cloud Giant Strength, we also don’t need to  invest any points into Strength. Instead, we   can use those to get a Dexterity and Constitution  score of 16, intelligence of 12, and Wisdom of 14. For leveling up, we will take the Battle  Master subclass at level 3, with the same   set of Maneuvres that we had on Lae’zel. The  feats we want to take over the levels are Alert,   Great Weapon Master, Sentinel, and at level  12 we can take Lucky. Also, as a fighter,   Minsc will get improved Multiattack at level 11,   and can attack 3 times per action. Finally,  we will equip him with the gear we took off   of Lae’zel and use an Elixir of Cloud Giant  Strength on him to complete the transition. We will be going to find Ansur soon, but first, if  we want, we can return to the High Security Vaults   in the Counting House. Outside of the counting  house, we can give 50 gold coins to the beggar   for some approval with Minsc and Jaheira.  Within the high security vaults section,   we can speak with Rakath, and having Minsc  with us will trigger a unique interaction. While we could just return the entire 10000  gold, we are better off saying “You lost   innocent people’s money…” first, and follow it  with a special Intimidation check that is only   available because of Minsc. This skill check  has a lowered DC of just 15. Success here will   gain us approval from both Minsc and Jaheira, and  will also cut down the reparations to 5000 gold. As a reward, we will get  about half of that gold back,   along with the key to the  No. 9 High Security Vault. Next, we ought to conclude our dealings at  the Thieves Guild. We can fast travel to the   City Sewers and return to the Guildhall through  the backdoor entrance to Nine-Fingers’ Office. Within the guildhall, we’ll see  Nine-Fingers trying to maintain   peace on the north side of the pit. If needed,   we can exchange some lower level spell slots  for Sorcery Points, then approach Nine-Fingers. Once again, Minsc’s presence will make  for unique interaction. Despite the   trouble that Minsc has caused, we should  be able to reach a peaceful resolution,   and aid Nine-Fingers against the Zhent. At the start of the battle, we can cast  Twinned Haste on Minsc and Karlach,   and start eliminating and/or stunning the  Zhent. Our main goal in this fight is to keep   Nine-Fingers alive. Besides that, this combat  encounter should pretty much be a landslide. After the fight, we can loot the Zhent for  sellable loot, but they don’t have anything   unique. We will then want to make our way up  to Nine-Finger’s office. The unique interaction   between Minsc, Jaheira, and Nine-Fingers  here is one of my all-time favorites. Once again, we will want to steer the  conversation towards a peaceful resolution,   and this will require success on a persuasion  check. Doing so will earn us Nine-Fingers as   an ally in the fight against the Absolute,  and will gain us some approval from Jaheira. At this time, we can speak with Minsc to earn  some approval. We will first want to say “Everyone   has the potential for good…” when given the  option. This will get us 10 points of approval. We can then say “I’d like to know a  little more about you.” and follow   it by asking about Minsc’s special title. Finally,   we can pass a persuasion check to get  that approval, another 10 points of it. There may be other dialogue options to  earn approval with Minsc, but if there are,   I haven’t figured that out. That  being said, there are plenty of   funny moments. At this point, Minsc’s  approval of us should be very high. Before leaving the lower city, we can revisit  Derryth near the Lower City Central Wall.   Because we got Minsc in the party at  level 12, she and other vendors should   have restocked their inventories, allowing us to  potentially get more useful elixirs and potions. There is also one more buff we will want to get,  now that we have Minsc in the party. Starting   from the Baldur’s Gate fast travel point, we  can move southwest towards the docks. There,   we will need to save Volo from  some trouble he’s found himself in. Acting quickly is necessary in order  to prevent Volo from being blown up.   We can start by casting twinned  haste on Karlach and Minsc. Then,   we can use either a potion of speed or quickened  spell to cast Ray of Frost on the fires that are   threatening to blow up Volo. We can also have a  character go over to Volo and either free him,   or pick up all the Smokepowder barrels,  neutralizing the threat entirely. All that’s left is to take care  of the enemies. My preferred way   of doing this is by chucking the  various enemies into the nearby   water. We will lose some sellable  loot, but no unique magic items. After the fight, we will need to free Volo if  we haven’t already done so, then speak to him. Volo will thank us and head back to our camp. Just down to the east we can discover the Grey  Harbour Docks. We can also speak to Captain Sleam   nearby and secure safe passage for a family to  earn extra approval points with Minsc and Jaheira. Finally, just a bit further south, we will find  the Water Queen’s House. We will be returning   here later, but for now, we are just trying to  get a blessing. Each character can do this by   placing a valuable item from their inventory, a  single gold coin also works, into the Offerings   Chest. This basically gives our characters the  Bless spell or buff until our next long rest,   which is very nice. That being said, this  long-lasting form of Bless will be removed   if our characters are hit with the more temporary  version of Bless, so we want to avoid doing that. Around this time we will hit level 11 on all  characters. Spellcasters gain access to 6th level   spells at this time, which are extremely powerful.  Clerics gain Heroes’ Feast, which we can use to   significantly buff our entire party until our next  long rest. However, if we took a level in Wizard,   then we will have to wait until reaching an  overall level of 12 before we get access to   Heroes’ Feast. For Sorcerer, we will be taking  Chain Lightning as our first 6th level spell,   because being able to cast Chain Lightning more  is always a good thing. Finally, on Karlach,   we can take a third level in Rogue and pick the  Thief Subclass. This will give us a whole extra   bonus action each turn, dramatically increasing  the amount of damage we can do each turn. Our next objective is going to be a tough one,   so we want to give ourselves the best chance  of success. To do that, we will make our way   back to the House of Hope to restore all  of our resources and health. While there,   we can also make sure everyone has Death  Ward, Freedom of Movement, and a 6th level   Aid spell to really boost max HP. If we have  Heroes’ Feast available, we can also use that. Now that we’re nice and beefy, we  can return to the material plane,   and fast travel to Wyrm’s Rock. Also, feel free  to visit the shops in Rivington first if you want. At Wyrm’s Rock, we can speak with Arkleia and ask  to trade. She doesn’t have anything unique to buy,   but succeeding on a Deception check here will  get us some approval from our companions. To reach the Heart of the Gate, we will head down  to the prison. If we go to the intersection, then   down the west hall, we will find two Dragon Head  Torches near the end. We can use Shocking Grasp to   electrify both torches, which will reveal a secret  passage. This passage will lead us to The Wyrmway. Once there, we can interact with the Statue of  Balduran, declaring “I am worthy. Open the way.” In order to open the large set of Double Iron  Doors, we will need to complete a series of 4   trials. Failure in any of these trials will result  in combat encounters that can cost us resources,   so it’s best for us to avoid that. These trials  can be fun to work out on your own, if you want,   but if you just want to see the quickest and most  efficient way to complete each, then watch on. To the west is the first trial. I’ll be honest,  I am not exactly sure how you are supposed to   figure out the solution to this trial, but  I did figure out a solution that works. For it, we will need to have  Jaheira cast Remove Curse on   the eastmost Shrouded Painting.  We can then pick up the painting,   labeled “The Cell” and insert it on the  slab labeled “The Waiting Judgement”. To the northwest is the second trial. All we   need to do to complete it is destroy the  red projection or phantom named Suelto. To the northeast is the third trial. This one can  actually vary quite a bit. It is a Lanceboard or   Chess game in progress. For this puzzle, we will  be acting as the player in charge of the white   pieces. Our goal is to move the pieces in such  a way that we checkmate or take the Black King   Piece within just two moves. We have 3 attempts at  doing so before we are considered to have failed. We can work it out on our own, if we want to  do a bit of thinking. If you do go this route,   I would recommend making a save. However, we do  have a companion that can show us the precise   moves we need to make, regardless of how the  pieces are laid out. That companion is Gale. We will just need to send one of our companions   back to camp and go get Gale in the  party, then return to the Wyrmway. Once there, we can interact with the Statue  of Balduran to trigger Gale’s offer of help.   Gale will only tell us once, so we should  save before accepting his help. Once we do,   Gale will tell us what pieces  we will need to move and where. After completing this trial, we  can go get Minsc back in the party. The fourth and final trial is to the southeast.  For this, we will need to have one character hold   the Cemetery-Blue Torch for the duration of  the trial, while the remaining party members   fight off waves of elementals. Putting the  torch away will cause us to fail the trial. Picking up the torch on our Sorcerer  will remove our Kereskas’s Favour buff,   from our legendary staff. Meanwhile, both our  Fighter and Monk need their hands free in order to   fight effectively. It is for this reason that our  Cleric is the best character to hold the torch. We can use twinned haste here to  speed up both Minsc and Karlach,   but overall we should do our best to conserve  resources during this fight. Given that only 2   additional elementals spawn per round, this  shouldn’t be too difficult to accomplish. Once all rounds are over, the trial  will be successfully completed. Upon successfully completing all four trials,   the Double Iron Doors will open, and we  can proceed into the Dragon’s Sanctum. Before we do, we will want to make sure we  have plenty of Ki points for stunning strikes,   Sorcery points and spell slots  for twinned haste, and so on. Within the Dragon’s Sanctum, we can  interact with the Statue of Balduran,   then move further north. I recommend saving  the game before trying to loot Ansur,   and pause this video until after  you’ve done that to avoid spoilers. This is one of those situations where we  really want to go through the dialogue slowly,   but doing so will also prevent us from properly  preparing for combat. So, because of that,   we can go through the dialogue with Ansur and  then revert to the save just before looting Ansur. Then, we can enter turn-based mode, and do all  of our preparation. We will want to use twinned   haste on Karlach and Minsc. We can also have  our Cleric/Wizard use Haste on our Sorcerer. Once we are ready, we can save one last time,  then exit turn-based mode and loot Ansur,   and we will want to skip through the  following dialogue as fast as possible,   in order to preserve our temporary buffs. This fight is pretty tough if we don’t make the  right moves and understand how Ansur works. In   addition, we will need to meet certain conditions  during this fight in order to get an Achievement. First off, Ansur is immune to  both Lightning and Poison damage,   and is resistant to Necrotic damage. Secondly, once per turn, Ansur will hit the   first character that attacks them  with a blast of Lightning breath. Thirdly, getting within Melee  range of Ansur usually results   in taking an opportunity attack,  which can knock characters prone. Finally, these attacks can hit more than  a single target, so we will need to keep   the triggering character away from the rest of  our party, in order to avoid collateral damage. As a side note, I recommend  saving often during this fight,   pretty much after every thing that goes right. Considering all of these things, we will  want to start by using Misty Step on our   Sorcerer to move them to a safe location.  They are the linchpin of this whole combat.   If concentration on twinned haste is  broken, the results will be devastating. Next, we need our Fighter to trigger the  opportunity attack from Ansur, in a direction that   is away from the other party members. If they are  knocked prone, then the Cleric can help them up. With Ansur’s reaction spent, we can  safely move everyone but the Monk a   safe distance away from Ansur.  We will want to make sure that   our Fighter has enough movement  remaining to get back to Ansur. Up next, we want our Monk to  strike Ansur first, as a Monk,   they will take no damage from the Lightning  Breath attack if they succeed the saving throw,   and only half of the damage on a failure. We  will also want to use stunning strikes for each   attack. The goal is to burn through Ansur’s  Legendary Resistance, and hopefully stun him. Once Ansur is stunned, we can open up with  our remaining attacks and get in some Flurry   of Blows for good measure. We can also have our  fighter move in for even more damage. We do not,   however, want to kill Ansur just yet,  though that likely won’t be possible. The next turn, we will want to repeat the first  few steps from the first turn. Before doing that   though, we can have our Sorcerer twin cast Chain  Lightning on the two water elementals to start   wearing them down. If our Sorcerer is hasted,  this can be done twice. We will then want to   have our fighter provoke an opportunity attack,  then have our monk eat the lightning breath. Again, we are not trying to  kill Ansur at this point,   and we also don’t want to  stun him this time around. Next, we will want to use Wholeness of  Body on our Monk to regain Ki Points,   as we will want as many as possible  in order to get the achievement. At this point, we want to damage  Ansur down to around 30 HP or less,   without defeating or stunning them. If we have remaining actions or  bonus actions on our heavy hitters,   we can have them break off from  Ansur to finish off the Elementals. On their next turn, Ansur will begin to  gather power. To get the achievement,   we need to knock Ansur out of the sky while  they are Hoarding Energy. For some reason,   Ansur did not appear to actually  be airborne when hoarding energy,   but the Hoarding Energy condition stated that  they were airborne, and hopefully that is enough. I am not 100% sure if this means that we need  to defeat Ansur while they’re hoarding power,   or if just stunning them will suffice. Because  of that, we can try both. We will start by   saving the game, then have our Monk hit Ansur  with Stunning Strikes until one is successful. That might do it, if not, we can  try reloading the previous save   and just spam Ansur with non-stunning  attacks to defeat them outright instead. Doing either of these should unlock  the “Crash Landing” achievement. Also, fair warning to players  on Honour Mode. When defeated,   Ansur will come back from the dead and  immediately start Hoarding Energy again.   They will need to be defeated before  their next turn to avert annihilation. Shortly after Ansur is defeated, The  Emperor will speak with us. We can   learn as much or as little about them as  we want in the conversation that follows. The real prize here is Balduran’s Giantslayer,  a legendary greatsword that can be looted from   Ansur. This is the best weapon in the game for a  fighter. In addition, we can grab the Legendary   Helm of Balduran from the pedestal to the north.  It is also great on a fighter and can be combined   with the Broodmother’s Revenge necklace for  a constant poison damage buff in combat. A new passage will open, and we can make  our way out through the prison. However,   we should also be able to fast travel  straight from the Dragon’s Sanctum. If we go back to camp, we can speak with Wyll  about Ansur’s fate. At this point, we can either   support Wyll’s choice to become a politician, or  persuade him to stay a hero, which is the choice I   went with. If you are not romancing Karlach and  want her to live, I recommend doing the same. I will be going back to the House of Hope, for  two reasons. One is to regenerate resources,   the other is to buff the Giantslayer  Greatsword with the Drakethroat Glaive. As long as Karlach has the Drakthroat  Glaive equipped at the time of using   the Restoration Faucet, it should get  back its Elemental Weapon ability,   which we can then use on Minsc  while he has his new sword equipped. Fully kitted and refreshed, we can begin  completing other major activities. Now, there   are a whole lot of things to do in Act 3. Rather  than try to cover every single small activity,   I will be focusing on companion quests, legendary  items, and recruiting allies against the absolute. Let’s start with the remaining Legendary Items   that we will need to go out of our  way to get, of which there are two. For the first, we will go to the  Basilisk Gate Waypoint. We can   then equip our Headband of Intellect and head  into the Flaming Fist barracks nearby. There,   we will find Lora speaking with a Flaming Fist  about her missing daughter. If we succeed on a   passive Arcana check, followed by an active  Arcana check, we will be able to identify   what is wrong with the Fist. Either way,  we can agree to help find Lora’s daughter. This calls for us to go to the Blushing Mermaid,  which is southeast of the Baldur’s Gate Waypoint. Within the Blushing Mermaid, we can  go through the Oak Door near the bar. We can jump up near the vines and walk  through an illusory wall of bricks,   lockpicking a door on the other side. We’ll then want to sneak our way past  the enemies, around the tripwire trap,   and lockpick our way through  the wooden wall to the north. We need to set ourselves up for  the impending combat. To start,   we can enter turn-based mode and cast  twinned haste on Karlach and Minsc. Minsc can stand near the Pearlspore Bell  in the northeast corner of the room,   and Karlach, our Monk, can jump  over to the one in the northwest   cavern. We can then save the game and have  Karlach punch the Pearlspore Bell until   it is destroyed. Pause until after  you’ve done that to avoid spoilers. The first thing we will want to do is  make sure Karlach is in the combat,   and ideally, going before Ethel in  the turn-order. We can then use Step   of the Wind Dash to reach and destroy the  Pearlspore Bell in the southeast cavern. We can then have Minsc destroy the final Bell. Once all 3 Pearlspore Bells have  been destroyed, we can have both   Karlach and Minsc converge on Auntie Ethel.  We will want to toggle on Non-Lethal damage,   then defeat Auntie Ethel before she is able to  take her turn and summon additional enemies. Once Auntie Ethel is unconscious, we can cut  Vanra out, earning approval from our companions. After Vanra runs off, we can loot the  Ring of Feywild Sparks from Auntie Ethel. Next, we’ll fast travel to the Lower City  Central wall and move southwest. We can find   Lora’s House across the street from the Beehive  Goods and Wares. Speaking with Lora will get   us the Legendary Rapier, Duellist’s Prerogative,  along with the very rare Amulet of the Windrider. We can then move south to Old Garlow’s  house. We’ll need to lockpick the door,   then go inside. There, we’ll find  a group of Auntie Ethel’s victims,   including Mayrina. For helping them out, we  will be rewarded with the Fey Semblance Amulet. For the other Legendary weapon, we’ll  head to the Circus of the Last Days,   northwest of the Rivington Fast Travel Point. To get in, we can speak with Klaus  and pass an easy skill check. Let’s start by speaking with Akabi, a short  distance to the west. In order to beat him at his   own game, we will need to get his Djinni Ring off  of him. It can be pickpocketed, but we can also   just trade with him during the initial dialogue  and buy it off him. We can then spin the wheel   to win the game. We can plead ignorance, at which  point we will be teleported to another dimension. In order to make traveling around easier,  we can use a potion of invisibility,   and even a potion of flying, then move around  in turn-based mode. Up to the southwest is   a skeleton with a bag nearby. Within the  bag is the Band of the Mystic Scoundrel. After that, we can make our way  southeast to an island of sorts.   We will want to either pick up or lock  pick the painted chest before leaving. Inside the painted chest is the Legendary Trident,   Nyrulna. It is basically a jacked up  version of the Returning Pike, but we   have to be careful where we throw it because  it can damage friendly or neutral creatures. Taking the portal will have us pop out near  Popper, and he sells some useful items,   including a set of unique magic gloves. If we want, we can speak with  Zethino, she’s located to the   north of Akabi. She offers a test to see  how well we know our romance interest. Next, we can equip the Headband of Intellect,  use a potion of animal speaking, and talk to   Shadow-Whiskers the Displacer Beast. If we  manage to succeed on an investigation check,   we can break the lock so that  the cage cannot be opened. After that, we can speak with Crimson  and give them a piece of meat to eat. Finally, we will want to save before heading  towards the stage to the northeast. If we say   “What a corny joke.” we’ll get approval from  our companions. We can volunteer Minsc for   the stage to get more approval. Pause here  until after the dialogue to avoid spoilers. Shortly after doing this, a combat encounter will  start. In order to save the innocent bystanders,   we will need to defeat “Dribbles” the  clown before he is able to take his   turn. We might need to use twinned  haste in order to accomplish this,   but at this point both Minsc and  Karlach should be hitting pretty hard. When defeated, the Doppleganger Dribbles  will drop the Clown Hammer. Afterwards,   we can speak with Lucretious  and agree to look for Dribbles. If we do find all pieces of Dribbles,  Lucretious will give us a pair of magic   gloves as a reward, although  it is fairly underwhelming. We’ll want to get Shadowheart in  the party for this next part. First,   if we leave Shadowheart behind, we can go East  of the Rivington Waypoint. In the refugee camp,   we can find and speak with Ferg Drogher and  talk him into letting us access his wares,   and he will have a few unique magic items. Once we have gotten everything we want  from Drogher, we can bring Shadowheart   close to speak with him, and allow  her to handle it. If she used the   Noblestalk back in Act 1, we’ll  get some unique dialogue here. We can then send Shadowheart back  to camp and get Gale in the party. Around this time, we can speak with Wyll  back at camp about his plans as the Blade   of Avernus. Success on a passive perception  check will allow us to dissuade Wyll from   recklessly pursuing Mizora, although I am  not sure this has any actual consequences. Moving on, south of the Wyrm’s Crossing  Waypoint, we’ll find the Sword Coast Couriers. Out by the kennels, we can speak with Angry   Mar’hyah. We can mention that we  found one of her dogs, Scratch. She will try to take Scratch back, but we can use  intimidation or persuasion to keep Scratch safe   and part of the camp. We can then use deception  or intimidation to help guarantee a better future   for all the dogs at the kennels. All of this  will gain us approval from our companions. Next, we can speak with Danzo inside. If  we ask why delivery is not guaranteed,   we can start a small quest for him to  track down missing letters. I definitely   recommend going upstairs to speak with  the Pigeons, as they are pretty funny. “I am Commander Lightfeather, leader of the finest   aerial communication regiment  this side of the Chionthar.” If we haven’t already leveled  up Gale, we can do so,   learning and preparing the Grant Flight  spell to make this next part easier. We can then walk west across the street, to  the Open Hand Temple. Rather than go inside,   we will have Gale use Grant  Flight on the whole party,   then fly up to the rooftop. There, we’ll  find a Tressym guarding a stack of letters. Speaking to the Tressym with Gale in the party  will trigger a unique interaction. We can tell   Gale to stop Tara from eating the Courier Pigeons.  We will also gain the Ring of Blink. With that,   we can grab the bundle of letters and bring them  back to Danzo, although this is purely optional. We can send Gale to camp for now,  and get the main group back together. If we go into the Open Hand Temple,  we can speak with Brother Bill and   Clements. If we say “Your God would have been  proud…” we will get some approval from Minsc. We can also speak with Sister Yannis  and agree to investigate the murder.   Feel free to investigate on your  own, but we will be covering the   bare essentials on how to figure out  the true identity of the murderer. Before we do that, though, let’s go  solve the problem of the Sentient Amulet,   and this is completely optional. We can equip  it on our MC, then move west into the kitchen,   where we can take a wooden hatch to the Basement. We will move through the door to the  south, then through the doors to the west,   into the temple crypts. We can read the Plaque  on the sarcophagus in the southwest corner of   the room, then open it to trigger an  interaction with the Sentient Amulet. The Monk should eventually inhabit the body  and speak with the wearer of the Sentient   Amulet. We can say “If it will bring you  peace, I will bear the madness.” This   will require us to succeed on two skill  checks to avoid any ill-effects. We will   be rewarded with the ability to cast Tasha’s  Hideous Laughter once per day. Unfortunately,   the Sentient Amulet will also  lose its magical properties. Feel free to explore this cave system, as you may  find additional clues to help solve the murder   mystery. However, it is not necessary, and we will  be uncovering the murderer’s identity shortly. Before doing that, we can go north of the Courier  house and down the Knotted Roots to find a Cave   Entrance to Angleiron’s Cellar. This location  serves as the headquarters of the Ironhand Gnomes. Bumpnagel sells some unique  items, and in the southwest   corner we will find both Barcus Wroot  and Wulbren. Speaking with Wulbren,   we can agree to help him take down Gortash.  Where we can disagree with Wulbren is the   blame he places on the Gondians. We  can instead hold Gortash responsible. In the end, we can agree to  make contact with the Gondians,   hoping that they will see reason. This will  gain approval with Minsc. For the best outcome,   we can initially decline Wulbren’s bomb,  then speak with him again and accept it. We   can then speak with Barcus once more,  and agree to speak to the Gondians. Before leaving, we can use a Darkness  spell to help us steal two Runepowder   Barrels in the southern room  where Thula is usually found.   We can then go back to camp before  anyone has a chance to stop us. Next, we can go to the South Span of Wyrm’s  Crossing, and speak with Manip Falcao to the   southwest. Saying “I won’t do it” will  get us approval with Minsc and Jaheira. Now let’s solve the murders. We’ll go into Fraygos  Flophouse, and make our way up to the third floor. There, we can have Karlach lockpick a wardrobe  to reveal a secret room. We’ll want to put on   our headband of intellect, then investigate  the blood near the bed. Upon our success,   we will pull out a body. We can use Speak with  Dead on the body to ask some important questions. The first is “How did you die?”  The second is “Who is your son?”   The third is “What does your son look  like?” The fourth is “Why did your son   kill you?” And the final question  is “What was your son’s secret?” On the table to the west we can find and read   a Bloodstained Parchment. We will  also want to take it as evidence. Next, we’ll go to the second  floor of Sharess' Caress,   where we can speak with Valeria. After telling  her we’ve found new evidence, we can tell her   the murder is part of a Bhaal plot. We can  then show Valeria the Bloodstained Parchment. If we speak with Sister Yannis  back at the Open Hand Temple,   which is completely optional, she will  confirm that Brilgor’s name has been cleared,   and the temple can extend their  help to the refugees once more. Now that we know the identity of the  murderer, let's put a stop to them. We will start at the Basilisk Gate Waypoint,  then move west, past the Elfsong Tavern. I recommend making a manual save here,  as this is a good mid-point in Act 3. We’ll want to approach the Wine Festival slowly,   and we should be able to make out a conspicuous  dwarf in red. While the name might not match,   this is in fact Dolor. If we give  Dolor the chance, he will flee. In order to stop that from happening, we  will either need to successfully paralyze him   with “Hold Person” which a Cleric can prepare  from their spellbook. Alternatively, we can   counterspell Dolor’s attempt to use Dimension  Door. I recommend having both options available. To start out, we will have our cleric  prepare and cast Hold Person on Dolor.   If Dolor manages to get out of it, he will  attempt to cast Dimension Door. At this point,   we must react with Counterspell,  and cast it at 5th level or higher,   in order to guarantee that it works. From  there, the rest of the encounter is quite easy. Once we’ve defeated Dolor, we’ll need to  quickly deal with the remaining doppelgangers   to protect the surrounding bystanders.  Within the estate, we can speak with   Cora Highberry to be rewarded for our deed.  This is the earliest we can defeat Dolor,   and doing so will put an end to his spree and  prevent any more innocents from being killed. We can also loot Dolor for  several unique magic items,   along with a bag of hands and a torn bloody page,  both of which are necessary for a major quest. With those items in hand, we can  head to Candulhallow’s Tombstones,   north of the Elfsong Tavern. We will need to  have Karlach hide, then lockpick the entrance. At the back of the shop we can move a painting  to reveal a button. We will click that button,   then interact with the newly revealed Cellar  Door. Assuming we’ve read the torn bloody page,   we can speak the pass phrase:  Sicarius. This will grant us access. In order to get an achievement, we will  want to make a save that we can revert   back to. We should then have Jaheira cast  Enhance Ability: Eagle’s Splendour on us.   We should leave companions outside the  passageway, making our way in alone. Once inside, we should equip anything that will  help us with deception checks, such as the Silver   Pendant, Ring of Geniality, and Birthright Hat,  then make our way to the Tribunal Antechamber. We   can offer up the bag of hands we got from Dolor  to gain an audience at the Murder Tribunal. There, we will need to say “I want to become  an Unholy Assassin…” followed by “I am ready   to be judged.” Because we haven’t  actually committed any heinous acts,   we will need to pass a difficult deception check  to fool the tribunal, but given all our buffs,   this should be fairly easy. To become  an Unholy Assassin of Bhaal, we will   then need to follow Sarevok into the southern  chamber, and sacrifice Valeria the Hollyphant. This should unlock the “Murder  in Baldur’s Gate Achievement” If we want, we can speak with the Echo of Abazigal  in the main tribunal area. He offers unique magic   items for Unholy Assassins. That being said,  this is more just to satisfy our curiosity,   as we will be reverting to the save  before entering the secret passageway. We can then make our way to the Tribunal  once more, this time with our companions. Saving after speaking to the Death Knights is  a good idea. We can then cast Twinned Haste on   our MC and Minsc before moving forward. There  will be a unique interaction between Jaheira,   Minsc, and Sarevok, and we will eventually need  to side with Minsc and Jaheira, against Sarevok. Any spell we try to cast will  be counterspelled, so instead,   we can have Jaheir throw a Potion  of Speed on Karlach and herself. We should prioritize either stunning  or outright defeating Sarevok before   he takes his turn. Once Sarevok is dead,  the 3 Death Knights will automatically   die. We can then focus on defeating the  remaining members of the Murder Tribunal. Sarevok drops the Sword of Chaos, along  with his Horned Helmet when defeated. Both   items are very good but I don’t think  they top the items we already have on   Minsc. We will also get the Amulet  of Bhaal, which we will need soon. Before leaving, we can interact with  the Keyhole to the south. This will   open a secret chamber where Valeria can be  found, whom we can free and gain as an ally. On our way out of the crypt, we can  loot the Blackguard’s armor set,   sword, and shield off the Death Knights. Before continuing, it may be a good  idea to visit the House of Hope,   where we can regenerate our resources. Next, we’ll fast travel to the  Baldur’s Gate waypoint and take   the Manhole down to the sewers. We’ll  go through the door to the northwest,   then move further north to  the Undercity Ruins Waypoint. To the west is the Penitent  Bareki, whom we can trade with. Once we are ready, we can interact with the locked  door near the Undercity Ruins Waypoint. To gain   access, we can say “I have an Amulet of Bhaal…”  followed by “I slaughtered the murder tribunal.” Walking north through the corridor will trigger  an ambush encounter. We can prepare for it by   entering turn-based mode, using haste on Karlach,  our monk, and having her use a potion of Flying. We can then move forward to trigger the  encounter. To end this encounter quickly,   we’ll need to defeat the Farslayer. He can  be reached most easily by flying first to   the ledge with the reapers, and then directly to  him. The Farslayer has 5 stacks of unstoppable,   but Karlach should be able to burn through  all of them and defeat him in a single turn,   though a Flurry of Blows might be necessary. Once the Farslayer is defeated, we  should be able to end everyone’s turn,   and the remaining enemies should  just disappear, ending the encounter. We can then proceed to the northern corner of the  ruins and go through the metal door. Along the   way down, we can loot the Clown’s Severed Head  off of Wilting Alex, just watch out for traps. At the bottom of the staircase, we’ll discover  the Temple of Bhaal waypoint. From there,   we’ll move east to the Solid Doors.  We can interact with them and Press   the Amulet against the door to gain  entrance to the Temple of Bhaal. Moving towards the bottom, we’ll  stop on the final staircase. There,   we can enter turn-based mode and prepare for  an encounter with Twinned-Haste. We can also   have Jaheira use Haste on our Sorcerer.  We will want to save before proceeding. As a quick aside, If you are playing Dark Urge  and still need the “First Blood” achievement,   you may be able to get it by confronting  Orin while your Main Character is kept a   far distance back. After getting that  achievement, you can then revert to a   save before the fight and confront Orin on your  Main Character for the special Dark Urge duel. Once ready, we can move towards Orin  on our most charismatic character,   and we can take our time in this dialogue.  In order to save our abducted companion,   we will need to succeed on a difficult  speech check. We also cannot have   Jaheira cast Guidance on us if she  is concentrating on the Haste Spell. To get an achievement in the  combat encounter that follows,   we will basically need to eat through Orin’s  12 stacks of Unstoppable and defeat her in a   single turn. To do this, we can hit her with two  magic missiles, upcasted to level 4 or higher. At that point, both Karlach and  Minsc can move in to finish the   job. Doing this should get us  the “First Blood” achievement. Once we’ve gotten that, we  can clean up the remaining   enemies within the next 1 or 2 rounds of combat. Now, if you are playing a Dark Urge character,  it is at this point that you can accept Bhaal’s   gift to get the “Embrace Your Urge”  achievement. This may also be necessary   to get the “Sins of the Father” achievement  later on, but I am not 100% sure of that. After the fight, we can loot Orin’s Gore  Pile for several nice pieces of gear,   including the Legendary Crimson  Mischief, which is in addition   to the Legendary Bloodthirst dagger that  we should have picked up automatically. We will also want to free our trapped companion  from the Altar of Bhaal, using the key from Orin,   and speak with them. We can also go explore  Orin’s chambers to learn more about her. At some point following this encounter,  The Emperor will tell us that no one can   control the brain and that we  must hurry. Despite his word’s,   there is no hidden timer or countdown to  worry about, and we can take our time. Let’s go ahead and take care of the Mystic  Carion now, as he has some useful items. Starting at the Heapside Strand Waypoint,  we can save, then move a short distance   west and then south around the stinking house.  There, we should be able to discover a Stone   Wall with a passive perception check, and then  lockpick it, although it is admittedly a very   difficult DC of 25. We can then go through the  double doors and speak with the Mystic Carion. We should not give him gold to  summon any spirits, as it is a scam. While there is a more natural and  proper way to complete Carion’s quest,   we are going to do it the quick way for  this guide. We can start by saying “I   came to offer my own service…”  followed by “You’ve got a deal.” To find Thrumbo, we will head northeast of  the Heapside Strand Waypoint, climb down the   Knotted Roots, and enter the small house.  Opening the wardrobe will reveal Thrumbo. We can say “I came to find you…” and follow it by  asking “Why?”. We can then agree to help Thrumbo. Next, we’ll fast travel to the Undercity Ruins and  move west into the passageway. Looting anything   here will trigger a somewhat tedious encounter,  and I personally don’t think the loot is worth it. Instead, we should be able to save and  then discover a hidden door to the north   with a passive perception check. We can  then either lockpick or break it down.   This will trigger an encounter in which  Spellcasters are severely punished. We   don’t actually need to engage in this  encounter if we don’t want to. Instead,   we can have Karlach move to the northwest corner  of the room and read the Funerary Jar Form and   Function on the table. This will provide us with  the information we need to complete the quest. We can then dash to the Ladder at the north  end of the room and take it to safety,   and we can do this on all of our characters. We will then return to Thrumbo and tell him  that the canopic jar is inside his chest. The jar will explode when destroyed, so we will  want to place it somewhere it won’t hurt anyone,   such as on the rooftop of Thrumbos house,  then shoot it with a firebolt from afar. Once we’ve done that, we can return  to the Mystic Carion and put an end   to him. He will drop his unique  Staff of Cherished Necromancy,   along with the other items that he had  available for trade. The Hood of the   Weave is better than the Birthright when  it comes to combat effectiveness. However,   I enjoy the benefits provided by having a higher  Charisma score, mainly easier speech checks. Thrumbo will also return and express  his gratitude and take over for the   Mystic Carion. For our efforts, we’ll  be rewarded with the Crypt Lord Ring Around this time, we will max out at level 12. We can take the Circle of Death spell on Sorcerer,  and the Dual Wielder feat will allow us to use two   staffs at the same time. We can also switch  out the Mage Armor spell for the level four   Necromancy Spell, Blight. The Staff of Cherished  Necromancy will allow us to cast the Circle of   Death spell and/or Blight Spell many times at no  cost, thanks to its Life Essence Harvest trait. We won’t get a feat on Jaheira, but we should be   able to get the level 6 spell  Heroes’ Feast at this time. For Karlach, we can either take another level in  Rogue to gain an additional feat. Or we can take   a level in Monk for Advanced Unarmoured Movement,  Ki Resonation, and another Ki Point. Given that I   don’t have a great choice for another feat,  I usually go with the extra level in Monk. Before continuing, we may want  to visit the House of Hope to   regenerate our resources. We can also have  Jaheira use Heroes’ Feast on the party. Next up, we’re going to get Shadowheart  in the party to complete her quest. We can also speak with Halsin  about saving him from Orin. If we didn’t already do it,  we can also speak with Volo,   and let him know that we already defeated the  Slayer. This will lock in Volo as an ally,   and allow us to peruse his wares, which  includes The Whispering Promise, a unique ring. As far as who we should replace in the party  for Shadowheart, that’s a tough choice. As a   Cleric, Jaheira is going to be the least  helpful during Shadowheart’s quest. That   being said, Jaheira also has some unique  interactions during Shadowheart’s quest. In any case, I think we can carry the  group with just a Sorcerer and Minsc,   so long as we have enough Chain  Lightning casts available. But if   you want this next encounter to be easier,  bring along Karlach instead of Jaheira. Once Shadowheart is in the group,  we will fast travel to the Baldur’s   Gate waypoint. We can then move a short  distance south before turning west. Once   we reach a smaller alley we can head  north on it to the House of Grief. There, we will speak to Mirie,  agree to the Mapping of the Heart,   and follow her to the back room. Upon interacting  with the Granite Bench, we can allow Shadowheart   to take the lead. Both Jaheira and Minsc  will have unique lines of dialogue here. Afterwards, we can enter the  Cloister of Sombre Embrace. Before approaching Viconia, we  can prepare for combat by casting   twinned haste on the Sorcerer and Fighter,  having Jaheira cast Haste on Shadowheart,   and having Shadowheart cast a level 4 Spirit  Guardians. We can then save and approach   Viconia to initiate a dialogue. It seems  like as long as we don’t switch to Minsc   during that dialogue, his haste won’t  wear off and we can take our time here. In any case, we will eventually need to decline  Viconia’s request to surrender Shadowheart,   at which point, a combat encounter will ensue. Before doing anything, be warned that  Viconia has the Radiant Retort feature,   which will punish us heavily for  dealing Radiant Damage to her. To start off, if we have two Clerics,   each of them can help a pretty good amount with  Radiant Destructive Wave spells. Meanwhile,   Minsc can start cleaning up the enemies  atop the staircases near the back. Next, we can severely injure Viconia and  further decimate her forces with a total   of 3 Chain Lightnings, taking advantage of our  Quickened Spell and Twinned Spell metamagics,   along with the free casts of Chain Lightning   we get from Kereska’s Lightning  and the Arcane Battery Passive. To avoid a bug, we may need to knock  Viconia out with a melee attack,   while we have non-lethal attacks  toggled on. We then want to avoid   damaging her any further while she is downed. Because Viconia starts the fight with Sanctuary,   we will have to wait until she attacks on  her first turn before we can knock her out. We should save before knocking Viconia out.  If doing this causes the next part to bug out,   we can revert to the last save and try taking her   down with lethal damage. Hopefully one  of these methods will avoid any bugs. After the encounter, we can speak with Viconia.  Viconia should explain to Shadowheart what has   been done to her and the reasons why. In addition,  there will be a special interaction with both   Minsc and Jaheira. We will eventually have  to choose to either spare and let Viconia go,   or to end her. Letting Viconia go will  earn approval from Jaheira. However,   ending Viconia will get us approval from Minsc,  and will also give us her loot, which includes the   Legendary Shield, Viconia’s Walking Fortress. This  shield is great on either a Sorcerer or Cleric. However we decide to handle it, we will then  be free to find Shadowheart’s Parents. To   the west is an Altar of Shar with a diamond  in the offerings bowl. In order to proceed,   we will need to place valuables in the bowl  until the door to the west unlocks. This will   take somewhere around 1000 gold pieces of  valuables, and straight gold also works. Beyond the door is the Chamber of Loss, and  there, we will find Shadowheart’s Parents.   Interacting with them will trigger a major story  moment for Shadowheart, as well as a decision.  In the end, Shadowheart will need to decide  whether to free her parents, or end their   suffering, as well as her own. Getting Shadowheart  to save her parents will require succeeding on a   DC20 speech check. Which choice is best? That  is up for each person to decide, and it won’t   affect any other story outcomes, achievements,  or rewards. Skip this next part if you want   to make your choice blind, but here is a brief  summary of how each choice affects Shadowheart. If she ends her parents’ suffering, she will be  free to live a more adventurous life on her own,   once the threat of the Absolute has been  dealt with. She will miss her parents,   but will be happier overall. If she saves her parents, she will remain  afflicted by her mysterious wound, and always know   that Shar does not want her to be happy. However,  she will insist that she is happy because she has   her family back, and will settle down for a  quieter life with them once the Absolute is   defeated. In addition, if her parents are saved,  they will join the camp and can offer additional   information about what happened to Shadowheart,  and the nature of her mysterious wound. All of that said, I will be persuading Shadowheart  to save her Parents for the purpose of this guide. After making our decision, we can speak briefly  with Shadowheart. We will then want to equip our   Headband of Intellect and interact with the Mirror  of Loss at the west end of the chamber. Succeeding   in either an Arcana Check or Religion Check will  allow us to understand the purpose of the mirror. If we manage that, we can surrender a memory  to the mirror, and we will want to choose the   Forbidden Knowledge memory. At the time  of making this video, we won’t actually   lose any features on our character, but it  will allow us to select one ability score to   increase by 2 points. As a Sorcerer, the obvious  choice is Charisma, or “The guile of a bard…” Along with wearing the Birthright Hat, our  Charisma should now be at an astounding 22,   all without any Ability Score  Increases from leveling up. Before leaving, there are two  things we can do in the Cloister. First, in the Dormitory to the north, we will  find a tiefling named Nocturne. If Shadowheart   consumed the Noblestalk back in act 1, she will  have some unique dialogue here. In either case,   Shadowheart and Nocturne can remain  friends, despite their differences.   We can also trade with Nocturne, although  she doesn’t have anything unique on offer. If we speak to Nocturne with Shadowheart,  we can learn more about Shadowheart’s past. Finally, we can go southeast, to the armory.  If we break through the wooden barricade,   we will discover Shadowheart’s sanctuary  within the Cloister. There are Night   Orchids and some interesting notes, and  we can talk with Shadowheart about it. As long as we don’t plan on using it at a later  point, we can make use of Shadowheart’s Divine   Intervention here. We can first convert  all of our spell slots to Sorcery Points,   then have Shadowheart use Divine Intervention:  Opulent Revival. At the time of making this video,   we should keep all the extra Sorcery Points on our  Sorcerer, as well as get back all our Spell Slots. Next, we’re going to complete Astarion’s Quest,  and for that, we’ll swap him out with Shadowheart.   It would actually be way easier if we didn’t bring  Astarion along, and instead just brought Karlach,   but that would also cause us to miss  out on some really great story moments. I haven’t leveled Astarion up yet, but because  of that, I also don’t need to change his class   at all. You can go all into Rogue on Astarion  if you want to experiment. But personally,   I will only take him to level 3 in  rogue to get the thief subclass,   then put the rest of his levels into Open Hand  Monk, giving him the same feats as Karlach,   those being Tavern Brawler and Alert. He won’t  be as optimized as Karlach, but giving him an   Elixir of Cloud Giant Strength should suffice  for the short time we will have him in the party. We can take Karlach’s items and  give them to Astarion to use,   which will make things a little easier,  but I don’t think it will be necessary. With Astarion in the group, we can fast travel  to the Lower City Central Wall. After going up   the central watch tower, we’ll head north  into another tower, and climb our way up. A speech check will allow us to pass the  guards without incident. We can then move   further north, eventually reaching  the entrance to the Szarr Palace. Once inside, we’ll first need to make our  way downstairs. Near the Dormitory Wing,   Astarion should reveal the  Door to the Kennel for us. Inside, we’ll speak to Godey. A fight is basically  guaranteed, but Godey is pretty easy to defeat. We   will need to grab the Szarr Family Ring from  Godey, then move south to the Guest Room. There is a cursed body in the guest room, so we  will want to send Astarion in alone, using Step of   the Wind: Dash to move more efficiently. We will  need to grab the Kozakuran Dictionary from one of   the wardrobes to the southeast. We can also grab  the Opulent Chest and carry it out of the room. Once we are back to safety, we can open the  Opulent Chest to get the Helmet of Grit. Next, we will read the dictionary we just  picked up, then return upstairs. There,   we can open the Sinister Door by pressing the   Family Signet Ring against the door  and reading the inscription aloud. We can use our Charges of Consume Life  Essence to cast Circle of Death for free,   making this encounter very easy, just  be sure not to hit Allies with it. Afterwards, we can make our way  southwest to the Office Hall,   and take the Dais down to Cazador’s dungeon. Next, we will move north and  pass through the Crypt Gate,   then speak with the prisoners to the east. To  gain approval from both Astarion and Minsc,   we will want to pass the persuasion check  when it is presented. We can then say “We’ll   find a way.” followed by “Like  I said - we’ll set you free.” We can also speak with the prisoners to the west,   and eventually say “All right, I’ll  free you once I have the staff.” Astarion will want to speak with us  after, and we should say “You can save   them.” followed by “There’s still hope  for them. You got out. You got better.” To confront Cazador, we will move further  north, down the grand staircase. We can   prepare for combat by casting twinned  haste on both Minsc and our Sorcerer,   and have Jaheira cast Haste on  herself, but we will need to   approach Cazador on Minsc and also make  sure Jaheira is involved in the dialogue,   in order to prevent Haste from wearing off  on them during the dialogue that follows. At the start of combat, if we knock Cazador prone  with a trip attack, we should be able to defeat   him in a single turn with action surge and haste.  If Cazador happens to be first in the Turn Order,   we can counter whichever spell he  casts. He may also Misty Escape,   for this, we can have Jaheira approach  with The Blood of Lathander equipped.   The passive trait should cause Sunlight  Hypersensitivity in Cazador, dispelling   his misty form. It is at this point that we  can move in on Minsc and take Cazador down. Once Cazador is defeated,  Astarion will be free to act,   and we can begin dealing with all the  ads. We want to be careful not to harm   any of the unwilling participants in the  ritual, and that means no chain lightning. We can use the Distant Spell metamagic with a  high level Magic Missile to pick off the bats,   zap the whole backline with  a well-placed lightning bolt,   then have Minsc and Astarion clean up the  remaining enemies over the next 1 or 2 rounds. Once combat ends, we can interact with the  Sarcophagus to trigger a pivotal story moment for   Astarion, with a major choice. Astarion will have  to choose between stopping Cazador’s ritual, or   finish it himself. The powers that Astarion gets  from the ritual are pretty neat. That being said,   if we want the Gur as allies, for Astarion to be  truly free and happy, and to do the morally good   thing, we will need to say “If I help you complete  the ritual, it will kill all these people.” Then, in order to not lose Astarion as a  companion, we can either go straight for   a Persuasion check with a DC of 18, or start  with an Insight check with a DC of 20. Even   if we fail the insight check, we can still do  the one available Persuasion check. However,   if we succeed on the Insight check, we will  get a new Persuasion option, with a DC of 15. Either way, Astarion will approve, and will stop  the ritual by killing Cazador. We can then let   Astarion’s fellow spawn go free, and release the  remaining prisoners, including the Gur children. Before leaving, we should grab the High  Security Vault No. 3 Key from the Sarcophagus,   along with the Rhapsody Dagger from Cazador. We  will have also gotten the Woe staff from Cazador. Next, we can briefly speak with  Astarion about Cazador’s downfall,   then head south out of the dungeon. Near  the fast travel point, we will be met by   the Gur. Had we completed the ritual, they  would have engaged us in combat. However,   because we set the children free, the Gur will  instead become our Allies against the absolute. After this, we can toggle off the Lathander’s  Light passive, then go to the City Sewers to find   Gandrel speaking with his vampiric children.  We can suggest letting the children feed on   animal blood, and despite their struggle, the 3  are happy to have been given a chance to live. With that, we can return to our camp. Our next quest to complete is for Dame Aylin. Once we get the main party back together,  we can go speak with Aylin. We can tell her   about Lorroakan and his plans, and agree to  help put an end to them. After she leaves,   we can speak with Isobel and say  that we are going to help Aylin. To do that, we can return to the Lower  City Central Wall and go through the   Blue Portal in Sorcerous Sundries.  In the conversation that follows,   we will need to side with Aylin against Lorroakan. In order to eventually get the  “Leave No One Behind” achievement,   we will need to make sure Rolan survives  the combat encounter that follows. To that end, we can have our  Cleric cast Sanctuary on Rolan,   then use Twinned Haste on Karlach and Minsc. Lorroakan has a really strong reaction  ability, but if we stun him or knock him   prone with our first attack on Karlach, he  won’t have the chance to take that reaction. We can try to spare Miklaur from  death by using non-lethal attacks,   but in all likelihood, Aylin will end  up killing him on her turn anyways. Once Lorroakan is dead,   we can finish off the remaining enemies  over the next 1 or 2 rounds of combat. After combat, we can speak with Aylin,   and she will agree to meet us back at  camp. We can also speak with Rolan. He   will take command of Ramazith’s Tower and  join us as an Ally against the Absolute. Before leaving, we can loot a  couple magic items off of Lorroakan,   neither of which are all that great. Aylin will return to camp after our  next long rest, but there is no rush. In the meantime, we’re going to  complete Gale’s Quest. To do that,   we’ll hop down the floating  furniture to the lower level. There,   we will want to interact with the  Weave Button near the southeast wall,   labeled “Vaults”. We will need to do this with  all characters to get everyone down there. We can open or break the display case near  where we appear to access The Red Knight’s   Final Strategem. Reading this legendary book will  reward us with the Scroll of Artistry of War,   a unique single use spell that can be learned  permanently by any wizard, such as Gale. Moving south, we will enter a  hallway with invisible floors.   As a quick aside and cool Easter  Egg, if we go east, past a chest,   we can pass through an illusory wall. Beyond  it is a Peculiar Lamp. If we interact with it,   we will be trapped within the lamp. You can  play this however you like, and I don’t believe   there are any unique items here. That being  said, we will need a specific item to escape. After looting everything useful here, we  can find the Scroll of Summon Quasit in the   chest on the northeast side of the room, and  summoning it will release us from the lamp. Getting back on track, we will move south,  into a room with a portal. For this next part,   it is best if we go on just our main character.  We will further south, through an oak door. To   the west, we can pass another illusory wall  and read the Legendary Book “Caution Before   the Seelie” to get another unique spell  scroll, the Scroll of Bestial Communion. We can then move further south into a new  chamber, where we will need to complete a puzzle,   watching out for traps all the while. To  start, we will need to go through the door   labeled *Silverhand* followed by the door labeled  *Abjuration* and then the door labeled *Silver*,   and we can pull the lever near this door to disarm  the Gargoyle Heads. Again, we will be careful not   to step on the trap Marble Plates as we make  our way to the lever at the back of this room. After pulling the lever, we can back into the  previous room and through the door labeled *Demon* Next, we will once again go through the  door labeled *Silverhand*. This time,   however, we will go through the door  labeled *Evocation* followed by the   door labeled *Wish*. The traps  will be set up identically here,   and after pulling the big lever, we can go  through the door labeled *Invulnerability*. We can now go through the door labeled  *Karsus*. Within this vault, we will find   the Legendary “Annals of Karsus”. Reading this  book will give us the unique Scroll of Dethrone,   and we will also need to take this book for  Gale to read. There are also lots of nice   spell scrolls and the Very Rare Foebreaker  Maul to pick up before we head back out. Next, we can go through the  door labeled *Elminster*. We will find the Pyroquickness hat in one of  the chests, along with the Legendary “Tharchiate   Codex'' locked in a display case. We will want to  make sure we read this book on our main character. Doing so will give us the Tharchiate  Withering curse. However, if we have a   cleric cast Remove Curse on us, it will be  replaced with the Tharchiate Vigour buff,   which is a permanent condition that  gets refreshed after every long rest. In addition, we can now read the final pages of  The Necromancy of Thay book. If we succeed on the   final check to do so, we will gain the ability to  cast the Danse Macabre Spell once per Long Rest. With treasures in hand, we can return to the  room with the portal, regroup with our party,   and use the portal to leave the  Sorcerous Vault, then return to camp. There, we can either speak to Gale  to give him the Annals of Karsus,   or we can place the book on the ground, get Gale  in the Party, then take control of him to read it. You can play this next part how you want, as  it has no bearing on achievements or allies.  However, if we want Gale’s condition  to eventually be cured by Mystra,   we will need to either tell him to stop  chasing the Crown of Karsus. Or if we   take control of Gale to then read the Annals, we  will need to have him make that choice himself. Afterwards, Elminster will show  up at camp. Again, to cure Gale,   we want to avoid choices that might  influence Gale to reforge the crown.   On the contrary, we will want to push  Gale towards reconciling with Mystra. Once Elminster leaves, we can speak  with Gale, and agree with his request. For that, we will get Gale in the party  and fast travel to the Basilisk Gate,   then move a short distance west to the  Stormshore Tabernacle. Upon interacting   with the Statue of Mystra, we should  urge Gale to seek her forgiveness,   as it might be the only way to cure the orb. Upon  Gale’s return, we can assure him that we’re going   to cure him. That is the end of Gale’s quest,  and should set him on the path to being cured. However, there is one more thing we can  do with Gale while he’s in the party,   and along the way we will see some familiar faces. Before that, and If we have extra gold, we  can offer it to a deity of our choosing. In   order to get a divine blessing, we will need to  donate a total of 4500 gold. This will give us   the Anointed in Splendour condition, which adds  a +2 bonus to all Saving Throws. We can return   here to get the buff once per adventuring  day, and it lasts until we take a long rest. Before returning to camp, we will head  to the Elfsong Tavern with Gale. There,   we can find and speak with Lakrissa on the  ground floor and mention the bet we made   with her in the Druid Grove. If we ask about  Alfira, we will be directed to the rooftop. We   can head up the stairs to the northeast and  take the Iron Ladder to the rooftop. There,   we’ll find Alfira playing her lute. She  will inform us of her plans for the future,   and we can give her our blessing. For all that  we’ve done, Alfira will give us her first Lute,   although I don’t know that it  actually does anything special. Next, we can have Gale cast Grant Flight on  all of us, then move west across the rooftops.   If we can only grant flight to 3 characters, then  Minsc our Fighter can jump across the rooftops.   On the roof of the Devil’s Fee  we can find and speak with Tara,   Gale’s Tressym. She sells the unique Hat of  the Sharp Caster. It’s neat to bring Gale   along, but at the time of making this video, he  does not have any special dialogue with Tara. With that handled, we can  reassemble our main group,   then fast travel to the  Grey Harbour Docks waypoint. From there, we will head south into  the Water Queen’s House. Near the back,   we can speak with Allandra Grey. We  can offer 500 gold to gain approval   from Minsc. To properly start this quest,  we’ll want to say “Did this person drown?”   followed by “I’m good at slaying beasts…”  and “All right - I’ll see what I can do.” This next step is optional, but adds some context  and a unique dialogue option down the road. To do   it, we’ll need to sneak our way into the Steel  Watch Foundry, west of the Docks waypoint. There is a Steel Watcher  we will want to sneak past,   and we will want to make sure we are hiding  as we make our way through the foundry. We can   move along the north side of the building  to avoid an interaction with the slavers,   which will only make the lives of the  Gondians worse. If we do end up getting   seen by the slavers, we should use deception  to prevent the situation from escalating. In the northwest corner of the  foundry we can lockpick the door   that leads into the Security Office. Once there,   we can speak with Gondian Zanner Toobin. He  will explain the dire situation of the Gondians,   and we can eventually say “There’s always a  way…” and then ask where they are being held. We could go deeper into the Foundry to discover  the whereabouts of the families. However,   doing so is risky and also unnecessary. Instead, we can sneak back out of the foundry  and fast travel to the Baldur’s Gate Waypoint.   To the south is the Society of Brilliance  headquarters, also known as The Lodge. As a quick aside, we can speak with  Havkelaag about the Githyanki Egg.   If we ask about their plans for the egg,  it will quickly become clear that it will   be subjected to cruel experimentation.  Also, handing over the egg will result   in a pretty bad outcome for everyone  in the Society, so I advise against it. The main reason for coming here is  to speak with Blurg up on the second   floor. We can ask about Omeluum’s  whereabouts, then agree to find him. Before proceeding, we will want to make sure  we have all of our resources, spell slots,   etc. as well as at least one Potion of  Flying, a few Potions of Supreme Healing,   and a few potions of speed. I will also show  the equipment that I have on my characters,   and both the boots of speed and Crusher’s  Ring on Minsc will be particularly important. Once we are ready, we can head southeast  of the Baldur’s Gate Waypoint and sneak our   way into the Flymm Cargo Warehouse. There are  several worgs that will need to be dispatched,   but they are pretty easily handled, especially  if we get surprise. After the fight, we can find   a hidden hatch in the northwest corner of the  warehouse, and take it down to the basement. We will then move south to the Subaquatic  Dock. There, we’ll find a submersible, along   with its captain, Redhammer. To complete the Water  Queen’s quest, we will need to defeat Redhammer. As far as I know, going to the Iron  Throne is a major milestone in Act 3,   and doing this will remove any possibility of an  alliance with Gortash. So, if you are curious,   you can make a manual save here to come back to if  you ever want to see how that alliance works out. In any case, after making sure we are ready,  we can save the game, and take the Submersible   to the Iron Throne. Overall, I recommend  saving a lot throughout this next encounter. After a cutscene, we will need  to respond to Gortash. Although   I generally avoid foul language, there is  one option here that is clearly the best,   and it will gain a lot of approval with Karlach,  assuming we haven’t maxed it out already. Ultimately, we will need to Dock at the Iron  Throne. This is an extremely cool encounter,   but it also requires precise action and  efficiency in order to save everyone. As   soon as we leave the Submersible, we will enter  turn-based mode and have a limited number of   rounds to rescue the hostages. Because of  this, we should take a moment to prepare. First, we can enter turn-based mode and  cast twinned haste on Karlach and Minsc.   We can then have everyone group up and throw  down a Potion of Flying for added mobility.   We can also oil up Minsc’s sword, and use  Spirit Guardians on Jaheira at a high level. Finally, we can use Wholeness of Body on Karlach. Once ready, we can save the game, and open  the metal hatch, starting the encounter. The first round is crucial, we must  release all prisoners by the end of it,   or else they probably won’t make  it back to the submersible in time. We will start with Minsc, our fighter. After  flying down the ladder, we can have him fly   over to the nearby Sahuagin, and eliminate  it with a Manoeuvering Attack and pull the   lever to open one of the cells. Before doing  anything else, we can have Jaheira, the Cleric,   fly down the ladder. This will allow Minsc  to use his Forced Manoeuvre buff on her. We will get back to Jaheira in a moment, but for  now, we can go back to Minsc. With him, we will   fly down the south corridor, using the Boots of  Speed to give us more movement if necessary. Our   target is Santoria, and we will need to use our  second action to free her from her restraints. We   should have enough flying movement to reach that  lever that will release Thindo from his cell. We can use whatever movement we have  remaining to fly west, intercepting   another patrolling Sahuagin. If we fly over  at the right moment, we may even be able to   reach it and dish out some damage. If not, we can  always shoot it with our bow a couple of times. Next up is Jaheira, our Cleric. We  can use a Potion of Speed on her,   then begin flying east. Along the way, we  can pull the lever in the northeast corner   of the central room. This will release Flansy  from her cell. We will need to dash at least   once on Jaheira in order to reach all the  prison cells at the end of the east hall,   which is our first priority. We can also damage  the Sahuagan with Spirit Guardians along the way. We can start by releasing Duke  Ravenguard from the central cell.   We will then need to release both Deedle  and Marlono from the southeast cell. We will come back to Jaheira  in a moment, but for now,   we can switch over to our MC sorcerer. In  order to give them a little more mobility,   we can have Karlach throw a  potion of speed near their feet. With our sorcerer, we will  be flying down the ladder,   then down the west hall. We want to time  our entry into the west room so that the   two Sahuagan there are in close proximity.  We can dash and fly between the two to deal   extra damage with our Chain Lightning,  hopefully finishing both of them off. Don’t worry if one happens to survive the  blast, we should be able to clean everything   up on Karlach our Monk. For now, we will want to  use Dash, and our Tempestuous Magic: Flight to   release the half-dozen prisoners from the two  large cells in this west chamber. Sometimes,   the flight path can be blocked off  when a door opens, if that happens,   just move a short distance away from the  door, then try to fly again, it should work. We will now take control of Karlach. While  flight is the most efficient mode of travel   for most characters, Karlach, especially  if we have 9 levels in monk, can travel a   lot further by using Step of the Wind: Dash, and  then jumping around. So that is what we will do. She is going to be on clean-up duty,  going around and eliminating any remaining   threats in the turn order. We will start by  jumping our way down the hall to the west,   if necessary, to eliminate  any remaining Sahuagan there. We will then want to jump our way down the east  hallway, and clean up the Sahuagan threatening   Jaheira and Duke Ravengard. Try to keep a  bonus action or action available during this,   as we may need it to reach our final  destination. If we run out of attacks,   we can try to get a free hit by provoking an  opportunity attack. If the Sahuagin misses,   we can react with a Greater Kushigo Counter. Once those threats are taken care of, we can jump  our way back to the center room, then start moving   south towards Minsc. We will most likely require  Cunning Action: Dash in order to reach Minsc,   where we can help clean up the Sahuagin  Champion if we failed to defeat it on Minsc. We can then move further southwest and pull  a lever to open the nearby door. We will find   Omeluum bound in this room. Even if we don’t have  an action to free them this round, we should be   able to free them at the start of the next round,  and that will work out fine. That being said,   if you have the action to spend, go ahead and  save, then free Omeluum. If you still have an   attack at that point, use it to throw a Potion  of Flying near Omeluum’s feet. We can also have   Omeluum use a potion of Speed on their turn, but  I recommend not moving Omeluum at this point,   as they may need to help some Gondians’  escape. We won’t know which ones need   that help until they are given a chance to run.  Hopefully everything runs smoothly in your game,   so you don’t have to worry as much about all of  this. But as you will see, I was not so fortunate. Switching back to Jaheira, we want to make sure  she is placed at the center of the East chamber,   about 30 feet west of the entrance to  Duke Ravengard’s cell. If we still have   an action on her, we can save it  until after moving Duke Ravengard. We should have control of Duke Ravengard  at this point. Before doing anything,   we will want to use a potion of Supreme  Healing to get his health back. We can   use dash on him and direct him to move to  a position on the west side of Jaheira.   A cutscene will trigger before Ravengard gets  very far, and this will incapacitate Ravengard. If we still have control of Jaheira at this  point, and if she has her action available, we   can help Ravengard up. We can then have Ravengard  move towards the Submersible, just make sure he   doesn’t block any doorways or other bottlenecks,  which would prevent the Gondians from escaping. After making sure Jaheira damages all the spiders  with her spirit guardians, she can run a short   distance towards Ravengard, so the surviving  spiders are no longer within range of the Spirit   Guardians. On their turn, the spiders should run  into the guardians, which will finish them off. Assuming everything went well  and all the prisoners are free,   we can save the game and end everyone’s turn. Now, if for whatever reason some of the Gondians  just don’t move towards the exit or get stuck,   like shown here. We are going to need to do  some major work on Omeluum and perhaps Minsc,   our fighter, in order to make  sure they successfully escape. Once we’ve identified which Gondians (if any) are  stuck or having trouble escaping (in my case it   is Phoenix’s group in the western chamber) we can  revert back to the save before ending our turn,   and have Omeluum go help them. Fortunately, I was  able to reach my group of straggling Gondians with   the combination of a Potion of Speed, Potion of  Flying, and Omeluum’s Levitate Ability. Then,   using the Teleport to Submersible ability,  I was able to get the first of the Gondians,   Phoenix, instantly teleported to the Submersible.  I then used the remainder of Omeluum’s movement   to fly back towards that group of Gondians.  This is still technically the first turn,   and just like before, I saved the  game, then ended everyones’ turn. At the start of the next round, we will need  to free Omeluum if we haven’t already. Minsc   needs to stay in this general area to deal with  additional threats as they emerge. Meanwhile,   Karlach is going to be our character to go  around looting this facility. Because of that,   we will have Minsc fly over and free Omeluum  if needed. If we have enough to spare,   we can even throw a Potion of Speed and  Potion of Flying on Omeluum to boost his   mobility. We can then have Minsc fly back to  the main southern chamber to stand sentry. Jaheira’s job is pretty much done, and we can  have her fly back to the Submersible. The same   goes for our Sorcerer. That being said, if  we have scrolls of Dimension Door available,   we could have our Cleric and Sorcerer make  use of those to help the problematic or   otherwise straggling Gondians escape  in time. However, I would only do this   in extreme circumstances as it might cause  more hiccups for the other escaping Gondians. For Karlach, we can start by using  Step of the Wind Dash. If we want,   we can grab the Mind Flayer Parasite Specimen from  the table near Omeluum, along with his belongings   from the nearby Backpack, then begin jumping our  way back to the central chamber of the facility. From there, we can hop on down the north passage,   where we will run into 3 more Sahuagan. By  making use of Flurry of Blows and Greater   Kushigo Counters, we should have no  problem dispatching these enemies. You may also notice the body  of a man named Prinski, and   he carries an interesting missive from Gortash. In any case, by the time we run  out of movement and actions,   we should be set up to loot the corridor  to the west, which we will do next turn. For Ravengard, we can begin jumping and dashing  our way towards the Submersible. We will just want   to be sure that he does not block the path of any  other prisoners, as it can cause them to bug out. On Omeluum, we can teleport another  straggling Gondian to the Submersible,   then use the rest of our movement to fly back  to the next straggling Gondian if there are   any left. It is not always clear which prisoners  we should prioritize to warp to the Submersible,   but I would focus on those that are blocking  either the central ladder’s entrance or exit,   as this can cause the other prisoners to bug out. Once again, we can save the  game and end everyones’ turn. Over the remainder of this round,   more Suhaugan will begin emerging from  the bubbles in the southern area. Minsc   should have no trouble eliminating all  of them at the start of the next round,   at which point there will be 3 turns remaining,  and we can then have him return to his post. On Karlach, we can have her move  throughout the northwest hall,   pulling levers to open and explore the 2 chambers  along the way. The first will contain an opulent   chest with some valuable items. The second,  larger chamber will have an opulent chest   that contains the Counting House Vault 6 Key.  There is also a unique note on the ground. Once we’ve looted everything, we can  fly south, using dash if necessary,   and pull a lever to open a path into  the main southern chamber. From there,   we can fly back to the central chamber,  where we can board the Submersible. Likewise, we should be able to reach and  board the submersible on Duke Ravengard,   so long as we are making  use of both dash and jump. Once again, we can have Omeluum teleport a  prisoner to the Submersible. Preferably one   that is blocking the path of others  or that is otherwise lagging behind. At this point, most of the prisoners  should either be In the submersible,   or be very close to it. If that is the case,  we can have Omeluum stay in the submersible   too. In addition, we will want to make sure  that anyone with a Potion of Speed active,   such as our Sorcerer, boards the  Submersible before it wears off. As the round passes, more Sahuagan will  emerge, and we can have Minsc cut them   down before heading back towards  the submersible. At this point,   there are only 2 turns remaining  until the facility collapses. We will want to keep Minsc out of the  Submersible until those final prisoners board,   which likely won’t be until next round. If  it appears that some prisoners won’t make   it in time, we can try to throw them  at the ladders to hurry them along,   although this might backfire and  cause them to be knocked prone. Reaching the last round, we will need to  bring any remaining characters we have   control of back to the Submersible.  We can then have one interact with   the Control Wheel to skip the rest of  the round and leave the Iron Throne. However, if there is a prisoner that still needs  to board the submersible, and they have yet to   take their turn, we can actually just end our  turn and let the rest of the round play out. As   long as everyone is in the submersible by the end  of the last round, we will all make it out safe. Hopefully this was thorough enough so that  anyone watching will be able to rescue everyone,   despite any potential hiccups. That being said,   if you are having any issues you can  always reach out to me in the comments. While we won’t get an achievement  for this tremendous feat,   the narrator and various characters  will acknowledge our impeccable success. Before docking, Duke Ravengard will  speak with us and join our camp. We   will also secure him as an  ally against the Absolute. Minsc should also get the  Against All Odds inspiration,   as a result of our flawless victory. We can  speak with Obelia Toobin before leaving the   submersible, and let her know that  it was her Father that sent us. Upon leaving the Submersible, we will be  confronted by Allandra Grey. We can tell   her that the Iron Throne is gone because of us. We  will be rewarded with the Wavemother’s Robe, which   looks pretty nice and has a pretty useful effect  for healing without any potions. We can also speak   with the Gondians if we want before leaving, and  they will offer up words of praise and gratitude. It probably is not necessary, but to give  ourselves the best chance of saving all   the Gondians from the Steel Watch Foundry, we  will probably want to visit the House of Hope   to restore all of our resources. We will also  want a Potion of Flying and Potion of Speed. Once we are ready, we can fast travel to  the Grey Harbour Docks. Before going into   the foundry, we will probably want  to defeat the Steel Watcher outside,   so that it doesn’t kill any  Gondians later on. Just make   sure to step away from the Watcher once  its self-destruct sequence is initiated. Next, we will move west into the Foundry. We can go ahead and cast Haste on Minsc before  the start of this first encounter. Twinned Haste   most likely won’t be necessary, and we want to  save Sorcery Points. We can also cast Spirit   Guardians at a high level on Jaheira. We can then  fully enter the Foundry to start the encounter. To start the combat, Jaheira can  dash in and deal some area damage,   as well as apply debuffs. Next, Karlach can  go in and make use of her Kushigo Counter,   along with her two bonus actions to dish out a  total of 6 attacks without haste or any ki points. Finally, we can clean up any enemies on  their last few HP with a magic missile. We probably won’t eliminate all of the enemies,   but as long as we leave 3 or less standing, all  of the Gondians should survive the encounter. Whenever a Black Gauntlet enemy is defeated, they  will drop a Motivator. These must be deactivated   within the next 2 rounds or else they will set  off the bomb collars, killing all of the Gondians. Deactivating a Motivator takes one whole action,  and we will need to pass a DC 5 intelligence check   to deactivate the first one. I recommend saving  beforehand, just in case of really bad luck. So long as we manage to deactivate  the two Motivators before they go off,   the rest of this encounter  should go smoothly enough. Afterwards, we can speak with Toobin,  inform him that we got everyone out   of the Iron Throne, and recruit  him to go destroy the Foundry. Before leaving this area, we can gather the  required components to make the Hellfire Engine   Crossbow, and we can hide to make sure we are not  detected by the patrolling Steel Watcher outside.   First, we’ll need to move south to find the Steel  Watcher Arm. We can then go west down the line   to find the Targeting Module. Next, we will head  northwest to the security office, and pick up the   Watcher Crossbow Blueprint from the table in the  southwest corner. With these three components in   hand, we’ll go to the crafting Table, beside the  northwest staircase in the security office. There,   we can put them all together to craft  the very rare Hellfire Engine Crossbow. Next, we will want to prepare for a very  difficult challenge before entering the   lower level of the Foundry from the  security office. First of all, we can   go ahead and convert most or all of our  level 4 spell slots into Sorcery Points   so that we don’t run out mid fight, and  we will want around 24 points in total. We can then enter turn-based mode and cast  twinned haste on Karlach and Minsc. Jaheira   can use Spirit Guardians at a high  level, and we can group everyone up,   then throw down a potion of flying to give extra  mobility. Minsc can also use his Giant Form,   and oil his weapon for added damage. We  can also throw down a Potion of Speed on   both Jaheira and our MC. We can also use  an Elixir of Vigilance on our Sorcerer,   assuming one is available, and this will ensure  that they get to go first in combat. Finally,   we can use Wholeness of Body on Karlach, save the  game, then enter the lower level of the foundry. To start things off, we can have our Sorcerer fly  between the two clusters of enemies to the east,   and hit each with Twinned Chain Lightning.  We can make use of the Kereska’s Lightning   Buff and Arcane Battery Passive to do this  twice over without using any spell slots,   and this should eliminate most of these enemies.  We can then fly over to the northwest and use   quickened spell to cast Chain Lightning as a  bonus action, using our level 6 spell slot. Next, Karlach can move in on one of the  two Hellfire Watchers to the east. We   should prioritize whichever one will take its turn  before Minsc, if that is indeed the case. For the   one that is close to a Gondian, we can use Flurry  of Blows: Push, to push it away from the Gondian,   which will keep them from being caught in the  Self Destruct blastwave. If we absolutely need to,   we can have Karlach throw an endangered Gondian  to safety, even if this will hurt them a bit. Once the two watchers are dealt with,  we can clean up any remaining enemies,   and if we have an action to spare, we  can deactivate the Motivator over here.   Assuming all the threats to the east are  eliminated, Minsc and Jaheira can easily   mop up the remaining enemies to the north,  and deactivate the two Motivators. It should   be okay if we can’t get both motivators on  this first round, as they should not trigger   until the end of the next round, by which  point, we will easily have things in hand. After the fight, we can loot up,   and we will want to grab the Control Level  Key off of Black Gauntlet Hahns. There are   some interesting and morbid experiments to  check out near the east edge of this area. Ultimately, we will need to go through the  northern door, to the Control Centre. As   we move forward here, Zanner Toobin  will speak with us. Before going on,   we can do some pointless and very high  DC skill challenges here if we want. To   increase our chances of success, we can equip  the Silver Pendant to someone other than our   Cleric. The skill challenges are triggered  by interacting with 3 specific brain jars.   The two lower brains on the north side,  and the one upper brain on the south side. Interacting with the brain will play out a  scenario involving a Steel Watcher. We can stop   the Watcher with either an easy Illithid Wisdom  check, or a much more difficult basic Wisdom   check. Using both Guidance and Owl’s Wisdom will  increase our odds of success, but they are pretty   low either way. Besides the resulting dialogue, I  don’t think success or failure here really impacts   the game in any significant way. Because of that,  it’s hard to justify using inspiration points   here, especially when we will soon be having a  much more important and more difficult skill check   in the near future. We will, however, be getting  3 points of inspiration in the immediate future,   so if we already have the maximum of 4  saved up, we might as well use 2 or 3 here. In any case, once we are ready, we can  cast twinned haste on Karlach and Minsc,   then move east into the next room. It  is here that we will need to face off   with the Steel Watcher Titan. I like to open  with a Lightning Bolt and Quickened Lightning   bolt if possible. These should hit both the  Titan and the Hellfire Watcher behind it. We can then have Jaheira move in and  blast both with a Destructive Wave,   and at that point Minsc should  be able to finish off the Titan. Karlach can start taking down the other Hellfire  Watchers at this point, and overall this encounter   is not too bad, especially since we don’t  have any innocent bystanders to worry about. After combat, we can loot the Titan to get  a Legendary Bow, Gontr Mael. This bow can be   used to cast a special form of Haste once per long  rest. It only lasts for 5 turns, but does not stun   the affected character when it wears off. Overall,  it is a great endgame item for Minsc, our fighter. We can take a look around if we want, there is an  Automaton Component that says we can extract it,   but if I am being honest, I have no clue what  its purpose is and have not found any good   info online. In any case, we will eventually  want to move east to speak with Zanner Toobin. Once we give the word, Zanner will  bring down the Steel Watch Foundry,   ending the threat of the Steel Watchers. After our escape, we will be immediately  confronted by Wulbren and the Ironhand   Gnomes. In order to gain two allies here,  we will need to say “Toobin is right. It’s   over.” followed by a special Persuasion check  “Perhaps the Ironhand Gnomes need a new leader…” Assuming we succeed on that check, we  can speak with both Barcus and Toobin   after the confrontation. Because of our  success in brokering peace between the   Gondians and Ironhand Gnomes, both are now  amongst our allies against the Absolute. Before moving on, we can go check in on Omeluum  at the Society of Brilliance Lodge. Unfortunately,   they will not join us as allies in the  fight against the Absolute. They will,   however, give us some valuables as a reward  for our efforts, although nothing unique. While here, we can complete a small side quest  for Jaheira. A short distance southwest of   the Baldur’s Gate Waypoint, we will find a girl  training with a sword near her home’s entrance. We can approach her to trigger a unique  interaction with Minsc and Jaheira. We   can then head into the home where we will  have more interesting conversations with   Jaheira. If we say “Not in this lifetime.”  We will get approval from Minsc. Afterwards,   we can head upstairs and speak  with Tate to get a Harper Pin. If we take it downstairs, we can then insert  it in the Pin Slot within Jaheira’s Study.   This will open a secret passage to Jaheira’s  basement. We will want to remove the wooden   box from the pressure plate to avoid getting  hurt by the traps, then make our way southwest. Within the house there is a key  hidden in some loose floor planks,   which are also trapped. We can take  it and use it to open the bookcase.   Jaheira will try to dissuade us,  but Minsc will insist otherwise. In this compartment we will find  the Rite of the Timeless Body,   which we can read and pick up to open up  some new dialogue options with Jaheira.   In the display case is Khalid’s  Gift, a very rare magic necklace.   Within the opulent chest are Jaheira’s old  weapons, Belm and the Staff of the Ram. We can speak with Jaheira and ask  about the strange scroll. If her   approval with us is high enough,  and at this point it should be,   she will actually go into detail about the  ritual. At least in the game’s current state,   there does not seem to be a way of  convincing her to undergo the ritual. Next, we will set ourselves up to  get the “Mind Blown” achievement,   and we can get a couple other  achievements in the process. To do it, we should make sure that we  have a few alcoholic beverages on hand,   we can then make our way west of the Basilisk Gate  Waypoint to Elfsong Tavern. Within the Kitchen,   there is a staircase leading  down to the Basement. There,   we’ll need to exterminate around 36 rats, and  we can get two achievements very easily here. To get the “Punch Drunk” achievement, we need a  character that has the Alcohol condition active   to defeat 20 of these rats. I am not sure  if this requires using melee attacks to get,   but an easy way to test it is to save, then  have Jaheira drink an Alcoholic drink and   blast away the rats with Radiance of the Dawn.  If defeating 20 rats this way doesn’t unlock   the “Punch Drunk” achievement, we may just need  to get it with a melee character instead. Now,   to get the Kill Two Birds with One Stone  achievement, we will also want Karlach to   use the “Improvised Melee Weapon” action,  then grab one rat and hit another with it. Any character that is not under the effects  of Alcohol should not defeat any rats,   as I am fairly certain that it won’t count  towards the “Punch Drunk” achievement. The chef upstairs will give us a small  monetary reward for exterminating the rats,   however, the more important thing for us  to do in the wine cellar is go through   the door on the northwest corner.  There, we’ll find a button to click,   which will open a passage to The Emperor’s old  hideout, which we can circle around to reach. Before entering, we can cast Twinned Haste on  Karlach and Minsc, then hide. Upon entering   the hideout, we can enter turn-based mode, then  sneak up on and gain surprise on the Githyanki. This encounter is fairly easy,   so long as we defeat the two Gate  Masters before reinforcements arrive. The Leader Paladin of Vlaakith will drop  the Boots of Psionic Movement when defeated. After the fight, we can move to the north  side of the room, and interact with the   button behind the statue. This will open  another secret passage that we can enter. There, we will find several of The Emperor's  personal effects. His sword is resting on a   weapons rack, and in the wardrobe to the east  we’ll find his Cerebral Citadel Armour and Gloves,   there’s also a unique shell on the shelf nearby.  In the northeast is a portrait of Duke Stelmane.   To the northwest are some prisoner chains and  empty brain jars, and to the southwest a recipe   for fiddlehead soup. Finally, through the doors  to the west, we’ll find a hatch that leads down   to the sewers, there, we can read a Patient Log  for Duke Stelmane that is pretty interesting. Feel free to explore the area of  the sewers beyond the locked doors. Before continuing, we will  want to have at least one,   but preferably two potions of flying. Once we are ready, we can return to   the House of Hope. The time has finally  arrived for us to steal the Orphic Hammer. Within the House of Hope, we should quickly go use  the Restoration Faucet, then make our way over to   Raphael’s Archive. If we haven’t already done so,  we will need to read Raphael’s Notes, we can then   interact with the Orphic Hammer, speak the magic  words to lower its defenses, then pick it up. As we go to leave the Archive,   Hope will ask us to free her from her  prison, which we should agree to do. Before leaving the Archive, we can prepare by  casting Twinned Haste on Karlach and Minsc,   and have Jaheira cast Haste on our Sorcerer.  We do not want to use Radiant Damage within   the House of Hope, as all enemies here  have the Fleeting Protection trait,   which will deal two-fold damage back  to anyone that deals radiant damage. To start, Karlach and Minsc can team up and tackle  the Hell Sphere, and feel free to pull out all the   stops here as we have the Restoration Faucets to  use after the fact. Before defeating all of these   initial enemies, we can have some characters  run ahead to the northeast to get more enemies   in the turn-order. This will keep us in turn-based  mode and help prevent Haste from running out while   there are still enemies up ahead to deal with.  It’s not a huge deal if we exit turn-based mode   or anything, I just find that this strategy helps  keep things running smoothly and efficiently. As we pass the Boudoir, another Hell Sphere will  appear, and we should prioritize hacking it down. Before going to free Hope from the prison, we can  clear out the group of enemies that are near the   entrance portal. My favorite method of doing  this is a couple of twinned chain lightnings. Once all the enemies on this floor have been  defeated, we can go use the restoration faucets   once more, then go through the prison hatchway,  which is located in the south corner of the house. After entering, we can say  “Let’s do this.” to Hope,   then prepare for combat. The encounter will  require us to cross over several gaps. It is   because of that reason that I recommend  grouping everyone up so we can throw a   potion of flying on everyone, in addition to  casting twinned haste on Karlach and Minsc. Once ready, we can click the button to open the  door, then head inside. The encounter will start   when we approach Hope. The biggest threats in  this encounter are actually the Vengeful Imps.   If we allow them to act, they can use forceful  eldritch blast to send us off the edge of the map,   resulting in instant death and loss of  all our nice buffs. Because of this,   I always like to open up combat with  a well-placed twinned chain lightning. Karlach and Minsc can each take on a  Spectator, eliminating them within a   single turn. The Spectator to the  north drops the Burnished Ring. After combat, we can equip  the Orphic Hammer on Karlach,   then break the chains binding Hope. Minsc  will approve of this, and after reassuring   that Hope is not physically disfigured,  we can all head out of the Prison. There is a really tough Speech  check coming up, so to help with it,   we can equip the Ring of Geniality on  our MC and Envoy’s Amulet on Minsc. One last time, we can go use the Restoration  Faucet, then make our way back to the entrance   portal. Raphael shouldn’t show up until  after interacting with the portal,   but I like to save often just in case. The  dialogue will involve everyone so we can   do all of our preparation before interacting  with the portal and not worry about rushing. If we haven’t already, we can  convert basically all of our   4th and 5th level spells into Sorcery  Points. We will also want to make sure   Karlach’s passive damage buff is  set to Psychic, and not Radiant. We can then enter turn-based mode, and we are  going to set ourselves up for major success.  To keep Hope safe, we’ll have  her cast Guidance on our MC,   then go stand in the corner of the room.  Jaheira, our Cleric, can cast Enhance Ability:   Eagle’s Splendour on our MC. After  casting Twinned Haste on both Karlach   and our MC, Minsc can use Celestial Haste on  himself, and his Giant Form if it’s available,   and use weapon oil if one is available. If we  want added mobility, the whole group can get   together and Karlach can throw a potion of  flying at the center. Karlach can also cast   Haste on Jaheira with the Darkfire Bow, if it’s  available, although this is not super important. We will then want to pass one round as  Minsc still needs to do some stuff that   requires actions. The next round, Minsc  can use Voice of the Circle on our MC,   then re-equip his Broodmother’s Revenge Amulet.  We can also have Karlach use Wholeness of Body. Finally, we can save the game, then interact  with the portal on our MC. We can try to turn   Korilla against Raphael, but she will  stay loyal to Raphael. That being said,   we can sway Yurgir to our side in the fight,  and it is definitely worth doing. This   will require succeeding on a Persuasion  Check with a DC of 30. That being said,   we set ourselves up so that  we have the highest chance of   success, and that makes it not-so-unlikely.  However, save-scumming may still be required. Regardless of what we choose at  this point, a fight is inevitable. Hopefully we are able to act on Karlach or,  better yet, Minsc, before Yurgir takes his   turn. There is actually something pretty cool we  can do, although it is totally optional. If we   make the right moves, we can save Korilla  from dying, which will make Hope happy. To do this, we can have Minsc or Karlach  fly over to Korilla. We will need to throw   her towards the north exit of the  room. This is going to hurt her,   so much so that we may need to throw a  healing potion on her half way through   the process. Once Korilla has been successfully  ejected from the room, and in living condition,   we can toggle on non-lethal and knock her out  to prevent her from running back into danger. We will then want to return to the room and close  the door behind us. This should prevent Yurgir   from attacking her, which he loves to do for some  reason. At this point, if we are out of actions   on Karlach, or if we haven’t made any attacks with  her, we can provoke an attack of opportunity from   a Cambion to try and trigger a Greater Kushigo  Counter. Unless they patch it, this should get   us an additional attack, and we can use Stunning  Strikes on Raphael. If we have any remaining   bonus actions, we can use Flurry of Blows:  Topple on Raphael to try and knock him prone. Assuming everything has gone well,   we can turn off non-lethal damage and this  is probably a good point to save at as well. On our MC, we can wreak havoc  with three chain lightnings,   two of them twinned, and a third quickened. Minsc will then be free to move in and basically  finish off Raphael before he gets a chance to   act. I recommend using manoeuvres to maximize  damage, along with Action Surge for 3 Extra   attacks if needed. Once Raphael is defeated we  can start cleaning up the remaining enemies,   but I recommend leaving one alive  until Hope gets to take her turn. On her turn, Hope can use Divine Intervention:  Opulent Revival. This will basically give   a long rest to everyone that is within  range. At the start of the next round,   we should be able to finish off the remaining  enemies without expending any resources. After the fight, we can speak with Hope and  she will show gratitude for sparing her sister,   Korilla. To avoid disapproval  from any of our companions,   we can say “I hope the two of you can reconcile.”  Regardless of what we say, Hope will not join us. As a reward for our efforts, we will be  given the Legendary Gloves of Soul Catching,   and these are the best gloves for a Monk. We should also take a moment to speak  with Yurgir. If we say “I have my own   frontline to return to…” then Yurgir will  join us as an Ally against the Absolute. We can grab the Legendary Helldusk Armor  off of Raphael. This heavy armor can be   worn by any character, regardless  of armor proficiency. It is the   ideal armor for a spellcaster, and  will remove the need for Mage Armor. Also, we will want to put our  regular camp clothes back on,   now that the Debtor Attire is no longer needed. Finally, the Restoration Faucets within  the Boudoir will no longer be usable,   fortunately, we only have one major battle  left before taking a whole lot of Long Rests. Upon leaving the House of Hope, The  Emperor will confront us about our   decision to steal the Orphic Hammer.  To keep things as cordial as possible,   we can say “Orpheus should not be  dominated.” followed by “Be that as it may,   Orpheus deserves to be free.” followed  by “All right. You’ve made your point.” With the Orphic Hammer in hand, we can  toggle off Jaheira’s Sunlight Passive,   fast travel to the City Sewers Waypoint,  then move north. We should eventually reach   a locked door to the east. Beyond it, we’ll  find Kith’rak Voss and an individual named   Qudenos. If we succeed on an Insight check,  we will discover Qudenos’s true identity. We can then speak with Voss and inform him of our   success in retrieving the Hammer. The  Emperor will dissent to freeing Orpheus,   and we can argue with him more about  it, but he will not change his mind. If we haven’t already gotten it in Act  1, Voss will reward us with the Legendary   Silver Sword of the Astral Plane. At this  time, we can speak with Lae’zel about it,   without worrying about spoilers  or out-of-context dialogue. With that, we can fast travel to the South Span  of Wyrm’s Crossing waypoint, then move north   towards Wyrm’s Rock. The bridge will no longer be  accessible, but we can sneak into the stronghold. We’ll go northeast to the ledge, and use  our featherfall boots to safely jump to   the rocky exterior of the fortress.  We will want to move west at first,   then north around the fortress. This should take  us to a ladder that leads to some knotted roots,   that leads to the back side of the Audience Hall. From there, we’ll need to make our way up to  Gortash’s chambers. We can unlock the door,   then group up and throw a potion of invisibility   down at the center of the group if we  want to more easily avoid an encounter,   then sneak our way north to a set of  stairs that will take us to the rooftop. We can then take a short walk to reach Gortash’s  Chambers. With that, we’ll save, then approach   Gortash. In the conversation that follows,  we will side with Karlach against Gortash. At the start of Combat we can go ahead and cast  Twinned Haste on Karlach and Minsc. If we want,   we can also use a Potion of Speed to  get off a Twinned Chain Lightning on   the enemies in the chamber. At that point,  it should be pretty easy to stun and knock   Gortash prone. Overall this is a relatively easy  fight, now that the Steel Watchers are gone. Once combat has ended, we can speak briefly with  Karlach, then loot Gortash to trigger a major   story moment for her. Regardless of what we do,  Karlach will leave the party and return to camp. After that, we can actually loot Gortash and take  his various items, including the Netherstone. This   will trigger another dialogue encounter and we  can eventually say “I’m not ready.” Once again,   despite what we are told, there is no timer  on when we have to confront the Elder Brain.  Before leaving, we can cast  Speak with Dead on Gortash,   which I highly recommend doing. It  isn’t necessary, but it is interesting. Returning to camp, we can speak  with Karlach. After reconciling,   she will happily rejoin the party. While there, we can speak with Wyll, and  his dialogue starts becoming a little   inconsistent here, at least at the time  of making this video. In addition to that,   we can speak with Duke Ravengard, and reveal  the truth behind Wyll’s pact with Mizora,   gaining approval from Wyll. We can  also inform Ravengard of Ansur’s fate. At this point, we will cover  the remaining unique Long   Rests and achievements to check off before  embarking on our final quest. Personally,   I like to do these Long Rests in the Lower City,  so that they take place in the Elfsong Tavern. In fact, I will be heading to the  Elfsong Tavern for a specific vendor   that can help us unlock an achievement.  Upon our arrival at the Basilisk Gate,   an encounter will start with three  Mind Flayers, which should be fairly   easy to deal with at this point. We can  then move west to the Elfsong Tavern. If we don’t already have the  “Bottoms Up” achievement,   we will want to speak with Alan the Barman and  purchase enough alcohol from him to supply a   full Long Rest. That is 80 camp supplies in  total and Alan should have more than enough. In addition, we will want to go around the lower  city, and potentially Wyrm’s Crossing, performing   music for as many NPCs as possible. We just need  to play until the performance check is triggered.   Successful performance checks will get the NPCs  to toss us gold coins, and once we’ve earned   100 gold this way, we will unlock the “Busker”  Achievement. It is a pretty tedious achievement   to get, and for that reason, not many people have  unlocked it. Once an NPC has watched us perform,   they will not be interested in encores. That  being said, all NPCs reset after a long rest,   and can be tapped again for more gold. This can  also be made easier by recruiting a full bard   hireling through Withers, and giving them the  Performer Feat. Wyrm’s Crossing is definitely   the best place to earn this achievement, due  to the abundance and density of city folk. Finally, before getting into Long Rests, we will  want as many Potions of Flying, Potions of Speed,   and Potions of Supreme Healing before we take on  our final mission. In addition, we will also want   at least 5 Elixirs of Cloud Giant Strength, and 4  Battlemage Elixirs. To that end, we can visit the   various shops that often sell those items,  which were covered early on in this video. With that, we can take the  first of our final Long Rests. It will start with an argument between  Jaheira and Minsc. Succeeding on a skill   check here will help the conversation  reach a more amicable conclusion. After that, we can speak with  Astatrion about Cazador’s downfall,   and I don’t think there  are any wrong choices here. Remember, we want to use all alcoholic  beverages to take at least one Complete   Long Rest. You can double check if a  drink is alcoholic by looking for the   Alcohol indicator in its tooltip. Doing this  will give us the “Bottoms Up” achievement. It seems fitting that we do that for this  Long Rest, given what this night has in store.  After going to sleep, a peaceful encounter will  begin with The Emperor. I recommend saving before   making any dialogue choices. In order to get  an achievement, we will need to say “You really   don’t sound like a mind flayer.” followed by  “And what did you learn?” then “True.” Finally,   we will then need to “Lean in towards it.” We must  go through with this romance for the achievement,   and I am not sure if it is required  that the Emperor remain a Mind Flayer,   or if they can take on their  Dream Visitor form instead. Regardless of which way we go with  it, the next morning will turn out   the same. At the start of the next day, we  should unlock the “Mind Blown” achievement,   along with the “Bottoms Up” achievement if we used  nothing but alcoholic drinks for the long rest. In any case, I would strongly  recommend reverting back to the   start of the encounter with the Emperor, as  it can go a completely different direction. To start, we can say “You do a great  impression of a human. But you’re   not fooling me.” followed by “You’re  an expert at mental manipulation…”   We can play the rest of this  interaction however we want. The next morning, we can speak with Aylin and  Isobel. After confirming their alliance with us,   they will leave the camp to  take care of other matters. We should do more musical  performances if we haven’t   gotten the “Busker” achievement  yet. Then take our next long rest. At our next Long Rest, Mizora  will have some new dialogue,   though I don’t think there are any  important decisions to make here. Upon going to bed, we will have  one of Shadowheart’s final story   moments. This event may be different  depending on whether Shadowheart’s   parents were saved. The next morning, if  Shadowheart’s parents are still alive,   we can speak to Arnell as Shadowheart  to learn more about her past. That will do it for unique Long Rests,  but take as many more as you need to   complete the “Busker” achievement, and to  stock up on supplies for the final quest. Now let’s cover remaining  miscellaneous achievements   that we can get before completing the game. First is Escapologist. This one is easy to  get. We will start by committing a crime,   such as assaulting a guard on our Sorcerer. We  will allow ourselves to be taken to prison. We   can then use Greater Invisibility, hide, and enter  turn-based mode when the guards walk away. We can   Misty Step to a spot outside of our cell that is  not being monitored, then turn ourselves invisible   once more if necessary. After grabbing our items  from the Inventory Chest, we can exit Turn-based   mode and make a break for the Prison Entrance.  This should unlock the “Escapologist” achievement,   and once we are free, we can go to camp and  wait for the Fugitive Condition to wear off. We probably already have these other achievements,   but let’s check just in case. The first is  “Homebrewer”. It requires us to create three   unique consumables in a single playthrough,  which can be done through the Alchemy system. Next is “Bookworm”. This achievement requires us   to read 100 unique books or pieces  of text in a single playthrough. Then there is “Dig for Victory”,   unlocked by digging up five buried  chests in a single playthrough. Finally, we have the “Roleplayer” achievement,   which is unlocked by completing 10 background  goals in a single playthrough. Completing   background goals is what gives us points  of inspiration, and we’ve gotten tons. One last note, there are plenty of optional side  quests and encounters that we can seek out and   complete in both Rivington and the Lower City. I  encourage everyone to take the time to explore and   make the most of their playthrough before going  to complete the final quest. That being said,   none of those remaining side quests and activities  are necessary for getting all achievements,   and will not get us more Allies or  (in my opinion) worthwhile loot. Prominent side quests that come to mind  are the Felogyr’s Fireworks conspiracy,   which can be started in the basement of Alfur’s  Mansion, near the Rivington Waypoint (be sure   to watch out for traps down there). Then there  is the Baldur’s Mouth Gazette smear campaign,   which we can thwart by sneaking into the Basement  of the printing press, just southwest of the   Basilisk Gate Waypoint. Araj Oblodra also has an  intriguing offer for us, southwest of the Lower   City Central Wall Waypoint. Finally, there is our  friend Oskar the Artist, to catch up with him,   we will need to venture into Jannath’s Estate,  which is southwest of the Baldur’s Gate waypoint. I am going to quickly cover the Free the  Artist quest as it is pretty annoying   and slightly confusing. The key item  we need is the Torch of Revocation,   which can be found in a locked  chest, within Philgrave’s Mansion,   near the Heapside Strand Waypoint. Once we’ve  gotten that, we can go to Lady Jannath’s Estate. First, we will just need to get to Oskar and Lady  Jannath on the second floor. There are invisible   Poltergeists that we can easily reveal if we  have Volo’s Ersatz Eye, or with Radiance of the   Dawn from Jaheira. Once those are all defeated, we  can make our way to the top floor of the estate,   defeating more poltergeists and destroying  cursed objects and skulls along the way. On the top floor, we will need to lockpick a faux  wall to access a hidden room. Here, we will need   to equip the Torch of Revocation, then interact  with the cursed portrait. A spirit should appear,   in search of Oskar. We can then return  to Oskar and Jannath, resolving the   confrontation diplomatically. Afterwards, we can  follow Oskar back up to the top room and he will   paint a portrait for us and any of our companions.  Unfortunately, the portrait seems to be bugged   and all mine shows is Jaheira, regardless of  who it is painted for. That being said, each   painting is worth 750 gold pieces. To the best of  my knowledge, that is all there is to this quest. Something else to consider before  proceeding is that all companions   will appear in the final cinematic of the game,  so if you want to outfit them in fancy armor,   be sure to do so before going to  face the absolute. In addition,   this is our last chance to talk with  our companions about various subjects. Once we are ready to face the Absolute, we can  take a full long rest to restore our resources,   then do a modified preparation for the day.  I would recommend using only consumables   for this preparation, and if you only  have one last Soul Coin, then save it   for now. We also want to avoid using equipment  dependent abilities, such as Kereska’s Favor. In addition, there are a couple items we want to  make sure we bring along. We absolutely need the   Orphic Hammer, along with the three Netherstones.  If we got them earlier and have not used them,   we can also bring the two Runepowder Barrels  and the Runepowder Bomb. We also want all the   Elixirs and potions we may need for our party.  I also highly recommend bringing a Potion of   Animal Speaking, Potion of Mindreading, and  around 2000 gold. On the gear-side of things,   we will want to bring the Drakethroat  Glaive and Silver Pendant. I will   also show all the gear my party is  equipped with for this final stretch. Finally, bring along the companions that  you want to beat the game with. For me,   that is going to be Minsc, Jaheira, and  Karlach. Both Minsc and Jaheira provide   unique dialogue opportunities in the final quest,  and Karlach also provides a very unique choice. With that, we can fast travel to the Temple  of Bhaal Waypoint, then move north up the   stairs. Near the top, we will head further north  through some ruins, towards the Morphic Pool Dock.  We can make a final save for the Point of No  Return, then take the Skiff to the Morphic Pool. After arriving, we will want to head north through  the cavern. There is one ambush encounter that we   can prepare for by casting twinned haste  on our heavy hitters, and overall it’s a   fairly easy encounter. Again, we will want  to avoid using equipment-based abilities,   and we will also want to avoid doing a  Short Rest after the combat encounter. Instead, we will continue moving north,  deeper into the cave system. If we want,   we can speak to our companions for some unique  dialogue. We will want to take a moment to   prepare when the Morphic Pool is in view. There  is a very difficult skill challenge ahead,   but if we manage to succeed, it will make  the final battle significantly easier. To prepare for it, we can equip the  Amulet of Greater Health on our MC,   and the Silver Pendant on Karlach. Our  Cleric can cast Heroes’ Feast for us.   With that, we will save and move  towards the Morphic Pool slowly,   making sure that our companions are all close  to us when the skill challenge is initiated. We will want to pick whichever skill we have the  best chance of succeeding with. For the first one,   that should be Strength, and we can use an Elixir  of Cloud Giant Strength, Enhance Ability: Bull’s   Strength, and Guidance from Karlach. If we want  any chance of succeeding on the final challenge,   we have to get to it with as many Inspiration  points as we can manage. For the second check,   we should go with Charisma, and it has a DC of  25, we can go ahead and use Enhance Ability:   Eagle’s Splendour here. For the third  check, we can go with Strength again,   and use Enhance Ability: Bull’s Strength  once more. The DC this time around is 30. For the fourth and final check, we will need to  roll a natural 20. Since we already have advantage   in Strength, that is what we will go with. The  DC for this final check is 99, and a natural   20 will be necessary to succeed. This is where  we can go ahead and use all of our inspiration   points in the hopes that we get lucky. We don’t  have to save scum here if we fail, it will just   make the final fight a little bit easier if we do  succeed. Incredibly, I did not need to save scum a   single time or use any points of inspiration on  my first attempt, talk about unbelievable luck. Even if we succeed on all checks, the immediate  outcome will be the same. After the dialogue that   follows, we will have all of our resources  restored, and buffs reset. At this point,   we can do a full preparation for the battle  ahead. Things I often forget to do are to   give the Drakethroat Glaive buff to Minsc,  and to use Kereska’s Favour on my MC. I also   often forget to put back on the appropriate  necklace for both my MC and Karlach. Also,   if you have a Potion of Animal  Speaking, now is a good time to use it. We can then jump down towards the central  island, and this is also where we need to   make a permanent save if we want to explore some  of the different possible endings to the game,   and certain endings are also  required for certain achievements. Once ready, we can speak with the Emperor. Our  first major choice will be to either side with   the Emperor, or free Orpheus. We can get all  achievements regardless of what we choose. Given   that we went through all the  work to get the Orphic Hammer,   and that Orpheus is a stronger ally overall,  we can say “There is another way - we will   free Orpheus.” followed by “Enough. I  have the Hammer - I will free Orpheus!” Afterwards, we can equip the Orphic  Hammer to Karlach and break the chains   binding Orpheus. He will be upset,  but should eventually see reason. We will then have 3 different options to choose.  First, if we ask if Orpheus is willing to become   a mind flayer, he will acquiesce and go through  with it. The second option is if we say “I’m   not becoming a mind flayer.” At that point,  Karlach will offer to become a mind flayer.   Either of these choices will allow us to  get the same ending-related achievements,   though Karlach turning into a mind flayer  significantly alters the ending to her story. Finally, we, the MC, can become a mind  flayer. This is the only way to get the   “Ceremorphosis” achievement. This will also  cause some alterations in the game’s epilogue. It is not an easy decision, but if you’re asking  me, the happiest outcome (at least for our own   character and Karlach) is to have Orpheus bite  the bullet and become a mind flayer. So, this is a   good choice if we already have the “Ceremorphosis”  achievement. Otherwise, having our MC become a   Mind Flayer is the path that will lead to the  greatest number of ending-related achievements. Once we’ve made our choice, we can go through  the portal to High Hall. Heading east,   we’ll run into Voss. As long as we have Orpheus  with us, he will speak with Voss on our behalf.   Because of this, Voss will become our ally  in the fight against the Absolute. We can   then move further east into High Hall,  where all of our Allies will be waiting. After a roll call of sorts, we will have to  give some words of encouragement. Alternatively,   we can allow either Minsc or Jaheira to  give a speech, which I find to be a lot   more entertaining. Of the two, I tend  to prefer Minsc, but both are great. We can speak with Koll the Red  to buy any last minute supplies,   including two Potions of Angelic  Slumber. It’s a good idea to buy these,   as there are no restoration devices  here on Tactician difficulty. Just realized I forgot to cast Heroes’  Feast and a Fifth Level Aid spell,   so let’s go ahead and take care of that right now.   We can then get those spells back with an  Angelic Slumber Potion if we have a lot. Once we are ready, we’ll move out the east  exit, then head north to the staircase and   up to the battlefield. As we approach,  a cutscene will trigger. If we succeed   on a passive perception check, we will  have the opportunity to convince some   extra guards to join us in the fight, but  they honestly don’t help all that much. Before continuing, we can  prepare for the fight ahead. There are two ways to approach this. The first  is sort of a cheese method that allows us to   completely bypass the encounter. The second  is to actually engage with the enemies. Let’s start with the cheese method for  those trying to get multiple endings and   achievements. For that, we can  give everyone flight and haste,   then use potions of invisibility to turn everyone  invisible. At the time of making this video,   this allows us to just fly past all  of the enemies in turn-based mode,   completely undetected. Once we’ve moved everyone  up into the northeast side of the tower, we can   have one character fly the rest of the way up to  the chamber that precedes the final boss fight. In case the devs decide to patch in some enemies  with see invisibility, or if you’re like me and   want to get in some fighting, let’s go  over the more confrontational approach. We’ll enter turn-based mode,  haste both Karlach and Minsc,   and use a potion of flying on everyone. Jaheira  can also use Spirit Guardians at a high level.   Then we’ll save, exit turn-based  mode, and run ahead into the fray. At the start of combat, we can have Minsc throw  a Potion of Speed on both Jaheira and our MC. Also, you may notice a new  mechanic, Call Forth Allies,   which can be used to call in help from  our various allies we’ve earned through   our deeds. Keep in mind that any of these  that actually bring troops onto the field,   can result in those troops permanently dying.  This is really important when it comes to Zevlor   and his Hellrider Platoon. If Zevlor dies  on the field, we will NOT get the “Leave No   One Behind” achievement. For that reason, we  probably shouldn’t call them into the battle. In any case, we can start by having our  Sorcerer fly up to the northern bridge,   using a Lightning Bolt to wipe out all  of the Goblins. We can then eliminate   the Ogre to the east by sending a firebolt  at the nearby group of explosive barrels. Next, we’ll have Jaheira make the rounds, lighting   up and tripping most of the remaining  enemies currently in the turn-order. Minsc can clear out the cluster of  enemies to the east, and Karlach can   handle the enemies near the back. We  will want to keep the Winged Horror   alive until the next round of combat,  so we can regain all of our actions. Both the Mind Flayers and Inquisitors  are major threats as they have moves   that either stun or interrupt concentration. At the start of our next turn, Karlach can fly  northeast towards a cluster of enemies. Once they   are in the turn-order, Minsc can eliminate the  Winged Horror and start flying northeast as well.   We will want to cut down the Mind Flayers  first, as they can counter spellcasters. Once that is handled, our Sorcerer can  clear out most of the remaining enemies   with a twinned chain lightning. We will  leave a single enemy alive once again,   probably the Winged Horror to the south, and  move east towards the large set of Iron Doors. I messed this up and exited combat, so  to prevent all buffs from wearing off   I just entered turn-based mode outside of combat. At the start of the next turn, we can have one  of our characters start flying up the path to the   northeast until triggering a cutscene and getting  more enemies in the turn-order. We will then want   to move our remaining party members to where that  cutscene was triggered, and don’t forget Orpheus! Once everyone has caught up, we can have a  single character get everyone to teleport   straight to the end of this final climb.  That character can either bust down the   heavy oak doors or fly around them, then  fly up through a window to the southeast. This will teleport everyone to the preparation  room before the final fight. On Tactician there   is no restoration device, but we should  have more than enough Potions of Angelic   Slumber. I recommend getting as many High-level  buffs with our cleric before using one on them. Once everyone has used a Potion of Angelic  Slumber, we can prepare for the final fight.   First, we can convert several level 4 spell slots  into Sorcery Points. We will have everyone huddle   up and have Jaheira throw down a Potion of Flying.  Twinned Haste on our Sorcerer and Karlach. Karlach   can then Haste Jaheira using the Darkfire Bow, and  Minsc can cast Celestial Haste on himself, as well   as Giant Form. Jaheira can use a high level Spirit  Guardians, and Karlach can use Wholeness of Body. Once everyone is ready, we can save the  game, then interact with the Brain Stem   to go face the Nether Brain. You can pause  here until combat begins to avoid spoilers. We can start combat by having Jaheira fly  to the Red Dragon and Emperor. Setting off   a couple of Radiant Destructive Waves  to heavily debuff nearby enemies. Next, our Sorcerer can heavily  damage the Red Dragon and Dream   Guardians with a couple of twinned  Chain Lightnings. We might even hit   the Red Dragon with a quickened  Chain Lightning for good measure. Then, because of his sword, Minsc is a great  Candidate to finish off the Red Dragon. The   “Topple the big folk” special attack comes  in handy here. Defeating the Red Dragon   will unlock the “Interfectorum Draconis”  achievement. With his remaining attacks,   he can move towards the southernmost Mind Flayer  and start working his way towards the crown. On her turn, we’ll have Karlach  use Step of the Wind: Disengage,   then hop around and either stun or outright defeat  the remaining Dream Guardians and Mind Flayers. We will want to get our party as close to the   Crown as possible. We do not want to  have our Mind Flayer, whoever that is,   use the Karsus’ Compulsion ability on  the crown until all of our party is near   the crown. If anyone no longer has haste at  this point, they can use a Potion of Speed. At the start of our next turn,  once all enemies are defeated,   we can switch to our Mind Flayer character to  open a portal to the Nether Brain’s Psyche.   This is a pretty good time to use those  Runepowder barrels and bombs. We can have   Jaheira place them all on the westmost platform,  at the very edge of it, then fly back to safety. Our Sorcerer can ignite them with  a Firebolt, and after that blast,   our remaining characters should  be able to finish the job. Once the Nether Brain is defeated, we  will get a choice on how to end the game,   which will also affect what achievements we get,  so it’s a good idea to make a save here to revert   back to. If our MC is the Mind Flayer, we can  command the nether brain to die, and that will   get us the “Ceremorphosis” achievement, along with  the “Hero of the Forgotten Realms” achievement. If we choose to take control and become  Absolute, we will get the “Absolute Power   Corrupts” achievement. If we are Dark Urge  when we do this, I believe we will get the   “Sins of the Father” achievement instead.  I’ve seen some say that this is only unlocked   if you perform certain actions as the Dark  Urge, but that was not the case when I got   it. Feel free to correct me if I am wrong,  and if you want to play on the safe side,   make sure to accept Bhaal’s gift when it is  offered after defeating Orin as the Dark Urge. We can also get the same achievements if our  character is not the Mind Flayer. To do that,   we will need to successfully betray  whoever did become the Mind Flayer. Alternatively, we can allow our Mind  Flayer Ally to destroy the Nether Brain,   and this will get us the “Hero of  the Forgotten Realms” Achievement. Destroying the Nether Brain may be required  to get the “No One Left Behind” achievement,   which requires saving all tieflings  possible in a single playthrough,   and it may not unlock until after the end credits. Regardless of how we choose to end things, we  should also get the “All’s Well That Ends Well”   though, again, it might be after the end credits.  The same goes for the “Critical Hit” achievement,   which is unlocked for beating the game  on Tactician difficulty, start to finish. Choosing to take control and become absolute  in any form will have a short cutscene,   followed by end credits, so it might  be better to do that ending first. On the other hand, destroying the Nether Brain  will have a more drawn out ending and even an   epilogue, where we can see the results of our  actions. This will also give us some final choices   to make. You can pause now to avoid spoilers, but  I’ll cover the major ones and their consequences. First, if we succeed on a  difficult persuasion check,   we can convince Lae’zel to stay with  us, rather than go and help save her   people. Doing so will guarantee Orpheus’  death, assuming he is a Mind Flayer. On the other hand, if we tell  Lae’zel to go help her people,   we can Persuade Orpheus to go on  living, rather than end his life. Gale will speak with us, but regardless of  what we say at this point, his mind will   be made up to either reforge the Crown of  Karsus for himself, or to return to Mystra. After Astarion makes his exit, we will  need to figure out what to do with Karlach,   assuming she did not become a Mind Flayer. We  can allow her engine to burn out, unprotested,   or we can convince her to return to Avernus. If we  choose the latter, we can have Wyll go with her,   join her ourself, or all go as a group  of three. Going with Karlach will result   in a special cutscene after we are shown  that the city of Baldur’s Gate is saved. However, if you are romancing a different  companion, you may want to send Karlach   with Wyll to Avernus. This will allow you  to have a special final moment with them. Several months after those events,   we will be able to reunite with our  companions for one final celebration. There is a clothing chest with  whatever we might want to put on. If we took a potion of animal speaking before  defeating the Nether Brain, we will be able   to speak with both Scratch and our Owlbear.  There is definitely some funny dialogue to   be had here. We can also tell the Owlbeart to go  live with either Shadowheart or Halsin. Scratch,   meanwhile, will give us the Inert Astral  Prism, and expect us to play fetch with him. We can speak with our various  companions and ask about their   journeys since defeating the Nether Brain.  There are some tongue-in-cheek references to   both this game and table-top in general,  so it’s worthwhile to speak with each. We can also read the Baldur’s Mouth Gazettes to  the east, the stories they have will reflect the   choices we made during our adventure. The same  goes for the nearby Chest of Grateful Words. Once we are ready to end the game, we can  find Withers in a room to the southeast.   Speaking to him, we can eventually say “I think  I’ve caught up with everyone. What comes next?”   to trigger the final ending of the game.  There will also be a post-credit scene. As far as I know, this game makes getting all  achievements in a single playthrough impossible.   To get the remaining achievements, I recommend  playing through the game on Honour Mode with   the Dark Urge Origin. You can pick any race you  want, but for my money, Halflings are a pretty   good choice as they have a racial feature that  makes rolling natural 1’s or critical failures   much less likely. Beating the game on Honour  Mode will award the “Foehammer” achievement,   and at the same time you can get the two Dark  Urge achievements, “Embrace Your Urge” and   “Sins of the Father”. With that said, to  get the “Sins of the Father” achievement,   you will need to pick the evil ending, and there  is no loading back on Honour Mode, so you may want   to do the Honour Mode and Dark Urge playthroughs  separately, though that is completely up to you. This guide series should also serve pretty well  for a guide to being successful in Honour mode,   though if you want to explore some of the more  evil choices as a Dark Urge, you may diverge   pretty far from this guide. Do know that the  game is generally more difficult when making   evil choices, as many more combats will occur  and you will have fewer allies. Because of that,   and if you want to minimize your risk of a total  party kill, follow this series over again closely.   Although, do be extra careful in how you approach  the Phase Spider Matriarch, as it is exceptionally   dangerous in Honour Mode, and can no longer be  pushed into the chasm for an easy victory. Also,   look out for the Owlbear, as you will need to face  two Owlbears instead of just one. I am considering   making a video specifically on Honour Mode bosses,  tips, and tricks, assuming I can find the time. All that aside, I would also encourage  branching out, trying new races, classes,   strategies and approaches, and going  down different paths in this game. Due   to the very nature of Baldur’s Gate 3, it is  impossible to cover all aspects and potential   outcomes in a single playthrough. Hopefully  this guide series has, at the very least,   provided a solid understanding and framework  of Baldur’s Gate 3’s systems and rules,   so that anyone that has watched can make  the most of this one-of-a-kind game. In any case, I wish you all the best in your  future Baldur’s Gate adventures. This series   has been an immense amount of work to  put together but I am extremely happy   with how it turned out. I hope you  all enjoyed it and found it helpful. If you have any questions, you can reach out  in the comments, where I will do my best to   help. If you want to see more great content, you  can head over to my channel, and if you’re new,   consider subscribing, you’re helping me feed my  cat, her name’s Marshmallow. Have a great day,   if you’re here today, have a great Friday, a great weekend, and a  great year, and as always, thanks for watching!
Channel: Its Shatter
Views: 36,843
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Baldur, baldurs, gate, baldurs gate 3, bg3, rare, magic, legendary, items, item, npcs, choices, weapon, weapons, armor, amulet, ring, hidden, secret, its, where, find, get, how, do, unlock, open, class, cleric, level, npc, NPC, options, build, sub, ability, character, romance, quest, side, companion, miss, balders, epic, all, gold, the, approve, disapprove, system, explained, combat, tips, tricks, complete, full, walkthrough, entire, quests, in, order, 100%, trophies, achievements, BG3, glitch, exploit, early, of, act 3, hope, netherbrain, rivington, lower, city
Id: uOgiMiSsDMM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 230min 39sec (13839 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 11 2024
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